#rpc advice
mcflymemes · 6 months
remember that this is always a slow time for the rpc. as we get deeper into the holiday season, remember that people are finishing classes and taking big tests. they're slammed at work or taking on extra jobs to pay the bills. people are stressed about money or family, figuring out flights or trips, dreading the colder weather, struggling to put food on the table. some people are experiencing more dark outside than light, which might mess their schedule up a bit. some deal with seasonal depression during these months.
when your dash is slower and quieter this time of year, and when less people are liking your posts or sending memes, it doesn't mean the community is dying or we're all headed for the end times. i understand that less interactions or less support might be discouraging, especially when some of us are already dealing with the doom and gloom of darker, colder months and the stress of the holiday season... but please don't turn around and scold people for their inactivity or their lack of enthusiasm. don't get fatalistic about the fate of this community and declare it prematurely dead. this period of time always happens every year. now is not the time for unfair expectations. now is the time for kindness, generosity, understanding, encouragement, and love. now is the time for "take your time with replies," and "talk to me if you need anything. i'm here for you."
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wispsources · 5 months
long have i seen folks in the writing community write and create DNIs on their rules for folks to abide from. which, in itself, is okay! however, people often mistake a DNI as being a boundary when the reality is that they are not.
DNIs are not boundaries, they are requests.
Please understand that what i am referring to here are DNIs that are more PERSONAL to an individual. 
General DNIs that most people have the same or similar names for extremely valid and warranted reasons due to their obviously hostile, toxic, and harmful behaviors are NOT what i am talking about here.
While the reasons for personal DNIs are indeed VALID for individuals, what is discomforting for me about many that i have seen are the 'make or break' attitudes that often come with them.
i do truly believe that people should normalize making boundaries for themselves without forcing it upon others and creating ultimatums or asking for requests.
People are allowed to block folks who they do not vibe with. people are allowed to set up said boundaries. But, please DO NOT gatekeep people. i simply do not believe anybody is within their right to force people's hands without being toxic.
Remember, making a boundary is allowed but there is a difference between healthy boundaries and controlling behavior. By definition, a boundary is about YOUR own actions, not somebody else's. There is also a difference between setting a boundary, asking a request, and creating an ultimatum.
setting boundaries is fine. asking for a request is okay, sometimes. creating an ultimatum is not healthy.
A request is: i do not like this person, do not follow them. A boundary is: i do not like this person, if you follow them, then I will not follow you.
a DNI, which stands for 'Do Not Interact' is an explicit request for folks to NOT INTERACT with them if they write X or follow Y. DNIs are not always bad by themselves as they do often come with boundaries:
'dni if xyz because i will not engage in those subjects or want to be close to this person' (notice how the boundary given here is in bold.)
Please remember that DNIs alone are not boundaries though, they are requests. which, i cannot stress this enough, are not always bad. you are allowed to do whatever it is to create a safe place for yourself and curate your dashboard to your own liking.
you are allowed to have a personal DNI. it’s always okay to have them, and i am not saying that anybody shouldn't have them. ultimately, it is how you want to curate your space for yourself. folks are allowed to have their own social circles where they feel safe and comfortable and welcomed.
I also do believe that folks should be allowed to make decisions for themselves as well when it comes to personal relationships outside of social groups.
while you may not get along with a certain individual, that does not necessarily mean that it is the same for others.  forcing another to 'pick' between you or another person is a very harmful mentality to have.
yes, you are allowed and you are so valid in whatever feelings you may have towards/about somebody, but that is YOUR relationship/opinion about that person alone, not anybody else's.
Folks really need to normalize that it is okay if their friends talk to somebody that they don't like on a personal level. its okay if your friend wants to remain a neutral party because they would rather not get involved. its something that shouldn't be and isn't going to be a subject of discussion for the two of you, and it should be respected by both parties.
you can have healthy relationships with boundaries without making ultimatums or requests from others that may put them in an awkward position, especially since personal DNIs are often just personal for yourself. at the end of the day, it is still up to you on what YOU want to do to curate your internet safe space, but please don't do it in a matter where it forces folks into a 'its me or them' decision. that is not fair and it can be controlling and uncomfortable.
i do believe people are allowed to feel safe, but they should not do it with a forced decision of another or make them feel like they have to make a choice between you or another.
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rockinrpmemes · 2 years
Never let people make you feel guilty for feeling hurt, betrayed, or expressing that hurt and betrayal when they do something heartbreaking to you on dumblr dot com. 
I’m not saying you should go on a 10 page manifesto quest to make everyone on your dash miserable, or present some court case telling all your followers to hate someone that hurt you. NO. I am saying, that it’s not vague-ing, you’re not being petty, manipulative or shameful to state:
“I feel like hell, because something happened ooc with a partner, and now our verses are over. I need a break. My muses are sad/angry/hurt and they need to rp through this, so excuse my content for awhile. Block certain tags if needed, thank you.”
If they create drama or pity in their circle for you DARING to express your pain, they are essentially admitting guilt. Or, they just really are jerks, and you need to stay FAR away from them, and do not engage in any drama. Do not send hate.
But in the meantime, there is NO reason on earth why YOU can’t mourn your situation and work through it. They do not get to be the only ones to speak or have an opinion.
The RPC has created such a barrier between everyone, and no one is allowed to be human with anyone anymore. By making a barrage of ridiculous rules and goose-stepping behavior, we’ve allowed people to act like total selfish assholes “that owe no one anything because it’s their rp experience so deal with it.” We’ve all forgotten that it’s important to allow for people to go through their pain and grief when they lose part of their rp community, a ship, a partner, etc. 
It’s not just about them, it’s about you, too. You’re allowed to feel betrayed and hurt, and no amount of “you don’t owe anyone here shit” attitude will erase that.
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rpc-vent · 9 months
Pro tip for role players but really this goes for everyone using tumblr: if you make public posts about a blog you hate and give their url, don't call someone's inquiry about about it 'drama mongering' you have blatantly opened yourself up and invited drama by posting that publically. Deal with it. YOU put that shit out there for anyone to see so you're going to have to handle the consequences! I can't stand people who reblog things about politics, exotic animal keeping, shipping and what have you and then throw a fit when someone sends them a message about it. Either turn asks off or stop posting about stuff that invites discussion or rants.
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queenjudeofthefolk · 1 year
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So i was planning on using @abicommissions but they are closing their comms for a bit. so if anyone has a recommendation for an affordable priced blockquote that would mean a lot to me.
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agronzky · 3 months
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under the cut you'll find a list of 56 diverse outings and trips to use in starters or replies withing plots. this can be used to bring new cenarious to plots, starters and rps, helping to differ threads and put characters in new experiences.
Walking in nature
A bicycle ride
Visit to an art museum
Historical city tour
Boat trip on the river/lake
Mountain trail hike
Visit to a botanical garden
Picnic in the park
Bird watching
Gastronomic tour of the city
Hot air balloon ride
Cave exploration
Visit to a zoo or aquarium
Shopping itinerary in local stores
Winery tour
Panoramic train ride
Visit to historical sites
Trip to a neighboring city
Kayak/canoe trip
Tour of movie locations
Drive-in cinea
Walk on a beach
Visit local fairs and markets
Photo expedition
Horseback riding
Visit to an astronomical observatory
Urban art trail tour
Excursion to a theme park
Traditional cooking class
Helicopter ride
Camping trip
Visit to a cultural festival
Tour of haunted places
Surf lesson or other water sport
Motorcycle ride
Exploring historical ruins
Regional dance class
Treasure hunt tour
Tour of panoramic viewpoints
Rollerblading or skateboarding
Day at an amusement park
Visit to a nature reserve
Quad bike ride
Participation in a local marathon
Wildlife watching
Zip line ride
Tour of architectural monuments
Participation in a spiritual retreat
Sailing boat trip
Motorcycle ride
Visit to a contemporary art exhibition
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crownmemes · 4 months
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Can’t paste a meme into an askbox? Any of these quick methods work for pasting a bullet pointed meme on desktop:
Right click -> paste as plain text
Ctrl+shift+v to paste as plain text (or shift+command+v on mac)
Go to the askbox via the blog’s actual theme instead of the dashboard theme (url.tumblr.com/ask, not tumblr.com/new/ask/url)
Copy everything in the sentence except the first or last quotation mark, then paste and manually add the missing quotation mark back in
Paste into a notepad/google doc/url bar/etc, then copy again from there before pasting into the askbox
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Writing smut for rp
Well someone over on tattler was asking for advice so I guess I'll oblige.
Get over it
This has never been a problem for me but it might be for you. If you feel guilt about sex or feel cringe about writing it, you gotta let that go. You've made the decision so jump right in.
It's nothing special
There's no special secret recipe to writing smut. It's exactly the same as writing any other thread, you're just writing about a different topic. However, just like with any other topic, you can equip yourself.
Know your subject matter
Many of us are writing outside our gender or our sexualities. Get ye to Scarleteen and make sure you know how your character can have sex. And from there, decide how they prefer to have sex, and what their hard limits are.
Likewise, make sure you understand their anatomy. Even if you plan to ignore certain realities, it's best to know they exist.
Know your partner/s
What are their squicks? What are their no-gos? Are they cool with surprises or do you need to run ideas past them first? Make sure you're on the same page.
What kind of relationship is this?
Writing a smut thread involving romance is different from writing a one-night-stand. Writing an established relationship is different from writing a first encounter.
What kind of emotions are involved?
How does your character feel about their partner? AND how do they feel about their partner as compared to themself? What do they want to get out of this thread, or what do they want their partner to get out of it? A lot of smut threads are less about the sex than about the intense emotions involved so indulge yourself.
Sex is for pleasure, guys.
I often read smut threads by people other than myself and they do not touch on this. There is a lot about what is physically happening between two people, and what each character is thinking or wanting but very little about the pleasure they feel as a result of the interaction.
Don't forget the foreplay
I have seen people jump straight into the tab A into slot B part of a smut thread and like, how? When I write smut 95% of my thread is the foreplay.
Foreplay is also the part where you put most of the talking, and your smut threads should have talking. I think smut threads are a really good opportunity for character development, just through what sort of things your character talks about during sex.
Word Choice
In your typical smut thread you're going to be writing about parts of the anatomy that you usually wouldn't. Personally, I like to approach this using the words my character would use. I'm also partial to a nice allusion.
Some people will tell you never to use the phrase "throbbing member" or "flower" but honestly I think these could be effective if they were from the perspective of a particularly repressed character.
It is actually really sexy to roleplay the consent part of a smut thread.
However, there are some times when it's essential, such as if your characters are kinky, or if one of them is using mobility/accessibility aids. In these situations, if you leave out the consent part, your character will come across as inconsiderate at best and abusive at worst.
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gildinbainas · 4 months
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its about 20 mins til the new year here so happy new year! i got a very tiny bottle of wine that im almost done drinking. idk how much longer ill be up. i was gonna try to do a few kisses for some of my muses but i know only a few will cooperate. especially since their main better halfs aren't around. but even so all my characters wishing you a good one.
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thxgrxmrexpxr-archive · 8 months
So, hey. Suggestion for you Grey:
How about you DON'T send me an anon trying to drag me into drama involving several blogs I don't follow, never followed, and couldn't possibly be connected to because HUNK is less than 48 fucking hours old?]
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mcflymemes · 6 months
what does "reblog from source" mean? when people ask you to "reblog from source," they are asking you to reblog the post in question from 1) the original creator of the post or 2) the closest blog you can get to the source of the post. they are saying "please don't reblog the post from me. please find another blog in the reblog chain to reblog it from." they don't want to be your hub for all your content. they don't want to be used like a resource blog.
why can't i reblog the post directly from them? why do i have to go through all these loopholes to reblog a post? roleplay blogs in particular rely heavily on notifications / the activity page to keep track of replies and responses to their threads. if you reblog a ton of content from their blog, you crowd their notifications and make it hard to keep track of replies. it's polite to find a non-rp blog and reblog it from them, rather than crowd a roleplayer's activity page with your notifications.
sometimes there might be exceptions. sometimes you can't find a source. sometimes the original poster deleted. sometimes you're passing around an important psa and it's quicker to reblog directly from someone than go find the source. sometimes people don't mind if you reblog a ton from them. sometimes you make a mistake. it's okay. at the end of the day, just be courteous and civil. understand that for some people in the rpc, it's inconsiderate to flood their notifications with reblogs. you might get blocked. please read rules, respect boundaries, and if you can, find another source to reblog the post from. it's just polite.
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sugarplumsrph · 3 months
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hi hi! my name is kiara, and i am running SUGARPLUMSRPH! this is a brand new rph blog dedicated to finding resources, giving advice and shoutouts for everyone, but my specific niche will be +18 or new adult rps* so if you have an rp that accepts people 18 and over and need a shoutout go ahead and drop it in my inbox! i would love to answer any questions anyone has. 💖
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*new adult rps was coined by @soupcafe!!
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rockinrpmemes · 9 months
Twitter follows VS. Tumblr follows for the 2020's crowd:
A quick helper lesson for twitter people that are now on tumblr: I know it's DEFINITELY a "culture clash" issue for you [ Twitter peeps ] that you can't understand why you can't get tumblr users to immediately follow you after you follow them. I'm seeing brought up over and over, and let me clear the air for you...
We here on tumblr understand you [ Twitter peeps ] put much of your self-worth on how many people follow you back or follow you at all. We do NOT follow-for-follow on tumblr. We look at your blog. We look at you. If we don't mesh, we don't care if you followed a bunch of us first, we won't follow back. It's not that kind of community vibe here.
We only follow who we are comfy with, and don't give a crap about follow counts. Let me correct myself--we used to, back in the dark ages of 2011-2014. But we all learned collectively, that follow counts are bullshit, and 99% of your followers don't even interact with you or are inactive most of the time. So many of my follows on my rp blogs are dead blogs! I have an "impressive" 3k follow-count over there, but I only have about 20-25 or so blogs that still live and talk with me. So 3k means NOTHING.
We value our core followers that constantly chat with us and interact with us.
So if you all quit or feel rejected after one week of tumblr-ship, because you still only have a follow count that barely reaches 20 people, be patient. We here on tumblr have cultivated followers over the course of years of interaction. Some people still only have a few, and some are strictly private. If you are only on tumblr for fake people following you, maybe this isn't the social platform for you. 🤷‍♀️
That is one of the biggest differences between tumblr and twitter. We pick and choose who we have on our dashes and don't blindly follow just because we want a meaningless number sitting there in the corner, "determining our worth."
We are happy with our circles of friends/followers that interact with us, and that's alright.
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rpc-vent · 10 months
Regardless if you "did" something or not, do not feed the drama mongers. Do not clog your role playing experiences with nasty anons, they WANT you to respond that's the whole point of sending something shitty! Just delete the hate or whatever negativity they send you. Do not acknowledge even one of them, keep deleting the messages. Do not post about any of it, just keep going about your day normally. Remember as I said before, anon haters want engagement they are looking for an argument so do not give them one. Once they realize they're yelling into the void they will fuck off. If the messages are truly vicious turn off the anon function and leave it off for a good 6 months. People who like being mad at someone are generally short on patience and will soon find something else to shit themselves over.
Well said.
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what if
i told you you it's okay to write about what you're most interested in. it's okay to fixate on whatever tickles your muse. roleplaying isn't a job, so make sure it's bringing you joy.
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agronzky · 4 months
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under the cut you'll find a list of 44 neutral personality traits to use on your muses/characters. they're not particular good or bad, but can have a lot of nuance and give more layers to a character.
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