#rosie has reefer madness
rosie-dear-rosie · 20 days
I think TaylorSwiftWatcherYurionIceDigitalCircus day is the newer, worse version of destielPutinElection day
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funnuraba · 13 days
Modern Wodehouse (or "Jeeves get iPad")
-Ukridge canceled
-Jeeves briefly wrenched from Bertie's employment when the startup he was hired through goes belly up
-Spode super-canceled
-Ten women go viral for exposing "Tuppy from London"
-Stiffy dumps Stinker for refusing to try pegging. (Bertie: Trying jeggings, did she say? JEEVES: No, sir. BERTIE: Ah. Speaking of jeggings-- JEEVES: No, sir.) Jeeves eventually reveals a Bible verse that convinces Stinker pegging can be a god-honoring experience
-Ukridge re-canceled
-Lady Constance furious with entire younger Threepwood generation after finding their groupchat where they have a running tournament to see who can bait her into saying the most unhinged thing about Mr BaXtEr
-Mr Mulliner and the Oldest Member have competing 132-part TikTok stories
- Stilton threatens Bertie's life for saying "all coppers are blighters"
-Rodney Spelvin gives up on his Timothy Bobbin poetry after entering a charity livestream of Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby
-Ukridge debuts 4th, uncanceled alt account; Corky exposes him to Gawker
-George Cyril Wellbeloved accuses Psmith of cosplaying socialism and Psmith deflects by explaining polyamory to him
-Lady Constance takes Lord Emsworth's iPad away because he won't stop looking at his livestream of the Empress sleeping
-Sir Roderick Glossop recommends Bertie LSD, first combatively and later as a friend. Jeeves starts quoting Reefer Madness around the home ("It has been observed that if you do drugs, sir, you go to Hell before you die." "And who observed that, Jeeves?" "The late Captain Lou Albano, sir, speaking in his capacity as Super Mario.")
-Rosie M. Banks writes billionaire CEO Marine shifter omegaverse HEA romance; Lady Constance considers inviting her to Blandings but then actually picks up a book and is immensely disturbed by their taboo themes of marrying poor people
-Aunt Dahlia was really into the DIY zine scene and refuses to take Milady's Boudoir digital
-Bingo in hot water after throwing little Algernon's iPad into the fireplace over a Baby Shark incident
-Literally everyone assumes Baxter and Lady Constance are having an affair, but finally Julia hires someone to hack their Facebook DMs, and it's just the dryest, most autistically formal exchanges any two human beings have ever produced and Julia is like 😑 Connie... only you would pick a man so stuffy that neither of you even thinks of having an affair in the middle of your affair
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whosagrumpybear · 7 years
Rosie DiManno’s diatribe against legalization
First off, I’d like to thank Ms. DiManno for inspiring me to make this blog. I realized the amount of space I would need to dissect her article against legalization would be way too much for even several Twitter posts, so here we are...
If you’re not familiar with the article in question, it is here: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2017/08/07/think-twice-before-decriminalizing-drugs-dimanno.html
Ms. DiManno starts off her article with an incredulous stance out of the gate that legalization of drugs resulting in fewer deaths would be illogical - or rather, she’s unable to see that logic. Yet further down the article she mentions Portugal, and how it’s had positive results there.  (It has, but also due to other health policy changes. An excellent article, one that doesn’t cherry-pick the data, is here: http://www.tdpf.org.uk/blog/drug-decriminalisation-portugal-setting-record-straight) In this post, I will not dig too greatly into the detailed results of legalization/decriminalization as this article is already very well written and researched, and I would only be regurgitating it.
Legalization of drugs (like prohibition) has benefits and disadvantages, like most anything in the real world. Being unable to understand the reasoning behind why legalization would result in a decrease in overdose deaths (especially when accompanied with a “shining example” of sixteen years of this very policy) is either short-sighted enough to have been part of the original designers of prohibition or really a “shining example” of not trying very hard. In addition, Ms. DiManno mentions “teenagers toked to the gills” - a situation that would still be as illegal as it was as before legalization. Unless of course she was using the word in an intellectually dishonest sense to refer to 18- and 19-year-olds (i.e. adults) while keeping the idea of “children” in the mind of the reader to evoke disdain. “Think of the children” is often the cry of (possibly) well-intentioned but misguided journalists, politicians and organizers. Unfortunately, this is usually enough to sway people who, for one reason or another, are unfamiliar with all the nuances of an issue. This is how we get destructive policy in the first place.
What we can agree on is the detrimental effects of becoming addicted to drugs. Anyone who loses self-control to a substance, legal or not, has lost something dear and necessary to truly meaningful existence. But saying legalization gives those in this condition “short shrift” is as ridiculous as saying selling peanuts in grocery stores does the same for those with peanut allergies. Those who struggle with addiction have fought hard to maintain sobriety and do so with perseverance and support. If anything, it’s quite obvious how little threats of law enforcement have upon the addict, when overall addiction rates have varied so little over time.
Ms. DiManno then goes on to speak about” emptying jails and turning addicts loose on their own compulsions ... turning a blind eye to the damage they have wrought”. Certainly that is one way to do things. Legalization on its own need not address any other aspect of use or addiction. But to think that there would be absolutely no regulation? That people would be just shooting up on the street next to your kids getting on the school bus? This, again, is the type of demagoguery and “slippery slope” logical fallacies that wreak their own havoc on our communities. Marginalizing communities of color, stripping civil liberties, unnecessarily taxing law enforcement and providing a healthy stream of income for criminal elements. 
She speaks of a gunman shooting five people - “probably gangbanger related. And what business do you think street gangs are involved in?” Obviously a rhetorical question where the reader will slowly look up from their newspaper, camera zooming in on their concerned face as it dawns on them: “Drugs!”  
What might end up happening, though, is that the reader’s frontal lobe is actually functional, like most people. They might put two and two together and think about why gangs are involved in drugs. That answer would be - money. But why are drugs so expensive? Well, that would be because they are illegal. So Ms DiManno is trying to tell us that gang activity will get worse because drug prices will go ... down... and that means and... what exactly? Gangs bring in TONS of money because of drugs being illegal. Cut that illegal part out and you cut out the risk, which is entirely why the price is so high. Why would they waste their time with cheap drugs?
Finally, Portugal’s policy is mentioned, only to dismiss it as cherry-picked data. In fact, the only cherry-picked portion seems to be her mentioning of a 40% increase in “homicides related to drugs”. From the aforementioned article, “... this claim is based on a misrepresentation of the evidence. The 40% increase (from 105 to 148) was for all homicides, defined as any ‘intentional killing of a person, including murder, manslaughter, euthanasia and infanticide’31 – they were not ‘drug-related’. In fact, there are no data collected for drug-related homicides. “ I’m loathe to even mention the rest of the article, painting addicts as “junkies” and contributing to the stigma that prevents so many from seeking treatment. Yet she says they should be “pitied” rather than punished. However, she never details the detrimental effects of the actual War on Drugs.  I’ll save this for a different post but her thoughts that “ Removing even the frayed leash of illegality is so irrationally and illogically the wrong message for society to send” is so fraught itself with irrational, emotional reasoning and logical fallacies that it can only be considered a slightly more progressive step than the “Reefer Madness” propaganda of old.
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rosie-dear-rosie · 2 months
What if Alecto The Ninth is taking so long because the whole thing is written like scripture like the epilogue of Nona. Like what if ATN is just a full on religious text. This thought has been haunting me for weeks.
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rosie-dear-rosie · 2 months
Shipping taishauna is crazy because they’re really like: you’re a stranger, you’re a bitch, you’re misunderstood, you’re my confidant, my ally, my protector, the person I trust with my life, the only real friend I have, my soulmate, the parent of my child gripping my hand during labor, I need you to have my back, I need you, you’re married, I’m married, we’re mothers, you’re a stranger, you show up on my doorstep for the first time in 25 years, we sleep in my daughter’s bed like it’s nothing, I need you, but more importantly I love you.
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rosie-dear-rosie · 2 months
The psychosexual warfare that is always going on between Scott Cawthon and MatPat.
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rosie-dear-rosie · 1 year
Not to out myself as someone who could write an unprompted essay on homoeroticism in Batman media, but Batman: Europa really went off when she said “I’m going to crystallize this vaguely queer but deeply intense relationship between Batman and The Joker that we’ve been cultivating for decades by creating a moment in which the sharing of blood is the cure for illness not the cause of it”
I just think that was really girlboss of her.
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rosie-dear-rosie · 1 year
Why does Leonard Cohen sing like he’s trying to seduce God?
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rosie-dear-rosie · 2 months
Being a sapphic dinbo shipper is so embarrassing. Like yes I understand how extremely gay Bo-Katan is but I’m also very aware of how much she and I love this zealous, loser, dilf. Not to mention how much he loves her.
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rosie-dear-rosie · 1 year
The Greek dining scene was genuinely so chilling and breathtaking at the same time. I have never seen something so grotesquely beautiful in my life.
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rosie-dear-rosie · 1 year
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She’s an awful and terrible person
She is also the ideal woman and I think she’s perfect and the world doesn’t deserve her.
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rosie-dear-rosie · 9 months
Has someone built the trump mugshot in Minecraft yet?
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rosie-dear-rosie · 1 year
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Watching The Mandalorian gives me serious baby fever.
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rosie-dear-rosie · 8 months
Bfdia 6 coming out healed something in my inner child I didn’t know was broken
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rosie-dear-rosie · 1 year
The “Seventeen” scene. I nearly died during that scene, that sequence will remain with me for the rest of my life.
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rosie-dear-rosie · 9 months
Sometimes true friendship is three teenage girls sitting around a Hello Kitty Monopoly board talking about Pedro Pascal’s ass
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