#rose (posts)
good-beans · 4 months
Could you post the map of everyone's locations on Tumblr, if its not too much trouble? I would ask you personally but I think others would appreciate it as well.
Ah, yeah! I got the info from maristelina's post here, and made myself a super quick reference with a pic I grabbed online
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Haruka, Mahiru, Kazui, and Amane are all outside of Tokyo -- I can make a bigger map at some point to include them as well!
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ourdadai · 7 months
☆ rosé ( blackpink ) lockscreens !
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wastelandroses · 7 months
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Eda's requiem / Raine's rhapsody
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woliefairr · 5 months
oii vidoca, poderia fazer mais algumas locks da rosé do blackpink? agradeço desde já. ♡ :D
❀𝆬 blackpink ( rosé ) lockscreens.
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✩ – se pegar : curta, siga & reblogue !!
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rose-wine-selfships · 10 months
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If you can’t commission me, please reblog this and spread the word! I greatly appreciate when people signal boost my posts and all that! And for all of you guys following me still, I appreciate you all being there for me. I sincerely hope we can continue this journey together if possible.
I give special thanks to @camdynlovesakuandrashou for sincerely helping me out with this template. I can’t thank him enough for helping me with this situation! 🩷✨
If you’re interested please DM me and I’ll accept payment through PayPal. I’ll gladly fill in each slot. 🌹✨
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wiltedrosebouquet · 4 months
we’re rebuilding our blog and would like more systems to follow, especially ones with similar viewpoints and circumstances i guess
if your body is over 18 (preferably 21+), you have DID/OSDD, are familiar with polyfragmentation, and don’t fuck with ddIg/abdI blogs or end0s and tuIpas our blogs and stuff would probably mesh.
we’re 25, polyfragmented, trans, queer, polyamorous, and have been seeing a DID specialist for over a year (discovered and diagnosed in 2019). Lots of complex trauma and it’d be nice to rebuild a community people who kind of understand.
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good-beanswrites · 11 months
I think it's So Funny that Fuuta canonically loves engaging in twitter discourse, has played fantasy/online games (and likely has touched on anime to some degree), and his whole shtick is he likes dishing out judgements on others from the comfort of his own home --
He would have fucking loved the Milgram Project...
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rosecoloredcursor · 7 months
College/Life Updates!!
CSE20 is going great!!! I really should have tested into CSE30 but I love having the lighter workload! I'm currently studying for my second midterm and I think I'm getting way faster at coding in Python. I love this language so much!!! T-T
Calc is. Calc. I love math but I really should have taken precalc and elected to take calc in person instead of asynch online. I'm struggling a little bit but thankfully my friends are helping me understand some of the trickier concepts!! (perks of living in trans inclusive housing: many smart compsci and applied math girlies offering to help me with my homework) (thank u M****!!!)
I'm getting involved with more on campus clubs and activities!!! I've been doing some social justice organizing with my uni's pro-palestine and anti-war orgs and social events with my uni's gsa and bsu!!
Hopefully I'll be able to post more of my coding projects after this week!!! ^_^
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the-pink-prophet · 28 days
My name is Diana, and I write to you from Gaza, where every day is a struggle in an ongoing conflict. The 24th of June will always haunt us the day our home was bombed, taking from us my beloved dad who was the breadwinner and our last born brother and our sanctuary. We fled to relatives in Egypt through the hands of well-wishers to relatives who have been our lifeline, but now they too are struggling. We're at a loss. Your help, no matter how small, could be our saving grace. It'd mean the world a glimmer of hope in our darkest hour. Thank you for your kindness.
Thank you for reaching out to me, Diana. It’s heartbreaking what you have gone through. I’m not sure what I could do other than reblog this post to spread the word. My heart truly goes out to you and your family. I can only hope and pray this message reaches out to many, many people.
To whoever is reading this, please either reblog this post to spread the word, or perhaps go to her home page for possible funds or donations to her and her family. Anything helps. Bless everyone who does any sort of thing to help this dire situation. Thank you. 🙏
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ehksidian · 8 months
Personal therian problems: Discomfort with human body hair not because it's hairy and "gross" but because it's entirely the wrong texture than what we expect and want.
Solution: Nair.
Better solution: Where's the lotion that gives me fox fur instead?
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good-beans · 7 months
I really love the contrast of mundane work with the arts in Double. The whole thing takes place on a dull train, and the one shot of the platform should evoke feelings of boring, 9-5, cog in the machine work. However, the scenes are filled with artist mannequins, artistic overlays of drawings, notes, paint, ripped paper textures, photography glares and effects, and scribbled notes. It just really drives home that feeling of "creative mind who's fighting with burnout and career-oriented society"
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ourdadai · 8 months
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wastelandroses · 8 months
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Hexside squad x costumes for Halloween
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woliefairr · 5 months
✩ rosé ( blackpink ) lockscreens.
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☆ – se pegar curta, siga & reblogue !!
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Jumping the bandwagon here folks! 🌹✨
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beancret-santa · 5 months
Yaaaay, this year has bean a success ;D
Thank you all for participating!! You're so talented and cool, I've loved checking out your pieces and characters! It warmed me seeing so much excitement and kindness, both throughout the drawing process and gift giving. Make sure to check out everyone's awesome art 🤩
I was a little nervous about running it again, so I'm so glad to have gotten some repeat interest, and even pique the interest of new artists! I hope it's been half as fun for you as it's been for me, haha :D
Wishing you a new year filled with joy, rest, and lots of creativity! 💖🎉
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