midnightsun-if · 7 months
Hi, there! I just finished the demo and really enjoyed the build up of the story. Plus, the RO lost in your blog has me 😍😍😍. I felt so immersed and interested in the family. So excited to be able to follow as the story develops. Thanks for sharing your work!
Hello 💜
Thank you so much for being here! And for your wonderfully kind words too! I’m super excited for you to read the rest of Chapter One when it comes out; it’s been a beast of a battle to revise everything (and I’ve gotten more ideas to add as I’m going along, which has made things a bit longer). I’m so happy that you’re interested in the family— I can’t wait for you all to see more and more of the dynamics with them!
Thank you, once again, for being here and taking the time to interact with me with this wonderfully sweet message! 💜💜💜
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cashandprizes · 5 months
What a wonderful life, please?
omg hi romi.... you have come to see me and my most shameful wip /hj
so this is basically a working title for the wip and playlist, i have NO clue what this would actually be if i wrote it. but in a SHOCKING twist of events it is not smut!
so. this wip is about my bright eyes and is like an exploration/character study? I was really wondering what would be going on to make bright act the way they did (as best as I can piece it together) and decided to maximize the mental illness stat and somehow this angsty child was born.
The fun (to me, being in psychology school) is trying to dig deep into their fucked up little brain and looking at their relationship with fred and sam and vincent, being turned, with Alexis, etc. For some reason (I have no idea why /j) I love making characters and trying to diagnose them or study them like a bug,
I don't even know what to talk about with them, my crazy bean. They like horror movies and spicy food, they're a certified thrill seeker (anything to feel alive) which is why they went to WonderWorld that night, Fred and bright are each other's only friends because nerd x loner (sorry Erik they've been friends since middle school, they told me), they're very quiet, they struggle with some intense and severe mental illness....
The main plot of the fic is totally undecided. I have no clue what I'm going to do with them - idk if they're going to leave the solaires, or stay and try to work stuff out, run off with Alexis for the wayward vampires club, wind up dead... who knows. it's like a visual novel in there with endings.
sorry this was a ramble it's sooo unorganized in this google document
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softlyopulent-if · 1 year
Hello! I recently found your blog, and I'm so happy I did. I finished my first playthrough of the demo. What a compelling storyline! I love how there seems to be so much possibility for MC at this point in the story. I'm looking forward to exploring all those possibilities as the project grows. Thanks for sharing your work!
Thank you!
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moon-rising-if · 1 year
I'm 👀👀👀 looking very careful at those portraits!! Thank you for sharing!
I’m glad you like them! I wanted to share something with you all in case you wanted some help in visualizing the ROs (you don’t have to take the portraits as absolute, but they can give you an idea at least). They’ll also be included within the stats screen of the game (where you can toggle them on and off if you choose).
Thank you for being here!
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taelonsamada · 10 months
I think you would fit into the Redactedverse as an earth-elemental who is responsible for warding as a means to protect and to preserve designated land. Using your warding powers not just to keep out annoying humans who think they deserve to use (or to abuse) the land for their own gain, but also to ensure that the land and all its rightful inhabitants remain as naturally supported as possible through your crafted protection. Additionally, maybe you'd also be responsible for public education regarding ethical, ecologic practices by giving public lectures or hosting educational events, often using your earth-powers to demonstrate the beauty, resilience, and vitality of nature.
Feel free to use any of that if it resonates with you, or to ignore it if it doesn't!
Being an earth elemental seems to be a general consensus for everyone (which makes me very happy since it’s my favourite of the elements), but all the other parts of this? Using my powers to protect and care for the land, to teach and help others learn more about nature, being able to help something so important to me that way…
🥰 That makes me so unbelievably happy and warm and flattered and teary-eyed, I just…
I’m def gonna have to draw this now 😁 thank you so much
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teddybasmanov · 9 months
Hello, showtune pal! I am going to guess your number... 2 is a lie? I suppose I could go look to confirm, but it's more fun this way!
Hi! Yes, showtunes own my brains for now (all the time I think - "I'm not that much into musicals anymore" and then I watch a musical and I'm obsessed with it for at least next two months). :)
And you're right - number two was a lie - my very first Tumblr post was about how bad my English is...
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thatlesbeanjew · 2 years
I saw your call for good-vibey Redacted headcanons. I offer you this:
-In an effort to block out more time together amidst their busy, contrasting schedules, Asher and Babe signed up to take ballroom dancing lessons together every Wednesday night. They have so much fun, trying out all the steps and moving to the music. Asher and Babe are simply desperate for a chance to show off their new skills at a pack party.
*sobbing into my hands* oh my god, absolutely
I’d however like to raise you, them taking swing dance classes together. My grandparents used to love to show off what they’d learned years ago and it just warms my heart.
This so so freaking cute omg thank you 💛
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tankwolf · 1 year
Bro - Favorite plant/flower/fungus/tree?
Ohhhhh hell yeah plant/fungi world. When it comes to fungi, I studied mycorrhizae for a project so I'm kinda biased. On top of being symbiotic with its host, a mycorrhizal network can communicate and share nutrition with both the adjacent plant and the fungi within the network! How cool is that? They do it through chemical and electrical impulses and even sometimes nutritional changes. Computer scientist Andrew Adamatzky even suggested that they use a specific "language", in that it is similar to the patterns of electrical impulses of the nervous system that you and I share! There's even defence communication! They can pick up infochemicals on shared pathways from the plant that's attacked by pathogens or herbivores, or is somehow infected/infested. Idk man mycorrhizae just take the concept of a "hive mind" to a different level and I fuckin love it.
I don't have favorites in trees or plants but I have an attachment to the gulmohar flower :)
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thee-morrigan · 1 year
🐸 Describe your aesthetic. (Thank you!)
Also have a safe and wonderful flight! I see your ask and will answer soon! Things are going well with me. How about you, dear?
Hmmm, probably somewhere between “Elder Emo” and “Middle School Art Teacher”
And I’m good (especially now that I’m going on this mini-vacation)! Glad you’re doing well, too!
ask me things!
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darlinsam · 2 years
Hi, darlinsam! I cannot resist the offer for a matchup! If you get flooded with these, though, please feel free to ignore this one. (I know how popular match-ups can get.)
My pronouns are she/her. I’m an ENFJ. Enneagram Type 8. Leo. My love language is Acts of Service. I’ve no preference as to what love language a partner would have. I’m currently working on a doctoral degree in a humanities field. As of now, that takes up most of my time. When I’m not working, I enjoy playing tennis, playing my trombone, writing, seeing plays and musicals, and being in the spotlight in any capacity. I’m a bit of a clean-freak. I love all animals and look forward to when I’ll be able to have cats again. My favorite movies are The Princess Bride and the animated Mulan. My favorite flower is the rose. My dislikes include raisins, indifference, feeling emotionally vulnerable, and having to wait for anything. My fatal flaws are vanity, workaholism, and a crippling dependency on my GPS. I feel at my strongest when I am showing others what I’ve created. I feel at my weakest when I am at the mercy of someone else’s control. 
Thanks for your consideration! (And, if after reading that, you don’t feel I’d match with anyone, that is okay, too. No pressure!) Have a wonderful timezone!
i match you with, milo ♡
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the whole way through reading your description the lil voice in my head was just screaming milo !!! milo !!! milo !!! you truly would be the sweetest couple. you would be able to read one another like no one else and be able to tell what you’re each thinking without having to communicate it - the eye contact and quick glances you share speak much louder than words. milo would do absolutely anything for you and he’d love to leave you little notes around the house with cute & encouraging messages on to make your day better. milo would adore taking you out in the evening, going for a candlelit dinner followed by a visit to the theatre. he would love that you love cats as much as he does, and he loves it when he comes home from a long day at work to see you snuggled up on the sofa with aggro cuddled in your arms!! milo would always take care of you and not allow you to overwork yourself, he’s so insanely proud of you for working so hard but he’d always make sure you get enough sleep and drink enough water. he would be the most supportive person ever, and would love for you to take the spotlight and shine. seeing you in your element and showing everyone the things you do and create would make his heart burst with pride.
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thank you for joining, i hope you enjoyed ♡
join my redacted matchup event here
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nat-seal-well · 2 years
A random fic ask for you! How do you find up with your fic titles?
Usually I try to find the line that’s, like, the heart of the fic and I’ll take it from that. Or it’s a reference from something—one fic title is actually a reference from a book I love, The Name of The Wind. Another was from my favorite poem, Sea Fever. But usually it’s just a line from the fic, haha.
Thank you, Romi! I hope you’re having an awesome day 💙💙💙
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palilious · 2 years
Hi! I wanted to let you know how great it's been to see your Redacted ASMR art and fanart pop up in my dash! You do a great job depicting the characters. Thanks for sharing!
awww thank you! This fandom has been so accepting and creatively motivating its an honor getting to create for everyone here! Thanks for giving me a place to share all my designs and lil doodles!
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cashandprizes · 10 months
What's one thing you'd like me to know about "it's your birthday, bitch?" <3
Hi Romi!!!!!!! 😗😗😗
That was Lexi's birthday present this year that I... Intended to post and haven't....
The thing is that fic was basically written and being edited when I decided "what if I rewrote it with Christian having lost part of his leg in the inversion" and because of this the WHOLE fic needed to be rewritten with Christian having a prosthetic. And because of THAT and the way I wrote, I have done nothing with it since. I should honestly just post it as is because I am not a person who can go back and write more. I get possessed, write furiously for hours without moving, and that's it forever. Maybe one day,,,,,
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bicyclepainting · 2 years
leo ⇢ do you like being the center of attention or do you prefer to go unnoticed?
mmm definitely somewhere in the middle
in a big crowd id very much like to go unnoticed, i dont like being the center of attention of lots of people but that doesnt necessarily mean i want to go unnoticed either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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pearl-kite · 2 years
From the color asks: rose quartz: rings or necklaces?
(Thanks and no pressure! Have a great day!)
Ooooh, honestly? A little bit of both, as it's kind of flip flopped over time.
I used to mostly wear a lot of rings, but they got uncomfortable while cashiering, so I started wearing necklaces more often. Had one of those stretchy black plastic ones for yeeears, probably til the end of uni even. Stopped wearing necklaces as often when covid hit and started distance teaching, though.
Only have one ring nowadays and it's a black ace ring. It's spinny :3
Short version, though, I like jewelry that I can put on and leave on, so rings generally win out o3o
question from this ask game
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krushkreates · 2 years
From the "Get to Know Me" ask game:
5. What is you favorite color?
94: What are your strengths?
a question you'd like to answer.
(But no pressure to answer at all.) Wishing good things for you!
this is so sweet omg hi!!!
5.) my favorite color is pink and red! but i do like black and white as well
94.) my strengths: able to stay calm and be the rock in high stress situations, intelligence and my kindness
questions from this post :)
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