#rock tumblr
bakurapika · 12 days
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This one goes out to Peter Sqloint
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My sister said she wants a rock tumbler.
I said it seems like a pretty niche blog but ok.
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littlelarajean · 7 months
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Aaaaay rock tumblr anyone got any idea what any of these might be? I lost their cards and can’t remember.
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eanholt · 3 months
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Finished! It's definitely got flaws, but I'm calling it done and I love it.
Level ups:
- the kinda spiraly plastic abrasive wheels are a huge win over the fiber ones before. I thought they were missing abrasive when they first arrived, but nooooope. So effective.
- got better at dropping back to the earlier grit instead of bashing my head against a later one. So much shorter of a feedback cycle than rocks! And so much less cross contamination struggle!
- getting better at control of flex shaft. No runaways that damaged the piece this time. Only my thumb.
- lessons learned for cab grinding -- wider girdle, steeper angle.
- my saw work on the bail was really neat. Barely any sanding.
- lots of improved tool organization, equipment upgrades. Recovered from screwing up my pickle, and made a way better batch anyway (sparex sucks).
Next up:
- wait for steel shot to arrive in the mail because I really needed some work hardening on this project
- figure out strategies for handling overcutting with the saw
- figure out photography plan because I'm hating phone cameras more and more over time
- decide on a bench lathe. Doing good polishing work on flats with just a flex shaft is hell.
- continue developing my eye for grit levels of scratches.
- figure out beveling edges better on bezels and such
- better cross contamination management during grinding and polishing (lathe will help a ton though)
- get some tripoli? I'm currently jumping from 1200 to zam. I think that might be good enough if I was better at the 220-600 grit levels, which continue to be my bane.
- can't wait to solder in the new pan. Might try pick soldering next time too.
- maybe next time wait for the safety mask marks to fade from my head before photography.
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scalpelfightclub · 1 year
I would like to take my brain out and leave it in a rock tumbler for like 4 weeks ans then have someone rinse it off all clean and smooth and put it back in my skull so A headache gone and B smooth no thoughts and C spinny
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boyduroy · 2 years
first time tumbling glass, before and after
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0luna123 · 1 year
Found this cool-ass rock on a beach today.
Can someone explain what is this red circular part? Is it a fossil?
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scubaby · 4 months
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me making my ocs kiss is an advanced form of making my barbies kiss when i was 6. if only kid me could see me now
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xomr · 3 months
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Before and after 5ish weeks in the rock tumbler.
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eyes-like-alexandrite · 5 months
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you guys wanna go to basrar’s?
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von2dutch · 2 months
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lovenostalgia · 2 months
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eanholt · 11 months
Never got around to making my matching obsidian cab. Instead I went on a weekend float trip on the John Day river with some friends and collected another sack of rocks (agates, jasper, petrified wood). I finished polishing a banded seam agate from the trip tonight, and wow what a difference working with consistent, solid material is. The polish may not be perfect (and a couple of imperfections I decided to keep in the initial shaping), but I'm quite happy.
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Now I need to figure out how I want to clean out that little pocket. I tried a textile gun on some rocks yesterday, and it's a little stronger than I want.
Also, moved my tumbler of Lily Pad jasper on to stage 2. They weren't perfect in stage 1, with some concavities having some rough edges still, but I'm pretty sure more time in stage 1 isn't going to do much and I just need to shape the rough better in the future. It'll be more satisfying to just go through with the stages and see how they turn out -- it looked promising already.
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elleseeof · 3 months
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What caught your eye first? 👀
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saydesole · 2 months
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African Waist Beads 
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vanessagillings · 2 months
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I was asked to post more mossy rocks -- well these are the pieces the mossy rock studies were for 🌿
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