#robron episodes 2015
bobbie-robron · 2 months
Kicking yourself at what you missed out on… Donny?
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buddiebeginz · 5 months
I've made it the eps when it comes out what happened to Katie (right before the Who shot Rob stuff in 2015). There so many scenes where I just want to scream because:
1. Everyone is super quick to believe Rob is guilty solely based on him getting arrested and what Andy said. Yet there's no proof he did anything to Katie and only the fact that he has a history of lying and cheating but lying and cheating doesn't make someone a murderer. I mean if anything Andy is the one who had a known history of violence and causing another person’s death (accidentally).
2. Aaron is talked about (by Chas, Paddy, Cain) like he's super innocent in all of it. Chas: "he did what Robert told him". Uh no he was the one who concocted the whole plan and told Katie to go to Wylie's that had nothing to do with Rob. And no one forced Aaron to stay and cover up what happened to Katie. It's not like Rob had a gun Aaron could have gotten into a car and gone to the police but he didn't.
3. Rob is always treated like the worst. Being called evil etc when so many in the village have done a lot of messed up stuff. Just some episodes before these ones Pete thought he had killed Ross and hid his body in the woods ffs. Yet that is basically forgotten by everyone by this point (besides Ross) and Pete is not looked badly upon by anyone especially not his family. Yet everytime Rob has made a mistake it's like the whole village wants to ostracize him. Not to mention Chas goes to Cain to have Rob taken care of. I love how murder in their eyes is okay so long as it's for the reasons they decide it is.
This is just a pointless rant but I'm dying watching these eps and had to vent. I just want to protect Rob from all of them. 😝 Plus I'm almost to the big scrapyard fight that Robon have 😩 makes for good drama but such a painful scene to watch worse even than the lodge. At least there’s some cute Robron scenes at the end of 2015 (when they work together to help Chas) can’t wait for those.
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scrapyardboyfriends · 8 months
Caught up on today's episode...
They're just so proud of their editing skills this week and it's just so bad. Haha. The little recap flashbacks at the beginning. Constantly cutting back to the stupid car stunt for dramatic effect. The weird blue tone stuff. It's just so annoying and distracting. I feel like they think it's so cool and innovative but it's mostly just repetitive and rather pointless.
I mean I guess it's a little better than those three trees they kept pulling down in the storm and the cow stampede but that's like...a really low bar. Haha.
As for the actual stories....ugh. They really are going full Rebecca with Chloe aren't they? If she wakes up with brain damage or some other long term thing that prevents her from taking care of Reuben or something I just....I can't. They love repeating stories but they also seem to love repeating the worst ones. This is the Hell Plot if they made every worse decision. And none of it is even worth it because who at this point is even really rooting for Mack and Charity to be together (unlike when we all wanted Robron back and were counting the days).
Ah well...at least Matty got to appear outside the Hide and got a line and he and Amy seemed like an actual couple I guess.
I still just hate that they did another rape story so the Lydia stuff just annoys me. Also that they had her burn the evidence. I know Rhona actually did the right thing after Pierce but now we've had two in a row where the victim destroyed the evidence. I feel like if I had to endure this again, it would be better if they let her at least have kept the clothes and not burned them. Sigh.
The Sharma stuff again just seems shoehorned into this week just so they could do more special editing effects with it and use that dramatic beat of music some more. It shouldn't be there. Also, again, all of this stuff would play way better if Rishi were either still alive, or if we had seen Amit come back for the wedding and had them interact and there was actual suspicion over Rishi's death. Cause dropping it for two months and then having Amit randomly show up with this twist just feels really silly. Like...are they going to show flashbacks? Did they film something with Bhaskar?
And then there's the Aaron stuff...sigh. Haha. I mean Angry, snarky, Chas-hating Aaron is fine and whatever. But the fact that they engineered Chas dating Harry unbeknownst to everyone involved just so they could have her get put into a car boot (everyone gets a turn!) for this week and had Aaron steal money from the Italian mafia just so they could pay him off is just...so contrived within an inch of its life. It's just too many ridiculous convoluted things with zero organic build up. There's no natural flow of events.
I always think about the story transitions in 2015/2016 from Who Shot Robert to Chas's ptsd to stabbing Diane to Diane's cancer story leading to her meeting Gordon, which led into the abuse story for Aaron and the eventual Robron reunion. All of that was clearly meticulously planned out but it happened in a much more natural way over several months where each story fed into each other. I don't know...I miss that kind of thing. Now you can feel the gears turning in every story and it's not a good viewing experience. Either that or things come out of absolutely nowhere. Neither is good.
Ah well...at least this latest attempt at super soap week is almost over.
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robrongifs · 5 years
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robronfic · 6 years
on this day [3 years ago]
we should quit but we love it too much by auselysium/@auselysium rating: general audiences  status: complete length: 771  summary: aaron never understood why people made such a big deal about quitting smoking. you just stop. he wonders how this same logic has failed him so completely where robert was concerned.
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evak-malec · 7 years
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Who Shot Robert?
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Not that anyone asked, but I’ve seen “top 5 robron scenes ever” on my dash, so I thought I’d give it a go.
1. Wedding 2.0 kiss after their vows. (As I can’t pick the whole episode.) It was just glorious and gorgeous, and a culmination of EVERYTHING up until that point.
2. April 2016, reunion 1. THIS was the point I was falling for robron hard, and I still think that this is WILDLY overlooked in the fandom because of the big drama of reunion 2. But the actual scene, the kiss, the way those two just NEED each other was awesome.
3. Easter 2015. Why WOULDNT you have this scene on your list? I don’t even need to describe what scene I’m talking about, because we all know.
4. SSW 2016. The forest scene which has literally been my phone lock screen since it aired. I think I’ve transferred that pic to three different phones now. But it’s just so sweet and calm before everything goes batshit crazy.
5. Aaron’s boner pillow. No idea why this made the list, but it WAS the one scene that stuck in the memory!! 
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luststricken · 3 years
💕robron tag game💕 thank you for the tag @softlass27 x
1 - indicate your preference (feel free to explain) 2 - there are two free questions for you to ask people you are tagging (you can ignore - no pressure). the idea would be that everyone could contribute too, and make it more interesting! let's see if it will work haha. 3 - tag as many people as you want!
affair era or husbands era? i think this is obvious... affair era forever! i live for the drama and it had plenty of it
floral shirt or brown leather jacket? both at the same time pls! but if i had to choose it’d be the floral shirt purely for the fact it got one appearance and unfairly slated during that
purple hoodie or overalls? the purple hoodie is kind of ugly, so, overalls it is
wedding 1.0 or wedding 2.0? appearance wise? wedding 2.0. everything else-wise? wedding 1.0. i don’t know... maybe it’s the nostalgia of it being one of the first major robron events i watched live, or the bittersweetness of what we knew was coming next (no, not that - prison) i adore the final scene on the bench outside, the faith stuff was annoying and the decorations were shit but it felt homey and emotional! and vic being annoyed with them throughout the whole of wedding 2.0 was annoying
liv or vic? maybe it’s because i’m an only child and don’t grasp the whole loving siblings thing but the liv/aaron stuff just got on my wick by the end, especially in the final few episodes when it was all about saying goodbye to her... i mean, we knew they weren’t going on the run for real so why milk all of that? i was emotional and just wanted all the robron i could get before robert left🤷‍♀️ so i’d have to say vic, i know people dislike her these days? but i don’t watch ed much and didn’t watch immediately after robert left so seemed to miss all the shit stuff
the sugdens or the dingles? this is hard because there’s hardly any sugdens left and the majority of the dingles annoy me!
the lodge or christmas 2017? two of my all-time fave episodes! i’d probably have to say xmas though, the use of eyeliner clinches it
chrissie white or rebecca white? chrissie! there was so many missed opportunities with chrissie, they decide to make her frame andy and that basically be it for her character? and then just as they start dressing her in good outfits they kill her off? the lachlan stuff after the crash would’ve been way more dramatic if it was his mum he was kidnapping and not his aunt who’d not been in the show as long imo
reunion 1.0 or reunion 2.0? i love reunion 1.0 a lot, it’s soft, it’s cute, it’s just them - but of course reunion 2.0 has to win this, an entire ep dedicated to them? awkward dancing and club scenes? and then those final scenes? mwah!
alex or mike? gonna be controversial and say alex, i know he’s hated but he didn’t do anything!😂 the second half of 2017 is pure comedy just accept it
the love we stole or make you feel my love? i didn’t listen to tlws until their final episode and i hate slow adele songs sooo, gonna have to be the first one!
lay-by or barn? the lay-by was in danger of becoming one of my hated overused phrases/references the amount of times they mentioned in it in the end but it’s too iconic not to be chosen... poor neglected barn
proposal 1.0 or proposal 2.0? proposal 1.0 for me! the second one was cute and all but like i said, i live for the drama, and ssw and its aftermath did that!
2016 or 2018? how about 2015? i’ve not rewatched 2018 since it aired and i only ever rewatch certain bits of 2016, not two of my fave years but i’d have to say 2016 purely for ssw and their reunion - and robert’s redemption of course!
chas or diane? neither really, chas just needs to get away from paddy and poor diane really isn’t given too much, even pre-covid, but she’s iconic!
boyfriend era or affair era? affair eraaaaaa! wasn’t boyfriends era literally just liv drama all day every day?
and my two add-on questions are:
hotel one or hotel two?
robert + liv scenes or aaron + vic scenes?
i never tag people because the fear of being annoying is strong, but i’m gonna tag @rememberingrobertsugden @thisdamndesire @seanslaters@kellykadesperate @jonny-versace because i wanna know what you guys think!!
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softlass27 · 3 years
💕Robron Tag Game💕
Thanks for the tag @damnitiloveyou 😘
1.) Indicate your preference (feel free to explain)
2) There are two free questions for you to ask people you are tagging (you can ignore - no pressure). The idea would be that everyone could contribute too, and make it more interesting! Let's see if it will work haha.
3) Tag as many people as you want!
Affair era or Husbands era? Argh that’s so hard – they’re my top two! I think I’ll have to go with husbands era, because I’m a slut for that soft domestic shit. And husbands era is generally my favourite time to write fic for, so there’s that.
Floral shirt or Brown leather jacket? Neither are my favourites but I’ll go with brown leather jacket.
Purple hoodie or Overalls? Overalls 🔥🔥🔥
Wedding 1.0 or Wedding 2.0? Wedding 2.0. While there are a couple of scenes in Wedding 1.0 that I would die for (mainly the scenes that are just Robron without any other characters heh), overall I’m pretty *meh* about it. Call me a massive cynic, but I just remember watching it when it first aired and being like, “You two have... way too many communication issues to be getting married what the fuck”. Rewatching it now, after having seen them go through the inevitable breakup and more healthy reunion, I can enjoy it a bit more, for what it is and what it adds to their overall story. But at the time... yeah, I was CONCERNED lmao.
My other issue is... I mean that episode is mostly just another “Dingle Do”, innit? And that fact that it was a “Dingles only” knees up in the family pub meant that, other than Victoria and Diane, everyone in the room was just there for Aaron. They were there to celebrate Aaron getting married rather than AaronandRobert getting married, which isn’t how a wedding should be, really. Then there was all the nonsense with that sodding welly and “welcoming” Robert to the family (which as we know, counted for fuck all), the whole thing just makes me 🙄🙄🙄
Whereas with Wedding 2.0, the fact that it’s actually a properly planned event means that people other than the Dingles got to attend, and you really get the sense that the whole village are there for both Aaron and Robert equally. It was the right time for them, it looked beautiful, it felt earned, and it was nothing less than our kings deserved.
Liv or Vic? Vic. Anyone who’s perused my blog probably knows my feelings about Liv by now, so there’s no need to get into it lol.
The Sugdens or The Dingles? Sugdens. Again, I imagine anyone who knows me isn’t surprised by this answer. 😂 I love watching the Sugdens (even the ones I dislike), their family dynamic is just so interesting and often very realistic. Not to mention the fact that they’re the original legacy family of the show and deserve to be treated as such. I hate that there’s so few of them left :(
Other than Aaron (who barely counts as a Dingle – especially these days lmao), the only valid Dingles are Cain, Marlon and Charity. And even then, I enjoy those characters more when they’re either alone or with their non-Dingle family eg. Cain with Moira and their kids, Marlon with Billy and Ellis, Charity just... away from the rest of them.
The lodge or Christmas 2017? Love the lodge but it’s gotta be Christmas 2017. 
Chrissie White or Rebecca White? Chrissie! The writers 100% killed the wrong sister and I hate them for it.
Alex or Mike? Aw, Mike. He was sweet (and had a nice accent) and I hope that the next time he went out on the pull, he found himself a nice bloke who wasn’t already pining for his soulmate. Alex was a waste of oxygen.
The Love We Stole or Make You Feel My Love? The Love We Stole. Partially based on my personal musical preference and partially because I think the lyrics just fit Robron perfectly – to the point where I almost can’t believe the song wasn’t written for them. No offence to Adele, but Make You Feel My Love is so generic that it could work for any romantic couple really. And to me, the fact that The Love We Stole was the song to play during Robron’s final scene/montage just cements its status as their song.
Lay-by or Barn? Ohh this is tough... I adore the barn but I’m gonna have to go with the lay-by!
Proposal 1.0 or Proposal 2.0? Proposal 2.0
2016 or 2018? 2018! The reunion 2.0 buildup of January/February was fantastic, and while some of the plot later that year was... lacking (thanks to inferior characters like Liv, Rebecca and Chaddy), Robron being reunited and actually in a happy, healthy relationship was everything. It felt like a reward after all the heartache they’d gone through in previous years. 2018 is also the year of Robron being parents to Seb, the three of them being a proper little family was just *chef’s kiss* (until Rebecca once again ruined things).
As for 2016... other than January/February (which I actually tend to see separately from the rest of the year, in my head those two months are more like an extension of late 2015) and SSW, it’s mostly trash in my eyes. Boyfriends era was... yeah, unless you want this to turn into an essay-like rant, I’ll stop there.
Chas or Diane? Diane all the way. Chas can just 🔪🔪🔪
Boyfriend era or affair era? Ahaha I feel like this answer is obvious after my answer to 2016 vs. 2018, but affair era. A god tier time in Robron’s story.
I shall tag @nooneelsecomesclose17, @luststricken, @dinglemingle, @saras-almanac and whoever else fancies it :)
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Collective Robron Rewatch
Rewatch tonight (monday) from 8pm to 9pm uk time!
We’ll be picking up with the 30th March 2015 episode aka the beginning of HF week so don’t miss it ;) 
⇒ HERE ⇐
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"Because as much as there's a part of my brain which keeps questioning some odd things about Robert/Ryan's exit" I wondered what these strange things are for you? because even I always thought something was wrong with its release but maybe it's just my wish 😂
And here I was thinking I’d made that comment subtle enough that no one would even notice it… :P Haha. Sorry it’s taken me a while to get around to this. Although since you sent me this, I’ve seen a fair few people voice this thought and have been discussing it quite a bit with @nooneelsecomesclose17 so we are far from alone in this, wishful thinking or not! :P Although I’d just like to note two things… One, I do keep trying to tell the “part of my brain” I referenced to be quiet and not get my hopes up but alas… And two, I guess it’s less specific concrete things and more of a vibe… And the vibe this whole storyline has been giving me is one I can only compare with 2015 when they tried to convince us Ross was really dead… Which he obviously wasn’t…
So it’s this vibe which then leads to overanalysing things which absolutely do not need overanalysing (unless we’re right and everyone involved are #LyingLiarsWhoLie :P) and these things become niggles of doubt… So, these are the niggles:
1. The current narrative. And by that I mean how involved Robert still is in the show. He’s been mentioned so much, and not just by Aaron. But almost every episode Aaron has been in over the last 7 weeks or however long it’s been (it feels like longer but also yesterday, you know) has directly mentioned Robert. I’ve never seen an exit like it. Look at Bernice; two unaired phone calls and that’s it. And she and Liam were supposedly “soulmates”. (#JusticeForAndy!) Which brings me to;
2. The references. To Robert. And to Robron. Not just within Aaron’s storyline. There have been what I consider multiple nods to them in other characters’ storylines too. Noah with the liars line during a big episode for Aaron/Robron is a prime example. Others include Graham filing for divorce shortly after Robert did and Kim telling Graham that he could only get the divorce right now "if I cooperate"… And Bernice’s own exit; in which she spoke of soulmates, lamented over the fact that she and Liam didn’t have a song, turned her nose up at the wedding gift of an engraved watch (which itself had already just been returned to in Robron’s storyline, as had the song) and instead gave Liam props for his murder mystery hobby (now imagine #WhoKilledGraham is also a smokescreen because there’s been another murder mystery going on all this time - that someone else finished Lee off in that hospital… And the poignancy of Robert hitting Lee with that shovel during the village's big murder mystery event... #LetTheLukeTheoryRiseED), then couldn’t bring herself to tell the man she loves that it was goodbye for good but gives back the sentimental wedding jewellery… Now, we can all say “It’s a soap. It’s lazy writing.” But these exits were so close together, to my mind these parallels had to be intentional. And I’m sure there have been others I can’t remember right now, but combine all of this with the regular Robert mentions, the fact that things like his car are still around (because Aaron taking Robert’s car to the woods wasn’t necessary to serve the plot any more than if he’d taken his own) and now this new mug, the new photo we know is going to be up in the Mill some time in the new year… Something about this just doesn’t add up. Ordinarily when an actor leaves, the plot moves on to ignoring their existence pretty quickly. It has to because otherwise the remaining characters involved would become stagnated and unable to move on. So why is this one so different? Why aren’t they ready for Aaron to move on?
Now, I’d love to think that it’s credit to Ryan / Robert / Robron and how much the show has valued the last 5 years of their story. That they’re giving the time for this drawn out (and more realistic) exit to give Danny/Aaron this character-driven story and by which keeping the integrity of Robron intact. If that’s what it’s all about, then that’s amazing and I’m here for it. But the fact is, Emmerdale is a soap and this is so vastly different to how exit storylines usually go… Which is why it kind of feels like Ryan’s on an extended break, rather than left for good… Because the other aspect of the narrative -
3. The 2017 parallels. So much of Aaron’s plot following Robert’s exit feels like an exact replica of the break-up parting in 2017 and Robert’s own breakdown. But the overall objective and destination that the 2017 storyline was always heading to was Robron 2.0. So why are they emulating so much of that plot now, when a reunion can’t be on the horizon?
So they’re the things we’re seeing onscreen which set off the question marks in my mind, but there have been a few things off screen, too… (Imagine being in the public eye and having such scrutiny over your lexical choices, I can only apologise to the poor people I’m about to quote haha!)
4. That tweet with Robert’s cell which used to be Maxine’s office. Specifically “#RobGone?”. Specifically the question mark which followed it. I fully acknowledge that this was nothing more than an innocent “does this hashtag work?” but how it read following the previous sentence couldn’t help but make me wonder if there could be a subliminal message to it; “Not much has changed. #RobGone?” So because of those vibes this storyline has been giving off, I couldn’t help but think what if..? What if Robert isn’t as gone as we all think?
5. Danny’s beautiful tweet after the final episode. “Farewell for now”. I’m sure for now just meant that Danny will obviously see Ryan again whatever, but what if..?
6. Ryan’s goodbye video. The whole of this seemed so final, but there was one tiny moment, when he was talking about Robert being a dad to Seb, where he said “I guess” we won’t get to see that now. I doubt it means anything beyond a turn of phrase but we’re overanalysing things here and in Theory Realm, everything means something. :P
7. #RobronForever. From what I’ve seen on here, Emmerdale have tweeted this a few times since it “ended”. They also set up that page on their website. While I strongly approve and support this, naturally haha, it does make me question what their long-term plans for Aaron are… Because if Ryan really isn’t coming back, as much as I don’t like it, at some point they will have to have Aaron move on properly… Which means somehow ending the narrative that Robert was it for Aaron… So why prolong it? Except what if..?
The things which make me think this is all just wishful thinking is because I was convinced throughout Robert’s exit storyline that we would get a cameo around Christmas / the new year but that last episode with the montage felt so final I changed my mind on that. And also the people who have spoken about Ryan leaving, but especially Ryan and Danny’s interviews. They feel very real. But then again…they are incredibly good actors!!
So yeah, this is just a bunch of random things which individually probably mean nothing but together have given way to a whole conspiracy theory! Haha. Ultimately, it just feels like something is off… And maybe it’s because Aaron isn’t moving on yet (#I'dLikeThisToLastForeverToo)… Or maybe it’s because we ourselves aren’t moving on because we’re all still here, still talking about it… Maybe it’s just that lack of closure… But something, whatever it is, just doesn’t feel right.
I’m glad there’s a few of us feeling this though, whether it amounts to anything or not haha!
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bobbie-robron · 11 months
Sugden’s a user only he’s too stupid to see that.
Oh, yeah, cos you’ve never done owt stupid, have ya?
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02-Jul-2015, episode 2
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sunshinehighway · 4 years
Hey! Just a random question but: I was wondering when you got into watching robron? As in what era and how did you find out and what were your first impressions of the characters?
hey anon!!!! according to my tumblr archive, i reblogged my first robron post in early september 2015 (bloody hell how has it been that long already WOW!!!) and i remember that once i was all caught up, i started watching live around the ‘who killed robert?’ flashback episode!
so it was the og break-up era - which was definitely an interesting time to start watching because they ‘hated’ each other and we didn’t get much content (of them actually together for ages). but it made it SO worth it when it came to their first boyfriends kiss, because i’d never actually watched a kiss live on screen and it took like 8 months to get there!!! so worth the wait!!!
as for how i found out, i can’t really remember! i used to be a big hollyoaks fan until 2014 ish and so i binge watched loads of fanvids for various couples on youtube, meaning the ed and robron ones also got suggested to me multiple times. i think one day, having completely given up with ho and needing something to fill the void, i dived in a robron video, and gradually started watching more and more until it was too late to stop!
from the very off aaron was my absolute favourite - the light of my life in the form of an angry yet sweet cinnamon roll! i just adored him straight away, really connected with the character like i had no other before.
as for robert is was a bit on the fence to begin with, like he was dead sexy n charming but also thought he was a bit of a twat (understatement of the century). and then there was those awful scrapyard scenes and when i got to that point i really thought i was going to give up but i kept on pushing through and yeah, maybe robert sugden was soon the love of my life also!!!!
and god, i miss them so much :( i’ll miss them everyday and i’ll never stop playing over the ‘what-ifs’ in my head but i’ll also treasure the time we did have with them and be forever grateful that i found them when i did 💘
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scrapyardboyfriends · 3 years
💕 Robron Tag Game 💕
1) Indicate your preference (feel free to explain).
Just doing this myself cause I’m bored. Thanks for making it @black-rose-also-blooms
Affair era or Husbands era? Affair era because it’s their foundation and what makes all other eras feel earned. Plus it’s fascinating. 
Floral shirt or Brown jacket leather? Both? Haha. I loved Robert’s crazy prints from the early days. I wish he’d kept more of them as time went on. But I also am always on #TeamBrownLeatherJacket. Sorry to my anon that hates it.
Purple hoodie or Overalls? Overalls over the purple hoodie? Haha. If I had to choose, I’d say overalls, mostly because I’d really love him back at the garage now. 
Wedding 1.0 or Wedding 2.0? Both. They compliment each other so well. And as much as I love Wedding 2.0 because it’s such a great episode that is mostly focused on them, wedding 1.0 was just so special at the time and had so much hype surrounding it in the fandom. Hell, I took off work for the second day so I could watch it live with everyone. Haha. But really, everything that one doesn’t have, the other does have, so they really just work so well together.
Liv or Vic? Both and neither? Haha. When the writing is good, they can both work well with Robron, but when the writing is bad, it can be unbearable for both. I probably prefer Vic around Robron and Liv more as a character far away from them. But even still, they both have their issues with the writing on their own too. So it really just depends. I’ll never fully give up on either of them though. 
The Sugdens or The Dingles? The Sugdens as a family. And The Dingles as individual characters because I don’t hate all of them, I just hate their family hypocrisy.  
The lodge or Christmas 2017? Hmmm....I think the Lodge is fascinating but I don’t know if I’ve ever gotten as much out of it as other people. I prefer the affair reveal stuff afterwards to the actual Lodge. And the Christmas episode was just not quite what I thought it was going to be but I do find all of the dream stuff very funny if not super meaningful and I do like the second half of the episode quite a bit and the end scene is perfect. That didn’t really answer that did it. Haha. 
Chrissie White or Rebecca White? Chrissie, hands down. 
Reunion 1.0 or Reunion 2.0? 1.0 is lovely and it’s a great kiss and hug but Reunion 2.0 was its own epic thing and cannot be beat. Plus they actually talked things through and realized that communication was their biggest problem and that lack of those conversations in reunion 1.0 is what led to 2.0 being necessary. 
Alex or Mike? I think they both did interesting things for Aaron and Robert respectively. I can’t say either was an interesting character. I suppose I will pick Alex because it was amusing watching Aaron be the WORST boyfriend ever. And making that “Alex is doctor” list was fun.
The love we stolen or Make you feel my love? The love that we stole
Lay-by or Barn? Lay-by. It’s more unique to them. 
Proposal 1.0 or Proposal 2.0? Proposal 1.0 because I also include Aaron’s hospital proposal and I like that he actually got to talk because as much as I love Robert’s 2.0 speech, that proposal, is really lacking Aaron getting to say how he felt. Plus 1.0 is all wrapped up in ssw and they got a whole episode devoted to it so it has to win. It wasn’t intercut with Lachlan holding Rebecca hostage. Haha. 
2016 or 2018? 2015? Haha. No, I guess I would pick 2016 largely because of the abuse story. It really was one of the best stories that they had and that has been on the show in recent years. Plus ssw. 2018 has some great individual episodes or some great little 2 week things but it doesn’t have anything really substantial for robron plotwise and that drove me crazy that year. So 2016. 
Chas or Diane? Short hair Chas and drunk Chas plus the Diane that is actually empathetic to grieving Aaron and recently Charity. Haha. As with Vic and Liv, it depends on the writing and what year it is. At the moment, I’d rather see Diane on my screen than Chas though. 
Boyfriends era or Affair era? Affair era, hands down. Boyfriend era kind of sucked. 
I never tag people, but go forth and do it anyway, anyone who wants to. 
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robrongifs · 6 years
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soft-husbands · 4 years
Hey! Just a random question but: I was wondering when you got into watching robron? As in what era and how did you find out and what were your first impressions of the characters?
Hiya anon! Ooo I love these questions! So fun!
Okay so I discovered robron late 2015 I was just on YouTube watching some random storyline from something else and I was super bored (I won’t say what it was because I’ll get killed on here haha but it was on hollyoaks ;)) anyways the episode of Katie’s death and the scene where robron kissed was recommended to me and I was like “okay looks good let’s go” and instantly right when I saw them interact I was like H O L Y S H I T. Instant chills. It was their connection their chemistry that really got me initially and I don’t ship or have ever cared to ship so for me that was huge!! So I watched the rest of that scene and then I went to the beginning (which silly me thought it was in 2011 then I saw baby Aaron and Jackson show up and I was like who da fuck is that??) anyways I watched up until where it stopped which was in the middle of who shot Robert storyline and they weren’t interacting and I was afraid Robert would die (haha I didn’t have a tumblr at this time) so I stopped watching for a while until I picked it back up again in January 2016 during Aaron’s abuse storyline and personally I was struggling with some of the same things so that’s what really got me even more into their story. I mean besides their chemistry and everything about them it was the softness and the gentle way Robert was with him and Aaron letting him in when I was like: yep I’m in love with them and not to sound cheesy but they’ve helped me through ALOT
Wow that was a lot sorry anon!! But thanks for this ask :) I love them so much. They have a different kind of connection I have never seen on tv or in real life tbh it feels so genuine and natural and that’s really what drew me in!!
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