#rip fringe i will miss you <3
allicansay · 29 days
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Orville Peck for Man About Town Magazine
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cc-horan28 · 3 months
Be My Valentine - 6
Let Me Be Your Last First Kiss
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Soulmates AU (G) 1.3k
Louis Tomlinson x Harry Styles
There was one boy in particular, with rectangular glasses and a beanie pulled down over his hair who caught his eye, gesturing extravagantly as he boomed out the lines to what sounded like Grease in front of a small group gathered appreciatively in front of him. 
Harry just changed schools, and finding his soulmate wasn't what he expected at all
No warnings!
A/N: I am back at it with the Oops, Hi! Headcanon. I’m obsessed. Sorry not sorry. For the purpose of this fic, lets assume H and Lou are the same age. Also i wandered into the love at first sight category instead of first love but eh. As always, huge thank you to Akeyla for this fest! <3
Title from 1d's 'Last First Kiss'
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Harry brushed his fringe aside, digging his other hand awkwardly into the pocket of his jeans. “I know, mum,” he said, doing his best to keep his voice level, not wanting her to sense his apprehension and fear. “I’ll keep my nose clean, I’ll behave, drink water and message you when I leave. Don’t worry, I’ll be responsible,” 
“When are you not, baby?” Anne smiled, reaching up to adjust his hair for him, Harry already gangling over her at 16. 
“Oh, don’t cry mum,” Harry said, scrunching his face up as he furtively looked around to see if anyone had noticed them yet, “It’s not like it’s my first day of school or anything. It’s just a new one. I’ll survive,” 
He wasn’t sure he would. Moving here hadn’t been easy. Holmes Chapel had been so small, everything was so familiar. Everyone had known everyone else, and Harry had had his own group of friends. 
He’d have to start over again, and this school was so much bigger. Swallowing down his worries, he smiled and waved goodbye to his mum, walking into the big brick building, looking around from the admin block as he passed through the huge glass doors.
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A couple of minutes later he was standing in front of another set of double doors. He quickly glanced up at the room number, cross checking it with the time table clutched in his hand. He could peep through the little glass inlays in the door and see people moving around, but he didn’t want to take any chances. 
Sure that it was, indeed, the room he was supposed to go to for his first period drama class, he pushed the door open, eyes catching at the grey anchor on his wrist. He tugged the sleeve of his jacket down as he entered. 
It wasn’t exactly like he was ashamed to know he had a soulmate, many did, but he didn’t want it advertised in front of everyone. He shivered a little at the prospect as he made his way to the back of the class, the entire room empty with all the desks pushed up to the sides.
Everyone was loud enough to not have noticed him when he entered. Many were grouped together, going through what seemed like lines. There was one boy in particular, with rectangular glasses and a beanie pulled down over his hair who caught his eye, gesturing extravagantly as he boomed out the lines to what sounded like Grease in front of a small group gathered appreciatively in front of him. 
He pulled his eyes away, wondering if there was some pre-requisite reading he had somehow missed out on. He set his bag down on a desk as he leaned against it, riffling through his bag to check if he had actually missed something. The last thing he wanted was to make a bad impression on the first day.
“Hi,” he heard a soft voice to his left and whipped around, mind already reeling with how he had practiced he would introduce himself. All thoughts vacated his head at the sight in front of him. It was Beanie-Boy. He could see his eyes more clearly now and was seized with an inane urge to rip his glasses off and just stare at his eyes. 
His gaze wandered up to the feathery bits of hair peeking out from under his beanie and found himself wondering why Beanie-Boy covered everything up. His hair looked very soft and Harry wondered what it would feel like between his fingers,
He was jerked out of his reverie when the other boy cleared his throat, blushing.
“Oops,” he mumbled, “I didn’t mean to stare, I just-” he held out his hand, shooting him a small smile. “I’m Harry,”
“Louis,” Beanie-Boy smiled back and Harry barely had time to notice that there was a grey mark circling his wrist before he felt his own burning up. He glazed down at his hand shoved into the pocket of his jacket and oh-
The anchor was getting darker.
Louis was frowning down at his own hand, and Harry stared at him for a moment before the realization hit him. 
“Is that an anchor?” Louis said, voice low enough that Harry had to lean forward to hear. Louis’ eyes were now fixed on Harry’s jacket. 
“Yeah,” Harry breathed out, too dumbfounded to say anything else. 
“Oh my god,” Louis exclaimed, “I- mine’s a rope. I always thought it was a bit stupid. Like- i was tied up or something but I-” he broke off, staring at Harry’s face now and Harry felt a bit warm, blushing a deep red. 
“We’re soulmates?” they both said simultaneously, Harry sounding like he was in disbelief, Louis nothing but overjoyed.
“This is not how I pictured my first day going,” Harry admitted with a sheepish chuckle, letting go of Louis’ hand almost grudgingly.
“Me neither, Curly. But I like it,” Louis grinned and Harry found himself a lot more flustered than the nickname called for. 
The door swung open and everyone hushed, lining up against the walls as the teacher walked in. 
“What say, Curly?” Louis smiled, taking Harry’s left hand in his right and leading him to the back of the class, rope lining up with the anchor perfectly. Harry smiled at the sight. “Bowling sounds good?”
“Yeah,” Harry smiled back, biting his lip as he tried to disguise the look on his face. “Bowling sounds great,” 
He couldn’t wait for the day to end.
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“I can’t believe this is all actually happening. I mean, if you would have told me back then- when I joined, I mean- that I would be at prom with my soulmate. I wouldn’t have believed it,” Harry whispered to Louis, looking down at their joined hands. Louis turned his head to press his lips against Harry’s temple, leaning the chair onto its back back feet as they watched the rest of their year dancing. 
“Me neither,” Louis said, and Harry could’ve sworn he could hear the smile in his voice, “I mean when I saw you coming in, looking around and like- you thought no one noticed you,” he chuckled, “Have to be blind to not notice you, by the way. I’d made up my mind already, but to… see our marks. We were always meant to be,”
Harry flushed, batting his free hand weakly against Louis’ thigh. “Stop being so over the top,” 
“I’m not!” Louis protested, “We’re literally soulmates!”
“Doesn’t mean you have to be soppy,” Harry giggled, flushing despite his words.
Louis paused for a moment, and Harry raised his head off Louis’ shoulder, a little concerned as he tried to read his expression in the dim lighting. 
“I love you, Haz,” Louis said softly,
Harry smiled back at him, tilting his head to the side and watching him for a few moments before leaning in for a soft kiss. “I know. We’ve been over this,” he quipped, raising an eyebrow with a smirk, ducking when Louis made to ruffle his hair. 
“Hey, it took me hours to get my hair right,” he giggled, slightly out of breath, “Now will you ask me for a dance already,” he smiled, getting up with his fingers still linked with Louis’.
Louis shook his head fondly as they made their way to the centre of the floor, looping his hands around Harry’s waist as they turned to face each other, moving slowly. The younger boy rested his head on Louis’ shoulder.
“I love you, Louis,” he whispered. 
“I love you too, baby. We’ve been over this,”
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A/N: Reblogs are always appreciated 💕
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woodaba · 6 months
We Wouldn't Have Alan Wake II Without Quantum Break
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Remember Quantum Break? The first game announced for the Xbox One? The link between cult classic Alan Wake and surprising studio-saving hit Control? That prominently features Lance Reddick, the much-missed actor who was frequently one of the most electric screen presences of our time?
Don't worry, I barely do either, and I played the game yesterday.
So, a refresher. Quantum Break, announced in 2013 alongside the Xbox One and released three years later, is a third-person shooter starring Shawn Ashmore aka Iceman from the X-Men movies as Jack Joyce (and not Jake Joyce as I constantly remembered him as. In my defense, it's a better name, if only because then his superhero name could be Quantum Jake...), who, after being turned into A Remedy Entertainment Protagonist after a time-travel experiment gone wrong, battles against fellow Remedy Entertainment Protagonist Aidan Gillen aka Doctor Pavel I'm CIA as Paul Serene, over what to do about an imminent apocalypse after Time starts Breaking because of the aforementioned time-travel experiment.
As a rehabilitating former Doctor Who obsessive, I'm particularly open to this kind of time-travel nonsense, but Quantum Break is frustratingly unwilling to capitalize on its own premise. Interesting things happen, sure: people get stuck in causality loops, confront and become acausal time monsters, and live entire second lives in the past after time-traveling, but almost none of it occurs to Jack Joyce: he just spends his time just shooting guys in a series of warehouses and offices. Quantum Break is a potentially interesting story that we don't really get to see anything of, instead anything compelling in the narrative is relayed to us second-hand, by the myriad emails and documents scattered throughout the gunfights, or over the radio, and, of course, Remedy's now-signature multimedia ambitions.
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In between acts of the video game Quantum Break, you'll be treated to episodes of the TV show Quantum Break, a live-action c-tier circa-2009 network TV production starring some of the big(ish) names that headline the game Quantum Break, but mostly follows a cast of extras who navigate around the events of the game while working for baddie Paul Serene's Evil Corporation, Monarch.
It's in the TV show that what Quantum Break actually is begins to take shape. Remedy, as a studio, has always been interested - and unusually adept at - pastiche, whether it's the noir comic stylings of their still-astonishing Max Payne duology or the rickety but deeply charming Stephen King love-in that is Alan Wake. And here, they do a genuinely stellar job at replicating the look, feel, and sensibilities of a 2008-2013 network TV Lost/Fringe rip-off that gets canceled after one season.
That may sound backhanded, but I assure you it isn't. I've long been a fan of Remedy, in spite of, or perhaps because I don't think they've made a truly great game since Max Payne 2. In a medium that often pillages relentlessly from Film and TV, Remedy set themselves apart from their competition with the depth of their understanding of the production of film, bringing into games a deftness of set construction and filmic pacing that blows their contemporaries out of the water. Even more-lauded names like Naughty Dog and Rockstar come up short against Alan Wake's hauntingly gorgeous misty woods, best illustrated with Rockstar's Max Payne 3, which matched Remedy's cinematographical flair in the cutscenes, but fell far short of their level design chops and breadth of influences.
Quantum Break is, in aesthetics and production, a genuinely extremely well-considered pastiche of this period of sci-fi television that is now comfortably in the rear-view mirror, the time since its release having given it a real nostalgic charm that would have been dulled at the time of release. It really reminded me of the years I spent watching shows like Heroes, or Flash/Forward, shows that may not have been very good, but are intoxicatingly emblematic of their time and place, hiding just beneath the floorboards of the shows that would actually get to be remembered.
It's a shame, then, that it just fails to really compel on any level beyond appreciation for the pastiche.
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Much like the gameplay, the TV episodes of Quantum Break feel almost ancillary to another, better story that we never get to see. The stars of the game feel wasted here - particularly Lance Reddick, one of my favorite actors, who steals the show every time he appears, but is given vanishingly little to do in comparison with a group of wafer-thin characters that struggle to manifest a single dimension, with relational at best connection to the concerns of the narrative. It looks like a particularly budget-strapped episode of Warehouse 13, sure, but it doesn't really feel like one, as the episodes - until the last one, which is a noticeable improvement - are shockingly paceless and devoid of the arcs that would make a singular episode of television compelling. They are, ultimately, primarily dreary, overlong, and constantly highlighting the fact that they are largely interstitial filler.
It would be wrong to accuse Remedy of not having their heart in Quantum Break, as there is too much evident passion to discount, but I do feel like they struggle to find a core to this idea, something that they truly want to explore. Whether I'm playing the game or watching the show, QB leaves everything on the surface, with nothing to really find beneath the surface. It's notable that the game is absolutely filled with constant allusions to Alan Wake - including a full-blown trailer found on a TV moments after starting the game that bears startling resemblance to the eventual plot of this year's Alan Wake II - and that the game started life as a pitch to Microsoft for Alan Wake II: one suspects that they would much rather be making that game at this moment in time than Quantum Break, or that the game is a test-bed of ideas for the studio's future, the act of throwing a thousand darts at a quantum dartboard, and seeing which ones find their mark. It's just that for this effort, precious few of them do.
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And yet, the surprise is that by the end, I truly felt like Remedy was genuinely onto something with the spirit of Quantum Break's ideas, if not the execution of them. The television show is the thing that makes Quantum Break live, that marks it out as something worth remembering in a sea of slick third-person shooters with cinematic ambitions. It is the icon of the foundational belief of the Xbox One, that the future of games lay in a synthesis with television, a dead-end future that had already worn out by the time the game was actually released. What remains is little more than a gimmick, sure, but it is one that, by the end, is oddly compelling, even if most of it is terrifically boring to actually experience.
There is a genuine thrill to seeing characters in both video game graphics and live-action forms, shifting between the two seamlessly thanks to some genuinely well-realized digitized actors that still look good today, a shift that blends well with the time-space bending of the plot. Do I care about Jack Joyce, as a person? Not even slightly. Did I still grin when I saw Actual Shawn Ashmore briefly appear in the TV episodes after controlling Virtual Shawn Ashmore? Absolutely. It's the same kind of shallow thrill you get from Cheers allumni showing up for a visit in Frasier, or when the Torchwood crew talk around the presence of Mr. Doctor Who, Esq, but as something that works with what the game is doing rather than distracting your attention elsewhere.
The gameplay portions represent time breaking down with (genuinely cool, if shallow) shards of space and glass and stuttering loops of physical time, but the collision of the Real and the Virtual feels so much more effective in communicating the idea of time and space shattering and colliding into one another. I just wish it played in this space more, focusing on Ashmore, Reddick, Monaghan, and Hope, rather than the cast of goons and extras who feel wholly separated from the game until the final mission.
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I'd like to say that I'd love Remedy to take another crack at this idea, with the lessons they've learned from Control and Alan Wake II, but that already feels like a fool's hope. The ballooning costs of video game development make the idea of filming an entire TV mini-series alongside it feel laughable. Sure, Control's live-action segments were plentiful and superbly produced, but they were also far more restrained than Quantum Break, focusing on short segments with one non-big-name actor each in a couple of highly reusable sets. With both this and its open-world, side-questing structure with plenty of loot and upgrades to collect, Control is something largely in line with the realities and productions of modern game development
Quantum Break isn't rooted in reality for even a second. It's a time-locked instant, the most 2015 game ever made, which makes it all the better that it came out in 2016. There's no future in what Quantum Break envisions. It's a failed experiment, something to shrug at and move on. And yet, it compels me regardless, despite the fact that I don't really like it.
We need games like this, I feel. Historical curios like this show that the shifting landscape of the medium isn't a straight line, it splits off into splintered fraying timelines, some leading to nothing, but others spilling back in unexpected ways. After all, Courtney Hope, who played Beth Wilder here, returned for the starring role in Control, and that game feels so keenly like the product of lessons learned from QB, with everything from the live-action segments, the document-reading, and the combat feeling like a progression from Remedy's previous work. In particular, my complaints about QB's narrative taking place almost entirely off-screen evolves into a hugely compelling aspect of Control, with the genuine highlight of that game being reading the endless documents detailing the horrors and nightmares of America transcribed into corporate mundanity.
And while I've only played a taster of Alan Wake II, there's no doubt in my mind that that game, a bona-fide critical darling the likes of which Remedy hasn't had since Max Payne 2, owes a great debt to QB. Not least because its engine provides the framework for the game, but also because, well, it's been in there, this whole time.
Waiting for The Return.
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7grandmel · 30 days
Todays Rip: 01/04/2024
Raft Ride ~ The Story So Far
Season 7 & Season 8 Part of: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Ripped by SiIvaGunner
Welcome to the end, weary traveler! And, in case you've somehow missed EVERYTHING that happened today: April Fools!
As of this post, I've now officially covered each of the 170+ Raft Ride rips - including some fringe cases - to have been uploaded to the SiIvaGunner channel. Did you have fun taking this trip down memory lane? Find a new Raft Ride favorite? Or, did you focus on the incredible April Fools event currently happening on the main channel as I'm currently writing this? Not that I can blame you - my attention was so split all day, I didn't get anything productive done!! It meant a lot to get to see so many people's reactions to realizing the scope of this whole thing, smiles and fun comments on seeing their favorite raft rides reshared - I'm writing this all just as its all come to an end, and it was so much fun in every sense of the word.
I've now taken off the "Todays SiIvaGunner" and "Season 7"/"Season 8" tags off all of these posts, as to not have them clog up the blog's Archive view (which you should be using!!!). Instead, consider what you're reading now the "masterpost" for helping you navigate the entire Raftmageddon event, as the one post that will show up as April 1st daily post.
You can press the big blue button to see every Raft Ride post made today, or the smaller purple buttons to filter per Season 7 and Season 8 as per usual - now tagged as "Rapids 7" and "Rapids 8". The link below tells you how to search for Raft Rides by specific rippers: they won't show up if you just add a ripper's name as the tag, you must preface it with "raft : " first, including the spaces! Rafts without credit are tagged as "rafter unknown".
[Enter the Raftmageddon] - [7] - [8]
[Ripper Filter - "raft : (name)" after /tagged/ in URL]
But hey, this event isn't necessarily the end - The Raft Ride truly never ends, right? And so don't consider this to be the end of my coverage, the end of the story - this IS Raft Ride ~ The Story So Far for a reason, after all! Who knows, you might be seeing Raft Ride back on here sooner than you'd expect...
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(oh, and the actual rip used here is the secret Raft Ride: Totaka's Secret Raft by overcast07, featured on SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume Ruby)
It's a really fun twist on one of the most popular Easter Eggs in Link's Awakening - happy late Easter! - and one of the most fun running gags in Nintendo's history in general, honestly. Totaka's song is sort of like Nintendo's own Raft Ride in a way, isn't it? This reoccurring, stupid ditty, just put together by one composer out of sheer boredom, almost eerily similar to where it all began with Raft Foot Creep...and overcast07 arranges it in a really fun way, keeping the suspense from the big jingle the original has, not really leaning too hard into the Raft Ride-iness with its infamous backing or screeching high note - but the note is high althesame, and the melody is undeniably that accursed, beloved tune. What a fun little surprise. What whimsy!! What a fun day today's been. :3
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sommerregenjuniluft · 3 months
@hpsaffics feb 3 - time loop - 1117words
aka fem bartylus in their bonnie and damon from season 5 of vampire diaries arc (i made myself cry with this but also i'm on my period so who knows ksfjf)
“Hey, look,” Barty says, her head popping up over one of the grocery store shelves, “The small, pickled corn cobs you like so much are on Sale.”
Regulus doesn’t have to look up to see the shit eating grin stretching her lips as she holds up the jars of pickled corn with the impossible to miss, red SALE stickers that have been there for every single day of the past 3 months. She simply rolls her eyes and turns to grab an OJ out of the cooler, like she does every Saturday morning. Regulus believes in keeping a weekly and daily schedule in favor of not going insane, thanks a lot.
There’s a noise across the empty store that sounds like Barty put two of the jars into the shopping cart.
Regulus sniffs, ignoring the flutter in her stomach as well as the sting deep inside her ribcage.
She goes about filling her own cart methodically, absentmindedly listening to Barty mucking about wherever she is. Humming under her breath, bags crinkling, the sounds of the cart clinking against stuff. Barty has great spatial awareness in any situation except for the grocery store. 
Regulus still feels last weekend in the tender bruises along her Achillies heel. If bruises stayed that long she’d have enough evidence from a year ago to build a real case. They do not, however, so Regulus is just left with the knowledge of it and that hollow feeling in her chest like someone had a big scoop and Regulus’ heart was a tub of Ben & Jerries.
She continues down the aisle in a bit of a daze. Eggs, oatmilk, protein bars, Earl Grey, Spaghetti and Fusilli because Barty is a fussy shithead that won’t eat other forms of pasta.
They meet again in the snack aisle, Regulus rounding the corner and finding Barty curled over her cart, studying the back of a honey puffs packet.
She’s gnawing on her bottom lips, rosy mouth pursed to the side and the line between her eyebrows deep and pulled low beneath her fringe and Regulus watches some of the longer brown hair slip over her shoulder and to the front. The round muscle is bare, freckled, and so are her arms because last week Barty made it her mission to go through Evan’s closet and cut off the sleeves of his every one of his t-shirts. 
Regulus had been furious. 
She misses him desperately. Pandora and Sirius, too. The very first night she’d slept in her best friend’s bed, clad in one of Sirius’ softest shirts. Regulus doesn’t remember a time she’d wept herself to sleep so harshly. 
Barty had come and gotten her after 32 hours of refusing to leave the room and dragged her into a shower before plopping her down on one of the kitchen bar stools and making pancakes for her. Whipped cream and blueberries on the side. And then she’d left to go wherever it is she goes every single morning after breakfast until she’s returning for lunch.
She slips the strand of silky straight hair behind her ear now and then glances up when Regulus advances farther into the aisle.
Their eyes meet for a moment, mint and blue gray, clashing, getting caught in each other. Hooks sinking in, ripping at the entangled spots, and when Regulus finds it in herself to break away she feels raw. Chafed. A hotly throbbing ache. Burning.
Regulus looks around in the shelves but she isn’t really seeing any of the things. It takes a moment and then she’s taken aback when she genuinely can’t find the Ritter Sports party mix. It should be right in front of her, nestled between the Kinder stuff and the no name rows of chocolate bars. There’s an empty space on the shelf where they should sit and Regulus blinks at that spot in confusion.
Before she can do more about it the cold metal of a shopping cart grazes Regulus’ naked calf, jolting her and making her look up at Barty where she’s come closer, still lazily draped over the handle of her cart, now sporting an amused expression.
Her smirk is horribly smug and sitting a little lopsided on her unfairly beautiful face, “Lookin’ for something, Black?”
Regulus opens her mouth to respond but then Barty props her chin in one of her palms and cocks her head at an exaggerated angle, pointedly letting her gaze wander over the shelf Regulus is standing in front of numbly. And then up.
Regulus blinks again and then follows her line of sight automatically. She sweeps her gaze back around and up and then spots the chocolates where they’re perched on the very top of the shelf. Neatly set up over the row of Reezes there. 
All the way up there and impossible for Regulus to reach.
Her favorite chocolates.
Barty had taken the time to put every last of Regulus’ favorite chocolates on the top of that shelf with such care for order she’s never once applied to their pantry in the months they’d lived together back when they were a couple.
Regulus feels her browns knit, eyes burning with anger and when she looks over she watches the smile on Barty’s face turn wider. That’s about all Regulus is able to take.
Her chin starts crinkling and she feels her lips start to wobble despite the way she’s biting down on the inside of her lower one hard enough to draw blood. There’s nothing Regulus can do against the tears shooting into her eyes and the way her throat starts to clog up before, pathetically, a single sob escapes her. 
And then she’s crying. Full on, shoulders shaking with it and Barty’s smile falls.
She looks properly panicked and the cart gets shoved to the side, colliding loudly with the opposite shelf, and then she’s there to pull Regulus into a hug.
Her head hangs uselessly as she weeps into the crook of Barty’s arm and chest, deep heaving sobs as Barty cradles her head and holds her tight by the shoulders.
“Hey, hey,” Barty mumbles, voice strained, “I’m sorry, Reg, I’m sorry. I’ll get them back down.”
Regulus uselessly ruts her face into the naked skin, tasting salty shame in the corners of her lips.
“Every single one of them, I’ll get them all down, baby. I’m sorry,” she whispers, breath hot on the crown of Regulus curls.
Regulus finds her hands fisted into the material of Barty’s shirt, clutching at it numbly while she tries to swallow the sobs, “I hate you.”
Barty nods above her, “I know, baby,” and if Regulus didn’t know any better she'd think she hears shame and regret mixed into the words. “I know.”
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thefringespod · 5 months
And we're back with another #AudioDramaSunday! Starting off with @eelerschoice which had a new release this week and it was marvelous . Every bit of magic weaved into this world is a work of art and each performance is always stellar. You gotta listen to Eeler's Choice <3
This week's @thesiltverses ripped my heart out it was absolutely gorgeous! Just a brilliant little one off that developed characters wonderfully in the short time they were there and then made me sob at the end
There was new @kingmakerpod that came out this week which I haven't had a chance to get to but I'm so excited for each episode of The Kingmaker Histories they're always such a lovely time
After a month of listening I'm finally caught up on @woebegonepod which is a masterful podcast that makes me feel every emotion under the sun. Dylan wrote a phenomenal story that he and the other VAs brought to life wonderfully. Happy 3rd anniversary, WBG! Its an honor to listen
Here on the Fringes, we've released the trailer for season 2!! The season will start on Wednesday, December 6
Missed the trailer? Check it out here!
And over on @forgedbondspod the casting call is officially out! There are 8 open roles and you have until December 15th to submit your audition. You can learn more in the post here:
I'm also delighted to announce that I've started a patreon to support both of my shows (and any shows that come after!) Patrons will get early access to all episodes of the Fringes and Forged Bonds as well as BTS content. Visit patreon.com/PineTreePods to learn more!
That's all for this week! Not quite sure what's on the docket now that I've completed Woe.Begone
A month of my life has passed by so fast and all I wanna do is start WBG again 😅 but the to listen list beckons so there will definitely be something new next week!
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bulletproofscales · 1 year
fem boy feb day 3 - fashion , uniform (seokjin)
honestly im kind of proud of this one 
tags: jinkook , chubby seokjin, seokjin is about to enlist , hurt comfort, stuffing , sexy costumes , stuffing ,ripping clothes ,  surprisingly SFW!
Seokjin is done. Done with the farewell parties, done with the crying, done with the pity check-ups. He’s going to the military, he’ll be fine. It hit his fellow BTS members the hardest, his departure would really solidify these years  they’ll spend without making music together. No matter how much Seokjin insisted he’d be more than okay if they wanted to make music as a band with him in the military, they refused. And Seokjin had to hide how relieved he was about that fact. 
They’ve mostly gotten over it, with nearly a week of sleeping over at Seokjin’s apartment, and copious amounts of alcohol, and trying to squeeze all 7 of them into Seokjin’s bed. It reminded him of their old days, and he didn’t even know he needed it until they were all there; hugging him goodbye after their little getaway (more like the illegal settlement) in his home. And seeing how happy they all seemed made him feel soothed; more than he’s felt in a while since they took the decision to start enlisting. 
All of them… but Jungkook. 
He is trying to hide it from Seokjin, that much is obvious. But Jungkook’s always been such a bad liar. It would be cute, if it didn’t make Seokjin’s chest tighten. They’ve been together for so long, becoming more than friends. Seokjin doesn’t exactly remember when, one day they were trainees, the next he was kissing Yoongi in their shared bedroom; knowing fully well the same was happening everywhere else in the apartment. 
It's more than friendship, it's more than romance. They’re soulmates, and he doesn't blame Jungkook. But he can’t leave his baby like that. He’s giving Jungkook a pick-me-up, and showed up at his apartment after getting confirmation to a short ‘are you home?’
The puzzled expression in Jungkook’s face quickly melts away at the sight of Seokjin. Or more like… at the sight of the fried chicken bags Seokjin brought with him. 
“Hyung! You shouldn’t have.” 
“I was driving and passed it by! This is the place you’d talk about nonstop, right?” Seokjin grins, his partner so entranced by the chicken he forgets to ask what's in the older’s bag. Perfect. 
“It is, but I already have dinner.” He pouts, letting Seokjin in. 
A smile spreads on his lips before he turns over his shoulder to eye Jungkook. “Who said it was for you?” He bites into his plump bottom lip just to hold himself from giggling; the way Jungkook’s jaw drops before an eager smile takes over his entire face. 
“Oh. It's that kind of night, huh?” He closes the door, but his eyes stay glued to Seokjin. 
“I missed you.” Seokjin sets the two bags down on the coffee table. No malice in his tone but a knowing smile in his face when he continues. “You keep avoiding me…” 
“It wasn’t personal.” Jungook walks up to him, arm wrapping around Seokjin’s lower back, hand rubbing his hip. “I’ll avoid everyone that enlists!” Jungkook’s wide eyes melt at his heart, coaxing a soft chuckle out of him before he leans for a soft kiss. 
“Let me change into something comfy… And then we can get started on my dinner.” He combs Jungkook’s long hair out of his face. The eager starry eyes that greet him back behind his fringe is worth it. 
“Alright.” Jungkook releases him from his embrace. Pleased with himself, Seokjin goes to change to the bathroom.It’s so cheap, bordering on tacky. But it will get a smile out of Jungkook, for sure. 
“I’m starving.” He announces, already walking to the living room nonchalant. Just to appreciate the way Jungkook’s head snaps up at the sight of the older, and his uniform. 
Camouflage spandex that made his skin tight jumpsuit. Clinging to the chub that always loved to collect at his hips, the pudge of his belly evident in a way that would make their stylists faint in distress. Bulging forward, creating a crease of the spandex as it sags down a little. The outline of his belly button see through and dents the smooth curve of tubby fat. The small rolls at his sides showing as well, the material molding to them perfectly. A zipper that goes from his navel up to his chest is zipped all the way; just so it can accentuate his softer perky chest. The scratchy material doing nothing for his poor softened nipples. And the tight seams rode up to the base of his thighs and squeezed painfully, cutting off the circulation of his chunky legs with each step. 
“H–hyung- what?” Jungkook sounds a little breathless just from the sight of him; only making Seokjin’s smile widen. 
Once they decided they’d be going to enlist. Seokjin decided to go full out in the last months he had. Not bothering to restrain any of his eating in the slightest; he'd have to lose it all off anyway in his training. And it hadn't been long into his hedonist spree that he noticed Jungkook taking a liking to it; and not even that much later until Seokjin started getting him involved. 
“I need to bulk up for the army Jungkook-ah.” He says finally approaching where the younger hurriedly sits up straight on the couch. Eyes following the enclosed jiggling of Seokjin’s body; spandex doing nothing to restrain it. Before he takes a seat on top of the younger’s lap. Loving the exhale of air he coaxes out of him. “And you’ll help me, right?” 
Seokjin loves even more the way his soft belly presses to Jungkook’s flat torso. The younger still looks astonished when he nods, his aroused shock inviting Seokjin to lean closer until their lips brush together. “I need to get big… Really big.” He whispers as his hands work in tandem, picking up the bags and bringing them next to Jungkook. 
“Fuck, open up, hyung.” Jungkook whispers with arousal as he scavenges through the box picking up the first piece and bringing it to the older’s eager open lips. Pushing in the wing and letting Seokjin devour it entirely, until he bobs his head backwards and the bone slips out completely clean. “You’re going to be so out of shape when you get there…” He muses out loud, Seokjin’s moans muffled by the food forced past his lips; having to wait until he swallows to respond. 
“I want to be the fattest cadet in my squad-hmf!” Another chicken piece is forced in before he can even finish. 
“You probably already are.” Jungkook smirks letting his eyes shamelessly trail over his plump body. “Not even got there and you're already bursting your uniform, hyungie.” The hand that isn’t feeding him caresses down the side of Seokjin’s thickened waist. Feeling the way the seam line sinks a little into the chub; small stacked rolls stretching it more than it seems to be able to handle. 
Maybe Seokjin bought a size too small, it was part of the plan. But he’ll pretend not to notice for Jungkook to feel even more aroused. 
“A-ah… It fit when I bought it.” He bites his lip embarrassed, eyeing Jungkook with wide guilty eyes. 
“Did you buy it last year?” He giggles letting his hands try and grope at his ever expanding bloat but it’s nearly impossible. Not because of Seokjin’s bloat, no; his stomach has a constant layer of pliant fat even when he’s at his most stuffed. But because of the tight spandex reaching its tightest fit. 
“J–just shut up and feed me.” Jungkook manages to embarrass him even when Seokjin knows the full truth that he didn’t outgrow unknowingly. Tips of his ears burning as he whines for more food. Luckily, Jungkook is quick to oblige; grabbing to tenders and stretching Seokjin’s cheek messily. 
He can only groan and try his hardest to chew through everything, letting his hands cup his distended tight belly. Looking down he sees the camouflage pattern fainting to white from how much the spandex struggles to hold onto Seokjin’s newfound girth. Only motivating him more as he pushes forward to Jungkook’s hands feeding him. Ravishing everything that comes close to his lips. 
“You won’t be able to hide it under any uniform. Everyone’s gonna know how spoiled you were back home.” He sighs, arousal brodering with love sick. “Gonna know there was someone taking care of you, waiting.” Seokjin nods delirious, moaning through his mouthfuls of oily food. Forcing himself to swallow as quickly as he can and lean to kiss Jungkook’s lips hungrily. 
Fuck. He is going to miss this man so much. 
It's only once he leaned forward, that the zipper of his uniform caves in to the pressure. Sliding open the entire way, from his chest to the base of his navel. Jungkook chuckling in between kisses as his hands finally get a proper grip on Seokjin’s body. Letting his rugged hands sneak in the opening and grope at the soft squishy fat. It's Jungkook’s turn to swallow as Seokjin moans into his lips, melting at his touch. 
With a hold of his love handles, Jungkook pulls him impossibly closer. “Thank you for tonight, hyungie.” He whispers, grinning so wide and excited. 
Seokjin has to catch his breath before responding. He really is out of shape. “We just started, sweetheart.” 
It's already 3 months into his enlistment when he hears Jungkook has been doing chicken mukbangs of the same brand; eating huge amounts of it in public. And he can’t help but wonder if his baby has similar plans. 
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winterrhayle · 10 months
Ive been watching you and Bea go back and forth making each other rank Taylor albums and Im going to miss it SO MUCH Could you two rank the taylor swift tour videos please? I love looking at you guys' takes on things (even if yours are just complimenting every song and Bea is the one who knows how to actually criticise things 💀) love you guys <3 - an anonymous observer😉💗
TYSM :((((( SOBBING LY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @deprivedmusicaljunkie look we've been percieved ! anon ur slight diss at me for not being able to criticise things is KILLING ME HAHAHHAHAHA (ur right though)
okayy heres my tour ranking (note that there isnt an official tour video for red OR eras so this probs affects my ranking,,, more for red than eras bc i see eras content every single day online anyway)
speak now world tour - okay i may be biased because this is my favourite album,, but even if it wasnt this would be her best tour (in my opinion),, i feel like in her old concerts she was so theatrical, and parts of it kinda looked like a full broadway production,, also the iconic elements like the lyrics on the arm, also shout out to the live album recording of this bc i listen to it soooo much and its amazing and perfect and show stopping etc etc im literally gonna list a bunch of iconic moments right here: THE HAUNTED BELL, the fireworks during dear john, the koi fish guitar with the light up tree, the gold fringe dress (DROP EVERYTHING NOW) the ballgown, just the wholle thing is the best thing i have ever seen
eras tour - this tour actually is killing me with all of the nostalgia watching her sing through and acknowledge all of her old albums and past selves (except debut, rip😔). and i especially love all of the details from past concerts she has (like the fearless spins, the sparkly & koi guitars, the over head hand heart) and also the new visuals for existing tours (like the old taylors in glass cages for rep) AND the visuals for the albums that hadnt been toured before (lover, folklore, evermore, midnights) i just think that she really did her albums justice (again, apart from debut☠️) and its insane that the show is so long 3+ hours
reputation stadium tour - karyn the snake is the coolest thing ive ever seen. also the ready for it intro with the hooded bodysuit outfit is ICONIC,,, i love the choreo on this tour, like the part of i did something bad where taylor gets lifted up like a cheerleader (AHHHHHH) and i love the quiet long live / new years day moment on the piano,, its so nice
the red tour - like i said before, there isnt a tour movie for this one so i dont know as much about it, but i loveeee how fun it is, i love the ringleader outift and circus theme for the closing song, we are never ever getting back toghether (my favourite part of the show) and i love the unnecessary hairflips during all too well😭
the 1989 world tour - this tour feels like her biggest one (even though it isnt), its like the most pop artist thing ever, its less theatre-production like than any of her other tours and it feels less personal? that being said its obviously very iconic, im forever obsessed with the wildest dreams/enchanted mashup, and that one out of the woods bodysuit that she only wore once for some reason, + the FOREVER iconic rock version of wanegbt BUT THE WAY THE TOUR MOVIE IS EDITED IS SOOOO ANNOYING LIKE IT SWITCHES TO A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE EVERY 2 SECONDS😭 anyway i really do appreciate this tour bc taylor really did give it everything she had, and looking at the miss americana documentary, u can tell it was really hard to have put on that show with what she was going through
fearless tour - this is ranked last but i actually really like this one, its cute. her vocals werent as good as they are currently but idc because this show was so funny,, it had the iconicccc throwing of the red chairs in forever & always and shoudlve said no in the rain!!!!!!!!
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View More: topdongthapaz.com - Top Dong Thap AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Dong Thap AZ: Hồ Nhật Thành - Ho Nhat Thanh What do you think of with these performers together with their politics? Would they think people who pay $100 a lot more to hear them sing want to be controlled by them utter political judgments? The audience pays hundreds of thousands of dollars discover and hear a performer PERFORM. You need to spout politics, run for freakin office, you moron! When performers use a paid venue to play politics they are abusing the paying audience, the venue, the sponsors and everyone connected thus artistic show. It's an inappropriate venue and inapproprite behavior to voice your political viewpoint, you jerk! And they wonder individuals boo. As well, each province and territory has individual rules. Ontario charges eight percent retail sales tax on many typical Internet transactions whereas Alberta does not have a provincial sales tax. It didn't take really miss me to accomplish that i thought no approach to make money in real residence. Consequently, I removed these houses as fast as I should have. There were plenty of buyers, for you to take over my headaches, because they had the opportunity to make it work, they believed. Writing allows us get in contact what is hidden from us, giving us strategies those questions that discover a method to baffle us often exposing the source of our tempers.
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tilbageidanmark · 1 year
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Movies I watched this Week #109 (Year 3/Week 5):
(I had a hard time concentrating on movies this week: I got bored easily and started a dozen films I had to click off after a few minutes. Anyway, below are the few I managed to finish :)
2 by Polish poet Lech Majewski:
🍿 A wonderful new discovery, the visually-stunning The Mill and the Cross. It’s a literal recreation of Bruegel’s 1564 painting ‘The Procession to Calvary’, done in Newport Beach’s ‘Pageant of the Masters’ style. (Photo Above). With a minimal narrative and nearly no dialog, it transports a masterpiece from one medium into another. (Discovered Here). 10/10. 
🍿 “... Madame, do you know what mood spelled backward is?...”
His latest drama, Valley of the Gods, however, was disappointing: A symbolic story mixing an indigent Navaho tribe, the richest man in the world who wants to buy the Indian land to mine for Uranium and a writer whose wife flew away with her hang gliding instructor - it was a senseless artsy mess. There were some overtures to Kubrick by using David Bowman as the butler, and Purcell’s Music For The Funeral Of Queen Mary for the finale. But all the mysticism didn’t work for me, as beautiful as the canvass it was painted on it was.
I was planning to continue with his 2014 ‘Field of Dogs’, but will now do so after a break.
When I lived in Paris in the mid-70′s, I hang around the fringes of certain Dušan Makavejev fan-groups, and at one point I was invited to join their free-spirited commune for some everything-goes sexual explorations. But after seeing his Sweet Movie I promptly drifted away.
Watching it again 50 years later, it didn’t seem so bad.... Until the third act... when this surrealistic Jodorowski-lite agitprop fable turned into a full-on shit-smearing, vomit-orgy, Primal-Therapy violent explosion. Crazed anti-capitalist, (and anti-Marxist), polymorphic-perverse, subversive anarchy. mixed with grainy footage of WW2 massacres and seduction of children it’s depraved, revolting and unpleasant shock cinema at its peak. 2/10.
“... You’re innocent when you dream”...
Another surprising new discovery, an art-house film so obscure that it doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page: Miss Osaka, by Daniel Dencik, a Danish director (who lives in Samoa). It’s a slow and atmospheric story about Ines, an introverted young woman on vacation in Norway who meets there a beautiful free-spirited woman from Japan. When Mimiko drowns while swimming out under the Northern lights, Ines steals her identity and escapes to Osaka, where she starts working as a hostess at her old nightclub. An elusive parable about identity, not as deep as Antonioni’s ‘The Passenger’, but nearly just as evocative. The trailer. 8/10.
Bonus points for Tom Waits quotes (which was also used in ‘Smoke’)!
I picked the Bollywood romantic Dil Se.. completely in random, just to spend the evening with a mindless, silly musical, and indeed the first number they burst out singing (on rooftop of a moving train) was the famous Chaiyya Chaiyya with Indian superstar SRK, so that was a good sign!
Unfortunately, the rest was a mess: Only 4 or 5 dance numbers (including this sexy Satrangi Re) were to be enjoyed during the stretched out 3-hours. The story was about a man who obsessively stalks a woman he sees at a train station, before realizing that she is a suicide bomber belonging to some revolutionary “terrorists”. 2/10.
Harry Caul X 2:
🍿 What does it say about me, that after thousands of movies that I’ve seen, if I had to choose only one as my most favorite, it will without a doubt be Coppola’s paranoiac The conversation? And I’m not even Catholic.
RIP, Cindy Williams.
🍿 So I used this chance to see, once again, another of my favorite Deep State surveillance-paranoia thrillers, Enemy of the state. Predating Snowden’s NSA disclosures, it plays as fresh today as it did 25 years ago. With Skyler White as Jon Voight (His best role ever?) and Jack Black, who lusts after the middle age Latina nanny with the unshaven legs. 9/10.
Paprika, my first by Satoshi Kon, and one of my first anime films. A complicated mind-fuck soup about a dream-thief that was hard for me to understand, and even more so to appreciate. It reminded me in parts of ‘Spirited Away’, but Miyazaki’s miraculously-mysterious story was geared toward 10 year old girls, and this one had appeal to 20 year old boys.
Discovered it here, which may have been better.
...“Isadora Duncan - worked at Telefunken”...
Let it be, Michael Lindsay-Hogg’s 1970 Beatles documentary, recording their last album, and including the original footage from the Apple building rooftop concert on Savile Row. So many great moments in it, the full rendition of ‘The long and winding road’, goofing off with ‘Bésame Mucho’, John and Yoko waltzing alone... Peter Jackson cleaned up the grainy images and incorporated them into his 8 hours ‘Get Back’ doc.
"I'd like to say thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves, and I hope we passed the audition!"
Restless, my 10th by Gus Van Sant. A slight, sweet romance about a young guy, Dennis Hopper’s son, who - like Harold - likes to attend strangers’ funerals. In one of them he meets and falls in love with short-haired teenage Mia Wasikowska, who has only 3 months to live, before she will die of a brain tumor. 5/10.
Incidentally, the opening titles were playing ‘On our way home’ from ‘Let it be’!
Make Hummus Not War, a slight Australian documentary frames its topic as the conflicting views on which people can claim the ownership, even the genesis, for everybody’s favorite dish. This gives the journalist/filmmaker an excuse to travel to Lebanon, Israel and Palestine, and eat in dozens of hummus restaurants. I mainly watched it, because Mmmmm, Hummus...
Really love, an all-black romantic comedy written by a first time writer and directed by a first time female director. Maybe they were inspired by ‘In the mood for love’, but it surely didn’t look that way. Too shallow and thin with no character development or flair. 2/10.
Everybody has their ‘Best of’ list for Black Mirror. Of the 23 episodes, there are 7 that I watched many times, 9 that I watched once and will probably never re-visit, and others that are in between. My most favorites (in no special order) are ‘The National Anthem’, AKA ‘fuck-a-pig’, ‘Hated in the nation’ (a masterpiece), ‘USS Callister’ with Nanette Cole, ‘Striking Vipers’ and ‘Smithereens’. The ones that I disliked were mostly of the ‘Mean Violent’ kind, ‘White Bear’, ‘White Christmas’, ‘Playtest’, ‘Men against fire’. So I decided to re-watch some of those in between:
🍿 Crocodile is dark and horrifying, and the Icelandic landscapes are a distinct character in the story.
🍿 Hang the DJ is about the difficulties of dating, so it didn’t speak to me specifically, but it was actually a sweet romance with an uplifting ending, which is unusual for Black Mirror. 
🍿 Be right back, another semi-sweet romance, mixed with the exploration of grief. A young loving couple, a fatal accident, an unexpected pregnancy, and bringing the dead back to life, what not to love.
🍿 I ran the main 5 mutations of Bandersnatch together with Adora, when it premiered and when she was 9. She liked it, but I’m not sure why, as it wasn’t our usual fair at all. Seeing it now (in the static 90 min. pirated version) has only 3 positives: The unique ability to interact and “create one’s own adventure”, the Laurie Anderson’s ‘Oh Superman’ alternative and the oh-so-clever Netflix meta-joke. The narrative was miserable and not interesting in the least. 3/10.
🍿 The Entire History of You, a completely dull domestic drama of manners about jealousy. It was so forgettable, that I couldn’t recall seeing a single detail from it, even though I saw it before. Ironic, since it was about people who can remember every emotion they ever had.
🍿 In 2018 Polish Netflix issued ‘Little Black Mirror’, 4 short YouTube webisodes, made by young local filmmakers. The superficial stories about influencers, new relationship apps and an expecting young couple who learn that their son is going to become a murderous psychopath, showed that the Black Mirror ‘feels’ are easy to parody and copy, with sleek, streamlined technology, modern interiors and unsettling scenarios. But they were inferior to and much more predictable than the originals. At least they were short.
🍿 Conclusion: ‘Black Mirror’ is considered a ‘great’ series, but many of its episodes are mediocre. The ones that I like, rule. And the other ones suck. Still, I can’t wait for series 6.
Donks, a new short from Felix Colgrave about ocean plastic, avatars and adaptive bottom feeders. Cyriak-lite.
(My complete movie list is here)
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nedflix-n-chill · 1 year
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12 Days of Christmas #3 The Scary of Sixty-First Oh, oh this one's definitely gonna divide people. I mean it already has. I've seen reviews swing through the whole spectrum. A lotta people think this film is absolute trash and well, honestly... that just made me wanna watch it more. So I did, and they're right, and that's exactly why I dug the fuck outta it. I'm always rambling about how I missed the golden age of exploitation, desperately wishing I could have been almost stabbed in the middle of a double feature on the deuce, something I'll never get to experience. So take this as the most high complement that this is. The Scary of Sixty-First is the closest thing I've seen to a modern day exploitation film. 2 young women get a deal on an Upper East Side Manhattan apartment that it turns out... just might have been owned by Jeffrey Epstein. Yep, that Jeffrey Epstein. Its like a trash Rosemary's Baby with an incredibly bad taste ripped from the headlines plot. Delving into uncomfortable fringe conspiracy madness and a possession subplot that will make feel like you're gonna end up on a government watch list. The Scary of Sixty-First has no problem pushing the boundaries of questionable content, completely unconcerned with any moral take aways, this film's way more interested in wallowing in bad taste. There's gonna be a huge chunk of the audience that's just not gonna be able to vibe with this and that's fine. That's what a good trash film should do. But stick with it, it's funnier than you'd expect. Shot on 16mm it looks and most importantly FEELS like good old fashioned exploitation. Thank you Dasha Nekrasova and Madeline Quinn for making me feel, in that 81 minutes, like I just might get pissed on by a semi conscious junkie who mistook the empty seat next to me for a urinal.  It's truly a very sleazy Christmas miracle. https://www.instagram.com/p/CmPkGveP1P6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pedersenbailey9 · 2 years
replica burberry scarf 14
Burberry Scarf This was academic data, not that I can afford a Burberry scarf, but affirms that “if it’s too good to be true, it most likely isn’t”. A very lengthy time in the past, I bought a bronze canine on Ebay from a vendor exterior of the US. The object wasn’t bronze, however it was a canine, about 3″ tall and weighed not extra than a French fry. I’m wanting ahead to carrying it for a couple of years to come. If I had to choose on which scarf was actual based mostly on the tags that got here on the scarves, I would have chosen wrong. The fake scarf had a more impressive wanting tag than the true scarf did. That fluffy look that the authentic scarf has is already misplaced. Gucci Fringed Web Stripe ScarfInstantly recognizable as a Gucci type, the Fringed Web Stripe Scarf provides an Italian crafted reply to drops in the temperature. The green, red and tan colorway promotes the Florence-based trend house’s high-end aesthetic while the fringe trim seals the deal. wikipedia scarf Find Burberry trench coats, sneakers, handbags and other accessories on 1stDibs. Universally famend for its trench coats, footwear, leather goods and other accessories, luxury British fashion house Burberry has undergone several transformations since its inception within the nineteenth century. If you need help with the authentication of your Burberry scarf, we’ve got you lined. That is why we now have compiled this fast 60 seconds solution to authenticating your Burberry scarf. Below are the highest 4 indicators that may allow you to decide in case you have a fake or real Burberry scarf. This first image of the 2 scarves laying side-by-side, best reveals essentially the most notable difference between the actual Burberry scarf and the fake one. You can’t miss the blurriness of the black stripe running through the fake scarf. That’s not dye that has bled downward on the headband, it’s the fuzz of the cashmere hanging downward that causes it to have that blurred effect. When I visited eBay, I was surprised to see a “Buy Now” public sale for a “New” Burberry scarf that seemed equivalent to the one I had just purchased, only for much less. The vendor had wonderful suggestions after many transactions and accepted returns if an item was returned within 14 days. Since the headscarf was such an excellent deal, I decided to order it to give as a gift next Christmas. Kind of makes me marvel if it was somebody they knew. Seems like they had to know the eBayer they hacked would notice! Maybe they search for accounts where there hasn’t been any selling activity for some time so they figure the eBay seller won’t notice immediately. Having stated all that – Burberry’s mill is in Scotland so the quality is much superior – I truly have a Burberry scarf even their sun shades are superb. Do not hyperlink as much as the party if you’re doing so to advertise an internet site or sell a product. Burberry would by no means use thread that didn’t mix in, and would by no means go away a free thread protruding like we noticed on the fake scarf. skel.io burberry scarf replica I tried to get a close up so you would see the difference within the weave. Notice how the cashmere fabric of the actual Burberry scarf appears more plush and bit fuzzier. The fake Burberry scarf does really feel very gentle, however not fairly as delicate as the actual scarf on the proper. While we completely love a great Burberry scarf, they’re fairly expensive (like $500 expensive). There is no doubt that the quintessential Burberry check pattern on their scarves are essentially the most recognizable in the world! But is it value it to pay a high price-tag for his or her scarf? Why must you pay more when you will get the precise same thing at a price that is means cheaper? Our Burberry scarf knock off is manufactured from the exact same materials as an authentic one. Pictured beneath is the inside of a Burberry scarf tag. There’s no telling what number of of us those type sites rip off every single day. Oh, I nearly fell for a type of sites one time. I was looking for a “bird” shirt by Barbour and after googling I discovered it listed on a store web site that appeared fully legitimate. Look out for designs woven into the scarf, not printed on. The material is washed in local spring water and carefully brushed with teasels for a super-soft finish. Many of Burberry’s more affordable scarves are made in other international locations. For instance, the popular rib-knit wool collar scarves are made in Italy.
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norris82rivas · 2 years
replica burberry scarf 14
Burberry Scarf This was educational data, not that I can afford a Burberry scarf, but affirms that “if it’s too good to be true, it in all probability isn’t”. A long time ago, I bought a bronze canine on Ebay from a seller exterior of the US. The object wasn’t bronze, but it was a dog, about 3″ tall and weighed no extra than a French fry. I’m looking forward to wearing it for many years to return. If I had to decide on which scarf was real based mostly on the tags that came on the scarves, I would have chosen mistaken. The fake scarf had a more impressive wanting tag than the actual scarf did. That fluffy look that the authentic scarf has is already misplaced. Gucci Fringed Web Stripe ScarfInstantly recognizable as a Gucci type, the Fringed Web Stripe Scarf presents an Italian crafted reply to drops in the temperature. The green, red and tan colorway promotes the Florence-based trend house’s high-end aesthetic whereas the perimeter trim seals the deal. Find Burberry trench coats, sneakers, purses and different accessories on 1stDibs. Universally famend for its trench coats, footwear, leather goods and other accessories, luxurious British trend house Burberry has undergone several transformations since its inception in the nineteenth century. If you need assistance with the authentication of your Burberry scarf, we’ve got you coated. That is why we have compiled this fast 60 seconds answer to authenticating your Burberry scarf. Below are the highest 4 indicators that can assist you to determine if you have a fake or actual Burberry scarf. This first image of the 2 scarves laying side-by-side, best reveals probably the most notable difference between the real Burberry scarf and the fake one. You can’t miss the blurriness of the black stripe working via the fake scarf. That’s not dye that has bled downward on the scarf, it’s the fuzz of the cashmere hanging downward that causes it to have that blurred effect. When I visited eBay, I was stunned to see a “Buy Now” auction for a “New” Burberry scarf that looked identical to the one I had just purchased, just for a lot less. The vendor had glorious suggestions after many transactions and accepted returns if an item was returned inside 14 days. Since the headscarf was such a good deal, I decided to order it to provide as a present subsequent Christmas. Kind of makes me marvel if it was somebody they knew. Seems like they needed to know the eBayer they hacked would notice! Maybe they look for accounts the place there hasn’t been any selling activity for a while so they figure the eBay vendor won’t discover right away. Having stated all that – Burberry’s mill is in Scotland so the standard is much superior – I truly have a Burberry scarf even their sunglasses are wonderful. Do not link as much as the celebration if you’re doing so to promote a web site or sell a product. wikipedia scarf Burberry would by no means use thread that didn’t mix in, and would never depart a free thread protruding like we noticed on the fake scarf. burberry scarf replica I tried to get an in depth up so you can see the difference within the weave. Notice how the cashmere cloth of the actual Burberry scarf looks extra plush and bit fuzzier. The fake Burberry scarf does really feel very soft, but not fairly as delicate as the true scarf on the best. When the now-familiar examine — a plaid verify with black, white and purple stripes on a background of beige — was added as a lining in the course of the Twenties, a trend icon was born. Scarves and different gadgets featuring the sample rendered the Burberry plaid an instantly recognizable hallmark of the home across the globe. 100 percent genuine Burberry London examine scarf in black, beige, sand, gentle blue cashmere . There’s no telling what number of folks those type websites rip off every single day. Oh, I nearly fell for a kind of sites one time. I was trying to find a “bird” shirt by Barbour and after googling I discovered it listed on a retailer site that seemed utterly legitimate. This was a superb and informative submit Susan. Over thirteen years in the past I ordered fairly an costly watch on ebay and when I went to a jeweler who specialised within the model to have the band adjusted I was told it was a fake. At that time Ebay didn’t have a a refund assure so I realized a tough lesson.
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bts-hyperfixation · 3 years
Mommy Can You Hear Me?
Kinktober Day 13 - Jimin/Mommy ABO
Warnings: Mommy kink, hunter/prey dynamic, ABO, Sub!Jimin, Omega Jimin.
You could hear his whines 3 rooms over. Jimin always got loud during his pre-heat. Poor thing didn’t even realise what was happening half the time, too reliant on his Alpha to keep track of it for him. And of course, you did. It was just fun watching him getting worked up over silly things. Currently, he was gaming, and it sounded like he was losing.
“Chimmy? You’ll have to stop playing if you can’t play nice,” You chastise. He quiets down for a little while, but it doesn’t last long. Instead of telling him off again you put down your book and wandered through the halls to find him. You dragged your nails along the wall, letting him know you were coming. You can smell his hormones increase with each step you take.
“Chimmy? Baby boy?” You drag out the syllables, calling to him as you stalk through the halls. “Didn’t I tell you to be quiet, angel?” You round the corner into the doorway of your bedroom to find him missing from his gaming set-up. “Aw baby, how did you know I wanted to play hide and seek.” You scan the room, listening carefully for his heartbeat.
You smirk when you find him. The door to the wardrobe was left ajar, his toes visible through the gap. Slowly you walk towards him. This time you didn’t want him to hear you, you wanted him to stew in his nerves, he smells so pretty when he is nervous. You rip the door open and pull him from the closet and into your arms.
“Found you.” You sing-song, grinning down at him. He squirmed a little, but the fight leaves him easily. As soon as he is docile, you litter his face with kisses until he’s giggling.
“Stop, mommy stop!” He laughs wriggling again.
“Aw, feeling a little submissive today baby? Do you know why? Or did you forget to keep track again?” You tease him, walking back towards the bed so he can sit on your lap.
“I forgot again…” He bows his head sheepishly. He gets so cute when he is close to his heat, it's hard to resist. You pinch his pouty bottom lip in between your thumb and forefinger and tug a little until he faced you.
“It’s okay Chim, that’s why mommy is here. Taking care of my needy boy is my favourite thing.”
“Love my mommy.” He says snuggling in. He needs to be coddled like this at the start. The heat itself was a lot harsher, degrading names and punishments. Jimin loves to be a brat after the fever breaks. That’s part of the reason you love him so much like this. Although bratty Jimin comes with his own fun, teasing him and taking care of him is the best part. Especially right now.
He unfolds himself to straddle you, and your hands go to his waist supporting him in your lap. Beads of sweat had started to appear on his forehead. His eyes are lidded as he meets yours, bottom lip sucked between his teeth.
“It’s starting mommy. My hole feels too small again, need to stretch it. Need you to help me.” He whispers as if it’s the world’s biggest secret.
“I know baby, I know. But I can’t take care of you just yet. You know my clit won’t grow until your hormones are in full swing, that’s just how it works.” You brush his fringe back out of his eyes and tie the back with the hairband from your wrist. He whimpers and leans his head on your shoulder. His hips rock back and forth on your lap, rubbing his little omega cock against your tummy.
“Please mommy, pretty please. Fingers? Toys? Anything?” he mouths at your neck; his motions get faster to try to get some friction.
“Have you been a good boy Chimmy? Do you deserve my help?” It’s a little mean to mess with him like this, but it’s just so cute to watch him beg.
“Yes mommy, always a good boy, your good boy. Please, please, please.” He licks at your skin between each plead. He whimpers in your ear as he waits for your decision.
“Okay baby, I’ll help.” His head perks up in his excitement. You hold two fingers up to his mouth and he takes them as deep as he can, swirling his tongue around the digits. He moans at the feeling. “Good boy, now take your pants off for me.” He stands, a little reluctant to leave your lap. You watch as he shimmies out of his sweats, enjoying the show.
“Touch me now?” He asks waiting for your next command.
“Twirl for me first, let me see how far away we are.” He turns around and presents himself for you. You reach out to squeeze his bum, unable to resist the juicy peach in front of you. When you pull your hands back he turns back to face you.
“Now mommy?” He bats his eyelashes at you. It’s a face very hard to refuse. You pat your lap, and he sits back where he started. You hold your fingers up for him to lick once more before moving them around to his needy little hole. You start with one. He groans at the intrusion, head falling backwards and hip rutting forwards as he finally gets some relief from the building pain.
“Feel good baby boy?” You ask, curling the digit into his prostate. He nods fervently and you insert the other finger to help. Stretching him prepares him for the following days. It’s a little hard to think about foreplay in the throes of a heat and while you are a female alpha and your clit doesn’t necessarily inflate to the same size as a knot, it’s always better to prepare an omega.
As your two fingers scissor inside of him, the slick starts to come helping the glide. He resumes his previous rocking. Your free hand reaches between you to pump his cock for him, moving in time to the fingers pressing into his prostate.
“Getting close baby?” you kiss his nose as he starts to pant.
“So close mommy, want to cum now.” He struggles to keep his eyes open and on you.
“Okay baby, you can cum. Let go, angel.” A few more pumps and he unloads into your lap. A shrill whine echoes around the room as he releases. You remove your fingers while he finishes, using the hand to stop him from slipping onto the floor. He slumps against you when the orgasm stops, cuddling sleepily into you. “Ready for bed now baby.” He nods into the crook of your neck, and you lift him into your arms.
You lay him out on to the duvet, gathering his nesting materials and some baby wipes. You clean between his legs first, then around his cock trying not to overstimulate him. His t-shirt comes off next, you replace it with his favourite, the nightshirt that smells like you. You strip yourself of your own clothes and watch fondly as he absentmindedly arranges his blankets and pillows. He makes sure to leave just enough space for you, his best pillow saved for your head.
Once changed you slip in next to him, allowing him to fuss with the fabrics and plushies around you until he is comfortable. He then rolls onto your chest and passes out immediately, sucking on his thumb. You can’t help but smile knowing what a slut he was going to become in the next 8 hours.
Kinktober Masterlist 2021
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goldenlaquer · 3 years
Can I get some fluff headcanons about Kamui and Abuto reacting to their s/o suffering from a terrible nightmare >3< ♡
this request is ultimate comfort. Thank you so so so much for your request and your patience <(_ _)>
Gintama Headcanons:
When your hands lash out in the dark, ripping through the prison of the twisted sheets, Abuto's already there, pulling you from the tangled sweat-soaked mess and gathering together your trembling form into his lap. "Hey, hey," his sleep-rasped voice murmurs quietly. He presses his lips against the edge of your moisture-beaded hairline, and the kind gesture so soothing and gentle has you releasing another wave of fat tears. "I got you. I got you, sweetheart. What's the matter?"
Things are a bit too fresh, and you aren't ready to talk about it. You try to steady yourself, quell the hurt in your chest and the fear pounding through your veins, blindly burying your face into the crook of his neck as if to hide from the horrible terrors still bleeding into reality. Squeezing him with all your limbs as tight as you can, you attempt to focus on the solid mass of Abuto— dig deeper into him to try and take that unwavering strength of his to rebuild where you have none. No good, you can't quite calm down, and your breaths comes out as distressed gasps, making Abuto think that his hardened heart might just crack from hearing them.
Clearly, this won't do. It's one of the moments where, Abuto thinks with some wryness, he misses having two good arms, but his one is going to have to work just fine here, and he gently pries your death grip off of him, slowly shifting you until he has you seated on a thigh, your hand in his big one. Then he starts massaging, rubbing some life back into your stiff fingers, caressing your wrists and firmly running his thumb on the creases of your palm and the skin between your thumb and forefinger, as you peek from your spot in his neck, fixating on the sight of your joined hands, your breaths finally growing less shallow and more stable as he continues to knead your hand.
He's nothing if not a good listener when you surface ready to speak to him, patient and encouraging as you sniff through the recounting of the nightmare, letting you wipe your tearful and snotty face on his sleeping shirt like a child between the pauses.
"Sorry," you croak into the ruined fabric sometime later, smiling weakly up at Abuto as he gives a small chuckle, leaning down to affectionately kiss the top of your head. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about it. I hate this shirt anyway. Let's get some rest."
As you drift back to sleep, he keeps on holding your hand, threading his fingers between yours, and when you squeeze him when the anxiety rises again, he squeezes back softly to show you that he isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
"Wait." Your eyes flutter open. "I got you this shirt."
He feels thrashing movements in the bed, and wakes thinking that this is going to be a fight that he's going to fucking relish as he whips around, and abruptly stops.
It's not a bold intruder that he's already made up his mind about to give a slow death, but you, stuck in the fringes of a fitful sleep, little whines and twitches wracking from the tight ball you've curled yourself into so small.
His fingers slowly reaches out to graze over your face, feeling the sweat the clings to it and the air that frantically wheezes out from your lungs. And when he pulls his fingers away and inspects them, it's not sweat, but tears. Another pained groan rises from you, but a single glance-over is all it takes to know that you aren't physically injured. A nightmare, Kamui comes to realize as he stares down at you.
It's the sounds you're making. The way you look, so weak and stressed and vulnerable, a washed-out spectre of yourself in the bed. He's made up his mind to protect you until the very end of his wretched existence, but how can he protect your from the intangible terrors of your own mind? Kamui doesn't like this feeling of helplessness; he wants it to stop. He wants you back with him.
His body moves, sliding off the wrinkled covers, unfurling the clenched sphere that you've made yourself and slipping himself in close to you as he can, bringing his arms to hug your trembling form tight, as if somehow he'd be able to absorb the bad things that are frightening you.
You wake in startled disorientation, confusion making you struggle against him, but Kamui locks on to you steadily until you realize that it's him.
"Kamui," you breathe out, your hand grasping his shirt, tugging him to get him even closer and he complies, nestling until his chest is flush to yours and he can practically feel your heartbeat jackhammering against his. Your eyes are large, tears brimming in them, and though he doesn't like to see the sight of you so unlike yourself, it's a step better than seeing you trapped in a place he can't reach you. He leans down without comment, tracing his tongue over the hot, salty trails that break over your cheeks.
Sorry, I woke you up, you whisper, your hands coming to brush the hairs that fell in his face, and though you're still scared from your nightmare, he feels as if you're the one comforting him more than he you. It must be that you can sense the lump in his throat, the dread in him.
His hands come up touch your head, holding you still in place as his forehead knocks into yours, maybe a bruise is going to form in the morning or maybe not, but his eyes are endlessly blue and bright, so bright even shrouded in the dark as he peers into yours, finding relief in them.
Your breaths come to mingle together, and in the silent of the room, it sounds deafening, and somehow consoling too.
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spellcasterlight · 3 years
Tumblr media
@sicktember - Day 3 Prompt: Rash
@tropetember - Day 3 Prompt: Sickfic
@flashfictionfridayofficial -  #FFF 116 Deceiving Fragrance
Warnings: Mild Major Character Injury
A small gift for my beloved @thespookymoth simply because I love her ❤️
"Stop scratching!"
"It itches!"
"You're only making it worse!"
"Well, it makes me feel bet-!"
Kiba broke off to let out a pained growl kicking out his feet as if he could shake off the burning itching that had taken over his whole body, scratching his chest as he did so.
"Stop scratching!" Ino screamed again, outright slapping his hands away from his skin and holding them hostage, so he didn't injury the already inflamed skin further.
"Are you going to behave? Or do I need to put oven mitts on your hands to stop you?"
He stopped kicking and gave her a bewildered look at that bizarre sentence. "What?"
Ino shrugged. "It's what my parents did to me to stop me scratching when I got chickenpox when I was younger."
Already missing the healing cold of the cream she was smothering his arms, neck, face and chest in, Kiba grabbed the tabletop to stop himself clawing his skin off, allowing her to fill her hands with the green-tinted white cream again; he outright sighed in relief.
"Now," she put a giant dollop of cream right where his neck met his shoulder before starting to rub it over his angry red skin. "What were you doing when this started?"
"I was-" when he paused she paused mid rub of his arm. "I was picking you wildflowers, you know," Kiba kicked out his leg at the Yamanaka's amazed look. "As a present, I wanted to bring you something nice."
He rushed on to cover his embarrassment when she only smiled wider.
"And then Akamaru knocked me over cause he wanted to play and then this!"
Once again, Ino was too quick for him and slammed his hands back on the wood of the flower shop till counter when he moved to scratch his chest again.
"Just like tha-?" Ino lowered her head, letting out an annoyed sigh before rubbing her forehead smearing some of the cream through her long fringe. "Kiba, what did these flowers look like exactly?"
He had to think about it for a moment. The burning and nearly overwhelming urge to dig his nails into his skin and rip it apart made thinking slightly tricky.
"They smelt good," Kiba finally said giving the Yamanaka a small growl when she slapped his hand again when it only lifted off the wooden counter.
"That's not what I asked, what did they look like?"
"They were small, in bushes, kinda close to the ground. The petals were blue, like a light blue and there were these small spiky parts to it-"
He stopped talking when Ino looked positively horrified, throwing her hands over her mouth, not caring about putting more cream all over herself and her clothes. "Oh, you idiot!"
Well, didn't this serve him, right? He tried to do something romantic, and he got a mind-numbing skin-on-fire rash and was called an idiot for his troubles.
"Don't get me wrong, you're a thoughtful adorable idiot," she smiled at him before giving an exasperated chuckle. "But you're still an idiot."
"What you were picking sounds like a wild plant called Plumbago, which is poisonous to humans. If you even touch it, you will well," gesturing up and down his torso with a single forefinger at his blotchy patchy skin with a grimace. "You know what happens."
Kiba's jaw dropped at the realisation; even Akamaru lowered his head to the ground at his revealed stupidity.
"How the heck was I supposed to know?!" He yelled in his clan's usual defensive reaction, only making Ino smile wider. "They smelt good! I wanted to give you something nice! All flowers smell nice!"
One of her cream filled hands set itself over his cheek, and she placed a smiling kiss to the back of her hand in an indirect kiss.
"Thank you for thinking of me though! That was really sweet."
They shared a beaming joyous smile before the Inuzuka broke off to claw at his raw red skin again, making Ino yell at him more.
She went through with her threat to oven mitt his hands, Kiba pouting like a child when she bound the material firmly around his wrists with string to stop him from removing them.
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