#right. the format for the presentation is 20 slides and 20 seconds per slide
bloomingbluebell · 2 months
20 seconds is not enough time for my AuDHD brain to ramble!!!! aaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
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calendarfree · 2 years
Set preset value in counter in step 7 v5.6
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Present.MoveFirst 'Ensures we start at first record Present.Requery 'Sorts to ensure first record is lowest value of tray, position IMax = 140 'rtb Set Maximum number for Tray Position If Not IsNull(Me.ImageID) Then 'IMax = Param! ' Set Maximum number for Tray Position Set Present = Slide.OpenRecordset( "qryPresentationAddEdit", dbOpenDynaset) Note: you may have to refresh or requery your form if it is needed.ĭim ITray As Integer, IPosit As Integer, IMax As Integer Set Slide = CurrentDb Note: you cannot use this code in the Delete form event. In short, there's no fix order as the recordsets openned may not be in order when the code runs. Note: I cannot quarantee that the row would be in sequence as how you would view it. In your command button on your form, say.(to call for the subroutine). "Table2" is my table name, you rename this for whatever your table name is. Put this in a standard module (not in your form) You can called it from a event or command button. I'm not sure why it did not work but of course you need to modify her code to get it to work. Here is a code which is similiar to Gina Whipp. If anyone of you has one, please post a sample for this OP. I don't have a SQL Update query to handle this. Ok, assuming it just one table without relationship in your DB. So in reports and queries the names will appear numberd from 1 to last number with out missing numbers in the middle of numbering
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We guarantee a connection within 30 seconds and a customized solution within 20 minutes.Now if I add 10 names in the table from (1-10) =123456789 10 If you want to save hours of research and frustration, try our live Excelchat service! Our Excel Experts are available 24/7 to answer any Excel question you may have. Most of the time, the problem you will need to solve will be more complex than a simple application of a formula or function. How to edit x axis Instant Connection to an Excel Expert
Finally, we changed the axis with sales value data per stores and years:įigure 16.
Change the values from the x-axis to the “Years” by selecting in the Axis label range cell range I2:J2 (explained in the tutorial above).
Change the range to both years (20) by clicking on the down-right corner and expanding the selection to the right:.
Click on the chart and drag values from the source table to the upper table by left mouse click:.
In the following example, we want to change sales values to yearly sales values per store (upper table). The chart will have more logic if we track store values per years.
Click on the button Switch Row/Column and press OKĪs a result, switches x and y axis and each store represent one series:.
Right-click on the chart and choose Select Data.
How to change the scale How to Switch X and Y AxisĪnother interesting chart feature that we will learn is how to switch x and y axis.
Format axis for Minimum insert 15,000, for Maximum 55,000Īs a result, the change in scaling looks like the below figure:įigure 10.
Under Axis Options, we can choose minimum and maximum scale and scale units measure.
Select the axis that we want to edit by left-clicking on the axis.
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If we want to change the axis scale we should: In our example, we will change the minimum scale to 15,000 and maximum scale to 55,000 on the vertical axis. To change the scale on the graph we should go to Format Axis options. How to change vertical axis values How to Change the Axis Range
As a result, we changed the y axis values:įigure 9.
Select the Edit button in the Legend Entries (Series) and in the Series values select the range from the bottom Sales column:.
Select Data on the chart to change y axis values To learn how to change vertical axis values, we should follow almost similar steps as in the example above:įigure 6. How to change the x axis to Store values How to Change Vertical Axis Values
As a result, we changed x axis values from Years to Storesįigure 5.
Select the Edit button and in the Axis label range select the range in the Store column:.
Select Data on the chart to change axis values
Right-click on the graph and choose Select Data:įigure 2.
To change x axis values to “ Store” we should follow several steps: In the example we have a chart with Years on x-axis and Sales values on the y-axis: This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in learning how to change axis values. In Select Data chart option we can change axis values or switch x and y axis If we want to edit axis or change the scaling in the graph we should go to Format Axis options.
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0 notes
kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Michael Myers X Murderer! Reader - Headcannons - "Death Card"
Also, thank you (Wattpad Person) for requesting this :) I know your the last request I got, so I prolly should have done someone else's request first, but your's was just easiest to find. (Also, I have it bad for Michael so )
Have fun reading this! I'm writing this on my laptop instead of computer so sorry if the formatting turns out worse than usual :/
Also...someone made fun of me for putting, "eight," and, "11," in the same sentence. I guess not many people know this, but anything under ten is supposed to be written out unless their fractions or decimals.
By the way, these basically aren't headcannons lol. It's just me wanting to write out a story but not being good enough to so I just write it down in simpler terms.
Not only is Y/N just another famous murder who casually takes the lives of people, but she's amazing at hiding
Y/N was an abusive home after her parents died when she was a toddler. Her aunt and uncle neglected her but karma came back at them when their car fell off a bridge, causing the pair to drown. The downside for the young Y/N was that she was put into a foster institution. And we all know by now that foster care are full of fights, drugs, weed, alcohol, and shitty employees.
As a young girl entering such a bad place, she was always a target. You know that sense of fear, worthlessness, and loneliness fucked with her head to where she felt lashing out felt great.
She would be unable to stop herself as she plunged a sharp object in and out of this prick that held her down for so long. But once she heard voices from other kids, she ran.
The story made headlines as the next big attack from yet another child. That's right, next. There was someone who inspired her to do what she did.
Of course, she always had that memory in the back of her head. That boy's violent actions filled her with immeasurable awe when she saw the news. However, she always had something more important to think about.
With so much dissatisfaction with her past, she could only fill herself up with adding things on to her in the present, and more in the future.
Y/N would steal Poker cards from people and always use the Ace of Spades to mark her kills by sliding the card into a wound. After all, betting games were the highlight of her day in the foster institution. She was always so good at it that it became her pride.
All these headlines and stories about how evil she is became such a big deal in her head. Such an overwhelming feeling of adrenaline every time she heard the name people would call her.
"The Death Card," is another name for Ace of Spades in most English countries. It was the perfect fit for Y/N.
(Ya'll, I feel like a fucking genius for coming up with that lol)
She was so good at hiding, truly. Kill someone in Kentucky, then move to Missouri. Killing someone there and move to Georgia, and so on.
Only in her hometown was she caught.
Michael was the one who started it all for her, as their same age and hometown made her feel connected to him, and finally where he got caught would be the same place she did.
14 years of hiding and killing led her to meeting him
Michael spent these 14 years sitting in complete silence. No talking, no humming, no singing, nothing. It's like he was always in his own world of thought, too busy in his imagination to interact with the real world.
Of course, there was times when he did pay attention to what's around him.
The news was the only thing he'd really pay close attention to. After all, what if something happens to Haddonfield while's he's stuck in there, and that causes plenty of people he once knew to move away?
But per usual, there was nothing about it
But there was something that caught his attention even by a little
"After 14 years, the notorious Death Card or Card of Death has finally been caught," says the Haddonfield Police Department. "While we're unsure of her motives thus far, we have been able to learn of who she is. Y/N L/N made the headlines once in 1980 at the age of eight as one of America's biggest crime cases with children as the culprit, having brutally stabbed a 15 year old boy. This happened just two years after the Michael Myers case, when a six year old boy stabbed his older sister in 1978. All else the HPD are saying is that her frantic behavior may lead her to a mental institution rather than letting her make legal decisions in court."
Michael paid attention to all the details of the report. For this report to be made about Haddonfield, chances are they'll be meeting each other soon.
The Death Card was a violent killer Michael heard of plenty of times however he never paid close attention to.
(Holy shit these are just headcannons so why am I writing long paragraphs)
He had to say, hearing about her violent stabbings were the highlight of his week. Even if he never felt strong about hearing other people having fun with their lives like she was, he couldn't help but almost feel pushed to do what she is. Living freely and ending those who cross his path...
Saying he was jealous or inspired would be a stretch though
He would spend his days painting paper mache masks while thinking of doing what she was for sure but he hated how she would show off by using those cards as if she didn't have a goal in mind, which was annoying to him. If you have nothing to live for, then kill yourself was his mindset.
Michael watched as Y/N stepped into court. He know hundreds- no thousands- of people watched as this woman of pure evil stepped into the courtroom. Her H/C hair flowed as she walked passed everyone, glaring at them with her cold E/C eyes.
A look of slight intrigue replaced his normal dull expression as he watched the girl stand up before the judge, smiling sassily at the cameras as to tell them to fuck off. Michael can recognize that look of intrusion on her face as she was practically interrogated. Clearly, she hated it there.
He watched contently as all the mystery surrounding the Card of Death was revealed to everyone in this world. Days went by of this court case before finally, she pled insanity. After all, she was known to have some underlying mental conditions as she remained so calm when talking about the varies of ways she would kill.
It's easy to see that many felt bad for the girl. Such trauma growing up led to the creation of this unfortunate human. But Michael? He didn't feel bad at all.
He never was sad or truly sympathetic however...he did feel pity. Somewhere in his soulless eyes held pity for this sad, sad girl he was soon to meet. Not exactly sympathy, but simply pity. And with that came respect.
The day that Y/N stepped foot into those doors was the day the two would meet for the very first times. Over 63 counts of first degree murder in 14 years led to the meeting of these two serial killers. At the time, they were both only 20.
Tables were scattered across the room with people talking or simply sitting alone by themselves on them. There was TV in a few different places around the room and board games in a couple of shelves. In the back of the large room was windows that showed the outside that felt so out of reach forever.
As the metal doors slammed behind her, she felt eyes on her immediately. Y/N slowly scanned the room as she gulped back the intense fear gathering in her stomach. Her lips parted open as she began to breath heavily and press her back on those metal doors.
She was so trapped and scared when she first entered that foster institution. She couldn't help but think of karma when her aunt would hurt her so badly for those five years before she died. But 63 murders are so much worse, so what could karma do to her to balance her evil deeds with punishment?
Laughter and giggled filled her ears as she shut her eyes tightly and covered her face with her arms. Her vision was going blurry; she was having a panic attack. Tears fell from her eyes as she whimpered quietly to herself.
She may be the Card of Death however she never had to be in a large group of people in so long.
Her body jerked as she was suddenly pulled away from those metal doors. She cried out when she saw a large man, around 6'7 (204cm), pull her away.
In just a few seconds, she was pulled to a metal table and forced to sit as the large man stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders.
Her body tensed unimaginably as they remained still for a few seconds, quiet aside from the occasional sobs of Y/N.
Then suddenly, the pressure on her shoulders disappeared. She heard nothing until the sound of creaking from the seat in front of her interrupted.
Y/N felt eyes on her. They were so intense over her.
A minute passed before her own eyes fluttered open, meeting the man's eyes in front of her.
A shiver ran down her spine when she came face to face with stone cold blue eyes that seemed to hold nothing within them. No light, no soul, and no sympathy. Not only that, but a orange mask made of paper mache covered the rest of his face as well.
The man tilted his head before lifting his hand onto the table, sliding something over to her. Y/N looked down at what he gave her.
"Don't speak. Write."
Michael had given her a paper with these words. His handwriting was hard to read considering he nearly never wrote anything so it took a moment before Y/N got the message. When she did, she looked back up at the man and nodded just a little so it was barely recognizable.
Obviously this conversation was to be secretive so she knew to barely show signs of interactions. The camera couldn't pick up on such a small nod to what evidence is there of them even interacting?
Michael slid the paper back to him and brought a pencil to the paper after erasing the original text. When he slid it back to her, it read, "Don't let anyone know what we say Y/N. They watch everything." When Y/N looked back up at him, she saw him dart his eyes from something behind her to something on the wall between them. She turned her head slightly to the side, noticing a camera on the wall. So she understood.
Michael had dropped on the pencil on the table, meaning it was her turn to reply. She erased the previous text before writing down, "Who are you? How do you know me?" When she slid it back, Michael took the pencil in his hand again.
"Michael Myers. I was a well known case two years before you. We heard a lot about you on TV."
"As in the boy who killed his sister at the age of six?"
"Yes. You know me?"
Y/N's eyes widened slightly as she frantically wrote down a reply. Without even noticing, the knot in her stomach had completely disappeared without a trace.
"I remember seeing your case. I thought about everyday."
Michael didn't reply immediately after reading. Instead, he waited a few minutes and stared down at the table. A look of confusion remained on Y/N's features as she impatiently waited. Then suddenly, Michael erased what was on the paper and simply drew a masked person looking somewhat like himself with a knife in his hand. He drew dead stick figures around it with blood splattering everywhere.
Michael knew that this picture would cover up all the eraser marks and writings that were still slightly visible. So when the guard that walked up behind Y/N without her knowing popped up, he didn't see any text.
Of course, this did lead to the paper being taken away. Then minutes after that, both of the pair was taken away.
If there's one thing as scary as analyzing The Shape and caring for him, it's that person who cares and analyzes him finding him interacting with someone else for the first time.
Whenever Y/N got sat down in her cell, she knew what was about to happen. She was sat down in her bed as a man she'd never seen before sat down in the chair that came with her little desk in her cell with a guard next to him.
Have you ever spoken to Michael? Are you related to him? How do you know him? How does he know you? Have you ever met his family? Why did he interact to you? Why was he drawing things for you? Does he like you? Does he hate you? Did he write to you? Did you hear him talk?
So many questions were asked by this Dr Loomis in such short amount of time. "No, no, I don't, no, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, no, no," and mostly these were your responses. No matter how many times Loomis asked, you dully replied.
You simply said he sat you down and you began to draw together, both filling in a piece of the drawing together.
And eventually, you got out.
Another day went by of "talking" to Michael.
And another.
And another.
The talks were nice and casual. What goes on in the asylum? What goes on in the outside? Who should I avoid? What's the reputation of the HPD?
Do you want to escape?
But it was only a matter of time before finally the two were friends.
Y/N was kinda just in her cell one night in bed. Then she just gasped and widened her eyes. Wait, are we friends? We're friends, right!
Michael already knew of their friendship like two weeks before she did. It felt so...wrong for him. He had always been alone and silent. How could someone like her even be so likeable to him? He didn't really understand it but he knew he hated it.
One day, the two were writing to each other per usual. Michael unintentionally added a pun in one of his comments, causing Y/N to giggle. Michael cocked his head to the side in confusion, strangely feeling heat rise his face and his heart speed up. It was air conditioned so he suspected he may have gotten sick.
Whenever the two had to go back to their cells, that feeling suddenly disappeared. Then it hit him. Oh fuck-
Hell, only a week later did Y/N feel herself experiencing the same symptoms. Michael notices that Y/N would shake and fidget a lot when they interacted, making him wonder of she was cold. As a friend, it was only right for him to sit next to her and hold her close to keep her warm, right? Y/N's face went red and damn that was embarrassing. But of course, that didn't mean Y/N wouldn't hug him back.
Eventually the two were basically cuddling. The two hugging each other warmly as Y/N rested her head on his chest, struggling to stay awake as they got more comfortable by the second.
But of course, Dr Loomis caught eye of that.
The doctor had been looking deep into al the interactions these two evil beings have had. They act so casual, so normal with each other, surely more than just drawing is happening between them, right?
The doctor had pulled them into his office separately to interrogate them. While Y/N bluntly answered his questions to make him just shut up as quickly as possible, she couldn't help but think to herself. She knows that she and Michael are mentally ill, but he should definitely be fixed by now. He's smart and creative and can casually talk to people, so it's like the only thing keeping him here is that the doctors are so ill-equipped that they can't make the necessary breakthrough to save him.
Of course, just a month later, another incident happened like this. Y/N was having a bad migraine so Michael got her to just sit down and wait for him during lunch. He brought over two trays of food for them and was sure to trade with Y/N so she can eat the things she likes and he could have the things she dislikes.
Another time, a bipolar guy ran into Michael and shoved him as if it was his fault. Michael shoved him back instinctively, causing a fight to disperse between the two. As security guards took notice, Y/N was quick to push Michael away softly and ball a fist to punch the fuck out of that guy- like a, "YO WHATCHU SAY ABOUT MY MAN?" type shit. Y/N did this to seem like she was hitting back and that Michael hadn't done anything wrong.
And when each other's birthday's rolled around, they had their own celebration. Y/N was given her own paper mache mask as a gift and a small cupcake from the cafe. Michael was given stolen art supplies that were taken from other guests and also a cupcake.
Y/N slowly stopped having panic attacks, but she definitely had her moments. Of course, Michael sat with her through it.
Dr Loomis recorded all this shit so he can gather data on Michael. Then the question hit him: How would Michael react if Y/N was gone for a few days? Does he truly care about her or is he just using her?
If you think Michael hated Loomis before, wait til he pieced together the disappearance of girlfriend and the extensive eyesight on him from security guards. For the hell he raised about it, he had to get sterilized and put into a cell without being able to get out for a few days.
Y/N remained bored in her cell for days. So what better could she do than annoy the guard watching her? She would just talk nonstop for what felt like hours and hours. The dude watching her was just getting more pissed off by the second.
"Would you shut up? Crazy bitch," he hissed, hitting the cell door. Y/N giggled cockily, shaking her head. Even if she deserved to be yelled at for continuing to talk, the Card of Death refused to back down. But when the guard went inside her cell and locked the door behind him, she got a bit worried.
Y/N got off her bed and threatened him cockily, to which he responded with physical force.
Of course, Smith's Groove is ill-equipped so even with proof of being hit and tazed, Y/N couldn't do anything to get the guard fired. But Michael?
A full month without seeing each other was like a slow suicide. But when they finally got to see each other again, the two was sure to write so much about their time alone as if they were teenage friends discussing their fun weekends. However, things turned dark whenever Y/N brought up the guard.
Michael didn't show any emotions at all, no matter what happens. But Y/N learned to guess how he's feeling depending on how long he takes to respond. Slowed blinking as if he was in thought, and slower reading as got analyze her writing closer were typically bad signs.
About a year had passed since they met at this time. A year to plan to escape. By now, the two were both 21 and fully prepared to leave once and for all.
Whenever that security guard had walked passed Michael's cell one night, Michael had knocked on the door to signal him. Michael slipped a paper through the doorslot, as he was given paper since he doesn't talk, saying he found a dead mouse in his cell. The guard just huffed and let himself inside. Michael pointed to where the mouse supposedly was; and that was a mistake for the guard.
Right as that guard went to look, Michael got behind and covered his mouth before stabbing him in the neck with a paint brush that's but carved into a small blade. Within moments, the guard dropped dead onto the floor.
Taking the keys from the guard, Michael was able to let out nearly every single prisoner to this hell out of their cells. Including Y/N.
The world sister was the only thing left of the pair as it was engraved into the door of Michael's cell. And just like that, the two were gone.
How they got there so fast doesn't matter but eventually Y/N and Michael found an abandoned house to station at until the search around the area disappeared and they could move around quicker.
"I can't fucking believe it," Y/N cheered as she felt tears run down her face from happiness. She swayed across the room, taking in the smell of dust and air. Even something dirty felt so new to her that couldn't help but love it at the moment.
Michael would watch her as he sat down in an old wooden chair, cocking his head. His body was in complete shock as the realization of all that's happened in the past years came crashing down on him. This was the real world? This is what dust smells like? This is what shattered glass and broken wood looks like? This is what trees look like up close? This is what things look like without glass tinting the color?
This is what it feels like to celebrate with someone you love? Michael reminded himself that the girl in front of him changed his life so much. His urge to harm all around him was always so strong, but the thought of her being hurt felt a bad taste in his mouth.
He stood up from the chair, walking towards the ecstatic girl as she cried happily to herself and picked up random things to remind herself of what they feel like and all she takes for granted. She turned her head to him, smiling, "Michael, look, I found a-"
Y/N gasped as Michael gripped his mask and slowly moved it. Y/N watched in awe as for the first time, she saw her only friend in this world's real face. That pale skin and soulless eyes that she grew familiar with became so new to her again.
"Michael..." she whispered, stepping closer to him. Her face heated up as she felt the weight his eyes staring down at her. She lightly bit her lip, a shiver going down her spine.
He took a few steps closer as well, making the two remain inches away from each other. Now at this point, Y/N is questioning if Michael is gonna kill her or is gonna kiss her as he awkwardly put his hand to her cheek, brushing her hair away. She leaned her head into his hand, keeping eye contact with him the whole time.
In just a matter of moments, the two came together in a soft kiss. The moment was quiet as the two did their best to remain calm and together as this moment that was little way's overdue continued.
When the two pulled away, Y/N was quick to wrap her arms around him. Now she wasn't going to cry about it, but damn was that contact she needed so badly. The Death Card and The Shape were basically Yin and Yang with how one is emotional and the other in emotionless but their need for pain and each other is what kept it healthy.
Just imagine how much suffering families went through since the two got out.
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egthefourth · 3 years
Sports Review: Full Individual Women's Rhythmic Gymnastics Replay from Rio 2016
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Sports Introduction
Rhythmic Gymnastics is a sport that combines elements of gymnastics, dance and calisthenics; gymnasts must be strong, flexible, agile, dexterous and coordinated. It is governed by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG), which first recognized it as a sport in 1963. Gymnasts are judged on their artistry, execution of skills, and difficulty of skills, for which they gain points. They perform leaps, balances, pivots, and flexibility movements, along with tossing, catching, rolling and otherwise manipulating the apparatus.
Court Dimensions
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Gymnastics at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro was held in three categories, and rhythmic gymnastics is one of them. Performances are held on a 13m x 13m mat, with different formats for individual and group competitions. All gymnastics events were staged at the Arena Olímpica do Rio from 6 to 21 August 2016.
•Hoop - the interior diameter is from 51 to 90 cm and the hoop must weigh a minimum of 300g. Children and hope divisions, a minimum of 225 grams. It may be made of plastic or wood, provided that it retains its shape during the routine. The hoop is chosen based on the gymnast's size and should not extend beyond the hip bone when placed standing up on the floor.
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•Ball - can be of any color and should rest in the gymnast's hand and not rest against the wrist or be able to be grasped. Fundamental elements of a ball routine include throwing, bouncing or rolling. It is made of either rubber or synthetic material (pliable plastic) provided it possesses the same elasticity as rubber. Senior and junior gymnasts is 18 to 20 cm in diameter and must have a minimum weight of 400g.
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•Clubs - is built along an internal rod, providing a base on which a handle made of polyolefin plastic is wrapped, providing an airspace between it and the internal rod. The handles and bodies are typically wrapped with decorative plastics and tapes. Clubs are thrown from alternate hands; each passes underneath the other clubs and is caught in the opposite hand to the one from which it was thrown. At its simplest, each club rotates once per throw, the handle moving down and away from the throwing hand at first.
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•Ribbon – it must be in one piece and the end that is attached to the stick is doubled for a maximum length of 1m (3'). The ribbon is made of satin or another similar material cloth of any color; it may be multi-colored and have designs on it. The ribbon itself must be at least 35 g (1.2oz), 4–6 cm (1.6–2.4") in width and have a minimum length of 6m (20') for seniors and 5m (16.25') for juniors.
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Basic Skills
Fundamental skills - basic human movements including running, walking, twisting, jumping, or stretching. (Locomotor and Non-locomotor)
🌻 Locomotor Skills
•Walking - both feet move alternately, with one foot always touching the ground or floor; when one foot goes down the other foot comes up and moves forward.
•Running - a fast pace motion where both feet briefly leave the ground.
•Leaping - an elongated step used to cover larger distances or to move over low obstacles.
•Jumping - involves taking off and landing on both feet.
•Hopping - involves propelling the body up and down on the one foot.
•Galloping - the body faces forward and one foot leads and the other moves rapidly forward to it.
•Sliding - is similar to the gallop, however, the body moves sideways in a 1-count movement.
•Skipping - a series of step-hops done with alternate feet.
🌻 Non-Locomotor Skills
•Bending - a movement at a joint.
•Swaying - a slower controlled movement that occurs when the center of gravity shifts fluidly from side to side.
•Swinging - involves moving body parts like a swinging rope or pendulum.
•Turning - is rotating around the long axis of the body.
•Twisting - is rotating a selected body part around its own long axis.
•Stretching - moves body parts away from the body’s center, or moving a joint through a range of motion.
🌻 Manipulating Skills
Rhythmic gymnastics involves many movement qualities such as balance, poise, grace, flow of body, coordination, rhythm, and kinesthetic sense. Fitness qualities such as agility, flexibility, and posture are also major proponents.
🌻 Ball Skills
o Handling the ball
o Throwing the ball
o Catching the ball
🌻 Hoop Skills
o Swinging Movements
o Spinning Movements
o Circling Movements
o Tossing and Catching Movements
o Rolling Movements
🌻 Ribbon Skills
o Swinging Movements
o Circling Movements
o Zigzag Movements
o Spiral Movements
Technical and Tactical Skills
📋 Individual All-Around Final Start List
1. RUS Margarita Mamun
2. AZE Marina Durunda
3. RUS Yana Kudryavtseva
4. BLR Katsiaryna Halkina
5. FRA Kseniya Moustafaeva
6. BLR Melitina Staniouta
7. ESP Carolina Rodriguez
8. KOR Son Yeon Jae
9. UKR Ganna Rizatdinova
10. BUL Neviana Vladinova
[APPARATUS: HOOP] Rotation 1
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[APPARATUS: BALL] Rotation 2
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[APPARATUS: Ribbon] Rotation 4
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🌻 RUS Margarita Mamun
She enters with grace and poise. She started off strong with her movements and techniques prepared for the event. She has amazing turns which is known as her signature skill. She has nice elevation and good control with her body, moves and the apparatus. She smoothly transitions her performance from standing to the floor. She had high throws and toes always pointed gracefully.
•Hoop: 19.050
•Ball: 19.150
•Clubs: 19.050
•Ribbon: 19.233
•Total Score: 76.483
🌻 AZE Marina Durunda
Her choice of music and choreography is very beautiful. She performed a series of turning leaps with proper movement and balance. She had very tricky techniques and used all of the location on the surface. She elegantly throws the apparatuses into the air and catches it with accuracy. She had a very nice finish as she posed at the ends.
•Hoop: 16.950
•Ball: 17.541
•Clubs: 17.716
•Ribbon: 17.541
•Total Score: 69.748
🌻 RUS Yana Kudryavtseva
She had a very shimmering costume and apparatuses. She had ultimate control as she started and did her positions. She lightly moves around the floor and perfectly catches difficult throws. She executed complex interactions with the apparatus. It’s like her body and her apparatuses is all in one piece. Her movements are beautiful and elegant.
•Hoop: 19.225
•Ball: 19.250
•Clubs: 17.883
•Ribbon: 19.250
•Total Score: 75.608
🌻 BLR Katsiaryna Halkina
She started different than the others who presented since she sat on the floor and had that nice connection with the hoop as she posed. As well as for her other entrances. She had nice rotations and combinations. The apparatuses worked at every body part and moved smoothly throughout. She executed a clean triple roll and had lovely control with every apparatus she’s working with. Ended with the same poses as she had from the start.
•Hoop: 17.966
•Ball: 17.966
•Clubs: 17.650
•Ribbon: 17.350
•Total Score: 70.932
🌻 FRA Kseniya Moustafaeva
Her poise is very elegant and so as her flexible movements. She opened with a nice high leap with proper coordination with the apparatus. She showed emotions throughout the routines and had good elevations. She had good balancing and ended her performances with a high toss and sat with an outstanding slow movement pose.
•Hoop: 17.700
•Ball: 16.883
•Clubs: 16.916
•Ribbon: 16.741
•Total Score: 68.240
🌻 BLR Melitina Staniouta
Her choice of music was interesting and she started off very well. She had turning leaps which was very difficult and had good movements and flexibility. She executed hard turns which would help her in difficulty. She moved and used all area of the surface and showed such grace till the end.
•Hoop: 18.200
•Ball: 18.250
•Clubs: 16.633
•Ribbon: 18.050
•Total Score: 71.133
🌻 ESP Carolina Rodriguez
She has a very different style and had excellent multiple turns which made the crown go wild. Her flexibility and coordination is on point. She started off strong and fierce and ended just like that. She had emotions showing through the performance and it were difficult routines.
•Hoop: 17.616
•Ball: 17.683
•Clubs: 17.700
•Ribbon: 16.950
•Total Score: 69.949
🌻 KOR Son Yeon Jae
Her costume was very pastel-like and very appealing. She had a very big smile and started with a good toss. Her choice of music and movements are very fresh. Flexibility is on point and good balancing. She finished very well with a big smile like how she started.
•Hoop: 18.216
•Ball: 18.266
•Clubs: 18.300
•Ribbon: 18.116
•Total Score: 72.898
🌻 UKR Ganna Rizatdinova
She was very elegant and poise as she walked right through the stage. She was fierce which complimented her music. She has all the elements and a very active routine. Her execution were very on point with the perfect balance and flexibility. She had good leaps and throws and as she finished, she had fierce expression too.
•Hoop: 18.200
•Ball: 18.450
•Clubs: 18.450
•Ribbon: 18.484
•Total Score: 73.583
🌻 BUL Neviana Vladinova
She had good hoop techniques which wowed me from the start. Choice of music and choreography is very capitalizing. She had pointed movements and techniques which she showed all throughout her routine. It was very beautiful as the apparatuses continued to spin and fly continuously as if she’s multitasking and made it look like it was easy.
•Hoop: 17.883
•Ball: 17.750
•Clubs: 18.050
•Ribbon: 17.050
•Total Score: 70.733
Rules of the Game
Individual routines are performed to music and last from 75 to 90 seconds. A penalty of .05 points will be assessed for every second over or under the time allowed. The clock begins as soon as the gymnast begins moving and stops as soon as the gymnast is motionless. The gymnast is required to be in contact with her apparatus before beginning her routine. She also is obliged to finish her exercise either holding her apparatus or having any part of her body in contact with it.
All exercises will be judged according to the 2013-16 Code of Points issued by FIG, gymnastics' governing body. As a general guideline, faults are assessed according to degree. For small faults, .10 points are subtracted from a competitor's score. For medium faults, .20 points are deducted; for major faults, the penalty is .30 or greater.
Finally, Penalties are taken by the time, line, and coordinator judges. Possible penalties include:
•The gymnast leaving the floor area
•The apparatus leaving the floor area
•The exercise being longer or shorter than the acceptable length of time (1'15" to 1'30" is the required length for individual, and 2'15" to 2'30" is the required length for group)
•Failure to end the exercise at the exact moment the accompanying music ends
•Music not conforming to the regulations
•Dress of the gymnast not conforming to the regulations
•Communication with the coach during the execution of the exercise
•Verbal communication between group gymnasts during the exercise
•Grabbing a new apparatus from the side of the floor
•Musical introduction without movement longer than 4 seconds
•Failure to have working .mp3 file/cd or low/bad quality of file/cd can result in penalty.
Officiating Officials
- Difficult Jury (6 judges)
- Execution Jury (7 judges)
Information from Rhythmic Rules & Policies 2009
🌻 A. Meet Referee
1. Conducts the judge’s education meeting prior to the event,
2. Makes the panel assignments or conducts a draw,
3. Has ultimate control over technical decisions,
4. Judges every routine within human possibility,
5. Can question a panel score, even if the judges are in range, if she feels it is not appropriate,
6. Can call a conference of either judging panel, can make the decision to go to base score,
7. Keeps track (with the help of an assigned volunteer secretary) of all scores and rankings,
8. Determines the number of sessions in association with the meet director,
9. Makes sure the timers and line judges are knowledgeable about the rules and their function,
10. Serves as the spokesperson for the judging panels to the organizing host and the participants,
11. Makes sure the Head Judges review the official score sheets before signing them,
12. Mediates all professional disagreements, and has the final response,
13. Is responsible for any media involvement concerning the judges,
14. Respond to any written inquires before a session has ended,
Note: No score may be changed without approval of all judges involved.
🌻 B. Event Head Judge, if assigned:
1. Attends pre-competition education session,
2. Makes sure judges scores are within the proper range,
3. Requests the MR to call a conference if there is a disagreement,
4. Keeps track of rank order for assigned events,
5. Checks and signs the official score sheets at the end of the competition.
🌻 C. Acting Panel Judge:
1. Attends pre-competition education session,
2. Judges each routine assigned with undivided attention
Julia Grassie (2016). Rhythmic gymnastics 101: Scoring. Website: http://archivepyc.nbcolympics.com/news/rhythmic-gymnastics-101-scoring
Continental (n.d.). Rhythmic gymnastics floor area. Website: https://www.continentalsports.co.uk/rhythmic-gymnastics-floor-area-fig-approved
The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (2020).
Rhythmic Gymnastics. Website: https://tokyo2020.org/en/sports/rhythmic-gymnastics/
Rio 2016: Artistic Gymnastics (2015). Gymnastics at the 2016 Summer Olympics. Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gymnastics_at_the_2016_Summer_Olympics
FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics Apparatus Programme – Olympic Cycles 2009–2016 (2009). Apparatus. Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhythmic_gymnastics
Rhythmic Rules & Policies (2009). Part V Section 1 – Officials. Website: https://usagym.org/PDFs/Rhythmic/Rules/Part_V_Section_1.pdf
Brittani Bush (2011). Rhythmic Gymnastics: Manipulating Balls, Hula-Hoops, and Ribbons (1-3). Website: https://users.manchester.edu/Student/bcbush/ProfWeb/PDF/rhythmic%20Activities%20Unit%20Plan%20(Repaired).pdf
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaxT2vguGXQ
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How To Convert FLAC And APE To ITunes And Keep Your Sanity Learning OS X
As Wes Phillips just lately reported on this web site , CD sales are down and legal downloads of audio recordsdata are up. Stereophile has been criticized more than as soon as for not paying enough consideration to the themes of MP3 and other compressed file formats, similar to AAC , and for providing no steering at all to readers about tips on how to get the most effective sound quality from compressed downloads. Added new technique of normalisation "Normalize every file on a maximum degree with out clipping" for Wav and FLAC files. You can also edit and cut audio files simply Convert video downloads to music files using video to mp3 converter. I just need to congratulate you for the MediaHuman Audio Converter. Variety of choices for audio high quality, file extension kind and multiple cpu core choice. And checkbox for including to iTunes while changing. Genius. You saved me from hours of ready. Nicely achieved.
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Free converters come with a little extra (a spying toolbar, Trojan, malware, or virus), dBpoweramp has by no means bundled in 20 years, those wanting an mp3 converter, get simply that and only that. No Trojan, no malware, no viruses. The second step is to pick the output settings. To start, select the folder to save lots of the output file to and select the motion to be executed if the output file already exists - create a new file, overwrite or skip the present file. APE help is very common in Asian nations. Not sure the reason. Most likely due to higher compression ratio and localized tools. CUE is broadly used with APE. I hardly see any single track APE's. Nice Software, Works Perfectly. Great software program, low CPU and tons of easy options. Now to fix the official evaluate- batch mode works nice, and likewise you'll be able to choose your output bitrate. Just press the crimson button within the Quality box, and you'll choose between 32-320kbps. I've had the most success utilizing WAV information, but I've also successfully transformed movies and so forth to MP3. This is definitely one in all my go-to software instruments. 5 stars.
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Aside from using desktop audio converters, have you learnt that you may convert MP3 to FLAC utilizing on-line converters? Sure, there are totally different on-line converters that you can use them to avoid wasting your day when you haven't installed a media converter. In this half, we will introduce you three fashionable free MP3 to FLAC Converter. FLAC format, stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec, can be a lossless audio format. In contrast with ape to flac converter online video, FLAC has a lower compression rate however extra options than Monkey's Audio and hardware support to its advantage. For instance, users wanting good multiplatform compatibility and robustness (e.g., individuals sharing reside recordings) would favour WavPack or FLAC One other consumer, in search of the very highest compression available, would go with OptimFROG Someone wanting transportable assist would use FLAC or ALAC , and so forth. En fin, this isn't a matter price getting too worked up about. If you happen to later find out the codec you selected isn't one of the best in your wants, you'll be able to just transcompress to a different format, with out risk of dropping high quality. the find command will give the relative path to avconv command in order that it might convert these data and maintain them in similar folder as a result of the enter file (). Here's a bash script to transform all apes in a folder to flac. As a result of they're each lossless codecs there could be NO loss in high quality. The app is straightforward to make use of: upload the unique file, select your required format and quality, and download the output file to your laptop. Output Formats: Ogg, FLAC, WV, TTA, M4A, TAK, WAV, AIFF, APE, and so on. Whether or not reading from the end of file is not required earlier than starting playback. This can be a pure efficiency challenge and the one a hundred% winner here is FLAC format. What I do is I remaster the unique or not too unhealthy information before I put it into a 320Kbps file that sound wonderful in an Ipod or my automotive or even in my residence sytem with nice outcomes In some cases its higher than it was before.I consider that format is the way to go It offers glorious quality and the information are usually not too giant. A selection of information and directories will be dropped on the program window: all FLAC, APE, and WAV recordsdata in the choice can be processed. You may drop more information and directories whereas the transcoding is going on. For those who buy or download music in FLAC information, you do so because you want the highest quality audio recordsdata. FLAC information are losslessly compressed, which means that, once you play them back, they are bit-excellent replicas of the unique uncompressed recordsdata (on a CD or high-resolution files). Flac is the most well known lossless audio codec among audiophile communities. It lets you archive CDs with none loss of high quality. It's potential to tear CDs in one file per CD, instead of 1 monitor per track. Together with the one-album flac file, we will have a cue file containing the markers and tracklist.
Selling or trading lossless recordsdata requires having lossless information. Some folks spoof or falsely reencode lossy recordsdata for personal achieve. This may be about entry to music files, or income from gross sales as well as promoting and bundled software program (or worse). 1. Cut up CUE associated MP3, APE, WAV, and FLAC with CUE and convert to desired audio codecs. Whereas APE is licensed music format with lossless compression that's supported by a limited number of gamers, FLAC format offers higher sounding high quality having no license limitations in use. If you want to export your APE to FLAC, use Complete Audio Converter that will aid you to do that with maximal ease.This APE to FLAC Converter means that you can trim the audio length to take away the undesirable half, click "Trim" button to open the "Edit" window, right here you possibly can trim the audio length by dragging the slide bar to set the beginning and end time. I have someFlac albums I ripped as one large file to avoid wasting space (Lossless CD rips are roughly 500mb each), now I have more storage I wish to break up them back to there unique files. When you're using Music Manager or Google Play Music for Chrome to upload music to your library, here are the types of files you may upload.
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orbemnews · 3 years
Europe’s Economy Shrank in First Quarter, Revealing a Recession: Live Updates Here’s what you need to know: Shuttered storefronts in Milan last month. Extended lockdowns across Europe have slowed economic growth.Credit…Alessandro Grassani for The New York Times The eurozone economy contracted by 0.6 percent over the first three months of the year, sliding back into recession, as the still-raging pandemic prompted governments to extend lockdowns. Coming a day after the United States disclosed that its economy expanded 1.6 percent over the same period, the European downturn presented a contrast of fortunes on opposite sides of the Atlantic. Propelled by dramatic public expenditures to stimulate growth, as well as swift increases in vaccination rates, the United States — the world’s largest economy — expanded rapidly during the first months of 2021. At the same time, the 19 nations that share the euro currency were caught in the second part of a so-called double-dip recession, reflecting far less aggressive stimulus spending and a botched effort to secure vaccines. But figures for gross domestic product represent a snapshot of the past, and recent weeks have produced encouraging signs that Europe is on the mend. The alarming spread of Covid-19 in major economies like Germany and France has begun to trend downward, factories have revived production, while growing numbers of people are on the move in cities. Even as the German economy diminished by 1.7 percent from January to March, Italy and Spain slipped by much smaller magnitudes — 0.4 percent and 0.5 percent respectively. The French economy grew by a modest 0.4 percent, though its prospects face a fresh challenge in the form of new pandemic restrictions imposed this month by the government. The initial lockdowns last year punished Europe’s economies, bringing large swaths of commercial life to a halt. But the current restrictions are calibrated to reflect improved understanding of how the virus spreads. Rather than closing their doors altogether, restaurants in some countries are serving meals on patios and dispensing takeout orders. Roofers, carpenters and other skilled trades have resumed work, so long as they can stay outside. “We have sort of learned to live with the pandemic,” said Dhaval Joshi, chief strategist at BCA Research in London. “We are adapting to it.” Vaccination rates are increasing throughout Europe, a trend likely to be advanced by the European Union’s recent deal to secure doses from Pfizer. Most economists and the European Central Bank expect the eurozone to expand at a blistering pace over the rest of 2021, yielding growth of more than 4 percent for the full year. Still, even in the most hopeful scenario, Europe’s recovery is running behind the United States, a reflection of their differing approaches to economic trauma. Since last year, the United States has unleashed additional public spending worth 25 percent of its national economic output for pandemic-related stimulus and relief programs, according to the International Monetary Fund. That compares to 10 percent in Germany. But Europe also began the crisis with far more comprehensive social safety net programs. While the United States directed cash to those set back by the pandemic, Europe limited a surge in unemployment. “Europe has more insurance schemes,” said Kjersti Haugland, chief economist at DNB Markets, an investment bank in Oslo. “You don’t fall as hard, but you don’t rebound that sharply either.” The average selling price of Ford models rose 8 percent in the first three months of 2021 compared with a year ago, to $47,858, according to the auto-sales data provider Edmunds.com.Credit…Mohamed Sadek for The New York Times In the first months of 2021, what was good for the auto industry was decidedly good for the American economy. Spending on motor vehicles and parts rose almost 13 percent in the first quarter, making a big contribution to the increase in gross domestic product, the Commerce Department reported Thursday. Strong sales of new and used vehicles were propelled by consumers who had delayed purchases earlier in the pandemic and by others who — because of the virus — wanted to rely less on public transit or shared transportation services like Uber. Two rounds of stimulus payments since late December were a big factor. Low interest rates, readily available credit, rising home values and stock prices, and strong trade-in values for used models also eased the path for consumers. In fact, demand in the first quarter was robust enough that the auto industry was able to post healthy results despite a shortage of computer chips that forced temporary shutdowns of many auto plants. The number of new cars and light trucks sold increased 11 percent from the comparable period a year earlier, to 3.9 million, according to the auto-sales data provider Edmunds.com. On Wednesday, Ford Motor reported it made a $3.3 billion profit in the quarter, its highest total since 2011. While it produced 200,000 fewer vehicles in the quarter than it had planned, the average selling price of Ford models rose to $47,858, 8 percent higher than in the first quarter a year ago, Edmunds reported. The combination of strong consumer demand and tight inventories — partly a result of the chip shortage — has produced something of a dream scenario for auto retailers. At AutoNation, the country’s largest chain of dealerships, many vehicles are being sold near or at sticker price even before they arrive from the factory. “I’ve never seen so much preselling of shipments,” said Mike Jackson, the chief executive. “These vehicles are coming in and going right out.” In the first quarter, AutoNation’s revenue jumped 27 percent, to $5.9 billion, and the company reported $239 million in profit. That was a turnaround from a loss a year ago, when the pandemic crimped sales and forced AutoNation to close stores. Receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine in Budapest.Credit…Akos Stiller for The New York Times The vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford brought in $275 million in sales from about 68 million doses delivered in the first three months of this year, AstraZeneca reported on Friday. AstraZeneca disclosed the figure, most of which came from sales in Europe, as it reported its first-quarter financial results. It offers the clearest view to date of how much money is being brought in by one of the leading Covid vaccines. AstraZeneca, which has pledged not to profit on its vaccine during the pandemic, has been selling the shot to governments for several dollars per dose, less expensive than the other leading vaccines. The vaccine has won authorization in at least 78 countries since December but is not approved for use in the United States. The vaccine represented just under 4 percent of AstraZeneca’s revenue for the quarter; it was nowhere near the company’s biggest revenue generator. By comparison, the company’s best-selling product, the cancer drug Tagrisso, brought in more than $1.1 billion in sales in the quarter. AstraZeneca has said it is planning to seek emergency authorization for its vaccine to be used in the United States, even as it has become clear that the doses are not needed. The Biden administration said this week that it would make available to the rest of the world up to 60 million doses of its supply of AstraZeneca shots, pending a review of their quality. If the company does win authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, it could help shore up confidence in a vaccine whose reputation been hit by concerns about a rare but serious side effect involving blood clotting. The F.D.A.’s evaluation process is considered the gold standard globally. Johnson & Johnson, whose vaccine was authorized for emergency use at the end of February, reported last week that its vaccine generated $100 million in sales in the United States in the first three months of the year. The federal government is paying the company $10 a dose. Like AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson has pledged to sell its vaccine “at cost” — meaning it won’t profit on the sales — during the pandemic. Vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna cost more, and neither company has said that it will forego profits. Pfizer has said that it expects its vaccine to bring in about $15 billion in revenue this year; Moderna said it anticipates $18.4 billion in sales. Both companies are scheduled to report their first-quarter results next week. With the pandemic shifting sales online and consumers flush with stimulus checks, Amazon on Thursday reported $108.5 billion in sales in the first three months of the year, up 44 percent from a year earlier. It also posted $8.1 billion in profit, an increase of 220 percent from the same period last year. The high volume of orders during the pandemic has let Amazon operate more efficiently. It has run its warehouses closer to full capacity, and delivery drivers have made more stops on their routes, with less time driving between customers. The number of items Amazon sold grew 44 percent, but the cost to fulfill those orders was up only 31 percent. Twitter’s revenue in the first quarter of the year was $1.04 billion, the company said Thursday, a 28 percent increase from the same quarter the previous year that modestly exceeded analyst expectations. Net income for the quarter was $68 million, a turnaround from an $8.4 million loss in the same quarter a year ago. The banning of former President Donald J. Trump did not appear to have hurt Twitter’s financial performance in the quarter. The company saw a 20 percent jump in daily active users who see ads, to 199 million. It also added new advertising formats, leading to a 32 percent increase in ad revenue in the quarter. President Biden’s address to a joint session of Congress was on the screens at The Brig, a beer garden in in Washington, on Wednesday night.Credit…Alyssa Schukar for The New York Times Nearly 27 million people watched President Biden’s first formal address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday night, a large audience for television these days but a much smaller audience than similar speeches by other presidents, according to data from Nielsen. Shown on all major networks and cable news channels starting at 9 p.m. Eastern time, the speech attracted a much larger television audience than Sunday’s Oscars telecast on ABC, which was watched by about 10 million people. But the audience was significantly smaller than the one for President Donald J. Trump’s first formal address to Congress in 2017, which drew 48 million viewers. The television audience for Mr. Biden’s address also fell shy of those for equivalent speeches by other recent presidents. Barack Obama had an audience of 52 million in 2009; George W. Bush drew 40 million in 2001; and Bill Clinton’s first address was watched by 67 million in 1993. Several factors contributed to the smaller ratings. Because of public health and security concerns at the Capitol, Mr. Biden’s speech came later in his presidency than those delivered by his recent predecessors, which all took place in February. There was also less pomp on Wednesday. Instead of an in-person audience of 1,600 senators, Supreme Court justices and other dignitaries seated cheek by jowl with House members, only 200 people were present because of social-distancing restrictions. TV ratings, in general, have sunk in recent years, as more people have dropped cable subscriptions in favor of streaming, a shift that was accelerated by pandemic viewing habits. And the number of people watching television in the spring, compared with the winter, tends to be smaller. ABC had the biggest audience for the address, with roughly 4 million viewers, according to the Nielsen, and MSNBC was right behind, with 3.9 million. Fox News and the Fox broadcast networks had the smallest audiences, with 2.9 million viewers (Fox News) and 1.6 million (Fox broadcast). The Fox audience came out in force for the post-speech analysis by anchors and commentators and the Republican rebuttal from Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina. In the 30 minutes after the address, Fox News was the only network to have a surge in viewers, with an average of 3.2 million people tuning in. The analysis of the speech varied depending on the network. The Fox News contributor Ben Domenech said Mr. Biden’s speech was a “political blip” that would be “immediately forgotten.” (An earlier version of this item incorrectly stated that Mr. Domenech had called the speech a “tissue of lies.” That comment referred to Mr. Biden’s Inaugural Address.) On MSNBC, the anchor Brian Williams hailed the speech as “Rooseveltian in size and scope.” Tesla has been losing market share even as demand for rooftop solar power has grown.Credit…Caleb Kenna for The New York Times Tesla’s solar ambitions date to 2015 when it announced that it would sell panels and home batteries alongside its electric cars. A year later, Elon Musk, the company’s chief executive, promised that Tesla’s new shingles would turbocharge installations by attracting homeowners who found solar panels ugly. After delays, Tesla began rolling out the shingles in a big way this year, but it is already encountering a major problem, Ivan Penn reports for The New York Times. The company is hitting some customers with price increases before installation that are tens of thousands of dollars higher than earlier quotes, angering early adopters and raising big questions about how Tesla, which is better known for its electric cars, is running its once dominant rooftop solar business. The shingles remain such a tiny segment of the solar market that few industry groups and analysts bother to track installations. Tesla is not the only company to pursue the idea of embedding solar cells, which convert sunlight into electricity, in shingles. Dow Chemical, CertainTeed, Suntegra and Luma, among others, have offered similar products with limited success. But given Mr. Musk’s success with Tesla’s electric cars and SpaceX’s rockets, Tesla’s glass shingles attracted outsize attention. He promised that they would be much better than anything anybody else had come up with and come in a variety of styles so they could resemble asphalt, slate and Spanish barrel tiles to fit the aesthetic of each home. During a quarterly earnings call on Monday, Mr. Musk insisted that demand for Tesla’s solar roofs “remains strong” even though the company had raised prices substantially. He described the last-minute increases as a teething problem. Customers are unhappy with the growing pains. Dr. Peter Quint was eager to install Tesla’s solar shingles on his 4,000-square-foot home in Portland, Ore., until the company raised the price to $112,000, from $75,000, in a terse email. When he called Tesla for an explanation, he was put on hold for more than three hours. “I said, ‘This isn’t real, right?’” said Dr. Quint, whose specialty is pediatric critical care. “The price started inching up. We could deal with that. Then this. At that price, in our opinion, it’s highway robbery.” Source link Orbem News #Economy #Europes #Live #Quarter #Recession #revealing #Shrank #Updates
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YouTube’s Organic Visibility Tops Wikipedia in Google SERPs via @gregjarboe
When Searchmetrics presented Slide #14 in their “2019 SEO Year-End Review” presentation, you could have knocked me over with a feather.
That’s when I discovered that YouTube has steadily (and stealthily) increased its organic visibility in Google’s SERPs over the past two years and recently surpassed Wikipedia for the #1 spot.
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Stop the presses! That’s significant information. So, why did Searchmetrics bury their lead? Because they told the story of how the SEO industry changed during 2019 in chronological order. In fact, YouTube reaching #1 was the fourth topic covered in the on-demand version of their webcast. Now, I realize that Google’s core updates on March 12, June 3, and September 24 deserved to be covered in a 2019 SEO year-end review. And so did Google’s BERT update on October 24. But, none of these stories are ���new” news to SEOs. Ironically, this meant that the most newsworthy information followed a third section on “industry trends.” But, from a journalist’s perspective, YouTube edging past Wikipedia in organic visibility in Google SERPs is the most important “news you can use” in 2020.
How to Optimize Your Videos for YouTube & Google
Now, to use this news, you’ll need to optimize your videos for YouTube as well as for Google. I’ll tell you how to do that, but it isn’t that simple. First, you need to optimize your videos for YouTube’s algorithm. And, as I mentioned last year in my post, “Why You Must Unlearn What You Know About the YouTube Algorithm,” it’s hard to boil that down when YouTube’s algorithm works one way when videos are brand new and another way when they are more than six weeks old. As a quick recap, optimizing your metadata (the titles, tags, and descriptions for your content) matters less once YouTube has more data on watch time (the amount of time in aggregate that your viewers are watching your videos). Second, you also need to optimize your videos for Google’s universal search algorithm. And, as SEOs know all too well, Google made 3,234 “improvements” to search in 2018 – an average of almost 9 per day. Although most of these changes were minor, Google occasionally rolls out major algorithmic updates (like the three core updates in 2019) that affect search results in more significant ways. But, there is some high-level guidance that I can share with the SEO community.
1. Create Great YouTube Content for Both the YouTube & Google Audiences
The key to success is to create great YouTube content for both YouTube and Google audiences. And, the biggest difference between them isn’t demographic or geographic. It’s psychographic. Your YouTube audience is twice as likely to be early adopters, agreeing that “I am among the first of my friends and colleagues to try new products.” And your YouTube audience is 1.8x more likely to be influencers, agreeing that “people often come to me for advice before making a purchase.” Now, you generally need your primary audience to discover, watch, like, share, and add comments to your video content on YouTube before your secondary audience will see it in a Google SERP. The exceptions to this process are compelling commercials or funny skits on TV that people hear about from their friends, family, or colleagues and then go searching for on Google as well as YouTube. For example, if you analyze YouTube’s list of Top Trending Videos of 2019 (USA), then you’ll quickly see that all but two were uploaded by popular YouTube Creators (aka early adopters and influencers). But, let’s take a closer look at the two exceptions, which also appeared on TV. One is “We Believe: The Best Men Can Be | Gillette (Short Film).” As the video’s description says:
“Bullying. Harassment. Is this the best a man can get? It’s only by challenging ourselves to do more, that we can get closer to our best. To say the right thing, to act the right way. We are taking action at https://gillette.com/en-us/about/the-best-men-can-be Join us.”
Uploaded on January 13, 2019, the video is 1:48 long, and has more than 33 million views and 807,000 “Likes,” making it the fifth most liked video of the year. And, as you can see below, it ranks #1 in Google.
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The other is “R. Kelly Interview Cold Open – SNL.” As the video’s description says:
“Gayle King (Leslie Jones) interviews R. Kelly (Kenan Thompson) about the allegations leveled against him.”
Uploaded on March 10, 2019, this 7:36 video has almost 15.9 million views and 233,000 “Likes,” making it the ninth most liked videos of the year. And as you can see below, the YouTube version ranks #1, the version on NBC.com ranks #2, the Facebook version ranks #3, and the Dailymotion version ranks #4 in the Google SERP.
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In other words, you need to create great YouTube content or great TV content that is also uploaded to YouTube if you want it to appear in Google’s SERPs. And, although many brands and media companies create TV content, they seem to be afraid or unable to create the kind of great content that popular YouTube Creators, Gillette, and SNL created in 2019. There are other steps that you should take to optimize your videos for YouTube and Google.
2. Create Descriptive & Accurate Metadata & Thumbnails
Now, I don’t need to tell SEOs that YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine, behind only Google. But, did you know they have different algorithms? The goals of YouTube’s search and discovery algorithm are:
“To help viewers find the videos they want to watch, and to maximize long-term viewer engagement and satisfaction.”
So, before or after you’ve created great YouTube content that maximizes viewer engagement and satisfaction, you should:
Conduct Keyword Research
Conduct keyword research to find what your target audiences want to watch on YouTube or discover on Google. I recommend using one or both of the following tools: Google Trends This tool has both Google and YouTube search data going back more than 12 years. This enables you to see if there is existing YouTube search interest as well as Google search interest in the keywords, terms, and phrases that you plan to use to write optimized titles, tags, and descriptions for your video content. And don’t be surprised to discover that search interest trends on YouTube are different than they are on Google. Keyword Tool & Its Sister Keyword Tool for YouTube Both use the autocomplete features on Google as well as YouTube to generate highly relevant long-tail keywords. While there are lots of other keyword tools for Google, you want to identify terms and phrases that will help your videos get found on both YouTube and Google. So, that narrows your list of tool options fairly dramatically.
Use Compelling Titles for Your Videos That Accurately Represent the Content
How do you make a video’s title compelling? Well, ask yourself, “If it showed up in a search, would my target viewer click on it?” Now, basic YouTube SEO advice recommends that you should include relevant keywords in your title. The study by Justin Briggs that I wrote about last year found that this advice was still valid. But, an analysis of text-based targeting came to a more nuanced conclusion. The study, which looked at 3.8 million data points across 100,000 videos and 75,000 channels, found that:
90% of high ranking videos had some had some variant of the keyword in the title. So, exact match keywords help, but they aren’t required.
There is a relationship between title length and ranking performance. Most titles on videos ranking in the top 20 positions averaged around 47-48 characters, with the highest-ranking YouTube videos having titles 20-40 characters long.
Write Detailed Descriptions Using Video SEO Best Practices
The same study by Briggs found that there is a positive relationship between broad match keyword usage in descriptions and ranking. However, with only 75% of top 20 results using some broad match variant in their description text, it was not as essential as including your keyword in your title. But, it is still highly recommended. Briggs also found that a lengthy and more robust description was advantageous, but only to a point. The sweet spot seemed to be between 200 and 350 words. Beyond 350 words, average rank performed worse on average. Now, only the first few sentences of your description will appear in search results or above the fold on a watch page – so make them count!
Use a Comprehensive Number of Related Video Tags
Although Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking, YouTube uses tags to help viewers find the videos they want to watch. And, the YouTube Search and Discovery team says that the influence of tags is variable based on different factors, such as how closely the tags are related to each other on a topic. In the past, YouTube has recommended using the whole 270-character limit. And Briggs found the sweet spot was around 200 to 300 characters. So, it seems that the more data you give YouTube in the keyword tag field, the better a video performs in YouTube search and suggested videos. YouTube also seemed to prefer 2-4 word phrases over many single word phrases when Briggs compared this to the optimal number of unique tags used to achieve the character count. Tag performance was highest between 31 and 40 distinct tags, which may suggest it’s better to target multiple moderate-length keywords than it is to use very short or very long keyword phrases.
Create Thumbnails That Accurately Represent Your Content
Although it doesn’t impact ranking, you should also create thumbnails that accurately represent your content. Thumbnails show up in different sizes and formats all across YouTube and outside of it on Google. You need to make sure you’ve got a strong, vibrant image that pops no matter what size it is. This can encourage a viewer to click on your video even if it’s ranked below another one.
3. Keep Viewers Watching with Video Best Practices
Once viewers have discovered your video, you need to keep them watching it – if you are going to rack up enough watch time to rank well on YouTube as well as appear in Google. This means you need to be an effective editor. Create a compelling opening to your videos to hook viewers right from the start, as well as maintain and build interest throughout the video. To do this, you need to master the storytelling techniques that I wrote about in my October 2018 post entitled, “6 Lessons In Video Storytelling You Can Learn from Indian Brands.” So, how long a story should you tell? Before October 2012, I would have said about 2 to 3 minutes long. But, based on the importance of watch time in YouTube’s ranking algorithm, I now recommend that you create great content that is longer than 4:30, but shorter than 16:00. In fact, the study by Briggs found that “duration,” or how long a YouTube video is, had several surprising impacts on ranking and viewer behavior. He said:
“A lot of creators struggle with how long they should make a video, and this data helps answer that.”
Briggs found viewers tended to like longer, but not too long, videos. For example, the videos that were most effective at converting views into likes were those between 10 and 16 minutes long. Videos less than 5 minutes long tended to get a lower percentage of positive reviews, and videos longer than 16 minutes started to see a decline in engagement. His study also found that short videos were typically rated very poorly. In general, videos less than a minute did very, very poorly concerning positive reviews. Positive sentiment improved with every minute up until about 4 minutes, where it evened out. But, how does duration influence rankings? Briggs found that YouTube’s algorithm seemed to follow the audience. The algorithm appeared to rank videos less than 2 minutes notably worse, but this evened out after about 4 minutes. He also found that a video’s duration helps a lot to drive incremental watch time up until about 4.5 minutes, but it only helps a little after 4.5 minutes. However, it didn’t decline. It continues to rise, so if you’re trying to maximize watch time, do not shy away from 10+ minute videos. Also, there is no decline in sentiment, rank, or views for videos beyond 10 minutes. This point is vital, because watch time is a significant ranking factor. While there is a retention curve associated with video duration which describes how users typically “fall off” throughout a video, longer videos can drive incremental watch time, even if they become less efficient at doing this with each additional minute. In simple terms, a 5-minute video might get more views than a 10-minute video, but the 10-minute video is more likely to accumulate a substantial amount of watch time to make up for that. In the study by Briggs, 10-minute videos had about 15% more watch time than those that were 5 minutes. And Briggs saw 10+ minute videos ranking well in YouTube search. In fact, the average duration of videos that ranked in the top 5 positions was 11 minutes and 44 seconds, and there appeared to be a positive relationship between video length and ranking.
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Now, you can’t fix the duration of your existing videos retroactively. So, you’ll need to start creating a higher percentage of longer videos going forward. You should also build your subscriber base. Subscribers are your most loyal fans and will be notified of new videos and playlists to watch. In addition, the study by Briggs found that larger channels with higher subscriber counts also had higher rankings than those with fewer subscribers in their niche. He said:
“There is a positive relationship between subscriber counts and rankings. While this might be a ‘channel authority’ style signal, it’s important to think of subscriptions as a CRM / distribution list. Channels with larger subscriber counts have a useful tool that drives views through browse features, personalized recommendations, and notifications.”
Briggs added:
“It’s also suggestive of an inherent, engaged audience that can seed videos with a baseline level of views from viewers that are prone to have better retention and longer session durations, driving up watch time relative to channels with less brand affinity. It may also be suggestive of a higher likelihood of binge-watching and playlist usage, which can help seed videos with better co-watch data to power video recommendations.”
You should also engage your audience. Online video is an inherently social medium. Involve your audience in your videos, encourage comments, and interact with your viewers as part of the content. In addition, leverage other social media, especially Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
4. Organize & Program Your Content
Build Long Watch-Time Sessions by Organizing Themed Content Using Playlists
ou can use your own videos, other videos, or a combination of both. This not only creates another asset that can appear in YouTube search results and in Suggested Videos, it also increases the watch time of videos on your channel and across YouTube.
Create a Regular Release Schedule and Publish Videos More Frequently
Releasing content frequently on a recurring schedule keeps your audience’s interest and impacts YouTube’s algorithm. This means you need to develop a programming strategy.
If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them
Although it’s relatively new “news” that YouTube.com has steadily (and stealthily) increased its organic visibility in Google’s SERPs over the past two years and recently surpassed Wikipedia.org for the #1 spot, most of the best practices for video SEO were published almost a year ago. So, why haven’t more SEOs taken advantage of this significant trend? Well, I suspect there are several possible explanations. For starters, YouTube videos started appearing in Google universal search results back in May 2007, but only 500,000 out of the 3 million SEOs in the world mention “video SEO” in their LinkedIn profile today. So, five out of six SEOs around the globe still don’t think video SEO is part of their job. In addition, many organizations put SEO and YouTube marketing in different silos in the org chart and even different locations around the country. So, there is little informal collaboration between the two. Finally, as I mention above, many brands and media companies seem to be afraid or unable to create the kind of great content that popular YouTube Creators, Gillette, and SNL created in 2019. So, let me conclude by giving you another option: Sponsored videos. According to Tubular Labs data, 180,000 brands have sponsored 1.3 million videos in 400,000 campaigns created by 115,000 content partners. In other words, if your organization or client can’t or won’t create the kind of great content that popular YouTube Creators do, then sponsor their next video. For example, Sam’s Club sponsored a video entitled, “Real Life Trick Shots 3 | Dude Perfect.” Uploaded February 25, 2019, this video is 3:42 long, and it has 69.5 million views and 1.5 million “Likes.”
And, as you can see below, it ranks #1 on Google.
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In other words, if you can’t beat them, join them. More Resources:
Image Credits In-Post Image: Searchmetrics All screenshots taken by author, December 2019
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watchilove · 4 years
Presented in 2015, the ZEITWERK MINUTE REPEATER is the world’s only watch that combines a mechanical jumping numerals display with a decimal minute repeater. The complicated timepiece – its assembly alone requires several months – has so far been available only in platinum. Five years after its debut, it now comes in a limited 30-watch edition in white gold with a deep-blue dial.
The ZEITWERK MINUTE REPEATER features a totally new interpretation of the classic complication. Its striking mechanism – it sounds ten-minute intervals instead of quarter-hours with double strikes – is a convincing logical complement to the “digital” display of the time.
As soon as the striking mechanism is activated with the repeater pusher at 10 o’clock, it sounds the time as indicated on the dial. One hears what one sees. And one sees what one hears. At 7.52, for instance, the gong hammer on the left strikes the low-pitched gong seven times, once for every elapsed hour. Then, five double tones are struck for the elapsed ten-minute intervals, followed by the right-hand hammer with two high strikes, one for each elapsed minute. The polished gongs and the black-polished gong hammers are subtly integrated in the design of the dial.
Special design features
In the development of the striking mechanism, Lange’s engineers relied on the basic principle of the jumping numerals mechanism with which the time is displayed by an hour ring and two minute discs. This configuration makes it possible to sample the number of strikes to be executed – separately for the hours, ten-minute intervals and minutes – directly on the snails that are connected to the mechanical display elements. At the same time, enlarged sampling surfaces enhance the reliability of the striking mechanism. This assures that the acoustic time always corresponds to the displayed time.
Pusher instead of slide
The ZEITWERK MINUTE REPEATER features a unique pusher mechanism for triggering the repeater. Because the power for the striking mechanism is delivered by the mainspring barrel, there is no need for a slide – common in minute repeaters – to tension a separate spring. The absence of a large lateral opening in the case eliminated a source of acoustic disruption, thus improving the sound quality. And since a pusher, unlike a slide, can be sealed, the ZEITWERK MINUTE REPEATER is water-resistant to as much as 3 bar.
Harmonious sound
To achieve the best possible sound quality, the product developers carefully reconciled all relevant parameters such as the case, gong hammers, gongs and movement architecture with one another. The large white-gold case delivers a reverberant, warm sound. The gongs, patiently tuned by hand, generate pure, resonant tones in perfect harmony.
Finesse in details
The ZEITWERK MINUTE REPEATER stands out with a number of refined technical features that in particular optimise its operation.
Since a switching action could cause mechanical conflicts while the repeater is running, the numerals discs are prevented from incrementing until the repeater sequence has ended. This can take up to 20 seconds. The delay also assures that the digitally displayed time and the acoustic time are always the same.
For the same reason, the crown cannot be pulled while the striking mechanism is active. The actuation of the repeater pusher uncouples the wheel train of the winder from the ratchet wheel that drives the striking mechanism. This prevents the wheel train of the winder, including the crown, from rotating during the repeater sequence, which would result in an unnecessary loss of energy.
Finally, when the power reserve drops to less than twelve hours, the striking mechanism can no longer be activated. This assures that the repeater sequence is always executed in full: The watch will not stop unexpectedly before the strike sequence has been completed. On the power-reserve indicator, the 12-hour mark is identified with a red dot.
Jumping numerals mechanism
With their precisely jumping numerals display, the ZEITWERK models stand for uncompromising purity of design. Consisting of three discs, the display module is arranged in such a way that the time, with large-format numerals, can be read from left to right in the natural way. With a gentle click and hardly discernible to the human eye, the patented jumping numerals mechanism advances from minute to minute until, at the top of the hour, all three numerals discs simultaneously jump forward by precisely one increment. An exceptionally strong mainspring is required to handle these switching actions. It is equally important to assure the controlled deceleration of the abruptly accelerated discs to rule out damage to the movement. This is done with a fly governor that absorbs excess energy after each switching sequence.
Constant-force escapement
As all models of the ZEITWERK watch family, the ZEITWERK MINUTE REPEATER also features a patented constant-force escapement between the barrel and the balance that acts as a pacemaker for the instantaneous advance of the numerals discs in one-minute intervals. At the same time, it makes an important contribution to rate stability by assuring that the balance – regardless of the state of wind of the watch and despite energy-intensive switching processes – is powered with a consistent amount of force across the entire power-reserve duration.
  Flawless craftsmanship
Composed of 771 parts, the manufacture calibre L043.5 is completed by hand with extreme care and utmost patience. Of the 93 jewels, three are set in screwed gold chatons. The hand-engraved balance cock – the artistic signature of all Lange watches – was given a design complement: the escape-wheel cock engraved with the same motif.
Edition 2020
Five years after its debut in 2015, the ZEITWERK MINUTE REPEATER now comes in a 44.2-millimetre white-gold case with a matching deployant. The deep-blue dial in solid silver contrasts beautifully against the rhodiumed German silver time bridge. A blue hand-stitched leather strap highlights the elegance of the timepiece. Limited to 30 watches, this edition is available exclusively in the 33 A. Lange & Söhne boutiques.
About A. Lange & Söhne
Dresden watchmaker Ferdinand Adolph Lange laid the cornerstone of Saxony’s precision watchmaking industry when he established his manufactory in 1845. His precious pocket watches remain highly coveted among collectors all over the world. The company was expropriated after World War II, and the name A. Lange & Söhne nearly vanished. In 1990, Ferdinand Adolph Lange’s great-grandson Walter Lange had the courage to relaunch the brand. Today, Lange crafts only a few thousand wristwatches per year, predominantly in gold or platinum. They are endowed exclusively with proprietary movements that are lavishly decorated by hand and assembled twice. With 64 manufacture calibres developed since 1994, A. Lange & Söhne has secured a top-tier position in the world of watchmaking. Brand icons such as the LANGE 1 with the first outsize date in a regularly produced wristwatch, and the ZEITWERK with its precisely jumping numerals display, rank among the company’s greatest successes. Exceptional complications such as the ZEITWERK MINUTE REPEATER, the TRIPLE SPLIT, and the so far most complicated model, the GRAND COMPLICATION presented in 2013 in a six-watch limited edition, reflect the manufactory’s determination to achieve ever new pinnacles in its tradition-steeped horological artistry. Launched in 2019, the sporty-elegant ODYSSEUS marks the beginning of a new chapter for A. Lange & Söhne.
A. Lange & Söhne Zeitwerk Minute Repeater blue dial Technical Specifications
Lange manufacture calibre L043.5,
manually wound,
crafted to the most exacting Lange quality standards,
decorated and assembled by hand;
precision-adjusted in five positions;
three-quarter plate made of untreated German silver;
balance and escape-wheel cocks engraved by hand;
constant-force escapement
Movement parts: 771
No. of jewels: 93
Screwed gold chatons: 3
Escapement: Lever escapement
Oscillation system:
Shock-resistant cam-poised balance;
balance spring crafted in-house,
frequency 18,000 semi-oscillations per hour,
precision beat adjustment system with lateral setscrew and whiplash spring
Power reserve: 36 hours when fully wound if the striking mechanism is not activated
Movement dimensions
Diameter: 37.7 millimetres;
height: 10.9 millimetres
Hours and minutes with jumping numerals display,
striking mechanism with decimal minute repeater,
subsidiary seconds with stop seconds,
power-reserve indicator
Operating elements
Crown for winding the watch and setting the time;
pusher for activating the striking mechanism
Diameter: 44.2 millimetres;
height: 14.1 millimetres
Crystal and caseback: Sapphire crystal (Mohs hardness 9)
Material: White gold
Solid silver, deep blue
Time bridge: Rhodiumed German silver
Hands: Rhodiumed gold
Strap and Buckle
Hand-stitched leather, blue
Deployant buckle in white gold
Limited edition 30 watches
A. Lange & Söhne Zeitwerk Minute Repeater blue dial Gallery
A. Lange & Söhne Zeitwerk Minute Repeater blue dial Presented in 2015, the ZEITWERK MINUTE REPEATER is the world’s only watch that combines a mechanical jumping numerals display with a decimal minute repeater.
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easilymakermoney · 5 years
How Does Google Make Cash? | Google Enterprise Mannequin
How Does Google Make Cash? | Google Enterprise Mannequin
5 (100%) 2 votes
Admit it. You have got contemplated over this query whereas casually trying to find some cat movies. Then you definitely finally gave your self the “Hey, these guys present tons of advertisements. They most likely earn sufficient cash from it.” then when with time when the web went haywire over privateness considerations you gave your self the “Hey, if I’m not paying, I most likely am the product.”. To be truthful, your hunch wasn’t approach off course. However to place issues to perspective, we’re going to inform you EXACTLY how does Google earn cash.
How Does Google Make Cash?
Google handles 1.2 trillion search queries per yr and has partnered with over 2 million web sites which have a attain to over 90% of individuals on the web. Think about promoting to such an enormous market. In Q3 of 2018. Google’s income amounted to a whopping 33.6 billion USD.
And guess what?
In 2018, promoting income from Google websites amounted to 70.9% of the corporate’s revenues and promoting income from Google community websites amounted to 16%.
So the bottom reply could be ads. A variety of them.
Supply: Statista
How Does Google Make Cash From Commercials?
There are three parts that support Google to assist promote: AdWords, AdSense and AdMob.
AdWords is the advertiser focused platform which lets them develop and launch advert campaigns on Google Search and Google Show Community. It decides what ads are to be displayed on the Google webpage and on accomplice web sites.AdSense is the writer oriented platform which lets the publishers make cash by placing ads on their web sites. These writer web sites type part of the Google Show Community.AdMob is identical as AdSense besides it’s for cell purposes.
What’s Google Advert Bidding And How Does It Work?
Google advertisements campaigns may be categorized into two sorts –
Search Community Marketing campaign – Google Search Marketing campaign permits you to show your ads within the Google search listings. These advertisements are triggered when somebody searches for the focused key phrase.Show Community Marketing campaign – Google Show Community Marketing campaign permits you to show your ads on Google apps like Gmail, Youtube, in addition to thousands and thousands of different web sites and purposes which use Adsense and AdMob to monetize themselves. These advertisements may be focused in response to the customers’ actions in your web site and the focused key phrases (shall be proven on probably the most related content material).
Often, multiple advertiser bid for a sure key phrase (search community and show community) or a placement (show community) and the winner is determined by Google triggering an public sale. The winner of this public sale is determined by wanting into two key metrics — the CPC bid (most quantity you’re prepared to bid for a click on on the advert) and the standard rating (a metric which decides how related your advert is to the consumer). The product of those two metrics ends in the advert rank of the advertisers and the one with one of the best advert rank wins the public sale.
Right here’s an instance to elucidate issues additional –
AdvertiserMax Bid (CPC)High quality ScoreAd Rank A $2 10 20 B $three 6 18 C $5 three 15
Within the above instance, despite the fact that advertiser C put the utmost bid, advertiser A received the public sale as his advert was thought-about to be a proper match for the key phrase/placement.
How a lot will truly advertiser A ppc for this advert?
Earlier, this bid was typically taken within the type of a generalised second worth public sale system which was an extension of the Vickrey public sale the place the profitable bidder paid the second highest bid, all in an undisclosed bidding, so nobody knew what their rivals had bid for. The method for this methodology was –
Value Paid = Second highest advert rank/Your high quality rating + $zero.01
This implies advertiser A would have paid: 18/10 + $zero.01 =$1.81 per advert click on.
Nonetheless, Google has lately moved to first-price auctions the place the advertiser now pay what he bade for.
This implies advertiser A will now pay: 20/10 = $2 per advert click on.
The standard rating performs an important position in rating the ads.
Think about a bid for laundry machines, a number of advertisers bid for it. The advertiser bidding the best bid (say: Amazon) will get the highest spot as a result of it additionally had an excellent high quality rating.
Nonetheless, if you change the key phrase to the highest loading washer:
Regardless that if Amazon bade extra, the highest loading washer key phrase would have been extra related with the Whirlpool advert so Google places the related extra particular advert based mostly on the standard rating.
The incorporation of the standard rating does make sense as Google targets the potential market solely. This makes it one of the best platform for advertisers to enhance their attain. After all, Google has numerous background knowledge concerning the customers it’s going to present the ads to. It has entry to your cookie knowledge and search historical past for starters.
Google Adwords
Whereas promoting by way of Google AdWords, an advertiser has to pay provided that their commercial has been clicked on a publishing accomplice’s web site. So the cost boils all the way down to value per click on.
This can be a foolproof methodology for advertisers to know if their attain is getting affected by Google AdWords.
Based mostly on this data, allow us to guesstimate the revenue:
There are round four,090,000 searches per 30 days for ‘low-cost flights’ within the USA and the estimated CPC is $2.44. So even when we take 40% clicks on the advertisements, it brings us to round $three,991,840 which is some huge cash in my view. Once more this is only one commercial for a specific key phrase. Think about the cluster of key phrases and the costing introduced up collectively. This brings some enormous figures.
Google Purchasing Advertisements
When Google thinks explicit search question is finished with the intent to purchase, it brings up Google Purchasing Advertisements.
You could have encountered Google Purchasing advertisements. They appear one thing like this:
Google purchasing advertisements are nice at choosing goal consumers because the advert format is extra direct and the pricing is extra conveniently displayed.
Google Show Community
The enjoyable factor about Google Show Community is, it places out companions to publish its ads.
Advertisers continually bid for the Advert area a accomplice offers on their web site or utility. After all, since it’s the accomplice’s property, they will select which advertisements to maintain, which classes, format and textual content model to the commercial is greatest suited to go along with the web site’s format. The companions may even add Google-like search (with advertisements) on their web site to earn a bit extra.
In return, Google pays the accomplice web site each time the commercial is seen or clicked on by a consumer. The income share between the accomplice and Google is within the ratio three:2 (for search advertisements, it’s 51:49). Youtubers, nonetheless, are paid within the ratio 11:9.
The sum of money a accomplice web site (Adsense) and purposes (AdMob) earns from a click on relies upon upon components like key phrases, trade and the commercial which is clicked on. If the hits in your web site are too excessive, you is usually a premium AdSense accomplice with the next income share.
Income From Different Sources
Google has expanded its enterprise mannequin to much more than simply search. Likewise, the income mannequin has additionally expanded and now contains income from Google Maps, G Suite, Google Cloud, Android, Play Retailer and its acquisitions like Dialogflow, Kaggle, and many others.
Income from Google Maps
Google maps run on a path much like the guardian firm and earns a few of its income from ads (native search advertisements and promoted pins). Nonetheless, Google maps will get most of its income from its API which is utilized by huge companies like Uber, Trivago, Airbnb, Pokemon Go and many others. The pricing of the product is pay as you go and the builders additionally get a recurring $200 credit score on their billing account every month to offset their utilization prices.
The model has additionally partnered with cab hailing corporations like Lyft the place the accessible cabs and their costs may be found on the Google Maps utility.
Income From Google Translate
Similar to Google Maps, Google Translate is a free-to-use utility for people and makes cash when companies use its API.
The cloud translation API helps multiple hundred totally different languages, comes with automated language detection, and comes within the type of easy-to-use Google REST API the place the builders simply must ship HTML paperwork and get again translated textual content.
The product is priced month-to-month based mostly on utilization.
Income from G Suite
G Suite is a model of cloud productiveness and collaboration instruments together with Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Hangouts, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Websites, Jamboard, App Maker and Vault. The model operates on a freemium enterprise mannequin the place the person consumer will get a restricted cloud area and options without cost however has to pay when he needs extra or needs to make use of it for his enterprise.
For starters, G Suite may also help you utilize Gmail to ship emails utilizing your area title as an alternative of ‘gmail.com’ and have staff conferences utilizing Hangouts; and for the massive enterprises, it may show out to be one-stop cloud storage and administration suite which additionally lets them create low-code purposes for his or her enterprise. The value for the essential subscription plan begins at $6 per consumer per 30 days (for as much as 30 GB Drive area) and goes as much as $25 per consumer per 30 days (for limitless Drive area).
Different Google Cloud Merchandise
G suite, Maps API, and Translate API are part of Google Cloud. Similar to Amazon, the corporate additionally offers many different cloud-based merchandise for builders and cost it in response to the utilization.
Income from Android And Play Retailer
Android doesn’t add income to Google’s pockets straight but it surely absolutely helps the corporate to save lots of thousands and thousands (or billions) of which may have spent within the type of funds to different working methods to maintain Google as their default search engine and supply Google knowledge to enhance its promoting income mannequin.
The model, nonetheless, has well included freemium Google Play apps in each Android set up. These Play Apps vary from music to books to video games and embody numerous issues that may be purchased and subscribed to on a smartphone.
Income From Put on OS
Put on OS is the working system designed for the smartwatches. The income mannequin of this OS is much like Android because it comes with many preinstalled Google Apps.
Income From Google Chrome
Google Chrome was developed with a dire must cease paying internet browsers cash to maintain Google as their default search engine. It’s a free internet browser which helps Google monitor your actions on the web and use it for enhancing their efficiency and focusing on advertisements.
Income From Gadgets (Made by Google)
It’s been three years because the firm dived into the gadgets market. Google makes and sells merchandise embody Pixel, Pixel Slate, Chromebook, Chromecast, House, and Wifi. The corporate has capitalized on its current model picture and has grow to be an awesome competitors to different gamers like Amazon, Apple, and Oneplus.
In accordance with Android Authority, the corporate estimated a revenue of $2.98 billion in 2018 with nearly all of the revenue coming from the model Pixel ($1.78 billion).
Income From Google Domains
Google Domains is a website registration service (at present in its beta stage) provided by Google. The corporate operates like some other area registration service like Godaddy, NameCheap, and many others. and even owns a top-level area title – .dev.
Area costs begin at $12 per yr.
As you’ll have famous, Google enterprise mannequin is large and there are assorted sources of income for the corporate. It has used its established model picture to increase its enterprise mannequin into domains and niches nobody had even thought of earlier than. Even the acknowledged income sources above type simply part of the massive enterprise mannequin. The precise income sources increase to different subsidiaries like Google AI, Google Advert Alternate, and different subsidiaries.
Go On, Inform Us What You Suppose!
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Engineer by training. Author by selection. I find out about new issues by writing about them.
from Easily Maker Money https://easilymakermoney.com/2019/04/06/how-does-google-make-cash-google-enterprise-mannequin/
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topicprinter · 5 years
With launching WriteMapper 2, I wanted a snazzy video to help promote it. Despite having no prior experience, I set out to make one.In keeping with the format of sharing DIY projects, here's the result first: https://vimeo.com/308966950Not bad for a half day of work from a first-timer like me, right?In this article, I'll be sharing the steps taken and tools used to create it, so you can do the same for your own product launches.Study PrecedentsAs with any other instance of trying to do something for the first time, I looked for examples that I could learn from and emulate in trying to achieve the desired end product.Things 3Cultured Code launched their Apple Design Award winning app, Things 3 with this professionally made promo video. And it is such a thing of beauty!The clip's clean and minimalist vibe is good news, as it's something that I can reasonably try to emulate in my own promo video.We're probably not going to be able to reproduce certain elements in this video, however, such as how they made the devices pan, zoom and rotate while previewing their software.ApolloThe best Reddit client for iOS, the Apollo app launched with a pretty good product video, which you can view on their website as well.The way screen recordings are played back for preview is much more straightforward to replicate, and more doable for an amateur to capture and create.Otherwise, this clip also uses a clean and simple aesthetic, and gives us more clues in how we can adopt this style in ours as well.Start Identifying PatternsOf these examples, we're trying to look out for patterns which we can use and replicate in our own video. For starters, both examples have a pretty similar sequence, looking something like this:IntroMain feature demosSub-feature demosList of more featuresOutroThis gives us clues as to how we should arrange the content in our own video. We now also know we're looking to make a video that lasts for a minute plus, and the breakdown of timings for each segment in the sequence will also help us in arranging our storyboard later on.We'll dig into how to use these precedents for our own video soon. For now, let's briefly cover the tools you'll need to get this video made.ToolsI used free software that came bundled with macOS, so the good news is you don't need to shell out extra for specialized programs that'll let you make videos or edit them.The bad news is, I don't know of the equivalents of these for Windows, so all I can simply say for this article is you'll need a macOS device to follow along.QuickTimeTo provide previews of our software, we need to be able to capture the behavior of it in order to play it back to the user. This is where QuickTime comes in super handy.KeynoteThis will be used to form the base of our video, from which we can style and animate elements in a medium many of us are already familiar with — the good old slideshow.iMovieThe time we'll be spending in iMovie will be short, but crucial: it'll help us add sound as well as make edits to our clip to give it its final polish.ResourcesYou'll also need a couple of other elements to create a complete video. Here's some resources I found helpful in helping with that.YouTube Audio LibraryEvery video needs an accompanying audio track, and one that fits the video well at that.YouTube's Audio Library seemed to be the most straightforward and easily accessible tool to use for this, according to some quick research I conducted (a.k.a. 1 x DuckDuckGo search).The music tracks on there are conveniently filterable by genre and mood, so it's easier to pinpoint one for your video. It's also great that you know copyright issues have been taken care of, and the tracks that need attribution for use are also clearly labelled.Of course, you'll still need to listen to the music itself to get a feel for it and know if it'll gel well with your visual content. I found that the best way for myself to do this was simply playing as many tracks as possible within the genre/mood of interest, and listening to each one for at least 30 seconds or so, and more if I liked it.With that, you should be able to pick a track that you like enough to use in your video. Also, be sure that its duration is long enough to span the length of your video!Fonts, Graphics & ColorsYou also want to make use of custom styles where applicable, in order to have the video come across as distinctly your brand, instead of as a generic slideshow.For example, the blue background for the sub-features in my WriteMapper video isn't a solid color, but rather a subtle gradient of two different hues of blue taken from the same gradient used in the WriteMapper product itself.You can of course take this concept further for your own videos, changing more things like the font used to customize the overall feel of the video you're creating.The StepsNow, we can finally get to the actual steps in creating the product launch video!1. Lay Out Your Video's StoryboardWe get started with determining the structure of our video clip. From studying the ones from Things 3 and Apollo, we roughly know how we're going to do this; what's left is to add in specific details of how each of these is going to look:i. IntroKeep things simple with the intro, showing your app's name and logo on the first segment, followed by its one-liner description or tagline. The intro should be a total of about 5 seconds long.ii. Main feature demosFor the main feature demos, we're going to need 2 to 3 of them, and each one featuring a demo clip about 9 to 20 seconds long.iii. Sub-feature demosAnd for these demos, each preview clip should last about 1 to 3 seconds long, arranged ideally from demos with the longest duration first, and ending with the snappiest demos.iv. List of more featuresAnd for all the title headings that are flashed before the actual video previews, those last about 1 second long per title — about half a second for the quick-fire ones that appear towards the end of the video. There should be a list of about 5 to 10 features in this segment of the video.v. OutroKeeping things simple like in the intro, finish with showing the app's logo and name again, this time supplementing with an extra information you'd like the viewer to know about your app, such as the platforms your app is going to be available on. The duration of the outro can be anywhere from 5 to 15 seconds, depending on how much information you're including in it and how you're syncing it to the closing music — which we'll address later on.From here, what's left is deciding what are the features or benefits of your product that you want to show the user in each segment of the video. Only you can decide this for yourself and you know your product the best.Overall, this structure should leave us with a video that will run for around 60+ seconds to a maximum of 90 seconds.Take all this information down on a note somewhere and we can move on to the next step.2. Capture Necessary Video ContentNow that we know what are the pieces of demo content we need for our video, we can go ahead and capture these one by one.This is where QuickTime comes in. With QuickTime, you're able to capture screen recordings on any Mac or iOS device. Here's an easy-to-follow link on how to record your screen on a Mac with QuickTime.To record the screen of an iOS device with QuickTime, first connect the device to your Mac, then select "File > New Movie Recording" from the menu bar, and click the dropdown icon next to the record button, which should reveal your connected device as one of the options available under the "Camera" section.For iOS-specific websites or apps, while iOS devices now ship with the screen recording function, it leaves a big red "screen is currently being recorded" icon in the recorded video, so that can be distracting when presented to a viewer and not entirely representative of how your app or software is supposed to function.QuickTime also sets the status bar information like battery level and time to generic values while doing a screen recording, so that's another nice advantage of using it.Another thing to note here if you're recording only a part of your screen, is not to record too small of an area as this might cause pixellation issues later on when you stretch out the screen in Keynote.Once you've gotten all the video clips you need, you're all done with this step!3. Create Keynote PresentationKeynote is where the majority of our video will be created. With the help of the software's timed animation capabilities, we can magically turn this into a moving picture!a. Build StructureFirst off, create a new project in Keynote. Referring to the storyboard that you've laid out for the video, add slides with titles of each of the features you want to include in the video, as well as the content of the intro and outro.This would also be a great time to add any graphics, fonts or styles you intend to include, such as your software's icon or logo. Be sure to position all elements as you would like them to appear in the final video, which is likely centered in the middle of the screen.It sure feels like we're making some progress! Now let's move on to the next part: adding the videos to this slideshow.b. Insert Video ContentOnce that's been taken care of, we can move on to adding the slides that will play the actual video demos which were just captured. For this, there's three things you want to take note of:i. Positioning & FramingDepending on the dimensions of your captured demo clips, you might need to resize them after inserting into Keynote. After resizing, position the video object in the center of the slide and place a frame around it using Keynote's shape tool.ii. Trim LengthYou might have gotten more than you need when capturing the demos — there's a handy trim function in within Keynote that can help with this. You can find it by selecting the movie object, and then accessing the Format > Movie option panel found in the top-right of the Keynote window. From there, simply drag the handles of the Trim section's slider to remove the loose ends of your video clips.iii. Uncheck "Start movie on click"Lastly, you also want to uncheck said checkbox (found in the same pane as the trim options) so that the movie automatically plays when the slide is entered, enabling our video of a slideshow to proceed smoothly.Repeat each of these as necessary for all of your videos in the slideshow. Don't worry if your video clips currently aren't exactly as you'd like them: we can make further edits later on in iMovie.All in all, this is what my slideshow looked like when I was done.Now, for (what I think is the) the fun part: animations!c. AnimateThis is where the magic happens — where a slideshow gets turned into a living, breathing self-playing sequence! I've split this section up into these couple of parts:i. Object AnimationsIt's kind of the point of a video to have things move instead of still frames. Here, we can take advantage of Keynote's animation capabilities to do things like animating in the titles of each of our features. A key point to note here is to configure the build order in each slide such that the animations play out automatically, and in your desired cadence. From the Build Order window, make use of the "Start" and "Delay" settings options to have this work as intended.ii. Slide TransitionsBesides animating objects in our slides, we also want each slide to move on to the next one automatically. To enable this, select the slide in the navigator on the left, and then click on the Animate pane in the top-right. From there, set the "Start Transition" value to "Automatically". You can also add a transition effect here, if you wish.iii. Video Clip DurationsOne thing you might notice after having put transitions between slides in place is videos getting cut off before they're done playing. To remedy this, set the automatic transition delay to a duration similar to the length of the video clip on that same slide.With all your animations in place, you should be able to hit the "Play" button in Keynote, and have the slideshow play smoothly from start to finish. Go back and add in the missing transitions or animations if this isn't the case.You can also take this opportunity to review the cadence of the sequences in the animations, and make any necessary edits. Once you're happy with the result, we can start moving out of Keynote, by turning this whole slideshow into an actual video file.4. Convert Keynote Presentation to VideoIf you look in the Keynote menu bar options, under "File > Export To", you'll notice there's a "Movie..." option which seems convenient for our current objective: to get the slideshow turned into a video file so we can edit and share it.However, that's not what we're going to be using — videos created using this export option are always of low quality, suffering from low framerate and resolution, making for a below-par viewing experience.Here, we can once again put QuickTime's screen recording function to use. Start the screen recording before hitting the Play button in Keynote, and capture the entirety of your slideshow in fullscreen mode. It's okay to have extra unwanted frames at the beginning and end of the screen recording at this stage as we can edit those out later on in iMovie.There we have it! A movie file to work with.5. Add Sound in iMovieThe main thing we want to do in iMovie is adding sound to our currently silent movie file. Bust out the audio clip you selected earlier, and drag it into the project in iMovie, making sure it lines up with the start of the movie clip.If you don't want the music abruptly cutting off towards the end of the video, you can set the sound to fade out towards the end by simply dragging a handle on the audio clip.We're almost done — just some more quick edits to go in the next step.6. Apply Finishing TouchesBesides audio, however, you can also spend some time in iMovie making edits to the video clip. If a segment of it happens to feel too slow, speed that segment of the clip up by adjusting its speed or splicing out unwanted sections of it. You can also add freeze frames to the video which prolongs the duration a certain frame in the video is displayed.Play the edited video to assess if further edits are required on top of the ones you've already made. Once you're happy with what you're looking at, great news: you're all done!Now all we need to do is export the edited video file out from iMovie, by hitting the button with the share icon in the top-right of the window, which will allow you to set export options for the video file. Wait a couple of minutes for that to process, and there you have it: your app's very own promo video!Now you get to play it back a couple of times for yourself and people around you and feel a slight sense of accomplishment. :)ConclusionAnd there you have it: your own product launch video ready to be shared with the world!To be fair, I'm sure professional video producers will be able find a million things wrong with the end product, but I think it's still pretty good given it's the result of a one-person, half-day effort. More importantly, it's able to fulfill its function of being a short and snappy showcase of your product to new customers who have never used or even seen it before.Thanks for reading, and I hope you've found this sharing helpful!---(This article was written with WriteMapper, a mind-mapping app available on macOS, Windows and iPad, which lets you turn your ideas into text documents in no time at all.)
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Ramblings: Summarizing the Western Conference
  Today is the last Saturday without regular season NHL for a long while. We’ve survived the offseason and the too-long preseason. It also means it’s the last draft weekend, so if you’re in need of a quick reference for your drafts, head over to the Dobber Shop to grab the guide. There may be too much to take in just one day but the accompanying projections and draft lists can help in a pinch.
Many promising young stars have been cut from their NHL team in recent days and the most recent was Lias Andersson being sent to the Rangers’ AHL affiliate. The top-10 pick from 2017 will have to wait to get back to the NHL after finishing the season with the Rangers last year.
There is nothing to panic about fantasy-wise unless you drafted him in one-year leagues. Not every teenager can step into the NHL in their first year or two. Whether he earned a spot in the NHL to start the year is another question, but this isn’t some sort of indictment on his long-term fantasy value.  
With Seth Jones injured, Markus Nutivaara was skating alongside Zach Werenski in practice yesterday. The latter was confirmed to patrol the top PP unit, but this could give Nutivaara some ancillary value in deeper leagues. He’s also a name to keep in mind for those that play DFS.
St. Louis deployed some interesting power play units in practice yesterday:
PP units for tonight:
— Lou Korac (@lkorac10) September 28, 2018
Now, whichever unit has Vladimir Tarasenko is the de facto PP1, but the way the talent is split leads me to believe this could be a split-TOI situation for the Blues, at least to start the year. Not that the top guys were overly reliant on PP production last year but this could be an issue for upside this year.
Yesterday I started my round-up for those with their drafts this weekend. My Ramblings through the offseason and preseason have comprised of tens of thousands of words and expecting people to have read and remember them all is unrealistic. I’m going to go team by team and review some notable players I’ve discussed, which will include their outlook for 2018-19.
Today is the Western Conference.
  Anaheim Ducks
With the recent injury to Corey Perry, the door for Ondrej Kase to get those top PP minutes has been kicked down. He may not skate with Ryan Getzlaf a lot but if he gets those top minutes, improving on last year’s production seems likely.
Rickard Rakell continues to be undervalued in standard Yahoo! leagues. Not many wingers can provide 30 goals, 30 assists, 3 shots per game, and triple-digit hits. Rakell is one of them.
Ryan Getzlaf can push a point per game but don’t just focus on his assist totals. He can provide two shots per game and triple-digit hits. If you’re avoiding drafting a top centre early, he’s one to grab later in drafts.
  Arizona Coyotes
The injury to Alex Galchenyuk has muddled a lot of things. With the existing injury to Christian Dvorak, this is not a team deep down the middle and we’ve seen talk about Clayton Keller or Vinnie Hinostroza possibly sliding to the middle.
Speaking of Keller, don’t be surprised if he pushes past 70 points, even if Galchenyuk misses a couple weeks of the season.
Jakob Chychrun is a guy to target in deeper drafts who can not only provide real-time stats like solid hits and blocks, and perhaps to get to the 30-point mark.
Antti Raanta should be a late target in net for a lot of people.
  Calgary Flames
In all formats, Johnny Gaudreau ranks as one of the highest players on my list. Not many players can threaten 90 points, but he can, and can do so at a wing position, even without hits or blocked shots.
Mark Giordano is one of my favourite targets outside the top-12 defencemen. He had to share PP duties with Dougie Hamilton last year and does not have that threat this year. The additions of Elias Lindholm and James Neal should add more scoring and help Giordano surpass 40 points again.
Matthew Tkachuk looks primed for a big year in all formats but even more so in leagues counting hits or PIMs.
  Colorado Avalanche
Beyond the usual suspects, one guy to watch is Tyson Jost. I’m not sure he’ll have much relevance in most leagues, but in deeper leagues, he should be the fourth forward on the top PP unit. He’s cheap source of PP points going very late. Again, only for deeper leagues.
Be wary of drafting Gabriel Landeskog too high in multi-cat leagues. Last year is probably as good as it gets. Expecting improvement beyond that is asking a bit too much.
If you miss out on guys like John Klingberg, Shayne Gostisbehere, and John Carlson, drafting Tyson Barrie is just fine. He should pass 50 points again.
  Dallas Stars
We know all about the top stars (pun very much intended). Don’t be shy to grab either Tyler Seguin or Jamie Benn in the second round. This team, thankfully, won’t be the Ken Hitchcock Dallas Stars. Look for them to get back to being fun to watch again.
Jason Spezza’s health is always a concern but he has the inside track to getting back on the top PP unit.
Valeri Nichushkin, on the other hand, doesn’t look like he’ll be featured on the top PP unit anytime soon. I love his talent but we’ve been down this road before and he’s already a bit nicked up in the preseason. Look elsewhere.
The defence corps is going to be a lot of fun to watch this year. Don’t be surprised if Miro Heiskanen has a Calder-worthy season, though his true fantasy relevance probably won’t be very high just yet, even if he does skate with Klingberg.
  Edmonton Oilers
Given the goings-on in the preseason, Ty Rattie is going to be a popular pick. We’ve seen a lot of wingers fall off Connor McDavid’s line in his brief career. I’m more focused on drafting Jesse Puljujarvi late. Surely, he has to eventually make his way to the top PP unit, right?
I also am a fan of Kailer Yamamoto but his promotion to the top PP unit seems unlikely.
Oscar Klefbom is one of the more under-valued defencemen in drafts. He’s regularly going outside the top-30 defencemen and he’s more than capable of 200 shots and 40 points.
Ryan Nugent-Hopkins being available around pick 100 and having multi-positional eligibility seems like a very nice option. Let’s just hope that 2017-18 doesn’t rear its ugly head and have a lineup shuffle every other game.
  Los Angeles Kings
To me, Anze Kopitar is one of the most over-valued players in standard Yahoo! leagues right now. He had a career year pretty much across the board and came in around player-20. He’s being often drafted around player 30-35. Expecting him to nearly repeat last year is what his ADP is demanding. I’d rather draft Jeff Carter 100 picks later.
A lot of people I’ve seen have Ilya Kovalchuk in the 60-point neighbourhood. I think, for the most part, this is people (present company included) saying, ‘I really don’t know how this is going to go.’ We give our best guess and move along. He’s a risk.
I really hope Tyler Toffoli bounces back but he should be locked out of the top PP unit. Not that he’s often found himself there in the past, but it’ll continue to hinder his fantasy upside.
  Minnesota Wild
The word is out on Jason Zucker and he’s going with frequency in the top-10 rounds of a 12-team league. There’s nothing wrong with that, though. He’s a discounted Rickard Rakell.
Eric Staal is being drafted like he’ll repeat close to last year. Maybe not quite 40-plus goals, but it seems 30-plus is the expectation. I’m not sure he’s worth his ADP. This is another instance where I’ll wait and grab someone like Jeff Carter, or even Mika Zibanejad or Nico Hischier.
I don’t have a particular issue with where Matt Dumba is being drafted, but I don’t think there’s a lot of profit to be had, either. He’s fine as a second defenceman in that he shouldn’t bust, but he won’t take another huge leap, either.
I’m a believer in Mikael Granlund’s career turnaround. You should be too.
  Nashville Predators
Eeli Tolvanen being sent to the AHL (temporarily) is not what early drafters were hoping for but this won’t last long. He’ll be back sooner rather than later.
I believe that Kevin Fiala forces his way to the top PP unit. In fact, he’ll take another step altogether. Look for him to push 30 goals.
Everyone is waiting for the year Filip Forsberg pushes a point per game in a healthy season. I’m willing to bite this year.
I’m not one buying the half-season sample from Ryan Ellis last year. He can be a 40-point guy but expecting more than that from him is expecting too much. Draft accordingly.
  St. Louis Blues
The revamped offence has a lot of things up in the air but Patrick Maroon looks locked on the top line and may even get some top PP minutes. He’s far too cheap in multi-category leagues right now.
There aren’t many players who can threaten for the Rocket Richard Trophy and Vladimir Tarasenko is one of them. Being able to draft him in the third round is a gift, it doesn’t matter the format. He looks healthy which is all that matters.
Last year was probably the high-water mark for Alex Pietrangelo. I don’t like drafting established players and expecting more out of them than the previous season just to return value on their ADP. Pietrangelo falls in this category.
Ryan O’Reilly’s ADP is hilariously low. He’s also another guy I’d flat-out rather draft than Eric Staal, let alone being able to get him several rounds later.
  San Jose Sharks
I mean, what can we say? I officially have Brent Burns first and Erik Karlsson third among d-men but picking one over the other is like picking a favourite child.
Joe Pavelski rebounding will depend a lot on the health of Joe Thornton. So goes one as does the other. I will take a gamble on Pavelski but will do so as a winger rather than a centre.
If Evander Kane can manage nearly 80 games again, his ADP is an absolute steal. If he cannot, well, he might return his ADP regardless. He can be a top-50 player in multi-cat leagues even if he plays just 70 games.
Timo Meier is a guy to get late in drafts. He quietly had 20 goals last year and has the profile of a player who can push 30 even without the top PP minutes. He’s been pretty consistently in the top-6 of late in preseason.
  Vancouver Canucks
I’m not concerned about a regression from Brock Boeser and you shouldn’t be either. This kid is special.
Speaking of special, if I could only draft one rookie this year, it’s Elias Pettersson. Just the top PP minutes alone should mean he’ll pass 50 points. Not many rookies elsewhere can boast that.
Alex Edler can’t be relied upon to stay healthy but he’s a multi-category monster for 60-plus games. Add the replacement player you can slide in for him and he’s probably worth his ADP.
I don’t think there’s much value to be had on this roster aside from players to be featured on the top power play.
  Vegas Golden Knights
There are very few rookies who’ve impressed in the preseason as much than Erik Brannstrom. The suspension to Nate Schmidt had opened the door for Brannstrom to make the team but he was cut a couple days ago. Hold in dynasties but maybe not much here in 2018-19.
Max Pacioretty was due to rebound anyway but having a centre the quality of Paul Stastny should only cement that. He can be a multi-category beast this year at a wing position. Don’t let him pass you by.
Don’t expect Marc-Andre Fleury to repeat last year’s ratios.
William Karlsson will regress but won’t fall off the map. Regardless, Jonathan Marchessault is the guy to own off the top line in multi-cat leagues.
  Winnipeg Jets
Even with regression built into his projection, Blake Wheeler comes out as one of my most valuable wingers. He’s a gift pick in the second, even third round.
I love Nikolaj Ehlers but without the prime PP minutes, he won’t reach his true fantasy potential. Be wary of over-drafting him.
I know Jack Roslovic is a sexy sleeper pick this year (just type his name and ‘sleeper’ in the google machine) but I’m not buying that he’ll A) replace Bryan Little on the second line, and B) get top PP minutes. We’ll have to wait for his true breakout season.
from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-summarizing-the-western-conference/
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years
Webs.com review
New Post has been published on https://britishdigitalmarketingnews.com/webs-com-review/
Webs.com review
Launched as Freewebs.com back in 2001, Webs.com is a simple drag-and-drop website builder, now owned by the printing and marketing giant, Vistaprint.
If you’re familiar with Vistaprint, you might know the company already has a website builder on its own site (we review it here), but this is entirely separate from Webs.com. Pricing, features, editor and everything else are all very different.
Webs.com presents its service better than most, with pages displaying all of its templates, a video explaining the editor, details on the features available and the process of building your website. It’s all very clear and straightforward.
A free plan enables trying out the service basics for yourself with no risk. Free websites are feature-limited (up to five pages only, no mobile site, no web store) and include Webs branding, but there’s enough functionality to give you an idea of how Webs.com works.
The $5.99 (£4.61) a month (paid two-yearly) Starter plan drops the Webs branding and gives you a free domain name and a mobile website (a parallel site rather than a strictly responsive theme), but limits storage to 1GB and offers support via email only.
The $12.99 (£9.99) a month Business plan gets you 5GB storage, premium themes and three custom email addresses. You can sell up to 20 items in your web store, and there’s live chat support if you need it.
Spending a monthly $22.99 (£17.68) on the top-of-the-range Pro plan allows unlimited storage and web store items, supports 25 custom email addresses, throws in search engine submission and ‘SEO Booster’ tools, and adds telephone support.
The lack of true responsive themes is the major issue here, especially as the free plan doesn’t have any mobile support at all, but on balance Webs.com offers what looks like a reasonable set of features for a fair price.
Getting started
Signing up with web services can often be a hassle, but Webs.com streamlines the process so much that you’ll barely notice it happening.
Tap the Sign-Up button, for instance, and you’re prompted to enter your email address and choose a password. But the very same page also tries to ease you into the web design process by prompting you to pick a site title, and choose a template from the selection available.
The template designs look reasonable at first, until you notice that the best ones are only available with the Business and Pro plans, while the free and Starter plans only get you around 40 more basic examples (check the full set here, the starred themes are premium-only.)
The templates are presented a little oddly, too, forcing you through endless horizontal scrolling to view the full set. That might be fine on a tablet where you can swipe right, but it’s not a smart use of screen space on a desktop. Still, we made our choice in a very few seconds, and moved on to the next stage.
Webs.com allows you to use a free subdomain (myname.webs.com) or a domain you own already. The company can also register a domain for you, but with the website quoting prices ‘from $19.95’ (£15.34) for a dot com, it’s probably better to look elsewhere (someone like name.com will register dot com domains from around £10 ($13) a year, and regular sales mean it’s often less.)
Finally, confirm your choice of Webs.com plan, the website opens your template in its editor, and displays a tutorial video which walks you through all the operational basics in three minutes.
The Webs.com editor gets off to a disappointing start with its bare-bones templates. We had chosen an example with three attractive pictures and a text box on the front page, for instance, but on launch the editor displayed a single empty image box, leaving us to select the rest.
The default layout is a simple empty page, but there are other basic structures to choose from, combining your choice of a website banner with a left and right-hand sidebar.
A dock at the bottom of the page provides a decent set of widgets, covering text, images, layout (columns, tables), photo galleries, slideshows, video, audio, Twitter feeds, Facebook comments and Like boxes, PayPal buttons and more. 
There are no visual previews for any of these, a problem with some of the more complex groups of widgets (Timeline, Features, Services, Team.) A Contact widget had a vague icon with a few lines on it, for instance, so we had to drag and drop it onto a page to see what it did. That’s a nuisance, although the widget did at least turn out to be very capable, a block of elements including a map, text address, phone numbers, email and social media links.
Understanding what you can do with a page element also takes more work than usual. The best editors display a toolbar close to the element whenever you hover your mouse over it; Webs displays only a few, requires a left-click to display more, and even then, most of those options are displayed in a distant toolbar at the top of the screen. You’ll quickly learn where to look, but the interface never feels quite as comfortable as it should.
The editor has some technical issues, too. We left our test site open until its session timed out, for instance, expecting the editor to ask us to log in again. But it apparently didn’t notice, instead displaying oddball errors for even simple tasks, such as replacing an image. This can be fixed by backing out of the editor and logging in again, but newbies may not realize that, and it’s easy to see how someone could spend an age trying to solve these strange issues.
There are some neat touches, such as the ability to add multiple new form data types to the Contact Form. But for every one of those, we came up with problems and issues. Like the horribly basic Twitter feed widget, for instance, which in the editor is a left-aligned box which can’t be centered or significantly repositioned. Oh, and who had the bizarre idea of using a standard Search icon for the Preview function?
Webs.com has several media-related widgets, but they’re spread a little awkwardly between two areas of the editor dock. The ‘Popular’ section has Image and ‘Image & Text’ elements, while a separate Media section has Slideshow, Video, Audio and Icon options.
The Image widget doesn’t have an integrated editor, but it covers the core basics with resize, crop, zoom and rotate tools. You can store commonly-used images (up to a total of 500MB) in a server-based My Images library, and an integrated stock image library gives you access to multiple high-quality images for free.
Videos aren’t available with the free Webs.com plan, and the standard video widget only supports YouTube links. But you can host small videos on your own site, and support for custom embed codes could allow you to insert videos from many other providers.
While most website builder Audio tools essentially just embed the player from a third-party service like SoundCloud, the Webs.com offering aims to play MP3 files hosted on your own website. That could be more convenient, but we tried it with a couple of MP3s and it just didn’t work. The player displayed a duration of zero seconds for our choices, and maybe investigating different encoders would fix the problem (although both our MP3s played locally), but this shouldn’t be an issue Webs.com customers have to worry about.
The Photo Gallery widget allows importing images from your local system or any previously uploaded images, although annoyingly it doesn’t give you access to the stock image library.
Once we had uploaded our Gallery images, though, we found it very configurable. Images can be reordered by dragging and dropping from within the editor, and you’re able to adjust settings like the photos per row, the crop style, hover action, title and caption rules (when they appear, when they don’t), while an optional Lightbox switch enables displaying all your pictures as a full-screen slideshow.
Alternatively, you can just use a regular Slideshow widget. It’s not quite as much fun as the Gallery, but you still get to define the player background, color, the length of time to play each slide, any transition, and more.
Blog and e-commerce
Webs.com doesn’t have a blog widget, instead requiring you add a blog at the page level. That’s not difficult to do (click Pages, Add A New Page, choose Blog), but it’s a little inflexible, as blog pages can’t be customized and tweaked in the same way as the rest of your site.
When you create a new post, for instance, you must use a simple stripped-back editor which has only a tiny fraction of the features of the main page builder. This supports formatted text, images, audio and video files, but there’s no direct support for adding a photo gallery, map, or any of the other features (although an unusual feature to edit the HTML source might allow you to insert other page objects.)
Formatting issues aside, the rest of the blog performs reasonably well. The editor allows you to assign up to three categories to a post, they can be scheduled to publish at some point in the future, you’re able to make posts viewable to groups of users depending on their role on the site (Members, Moderators, Administrators, more), and a very simple built-in comments system enables users to say what they think of each post.
The Webs.com web store is basic, but delivers most og the core features we would expect. Your products can have multiple images attached, you’re able to define product variations like size and color, and the catalog may be organized into categories to help customers find the goods they’re interested in. Payments may be taken via cards (using Stripe) or PayPal, and inventory control helps to monitor and manage your stock levels.
Specialist platforms such as Shopify give you many more settings and extension options, but the Webs.com solution isn’t bad, and if you can live with the 20-product limit, the $12.99 (£9.99) a month Business plan could be very good value.
Whether you’re at the Webs.com dashboard, editor, page manager or anywhere else, the Support button is always visible, apparently as an easy and convenient way to get help on your current task.
The Support interface looks good. It uses a drop-down window, rather than taking you away to another page; a search engine helps you find articles, and read their content; and there are links to video tutorials and other support routes.
Unfortunately, while the presentation is good, the support site is let down by the content. Top of the Popular Topics list is a video tutorial designed to help first-time users, for instance, but clicking this took us to a “the page you were looking for doesn’t exist” error message. This wasn’t a one-off mistake, as we noticed the same problem with every embedded link we tried. Webs.com clearly needs to spend more time checking and maintaining the site.
Other articles referred to features which no longer seemed to exist, such as the ability to add a video gallery. This seems to be another indicator that the help database hasn’t been updated for some time.
It’s not all bad, and in simple situations, we found the system worked very well. If you don’t understand why there’s no Blog widget, for instance, typing Blog in the search box immediately displays an article explaining how to add it from the New Pages menu. The support interface is good, but the content desperately needs an upgrade.
If you can’t find what you need on the database, you’re also able to contact the Webs.com support team via live chat, email or telephone, depending on your plan. We’ve seen a lot of online customer reviews complaining about the level of support they’ve received, but if nothing else, the Webs.com 30-day money-back guarantee gives you plenty of time to try the service before you buy.
Final verdict
Webs.com has a few interesting and worthwhile features, but they’re outnumbered by all the hassles and problems. Ignore it, until Vistaprint spends the money to give it a massive overhaul, or closes it down.
Source: https://www.techradar.com/reviews/webscom
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  NR512 Week 4 Scavenger Hunt Latest 2017 W4_NR512 Second Life (SL) Scavenger Hunt Work Sheet Student Name: Dorinda Ezell Avatar Name: Dvezellnr512 INSTRUCTIONS
Instructions: 1. As you complete the Scavenger Hunt, please write your answers to the questions on this worksheet. 2. Save it as a MS Word document in the following format: YourName_NR512_ScavengerHunt 3. Upload the worksheet to the Drop Box in your course page by the end on Week 4 on Sunday at 11:59 pm MT. Remember if you need assistance when you are in Second Life, please contact the Support Specialist in-world or email.com”>[email protected] Support Assistance in Second Life 4:00 am – 12:00 pm eastern time, Monday-Friday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm eastern time, Saturday-Sunday Phone Support:1-855-623-7013 9:00 am – 1:00 pm eastern Monday-Friday 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm eastern Monday-Friday
STATION 1 — Points Possible = 20
Find the ANA Code of Ethics book in the Medical Library; click and get the web link towww.nursingworld.org. Select from Provision 1, 2, or 3. Bring content from the Provision you selected – discuss and report on the Provision you selected here. Reference the Provision you will discuss here; cite in proper APA format. ANSWER: As per the Code (ANA 2015) all registered nurses have a set of obligations and ethics that they have to follow. There are 9 prime responsibilities of the nurses with statements explaining the how these provisions are guided hereafter. These provisions came by in a scenario of Mrs. Williams who was severely ill but her condition had not been spoken of to their family members as well. Two nurses taking care of this patient Keisha and Kyle broke the patient confidentiality clause and spoke about the condition of Mrs. William in an elevator openly while her daughter who was unaware of the condition heard about her mother and broke down. “PROVISION 1: The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person” (Lachman, 2014 ). “Respect for human dignity.”In this case we have two nurses who despite being compassionate and maintaining a good relationship with the patient they disrespected her privacy and did not pay heed to the need for confidentiality. “Relationships with patients” The nurses were friendly in nature but not individuals to help build relationshipas they spoke indiscriminately about the patient in the elevator while the patients daughter heard upon them. This led to the relative getting anxious about the patient. “Nature of health.”In retrospect the nurses prior to being off from duty should have ensured that the reports were delivered to the patients relatives. At the same time they should have made sure that the Doctor in charge and the surgeon had delivered the news of impending surgery and the worsening condition of Mrs. Williams to the family. “The right to self-determination.”It was crucial after the results were out to ensure that the discussion regarding the surgery and thereafter about what best next step was possible for the patient and all pros and cons should have been well discussed. American Nurses Association (ANA). (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Silver Spring, MD: Author. Lachman, V. D., Swanson, E. O. C., &Winland-Brown, J. (2014). The New ‘Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements’ (2015): Practical Clinical Application, Part I.nursingworld.or/”>http://www.nursingworld.org
STATION 2 – Points Possible = 30
Go to the City Government building and locate the mayor. Click on him to get information about aabout a federal hurricane disaster plan disaster plan. Answer these 3 questions: Where will this plan be used? Who will oversee the plan?Where was it used most recently in 2013?Place your answers below and then continue to the next page of the worksheet to complete Station 2. ANSWER: Good morning sir, I am Dorinda looking for a few answers regarding your disaster management program for a school scavenger hunt 1. Where will this plan be used? Post Hurricane 2. And who will oversee the plan? FEMA 3. Can you tell me where has it been used in the past? Hurricane Sandy in 2013 is the most successful illustration for this program.
STATION 2 – continued
Take picture/”selfie” with the mayor. To take a picture:choose your snapshot camera icon from your left toolbar. Then click on Save to Disk. Then from the highlighted green dropdown barchoose 320 x 240and then click SAVE. Remember to save the photograph to your desktop to easily locate it. Copy and paste your photo in the box on the next page. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 STATION 2 – copy and paste your picture in this box STATION 3 – Points Possible = 30
Find the board room in the Hospital Administration Building. Click on the CEO to receive information on a new cardiac wing. Answer these two questions: Who is the donor and what are the two next steps for hospital board project? Place your answers below. ANSWER: Greetings Sir, My Name is Dorinda and for a school project I need to gather data regarding the Cardiac wings put in place by your institution? 1. May I ask who is the Donor? The cardiac wing was created through anonymous donor. 2. What are the next two steps for hospital board project? We hope to target next the opening of the Cardiac Wing as the completion of the wing is due Jan 2017.
STATION 4 – Points Possible = 30
Locate the Smartroom in the Hospital/Urgent Care building. Find the patient sitting on the exam table; complete hand washing prior to interacting with the patient. You are now going to assess the patient for newly diagnosed pre-hypertension. Your patient has just had his blood pressure taken. Click on the blood pressure cuff to get his blood pressure. What is your patient’s BP? Now click on your patient to get answers to the following questions: What is your diet? How many times a week do you exercise? Document your answers to ALL questions below. ANSWER: BP: 130/90 Hello, I am Dorinda your nurse, I shall begin with checking your blood pressure followed by a couple of questions in regards to your diet and exercise so as to help you get it under control will that be fine with you? 1. What is your diet? Due to pressure issues my diet is that of low sodium consumption. 2. How many times a week do you exercise? Currently I work out three times a week which is relatively higher than my regular schedule.
STATION 5 – Points Possible = 30 STATION 5 – Points Possible = 30
Go to the patient room on the first floor of the Hospital/Urgent Care building. Observe the patient in bed hooked up to an EKG.Click on EKGmachine and determine whether the EKG findings is a normal or abnormal reading. If abnormal readingwho and whatwould you do next? Place your answer below. ANSWER: Greetings, how are you today, I am your nurse Dorinda. I am going to go through your vital signs today. HR-111, BP 156/97, SPO2 89 First readjust the pulse ox and once again check for blood pressure, if reading remains the same than put the patient on oxygen cannula to help them breathe as the oxygen level in body is low(2LNC, at this time is what I would put it on), while this takes place would call in my tech to run the EKG and apply IV. Draw blood and get labs and check electrolytes and cardiac enzymes, stat, (along with cultures,). This will be done keeping in mind the policy of the hospital. I shall continue conversing with the patient find out issues regarding pain, cardiac history and other chronic problems. To ask them regarding their previous visit to their local doctor and medications that they have been prescribed, and medications presently being taken. Lastly would contact their Dr. In chargeand discuss if patient will be admitted to hospital.
STATION 6 – Points Possible = 30
Go to City Government Building. Find theinfectious disease department inPublic Health Office. Find the representative who most likely would be in charge of any Zika virus outbreak in the community. Click on the representative to get the web link to the CDC office providing oversight for Zika. Identify the correct type of mosquito and list three symptoms indicating infection. What test is required for diagnosis and what are the vaccine options? Place your answers below. ANSWER: Hi, I am Dorinda, I need some information regarding Zika virus. I would like to know if there is a web link which talks about this virus in detail? Yes there is follow the link below.cdc.gov/zika/index.html%20?”>http://www.cdc.gov/zika/index.html ? 1.What is the type of mosquito that carries the Zika virus? Zika is spread through the bite of infected Aedes species mosquito (Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus). 2.What are the three symptoms indicating infection? Red Rashes, high fever combined with Joint pain. 3.What test is required for diagnosis? The Zika virus can be confirmed through the blood or urine test. 4.What are the vaccine options? Currently there are no specific options available.
STATION 7 – Points Possible = 30
Go to the Education classroom in the Hospital Administration Building; Take photo standing beside title slide only of PowerPoint presentation; Copy and paste your photo in the worksheet.Choose your snapshot camera icon from your left toolbar. Then click on Save to Disk. Then from the highlighted green dropdown barchoose 320 x 240and then click SAVE. Remember to save the photograph to your desktop to easily locate it. Copy and paste your photo in the box on the next page. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 STATION 7 – copy and paste your photo below TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE = 200
Remember to: Save this worksheet as a MS Word document in the following format: YourName_NR512_ScavengerHunt Place it in the Scavenger Hunt folder in the Drop Box in your course page by the end on Week 4 on Sunday at 11:59 pm MT.
NR512 Week 5 HealthIT Hot Topic of the Week Assignment Latest 2017 NR512 HealthIT Topic of Week Assignment Guidelineswith Scoring Rubric Purpose This assignment is designed to help students • Develop an appreciation for informatics, basic skills and knowledge required in practice settings.Students will select a “hot” or popular topic of particular interest to their practice to discuss. The topic will be selected from the website using the link provided in the course Assignments section. Course Outcomes Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the following ability. (CO 6) Describe health information systems within healthcare setting and the profession of nursing in all practice domains and settings including electronic health records (EHR), their management and patient-care information technology (IT). (PO 4) (CO 7) ExploretrendsandissuesinNIandtheirimpactonnursingpracticeinall domains.(POs9,11) Due Date:Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 5. Total Points Possible: 125 Requirements Students will login to FierceEMR and FierceHealthIT using the link provided in the course Assignments and select a “current/popular” topic of the week that may impact their practice. Students, in a professionally developed paper, will discuss the rationale for choosing the topic, how it will impact practice in a positive or negative manner, citing pros and cons. Include a discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process relevance to developing the assignment. In the conclusion, provide recommendations for the future. Submit completed FierceHealthIT Topic paper for Wk. 5 to dropbox by end of Week 5. Preparing the paper 1. TheFierceEMR and FierceHealthITCurrent/Popular Topic of the Week assignmentmust be a professional, scholarly prepared paper. See the guidelines for writing a professional, scholarly paper in the Course Resources. The professional paper will have an introduction, body of paper to explain what you are doing, summary/conclusion, and at least three scholarly references. 2. Required texts may be used as references, but a minimum of three sources must be from outside of course readings. 3. All aspects of the paper must be in APA format as expressed in the 6th edition. 4. The paper (excluding the title page, introduction and reference page) is 4-6 pages in length. 5. Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly. 6. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing NR512 Week 6 Narrated PowerPoint Presentation Assignment Latest 2017 NR512 PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) Assignment Guidelineswith Scoring Rubric Purpose This assignment is designed to help students • Develop an appreciation for informatics, basic skills and knowledge required in practice settings.Students selected a popular topic of particular interest to their practice to discuss in week 5. This week student will develop a narrated slide PowerPoint (PPT) presentation of 8-10 slides summarizing the assignment. • Refer to the PowerPoint sample template in Course Resources. Course Outcomes Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the following ability. (CO 6) Describe health information systems within healthcare setting and the profession of nursing in all practice domains and settings including electronic health records (EHR), their management and patient-care information technology (IT). (PO 4) (CO 7) ExploretrendsandissuesinNIandtheirimpactonnursingpracticeinall domains.(POs9,11) Due Date:Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6. Total Points Possible: 150 Requirements The FierceEMR and FierceHealthIT topics of the week assignment for week 5 will be summarized in 8-10 narratedslides for week 6. Studentswillsummarize the rationale for choosing the topic, how it will impact practice in a positive or negative manner, including pros and cons. Include discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were applied in the process relevance to developing the assignment. In the conclusion, provide recommendations for the future. Submit completed FierceHealthIT Hot Topic narrated PPTassignment to dropbox by end of Week 6. Preparing the Presentation 1.TheFierceEMR and FierceHealthIT Topic of the Week is a recap of the assignment from Wk.5 andmust be a professional, scholarly prepared PowerPoint narrated presentation of 8-10 Including at least three scholarly references. 2.You should have at least 8-10 slides. It is important to note that if you could not give your presentation and someone would have to stand in for you, he or she would need to know what you were going to say. Use the speaker-notes section so that someone may step in for you and not miss a beat. 3.Maintain the 6x6x6 rule for a professional PowerPoint presentation. No more than 6 lines per slide, 6 words per line, and 6 slides without a graphic. 4.All aspects of the presentation must be in APA format as expressed in the 6th edition. 5. Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly. 6. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing. NR512 Week 2 Informatics Key Terms Quiz Latest 2017 Question 1. Question : (TCO 1) Match the Informatics Key terms with their definition. 3 : Wisdom » 3 : Knowledge applied in a practical manner 2 : Cognitive science » 1 : Foundational science for informatics that looks at how the human mind works 5 : Electronic health record » 5 : Longitudinal record of one’s health and treatment interventions 7 : National Health Information Infrastructure » 7 : An initiative to improve healthcare quality, efficiency, and effectiveness by making healthcare information available when and where it is needed through technology, standards, interoperability, governance, and cooperation 1 : Cognitive informatics » 2 : Emerging field of study that focuses upon how information is processed both in the human mind and the computer 6 : Information science » 6 : Foundational science for informatics that looks at the application and use of information and knowledge in organizations and the interface between people, organizations, and information systems 4 : Artificial intelligence » 4 : Field or application that attempts to capture human thought processes and intelligence Question 2. Question : (TCO 1) Match the Informatics Key terms with their definition. 2 : Electronic medical record » 2 : An online record of treatment, typically limited to one episode, whether that might be an emergency room or clinic visit or a hospital stay 7 : Knowledge work » 7 : Process that generates information and knowledge as a product 3 : Health information exchange » 3 : The process of electronic transmission or sharing of healthcare information or an organization that organizes and oversees the transmission process 6 : Information system » 6 : The people, data, actions, and components used to create information for a user or organization 4 : Knowledge » 4 : Processed information which places relationships in context 5 : Data » 5 : Raw fact without meaning in itself 1 : Computer science » 1 : Foundational science for informatics that looks at the theory underlying information and computation and their implementation in computer systems
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verick-mage · 6 years
Manifestation Miracle Review
Manifestation Miracle Review
Manifestation Miracle Review
Manifestation Miracle Review
Is Manifestation Miracle a sensible product? There’s a ton of products managing topics referring to wealth, health, and general life. Unfortunately, not all serve as best resources for their purpose, with most of them merely being pure trash. Some are thought-about scams that therefore-called experts produce to form a fast buck. Is manifestation miracle a scam? This can be a personal development course that brings big promises to help achieve prosperity and peace. I understand there are a ton of manifestation miracle reviews out there. If you’re trying to manifest and produce your dreams, or if you’re considering shopping for this product, this review can be value a read. It uses the law of attraction to assist manifest what you want in your life. Manifestation Miracle program ebook, cd's and videos with bonuses During this manifestation miracle review, let’s notice out how well the product helps or doesn’t help with manifesting miracles, the advantages, disadvantages and what’s wrong with this product altogether. This can be a radical review, and after this, you’ll apprehend if this product is any sensible and if it’s right for you. If you’re fascinated by manifesting what you need in life, here’s an interesting quiz you'll take. It will solely take sixty seconds. Strive The Quiz Here It uses the law of attraction to assist manifest what you would like in your life. So does the merchandise work? Let’s bear the complete course and answer all your questions on the matter. * I’m gonna say this currently. I do not advocate this product for everybody. Instead, it might be for some, and it could not be a work for others. This review can help you find out. A way to Manifest Miracles? Created by Mark Ling and Heather Matthews, this course is a complete temperament development product that focuses on a way to use the law of attraction and achieve greater health, happiness, and wealth. If you don’t believe within the law of attraction, then you may wish to stop reading currently. The laws are there to assist you tap into and channelize your mind power. This permits you to explore universal laws and acquire what is rightly yours. Hence, if you want to know how to ‘manifest a miracle,’ Manifestation Miracle could be helpful to you. Initial of all, the product comprises the 162-page long e-book, a complete audio variant of the e-book, and several alternative guides and videos. The e-book is the primary providing – audiobooks and videos are the bonus packages. This can be quite traditional for a digital product. We would expect of these at the terribly least. The book and the accompanying digital content specialize in all aspects of life – including health, wealth, happiness, love, abundance, spirituality and relationships. Unlike most other similar programs, they do not mix up totally different topics, and every has its segment and importance. This may be a small amount annoying because some people wish to run through fast. While a program that’s more general will be useful, it’s not what this product is regarding. Therefore who’s behind the merchandise? Heather Matthews, Life Coach Heather Mathews Life Coach and creator of manifestation miracleManifestation Miracle is created by Heather Matthews, who could be a life consultant and an energy flow coach and skilled at the law of attraction. However the merchandise is not just regarding her. She mainly uses her name on the product. In reality, the bulk of the content has been created by Mark Ling. They sort of use her face to market it. A pretty good strategy if you didn’t know that the majority of the work was by Mark. By the way, Mark Ling is an entrepreneur who will a lot of these items. I’m not sure if he’s here simply to make a buck, but with Manifestation Miracle, Mark put tons of labor in it as you may browse here. As you may understand, the face of the merchandise is Heather, and he or she does have an excellent reputation in the trade. If it were me, I wouldn’t tarnish my name on a useless scam. But let’s not take my assumption on this, allow us to dive deeper into it and create a decision yourself… Product Information As aforementioned, the merchandise content includes PDFs, audios, and videos. The PDF is downloadable, the audio is during the MP3 format, and therefore the videos come back as MP4s. Every chapter has its own video, that lasts for approximately fifteen minutes. These materials type the product’s blueprint – a step-by-step list of things to try and do for manifesting miracles. They use what they call ‘Destiny Tuning’ to manifest things we tend to wish. What is Destiny Tuning? This can be one amongst the biggest things they teach. All these product aspects are put together to help increase your energetic vibration. As per Heather, she calls this method destiny tuning. This destiny tuning technique helps a private to be in sync with the universe’s forces. To most people who’ve never delved into the attraction and manifesting law before, the complete notion of this book might sound outright silly. For others, that would not be the case. Of these product aspects are put together to help increase your energetic vibration. The 159-page long e-book has 5 parts: • The primary half talks about success and destiny’s role. • The second part is about getting one to attune with personal destiny. • Part three focuses on using energetic vibrations and affirmations for attraction. • The fourth part would offer you reasons to be happy, or a minimum of facilitate you find a reason. • Half 5 is where the miracle begins. I said before; Manifestation Miracle is very personalised and specific. When shopping for the product, you may need to specify your gender. Gender comes into play within the pre-recorded affirmations and additionally the bonuses. Therefore, it's wise, to be honest regarding it. What’s in the book? Here are some screenshots of the table of contents to present you a better understanding of what’s within. Table of contents 1Table of contents 2Table of contents 3Table of contents four As you'll see, it covers an entire range of things. The Abundant Success Workbook Along with the ebook and audios, we get this pretty workbook which helps us implement all that we have a tendency to learned. It’s a fill within the blanks workbook to review and take action on what we have a tendency to learned. The Abundant Success Workbook Bonus Offerings As aforementioned, some bonuses help accentuate your expertise with the first e-book. Manifestation Miracle program ebook, cd's and videos with bonuses1. Mind Tracks When obtaining Manifestation Miracle, we tend to get mind tracks that we have a tendency to will hear. These are mainly affirmations you'll be able to use every day. We tend to are suggested to concentrate with stereo headphones every day for at least twenty one days. They last anywhere from 3-seven minutes. They embrace an ‘Abundant Wealth mind track’ and a ‘Love and Happiness mind track’. Along with this, they added some bonuses they call the ‘Unlimited Success Mindset series’ that consists of half-dozen audio mind tracks. These are the Wealth Attraction Mind track, Health & Vitality Mind track, Endless Abundance Mind track, Love Mind track, Romance Mind track and Weight Loss Mind track. 2. Audio Track Next is an audio track that’s regarding succeeding with weight loss, in love, health, vitality, abundance, and wealth. There are separate tracks for every of these goals. Similar to the previous bonus track, every track in this segment is simply a jiffy long and can be place on each day for affirming new things and bringing changes to the manner you specialize in your life in general. Each Heather and Mark are simple to perceive. They have a slight Australian accent, and that they speak terribly clearly. 3. Videos The ultimate bonus may be a video track. It is quite long, spanning 150 minutes, and options Mark Ling and Heather Matthews sharing their thoughts on manifesting what you desire. The videos can be used as a stand-alone but were created as a review/recap of the course and therefore the creator’s thoughts on it. With a total of 27 videos starting from seven-20 minutes, this can be comprehensive, and that i would say is a wonderful addition to helping us understand and bear in mind what we learned. The second bonus could be a fifteen-page guide for health. There are also some exercises for improving your health. The third bonus is an e-book once more – however now, it’s a lot of a lot of significant at 37 pages. This e-book talks regarding how the human metabolism functions, the foods to eat and the proportions, and everything else that’s smart for metabolism.  4. Books Bonus BooksThere are a few bonus books here. These are The Powerhouse Guide For Health, Vitality, Disease Reversal and A way to Reboot Your Metabolism. They are short ebooks about the subject higher than. The primary being fifteen pages and second, 37 pages. They go quite deep thoroughly however nothing spectacular. We can probably notice the knowledge on-line, but it's set up nicely for us in these ebooks. The primary book discusses how the body and mind are in shut connection with each other, and a way to manifest wellness and health. There are also some exercises for improving your health. The second book talks about how the human metabolism functions, the foods to eat and therefore the proportions, and everything else that’s smart for metabolism. 5. Money MindFlood System This is often the ultimate bonus. It's a two.five hour long video, and Mark Ling shares what the system is all regarding. Once more just like the rest of the course, it is straightforward to understand, and Mark did it in with slides so we can picture what he’s talking regarding. Here’s a breakdown of what we have a tendency to mentioned: Benefits I can say that there are a number of things that I like regarding this and that i’m sure several others will love them too. A healthy young man practicing yoga on a high mountain early within the morning with the sunrise upon him • The course is meant to suit and facilitate everyone – regardless of where folks are currently standing in their lives. Conjointly, it doesn’t matter if you're skeptical regarding the law of attraction or not certain regarding its efficacy or positive impact on your life. The design of the course is to help people get on board and appreciate the product for what it is. • The data on the market for the value is good – I would expect this a lot of data to price a lot of. If I were to buy a 500 page book, chances are, it won’t offer me as much information as this. At this value, I do suppose the merchandise is well price your cash. • You’ll would like it slow to complete the complete book, provided you set the theory into follow. However, there’s no set timeframe for this, and you may start, pause and resume as per your schedule although they suggest that you simply follow a fixed program. • I’m a big reader. Except for those that are not, the audio content is excellent for folks who are not a lot of into reading. All of the e-book’s contents are in audio, that we can transfer to any listening device, like a phone or an MP3 player. I was quite shocked at how a lot of audio they had. Typically, I expect most of it to be for reading and a few on audio. • This can be sensible. Every chapter in the e-book or the audio file has a recap portion at the end, that helps users to revisit what they’ve learned within the chapter and be a lot of better ready for subsequent lessons. Not every book/course will this, and that i find it useful. Just my personal preference. • The whole package is not expensive. It may or might not seem much, but for the bulk, this worth is fairly affordable. It’s reasonable after we compare it to similar products or maybe books, and it’s means cheaper than a seminar. • As the merchandise is digital, you can go through the content whenever and wherever you prefer – be it when running, while relaxing, or when on a train. It’s designed in an exceedingly method that you incorporate it into your existence. • There is a sixty-day money back guarantee too. If you’re don't seem to be pleased with the product, you'll decision for an entire refund, without having to come the product’s contents. I’ve scan reviews where people have came the merchandise successfully so that won’t be a problem. Another thing to notice, I checked the come back rate, and it is only zero.forty two% which is sort of spectacular. This is often verified however likely to change each day. Disadvantages As with every consumer market giving, there are certain aspects of this product the makers may have done a higher job with. Those are: • You cannot hurry through the learning process. Thats one thing I usually like doing. It’s designed in a method that we cannot scan the books or watch all the videos consecutively, during a few days. The educational desires to be incremental, when every chapter, you must follow up with a practical session or an action plan. And this should take anywhere between three weeks to 3 months, that is kind of a significant investment of your time for most people. • There's some level of upselling too – for instance, the $37 per month fee for the Amazing Self-series, that isn't necessary. The primary product covers everything, and there’s no want to supplement it. Moreover, the extra series charges a recurring fee, that makes it quite a rich proposition. I did not try the up-sell as I didn't see the utilization for it, however if its something like the merchandise and you have got some further money, it would possibly be value a attempt. • It only comes in digital form. I usually like to have a book to read. I mean a physical book. I’m sure a heap of people are like this too. Audio and videos on the phone/pill are fine, however reading a digital book is not my taste. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a good product, but this is one thing I have to house. • This product tends to overlap sure topics. I perceive that sometimes, vital things would like reminders, and there can always be overlap. However during this case, it gets a bit annoying to me. It would possibly not work for a few, however it will on behalf of me. In the end, I do keep in mind a lot of, thus it may be a smart issue once all, however I need to highlight it. Price and Upsells? You can check out the value here. You'll get the full course with all that I mentioned on top of. Why I assume this is good after I compare it to many alternative programs out there's because they provide you everything you wish on the primary product, rather than up-selling you with tons of crap, saying you need it. They are doing have an upsell referred to as the ‘Amazing Self’ series. It prices $thirty seven a month, and you get the first month free. Thats price a try on the primary month. I would say that the course is quite a couple and it’s more than enough to get you thru everything you need to know, but this upsell could be a nice add-on if you don’t mind spending a touch more on it. Do bear in mind that it's a monthly charge. From my expertise, individuals tend to forget that, and once they stop using the merchandise/services, they end up paying additional than whats required. Our Final Thoughts A young man in deep thought while sitting on some rocks close to a stunning waterfall.If you’re trying for a full course on a way to use the Law of Attraction, this is often a sensible one to contemplate. If you’re still on the fence, let me tell you the explanation I got this product in the tip. Because of the cash back guarantee! And this can be not a pretend guarantee, Clickbank backs this up. I’ve bought merchandise from Clickbank before and refunded some with no problems. The refund is by Clickbank themselves. You can be certain that they will refund you whether or not the vendor doesn’t. That’s a full sixty days of using and testing it out, and if you decide that it's not value the cash, keep the product and find your cash back. That being said, the refund rate on this product is solely at 0.42percent as of this reviews writing. Those are terrific numbers showing virtually all customers are happy with it. Hopefully, saying that won’t bring the refund rate up with folks trying to induce the merchandise at no cost. Either means, if you choose not to induce it, we have a tendency to have a heap of helpful resources here on our site that can facilitate you get to where you wish to be. Should You Get This Product? We tend to’re arguing on each sides of the coin, and as abundant as we have a tendency to believe in the product, it doesn’t mean that we would advocate it to you. Everything is predicated on your circumstances. So take a look at which class you fall into, and this will make your call much easier.  This is for you if… – You’re willing to commit a while – You believe in the Law Of Attraction – You have dreams and goals – You’re open minded This can be Not for you if… – You don’t believe in the Law Of Attraction – You’ve browse the Secret and suppose it’s fake – You can’t spare a minimum of fifteen minutes a day – You’re shopping for on impulse – You want instant results – You’re not willing to put within the work – You tried another course and didn’t end it Conclusion Just a disclaimer, we have a tendency to want you to grasp that we have a tendency to are promoting this product as an affiliate. We tend to can not do so if we don’t think the merchandise is 100p.c worth it to our readers. Furthermore, we have a tendency to will’t guarantee that the product can help you for sure. This product needs the applying from your aspect further. I know its known as manifestation miracle, however this is not a miracle waiting to happen. It’s a method. If you’re not going to place within the work, you will end up wasting your money. You’re better off not buying the course. However, if you are willing to place in the hassle and don't believe in overnight successes, then this is able to be a sensible match. It’s your selection, and you don’t have to induce it. I know its referred to as manifestation miracle, however this is not a miracle waiting to happen. It’s a method. The Law of Attraction and manifesting your thoughts is one thing that has been around a while. This is simply a product putting all together in one place and teaching you the way to use it. The quantity of labor put into the product is commendable. I’m positive you’ll agree after you go through the content. I tried to create this review as unbiased as potential. However at the top of the day, I am an admirer of this product, and that i do advocate it to my friends. If you found some worth from our website or this review and you’re coming up with to urge this product, we would appreciate if you could support us by using our affiliate link. That would facilitate keep the site content great! See the video at http://manifestationmiracle.internet If you missed the quiz earlier, take it currently! It can very facilitate. PS: This is often an affiliate link. All the data on our web site is freed from charge, and it would help therefore abundant if you choose to buy this product through it. Thank you!
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takenews-blog1 · 6 years
How We Made a Cellular Darkroom for a Home made 16×20″ Digital camera
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/how-we-made-a-cellular-darkroom-for-a-home-made-16x20%e2%80%b3-digital-camera/
How We Made a Cellular Darkroom for a Home made 16×20″ Digital camera
In December 2015, Shane Arsenault and I had began speaking a couple of joint images mission with the aim of utilizing his 16”x20” Bellows Digital camera on a bigger scale, which might give us the liberty to work outdoors a traditional studio house.
The primary restriction when utilizing this extremely massive format digicam is that you will need to have a darkroom with a view to develop and swap out the movie for every shot; since Shane had solely constructed a single movie again.
With the intention of getting out of the studio and photographing the gorgeous Alberta panorama, we set a purpose: a totally functioning and simply transportable darkroom to develop the photographs shot with the digicam on location.
We began by creating a listing of issues that the darkroom would retailer whereas preserving in thoughts the burden restrict on the axel. This would come with however just isn’t be restricted to: the digicam, photograph paper, chemistry, four chemistry trays, and water. We additionally needed to think about ourselves when calculating the burden restrict, since we’d be contained in the darkroom whereas growing.
After a lot consideration and considerate planning, we purchased a second-hand trailer for $80 and a pack of beer in February of 2016. It was in unhealthy form however ok situation to construct on.
The axel was badly dented and had been clearly uncared for for a few years. We stripped the trailer of any pointless materials and arrange the muse with a brand new axel and sub-floor.
We then proceeded to construct the body out of aluminum studs for the partitions and roofing. As soon as the framing was safe to the bottom of the trailer, the OSB partitions and roof have been bolted on. Since we deliberate on taking the darkroom on lengthy highway journeys via all kinds of climate, we labored diligently to verify the construction was robust, secure, climate resistant and lightweight tight in fact.
By mid-March, the roof was set in the identical means because the partitions, a number of glue and bolts to make sure there can be no points sooner or later and no cracks for mild to leak into our darkroom.
After all of the partitions have been up and the roof set, we centered our efforts on the door after which as soon as accomplished, began to climate seal the darkroom utilizing a waterproof paint.
As soon as we have been near the top of the constructing course of (or so we thought!), we started to design what the within of the darkroom ought to appear like. We began fascinated by how the digicam would match and rapidly realized that because of the sheer measurement of the digicam, the whole inside must be designed round it.
We figured that by customizing a utility wagon, transportation of the digicam inside and out of doors of the darkroom can be a lot simpler – and in addition double as our “tripod”. In any case, the digicam weighs over 30lbs.
We constructed cabinets contained in the darkroom with a view to match the digicam cosy on each side; these can be good for storage and forestall the digicam and small objects from rolling round while in movement.
To be able to be house environment friendly, we considered methods to place growing trays contained in the darkroom with out having to place cabinets on the partitions. We purchased three 16×20” chemistry trays and minimize them via the center horizontally. We then glued minimize plexiglass to create a type of “envelope” for the unexposed prints. The concept was to have the chemistry inside these vertical tanks and to dip the paper out and in of the chemistry. For sure, they didn’t work.
We tried to make them extra proof against leaks by constructing clamps to carry them collectively.
Nonetheless didn’t work. So we moved on to our subsequent nice concept: similar idea however steel tanks. We customized ordered metal tanks, however they cracked too. We had put a lot money and time into this concept, so we sealed the cracks with a spray-on sealant, wrapped the tanks in duct tape, and constructed braces to cease the metal from bulging underneath the burden of the water. This labored… for a short while.
All of the whereas, our good buddy and fellow artist Rhys Farrell was variety sufficient to color the outside of our darkroom in his signature flashy and colourful fashion. This could assist spotlight our darkroom from the busy panorama and invite individuals to method us about our mission. We wished individuals to succeed in out to us to ask, “what the heck is that!”
The subsequent activity was what to determine what to do with the prints as soon as washed. Conventionally, photographers would let their prints dry in screened cupboards or suspended from hangers. Neither one among these would work for the sake of house and performance. Identical to every little thing in our darkroom, we knew we must develop a easy and environment friendly solution to dry our prints.
The drying racks proven above would permit us to move our prints with out compromising the picture. All that was wanted was some window lining screens, particleboards, and duct tape. The tip consequence was four guide like dry racks that allowed us to sandwich a freshly washed print between two screens.
Shane’s digicam had solely been utilized in studio settings earlier than, so we proceeded to stitch an enormous darkish fabric to cowl the again of the digicam whereas we have been focusing. The big measurement of the darkish fabric additionally ended up doubling as padding contained in the camera-wagon-box-thing we constructed to move the digicam.
Subsequent, the ramp to push the digicam wagon into the trailer can be the simplest, however extraordinarily important to maneuver issues out and in of the darkroom effectively.
We have been lastly able to take our darkroom on a trial run on Could 1st of 2016. We have been so excited to place our darkroom to make use of that we uncared for to examine the digicam for any mild leaks, and there have been loads we let you know. After 6 hours of trial and error, fixing and unfixing, we lastly managed to cowl all the sunshine leaks and achieved a lovely shot of the coolies in Drumheller.
After that day, we realized what was and wasn’t working for us. For starters our metal growing tanks have been scratching our prints, the digicam wanted restore, we didn’t need to tape the light-sensitive paper to the again of the digicam any longer, and the crimson mild, from a headlamp, was exposing our light-sensitive paper.
The vertical steel-developing tanks must go, so we constructed new cabinets within the darkroom and arrange conventional growing trays as a substitute. Shane repaired the digicam and added steel slips on the movie again so we might simply slide the photographs out and in with out having to make use of tape. And as for the crimson mild – we ditched that too, we discovered it to be a lot simpler and fewer worrisome to easily work in the dead of night.
After a number of problem-solving and exhausting work, we managed to show what took 6 hours to shoot one worthy picture, all the way down to 2 hours per picture. All of those pictures have allowed us to develop as a group in addition to perceive what strategies to make use of to maximise productiveness whereas taking pictures.
In solely 5 months we managed to plan and design the darkroom and construct it with our naked fingers. It felt good.
We’re presently within the means of getting ready for our exhibition, titled “Alberta”, which can showcase all of the work created to date with The Cellular Darkroom. The present is February 16th, 2018 from 6pm till late. The exhibition will likely be at Loft 704 Picture Studio in Calgary, Alberta as a part of Publicity Images Competition.
Make sure that to additionally go to our web site or comply with our Instagram to meet up with what we’re doing!
In regards to the creator: Natalia Barberis is an analog photographer and artist based mostly out of Calgary, creating epic our bodies of labor photographing and documenting individuals and locations all world wide. She graduated from ACAD in 2014 with a Bachelor of Design, majoring in images and has over 10 solo and group reveals to her title. You could find extra of her work on her web site. This text initially appeared right here.
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pranakishore · 7 years
  Sri Rama and Sri Krishna are the worlds two sweetest and powerful names when you say the word in any language, when you sing the word they become even more melodious to hear.I noticed this personally during music composing and same does not happen with any other word or name.
Kaliyuga Present time running now is bound to have many problems in every body’s life and around the world in general. There are problems in our life which are beyond our strength to solve them. But then what is the solution to such problems?Prana Kishore discovered that for over 5000 years people in India have been using Nama Japam repeating Gods name and Likitha Japam writing the Gods name as a powerful tool to control our mind to take positive decisions and use the power of the Gods name itself to solve our problems. LISTEN WITH HEAD PHONES
What is the name of the God we should write? there are so many questions.
What is the name of the God we should write?
How do we write? where do we write? when and why?
what is the goal to write?
Rama Koti means writing name of Sri Rama Jayam 1 crore times? Is this really possible? How many years does it take ?
Is there a step by step plan to write 1 crore Sri Rama jayam?
In the battle between Sri Rama and Sri Hanuman who won?
Why is it that Rishi Valmiki,Tulsidas, have all used this technique?
Did Mahatma Gandhi Use this as a tool to think strategies to win over the British to get freedom to India?
Is it true that Sri Rama,Lakshman,Sita and Hanuman came to Sri Thyagaraja home to give him darshan because he wrote Sri Rama Jayam 96 crore times?
Why is there a myth that Sri Rama Jayam must be written only by old people? is it because we have seen only old people writing it?
The real life story of Sri Rahul Ranjith( 9yrs )and Shriyaa Ranjit (3yrs) how they started taking interest in Sri Hanuman from child hood and how they both paint Sri Rama and Sri Hanuman pictures.Rahul started writing Jai Shree Ram at 9 years and finds it of great help to focus and concentrate and do well in his studies.Sri Rahul Ranjith and Shriyaa Ranjith are the children of Sri Ranjith G R and Smt Sree Devi S.
All the above questions have been answered in an interactive presentation video “How to Write Sri Rama Jayam or Jai Sri Ram To Solve Your problems in 21 days”
Video has evidence to prove that writing Sri Rama Jayam or Jai Sri Ram will solve your problems in your life and make all your wishes come true.
  Sri Rahul and Shriyaa paintings and Sri Rahul writing Sri Rama Jayam have broken the myth that Sri Rama Jayam must be written only at old age.The 3 Powerful words Sri Rama Jayam has helped and is helping millions for last 5000 years in india.Iam personally grateful that our next generation Heros Sri Rahul and Shriyaa have taken interest from child hood and all the credit goes to their proud parents Sri Ranjith and Smt Sree Devi ji for raising their children in divine  environment from child hood.
Rahul Ranjith ( 9yrs)
Rahul Paintings
  Shriyaa Ranjith ( 3 Yrs )
Shriyaa Paintings
Shriyaa Paintings
Rahul writing Jai Shree Ram
Rahuls Jai Shree Ram
Rahul Ranjith ( 9yrs)
Your First Steps before writing Sri Rama Jayam
First Decide to write Sri Rama Jayams
2.Buy the 200page books and pens.
3.Visit Sri Rama or Sri Hanuman Temple or Sri Ganesh Temple and seek his blessings to you to complete this work.
4.Put the red thilak on your forehead.
5.First Write Om  on top of the page in the middle and  then start writing sri Rama jayam or Jai Sri Ram
Target-Goal-Life’s Dream-Golden Moment
Important:Choosing a Goal
1-You can choose 1 of the 6 goals here and still be very Happy. Please do not get stressed about choosing goal no 6 and feeling you may not complete it.  Please choose a goal which you are comfortable and start writing. Listen to your inner heart for the right answer about your goal.You will be right
2 You can start writing and first  complete Goal no 1 then go to Goal no 2 then to Goal no 3 and keep moving by completing Goal by Goal.
3-If you start and for various reasons if you are unable to complete 1 crore that’s  fine you can still give your books to your temple.
Goal no 1 -108 SRJs or JSR ( one Hundred eight)
First Write 108 SRJs or JSR’s and give to local Sri Rama or Sri Hanuman temple temple or any temple which accepts them.Just ask the priests.You can also make like a garland and place it on the idol.
Goal no 2- 1008 SRJs or JSR ( One Thousand Eight)
Second write 1008 SRJs or JSRs and give to local temple. You can also make like a garland and place it on the idol.
 Goal No 3 -10,800 SRJs or JSR’s (Ten Thousand Eight)
Goal No 4-108,000 SRJs or JSR’s (One Lakh Eight)
Goal no 5-10,80,000 SRJs or JSR’s ( Ten Lakh Eighty Thousand )
Goal no 6-100,00,008 SRJs or JSRs One Hundred Lakhs)
It will be great if you can complete for your 60th Birthday.This is the gift to yourself and from you to Sri Rama. This is your Golden moment.Close your eyes and imagine that day when you will complete this and how happy and content you will feel.
100,00000( 100 lakh words) /1 Crore ( Koti)/ 10 million SRjs or JSRs
How much time you need to spend per day and how many years will it take
1-If you spend 2hours a day and write 1000SRJs per day( 6 pages/day) you can complete in 30yrs.This means you need to start writing when your 30yrs to complete by 60th Year
2-if you send 3hrs a day  and write 1400 SRJs per day(9 pages/day) you can complete in 20yrs This means you need to start writing when your 40yrs to complete by 60th Year
3-if you can spend 6 hrs a day and write 2800 SRJs per day(19 pages/day) you can complete in 10yrs. This means you need to start writing when your 50yrs to complete by 60th Year
4- if you can spend 6 hrs a day and write 2800 SRJs per day you can complete in 10yrs. If you start when you are 60yrs you will complete when you are 70years.
This is not impossible and can be easily done by everyone.
Sri Rama Jayam Blank Format of 30 lines
Sri Rama Jayam Blank formats are there for free down load on my site http://www.pranakishore.com
If you have any questions please  reach me though contact me form at my site,I will  personally  reply to all your emails.Also if you want to involve your children in my future videos and music.
  Date Sri Rama Jayam  Sri Rama Jayam Sri Rama Jayam Sri Rama Jayam Sri Rama Jayam     Jai Sri Ram Sita Ram Ram Sri Rama   1             2             3             4             5             6             7             8             9             10             11             12             13             14             15             16             17             18             19             20             21             22             23             24             25             26             27             28             29             30          
Please join Prana Kishore Sri Rama Koti movement,Join his face book to write Sri Rama jayam to solve your problems.Join him so that writing Sri Rama Jayam 1 crore times will bless India to build the Sri Rama Janma Bhomi  Temple At Ayodhya.
Please Subscribe to Prana Kishore channel to watch more videos to come.
Watch out for release of the video in 2018
” Coffee with Rama Bhaktha – Everything you want to know about Hinduism”
from the Rama Bhaktha himself who will answer all your questions
“Iam Going to American for Interview with Prana Kishore.He told he he will serve Starbucks,I told him I prefer BRU Made in India Home Made Filter Coffee. Lets see if he can serve that in America. I Want To Make India Great Again” 
Please involve your children in daily morning and  evening prayers
Please write Sri Rama Jayam or Jai Sri Ram to solve your problems and make all your wishes to come true in 21days. This has helped me and is helping me even now .
  Sri Rama Jayam
Prana Kishore
pranakishore You Tube channel ( Subscribe to get free videos)
How To Write Sri Rama Jayam or Jai Sri Ram (Rama Koti) To Solve Your Problems in 21 days-Prana Kishore Sri Rama and Sri Krishna are the worlds two sweetest and powerful names when you say the word in any language, when you sing the word they become even more melodious to hear.I noticed this personally during music composing and same does not happen with any other word or name.
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