#retrograde proxy
ectobabble · 18 days
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me: i gotta stop drawing dca also me: ok but would masked magician and dca get along? 🤔
whacking with a mallet = flirting
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necroixe · 1 month
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Js realized I never posted this guy but I have ocs other than Nico I swear lmaoo
This is Noah, formerly known as Micah Vance before he got fucked over by slender man as they all do and ws hit with a healthy dose of cloud strife style retrograde amnesia + identity theft.
Full character file and details under the cut! Be warned– it’s LONG:
‘ ‘ did you say something, what’d you say?... ‘ ‘
‘ ‘ was that your voice, or was that me? ‘ ‘
Noah Rivers
The ghost
Male, he/him
Noah is a human operator proxy.
"I've never been fucking scared of you," He snapped, and Noah grabbed his jaw.
"I've always hated that."
"How often you lie through your fucking teeth."
The most notable thing about Noah is his mask. It's drawn over crudely with charcoal, smudged all over, black around the eyes, the nose, the mouth. But the features are visible. The nose is sharp and angular, and the lips are drawn in a thin line. He wears it so often it's more like his face than his actual face. The only time he takes it off is when he's asleep, and sometimes not even then. His actual face, the one under the mask, has a scar that drags from above his right eyebrow down across his nose to his left jawline. His face is slim, angular, edges hazy against a monochromatic color scheme. The structure of his face is proportionate but it’s usually frowning, brows furrowed, mouth cut into a scowl. His features look like they were cut from alabaster or marble. Would’ve been pretty, maybe, in another universe. His eyes should've been black, but one of them is blinded, grayed over, and the other seems perpetually suited for low light. They are upturned, half lidded at a default and followed by bags, lines, and dark circles. They look bruised or dusky in color. He's bad with bright lights. He has black hair, cut choppy and messy, like he did it himself. His skin is so pale it's almost a sort of gray, the kind that suggests he doesn't see sun often. Lips chapped and dry, always cracked and bleeding, same with his hands, long black nails he likes painting for a reason he can't fully explain. They make his already slender fingers appear longer than they are. Almost clawlike. Noah is thin. He's tall, taller than he remembers, standing at 5’11”. He's built like an alley cat, all sinew and muscle, sharp shoulders, sharp bones. Scars all over his body. Some are new, from fights, other's he's had before he can remember in odd, purposeful places.
Rough, and unused. When speaking his voice is barely above a whisper. He’s one of those people with a voice so low you have to lean in to listen. There’s an edge to his tone, a slight southern drawl. Sometimes the things he says sound more like they’re coming from a machine than a person. His voice is muffled when it’s under the mask, he compensates by being slightly louder.
His scent isn’t something that’s easy to pinpoint. It’s almost sterile, but not hospital sterile. He kind of smells like the woods.
‘ ‘ how many times did i tell you
before it finally got through? ‘ ‘
‘ ‘ you lose. ‘ ‘
‘ ‘ you lose. ‘ ‘
Noah has heightened strength and speed, but he’s still human. A human that ignores the capabilities of his own body, but human nonetheless. He’s a skilled fighter, can hold his own against nearly anyone when weapons aren’t involved. He doesn’t like knives. Helpless with them, helpless against them. Noah is a firearms sort of guy. Always has a gun on him, either a pistol, or when he’s hunting he has a rifle. He’s interesting during fights. A textbook masochist. Pain doesn’t elicit the same reaction from him as it would for most other people. At best, he’ll ignore it, at worst, he’s drunk on it.
Noah doesn’t remember much about his life before meeting the operator, if anything. There are glimpses of a history that doesn’t feel like his in the back of his mind, or when he’s half asleep, or when his brain turns off and he isn’t really thinking. Those are his favorite moments. Where he can pretend he isn’t himself. He’s a murderer. He’s quiet, and secretive, and temperamental. What might’ve at one point been a charming persona, dulled and narrowed itself down to a chassis unrecognizable to people who knew him when he was younger. He’s quick to anger. Restless when things are calm, and when he feels alright. He’s never actively antagonistic, but he doesn’t like other people, and his skin itches for instability. He can never hold down a relationship. Of any kind, platonic, romantic. Always ends up ruining it somehow. And he likes it that way. He doesn’t even know why he’s so angry, he just is. His internal world is indecipherable, even to him. He’s constantly mixing things up, getting things wrong, getting distracted, forgetting things. Which is strange, because in the abstract he’s intelligent. There are moments where it seems like he’s lucid, and he’s calm, easy going, likable, even. He has a dry sense of humor that on boys like him feel more charismatic than it actually is. But the neuroticism always comes back eventually. He isn’t Noah without the neuroticism. Maybe he isn’t Noah at all.
He isn't. He grew up as a boy named Micah. A different person, honestly. Relatively normal, all things considered. Had parents, friends, a boyfriend, people that cared about him. A trajectory that should’ve been normal. He would’ve graduated highschool, gone to college, him and his boyfriend would break up and he’d marry a girl, or they wouldn’t and they’d end up together only to divorce later, or something. He thought domestic bliss was a stupid concept. Would give anything for it now.
The operator in his hometown was a story you told to kids. They called him the thin man. Micah and his friends would play in the woods on the outskirts of Haven, hunt for bird eggs, mark fake trails, the woods were sparse enough to not really worry about getting lost or losing each other, you could walk in any direction and reach a clearing in half an hour, or so, until you reached the deepwood, but no one went in there. Not even him. Haven was famous for having people go into that part of the woods and never come out. They said it’s because it was so disorienting, that you could walk in without even realizing it, and before you know it all the branches look the same and you can’t see a path. But when he was nineteen he went in. And he met the reason why no one ever really left those woods.
The concept of a proxy was weird to him. Someone that worked for an invisible force of nature you couldn’t see, but you could feel, and Micah felt him in the form of thick static at the back of his neck. Then again, he was drugged the entire time. It might’ve been that. The man who’d kidnapped him was named Noah. He was older, had a limp, a face he covered up by some sort of mask. Micah couldn’t remember. But he remembered his hands. They were unstable, shook constantly, leathery skin, or maybe gloves. Felt like fire. He remembered the way they’d palpitate when he took a blade, dragged it down his face, or somewhere else on his body. And this man, Micah would think to himself in a sedated haze, would use those hands to kill him. There was no universe where he got out of here in one piece.
The brain does fascinating things under extreme trauma. Noah would’ve made a brilliant psychiatrist in the 50s, because he’d triggered an artificial disassociation in Micah that helped him survive the ordeal at all. Mind over matter, he’d think, over, and over, and over, mind over matter. If he liked how much it hurt it wouldn’t be so bad. He’d make himself like it. If he missed home, his boyfriend’s stupid face so much he wanted to die, he’d tell himself he didn’t miss any of it at all. Where was he now? They’d gotten into a fight the last time he remembered, he wasn’t looking for him, wouldn’t save him, it was a waste of energy he didn’t have the luxury to sacrifice. The sedative helped. He didn’t know what it was. Some sort of depressant. His mind reeled, ran, sludged, brain into liquid. He wondered if Noah did this to everyone. Whatever that static was, it never shut up. A constant, ear grating buzz. Red noise. He’d get sick, Noah would laugh at him. He hated Noah. Hated Noah’s voice, his shaking hands, the smug sort of way he’d talk to him like he’d already won, like he’d already killed him. And he really should’ve. Noah was arrogant. Didn’t think he needed a gun for him, even though he had dozens lining the wall of his basement, an arsenal. And he didn’t. It wouldn’t have been difficult to kill someone locked to a chair and half awake. He was just an idiot. Let Micah slip out, let him kill him. His death was anticlimactic. A face pumped full of lead, features torn asunder. But the static was too loud all of a sudden, and he was nauseous, and his vision dimmed.
The amnesia paired itself with some delusion disorder, courtesy of the operator, he’d realize. He didn’t recognize his face, or his body, a perpetual state of psychosis, of dysphoria. Noah was the strongest thing in his mind. The last thing he really remembered. Maybe that’s why he latched onto the name. The memory of him. Or a voice he didn’t recognize told him it was him, that it was the only thing he made sense. This was Noah’s cabin, he recognized it, recognized the rooms, the temperature, the basement, the bloody, empty spot on the floor where something should’ve been. And then Noah’s cabin turned into his cabin. Noah’s mind turned into his mind. Some things scared him. He didn’t understand why his hands didn’t shake anymore, why he couldn’t stand to see his own face. But he clings to anything familiar. The thin man is familiar. He does what it tells him to.
“you had no right to kill him.”
A voice said, from nowhere and everywhere all at once, register so alien and low it made his heart flatten to the pit of his stomach.
“a life for a life. your kind values equivocal exchange, no?”
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wynought · 7 months
So, just like my previous post on the First Stoat's names let's look into the new information we found out in the latest episode (Burrow's End episode 8 spoilers under the cut)
So let's get the most important thing out of the way first, cause there's a lot to go through here: Obviously, Phoebe also means light - the name originates from the Ancient Greek word φοῖβος (phoibos) for "pure", "bright", "radiant" etc.
The word itself was used as an epithet for the sibling deities Apollo (god of, among other things, sun and prophecy) and Artemis (goddess of, among other things, the moon, wild animals, and the hunt). They inherit this name from their grandmother, the Titaness Phoebe who is associated by proxy with the moon and prophecy, but not actually a deity of anything. For her, it seems to be mostly a name, while it is used more akin to a title for her grandchildren.
In honour of Phoebe the Titan, one of the moons of Saturn has been named after her. It is called an irregular satellite, meaning it follows an eccentric, distant orbit which also happens to be retrograde (aka it moves opposite to the rotation of the body it orbits). With a diameter of 213km Phoebe is the most massive of Saturn's irregular satellites, and the second largest retrograde satellite in the Solar System (after Neptune's moon Triton).
There is a Phoebe mentioned in the Bible (New Testament, Paul's Epistle to the Romans). She is described as a deacon (apparently the only woman named as a deacon in the Bible) and Paul speaks highly of her - from skimming the Wikipedia article on the biblical Phoebe this part seems to be some kind of letter of recommendation. It is unclear, what community Paul intends to recommend her to, but some scholars seem to believe that she was, in fact, the emissary who delivered Paul's epistle to Rome in the first place.
(Incidentally, the aforementioned Wikipedia article mentions that the Catholic Church puts her feast day on September 3rd which is my birthday, and my chosen name is Paul, which has nothing to do with this meta, but I just found it funny.)
Anyways. There is also a species of bird called Phoebe in the tyrant flycatcher family (aka Tyrannidae); they live on insects and originally got their scientific name from being loudly territorial and aggressive. And since we, apparently, don't have enough things called Phoebe yet, there's also a genus of evergreen laurels called Phoebe.
To me, this paints a vivid picture: A Titan specifically known for being the progenitor of the Sun and Moon deities, somebody associated with prophecy ("She'll come back" comes to mind as a pertinent prophecy we have on her right now). Phoebe is, of course, the only female First Stoat we have encountered so far. I have a few unformed thoughts on the whole 'emissary' bit (which is, arguably, the piece of information with the least solid grounds presented here; but still, why is Phoebe gone from Last Bast in the first place? Is she an emissary sent by the First Stoats to somewhere else/the humans? How did the First Stoats conquer Warren Peace originally - they didn't just do that on their own, maybe they are the 'emissaries' sent there to actively sabotage the plant?).
The one thing I am certain of, is that First Stoat Phoebe is going to be just as territorial and aggressive as her Tyrannidae namesakes, if not more so.
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fakescorpion · 1 year
fakescorpion one piece fanfic masterlist
Piling all my completed fanfics in one place. My favorite characters are Mihawk, Crocodile, and Katakuri. I am also fairly obsessed with seraphim and Charlotte fam. Mihawk/Crocodile has completely taken over my life, I love them unhinged and cruel. Here's my AO3 dashboard (please come talk to me)
Mihawk Crocodile
What could possibly go wrong?
rating: T warnings: none status: completed (oneshot)(~ 2,300 words) genres: canon-compliant, missing scene tags: one piece logic, hilarity ensues, comedy of errors, damaged pride and dignity characters: Mihawk/Crocodile summary: It takes a little bit of time to travel from Kuraigana Island to Karai Bari Island. Mihawk and Crocodile shenanigans. Meanwhile, Buggy fucks up and The Poster(TM) happened.
After Every Storm
rating: E warnings: none status: completed (oneshot)(~ 3,300 words) genres: canon-compliant, pwp, character study tags: established relationship, bdsm, sex toys, cock rings, cock cage, sounding rod, making love, rain, water, wet and messy characters: Mihawk/Crocodile summary: What comes after every storm? (Mihawk and Crocodile have sex in their bdsm dungeon, while it is raining and flooding inside the room…)
Rabbits of The Valley
rating: E warnings: graphic violence, manga spoilers status: completed (oneshot)(~ 7,500 words) genres: canon-compliant, theory, character study tags: backstory, unreliable narrator, established symbiotic relationship, codependency, childhood trauma, branding, dehumanization, allusions to canon genocide characters: Mihawk/Crocodile, Mihawk/Shanks summary: After a nightmare. Mihawk and Crocodile talk about their haunting past, the lifelong trauma that made them who they are today. Meanwhile, they have sex, pleasure to blunt the pain.
in another world, in a thousand lifetimes
rating: E warnings: none status: completed (2 chap)(~ 3,500 words) genres: OPLA canon-compliant, world-building, character study tags: stream of consciousness, opposites attract, belligerent sexual tension, violent sex, kissing and making love characters: Mihawk/Crocodile summary: Intro execution scene. Mihawk sees him first on that day, the man that introduces himself as Sir Crocodile. note: OPLA hawkcroc collection. independent short stories in chronological order, porn with character study.
In God’s Own Image
rating: T warnings: none status: completed (oneshot)(~ 750 words) genres: canon-compliant, world-building, character study tags: innocence, loss of innocence, psychological horror, moral ambiguity, empathy, free will, religious imagery, symbolism characters: seraphim, warlords summary: This is what human arrogance has inadvertently created for themselves. A different take on the seraphim dilemma.
Memories in Our Hourglass
rating: T warnings: post-canon status: completed (oneshot)(~ 1,200 words) genres: AU-canon divergence, character study tags: unreliable narrator, established symbiotic relationship, amnesia, memory loss, identity issues, pregnancy, body dysphoria, body horror, psychological horror characters: Mihawk/Crocodile, S-Hawk/S-Croc summary: Mihawk does not remember what happened before, and Crocodile will not remember what happens after. Though once upon a time, they dreamed about finding utopia at the end of the world. note: Mihawk has retrograde amnesia, Crocodile has anterograde amnesia.
Mihawk Crocodile to owe and to own
Mihawk and Crocodile collection, manga canon compliant stories from childhood to adulthood. There once was a prince and a servant, from the dystopia elysium, their fate tangled from the beginning till the end.
IOU By Proxy
rating: M warnings: graphic violence, horror status: completed (3 chap)(~ 10,800 words) genres: canon-compliant, world-building tags: backstory, unreliable narrator, childhood trauma, blood and violence, body horror, psychological horror, insanity, mental instability, mental disorders, dysfunctional and unhealthy relationships characters: Mihawk, Crocodile, Cross Guild summary: The privilege of royal blood, and the first step in the ladder of preference. A crown is a crown, and divine right is not free. Dracule Mihawk was a prince, and Crocodile was the price that paid for his everything. note: childhood friends.
IOU Be Close / IOU Being Closer
rating: T / E warnings: underage kissing and sex, incest, dubious consent status: completed (oneshot companion pieces)(~ 5,000 words) genres: canon-compliant, character study tags: backstory, unreliable narrator, dysfunctional and unhealthy relationships, insanity, mental instability, moral bankruptcy, mental disorders, schizophrenia, chronic illness, chronic pain, innocence and loss of innocence, codependency characters: Mihawk/Crocodile summary: IOU Be Close: Crocodile is fifteen and gets a rose, Mihawk is twelve and gets his first kiss. A story about childhood innocence and love, that is more than meets the eye. IOU Being Closer: Incidentally, unforgivable perhaps, that they are actually each other’s most traumatic experience. A story about childhood innocence and love, told as an unfortunate horror tale. note: these companion stories explore the darker side of trans identity using chronic pain as literal metaphor, and touch on heavy topics including child grooming and child sexual abuse. please proceed with caution and heed all warning tags.
IOU A Neverland Fantasy
rating: M warnings: implied underage relationship, incest status: completed for now (2 chap)(~ 5,700 words) genres: canon-compliant, world-building tags: backstory, unreliable narrator, insanity, mental instability, mental disorders, schizophrenia, grandiose delusion, jealousy delusion, dysfunctional and unhealthy relationships characters: Mihawk/Crocodile summary: Grandiose: World’s Greatest, perhaps has always been a contentious title before. So, what exactly makes the greatest swordsman in the world? Jealousy: They say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. note: Dracule Mihawk as a schizophrenic, forever curse and unparalleled swordsman talent. every chapter is independent story in chronological order.
Mihawk Crocodile once upon a fairytale
Mihawk and Crocodile collection, anime canon compliant stories from childhood to adulthood. There once was a knight and a princess, from the utopia fairytale land, and it took them thirty years to find their way back together.
in their golden eyes
rating: M warnings: graphic violence status: completed (2 chap)(~ 5,000 words) genres: canon-compliant, world-building tags: backstory, childhood trauma, blood and violence, body horror, mental instability, complicated relationship characters: Mihawk/Crocodile, Cross Guild summary: Backstory for Dracule Mihawk and Sir Crocodile. The reason behind the formation of Cross Guild, and the shared traumatic history that leaded to Mihawk hunting marines and Crocodile chasing after the illusive title of Pirate King.
a little kindness
rating: M warnings: dubious consent, suicidal ideation status: completed (oneshot)(~ 2,300 words) genres: canon-compliant, world-building tags: backstory, unreliable narrator, psychological trauma, insanity, mental instability, complicated relationship characters: Mihawk/Shanks summary: One night between Mihawk and Shanks that changes everything. Mihawk offers a little kindness—once in his lifetime—and the reason why someone like ‘Red-Haired’ Shanks would lose his left arm to a fish.
on this broken pedestal
rating: M warnings: graphic violence status: completed (6 chap)(~ 28,000 words) genres: canon-compliant, world-building tags: backstory, blood and violence, body horror, mental instability, complicated relationship, conflict of interests, flirting, Crocodile and his 200 IQ plans characters: Crocodile, Doflamingo, Katakuri summary: Story of the first pirate ever inducted into the government Warlord System. This is the most important two years of Crocodile’s life, for the crown, and what it means to change the entire course of One Piece history as one person against the world. note: featuring Crocodile's first meeting with Doflamingo and Katakuri, Crocodile playing Davy Back Fight, and Crocodile being a cruel genius because he absolutely is.
whatever happened to the fairytale dream
rating: E warnings: graphic violence, dubious and non-consent, necrophilia and bestiality, reference uxoricide and filicide status: completed (oneshot)(~ 9,000 words) genres: AU-canon divergence, pwp, character study tags: unreliable narrator, dysfunctional and unhealthy relationships, insanity, mental instability, moral bankruptcy, bdsm, bad bdsm etiquette, body horror, violence and sexual violence, pregnancy mentioned characters: Mihawk/Crocodile, Cross Guild summary: Mihawk and Crocodile have sex in the guild treasury, unsafe, insane, questionably consensual, while learning the secrets about each other’s most broken places. note: this story is extremely fucked up, the characters are insane and pushing all acceptable societal boundaries, proceed with caution and heed all warning tags.
Charlotte family and Big Mom Pirates To Carry the Charlotte Name
Charlotte family, fluff and violence, canon compliant backstories for this beautifully dysfunctional crew.
As a Charlotte Child
rating: M warnings: graphic violence, additional warnings status: completed (6 chap)(~ 16,000 words) genres: canon-compliant, world-building tags: backstory, childhood trauma, child neglect, dysfunctional family, protective siblings, blood and violence, mental instability characters: Perospero, Compote, Katakuri, Daifuku, Oven, Amande, Opera, Cracker, Custard, Brulee, "Big Mom" Linlin summary: Charlotte Linlin wasn’t always an Emperor, and it was not so easy growing up or surviving as children of a neglectful pirate mother. This was the beginning before Big Mom Pirates fame.
Family Album
rating: T warnings: non-graphic violence status: completed (8 chap)(~ 40,000 words) genres: canon-compliant, world-building tags: backstory, childhood trauma, dysfunctional family, family bonding and family feels, protective siblings, mental instability, complicated relationship and friendships characters: Charlotte fam, "Big Mom" Linlin summary: Every chapter is independent story in non-chronological order.
Friends, Meet Family
rating: G warnings: graphic violence status: completed (12 chap)(~ 27,000 words) genres: AU-canon divergence, world-building tags: meet the family, dysfunctional family, family shenanigans, hilarity ensues, humor, conflict of interests, complicated friendships characters: Big Mom Pirates, Strawhat Pirates summary: When news got back to Tottoland that battleship of a certain Charlotte daughter was spotted within the mysterious Florian Triangle, Katakuri was tasked with the mission to retrieve his runaway little sister. note: featuring Big Mom Pirates and Strawhat Pirates meeting during Thriller Bark arc.
rating: E warnings: dubious consent, underage, incest status: completed (oneshot)(~ 5,000 words) genres: AU-canon divergence, world-building tags: childhood trauma, dysfunctional family, dysfunctional and unhealthy relationships, incest, polyamory, infidelity, insanity, mental instability, moral bankruptcy characters: Perospero, Katakuri summary: Perospero managed the largest orphanage in the world. Inside, hid a well-kept secret in Tottoland. note: this story is extremely fucked up, please proceed with caution and heed warning tags.
I am an extremely slow writer, so apologies in advance. I will keep this list updated as I gradually finish my wip buuut please don't hold your breath and I will try my best. Lots of hugs.
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tavoglc · 1 year
Why is hard to find the seasonality or pattern behind COVID-19 waves? One possibility is the lack of a meaningful coordinate system. #COV1D #Covid
For example, if we look at the movement of mercury through time we will end up observing also the retrograde movement of the planet. That's due to our position relative to the planet. #COV1D #Covid
If we position ourselves in the sun, then we will see the normal movement of all the planets. Luckily neural networks can be used to retrieve a meaningful coordinate system from complex data sources. #COV1D #Covid
In the case of COVID-19, the data source will be the genomic sequences obtained through genomic surveillance. #COV1D #Covid
Training a VAE with a custom sequence representation sports the different genomes by a temporal variable. Currently, the best fit is the sunshine duration rate of change. A proxy measure of the rate of change of solar radiation at a specific location. #COV1D #Covid
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If we plot the cases using the sunshine duration as a measure of time the different waves are located at the extremes of the axis. But if we look at how the sunshine duration changes specific rates appear to constrain the duration of the waves #COV1D #Covid
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Also by approaching polar latitudes the frequency of those periods increases. #COV1D #Covid
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Would you like to know more?
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valenzuelaberman25 · 1 year
Thyroid operate throughout people with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome.
All rights earmarked.Anticancer real estate agents, including cisplatin, encourage nausea, feeling sick, as well as anorexia. Cisplatin largely acts upon vagal afferents to generate emesis, nevertheless small is understood about how precisely this specific drug generates queasiness and anorexia. Electrophysiology points too cisplatin activates vagal afferents with the widespread hepatic branch (CHB). Test subjects shortage a good emetic reply however accomplish ingest kaolin clay-based (the pica reaction) when manufactured ill through toxins, and this conduct can be restricted simply by antiemetic drugs. Many experts have postulated that pica may serve as a proxies regarding emesis from the rat. The purpose of this research ended up being measure the aftereffect of CHB or perhaps ventral gastric (Fuel) as well as celiac (Cel) part vagotomies about pica and anorexia produced by cisplatin within the rat. The end results regarding apomorphine, the dopamine receptor agonist, which usually causes emesis using a key procedure, had been also assessed. Cisplatin-induced pica ended up being covered up by simply CHB vagotomy (a 61% decrease) but not through Petrol and also Cel vagotomy. Elimination of daily diet and body excess weight right after cisplatin treatment method seemed to be blunted through CHB ablation but not simply by Petrol or perhaps Cel vagotomy. Simply no vagotomy condition exhibited modified apomorphine-induced pica. The results indicate how the CHB, which usually innervates mostly your duodenum, has a huge role in cisplatin-induced malaise. These kind of data advise that pica provides physical path ways much like emetic programs, given that a new vagotomy condition restricted cisplatin-induced pica yet had no influence on apomorphine-induced pica. This kind of analysis leads to your delineation in the physiology regarding pica along with neurological programs involved in malaise inside the nonvomiting rat.Young idiopathic scoliosis in people is often associated with vestibulomotor cutbacks. Suitable for the vestibular origin, scoliotic deformations have been provoked inside grownup Xenopus frogs by simply unilateral labyrinthectomy (UL) in larval stages. Your water ecophysiology as well as absence of body-weight-supporting arm or leg proprioceptive alerts within amphibian tadpoles being a prospective sensory exchange after UL would be the cause of a prolonged uneven climbing down from vestibulospinal exercise. Consequently, side-line vestibular lesions inside larval Xenopus were used to disclose your morphophysiological modifications in the cell phone as well as circle quantities. Because of this, vertebrae engine nervous feelings which are modulated by the formerly in one piece side just before UL remained once and for all quiet through organic vestibular stimulation following the patch. Moreover, retrograde looking up associated with descending paths revealed a loss of revenue associated with vestibular nerves about the ipsilesional affiliate with crossed vestibulospinal forecasts. This specific loss caused a broad size difference within descending premotor task and a everlasting uneven electric motor travel to the axial musculature. Therefore, we propose the prolonged asymmetric pulling associated with trunk muscle tissue exerts a relentless, uncompensated differential mechanised pull upon bilateral bone factors that makes sure a deformation of the soft cartilaginous bone elements and also bone shapes. This in the end provokes serious scoliotic deformations throughout ontogenetic advancement just like the individual https://www.selleckchem.com/products/midostaurin-pkc412.html symptoms.
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Hey scorp, on the topic of mercury rx - how does it affect those with mercury in rx in their natal chart?? Esp those with mercuries in fixed signs... thank you your blog is pure brilliance
Mercury Rx in the Natal Chart
In modern astrology [and Ancient astrology] It’s believe that while Mercury is in retrograde, it is in an idle or “napping” state, as a result, it has a psychological effect us here below. Now, If you are born during one of those periods, your chances of being affected by Mercury's fluctuations are more likely. We call this a “transit”.
What Mercury Rules
Mercury lords over all types of communication: Speech, learning, sense of humor, reading, writing, research, negotiating. Mercury is our intelligence, our cerebral functions as well as our memory.
The Mercury Rx Squad
About 25 percent of people on earth were born during a Mercury retrograde
Since Mercury affects the perceptive abilities, being Rx in the chart, a native may feel a profound sense of being inarticulate, and struggling to speak. Because Mercury is not functioning optimally, the native by proxy will process information a little differently from their Mercury-direct counterparts. They’ll perceive things but have difficulty compartmentalizing it and putting it into concise words. Ideas of course, are often profound, even innovative, but when the native attempts to share said ideas, it may appear as if they’re trying to draw a picture with their non-dominant hand. Things will be uncomfortable communication and perception-wise. They can be perceived as shy even. Typically it takes extra effort for the Mercury retrograde mind to navigate between internal perceptions and external communication. There’s a sort of “collage effect” of Mercury retrograde, so it can make it hard for a native to see how things will play out. They may see the end before the middle. Essentially, they’ll think in a “non-linear” way. Now this will depend on the element, quality and what house it is in. however for example
People Born Under Fixed Sign Mercury Rx
[Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius]
Slow and deliberate in the thinking process. May be slow/grasping, can be confused in making decisions. May mull over things for a long period or be staunch in their opinions. Delay in speech/May not pronounce things correctly. Paranoid thinking often or inflexible in thought process/fixed thinking on details that can be omitted.
How to deal: Let go. Fixed attitudes can keep one from seeing other options/answers. Be open to other perspectives. Speed reading [helps accelerate the cognitive process- this practice is rapidly recognizing and absorbing phrases or sentences on a page all at once, rather than identifying individual words. It improves one's ability to read quickly.]  Speech pathology is also encouraged.
Under Mutable Sign Mercury Rx
[Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces]
Hard to understand decisions. May have harder time concentration in school or linear thinking may be lost upon them. May not be able to communicate what they’re really thinking. May deal with head in the clouds more often than others. Thinking may be eccentrically theoretical without many facts to back it up. May deal with anxiety more.
How to deal: Focus on facts, cite your sources, seek tutoring or Counseling when thoughts drift, become too hazy, or anxiety beings to run rampant. Keep a dream diary/journal to compartmentalize thoughts. 
Under Cardinal Sign Mercury Rx
[Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn]
Natives may often make impractical impulsive decisions, Think “stop” means “go” at times, quick and effective decision making can be more difficult. Their speech may come off harsher than they mean to which may cause them to not care to share their opinion. Adversely, they may not speak up enough.  How to deal: Think before you act/speak. Get all the information before jumping to sign something or making an impulse buy. Read the room/know your audience. Meditation is encouraged to ground and keep the emotional state & impulse state at a balance.
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mehenxe · 3 years
“ you deserve good things.” (marley x rowan)
& although it is not uncommon for her to be surprised, not when it comes to rowan & that surge of constant chaos flooding through her veins, this is different. another kind of surprise, another kind of jolt that had her straightening on the sofa cushions & turning her head. blonde hair, how it framed in a halo about her skull, madonna statue tucked into an alcove to be worshipped — & rowan sometimes compared her to such things, & marley couldn’t consider being a work of art, because she was the creator of such things, & by proxy, this means that an artist could not be a masterpiece. an artist remains the conduit, the energetic medium between pen & paper, brush & strokes & canvas. so when it was said across the room, you deserve good things, & it is spoken over the cardboard packing boxes & it is some result of retrograde piercing through the cosmos or something in the water rowan drank that possessed her to be like this, & marley sucks in that breath between her teeth & suddenly feels dry in the mouth.
she asks the most pertinent thing that comes to mind. “i have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. where did that even come from?” one hand arching & then slapping against the back of the couch, & then she herself rolls off of it, onto the floor, in a heap, before picking herself back up and stretching her arms high into the air. “did you say that just to wake me up or something? i swear to god, i wasn’t falling asleep. you always do this to me.” because this is what it means to fill the spaces, & each word echoes like a hollow at the back of a tree, but that does not make it insincere. 
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& so she crosses the breadth of the space between them & stands there. & for a moment, that is all she does, & then she flops down on the floor beside rowan, & then rolls onto her, grabbing her elbows & stretching her arms above her head & burrowing her face in the side of her neck to procure laughter. & once the laughter is procured, marley herself erupts in a fit of giggles. and to be ensconced in good things is to be set aglow in candlelight laughter.
“the only good things i feel like i deserve are the ones you’re there to share with me.” she reaches for one of the pillows and whacks her with it. “so don’t go anywhere.”
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incarnateirony · 5 years
I never understood why when an angel loses they grace they becomes a human. It was not for the grace to be part of them? And what happens when an angel loses their grace in its true form? And how do they get a soul after losing their grace if they didn't have it before? Do you have any theory about the topic?
I have an original theory, that got rattled by a buckleming episode, and then later fixed by another buckleming episode, if in a shaky buckleming way.
The original concept was that, generally, they do not; but that ultimately, contact with humanity becomes a bit of a proxy line. If Angels are made of the stuff of the universe as wavelengths of intent, and the human soul is its own *thing* outside of that design, it’s like a conscious rock or conscious air, the latter being closer in its intangibility until it takes a form. However, if we look at, say – Castiel – he had a strong and quite-literal tie to Dean (the brand, the connection that found Dean for Amara, etc) that, in the time his grace depleted kind of made a circuit for something to fill the space.
We don’t know if other angels, being drained, actually get a soul or just maintain an imprint of their mind the same way that, say, soulless Sam did.
Until it was implied, at least, that Lucifer did by being suddenly loudly subject to things like cold and hunger, hence the Buckleming mention. In theory a primitive body without that still had a soul, and it was not as textual as mention of Castiel’s soul in season 8, and it’s Buckleming and Eugenie was desperate to give Mark P a likeable plot. 
Later Buckleming made an episode where humans can be converted to angels via a nephlim’s power, which in retrograde we can remember the heart of a nephilim being a component of Castiel’s spell trials, and summarily with his grace being drained and his connection to Dean that still works in reverse, but also begs the question on how this respective AC/DC energy conversion works.
That requires supplementary theories, such as nephilim still having the dominion of man, as Chuck and Death themselves can not manipulate or destroy men, only man can destroy man, when it comes to the soul (eg if you look at it in scale, demons are former humans, who are tortured by other demons or humans becoming demons or humans breaking in hell EG torturer Dean, and that pain and cruelty changes the default presence of Good in the human soul into a demon, which can then be deleted)
We’ve never been given a direct explanation and are left to sort through what details we have for the mechanics. But I remind, “You wanna know why we’re meant to stay away from those humans? It’s not because we’re a danger to them. They’re a danger to us.”
I also have an old cluttered meta mess from when I was new on tumblr that, while it desperately needs re-organized, has thoughts:  Angels, Grace, Humanity and Souls, Effects of the Fall and more (x)
Summarily Lucifer was the only seeming lapse in the above link, but can be vague waved in lieu of 14.19, as most eugenie plot elements can be.
Additional round: Belphegor still couldn’t destroy the souls, just send them elsewhere.
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ectobabble · 1 month
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Retrograde sketches. I gotta inspire myself to start working on this. I drew Moon as a 'constellation', one of the beings that can exist in the void without light.
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By @bluefoxredfox and @angel-in-retrograde
Project Glitchcore refers to the investigation of irregular rifts connecting the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. In the Milky Way, our main character Iris Talbot notices strange distortions and augmentations in her day to day life, appearing as unnatural glitches. One day she comes in contact with Proxie by falling into an open rift in her universe. The auxiliary from the Andromeda galaxy sent to handle these rifts, Proxie, finds out that the bridge between galaxies doesn’t just stop at the Milky Way and Andromeda. The duo find handfuls of other galaxies, almost like their own but with strange differences. Each galaxy revolves around a different aesthetic, and contains other characters who come in contact with the duo.
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luxe-pauvre · 5 years
For Kuhn, truth is not an overarching aim of science across scientific revolutions. Nor do scientific revolutions (eg, from Ptolemaic to Copernican astronomy) track truth either. What they do, at best, is to increase our ability to solve anomalies that beset the previous paradigm (as when we eventually discovered that retrograde motion was only an illusion, and not something that needed epicycles and deferents to be explained). We see the spirit of Kuhn’s warning in discussions today. Truth itself is not enough to settle or even guide debates about expertise, trust, consensus and dissent in science. The philosophers of science Inmaculada de Melo-Martín and Kristen Intemann have described the matter well in their book The Fight Against Doubt (2018). When it comes to the role of science in policymaking, the key is ‘engaging in discussions with all relevant parties about the values at stake, rather than the truth of particular scientific claims’. Policymaking involves politics and values, and ‘disagreement about values cannot, and should not, be decided by scientists alone’ or by just scientific evidence. Intemann and de Melo-Martín have further maintained that, even if truth were the goal of science, consensus in a disciplinary or subfield community cannot always be ‘a proxy for truth, and whether it is necessary for adopting public policy is still questionable’. To summarise, the history of science, the practice of science, and science policy all provide reasons for disenchantment with truth in science.
Michela Massimi, Getting it right: It’s time for a robust philosophical defence of truth in science
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enubus · 2 years
ISW assesses that the Kremlin has revised its campaign plan in Ukraine after the failure of its initial campaign to capture Kyiv and other major Ukrainian cities and its subsequent failure to adjust its operations in late March. ISW previously assessed that the initial Russian campaign of the war—airborne and mechanized operations to seize Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, and other major Ukrainian cities to force a change of government in Ukraine—had failed as of March 19.[1] The Russian military continued to feed small collections of reinforcements into operations around Kyiv and across northeastern and southern Ukraine in an effort to keep its initial campaign plan alive throughout late March. We assess that the Russian military has now halted these failed efforts and is beginning a new phase of its campaign in Ukraine with new objectives. We are updating the structure of our campaign assessments to reflect the new structure and prioritization of Russian operations.
Russia’s main effort is now focused on eastern Ukraine, with two subordinate main efforts: capturing the port city of Mariupol and capturing the entirety of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts. The Kremlin claims the entirety of these oblasts as the territory of its proxies in eastern Ukraine, the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DNR and LNR).[2] The Kremlin is increasingly redeploying troops from other axes of advance and channeling its remaining reinforcements from Russia into eastern Ukraine. Russian forces are unlikely to conduct active operations on other fronts in the coming weeks.
The Kremlin may intend to capture Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts before seeking to negotiate a Kremlin-favorable ceasefire and claim that Russia has achieved its war aims. The Kremlin’s initial false justification for its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine was to protect the DNR and LNR from Ukraine and enable them to seize their “claimed” territory. The Kremlin is attempting to gloss over the failure of Russia’s initial campaign for a domestic Russian audience. The Kremlin has in fact been forced to alter its operations after the failure of its initial campaign. Kremlin claims that Russian forces solely attacked northeastern Ukraine to degrade Ukrainian forces before achieving the “main goal” of capturing Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts – such as statements made by the Russian General Staff on March 25 – are false.[3]
Russian forces have three supporting efforts: Kharkiv and Izyum; Kyiv and northeastern Ukraine; and the southern axis, including Kherson.
Russian forces on the Kharkiv axis have abandoned efforts to take the city. Their new objectives are likely to 1) pin Ukrainian mechanized forces in place, and 2) drive southeast to link up with Russian forces in Luhansk Oblast. Russian forces captured Izyum (southeast of Kharkiv) on April 1 after attempting to do so since at least March 7.[4] Russian forces, including elements redeployed from the Sumy axis in the past week, will likely continue offensive operations in the coming days in an effort to cut off Ukrainian forces on the line of contact in Donbas.
Russian forces around Kyiv and in northeastern Ukraine seek to conduct a retrograde action—the orderly withdrawal of combat forces—for refit and further redeployment to other axes of advance. Russian forces remaining on the forward trace of Russian lines are a covering force intended to screen the retrograde of most of the combat power previously deployed around Kyiv. Ukrainian forces retook substantial territory both northwest and east of Kyiv in the past 24 hours. Ukrainian forces likely advanced faster than Russian forces anticipated, but Russian forces successfully withdrew much of the damaged combat power remaining around Kyiv into Belarus.
Russian forces on the southern axis—centered on Kherson—are unlikely to conduct offensive operations in the near future and will aim to defend Russian-occupied territory around Kherson against Ukrainian counterattacks. Russian forces will additionally likely prioritize securing southern Ukraine against increasingly frequent Ukrainian partisan actions. Russian forces are unlikely to resume offensive operations west toward Mykolayiv or north toward Zaporizhzhia and Kryvyi Rih in the near future.
Key Takeaways
We now assess that Russia has revised its campaign plan in Ukraine after the failure of operations to seize Kyiv and other major Ukrainian cities throughout March.
The Kremlin’s claims that Russia’s main objective has been eastern Ukraine throughout the war are false and intended to obfuscate the failure of Russia’s initial campaign.
Russia’s main effort is now concentrated on eastern Ukraine. Russian forces seek to capture the entirety of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.
Russian forces will likely take Mariupol in the coming days but continue to suffer heavy casualties.
Russian forces seek to fix in place the Ukrainian forces around Kharkiv.
Russian forces captured Izyum after three weeks of fighting on April 1 and will attempt to advance southeast to link up with Russian forces in Luhansk Oblast in the coming days.
Ukrainian forces recaptured large swathes of terrain both northwest and east of Kyiv in the past 24 hours, but Russia successfully withdrew elements of its damaged forces into Belarus.
The Kremlin will continue to funnel reinforcements (including both low-quality individual replacements from Russia and damaged units redeployed from northeastern Ukraine) into operations in eastern Ukraine, but these degraded forces are unlikely to enable Russia to conduct successful large-scale offensive operations.
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We do not report in detail on the deliberate Russian targeting of civilian infrastructure and attacks on unarmed civilians, which are war crimes, because those activities are well-covered in Western media and do not directly affect the military operations we are assessing and forecasting. We will continue to evaluate and report on the effects of these criminal activities on the Ukrainian military and population and specifically on combat in Ukrainian urban areas. We utterly condemn these Russian violations of the laws of armed conflict, Geneva Conventions, and humanity even though we do not describe them in these reports.
ISW has updated its assessment of the four primary efforts Russian forces are engaged in at this time:
Main effort—Eastern Ukraine (comprised of two subordinate supporting efforts);
Supporting effort 1—Kharkiv and Izyum;
Supporting effort 2—Kyiv and northeastern Ukraine; and
Supporting effort 3—Southern axis.
Main effort—Eastern Ukraine
Subordinate main effort—Mariupol (Russian objective: Capturing Mariupol and reducing Ukrainian defenders)
Russian forces continued to advance in central Mariupol on April 1.[5] The Ukrainian General Staff reported at midnight local time on March 31 that Ukraine’s 36th Marine Brigade and other units are maintaining the “circular defense” of Mariupol, but Russian forces continue to take territory.[6] DNR officials shared footage on March 31 that they claimed showed a Ukrainian base in central Mariupol captured by Russian and DNR forces, though ISW cannot independently confirm this claim.[7] Russian forces likely intend to capture Mariupol before advancing northwest to support ongoing operations to capture the entirety of Donetsk Oblast. However, Russian forces fighting in Mariupol are likely suffering high casualties and will likely be unable to support further offensive operations after capturing the city.
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Subordinate main effort—Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts (Russian objective: Capture the entirety of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts, the claimed territory of Russia’s proxies in Donbas)
Ukrainian forces continued to repel Russian assaults in Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts on April 1. The Ukrainian General Staff reported at 6:00 am local time on April 1 that Ukrainian forces repelled seven Russian attacks in the past 24 hours, destroying three tanks, two armored personnel carriers, and two unarmored vehicles; Ukrainian forces also shot down an Orlan-10 UAV.[8] Russian offensive operations in Luhansk Oblast are centered on Popasna and Rubizhne, and operations in Donetsk Oblast are concentrated on Marinka.[9] Russian assaults in the Donbas region have not made meaningful territorial gains since March 24.[10] The Kremlin will continue to funnel reinforcements (including both low-quality individual replacements from Russia and damaged units redeployed from northeastern Ukraine) into this main effort, but these degraded forces are unlikely to enable Russia to conduct successful large-scale offensive operations
The Ukrainian General Staff reported at midnight local time on March 31 that Russian personnel from Russia’s 7th Military Base in Abkhazia reinforced elements of the 58th Combined Arms Army operating in Donbas.[11] ISW previously reported on March 30 that Russia deployed forces from Abkhazia and South Ossetia to Ukraine but could not confirm their specific places of deployment at the time.[12]
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Supporting Effort #1—Kharkiv and Izyum: (Russian objective: Advance southeast to support Russian operations in Luhansk Oblast, and fix in place Ukrainian forces around Kharkiv)
Russian forces captured Izyum on April 1 and will likely seek to advance southeast to link up with Russian forces in Luhansk Oblast in the coming days. The Ukrainian General Staff and local sources confirmed that Russian forces fully captured the city and expelled Ukrainian forces from their defensive positions.[13] Ukrainian forces successfully defended the city against Russian attacks from March 7 to March 31, delaying Russian operations and preventing the encirclement of Kharkiv.[14] Russian forces, reinforced with elements of the 20th Combined Arms Army and 1st Guards Tank Army redeployed from the Sumy region, will likely launch further operations to drive southeast and link up with stalled Russian frontal assaults in Luhansk Oblast.[15]
Russian forces around Kharkiv continued to shell the outskirts of the city and likely seek to pin in place Ukrainian forces in the city. The Ukrainian General Staff and local Kharkiv authorities reported continued Russian shelling and stated that Russia is delivering additional artillery ammunition to its forces around the city.[16] Russian forces have abandoned operations to encircle and capture Kharkiv. Russian forces will likely continue to shell the city and seek to fix in place Ukrainian mechanized units in order to prevent them from reinforcing Ukrainian defenses in the Donbas or conducting counterattacks elsewhere.
Supporting Effort #2—Kyiv and Northeastern Ukraine: (Russian objective: Withdraw combat power in good order for redeployment to eastern Ukraine)
The Ukrainian General Staff stated at midnight local time on March 31 that Russia has withdrawn up to five battalion tactical groups (BTGs) from around Kyiv into Belarus for refit and redeployment to other axes of advance.[17] The Ukrainian General Staff stated that Russian forces mined vacated terrain and used artillery to screen their movements and did not claim that Russian forces collapsed or routed.[18] Russian forces withdrawn into Belarus are likely heavily degraded and are unlikely to provide meaningful combat power in the near term, despite the successful withdrawal of some portion of damaged Russian units.
The Ukrainian military, local civilian administrators, and footage on social media confirm that Ukrainian forces either recaptured or Russian forces withdrew from large swathes of previously contested terrain—including Bucha, Hostomel, Ivankiv, and several smaller towns—in counterattacks March 31-April 1.[19] Ukrainian forces attacked both directly north from Kyiv (through Bucha and Hosotmel) and additionally advanced northeast from Zhytomyr Oblast into Ivankiv, likely isolating pockets of Russian forces in Kyiv Oblast. Ukrainian forces will likely conduct further offensive operations to drive Russian forces to the Belarusian border in the coming days.
Ukrainian forces conducted similarly successful counterattacks east of Kyiv on April 1. Ukrainian forces likely broke the encirclement of Chernihiv and pushed Russian forces east from Brovary and captured Nova Basan, nearly to the Supiy River.[20] The governor of Chernihiv Oblast reported on April 1 that Russian forces are withdrawing from the region for likely redeployment elsewhere.[21] The Ukrainian General Staff reported at midnight local time on March 31 that elements of Russia’s 1st Guards Tank Army are screening withdrawals from the Chernihiv axis by other unspecified Russian units.[22]
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Supporting Effort #3—Southern axis: (Objective: Defend Kherson against Ukrainian counterattacks)
Ukrainian forces conducted successful counterattacks in northern Kherson Oblast on April 1, capturing several towns and pushing Russian forces south from Kryvyi Rih.[23] The Ukrainian General Staff and Mykolayiv regional authorities reported that Ukrainian forces repelled limited Russian attacks toward Mykolayiv from March 31 to April 1.[24] The Ukrainian General Staff additionally reported that Russian forces continued efforts to set up occupation administrations in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts.[25] Mounting Ukrainian partisan operations in southern Ukraine will likely continue to tie down Russian Rosgvardia units in the coming weeks. Russian forces are highly unlikely to successfully resume offensive operations toward Mykolayiv in the coming days and will likely prioritize defending Kherson against Ukrainian counterattacks.
Immediate items to watch
Russian forces will likely capture Mariupol or force the city to capitulate within the coming days;
Russian reinforcements and the capture of Izyum on April 1 may enable a renewed Russian offensive through Slovyansk to link up with Russian forces in Luhansk Oblast;
Russian forces withdrawn from the Kyiv axis are unlikely to provide meaningful combat power in eastern Ukraine in the coming days.
Sustained Ukrainian counteroffensives east of Ivanikva (northwest of Kyiv) toward the Dnipro River may sever lines of communication to Russian forces that have not yet withdrawn toward Belarus
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vikrantbhagat · 4 years
Endometriosis and Fertility-Why  Women Should Not Lose Hope.
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With March being endometriosis mindfulness month. Endometriosis stays right up 'til today one of the most confusing and perplexing gynecological sicknesses. Getting pregnant when you have endometriosis can be more troublesome than expected yet around 7 out of 10 ladies with gentle to direct endometriosis oncieving without treatment.
On the off chance that you wish to get pregnant however tragically you have been  determined to have endometrosis,this may prompt couples accepting that they won't have the option to have a kid and every one of their expectations are lost. Tragically there is a misguided judgment that endrometrosis and infertility go connected at the hip and this has placed numerous couples into a distressing condition.
Be that as it may, luckily there is an uplifting news about endometrosis and fertility,with the privilege treatment,there are sufficient measure of good odds of getting pregnant and this is one all the more effectively then you think.
3MEDS-online pharmacy store in India,is concerned with health and fitness of their customers and therefore believes in providing knowledge about healthcare  to their customers.
What is Endrometrosis?
Endometriosis is a typical condition where little bits of tissue that are comparable in make-up to the inward coating of the womb develop outside of the womb; for instance on the inside or bladder, ovaries and fallopian tubes and on the covering of the mid-region.It is assessed that 10% of every single reproductive ladies have endometriosis, however it might be found in up to 50% of ladies with infertility.
Numerous ladies who have endometriosis have no side effects or not many side effects. A few ladies may have very excruciating menstrual issues, incessant pelvic agony, or torment with intercourse. Other ladies have no side effects and just find out about their endometriosis during an infertility test.It is assessed that ordinary couples have a 15-20% fertility rate however in ladies with endometriosis this rate may just be 2-5%.
One highlight always remember is that Women with endometriosis can get pregnant As indicated statistically individuals with mellow to direct endometriosis, particularly the individuals who are more youthful, might have the option to get pregnant without intercession.But now you can purchase all your medicines including vaccine online on 3MEDS- Indias online medical store
Side effects Of Endometriosis
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As we probably are  aware in some cases endometrosis can likewise be asymptomatic(without any side effects) in nature and a few causes outrageous unbarable agony in women.But the most well-known side effects are-
Painful and conflicting periods
Pain in the lower midsection, pelvis or lower back around ovulation time, yet in addition all through the cycle
Pelvic torment enduring atleast a half year or more
Pain during or after intercourse
 Pregnancy Issues
  Difficult in solid discharges
·Severe bleeding
Feeling tired/weakness constantly
Pain around belly button, uncommonly while mensurating
 Coughing out blood that rarely happens.
A few ladies probably won't understand they have endometriosis until they are checked when they experience issues getting pregnant,while others experience insufferable torment for the duration of their lives and experience a few rounds of medical procedures so as to deal with the condition.
What causes endometriosis?
The reason for endometriosis is as yet obscure anyway there are a few speculations which include:
Retrograde monthly cycle: The expression for when a portion of the covering of the womb streams in reverse through the fallopian tubes and into the midsection as opposed to leaving the body as a period. This happens in most ladies as a typical month to month process, however regularly the body clears the tissues normally. Be that as it may, for some this tissue connects onto pelvic or stomach organs or divider bringing about endometriosis.
 Genetics: It is increasingly basic to be influenced by endometriosis if a female individual from your family has endometriosis.
 Immune framework: It might be that a few ladies' insusceptible framework can't dispose of the tissue thusly.Ladies with low invulnerable framework might be more in danger of endometriosis
 Environmental: Certain poisons in the condition that influence the insusceptible frameworks and conceptive framework are thought to cause endometriosis.
Lymphatic or circulatory spread: It is conceivable that a few cells of the tissue can go around the body in the circulatory system or different vessels to various parts of the body
Metaplasia: This happens when one sort of cell can change and become an alternate sort of cell,reasons for which are still obsecure
Getting Pregnant With Endometrosis Treatment
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Albeit no specialist can ensure that profound extraction medical procedure will be a triumph, matching it with any of the accompanying helped regenerative innovations , can give the expectation of bearing youngsters.
Dealing with the torment- If your endometriosis causes agony and you are taking painkillers, for example, non-steroidal enemy of inflammatories (NSAIDs), paracetamol or Codeine. You will be encouraged to quit taking NSAIDs and limit the utilization of codeine as they may affect the infant in the event that you consider.You an buy all of your listed medicines at 3MEDS,the best online pharmacy,that provides medicine at your doorstep without any delay
Hormonal medicines There are heaps of various kinds of hormonal medicines that can be offered to the individuals who have endometriosis anyway as they either emulate pregnancy, (for example, the prophylactic pill) or menopause they are not appropriate in the event that you are attempting to get pregnant.
In vitro fertilizaton(IVF): This is maybe the most well-known structure ART, in which a lady's eggs are gathered and treated by sperm in a lab, at that point embedded in her uterus.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI): This strategy infuses a solid sperm cell straightforwardly into the uterus so as to guarantee implantation with appropriate planning during a lady's menstrual cycle
Third-party helped ART: This can incorporate, egg and sperm gift or proxy or a gestational transporter. The previous is utilized when the female is unequipped for creating sound eggs, while the later is utilized when the lady just can't convey a pregnancy.
Endometriosis and Mental Wellbeing
On the off chance that you have endometriosis that accompanies serious indications, you will be realize that it is a crippling and ground breaking condition, with ladies regularly experiencing various tasks and attempting to imagine. It can hamper and  affect your psychological prosperity, which is frequently intensified by the way that there are not many outside indications of the torment and effect
Consistently, new data is added to a priceless store of information that may uncover fundamental new bits of knowledge about this issue. It is significant for each lady and couple to comprehend that few choices are accessible to defeat this trouble. They are not the only one in their push to satisfy their fantasy.
You can also download the 3MEDS app which provides genuine online medicines at a discounted price.
-Vikrant Bhagat
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talkofsouls · 7 years
I knew you at a glance The way I know a moving body from a shuttering tree in the darkness And the way I’ve known holes from shadows That’s the way I know this footless dance It’s the way I know your smile when it is melting across my palm you are my psalm my wounded lamb You are muddled and empty like these cursory clouds So I don’t dare to name you for fear of mispronunciation The way I’ve taken you for a love instead of a friend in our many miscommunications Where is there residence for my trembling hand in one so shapeless? Though I can’t help but note your likeness in all of these paintings They lend to you the blush of the corporeal And to me a gallery of fears A keen reminder that I’m too young now to know what to make of all these years This halo of limerence will most surely dissolve into halved impressions and I will one day say a prayer over these needless amputations molt and shed the words you said to me (as I have already), hush these retrograde affections, lay silly violets on these sweet and slurred memories, then I will forget you and perhaps I will remember me But for now You are the deepest blue A proxy for the hidden moon And so I am drawn into you And so I am drawn into you
a gallery of fears, April 27, 2017
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morilore · 7 years
For the defense of China against counterrevolution, imperialist intervention and dismemberment
54) Saying that China is a fully capitalist country is politically disarming. It justifies standing on the sidelines or supporting imperialism in the inevitable confrontation between imperialism and the “socialist states”—a confrontation that is an organic and inescapable feature of the modern global class struggle. The confrontation rears its head regardless of the “sell out” or accomodationist orientation of the leaders.
In the international struggle, because of conflicting social and class interests, the interests of socialism, the working class and the states that emerged from socialist revolutions may be, and are, distorted and even mutilated by the orientation of leadership.
But these interests are not entirely extinguished. The proclamations of some on the “left” that this is not the case does not actually impact the imperialists’ orientation and commitment toward counterrevolution, intervention and aggression aimed at the re-enslavement of peoples.
The importance of the political characterization: Yugoslavia
55) The example of Yugoslavia is the most compelling evidence of this retrograde tendency on the left. It is also living proof of what is at stake. During the last four decades of the existence of the Soviet Union, U.S. imperialism acted in a more or less friendly way toward Yugoslavia. Although it was led by a Communist Party, Yugoslavia maintained “neutrality” in the U.S.-Soviet conflict. Yugoslavia’s leadership introduced market reforms, largely abandoned the monopoly of foreign trade, integrated the country into the world capitalist economy, became heavily indebted to western banks, allowed large-scale unemployment to develop in accordance with the principle of the “market” and its need for a flexible labor pool, and began following the dictates of the International Monetary Fund. By the late 1980s, Yugoslavia was characterized by most of the left as a “capitalist country” with the clear implication that there was nothing remaining for the left to defend.
56) But because the League of Communists continued to hold onto power in Yugoslavia, it emerged as a force of resistance when German imperialism initiated a full-scale effort to dismember the country in 1990 and 1991. The overthrow of the East German socialist government in 1989 and its reincorporation into West Germany triggered an intense drive by German imperialism to enlarge its sphere of influence. It financed and secretly organized the secession of Slovenia and Croatia, the westernmost republics within multinational Yugoslavia. This in turn set off a predictable and classic imperialist scramble between Germany, France, England and finally the United States to carve up Yugoslavia into spheres of influence for neo-colonial penetration.
57) In the face of this imperialist-inspired counterrevolutionary campaign, the League of Communists, led by Slobodan Milosevic, abruptly changed course. Privatization of industry was slowed and in some cases reversed. Cooperation with the IMF was slowed or halted. Imperialism demonized the Yugoslav leadership, imposed economic sanctions and set on a course of regime change. Yugoslavia fought back against the forces of disintegration. It had to rely more on its working-class base. This would have been an impossible turn by a fully capitalist regime, a regime that did not have its roots in social revolution and socialized property.
58) The only way for imperialism to succeed in Yugoslavia was to wage an all-out bombing war. From March 24 to June 4, 1999, NATO’s collective imperialist air force dropped 23,000 bombs and missiles on Serbia until the Yugoslav government decided to let Kosovo go into the arms of the imperialists. Without pause, imperialist pressure intensified after the conclusion of the 1999 war to carry out the final counterrevolutionary ouster of the Yugoslav government and its replacement by a servile, proxy force.
59) Having long abandoned a political defense of Yugoslavia on the basis that there was nothing remaining, in the social and economic sense, from the initial Yugoslav revolution, big sections of the international left remained on the sidelines in 1999 watching the carnage. Others actually supported NATO’s war or gave support to some variant form of imperialist-sponsored dismemberment, mouthing vulgarized proclamations about “self-determination” for Kosovo. Real self-determination, under those circumstances, meant only one thing: militantly defending the Yugoslav government as it resisted the imperialist aggression and the counterrevolution.
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