#retrieved from my priv
forasta · 7 months
(24/11) good morning. i hope you have a safe space to rest a little bit when your tummy lagi sakit banget. pms ya... mau dapet ya... atau udah... either way i hope youre doing okay, ada obatnya, dan boleh takes some time off buat istirahat. theres nothing really specific that i want to tell you since we talk again as dawarka (i honestly still cant fully wrap my head around it), but i want to let you know that lately i'm finding more energy in living again. maybe you know. maybe it shows. just two days ago masih nangis-nangis sih but progress is not linear, but i think i can slowly hope that everything will be okay. a few days ago i cried buckets when i heard that God is more merciful to you that you are to you from this ((religious)) podcast about making duas, and i think i can slowly believe in that. thats what i keep reminding myself. and you are too, right? i think you're more forgiving to me than i am for myself. i did tell you about that vampire book earlier, and maybe you can read it between the lines on why i gravitate towards the book. i just realized when i finished it that maybe i have more resemblance to lydia the vampire than i thought i am; with her very minor selfh//arms (choosing to commute in a lesser state trains, choosing to eat blood that has already turned into powder that taste and doesnt even feel like blood, letting herself become a target of s///ex//ual ha//rrass//ment). but maybe just like lydia im slowly allowing myself to do the things that i enjoy and makes me feel better (crayons, making beads, writing for myself, buying you chocolate). thank you for forgiving me even when i dont deserve it. its what i hold on to. i hope... i hope you can find whatever you need in other places other than me, but me, too. whatever you find in me, i hope it helps and will be good for you.
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hoonvrs · 9 months
CIGARETTES — s. jaeyun smau
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PAIRING jake x fmr
SYNOPSIS where university student jake develops a little crush on the girl he sees with a cigarette between her lips in the smoking area and decides he needs to impress her. how else would he do that except calling his smoker friend to teach him how to smoke ( spoiler: it doesn’t go so well. )
GENRE smau, fluff, crack, sprinkle of angst if you read it upside down, golden retriever x black cat duo
FEATURING ( enha ) all, ( ive ) gaeul, yujin, ( nct ) chenle, jisung
WARNING smoking [ don’t smoke kids ], swearing, kys/kms/suicide jokes, friendly bullying, dirty/sex jokes ( more will be added if necessary)
STATUS completed
S. NOTE JAKE MY MANNN ( hoon look away ) as an 02z girl i finally have an smau for each bias so i feel v complete
also please don't spam like as it shadowbans me and lessens engagement <3
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virgin mary’s | smoking HAWT | privs
01 BI yourself
02 we found love in the smoking area
03 life is roblox
04 you white whore
05 jake you beautiful bastard
06 are we rush houring rn
07 it’s the dawg in me
08 yuh :3
09 the brit
10 what if i was suicidal .
11 here comes christian bale
12 i don’t trust him. weird fella
13 give us another sonnet english boy
14 bros from yapan
15 he thinks he’s a 90s babe
16 i’m just a girl
17 i’m sat.
18 go piss girl
↳ extra: did life360 tell you that.
19 i got my peaches out in jojo
20 okayy little miss poet
21 i’m built different
23 i want you
24 why are u bricked up
26 jake in his flop era
27 this is getting too homoerotic
28 they go low i go lowER
29 inshallah he will eat
30 hello ross lynch
31 filthy omega
32 u r sobir. die (+written 0.8k)
33 she shoiodv be inde clubbb…..
34 when he makes you his girlfriend
35 can’t take me anywhere
36 noo you’re so sexy haha
37 no. (+written 0.7k)
38 i feel so kawaii today
39 come home fat
40 wasn’t very dabatayo of you jay.
↳ extra: it’s actually dattebayo*
41 ur man can’t drive manual
42 i Want you so bad
43 hawk putuh
44 okay blondie
45 though shalt not fail, but prevail
↳ extra: random
EP1 upset my girl. i’m gonna Kms
EP2 im not smoking that shit
EP3 OUR girlfriend ☭
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copyright © hoonvrs 2023 all rights reserved
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charles-leclerizz · 2 months
🥂 the f1 boys... getting spoiled by them
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MEET THE CAST. CL 16 ◦ CS 55 ◦ LN 4 ◦ MV 1
VIDEO DESC. this one was requested by a lovely reader ! thank you so much for requesting and i hope you enjoy !! my inbox is almost always open so please don't hesitate to drop by. rules for requesting are here . [ note! currently just burned through this while feeling a bit under the weather, if there are spelling mistakes, trust that i'll fix them in the morning. ]
SHOUT OUTS. [@vroomvroomcircuit, @disneyprincemuke, @verstappen-cult, @starkwlkr, @sailing-with-100-ships, @foreveralbon, @lorarri], [@dallaavv, @nichmeddar, @sisinever] IF YOU WANT TO BE TAGGED, PLEASE SEND IN AN ASK, AND MUTUALS LET ME KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE REMOVED ON PRIV !
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ᡣ𐭩 ⎯⎯ CHARLES LECLERC 16 " he who buys out entire stores for you " spoilt in riches
"mon amour ! " [ my love ] the sound of your boyfriends chirpy voice made you smile and place your book down on the side table by the sofa.
" in here . "you reply, walking over to the living room entryway, prepared to welcome him back with a hug, but as you approached him and opened your arms, a sharp jab hit your ribs which made you stumble back.
"charles ?" you arch your brow at him, planting your hands on your hips as he grinned wider, showing off the multiple, high-end bags that hung from his enclosed fists, " what is this ? "
Charles crossed over to the center table, placing down the bags with little care and turned to finally loop and arm around your waist, " well, y'know how alex had asked me and the guys to help with anniversary shopping for Lily ?"
you hummed, finally tearing your eyes away from the silk and lace that peeked out of the thick cardboard, " honey..." you began warnigly, already knowing where this was going.
" ce n'est pas ma faute ! " [ it isn't my fault. ] he defended, his eyes darting to the front door anxiously bouncing between your face and the already opening hallway, " we just kept going and going and going- " he enunciated with his hands, rolling them over eachother, "and going, it was too tempting. "
Charles held his hands up and watched, amused, as you sifted through the shopping, eyes widening comically as you got a peak at the price tags, " Charles ! " you hissed.
" what ? " he answered back, more focussed on his friends who were barrelling into the apartment, each of them carrying atleast 5 bags each.
Max was the first to plumet the boutique carriers down, hufffing whilst flopping onto the couch, " man, charles, you- " he weazed, "- you have a problem. i think i tore something . " he whined, holding his side.
charles blew air through his lips and flipped his hand at the dutchman, " you're a world champion. walk it off. "
you grimaced at max, who just stared at your boyfriend with an open mouth, " he's right darling, this is too much. "
Lando, Carlos and Alex all followed soon after, added to the pile with multiple trips back and forth to what you assumed to be an armed tank full of your boyfriend's precarious spending.
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"charles- it's still going..." you huffed, offering a lemon water bottle to a certain spaniard who was drentched in sweat and sniffing his fingers.
carlos smiled at you briefly, chugging the electrolyte before gasping and slumping back, "dammit, maldito infierno, my hands smell like all those tuity fruity shops you dragged us to. " [ fucking hell ]
"you're a millionare, buy some hand wash. " charles answered back, shrugging his shoulders. he lifted carlos up and pushed him out the door to retrieve more bags.
" charlie, tell me how many more bags there are ? " you gestured around your space, already overtaken with more than millions of euros worth of shopping, " i mean, this is excessive. there's jewellery, shoes, dresses, tops. where should i wear all of this ? "
charles stuck his tongue out at you with faux-confusion before cupping your cheeks and planted a wet kiss on your nose, " we'll just have to go out more often. "
rolling your eyes, you returned his affection, winding your hands around his waist before reaching up and plucking absent-mindedly at his shirt, " yeah- now you got a good excuse ... " you trailed off, biting your lip, " but it bothers me, i can afford this too y'know. it feels so.. odd. "
" what's odd about it ? dis-moi, je vais le réparer " [ tell me, i'll fix it ] his thumbs rubbed comfortingly at your cheeks.
" i don't know- this is all your money, it makes me feel indebted to you, almost guilty . " you bite your lip and grasp his wrists, not wanting him to be hurt by your words and pull away entirely.
though, to your surprise, charles hummed and pulled your closer, resting his chin on your head whilst peppering his lips across your hair, " i understand mon chéri, but, i like spoiling you, it's my way of showing you that i love you. i would never expect something back from you, not this way atleast. " [ my daring ] he paused and looked around him, "think of it as a personifaction of my love ? "
you bit your lip and nodded up at him, your chest warming at the content glint in his eye and enamoured smile he wore, he brought his thumb up to your chin and pulled your lip free before leaning down and brushed his mouth against yours.
his lips worked in tandem with yours, pouring his affection into his movements whilst his hands came up to brush through your hair and pull you impossibly closer.
" - ehm ehm "
" oh come on, how come they get to sex it up here, while we're hauling ass ? "
" - SIMP ! "
a miriad of complaints erupted behind the pair of you, forcing you both apart with a surprised jolt. charles groaned and dropped his hands away from you, gearing up to whip his friends into shape, that was until you put a hand up to stop him and appraoched the trio yourself.
" come on guys, i'm sorry about all this ... " you apologised and smiled brightly, " i really owe you one ! "
a choked sound came from charles, who stood in awe at how these seasoned professionals melted at your sunny expression and merely walked into the house to drop the last of the bags in with not one complaint.
" bye guys, thank you so much ! " you thanked them, waiting until the electronic beep of the lock secured the door closed and allowed you to stare at the final salad heap of the shopping.
charles walked up behind you, ensnaring your waist with his hands before pressing your back against his chest, "show me your ways, princesse , they never listen to me. " [ princess ] he kissed a line up and down the column of your neck, smirking against your skin when you shivered and leaned your head against his shoulder.
" i could show you something else.." you mumurred, placing your hands over his fingers that laid flat against your stomach before lacing them together, "... i could show my love for you, in a different way . " you blinked coquetteishly up at him, fluttering your eyelashes as he growled playfully and coaxed a delighted squeal from you when he picked you up, legs flailing in the air.
ᡣ𐭩 ⎯⎯ CARLOS SAINZ 55 " he who showers you in emotion " spoilt in vehemence
" Te amo querida " carlos whispers against your cheek, his hand resting on your hip as you leaned into his hold and watched his back when he detached to walk away, towards his motorhome. He turned around and smiled at you, blowing a kiss dramatically.
" god, you guys are so cute... " alexandra mumurred, grinning like a cheshire as you returned his dramatics with an over the top play of his kiss shooting you in the heart.
" yeah... " you agreed, blinking your eyes quickly to exit the rosy haze that overtook your eyes.
" i wish charles would be so open with his love ... " she twirled the straw in her cup as her chin dug into her palm, eyes tranfixed on her own parter who felt her gaze and smiled shyly at her.
you tilted your head at her, " we're not that open . "
alex arched a brow, " really ? "
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flashback # 1
the bass boost of the club made your ears ring and lean into carlos' chest, hands slapped over the sides of your face.
He glanced down at you, " you okay, mi vida ? " [ my life ]
you nodded, leaning forward cheekily to take the straw of his drink into your mouth and sip the alcoholic drink with a satisfied hiss, " so good . " thumbs up-ing him.
locking his eyes on your dazed, flushed face, his gaze softened when you laughed loudly at a joke that kika had just drunkenly attempted to tell.
" you're staring . " you shout over the music after you had caught your breathe, " someone would think that you're weird . "
carlos hummed thoughtfully, fingers pinching your chin gently as he leaned down to brush his lips against your cheek , " let them, i'm sure they'll understand when they see how beautiful you look tonight. "
arching away from his mouth you roll your eyes and loop your arms around his neck, pulling him towards you, " yeah yeah- i think you're prettier, Que guapo eres " [ how handsome you are ]
flashback #2
you stared at yourself in the mirror, twisting on your spot whilst watching the silky fabric skim your ankles and flow like liquid gold from your hips.
" honey, estas lista ? " [ are you ready ] carlos loomed into the walk in wadrobe, eyes widening at your reflection, his hand slipped briefly from its spot planted ont the white wood door of the room until he caught himself and cleared his throat.
you giggled at his reeaction, hands running along the length of the apparrel before coming up to your neck and adjusting the dainty necklace that slinked down to your cleavage that lay exposed from the deep ' v ' cut.
" do i look okay ? " you tilted your head at him in the mirror, humming contently when he came up from behind and bunched his hands up on your hips, fingers swimming in the slinky fabric.
" Pareces una diosa, caída de una gota de sol y regalada desde el cielo. " [ you look like a goddess, fallen from a drop of sunshine and gifted to me from the heavens ] he twirled you around, hand raised high above your head, guiding you in delicate circles and bringing you closer to his chest before linking your hands together. he stared down at you, chuckling when you displayed the shimmery glitter on your eyelids.
your chin rested on his button down shirt as you snorted and began to fiddle with his fingers, " you flatter me , señor . "
" rightfully so, señora " he bumped your noses together, smiling widely.
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" yeah okay, we are open . " you grumbled.
alex chuckled at your expression, pinching your cheek playfully before sighing, " lucky you ."
" hey, " you rested a hand on hers that sat on the table, " charles loves you, i've seen it alex, it's like you hung the moon and stars when he looks at you ."
she brightened at you words, flipping her palm to hold you hand and squeeze it hopefully, " really ? "
nodding, you squeezed back " yeah, really . "
" it's nothing like you two though, it's so... surreal to watch him fall in love with you, every time he looks at you . " alexandra gushed.
you blushed and waved a hand infront of your face, " then we both got lucky . "
" we really did ."
ᡣ𐭩 ⎯⎯ LANDO NORRIS 4 " he who attaches you at the hip " spoilt in prescence
" damn man, you can let her breathe . " oscar leans to the side, eyebrows jumping up his forehead as he takes in the scene before him.
Lando, arms wrapped like an anaconda around your neck and in turn tucking your head into his chest whilst you had your hands burried beneath his t-shirt, wrapped around his bare waist.
" no " you protested, already snuggling closer to him, " i need him in my veins ."
oscar huffed out a laugh, rubbing the back of his head as lando nodded definitevely and patted your head, " ya'll are on some other crack . "
" whatever floats your boat oscie . " you call out as the driver walks away from the pair of you.
" in your veins, huh ? " lando smirked down at you, tucking his chin back to lay his forehead against yours.
" yeah ." you harrumph, biting his noise, " you got a problem with that ? "
" no ma'am ."
" good"
" you guys need to let it up . " a third voice interupted your bickering. Lando's pr manager stood to the side of you, arms crossed over one another.
" aw come on glenda, it's not that bad ." lando pouted, laying his cheek on your head.
" it's constant. "
you snorted at her, " well thats a bit unne- "
" constant . "
lando stood taller, " okay then, smarty pants, give us 2 reasons why we should stop being affectionate. i mean you've seen all the other couples, i don't see why you- "
" number 1 " glenda interrupted again with a singular finger pointed up.
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instance #1
" so lando, todays race obviously went well, with you coming P3 and the ferrari's scoring a 1-2 finish. can you walk as through what exactly was going on during the battle for 3 rd with perez ? "
lando nodded, grinning cheerfully as he wiped some sweat from his upper lip, " right, well, the race did you amazingly well- umph !"
he surged backwards from the force that had come into contact with his chest.
" i'm so proud of you lando, " you jumped up and down in his dizzy hold as he shook his head and attempted to steady himself. though, you ignored that when you burried your hands in his hair and dragged his mouth to yours, kissing him passionately.
just as your tongue came to run over the seam of his lips and his hands tightened around your waist, the interviewer tapped lando cautiously on the shoulder and sheepishly requested that they continue.
you sighed and detached from lando, who was also blinking back into reality. you laced your arm around his waist and leaned into his side, prompting the blushing interviewer to continue.
"- so you're just gonna stay like that ? "
both you and lando looked at one another and looked at the man infront of you.
" okay then. " he conceded and listened to lando's response.
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" oh come on glenda, mark didn't even care ." you whined, stomping your feet.
" he had a nosebleed. "
lando snorted, " he has the structural integrity of wet seaweed, mark should never be trusted not to get a nosebleed. "
" stop shitting on mark. " glenda deadpanned, " number 2"
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instance #2
" the aerodynamics on turn 2 were absolutly of the charts, how did you do that ? " an engineer turned away from the computer to glance at lando, who was leaned against a table but had got up to approach the data.
" i'm not sure.. but has anyone seen my girlfriend ? " lando wondered out loud, looking down at his phone.
" she left a few minutes ago, " another passing worker commented before walking away towards the other side of the garage.
" what ? why didn't anyone tell me ? she's a small human, it's easy for her to get hurt ? or fall down a man hole, or any hole in general, holes are the enemy here. " he rambled, already calling your cell hurriedly.
" why are we talking about holes ? " you call out, picking at your nails.
lando perked up and ran at you, arms wrapping around your chest as he picked you up and instictively you locked your legs around his waist.
" oh god, you're safe. "
" i went to take a shit lando ." you tapped his head comfortingly nonetheless.
" take me next time. " he mumbled into your chest.
" what ? "
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" i don't see a problem with it glenda" lando shrugged
" we had to call HR, you said 'holes' 5 times" glenda gestured to your intertwined limbs and flicked her hand at the two of you.
" well holes are dangerous, especially for me, broke my nose cause of a hole once. " you defended, unravelling from your defeated boyfriend.
" yeah holes are super dangerous, who's going to protect her from all the holes in the world ? the world's holes are dangerous, glenda. "
" someone call steve from HR ! "
ᡣ𐭩 ⎯⎯ MAX VERSTAPPEN 1 " he who demonstrates his affection " spoilt in action
" i'm home ! " you call out, dropping your bag onto the floor and groaning as you kick off your heels.
max padded out to the living room, grimacing as your shoulders popped before approaching you and kissing your cheek, "hoe gaat het met je mijn liefste ? " [ how are you my love ] he stroked your face gently before taking your hand in his and began to run his thumb up and down your knuckles.
" i feel like a bus hit me, " you laid your head on his sturdy shoulder, " then backed up on me, and then a pack of rabid wolves humped my head ."
" creative ." max hummed, chuckling when you pouted at him, " i..." he started, cheeks heating up precariously, " i did something for you, cause i know that work has been hard lately. "
cooing, you let him guide you out of the living room and into your bedroom, " here. "
he handed you a soft robe, " you gotta take off your clothes. "
" yeah, i know ." you snickered, gesturing for him to unbotton your shirt as you worked on your long slacks.
Max's fingeerr's shook against your freshly exposed skin when he pushed the shirt off, despite this, he trailed kisses along your shoulders, moving from the left towards your sternum before reaching your right side.
your breathing slowed, body finally relaxing against his gentle motions as you brought a hand up to thread through his hair. he dragged down your bra strap whilst dancing one of his hands up from the back of your waist to pop open the clasp, and although his eyes darkened at the sight of your breasts, the fingers that trailed down your skin were gentle and caring, kneading the tension out of them.
eventually, you were so relaxed that your eyes had fluttered shut and max had to coax the robe onto your slumped shoulder to usher you into the bathroom.
" oh max," you gasped, taking in the transformed space, aroma therapy candles littered the free surafaces, wafting a sweet pungent scent into the air that mixed into a melodious fusion of smells that escaped froom the steaming bathtub, the water within stained a sleepy blue.
he had set up a simple projector onto thee ceiling, producing relaxing views of a nebula onto the once plastered, white area.
" its so lovely, you're amazing, " you pulled him close and kissed his similng mouth, pouring yourr adoration into the melding of your lips together.
" you deserve it, mijn perfecte vrouw" [ my perfect woman ] max replied, sitting you down on the chair that laid perfectly infront of the mirror, he leant forward aand retrieved your brush before stroking the bristles through your hair with the utmost care.
he took his time, de-tangling your chaotic mane until it calmed down to a tamed waterful, running down your back, " wow, your hair is so smooth ." he commented, bringing his head down to run his nose through the silky strands. chuckling, you splayed your hand against the back of his neck.
"next step," he whispered to himself, takinng another familiar bottle from the coounter, " you use this hair oil, right ? "
"when did you get to know this ? " you mock-gasped, " it was my best kept secret."
" i called my sister. "
" yeah that checks out."
max took the oil onto his fingers, heating up the liquid between the pads of them before running his hands against your scalp to massage in the nutrients.
after the numerous steps that had to be completed to perfection, he moved you towards the still steaming bath.
" you're getting in too right ? " you asked, as if it were obvious whilst tugging at the bow that wasa tied lazily around your waist.
"well... i didn't plan on it." max shrugged.
" i want you to," you stepped towards him, pushing away the robe from your shoulders and let the material pool at your feet, " please ? "
" you play dirty, Schatje " [ sweetheart ] max groaned, letting you pull at his clothes until he was in the same state of undress that you were in.
giggling, you take his hand and let him submerge you into the water, " yeah, but you love it, " you stick your tongue out at him.
" yes, i do, " he conceeded, pressing his lips against your forehead as he joined you in the warmth, snuggling behind you and pulling your hips up- into his lap, " but i'm washing your hair, i did not let my sister yap my ear off for nothing. "
you rest your head against his shoulder, neck tilted so you could admire his face, bringing a hand up you trace his side profile softly, " i would expect nothing less. " you whisper.
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godslush · 5 months
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A central NetNavi for a large corporation, who oversees all scheduling and finances across multiple subsidiary companies. Very little is known about her other than she is not owned by an individual Operator, instead being owned by her 'company', and seems to have very little autonomy… but with nobody issuing orders, who knows what transpires when no eyes are on the code…
Tokei has two forms. Most will first encounter her ‘Combat Projection’, an aggressive, dual-blade wielding monstrosity upholding security in her region.
Instead of being a time stopper, her Combat Projection enforces a metronome on her board; combat with her and any minions/viruses occurs "on the beat" (akin to Crypt of the Necrodancer), with the background and floor pulsing to indicate the timing.
Instead of a catchy dance beat, the music would be... much more foreboding.
Her own attacks are strong but telegraphed with zones, and she's invulnerable except on beat-based intervals (and the window of opportunity changes every round, indicated by her markings’ color shifting). However, her gimmick is balanced by her Projection having low HP (akin to a slightly stronger Virus), though it can be resummoned when destroyed after taking some time to recharge.
The nature of her primary attacks involve throwing her clock-hand blades out, which linger on her opponents’ side of the board as a damaging tile. They can then either be dropped to create ‘ice’ tile zones, or recalled to do returning trajectory damage on the way back.
Tokei’s ‘true’ NetNavi form is much more subdued, quietly toiling away at a computer, chained to a desk in the center of her drive. She clearly doesn’t want to be there, but as far as she knows, she has no other choice.
Tokei is not housed in a PET, but instead runs from within a gargantuan supercomputer array at the heart of her owner corporation. It’s necessary for not only analyzing and crunching massive amounts of data, but also to make moral and ethics calls when it comes to managing things like sick leave, time off, and other intra-company HR decisions for thousands of employees per day.
Tokei’s ‘zone’ exists in an Overclocked state, where everything appears to move normally but is in fact moving at hyper-speed, causing the outside world to appear to move very slowly. This is what allows her to do so much work in a seemingly short amount of time. However, it has two downsides; it disables Operator-to-Navi communications, alongside causing other NetNavis to run out of energy and burn out very quickly while anywhere near her online presence when she’s working; she can avert this by ‘freezing’ them in a sort of stasis, to preserve them until they can be appropriately retrieved. The only reason she is able to function at those speeds without running out of energy or otherwise overheating is due to her ‘core’ body being plugged into the system for power and coolant.
This comes with the caveat that she is almost if not completely powerless outside of her domain.
Though stuck in a draconian job, especially when it comes to things like time-off requests and raises and employee welfare, Tokei will always put employees first over management and bottom-line, and the reason she gets away with it is that she insisted and eventually proved that having happier employees is better for the companies than keeping them unmotivated and wanting to quit. Despite her cold exterior, she's very much "The people who do the most work deserve to be happy." Wishful thinking on her part, but it keeps her going.
A funney idea along the lines of SlashGirl.EXE. I changed it from Tokay to Tokei and removed the more obvious gecko parallels because Tokay herself has significant narrative importance outside of MM, so I wanted to make it more concrete that the Navi is separate (just inspired).
I'd started thumbnailing designs a while back on my Twitter priv, but decided to give it a big overhaul, especially after seeing ClockMan.EXE and noting the similarities to my older passes.
Her 'tick tock' rhythm mechanic and broken clock/hourglass details (plus the 'noose' clock hand necktie) are all very evocative of a "your time is running out" death motif, but her also working in finances just makes her a big "death and taxes" joke at the end of the day.
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wackymaci · 7 months
I guess I’m using this as a casual oc posting blog now too?? cause this is from priv twt and I don’t necessarily wanna put it on the big blog since it’s an unorganized mess lmao
but so long as I’m posting convo snippets and related moments. allow me to transfer over a thread i’d made re:,, Eisa and Einmyria, Tory’s oopsie twins with Loki — if you don’t know from my twt (dm me for circumstances if you’re really curious and nosy lmfao) the elysiumverse IS undergoing some minor restructuring over the past few months & still now for.,,,, reasons. some of which involves some retconning to completely delete some obscure characters from the common consciousness & massively overhauling others -
THATS not super important but you’ll see why that’s sort of relevant, anyway for preservation purposes I am going to!! copy and paste a specific twitter thread as bullet points and it’s attached OOOO CANON CLIPS underneath the cut bc :-)))))) this is all about Loki obviously mwah
fuckin hello if I write lokikid Tobias out of existence that means the first of Loki’s children that HE didn’t carry HIMSELF like — EVER beforehand - were Eisa&Einmyria with Tory? he was a basketcase at the time for other reasons (accident babies, Maci was not happy,🤪) but if I retcon now it’s so much worse🤩
due to the series of tragic events befalling his first six children Loki has ALWAYS been highly anxious and cagey every time he’s been pregnant anyway and havin to trust someone else now w them was. oh god let me go back in time I feel like I didn’t give that enough wEIGHT AAHHHH
saying this wholeheartedly with the knowledge that even with or without *deliberately* devoting the proper amount of gravity to this Loki canonically was still so stressed out at the time he literally triggered the beginning of Ragnarok but, like, lmao meh,, EDIT to add that whole series of events with Thanatos happened DURING Tory’s pregnancy w them so that’s like. Loki: no i’m not psychologically affected from how that all went down at all :-) -*THE END OF THE WORLD ACCIDENTALLY BEGINS*
haha did I ever discuss how Eisa and Einmyria were conceived. well:
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and of course; the follow up part 8 (Bel and Ty were like,, idk age 6?)—
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kicky feet lmao reading this whooooole chain of events is so wild, just some of the most utterly delightfully vicious behavior cycling between Maci and Loki and Tory this was SO much scream fighting on and on, would get resolved and then exploded again, just SO unhinged—
so reading this now 10 years later where - Maci & Loki & Tory do successfully co-parent Eisa and Einmyria with zero issues lmao and. where lately Loki’s made a complete 180 re: Maci and Tory in.,,, an insanely nsfw domesticated way is so. wow the difference a decade makes,, SCREAM
at this point in this twitter thread, a brief several day interlude takes place during which the l0ki show finale premieres and pisses me off enough for me to return to this thread in a slightly different direction lmfao??? the following;
BACK 2 ELYSIUM. Ty & Bel when they were kiddos were obsessed with Loki - god whose every word out of his mouth is a lie VS mindreading “children” who could literally see all of his actual thoughts & deep insecurities, especially when Drama Occurred & Loki refused to fuckin talk to anyone—
when goin thru that Eisa Einmyria plot collection I found yet another huge scene tht Loki’d caused with Tory & Maci (dont forget this timeframe was SOOO VICIOUS) & found afterwards Bel finding him & talking to him with, quote—
“They can't understand that you wreck things when you're nervous”
ssso um, elysiumLoki thesis statement, oh hh,hhhHHHHH— 🥺🥺🥺
Yknow what I went back and retrieved that exact section again an d it’s. so. I think Bel was like age 6 here lmfao:
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collapses. just think this thread was recorded BEFORE I plunged myself into the 2012 section of the archives during Loki’s first entrance into Elysium so. honestly all these convo snippets I may or may not post MAY or MAY NOT be E!L related AAAHHHHHH— anyway. thoughts..,,,, thots…….,,
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tariah23 · 2 years
I sketched up my very first Passionlip and I think I made her tiddies too small but UHH. I didn’t use a ref so I’m just going based off of memory but girl…
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wooahaes · 2 years
handmade with love
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pairing: mingyu x fem!reader
prompt: n/a [priv bday prompts]
word count: 0.9k~
warnings: food mention. suggestive talk. also you smack mingyu with a pillow for being fucking CHEESY.
daisy’s notes: when will a man make me chocolates actually. also know the other fic being posted today having the exact same prompt as this one was a complete coincidence.
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There were few sights sweeter than seeing your boyfriend dressed up in a suit, and you were pretty sure Mingyu knew what it did to you. But he showed up at your door, having said nothing else to you the entire day except a “happy birthday” text in the morning (sappier than that: you knew you’d wake up to him telling you sweet nothings in text form) and a request to wear something nice when he came to pick you up. But he showed up with a white box in one hand, neatly tied with bright red ribbon, you half-swore that he forgot it was your birthday and hopped right back to Valentines Day.
“Happy birthday,” he said as he kissed you, stepping into your apartment. “You look beautiful.”
Of course, Mingyu happened to get there half an hour early and was saying this to you, makeup half-done and not fully dressed, but it was the thought that counted, right?
He walked in, collapsing onto your couch with a quiet groan. You looked back at him, “Long day?”
He waved it off. “Just tired.”
“We don’t have to go out,” you called over your shoulder as you went to retrieve your makeup mirror--just to bring it where you could comfortably finish up your makeup while catching up with Mingyu. “I’m happy making dinner for us--”
“Ah, jagi,” he called out, “I’m okay. It’s your birthday. You shouldn’t have to do work.”
With that, you walked over, pressing a quick kiss against his lips. “It’s not work to take care of you,” you said. “You know that.” And then you nodded toward the box in his lap. “Is that for me?”
He held it up, shaking it slightly. You could hear something rustle inside the box. “Do you want it?” He asked, eyes gleaming as he smiled at you. “I made it for you.”
You reached for the box, only for him to jerk it out of your reach. “Gyu.” You pouted, and then pressed another kiss to his lips.
Satisfied, he pressed it into your hands. “You can’t have any now,” he warned as you sank down into the spot next to him. “But I still want you to see them.”
With a tug, the little bow he had tied for you came loose, and you wiggled the top off of the box. Inside were rows of chocolate, neatly decorated  with little hearts and swirls on each one. Astonished, you set the box down on your lap as you looked up at him. “You made these?”
“I have extra chocolate leftover,” he said, reaching for your free hand. “In case you want to...”
The goofy grin he gave you said everything, and you smacked his arm. He laughed at you, before pulling your hand over to press a kiss against the back of it.
“We took a class together once,” he admitted. “So I used my knowledge from that. I hope you like them,” he leaned forward. “Happy birthday,” Mingyu whispered against your lips, before capturing you in another kiss. When he pulled away, he gave you that same corny grin. “You’re sweeter than any chocolate--”
And then he fell back, laughing as you smacked his shoulder for being so goddamn cheesy. “Really?!”
“Ah, jagi--” He whined out, still laughing as you grabbed the nearest pillow, careful to set the box of chocolates on your coffee table first, “I just wanted to see your reaction!”
You pummeled him a bit further with the pillow, his hands raised to catch and tug it from your grasp. With ease, Mingyu pulled you to him, just holding you against his chest as he came back down from that high of laughter. “Gyu,” you mumbled, “I need to finish getting ready.”
“Mingyu,” you whined, trying to free yourself from his arms. “We can cuddle later, you big dork. If you’re going to take me out to dinner, then do it--but I’m not letting you cook tonight when you’re already tired.”
With that, his grip loosened around you. “Okay,” he said with a blissful sigh. “You look so pretty like this.”
You gave him a look as you stood up. “Half-dressed?”
“Smiling,” he gestured toward the corners of his mouth. “I love being able to tell the others about how happy my girlfriend is.”
You rolled your eyes as you started to make your way back to your mirror. “Do you really talk about me that much?”
He sat up, watching you lovingly as you finished off the makeup look you were trying out. “I like telling my friends about you,” he said, his smile falling as he watched you longer. “Don’t you?”
“Tell my friends?” You asked, watching him nod. “Yeah, of course,” you looked back in the mirror, looking closely at your eyeliner. The color contrasted in such a pretty way with your skin, it made you smile. “They know about my adorably sweet boyfriend who cooks for me. I think one of them is still planning on stealing you, actually.”
“Are you worried?” He teased, “That she could?”
You shook your head. “You’re my lover boy,” you smiled back at him. “She can find her own Mingyu. You’re mine.”
He loved that confident look on your face. Sometimes it could be rare (especially early on in your relationship: he had reassured you a few times that he loved you, busy as he was, and that he’d always be there unless and until either of you fell out of love), but he liked to see the pretty way your eyes seemed to light up when you called him yours. And he was: he considered himself one-hundred-percent yours at this point. He wasn’t ignoring those other obligations (and you knew that he never could) but his heart?
Yours. Always and forever.
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#2 Wonders of the unknown (Damaged) pt. 1 - for Eren/Levi Angst Weekend
There’s a story behind the monster under the cut, I swear. It was supposed to be a cute, little thing a couple of pages long, angst as the event required, about goodbyes and whatnot. But it became a novel. Jocking. When I finished, it was 10k long, so something needed to be done about that. That’s why this is going to be a short story in two parts, the first for today’s theme and the second one tomorrow. Something possesed me and I felt very inspired. Not sure what came out of it, though, and I’d love to have some opinion! If some part sounds awkward, I think it’s due to the fact that English in not my native language and I’m still trying to understand how to wrap my head around my thoughts and try using them in my writing. That’s it, I’ll shut up.
Title: Wonders of the unknown Prompt: Damaged for #ereriangstweekend by @ererievents​  Rating: Mature Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin Pairing: Eren Jaeger/Levi Ackerman  Word count: 4.8k Additional tags: Alternative Universe - Dystopia (sort of), Soulmates AU, Angst, Bits of smut, Fluff  Summary: In this world, everyone has a soulmate, but it hasn’t always been easy to find them -not like now. Years of scientific progress helped the world organize and engulf the functioning of the Red Thread of Fate into the system, so that no one would fear not meeting their destined one ever again. Levi Ackerman is finally twenty, and the Red Ceremony -where young men and women meet their soulmates for the first time- is close. Or is it really?
Read under the cut or on ao3
*** Levi…
Blinking sleep away from his eyes, the world started to fall into place as his consciousness came back.
Spots of light danced in his vision, and a dull ache was spreading into his head, giving him a hard time when he tried to focus on his surroundings.
There wasn’t that much anyway -the clothes of the previous day neatly folded and placed on his chair, desk almost empty, simply organized with things that could easily come in handy, wardrobe closed in front of the bed, his phone on the nightstand, flashing lightly with an incoming call.
Oh. Maybe that was what woke him up. If the caller knew Levi, they were not very smart.
«What» was all he said to the one at the other end of the phone. It was risky -could have been the higher ups or his boss, but something told him it was a certain someone, far more annoying and less dangerous for his working life. More or less.
«Don’t tell me you were still in bed!» a girl’s voice yelled, Levi’s hand snapping away the device from his throbbing ear drum.
There. Of course.
«I was waking up rather peacefully before you called just to screech in my ears»
He could perfectly picture Hanji’s eye rolling back into her head.
«I’m just being the awesome friend I am. So? Ready for the Ceremony?»
«What are you blabbing about, shitty-»
«THE RED Ceremony, you grumpy ass! Come down right now before I barge into your quarters and drag you out!»
The call disconnected, and Levi was left staring at his phone’s display blinking at him and going black, trying to give a bit of needed order to the thoughts in his head.
The Red Ceremony. Right. How come did he forget about it? Was it today?
Checking out on his phone not only told him that yes, today was the day, but also that he was awfully late for that meeting he agreed to go when Hanji asked him to.
Hanji probably called him for that -wondering what was keeping him, since usually he wasn’t the kind of person to lose track of time so easily. Why was he asleep so early in the afternoon, anyway?
Scrolling his head, trying to dissipate the fog of sleepiness, he shifted the comforter and padded toward the bathroom, urging his body into getting ready for the day.
A shower was exactly what he needed, hot water brushing his skin in a warm caress that took away every trace of sweat and restlessness. He frowned, scratching at his scalp and his hair, getting rid of any trace of shampoo left.
That strange feeling, as if he had been misplaced somehow while he was sleeping, was still lingering. Either he had gotten drunk without remembering, or he had a very disturbing dream that faded away from his memory, making him feel as if something in the back of his head was tumbling against his skull. Levi was far from being squeamish, so he didn’t have a clue of what could have happened that left him this bothered with him remembering.
Who knew.
Getting out of the shower and going on with his morning routine, Levi brushed his teeth after looking for his toothbrush and combed his hair after drying them up, then went to turn on the coffee machine, moving back to his room to choose his outfit -black boots, black tight-fitting jeans, white button down, pretty simple- and retrieve his phone, feeling like a ghost in his own home. Has it always been that quiet?
In the kitchen, the coffee machine was already gifting him with the flavor of his morning drink. Levi closed his eyes and inhaled, filling his lungs with the familiar scent, then took the cup he placed in the machine and lifted it to his mouth by the edge.
It hit him at the first sip that something was strange.
The cup was already there -he always prepared it before going to bed so that it was easier for him when he was half asleep-, but it wasn’t his own. There weren’t cups with handles in his house, since he didn’t like using them, and when he rarely had people over, they settled for what he had.
But that? White, with a little cactus and a comic-like bubble within which the text Stay away from me! was imprinted -that was nothing short of his own possession.
He took a deep breath.
He emptied the cup and put it in the sink, leaving it to wash for later.
Heading to the entrance, he put on his coat, grabbed his wallet and house keys and got out of the apartment.
The Red Ceremony was this sorting thing everyone had to face in their lives.
Just once, though, since the SP (short for Soulmates Program), working along with the Caste system, assembled all the young individual of the society in their twenties or above in order to officialize or present them their other halves.
It was a really boring and fancy way, administrated by the government of Sina, to regulate the Red Thread Bond that occurred between people when they met their destined mate.
The red string around one’s right little finger has always been the proof that somewhere, out there, that person’s perfect other half existed. But meeting, as much as it was decided by fate, wasn’t always certain or secure, and many lived in restlessness and fear, increasing the discontent in the world.
In the city of Sina, the Soulmates Project was born precisely to look for a solution and heighten the chance of finding mated pairs within their first 30-40 years of life.
They found out that the red string released some sort of chemical factor in the blood around the twentieth year of a person’s life, and that it was possible to scientifically find a match in just one other person. It hadn’t always been a quick method, nor perfect, since both mates in the pair had to be twenty to show the chemical factor, not mentioning the fact that there wasn’t often the guarantee that both were even in the same city.
But now that the SP had spread to the rest of the world, it became a problem of the past.
After months of success, when it became clear that the program was working and ready to grow into a stable part of people’s life, the Ceremony of the Red Thread of Fate, or how it was now known as Red Ceremony, was established.
That was why Levi and Hanji were heading toward The Hall, the only building big and dignified enough to host the event in the whole Sina.
Many of their friends and those of their own age, who eagerly entered the double door of The Hall for the first time looking around in wonder, were already there, chatting friendly or pointing at the huge mirrors in the main corridor or at the beautiful crystal chandelier.
Some of them where too nervous to look around in hope to meet the eyes of their mate, others, bolder, didn’t shy away from the groups of boys and girls that came there from different cities.
A few, like Hanji, had already met their mate months prior and where there only to support their friends.
She left his said, jumping in the arms of a young man a couple of steps farther from them, in a corner of one of the many rooms that this place had where the rest of their friends were.
«Ehi Levi! Are you nervous for today?»
Levi turned his head to look at Petra, whose smile was knowing and open. She was aware of his hate for fancy things like that, so it wasn’t really a question that needed his answer.
But it made him think.
Rolling his eyes into his head and ignoring her laugh, Levi thought about how under the weather he felt when that should have been one of the most crucial moments of his life.
Somehow, he had forgot of the Red Ceremony, filtering it as something of the past.
Somehow, it kept eluding him -the reason why that day should be important to him.
There is a high chance you’ll find your match today, if they’re already twenty. You should be at least curious.
But it didn’t feel like it, and Levi didn’t know how to explain the void in his heart.
The afternoon was full of his friends smiles and nervous glance, wondering how and where and if.
«Don’t you feel like you belong right here, right now?» Hanji had beamed with enthusiasm at one point.
No, he wanted to say. No, I feel like I need to run away. Run away as fast as possible, where I really need to be. If only he knew where that was.
When the Ceremony begun, those who came from other cities where called following their mates’ position in society. Since Sina was organized according to the Caste System, the richer and more powerful people in the city had the honor to represent the entire event and show off their sons and daughters to the society, presenting them as their heirs.
Being called to Sina and have a mate there was a privilege for those from other cities, since it was where the SP and the Red Ceremony first made their appearance.
It was all about money, wealth and what one’s position in the Caste system was, and it did nothing but deprive the moment of all of its deep and sacred meaning.
Fancy and ridiculous as fuck, had always thought Levi.
While he watched, something occurred to him.
Or to be more specific, a small set of shivers danced in his mind, playing with the outskirt of his field of vision, making him turn his head toward the corner of the room.
Odd. That was odd, akin to when he ate something cold and got brain freeze for that, only in the opposing sense, more as if that same part was thawing out slowly.
He had been there before plenty of times, for his friends’ Ceremonies, of course, but when a sudden, crushing sense of déjà vu made his head spin, he had to move a little bit away from the crowd and lean against the wall, looking around, searching for-
a similar room, a bit smaller, casted in the twilight’s light. There were many people -parents, siblings, friends-, loud and happy, none of his friends in sight. He moved to a corner of the room, distancing himself, and there he stood. A man, with broad shoulders and brown hairs under a winter hat, silently gazing at his hand, playing with his sunglasses with the other. Levi hadn’t looked down, ignoring the way his string glowed red and twirled happily. He had been moving a couple of steps forward, enraptured, inhaling rasping breathes, when the stranger had finally raised his face. It was blue. And green. And amber. No, it was the three together? Just green? He wasn’t sure, and something deep, deep inside of him needed to understand that.   That was all he could think about. The stranger’s mouth parted-
clapping hands roughly took him away from that vision.
His sight fogged a bit, leaving him dizzy for a few seconds.
Around him, everyone was congratulating the first branch of mated pairs of the Ceremony, but Levi was far, far away, immersed in eyes of unspeakable colors.
Levi looked over, glancing lazily at Hanji on his right.
His confusion must have been clear on his face, because she kept quiet for a moment before saying: «So, how is she?»
«You mean…»
«Nifa, I mean Nifa»
When he didn’t reply, Hanji took a quick look to the rest at the table -they were in a restaurant, Levi noticed suddenly, with their friends chatting animatedly, blinding smiles on their faces. Then, she gave them her back and leaned on Levi.
«Okay, that’s enough. You’ve been out of it for the whole day, getting up late and not even cracking a smile after meeting your soulmate. What’s going on, uh?»
Levi frowned, holding his temple while bits of images rushed in his head -the Ceremony, the red string’s lighting up, Nifa’s smiling face, they exchanging phone numbers and signing their release from the first part of the SP. It felt like something in his brain was fast forwarding the last couple of hours of his life -as if he hadn’t been there at all and someone was replaying those memories for him in his head.
What the hell was happening to him?
His phone -he held it in his hand, when did he took it out?- blinked at him, letting him know that there was a new message, and the name Nifa felt alien and familiar to him at the same time.
«I don’t know. Nothing, really. Just… it’s a lot to take in»
Hanji kept scrutinizing him, like she was having a hard time believing him.
«You know you can’t fool me, shorty»
«Don’t call me shorty»
«I only speak the truth»
The truth is that they will reject the fact that we are meant to be.
Shivers, and the voice of a man.
His right hand was trembling.
He got up from the chair, attracting everyone’s attention at the table.
«I think I’m going home. I’m tired»
 When the door closed behind him, he was more or less calm. The brisk, cool air of that evening -January had given them a little break from the snow, allowing bits of relative warmth into Sina’s winter- helped him clear up his thoughts and gain control over his nerves, that were rattling against his skin as if they were on fire.
He was fine.
He finally had a soulmate, someone he would get to know -following the protocol, obviously, through dates, holydays and what not, all set up by the final part of the SP. Someone to cherish, who would cherish him, forever.
So why did it feel wrong?
He put his coat, wallet and keys away, going to the living room and throwing the phone on the couch, Nifa’s text still unread. Flashes of something kept trying to break the quietude of his mind.
He took his time in the shower, eyes closed, head tipped back-
You are ticklish? No, it was just your imagination.
His eyelids shut even more, while fits of laughter echoed in his bathroom, a knot of fear tightening in his stomach.
 It had seemed simple enough.
Go to The Hall, feign indifference, let Hanji nag you to get the distraction you needed without asking to.
There were so many people surrounding you, experiencing the same kind of feelings you were going through -nothing knew, it was how things worked.
You were nervous, just didn’t like feeling it or admitting it aloud.
Many rooms were already full, especially the main ones, where those of the highest Caste were waiting for the Ceremony to begin.
You and your friend went to the section of the building were those of your Caste belonged to -less fancy, but nothing short of elegant and sparkling.
You didn’t want to look at your hand. You wanted to search them for yourself, looking around, keeping your heartbeat at bay as long as you could. So you separated from your friends, told them you wanted to walk a bit, alone, and they let you.
Soon, the crowd started giving you this suffocating feeling, as if you were going to drown here and there. You went to a corner of the room, distancing yourself, when suddenly something shot within you. Your eyes moved frantically around, checking, inspecting, exploring, and oh!, there he stood.
A man, with broad shoulders and brown hair under a winter hat, silently gazing at his hand, playing with his sunglasses with the other with a distant expression on his face.
You hadn’t looked down, had ignored the way your string glowed red and twirled happily. You had been moving a couple of steps forward, enraptured, inhaling rasping breathes, when the stranger had finally raised his face.
It was blue. And green. And amber.
No, it was the three together? Just green? You weren’t sure, and something deep, deep inside of you needed to understand that.  
That was all you could think about.
The stranger’s mouth parted, and you both moved without even realizing it.
«It’s you»
There was wonder and surprise in the man’s eyes, as if he had never seen something quite like you. It wasn’t hard for you to understand the feeling -you felt the same way.
He was beautiful.
Exotic eyes, honey skin, chiseled features, long hair of a chocolate color that had your mouth watering just with a look. He seemed fit under his clothes, your hands trembling because you were restraining them from raising and touching him.
He was perfect, and handsome, and he was your mate.
It was too good to be true.
«My name is Eren» the stranger said, not bothering to bring up his hands and waiting patiently for you to do the same and take his.
He leaned in, lifting his arm and taking a hold of your fingers, gently intertwining them with his own and pulling you closer.
Your heart almost burst out from your ribcage, lungs frozen, breath trapped in your throat.
Somehow, that reaction made the man -Eren, you know his name, now, you told yourself giddily- laugh a little, and he had to remind you to inhale before you lost your consciousness.
«Sorry, I…»
«It’s okay, Levi»
Something shifted in you -his voice gave you chills, the good ones, and how good your name sounded on his lips-
«How- how do you know my name?»
A cloud appeared in his eyes, dulling the light that had been lighting them up from the moment he saw you.
«It’s complicated, maybe as much as what I’m going to have to ask you to do»
The giddy, happy feeling that had filled you until that instant was starting to fade.
«What do you mean?»
What was going on? Well, you couldn’t have known.
Not back then.
«I know it’ll sound strange, but I need you to come with me»
«Please. I’ll explain later, but we need to get away from here»
Confusing thoughts swirled into your mind.
«What are you talking about? The Ceremony-»
«It’s not what you think it is»
There was something in his eyes -something that was burning from within, that warmed its way into you, leaving you without words. This person, this stranger -your mate, the one who was destined to you, the man on the other side of your red string, string that was sparling in a bright, deep red color when you looked down at it.
You raised your head again.
The Ceremony had always sounded ridiculous to you, and you hated the emotion that reminded you how you were part of the very same system -hated feeling restless and impatient because you couldn’t wait for it to be your turn.
And now, now that you had finally found him, there wasn’t really much to do. You would listen to what he had to say, and deal with the consequences.
«Alright, lead the way»
Days passed, before things started making sense. 
When the tea was ready, he set his cup on the small table in front of his couch, a book on his lap, and got comfortable.
You’re so small, I love having you all snuggled against me. Say that again and I’m going to castrate you. Eh, your loss, Levi.
He fisted his hair, ignoring his book sliding down on the floor, and pulled hard. Since the Ceremony, images kept flashing in his head without giving him a break. He tried to shove them down, to behave as if they weren’t there, stuck in his brain, torturing him with that sweet, sickening feeling of something missing, something precious and beautiful and relaxing and exciting -someone, who was not there, and it was wrong.
You’ll forget. No. There’s no way I’ll forget this.
An intense wave of pleasure wracked him, leaving him panting for air of the cushions, eyes wide open.
Levi! Yes, keep calling my name, because I’ll always remember yours, E-
His head was throbbing painfully now, in total contrast with the way his dick begged for attention, the two different kind of stimulations cursing through him and rendering him useless. It hurt and it was good and Levi didn’t know what he was feeling anymore -if the lust filling feeling his body was giving him or the stabbing pain in his head.
God, don’t stop- Levi- Keep fucking me, harder- go faster-
He was going crazy, for sure, but the pleasure he was feeling -it was his own, had his dick hard and leaking, his hand reaching down into his pants while his brain seemed to settle for a dull throb, distant in his lust induced haze.
Levi was riding someone, and that someone was screaming his name. Ghost hands gripped his hips tightly, and he closed his eyes, getting lost in the sensation.
Shit- Levi, I’m- Yes, yes, yes, come inside me.
His fist was already moving on his length, taking advantage of the pre-cum that kept running down on his hand. Only, it wasn’t his hand anymore, but his.
Tears started streaming down his cheeks and with a few more thrusts he came, much sooner that any other time before, spilling on his abs and shirt. For once, he didn’t care much.
The back of his head touched the cushions again. He put a hand on his mouth, trying to rein in his sobs, but a name slipped out of his lips like a prayer.
The two of you didn’t meet any of your friends on the way out, and a part of you was glade for that.
The other was asking you what you thought you were accomplishing by running away.
You had always been fairly grounded, realist and pragmatic, but that wasn’t anything like the usual you.
But Eren’s hand was still linked to yours, so tightly that it seemed to reciprocate the similar grasp that he had on your heart since the moment you saw him.
An enchantment you hope would last forever.
He maneuvered you out of the crowd of people infesting the corridors and out of The Hall altogether, slipping into a side road almost immediately. There, a motorbike was waiting for you.
And that made you finally hesitate. It was one thing going out and talking, but this…
A click sounded in the air. When you looked closely to what Eren had in his hands, your body froze in growing fear.
«A gun» Eren said, nodding when he made sure the safety was on and passing it to you.
«For you. We may be soulmates, but I know that what I’m ask you is not easy. Besides, we’re still strangers. After you hear me out, I’ll go away, if that’s what you want. That» he said, pointing at the weapon now within your reach, «is your assurance. The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but if in any moment you think I’m going to, then shoot me»
You took it, something in you relaxing, knowing that with the gun you could get the upper hand quickly if something went wrong. But it was also a double-edged sword, since it made you trust him a little more.
«I take it you know how to use it»
His tone seemed smug, knowing, and you observed him while he took out two helmets, extending one to you.
You reached back, tucking the gun in the jeans on your back, hiding it under your coat. Then, cautious but swift, you took the helmet and placed it on your head.
«I like shooting. But I get the feeling you knew about it, like you knew my name»
The guilty expression that Eren couldn’t manage to hide was an answer enough. You sighed, walking toward him and getting on the bike. Your reluctant acceptance surprised him, if that glint in his eyes and the hesitant smile on his lips was anything to go by.
You felt yourself blush, and hurried him up on the vehicle to avoid him seeing it.
«Let’s go somewhere you’ll feel comfortable»
The motorbike roared to life, and in the next twenty minutes you guided him through Sina’s street, following a familiar pattern of turns and side roads.
Your destination was a little apartment complex in the business district, close to your work office. When Eren, looking around curiously, asked you where exactly you brought him, you told him it was your apartment.
You weren’t sure, but it seemed like Eren felt slightly embarrassed, but you couldn’t be sure, since you both were painted in the colors of sunset. Nevertheless, the thought alone pleased you.
Entering, you invited Eren to take a sit on the couch, announcing you were making tea. He did, taking his coat and hat off, and you went to the kitchen, getting everything ready in the awkward silence.
You joined him in the living room when the tea was ready, asking him about sugar and milk, which he accepted. He talked a bit about him, uncertain, telling you he was twenty-four and that he lived out of town -maybe he wanted to break to ice, to make him appear more normal to your eyes.
Was it working? In that moment you were convinced it wasn’t, but it was. He was truly endearing.
You placed the tea in his hands, waiting for him to get a good grasp since there was no handle, before taking you own cup and sitting on the other side of the couch, leaving space between you and him. You placed the gun beside you, on the other side compared to where Eren sat, and felt relieved.
«That’s… a curious way a holding it»
You finished taking your sip, calmly, scrutinizing him and the tight hold with which his hand clutched at the cup.
«You should buy one with a handle, you know? I have one with a cactus on it, exclaiming “Stay away from me!”. It reminds me of you, if you want it I’ll give it to you as a present»
You hated it every time your friends brought it up, but now you couldn’t help. You laughed, shaking your head soon after, reminding yourself the seriousness of the situation. But when you glanced at him, he was smiling widely.
You were quick to bring the cup to your lips and drink.
«So» you said, trying to get your control back. «Why did you make me take you here?»
«You don’t beat around the bush, uh?»
«Not usually»
That made you gain a very charming smile, with dimples and all, that complete with the wild chocolate nest on Eren’s head gave him a childish appearance.
«The reason is fairly simple» he started, slowly becoming serious.
«I wanted to meet you, and keep you safe»
Okay, you expected it to be a rather strange talk, but he had yet to explain everything and you already felt like it didn’t make sense.
You told yourself to keep your cool and rein your impatience.
«I am a ghost» he kept going, dropping his eyes from yours and sipping his tea.
«I don’t exist in any of the Sina’s database, I am not in the SP, I am not a citizen for the government. That’s because when I was born, my parents kept my existence a secret. They met at the Red Ceremony, but not as mates for the SP. The program had destined them to other people (told them those were their mates when it was not true), and when they went to seek answers, they were told the SP did not lie, and that they were wrong. Ulterior protests caused them to have their memories wiped»
He stopped for a moment, letting the information he gave you sink slowly. His pause probably was timed and carefully chosen, since the last thing he said had you looking up at him as if you didn’t know if you wanted to call him crazy or kick him out of there.
«They… took your parents’ memories away?»
Eren nodded, testing your response. You sagged back, careful not to spill any tea on the couch.
«You know that sounds-»
«Absurd? I know. I would have struggled believing it too, if I didn’t know for certain that such a technology existed. I just want you to keep listening and then deciding what you want to do, okay? Please»
Please. There went all his logic.
«I already said yes, didn’t I? Go on»
Eren nodded, sipping nervously from his cup.
He didn’t know how much time had passed.
«Hanji. It’s me»
«I know it’s you, you ass!»
«Can you come over?»
That did the trick. He almost never asked her to come over.
«Give me ten minutes»
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neopren · 7 years
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~~~russian language follows~~~
This fraudulent product was printed, published and distributed without my knowledge by AST, one of the largest book publishing companies in Russia, under the alleged authorship of Natalia Banteeva, a reality show TV personality.
In the booklet that accompanies the deck, she elaborate an embarrassing fantasy of collaborative process with an anonymous painter in Israel, mushrooms trips and sensual meditation included. In real life, she acquire my pack of cards in the streets of Tel Aviv most probably three years ago.  Needless to say, her written interpretations of each card is equally crass.
I been working on this deck for more than 8 years in at least 10 different countries and its truly saddening to see my work treated in such demeaning circumstances.
AST is fully aware of the situation. I let them know about the copyright infringement on July 13th and I traveled from Bangkok to meet their representatives in Moscow on July 19th.  We didn't reach an agreement as they try to force me to sell them my copyrights. As I rejected their last offer to settle under this conditions, AST expressed their loyalty to Natalia Banteeva expressing their disappointment in my unwillingness to collaborate with her in this very lucrative project.
I demand from AST the immediate retrieval and destruction of all available copies of this print run. I demand a public statement acknowledging the wrongdoing, both from AST and AST alleged author Natalia Banteeva. I demand a compensation from statutory damages for all infringements involved in the action.
I gave AST the opportunity for solving this situation privatively, as I couldn't  believe a respected publisher company can commit such gross negligence. But in their last letters they just manifest a total disrespect for my lawful rights. The complete communication with AST will be made publicly available to demonstrate the full extent of their legal disregard.
As the legal battle seems inevitable, I ask you to share this post.
Этот продукт мошенническим путём был напечатан, издан и распространяется без моего ведома компанией АСТ, одним из крупнейших российских издательств, под авторством Наталии Бантеевой, участницей тв-шоу Битва Экстрасенсов.
В маленькой брошюре, которая идёт в комплекте с картами, она придумала позорную историю совместного творческого процесса с анонимным художником из Израиля, упоминая галлюциногенные грибы и чувственные медитации. В реальной жизни, она просто приобрела мои карты на улицах Тель Авива, вероятнее всего, года три назад. И говорить не стоит о том, что описание каждой карты отличается крайней пошлостью.
Я работал над этой колодой более 8 лет, по меньшей мере в 10 странах и мне крайне печально от того, что мои работы оказались замешаны в обстоятельствах такого унизительного характера.   АСТ полностью осведомлено о ситуации. Я сообщил им о нарушении своего авторского права 13-го июля, и я прилетел из Бангкока, чтобы встретиться с их представителями в Москве 19-го июля. Мы не достигли соглашения, поскольку они пытались вынудить меня продать им свои авторские права. Когда я обоснованно отклонил их последнее предложение, AСT выразило их лояльность Наталии Бантеевой, и их громадное разочарование в моем нежелании сотрудничать с нею в этом очень прибыльном для них проекте.
•Я требую от AСT непосредственного поиска и разрушения всех доступных копий этого тиража. •Я требую публичного заявления, признающего их проступок, как от самого AСT, так и от провозглашенного издательским домом AСT - автора Натальи Бантеевой. •Я требую компенсации от установленных законом убытков за все нарушения, совершенные в этом деле.
Я дал AСT возможность для решения этой ситуации приватно, поскольку я не полагал, что уважаемый издательский дом может совершить и продолжать усугублять свою грубую антипрофессональную и антиправовую халатность. Но в их последних письмах они проявляют полное неуважение моих законных прав. Полную переписку с AСT я опубликую позднее, с целью продемонстрировать  полную меру их пренебрежения к выполнение  обязанностей.
Поскольку юридическое сражение кажется неизбежным, я прошу, чтобы Вы сделали репост моего сообщения.
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forasta · 7 months
(21/11) kenapa ya hari ini kayak roller coaster banget... gak aku, gak kamu. kayaknya badan kamu kecapekan banget karena tadi muntah-muntah jadi sekarang lagi tidur. semoga kamu enggak kebangun dini hari... kalo kebangun semoga bisa tidur lagi. aku disini baca-bacain chat lama, sesekali checking if you replied (its weird, notifnya enggak popped up di notif bar. aku clear cache dan clear data berkali-kali tapi gak masuk terus, makanya aku telat-telat balesnya). aku hampir kelepasan manggil kamu ai berkali-kali but i stopped myself everytime... tapi kayaknya gak manggil pun tadi ngobrolnya sama ai bukan dawara ya. i hope you dont mind... aku kangen banget deh... kadang ada momen-momen dimana aku pengen spam stiker kita yang biasa itu tapi terus i got a reality slap and realize kita lagi ngomong di twitter yang gaada stikernya. funny how we came from that to this... im not complaining sih. aku ngobrol sama kamu setiap hari aja rasanya masih kayak lagi mimpi :( i dont know how act a lot of the times still... KENAPA YA JADI NGOMONGIN AKU PAS KAMU LAGI SAKIT. which reminds me gimana eh tadi sempet searching yang tau-tau pusing terus muntah masa katanya itu gejala jantung??? T____ T ai kamu apa nggak mau cek ke puskesmas... atau halodoc minimal... beli omenya... tapi ini kenapa ya bisa tau-tau pusing and muntah violently. awalnya kirain vertigo... did something happened before? did talking to me make things worse because you keep trying to ngalah for me...
ngomong-ngomong aku tadi nangis dikirimin makan. makasih... i feel terrible karena aku ngerasanya ngerepotin... ai jadi keluar duit di tanggal tua im so sorry T ___ T tapi aku juga seneng banget.... makasih... i ate well... will eat again habis ini.... cuman kenapa ya itu ada tulisan sushi moriawase bikin gagal move on??? gimana caranya ngasih tau hokben kalo im still at the restaurant im sitting on the corner i haunt cross legged in the dim light they say what a sad sight??? kalo mau restorannya dibangkrutin bilang aja gausah nyindir???? bete???????
aduh maaf stream of consciousness banget i have no coherent thoughts really maaf banget tapi aku sayang kamu aku kangen... tapi aku seneng kamu lagi istirahat dan bisa bobo. bobo nyenyak ya... izin besok jangan lupa!
0 notes
forasta · 7 months
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(20/11) I feel like my heart is keremes everytime you say things like this because I know. I know, I feel it. I'm thankful. I'm so grateful, and I want to repay that as much as I can, because I love you too and I want you to be loved as much as you love too. But I'm scared you dont spare that for yourself. I'm scared for the time when I dont have the capacity to love as much because my love wanes and surges like the tides you'll be left with nothing, and you crashes again, and I wouldnt know what to do. Kayak yang udah udah. Maaf kalau sayangku nggak kayak kamu soalnya emang iya tapi aku tuh sayang... sayang banget... in my ways. In all the ways. But what if I dont have enough? What then?
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forasta · 7 months
(19/11) hi. hari ini kamu cantik banget. rambutnya udah panjang lagi ya... rambut ai panjangnya cepet. cantik. cantik banget... pasti wangi... how was going out today? i hope you had fun walaupun sempet uek sedikit... restock obatnya ya ai, jangan lupa. katanya mau beli.
i had fun. akhirnya nyobain seirockya dan mampir ke bookstores. i found the oxford quran di periplus but i need to wait for gajian. tadi bandingin translation quran bahasa indonesia di gramed, tapi kok jadi ngga mau beli baru ya. aku bandingin sama yang di rumah kayaknya nggak kenapanapa. it might just be me ngga biasa baca quran aja kali. but i immediately got exhausted jadi pas pulang aku cuman boboan, bersih bersih, boboan, makan roti, boboan lagi. sorry for the late replies also. :( its not that i dont want to talk to you, aku loadingnya lagi lama. i hope its fine. its nothing to do with you. please keep talking to me.
theres a butterfly in my room dari siang. warnanya putih dan kecil. siang tadi jendelanya dibuka, tapi kirain pas aku pergi dia udah keluar. ternyata belum. sekarang dia ngumpet di balik-balik meja. dia kok bisa ya nyampe sini... dia pengen keluar ngga ya... kamu liat kupu kupu ngga?
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forasta · 7 months
(18/11) good evening! hi clingy baby. udah kebayar belum keselnya yang semalem lewat bobo siang? you slept quite soundly (walaupun habis itu whiny pas aku kerja lagi). hari ini aku bangun with some energy sih ngga kayak hari hari sebelumnya yang bangun pagi gemeteran dan nangis... so its okay walau aku kerja. aku lagi mam sate padang, ganti-gantian bales dm kamu sambil baca buku a woman, eating - claire kohda. i picked this book up on a whim karena thw cover reminds me of this specific hueningkai gif that i like, but somehow... the character... resonates.
the character is a vampire, and she had a complicated relationship with her mother. by complicated i mean dia ngga pernah dibolehin makan darah apa-apa selain darah babi, because her mother genuinely believes that they have a demon inside them. and thats what they deserve. eventually, she left her mother in a nursing home while she tries to have a separate life by herself on the other side of the city. theres this one part where she came back from the nursing home after visiting her mother, where she chose to take a train thats in a lesser state than the cleaner, nicer, faster train she used to take. she does this because in a way, while its not like she doesnt deserve the nicer train, it feels like she deserves the longer, more uncomfortable journey in a dirtier old train. like a type of a really minor self harm. its a small passage but i keep coming back to it. i took a picture of it and stared at it longer than i should. theres also a character named ye-ye. i feel like the book found me by chance but decides its going to stay by me longer.
anyway. bentar lagi sate padangku habis. sebentar ya. ill get back to you in a jiffy.
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forasta · 7 months
(17/11) good morning. i think you're getting ready for your day right now. aku habis update dan ngejurnal sambil denger podcast about lessening your screen time and learn how to be bored. i dont feel well, but when did i ever lately? please take care of yourself. beneran. do more things that nurtures and enriches your life. retain new, useful knowledges. take care of yourself. take care of yourself.
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forasta · 7 months
(16/11) hey, i guess youre in school already. i hope agendanya semua lancar ya. you did say harus berangkat lebih pagi dan lebih sibuk, so i did expect less communication— but its still jarring, kind of, after talking a lot. my mind doesnt really help since it has taken a liking to over overthink lately. but i really do hope everything goes well, whatever youre doing today. you work really hard lately. please remenber to take small breaks.
i didnt have the strength to write this or anything yesterday, consumed with so much blue. there are no words that reaches me, but i tried. i opened google docs trying to relearn some words, to tell you about my day, but it just makes me feel like a fraud. how could i write a lot of things and be wordless now? maybe i am just not meant to write. just like i am not meant to be in relationships. but maybe, all these are just a part of the voice that only comes when my ups and downs are really severe. i try not to think about it. i wrote on my journal in the end, but jelek juga kata-katanya.
im reading this book about a mixed race vampire who is trying to find balance her deep seated desire tonlive along humans with inecessant hunger. all vibes no plots just a woman being hungry. maybe im hungry too. im alsontrying to find a balance. my friend told me im very tired because grieving means youre in survival mode all the time. i think thats too nice of her to say that.
cape ga sih baca aku isinya ngeluh? imngonna stop now, you know where to find me.
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forasta · 7 months
(14/11) i think you fell asleep. we talked about being tired today, i hope we can rest well so the exhaustion lessens. to be honest its still kinda weird to talk to you directly (as someone else sih, but still its you on the other end)... tapi weirdnya lebih ke kayak. ini beneran boleh ngobrol? gapapa ngobrol begini? are you okay talking to me? you said the pain gets better but somehow i keep stabbing the wound, but does the talking help or does it make it more painful? but im happy. i do. its relieving, i feel giddy seeing you on my notifs again. im just not sure how to act sometimes.
im writing this because sleep hasnt come to me, but i can see it on its way to me. its raining, but very lightly. im thinking of you. bantalku wangi kamu. i kinda want to cry again, just a little.
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