#resume web site
Web development: Careers Through Job Search Sites
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Web development continues to soar as businesses strive to establish and enhance their online presence. Whether it's creating user-friendly websites, developing dynamic web applications, or optimizing platforms for mobile compatibility, web developers play a critical role in shaping the digital landscape. For aspiring web developers seeking opportunities in this dynamic field, job search sites serve as invaluable resources for exploring career options, connecting with potential employers, and securing rewarding positions. This article delves into the world of web development careers, leveraging job search sites to navigate the digital realm and unlock exciting opportunities for professional growth.
1: The Evolution of Web Development Careers
The field of web development has undergone a remarkable evolution in recent years, driven by advancements in technology, changing consumer preferences, and the proliferation of digital platforms. From static HTML websites to interactive web applications powered by JavaScript frameworks, web development careers have evolved to encompass a diverse range of skills and specializations. Today, web developers are proficient in programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js, enabling them to create dynamic, responsive, and visually appealing web experiences.
2: The Importance of Job Search Sites in Web Development
Job search sites serve as indispensable tools for both employers and job seekers in the industry. Web development employers, these platforms provide access to a vast pool of talented professionals, allowing them to post job openings, review resumes, and identify candidates with the skills and expertise they require. For job seekers, job search sites offer a centralized hub for exploring job opportunities, submitting applications, and researching potential employers. With advanced search filters, customizable job alerts, and user-friendly interfaces, these sites streamline the job search process and facilitate meaningful connections between employers and candidates.
3: Navigating Job Search Sites for Web Development Careers
When navigating job search sites for web development careers, it's essential to leverage the platform's features effectively to maximize your job search success. Start by creating a comprehensive profile that highlights your skills, experience, and portfolio of work. Use relevant keywords such as "web developer," "front-end developer," or "full-stack developer" to narrow down your search results and find positions that align with your expertise. Take advantage of advanced search filters to refine your search based on criteria such as location, salary range, and job type. Additionally, set up job alerts to receive notifications when new opportunities that match your preferences are posted.
4: Exploring Specializations in Web Development
Web development encompasses various specializations, each requiring a unique set of skills and expertise. Whether you're interested in front-end development, back-end development, or full-stack development, job search sites offer a wealth of opportunities to explore different roles and industries. Front-end developers focus on creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces using technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Back-end developers specialize in building server-side applications and databases using languages such as Python, Ruby, or PHP. Full-stack developers possess proficiency in both front-end and back-end development, allowing them to work on all aspects of a web project.
5: Remote Work Opportunities in Web Development
One of the key advantages of pursuing a career in web development is the abundance of remote work opportunities available in the field. With the rise of remote work trends and the increasing demand for digital solutions, many companies are hiring web developers to work remotely from anywhere in the world. Job search sites feature a dedicated section for remote job listings, allowing web developers to explore opportunities that offer flexibility and work-life balance. Remote positions range from freelance gigs and contract work to full-time remote roles at established companies and startups.
6: Building a Strong Portfolio and Online Presence
In addition to leveraging job search sites, aspiring web developers should focus on building a strong portfolio and online presence to showcase their skills and attract potential employers. Create a professional website or online portfolio to showcase your projects, skills, and achievements. Include links to your GitHub repositories, code samples, and relevant work experience. Additionally, establish a presence on professional networking sites like LinkedIn, where you can connect with industry professionals, join web development groups, and stay updated on job opportunities and industry trends.
7: Networking and Professional Development
Networking plays a crucial role in advancing your career in web development. Attend industry events, meetups, and conferences to connect with fellow developers, recruiters, and hiring managers. Join online forums and communities dedicated, where you can seek advice, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects. Consider pursuing certifications, attending workshops, and participating in online courses to enhance your skills and stay updated on the latest technologies and trends in web development.
8: Navigating the Job Application Process
When applying for web development positions through job search sites, it's essential to tailor your application to find job sites and highlight relevant skills and experiences. Customize your resume and cover letter to showcase how your skills align with the job requirements and company culture. Provide links to your portfolio, GitHub profile, or personal website to give employers a glimpse of your work. Be proactive in following up on your applications and preparing for interviews by researching the company, practicing coding challenges, and showcasing your problem-solving abilities.
Conclusion: Embracing Opportunities in Web Development Through Job Search Sites
In conclusion, job search sites offer a gateway to exciting opportunities in the dynamic field of web development. By leveraging these platforms effectively, aspiring web developers can explore career options, connect with potential employers, and embark on rewarding paths to professional success. Whether you're seeking remote work opportunities, exploring different specializations, or building your online presence, job search sites provide the resources and tools you need to navigate the digital realm and unlock your full potential in web development.
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opticalarcpvtltd · 10 months
Showcasing Skills: The Impact Of Web Development Projects For Resume | OpticalArc
A web dev projects for resume should highlight a job candidate's technical expertise, employment and educational experience, and outstanding achievements. Resumes have to show how a job prospect can assist a company in meeting its objectives. Web Developers with exceptional technical skills. Hiring managers are looking for more than just the ability to complete a task.
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lesbianchemicalplant · 6 months
Google confirms they will disable uBlock Origin in Chrome in 2024
Google confirms they will disable MV2 extensions including uBlock Origin in mid 2024 https://developer.chrome.com/blog/resuming-the-transition-to-mv3/ https://9to5google.com/2023/11/16/chrome-extensions-disabled/
(November 16th 2023)
from the comments (emphasis mine)—
[comment:] Not so fast there partner. Hill has prepared for the scenario with a new extension. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin-lite/ddkjiahejlhfcafbddmgiahcphecmpfh
[reply:] Yes, but ublock origin lite lacks a lot of features that actually makes ublock the best:
“ uBO Lite: • Filter lists update only when the extension updates (no fetching up to date lists from servers) • Many filters are dropped at conversion time due to MV3's limited filter syntax • No crafting your own filters (thus no element picker) • No strict-blocked pages • No per-site switches • No dynamic filtering • No importing external lists ”
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/1067als/eli5_ublock_lite_vs_ublock_origin/ Not being able to update the filters without having to update the extension itself is a really big deal! I mean when ublock 1.53 came out, it took google almost a freaking week to finally allow the new version. Why is that a big deal? Imagine that you have a site that you use a lot, that site then implements a way to detect adblock but you are stuck with ublock origin lite, in other words, you can't craft your own filter to by pass that site anti-adblocking (if you have the know how), you can't also come to ubo reddit to ask someone else to craft them for you and with that instantly solve the issue and you also don't have access to element picker which could also solve problem! Now, the only thing you can do? Report the problem to ubo team, then wait until they add the new filter which will bypass the antiblock to the new version of ubo lite which you don't know when its getting released and after that you will have to wait until google authorizes the new update to be released which like I've said, takes several days! Another example is youtube itself, if we were stuck with ubo lite right now, we would be losing the war against youtube anti-adblock badly! Because the only reason ubo is kinda able to keep up with youtube anti-adblocking is because after youtube updates their blocking script (which is every 12 hours), ubo team then updates their filters and then we as users just need to run the update manually inside the extension and boom we are back on business! Which won't be possible with ubo lite at all.
Firefox also plans to eventually deprecate MV2 (no timeline yet), BUT Firefox's implementation of MV3 will allow extensions like ublock origin and privacy badger to continue actually working:
Mozilla's implementation of Mv3 will differ in two critical ways from Google's. First, it will provide developers with access to the APIs Google considers too troublesome to retain.
"While other browser vendors introduced declarativeNetRequest (DNR) in favor of blocking Web Request in Mv3, Firefox Mv3 continues to support blocking Web Request and will support a compatible version of DNR in the future," said Shane Caraveo, engineering manager for WebExtensions at Mozilla, in a blog post. "We believe blocking Web Request is more flexible than DNR, thus allowing for more creative use cases in content blockers and other privacy and security extensions." (However, Caraveo says Firefox also intends to support DNR for its performance and compatibility characteristics. The blocking version of Web Request can slow things down if coded clumsily, so Mozilla wants developers to have the option to use the less intrusive and less dynamic DNR API.) Second, Mozilla is supporting Event Pages in Firefox's Mv3 implementation. Mv3 dispenses with persistent background pages – scripts that run in the background, potentially slowing things down and consuming resources. As an alternative, the spec provides Service Workers – scripts that run and then shut down. But the Service Workers API – which Mozilla intends to support eventually – does not have access to the Document Object Model (DOM) or other WebAPIs. So Event Pages – non-persistent background pages – provide more options for developers.
(obligatory: switching from chrome to firefox is easy. it can import your autofills, history, passwords, etc. without any headache. it is not hard to switch)
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aita-blorbos · 9 months
WIBTA for getting revenge against the person that ruined my life?
I (36M) am (still am, losing your job doesn't get rid of a persons PHD) a scientist that specializes in theoretical physics and studies of the multiverse. Until around a year and a half ago I had a job at a prestigious science facility, where I designed a device that would transport anything from other dimensions to ours (we had to set it off a little bit ahead of schedule, but overall, I'd say I did a good job with the timeframe I was given!).
This is where a person I'll call SM comes in.
One of the tests I ran on the device involved bringing a radioactive spider from another dimension to ours, but unfortunately, it escaped and bit him, which resulted in him gaining amazing powers, and becoming a superhero (he killed the spider right after it bit him, BTW.) (just thought I should bring that up.) (really stellar guy, takes important moments in his life REAL seriously.) (I don't think text is doing a good job conveying how sarcastic I am being right now, so to clarify: I AM BEING REALLY SARCASTIC.).
My first face-to-face meeting with SM was brief, but impactful. It happened when he and another important-but-not-so-relevant-to-the-story-guy broke in to my (ex) workplace a day before we were going to set off the device for real, all so that they could steal top secret information from us....And a bagel?! Which SM actually used as a projectile to HIT ME WITH (what kind of person DOES THAT? And with so much unnecessary force, too!)
Then, a day later, he blew up my invention WHILE I WAS STILL IN THE ROOM. I wasn't even one of the people fighting him, all I was trying to do was grab a canister of the dark energy my device was generating, but he didn't care at all that I was there!
Because of him blowing up that machine, I was turned in to...Something else. I don't have a face anymore, and my entire body is covered with these holes. Things fall through them all the time, and it leads to all sorts of embarrassing accidents that always cause people to laugh at me.
Not only that, but by doing this, he also made me lose my job, which was practically my entire life. I look so grotesque, my own family won't even LOOK AT ME, and I can't even get a new job to support myself because of the way my condition makes me look!
So that means by the time SM and I finally met again, I was so dangerously low on funds, I had to resort to a life of crime! I decided to jumpstart it by robbing an ATM machine because that's pretty harmless and easy, isn't it? I mean, it's a machine, nobody loses anything from me taking from one of those, besides for the bank, but who cares about them? They steal from people all the time! I'd hardly say it's a villainous act to take from them, except for the fact that robbery is illegal. Anyway, the shopkeeper assaulted me for trying to steal from the ATM machine.
Maybe I should have seen that one coming.
...Eh, whatever.
It only gets worse from here, because then, out of nowhere, SM shows up, makes fun of me, and then cuts me off while I tried explaining to him who I am and why I should matter to him, just so he could read a text. Which is just unbelievably rude, and tbqh, pretty unheroic!
He spent the rest of what was SUPPOSED to be our epic battle on his phone, texting some person. This fight was meant to be a huge deal for both of us, and he didn't take it seriously at all, he barely even bothered to look at me for a majority of it. At one point, he even webbed me up and left in the middle!
Our fight did eventually resume, and midbattle he told some police officer that I was just a "villain of the week", while I was RIGHT THERE!
Eventually, the fight brought as all the way back to the site of the accident, right where our connection first formed. This was finally a point where I had the chance to tell him everything, what I did for him, what he did to me! And even after all that, he still treated me like a JOKE!
I got really mad at that point, which came back to bite me pretty quickly. As in, I accidentally kicked myself in to one of my own holes (like I said before, I have a lot of holes, they go places, one hole took my foot to my own butt, and I fell in to another hole).
But on the bright side, this resulted in me finding out that I'm a transdimensional superbeing. Which gave me an epiphany! I finally know what I want to do now, and how I'm going to do it. There's a lot of science involved, multiversal travel, stuff like that. But the basic idea is that I'm getting payback. The way I see it, he took everything from me, so why shouldn't I get to take everything from him? It makes sense, right? Because of him, I have nothing, so why should he have anything? It's only fair!
So, as long as everything goes according to plan, by the time I'm done, he shouldn't have anything left, and then he'll finally learn to respect me.
....Wow, this came out way longer than I thought it would.
Here's a tl;dr!:
SM ruined my life, WIBTA if I ruined his in return?
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ts1989fanatic · 7 months
Have We Reached Peak Taylor Swift? The Psychology Behind When Someone Becomes Overexposed.
Is Taylor Swift about to be in her 'overexposed' era?
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Midway through the Eras Tour, Taylor Swift is everywhere.
The ongoing tour ― Swift is scheduled to resume the international leg in November ― and the subsequent concert film are certifiable cultural events that have actually boosted regional economies. (In Los Angeles, for instance, where Swift performed six shows, the California Center for Jobs and the Economy predicted a $320 million boost to the county. No wonder Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau practically begged the Grammy winner to visit up north.)
She’s even bolstering the NFL’s viewership: Since the “Cruel Summer”
singer started attending her boyfriend Travis Kelce’s Kansas City Chiefs games, the league has seen some Super Bowl-level numbers thanks to all the Swifties tuning in.
Meanwhile, the media coverage is breathless. While daytime talk show hosts ask Kelce’s mom about Swift, there’s play-by-play of the couple’s dates around the web: “They were in a rounded booth sitting super close to each other in deep convo the whole time,” a diner at the Waverly Inn in Greenwich, where Swift and Kelce dined on Sunday, told The Messenger. “It looked super romantic and was super intimate.”
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But given Swift’s cultural dominance ― and NFL fans booing an ad for her concert doc early this month ― even her fans are a little worried that Taylor fatigue might soon set in. Is Swift due for another “overexposed” era?
“Kinda overwhelmed by how close Taylor is to overexposure,” one fan tweeted on X.
“You either die the hero or live long enough to admit that you have Taylor Swift fatigue,” another wrote on the site.
On the main Swift subreddit, fans debate if Swift will eventually go back into pop star hibernation like she did after her “1989” album.
Indeed, this isn’t Swift’s first go-around with overexposure. The success of “1989” in 2014 was followed by a heightened interest in Swift’s personal life: her famous friends (or her “squad”), her ill-fated romance with Tom Hiddleston, her drama with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. In response, Swift made a “conscious choice to disappear” and opt for a more “lowkey” life, a source close to the singer told People at the time.
Her rollout of her next album, 2017’s “Reputation,” was relatively quiet. (“There will be no further explanation. There will just be reputation,” Swift remarked on Instagram.)
Swift seems to pay close attention to her fandom and cultivate those parasocial relationships, said Lynn Zubernis, a psychologist and professor at West Chester University who researches fan psychology.
“Who knows, she might consider withdrawing from the spotlight again at some point,” Zubernis told HuffPost.
The professor likened the “Anti-Hero” singer’s ubiquity right now to Barney in the ’90s. Parents loved the purple dinosaur initially (no one kept their kids as entertained), but that love soured by the 104th listen of the “I love you, you love me” theme song.
“Familiarity is part of what drives fandom — we’re wired to attach to familiar faces, whether they’re offline or on our screens — but there’s a limit to how much repetition we can tolerate,” Zubernis said. “Too many instances of someone popping up and behaving the same way or saying the same thing can start to grate.”
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The overexposure is sometimes exacerbated by the celebrity being perceived as “trying too hard” or being inauthentic, Zubernis said: Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, even Lady Gaga come to mind, she said.
“At first their ‘antics’ were popular, but people soon grew tired and cynical about them,” she said. “Justin Bieber, James Franco, Shai LaBeouf and Kanye West fall into that category too, and all have been on lists of ‘celebrities we’re tired of’ as a result.”
There’s also a common trajectory that fandom tends to take: Fans love to root for their favorite celebrity ― or sports team or TV series ― because of that vicarious sense of success they gain, but there’s also a cost to that success and visibility, Zubernis said. Some fans jump ship.
“Fans also relish feeling ‘special’ and seeing their fandom as exclusive ― as in, we are the only ones who see how truly special this person is and appreciate her,” the professor said.
“Once someone like Swift becomes beloved by everyone, even ‘normies,’ the fandom doesn’t feel as exclusive anymore,” she added. (Think how in high school, you used to say, “Yeah, I liked that band when they were still underground.”)
Jaye L. Derrick, an associate professor of psychology who studies parasocial relationships at the University of Houston, has a different take: She thinks that most of the people complaining about Swift were never fans to begin with.
“She has a very large following, but no celebrity can make 100% of the population like them,” Derrick told HuffPost.
“As Taylor Swift is shown to new markets, she is meeting some pushback from people who may have been aware of her before but never sought her out,” she said. “I suspect that most of the negative exposure is from people who had maybe consciously avoided her before and are not able to avoid her anymore.”
Tracy Gleason, the chair and professor of psychology at Wellesley College and an author of a paper on parasocial relationships, agrees with Derrick. The fans at the Giants game who booed her ad, for instance, might have done so because she’s dating a player on a rival team.
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“Another possible explanation for the football game is that people who are fans of football, some of whom are likely women, are not necessarily fans of Taylor Swift,” Gleason told HuffPost. “Seeing Taylor get more attention than the game itself might have felt distracting and annoying.”
“Who knows, though,” she added. “Maybe they are Swifties but just want to keep each of the things they enjoy in their own lane: Taylor belongs on the stage and football belongs in the arena.”
Is misogyny at play when we deem someone “overexposed”?
When it comes to conversations about fame, some have pointed out that it tends to be women that get the whiplash “love-hate” treatment: They’re celebrated at first, then they’re deemed overexposed, like Anne Hathaway or Jennifer Lawrence were after their respective Oscar campaigns.
For the most part, men have more room to navigate fame: There’s a double-standard for the type of behavior that is considered appropriate for men versus for women, Derrick said.
For starters, men are expected to express their agency, so they are allowed to promote their projects.
“For women, it is harder to engage in agentic behavior without people viewing them as too in-your-face,” Derrick said. “In American society, we traditionally expect women to be more communal and less agentic.” (Swift addresses this complicated bind for women in the song “The Man” from 2019 album “Lover.”)
The professor thinks these women would probably get a pass if they were “trying too hard” to promote something communal, like a charity, but over-promoting yourself is a cardinal sin in celebritydom if you’re a woman.
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With male examples of overexposure, it usually results from some publicly frowned-upon behavior: Bieber was a notoriously bratty teen (which is hardly a crime, of course, but his reputation persists), West was accused of antisemitism, Franco and LaBeouf were both accused of sexual misconduct, and Elon Musk has been accused of not only damaging Twitter (or as he’s rebranded, X) but threatening democracy itself.
Women celebrities are shamed for bad behavior, too, of course, but also for deviating from social expectations, Zubernis said.
“The culture still isn’t all that comfortable with women being very visible or powerful or successful in some way; that idea is vaguely threatening to the status quo,” she said. “I think that would apply to Swift, Hathaway and Lawrence.”
If you were a fan of any of those women to begin with, though, you probably stuck by them through and through. Fandoms tend to be ride or die until something truly cancellable happens.
“There are times when fans will turn on a celebrity, but those are usually cases where the celebrity did something out-of-character that led people to become disillusioned with their brand,” Derrick said.
In other words, when it comes to these “overexposed” claims ― or criticism from non-fans who wish Swift would take a sabbatical ― Swifties worldwide are probably just going to “shake it off.”
So Michael Jackson in his prime was everywhere and until he went off the deep end was beloved by fans and none fans worldwide. But Taylor Swift who has in my opinion reached MJ status is over exposed, you know this was not really a thing until she started dating Travis Kelce.
So to answer the question posed above
Is misogyny at play when we deem someone “overexposed”?
In the case of Taylor Swift damn straight misogyny is at play, all these talking heads and college professors and the rest of the media jackals and TS haters need to just FUCK THE HELL OFF.
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pancakeke · 6 months
does anyone have experience confronting their employer about your responsibilities getting wildly out of sync with your job title? my title is supply chain analyst but more than 50% of my work is not supply chain related at all anymore. I'm being treated mostly as a data analyst. data analyst salaries are 10% higher than supply chain analysts salaries in my area plus there are many more job opportunities for data analysts. I want a title change.
also does anyone have experience writing a resume when your responsibilities are not related to your title? should I just say I'm a data analyst because that's the work I'm doing or is there some special section I can add noting secondary work as an unofficial data analyst. there is other shit I do very often too that is barely related to either role.
anyone who has been following me for a while is gonna think I'm sooo late to this realization but it's getting pretty clear to me that my workplace is not going to stop pushing me into roles that I'm not appropriately compensated for, and because these roles are not official I will never receive any support, even when I explicitly request it. I have already been denied support multiple times.
this isn't just random people asking me to do one-time odd jobs either. our COO, CFO, and multiple directors ask me directly to do shit like investigate errors in our website and its tools to uncover what is causing data to display incorrectly. this is to shift labor off our web dev team and onto me, why us paid way less than a developer. I do NOT know ANY programming, I just know the database. this has happened five or six times now.
I also manage customer issues directly with the customers because our sales team does not appropriately train anyone in their department. I create orders for them too because they can not be trusted to enter them (not because they're untrained, but because they were not entering these intentionally). I provide records and reporting for accounting audits. I build weird calculators and generators in Excel for every department except two (IT and web dev) because those two can't justify devoting time to those projects and integrating them into our site. I create extremely weird queries to trace information that out database does not track appropriately (and this will never be fixed).
there are zero docs for anything I do except the ones I personally wrote, and only very limited notes scattered around. I was never trained and only picked sql and stuff up cause when I was a buyer digging into data helped me solve problems more efficiently. I have been begging web dev to tell me when they update anything because they keep breaking extremely serious tools but they have been ghosting me entirely. literally all they have to do is CC me on update emails but they won't do it.
also there isn't anyone else in the company who is proficient in sql and stuff (outside dev, and they're miles above me) to back me up so if I'm overloaded or need other help I'm shit out of luck. this makes taking PTO a fucking nightmare too because I'm always in the middle of helping someone out of a fucking fire and everyone does that shit where they say I can take PTO any time I want without worrying but then constantly assign me with critical tasks and demand results asap.
It is beyond time for me to be realistic about this job and what I want to do with myself 40 hours a week until I die, so I need to start working toward either making my current situation more tolerable or going elsewhere.
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megolololo · 7 months
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transformers: division (mini intro)
basically a transformers tv show in novel form, which focuses almost entirely on the decepticons
protagonists: starscream > shockwave > soundwave (could change but starscream will def still be the lead)
antagonists: tarn
predicted rating: M or E (for strong language, mature themes like war, and violent imagery. i’m still not sure about full-on, dark web-level gore, though— let me know your thoughts!)
site to be used: ao3
envisioned tone for story: quentin tarantino but more political and less satirical
canon-compliance-ness: since i’m basically treating this as my resume for hasbro, no smut. sorry lads 😔
there’ll def be relationships that i think should’ve been explored more intimately in shows/films but there will be no romance, only tension and your typical militant homoeroticism
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last notes:
i’ve got the entire story plotted, and only need a few more details to flesh out, so it’s almost ready for a first round of drafts for the “pilot” but! i do need help with one thing
i’ll be writing up another post later with more details about the fic, so if you have any questions or things to comment, pls leave them down below!!!! or in my ask box!
i’d love to know what readers want/are curious about before i fully commit to writing and sending out drafts to my critique group <3
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areyougonnabe · 1 year
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ANYTHING 4 U @simplyirenic
drumroll please.............. introducing:
(or racovitza)
you may already know this romanian scientist as the subject of this popular and famous photo, the first-ever photograph taken underwater, with an exposure time of 30 minutes:
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it was taken in 1899 at the oceanographic laboratory in banyuls-sur-mer, france, where racovitza was working at the time in his capacity as a pioneering marine biologist.
however, a mere year prior, racovitza had been suffering through a harsh antarctic winter as a member of the scientific staff on board the belgica, the ice-locked ship of the belgian antarctic expedition.
(for more on this expedition i am beseeching you to read MADHOUSE AT THE END OF THE EARTH which you can find at your library probably or on various illicit webbed sites as well as bookstores!!!)
but the basic summary is, raco (as he was known) was one of the first men hired onto the expedition by leader adrien de gerlache, who was essentially a trust fund kid with a lifelong obsession with ships, sailing, and exploration. which was kind of unfortunate for someone from belgium, a country with little coastline to speak of and a navy that was mainly for show. this was the late 19th century and most belgians were hella amped re doing atrocities in the congo but no, not good old adrien. instead his heart was fixed on making belgium a name to be reckoned with in the world of polar exploration. cue laugh track
anyway raco came along for the ride, he was also from a rich family so it helped that he offered to serve without pay. also look at him. you would want him on your ship. you would want him, like, in general. i certainly do. he's like if the man on the pringles can exuded unbearable erotic energy.
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raco's official duties on the expedition included collecting and analyzing zoological and botanic samples from the sea, ice, and land; conducting meteorological readings; documenting the wildlife and landscape; and all sorts of other vital scientific tasks. and being cute.
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however his most important job on the expedition by far was probably that of resident cartoonist:
Another beloved monotony-breaking ritual was the presentation of Racovitza’s daily cartoon. In addition to his skill at anatomical drawing, the zoologist was a scathing caricaturist with an eastern European fondness for the absurd and a scatological streak. Though bawdy and puerile, Racovitza’s pencil sketches were an unfiltered take on life aboard the Belgica, a chronicle of the men’s frustrations and inside jokes.
listen. when julian said these cartoons were bawdy i was like yeah sure okay. but my god, the man did not hold back. he was KINKY. he was obsessed with butts in particular, drawing the ass of his scientific colleague henryk arctowski over and over, including comparisons to the flat backside of lieutenant danco:
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there were also cartoons dealing with shitting blood, watching women piss, and naked boxing. you can literally look at them all yourself although i will say they're about 1000x funnier if you know the people involved so it's a nice treat after you finish reading madhouse. but here's another favorite demonstrating the harsh realities of an icebound ship ("promenade in the caca avenue"):
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anyway while the life-threatening chaos of this frathouse-esque expedition was going on around him, and cook and amundsen were off somewhere staring into each other's eyes like in the "is this allowed!?!" vine, raco continued doing important scientific work, pranking the hell out of his shipmates, and also being adorable.
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eventually the expedition freed themselves from the ice and returned home. raco resumed his research career, working with the other members of the expedition to compile and publish the results of their findings, and eventually rising in the ranks of the scientific establishment of europe.
basically what i love about raco and what brings me joy every day to contemplate is that he was clearly an enormous goof with a wide variety of deranged fetishes, but also a brilliant and hard-working scientist who founded an entirely new scientific field (biospeleogy, the study of cave organisms) and grew up to be a hot dad, the most badass looking grandpa, and ended his life as one of the most respected and renowned scientists in all of romanian history. he's on stamps!!!!!!!!!!!! sometimes i reflect on how he seems to be a man before his time, but also i guess i am grateful he was born in the 1800s and not the 80s because i think if he had access to the internet he definitely would've been a chronic shitposter and not got nearly as much important science done.
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emita-ita · 7 months
TLDR; I installed the "Distraction Free Youtube" extension on Firefox on my Android with this guide. Now my feed looks empty (no reccommended videos/shorts -> no distractions). No doomscrolling. Also I listen to music on shuffle while using other apps!!
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Listen to music on shuffle, while using other apps, while your screen is turned off. For FREE 🤯 no ADS
Highly customizable, choose to hide your youtube feed, next up video reccommendations, comment sections, the dreaded Shorts, and much more!
It shows at the top of your notifications making it easy to stop and resume.
No more doomscrolling!
No more paying Spotify!
You don't feed into big corporations greedy industries <3 you live a calmer life while rejecting capitalism 🧡🧡🧡
It's a biiiit more sluggish than the app. Music plays perfectly but sometimes video is laggy.
Everything is smaller scale since it's the desktop Youtube webpage on your mobile screen. Have to zoom and move around, hard to click small things if you have trouble with that. sorry :(
Steps and Quality of Life Tips under the keep reading 💙
Step 1
Follow this guide! I reccommend to follow it on pc for more ease (not necessary). Don't add the Google Translate extension like the guide, add "DF YouTube (Distraction Free)", its logo is a black square with a white triangle.
It looks very cumbersome but trust me it's done under 10 minutes! My replies and ask box is open, please please ask for help I'm very happy to help!
Step 2
Important, when you use Youtube on Firefox it redirects to the mobile web (m.youtube.com). The extension doesn't work with this. You need to click the three dots to the right of the website URL, and click "Desktop site".
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Quality of life tips
Extension and Add-on mean the same thing btw!
Click the three dots (like the image above) and click "Add to Home screen". Hold and drag it somewhere. This creates a shortcut! Yippie! Now we have completely replaced Youtube ♥ You can do a shortcut for each of your playlists 🤯 wow
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The music plays perfectly, but the videos are sometimes sluggish. (Other times they're fine!) Probably just refresh.
You can put the Firefox search bar on the top if mine is ugly to you lol
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cvguys · 7 days
Structure for an Informative Article on "Best Resume Writing Services in Pune"
In the bustling city of Pune, where opportunities abound in various industries, the need for a standout resume to catch the eye of potential employers is paramount. Professional Best resume writing services in Pune offer a valuable solution for job seekers looking to make a lasting impression and secure their dream job. With the competitive job market and the demand for specialized skills, having a well-crafted resume can be the key to unlocking new career opportunities and advancing professionally.
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Update... September was a Weird month for Me
2 Updates bellow come directly from my Art Twitter Account:
#STRY #webcomic I haven't posted art lately, as promised. Life kinda got me. Had a few weird days last month of random depression (I mean I know definitely why it happened has to do with something from last September... but I won't get into it)...Then other times this fixation with the novel or jobsearch. Trying to get back in routine of exercising and art. I hope next few weeks to post more. #STRY #SomeoneToRememberYou The #novel is coming together. It still will be several months and still getting everything in life, and the web comic together. But I'm honestly excited! I think I have the final Novel Summary down, -some cuts. Let me know if you want to see it.
~~~~ Sssooooo.... Lets Expand on what I mention above...
I felt more pressure as I also realized Indeed after I worked my ass off fixing my resume and my cover letter, had gone and saved the rough draft version so for the last several months I was using the poorly fixed version of both and had to fix everything again... I really don't like the side but it's one of the best for job searching. I admit my hours for art started becoming a game of job searching, going through the stressful process. I call it a game cause it was almost like an addiction. Especially after realizing I was using this whole time the wrong form of my resume and cover letter. You don't know how embarrassed that was, especially since I'm applying mostly for secretary positions. Talk about FACEPALM... I've told myself my old rule not to look at Job Apps at night, leave them be so I can focus on art... (I also watched a few new to me shows, I've been meaning to watch... got addicted lost time watching them, then came to find out they have a horrible ending *cough* Devil is a Part Timer *cough* yeah took a day to realize that has creeper predator ending) I really fell off my exercise routine which I tell myself I have to do (about for an hour) before I do art, mostly to stay healthy so I can keep doing what I love. I hope to just post some stuff and finally involve myself in the month challenge. Even if late. Stay tuned if I manage that... On my other profiles, job searching since fixing that "accident" up I have had several interviews scheduled since. Tomorrow I have a few scheduled and am so ready. Although, I admit I'm hoping for once with benefits, my last job promised it but never gave any. So I really hope to find one with such. And that will eventually help me in my potential career. If things keep not working, due to having a few friends on the force I've honestly considered going into the academy if things keep not panning out job wise. But they seem to be looking up. And I have looked into doing book reading jobs as well. So I have several avenues I'm looking at just in case. #WISHMELUCk Hopefully, you hear more from me art wise.
I want to thank the many people who've subscribed since my last few posts. Also so sorry for any art friends that think I may have dropped off all of a sudden. I'm still here. Just knd went through some odd motions..
~~~~ Update on Last Post (about the date): Lastly, to my update on going on a date. Yeah it was fine, conversations were odd afterwords and I can't say I felt much after the fact so I don't think that's going anywhere. Took a few weeks away from social dating apps/sites as I can get addicted to focusing on them. I'm trying to control the sudden addictive phases of solely focusing on this or that. I know it's cause I've been more nervous lately not getting previously during the summer more then a few job interviews and wondering what was wrong. Now that I've solved that issue and have several lined up, I'm finally kinda taking the reigns again and switching my focus art I was working on and art for the story.
As for S.T.R.Y... Someone TO Remember You.... I hope to work on the Initial (last valentines day) Hint Post of the main characters which has been sitting in half unfished limbo for months now. And work quickly on the Sneak peak of the characters and full Face Reveal before or Around Halloween, cause I recently was introduced to a fandoms that I really want to use for a character halloween pic. It may be posted after Halloween. But I have an idea of what I'm wanting to do. I can't promise all my plans will work My Dad's birthday is this month, and though he's busy I know we are thinking of celebrating it a month later. So some of my focus will be put to that while the long time he's off working assisting my disabled mother with her many cleaning projects. I promised to help her around the front yard, especially with Halloween coming up for the trick-or-treaters. (Since my mom has mobility issues I'm often the one in charge of answering the door or such. So course I go all out dressing up. And I know it's important to all of use that the house looks good in the areas that can be seen. I wasn't able to do much last year since I was suffering Anxiety. I want to make up for things I haven't done. So I know the many art projects I want to do this month may not occur. But I wanted you to know what plans I'm hoping to do. I know I often pile on a lot, so I'm just saying what I hope accomplish but may not be able to fully do. That's my update so far... Stay tuned. Stay Sweet. PS. Ironic but I finally am just going to work on my UPDATE Comic that Legit I put on hold Two Years almost to this day to Job Search back near the end of the pandemic and now I'm picking it up again. WHy? THe Update is just me using my Authors character, by promoting the story and saying a little about myself. It was my way of practicing making a comic while making art. But, I told myself I wouldn't use the author character to make updates till I posted the comic. I've had so many times the last four months I wanted to make updates. Had a good plan but knew it would be redundant later posting the Update Comic I still plan on. I'm finally at a point where I want to work back on in (with the extended pages to add Recent updates rather then 2 years ago updates)... Then from then on, I hope to have shorter updates where I just use my Author Character to give updates without these long paragraphs and just short tidbits.... I've mentioned it before. But finally want to announce I'm working on finishing that... I still have a art project I'm making as a present, which is Half Way to completion. I added way more elements to it then I planneda nd just had numerous computer issues or life issues that got in the way of that getting completed. I also have a few fan Henry Stickmin art pieces I ALMOST forgot about from April and May I want to get back to soon.... So to say I have alot of art on the way Is not Putting it lightly. I have alot Of future Art coming up.
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Hey, I'm messaging random people out of desperation, so please forgive me if this is annoying- my partner is looking for a remote job while studying for his CompTIA A+ cert, and hasn't been able to find anything. We've hit a wall as far as where to look (LinkedIn, Indeed, etc. are filled with scams and useless) and I'm reaching out to whoever I can think of/feel called to ask, to see if they have any ideas/directions to point us in. Thank you for your time, and I hope you have a good night
Shit this is really hard because I usually gotta ask follow up questions before giving specified advice.
But I'm a misogyny experiencing person in the tech fields. So I'll try.
First of all. Is your partner a person that experiences misogyny or a person of color? (I use "person that experiences misogyny because trans-men or enbies that are AFAB that don't medically transition can experience sexism in the field.)
Another trait I have that I say "gives me experience in the struggles of the field" is I've been unemployed for over a year twice. (Not by choice).
Gaps in your resume, anything in your resume that can indicate you're a person that experiences misogyny, or anything that can give away that you're a person of color will make it harder for your partner.
You can apply to large companies if you want, but don't get your hopes up. Large companies get thousands of applicants and rely on AI to filter resumes. Unfortunately AI is racist and sexist. Because it was trained by people with an unconscious bias. Small companies around 100 employees is literally how I keep finding my jobs.
Go to career fairs. My resume wasn't that great, but I knew I was smart enough to get the job if I could get them to just meet me. Which sucked because I never got an interview. One employer met me, and I guess I said something right because he put a big ole star on my resume and I was put on top of the applicants list.
Use Christian resources. "But fae. I'm not Christian." Yeah. It was really fucking weird for a long time to constantly be told like "I'm so glad we're if the same beliefs. This is a Christian company." But like... companies that want to keep is "in-house" so to speak will only send job descriptions to Christian resources. And honestly I've seen near no competition at these places for jobs.
I'm not saying lie or exaggerate on your resume. I'm saying floof on your resume. Instead of "developed the website". Maybe think "Hey. I realize I was the primary person working on the website, and the person everyone went to for help." BAM. Put "lead web developer" on the job description (not job title).
Look at the type of job the description is asking for. If they're a company that contracts their employees time. You want to focus your job description on how much time you saved and money you made fit the company. If they build products. You want to focus on your skill sets.
POST YOUR RESUME EVERYWHERE. Put it up on indeed. LinkedIn. Monster. Everywhere. Check the box that says you're looking for a job. Make it visible. Many companies don't want to go through the hiring process and will pay a contractor to do the work. Those jobs won't be posted. The contractor will be searching resumes on these sites and making calls.
Have a job already. It makes you look desirable to employers.
If you have gaps in your resume. Pencil it in. You weren't unemployed during that year you were studying for your certification.
Your resume should only be 1 page (longer if you have work experience but no more than 2 pages) and the first third of the first page should have the most important info. A quick blurb about you. Your skills/certifications. Your work experience. If you don't catch their attention by then, your resume will go on the trash.
I see a lot of people put irrelevant information on their resume. You don't want gaps in your resume but they don't need to know about that baby sitter job when you were 16. They don't need to know that you also made the coffee in that job as a web developer. Don't include information that you can't relate to the job.
It never worked out for me but a lot of people suggest using those sites that scan your resume against the job description and it's honestly worth a shot.
Don't let anyone throw a thesaurus at you when they offer to help with your resume. If you have people that help by thesaurusing your words, don't listen to them. Hiring managers and recruiters see through that shit.
It's honestly been a hot minute, so I'm probably forgetting stuff, but I do hope this helps!
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healthsocial · 6 days
Why is DuckDuckGo Not Working? Troubleshooting and Solutions
DuckDuckGo, renowned for its privacy-focused search engine, has garnered a loyal user base over the years. However, like any online service, users occasionally encounter issues where DuckDuckGo does not work as expected. This article delves into the common reasons why DuckDuckGo might not be functioning properly and offers practical troubleshooting steps. Keywords: DuckDuckGo not working, DuckDuckGo troubleshooting, search engine issues.
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Common Issues Affecting DuckDuckGo
Several factors can lead to DuckDuckGo not working. Common issues include browser compatibility problems, network connectivity issues, and temporary server outages. Understanding these potential problems can help users identify the cause and implement the appropriate solution. Keywords: DuckDuckGo issues, browser compatibility, network problems.
Browser Compatibility Problems
One of the primary reasons DuckDuckGo may not work is browser compatibility issues. Some browsers may have settings or extensions that interfere with DuckDuckGo’s functionality. Ensuring that your browser is up to date and disabling any conflicting extensions can often resolve these issues. Additionally, trying a different browser can help determine if the problem is browser-specific. Keywords: browser compatibility, DuckDuckGo browser issues, disabling extensions.
Network Connectivity Issues
Network connectivity problems can also prevent DuckDuckGo from functioning correctly. These issues can stem from a poor internet connection, router problems, or ISP-related issues. Checking your internet connection, restarting your router, or contacting your ISP for assistance can help resolve these connectivity issues. Keywords: network connectivity, internet connection problems, router issues.
Server Outages and Maintenance
Occasionally, DuckDuckGo may experience temporary server outages or undergo maintenance, which can cause the service to be temporarily unavailable. These outages are typically short-lived, and the service resumes normal operation once maintenance is complete. Checking DuckDuckGo’s official social media channels or status page can provide updates on any ongoing issues. Keywords: DuckDuckGo server outage, service maintenance, search engine downtime.
Clearing Browser Cache and Cookies
Another effective troubleshooting step is clearing your browser’s cache and cookies. Over time, cached data and cookies can accumulate and cause performance issues with websites, including DuckDuckGo. Clearing this data can refresh your browser and resolve any loading or performance issues. Keywords: clear browser cache, delete cookies, DuckDuckGo performance.
Adjusting Security and Privacy Settings
Sometimes, overly restrictive security and privacy settings in your browser or security software can block DuckDuckGo. Reviewing and adjusting these settings to ensure that DuckDuckGo is allowed can resolve access issues. This may involve adding DuckDuckGo to your list of allowed sites or adjusting firewall settings. Keywords: security settings, privacy settings, firewall adjustments.
Updating Browser and Extensions
Keeping your browser and any installed extensions up to date is crucial for optimal performance. Outdated browsers or extensions can lead to compatibility issues with DuckDuckGo. Regularly updating these components ensures that they work seamlessly with the latest web technologies and services. Keywords: update browser, update extensions, compatibility updates.
Checking for Malware and Adware
Malware and adware infections can interfere with your browsing experience, including access to DuckDuckGo. Running a thorough scan with reliable antivirus software can detect and remove any malicious software that might be affecting your ability to use DuckDuckGo. Keywords: malware scan, adware removal, antivirus software.
If DuckDuckGo is not working for you, there are several potential causes and solutions to explore. By addressing browser compatibility issues, network connectivity problems, server outages, and security settings, you can often resolve the issue and restore access to this privacy-focused search engine. Staying informed about common issues and troubleshooting steps can help ensure a smooth and uninterrupted search experience. Keywords: DuckDuckGo troubleshooting, search engine solutions, resolve DuckDuckGo issues.
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yridenergyridenergy · 2 years
DIR EN GREY Photo book「2019120520220127」Release
A photo book including pictures taken during “TOUR19 This Way to Self-Destruction” held in North America in December 2019 and Europe in January 2020 as well as one special picture from January 27th, 2022 show held at USEN STUDIO COAST, is going to be released under the title "2019120520220127".
DIR EN GREY left Japan for two months to hold an overseas tour just before a world chaos no one would have ever expected started. During this tour, fans from all over the world who had been waiting to see DIR EN GREY's performance for a long time welcomed the band in their countries in a very heart-warming way, being every venue filled with never-ending enthusiasm and excitement.
Just when everyone was thinking such joyful days would continue without any problem, those times when it was normal to gather at a live house without any fear or anxiety and enjoy this amazing experience called “live”, the world changed completely. Those wonderful venues that used to fill our lives with happiness remained empty for a longer time than we would have ever expected. Even when we could resume our music activities as we all got used to this new situation, the show concept changed. Nevertheless, we keep doing our best so those old days can return at some point.
While we are still waiting for better times to come, this photo book which tries to capture such an era and how the world used to be focuses on how DIR EN GREY used to live and portrays the band visiting several countries all around the world. While we can't travel again, we hope you can enjoy all these memories we built together.
【「a knot」 Limited Deluxe Edition】
Format:A4 Size 300 pages Full Color
On sale:
※This product is limited to 「a knot」 members.
【Regular Edition】
Format:A5 Size 224 pages Full Color
On sale:
・TSUTAYA designated stores
※For those ordering this product at GALAXY BROAD SHOP, the shipping is planned to start around mid-November based on purchase order.
GALAXY BROAD SHOP Early Preorder Bonus Gift
Those pre-ordering the product at GALAXY BROAD SHOP during the specified period of time below will receive one bonus gift per purchased product.
Customers who make a reservation of one or more of the following products until October 16th (Sun.) 2022
【「a knot」 Limited Deluxe Edition】
【Regular Edition】
【「a knot」 Limited Deluxe Edition】
Original live pictures card set (5 cards in total, including each member's sign)
【Regular Edition】
Original live picture card (1 card including that member's sign)
【※The card will be random from a total of 5 different designs】
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ephemeralpool · 6 months
im getting off mr bones' wild ride
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it's time for me to move on!
11 years ago, this place was invaluable to me as a scared 15 year old struggling to cope with mental illness and make sense of my gender and sexuality. and i am so grateful to all the wonderful people who made that journey easier.
but i can say now, without any hesitation, that the dialogue this site generates around these and other topics is something i dont want to be privy to anymore.
i have made all of the posts on this blog private, and will later delete them once i've grabbed anything i would like to keep.
as promised, @gorillaheritageposts will resume updating next month, but after the queue runs out i'll be putting it into "standby mode" indefinitely. this means that further updates will be sporadic, because i'll be relying entirely on submissions. the blog will eventually be abandoned and left up as an archive.
my art blog, @rushthicket, will continue for the foreseeable future since it requires virtually no engagement on my part and because this platform remains the best avenue for sharing my work.
i'm not writing this to burn bridges. tumblr has been my home on the web for over a decade and i do not regret the time i have spent here. i care about all of you very much. especially those of you who have stuck with me for several years.
if we're mutuals, i consider us friends and would love for those friendships to persist as i move into a new chapter of my life, but if you want to take this as an opportunity to part ways, i understand and i wish you the best.
for anyone who wishes to remain in touch, i will drop the link to my personal website in a few months.
see you all later!
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tempest-toss · 1 year
Custom !!! ask meme (Three Floras and some Teeth)
Based on polls, it's time to describe five characters voted by you! If you want more things like this (voted content), then don't hesitate to let me know!
tw: mention of death
There were two descriptors that summed up Dragonfruit well: Friendly, and loyal to a fault. When Dragonfruit joined, he honestly believed it was for a good cause. The earth needed protection, so surely a group by the name of the Flora Fighters would be perfect for that. By the time Dragnfruit realized the truth he was already too deep in.
During his time, he acted as one of the trainers, helping the members with their physical training so that they could be fit and perfect for their various missions. It was his one-on-one help with Yam that secured his status as one of his crushes. Yam lucked out, as Dragonfruit took the failure of Prague as a chance to turn himself in to the Foundation, which landed him a spot on the Eco-Friendlies MTF unit. If you ever seen a man with a reddish suit with a speckled tie, you probably have come across him.
One of the older members of the FF, Morel has consistently been conflicted with his involvement with the group. He was all for the early stunts of the group: Exposing violations, stealing gas cans, sabotaging environmental harm, and the like. His feelings soured once things took a more violent turn. After a near death of Madame Chrysanthemum, Morel became the head guard, leading the protection of the critical members, and personally guarding Madame Chrysanthemum and tutoring Uva.
A mission gon wrong landed him in prison, causing him to be used as a rallying point by Madame C to whip up the members into a frenzy. His imprisonment also meant he is one of the few members along with Magnolia and Dogwood to not be present at all for the Battle of Prague.
After being broken out, he resumed his position, as well as his role of being Yam's godfather. His involvement with Yam's life helped Yam recover from his abuse at the hands of Madame Chrysanthemum and helped Yam become stronger and more independent. It was Morel's involvement with Yam's life that helped push Yam into running away from the FF to Site 230.
Mega and Mini Mushroom
Brothers can be a handful, especially if one is a militant jock and the other is a web crawling hacker, and they both love video games. Mega and Mini Mushroom were some of the several sought out and recruited for the Flora Fighters, and one of the few caught between a GOI war, as the Neon Nightsticks also wanted to have them. This all was because of their anomalous abilities, with Mega able to grow in size and strength and Mini able to shrink himself down, allowing him to run on water and up walls. Add the fact they can grow digital-looking mushrooms that can temporarily give this ability to others and you have quite some players.
In the Flora Fighters, they were a soldier and strategist respectively. They were often paired together due to their skillset, and they demonstrated time and time again that they could easily swap positions on a dime (Mega acting as strategist and Mini as a soldier, although they preferred their usual roles). They were initially victims in the Battle of Prague, as Mega was smothered by smoke, and Mini was crushed by rubble.
However, things were not set in stone: They had a roommate named Pixel Matrix, who just so happened to be Agent Pixel of the MTF Unit Omicron-5. Pixel, who would later go by Ten, used the Emerald Blade scp to resurrect the brothers, who agreed to take this opportunity to leave the Flora Fighters and join the Eco-Friendlies. You can still see them today, and often they make trips to catch up with Ten, even if they're not technically supposed too.
Jawbone + W.T., Incisor, Molar, Canine
The Children of the Deep Woods love bones. They tend to share names with them too, such as the Femur guards, the Skull scholars, and the children Phalanges, but there's only one teethy person. Known by the name Jawbone, he acts as the fortune teller of the entire group, using his skills in reading teeth to predict everything from harvest to pests to surprise visits from the Great One, with scary accuracy. However, his body and more specifically his mind cannot always handle the intense magic needed, so the Great One blessed him with the ability to split into four individuals, each with their own memory and personalities.
W.T. (short for Wisdom Tooth) handles the prophecies. He is a pacifist, and would rather spend all his time seeking answers and a connection with the Great One than assisting in the labors of the group
Incisor is the fighter and is always looking for another meal to feast upon. With his carpal knuckleblades, he is always up for a challenge, and a taste test if you're offering.
Molar is a farmer at heart and is quite the peach. He is the most outgoing and nicest of the four, and is always ready to lend a hand. Despite his preaching for peace and love, he is quite unmerciful if successfully provoked. Don't cross him
Canine is the most loyal to, well, everyone. This makes him a bit slow to pick up on lies, and misdirections, but what he lacks he makes up for in zealous spirit and physical speed. The amount of heretics he's tracked down and brought back are astronomical!
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