x22vhxwcif · 1 year
Sexy natural big tit blonde teen amateur Alyssa fuck her pussy with a golden sex vibrator This Squirty Blonde Is Anal Queen Amateur White Milf Wife Sucks Black Cock At Glory Hole Kinky skank butt banged for cum in mouth Thick Phat Booty Riding Dick Two cute lesbian teen babes pleasing Each other Petite teen huge tits Russian Language Power Oral gostoso gozando na boca Watch how man is stuffing mouth, pussy and gazoo of sexy girl Black guy fucks teen Kendras tight pussy
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bunathebunny · 1 year
man i hate doing groupwork when i spent 4 hours writing 5 pages and the putting on the finishing touches to go to sleep at 11pm only to find out my groupmates having a whole "ok that is ok but how about doing it in this way because (reasons)" after 11pm :)
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fantasyrehammered · 8 months
Hi all! This is the blog for Fantasy Rehammered, my friend and I's little homebrew project tackling our own interpretations and ideas and thoughts regarding the Warhammer Fantasy setting. I don't know what to post yet (we're still figuring out what it is we're doing!) so I'll just give a look into some of the ideas we're working on/exploring/etc as we go.
Greenskins are now known primarily as "Verdants", for their floral nature (although the term Greenskin is still used derogatorily within the Empire). Verdants occupy an awkward position in the ecology of the Old World; because they were originally forged by the Ruinous Powers, they are resistant to the effects of corruption themselves, as the Chaos slides off their back like water off a duck...Right into the world around them. Despite this, Verdants rarely serve Chaos directly, and there are areas on the border provinces of the Empire where they maintain an uneasy peace with Men and the other Imperial Species.
Werbeasts, or beastmen, are shapeshifters cursed to live between the world of Men and the world of Beasts. Small communities of werbeasts who find balance and peace in their place are the source of many legends and stories of strange creatures lurking in the forests...
The Great Spiders of the deep forests of Reikland and beyond are fiercely intelligent, spiritual beings. Rumored to have originally been a kind of werbeast, in the modern era they host little to no traces of humanity within them, though they are friendly enough if one knows the proper courtesies. Many cohabitate with tribes of Forest Goblins, and some even deign to venture out into the wider world, traveling with the humanoid creatures for a time.
The Caregiver Class are those folk who tend to the intimate needs of others, from homemaking and pyschological comfort to sex work. Caregivers are often overlooked and hidden away, but they are foundational to society in most of the Old World.
Mutations and corruption may occur as part of the depredations of Chaos, but their victims aren't monsters--nor, truly, are they victims, without agency. Physical changes wrought by magic and Chaos in general have little power to warp a creature's soul or mind, beyond the trauma they may cause. Meanwhile, spiritual corruption hooks onto Man's pre-existing flaws, taking advantage of unchecked ego or unmet needs to begin twisting mortals towards the inescapable service of Chaos.
Overall, Rehammered attempts to make WFRP a little kinder and more optimistic, without negating the gritty and often hopeless universe that its characters find themselves in. We want to lean more on strange, fey forces and the moral necessity of acknowledging the Tyranny of God. Also, it's going to be a lot hornier, because we're both in agreement that hornier fantasy is usually better fantasy.
We're both pretty new to Warhammer Fantasy, and enthralled by what we've found, but we have our own thoughts and feelings on fantasy as a genre and love to make games our own. So this is that! Enjoy, or not, as you like :)
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writinginobscurity · 2 years
Obscure #NonfictionReviews “American Prometheus”
“American Prometheus″ by @Kaibird123 and Martin J. Sherwin (Part Two)
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What I don’t love about this book:
So this book won a Pulitzer Prize in biography in 2006—and that’s great, don’t get me wrong—but my complaint is for such an esteemed book, and it’s a great book, how is it the audiobook version is produced so poorly? 
The narrator isn’t totally to blame. He’s fine. But somewhere along the line, the editing got sloppy, and the sound levels are all over the place. In one sentence, it’ll sound like Jeff Cummings is right next to you. The next, he’ll sound like he’s across the room, and then right back next to you a heartbeat later. I get it’s an older audiobook, but—holy hell—it’s not like 2007 when the audiobook was released was the dark ages. For a ninety-five percent exclusive audiobook reader, it was beyond distracting for me.
My chief complaint about the content of this book is that the authors will state a point, share a quote, and then make sure to repeat it again. This typically happens at the beginning of one of their usually very long chapters—my feelings about that topic are well documented—and then rehammer that point or quote later in the chapter. It isn’t clever. It just adds to a whole circular repetitive feel to the whole book. You might have noticed I just did something similar with nearly every sentence in this paragraph, and it was annoying then too!
Want more? Get my full review here:
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buscemifan · 2 years
they keep rehammering the same points i do not care it’s soooo brownie points for no reason
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cithaerons · 4 years
local neighborhood discourse: absolutely convinced there’s a healthy grizzly population on the mountain across the river.
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r2danger2 · 3 years
You know what I love about Star Wars? No matter what happens and what new eras and characters get explored, we always come back to how bad the empire is. It's like every time Star Wars thinks we've forgotten, we get more enocide or forced labor or supremism, and welp I forgot how awful these guys are. The original trilogy just hammered it so hard into our heads that the empire are the bad guys, and it's never been contested, we just keep getting it rehammered in, the empire is bad. Nobody argues about it, it's just a fact. So brilliant
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sarapsys · 5 years
i spent a ton of time today working on comic pages but also rehammering the plot order, which had gotten out of control there for a while
heres a snippet of my very beautiful, organized, and color coded outline
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demonicsweaters · 7 years
Night Gallery was created in Octamed Pro 4, for the Amiga Computer on a Raspberry Pi running Amibian. The song was then copied to a Zoom PS-04 where I added live drums in real-time to recording this video. Equipment Used: Custom Tama Imperialstar, 20" 14" 12" 14s" Hairline Blue Finish 20" Paiste 505 Medium Ride 19" Paiste PST5 Rock Crash (rehammered) 15" Nuvader Medium Hi Hats 17" Kasza Dirty Bell Crash 16" (trash hats) Meinl MCS Trash Crash / 16" generic brass crash 8" Meinl MCS Bell 8" and 10" generic Rototoms Tama Iron Cobra Hi Hat stand Yamaha Snare Stand PDP double kick pedal with cannon felt beaters Ludwig flat base cymbal stands (crashes and ride) Vintage Olympic Hi Hat stand (trash hats) Head batters are all Attack Single Ply Medium Coated, except kick and snare which are Attack Single Ply Coated No Overtone. Bottom heads are all Tama Medium Clears. Mics used: Nady RSM-5 Ribbon mic (overhead) CAD KBM-412 (about 3 feet away from the kick) Sticks: Aquarian X-10 Graphite 5A drumsticks
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Nice to meetcha!
So, I think it’s fair to say that I’m more than a little awkward around new people. This has been rehammered into my head lately, as my job has my working in different branches quite frequently. It usually takes me a good 7 to 10 business days for me to start to feel comfortable in these new situations.
Now, that’s not to say I don’t like meeting new people, I genuinely do, I just never really learned how to...really...meet...them. I mean...how do you really start a conversation with a new person, keeping in mind that I like small talk about as much as being kicked in the mean bean machine (A little Sonic the Hedgehog reference for ya’ll)
A great way to alleviate this, is to have people PROPERLY introduce you to someone new. This may only work when you have a mutual acquaintance, but I cannot stress this enough. Especially for shy and introverted folk such as yours truly.
I am convinced that introverts and extroverts are two different species. From my experiences, and granted I admit it isn’t (I mean it CAN’T) always like this. But when I’m in a new social environment with a more outgoing friend, or in a new work environment with outgoing people, they just...don’t introduce me to these new people.
I am a scared little turtle! You can’t throw me into a pen with dingo dogs and expect me to know what the hell to do. Chances are I’ll revert into my shell and make angry turtle noises, as I have been known to do.
I’m not saying that we need to have our hands help until they become fused together, but just help us out. Meeting new people is both exciting and bowel-emptyingly terrifying. Don’t just throw us into the deep end of the pool with weights tied to our legs. *insert other over the top analogy here (because i don’t have enough already)*
What sucks the most, is that usually, after the initial window of opportunity passes, I have no idea how to actually idea how to introduce myself to someone. Like..if I’m at a new branch for work, and we see each other a few times, maybe pass by, but neither says anything...after a few of these pass bys, doesn’t it just feel kind of awkward? “I know I’ve been around you for the past 54 minutes, but let me know awkwardly tell you who I am.”
I know it seems easy to many people, but remember that we are all different. This is where empathy is super important. 
I have about a million sad anecdotes related to this topic, but I’ll spare you all the second hand embarrassment of my awkwardness. Here’s hoping that future introductions go as smoothly as possible.
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cassio-jp-silva · 7 years
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E ela me falou que o nome dela é Regina. O mesmo nome de minha mãe. Eu parei e olhei novamente para o #olho que eu tinha acabado de fotografar. Fiz uma pequena força para não chorar ao lembrar da minha Regina. Obrigado pela foto @rehammes! (em Redenção - Parque Farroupilha)
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