#really enjoyed jotaro in part 4
cyphyree · 2 years
Jotaro in DIU, please?
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former Stardust Crusader, fulltime Ocean Man ☆
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spicyicetea · 3 months
Hii!! I’m currently back in my jjba phase (specifically part 4) and I was wondering if you could do relationship headcanons with Josuke? If not then you can totally ignore this!! Hope you have a great day/nice :D
Hello new Anon. You my friend has impeccable taste. Josuke is my baby girl and I adore him. You didn’t specify what the reader she be like so I took some liberties and made them a stand user, I just think it’s neat.
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Look at my pouty boy. I love him.
Josuke relationships headcannons
This man wears his heart in his sleeve and I love him for it.
He’s not one to shy away from talking to people if he really wants to, but I feel like you probably met him through Koichi. Either a childhood friend or you met in class but it wasn’t hard for you to befriend him. One afternoon after some studying together he took you with him to a cafe to grab some food and that’s where Okuyasu and Josuke bombarded him at the table. And that’s when they met you.
He loved sitting beside you at the cafe as you finished your food before begrudgingly saying goodbye to everyone and heading home. He’d never admit it, but he wish you wouldn’t have left, give him a chance to get to know you at least! Oh well.
But then, you bumped into him again, running from some trouble. Just like him you were a stand user, so it wasn’t uncommon to get in trouble for things that weren’t your fault. Your stand had a bit of a mind of its own so often got you into trouble.
After that day, when he met your stand, you two became very close. If your stand is strong then he introduces you to Jotaro, bragging about how he’s his nephew and that he always asks him for help with his work. Cut to him begging Jotaro for you to join them constantly.
Anyways, onto more relationship based headcannons.
My man loves it when you play video games with him. When you come over to study he usually tries to distract you to get you to join him and play but please make him study. His mom would appreciate you motivating him to study.
After the studying is done, he loves sitting back and watching a movie with you, wrapping his arms around you and not letting go.
He loves to kiss your forehead whenever you meet up for the first time each day. He’s a very affectionate person, most definitely getting you flowers every Valentine’s Day, chocolates are unavoidable as well. Don’t reject his love he’ll probably cry once he’s alone.
Yours and his stand are often seen holding hands, just like you do with him. It’s especially funny to the rest of your friends when your stand is crushed in his hugs and you sort of just keel over wherever you’re stood. Even Josuke thinks it’s funny but then remembers it probably hurts and tries to help you.
All in all he’s a 10/10 boyfriend.
Sorry this one took so long. I’ve been feeling very unwell recently and be stressed with college. Anyways hope you enjoy what I have here Anon.
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sovereignjojoz · 1 year
hi! i really enjoyed your headcanons about the Bucci gang and reader with a scary but nice Stand. would it be okay if i request that same thing for Josuke, Okuyasu, Rohan, and Jotaro? :D
Scary but sweet stand: part 4 edition.
Pairings: Josuke x reader, Okuyasu x reader, Rohan x reader + Jotaro x reader
Notes - I’m so sorry this request took so long anon! I’ve had writers block for a while. Hope you like it🤍
Higashikata Josuke
He jumped back and covered his eyes, your stand literally looked like something out of his nightmares.
Unfiltered, he blurted out, “the heck is that thing!”
If you become saddened by his reaction, he immediately changes his tune and puts on a lopsided grin (as best he can), he doesn’t wanna make his s/o sad.
But even so for the first few times he meets your stand he’s going to keep his distance until he gets over his wariness.
But believe you me once he’s over it there’s no separating him and your stand, like when it hovers over him he’ll become a chatterbox even though the stand can’t verbally response.
“I know! But then you won’t believe what Okuyasu did next, the idiot-”
He might punch someone if they insult your stand.
And I can’t get it out of my head that crazy diamond would love to play fight with your stand all the time.
And chase your stand around too.
Definitely has tried to play fight your stand.
Honestly your stand definitely squished cd’s cheeks in a scolding manner at some point, it’s just obsessed.
Oh, and if it wasn’t obvious before if you ever get injured the first one by your side is cd, ready to heal you.
Nijimura Okuyasu
Initial reaction: run.
He doesn’t mean to! It’s just he’s never seen a stand of the sought and he didn’t know to react so his first reaction was flight.
He definitely ran straight to Josuke’s house and Josuke gave him a look like: wtf is up with you.
After he apologises and depending on how mad you are he might take you to Tonio’s as an apology.
But when he finally warms up to your stand, he really warms up to your stand.
Like almost to the level that they’re inseparable.
He’ll use the hand to erase the distance between you guys if he thinks your too far away.
And he likes to try and scare your stand too to see the reaction it will bring out.
Probably tries to prank it too like by throwing water on it only to get scared after it reacts.
Tried to hug it a ton.
Honestly just a new bestie for him.
Kishibe Rohan
When he first met your stand, he couldn’t really hide his emotions very well.
His throat constricted and he let out a strangled gasp, just taking a long look between you and it.
He really didn’t understand, you were muse like material so what was that! Why did you manifest such a stand.
He doesn’t really sugarcoat so he might be a bit blunt!
He loves you, but not your stand (at first) so when it tries to come into contact with him he’ll dodge.
After a while though he see’s it’s not that bad and best believe if his actions are making you sad he’ll stop his diva-ish act.
He’ll pat it’s head and stuff and say thank you for all the additional acts it does.
I feel like an activity he’d like to do with your stand is clean for some reason, he likes that it’s silent and gets the job done (better than you too, he might even tell ya that!)
He loves drawing you however every one word in a while he might draw your stand too, sometimes when he thinks fondly of it, or to get character inspo since it’s so unique looking.
other times he’ll just leave a drawing around the house of it and notices how your stand jumps for joy.
Overall he does quite like your stand, but he likes you more.
Jotaro Kujo
He grimaces. Hard.
But he tries to keep a straight face and a neutral reaction as best he can, he’s seen weird stands before but yours is something he never would have even thought of.
Star platinum on the other hand mirrors his true expression.
He’s gonna act like your stand doesn’t exist for a good while as a result until your stand starts doing nice little things for him like readjusting his hat.
He’ll still act unbothered however he might give a nod of appreciation.
However one day your stand wasn’t how wrong around him like usual and immediately he noticed something was off.
He supposed he had gotten rather used to your stand assisting him he hadn’t truly approached it’s value.
Definitely see’s that your stands value in battle which makes him come to like it a lot more.
So the next time your stand was there he pat it’s back in an effort to show his appreciation.
Honestly though your stand just looks to star platinum to see his feelings and is quite pleasantly surprised to see they’re mostly positive.
Oh! And your stand most definitely plays catch with star when there’s time.
And probably also plays with it’s hair.
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worldsetfree · 4 months
Tarot Readings: The Star (Part 4)
There's so much I want to write for 4taro headcanons... Hard to cut it down to something digestible. Enjoy?
He got married, had a daughter, and is working on his PhD. Man needs sleep. And a cigarette.
Quit smoking when Jolyne was born.
Keeps a photo of her in his wallet. Refuses to discuss anything about her with the residents of Morioh. Man's here for business.
Kujo Jotaro wants to live a quiet life. Yet here he is once again, putting himself in harm's way for some stupid shit his grandfather roped him into. Swears he would have left his old man to his own devices if not for the Stands.
Really needs that cigarette.
Warms up to Josuke over time, but still thinks he's a weirdo.
Finds their whole family situation uncomfortable to deal with. Decides it's not his problem, lets Josuke come to him if he wants to foster that relationship.
Per him, bringing Josuke with him to hunt those rats was a tactical decision, and not uncle-nephew bonding time.
(Look, he's still not the most emotionally self-aware, okay?)
In general, he's actually pretty impressed with Josuke. Thinks the kid is handling this situation a lot better than he would have at that age.
Okuyasu, however, is on thin ice (he's not aware of it).
Jotaro respects the teen's heart, but his soul left his body when Yoshihiro Kira escaped with the fucking arrow. Good grief he just wants to go home.
At least there's ✨️Koichi✨️, though.
Jotaro appreciates how respectful the little guy is. He isn't aware that it's because Koichi is super intimidated by him.
Seriously though, he was surprised that he lived woke up after getting blown up by Sheer Heart Attack. That's the moment when Koichi earns his eternal gratitude.
He'll have the Speedwagon Foundation offer him a job when the time is right.
Overall, he's pretty mid about the kids but at least they're not too nosey.
Unlike a certain mangaka who ended up needing to extend their hiatus after trying to use Heaven's Door on Jotaro.
I really wish we got a chapter on these two meeting each other! I'm sure it was an absolute disaster for Rohan.
Jotaro thinks his grandfather joining him in Morioh was a bad idea, but he had no choice.
Joseph was very upset that his request to fly into Morioh in a helicopter or a propeller plane was pre-emptively and unequivocally shut down.
"You won't survive a fifth plane crash, old man."
Visits his parents at least twice while he's in Japan. The experience is the most healing thing for his soul in years. Holy's cooking still hits.
Jotaro is a little bit upset that this Twin Peaks detective adventure is not as fun as he hoped it would be. Hunting 2 serial killers with Stands is terrifying.
Overall, 7/10 he's never taking Jolyne to this town but at least there's no vampires this time?? Bonus points for the starfish.
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duhragonball · 1 month
JoJolion ch.1
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What the--? Part 8? 🪨🍊🍋🍟📱🫧🇯🇵⚕️🏥⚓🪴🤬🦭
So I got into Jojo's Bizarre Adventure in the fall of 2016. I was looking for new anime recommendations, and that one came up, and I eventually got hooked on it. I had a little trouble getting into it at first, so I started posting at least one screencap from each episode to mark my progress. This eventually morphed into a full-on liveblog as I found it harder to keep track of the plot. In 2017, the anime adaptation only went up to Part 4, so I switched over to the manga scanlations. Then I got to Part 8, JoJolion, which was still in-progress.
It was through JoJo's Bizarre Adventure that I hammered out the liveblogging style I use today. So I've never been entirely satisfied with my coverage from 2017. The scanlations of Part 5 were really crappy back then, and so I went back and did it again a year later. I'd occasionally check in with JoJolion to cover the new chapters that had come out, but the story seemed to have no end in sight.
Around that time, @onegamer2envythemall asked me if I'd ever go back and do JoJolion once it was finished and colorized, but that seemed pointless to me at the time. Part 8 felt like it was endless and it was difficult to keep up with the plot when it was being dispensed one chapter per month. I enjoyed the first 66 chapters well enough, because I had the convenience of being able to read them all in a few weeks' time. As it turned out, there were another 44 chapters to go, and when it finally wrapped up in 2021 I wasn't in much of a mood to revisit it.
(This is also why I haven't bothered reading Part 9, JoJoLands. I'm sure it's good, but it's only 14 chapters into the story, and that's barely a prologue by the standards of modern JJBA. It might take Araki a decade to finish Part 9, and I don't think I want to read it until it's done.)
Buuuuuut, I never liked leaving loose ends. I always wanted to finish the liveblog of Part 8, but I also felt like it would be more rewarding to just start over. And that's been an urge in the back of my mind for a while now, and I decided to take care of that now, in May 2024. So if any of you were hoping for this, your wish has been granted.
We'll start off with just chapter 1, since I want to go over some background stuff too while the manga introduces itself. C'mon, let's go.
If you're new to all this, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a long-running manga series by Hirohiko Araki. Unlike most popular shonen titles, JJBA doesn't stick to a single protagonist. The first storyline ended with the death of the main character, Jonathan Joestar. Then things continued fifty years later with his grandson, Joseph Joestar. Part 3 featured an older Joseph teaming up with his own grandson, Jotaro Kujo. And so on.
The JoJo Parts generally work pretty well as standalone stories, although there is a shared continuity among them. Part 4 doesn't require you to have read Parts 1-3, but there are characters and lore from those arcs that show up in Part 4. Still, everything is explained pretty well so that new readers can follow along.
Beginning with Part 7, Araki did a sort of "reboot", jumping back to Jonathan Joestar's era but with a different story. In Part 7, "Johnny Joestar is basically an alternate version of Part 1 Jonathan. Instead of getting a degree in archaeology at Hugh Hudson Academy, he grew up in Kentucky and became a successful jockey.
Part 8 is a direct sequel to Part 7, although there's about 120 years between them, so there's not a lot that ties them together. Here's the quick and dirty version of Part 7: Johnny Joestar participates in the "Steel Ball Run", a transcontinental race from San Diego to New York City. But the race is a cover for the main villain to recover the "Saint Corpse", a supernatural relic capable of altering the fortunes of whoever possesses it. During the race, Johnny acquires two unusual powers. His Stand is a manifestation of his own phsyche, while "Spin" is a powerful technique he learns while racing alongside his mentor and friend, Gyro Zeppeli. Johnny loses the race, but he does manage to keep the Saint Corpse out of the wrong hands, with help from Lucy Steele, the wife of the race's organizer. Also, a very minor character named Norisuke Higashikata managed to get second place, and Part 7 ends with Johnny joining him on a boat ride to Europe.
I think that brings us up to speed, so let's get on with this thing.
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Not much happens in Chapter 1, except for the two main characters meeting each other for the first time. We start with Yasuho Hirose, a 19 year old college student, living in Morioh, Japan.
The first time I read JoJolion, I didn't understand this introduction to Yasuho's character, but now it seems really obvious. She debuts in the first panel, trying to make a decision. She's already hiding from a boy named Joshuu Higashikata, whom she kissed once, and now he thinks they're lovers. Yasuho is creeped out by Joshuu, and rightfully so, but she isn't sure if it's worth actively hiding just to avoid him.
And this is what Yasuho's all about. She's very thorough about analyzing her options, but she's also rather indecisive. That's not to say she can't make decisions, but she takes a little too long to make them. In this case, she's already hiding, but she's still trying to figure out if that's the right call.
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Then she notices a man half-buried in the ground nearby. As she considers this, she reflects on recent events in Morioh. On March 11, 2011, an earthquake hit Japan. This was a real-world event that Araki worked into the fictional events of JoJolion. The fictional town of Morioh was spared the worst of the Tohoku earthquake, and the tsunami that followed it, but the quake did somehow cause a series of "protuberances" to rise up out of the ground.
I've never completely understood what these are supposed to be. The local schoolchildren in Morioh called this the "Wall Eyes", probably in reference to the round holes in the sides, which sort of look like creepy eyes on a giant face. In practical terms it just makes things difficult for the city, as roads and other infrastructure are cut where the Wall Eyes cross. Essentially, the Wall Eyes formed a ridge between the main city of Morioh and the outlying properties along the Pacific coastline.
Is this a thing that can actually happen in real-world earthquakes? I could buy it, since I know sinkholes are thing, and this just seems like the opposite of that. The bigger issue is that I don't understand why the Wall Eyes matter to this story. It's one of the things that I kind of lost track of on my first reading, and I'm trying to keep tabs on it this time around.
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For now, the Wall Eyes are only relevant because Yasuho is near one of them when she discovers this guy half-buried at the base of one of them. So now she's faced with another dilemma: Should she help him or not? She hesitates, worrying that he might have a contagious disease, or that he might assault her. Then she notices the bite-shaped wound between his neck and left shoulder, and she calls for help.
The phone call itself is kind of telling, as Yasuho tried to phone the police but somehow dialed the fire department instead. It doesn't matter to her, but it does foreshadow some developments later on. Also, as Yasuho explains the situation to the fire department, she says her name, which is the first time the guy hears it. She might have been reluctant to identify herself in front of him, but the die is cast. She wanted to call for help, but she can't do it anonymously.
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Yasuho might have been satisfied with this course of action, helping the man without physically interacting with him, but then he starts to sink into the shallow water pooled around him. So she has to grab him to keep him from being pulled into some hole beneath the Wall Eye. Even as she commits to it, she wonders if she's doing the right thing, but she still hauls him out of danger.
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Then, only after the immediate danger is resolved, does Joshuu happen to come by. For a while there, Yasuho had considered calling him over to help, but he was gone, and now he's here. He sees Yasuho lying beside a nude stranger and goes batshit. He thinks he and Yasuho are a couple, and he's so overcome with jealous rage that he picks up a big rock and threatens to kill the stranger and then himself.
Let's make this clear up front: Joshuu sucks. He's the worst. Not just because he's a creep, or because of his stupid looking haircut and clip-on bowtie. No, he also sucks because he's incapable of rational thought. One minute he's weighing fish sausages to see if the manufacturer has swindled him, and the next minute he's trying to kill everything with a rock. He's like the Incredible Hulk with Bruce Banner's body. No, even the Hulk isn't this much of an idiot. I'm sorry, Hulk. I shouldn't have said that.
In case you might be thinking Joshuu actually has genuine feelings towards Yasuho, let me assure you that he does not. When she tries to explain what's happening here, he just shoves her aside so he can focus on the truly important business of random violence.
But the naked man defeats him with ease. Not so much for his own sake, but because he saw Joshuu shove Yasuho away. A mysterious bubble floats up from his body and when it his Joshuu, he suddenly goes blind, and can't line up a good strike with his rock. Our nude hero then punches Joshuu in the gut, causing him to vomit.
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The authorities soon arrive to get the naked man to a hospital, and as Yasuho watches them leave, she wonders about his bubble power, and how he ended up in the ground. But mostly, she wonders about his gentials, which she saw while she was saving him. He has four testicles, and Yasuho doesn't know how that can be, or whether she should report this to anyone....
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turtle-bun · 9 months
Parallel Lines AU (TMNT X Usagi Yojimbo)
ok ok ok I woke up this morning before work in a cold sweat cuz this shit suddenly popped into my head. Okay so basics; No. 1 All Usagi's are related and from the same universe. No. 2 Time moves weird between dimensions which is how we get this AU of which I'm calling Parallel Lines. Aka inter dimensional travel + the fixed point in time continuity of Usagi's world never lets the Bunny and Turtle boi be together for long. Aka generational gay longing AU.
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So firstly I'm sort of splitting up the personality of Comic Usagi with 87 Usagi and 03 Usagi, though mainly its 03. So as seen on the chart 87 Usagi would be 03 Usagi's grandpa. He and 87 Leo became real close during his time in New York, like really really close, but unfortunately had to part ways in the end. Everybody noticed how different 87 Usagi was after his inter dimensional trip, a lingering sadness always present under a bold faced mask. As a child 03 Usagi always wondered about the ever present sadness in his grandpa's eyes. Then years later 03 Usagi joins the Battle Nexus and meets 03 Leo. At first its easy to stay in touch through dimensional portals and letters sent through them. Then the weird time shit starts happening, i.e. they notice that time moves a LOT slower in 03 Leo's dimension. Months between letters and visits turn into years for Usagi and the pain of essentially growing up separately leads them to drift apart. Leo still sends letters sometimes though he as no idea WHEN in time Usagi will receive it. Usagi cherishes each letter with all his heart. He now understood the deep sadness that lingered within his grandfather's heart was actually longing. Along all this Jotaro is born and grows and trains with Usagi's old master. And though their relationship is "complicated" they care deeply for each other as only father and son can and the loneliness 03 Usagi feels hurts a little less. He's is traveling with Usagi when Jei attacks the village and they need to transport Kintaro to the sacred temple. Then the Turtles attack, brainwashed, Usagi and Jotaro are able to snap them out of it and Usagi's heart soars as it did in his youth if only for just a moment. This Leo (2012) is different from his Leo (03) but he is also very similar as well and it hurts. It hurts to see an echoe of the man you onced loved, both young and heavy with the weight of responsibility of being leader, just as he had been. And it was bittersweet to see that same connection that had once been between them now find itself present in Jotaro and 12 Leo. He knew what the ending of this would be when the journey was over and as much as he wanted to save his son from the pain of it all he could not bare to get between them if it wasn't yet time to part. Jotaro has never met a person quite like 12 Leo, just as headstrong and passionate as well as a bit of a dork. Leo told Jotaro all about his adventures, both on earth and beyond the stars, and in turn Jotaro told Leo about his own life and adventures as a samurai in training. They could talk for hours without getting bored or just sit in silence watching the stars just enjoy the presence of each other. When they parted Jotaro felt a piece of himself leave along with Leo as well, worlds away and never to meet again. It reminded him of his father, of days where he was quiet and looked along the horizon looking for something. Something that now Jotaro will now be looking for, for the rest of his life as well. All is quiet for many years after, until Yuichi is introduced. I haven't seen Samurai Rabbit yet but its on my list of shit to do. But especially it would be Gay Longing Pt 4 with the same end result UNTIL....
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We get to our MM Turtles where finally FINALLY Leo and Usagi are in the same universe. But idk if I should wait until the new show comes out incase they do another Usagi crossover or say fuck it and make up my own OC and time line after I watch Samurai Rabbit? Pls feel free to suggest, add, or comment on this mess of gobbledygook as I wrote this all down half asleep and during my work lunch break 😅
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
Had this thought for a while, thought you might enjoy.
AU where, at the end of Stardust Crusaders, when Joseph gets the transfusion with DIO's blood, he actually becomes a vampire himself. Joseph would probably be around for Part 4, aside from any technical sunlight difficulties. Might make it easier when the person who's stand can literally find people is actually aware enough to understand what it means.
It could also be pretty angsty for Jotaro, who literally just accidentally turned his grandpa into the same kind of being that just killed him, and by extension, nearly killed his mom.
sjefncjsbejs you know if I had a nickel for every Vampiric (Character) AU I'd now have four(five?) nickels-
You're right in how Jotaro's going to feel absolutely awful about it, and Joseph's age is really just going to make it so much worst. Joseph's old, he's lived his life and he was happy with it. He had regrets yes, but he was content to live out the rest of his days in peace
but this throws a huge wrench in those plans. The whole reason he stopped practicing Hamon was so he could grow old alongside his wife, but now age is essentially meaningless. The fact he can still die is a bit comforting, but it weighs on him that unless there's a fight that goes wrong, he's going to have to make the choice to stop living and that's terrifying
now, while vampire aging seems to stagnate upon being turned, we've also seen that vampires are able to rejuvenate themselves when they drink blood. So when Joseph eats, there's a pretty likely chance that by the time Part 4 looks around, he could look like he did in his 20s, and that's just going to eat at him even more. It's definitely going to give a lot of people whiplash at how wise and collected he can be despite looking like someone not even out of college
things with Josuke are going to be......a bit awkward, especially since Joseph looks barely a few years older than he is, but Hermit Purple is going to be very helpful with Joseph essentially in his prime. Hell, Jotaro and Joseph might even slightly swap roles with Joseph being the one to show up first in town and then Jotaro being called in when they realize this is a bit more than Joseph can handle by himself
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abysshare · 4 months
Fuck it we ball. I'll tell you what jjba characters smell and taste like (/nsx, i mean Synesthesia ). 1/???
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Okay so. Og anime Polnareff tastes like Snow and Metal (Silver Chariot tastes straight up like Metal). However OVA Polnareff tastes like Mozzarella or Alfredo sauce. Its not bad but its not great. Also both severely smell like hair spray get him out of here. 6/10
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Jotaro smells like ocean + salt water. Sometimes a bit of smoke but like.. in a good way not in a gross way ( but then again i enjoy smokey smells ). Tastes like salt water taffy. 8/10
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Dio is complicated because part 3 absolutely tastes like lime and orange / citruses. Smells like that too. But part 1 smells like vanilla and warm wood and tastes like rose. So. 6/10 for part 3, 4/10 for part 1.
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Joseph Joestar.. um!!! This one is a little harder. Part 2 Joseph tastes. Sweaty tbh. But he smells like Vanilla also. Part 4 smells and tastes like those. Hard carmels. Part 3 doesn't really have a taste or smell to me? Kind of like a (good) musk smell perhaps. 5/10.
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Hol Horse. Smells like grass/outdoors and tastes like chocolate chip cookies. I'm not sure why. But he does. 8/10.
Thats all I'll do for now bc it does take some concentrating for me
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caitie-likes-talking · 11 months
Part 4 Critique: Everything I'd Change
I love DIU..however, I consider it one of the post flawed of the JJBA Parts. Honestly, I feel like Araki didn't fully know where he was going with it til halfway, which is why the plot can be so janky. No matter what, let's dive into it. First, characters.
(also quick disclaimer: this is all my opinion and i am biased for MANY things.)
if u diagree w me dont tell me i think it would crush me
Characters [Josuke, Jotaro, Okuyasu, Kira]
Josuke Higashikata
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I LOVE Josuke. I think he's a lovely character concept and his design is really cool. My main problem with him is literally his LACK of screen time!! He is the Jojo of this part, yet his spotlight is constantly stolen by other side characters like Koichi, Rohan, and even Jotaro. This also happened a lot in Part 3, with it basically being the Polnareff show (idk why Araki did this sm in pts3-5...either let the mc have screen time or don't have them be the mc!!)
I think Josuke had some of the most missed opportunities in DIU. Especially with his relationships with other characters. I think this part could've been way more interesting if it chose a solid theme, and one that I think would've made sense is commentating on death & tragedy and how that can impact personal relationships. The reason I believe this is because there's already easy set ups for this in the story. Ryohei's death, The Nijimura Brother's family, Reimi, Shigechi, and Jotaro all have that theme in place, but not enough connecting points or real arcs related to this. What was the point of killing off Ryohei (who was the only father figure Josuke had growing up) if you're not going to show how this impacted Josuke, Tomoko, and how he acts with others besides one single page? Sure, it taught him that his powers have limits and that he can't save everyone, but that was a stupid thing to teach him because Okuyasu doesn't fucking die when he should've!! Like why did we make an arc saying 'hey stands aren't magic they can't bring ppl back to life' just for EXACTLY THAT to happen??
Moving on, I also have problems with his stand. I LOVE Crazy Diamond, I think it has a super cool design and power concept, but personally I wish it's powers were more grounded and had clear limits. I feel like a lot of stands suffer from this treatment of vague power limits (ex: Golden Wind..) but my problem with CD is that there were MANY opportunities to add one! For example: we know Josuke couldn't bring back Ryohei even after using his stand on him. So that bears the question: what can CD not fix? What is the real reason it can't bring a dead person back to life? Jotaro says "No stand has the power to bring back the dead" WHY?? am i missing something? Have I forgotten when it was officially established that stands cant do that? I mean, literally in part 3 there was a stand that could reanimate corpses. So does it have to do with the soul? No matter what, I would've used this moment to establish that CD can't bring back ANY living thing. I actually wrote a short fic abt this and included the fact that he also couldn't "fix" a dead leaf. I feel like overall his stand needed more grounding.
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Also, I have beef with Josuke's backstory, but I'll get into that later.
Jotaro Kujo
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Ok firstly, I have MAJOR beef with his design in part 4. Mainly the fact that he's drawn extremely pale in the anime. Like..obviously he COULD be pale as he is wasian (im not trying to say all wasian ppl look the same), but he is TAN in part 3. Why did they take that away?? Pisses me off to the extreme. At least they fixed it in p5+6. Anyways..
Character wise, I really enjoy Jotaro's personality in p4. I like how he's mellowed out in comparison to p3. However, I feel like he needed a more clear role in the story. He showed up to figure out grandpappy's shit, and then took the leader role when facing Kira. Why don't I like this? Because most of the time Jotaro was just..there. I think Araki wanted him and Josuke to have a mentor/student relationship (ex: rat episode) but just didn't focus enough on them or Josuke training with his stand for this to work.
Also, the fact that it took Jotaro so fucking long to figure out who Kira is WITH the help of all those other stand users is so goofy. Like him and the gang back in '89 found Dio's ass from a goddamn microscopic fly in a photo but couldn't find Kira's identity?? Like ugh he almost redeemed himself with the button thing but then he got blown up like gosh what happened king
When it comes to stands, I forever find it stupid that Jotaro didn't work with his stand to become more powerful. Araki just had to nerf him (which is something he does with most reoccurring characters, ex: Joseph). I don't like it and it pisses me off.
With the death of Ryohei, I feel like it would've made more sense for Jotaro to somewhat open up to Josuke and be a bit more sympathetic towards him about it (or maybe he stays closed off until Josuke explodes, causing Jotaro to reveal the truth about his past.) Either way, I think the two of them could've bonded over shared grief.
Okuyasu Nijimura
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I absolutely ADORE Okuyasu. I think his dynamic with Josuke is really fun to watch and his personality is just overall super enjoyable.
Stand wise I do think Araki slightly nerfed him by making him dumb as fucking rocks, but I let this slide a little more just bc he's a side character..
I honestly think Okuyasu has the best character arc out of the whole part 4 cast. I think he definitely deserved more screen time, but what we got was really solid in my opinion. His relationship with his brother was well developed and it was really interesting to see how it still affected him even after his brother's death. The way he felt a need to get revenge for his brother and still felt like he wasn't enough really hit me in the gut. I love him.
When it comes to Okuyasu's "death" I have very mixed opinions. On the one hand, ofc the goat of part 4 survived. On the other hand, I feel like him surviving goes directly against the idea we've been given since the beginning. You can't save everyone. And on the one hand, I enjoy the subverting of expectations. On the other hand, I don't like how it's still just never fully explained. I guess in JJBA as long as your soul doesn't feel like dying yet, you won't. I wish we saw Okuyasu actually speaking to his brother when he "died" however. I find him and Keicho's relationship really gut-punching and that would've been a fire scene imo.
I have more to say on him, his dad, Keicho, and the arrow, but I'll save that for when I'm talking about the plot.
Yoshikage Kira
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I find Kira to be a really interesting villain. I really enjoyed every moment we got going deeper into his psychology and it's something I really wish we got to see more of. I enjoy his sleek design and he's fine asf tbh.
Im not gonna give commentary on his stand rn bc honestly i dont fully remember how that shit worked by the time he was using the arrow
Character wise I just really wish he was established as the main villain sooner. The build up and hints dropped about him were so addictive, so it's disappointing that they're only there a little before his full introduction.
The psychology of Kira is something I really liked. The way he truly believes he's never really done anything wrong and only wanting to live a peaceful life is something I wish was even more looked into. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but from my memory, in the manga Kira's whole thing with his nails growing quicker when stressed/when his need to kill is getting too strong was only psychological. At least, I don't remember them growing the same way it's shown in the anime. I think this would've been something really interesting to deep dive into. The fact that he believes his nails grow when his need to kill is really high is really intriguing and the overall connection between hands and his killings are something I wanted to be fully developed more. I know it was kind of just a weird ass fetish but like..that's interesting!! this is interesting!!
I'll probably make an individual post to talk more abt him.
Where do I even begin. The plot of part 4 is all over the place. I loved many episodes, and I enjoyed when it leaned more into the slice of life style, but why the fuck where there like 3 seperate plots? Honestly, cut out Anjuro. His whole plot shit was annoying as hell. Didn't care for him.
Akira's entire plot pissed me off. I only like this arc because of Okuyasu. Overall I found there to be a lot of plot holes and just annoying parts. Everything til Kira was like this for me. Like get to the REAL plot please.
The arrow annoyed me. I've never wanted to rip my hair out more than when Kira's dad got a hold of it. He was SO GODDAMN ANNOYING. I like the concept of Kira using the arrow to get allies or ways to cover up his plot, but most of the stand users that came out of this were annoying and Kira's dad was insufferable in the worst way possible.
I think something I wish was more covered by the plot is the aftermath of Part 3 and Dio in general. This is something that CDDH (best jojo spinoff) covers really nicely, however. Go read it.
I also just in general think more should've been done w Okuyasu's dad, as he is a direct aftermath of Dio.
I feel like a lot of the women in Part 4 were set up to have strong, actually plot-influencing roles, but then were totally side-lined. I'm going to make a full post abt this tho.
Reimi being connected to Rohan never made sense to me. Just narratively speaking, why did you connect the main motivation for catching Kira to a side antagonist instead of the main character? This is slightly fueled by my hate for Rohan but like, c'mon! I think it would've made more sense to 1. just not include Rohan so fucking much and 2. connect Reimi to Josuke's past.
Speaking of Josuke's past, I feel like it just..needed more. Or at least, I think something needed to be done with the boy who saved him. I can appreciate the idea of it connecting to a theme of the general kindness of strangers, but you don't see that theme pop up as much in the rest of the plot. Also, I again would've connected Reimi to Josuke because WHY ISN’T SHE CONNECTED TO THE MAIN CHARACTER OH MY GOD
Overall tho I like the vibes of part 4, i really enjoyed different arcs and characters, and I just wish Araki got more time to flesh everything out and refocus on certain themes and characters.
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sebastianthemadlad · 6 months
A really dumb thought that's been plaguing my mind all day
So despite me being a guy I grew up with my little pony (generation 4) and I actually still have a lot of love for the show, I wouldn't say I'm a downright brony but I enjoy rewatching the episodes (and I also hate the new generation 5 and I wish Equestria girls got an ending)
If you've seen my profile you know I'm also a fan of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. My favourite part being Stardust Crusaders.
Now in the MLP fandom, there were a lot of very violent and gorey fan content made about it, fanfiction, fanart, fan animations, etc. I fortunately didn't see anything too violent as a kid but I do remember seeing a lot of f*tish stuff.
Anyways so there was this particular MLP fan animation called 'Smile HD' that many MLP g4 fans saw as kids (thankfully I didn't) and I watched it for the first time a few days ago. It's basically about Pinkie Pie massacring the main 6 and then blowing up the universe, it's very graphic and has a lot of blood but since it was cartoony I honestly wasn't really phased by it.
And this wasn't the first fan animation/story where Pinkie Pie went absolutely insane, there were many before that, such as cupcakes HD (made by the same person who made Smile HD I think) where she kidnaps Rainbow Dash, cuts her open and then makes her organs into cupcakes.
Now me and my friends who are JoJo fans have this inside joke that Kakyoin is very... Psychotic. As you can tell Pinkie Pie was also the "psychotic" inside joke in the MLP fandom.
Then I was thinking... Wait a minute... What if Smile HD happened in the JoJo's universe but instead of it being Pinkie Pie it was Kakyoin?
I have a very dark sense of humour, so the thought of Kakyoin killing the other crusaders and then blowing up the whole world was kind of funny.
So Kakyoin would be Pinkie Pie, Avdol would be Apple Jack (because they both die in similar ways), Polnareff would be Rainbow Dash because why not, Joseph would be Rarity, Fluttershy would be Jotaro because near the end where Fluttershy tries to fight back reminded me of Star Platinums ora ora thing.
Who would be Twilight though? If you haven't watched Smile HD Twilight is the first to die when Pinkie Pie runs up to her and kicks her in the head so hard she is decapitated. At first I thought "hmm, since Jotaro was the MC he should also be the MC in the MLP universe" but then I remembered Fluttershy and her star platinum-type punches and I couldn't refuse that.
"what about Iggy?" You're probably asking. Well since there are 6 crusaders and 6 main my little ponies, it wouldn't be hard doing this... At least for someone who isn't like me.
You see I do not like animal cruelty to any extent, it breaks my heart, even if it's fictional it's hard for me to watch, when Iggy died in the actual anime that was already pushing it for me, so the thought of Kakyoin hurting Iggy like that doesn't sit right with me. And also I don't think Kakyoin (even in his evil psychotic pinkie pie mode) would stoop down to hurting a cute dog.
Since Hol Horse was originally supposed to join the Stardust Crusaders, I have declared him Twilight Sparkle in the smile HD x JoJo's crossover.
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yerpenachams · 8 months
JJBA Protagonist Abilities
I'm really inspired by 'Jojo's Bizarre Adventure,' because stands are an excellent way to go about avoiding power creep and creating versatile but limited power sets. Probably my favorite plot point in Part 8 is that the Rock Humans have more predatory and devastating, but situational stands, compared to most other antagonists in the series.
However, Araki doesn't go as far as he could with the protagonist's abilities. Giorno's is a little too versatile, while still being strong (although you could say this fits thematically with him being the son of Dio, whose stand is also 'unfair'). Jotaro's stand is obviously very basic, but that's acceptable since it's from the first part with stands. That leaves Crazy Diamond, Stone Free, Tusk, Soft & Wet, and November Rain.
I was super excited about the reveal of November Rain, because it really seemed like a mook stand that just happened to be used by a main character. To me, this fit really well with the themes of Part 9, since Jodio believes that he's a psychopath doomed to struggle with human connection; he doesn't view himself as a hero. Of course, in more recent chapters, November Rain has been established as a pretty versatile stand, although it's still a bit more specific than any of the previous main character stands (in my opinion).
Crazy Diamond has a very neat and clean powerset; healing and repairing objects. This may seem simple, but has a variety of applications in Part 4. Stone Free essentially just allows Jolyne to stretch herself, fit through tight spaces and go "long-range" at the cost of vulnerability; it basically just improves hand-to-hand combat, but it's still a pretty good stand.
Tusk is a stand that really makes a point of "harnessing a force of nature." Gold Experience gives Giorno control over biology, but Tusk gives Johnny control over rotation, including allowing him to create black holes. Objectively, it's probably the best idea for a main character stand so far in a series about the power of fate. However, I've read some convincing fan theories about November Rain, I love the way that Crazy Diamond is used in certain fights in Part 4... and I think that Soft & Wet had a lot of potential.
I actually love Part 8, and it's kind of necessary for Josuke to have a "bullshit stand" when a lot of his opponents use devasting and/or long-range and/or automatic stands (of the Rock Humans, Aisho Dainenjiyama, Dolomite, Poor Tom and Satoru Akefu/Toru all have automatic stands). In addition to Doobie Wah!, Blue Hawaii, Ozone Baby and Wonder of U, Tamaki Damo's Vitamin C and Yotsuyu Yagiyama's I Am a Rock both have features of automatic stands. Once infected, victims of Vitamin C are doomed as long as they're in its range. I Am a Rock attracts objects to people's bodies automatically, although Yotsuyu is at risk since he has to touch people to activate his stand. For Vitamin C, I Am a Rock and Brain Storm, calling them 'automatic' is varying degrees of a stretch, but I definitely think Doctor Wu and the Schott Keys are the only Rock Human stands that have no automatic elements (although Doctor Wu clearly has a different-functioning brain to control all the different parts of his body in the way he does). That's a count of seven automatic stands to three non-automatic, and Brain Storm and Schott Key No. 2 have very small automatic features, since they are diseases. One could argue that, if Green Day functions automatically, then so do Brain Storm and Schott Key No. 2.
Of course, there are non-Rock Human stands that are automatic in Part 8. This in particular includes Kei Nijimura's Born This Way. California King Bed also takes memories automatically, although only when Josuke breaks a rule. That's excluding Yasuho Hirose's Paisley Park and Norisuke Higashikata's King Nothing, which are automatic stands used by allies of Josuke.
I just really enjoy talking about my theory/"observation" that the Rock Human stands are especially predatory, aggressive and unfair because they're a solitary species of humanoid with low to no empathy.
Regardless, Gappy's Soft and Wet is a very interesting stand that's hard to write for. It can "plunder," absorb, steal basically whatever Josuke wants... from physical objects to abstract concepts. He can place himself inside a bubble, mediate air pressure, steal friction from a floor or eyesight from a human being.
I basically came up with this list of Jojo protagonist abilities to make myself feel a bit better while I devise abilities for my own protagonists.
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annonniiiiieeeee · 1 year
ANONIE :D what the fuck? what was that chapter anonie/j
Dont you have enogh? /j (also why lord hijiki remeind me of 12Shredder) also my hate to this boomer, L+ratio, estupido cara de burro, piece of shit called Lord
Anyways I have a question abt the
Of Awosan Future timeline, sooo where does Leo and Usagi lives? (/w their kids obv) like i think in one ask it was stablished(? that they didnt live in the sewer, but where exactly? like in the hidden city or in another part?
Also have this
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I’ve had that planned since December :)
Now you asked for the
So how dare I not deliver
So Leo and Usagi’s home. It is not in the Swede and it is not in the hidden city. Usagi wants to raise his kids in the sunlight. Finding out how long it was before Leo and his brother walked above ground horrifies him. He wants the world for his family. That includes being able to be normal kids and play outside.
Their home is outside of New York City. Think like the farm house from 2003. It’s in the woods and near a lake. It has a modern Japanese style to it, a blend of their two worlds. It’s private as at this point mutants and yokai are more common, Leo, Usagi and the others are famous because of their actions to keep the city/world safe.
In other
News. Do you want to hear about Raph and Mona Lisa’s kids?
No? Well You’re going to anyway.
They have been thinking about kids for a while but Leo and Usagi’s announcement that they were having a kid really sparked them forward. Why not have a kid now? It will be close in age to Leo’s kid meaning both kids will have someone to play with.
Lisa’s Italian family is traditional and normally pass down Italian names. Raph and Lisa have a deal that if they have a boy then Lisa gets to pick their name (an Italian name) and if it is a girl then Raph gets to pick their name (a Japanese name)
They have some trouble getting pregnant but finally they do.
They have their first kid about 8 months after Jotaro is born.
It’s a little baby boy named Benigno ( it means Friendly) He is named after Mona’s grandfather.
He is a green snapping turtle with a long tail but he had Lisa’s yellow spots.
And like his mother he’s bold. Where Jotaro is quite and mature Benigno will absolutely tell you what he thinks. They balance each other well and he is Jotaro’s best friend.
I think I will assign him the color red
They were thinking about having another kid. They had gotten pregnant again, when the twins were surprised adopted.
Mona was around 3 months pregnant at the time.
Making her 5 months pregnant when Leo and Usagi rushed home with two sick children.
Lisa was so scared that her kids could get this sick. She was terrified for Sakura and Ume. Luckily the girls pulled through
A little bit later Lisa had their first daughter, Mikazuki (meaning Crescent moon)
She is a black snapping turtle with yellow spots.
She is the same age as the twins but is more into sport then they are. She likes wearing dresses here and there but she’s not as girly as Sakura is. She does get a little more girly as she grows up. Helping Sakura with her fashion projects.
She is definitely a daddy’s girl as she loves playing sports ball with her father. Though if she was ever allowed on a sports team she would probably play water polo.
She picks the color white for herself
About a year later they have their youngest.
A little boy named Fulvio (it means Yellow)
He is a green salamander with yellow spots. He is a year older then Kaida and is much bigger
(all of Raph kids are bigger then Kaida was, still small but bigger then her. They are all still shocked by Kaida’s small size. This has to do with both Lisa be Raph being huge and their kids having half human DNA instead of the 1/4 that Leo and Usagi’s kids get)
He is a shy sweet little boy who enjoys reading and art. The is much quieter then his two more chaotic siblings.
Once Kaida comes along and is up and moving the two become a duo. Make no mistake Fulvio might be older but he is not in charge. He is following Kaida in all of her bad decisions
I shall make his color a greenish yellow or a bright yellow. This make him and Kaida yellow buddies.
That’s all I have so far. This can all change as well.
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flightlessapollo · 1 year
Trans JoJo's JJBA HCs
So turns out I will be doing those posts about the JoJo's and their genderqueer identities. Suppose I'll be going in order here, enjoy <3
(This is a long one so it's going under the cut)
Jonathan Joestar- I feel like Jonathan isn't trans, but if he knew his descendants were trans (after it was explained to him cuz he was around in the 1880s), he would be incredibly supportive. If anyone is trans in part 1 I feel like it would be Speedwagon, maybe I'll go into gender hcs for the Jobros/villains at a later date. Regardless, Jonathan is cis and a sweetie.
George (Jorge? idk) Joestar II- Honestly I can't really speak on this one, I haven't read his spinoff and I know nothing about him. If I had to guess I would say he's most likely cis but I really don't know.
Joseph Joestar- Now we get into the gender-diverse side of this bloodline. I feel like Joseph is AMAB but has a slight bit of a transfem nonbinary identity. Like he doesn't feel fully like a man but he also doesn't align fully with "woman" either and so he's kind of an in-between and he's very comfortable with that. Like she's a he/she type of person and feels very comfortable being gnc in all ways. Joseph really just plays around with gender and doesn't care what you call that, he's just living his life to its fullest.
Holy Kujo- Another cis Joestar who I feel would be incredibly supportive. She knows her parent is nonbinary and has a fluid identity so when her son came out she gave him a huge hug and told him she would love and support him in being his authentic self. She's also very supportive of her granddaughter of course and after working through the complicated feelings around learning she has a brother, she's supportive of Josuke as well. An ally through and through.
Jotaro Kujo- Jotaro is a binary trans man and he's quite happy with that. Though he does enjoy skirts and heels, he strictly wears those privately. He realized he was a boy very young and came out young as well. Though of course, he won't admit it he's a bookworm and found out what being transgender (a different term was used when he was growing up in the 80s but I don't feel comfortable using it) was when he was young and realized it aligned with his experience of himself. His coming out was a very easy process, his mom being so supportive. It was made even easier because he came out during the period of his life when he and his mother had a very good relationship. A he/him guy, he bound until he was 18, at the age of 18 he was able to get on hrt and get top surgery through the Speedwagon Foundation; he never pursued bottom surgery. His wife was a trans woman and he was the one who gave birth to Jolyne.
Josuke Higashikata(4)- Josuke is another binary trans man, though he feels more connected to his femininity than his nephew gender-wise. I think it's obvious they're quite gnc and they feel very comfortable playing with gender much in the same way their parent does/did. He realized his gender identity a bit older than his nephew, in his early teens. Josuke is okay with he/they pronouns and often expresses his gender in a very gnc way. He wasn't a huge fan of binding so he very often didn't do it, though he did deal with top dysphoria. They were fortunate after meeting the other side of their family and were able to get hormones at 16 and top surgery at 18. He waited until he was a good few years older to pursue any kind of bottom surgery, and got meta in his late 20s.
Giorno Giovanna- Another AMAB Joestar. They were gender nonconforming from a young age and as a teen they came out as nonbinary to their very close friends, though his identity didn't have much relevance to his work as the head of Passione. Nothing really hugely changed for her and she didn't do any medical transition. Socially, again he kept his gender to his close friends but used it to his advantage to ensure his safety. Often any pronouns were used for them in situations where revealing any info on the boss would put her in danger. Giorno is okay with any pronouns and their friends tend to default to they/them, which they don't mind. They continued to play with gender expression as they got older, enjoying the joy it brought them to toy with expression and gender roles.
Jolyne Kujo(Cujoh?)- Jolyne is a trans woman who knew about her identity and was firm about it from a very young age. As a child she expressed that she was a girl and her parents, both being trans themselves, we're supportive of that identity. She grew up as any typical girl would, her parents helping her change her legal documents and get her on puberty blockers before AMAB puberty began for her. She started hrt at 15 and didn't pursue any surgeries for transition but did get some professional voice training for a few years to help warm her voice and mature it. Jolyne gives she/her as an answer when asked her pronouns but doesn't mind if people (especially close friends) use they/them. She has a large interest in fashion and while not entirely gnc, she has always enjoyed finding her own unique style of what gender means to her.
Jonathan "Johnny" Joestar- This one is tough and still one I'm kind of thinking through (I plan to reread SBR so I think my opinion with crystalize when I do that) what exactly I think. He could just be cis, or he couldn't and I really don't know that i have a strong feeling either way? I get a trans sort of vibe from him but unlike all other Joestars who give me that vibe I can't pin down why. If he is trans he definitely binds but wouldn't have access to any other type of transitional care obviously due to the time period he lived in.
Josuke Higashikata (8)- Well his situation is confusing isn't it? I suppose the thing to do here is look at Josefumi and Yoshikage? Or perhaps not because Josuke is his own person (wasn't that like an important piece of his story? Forgive me folks I didn't understand all of Jojolion and haven't really touched it since it finished so-) so, perhaps Josefumi or Yoshikage were trans, but I don't think we get enough time with them to be sure. And based on Josuke alone i feel he isn't trans. Ofc in the manga we know he has AMAB anatomy but even disregarding that i just do not really feel a trans pull from him. He's certainly an ally though. Especially since I do feel Yasuho is trans and since I ship her and Josuke, she definitely wouldn't be dating a transphobe.
And yeah! There's that. Really really long and shit. Um. If you read all the way to this point ily man cuz this was just a bunch of silly nonsense that just lives in my brain. Hope at least some part of it interested you.
Final note: These are all just headcanons of mine, don't take them too seriously.
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spidermansona · 8 months
I have now finished all the animated Jojo's (I'll probably get around to reading the manga eventually)
Here are my rankings of each Jojo:
1. Jonathan I love this gentle giant so much. 10/10 thinking about how much he suffers makes me (bottom right is me stabbing dio)
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2. Josuke my best friend my pal my homeboy my rotten soldier my sweet cheese my good time boy (also the fact he's kind of snarky, dressed like a delinquent, and his introduction is him punching a dude in the face for insulting his hair, but then he has a heart theme and he can be so kind and he has such a selfless stand with the ability to heal everyone else but himself!!) also he's so gay
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3. Jolyne I just love her a lot. Her development being echoed by how her ability with her stand grows. She's so funny and takes no shit, but she's also tender and understanding. And her relationship with Jotaro makes me cry! Because she's right to be angry with him, but she realizes he does care! Just seeing her mature from being hot headed into becoming more cautious and thinking through battles gets me.
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4. Jotaro he's at his best in parts 4 and 6 when he's not the main character. His stoicism and complete lack of emotions in horrible situations is very funny to me. Plus the thought of him actually having sex is hilarious. Overall besides being funny I don't connect with him as much. And the fact he's the least compelling in his own part isn't great.
5. Giorno he doesn't really have much of a character. Bucciarati felt like more of the main character to me. I don't view him negatively I just don't really enjoy him. It doesn't help that I wasn't very into Golden Wind until the group abandons Passione to fight against the boss
6. Joseph he's hot in part 2 and 3 but mostly he just annoys me. He's too flippant and rushes into things too much in part 2. He gets better in part 3 but he never grew on me. Also I hate that scene of him peeping on Lisa Lisa
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jojopolls · 8 months
Happy late birthday!
Happy to say I've been reading Jojolion as well. I'm just after the Milagro Man arc and am eagerly awaiting Kaato.
I love Yasuho as much as I thought I would, and Josuke is probably one of my favorite Jojos at this point, only being beaten by Jotaro.
I'd honestly even say so far it's beating out Stone Ocean as my favorite part in the series, which is a real hecking accomplishment in my book.
Anyways, thanks for always hyping up Jojolion, it has really yet to disappoint me.
thank you!! and WHOA high (and deserved) jojolion praise!! it's def up there with part 6 and 4 as my fave :D gappy is also def one of my faves jojo's too, his arc is sooo good I love him dearly. and yasuho sweep ofc.
hope you enjoy kaato, she makes me CRAZY.
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scary-monsters · 4 months
just wondering if you're into bruabba...also what's your second favorite jjba part?
hello! i'm not, i'm sorry if that's a disappointment 😭 i have to admit that part 5 is my least favorite (i haven't read part 8 or 9 yet, though) and the only characters i took a strong liking to were fugo and mista.
BUT my favorite part other than sbr is probably part 4?? it was my favorite before i read sbr and in the rare moments where i feel like rewatching jojo, i usually go for part 4. i enjoyed most of the characters a lot, kira is one of my favorite villains in the entire series, and part 4 jotaro is my favorite version of him. but ALSO i really enjoy part 1 a lot! i guess that seems to be an unpopular opinion but part 1 dio is Everything to me, he's always worth a rewatch LMAO
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