sugarboundbooks · 10 months
So it’s been about a decade since I’ve used Tumble so excuse the incredibly old memes on my page and also the cat hair on the book lol
Here’s the final version of a handbound copy of RealityWarp’s Ràvamë’s Bane series! This is the first volume (Lapsus Memoriae) and I hope to bind the second volume once it’s complete. This fanfic holds such a special place in my heart and I wanted to create a book as beautiful as it is. Thank you Rella for sharing your work with the world, it is dearly loved 🥰
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naitlion · 1 month
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Be prepared!!
Be prepared for the murkiest scam Meticulous planning Tenacity spanning Decades of denial Is simply why I'll Be king undisputed Respected, saluted And seen for the wonder I am Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared Be prepared Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared Be prepared!!!!  🎵🎵🎵 Be prepared werenimal! c= I mean... How can you NOT want to help the main villain when he is so charismatic! Still... we should probably go tell the king about this coup before anything bad happens >.> Then maybe, hakunamatata falls? Sounds like a plan c= TransforMAYtion Day 3 Hyena
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relosaurus · 2 years
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>Originally posted Feb 13, 2015 A commission for realitywarp on FA
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pochapal · 11 months
as someone who is currently also in the process of a first time umineko read(on episode 6) but went in having read higurashi, it's kind of complicated. there is a really overt "hey it's just like in my higurashi !" thing at the end of episode 1, but at the same time, the reason why it matters is a lot more complicated and wouldn't really be something you'd get until 1) much further into umineko, and 2) much further into higurashi. it's initially framed as the same thing being redeployed but is actually a commentary on similar themes that can't be easily explained without knowing both. or at least that's how I see it so far.
in that case if there's a common framework being deployed in both texts once i get to it (and i manage to identify it myself) i guess it'd be fine to tell me that it ties into higurashi without necessarily telling me *why* that's the case, particularly if the thing is thematically important to the understanding of the story in some way. i'm getting the sense that this is an important thing that i need to be clued in on but that i might miss and also nobody can signpost me to because that would spoil stuff so i don't envy you all trying to talk around this thing in my askbox lmao. for what it's worth i'll just try to go through episode 1's final chapter with extreme scrutiny once i reach that point and then someone can go "this here is the higurashi thing" when i come across it. i do appreciate the heads up though!
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old-account-111 · 1 year
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Essokinesis, also known as Ontokinesis and Realtiokinesis is the ability to manipulate reality. As simple as it sounds on the tin, it seems to work differently for each Esso?? Which is soo not a vibe ;-;
Makes it super hard to figure out what you're doing and all. For me, I have to close my eyes and think about what I want to happen, like I'm making a wish? I first discovered it when I was six or seven. I wanted it to snow so I wouldn't have to go to school.
My mum was soo mad at me, but I didn't have to go to school so- who really won? /j
As an Essokinetic, I always have to be super aware of my thoughts, which suuucks. Still it's pretty cool!
Technically, you could also say I have mentifery, but I prefer Essokinesis for myself personally!! Since it's a little more than I explained?
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marvelsurfing · 3 months
Scarlet Witch: From Mind Control to Reality Warping (Powers Beyond Imagination).
Follow @marvel_surfing for latest updates.
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moyu-jade · 2 months
Hi Jade how are you I hope you're alright , please I would like to beg you to please tell me how to notice my true nature that's all I'm asking of you please I'm begging , bloggers say I could realize/notice my true nature right now and that sounds absolutely thrilling please I'm begging of you I've asked another person but they didn't give me any good answer please I just need your help
Hi Anonymous, I am good have you eaten?
What have the accounts said? I read from realitywarping and Being is it. After, I did not read anything. I can give you little advice but everything you have to do alone. Do you see how in a dream you don't reject the experience? When you wake up, you look back and understand "Ah, It was a dream, I did not dance with Emperess of Tang Dynasty, Empress Wu Zetian." But how do you know you are in a dream? You notice. It is the same situation here. You notice or a good word is you are aware. I can't say how you notice the true nature because no one has the answer to how, you need to look at permanence in Being. It is the only way. If you look close, you see everything. Everyone here did it alone. You are searching but it is right here. "井底之蛙" like a frog at the bottom of a well. I asked for help to explain this proverb. "This proverb refers to someone who is narrow-minded or lacks perspective, unable to see beyond their immediate surroundings. It suggests that they fail to recognize the opportunities or possibilities that are readily available to them." You have everything but you are still searching. What are you searching? You make yourself limited.
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infiniteletters · 3 months
I've tried to talk to non duality people/community about realitywarpping's and " " - no concept perspective.
Some still believe in the illusion or birth and death. A few believed in reincarnation. Some take ND/AV as a psycho spiritual/emotional method.
Kinda crazy how all these parallel schools of thought overlap while also contradicting each other or even themselves.
This is why Ive found ultimate resonance in " "
The most simple thing is correct, and there is proof. When you see yourself, you'll know the proof
I hope these limits can melt away for some of these people, they are so close
The " " no concept perspective isn't RW's.
It's a placeholder for what you actually are, belonging to no one🪷
"Some still believe in" -> Beliefs can be shaken, Knowing cannot.
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reality-warp · 5 months
Ahem… I’m… I’m just going to leave this here…
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niyogreatandsmall · 20 days
can I ask for tips for, say, a realitywarper ? thank you.
Realitywarper fiction often features characters with intricate inner landscapes. Spend time developing your own mental world, its rules, and how it interacts with the external world. Journaling, meditation, and visualization exercises can be helpful for this.
Surround yourself with sights, sounds, and smells that resonate with your inner world. Play music that evokes your powers, decorate your space with imagery that reflects your reality, or wear clothing that feels aligned with your identity.
Spend time visualizing yourself using your powers or your reality unfolding as you wish. The more vivid the visualization, the stronger the impact.
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infiniteko · 4 months
I'm pretty sure it's realitywarping
No, Realitywaringg was 15 at the time he said he discovered it and never said more things about himself openly.
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
guess who's so obesessed with The Threads That Bind his mom's looking for a way to print it so i'm not staring at my phone all the times.. yeah totally not me
I thought that was you leaving me kudos!!
I rarely ever log into ao3, it's terrible, but it still sends me emails whenever anyone leaves kudos or a comment on something I posted!
So I got an email that was like "Realitywarper left kudos" and I was like hang on... is that...??
Anyway, I'm absolutely thrilled to hear that you like it that much!!
I can't deny it's my favorite fic I've ever written, but yeah that could just be because I was like you know what I'm gonna write a fic about Barbatos that has all my favorite tropes in it! It was a lot of fun to write! So it really means a lot to me when people take the time to tell me they enjoyed it!
Though the idea that anyone would ever want to print it out even if it's just to save their eyes from the horrors of too much screen time is a bit mind boggling to me lol!
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iamthat-iam · 4 months
there was this pointer that i LOVED when realitywarpping said “i am your own mind talking to you”
then i started overthinking that pointer and obv it didnt make sense.. now its making sense again but w/o the illusionary act of pointing it out ! 😅😂
It can be a mindfuck to think you've just been talking to yourself this whole time, but it also makes the experience alot funnier 😂
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kariachi · 1 month
Once saw somebody claiming that if Kevin absorbed Kryptonian powers as part of a mutation then fuckers could just get some kryptonite and he wouldn't be able to do shit and it's like, honeys that is not how his shit works. That is part of why he is such a menace is because if one species he's conglomerated has a weakness it's balanced with the other ones that don't. Like, even if that shit removed the Kryptonian powers, there is nothing that shit is bringing to the party he can't get elsewhere, or already has from elsewhere.
Kevin is a character specifically designed to be a potential Big Name Fucking Shit threat to somebody who literally can't be killed and can become a realitywarper at will, he's not being stopped by "oh but we've brought the counter to... one fortieth of his powers".
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jaguarhome · 4 months
Genuine question..is just trying to live your dream life selfish? Cause y'all act mad when someone just wants to be in better circumstances
Why would it be selfish? There is no one here to label something as selfish, selfless, bad or good.
No one it's mad, more than mad i would say tired. AV it's not a way to get things, it isn't a new trendy method to manifest, it's a way to realize your true self that you always were, and always are. Blogs speak about this, about how beautiful is to know your true self and know you are limitless, yet everyone seems to focus on getting. I don't know if it was illuminated mystic, infinite koda or realitywarping who said this, either way I think this phrase really fits in here. "It's not about gaining, it's about reducing".
Even if is not what AV it's about, there's many blogs who have answered "stop identifying as a body, realize your true self, go within." yet you guys still complain, instead of doing what the blog say you decide to run to other blog searching for someone to give you a step by step tutorial, but there isn't such thing, there is not a tutorial, because there is nothing to do, there is someone here who can do something in the first place?
If you wanna change your circumstances it's alright, totally understandable, but AV isn't about that, just go to LOA.
Hope you have a great day! 🫶🫶
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soldier-requests · 3 months
hello, sorry for not specifying. nothing from a certain media, the kintype in general. but if a character can help with it, something like Barbatos from obey me!, but I don't kin him. he isn't stated as a realitywarper anyway-
and about songs.. things like Six Forty Seven by insupendo ; Solitude from Candlemass and Vermillion by Slipknot?
thank you for your hardwork :). [please tag @orderling when you're done.]
hello!! okay i gotcha now, thanks for clarifying; hopefully you like whatever i ended up finding ^_^.
and thank you! i appreciate the compliment :]].
under a cut because this one's pretty long XD.
songs go like "song" + "artist"
dividers from @/just-my-latest-hyperfixation and @/baexywth
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"Falling" + "Instupendo"
"128" + "machingum"
"This Could Build Us a Home" + "The Garden"
"Where Is My Mind" + "Safari Riot" and "Grayson Sanders"
"Vanished" + "Crystal Castles"
"Suffer With Me" + "líue"
"LOVELY BASTARDS" + "ZWE1HVNDXR" and "yatashigang"
"Catalysts for Her Awakening" + "Avith Ortega"
"Insidious" + "joseph bishara"
"The Sound Of Your Fear" + "Midi Blossom"
"Key" + "C418"
"It's Playtime" + "MOB Games"
"Browser History" + "Graham Kartna"
"A Burning Memory" + "Reece Moseley"
"warm nights" + "Xori"
"Lavender Town" + "8-Bit Arcade"
"Lavender Town" + "Bitmaster"
"you not the same" + "TileKid"
"Judah's Lullaby" + "REPULSIVE"
"Kyomi's Lullaby" + "REPULSIVE"
"バラック集落" (In English: "Barrack Settlements" or "Barracks") + "Kikiyama"
"PP1" + "Frakkur"
"Deep Swim" + "Windows 96"
"Sony" + "VHS LOGOS"
"Implanted Memories" + "Infinity Frequencies"
"The descent" + "Infinity Frequencies"
"Agony" (Instrumental) + "Scammacist"
"Echoes of Tranquility" + "Nocturne"
"Stars Will Fall" + "Duster"
"Choking on Flowers" + "Fox Academy"
"Dust Collector" + "YG Hypnos"
"Memoir #02 [06.12.09]" + "Maria Pseftoga" and "May Roosevelt"
"The Lobotomy" + "Maebi"
"Year Zero" + "Ghost"
"Con Clavi Con Dio" + "Ghost"
"Prime Mover" + "Ghost"
"Call Me Little Sunshine" + "Ghost"
"The Killer in My Skull" + "Alastor"
"I'll Cut You Down" + "Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats"
"Them!" + "Acid Mammoth"
"Strong Reflection" + "Mars Red Sky"
"Prehistoric Dog" + "Red Fang"
"The Culling" + "Chelsea Wolfe"
"Christ is Dead" + "Crypt Sermon"
"Beneath the Torchfire Glare" + "Crypt Sermon"
"Mare of the Night" + "Below"
"The Coven" + "Below"
"Seeds of the Desolate" + "Solitude Aeturnus"
"Fallen Empire" + "Dawn Of Winter"
"Ragnaradi Eve" + "Scald"
"In the Open Sea" + "Scald"
"Black Colossus" + "Funeral Circle"
"Scion of Infinity" + "Funeral Circle"
"Spiritus Mortis" + "I Am a Name on Your Funeral Wreath"
"Lost Horizons" + "Memento Mori"
"The Sword Woman" + "Smoulder"
"The Poltergeist" + "Count Raven"
"Beyond the Horizon" + "Isole"
"Among the Exalted" + "Godthrymm"
"Wolf God" + "Grand Magus"
"Here Be Monsters" + "Apocalypse Orchestra"
"Bring Me To Life" + "Evanescence"
"Break Stuff" + "Limp Bizkit"
"Bodies" + "Drowning Pool"
"Down with the Sickness" + "Disturbed"
"Yuve Yuve Yu" + "The HU"
"Up to the Flames" + "Ludovico Technique"
"Framed In Blood" (Remastered 2006) + "The 69 Eyes"
"Heavy Lies The Crown" + "In Fear And Faith"
"Last Man Stranded" + "In Fear And Faith"
"A Fire On A Hill" + "Hands Like Houses"
"Let Me In" + "Dead Silence Hides My Cries"
"Murder Mitten" + "I See Stars"
"Melancholia" + "Dark Sarah"
"Every Little Thing" + "Dishwalla"
"The Air-Conditioned Nightmare" + "Mr. Bungle"
"The Diary Of Jane" + "Breaking Benjamin"
"Truth" + "Seether"
"Woohoo" + "Fleshwater"
"Waking the Demon" + "Bullet For My Valentine"
"Orchid" (Remastered 2014) + "Black Sabbath"
"Neon Knights" (Remastered 2008) + "Black Sabbath"
"Holy Diver" + "Dio"
"Rainbow in the Dark" + "Dio"
"Anesthesia" + "Type O Negative"
"Nettie" + "Type O Negative"
"Love You to Death" + "Type O Negative"
"Haunted" (Per Version) + "Type O Negative"
"Rev 22-20" + "Puscifer"
"Dragonaut" + "Sleep"
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