#raw confusion
thedrotter · 1 month
i saw this trend and it reminded me of Yuuichi okay i had to do it ... featuring Yuuichi's heart on the back: for once they get along on the topic of mayonnaise
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
today on hermitcraft: joe attempts to help oli understand the economy!
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tswwwit · 2 months
How would bill feel if dipper reincarnated as an incubus?
Thrilled. Delighted. Tickled pink! Partly because hey! That's a great look for him! Inhuman and demonic and oh-so-cute. Another part because of all the demonic subtypes he could end up as, this one has to be the most ironic, a bit of him thrilled just because it's good to see him again -
And of course, a Big Ol' Chunk of delight for the other obvious reason.
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1driedpersimmon · 1 year
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*When u accidentally marry a fish*
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smokerswifey · 4 months
Um... Y'all...
Tristan is the one locked up in prison.
Meli and Eli's baby is being held hostage by their biggest enemy .
I don't even know if he's okay, we all remember how Ban was treated in prison 💀.
And why is he still alive tho ? Why didn't Arthur just kill him .
Y'all idk I'm confused and I wanna cry cause my child is imprisoned by a psychopath 😭😭😭
I am devastated.
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quinnmorgendorffer · 1 year
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kawasiki-jo · 7 months
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When you get the urge to kiss your homie, just do it, what could possibly go wrong? What, they kiss you back? -And then what? They pull you in and grab your green spikey hair?? They shove their hand into your-
Never mind, anyway. JUST DO IT, YOU FUCKING COWARD-
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hydrachea · 2 months
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Reaction image for when you come across the latest internet slang and reaction image for when you walk into the kitchen and realize you don't know why you went there.
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werewolves-are-real · 5 months
I keep promising myself that ONE DAY, I will do enough research into 1800s China to write a proper Temeraire fic taking place there. But there's sooooo much I would want to research first. Even if I skimmed over court details as much as possible - which I don't want to do, tbh - it would just feel very shallow. And it's hard to properly flesh out any characters without any understanding of court life, dynamics between different classes... also just, you know, common beliefs? Attitudes? Religious beliefs too, etc etc.
One day! Hopefully. And we just get so little of Mianning (much less the other Chinese characters) it's hard to do them justice :( Doesn't help that no one really wants to tell Laurence or the aviators what they're actually thinking lol.
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
Do you have any posts about all the things the people who use demonic cultivation have in common?
I’m not sure I can explain it properly, but I came away from the book thinking that all the people who used demonic cultivation (either directly or through the Yin Tiger Tally) are very similar to one another in terms of their trauma, background, and status as cultivators.
They all have quite traumatic upbringings, either living on the streets for some time or otherwise mistreated as part of the serving class. While they end up with some form of sect alliance, they are only ever half accepted, with their common parentage being brought up quite often. They’re all stuck living on that razor edge of not quite acceptability.
It makes me think that demonic cultivation represents or reflects that sort of traumatic razor’s edge position. (Appropriate when they are literally using resentment).
The major difference between the demonic cultivators is how they decide to use the trauma they’ve been stuck with. Wei Ying does his best to channel it towards protecting people, while trying to minimize harm to the innocent (though some “splash damage” is inevitable), while Xue Yang and Jin Guangyao use it as an excuse to hurt others with impunity (trying to drag the whole world down with them if they must).
Hopefully I’ve made sense.
Hate to say it, but the only demonic cultivator in the text is Xue Yang. Wei Wuxian does not cultivate with mo (living humans) but gui (dead humans), which is why his cultivation is called the ghost path. A better wording would be about who strays from the orthodox path of cultivating, but even then, all of the “righteous” cultivation clans would fall under this because they use Wei Wuxian’s inventions that they stole after his death. Speaking just on the characters listed, though, Xue Yang uses living humans by turning them into living corpse puppets, making him a demonic cultivator, but he also still uses a sword and his golden core, meaning he never left the orthodox cultivation path.
Other than both being street orphans taken in by major clans as kids, Wei Wuxian and Xue Yang have nothing in common. Wei Wuxian had a moral code that he followed even on the street, while Xue Yang didn’t and made a name for himself being a terror before he became a cultivator. When they become cultivators, it is only Wei Wuxian who is disparaged for his background. Nobody ever calls Xue Yang a servant, insults his parentage, or treats him less than courteously, from what we are shown in the text, until he massacres the Chang Clan. He is a guest of the Jin, therefore making him practically untouchable. Now, bringing Jin Guangyao into this, yes he was disparaged in the beginning, but he was definitely accepted once he climbed his way into the clan leader position. People stopped bringing up his past and parentage due to it, because now he was in an accepted and traditional position of power.
The story isn’t about how the type of cultivation one uses represents a theme or says something about the person using it (other than the demonic cultivation because that one says a lot about Xue Yang who created it); it’s about how any cultivation path, orthodox or not, can be used for good or evil and what really matters is to look at the character of the person. Xue Yang and Jin Guangyao are greedy bastards who want to be universally feared (the former) and worshipped (the latter), and will sacrifice anyone or anything that goes against their plans to attain power. They both use sword cultivation to achieve these goals, even if they use other tools to aid. Xue Yang turns to demonic cultivation because he is not clever or powerful enough to use the ghost path as effectively as Wei Wuxian does nor does he have empathy or care for the living or dead which is necessary for the ghost path, so he takes shortcuts with horrific (intended) consequences, instead. Wei Wuxian made his name exclusively with the ghost path and only did so by doing what was right. But only Wei Wuxian was reviled for it until the very end.
In short, mxtx doesn’t write stories where you can use characters’ identities and backgrounds as shorthand for moral lessons. So while all three characters had their traumas and bad encounters with the “righteous” established cultivation clans, Xue Yang and Jin Guangyao are villains because they ultimately believed in the same system that abused them and, thus, strove to uphold it so that they could benefit from that power to oppress others, while Wei Wuxian is the hero for challenging that system and rejecting it for its corruption.
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lewanarta · 3 months
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solo-uno · 8 months
Good to hear heel Sami's theme if only for a moment
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onedesertrat · 6 days
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My favorite jacket is nearly 2 years old and it's gone through a ton of fun. (Now and Then)
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bronzebluemind · 1 year
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historical indeed
(for anyone confused: today was the first ever women's ski flying competition, for which they have been fighting for for years)
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fuckinart · 10 months
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you ever become obsessed with your own sentences
He could tell the truth. But he was frozen. Somehow he knew that if he did talk, they would just have found that fascinating, and probably would have started with his throat instead.
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fanstuffrantings · 18 days
Riffles through my overdone AU ideas: Gajevy werewolf au where Levy is a historian who moves into a small town to find somewhere more quiet to live/document the town history while gajeel is part of a local pack.
They start off on rocky terms but when Levy finds out what she is she goes from freaked our to fascinated and eager to find out everything about werewolves way too fast to the point that Gajeel finds her weird.
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