#rather than the toh style like i used to
qcoded · 3 months
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He's having flashbacks [heart break]
Tried to doodle in the TOH style
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abelle25125 · 2 years
a comprehensive list of all things sus about Adrian Graye
ok so i have been slightly obsessed with the illusion coven head since his introduction in hunting palisman, but now that we’ve had an episode with him as an actual character there are some things about him that feel super suspicious and i’m going to try my best to explain them here
1:Despite being the head of the illusion coven, We never actually see him cast any illusions. 
When we’re first introduced to him when he tries to trick the school into joining coven he mentions that the illusion of him was cast by a different coven scout
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“Tom, that Adrian illusion was lacking a certain, hmm? You get me?”
and given his need to yell for the illusion to end rather than just stopping it himself, we can assume that he wasn’t in control of the illusion in that scene.
 We can probably apply this logic to his later scene with the fake willow and Belos  - as we’ve seen in the past that illusions need a constant focus when cast by a witch, and he seemed a bit too concentrated on bullying his actors and kicking hunter in the back of the head to be casting anything.
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Him snapping his fingers and the Belos illusion vanishing could either be read as him dispelling the illusion or calling of the two Guards behind it, but given the lack of evidence towards the spell belonging to him, im choosing to believe the latter. 
this leads us onto the next few points:
2: He casts spells without drawing a circle and 
3: the only two times he draws a spell circle, he does so while holding/using his magical amplifier  
in his first scene after Gus calls out the fake Adrian, we see him hand off his coffee cup and then in a poof of smoke - appears next to and grabs Gus. you cant touch illusions, so neither of those were fake, which means that, without drawing a spell circle he’s teleported across the room. 
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We only see him draw a spell circle twice in the entire episode, the first time he literally uses the magical amplifier to draw it, and the second time he’s holding it. 
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now these first three points could just be explained by saying “oh he’s the coven head he’s super powerful at illusions he probably doesn't need to concentrate or draw circles or whatever” but then even ignoring all that there’s -
4: this man is waaay to focused on the looking glass ruins 
Graye was sent to Hexside by Belos to brand the children, but the moment the illusion stuff kicks off and he sees the looking glass ruins he abandons that plan to hunt down gus and figure out where the graveyard is. His reasoning is that the galderstones would be good gifts for belos, but are they worth abandoning his mission for? 
the reasoning could just be that he’s figured that the branding mission was a bust and hes in the panic of ‘i need to please my boss so he doesn’t kill me for failing so bad’ and wants to make it up for him, but then why does he seem to be happier when he sees that the galderstones are intangible 
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either way - this is not the face of a super confident person who has everything under control
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The looking glass ruins have come up a few times now in relation to the EC, and based on how good TOH is at setting up plot lines - it feels like they’re building it up to be more important than it seems. 
then of course theres the one that a bunch of people are talking about 
4: He got his ass handed to him by Gus’ memory bubble
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that shit fully incapacitated him, like he was still knocked out , fully catatonic later on, like - not even hunter got knocked down by this and he’s gone through some shit  - and Graye’s comments about bad memories feel way to prominent to just be a passing comment.   
Theres been a fun trend of all the coven heads being ironic in some way , a bard with stage fright, a plant head who loves killing ect; so having an illusionist who’s been lying about something to get where he is today could be really fun 
so whats up with this guy? lets figure it out- yeah he’s a basilisk 
- similar fangs, tail and :3 face
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- similar hair styles
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- same blue teleportation magic 
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- including the inspector from the first day we’ve only seen 4 of the 5 basilisks
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- Basilisk number 4 even has the same hair squiggle as Graye
theres kinda just a weird amount of evidence supporting this theory, it’s probably not true, and if it is, probably wont have a lot of plot relevance, but i cant help but think theres something else going on with this guy. He’s the only coven head who’s showed up by himself in an episode so far, and there’s just a lot of details and potentially foreshadowing stuff happening around him. 
this ended up being way longer than i planned so kudos on reading all the way through
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idoodlestuffsometimes · 9 months
You've expressed the desire to keep the Brother's Keeper AU consistent with the general tone and age range of TOH. What's the motivation behind this? I'd be curious to know what (if there are any) Brother's Keeper concepts occupy your mind but will never write/draw because it's not consistent with the tone.
lmao my forbidden concepts are the same thing but with swearing 🤣
Honestly though? This is actually something I'm debating right now.
To be fair, there was never actually any particular desire to keep the TONE consistent with the show (I tend towards character drama rather than children's comedy), however keeping things reasonably PG, yes, that I was going for.
It actually stems from before Brother's Keeper. I used to draw Gravity Falls stuff, and I'm aware that when I make fan art it's often for animated content, which, when it's American, (unfortunately) tends to be aimed at kids. And kids are both interested enough in their favorite media to want to see art of it and fully capable of using google.
I didn't want to be an adult responsible for ruining a kid's favorite thing. (I also wasn't invested enough in making adult style content to try to hide my blog from search engines entirely.)
As it wound up turning out, some of my BK stuff does in fact turn up pretty quickly in google image search if you look for Wittebane related content, so I was right to be cautious.
Anyway, because of those concerns my rule since long before Brother's Keeper has been that when I publicly share fan art, it stays in the general range of appropriateness for the original media's target audience. If it's an R rated movie, then I'm fine with doing R-rated fan art. If it's rated G, then the fan art either stays G or goes behind some kind of privacy shield where it's less likely to pop up in a casual search without warning.
As far as BK goes though, more recently Tumblr has added better content warning protections (I haven't tried it out but it's nice to know it's there). And in addition, I've been spending more time considering exactly how I'm handling the ending, and have been toying with the possibility of going darker and debating where exactly the line is.
I'm sure I am and will be toeing the line regardless, lol. I'm not a big fan of gore and am not that interested in sexual content, so those aren't that likely to show up that much even if I went full Adults Only. But I DO like exploring emotional complexity, even when it gets very heavy and dark, which are things American kids media is allergic to. Where is the line when it come to "dark themes"? How heavy can your story be before it becomes inappropriate for kids, even if there's no risque content and all the violence is bloodless? How hard can I go with the violence before it becomes TOO violent, even when completely absent of blood and gore?
Originally I planned to wait and see how the show ended and then build around that. Presumably that would have automatically resulted in a child friendly end. However, unfortunately, I... don't really like the finale and don't find it satisfying for Brother's Keeper's storyline. Which means I have to invent something completely different myself.
I'm in the process of inventing that something, but lately I've begun to think that what I have in mind will have fight scenes and may also work best if I include some real world modern close-mindedness (for the purpose of paralleling Belos' old timey anti-witch nastiness.) There are PG ways of doing that, but if I go down that darker route I do find myself reconsidering whether it might be better to just lean into it and up the rating a bit.
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astrolavas · 2 years
Curious to hear from one of the biggest Hunter fans around here...
How do you see Hunter in the future? Tall or small? Buff or slim? Long or short hair?
Also what do you think he does for work/hobbies? Love your art btw
hmmm well, i did post my design for a future hunter here once, but to build upon it:
i feel like, for hair, obviously the hairstrand stays. it's eternal. when it comes to the rest of his hairstyle/hair length, i feel like it'd fluctuate. sometimes he'd cut it short, sometimes he'd just let it slightly grow out cuz he wouldn’t care, occassionally he'd put it up in a little ponytail, then cut short again. and i do love the idea of him dying his hair bright red sm... matching with flapjack, fitting into the theme of finding his own identity and becoming his own person, experimenting with his style and appearance now that he's completely free... so good. although i feel like he'd only dye it fully, like, ONCE, then go back to blonde cuz he'd realize keeping up with it is too much, and then only try red streaks once in a while.
for his general..... uh, build i guess?? i'd imagine him similar to how he is now tbh, just older. i know he's referred to as "scrawny" in the show but i'd say i see him as having more of a sturdier/stockier build and being justttt slightly on the bigger side. all 16 year olds in the show generally look different than 14 year olds when it comes to limb proportions etc., so it's very contrasty when you look at him and luz, but even when you compare him to other 16yos like edric or emira, he doesn't look nearly as lean as them, especially when you look at his limbs and torso. so his design is more like.... square and soft rather than long and thin imo, so yeah. i feel like this'd more or less stay the same in the future.
he'll probably unfortunately be tall (derogatory) 🙄🙄 (kxjsjks jk, but ok i feel like him being like.. medium/medium-tall height is most likely tbh, although it’s hard to tell exactly with toh’s artstyle)
now, i already included this in the design but lemme talk abt it here cuz..... his emperor's coven sigil. it's sth that used to matter to him.. a LOT. it used to be a symbol of his status and hierarchy, of success, a source of pride. now that he knows the truth behind sigils, belos, everything, his coven brand is........ NOT rly a pleasant reminder. i feel like he's gonna keep it covered cuz now it just reminds him of all the bad times and the lies he was told etc. etc., mostly likely brings up some feelings of shame and guilt... so what i LIKE to imagine is that he'd choose to cover it up in the future, with a flapjack tattoo. so that looking at the symbol on his wrist would no longer bring up bad memories but rather make him happy instead.
now, as for the near future, i like to imagine him usually staying with darius, but also at the owl house.... and maybe even the noceda household; and obv having sleepovers at gus' and willow's once in a while. but with permanent rooms at darius' and eda's maybe, y'know.
(like, UGH him getting a room at darius' shortly post-canon.. and at first he keeps all his belongings and books and fun little trinkets confined to his room, feeling like the rest of the house is too Organized and too Carefully Designed and very much darius so it's very much not his space, but then as months pass by and he gets more and more comfortable, his own aesthetic slowly starts blending in with the rest of the house as well; a few books left here and there, some decorations, maybe some art he made displayed proudly near the entrance, until all of the house suddenly feels like HIS space as well, as much as his own room does. sth that cold hallways and chambers at the castle never even came close to..... AND when he's at the owl house, he stays over in a "guest" room, but with time it also somehow transforms into and starts officially being addressed by everyone as "hunter's room", even when he's not there.......... ye)
work and hobbies huh.....
well, he would definitely NOT want anything to do with the emperor’s coven (because, yes, i have seen ppl suggesting that for some reason??); although it will most definitely not exist at all anymore, but, just in general, anything related to leading the "covens”, being a scout/guard/soldier, having to rebuild the boiling isles? god, no, let him rest. he was a soldier his entire life, he has enough trauma from even the harsh conditions of the coven itself, he doesn’t need nor deserve to go back to anything even resembling what his duties as the golden guard were. besides, he said it himself; he wishes he could choose his own future. and now he CAN. and that future will consist of healing and exploring who he actually wants to be and discovering his interests. not just being limited to what he’s “supposed” to be, but being himself.
so, for the near post-canon, i like to imagine him officially enrolling into hexside. being able to learn, playing flyer derby on the regular, hanging out with his friends, being around ppl his own age, finally getting to be a teenager. Y'KNOW...... what he deserves. he’d love that. and he could choose the potions track first but i feel like if he was comfortable with everyone else knowing he's magicless, he'd enroll in soooo many tracks. he's got so much curiosity for the world in himself, he'd want to LEARN. and luz did it, so i'm sure they'd give him some accommodations as well. i feel like he'd be especially interested in everything-wild-magic and in cool little niche magical subjects, since those basically are his special interests. imo he'd usually prefer to use flapjack for stuff but he could also finally learn glyphs and maybe even other techniques that we don’t know even exist. especially when it comes to topics he's super interested in, he'd research.... SO MUCH, way over the mandatory class curriculum. he'd just be sitting in the classroom with his arm raised, ready to add on some cool little fun facts and additional knowledge and corrections and answer questions, like, i just Know he'd be regularly hit with the classic sarcastic "maybe you should just get up and teach the lesson yourself if you know so much abt this subject" except he WOULD, in fact.. get up and teach the lesson himself LMAO 💀 i like to think that most teachers though, especially bump, would value his hunger for knowledge, and he'd finally have a place where his curiosity could be satiated and appreciated, since he was oftentimes silenced when speaking passionately abt things he cared about or was interested in before. he deserves to TALK. he likes talking. hashtag let him infodump. and OBVIOUSLY he'd be a part of the flyer derby team, and just.. he'd have sm fun and do so well, and luz and amity would be coming to his, willow and gus' games to cheer them on and just. OUGH he'd have so much fun.. what he deserves...... he’s a teenager who should get to experience typical teenage things.
now, as for further future or just general things he could be into, hmmm i like to think that darius would keep giving him sewing lessons, and eventually hunter would pick up some other fabric/weaving-related techniques. embroidery, making plushies/clothes, maybe even rug-making, etc. in general, i think he’d grow to rly like making art; it could be a cool creative/emotional outlet for him.
and since eda has that palistrom seed, i also rly like that idea that she’d teach him how to carve palismen. although i feel like both him learning and not learning it could symbolize nice things; cuz with him learning woodcarving it brings him closer to his clawthorne/caleb relation, ANd.. he technically.... IS made of palistrom wood himself so 💀 that’d be quite ironic, and just in general i feel like working with palismen would be sth he’d quite enjoy, and it’s another form of art, too. it's poetic in a way as well... it could be so good. but then again him NOT learning it could highlight him being his own person and the found family. so both these possibilities..... OUGHH very nice, whether he learns wood-carving/palisman-making or decides it’s not for him, i’m cheering.
and already mentioned it but, of course, flyer derby. he likes playing it a lot.
i love the concept of him getting slightly fixated on birds; maybe getting into ornithology.
and he loves books; he’s very interested in “wild”/ancient forms of magic, in various niche fun magic-related facts and things, in nerdy things, etc. and he knows SO much. so obviously he’s gonna keep gaining that knowledge, he loves that. i feel like he could also get interested in trying to find out the true history of the boiling isles and witches and how magic actually worked and what techniques were used and what actually happened after he processes just how many lies belos had told and how much he morphed the history for his own benefit. (although lilith is mostly the history nerd here, while hunter’s more interested in the ancient magic part of it, but maybe they could try to cooperate and find out more, after they’d make peace. help ppl of the boiling isles find out the truth after being lied to for their whole lives; like hunter did.)
and tbh, he can basically..... be doing anything in the future if we’re being completely honest. he has lots of natural curiosity in himself and he only just now broke free from belos’ influence so over the next few years he’s gonna spend time trying to... find himself, y’know. seeing new things, trying new things, picking up momentary hobbies, discovering things he’d never known existed...... he finally has time to do all that, and just enjoy himself. things he’s gonna try once and absolutely get absorbed in, things he’s gonna try and see that they aren’t his thing, things that he won’t have any interest in trying. it’s just,..... neat. he can do whatever he wants. as he deserves
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mdhwrites · 10 months
Is The Owl House Timeless?
So this morning I made a blog about how the main thing required for something to be timeless is for it to be at least decently enough written to connect with an audience and that it had to have an emotion that the audience could connect with. A universal feeling that could cross race, gender, religion or even, yes, time. I used It’s a Wonderful Life as my example then.
I bet a lot of you who read it though were waiting for me to talk about TOH though because I know a LOT of people in the fandom at one point expected TOH to not only be timeless but a classic. The new Avatar the Last Airbender or the new Harry Potter (especially in what people wanted for its popularity with the latter). Both of those works are indeed timeless, as much as I am loath to compliment Harry Potter.
Is The Owl House? Individually, I think one could argue specific episodes and maybe the first season but the real reason I wanted to do this follow up blog is that satire and comedy almost always ages the worst. As worldviews change, what was mocked might not seem like it was in such good taste. How many 80s/90s college comedies like Animal House now feel kind of tacky when viewed from a modern lens? Or at least kind of misogynistic with their treatment of women?
I don’t think there are many element in TOH that are going to be as yikes as stuff like that someday but I think there’s already been a turn against it. It claimed to be progressive but in the end gave few real answers to that which it wanted to claim it was better than and even fell into many of the same holes as other works like it fell into. Its comedy is often stale and rooted in needing to be in its exact same mindset in order to be able to enjoy it.
Frankly, the style of satire, comedy and social commentary kind of makes me think of the spoof movie craze in the mid 2000s. You know, stuff like the constant sequels to Scary Movie, or Action Movie, etc. like that. TOH NEVER gets as bad as those, don’t get me wrong, but they’re both taking the same approach to their writing of these elements.
Rather than tackling it with a human emotion, something anyone can latch onto, they’re looking for buzzwords, specific gripes and incredibly specific tropes/references. Then they nail it to a board so they can hammer away until it’s damn near unrecognizable and whatever point was there is lost because they’re using a blunt object when a scalpel is required.
A LOT of people way better at this than me have talked about how a lot of things that want to be ‘satirical’ or ‘subversive’ are nowhere near as good as Mel Brooks but rather than talk about why his subversion is allowed while so many people fuck it up, I just want to talk about why they’re so often still timeless.
Blazing Saddles is the easy one. Human stupidity, greed and hate is always going to exist so rooting your comedy in both a genre and time period known for being exceptionally stupid, greedy and hateful, all while it normally tries to pretend it’s not, is just brilliant. Frankly, the main change from some Westerns to Blazing Saddles is that it’s willing to recognize bigotry and state it as bigotry, rather than try to justify it as a noble crusade or the like.
How about Space Balls though? One line tells you that they know what makes Star Wars both good and also exceptionally silly: “Evil will always win... Because good is dumb.” You want to criticize the fantasy genre as a whole? THAT is how you do it because we’ve all gotten fed up by meat headed heroes who walk into an obvious trap instead of thinking for literally five seconds but we also still like seeing those same meat heads win! It also plays into the ego in most fantasy villains as well as their hubris, as such working as just a general villain line but with the bluntness and delivery needed for it to be a joke instead.
TOH never really has this. Honestly, the best moment it comes to it is probably when the crackpot human curator seems so close to the truth before going off the deep end into conspiracy theories. I’ve literally had a friend do that to me once where I thought they were sane and rational until one night they told me, and I quote “You could have a catgirl girlfriend, it’s just that no one’s willing to admit that they’re real.” It’s a genuinely good subversion away from there being a mastermind villain and instead he’s just some loon who managed to be about 20% right in this case and that’s enough to make them dangerous. And mocking that level of insanity, of someone who has just lost themselves entirely in a rabbit hole that everyone else knows is unhealthy, is a common thread for many, especially in the modern age. It’s not like people in Ancient Greece never had to deal with some loon who thought the end of days was coming though.
Most of the time though? Most of the time it’s stuff like the Golden Snitch reference where it’s not even referencing a common trope in fantasy writing but specifically calling out a very singular thing. Where if you don’t know Harry Potter, or even worse LIKE QUIDDITCH, then you have nothing to connect to there. Maybe Luz’s outrage over losing due to a technicality but it’s not even a technicality. It’s just being outplayed and so the closest to a more universal feeling is betrayal but the joke spends so much time on rage at the literal trope, instead of even what Boscha did, that the thread at bare minimum gets lost.
And that’s much of TOH’s elements like these. They have a theoretical point to them but along the way, they lose their point or focus, or are so focused that they miss the universal element that’s right there. Take The First Day. Luz is someone who has struggled in school because of being bullied and an oddball. This was a great chance to really connect with every child who feels left behind by the school system because they won’t cater to them.
Except... It doesn’t work here. Her complaint isn’t that she can’t learn, that how things are being taught don’t work for her either because she learns differently or her brain processes things differently, etc. like that. Instead, it’s that she COULD learn whatever single subject she is stuck on but that’s not what she WANTS to learn.
Even the detention kids are the same way. Viney in S2 is established as one of the best healers in the school despite her multi-classing but it’s got nothing to do with her multi-classing. As such, strict healing magic is something she learns just fine. It’s just that she’s not being allowed to be creative with it.
And THAT is an interesting topic to discuss, schools stifling creativity or needing to give opportunities for it, but the narrative context stops that. They never say it because it would get in the way of their point but the school should say they allow single tracks because it’s literally illegal for them to do otherwise. That can allow a theme of how industry and government too often dictate the priorities of our schooling and how that’s a bad thing. That would even fit within the themes of TOH where the individual is crushed by the monopoly. By the ‘normal’.
 But they don’t do that because they have a different goal in mind. And this is why being well written is part of my criteria for being timeless. Again, not perfect, but an invested audience in TOH should also have that nagging question of why the coven system isn’t getting brought up in this episode. The EC is brought up as the basilisk disguises themselves as an inspector, but never that the Emperor would potentially close the school entirely if they were to allow mixed classes because that goes against both the coven system and the Titan.
It instead just never comes up so while it has a theoretical point it’s trying to make, the resonance is lost as a reasonable question, a genuine plot hole, grows wider and wider with every passing minute until the moment an audience should cheer for creativity winning out, for the need for flexible thinkers to be shown, is still met with some amount of confusion as people wonder why the show still hasn’t said ANYTHING about the coven system properly in this entire episode, even as now Hexide does frankly the biggest act of rebellion in perhaps the entire show.
And that is when TOH is GOOD. The later TOH goes on, the more and more a disconnect can be felt between the theme or resonance the writers are going for and what they’ve actually setup until S3 is pulling things out of its ass left and right because it can’t even do an identity arc with a clone, a sci fi staple to put it mildly, right because it literally can’t focus on anything long enough to make it function. Or its actions are too contradictory to keep you invested, like in Reaching Out where Luz is willing to at least tell 75% of her problem to Eda and King but then acts like she literally cannot, lest she die instantly on the spot, tell Amity or even think about it for all of five seconds.
As I concluded my last blog: Resonance should be something that all writers as a base element of writing should strive for. Bare minimum, it should resonate with the writer and that will help it resonate with others. How well you can make your writing be able to resonate beyond yourself though is the real test for a good story and a good writer.
And while obviously the fandom for TOH proves it resonated with many, myself even at one point, I wonder how many it still resonates with today? And especially as time wears on and tests the claim of it truly being transcendent of the moment it was created, or if it will just look like a relic to be left behind.
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sleepingdeath-light · 3 months
blind human s/o hcs ; hunter
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requested by ; 🍜 anon (09/01/23)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; main | hunter only
character(s) ; hunter wittebane
outline ; “Hello there! May I request hunter (toh) with a blind human s/o? You can choose if they were born blind or if it was an accident that happened in the demon realm for some of that sweet, sweet added angst.(≖ᴗ≖) — 🍜 Noodle Anon”
warning(s) ; references to injury, but mostly fluff!
note ; i am no longer accepting requests for this character.
if you were born blind…
it’s possible that hunter didn’t even notice your blindness until the two of you got extremely close or until you/luz brought it up around him — after all, as the golden guard he didn’t exactly pay attention to the intricacies of his enemies beyond what it took to fight you and, after that, you were so adjusted to it that he didn’t have much chance to notice it
(well, beyond maybe if you were reading a braille book or using text-to-speech on your phone around him and he realised — though, then again, hunter can be rather oblivious at times)
he still sticks close to you when you’re fighting or just out and about but his protectiveness and presence isn’t overwhelming or anything like that — he’s only really there to keep away any risks that you didn’t notice (e.g. a spell thrown your way when you were distracted by another person you’re battling, or a toddler running in front of you too quickly for you to course-correct around safely without his intervention)
though, still, he mainly just leaves you to your own devices (he knows you’re enough of a badass on your own — you beat him plenty of times, after all — so his only job is to be your backup or bag carrier)
if you became blind due to an injury in the isles recently…
hunter becomes much more protective over you than he would be otherwise as you learn to adapt to your new disability — never being too far from you as you adjust your routines, hobbies, and training to work better for you
he feels a great deal of guilt about not being there to protect you and prevent your injury and, as a result, becomes much shorter with people who treat you unkindly
(e.g. threatening a demon who scolded you for accidentally bumping into them or giving a very unsettling glare to some young witches who went to trip you when they noticed your cane)
he sticks beside or behind you at all times, even when you’ve had a cane crafted or a seeing-eye animal assigned to you, because he’s petrified of you getting hurt or targeted somehow — this fear slowly fades away as you become more confident and adjusted to your blindness, but even years down the line you’ll always find hunter close by when you’re out and about as a couple
he also looks into different accommodations from the human realm that luz has mentioned before — things like braille typewriters and label makers — and will incorporate them into your daily life to make things as easy as possible for you
either way / behaviours he adopts no matter the origin of your blindness….
though it’s a bit of a struggle at first (and he’s not the most fashion-conscious person out there), with the help of your friends hunter slowly becomes an expert at helping you construct the outfits you want to wear — describing each item in detail as he brings it to you, making sure that everything is being worn correctly (i.e. not inside out), and that it suits the style you want to go for that day
if you use a seeing-eye/guide animal then he’s going to make a habit quite quickly of carrying treats for them on him wherever you are — even doing as much research as he can to make sure that they can get a taste of whatever meal you’re both eating without getting sick (he spoils them rotten, quite frankly)
if you use a cane/other inanimate aid, then he’s going to make it his mission to carve/craft you the perfect aid — something that’s the perfect length (but that can also be extended when needed), that has a grip with a texture that isn’t off putting whilst also being difficult to lose grasp of by accident, that is designed in a way that is practical whilst also being suited to your personal style and the life you live, and that can be put away easily and that can be recalled by you when it’s needed (a simple enchantment or glyph or spell should do it — he’ll brainstorm a bit with luz and king the next chance he gets)
even though he knows well just how capable of a person you are, he’s still got a distinct protective streak that isn’t going away anytime soon and he will not tolerate anyone (be they human, demon, or witch) treating you poorly because of your disability — he doesn’t believe you should have to handle all of those conflicts, but he’ll back off if asked and hold your stuff while you give them a very stern talking to or a black eye
(that part is up to you but he’ll support you either way)
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verdantmeadows · 5 months
I'm sorry (not) but Velvet and Veneer are just Emira and Edric from The Owl House but pushed to the extreme/more evil (at least on Velvet and Emira's behalf). I could genuinely explain this but I am too lazy to right now so here are images of them. (For clarity, Veneer is the short-haired male twin, Velvet is the long-haired female one. Edric is like Veneer and Velvet is like Emira.)
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Actually just kidding. Asides from the glaring visual similarities (BOTH of them have very similar hair styles that are green, matching outfits, along with the fact that Velvet is more adorned in accessories just like Emira is), they have very very similar relationships with each other. Edric and Emira's relationship doesn't properly develop in TOH because the show gets cut off, but, despite the cancellation, Edric gets an ENTIRE episode that is dedicated to him, with significant more focus on him than on Emira. I wouldn't be surprised if Edric and Emira were originally going to symbolize a strife between Odalia and Alador, although that's just speculation.
Moving back to their relationship, Edric and Emira clearly have relationship strife/issues that don't get fully touched upon, just hinted at. Edric EXPLICITLY states that his greatest fear is being alone forever, whereas Emira's greatest fear is being stuck with Edric forever, which she doesn't show remorse for, and he is genuinely sad and upset about. Emira wants independence from Edric, whereas Edric relies on her and wants her love/care. Emira often seems irritated by Edric in some cases, whereas Edric often takes the brunt of things, with him being used as the one that gets injured/for physical comedy. Emira also seems to be more willing to do more "bad" things, with Edric also doing them, but because Emira suggests them. When watching episodes, it's clear that he's more so following her rather than it originating as a joint thing (not to excuse Edric, though).
Velvet and Veneer's relationship is, like I said, shockingly similar to Emira and Edric's, especially if you consider the fact their relationship in show likely was going to develop more, and especially if you consider a route where their relationship undergoes further strife. I had more to say but I forgot about it and realized I wrote up this post like several hours ago and forgot to hit post! Oops! Well here it is now.
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blackgumball · 5 months
whats ur thoughts on toh? out of pure curiosity
aaaaaaalright so. the short of it is that s1 was mid, s2 was pretty great imo, and s3 SUCKED.
the long of it is that when i found out Dana Terrace was making a cartoon, I was excited. I admired her work on GF (which changed my life when I first saw it), and was looking forward to the Owl House.
when I started watching it, I figured it just wasn't my style. I had graduated high school found that i wasn't really into the 'school' element of stories anymore (which I remember hearing that Dana herself not being too interested in as well, but execs forced the crews hand). I also just don't care about witches very much. Luz didn't move me in any particular direction, nor did Eda. The animation was cute at points. I would say the best ting about the first season was the fight scenes, specifically the ones between Eda and Lilith. other than that the show was just fine.
season two. I loved season two. I thought it got a million times better. they introduced Hunter, who was probably my favourite character in the show, the stakes got higher, as did the quality of the storylines and arcs. I don't know! the show just became so exciting to watch. I had to drag myself through the first season but I was locked in on season 2 and very excited whenever new episodes were coming out.
so natch this is when disney decides to cut their legs out from under them.
look a huge part of me feels horrible for the cast and crew of the owl house. they had a decently popular narrative show that was being talked about WEEKLY and that still wasn't enough to save them from the axe.
so unfortunately I was watching rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles at around the same time I was watching the owl house. these shows were both canceled before they really got to end their narratives, and were given a shorter season/tv movie to wrap things up. I might've been 100x more forgiving to the owl house if rottmnt didn't EXCEL. granted, they're very different kinds of show, but rise really used what it had and made a heartfelt ending that insinuated the continuing adventures of the turtles. It really fucking worked (i love rise, everybody go watch rise)
so owl house gets three forty minute episodes to end its story, and the crew promised that just because they were short on time doesn't mean the show would be any worse. and I believed them.
the problem was, everything they chose to focus on in these episodes felt like the wrong choice.
so, context. the villain of the show since season one has been Emperor Belos. he's this big, creepy looking fascist dictator who wants everybody to be learning ONE kind of magic. he gives people special tattoos on the inside of their forearms to make sure they can't use more than one (which draws some uncomfortable parrallels to the holocaust considering we learn that belos wants to commit genocide against the witches)
so that's our villain but at the end of season two a new villain is introduced. a little creepy jester God Baby (heretofore known as GodBaby.) GodBaby wants to play. GodBaby destroys belos in one fell swoop and literally kills all the tension of the season two finally with a twitch of his finger, then GodBaby enslaves the planet as his playthings. Luz and her friends escape to the human world, but find they can't return.
When they DO return to the human world, they literally just explain to GodBaby that you have to ASK if people want to play with you and GodBaby immediately stops being the villain. The villain is now, again, Belos, who has been crawling around as a rather pathetic piles of deer shaped goo. There's your narrative context.
I found this was a huge waste of tension. they destroyed their villain, taking away all his credibility, his power, everything that makes him threatening to introduce this NEW guy, the new guy is convinced to the good side in a four minute conversation, all so you can bring this entirely non-threatening guy back for five seconds. this might have been alright if it didn't take place over the course of two and a half episodes. it wasnt DRAMATIC nor was it SATISFYING.
so that's the villains, now for the protagonists. Willow and Gus, our two side characters of colour, are underfocused on (as they have been throughout the entire show). Hunter, my favourite character, has basically the entire first episode dedicated to his suffering. i guess im biased cause I love that kid, but forty minutes of him getting infected with UncleGoop, slowly becoming paranoid and losing his mind, and then turning into some kinda (POORLY DESIGNED) deer beast, and then trying to KILL HIMSELF and THEN his first friend and beloved pet bird sacrificing itself to save his life..... hoooooooooooo. it was farrrrr too fucking much in my opinion. my man just wanted to cosplay. but i guess that's more of a personal thing.
Luz is in her depression era. she's upset because she thinks that everything is her fault, completely understandable. was i moved by it at all? noooooo.
amityyyyy. exists to be a good girlfriend. and that's OKAY. i'd probably like her way more if they hadn't turned the cunt beam down. she used to be a real bitch and that's when she was at her most interesting TO ME. IMO.
the most egregious thing to me is episode 2. that episode focused HEAVILY on side characters and stories I have no interest in when the stakes were supposed to be at their highest. they give boscha (fucking boscha?) a redemption arc when I was moe worried about hunter killing his uncle and luz freeing all the puppeteered slaves. and why are you INTRODUCING STORYLINES WHEN YOU HAVE LESS THAN SIXTY MINUTES OF SHOW LEFT???? it was very veryyy fucking frustrating.
last episode. i barely rememeber it. luz has he depression healed by the power of becoming a kaiju. hunter can now use magic because he ate his magic bird to survive. i was yawning.
when i talk shit about the owl house its because I was so fucking let down by its conclusion. I understand that the team had less to work with, but so did the crew on Rise, and they made an excellent conclusion to their series. because 2/3 seasons in that show were mid (TO ME!!! IN MYYYY OPINION!!!) i don't value it as much as I value shows like gravity falls or infinity train or rottmnt. if you or anybody reading this liked it, that's okay! live your truth. i did Not fuck with it though.
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genderselkies · 2 years
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gender and sexuality and other queer stuff sideblog :D
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you can call me fid, i use they/pika/mew/she/he/paw/angel/spark/heart pronouns, and i’m 20
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i’m a sapphic bisexual butch dyke
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i hoard gender labels like its going out of style, some that i feel are particularly important are: nonbinary, genderflux, catgender, catgirl/boygender, genderfaer, genderselkie, demigirl, OCDgender, azurgirl, butchgender, mascgirl, proxvir and girlflux
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i love to make pride stuff!! so if you want a pride icon, a flag colorpicked from a character/album cover/other image, a blinkie, stamp, or userbox, my askbox is open :D
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dnis are lame but i’d prefer if you stayed away if:
- youre like 14 or younger
- youre an exclusionist (i support all good-faith IDs)
- youre going to argue with me about me using butch/dyke/the double venus as a bisexual sapphic
- youre going to get upset that i watch minecraft youtubers.
- idk man just be nice and respectful, that’s all ya really gotta do
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fun banners + tag directory under the cut!!
txt - my original text posts
id - this just means i id with a term in the post, not a kin thing (altho i do kin)
id? - for things im not sure if i id with
my edits - edits made by urs truly
my icons - icons made by me :D
my stimboards - stimboards from me
text - text posts not made by me
history - older stuff, photographs, web archives, etc, this is kinda subjective
art - art wooohooo
graphics - graphics not made by me !!
emojis - kinda subjective but i tag as this instead of graphics if it looks like its more suited to be like a discord emoji
blinkies - yuh
icons - pfps
userboxes - userboxes
flags - flags, including newly coined terms/new flags and flag recolors
flag edits - for things like halloween flags
positivity - things to make you :D
fashion - clothing
stim - stimboards and such by others
i tag triggers as the word (feel free to ask me to tag stuff) and i tag fandoms as the name of the thing, no acronyms [ex: i would tag “the owl house” as that rather than “toh”]
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eldritch-edward · 7 months
This is what I did tonight when I sat down to write;
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Ed's henna was fun to design, though, so I did enjoy the time I spent.
Believe it or not, Ed being able to turn invisible isn’t from TOH nor ITSV, it's actually inspired from an old MLP fanfic called Background Pony. It's a somewhat bleak fic but so is my work and that story has been one of my favourites for…. maybe two years now?
While Ed had seen henna and mehndi art from time to time when growing up in Resembool, given its proximity to Ishvall, he'd only really gotten a chance to wear it once or twice in his childhood (curtesy of one of the many people who decided to watch out for the town's resident stewards).
Once William (Envy) becomes a part of his life and decides to teach Ed about their heritage, Ed is reintroduced to henna and decides that he rather likes having it. He can’t apply it himself (as he doesn’t wear the automail art by that point, although I will likely have him start sporting a prosthetic similar to what is seen in CoS) and he takes a fair amount of liberties with the medium, but it is fun.
(Yes, I am projecting. I didn’t learn about my middle eastern heritage until I was eighteen and my grandfather was literally from Lebanon.)
William gifts Ed an archeology book containing illustrations of henna art and styles, which Ed proceeds to use or inspiration whenever Kit (03 Wrath) or Nina agree to use him as a sentient canvas. Kit uses primarily floral or thermal designs (mainly vines or snow), weaving them to work with Ed's homunculus markings and spanning the length of Ed's whole arm rather than just the hand.
Nina, being the artsy wee lass she is, sticks more strictly with illustrations. Her work is more geometric in shape as well as generally more defined.
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badedramay · 9 months
jannat se aagay i'm on the fence about. i feel like umera ahmed dramas are always hit or miss with me these days and the more i rewatch some of them the more it feels like there's a recurring theme of women being made to feel they're ungrateful to god for reacting to hardships created by societal misogyny. which obv is not surprising and is in fact something highly relevant to the experiences of women in our society, but ig i'm kind of tired of it too and want to see a situation where a woman doesn't have to sacrifice her own happiness for the sake of being patient with others. that might be why i enjoyed alif more in comparison, bc it was less about women humbling themselves for the sake of a man and more about people in general humbling themselves before god. and potentially it seems jannat se aagay may go in that direction as well so i'm not losing too much hope. but then there's also the fact that umera's last drama was hum kahaan kay sachay thay and while that had a good message at the core i feel like the execution was pretty juvenile and hard to take seriously. so idk. my feelings are all over the place lololol
as for mein. truly love ayeza's styling as well! i'm kind of hesitant to invest in any more wahaj ali dramas both on account of oversaturation and also how he's sort of soured for me in the past year but zanjabeel asim did write pyaar ke sadqay and that was amazing so.. who knows! it's ary and taking up the mujhe pyaar hua tha timeslot does not spell great vibes to me but idk maybe i'm being too cynical. i feel like yunhi has risen the standard so high for me recently that i'm starting to be a lot pickier than i used to be! i never thought i'd see a drama possessive of that level of subtlety and romantic old school vibe again that you get from old ptv productions and i miss it dearly! i know yunhi has been a bit underrated compared to some of the bigger hits these days but i really want other script writers to take note that this is how they can do things rather than relying on all of the cheap drama and fanfare they normally promote. ig technically speaking neem has been following that train of thought as well, although i know people are irritated by mawra's preaching in it (i personally am not. i'm willing to let a little overidealized preaching slide if it means we get to see something refreshing and different on screen). but i hope we get more subtle dramas! or maybe i just need to look for them harder
UA is..very staunch in her views about the subject of religion and patriarchy. which, when mixed with her brilliance as a writer, turn out to be quite a sinister view because she manages to subtly and not-so-subtly sneak them in her stories and paint only them as the "right" views. she doesn't try to shake any foundations. what she says about both religion and the position of women is not favoring either the minorities or the women of current times who are trying their best to break free from the shackles of patriarchy. UA might appear to be on their side but she is not. she serves only her own purposes be it being pro-establishment through a show like Sinf e Ahan or pro-a particular sect/interpretation of the religion by the points she makes in her other dramas. which is why I like it when her stories steer clear from these particular agendas and instead focus on the more human emotions. her older shows like Daam, Malaal, Kankar, Doraha..they had far more empowered heroines and nuanced human emotions than her more popular works like Zindagi Gulzar Hai or Shehr-e-Zaat. I am seriously hoping that Jannat Say Aagay will take her back to those roots instead of this being yet another propaganda project for her which she has gotten too comfortable with nowadays. Ramsha's teaser for the show has risen my expectations although of course, I am still gonna remain cautious. filhaal toh mere giggles iss baat pe nahin ruk rahe ke I can so easily interpret the vibes of the teaser to being non-heterosexual so obviously and the fact that it's a UA show making me feel that way is just personally hella amusing to me xD the IRONYYY!
bruh when i say Wahaj didn't even register to me in his teaser for Mein while Ayeza's teaser got tattooed on my brain in the first watch only !!! there's no denying wahaj's brilliance but damn the over saturation of his work IS so clearly evident now. Zain feels like another version of Murtasim. yes yes Wahaj carries the rich guy look well, he has groomed his aura for the screen well, but like...ABHi tou issi mein dekha tha isse. and phir wohi? whereas Mubashira's aggression is completely at contrast with Ayeza's last character (Tara) so the excitement to watch what SHE has in store is so much for me. Zanjabeel Asim is a solid writer so that's sorted. Badar Mehmood is eh but kya hi kar sakte hain. i am not hyped pro max for the DRAMA itself per se but I am very intrigued by Ayeza's character and will mostly be watching for her (if I do end up following it regularly).
Yunhi..I guess I'll binge once its finished. I feel no urgency to watch that show. it's a comfort watch and I'll watch it comfortably. filhal toh Bilal ki shakal nahin bardasht horahi hai mujhse.
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rappaccini · 1 year
toh finale thoughts
as before, the animation is stunning. the attention to detail is unmatched and the fight scenes were gorgeous.
damn vee literally did nothing in the end huh
and the caleb-evelyne thing sure never mattered.
the dreamworld was cool. wish they'd gone into more depth with luz and belos paralleling to make that hallucination feel much more impactful. as is, it just feels like luz is cosplaying him rather than we're learning some deep-seated fear in her psyche. the 'you've been the whole villain all along' thing really falls flat if we never receive any indications that it's possible for luz to become that.
bringing it back to luz eda and king was great. i missed this trio.
i find the collector clip show funny.
deeply appreciate them not asspulling a redemption for belos. yes, most people can be reached with kindness and forgiveness... but some can't. most people are doing the best they can. some are not.
i definitely think that the whole 'Luz is a Good Person, You Guys' thing that takes up the first half of the special is the writers trying to address the bullshit criticisms of her character and the badfaith flattening of amity in particular into a generic mean girl. which, well they're not assassinating the chars to appeal to those fans, but they also didn't need to address it either.
love the symbolism of luz getting killed and resurrected, getting to meet god and gain power from him
the gnarly entropy luz's body gets was a great design.
so's her titan form. it's so magical-girly but that's part of the charm. luz gets to not just dress up as her favorite character, but be something her own.
the animation in this fight sequence is stunning.
don't like hunter being demoted to support crew in the final showdown with His Abuser. no one deserves this confrontation more than him and he doesn't even get a chance to tell belos to fuck off and give luz the green card to beat his ass. she just goes lion turtle while he's stuck on the blimp. again, they wanted season 3b zuko so bad they skipped all the most important parts of that arc. in this case, zuko facing ozai during black sun, telling him he's wrong, and saying he'll leave his defeat to the avatar.
like. this is Luz's Fight, being that she's the protagonist and the emperor's foil. but hunter needed to participate too. the bare minimum would've been him and luz having a private moment where he gives her his blessing to pulp his uncle.
sure, give hunter something to do helping the folks at the archives, but he doesn't know them like the hexsquad do.
also again i wish they let luz keep her glyph magic instead of moving on to a palisman. toh spend three seasons building up luz's new unique magic style only to say 'sike! it was a placeholder until she could get the Exact Same Thing Everyone Else Has'. yes camila and the hexsquad get to use it in the climax, but it's luz's magic. it feels wrong that she dropped it as soon as she got a cooler replacement. there had to be some way for her to integrate it more prominently into her titan magic.
belos as final boss had to happen. relieved they didn't make it the collector at the last second. giving him no forgiveness and handing over his destruction to the people he hurt and the literal land he colonized was excellent. smart sidestep of the Kid Protag Can't Kill rule that feels thematically coherent (stares at atla). especially him being melted by water like a classic fairy tale witch
and making him the literal heart of the rot, to match the metaphorical one he was the whole time.
luz keeping her dorky self, but now having the confidence to call herself luz instead of luzura? wonderful.
archives. clever way to sidestep killing everyone bc kids cartoon.
love hunter being adopted by darius. it was properly built up and they seem like a great match personality wise. it caps off hunter's need for a new family (not to mention a new father figure who actually loves and cares for him), and darius's need to redeem himself for his complicity in letting belos abuse his nephew.
salty fandom side note: my controversial opinion is that Hunter Noceda the headcanon reeks to me of a group of people who earnestly wanted to see a pair of adopted male-female siblings being the main characters of a cartoon of this nature, projecting that dynamic onto two friends who aren't related or the same species, who definitely do have romantic tension that just never goes anywhere, who briefly live together as teens being cared for by the same adult after having never known each other as children, and whose parents aren't/will never be married, hallucinating it into Two Literal Siblings, having that interest whipped into an insistent fury that it's the Only Interpretation Allowed by lunter antis/the most rabid lumity stans who wanted an excuse to declare the ship problematic, and since it being abusive would mean blackwashing hunter's character and that was out of the question, they went with it being incest by the vaguest of technicalities, therefore literal 100% no-different-from-two-bio-siblings-fucking incest, therefore anyone who likes lunter becomes depraved, abusive, somehow also homophobic and therefore a 'valid' target for mobbing.
anytime i see art of luz and hunter in a pose that could be interpreted as romantic, and the word 'siblings' is slapped in the description i just think 'so you definitely know what you drew and that people would see it that way. you're just too insecure to let people interpret it as they please, huh'
anyway, hunter deamonne was the right choice. given how quickly hunlow got smashed together to Protect Lumity's Innocence, i'm relieved the writers didn't asspull hunter into the noceda family just to please the fans.
(.... to the people who want luz to have a sibling from the boiling isles who was adopted by camila to protect them from belos, THAT'S VEE)
speaking of ~hUnTeR nOcEdA~ who wants to bet the next ironclad luz-and-hunter-are-siblings pivot will be 'obviously darius and alador marry because they were onscreen together for one shot, and since lumity marry, and hunter is darius's adopted son, they are siblings-in-law and therefore the Exact Same Thing as literal full-on-related-siblings-who-were-raised-together.' fucking. idiots.
or maybe the even more elaborate mental gymnastics routine of 'obviously darius and camila will marry, making luz and hunter stepsiblings'.
either way, it's canon that these two characters who aren't related... aren't related. i feel like people need reminding of that.
i love ending on a time skip epilogue
i appreciate that rebuilding the isles is a work in progress that'll take years. no magical everything-is-fine-now-that-we-killed-the-bad-guy
their college designs are great
palisman carver hunter works. give him a quiet life surrounded by the wild magic he was denied, helping to create things
gus and willow's endings are solid. gus living his human world loving dream, willow getting to beat ass. good for them.
amity certainly was doing... something?
luz staying in the magical realm is great. this story is about not having to choose a category or group to ally yourself with, and finding your own path. it was never going to involve luz going back to the human world forever.
i do wonder if she finished hs in the human realm though. i think that's an important aspect of her character that's been overlooked-- she came to the isles to find the belonging she didn't find in the human world. she needed to go back to the human world, even if only temporarily, to show how her adventure changed her as a person. i'll give it a pass given how truncated this season was. her hs days were probably cut for the first special. still hope she got to have them to some extent.
love the nocedas buying the portal house. best of both worlds is the best ending.
pour one out for flapjack.
again i acknowledge that hunlow's buildup got totally wiped out because s3 had to be truncated. yes, it probably would've been much more developed if s3 got to be a whole twenty or even just ten episodes. sucks. still don't like them as a couple. still reeks of 'we need to pair up the biggest threats to lumity together so Nothing Can Touch Our Baby' and it's still annoying when they coulda just written all four characters better from day 1.
again amity is here to be The Girlfriend. it's wonderful and groundbreaking that a disney cartoon gets to have its main couple be two female characters who get to be a couple onscreen during the run of the show but it's still such an undersell of amity as a character. wish she got her own role in the story as an individual.
so in full review... yeah toh is a mostly-great show with some gaping weak points. even with all the issues i have with it, it's unquestionably beautiful to look at, full of fantastic ideas and characters, made by people who deeply loved what they were doing and mostly stuck to their guns. if this came out when i was a preteen, i'd have loved it.
but that being said, preteen me didn't watch it. adult me did.
adult me appreciates all those aspects and especially how the creatives chose to die falling on their queer sword instead of letting the mouse censor things and water down the message. but adult me does think there are some gaping holes in the writing that keep toh from being one of the All Time Greats. avatar come again, this is not. it's close, but not quite there. i'll recommend it to everyone forever, but i Will talk about the issues too.
yes, the romance is one of my big issues. lumity was just wlw kataang. it was cute and you saw it coming, and Yes I Sure Am Glad It Was Able To Exist... but it totally overpowers and consumes amity's individual character. not to mention that all luz and amity's individual character arc moments could have been better satisfied by pairings with hunter and willow respectively. it's just odd that a show this strongly written failed so hard in this regard, and either didn't at all realize that their two main couples should have swapped partners, or definitely knew and consciously chose to go with the worse option because they wanted wish fulfillment.
but more than that, the biggest problem with toh isn't actually that it was shot dead by disney before it could finish its story on its own terms. if anything these three supersized episodes showed that it was capable of efficient storytelling all along and just didn't do it. season 1's pacing was really fucking bad, and introducing hunter in s2 was a massive mistake. even if they did get two-and-a-half seasons, they still could've ended on such a stronger note if hunter was in s1, and if they actually let the plot get rolling before s1e18.
and on the fandom end of things i'm most happy that the worst people in the fandom will move on to find another children's cartoon to make unbearable for everyone else. ideally the lunter shippers can finally poke their heads out and have fun with the (disclaimer, in the event some nutjob reads this:) non-canon ship. including and especially multishippers.
in general, it's always fun to see how fandoms develop after the dust settled. which headcanons, aus, and theories gain prominence, which discourses are forgotten. which ships and characters aren't remembered fondly, which ones will get a retroactive groundswell. what aspects of the show will be loved, which will be critiqued.
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rhpsdys · 1 year
ok here is the long-awaited post on bardic religion !! while this was constructed for urban fantasy, it works fine in any fantasy setting where religion isn't monotheistic... aka, it wasn't constructed for toh, but i am interested in exploring how it might fit in.
qhorhas, the god of music/storytelling is more of a patron — a deity with followers && practices ; one you pray to, but don't worship. while most of qhorhas' followers are bards, no one is excluded. however, the core tenets are center around the belief that qhorhas bestowed the ability to channel magic through music. while most magic-users who practice music-based magic are bards, anyone can learn it, && so anyone can be a follower of qhorhas.
qhorhas is most heavily associated with folk music && to a lesser degree classical/chamber music. in urban fantasy settings, other genres (like rock or rap or pop) aren't excluded from prayer && practice, && there are followers who do associate these genres with them, so it's not blasphemous, but it is less common, although it's being seen more && more among younger generations.
repetition, utilized in solo meditation (listening to music or practice), is central in all facets of qhorhas' following. folklore is built && developed because we tell stories over && over, the development of musical styles is an iterative process, && practicing art involves tons of repetition. repetitive movement is also used in some spiritual practices in "our" world to induce a transcendent or meditative state, so it stands to reason that the same could be applied here.
rather than formal places of worship, followers of qhorhas use their practical locations of their craft as sacred spaces for prayer && practice. think concert hall as cathedral, or a theatre as a temple, or even a small practice room as a makeshift area for individual reflection. these spaces’ relationship to acoustics—encouraging or restricting echoes and reverb—creates another form of repetition. the concert hall below the bardic library is the largest one, but many utilize practice rooms elsewhere in the library.
the sessions, either individual or structured, are quiet meditative time in the place of artistic practice, for reflection && mental && physical preparation. many rituals include practice with an instrument as well as either reading recorded folklore/mythology or listening to another storyteller recounting those stories. but there is an outreach aspect as well, which is sharing that music with other people (ie performance) as well as being a more public storyteller (think busking, with a story recitation accompanied by music), though the scope of how far one travels to spread these tales && inspire others varies from person to person. there are even some bards who ultimately end up becoming folk heroes in their own right, or even mythological figureheads — ones who ultimately end up with stories told about them, based on their deeds && accomplishments.
qhorhas is not a god who communicates through words or direct messages, but rather signs through sound ; a hum in the air, a whistle of the breeze, a wind chime or a timely bell toll, vibrations under feet, etc. all these signs are subject to interpretation, && the stronger relationship && rapport you build with them, the clearer these signs become.
the most dedicated followers of qhorhas eventually become leaders within their community ; they are the ones who have the most communication with qhorhas && are able to interpret signs with ease, as well as lead formalized gatherings. in many ways, they're more like public servants than religious leaders as we think of them, && are the ones spearheading outreach && the organization of public performance && education.
to utilize d&d language, since that's what this was originally created for, they will multiclass in cleric. i'll come up with terminology for the different rankings later, but the minimum level required to be a member of the "clergy" so to speak would be six — three levels in cleric, && three in bard. i would say 50% are in the college of creation, with about another 40% distributed between valor, eloquence, && spirits, && the remaining 10% are in other colleges, or in rare instances, not bards at all. the highest ranking have ten levels in cleric, meaning at the minimum level to achieve that rank is thirteen. i'm not sure if raine ultimately takes any levels in cleric... i think it's very likely, but that's something i need to think about more.
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ordinaryschmuck · 1 year
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I tagged 1,070 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#the owl house - 373 posts
#reblogged - 273 posts
#not mine - 266 posts
#luz noceda - 177 posts
#asks - 137 posts
#send asks if you want - 137 posts
#ask me anything - 137 posts
#eda clawthorne - 113 posts
#toh hunter - 100 posts
#the golden guard - 98 posts
Longest Tag: 112 characters
#i will always remember him as the guy who yelled at the aliens to piss off when invading his planet on christmas
My Top Posts in 2022:
Quick Thoughts on “The Tomb” from Moon Knight
“The Tomb” might just be my favorite episode. Why? Let me count the ways.
The many great interactions between Marc and Steven. They’re fun and even heartwarming at one point. Plus, Marc punching Steven in the face is pretty funny, I won’t lie.
Steven trying to prove himself as someone useful. Maybe not in a fight, but definitely in a chance to solve a mystery or figure out what everyone needs to do.
Layla. Layla is the stand-out star in this, having moments that proves how badass she can be, as well as this realistic reaction to something heartbreaking.
Arthur Harrow is selling himself as one of my favorite MCU villains. The way he twists characters minds is top notch. He doesn’t lie and doesn’t entirely manipulate. In actuality, all he does is tell them truths. Truths that hurt the characters and make them do...occasionally stupid things. And that’s great. I love a villain who wins his fights through his words rather than actions.
This episode is one third archeological adventure, one third horror story, and one third psychological thriller. And I was invested through all of it, especially that final scene. I won’t give away how, but it really makes you question EVERYTHING you’ve seen in the show so far. And, yeah, that last zing got a chuckle out of me. Well done.
So, yeah. “The Tomb” is a great episode. It was a ton of fun and, with how things left off, it makes me excited for more. Much like every episode before it, but...this one did it better.
628 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
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This happened.
And all of our souls felt a little lighter because of it--DOES AMITY KICK UP HER LEFT LEG?!
Aw, that’s cute...
915 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
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Why do I love this expression?
Because I can easily see this in a 2D cartoon. Somewhere in the vein of Steven Universe or maybe even The Owl House. Like, if Turning Red was hand drawn, this expression would have been made in no time flat. But the animators worked extra hard in making this movie look like a 2D film with a 3D makeover. And that type of dedication earns so much of my respect.
926 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
Please watch Wendell & Wild.
Not just because it's a Halloween classic in the making.
Not just because it has a unique art style.
Not just because it has decent trans rep (which is cool to see it get more attention in recent years).
And not just because it has Key and Peele playing the best characters in the movie.
Watch Wendell & Wild to prove that animation can cater to more than just kids. This movie is PG-13 (but a 90s PG), meaning it's more for older audiences without relying on constant cursing, grotesque violence, and ludicrous amounts of sex and drugs. Instead, it uses creativity and genuinely good writing to tell a story that, while not really too intense for kids, it's at least a lot more advanced for them. And that's great. I want more animation that appeals to a vast majority of audiences of many ages and proves that type of animated content can be successful so people can stop saying animation is just for kids. But it's not. Anybody of any age should be able to enjoy animation and all its strengths, and the best way to do that is to give movies like Wendell & Wild a shot.
So, please, watch it.
2,602 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“Animation is just for kids!”
...Ok...Ok...Let’s take a look at some of that animation that’s “Just for kids,” shall we?
Adventure Time is a series that touches a lot on philosophical questions and theories, with one episode having one character ask “If just being born is the greatest act of creation then what are you supposed to do after that?”
Avatar: The Last Airbender dives deep into having characters question what is right and wrong when dealing with a horrible evil. Like, is it better to harm anybody, even the most innocent old man, just because their society is run by fascists? Should we torture those who tortured us? And should we really kill someone just because they are irredeemable? All hard questions, each with uneasy answers.
The Owl House has a powerful antagonist whose goal is to commit genocide on an entire race of innocent people due to being raced to believe that said people are evil, thus stating that the most dangerous people are the ones who are prejudiced and ignorant.
Centaurworld  has a scene where a man tries to drown an elk. No, I’m not kidding. That happened. It was on screen and everything.
Encanto teaches a lesson on generational trauma, the pressures of living up to expectations, and stating that the best gift is being alive and having those around you.
And do I even have to say ANYTHING about Pixar?! The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Up, Inside Out, Soul, and even Toy Story all have themes and morals that can speak to adults while also being simple enough for kids to understand.
But that’s just animation for kids. Let’s talk about animation for ADULTS, shall we?
South Park takes a comedic view of our society, poking fun in the many ways it’s broken.
The Breadwinner is a tense movie of a young, Afghan girl disguising herself as a boy so she can go out and make money so her family can survive.
Invincible has some of the most brutal scenes I’ve seen from a superhero series, including this moment with a train (you’ll know it when you see it) that was so horrific that, when it cut to black for a second, I saw the look of pure shock and terror of my face reflected onto my laptop.
And Bojack Horseman is the best adult-animated series I’ve ever seen because it tackles issues made for adults. Things like opium addiction, depression, the struggles of being asexual in a sex-driven world, and telling one truth that most adults need to hear. The truth that, in this life, you can’t live happily ever after. You’re alive, always have another problem to deal with, and then you’re dead. There’s no point, in this plane of existence, when you’re happy forever and ever. Because life’s a show, and when everybody’s happy, then there can’t be a show anymore.
Animation. Is not. For kids.
Animation is a medium that is often geared towards kids. And the reason why people keep saying it’s for kids is because they focus on the kids stuff and refuse to look at how mature some animated movies and shows can be.
5,942 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sepublic · 3 years
           Onto business first and foremost! We get twenty-one episodes, an extra one to make up for the rather odd, nineteen-count from the first season! That’s forty episodes in total! Then Season 3…
           OH, Season 3… I love it but it hurts! The Lord giveth and taketh away, it’s confirmed, but it’s only THREE 44-minute specials! By my calculations, that’s about the length of SIX normal episodes… THE OWL HOUSE IS SO DANG POPULAR AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO DISNEY?!?!! First Amphibia’s finale gets screwed over, THEN this?! But at least Amphibia gets its full third season… At least I assumeit does, oh for the love of Titan if it doesn’t…
           It is extremely imperative that we petition Disney to let TOH’s third season be full-length! Because Dana herself admitted that the main reason she left Twitter was to cope with THAT news, and… OH MY GOD POOR DANA you fought SO hard against all odds to give us this show, this previous love-child of your mind and heart and spite, for this!? But it might not be too late- If we assault Disney with our demand, they MIGHT just change their mind! SO GET ON WITH IT! Let the cartoon community rally AGAIN!
           But, right-
           The first half of episodes for Season 2 is going to be TEN episodes, the second half will be eleven! Already better than the first season, but as a reminder, that’s what we’re getting so far before our mid-season hiatus! And on THAT note…
           We have confirmation for the first FIVE episodes, which will begin airing just a mere FOUR WEEKS from now! We have Separate Tides, Escaping Expulsion, Echoes of the Past, Keeping Up A-fear-ances, and Through the Looking Glass Ruins!
           These episode titles spell out “SEEK T”, presumably “Seek t(he)”, so we can already guess the next two episodes after TtLGR! That leaves fourteen more letters for the Season 2 message; The last one was “A witch loses a true way,” so perhaps this season is advising Luz to seek something that will help her get back home? Something that will help her confront and defeat Belos? A little bit of both?
           Separate Tides is the season premiere! Luz is feeling guilty about the loss of Eda’s powers, poor girl, so she’s going to set sail for a lucrative bounty? Interesting… Perhaps a real Bloom of Eternal Youth? Something magical and bile-related? More lore on the nature of magic and its origins???
           Escaping Expulsion… hoo boy, THAT’s what we’ve all been looking forward to! Odalia and Alador get Luz, Willow, and Gus expelled?! No rights for them, even if that was already obvious but WOW. But more importantly, Luz strikes a deal with the two?!? What do Odalia and Alador want from Luz, to get her back into Hexside?!?!
           Dana mentioned how Season 1 had more focus on Hexside at Disney’s request. Given how Season 2 is more her style and freedom, we might see Luz and the others remain expelled from Hexside, if only to detach them from the coven system for the time being as their rebellion grows… And give focus to OTHER things as well! Which is going to suck a LOT and I’m going to hate Odie and Al even more for this, taking away not just Luz’s opportunity but also Willow and Gus’… Especially Willow since they DID follow through on that threat, holy shit, Amity and Willow must be hurt and traumatized from this!
           But what do Odalia and Alador want from Luz? Do they want to use her as leverage against Belos? To use her FOR Belos? I’m suddenly reminded of that idea I had about Odalia and Alador being interested in Luz as like, an actual suitor for Amity… GOD my Lumity heart would actually love it if that were the case! Obviously in the long run it’s bad and for THEIR purposes, but the idea of Luz learning to be more proper for them, for AMITY really… Oh man, this is reminding me of my speculation of Luz and Alador parallels! We might just see what makes Alador so interesting to Dana in this episode, and just the SECOND one of Season 2, no less- Right into the story meat!
           ECHOES OF THE PAST! King lore! KING LORE!!! Even better Luz, Lilith, and… HOOTY… go to a new island?! An island related to King’s past? Is Eda sticking with King to make sure he doesn’t do anything, or god, did King’s antics get her into trouble again? And Hooty… HOOTY is coming with Luz and Lilith???! I’m grateful for Luz and Lilith interaction, we might get to see them talk things over, but how is Hooty…? Is the house coming along?
           Dana mentioned two spoilers and a lie, one of them was Hooty leaving the house! I guess this is one of them… The others were Camila beating someone up and Gus getting a growth spurt, which we’ll get onto later; So I think Camila beating someone up is the lie! Dang it… But a dangerous new island, could this be related to the various pieces of Titan bones mentioned in The Unauthorized History of the Boiling Isles, scattered throughout the boiling seas, all alluding to another incomplete Titan?!
           Are they KING’S REMAINS??! And his bones are incomplete because he still has his SKULL!!!!
           Keeping Up A-fear-ances is pretty obviously Gwendolyn. Screw you, Gwen, and the confirmation that her presence is causing strain for everyone… YIKES. Hopefully we’ll get Young Eda and Lilith backstory, and see how they transitioned from the YBOS flashback to present-day! Perhaps Gwendolyn DID help Eda when she first transformed… Either way, I do not like her. But she’ll be fascinating to see!
           Through the Looking Glass Ruins! As I said before, Gus gets a growth spurt, and he’s trying to impress kids from Glandus… Which YES GLANDUS, more schools lore! But uhh… If they’re at Glandus, is it because they didn’t get back into Hexside after all, and they’re moving to a different school? Luz and Amity are exploring a dangerous library there, which, Lost in Language flashbacks! But why is AMITY there… Oh Titan, does SHE choose to leave Hexside at the end of Escaping Expulsion, as a means of defying her parents’ will, to go with the friends she loves! If so… YEAH AMITY! That, or she’s out on a visit. Will Amity run from home and live with the others, or maybe Willow and her dads? Gus and Perry? Or will she still be at the Blight Manor… Dana wasn’t kidding about Emira and Edric being distracted from Grom!
           Maybe Amity works something out that gets her expelled from Hexside, and Glandus is the new school for her, who knows? Perhaps it’s because of Belos, and so Odalia and Alador are furious, but they want their kid at a school regardless, so Glandus it is! The Hexside Banshees lost their best captain… Not that she was even playing so it doesn’t matter, but still! THIS would be quite a shock and change for Amity! And Luz, Willow, and Gus… Dang, they’re just losing a lot huh?
           If they ARE going to Glandus and enrolling there, then maybe the episode will end in a failure, or maybe they’re pretending to in order to access the library, maybe a library incident will get their enrollment cancelled! I’m interested in seeing Glandus’ location, we know it’s on an island elsewhere… I kind of want to see the principal of Glandus, will they be cool like Bump? Have a rivalry with him??? Hexside lore??? FORBIDDEN SHIP BETWEEN BUMP AND GLANDUS PRINCIPAL??!?!
           But yeah, those are the episode synopses, and they promise a LOT! It seems each episode so far is just pure character or plot stuff… Not to dunk on ‘filler’, which I think is misused for a lot of episodes honestly, but I like it! I guess Dana and crew have to make the most of their time thanks to Disney’s weird thing with Season 3, screw you Mickey… But yeah! I’m definitely gonna say more stuff and talk about the intro, but for now, I AM HYPED!!!
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cartoonfan101 · 3 years
Okay look.
I’m a big fan of both Amphibia and Owl House, and both are pretty great shows, but for someone to say “Amphibia is better than Owl House” just feels wrong to me. And I’m not saying you can’t like Amphibia more, because that’s valid, but there is just no way it’s better I’m general.
Owl House has done so much in the representation department for not only the lgbtq+ community but also poc, people with different body types, etc. But Amphibia on the other hand, only (at the moment) has three main human characters, who yes 2/3 of them are poc, but they’re all literal stick figures. Luz has a realistic body type, while Anne looks like she hasn’t eaten in years. I understand people look like that but for all three of those characters to be skinny is just… eh. I understand it’s the art style, but in the trailer for season 3 they showed people with different body types so I don’t understand why they didn’t do that from the beginning.
And while both shows do this pretty well, I can’t help but favor the way owl house covers actual human behavior (idk how else to describe it sos) more than Amphibia. Like in the beginning of Amphibia I was hooked on Anne struggling to understand the true meaning of friendship, but I kinda forgot about it as the series went on. What I love about owl house is they give characters redemption, but don’t always say you’re forgiven. Like in understanding Willow after Amity apologized Willow says something along the lines of “I can’t say we’re friends, but it’s a start” and Willow and Amity haven’t had many moments of extreme friendship since then. Like their friendship didn’t pick right back where it left off. Sasha is an interesting character though, because of her “I know what I’m doing isn’t right in Anne and/or Marcy’s eyes, but I like what I’m doing” which is something I wish they dove into a little more. How this is a point you may be wondering, is while both shows do it well, the owl house is more constant with it, and shows it with more than just the main characters.
The main characters in both shows can’t compare I’m sorry. Luz is not only great representation, but she’s a take on the “quirky” stereotype that makes her more than just that. She also does so much to help the people she likes, and even manages to make her way into people hearts (😏). I also find her very relatable and funny but that’s me. It just makes sense to me why the show is centered around Luz… but Anne. Anne is an okay character, I just wish she wasn’t the main one. I’ll admit she’s done a bit, but compared to Marcy and Sasha, her trauma is kinda just witnessing everyone else get hurt. Yes, that’s an awful thing, but I would much rather see Marcy or Sasha as the main character. I will admit, Anne not being the classic Disney channel cartoon quirky female main character is nice, I can’t help but feel she’s a bit… basic? This point is a bit more opinionated so I apologize for that.
The fillers is the biggest problem for me. Owl house did a great job making filler episodes that had to do will the plot or world building in someway, and with an exception of a couple episodes in season 1, people usually find all of the episodes entertaining in some way. Amphibia season 1 makes me want to jump out the window. There’s only two episodes I actually like watching in that season, and wow it’s the ones with Sasha in them! Season 2 is a bit better, but honestly I only like the filler episodes with Marcy in them. While I understand it’s a “kids show”, when you have another kids show on the same channel, playing at the same time period, who can manage to bring an adult audience who enjoys the filler episodes, I don’t see how you can use that as an excuse. Someone also pointed out the fact that Amphibia is more of a slow burn, which makes sense, but they could have executed it in a better way that was more compelling to the audience. I’ve seen too many people stop watching Amphibia because of the filler episodes, and people shouldn’t have to skip over content because it’s boring, you know?
I also feel more of an attachment to all of the characters in owl house. Like I either love them, or I love to hate them, no matter who they are. Like it’s been a year since we got any real Skara scenes, and I still love her… but in Amphibia I could care less about most of the frogs. Like I don’t even remember most of their names- I feel like having a cast of characters that people can love and appreciate, no matter who they are, contributes to a great show. Not only do I talk about this a little bit, but the fandoms honestly show this as well. The owl house fandom has done so much to make the Hexside students seem like a bigger deal than they are because they actually like them. In Amphibia, you can find one or two posts about a certain character, and never hear about them again OR the character is all you hear about.
Tbh tho, both shows are extremely similar, and I see why it’s hard to choose one over the other, I just have to be honest and say I don’t understand why Amphibia is better. I know most of my arguments were based on opinion, but like, a lot of people agree with my opinion (except the Anne thing. I’ll forever be alone on that). If you like Amphibia more, than good for you, I won’t judge. This is just how I feel about it and I would love to hear your opinion.
But while we’re here I will be talking about the utter bs Disney is showing to the two shows. Like Amphibia is getting ANOTHER theme song take over, a Christmas special, celebrity voice actors, and not to mention a full season three…
While the owl house is stuck with shortening it’s third season cause “budget cuts”. Bitch please. If you were losing so much money, then why not take some of your money away from Amphibia’s theme song take over and put it towards a full season three for toh. They both get the same amount of attention, but just because one is pushing boundaries for violence rather than the lgbtq community, doesn’t mean you can pick favorites.
Anyways feel free to argue with me ��
(Edit: I quickly went back and edited some of the arguments so theyre a little less opinionated, which I’ll probably do again lmao)
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