#rand paul is right actually ugh ugh ugh
We should ban TikTok('s surveillance)
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With the RESTRICT Act, Congress is proposing to continue Trump’s war on Tiktok, enacting a US ban on the Chinese-owned service. How will they do this? Congress isn’t clear. In practice, banning stuff on the internet is hard, especially if you don’t have a national firewall:
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
My guess is that they’re thinking of ordering the mobile duopoly of Google and Apple to nuke the Tiktok app from their app stores. That’s how they do it in China, after all: when China wanted to ban VPNs and other privacy tools, they just ordered Apple to remove them from the App Store, and Apple rolled over:
That’s the completely foreseeable consequence of arrogating the power to decide which software every mobile user on earth is entitled to use — as Google and Apple have done. Once you put that gun on the mantelpiece in Act I, you damn betcha that some strong-man backed by a powerful state is going to come along and shoot it by Act III.
The same goes for commercial surveillance: once you collect massive, nonconsensual dossiers on every technology user alive, you don’t get to act surprised when cops and spies show up and order your company to serve as deputies for a massive, off-the-books warrantless surveillance project.
Hell, a cynic might even say that commercial surveillance companies are betting on this. The surveillance public-private partnership is a vicious cycle: corporations let cops and spies plunder our data; then the cops and spies lobby against privacy laws that would prevent these corporations from spying on us:
Which makes the RESTRICT Act an especially foolish project. If the Chinese state wants to procure data on Americans, it need not convince us to install Tiktok. It can simply plunk down a credit card with any of the many unregulated data-brokers who feed the American tech giants the dossiers that the NSA and local cops rely on.
Every American tech giant is at least as bad for privacy as Tiktok is — yes, even Apple. Sure, Apple lets its users block Facebook spying with a single tap — but even if you opt out of “tracking,” Apple still secretly gathers exactly the same kinds of data as Facebook, and uses it to power its own ad product:
There is no such thing as a privacy-respecting tech giant. Long before Apple plastered our cities with lying billboards proclaiming its reverence for privacy, Microsoft positioned itself as the non-spying alternative to Google, which would be great, except Microsoft spies on hundreds of millions of people and sells the data:
Tech’s surveillance addiction means that Tiktok’s own alternative to the RESTRICT Act is also unbelievably stupid. The company has proposed to put itself under Oracle’s supervision, letting Oracle host its data and audit its code. You know, Oracle, the company that built the Great Firewall of China 1.0:
We should not trust Tiktok any more than we trust Apple, Facebook, Google or Microsoft. Tiktok lied about whether it was sending data to China before:
And even if it keeps its promise not to send user data to China, that promise is meaningless — it can still send the vectors and models it creates with that data to China — these being far more useful for things like disinformation campaigns and population-scale inferences than the mere logs from your Tiktok sessions.
There are so many potentially harmful ways to process commercial surveillance data that trying to enumerate all the things that a corporation is allowed to do with the data it extracts from us is a fool’s errand. Instead, we should ban companies from spying on us, whether they are Chinese or American.
Corporations are remorseless, paperclip-maximizing colony organisms that perceive us as inconvenient gut-flora, and they lack any executive function (as do their “executives”), and they cannot self-regulate. To keep corporations from harming us, we must make it illegal for them to enact harm, and punish them when they break the law:
After all, the problem with Tiktok isn’t the delightful videos or the fact that it’s teaching a generation of children to be expert sound- and video-editors. The problem with Tiktok is that it spies on us. Just like the problem with Facebook isn’t that it lets us communicate with our friends, and the problem with Google isn’t that it operates a search engine.
Now, these companies will tell you that the two can’t be separated, that a bearded prophet came down off a mountain with two stone tablets, intoning, “Larry, Sergey, thou shalt stop rotating thine logfiles and, lo, thou wilt data-mine them for actionable market intelligence.” But it’s nonsense. Google ran for years without surveillance. Facebook billed itself as the privacy-forward alternative to Myspace and promised never to spy on us:
The inevitabilist narrative that says that corporations must violate our rights in order to make the products we love is unadulterated Mr Gotcha nonsense: “Yet you participate in society. Curious. I am very intelligent”:
Of course, corporations push this narrative all the time, which is why American Big Tech has been quietly supporting a ban on Tiktok, which (coincidentally) has managed to gain a foothold in the otherwise impregnable, decaying, enshittified oligarchy that US companies have created.
They have conspicuously failed to call for any kind of working solution, like a federal privacy law that would ban commercial surveillance, and extend a “private right of action,” so people could sue tech giants and data-brokers who violated the law, without having to convince a regulator, DA or Attorney General to bestir themselves:
Instead, the tech giants have the incredible gall to characterize themselves as the defenders of our privacy — at least, so long as the Chinese government is the adversary, and so long as its privacy violations come via an app, and not buy handing a credit card to the data-brokers that are the soil bacteria that keeps Big Tech’s ecosystem circulating. In the upside-down land of Big Tech lobbying, privacy is a benefit of monopoly — not something we have to smash monopolies to attain:
Not everyone in Congress is onboard with the RESTRICT Act. AOC has come out for a federal privacy law that applies to all companies, rather than a ban on an app that tens of millions of young Americans love:
You know who agrees with AOC? Rand Paul. Yes, that absolute piece of shit. Paul told his caucusmates in the GOP that banning an app that millions of young American voters love is bad electoral politics. This fact is so obvious that even Rand fucking Paul can understand it:
Paul is absolutely right to call a Tiktok ban a “national strategy to permanently lose elections for a generation.” The Democrats should listen to him, because the GOP won’t. As between the two parties, the GOP is far more in thrall to the Chamber of Commerce and the rest of the business lobby. They are never going to back a policy that’s as good for the people and as bad for big business as a federal privacy law.
The Democrats have the opportunity to position themselves as “the party that wants to keep Tiktok but force it to stop being creepy, along with all the other tech companies,” while the GOP positions itself as “the party of angry technophobes who want to make sure that any fun you have is closely monitored by Mark Zuckerberg, Sundar Pinchai and Tim Cook and their pale imitations of the things you love about Tiktok.”
That’s not just good electoral politics — it’s good policy. Young voters aren’t going to turn out to the polls for performative Cold War 2.0 nonsense, but they will be pissed as hell at whoever takes away their Tiktok.
And if you do care about Cold War 2.0, then you should be banning surveillance, not Tiktok; the Chinese government has plenty of US dollars at its disposal to spend in America’s freewheeling, unregulated data markets — as do criminals, petty and organized, and every other nation-state adversary of the USA.
The RESTRICT Act is a garbage law straight out of the Clinton era, a kind of King Canute decree that goes so far as to potentially prohibit the use of VPNs to circumvent its provisions. America doesn’t need a Great Firewall to keep itself safe from tech spying — it needs a privacy law.
Have you ever wanted to say thank you for these posts? Here’s how you can: I’m kickstarting the audiobook for my next novel, a post-cyberpunk anti-finance finance thriller about Silicon Valley scams called Red Team Blues. Amazon’s Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they’re DRM free, but crowdfunding makes them possible.
Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A modified vintage editorial cartoon. Uncle Sam peeks out over a 'frowning battlement' whose cannon-slots are filled with telescopes from which peer the red glaring eyes of HAL 9000 from '2001: A Space Odyssey.' Topping the battlements in a row are Uncle Sam and three business-suited figures with dollar-sign-bags for heads. The three dollar-bag men have corporate logos on their breasts: Facebook, Google, Apple. Standing on the strand below the battlements, peering up, is a forlorn figure with a Tiktok logo for a head. The fortress wall bears the words 'RESTRICT Act.']
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
i'm genuinely curious... is it even possible to win in states like florida and texas at this point? even in georgia, after it flipped blue in 2020, the republicans rushed to make things even harder for marginalized voters (i'm pretty sure that's why this runoff is happening a month earlier? i could be wrong, but that's what i've read). with everything so divided between the democrats and literal fascism in the gop, i feel like every time we make any kind of progress they'll strip it back and make things even more difficult. i really don't mean this to sound cynical, and i'm so sorry if it does, i'm just curious. i wasn't old enough to vote in 2016 (i still had a few months before i turned 18) so i feel like my experience w elections in this country has generally been so much division that's only gotten worse
Yes, it is possible, and I'll tell you why:
Fascism is not inevitable.
This is not Pollyanna-ing, or "hopium," or whatever else the professional doomsayers like to jump in with (borne of the same school of thought that brands happy endings in fiction "unrealistic," because clearly the Real World is nothing but pain and suffering all the time) whenever someone expresses cautious optimism for the future, as if it's a coolness contest to see how to be the most pessimistic all the time. I'll tell you how I know: because if the Republican Party in its current incarnation thought that its ideas were genuinely popular or actually supported by the American public (and not just a grudging corollary of WAH WAH GAS PRICES!), they wouldn't spend absolutely ALL THEIR TIME doing their damndest to suppress voters. They wouldn't dwell endlessly on imaginary fraud, make endless voter suppression laws, run psyops convincing younger (and thus liberal-leaning) people that it's a waste of time to vote, etc etc. They are SHIT SCARED of any change that makes it easier for the general public to vote, because they know if they do, those people will vote, the Republicans will lose power, and due to the shifting demographics that see old Republican voters dying out and picking up only a minority of the next generation, they will not get it again. They are especially horrible right now because they are TERRIFIED, especially after seeing those Gen Z numbers for the Democrats. But because youth turnout overall was still bad, they likewise bought themselves a few years more to hang on. Still, the future is ours, not theirs, and they are fucking losing it.
Basically, the gamble the GOP made in this election was that they could howl about The Economy (which is doing shockingly well overall, despite high inflation etc), and voters would just ignore all their ludicrously dangerous nutcase beliefs on abortion, democracy, election denialism, etc, and vote for them anyway, even though they offered absolutely no plan to fix it apart from their usual method of blaming the Democrats for everything. Well, to say the least. That did not work. Election deniers running for positions where they could majorly influence state elections got across-the-board thumped, and abortion rights won everywhere, even in home of Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul (ugh) Kentucky. Voters do care about The Economy, but they also do care about basic things like bodily autonomy and representative democracy, and they aren't willing to throw those things away and go full MAGA even if WAH WAH GAS PRICES. That matters, and it will also matter in 2024, when we have to do this all over again.
Likewise, the Republican establishment/media is finally starting to visibly turn on Trump-- not because he's literally the worst person alive, but because they're realizing what an electoral liability he is, and all they care about is power. Once Trump is in the way of that, they will get mad at him, but Trump won't go away quietly and will do his best to burn them down on the way out. If the GOP is turning against Trump, there may also be less opposition if or, pray God, WHEN the DOJ finally fucking indicts him and drags his stupid orange ass to jail. That is likewise a good thing.
Anyway: yes, Democrats (and democracy in general) can win in Florida and Texas, if they put in the bottom-up effort rather than immediately trying to flip the flashy and high-profile offices. Both of those states have been institutionally designed to maintain the crazies' power, and it works very well. But if people keep putting in the work, it will not be forever, and the Republicans know the tipping point is not far in the future. There are more of us than there are of them. Fascism is not inevitable. It works by disheartening you and making you decide that there's no point in fighting, because it will just happen anyway. That is not true, and it needs to be challenged whenever it turns up as "received wisdom." Because. Yes.
Anyway, once more and as ever: Vote every election, especially if you are under age 45. Vote Blue. Make the Fascists Big Sad. Repeat.
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bisluthq · 3 years
Ugh god I get so annoyed at leftist gatekeepers. This is the reason ppl don’t want to leave the right and join the left lmaoooo
So like I fell down the rabbit hole in high school and ended up leaning conservative. I never loved trump, thank god (I was a Rand Paul Republican which in hindsight is also gross bc he’s a trump shill now). I was complicit with trump but I mean I was 16 so lol what did I know right. I was one of the few conservatives in my high school.
And I’ll be the first to admit it. I’m privileged. I’m white, my family is pretty well off (well we used to be in debt and stuff but like my dad makes good money he’s just in an iffy business so he’s gotten laid off sometimes) and I was raised Catholic. I am bisexual but like I was confused in high school (who wasn’t). Still.
I went to college and I switched my major to nursing and then all this shit with COVID made me realize how awful conservative values are (especially when there’s a fucking pandemic!) and how we need a better healthcare system. Like should I have changed my values earlier? Probably. But it was covid that changed my mind and it was nursing school and like 🤷‍♀️ if it took Joe to change Taylor’s mind then it did. And I agree her attempts at political advocacy are horrendous lmao but like idk. There’s no point in nitpicking IMO. Like she’s on our side. Obviously she’s not going to be a communist ACAB person anytime soon (like I’m not either lol) but like if she voted blue in this election then maybe we shouldn’t be hurling vitriol at her lmao and focus on trying to convert more actual republicans. Like this is just so unproductive and it’s not the real issue.
And like idk do you want these people on your side? I get you shouldn’t baby these people, like if I had someone come argue with me and tell me I was wrong maybe I’d have snapped out of it years ago (and like obvi people like trump and Cruz should be punished). But like if they start coming over to the left and you’re like “well you USED TO believe this”. Like what does that do??? Nothing. And who cares how someone gets there as long as they get there right??? Lmao sorry for the novel but like this just irks me
No I really actively agree with you and I’m generally anti gatekeeping right like in all aspects of life. I’m not gonna decide how much of a progressive, or a queer, or a Jew, or a woman someone is. Like it’s not my call to make. I don’t think we should hurl shit at her either.
But I think we can make nuanced critiques from a place of love and respect and admiration IN THIS SPACE especially since we know gatekeeping lefties are gonna go do it on main and we may as well clarify our arguments to be able to respond to those people.
Like I hear you, I’m glad you changed your mind, and you’re like... enough.
I believed some weird shit too over the years. I’ve always been lefty leaning but I’ve said FUCKED UP SHIT and believed strange ideas tbh. It’s okay to change your mind about stuff.
But it’s also okay to like.... talk about this stuff because advocating for people to be better, especially when done from a place of love, can make the world a better place. Like yesterday we discussed religion and one of my favorite influencers is Adina Miles-Sash who is SO PASSIONATE about Judaism and being frum but she’s also REALLY KEEN TO MAKE FRUMKEIT PRO WOMEN. And when she criticizes people it’s not to say, “fuck this it’s not enough” it’s “fuck this I know you can be better”.
And honestly that’s me on Tay’s politics but I’m not even writing op eds about it because I genuinely love her too much like it is enough. But she can be better.
And I love your frontline, progressive, bi woman self being an active part of the community here!
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earlygreyhot · 4 years
Healing Part One : Disaster
Trigger Warning: Death and Grief, Violence 
Notes: OC / Bones ; Slow Burn ; This is my first fic that I am posting... this idea came to me in the shower last night, Adria is an original character I have had in my mind for a longgggg time. Hope you all enjoy it, let’s see where this goes.  
Adria Estelle is CMO aboard the U.S.S Wakefield, engaged to the first officer. Tragedy strikes, and her world is turned upside down. Will her life ever regain normalcy? 
Adria woke up to a warm body next to her, an arm wrapped around her waist. She smiled as she removed her fiance’s hand from her stomach and slowly got out of bed.
“Ugh. Already time for our shift?” The man rose up, rubbing his eyes and running a hand through his hair.
“Well, if you didn’t insist on keeping us up late last night you wouldn’t feel so bad.” She quipped, leaning in for a morning kiss.
“You weren’t complaining last night.” His green eyes wore a mischievous glint, and he pulled her down onto the bed.
“Damian, we can’t be late. Captain Rand said we have an important mission today.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him up with her.
“You’re no fun.” He laughed as he tickled her and ran to their shared bathroom, shutting the door before she could retaliate.
Once they were dressed, they ran to the mess hall for a quick breakfast. They sat with the rest of the bridge crew, including Captain Rand and chief science officer T’lon. Adria, Damian and T’lon had been close since the academy, and had been assigned to the Wakefield together.
T’lon and Adria were discussing a new method of identifying alien bacteria, while the Captain and Damian were discussing today’s business. They all headed to the bridge before debriefing on the mission at hand.
“Ambassador Sarek is currently on the Enterprise with Kirk and his crew. The Klingons have been attacking federation colonies and border planets, killing thousands. We are to assist the Enterprise to make sure everyone walks out of this alive. Everyone needs to be on top of their game.” Captain Rand stood in front of her crew, looking confident. Adria was always grateful for her mentor, who knew how to inspire the crew to be their best.
She absentmindedly played with the ring on her left finger, and Damian came up behind her.
“We’ll be okay baby, we have dealt with much worse than some Klingons.” He lightly touched her back and went to his post next to Captain Rand.
He always knew how to calm her down, without showing too much to the rest of the crew.
T’lon followed Adria onto the transporter, and they shared a glance.
“Adria, it would be illogical to let emotion interfere with duty. The Enterprise is the most efficient ship in the galaxy, we are only being sent as a formality.” T’lon nodded encourangingly towards her friend.
“Yeah, logic blah blah. You are just excited to meet your hero Spock.” Adria laughed good heartedly before stepping off the lift.
“Commander Spock is a very efficient and logical officer. It will be an honor to meet him.”
Adria swore she could see green tints on her friend’s ears.
“Sure. I will check in with you when I am done getting med bay ready. I am sure a red shirt has caused some trouble already today.” She turned in the direction of medbay, leaving her friend to head to the labs.
“Dr. Estelle and Commander T’lon, please report to the bridge.” The captain’s voice echoed across medbay. Adria had just finished a skin regeneration session on an engineer, who burned his entire right arm somehow. She was pretty sure she knew every engineer by name now, as many times as they were her patients.
She made her way to the lift, intercepting T’lon on the way.
“You ready for this?” Adria asked, trying to hide her nerves.
“I am surrounded by many of the best officers in Starfleet, and good friends. I do not see any reason we should fail in our mission today, Adria.” T’lon lightly patted her friends arm before stepping onto the bridge.
Damian winked at Adria before turning back to the Captain. A blonde man’s face was on the screen, and she recognized the infamous Captain Kirk. She saw a tall Vulcan standing behind him, and glanced over to T’lon, choosing not to comment on the green tint on her friend’s face.
“Well, looks like the gang’s all here Captain Rand. Let me introduce you and your crew to the away team that will be joining me on planet.” Kirk gave off a lot of confidence, but it was cockier than Rand’s.
“First Officer Spock and Dr. McCoy here will be joining me, while my crew monitors us from above.” He pointed to each of them, and they both nodded respectfully.
“Thank you Captain. I will be joined by First Officer Paul-” Damian bowed his head to his hero, Kirk. “,Dr. Estelle and Commander T’lon.”
“Confirmed. Well, we will get to the planet in about an hour. I will check in once we are there so that we can coordinate our away teams. Kirk out.” The screen went black.
Captain Rand turned to her crew. “Well, you heard him, let’s get ready people.”
An hour later Adria was heading back up to the bridge with her medical bag. She had changed into her fancy clothes, as she called them, and was greeted on the bridge by Damian. His brown hair was perfectly styled, and his green eyes were complimented by the command formal wear. As she got close, he whispered into her ear “You should wear this more often.” He winked before going back to his duties. She tried to hide her blush before heading over to the captain.
“Doctor, I wanted to warn you about something. You will be working with CMO McCoy, who can be one grumpy son of a bitch. He is a great doctor, though, and I know you will be able to keep a cool head around him.” The captain smirked at her chief medical officer.
“Well, you know me Captain, I am known for my cool head.” Adria tried not to remember the countless times she has lost her temper.
Kirk called a few minutes later, and they confirmed the meet up location. The away team made their way to the transporter room, and Adria felt the familiar sensation of the teleporter.
The planet wasn’t much, red sand and simple stone buildings, but the weather was beautiful. Three suns hung in the sky, but a cool breeze kept it from being too hot.
They made their way to the Enterprise team, and performed formal greetings. Spock, T’lon and Sarek were in a deep discussion, but Adria made her way over to Dr. McCoy.
“Doctor.” Adria held out a hand to shake.
“Dr. Easel was it?” The man looked like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
“Estelle.” The woman said dryly. He finally took her hand and grunted.
“Well, you know the drill. If something goes wrong -which, knowing Jim, it will- we’ll patch up the idiots that get themselves injured.” With that encouraging speech, McCoy lugged his bag into the building in front of them. 
“Great talk.” Adria rolled her eyes and turned to Damian, who had just finished talking to Kirk.
Before she could say anything, Kirk approached her.
“Ah, Adria is it?” He held out a hand and quirked his eyebrow.
“Er- yes Captain. Dr. Estelle, CMO of the Wakefield.” She reached out a hand, and he kissed the top of it without breaking eye contact.
“Please, call me Jim. Maybe if we get some free time you and I can see how much trouble we can get into, huh?” He winked at her.
“Well, Jim, if we are forgoing formalities you can call me future Mrs. Damian Paul.” She reached out for her fiance, who had a stern look on his face.
“Oops! No disrespect, commander. Maybe at the end of this I can get an invite to the wedding? I would be honored.” The captain sauntered into the doorway of the stone complex.
“Hey, what can I say? Don’t meet your heroes.” Adria laughed at Damian’s deflated face before pulling him into the building.
The day was spent mostly planning, going over complex intergalactic politics, and boring Adria to death.
“What I wouldn’t give for a full medbay right now.” She sighed and leaned into her seat.
“You can come take over the Enterprise medbay for a day and see if you still say that.”
Shit, she forgot McCoy was even sitting next to her. His face was a mix of boredom and crankiness.
“Well, doctor, I wouldn’t want to take your job away when they realize I am much better at it. It wouldn’t be right.” Adria smirked before turning her attention back to Captain Rand’s presentation.
She missed McCoy’s shocked expression, which turned into bemusement.
They all headed back to their ships for the night, and Damian planned a nice quiet night in.
They laid on the couch and watched a few old Earth movies, drinking hot chocolate and eating junk food. He held her close to him, like if he let her go she would disappear.
“What’s wrong baby?” She could feel the tension in his body.
“Well, I know if I lied you could tell immediately, so I guess I have to say it.” He paused before looking into her eyes.
“Just, what if something happens? I can’t help thinking this seems like a trap. The Klingon’s all of a sudden want to meet for peace talks? They ask to meet on a border planet in a zone where we are the only ship besides the Enterprise in range? It just seems sketchy.” He rubbed his forehead.
“Damian, look at me. Even if it is a trap, we have the best Captains and crew in Starfleet here. If the Klingons try to start anything, we will be ready.” She kissed him deeply while rubbing some of the tension out of his shoulders.
“You’re right, it is just hard not to be anxious about this. I don’t know how you are so calm about this stuff.” He ran a hand through her hair.
“Well, my fiance is pretty amazing. I know I am always safe with him. Also, I have a Vulcan best friend. She keeps me pretty grounded.” She smiled before leaning in for another kiss, this time Damian deepened it.
“I know another way I can make you feel.” He said in a low voice. He leaned in to kiss her again. 
Luckily they weren’t up too late this time.
The next morning they all ate breakfast together before returning to the planet.  Captain Rand and Kirk revealed that they were the only one’s allowed in the actual talks, and that the rest of the team should stay outside the ballroom.
“Is that normal procedure, Captain?” Damian asked, clearly concerned.
“The Klingons have never agreed to peace talks, we must respect their wishes if this is to go anywhere. We will escort Sarek and participate if needed. Keep an eye out for anything suspicious, though.”
With that they moved into their positions.
After a few hours of talks between the Klingon ambassadors, the neutral planet’s representatives, and Sarek, Adria was bored out of her mind.
T’lon and Spock had been in deep conversation, last Adria heard they were talking about an old Vulcan philosopher they both admired.
Damian was being extra vigilant, staring over his shoulder at the slightest noise.
Dr. McCoy sat with his arms crossed, looking like he would fall asleep at any moment.
“Damian, you are going to get yourself worked up. Why don’t you take a seat?” Adria tapped next to her.
Damian looked at her, about to reply, before loud bangs started erupting from the room.
They all ran to the doors, right when Kirk emerged carrying Sarek out of the room.
“Where is Captain Rand?!” Damian demanded.
“The Klingons started firing on us, it is too smoky in there to see anything. I think she is still in there. The Klingons killed the neutral ambassadors before firing on Sarek. I saw teleport beams through the smoke, I think they are gone now.”
Sarek was unconscious, but after a quick vital check Adria determined he was fine.
“Let’s get him back to the Enterprise for evaluation.” Adria instructed. Spock accompanied his father back to the ship.
Damian emerged from the meeting room, looking destroyed.
“No.” Was all Adria could manage before she tried to run into the room. T’lon and Damian grabbed her arms.
She kept shaking her head, while wiping the tears falling from Damian’s eyes.
“Who- what? No no no no.” Adria wrapped her arms around Damian as he tried to come up with a sentence.
“Damian. Look. At. Me.” She grabbed his chin and pointed his face to her.
“Our captain is dead. The Klingons killed her in cold blood. You are the captain of the Wakefield now, you need to step up. She would not want us to forsake our duty. You and T’lon need to get back to the ship to inform the crew and figure out our next steps. I will stay here with the Enterprise team and check for any survivors.” Adria kept eye contact with her lover, knowing that this was the only way to calm him down.
He stood up straight, and pulled her into a deep kiss.
“I love you. Please be careful” He squeezed her hands.
“I love you too, Captain Paul. I will see you soon, okay?” She smiled and let go of him.
T’lon squeezed Adria’s arm and gave her a meaningful look.
“Use your mind Adria, do not let your emotions cloud your reasoning.”
That meant I love you in T’lon speak.
Adria waved goodbye to the two most important people in her life before turning to the rest of the team.
Kirk stood in shock, covered in ash and a few rips in his shirt.
“Captain, we need to look for any survivors in that room.”
Kirk just nodded and Adria threw herself into her work.
She and McCoy checked pulses, moving around the room quickly. The smoke was starting to clear, and a yellow dress shirt stood out in the back of the room.
Adria slowly made her way over to her Captain’s body.
Rand’s eyes were still open, her hand on her phaser belt. She was shot down before she could react. Blood splattered her neck and chest, and she was twisted in an unnatural position.
Adria closed her Captain’s eyes.
“Thank you, Christine. I wish you could be there to officiate our wedding like we planned. I wish you could retire with your husband and kids. I wish this could be different.”
A tear escaped her eye, before she put her brave face back on.
McCoy came behind her.
“She was a good Captain.”
“I know.”
A call came in from the Enterprise, and Kirk picked it up.
“Captain! We are being attacked by Klingon ships. We have lost comms with the Wakefield.” A man spoke across the communicator.
“Sulu, three to beam up. Now!”
They emerged onto an unfamiliar transporter platform, and Adria followed McCoy and Kirk as they ran to the bridge.
She kept trying to reach Damian and T’lon, to no avail.
“Damian! Answer me now! Have you been boarded?”
Finally a soft response came over the comm.
“Adria…. Trap….” T’lon’s voice sounded heavy and weak.
Kirk turned to Adria, after instructing his communications officer to try all frequencies.
“Trap? Shit! Are they boarded? Try to reach them again.” Kirk demanded.
“Damian, it's Adria. Please pick up. What is going on over there?”
“Captain, video message from the Wakefield incoming.” The communications officer spoke urgently.
“Put it on!”
Adria’s worst nightmare came true.
Standing on screen was a Klingon, holding Damian by the hair. Gun fire and screams could be heard in the background. 
“Captain Kirk, this is a message for you and your Federation scum. We easily overtook this ship, the crew stood no chance against us. If the Federation does not bend to our will, we will destroy your entire Starfleet just as easily.”
The Klingon dragged Damian back so that he was in full view. Adria saw the lifeless body of T’lon in the background. She squeezed onto the bar in front of her so that she would not faint. She knew any sign of weakness in front of the Klingons would be a mistake.
“This crew is the first to die, and they will not be the last.” The Klingon raised his blade into the air.
“Adria, I love you so much baby I’m so sor-” Damian’s eyes widened as the Klingon’s blade pierced his chest. His yellow shirt turned red as he fell to the ground.
Adria saw black.
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lenixsocial · 7 years
I guess what’s the MOST troubling thing is that this misinformation, quite apparently false and untrue will be treated AS FACT by the sheeple of the right and extreme right and Trump loyalists. Because anything their orange bloated leader says or has his cackling advisers say IS FACT. Alternate facts, but to them PURE UNVARNISHED TRUTH. That’s dangerous.
Anyone who believes anything the government or one individual says is brainwashed, pure and simple. That’s a built-in defense system for the ensconced leader. A battalion of believers ready and willing to invent whatever they want just to prove the truth wrong.
I bet right now my dad and father in law are buying that crap and are thinking that a bowling green massacre actually took place, without researching it. Because, Kellyanne Conway said it. Therefore Trump said it. It’s fact.
I need to go vomit now. Ugh.
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