#rachel willis-sorensen
in which rachel willis-sørensen continues to serve
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vera-dauriac · 7 months
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There are some pics on Twitter of the Otello currently happening in Vienna, and it looks like they finally paid their electric bill!
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cartridgeconverter · 4 months
I don't think any characters in Don Giovanni should be allowed to be blonde. Except ROH 2018 Rachel Willis Sorensen Anna and Pavol Breslik Ottavio. That makes sense
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annebrontesrequiem · 1 year
Rachel Willis-Sorensen is quickly becoming one of my favorite Donna Anna's, her voice is just gorgeous
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Mariusz Kwiecien & Rachel Willis-Sørensen in Don Giovanni.
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mezzowatch · 6 years
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if anyone has a bootleg of this i will pay you in tears Kate Lindsey as Octavian, Elizabeth Stuphan as Sophie, and Rachel Willis-Sørensen as the Marschallin in Der Rosenkavalier, Glyndebourne 2018
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miadolcecaraspeme · 6 years
ooh I’ve just seen that ROH Don Giovanni is still on youtube
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eien-no-gakusha · 4 years
A Don’s Entourage
Continuation of my discussion of the Don Juan “trilogy” of sister shows.  Please go [here] for analysis of the titular characters.
In addressing the supporting cast, there was a tradeoff between the complexity of Don Giovanni and the rest of the cast in later iterations.  Where the titular character was simplified in later adaptations, the other characters were further developed from mere victims to entire ethical dilemmas.  Unlike Don Giovanni being cleanly split to his essence in his successors, the supporting cast did not reincarnate so smoothly.  Some changed names, some changed roles, some were split, some were combined, and some were made up from thin air.​
Beta Couples
There are a few named characters from Don Giovanni that are merged with other characters in the musicals.  There is a rich and poor couple that serve more as humor and plot devices.  Once again, they further emphasize Don Giovanni’s untouchability by mortal man.  Rich, poor, man, woman, or tag team he is able to out fox them all.  His interactions with them further demonstrate how irredeemable Don Giovanni is.
Side note, the genteel and commoner couples were all debut performances, which was shocking given their splendid acting, chemistry, and singing.  So professional and impressive!
Donna Anna:  Rachel Willis Sorensen Don Ottavio:  Ben Bliss Zerlina:  Ying Fang Masetto:  Brandon Cedel
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There are two pairs of antagonistic couples featured heavily in Casanova as well but serve vastly different purposes.  In our case, since Casanova is played straight hero, the couples are the actual villains Casanova and Beatrice must overcome.  The genteel couple have their own motivations to separate and enslave the main couple and they have the resources and political clout to impede them.  The commoner couple are more benign and being used by the genteel couple.  Condulmer betrothes Constatine (Seto Kazuya), an ambitious neavou rich merchant, to Beatrice to have greater control over Venician politics.  Meanwhile, Rosalina has taken Lady Solce hostage to control her husband.  In the end, as fitting for any romantic comedy, they cease being puppets to the other couple and elope together.  Further driving home Casanova’s theme of love solving all problems.
The couples don’t make an appearance in Don Juan since the titular character is a pub crawler and practically lives in the underbelly of society.  Also, everyone is too busy pitying themselves in a self-loathing party and obsessing over Don Juan to hook up.  Perhaps they are referenced in the loving couples in Raphael’s and Maria’s friend group, but the boys all die unceremoniously in some…nameless volunteer war?  So you find a lot of lone wolf characters being used and abused by Don Juan.  There’s lots of ladies of the night like Isabel and La Bella Andalucia.  Don Juan’s family make an unprecedent appearance, mainly Don Luis (Ema Naoki and Claude Lancelot), the character’s father.  All of them lament upon Don Juan’s faults as he uses, abuses, or neglects them.  So they serve the same purpose as Giovanni’s victims.  Then again, they are parallel stories.
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joaquimblog · 5 years
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Un comiat del 2018 i un inici del 2019 esplèndid el que ens arriba de Dresden amb la versió concertant de Die Fledermaus amb un repartiment de luxe i resultats a l’alçada del que s’espera dels grans noms.
Kaufmann canta una part originalment escrita per a baríton i es llueix cantant i actuant sobre l’escenari de la Semperoper amb l’orquestra al darrera, però sent la gran estrella de la nit,…
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widevibratobitch · 5 years
Once again was tagged by @tornaloadir and once - thank you! I love writing about myself, I’m such an interesting person.
Rules: Answer these 30 questions and tag 30 people I cannot even tag 9 people what are we even talking about here
1. Nickname: Jago, Gudzia, Elvira (yup, that’s also the name I give to Starbucks baristas), Groszek (literally, pea... a long story)...
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Capricorn
4. Height: 170 cm
5. Time: 19:35 aka 7:35pm
6. Birthday: 10th January
7. Fav bands: ehmmm???? Mozart&DaPonte
8. Fav solo artists: oh b o i here we go - Luca Pisaroni, Mariusz Kwiecień, Ettore Bastianini, Sherrill Milnes, Luciano Pavarotti, Franco Corelli, Luis Lima, Tatiana Troyanos, Giulietta Simionato, Fedora Barbieri, Renata Tebaldi, Lisa Della Casa, Renata Scotto, Joan Sutherland, Anna Moffo, Edda Moser, Rosa Ponselle, Nellie Melba, Marcella Sembrich, Vera Amerighi Rutilli, Barbara Mądra, Barbara Frittoli, Marina Rebeka, Rachel Willis-Sorensen, Joyce DiDonato and I’m pretty sure I forgot someone but... oh well.
9. Song stuck in your head: believe it or not, Edge of glory by Lady Gaga.
10. Last movie you watched: Deadpool 2
11. Last show you watched: Game of Thrones
12. When did I create my blog: oh dear, 2016? I don’t know
13. What do I post: pretty much what’s in my description - opera, gay shit, gay opera shit, Marvel stuff (Loki), GoT stuff (Loras and Theon) and lots of, LOTS of shitpost.
14. Last thing I googled: shrug emoji
15. Do you have any blogs: not really
16. Do you get any asks: not many, i’ll get some from time to time but meh
17. Why did you choose your url: I have a fetish for wide vibrato in opera singers’ voices which I know is not good and usually means there’s a problem with their technique but... I'm just a bitch for some nice, unhealthy wobble (which does not mean I won’t critisize Netrebko for it whoops)
18. Following blogs: 523
19. Followers: 219
20. Fav colours: bright pink, black, deep green and purple, anything neon
21. Average hours of sleep: it varies from 2 to like 12 so
22. Piercings: I have my ears pierced but I don’t really wear earrings cuz it hurts me
23. Instruments: piano (kinda), saxophone (please, don’t remind me) and I used to play violin but I didn’t have one in my hand in a few years so I probably could not play shit anymore
24. What I’m wearing: uhm... victoria’s secret panties in skulls that my aunt bought me and a white and pink striped pijama top with Snoopy??
25. How many blankets do I sleep with: one and my giant stuffed bear
26. Dream job: opera singer
27. Dream trip: every opera performance with my fav singers that I cannot afford to go see
28. Fav food: ice-cream, pączki, basically all baked goods and just... I really like to eat ok. I just really hate coconut.
29. Nationality: Polish
30. Current fav song: Cannot pick one, let’s just say it’s a “Don Giovanni” phase yet again.
I tag @ferrand-o, @butch-eboli, @babinicz, @acepolish, @doreenaloysius, @janiedean, @madmozarteanfelinefantasy, @lives-in-a-harpsichord
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miamiclasica · 2 years
Ni Willis, ni Sorensen, sino Rachel a secas
Ni Willis, ni Sorensen, sino Rachel a secas
Debutante en el MET a los 26 luego de ganar el certamen metropolitano, ahora con 38 años y una impresionante carta de presentación tanto en actuaciones como repertorio, la llegada de Rachel Willis-Sorensen al otrora y aún ansiado debut discográfico solista es motivo de festejo y también reflexión. Parece mentira que estar frente a un disco “normal” por una soprano “normal” hoy resulte…
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sonyclasica · 2 years
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Sony Classical International anuncia el fichaje exclusivo de la soprano estadounidense Rachel Willis-Sørensen con su álbum debut de arias y escenas de ópera, que saldrá a la venta el 8 de abril de 2022. Con la participación del famoso tenor Jonas Kaufmann en el dúo de “La Bohème”.
Consíguelo AQUÍ
"...sin duda una de las voces más impresionantes del mundo de la ópera" Le Monde
"...el esplendor del timbre, su resonancia, los colores, la intensidad, todo confirma que estamos ante una de las glorias del mañana" Classica
"Rachel" -disponible para reserva- muestra la profundidad y variedad de su increíble voz, que el prestigioso diario francés Le Monde cita como "sin duda, una de las voces más impresionantes del mundo de la ópera". El álbum incluye obras clave de Verdi, Mozart, Puccini, Dvorak y Lehár que reflejan su estelar carrera actuando en los escenarios de ópera más prestigiosos del mundo. A la artista Willis-Sørensen se le une uno de sus ídolos vocales en el famoso dúo de La Bohème: el tenor Jonas Kaufmann, que hace su primera aparición como invitado.
El presidente de Sony Classical, Per Hauber, afirma: "La voz única de Rachel y su extraordinaria presencia escénica son sencillamente magníficas. Durante las sesiones de grabación del álbum Viena de Jonas Kaufmann con la Filarmónica de Viena, también nos entusiasmó con su increíble talento lingüístico. Ahora estamos deseando publicar su primer álbum en solitario y acompañarla en su apasionante carrera discográfica".
Willis-Sørensen añadió: "He soñado con grabar un álbum desde siempre. No hay palabras suficientes para compartir la emoción y el honor de grabar con este prestigioso sello algunas de las piezas musicales más entrañables para mi corazón y compartirlas con vosotros".
Coincidiendo con el anuncio, Sony Classical lanza el primer single de su próximo álbum: La famosa aria de Dvořák "Canción a la Luna", de Rusalka. La artista Willis-Sørensen lo eligió a la luz de su inolvidable experiencia cantando el papel titular en la aclamada producción de David McVicar en San Francisco en 2019.  Escucha el nuevo tema aquí.
En el nuevo álbum, esta cantante de inmenso talento y que posee un impresionante y dramático registro vocal, explora un amplio repertorio para mostrar su versatilidad, profundidad vocal y arte. Un retrato íntimo de la artista en esta etapa de su carrera, cada pieza incluida en el álbum fue cuidadosamente seleccionada por la Sra. Willis-Sørensen presenta una colección de sus arias y escenas favoritas que espera que conmuevan al oyente como lo han hecho con ella. Su expresividad dramática y su virtuosismo vocal se muestran con toda su fuerza, en arias que van desde las escenas centrales de Verdi, con papeles de peso como Desdémona en Otello, Leonora en Il Trovatore y Violetta en La Traviata, hasta 'Vilja-Lied' de la opereta La viuda alegre de Lehár y la ya mencionada 'Canción a la luna' de Rusalka de Dvořák.
La inspiración para que Jonas Kaufmann se una Willis-Sørensen en el dúo "O soave fanciulla" vino del escenario, ya que ambos interpretaron juntos La Bohème en la Ópera Estatal de Baviera en 2020. Esto sucede después de que Willis-Sørensen colaborara en el exitoso álbum "Wien" del tenor y en la gira que lo acompañó.
También ha seleccionado dos escenas de uno de sus primeros papeles en el escenario: Donna Anna de Don Giovanni de Mozart, que posteriormente ha interpretado en el Royal Opera House Covent Garden, la Metropolitan Opera de Nueva York, la Lyric Opera de Chicago y la Ópera Estatal de Viena. Igualmente, simbólica es la inclusión del aria "Ami, le cœur d'Hélène" de Les Vêpres Siciliennes de Verdi, con la que aprendió el papel de Hélène con solo una semana de antelación, lo que le supuso un debut múltiple en Múnich en 2018.
Grabado en el Teatro Carlo Felice de Génova, Rachel está acompañada en la grabación por la Orchestra Della Fondazione Teatro Carlo Felice di Genova bajo la dirección de Frédéric Chaslin, con colaboraciones de la soprano Olivia Kahler y el tenor Giovanni Sala.
Si bien la Sra. Willis-Sørensen es muy elogiada por su arte vocal deliciosamente suave y expresivo en el escenario, fuera de él está rompiendo los estereotipos obsoletos de la ópera gracias a su personalidad accesible, auténtica y cálida. Utiliza sus redes sociales para compartir consejos profesionales sobre los retos diarios de ser cantante de ópera, a la vez que presenta esta forma de arte a una legión de nuevos fans, llevándolos al backstage mientras actúa en los principales teatros de ópera del mundo.
Sus próximos compromisos operísticos incluyen producciones en Fráncfort, Hamburgo, Berlín (con Jonas Kaufmann en su concierto al aire libre en la Waldbühne de Berlín), Múnich y Chicago.
Información biográfica adicional:
Entre sus galardones se encuentra el primer premio en el concurso Operalia 2014 y en el Concurso de Canto Hans Gabor Belvedere 2011, y fue ganadora de las Audiciones del Consejo Nacional de la Ópera Metropolitana 2010. Tiene una licenciatura y un máster en música por la Universidad Brigham Young y es exalumna del Houston Grand Opera Studio. También ha actuado en el Palacio de Buckingham para el cumpleaños de SAR el Príncipe Carlos en 2018. Con una presencia activa en las redes sociales, se la puede encontrar en instagram, facebook, twitter y tiktok.
Tracklist de "Rachel":
La traviata
1 “È strano! È strano! … Ah, fors’è lui che l’anima”
2 “Follie! Delirio vano è questo!”
3 “Sempre libera”
Les Vêpres siciliennes
4 “Ami, le cœur d’Hélène”
Don Giovanni
5 “Don Ottavio, son morta!”
6 “Or sai chi l’onore”
7 “Crudele? Ah no, mio bene!”
8 “Non mi dir, bell’idol mio”
9 “Forse un giorno”
10 “Era più calmo?”
11 “Mia madre aveva una povera ancella”
12 “Piangea cantando nell’erma landa”
13 “Ave Maria”
La bohème
14 “Sì. Mi chiamano Mimì”
15 “O soave fanciulla”
16 “Měsíčku na nebi hlubokém” (Canción a la luna)
Il trovatore
17 “Che più t’arresti?”
18 “Tacea la notte placida”
19 “Di tale amor”
FRANZ LEHÁR 1870–1948
Die lustige Witwe / The Merry Widow
20 “Es lebt’ eine Vilja, ein Waldmägdelein” (Vilja-Lied)
Rachel Willis-Sørensen - soprano
Jonas Kaufmann - tenor (14/15)
Olivia Kahler - soprano (10, 17/18)
Giovanni Sala – tenor (3, 5)
Capella Cracoviensis (20)
Orchestra del Teatro Carlo Felice di Genova
Frédéric Chaslin - director
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cartridgeconverter · 11 months
Made a post like yesterday about how I wanted to draw theatre characters without them being associated with any specific actor, so I've drawn some of The Girls without using any reference. These don't really match my view of the characters in my head, but it was a fun exercise.
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I've seen a few Asian Zerlina/Black Masetto pairs, (Met 2023 with Ying Fang, the Peter Sellars gangster Giovanni with Ai Lan Zhu) and while I don't particularly like the stereotypical implications of the submissive/promiscuous Asian girl and the jealous, violent Black guy, Ying Fang Zerlina like rearranged my braincells, so I kind of had to
I keep on thinking this character looks more Japanese than Chinese, which wasn't my intention (I based part of the features on myself, and I am Chinese), but what can you do
Shoutout to the Aix-en-Provence 2017 production and tumblr user @/leporellian for their objectively correct flower crown Zerlinas. Perfect, no notes.
I didn't do a full crown but this is a plum blossom, which is a common flower depicted in East Asian art and according to Wikipedia represents purity? I have never heard that, but I am also not super well-versed in East Asian cultures other than my own. So.
Every time I try and draw characters from this show it always starts with Zerlina. I love her she's so silly
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Yeah I'll admit this isn't really my best work
The lines are pretty crusty but at a certain point I didn't feel like cleaning it up anymore
Anyway enough excuses this is both not very clean and not a particularly inspired design
The green-ish eyes are from when I got really bored and came up with eye color headcanons for all the characters? Green eyes obviously represent jealousy but I also just like the vibes
Man I dunno. I haven't thought enough about Elvira I gotta think more and then maybe I'll redo this one
This is the one that I feel least resembles the way I see the character in my head, as I feel like she'd be on the older side - around 10-15 years older than Zerlina and Masetto and 5-10 years older than Anna and Ottavio
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I said no references but I did look at one (1) picture of Federica Lombardi, I'm really sorry guys
Not sure how I feel about this drawing either, I like the expression and the shading but there's nothing particularly interesting about this design
Every time I think about giving Anna different colors I think about that one Rachel Willis Sorensen in-character post where she's like "but do you have this in black?" So. Black.
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tag yourself- which one are you?
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Excuse me while I go die (and then attempt to figure out teleportation).
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(The tweet in question was my idea that the Met should do Les Huguenots with her, John Osborn, Lisette Oropesa, John Relyea, Christian van Horn, Kate Lindsey, and Artur Rucinski.)
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