nightcoremoon · 3 months
my experience in the Harry Potter fandom (before we all realized Rowling was a talentless hack, an attention whore, and a spiteful bitch) from ages 6 to 12 was blind adoration, until the last book came out and was a steaming pile of shit thus killing my interest in the series and turning me into the most jaded of teenagers you’ve ever met in your entire life.
i still read the odd fic here and there, but ages 13-16 I was way more into avatar the last airbender, avengers, pokemon, jak & daxter, warcraft, inheritance, death note, invader zim, and all of my contemporaries were into HP and twilight and thus by extension so was I. and I still occasionally was like okay yeah the books are mediocre schlock at best but hey they helped destigmatize the occult in the mainstream eye, and the movies did the best job they could with what they were given, and the books COULD have been good if only you’d just changed like 90% of them. the fandom wasn’t about the books themselves, it was all about the culture that the books had created. because nobody really read any of the books more than once because everybody just watched the movies (DON’T EVEN LIE AND SAY THATS NOT TRUE).
we all rolled our eyes at rowling jingling her keys to make us talk about it again and again but it’s like, ok so dumbledore is gay but you didn’t fucking show it and you made the actual gay character lupin die offscreen, ok so snape was apparently a good person underneath being a toxic shitlord but you didn’t fucking show it and you made the actual only good person hagrid a complete non-entity, ok so Anthony Goldstein was apparently your jewish representation but you didn’t fucking even say his goddamn name once in the entire series and the only black characters were racebent for the movies because you didn’t fucking even mention they were black because we know full fuckin well that every single character was white except for CHO. GODDAMN. CHANG.
all you really had to do was say, okay yeah in my youthful ignorance I accidentally made a contribution to problematic media and so I will now strive to fix my mistakes and write a new series that shows how I have grown as an author. except she didn’t do that. she just greenlit the cursed child and accepted royalties for fantastic beasts. and if it weren’t for eddie redmayne and the fact that it’s part of a licensed franchise, the movie would have totally flopped. it was not very good. and jude law and johnny depp did their best but the script was awful and it suffered from prequelitis (which so far only Star Wars has avoided and even then only very narrowly due to saturation). rowling didn’t even have any fucking writing credits on the movie but she made a fat stack of cash anyway. that’s a trend you’ll notice.
every single way I ever found enjoyment in the fandom was in reading people on here suggesting ways to improve it, or to parody it. like desi harry and black hermione, a very potter musical, potter puppet pals, a billion different rewrites that were all way better than the source materials. i even read my immortal, AND YES IT IS REALLY REALLY BAD not even in an ironic so bad it’s good kind of way, I mean that it was just absolutely godawful in every conceivable way, and was only a highlight of how not to write a fanfic. it was so bad that I reread the original books as a palate cleanser. and let me tell you this, harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone is one of the clumsiest books I’d ever read as a teenager. it’s completely amateur in every way, and it made me understand just why it was so popular with the 13-16 year old crowd. it was written at their reading level. the passages from the actual HP books are all virtually indistinguishable from fanfictions I read over a decade ago made by people who are in their early 20s now. in fact there are plenty of fanfictions written by teenagers that are better written than even the least shitty HP book which is defaulted to half blood prince if only because for once there’s actually some narrative cohesion that isn’t a complete and total ass pull and because if you’ve written five full length books then you goddamn well better understand the basics. engaging with the source material was not fun at all and the only way to milk any fun from it was to make fun of it. and by age 16 I was sick and tired of the cynicism. and around that age is when I joined the my little pony fandom.
and they were the two best years of my life at the time. it was nice to be engaging with wholesome content while also making memes that poked fun at its occasional harmless flaws. I watched other fandoms from a distance but MLP was my primary and honestly it still is, I just haven’t been as heavily involved with it these days beyond listening to the music and rebubbling fanart and even on occasion dabbling in the fanfic realm. but it was integral to me figuring out that hey wait a second I’m not a boy after all haha oops. so when I was 18 and finally transed my gender everything was… fine. ten years later I’m more into games that end with craft lmao
and then everything changed when the terf nation attacked.
by the time the queer parts of the Harry Potter fanbase (who weren’t abject pieces of garbage) were shocked & appalled by the betrayal I was the old coot in my rocking chair holding back the urge to say I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO. when people went back and were like, hey actually wow the books were full of racism and antisemitism, all of the black brown jewish etc parts of the former fandom did not hold back the urge to say we fucking told you so. but as a whole white trans people didn’t really seem to care about its problematic natures until it affected them. which is not a good enough reason to bully harass and suicidebait them especially since they were like 12. thankfully that seems to have done wonders in having the collective media literacy of white trans teenagers increase somewhat. that was a few years ago now and I’ll freely admit that I’m somewhat out of touch with the youth right now, I don’t have a tiktok, I don’t use twitter or instagram, I barely use tumblr. i couldn’t tell you the name of one single popular singer these days, and if I did it would be someone that the kids would roll their eyes at and call me a boomer because I said rihanna or beyonce or nicki minaj or something from the 00s and/or 10s. my favorite musicians all started in the 90s. if I asked out somebody who was only 20 it would be weird and creepy. i know where I stand in society these days and that’s fine. but I don’t exactly know where things stand as far as where most teenagers are at. i hope they’re doing fine. i hope they escaped the clutches of the damage HP did. oh wait I forgot about the blood libel game, gOD DAMN IT-
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sneverussape · 3 years
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i have never racebent any character in my life but decided to try it with snape just to see what he’d look like. obviously this is my own ethnicity (i’m southeast asian - i won’t specify which one but you can figure it out if you’ve been following my blog for a while lol) and i didn’t realize how racebending actually entails you changing even key aspects of the character.
like, we don’t have the hooked nose in my ethnicity. although we’re a bit of a mongrel in terms of genes (we were colonized many times, and were a big trading hub), the hooked nose is not one that’s a prominent feature in our gene pool. i had to change the nose into something more regular. the hair too…asian hair is built a bit differently so it doesn’t get greasy a lot, but it does get drier quicker? in my experience at least. it also doesn’t lie as flat; it’s got a bit of volume.
he’s also wearing a st christopher’s medal because religion is a big thing here and a lot of people wear something that subtly announces what religion they are, and the st chris is popular. it’s usually gifted by parents to their kids when they’re babies and you wear it your whole life. it’s believed to be protection.
a southeast asian snape, born to immigrant parents and who had grown up in poverty in a foreign land, would have also been…so loved, at least by his mother. we’re a kid culture, and an only child would be treasured by parents, more often than not. one of the main reasons asians immigrate is actually for their kids, to give them better lives and opportunities, so an asian snape would have been a very different character, actually. he may have been less bitter.
(sorry, i couldn’t stop thinking of the implications; i couldn’t stop at just recoloring his skin and changing his eyes and nose 🥲😅)
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drivingsideways · 5 years
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communitylego · 7 years
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All your Lego Harry Potter faves—but now they’re black.
(See more)
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shapeshiftersvt · 4 years
Would you ever make a hatsune miku binder? For thomas jefferson cosplayers?
 Anonymous said to shapeshiftersinc:                                                                    Hey IS there a Hatsune Miku print binder? Or could there possibly be?
Hey there, anons. Sit down with me for a sec. Pull up a chair.
When I first saw that fanart of TJeff in the binder last year, I was absolutely delighted. Thrilled. I was grinning all day.
Taking a modern AU of a historical racebent-AU RPF? And putting this character in a custom-print binder? I felt honored, included, like I’d contributed a tiny thread of imagination to this rich tapestry of fandom that we all weave.
(A bit on my fandom background: I’m old enough to remember when 50 Shades was a Twilight AU. I remember when the only way to find a gay character was to make one. My favorite Harry Potter fanfic is still the one that shipped Snape with Jesus.)
So I wanted to reach out to that artist, and thank him. That art made me genuinely happy every single time I thought about it.
Buuuut, he’d turned off his inbox. Okay, that’s legit. I wondered if he had a twitter or an instagram, maybe. Something where I could thank him publicly, and maybe he’d see it, instead of trying to slide into DMs.
I found a few posts, responding to waves and waves of hate - and then locked accounts, everywhere. He’s been getting shit for this since 2017. He finally deleted everything last month. Y’all probably saw this because it’s going around again, after three god damn years of people harassing this artist over this work. The transphobes on Reddit (which is, let’s face it, 90% of Reddit) have gotten ahold of this one and will not let go.
So at this point, I don’t know whether you’re asking in earnest. I don’t know whether you actually want this binder print, or whether you just want to say “lolol Thomas Jefferson’s Hatsune Miku binder!” and see if I’m in on the joke, if I will say “lol never in a million years” or “lol sure” or any variation. That’s the disadvantage you get by asking on anon: I can’t assume good faith, in this internet, on a topic like this where the creator (this amazing creator! who brought us something really wild and delightful and
that nobody else ever thought of!) has been abused so thoroughly by the people he trusted to receive his work.
Here’s what I want to do. If you want this binder, you can get it. It will be $200; I’ll design the print based on the fanart, make it available in Spoonflower, and have it printed to make into a binder. If you want to do the design work, the binder will be $100.
Every dollar you pay for this garment will be set aside in a separate account, to be claimed by the artist, when we can get in touch with him. We will put out a periodic call for him to contact us.
It’s the very least we owe this guy.
Email us if you’re serious about this, and we’ll get it started.
A note on discourse. If you’d like to argue about whether this fanart is “right” or “moral” or not, I encourage you to reflect on the racism practiced by people who harassed this black artist off of the internet. I also encourage you to go to Reddit, a medium explicitly set up for that kind of tail-eating endless cagefight, and throw your voice into that void instead of this one. Any argument made here will not reach the artist or his friends.
Hamilton!ModernAU!Thomas Jefferson in a Hatsune Miku binder is a postmodern masterpiece that the internet did not appreciate in its time. If I ever do reach the artist, I’m paying him for a framed print.
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janiedean · 6 years
What is the hp fandom problem?
......... X°°°°DDDD 
short answer: everything.
long answer in practical bullet points:
80% of it can’t seem to understand nor accept the fact that some people don’t like HP and you always have to explain yourself and then you can’t even write on your blog that you’re sick tired of it because ‘it’s not even everywhere!!!’
that goes for ppl online and irl who kept on pestering me that I HAD TO READ IT and then spoil me what happened to convince me when I said I wasn’t interested
they got eight movies, one play, potter*more, a prequel that will become another five and idek how much extra material and they still bitch about ridiculous shit like HERMIONE’S DRESS IN THE LAST MOVIE when *my* favorite series is a yuletide favorite and got one shitty af movie that was justly a box office bomb because it tried to put seven books into one hour and thirty five and fucked up about everything and no one’s read it anyway, so when I was reading it no one would listen to me discussing it but I had to listen to them when discussing hp
I’m sick tired of the should hermione have ended up with harry or ron debate which has been in my life since I was twelve and tbh I don’t care
it’s been ten years since the last book came out and they’re still on the fucking snape discourse
the snape discourse
good lord there’s one gray character in these books that I haven’t even read but even *I* know he was an asshole who was eventually working for the greater good which is like THE BASIC DEFINITION OF GRAY CHARACTER and people are still arguing about whether he was bad or good JUST STOP I WANT SNAPE DISCOURSE TO BURN
people on tumblr still don’t tag their hp posts with hp so I have to read drama anyway and now that I blacklisted snape I see less but I still see drama and I DON’T CARE
actually people have been arguing about the same shit since those books came out and I was tired of it happening with spn when I still was caught up with it and I liked it, imagine hearing that over and over with hp when I don’t even care
there’s one of the popular *headcanons* which I see in untagged fanart all of the time and gives me the creeps because it’s like the most unknowingly colonialist thing in existence but good luck telling people it’s actually not exactly progressive (no it’s not about hermione, nO I’m not discussing it I’m not that much of a masochist, YES it’s so terrible even *I* noticed with my admittedly secondhand background) and I’d really appreciate having it out of my life along with every hp headcanon wank I had to see
it’s everywhere
70% of the people in hp fandom can’t conceive discussing any other piece of media without bringing in hp and comparing every gray character to snape even if they don’t have anything to do with snape and I’m really Done TM with seeing it as the thing everything has to be compared against
the only thing second to how done I am with the snape discourse is OMG BUT SHOULD HAVE JKR HAVE SAID EXPLICITLY IN THE BOOK THAT DUMBLE*DORE WAS GAY and now it’s going to come up again with the next movie and I’m gonna have to blacklist shit forever
ah, and that my favorite series has no fandom whatsoever and rn you can’t go into it while saying you prefer book canon because then YOU’RE RACIST BECAUSE YOU HATED THE MOVIE BECAUSE THEY RACEBENT THE LEAD while hp has the largest fandom in existence and people could happily coexist in peace while finding virtually anything/any ship/any fic because it’s that big that you will find someone likely-minded but nah, they have to tear themselves over with wank about snape when this book’s been out for twenty years like pls
ah, and that of course EVERY small fandom in existence has the hogwarts au but not anything else and I hate hogwarts aus since I, uh, don’t like hp
sorry for the extra vitriol but you asked I reply, hp fans pls scroll xD
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fansplaining · 6 years
Re: your discussion of headcanons in your 2017 round-up. I think you were mostly right. For 98% of fandoms, it's a better idea to consume actual queer-focused media than to get upset about your headcanon not being real. But the remaining 2% of fandoms (including Marvel and Harry Potter) are so popular that they are now our modern myth cycles. In these specific cases, headcanoning Gay!Cap or Trans!Snape influences the future direction of our culture's mythic narratives, which is worthwhile, imo.
Hello! This is Elizabeth. So you may have seen that we dug even deeper into this topic in the past episode, “Fandom and Capitalism.” I think through the lens of that conversation, I’m not wholly convinced by what you write here; transformative fandom inherently breaks the feedback loop and fan-created diversity is not actually moving the needle on these big un-diverse franchises, since we keep consuming and then correcting them ourselves.
But reading your ask another way, I definitely agree—and maybe this is what you meant!—when we cast fans as future (or even current or soon-to-be-current) creators. Headcanoning a racebent Harry Potter or a queer MCU doesn’t make these universes more diverse or progressive, on the page or on the screen, but as fans cross over into the professional writing space, they’ll work to reflect those worlds that they created in response to canon (which, obviously, reflect the world in which we all live, too).  
I will say that if the suggestion is because certain fandoms are so massive that our collective headcanons become true….I mean, yes and no. All sorts of interpretations of the text can exist at once—can be true at once. Remus/Sirius isn’t less true because it’s not canon. I will always, always feel that way about the ship. But that doesn’t change how heteronormative, even queerphobic those books are, even if every single fan believed in that ship (they don’t, BUT THEY SHOULD, WHAT A GOOD SHIP FOLKS). 
One final clarification I want to make, because you use the word and others have as well (I worry I have used it myself!) is I don’t want to set up the idea that there is a “better” way to fan than others. I mean, I think getting upset because your headcanon or ship doesn’t become canon is a losing gambit—there are few, if any, examples of fans’ lobbying directly changing creators’ minds in this way. And for all of my handwringing in the episode about my ambivalence about Harry Potter, I’m not suggesting people stop being fans of Harry Potter! Or anything similar. Ideally one can support canonical queer texts and queer creators while still queering a text like Harry Potter, it’s not an either-or. But I think just talking about this stuff is the right step—like acknowledging that you’re complicit in fandom’s systemic biases, it’s not a matter of, like, flagellating yourself for loving a certain ship or fandom. Just thinking about your consumption, and your place within these structures, is step one. (I always say it’s “step one,” gotta figure out step two.)
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ao3feed-snape · 7 years
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2x1nUTz
by Fireflyoflight
Words: 2228, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Reflections and True Colors
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, Pomona Sprout, Neville Longbottom, The Weasleys
Additional Tags: Series Reboot, Rebooted Characters, Racebent characters, American Mixed Race Hermione Granger, Mixed Race Harry Potter
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2x1nUTz
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