#quirkykayleetam writes
whumpsday · 1 year
Kane & Jim Drabble: Mirror
content: LOTS OF WEIGHT TALK, past starvation, recovery
short lil thing. takes place in between Heat Wave Part 2 and Sweet 116.
Kane stared at himself in the mirror after he got out of the bath. He’d been doing that a lot lately, since Jim started feeding him, though he’d actively avoided it before.
The process of gaining weight back has been slow: if he could, he’d be devouring blood by the pack, and especially would have in the beginning. But Jim was just one human, and could only supply him so much on a regular basis, an amount he was eternally grateful for. It was enough food, and didn’t leave him hungry, a blessing he thought he’d never enjoy again. But it wasn’t enough for him to get back to normal fast.
The man in the mirror was just barely starting to look some semblance of normal again. He was still far skinnier than he ever had been prior to captivity, and he couldn’t call himself anything but underweight, but he’d lost that emaciated appearance he hated seeing in the mirror. His cheeks were no longer sunken, his face more full of life. You would have to squint to be able to make out the outline of his ribs. His stomach didn’t jut inward from the bottom of his ribcage anymore. His arms and legs no longer looked stick-thin. His hair was full and healthy, no longer missing patches where it would fall out.
There was just more of him, now, after months of regular meals. Everything the hunters had taken from him was starting to come back, like tender new saplings sprouting after an all-consuming forest fire.
He smiled, his fangs gleaming in his reflection now that he had access to a toothbrush.
Maybe one day he would look like he used to before he was taken. Every piece of physical evidence of what he’d gone through scrubbed clean, his body full and strong and unblemished, all the fat and muscle tissue that had been stolen from him restored. Maybe then, he could pretend none of it had ever happened. That he’d always been here, in Jim’s house, safe and unharmed and fed.
But until then, he’d just have to keep checking the mirror, now that he could bear to look at himself.
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aprilqueen84 · 1 year
A Toast To The New Year
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A/N: Hello everyone! I wanted to first off by saying that I am very happy to be back writing and that I am thankful to everyone for being so patient for this story. I know that it's a little (three weeks) late but I hope you all love it. This is not betaed so any mistakes and grammar problems are mine, I just wanted to get this out to you. Also if you do not see your name on my tag or you wish to be added let me know!
Tag List: @hollyethecurious, @resident-of-storybrooke, @kmomof4, @jennjenn615, @pirateherokillian, @piinfeathers @enchanted-swans, @superchocolatecocoabear, @deathbycaptainswan, @winterbaby89, @kingofmyheart14, @a-faekindagirl, @kymbersmith-90, @ekr032-blog-blog, @laschatzi, @teamhook, @ilovemesomekillianjones, @capswantrue, @bmbbcs4evr, @kday426, @tiganasummertree, @Ifh1226-linda, @meganhinsley, @xarandomdreamx, @jrob64, @hannahhook7744, @klynn-stormz @therooksshiningknight, @earanemith, @snowbellewells, @motherkatereloyshipper, @emmythedaydreamer, @quirkykayleetam, @onceuponsomechaos, bdevereaux-blanche.
A Toast To The New Year
It was two weeks before Christmas when Emma brought the subject up to Killian as they were sitting around the kitchen table eating breakfast. 
“A  New Year’s Eve Party, Love,” Killian asked perplexed.
Emma nodded her head as she took a sip of her coffee. “Yeah. It’s at Town Hall. Regina is throwing it,” she said nonchalantly.
Killian raised an eyebrow at her. “And what, pray tell, does a New Years Eve party entail love?” 
Emma tilted her head at her husband in confusion for a few seconds before realizing her faux pas. “Oh! I’m sorry babe. Sometimes I forget that you’re still not familiar with some of our traditions,” she said sheepishly
Killian reached across the table and rested it on Emma’s. “It’s alright love, it just goes to show what a modern man I’ve become,” he joked. 
Emma laughed. “Too true. It’s basically just a gathering to celebrate the new year.” she explained.
“I gathered that love, but what does one do at these celebrations?” he asked.
“The ones I’ve been to in the past. Mostly drink.” she responds with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Aye? Sounds like my kind of party Swan,” Killian said jovially.
Emma smiled at him. “Some go out to these extravagant parties where there’s dancing and drinks while others choose the more laid back route and stay in with family and friends. But either way it ends with a countdown to midnight and when the clock strikes 12 you ring in the new year with a kiss.” 
“A kiss you say? Well I think I’m liking the idea of this New Years Eve business more and more,” he said cheekily, wagging his eyebrows at her.
Emma shook her head playfully at her husband. “Of course that would be the first thing that registers to you the most.”
“Can you blame me, love?” He said, giving her a devilish look.
Emma rolled her eyes at her husband's antics. “So what do you think?” she asked, getting back to the subject at hand.
“Well that depends, love. I assume this party is going to be more on the extravagant side?” he hedged a guess.
Emma grimaced a little. “Yeah. Probably. I don’t know all the details yet. Mom only told me about it last night.”
“Well if it means I get to spend the evening dancing with my beautiful wife then count me in,” he said lovingly.
Emma felt herself start to blush slightly. “Charmer.”
“Only for you my love,” he said, lifting her hand up to place a gentle kiss on her knuckles. “Just let me know the full details when you find out and we’ll go from there.”
Emma nodded her head. "Yeah. I'm meeting my Mom for lunch tomorrow and I'll see if she knows anymore about it. Hopefully Regina doesn't go too overboard." 
"A what!" Emma exclaimed. When she asked her mother what the New Years Eve party was going to be like , a variety of scenarios went through her head but she was not prepared for what came out of her mother's mouth.
"A ball! Isn't that exciting!" Snow said gleefully.
Emma just stared at her mother in silence until it finally registered what she said. "What on earth possessed Regina to make the theme of the party a ball? And what kind of ball are we talking about? Fancy dress up, like black tie or..she trailed off, afraid of saying the next part out loud in case the feeling she had was right.
"An Enchantment Forest ball!" Snow said, confirming her worst nightmare.
Emma closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh. "Because of course it is." she mumbled under her breath.
Snow continued on, oblivious to the internal turmoil her daughter was going through. “Oh Emma, I can just picture it. Everyone dressed in their ball attire, dancing and mingling,” she lets out a sigh. “It’ll be magical,” she said wistfully.
As she listened to her mother, Emma felt most of her annoyance fade. She realized that it’s been a long time since Snow has been to a ball (the one in Camelot in her opinion didn’t count. She was the Dark One and a man died. Not really a fun celebration.) so she takes a deep breath and says, “That’s a big undertaking. New Year's Eve is only two weeks away. I take it you’re helping Regina out?” she asked.
“Absolutely! When Regina told me what the theme was I jumped at the chance to help. Let me tell you all about it,” Snow said.
As Emma listened to her mother go over the details, one stuck out to her the most. “Wait mom. Ballroom? Town Hall doesn’t have a ballroom.” As soon as she said that Emma noticed Snow grow quiet. When she looked up at her, she saw that her mother was looking down at the table, “Mom?”
“Well it’s not going to be at the Town Hall anymore. It’s not big enough,” Snow said, not quite meeting her eyes.
Emma frowned. “Well where is it going to be?”
“I told Regina that it wasn't a good idea but she was adamant. She said it was the only place that could hold everyone,” Snow said in a rush.
“Slow down Mom. Why are you so upset?” Emma asked.
Snow hesitated before finally saying, “The ball is going to be at The Sorcerer’s  Mansion.”
Emma froze. Memories of spiders and a bright light behind a door ran through her head. “Why? Why would she pick where Gold and Gideon tried to kill me of all places?” She said slightly sticken.
Snow sighed. “I know, I know. I tried to talk her out of it. I really did,” she paused, shrugging her shoulders. “But you know how Regina can get sometimes. You know, you don’t have to go if you don’t want to honey. Your father and I would understand.”
Emma nodded her head. “I know Mom. Let me talk to Killian about it first.”
Snow reached over and patted her hand gently. “Alright sweetheart.”
Killian watched Emma pace back and forth as she told him about the conversation she had with her mother this afternoon and to say he wasn’t happy about the news would be an understatement. Memories of feeling powerless tied to that fence as the Crocodile taunted him about stealing Emma’s magic and trapping her in that blasted hat. 
“So what do you think?” Emma asked, pulling him back to the present.
Killian glanced up at his wife from where he was seated on the couch. He saw that she was  wringing her hands together and biting her bottom lip. “Come here love,” he said, holding his hand out to her.
Emma walked over, took his hand and sat down next to him. She could immediately feel the tension leave her body. “I’m being silly right? I mean it’s just a building. I shouldn’t let it affect me so much.” 
“It’s not silly Emma,” Killian said softly. 
“I just,” Emma paused, trying to gather her thoughts. “I just hate feeling like this.”
Killian tilted his head at her in question. “Like what love?”
“Like that place has some kind of power over me. I was fine and then as soon as Mom mentioned the Mansion I froze and I was right back there, almost falling for Gold’s trap and fighting a giant spider.” Emma confesses wearily.
Killian couldn’t stand seeing his Swan look so dejected. “Emma. It doesn’t make you powerless. You’ve been through so much over the past few years, it’s only understandable that you would feel like that. Plus you’re not alone, we both have terrible memories of that place, the Gold men tormented us both there.” 
“What a pair we are huh?” Emma said with a chuckle.
Killian smiled at her. “So what do you say we conquer the memories together?”
“What do you mean?” Emma asked, confused.
“Well you said that New Years is a time for new beginnings and for leaving unpleasant things in the past and moving forward right?” Killian asked her.
“Yeah,” Emma replied, still not sure where he was going with this.
“How about we show those memories who’s boss and have the night of our lives,” Killian said animatedly.
“You mean go to the ball?” Emma asked, sort of unsure.
“Aye! Come on Emma. When have you ever backed away from a challenge?” Killian asked teasingly.
Emma playfully glared at him. “A challenge huh? Okay Captain I’ll bite,” she stopped, contemplating something for a few seconds before continuing. “ Under one condition.”
“What’s that?” Killain asked suspiciously
“I get to pick our outfits for the ball,” Emma smiled devilishly at him.
Killian narrowed his eyes at her. “What are you up to, Swan?”
“You’ll have to wait and see,” Emma said before leaning over and placing a lingering kiss to his lips.
TIme moved quickly after that. Christmas came and went and before everyone knew it, it was New Years Eve. The whole town had been excited for the party with people going into the local clothing shops in droves to find the right outfit to wear. When Emma came up with the idea of what her and Killians outfits were gonna be, she knew exactly the right person to help her. To say her mother was over the moon when she asked for her help (with several promises to keep it a secret)  would be an understatement. She had started to get a little worried because it had been taking longer than anticipated but when she had gotten the phone call the day before the party that they were done, she breathed a huge sigh of relief.
Standing in the foyer, Emma stared at the two garment bags hanging from the coat rack. She was equal parts excited and nervous for the big reveal. Killian had been trying to get out of her for the past two weeks what they were going to wear but she held strong even though he had been very persuasive. She couldn’t wait to see the look on Killians face when he saw them, he won’t know what hit him. Almost as if he sensed her thinking about him, Killian walked through the door at that very minute. Upon seeing her husband Emma quickly went over to him and threw her arm around him.
“Oof!” Killian let out a grunt at the sudden collision. “Not that I’m complaining love but what’s all this about?”
Emma pulled back and looked up at him with a beaming smile across her face. “They’re here!” She said, pulling him over to the coat rack.
“What’s here Swan?” Killian asked with furrowed eyebrows.
“Our outfits for the party!” Emma said enthusiastically, taking one of the garment bags and handing it to him.
Killian looked from the bag to Emma and immediately went to unzip it in anticipation. “No!” Emma called out to stop him. When he looked at her in question she said. “You have to wait.”
“Wait for what?” Killian asked. 
“Until you get upstairs! Everything else you need is in the guest room,” Emma informed him. She then kissed him and turned him towards the stairs. “Go on,” she said, giving him a gentle push. Killian gave her a playful glare before making his way up the stairs two at a time, excitement in his steps. As soon as she heard the guest room door shut Emma grabbed the other bag and headed up to the master bedroom
Emma stood in front of the full length mirror smoothing her hands over the red fabric of her dress. It was exactly what she wanted. Everything from the sweetheart neckline adorned with rhinestones to the full skirt, It’s perfect she thought. She thinks back to when she first wore this dress in The Enchanted Forest and how despite the circumstances she was in she had such a magical time and.. 
A knock on the door broke her from her thoughts. “Emma,” Killian said softly.
Emma turned toward the door, butterflies suddenly bubbled up in her stomach. “Come in.”
Killian walked through the and upon seeing his wife instantly froze. She was a vision in the dress, just as she was the first time she wore it. “Swan..I..You look,” he stuttered, unable to form the words he needed to say.
Emma walked over to him and took his hand in hers. “Are you surprised? She said with a smile.
Killian looked down at her lovingly. “Very much so.”
Emma reached her hands up to run them along the black lapels of his tan colored jacket. “You look just as handsome in it now as you did then.” she said.
“What made you decide on these outfits Emma?” he asked
Emma took a deep breath to gather her thoughts. “The ball in The Enchanted Forest was the first time in my life I felt truly free, where I could let go for a little while and that was because of you,” she told him.
“Emma,” Killian said softly.
“You give me strength. You did then and you do now and I wanted to recreate what i felt that night so,” she stopped and gestured towards their outfits.
Killian was silent for a few seconds before he swooped down and sealed his lips over hers in a passionate kiss. Emma let out a soft moan and gripped his lapels tightly. They stayed like that for several minutes until the need to breathe made them pull away. They rested their foreheads against each other's and just basked in their for one another. 
The doorbell ringing from downstairs had them pulling back from each other. "Our chariot awaits my love," Killian says, holding out his arm for Emma to take. 
When they made it outside they were greeted with the sight of a horse drawn carriage waiting for them. To keep with the theme, Regina used magic to conjure them to bring the guests to the ball. The driver of the carriage opened the door for them and Killian helped her up into it, before climbing in behind her. Once they were seated on the plush red seats, Killian knocked on the carriage wall behind him and they were off.
Emma watched through the window as the scenery changed from the lights and buildings of main street to the darkness of the woods surrounding the town. If she didn’t know any better she would have thought she was actually in The Enchanted Forest and she was a princess on her way to a ball with her prince. 
“Everything alright, love?” Killian asked, slightly concerned about how quiet she’s been.
Emma turned to look at her husband who was sitting beside her. “Yeah,” she said with a smile. “Yean, I’am,” and as she said it Emma realized she really meant it. She didn’t have any nerves or feelings of dread about the night ahead. The only thing she felt was excitement. Killian must have realized the same by the expression on her face because he returned her smile and lifted her hand to place a kiss on her knuckles.
The rest of the ride was made in comfortable silence, both content to just be. As they were looking out the window, lights started to appear in the trees on either side of the road, indicating that they had arrived. When they stopped in front of the mansion the driver opened the carriage door, Killian climbed out first then held out his hand to help her out.
When Emma excited the carriage her eyes widened at the sight before her. Regina and her Mom really went all out. Flowers lined the walkway and up the staircase leading up to the entrance of the mansion, tiki torches were also dotted along the walkway, illuminating the night. As they made their way inside, soft music was playing and lanterns were hung on the walls in the hallway leading into the ballroom.
When they stepped into the ballroom it was like they had been transported back to The Enchanted Forest. The room was decorated with white and gold twinkling strands of lights, tall candelabras stood in the corners of the ballroom bringing a soft glow to the room and round tables draped with white table cloths were placed on either side of the room leaving a generous space in the middle for dancing. 
“Wow! This is amazing!” Emma exclaimed, looking at Killian.
Killian nodded his head. “Aye! This is truly spectacular,” he said in awe.
A voice calling their names had them turning to see Snow and David coming towards them through the crowd. “Emma. Killian. You’re here,” Snow enthusiastically said, immediately pulling her daughter and son-in-law in for a hug.
“Hi Mom,” Emma said, returning her mothers hug. Stepping back she looked around the room then back at Snow. “Mom. Everything looks amazing!”
Snow smiled at her daughter. “I know! It all came together so beautifully. Better than I could have imagined.”
The four of them chatted for a few minutes until the music dimmed and dinner was announced. After everyone was done eating, Regina made a short speech thanking everyone for coming and hopes that they all enjoy the rest of the evening. The dance floor opened after that and couple after couple headed about onto the floor.
Emma watched as the couples spin and sway to the music, absolutely mesmerized by their movements.
“Do you want to join in love?” Killian asked her.
Emma turned to Killian and a refusal was on the tip of her tongue but she stopped herself. “Yeah. I would like that,” she said.
Killian quirked an eyebrow in surprise, obviously not expecting her to say that. He stood and held his hand out to her and led her onto the dance floor. Once they got into position, Killian could tell Emma was a little nervous from the way she was flicking her eyes over the crowd. “Hey," he said quietly, bringing her attention back to him. "Just follow my lead. Remember you picked a partner who knows what they're doing," he told her with a smirk. 
Emma smiled at him and then the two of them began to move to the movements of the music. She's never been big on dancing, especially this kind of dancing but with Killian it was effortless. They spent the rest of the night dancing and visiting with everyone there until there was an announcement to head outback because it was five minutes to midnight.
As they stood on the back lawn waiting for the fireworks to begin Emma reminisced about the past few hours.  She couldn’t stop smiling over how perfect tonight was. The dancing, the music, the atmosphere but most importantly the man beside her. She sometimes still can't believe how lucky she was to have Killian as her husband. That he was patient with her, was there for her and supported her through everything.
“Penny for your thoughts Swan,” Killian said from beside her. 
Before she could say anything, someone in the crowd yelled out that there was 10 seconds to midnight 5,4,3,2,1. The sky erupted in a multitude of colors as the crowd yelled out ‘Happy New Years.’ Emma turned to Killian. “I was thinking how there's nowhere I would rather be than right here with you, at this very moment. I love you.”
“Oh Emma. I love you so much.” They both leaned forward at the same time to seal their love and the new year with a kiss. The kiss was full of promise not for new beginnings but for the continued love they share, a love that they fought for and won. 
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pretty-face-breaker · 2 years
WIJ: (Re)introduce yourself
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Hey, everyone! 
I’m Ace/Acacia and I’ve been writing whump since 2020. This community has been wonderful so far and, since 2020, I’ve been working on two projects: Nick & Hayko and 1973, Emir’s Story. 
My favourite tropes include but aren’t limited to: 
Creepy/intimate whumpers
Masochist Whumpees
Sadistic Whumpers
Beatings & Restraints
Military whump
Abuse of authority
Whumpers as caretakers
Some random facts! My favourite season is autumn, my favourite colour is red, and I average 8 hours of sleep a night, waking up 8:30 am every morning because of school conditioning. 😭 Also, my favourite key is C# minor. 
Some of my favourite whumpblrs:
​Happy Whumpmas in July!
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15 and 62???
Thanks for asking!!
15) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Definitely behind. I really enjoy taking photos but I don’t really think I turn out well in photos myself unless I don’t realise that someone is taking them. And personally I prefer taking photos of nature than people, just because I think nature is more interesting to photograph in new and innovative ways.
62) What’s your favourite animal?
I feel like this is somewhat of a joke answer but the first one that popped into my head was the osedax and I’m just gonna roll with it. They’re bone eating worms that live in the deep ocean and the females have a harem of accessory dwarf males living inside them that they feed and give shelter to in exchange for being able to reproduce basically. Also did I mention that they eat bones? Yeah.
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wanderingcas · 4 years
Wednesday and Yesterday???
wednesday: name a fic which you have posted which you think is underrated?
observations on dean winchester was the first fic i posted ever so it’s obviously going to have the least amount of attention since i was a nobody at the time lol. but i’m really kinda proud of it.
yesterday: favourite way to write angst?
by writing it. a LOT. lol. (i hope that’s what this is asking??) fav angst tropes are miscommunication and mutual pining
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halliewriteshockey · 5 years
1, 8, 18, and 23???
1. When did you start reading fic? (how old you were or how long ago) It’s only been six years for me! I started reading fanfic in 2013. Once I discovered AO3, though, it was a free-for-all. 
8. Are there any genres that you tend to avoid? Mpreg is still a hard no-fly zone for me. I don’t seek out A/B/O but I’ve read it (and written one piece, mostly to say I had). I’ll read almost anything, really.
18. What kind of commenter are you? (no comment, short comments, emojies, keyboard smash, long comments, etc) I like to focus on something the author did well---the interaction between characters, or maybe the beauty of a nicely turned phrase, or something that made me laugh. I’ll quote that and tell them how much I enjoyed it. If it’s not a pairing I usually read, I’ll tell them that too, because it’s always delightful to pull people into OTPs and I know I love hearing when I manage it.
23. What do you wish more fic authors would do? Write my OTPs so I have something to read at work? :P
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Can you tag me when you release a new chapter of your Once Upon a Time Dog Soulmate AU???
Oh gosh! Yes absolutely!
Ummm I guess message me or reply to this if you want to be on my very first tag list ever!?
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annie-thyme · 6 years
4 and 25???
4) favorite character you’ve written: in fanfic it’s definitely Gabriel. be it shippy or not shippy, I just get him, you know? as for original stuff I got several things started, one short story finished and so far my favourite OC is this rather peculiar guardian angel creature who gets drunk on ambrosia and decides to talk to their human charge even though it’s against the rules. the snippet in the next question is from this story.
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
(okay this is the best question bc I wanna share snippets from things so this is me encouraging you guys to ask this question again if you feel like it)
The heap shiftedfrom sitting on the bench to standing in front of Jonathan in one flowing,languid motion. It stood there, swaying gently in the breeze as if it didn’tweigh anything. Then Jonathan saw the face. It was pale and thin, with eyesthat seemed to take a lot more space than the rest of the features. They weredark brown and looked… old. Very old and very sad.
“But I am,” saidthe man. Or was it a woman? Jonathan still couldn’t tell. “I am an angel, and Iwish I had a better explanation for you, but this is all I have.”
With that, thething that Jonathan mistook for a plastic raincoat began to move on its own. Itbillowed, catching the wind, and began to unfold. It was like watching a houseof cards falling in, but in reverse. It unfolded again and again, layer afterlayer, taking most of the rags with it. They weren’t rags, either, but the sameplastic-like material bunched up and now let loose behind this strangecreature’s back. It shimmered, too, under the sodium light of the street lamp,all colours of the rainbow rolling over it in waves as it took form.
The creature hadgiant dragonfly wings. Transparent and tinted gold, or so it seemed in theorange light, with every other colour, though somewhat dimmed, flickeringthrough them at a slightest shift of air.
ask me some more writerly questions guys! =)
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whumpsday · 2 years
Did Kane ever have nightmares about Jim in captivity?
It was him. The human. His human.
Kane felt his mouth water with hunger at the mere sight of him, a reaction that filled him with horror.
"Unbelievable." the human chastised, moving straight toward him. "You still want to feed from me, even now? I would've thought you'd have learned your lesson by now."
"I have, sir!" Kane insisted, backing away. "I have! I'll never, never hurt a human ever again! I swear!"
"I don't believe you." the human responded, closing the distance and grabbing him by the throat so tight it hurt. It hurt a lot. "You're a monster, and that's what you'll always be. A leech. You're not capable of change."
Kane whined in terror. He wanted to try to scrabble at the hand gripping his neck, but he wouldn't dare resist. "I'm sorry, sir. I'm so sorry. Please, I can change, I promise! Please give me a chance to prove it! I'll be good, I'll be so good."
"No more chances. You're a hundred and ten years old, you've had enough chances." The human turned, dragging him along by the neck. "Time to burn."
"NO!" Kane screamed. He did resist now, trying his best to writhe away, to pry the hand from his throat, but nothing he did loosened the human's agonizing iron grip as he was dragged closer and closer to the door. "Please, please sir, please not the sun! I'm so sorry! Please!"
The human opened the door with his free hand, horrible sunlight streaming in, inches from his face. Kane sobbed as dread filled every inch of him, his struggles increasing.
"Do you really think that's going to work? You're not the strong one anymore, I am." The human's voice was devoid of sympathy.
"Please." Kane whimpered desperately. "Please don't make me go in that, sir. Please, it hurts."
"Too bad." And with that, the human pulled him forward into the light.
Kane screamed, and suddenly, the light was gone.
He was in his cell, alone in the dark.
Kane panted heavily, holding his hands over his racing heart. He wasn't in the sun. It was a dream.
He wasn't even 110 anymore. He'd surely been here for years. He probably hadn't been 110 for a long time. The human would have aged, too. Not the twenty-four year old he remembered.
He wondered how the human was doing. He was probably back with his family, that sister he missed so much. Safe and loved and free of pain. Everything Kane wasn't.
Kane shifted his head, trying to find any position that lessened the burn from the silver collar around his neck, but there was none.
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aprilqueen84 · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday
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A/N: Happy Sunday everyone! So for the past week I have been apart of a November Writing Challenge over on the CS discord I’m apart of and today’s goal is to post six sentences of a wip. So here is six sentences of the next chapter of “A Tail as Old As Time!”
Tag List:  @hollyethecurious​, @resident-of-storybrooke​, @kmomof4​, @jennjenn615​, @pirateherokillian​, @enchanted-swans​, @superchocovian​, @deathbycaptainswan​, @winterbaby89​, @flicialy23​, @kingofmyheart14​, @angellifedeath, @facesiousbutton82​, @a-faekindagirl​, @kymbersmith-90​, @ekr032-blog-blog​, @laschatzi​, @teamhook​, @ilovemesomekillianjones​, @capswantrue​, @bmbbcs4evr​, @kday426​, @tiganasummertree​,, @Ifh1226-linda, @meganhinsley​, @xarandomdreamx​, @jrob64, @hannahhook7744​, @klynn-stormz​, @yourebeautifuleverylilpiecelove, @therooksshiningknight, @earanemith​, @snowbellewells​, @motherkatereyloshipper, @emmythedaydreamer​, @quirkykayleetam​, @onceuponsomechaos​
Chapter 4. 
They sat there in silence for what seemed like forever until Killian finally spoke. “I’m sorry,” he said.
Emma frowned as she turned to face him. “For what?” she said curiously.
“For not doing a better job at keeping Pan away from you,” he said regretfully.
Emma reached out and rested her hand on his hook. “Kilian. It wasn’t your fault. I think we were both a bit naive to believe that Pan wouldn’t have found out about us meeting,” she said softly.
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quirkykayleetam · 3 years
whump on a ship: thoughts? -ur secret sunflower
Whump on a ship is the whump that GOT ME INTO WHUMP!
Tied to the mast, Whipped, Salt spray getting in the wounds!
Thrown in the brig, Dying of thirst while surrounded by water!
Sunburn? Icy Cold? Either way, a whumpee on a ship is literally held captive by the ocean around them; they cannot escape without near certainty of death.
And authoritative regimes can easily be found in ship situations. Pirates? The navy? When your survival depends on everyone else on board, deviance, even accidental deviance, must be swiftly punished.
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You know my favorite piece of yours is when Sam is suicidal and decides they don’t want to die yet, though that surprises the hell out of them. You always write pain beautifully, eloquently, also transcendently! But I will also always remember you for the nobility you give your characters. Even Jacob, a minor one stands up for what he believes in. Sam’s defiance is angry and stoic and meaningful. John’s defiance is different, definitely his own but still gorgeous. And his caretaking is soft.
Thank you for responding to that, your comments mean a lot to me. I’m so glad that you think I write pain well and that you think my characters are noble and defiant, because those are my favourite types of characters to write. It’s so important for me to be able to respect my protagonists, so even if they make the wrong decisions you know that they’re still fundamentally working for something they believe in and something they think is good. I also highkey project onto my characters, so a lot of the emotional scenes are really cathartic to write, and I’m glad that they turned out impactful! Thank you <3 
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wanderingcas · 5 years
What fic would you write if you had no inhibitions or feats?
that’s an excellent question.
probably the fic i’m trying to write right now. a longfic with a lot of cheesy tropes, indulgent love between dean and cas, and gratuitous angst. 
honesty time; ask me anything
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halliewriteshockey · 5 years
Wait, 21 too?
21. most memorable comment/review---honestly, anything by @skinks. She combs through my stuff and pulls out what she likes best and comments on each bit individually; when I get a comment from her I know it’s going to be detailed and in-depth and it’s like the most satisfying meal ever.
Although this one from someone I don’t actually know but who goes by the name significantotters on AO3 is a close second:
i'm just up past my bedtime reading fic where flower and vero sincerely and platonically tell sid they love him and call him cher and take care of him long distancethis is fineeverything is finei'm not crying you're crying
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