enilde · 27 days
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tf dooooooodle
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gibbiiginnii · 2 months
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The Littlest Guy in all of Cybertron: 4 year-old Orion Pax 🥺🤏
Been on a huge TF kick after my last coin comm 😋
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ko-core-o · 1 year
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Qubold Quinns
They rule over the country of Qui Loca Quisandra's domain specializes in buildings and traps Quimera's domain specializes in magic and medicine Quiyana's domain specializes in history and assassinations Quilitha's domain specializes in ceremonies and forging Quintessa's domain is the hub for all other Qubolds and is charge of the other Quinns
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earthstellar · 10 months
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I was reading this post by @classychassiss and some good points are made-- I almost never see anyone talk about the Quintessons in the Aligned Continuity, but they play a very important role!
Quintus Prime and the Quintessons: Quick Context  for the Aligned Continuity
Where do the Quintessons come from?
When the Age of Primes ended, Quintus Prime left and sought to use the Emberstone on other worlds to create more species which could potentially become allies of Cybertron.
He reached Quintessa, where he created the Quintessons himself-- Who are believed to have then turned on him. It is implied that they may have killed Quintus Prime, but this is never outright stated.
Needless to say, this did not go well for anyone.
Why? Well...
Colonialism in Space: It Is Always a Bad Idea
So, of course, Quintessons are directly the result of more Primal hubris in this continuity.
But it’s interesting that we see colonialism and a sort of reverse-colonialism occur.
Quintus Prime went to a foreign planet as a being who is nearly outright a God himself, and in something resembling a “divine intervention”, created an entire species with the sole intent of making them to, in some capacity, serve a purpose for his own people.
This is a bad idea. The motivation behind creating an entire species of beings should not be “they can be useful for our own people”.
This is how you might approach making a toolset for a community workshop, not the way anyone should frame the creation of very much living, sentient life.
But this is also inherently a very coloniser mindset: “I will go to another place and massively, irrevocably change it in ways I feel will be good personally, in an attempt to benefit my own people. I see this place and its people as a potential tool.”
Did he consider what might be best for the planet Quintessa? How would introducing a new species affect the world itself? How would this impact any naturally developing life on this planet, even if he himself may not have immediately recognised it as “life”, as we know Cybertronians often struggle to value organic matter and lifeforms (and this attitude may well have extended to some of the Primes as well)?
Did he truly fully consider the implications of creating an entirely new race of beings? Did he have the means or ability with the Emberstone to inform their development beyond simply creating a lifeform that would then develop on its own, and if he did, to what degree did he manipulate the development of Quintessons (aside from bringing them into existence in the first place)?
Perhaps he believed that since he witnessed the creation of the Cybertronian people, that this could turn out the same way. But considering all the difficulty Cybertron had already been through by that time, was that ever a wise thing to believe? Was it ever sensible to think sentient life could be so easily made and worked out?
Throughout the Aligned timeline of Cybertron, we see that colonisation is a common element, and it leads to utter destruction EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Space Bridges and More Colonialism: Please Stop Colonising
As soon as Cybertronians developed the capability for interplanetary travel, they immediately started to explore.
Exploring is not inherently bad: It leads to further research and development of critical knowledge of the universe around you. It can inform everything from artistic creativity to scientific development. New discoveries could be genuinely revolutionary in many fields and with many potentially beneficial applications.
But we know that as soon as they learned enough to attempt colonising other worlds, they began to do so.
And in the process of fucking around and finding out, they discovered the Rust Plague.
The Rust Plague would have remained relatively isolated, had they not bridged bots from place to place (and planet to planet) with such aplomb that inevitably the plague spread as people attempted to flee afflicted colonies and abandon overwhelmed ships.
Their cavalier attitudes towards actively colonising every planet they could reasonably cyberform for their own use resulted in the ultimate destruction of their space bridges altogether in an attempt to spare Cybertron the same fate as countless others, thus cutting them off entirely from the stars they so fervently yearned for.
All that potential for valuable research and exploration lost, in the name of colonising.
By aiming at other worlds, they shot themselves.
Quintessons and Colonising: Nobody Learns Anything, Now Slavery Exists 
Naturally, as soon as they were capable of doing so, the Quintessons set out to colonise other worlds as well.
We can’t say that this wasn’t entirely predictable, as it seems most sentient lifeforms of all kinds in this universe have a desire to explore, even when they are not yet or no longer able to do so.
The thing about Quintessons, though, is that they don’t just love exploring.
They love slavery.
Quintus Prime created an entire species whose ultimate cultural export was the expansive development of an interplanetary slave network.
And when the Quintessons did eventually reach Cybertron, something Quintus Prime had hoped would benefit at least Cybertronians if not the Quintessons themselves as well-- We know how that turned out.
Cybertron and its population was enslaved.
And owing to the nature of the Cybertronian species, this slavery extended to extreme modifications of their bodies for uses as seen fit by the Quintessons.
The Quintessons explicitly wanted to diminish any sense of individuality that Cybertronians had-- A motivating factor for establishing what would become a strict class/caste system, to group bots in together based on physical characteristics that they likely altered further for this purpose (among others).
The Well of All Sparks itself was tampered with, the source of all Cybertronian life, to degrees that are not entirely known.
Cybertronians stopped coming forth from the Well with designations and no sense of self-identity, making it easier to stratify, alienate, and wholly manipulate them as a people. You get a number, you go over here, and this is your life now.
The establishment of Quintesson influence on Cybertron irrevocably altered the development and progression of Cybertronian society in every aspect, down to the people themselves, on a fundamental and often personally physical and mental level.
Simply put, the Quintessons did what the British Empire did: They found other people, set themselves in so fundamentally deeply that the environment, culture, and population itself was warped to their liking under their direct control, and everything from individual people to systems of government to the more core levels of societal development were skewed and manipulated for the central purpose of serving them in one form or another.
The Legacy of Quintesson Interference on Cybertron
We will never know what Cybertron may have developed as naturally, left to their own devices as a species.
Cybertronians themselves may not be able to identify any permanent or lingering changes brought about by the Quintessons, as these changes include alterations to the Well, and therefore they are “born” already altered. To what degree may be impossible to determine.
What changes were made, how extensively, how far have things and people deviated, can they even identify certain changes?
Orion Pax actively suppressed his memories of the occupation, to the degree that despite working with archives day in and out, he essentially entirely forgot about the entire species-wide ordeal. (Which also hints at potential information suppression in the archives...)  
We do know that Quintessons are the ones that introduced the concepts that would become the class/caste system on Cybertron.
They created a system of government which benefitted them, and continues on in a slightly modified form throughout all subsequent eras of Cybertron.
What is interesting is that we know some still-living bots were alive prior to the Quintesson occupation-- I cannot imagine the horror of watching this happen, seeing new bots created with no designations, no identity or sense of self, diminished to the point of being service machines.
We don’t have a lot of details on the broader implications and realities of what Quintesson occupation was like or how severe things truly became, because this is still a franchise intended for generally young audiences, and I’m not sure Hasbro is ready to discuss the evils of slavery with children-- Even though this and similar themes are often critical to the actual story and characters throughout the franchise as a whole.
I do wonder if bots created prior to the Quintesson invasion and occupation of Cybertron were subsequently modified by the Quintessons as well-- I would imagine this would be necessary for the Quintessons to achieve their goals, although the other alternative is that many bots were simply offlined if they were not compliant enough, or if any forcibly made alterations were deemed too complicated/difficult to carry out on any resistant bots.
This gets dark very quickly-- Again, it doesn’t surprise me that Hasbro probably backs down from going into any detail for a lot of reasons.
We know that a lot of frame alterations occurred, including the specifically noted alteration of bots with flight frames-- Which instantly adds another layer of body horror, as these modified flight capable bots would have had to carry Quintessons around inside of themselves, against their will.
Even on a basic level without any further information, that is some truly horrifying shit.
I find the alterations to the Well to be among the most disturbing; The very way they come alive has been fundamentally altered. Nobody knows the true extent of those modifications. The implications of this, both the ones we actually see and what we can infer, are completely terrifying-- And will potentially continue to affect the entire species for the rest of time. 
What Happened With the Quintessons Afterwards? Spoiler: The Colonisers Find Another Colony
And I do mean “find”, not “make”.
After the resistance on Cybertron built up enough to run the Quintessons off world, the Quintessons ultimately found an abandoned Cybertronian colony -- Aquatron -- and started making techno-organic lifeforms to subjugate.
On the up side, this does mean that merformers are canonically real, in one form or another.
On the down side, obviously this is fucked and evil, and once again, another world is added to the Quintesson Imperium-- Essentially, British Empire: Space Edition.
Was Quintus Prime Right? From D-16 to Megatron: Overcoming the Legacy of Oppression  
In the most obvious sense, no, Quintus Prime was not right.
The Quintessons did not “benefit” Cybertron-- Or really, anyone or anything else in the universe, either.
If we want to think about this in the sense of Quintus Prime being a Prime, and the fact that Primes seem to play a very, very long game (albeit with seemingly little understanding of how their ultimately desired goals might come about and how severely awful it might be/what the negative consequences of their actions could be)...
...It may be the case that if anything “good” came out of the Quintessons at all, it is that the Quintesson invasion of Cybertron was the catalyst for the development of a society so brutal and riddled with inequality that change was both necessary and inevitable. The world was forced to one day become what Quintus hoped it would be, due to the suffering which rained down upon it.
Which is completely and utterly fucked, and in fact, is not a “good” way to achieve this outcome to any degree.
Now, due to the obvious parallels to real life here, I want to make it very clear: There is no upside to oppression, occupation, colonialism, or slavery. Ever. I shouldn’t have to say this, but we live in hell, so I feel like I need to make this extremely, crystal clear. There is no “good” in this situation, either fictionally or in real life.
Quintus Prime was, in fact, wrong.
His intentions may have very well been “good” from his own relatively narrow point of view, but he completely and utterly failed to understand that his way of getting from Point A to Point B would result in the almost unbelievable suffering and destruction of not just the people he actually cared about-- Cybertronians--but also countless other species throughout their galaxy.
We should still look at what happened as the outcome of Quintus Prime’s fuckery, and I think it hints at how deeply fucked up the Primes actually are.
Understanding this Primal “long game” approach to things requires looking at Megatron in this continuity:
Megatron came forth from the well as D-16.
Remember that it is the Quintessons who altered the Well to churn out bots without designations or a sense of identity. Megatron was a victim of classism which itself was the product of slavery. Megatron was born as close to being a tool, and not a person, as they could possibly have made him.
He became a fully realised individual despite the most adverse situation in life possible, became a revolutionary figure that was necessary to set off much needed change--
--And even if this spiralled into eventual war and the near-destruction of Cybertron itself, would meaningful change have been able to occur any other way?
Or would Cybertronians have continued indefinitely in the post-Golden Era haze of classist, caste-based oppression with nothing to spurn the population into action? Nothing that could overcome the fear and fatigue of a battered people and encourage them to actively work towards a better, more egalitarian future?  
Was revolution, war, struggle, all strictly necessary?
I would say that if that is the case, then it is almost certainly primarily because of the damage caused by the Quintessons. And the Quintessons are the fault of Quintus Prime’s meddling, regardless of his intentions.
So much suffering would not have happened, or at least would not have happened to this extent and would not have manifested in this way, had the Quintessons not laid the foundations for it and built upon it.
While the past of Cybertron is staggeringly bleak, and the present in this continuity is extremely dire, the future of Cybertron may well finally see the planet (and it’s people) achieving what the Primes had hoped for them in the first place.
That having been said, getting to this ultimate future outcome has been an utter fucking misery beyond all miseries for both the planet and it’s people.
And honestly, we don’t know how Cybertron would have developed socially, politically, culturally, or otherwise-- The damage of the Quintesson oppression is so great that we can’t say if similar systems of oppression would have ultimately manifested on Cybertron in some form or another, even without Quintesson involvement.
But I think it’s very safe to say that it almost certainly would not have been to the extremes or in the exact forms that were forced upon people by the Quintessons.
Quintus Prime fucked up. Very, very badly. We can’t say what would have happened if he hadn’t created the Quintessons, but we do know what happened after he did in fact do so. And it was not good. 
The Fuckery of Primes: We Don’t Even Know How Bad It Is, Really
Primus, in theory, created the Primes to unify the various tribes of early Cybertronian peoples and to help cultivate the planet as a thriving entity for the sake of the then-developing species of Cybertronians.
Would Quintus Prime have had the forethought to imagine this potential path of events, would he have had the ability to understand what the outcomes of his actions would be? In and of himself, probably not.
But Alchemist Prime and Alpha Trion have, essentially, powers of future sight to some degree. We know that in at least two different continuities (Aligned and Cyberverse), these two Primes very much do play the “long game”.
We know that the Primes degraded over time, falling prey to their own biases and interpersonal issues. Unable to mediate amongst themselves any longer and unable to progress beyond severe trauma and loss born of their own infighting and lack of trust, they broke apart.
We don’t know what they may or may not have talked about with one another, or how they individually or collectively may have planned or attempted to plan for Cybertron’s further development in their absence.
We do know that there was some of this type of conversation happening, as most Primes are depicted as having influenced or had personal interest in at least their own respective tribes on Cybertron. They did, at one point, actually do their jobs and serve their intended purpose.
We also know that the Thirteenth Prime was notoriously the only one who would actively engage in a more consistently diplomatic way with the other Primes, and that he also engaged with the general Cybertronian population at the time in a more compassionate and direct capacity compared to the others-- And this is part of what was considered to make him so particular and special.
Which implies that at least past a certain point, the other Primes seemed to have withdrawn from the general population, while Thirteen did not.
As much as the Primes seem to have cared for Cybertronians, most of them don’t really seem to have engaged with the actual population very much-- At least not beyond the very early years.
Quintus’ Call: You Can’t Fix a Mistake With Another Mistake
Perhaps Quintus Prime attempted to create the Quintessons out of a realisation that he failed his purposes as intended by Primus, that he let his population down, and wanted to rectify this so desperately that he did not consider the full implications of creating a species with another species’ needs in mind.
If this is the case, it may be understandable, but in no way excusable, that he proceeded as he did.
The Emberstone is his personal artefact, imbued with life-giving powers implied to have been gifted to him by Primus in order to help him serve his purpose as a Prime. He failed in this purpose, and may have felt that utilising the Emberstone was a critical part of his efforts to essentially repent for how the Primes had fallen apart and abandoned their people and their world.
Again, understandable, especially given the distress we know the Primes were all in at the time when they fell apart and away from each other. 
Understandable, not excusable.
People make bad decisions when under duress and emotionally fraught, and we know that the Primes are certainly not immune to this.
But Quintus Prime’s power to give life is extraordinarily powerful, and carries a significant burden of responsibility.
You do not create life on a whim-- But that is what Quintus Prime did, in a moment riddled with grief, stress, fear for the future, and a sense of personal failure. 
The result of this, seemingly predictably, was horrendous. He may not have been able to see past his own turmoil by this point, or perhaps leaving Primes to their own devices is inherently not a good idea. 
Either way: His decision to create the Quintessons not only led him further into breathtaking failure to fulfil his intended duties as a Prime, but led to the destruction and loss of countless others. 
And this would have been impossible without the Emberstone. 
Primal Artefacts: The Emberstone
The ultimate outcome was such staggering destruction, loss, and suffering that I wonder if the Emberstone didn’t pick up on his feelings or state of mind during the creation of the Quintessons, and forged them from a place of inherent discontent.
We know Primal artefacts have the potential to react strangely and seemingly with some degree of awareness that operates beyond the Prime that wields them. 
Alpha Trion’s pen writes in languages nobody yet speaks, that he himself cannot yet read.
To what degree does the Emberstone potentially have something resembling sentience? 
What is the nature of the power gifted by Primus? It seems to vary from item to item and individual to individual, at least among the Primes. 
But we do not know how the Emberstone actually goes about producing life. We don’t know how it works, or what any implications of its function might be. 
Does Quintus himself know? Or it it an assumed, innate power to him? Something at least partially instinctive on some level, so familiar to him that perhaps such a casual use of it may not be so surprising? 
We don’t know. 
But I think the Emberstone itself is fascinating; It has some of the greatest power imaginable, to create living beings. To will a species into existence, to forge sentience. 
The only other things or beings we see actually produce complex, sentient life are Primus and the Well of All Sparks. 
We know that the Primes came about as unique individuals with unique abilities, intended to work together for the better of their world. 
Things did not work out as intended. Some events are unpredictable, and some outcomes are beyond anyone’s power. 
But we know very, very little about what power the Primes do actually have, really, in terms of their extent of application or how they work or why they work or anything else. 
The one we know the most about is Alpha Trion, and his Quill. 
But even then, things remain esoteric. Alpha Trion has foresight and the ability to alter events to some degree by literally editing and changing the narrative of life in real time and in future tense. 
Yet even Alpha Trion could not see the death of Solus Prime, and had withdrawn enough by that time to have no inkling of the real depth of Megatronus’ discontent. He did not expect the betrayal of Liege Maximo. 
There are clear limitations, when it comes to the Primes as people. 
The artefacts themselves, while connected to their respective Primes, seem to very well have their own thing going on at the same time-- As independently operating esoteric items of power. 
All of this is to say, how much of the Quintessons are the fault of Quintus Prime’s personal hubris, and how much of it is the will of the Emberstone, if it does in fact have individual will? 
Can the Emberstone influence Quintus, in return? To what degree, if so? 
Something to think about. 
Phew, this was a long post-- Thank you to anyone who’s bothered reading (or even skimming) all of this! :) <3 
I haven’t had much time to edit, so I apologise for any errors, repetition, etc. 
But I’ve wanted to talk about the Quintessons in the Aligned Continuity for some time, and I figured this was a good time to throw a bunch of my thoughts on it together-- Especially as we know Quintus is involved in the Earthspark Continuity as well. 
(Also, I couldn’t find any Aligned Continuity illustrations of Quintessons, so I’ve used the classic G1 Quintesson Judge here.)
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darkcrowprincess · 9 months
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. I can't stand it. It's too easy. The Prime is in love with a human.
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Quintessa as she was looking through Optimus Prime's memories as she was brainwashing him. Finds new ways to control him through a certain human.
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askvectorprime · 2 months
Does Gatoraider ever transform into a can of Gatoraid?
Dear Energy Drinker,
No. He is in fact forbidden from adopting a canned beverage alternate form, following a legal dispute with a drinks manufacturer. He would have ignored the lawsuit—after all, he'd had the name for several million years, which he felt constituted "prior use"—but unfortunately for him, the corporation had been savvy enough to file their claims on Quintessa. Rather than go to trial, the browbeaten alloygator ultimately settled out of court by changing his name to Gatorface.
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nova--spark · 4 months
I’m watching The Last Knight again, and
God , I know she’s not popular but
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I personally loved the concept of Quintessa? And the idea of a Cybertronian sorceress, who uses Energon in more mystic manners and more, magic meeting machine and whatnot.
Like, I am very tempted to steal her for my Astray verse, because I think at the core of Transformers, there can be a hint of mysticism, what with Primus, Unicron, the Thirteen Primes, and more.
Honestly I may play with the concept of her being something…maybe use her in one of my AUs?
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desertfragments · 1 year
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commissions from @honeycakelion of my two favorite pairs <333 @needleandstory @scxrytxles
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transingthoseformers · 6 months
I just have to share this because I am very excited about a two birds one stone plot solution for Transformers: Iconoclast.
So, I had to figure out why Orion Pax became Optimus Prime when Primes aren't a thing in this universe AND how to connect the Jazz & Prowl Plotline to MegOP.
So the basic premise of the first part of MegOP is they both recognize the mistreatment and even more that the current general is corrupt. They set out to speak to Ultra Magnus, who is a folk hero figure and famously a free Transformer, and Quintessa, who is Ruler For Life of the Quintessons and has a Cult of Personality with them and is considered genuinely divine by some Transformers.
They both still believe Quintessa would listen and help. Somewhat naively. She is known as one of the original Creators and who famously fought in battle with Transformers during a famous War that nearly destroyed the Quintessons and that she freed her soldiers granting them citizen status and who enabled laws for "fair treatment" and that allowed other freed Transformers some partial rights as citizens. Ultra Magnus was the most famous example of this and is, allegedly, Supreme Head of the Military, and gives yearly speeches and appearances.
Orion and Megatron have been left for dead by their superior officer who is involved in shady things with their contracts with Xetaxxis and Lanarq working both sides. They succeed and get to Ultra Magnus first who immediately clocks onto the fact their behavior regulation modules are busted. He tells them to run but before they can the guards arrest them and take them to Quintessa. They plead their case and offer evidence while Ultra Magnus stands silent and obedient. Quintessa nods and listens saying she believes them and is every inch the regal figure they imagined.
She summons the General, reads him the riot act with the evidence and then finishes coldly with, "I cannot stand incompetence." before shooting him point blank and telling the guards to clean up. This is when she drops the act and turns cold eyes to explain she can excuse a little skimming the top and ambition but sloppiness enough that products figure things out is inexcusable and compromises operations. She tells the guards to restrain them and Orion and Megatron fight back with Megatron firing at her and scarring her face which infuriates her. They are restrained and separated.
She is cruel and decides to use Orion as a "bait mech" on Velocitron which is the entertainment colony famous for both its gladiatorial pits and racing. The battle mask is actually a muzzle and Quintessa removes his ability to speak. Megatron, a gunformer, is mode locked as a trophy for her due to him saying something along the lines of rather dying so she decides he can "serve his betters". Orion survives his first fight and though the pit runners are told to kill him the decide to paint him bright red and blue and rebrand him as Optimus Prime.
Here Optimus starts a rebellion with Jazz's people and meets people like Drift, Lugnut, Arcee, etc.
Optimus is his Gladiator name and I am so excited about it!
Ooooo??? Megs and Oppy teaming up together?
why do I get the vibe quintessa won't help /j
Behavior regulation modules
hmm. interesting interesting, noted.
goddamn, quintessa, that's. damn
OWO on the "bait mech" detail and Orion eventually becoming a gladiator THAT way? I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about that concept for my plotlines before, and the battle mask being a muzzle? Damn.
And Megs getting altmode locked? wow
So this is cool as fuck, gladiator!Optimus is an idea that always fascinates me, yes yes yes
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monocle-teacup · 8 months
I kinda remember one villain in The last knight, Quintessa, does she gonna used the terrans once she found out about them?
She'd most likely want to get her own on the Emberstone so she'd manipulate the Terrans and Maltos to that end.
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evil-robot-husband · 9 months
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But I can show you how to kill him.
Gemma Chan as Quintessa in Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) - dir. Michael Bay
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im-just-a-dumb-gay · 8 months
Bayverse: Creators bio
Prima- He was the leader of the Creators and their kind, the Quintessons. He was born without eyes, however, his abilities and great leadership skills had him gain great respect. One of his abilities was to see the past, present, and future of any creature or item he touched. He has great control with this power and could also reveal information through touch. He usually did this to quickly share important intel with his fellow Creators. 
Vector- He was a leader of the Quintessons alongside Prima. His main ability was manipulating space and time. It was through this manipulation that he could teleport to extremely far places. He can teleport instantly and even manipulate his limbs to evade incoming attacks. He can also manipulate items and other Quintessons such as levitating them or even teleporting them away.
Logos (Alchemist)- Known as the curious one, Logos was always fascinated by life and sentience. Unlike most Creators, Logos does not have any abilities. He is instead considered a leader due to his incredible intellect and genius. He had a great understanding of life at the molecular level. His intellect was mostly used in making devastating weapons. In his free time, however, he would make his own experiments and study other organic life. 
Nexus- Nexus excelled on the battlefield. His ability was to create copies of himself. His copies were able to think for themselves. To his fellow Creators, Nexus and his copies were seen as unpredictable, yet reliable. With his copies he would pull pranks on his fellow Creators. After the incident that permantly left him to be split, he was given a new ability to combine into one. This ability was given by Vector. 
Liege Maximo- He is a master manipulator and was able to craft convincable lies. He believed the ends justifies the means and felt no companionship with the other Creators. Along with his great manipulation skills, he also has the ability to mind control others. He only uses this ability when necessary as he takes great pride in his own manipulation skills. 
Quintessa: She is a leader of the Quintessons and even changed her name to show this. (Idk what her original name might have been) Her ability is to create life. This ability, however, was overpowerful and Logos helped in the creation of The Staff to center her power. Within the battlefield she could energize wounded warriors. It was with Primus and Unicron that she used her power to create new life from scratch. When the Creators were murdered by the Cybertronians, she gained the title Prime of Life. She sees herself as the main creator of the Cybertronians as it was her ability that brought them to life. Without her, they would be merely drones. 
Note: The Staff was able to be controlled by Merlin as Logos did at some point fear Quintessa’s power and added a safe lock where a second person and their descendents could control it if they gave their DNA to it. He hoped to use this to make sure she didn’t go too far. 
The Allspark was also another safety measure from Logos. He was able to convince his fellow Creators to give the Cybertronians a way to give life on their own to quicken production. (He did not want Quintessa to have full power over the Cybertronian in case she used them against the rest of them.)
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I was gonna add my designs for the Creators in this post but I don't like the designs at the moment. Once I figure them out I'll post them in another post.
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catulhu333 · 2 years
This staff in SPOP
Specifically in Season 5 episode 2 "Launch":
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Seems to be a staff Hordak and Horde Prime used in other incarnations:
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It's (fittingly) most similar to MOTUC Horde Prime's staff (the second from the left).
Adora as Despara (in past in MOTUC and when possessed by Horde Prime and in DC comics) used a similar staff:
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Which was identified as the Staff of Despair, which was used by Hordak's, Horde Prime's and Hord-Or's mother, Quintessa
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Though it is Horde Prime's trophy room, it could be here due to being a weapon he used in his conquest, rather than a trophy he got from conquest.
Still, these staffs were at least partly magical, and Horde Prime has a dislike/distrust even fear to a degree of magic, due to not understanding it fully and not being able to control it, it being to chaotic. But I think it is possible Horde Prime once used magic (and there are hints he might be on some level, a creature of magic himself), but grew to dislike magic, due to not being able to control as fully as likes, or it was used against him in a way he couldn't counter. It's possible it was even during the invasion of of Krytis, with Melog's people magic being able to misdirect and overwhelm him and the Horde (even if it was a pyrrhic victory), and Prime not being able to think of a counter with his own skill at magic, was what produced this dislike.
He also was able to use the Heart of Etheria (a magic-technology construct) easily after analyzing, thanks to Hordak's research on the First Ones, and he did possibly want to conquer Krytis specifically for it's magic (though it is possible just First Ones presence was what attracted him there).
Just a theory, and it is most probably just an Easter Egg though, or the staff is technological in nature in SPOP.
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celestdraws · 7 months
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AF attack on @desertfragments, guest starring @scxrytxles
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Optimus/Nemesis: Mom, look! It's the good kush :D
Quintessa: This is the Dollar Store, how good can it be?
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flilisskywalker · 1 year
I didn't expect the final battle on Mandalore to be so much like the climax of Transformers: The Last Knight.
Heroes sliding to save the day and then being protected by an energy field. One of them even says something cliche as hell like: "Say hello to my friend, Bumblebee."
Oh yeah and the villain dying an ambiguous death.
I'm the only human being who will make this comparison.
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