#queued omens season 2
fearandhatred · 5 months
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what i like to do to assure myself that i am unique, and not just one of many small, white, indistinguishable, perfectly cylindrical checker pieces in jesus and satan's backgammon game, is — i'll say a group of words that i think no one has ever said, in that order. -bo burnham
good omens + textposts, part 2/?
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larkbunny · 6 months
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Happy renewal day everyone!
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topaziraphale · 10 months
I know A/C will reconcile like they always have over the thousands of years. I know they will eventually save the world again. But I don't want this one to be so easily given. These are larger, more painful wounds to heal, and they are going to leave bigger scars on their relationship.
I want Aziraphale to truly earn Crowley back this time. I want Crowley to finally gain enough self-respect to let go, and let Aziraphale know how much he has hurt him despite understanding that he was also manipulated. He knows Aziraphale is being hurt, but he is hurting, too.
I want Aziraphale to apologize, deeply, profusely, his eyes boring through those dark lenses, hoping that Crowley will forgive him like he has done so many times over the centuries, and for Crowley to just give a curt nod and say, quietly: "Okay. Thanks."
If we end up with a reverse scenario of "We have to work together," I want Aziraphale to be the one asking and Crowley to be the one saying "No." When Aziraphale asks why, Crowley might say something like, "Because we're not friends. We're on opposite sides, aren't we?"
I want to see Aziraphale work for this friendship, this love, the world, in a way he himself didn't think he was capable of. I want him to stand firm once he chooses his side again. I can't wait to see him fight his greatest battle within himself yet. And I want Crowley to take his time with the aftermath. I want him to properly feel that pain and betrayal, I want him to process things first before he is ready to forgive.
Season 3 is going to be so, so emotional, and it's going to make that gentle ending in the South Downs cottage all the more sweeter.
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blitheringbongus · 10 months
Gabriel from Good Omens sounds like Goodtimeswithscar in the new season someone had to say it
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
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dawn-the-rithmatist · 11 months
Apologizing now for the person I will be on and leading up to and after July 28th
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dyketennant · 11 months
Good Omens 2 Watch Server!!!
so i've been thinking a lot about how neil said he wishes s2 would be released weekly rather than all at once, and also how everyone just has different watch habits in general and people are going to want to discuss the show, but not have it spoiled for them. i personally have been trying to figure out how quickly i want to watch the show and what i'm going to do between episodes when i'm bursting with Thoughts and have no one to tell about them.
so i decided to do something about it and make a good omens 2 watch server! the way the server is set up is that as you watch episodes, you'll gain access to channels for each episode. this way you can discuss episodes as you watch/finish them without having to go into social media tags and spoil it. there's also other channels for general good omens discussions and fan content, and a place for non-gomens stuff.
the goal is to give people a safe place to talk about episodes as they watch them without getting spoiled, while also having fun and maybe even making some friends.
here is the link for the server. please read and agree to the rules before you gain access to everything else. it is still a work in progress (please note i am still covid positive and also experiencing some crazy meds withdrawals as i type this so if it seems like i was not fully there while i wrote any of this, my apologies, i definitely wasn't!) and i'll be adding to/updating it as time goes on. until s2 comes out it's just to serve as a general hangout & speculation space. atm i'm the only mod, but if for whatever reason this becomes crazy popular, i may reach out for some extra hands.
please join and please share it with people, i put a lot of work into this server and i am so so excited for the season to finally come out and for us all to enjoy it!!! :-) <3
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oswin-remains · 10 months
“no nightingales” haunts my dreams… i will never be the same
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topknotstrunk · 10 months
Review Everything 31 - Good Omens Season 1
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Post Review Addition: I basically live tweeted my way through this. All my reviews are meant to be non-serious and for my own enjoyment, but this one is particularly self indulgent, so it may be confusing to read. I’d say sorry, but really, I wrote the review for myself to enjoy so there’s nothing to apologize for. I had put off watching Good Omens because of associations. When I first started dating my ex we were doing that thing where you share all your favorite media with each other. He asked me if I was familiar with @neil-gaiman or terry Pratchett and, thinking about Maturin and Hindu mythology I answered, no, not really. I knew what The Sandman comics were, had seen the movie Coraline, and knew a little bit about Disc World but most of my novel reading had been of either the Horror or YA variety and most the two non-American authors I have read were She Who Shall Not Be Named and Diana Wynne Jones. So we decided to do a sort of trade where we’d go back and fourth with audio books of our favorite books. He wanted his first book to be Good Omens, so that’s what we listened to.
It would be the first of a series of things he showed me that I didn’t really “get”. Like, I could see the appeal they would hold for other folks but they just didn’t click with me. With Good Omens in particular,  I have some religious trauma related to the “end times” that made the book hop back and forth in tone from “barely interesting chapters about the kid” to “interesting but often upsetting chapters about the angel and demon”. Admittedly the experience of listening to the audiobook was so unpleasant that I don’t really remember much about the novel outside of the angel and demon characters. I even remember saying to my ex, “This kind of seems like a romance between these two.” And him going, “What? No.”
Those two characters were intriguing enough that I have always kind of wanted to give the story a second shot in another form, particularly after reading and falling in love with Sandman just this year [first the show, then the comic], where I can now enjoy the creator’s work with the baggage of a relationship I didn’t want to end weighing less heavily on me nearly a year out from being dumped. I figured I’d get around to the Good Omens show eventually and have had it on my watch list, not really thinking about it except when very adorable shipping art comes across my dash.
Then the Good Omens season 2 trailer dropped Today. And that little seed of “I think these two men with wings want to kiss each other” is actually a thing in at least the second season. And I like experiencing fandom events along with the rest of the fandom so... I started season 1 Today. ____________________________________________________ Episode 1:
And, just like with the Sandman show, I fell in love about a minute in. The first time Aziraphale and Crowley interact I felt that little part of my brain that loves to watch two characters discover that they might want to get around to kissing eventually lit up. The show is immediately more fun than my experience of the book, it still made me a tiny bit anxious but not the way that the audio book did where I had at least one anxiety attack while listening to it.
A combo of me being in a better place with my religious and mental health journeys now than I was then and the show being just so damn charming is to thank for that, methinks.
David Tennant makes an excellent reluctant bad guy. Michael Sheen makes a wonderful prissy and affectionate lil’ man.
CG starts off a little rough with the snake and many of the demon scenes are so dark that it’s difficult for me to tell what’s going on, but other than that the visuals are all nice. The actually pretty scary hell hound turning into an adorable little ratter dog was both cute and funny.
A good start to what I hope will be a good series. : )
Episode 2:
The “boring kid chapters” I barely remember are better in the show. Not chomping at the bit to get to the angel and demon sections makes the whole story much more enjoyable.
Aziraphale is so dang charming!
Episode 3: It’s neat that they picked someone of such mixed heritage to play Jesus [and someone who’s played the part more than once, I wonder what the story is there] and otherwise it was fun to see this version of the events of the Bible. It was also VERY fun to watch the budding friendship between Aziraphale and Crowly.
Episode 4:
Everyone but Aziraphale and Crowly can see how much they love each other.
Oh boy are the scenes with Adam getting tense. Him letting his friends continue to talk while controlling the rest of his so far small-ish bubble of reality is suitably spooky for a show that’s doing a great job of balancing the heavy stuff with the silly stuff. The end of the world is the perfect time for smooching, too, good on the witch and witch hunter descendants.
Also I gotta do some research some time on Metatron. He’s not in the Bible iirc, but he does keep showing up in modern media as this “I’m not God, but I’m just as good as and God is fine and listening and appointed me to this position because I am a good guy, I promise.” figure.
Hearing Aziraphale say the fuck word made my day.
Episode 5:
“Somebody killed my best friend!” Well that was a tonal swing. So much for having my day made. XD
Somebody to love coming on reminds me that this show has a pretty great soundtrack. All the pop songs that have some on are spot on to what’s happening in the scene and. Pop songs can really make or break a scene, pump up the emotions of what’s going on or totally distract you from what’s happening and pull you out of it. So far the show’s done a great job of the former.
I think trading out one of the horsemen for pollution makes a lot of sense. I don’t know if you’d call that world building, when you’re creating a world based pretty heavily on existing fiction. Interpretation? Anyway, I think it’s smart. Also swapping out their horses for motorcycles is just plain fun. Also also, I’m loving the scene with the Psychic. Her loosing her cool and saying “It’s a real one” had me chuckling. I’m well acquainted with psychics of her type, since that was a special interest of mine when I was younger, but I have a soft spot for the “has some real powers but has to be a charlatan to make it in the modern world” trope.
The CG in the scenes with the kids is a little rough. Well, a lot of the CG has turned out to be a little rough. Though these kids do have balls of steel, no matter how goofy some of the special effects look. _________________________________________________ Episode 6: How come all the other demons are Humanoids that are either sexy or gross but there’s one non-Humanoid cute one? XD I mean, maybe Aziraphale meant what he said or maybe it was a slip of the tongue, eh? Okay I take it back, the kids are brave but Pepper has balls of steel. Since I read the book, and also because it was set up well, I should have seen the kids coming to defeat the four horsemen with Aziraphale’s sword but it somehow managed to still be a nice surprise. Newton nuking the computers I did see coming and got a nice cackle out of.
You can’t create a being who can decide what reality is and isn’t and then tell him what the rules are. Y’all handed the Great Plan over to him the second he was born. UGH the band’s music warping as our happy ending unwinds was so good! Oh the little cute demon ins there to get thrown in the Holy water, poor lad. Good for Mr. S, hopefully he becomes a slightly less shity person. Post show notes: The show was fun! How fondly I remember this season and if my love for it will hang in there is gonna hinge on if they actually let the Angel and Demon be gay for each other in season 2, I fear. Other than that I had a great time with it, which I didn’t expect for the reasons mentioned in the beginning of this review. It has been just long enough that I forgot enough of the details of the book to be surprised either by plot points I had forgotten or ones that were changed [not sure which]. Really looking forward to season two. Speaking of which, I wish the Tumblr fandom would cool it a little and actually use hashtags on their posts so I could stop getting little mini spoilers for season 2. I feel like, unlike with season 1 where I got to watch it at my leisure, now that it’s August 2nd I have no choice but to binge season 2 so I can go back to enjoying my favorite website and not have this show spoiled for me. In Summary: Very good! Either by personal life circumstances for me or just change of media. an upgrade from the book. The stuff with the witch hunter and psychic where where the story dragged the most for me, outside of the final séance, and they seemed to have a cute little ending, so I hope that thread gets dropped for season 2. Also, hope the show isn’t queer baiting me! Those concerns I had a lovely time overall and am looking forward to more of most of these characters in season 2. Overall: 7/10
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favouritedave · 10 months
someone get them a therapist asap for everyone else's sake the world can't handle this anymore
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fearandhatred · 4 months
instead of taking the fact that they only showed certain parts of the metatron and aziraphale talking to mean that aziraphale is omitting information. consider that those scenes are there instead to support what aziraphale is saying and prove that he's telling the truth. u feel me
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post-s2. good omens mascot here, coping unhealthily.
This is the first proper post I'm writing since the audio breakdown, good thing I queued a POTC one last week, I suppose. Yes I slept through the entire day today, missed the theatre workshop I was supposed to attend and may or may not be listening to A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square on loop. Have an update on my coping because my social life and family are both Tumblr now:
Every song is about them now. A lot were before, but now every single one. Even an old Hindi song from a 1900s Indian military movie that I have not watched, by the way. But the lyrics (thank you Google translate) are: Everybody wants a handful of the sky, everybody searches for a handful of the sky, there is a world waiting to be hugged to the chest, the moon is a fair full of stars, but this heart is still lonely. And of course that makes me think of Crowley as the starmaker. Ow.
I made the very intelligent decision to rewatch the first three episodes of season 2, knowing what the Job minisode and the Edinburgh minisode do to me. I'll be here clutching Crowley, well, hugging him close to the chest, just like that song... ah, fuck, here we go again.
I listened to you all and am drinking a lot of water, since my tear ducts were emptied yesterday and now I'm unable to cry. I also ate too much chocolate.
I searched for sad Aziracrow edits and watched them. Don't look at me. I'm in a hell of my own creation.
I used too many emotions last night and now I feel hollow and achy. Maybe I should cope with humour and write the summaries.
Or maybe that will backfire and I will be filled with horrifying levels of emotion.
I slept. A lot. Many hours. Lots sleep.
So. Well. You know. Adopted child of divorce. You were all right, this is exactly like dealing with a breakup or divorce, but much more painful.
Someone please, please, please stop me from clicking the Crowley whump tag to find fanfiction.
I remember my initial Good Omens posts. I remember calling the fandom sad, desperate, queer and masochistic, and also pointing out how you all blame Neil and then sit and make headcanons that are a hundred times worse than canon.
I was so right. Look at me now, sad, desperate, queer and masochistic, making headcanons that are a hundred times worse than canon.
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gomurderboard · 10 months
The Good Omens Seasons 2 & 3 Murder Board
Hey all -- @inconveniently-discorporated here. Still setting this up as a blog with links and suchlike. I'll pretty up this post at some point and it'll be pinned at the top for easy access to tags and whatnot.
Suffice to say, this blog will contain spoilers (tagged "#gos2 spoilers") as it's mostly clues and hints as to what may be going on this season, and theories for the next and final season. I'll be gathering different theories, evidence/arguments for AND against each theory, little bits of loose threads, themes, mentioned books, resources, etc.
Also, I won't be reblogging disrespect. Disagreeing with any given theory and discussing is fine, I won't be reblogging things that call people stupid. I'm here to have fun.
Feel free to tag me if you see anything I should reblog. I have A LOT to share already, so if you don't see something right away, it might be queued up so I don't flood the fandom.
Theory Tags
#book of life theory (#pro BOL propaganda / #anti BOL propaganda) - Anything revolving around the theory that the Metatron possesses the Book of Life and is using it to mess with events that have happened.
#coffee theory (#pro coffee propaganda / #anti coffee propaganda) - Anything revolving around the theory that the Metatron spiked Aziraphale's coffee with something that caused him to become brainwashed, or more susceptible to manipulation.
#Crowley's identity (will be tagged with the relevant identity whether for/against, e.g., #Lucifer, #Raphael, may also include the tag #memory loss) - Anything revolving around Crowley's former identity, including memory loss.
#body swap theory (#pro body swap propaganda / #anti body swap propaganda) - Anything revolving around the idea that, at some point, Crowley and Aziraphale are actually working together and switched places.
Other Tags
#malignant and creeping sense of unease - A general tag for things that are just NOT QUITE RIGHT but there's no specified theory as to what. (Also see: #loose clues -- interesting potential hints & #details -- fun factoids and show design.)
#magic and misdirection - A general tag for things that revolve around the show's use of magic, misdirection, and sleight of hand.
#books - Tag for any books mentioned in the show or promo materials. I'll probably create and link a master post of all books.
#music - Tag for music mentioned or heard in the show.
#references - Tag for easter eggs or references spotted in the show.
#parallels and themes / #character analysis - Tags for analysis around the characters or show itself.
Neil Gaiman Tumblr FAQ: Good Omens
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vintagelacerosette · 10 months
Tag game catch up ✨
I was tagged by these magnificent sweet peas Macy @celestialmickey Evie @energievie Ling @lingy910y Laurel @lupeloto Deena @suzy-queued Vey @look-i-love-u Emmet @grossmickey Deanna @deedala Ajax @transmickey Cross @crossmydna Melodie @sirrudo Nosho @creepkinginc Jay @surviving-maybe Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Paola @mishervellous Sisi @sisitrip Donna @sleepyfacetoughguy Kat @milkmaidovich Lyds @ardent-fox Lemon @depressedstressedlemonzest Carolie @shinygalaxyperson Ri @tanktopgallavich Jade @jademickian Michelle @mmmichyyy Arrow @arrowflier Meagan @softmick @solaq Anna @rereadanon Julia @juliakayyy Cherry @too-schoolforcool
Thanks yall 🥰
This weeks Tag game Tuesday
Name: Shermyn
Whereabouts in the world are you? Sydneeeey
Do you have any pets? My Roxy pup
What do you do for work? DMV but we actually help y'all lol
Favourite fruit? Rock melon or as mericans like to say cantaloupe 🍈
A pet peeve of yours: Music or vid in public places like doctor waiting room or in trains
Are you a fast walker or a slow walker? As many have said, bc of short legs it looks fast, but I'm just tryna catch up 😅
How do you usually wear your hair? Down & flowing & I try to make it fun with hair bows or fun clips 💕
Sunny days or rainy days? Sunny days ☀️
What time do you usually go to bed? 11pm-1am
What time do you usually wake up? Sunrise clock is at 6am but I go back to sleep depending on how late i sleep lol so 7am-8am. 9am-10am on days off lol
if you were a cartoon character, what would be your everyday outfit? My birthday dress but in the cartoon my outfit is magic so it can turn whatever I want it to be depending on the occasion but keeping them colours 🩷🩵💜 for example if I needed a business outfit it would turn into a dashing 3 piece suit 💖
Something you'd like to learn: How to write fic & to crochet
and finally, tell me something that made you happy recently: All the birthday messages from y'all (thank you) & seeing my friends for my birthday 🎂💕
Last week's tag game Tuesday✨️
Name: Myn
Age: 27
Pronouns: she/they
Your sun sign, MBTI type, and enneagram type (google them if you’re not sure!): Leo, & Nines (ok screaming bc this was the first time i did thay & can i say accuracy wtf 😭)
How tall are you? 151cm/4"11 aka cute sized by
What colour are your eyes? Dark brown
The last time you saw a movie in theaters (bonus: what was it?): Barbie movie!! It was terrific & hilarious (if i did this one time the answer wouda been Birds of Prey haha great Margot films)
Favourite dessert: Love all dessert rn I'm craving for crepes 😋
Outer space or the ocean? Now I woulda said ocean before but just Good Omens season 2 means me want outta space 🚀
You’re in a McDonald’s drive thru, what are you ordering? 10 pack nugget meal with medium strawberry milkshake & sweet & sour sauce for the nugs
Are you good with plants? Probs not bought some basil & my dad ended up take care of it idk if they still alive 🥲
Would your current self and high school self get along? Sure but she'd berate me asking wth girl thought you'd be an animater 😅
A food you can’t stand:
Something you’d do if money were no object: Have an lavish retreat trip somewhere exciting to meet all the you amazing gallabitches in the fandom, where we can have fanfic writing sessions, craft sessions & even have a meet & greet with Cam & Noel. Oh my! Am I making a dashcon for gallavich? 😆
The last app you opened on your phone: Amazon prime bc of Good Omens s2
and finally, compliment yourself! You are incredibly resilient, creative & full of light. 💖
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Concert ABC
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Five comfort characters
1. Mickey Milkovich from Shameless
2. Lacus Clyne from Gundam Seed
3. Kaylee Frye from Firefly
4. Wylan Hendricks from Shadow & Bone
5. Brooke Davis from One Tree Hill
List five songs that someone else introduced me to that have made their way into my regular rotation
Last line written of fic
“Ok! Small Gallaghers, it's time to get moving and into the car, or I'll be getting chatty kathy up my as again” A familiar voice cuts through the tender moment and causes Ian to shoot up like he’s been electrocuted with Liam still in his arms.
(Ngl i haven't touched my fics in forever 😅)
Fanfic trope tier list
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20 Questions For Fic Writers!
Thank you so much for the tag, @honeyteacakes!! I loved reading your responses. This was so much fun to do.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
35! Some of them are locked to attempt to minimise AI scraping.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
44,236 holy shit
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I’m pretty deeply embedded in the Sandman-verse. But I’ve also written an AC Odyssey fic recently.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m skipping this one because I embedded so many links in this post and I don’t wanna do it anymore. 😂 And people can just filter by kudos on AO3 if they’re interested.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond EXTREMELY slowly, but I make every effort to reply to comments when I have the energy to spare. It means a lot to me when people take the time to tell me what they liked about my stories.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oooh. Good question. It’s either “pour the dirt into our bed” (Ranger’s Apprentice, referencing homophobia faced in a queerplatonic relationship) or “if you want voices in the dark, listen to mine” (Good Omens, after a temptation gone wrong.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I write a fair amount of tender stories, so there are a lot of possible answers to this one! Potentially it’s “our place in the sun” (Sandman, Lucienne/Calliope domestic fluff) which is all about coming to rest and settling into love. Another option is “throw down that spade and dig up the garden” (Good Omens, Ineffable Husbands) which is about…pretty much the same thing, now that I think about it. 😂
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully not. I genuinely can’t understand why people leave hate comments on fics. Sure, there’s a lot of things I take issue with in certain fandoms, but I bitch about that stuff strictly IN MY OWN SPACE, I absolutely do not barge into other people’s spaces to do it. I never will and you can hold me to that.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I WANT TO. I’m working on it!! I actually have a smut prompt ask game queued up for next year, when I’ll have fewer writing obligations. As for what kind, I want to write so much femslash smut. There is devastatingly little in the Sandman fandom.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
OHOHOHO. I have written a Los Simuladores/Good Omens crossover and it is genuinely one of my favorite stories that I’ve ever written. “every morning the same big and little words all spelling out desire” is appropriately zany, hopefully sexy, and seasoned with a dash of angst to balance the flavors.
(Shout out to @jlemonster for writing such a glowing post about it, it makes me happy just remembering it.)
Another crossover I’m working on is Johanna Constantine/Mary Poppins. I PROMISE it will make sense when it’s written. …well, maybe. 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!!! As part of Fandom Trumps Hate this year I had two fics of mine wonderfully translated into Spanish by @yourneighborhoodneighbor and it was an amazing experience.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. I don’t know if that would work with my writing habits, tbh. Maybe someday though, if the right idea and right person come along!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh GOD. Complicated question!! There are ships I’m currently enamored of, obviously, but who knows if they’ll stand the test of time? I know that Kaz/Inej (Six of Crows) and Irina/Jack (Alias) did something to my adolescent brain that may never be undone, but that’s the closest I can get to an answer to this question.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I’ve got a Good Omens Ineffable Wives AU inspired by Anne of Green Gables that is very dear to me, and has many aspects I’m extremely proud of, but I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it. My interest in Good Omens has flagged of late and unfortunately I don’t know if I’ll complete many of my WIPs for that fandom!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I have a good grasp on characters’ voices! Also, I think I write tactile and descriptive details well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have done it once!!! For the aforementioned Los Simus fic. It was so much fun, and a good challenge for me. The dialogue was in Spanish (with very valuable help from @thisisnotjuli) and I loved writing how the two characters spoke in somewhat differing dialects.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh, lord. Probably Harry Potter? By hand, in a notebook from the dollar store. I was probably about eight or nine.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
They’re my children. My babies. My beloved frogspawn. I can’t give a definite answer, but…two of the stories that I worried my lip over the most for dread of failing to do them justice, the ones I think I put the most heart and consideration and care into, are “it’s an old song (and we’re gonna sing it again)” (Sandman, Calliope & Dream + healing and rediscovery and intimacy and changed but no less important relationships) and “sister dear, bear me away” (Good Omens, a human AU about gender discovery).
No pressure tags: the usual suspects <3 @pyrocephalus-rubinus @fatcatgospel and Juli, as well as @zorawitch @azi-sings-calliope @cosmictapestry, and anyone else who reads this and wants to talk about their creations!!
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Hi August! 🥰 For the GO ask game: 6 and 11?
ill be honest with you all i queued that post in the middle of the night (for me) to answer these in the morning but Well. you can see how that went ANYWAYS HI MARI !
who is your favorite side character?
i mean idk if anathema is a side character considering her importance in season 1 (not being aziraphale or crowley doesnt make you a side character i think) so a true true Side Character would be hmmmmm sandalphon. I KNOW ITS STRANGE but hear me out. he's a weird and gross (derogatory) archangel who has a large potential backing him up and it interests me. also his few lines we hear are surprisingly funny 2 me. war without war. his gross smile. something smells...Evil. THE SOUND OF MUSIC QUOTING. sodom and gomorrah. the STOMACH PUNCH (not in a good way, i do hate him for this). yeah, thats really it. i dont like him much at all actually, he's just There and he makes me Imagine, which is all i can ask for of a side character 🙏
what is (if you read) your favorite type of human au for good omens? (ex. coffee shop au, surgeons au, plant store au)
mmmmm i havent read too many human aus as of yet but there are some ive seen and love, like astonaut crowley/mission control aziraphale...i say truly my answer is "plant shop owner/bookshop owner" because mmmmm you can never go wrong with a good bookshop owner aziraphale. its his calling, man. theres also a delicious dynamnic there of a possible enemies 2 lovers (being rivaling shop owners on whickbur street 👀) and all, so thats WONDERFUL <3 what more can i say? but i also have to ask....does "human (but not really)" count ? im writing one of those currently and using that dynamic i just described but like. thyere Not actually human. its very complicated but they TJINK theyre human when they arent in actuality. so they live their lives believeing this before theyre forced to confront it....mmmm i dont think that counts im so sorry i just wanted to mention the one humanish au i have atm 🤧🤧 but i suppose if i were to qrite a true human au itd 100% be plant owner/bookshop owner. you can never go wrong with it 🥰🥰🥰 UGH THIS GAME IS SO GOOD AND NICE!!!!!!!! thanks for the ask ❤️❤️❤️
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