a-tarassia · 2 years
L'inflazione al 7%, l'aborto illegale, il clima a puttane, l'emergenza idrica, gli strascichi di una pandemia, la guerra anche in Ucraina e io la sera prima di mettermi a dormire ho ancora il coraggio e le forze, di fare la doppia detersione, di mettere la crema antirughe, la maschera ai capelli, la crema per la psioriasi, la crema ai tatuaggi, la crema antigonfiore alle gambe, leggere due libri in due settimane, dare un bacio a Luca, fare il gioco con Fabio, come se importasse ancora qualcosa essere migliori per domani.
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radio-charlie · 3 months
Love to pick my disgusting psioriasis flakes off my scalp
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gamecross20 · 2 years
Sumber Ulung Serangan Jantung Mesti Diwaspadai
Kebanyakan dari Anda kiranya memahami kalau Infark miokardial atau terjangan jantung terjadi disebabkan sambil jantung koroner, diabetes melitus, kadar kolesterol jahat menjulung, dan lain-lain. Memang benar hal mereka sebagai penyumbang utama daripada penyakit Infark miokardial. Tapi tahukah Kamu bahwa ada berbagai penetapan lain sekaligus dapat membuahkan seseorang tersangkut Infark miokardial? Lebih lanjut, poin kali ini hendak membahas mengenai kondisi penyebab penyakit Infark miokardial yang tak terduga. Ayo simak penjelasannya. Pertama, olahraga terlalu serius secara tergempar. Berolahraga berdasar pada intens kadang bukanlah suatu kesalahan, akan tetapi Anda pula harus pendapat jika hal itu sudah menjadi kebiasaan bagi Anda. Untuk menjadikannya kebiasaannya maka Anda perlu memulainya dari sports ringan. Kemudian barulah Kamu meningkatkan intensitasnya seiring dengan berjalannya ruang. Penyebab daripada Infark miokardial merupakan olahraga fisik dengan intensitas semampai secara tepat. Dengan istilah lain, Anda bukan terbiasa berolahraga berat namun langsung mengempa diri melakukannya.
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Tidak seharga olahraga saja, namun pun berbagai aksi fisik ukuran lain yang juga dapat berpotensi menimbulkan terjangan jantung tetapi Anda dalam kondisi bukan terbiasa melakukannya. Terlebih bahwa Anda gak gemar berolahraga namun sinambung melakukannya secara intens maka potensinya lebih tinggi. Kedua, meminum obat pereda pedih haid terlalu sering. Obat pereda pedih ini lazimnya juga dikenakan untuk mengatasi berbagai erangan seperti peradangan, demam, keseleo, migrain, terlintas nyeri ular-ularan menstruasi / dismenote. Obat yang kerap kali dipakai yaitu ibuprofen dan aspirin. Penelitian menyibakkan bahwa orang2 yang menggunakan obat-obatan pereda nyeri mendapat kain camar untuk infeksi pernapasan menerbitkan meningkatnya resiko terserang Infark miokardial. Benar-benar sebenarnya taktik ini sedang belum siap dipastikan secara akurat. serangan jantung tetapi obat-obatan tersebut dapat berpotensi mengakibatkan meningkatnya penggumpalan darah pada aorta. Ketiga, tuturan traumatis. Pada setiap orang mempunyai kapasitasnya masing-masing, dimana tidak semua orang2 mampu oleh berbagai masalah yang sama secara ketegaran yang sama. Sehingga hal tersebut pula biar mampu membuat traumatis yang bisa dialami seseorang. Ketika Anda mengalami hal-hal traumatis maka lazimnya orang mau lebih lembek kondisinya di dalam menghadapi persoalan hidupnya. Bahkan kejadian mereka berpotensi merangsangkan resiko timbulnya permasalahan kesehatan tubuh. Sebab kejadian tersebut mengharuskan orang tidak dapat menyampaikan respons stress secara elok. Nah, lantas hal itulah yang membuat peradangan dan hormon stres meningkat di dalam tubuh. Ke-2 hal tersebut erat kaitannya dengan pengaruh tubuh yang terbilang memerankan sangat peka terhadap kesanggupan terserang Infark miokardial. Maka itu bisa disebut hal tersebut cukup berimbas terhadap Infark miokardial gak terduga. Keempat, psoriasis. Kondisi ini merupakan keadaan autoimun yang mengakibatkan memilikinya peradangan kulit parah, hal ini ditandai dengan memilikinya bercak warna merah di kulit kering serta bersisik keperakan. Kuman ini kadang masuk ke dalam kategori penyakit kulit namun ternyata berhubungan beserta resiko patogen jantung. Pokok peradangan psioriasis pun memiliki kemampuan untuk menyebabkan kerusakan arteri dalaman, sehingga merangsangkan risiko Infark miokardial serta stroke. Bukan hanya ini saja, orang2 yang meraup penyakit psoriasis ini condong memiliki kolesterol tinggi, diabetes, dan obesitas. Kecenderungan ini pun merupakan hal-hal yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan jantung. Sehingga psioriasis juga bisa dikatakan sebagai penyebab kuman jantung yang sama sekali bukan diduga. Benar2 hal-hal tersebut seolah tidak diduga-duga siap mengakibatkan ofensif jantung, akan tetapi juga tidak boleh diabaikan. Sebab beberapa kejadian benar-benar disebabkan sama beberapa taktik yang tidak terduga tersebut. Terlebih penyakit itu justru siap terjadi masa saja lebih dari itu mengakibatkan mara.
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littergoose50 · 2 years
Sumber Ulung Serangan Jantung Butuh Diwaspadai
Kebanyakan atas Anda kiranya memahami jika Infark miokardial atau hantaman jantung tercipta disebabkan sama jantung koroner, diabetes melitus, kadar kolesterol jahat menjulung, dan lain-lain. Memang benar hal itu sebagai penyumbang utama dari penyakit Infark miokardial. Tapi tahukah Engkau bahwa terdapat berbagai ihwal lain yang juga dapat mengakibatkan seseorang tersangkut Infark miokardial? Lebih lanjut, artikel kali ini hendak membahas tentang kondisi sumber penyakit Infark miokardial yang tak terduga. Yuk simak penjelasannya. Pertama, sports terlalu perkasa secara mendadak. Berolahraga dengan intens kadang bukanlah unik kesalahan, tapi Anda juga harus paham jika hal itu sungguh menjadi kebiasaan untuk Anda. Dalam menjadikannya kebiasaannya maka Kamu perlu memulainya dari olahraga ringan. Dan kemudian barulah Kamu meningkatkan intensitasnya seiring beserta berjalannya zaman. Penyebab daripada Infark miokardial merupakan sports fisik secara intensitas menjulung secara langsung. Dengan kata lain, Anda gak terbiasa berolahraga berat namun langsung mendesak diri melakukannya. Tidak cuma olahraga aja, namun juga berbagai kegiatan fisik berat lain sekaligus dapat berpotensi menimbulkan ofensif jantung akan tetapi Anda dalam kondisi gak terbiasa melakukannya. Terlebih kalau Anda tidak gemar berolahraga namun sinambung melakukannya dengan intens maka potensinya kian tinggi. Ke-2, meminum obat pereda sakit haid terlalu sering. Obat pereda nyeri ini biasanya juga digunakan untuk menangani berbagai kesusahan hati seperti peradangan, demam, keseleo, migrain, terlintas nyeri reumatik menstruasi ataupun dismenote. Obat yang acap kali dipakai yaitu ibuprofen dan aspirin. Penelitian menyibakkan bahwa orang-orang yang menggunakan obat-obatan pereda nyeri haid untuk luka pernapasan menerbitkan meningkatnya resiko terserang Infark miokardial. Kadang sebenarnya taktik ini masih belum siap dipastikan berdasar pada akurat. Namun obat-obatan mereka dapat berpotensi mengakibatkan meningkatnya penggumpalan resam pada arteri. Ketiga, kejadian traumatis. Setiap orang punya kapasitasnya masing-masing, dimana gak semua orang mampu oleh berbagai kejadian yang sama beserta ketegaran yang sama. Sehingga sesuatu tersebut pun mampu membuat traumatis yang bisa dialami seseorang. Saat Anda mengalami hal-hal traumatis maka mayoritas orang akan lebih lemah kondisinya pada menghadapi soal hidupnya. Terutama kejadian mereka berpotensi merangsangkan resiko timbulnya permasalahan ketenteraman. Sebab kejadian tersebut mengharuskan orang gak dapat menyampaikan respons stress secara elok. Nah, kemudian hal itulah yang membuat peradangan & hormon stress meningkat di dalam tubuh. Kedua hal itu erat kaitannya dengan pengaruh tubuh yang terbilang menjadi sangat rentan terhadap kesanggupan terserang Infark miokardial. Sehingga bisa disebut hal itu cukup berpengaruh terhadap Infark miokardial bukan terduga.
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Keempat, psoriasis. Kondisi ini merupakan ihwal autoimun yang mengakibatkan adanya peradangan sisik parah, sesuatu ini ditandai dengan memilikinya bercak ahmar di kulit kering serta bersisik keperakan. Penyakit ini benar2 masuk ke dalam lingkaran penyakit sisik namun ternyata berhubungan dengan resiko patogen jantung. Karena peradangan psioriasis pun mempunyai kemampuan untuk menyebabkan kebinasaan arteri pusat, sehingga menjulang risiko Infark miokardial serta stroke. Tidak hanya ini saja, manusia yang meraup penyakit psoriasis ini cenderung memiliki kolesterol tinggi, diabetes, dan obesitas. https://primayahospital.com/jantung/serangan-jantung/ itu pun adalah hal-hal yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan jantung. Sehingga psioriasis juga bisa dikatakan sebagai penyebab penyakit jantung yang sama sekali gak diduga. Kadang hal-hal ini seolah gak diduga-duga sanggup mengakibatkan ofensif jantung, akan tetapi juga bukan boleh diabaikan. Sebab kurang lebih kejadian kadang disebabkan per beberapa kacung yang tidak terduga tersebut. Terlebih penyakit itu justru bisa terjadi masa saja apalagi mengakibatkan petaka.
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taichoushadow · 3 years
‘‘I am a special kind of beautiful’‘ I said when someone pointed out my rosacea, telling me how to fix it. ‘‘I am a special kind of beautiful.’‘ because that’s the truth.
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Oh, now you gotta talk about Haddal.
Maybe something I don't know yet??
Haddal is around 300 years old when he joins the Apocalypse as its Navigator and Quartermaster, plenty of time to have mastered and gotten bored of several professions. Through this you may be surprised that Haddal is both a brilliant cartographer and also a fully trained priest of Lolth, the Spider Queen. (Underseas society is more progressive than canon and it’s socially acceptable for any gender to serve as priest for Lolth). Lolth is generally considered an evil goddess to follow and if you ask Haddal about his convictions, he’ll probably absolutely terrify you with whatever answer he gives.
He has three sisters and his family is old fashioned enough that they call Haddal their Firstboy, his parents (mother and three fathers, a very traditional family unit for drow) are all politicians and lawmakers and his two eldest sisters followed in those footsteps, while the youngest sister and Haddal pursued religion, much to their parents delight. Their whole family are stout Lolth worshippers so there came no higher honor than having two loyal servants of Lolth in their family. Haddal has yet to tell he’s left his congregation to pursue cartography and then become a pirate. Surprisingly, they probably wouldn’t mind all the killing too much, but they would hate to hear Haddal no longer gives sermons. Haddal believes there are many ways to worship.
Haddal has a form of psioriasis arthritis from a fault in their mushroom infection (same reason they only have one horn and eye), causing joint pain and fatigue but also a hilariously strong natural resistance to poison which their mycelium filters out for them. They often do a lot of drugs to induce trances to communicate with their god so this is needed.
Haddal will give you the impression that he’s the most normal person on board; he’s calm, he’s eloquent and he’s refined. Little does anyone expect that Haddal is the most unhinged person on board. He’ll sound so reasonable until he starts reciting his scriptures and you realize this guy would kill you and think nothing of it.
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His priesthood grants him a fairly high standing in drow society, as it’s still a very respected profession, even if Lolth worship is not quite as popular as worship of Eilistraee, what with the blood tithes and blood sacrifices and such.
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thedreadvampy · 4 years
Headcanons about Georgie? (And the Admiral if you have any?)
She has a little clan of Queer Pals who do each other’s hair. she used to have it blonde in uni but she has got really into pastels since then. she has a LOT of hair and it’s quite long and loosely coiled so it’s a full on. cotton candy cloud.
her dress sense got increasingly eccentric after she left uni and stopped worrying so much about how people saw her
She has to get dressed every day and leave the flat even if she’s not got to go anywhere, because she goes stir crazy. She often goes to cafes or friends’ houses to work just to avoid getting stuck in the flat.
80s pop is the jam. anything keyboard/synth heavy. she’s also a sucker for techno. also Gorillaz.
two drawers of knee socks
she has recurrent issues with psioriasis on her shin and she wears a lot of knee socks partly to cover it and mostly to help her stop scratching it. but also because knee socks are cute.
she and Jon broke up partly because she felt like she was working really hard to build herself back up and that he was just staying static and refusing to deal. there was a lot more to it but honestly that’s probably the emotional core. she will freely admit that isn’t fair but it was a very real feeling.
she can’t afford therapy but goes fortnightly anyway, she’s on a sliding scale payment and she puts it on the Money Priority Scale under ‘rent’ and ‘basic sustenance’ but above everything else
phenomenal ass.
The Admiral was a shelter adoption. Jon and Georgie got him as a kitten and now he is an Old Man and he likes to lie around
he’s a long haired fat tabby with a single white sock
he screams at 3am if he’s not being touched
he likes to sleep in the crook of your knees or Directly On Your Face
he keeps trying to eat maltesers out of the bag
he is deeply, pathetically afraid of mice but will murder the hell out of spiders
sometimes Georgie takes him for walks on a leash but he is a Lazy Man and will complain after like a block
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a-tarassia · 2 years
up to 12/01/2022
mi è venuta una dermatite alle mani e ai piedi che inizialmente il dermatologo suggerito dalla mia dottoressa ha cercato di curare come psioriasi, ma psioriasi non è, infatti dopo un mese di cura la psioriasi m’è passata, ma sta dermatite che all’inizio era solo sul piede m’è peggiorata e s’è diffusa. Mi autodiagnostico su google, ovviamente, come è giusto che sia e poi chiedendo in giro a gente che ha avuto la stessa cosa, evidentemente è abbastanza frequente, ma non così estesa come la mia, capisco di cosa si tratta, vado dalla mia dottoressa in cerca di conferme, aiuto, benedizione, miracolo, almeno qualcosa per farmi passare decentemente il natale ed evitare che le bolle mi arrivino anche nel buco del culo, anche se è impossibile perchè sta dermatite non si diffonde oltre le mani e i piedi (google lo sapeva bene) e invece la mia dottoressa, che è stata brava a chi vuol’essere milionario, ma meno nella sua professione mi dice che no, che devo continuare la cura del dermatologo e io invece col cazzo, esco vado in farmacia faccio vedere la mano alla farmacista e lei conferma la mia tesi, niente è tardi, cortisone e preghiere. E infatti adesso ho le mani che sembra che qualcuno mi abbia spellato viva, ma prima era peggio: tutto bellissimo. Sono riuscita a salvare il piede sinistro. Mi gira il cazzo ad elica e ho cambiato dermatologo, ma la prima visita con quella nuova è la prossima settimana. Almeno sono stata in montagna a rilassarmi e mi son fatta fare un massaggio che levati. Intanto dice te hai amiche femmine? Beh sì diciamo, ma sai contrariamente a quanto si pensa e dice tante femmine a ‘na certa li fanno i figli, eh Francè? Dov’è il tuo dio adesso? E quindi le due amiche che frequentavo più assiduamente adesso sono tutte e due incinte. Bellissimo. Non ho più amiche femmine. Nel senso che ci son già passata e ve lo dico: dopo che fate i figli noi restiamo senza amiche, period. È una colpa? No, è un cambiamento e i cambiamenti indicano la fine di qualcosa e l’inizio di una cosa altra, diversa, una trasformazione e il fatto che la cosa altra sia un bimbo in casa per noi che bimbi non ne abbiamo la situazione diventa complessa e perchè da questa parte della barricata ci abbiamo la pazienza limitata insomma il figlio non l’ho voluto rapportarmi col tuo c’ha un limite e pure sentire te che ne parli c’ha un limite e dall’altra parte della barricata che ovviamente le priorità diventano altre, tipo dormire, quindi fine, niet, caput, si passa ad un nuovo rapporto che gira intorno alla prole. Chè pare che il discorso sia se vuoi o non vuoi figli, ma nessuno pensa a quello che invece poi gira intorno a questa cosa e alle profonde ripercussioni sociali che scaturiscono quando a quarant’anni il problema diventa che tu il figlio non lo vuoi e in media intorno a te invece lo vogliono tutti. Ne ho visti tanti cadere e molte, true story, li fanno in sincrono così i bimbi crescono insieme, bellissimo quando riesce per carità (e l’ho visto riuscire eh, giuro Francè’), ma buona vita, adios, se semo visti, io vado eh semmai ci rivediamo quando pargolo ha ventisei anni compiuti, ok? Insomma è difficile fare amicizia? Abbastanza. È difficile fare amicizia quando tu non hai figli e non ne vuoi e intorno a te li fanno tutti? Quasi Impossibile. Sì, ma dai!!! Poi farai da babysitter! Ma ti fai dare in culo, di grazia. Non è un mio problema comunque, mi sto allenando all’eretismo, esco meno che in lockdown (giuro), sto leggendo tomi di cui non ne vedo la fine e ho in mente di continuare così finchè me regge, il lavoro mi sta seppellendo, faccio colloqui, ne ho iniziato un altro e ho iniziato un corso, quando ho mezz’ora faccio attività fisica e inizia a piacermi il porridge, sto vedendo serie tv che sono più vecchie di me e ieri mi sono fatta quaranta minuti di strada per prendere un paio di Dr. Martens usate da un tipa che mi fa “vuoi entrare o hai paura e ci vediamo fuori casa?” e io eh boh minchia non ho fatto un tampone di recente e che ne so se sono positiva, nel senso non dovrei o forse sì, ma te sei cagionevole? teniamo la mascherina e mi disinfetto, ma se vuoi facciamo tutto fuori, mi provo le scarpe sul marciapiede, oddio non voglio farti ammalare, come si fa????? Che dice il protocollo quando devi provare un paio di scarpe usate prese da facebook??? eh??? che dice??? Fra’ che dice? Alla fine la stronza mi fa “ma no, io problemi non ne ho: non sono nemmeno vaccinata!!!” ahahahahah”. Sti cazzi (alla milanese), io che come al solito mi facevo problemi che potevo essere io quella in torto o in difetto e invece va la che la deficiente sei tu, ma no a me importa poco, sti cazzi (alla romana) mascherina, disinfettante e via, voglio le scarpe. Mi andavano grandi. Ma sabato ci riprovo con un altro paio, rega’ nuove nuove 80€. Che me frega del covid. Non sto bene.
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blue-shaded · 3 years
Mark plays an extremely gross, fetishizing, racist, xenophobic, transphobic, incestuous, shitty game, has said super ablist and fatphobic things in the past, has continually just been shitty, and you will forgive him in weeks. But Robin made comments about OTHER PEOPLES weight ONE OR TWICE over a two years ago and has since been focused on himself and his body and his goals and you're making it a witch hunt? Like I don't think things long past should be held against Mark, but you just hearing comments Robin made years ago now don't make them newer. Do you think people are just bringing up concerns over his "vanity" or "bad past" now out of the blue without other motives? You may not have transphobic intentions but people who do are just sitting on your back doing none of the work as you carry them right now.
Aand this is where you are wrong. YES some anti-robin anons here may be coming to me with transphobic intentions but as long I am not transphobic, and they don't express it to me, who are you to assume. Hell I am trans, and trust me there WERE blatantly transphobic anons in my askbox that I chose not to post because that's not only an insult to Robin but an insult to myself aswell. HOWEVER this sounds like you're on the side of invalidating the fat people, the not-so-flawless skin people like the acne people, or myself, the ichthyosis, eczema, psioriasis people. ANY person with a physical thing that makes them look not typical but happy to be that way. I'm not making it a witchhunt. Hell have you SEEN me hate against Mark and coming to him personally, coming to his mods personally, coming to his nasty stans personally and did he stop playing a fetishizing, racist, xenophobic transphobic game? YES HE DID. Did Robin stop being a bodyshaming fatphobe despite me calling out and DESPITE him answsering? NO. So it's VERY clear to me which one I have a problem with more. I'd rather have someone not speak up, but ATLEAST stop their bigotry despite of that, than have someone SPEAK up but continue their bigotry regardless and make lame excuses to guilt-trip me Sounds to me like you're a Robin stan ngl anon.
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owlet · 4 years
afflictions tumblr ads think i may have
tarditive dyskinesia (this is a big one)
chrons disease
ulcerative colitis
scalp psioriasis
rheumatoid arthritis
bipolar disorder
Lou Gehrig’s/ALS
that’s just all the ones i can remember the name of. i’ve been quarantined to medical ads only
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starlightdolan · 4 years
someone’s gonna have to calm me down because of how mad i am that people are genuinely saying all of these things about ethan just because he has acne. it’s a completely normal thing that so many people experience and it breaks my heart to see how many people are commenting on how “ugly” it is. i’ve dealt with eczema/psioriasis all my life and my biggest pet peeve is when someone notices it and says “what is that?” just because it may be a little worse one day. judging someone based on their physical apprearance, ESPECIALLY when it’s something that they can’t control, isn’t cool and i genuinely cannot believe that people are saying these things to him. just like he said, if you don’t like it, don’t look at it, but definitely do not comment on it
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savedgame · 4 years
What even is psioriasis
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radiosciampli-blog · 4 years
La psioriasi è stigmatizzante,molti non conoscendo di che cazzo stanno parlando.. sparano a raffica idiozie come si faceva in tempi non sospetti e quasi preistorici dell'AIDS.
Spesso scatenante è lo stress del corpo che manifesta esternamente un malessere.non si trasmette.
Non sono medico, prima di parlare mi informo,mio papà ne soffriva ad ogni cambio di stagione sui gomiti,ci sono palliativi e non cure che la fanno sparire,per questo prima di emarginare o sparlare di una persona pensateci,le parole sono macigni.
A Pietro
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dryadpharmacy · 5 years
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Boswellia serrata 
Shallaki,  Arbre à Encens, Arbre à Oliban Indien, Boswella, Boswellia, Boswellia serrata, Boswellie, Boswellin, Boswellin Serrata Resin, Encens Indien, Franquincienso, Gajabhakshya, Indian Olibanum, Oliban Indien, Resina Boswelliae, Ru Xiang,
“is a plant that produces Indian frankincense. It is also known as Indian oli-banum, Salai guggul, and Sallaki in Sanskrit. The plant is native to much of India and the Punjab region that extends into Pakistan.
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The resin of Boswellia species has been used as incense in religious and cultural ceremonies and in medicines since time immemorial. Boswellia serrata (Salai/Salai guggul), is a moderate to large sized branching tree of family Burseraceae (Genus Boswellia), grows in dry mountainous regions of India, Northern Africa and Middle East. Oleo gum-resin is tapped from the incision made on the trunk of the tree and is then stored in specially made bamboo basket for removal of oil content and getting the resin solidified. 
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After processing, the gum-resin is then graded according to its flavour, colour, shape and size. In India, the States of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh are the main source of Boswellia serrata. Regionally, it is also known by different names. The oleo gum-resins contain 30-60% resin, 5-10% essential oils, which are soluble in the organic solvents, and the rest is made up of polysaccharides. *22457547
Extracts of Boswellia serrata have been clinically studied for osteoarthritis and joint function, with the research showing trends of benefit (slight improvement) in pain and function, warranting further investigation. Positive effects of Boswellia in some chronic inflammatory diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease have been reported. It has been used in Indian traditional medicine for diabetes.
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Gum-resin extracts of Boswellia serrata have been traditionally used in folk medicine for centuries to treat various chronic inflammatory diseases. The resinous part of Boswellia serrata possesses monoterpenes, diterpenes, triterpenes, tetracyclic triterpenic acids and four major pentacyclic triterpenic acids i.e. β-boswellic acid, acetyl-β-boswellic acid, 11-keto-β-boswellic acid and acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid, responsible for inhibition of pro-inflammatory enzymes.
Out of these four boswellic acids, acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid is the most potent inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase, an enzyme responsible for inflammation.”
Hs= Human study  Hc= Human cells
Analgesic  properties (excerpt from research: “The mean pain tolerance force and time were significantly increased from baseline at 1 hr, 2 hrs and 3 hrs of drug  “)  *see research link PMC4175880/ Hs
Potent anti-inflammatory *see research link  17321470   Hc , PMC5133128/  Hs,  20487208 , 17321470, 0125375
Contains boswellic acid, not in the steam or hydro distilled frankincense essential oil form,  see wiki * see research link  22457547
Safe for topical use, however it could be an irritant  *see research link 18304763
Cancer suppressant and adjuvant against pancreatic cancer & liver cancer (excerpt from research:”  In addition, AKBA inhibited the metastasis of the PaCa to spleen, liver, and lung “) *see research link PMC3204996/    Hc  , PMC4142179/ , PMC4142179/
Improves skin texture, reduces damage from UVA & UVB rays (excerpt from research:” an increase of elasticity, a decrease of sebum excretion “)*see research link 19918712,  /29157812 , /20136919 Hs
Improves erythematous eczema and psoriasis, redness and itch  *see research link PMC4235203/  Hs
Reduces pain in combination with Curcumin in patients with Osteoarthritis (excerpt from research:” The time required to ascend and descend a flight of stairs significantly decreased by week 12  “)   *see research link PMC5761198/   Hs 
Reduces knee-arthritis , works better combined with MSM compaired to Glucosamine sulfate  *see research link 26684635  Hs , PMC5806735/ Hs , 18667054/ Hs
Could improve Crohn’s Disease symptoms , and IBD *see research link 11215357/  Hs, .0125375 (Plos link)
Safely used by type2 diabetics on medications to reduce LDL  *always consult your physician/GP  * see research from PMC3929136/ Hs
Could help with recovery of ankle sprains  *see research link 29131239 Hs
Could improve sciatic nerve damage *see research link  PMC5900512/
Antimicrobial against Propionibacterium acnes, Candida Albicans, Trichophyton spp. which can cause toenail infection & Malassezia which causes dandruff * see research link 27730658
Could reduce cluster headaches *see research link PMC3620238/ Hs
Research links :
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lifeasnixe · 7 years
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I love skeptics of Kangen water. I especially love the ones who refuse to drink the water. Dude, you drink juiced grass! COME ON! It's WATER! Not to mention that it's FREE to try 😂 If you are buying bottled water, then you are already saving money by drinking Kangen! 🤣😜 Send me a message if you are in the Colorado Springs area. . #coloradosprings #colorado #alkalinewater #alkalinewaterstore #alkalinewaters #coloradospringstattoo #coloradospringssalon #antioxidante #fitness #detox #healthy #water #psioriasis #health #healthylife #healthspo #healthyeating #fitspo #fitfam #workout #cleaneating #healthyfood #healthychoices #foodie #weightloss #nutrition #healthyliving #healthylifestyle (at Manitou Springs, Colorado)
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