#psa that i dont know anything about d&d
Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 12
Part 1 Part 11
Steve’s starting to like Eddie the Freak Munson. It would be a problem if he thought they’d ever get out of here. He can almost hear Carol’s derision and Tommy’s violence should Eddie deign to speak to him in front of witnesses. They’d snicker into their milk cartons about torrid love affairs and queerness being communicable, as if there was no other reason for Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson to be seen together. 
It would take minutes for Carol’s whispers to grow sharp, teeth bared into listening ears until Steve joins Eddie as person non grata to the Hawkins populace. Tommy would find Eddie opening his locker and slam his head into it, using fists and nails and slurs to make his opinion known. 
Steve misses them. 
But, he has Eddie now. Eddie, who says what he means. Who’s bandaged Steve up, pulled him off bathroom floors and grocery store aisles, and vine-filled alleyways. And he’s so goddamn distracting, Steve sometimes forgets how scared he is.
“Dungeons and dragons is like, for the creme de le creme, Harrington,” he says, pacing the length of his shoebox living room, gesturing wildly with one hand while the other throws his fucked-up dice up and down with surprising dexterity. “While you jocks are playing your sports ball, the rest of us are learning the ways of the blade.”
Steve laughs. “No, fucking way, man.”
Eddie spins, waggling his finger condescendingly in Steve’s face, towering over him where he’s seated on the Munson’s springy couch. “The blade is metaphorical, my liege, but the mettle we test and the bonds we strengthen are not!”
Steve leans back in his seat, slouching away from Eddie’s closeness. “You’re such a nerd.” He means it as a joke, but the way Eddie’s mouth twists makes regret curdle in his intestines. “So how does this work?” he asks, gesturing to the die now clutched in Eddie’s palm.
Eddie smiles, still leaning over him, dimples popping, before dropping to sit crisscross in front of Steve with alarming speed. He holds his hand out, throwing the die into Steve’s lap.
“Now, we’re talking Stevie,” Eddie says, flapping his hands, before shoving them beneath his butt and letting his bent knees flap instead. “It’s easy.”
Steve looks down at the die. It’s white and translucent, the red of the light from the windows turning it a soft pink. The edges feel almost sharp as he turns it over in his fingers, counting the sides. The numbers aren’t like normal dice, with the dots. They’re just numbers, slowly counting up, 1, 2, 3, all the way to twenty. 
“There’s a dungeon master, moi,” he says, gesturing with grandiosity toward himself, “who spins a tale for the rest of the party.” Steve nods along, like he knows what a party means, or what a dungeon master is. “Alright, you ready, Stevie?”
“What? Munson, I didn’t agree to–”
Eddie jumps up, making Steve startle back, barely keeping hold of the die. “Sir Steven, arrives at the front of a castle. It’s covered in vines, they’re trailing up the windows, making it impossible to see the glass that covers them.” 
Steve glances at the windows of the Munson trailer, the way the vines have blocked out more of the light, leaving trailing shadows like vines to cast shapes across the stained carpet. 
“Sir Steven unmounts his horse,” Eddie says, miming lifting his leg off an imaginary beast and jumping down to the ground. Steve can almost picture it. “What do you do?”
Eddie’s making an almost uncomfortable amount of eye contact, eye’s shining with more life than he’s shown in what has to be days. “I go into the castle,” Steve replies, voice lilting in question. Is there a right answer?
Eddie claps his hands three times, quick and quiet, grinning as he drops back down, this time on the coffee table,  leaning toward Steve. “Roll the die.”
Steve looks down at the die in his hand. He leans to the side, rolling it on the table by Eddie’s side. The clatter it makes as it bounces sounds loud in the absence of this world. It stops. Steve leans over at the same time as Eddie, Eddie’s hair tickling the back of his neck with the way it trails down. 
“A nineteen!” Eddie says excitedly. “The door knob turns easily, both unlocked and well-oiled enough not to make a sound despite its apparent age. You walk into the castle. It’s dark in the foyer, but there’s a candle inexplicably lit, beckoning you up the stairs. Your armored feet clack loudly on the worn-down wooden floors as you walk up them. You reach the candle, what do you do?”
“I pick up the candle?” Steve asks. 
Eddie picks up the die, putting it back into Steve’s hands. He rolls it. “Three?”
Eddie clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “Just as you pick up the candle, it’s as if a breeze rolls through the whole castle. You keep a hold on the candlestick, but the flame goes out. You freeze. Sir Steven, you’re practically shaking in your boots! And then, a voice, dark and grating snarls out of the darkness in front of you, ‘who dares disturb my slumber??”
Steve looks down at the die, that damning three staring back at him. “So, low numbers make bad things happen, and high numbers make something good?” he asks. 
Eddie waffles his hand back and forth, “sorta,” he says, pickup the die up off the coffee table and throwing it in the air again. “It’s more like, whether or not you complete that one action you list correctly. Like, a one is going to make you miss your target if you’re firing at something, yeah, but it doesn’t say anything about whether you should’ve been firing the gun in the first place.”
Steve digests this. “It’s kind of like sports stats,” he says, thinking aloud. “A high number of assists means you’re helping get the ball in the hoop, but it doesn’t say anything about how the game’s gonna go.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” Eddie replies. 
SIlence falls between them, the only sound the quiet slap of the die hitting Eddie’s palm. Steve waits. And waits. And waits. His impatience grows, “Well?”
Eddie snaps his eyes to Steve’s face, brow furrowed. “Well, what?”
“What happens with the sleeping dude?”
Eddie’s eyes open wide, more whites than pupil, as his mouth drops open, seemingly shocked by something Steve doesn’t understand. It takes him a second to continue, but he does.
Steve fights off some old magical wizard dude, destroying the castle and breaking the wizard’s curse in the process. He crumbles to dust. It’s kind of sad. He tells Eddie as much, only to get laughed at.
“He was tired, man,” he says. “All he wanted was for his nightmare to end, and someone to help him rest.”
Steve looks back at the vines crawling up the windows, and can’t help but empathize. 
“I don’t know man,” he says. “Sports seem easier.”
Eddie laughs. “Sports are boring, Harrington. What’s there even to like about throwing a ball through a hoop like a bunch of cavemen?”
“It’s like,” Steve starts, before stalling out. Staring down at his knees. He’s still thinking about the wizard and how sad and tired he must’ve been. There’s something to be said about a game that doesn’t leave you in a moral quandary, wondering if assisted suicide is okay if the dude is tired and old enough. 
“It’s like, when I’m swimming, or running the ball up the court, I’m so in my body that I’m out of it, you know?” Steve asks. “I don’t have to think about anything but the next step. Does that make sense?”
When he looks up from his knees, Eddie’s cheeks are rosy, and he’s holding a piece of hair in front of his mouth again. “Sure,” he says, voice almost squeaking out before he clears it, dropping it past his normal register, “That makes sense.”
Steve laughs. “Whatever, man.”
There are two feelings warring in Steve’s stomach. He’s more comfortable, here on a ratty couch playing a nerd game with Eddie Munson than he can ever remember being. He’s terrified of getting out, terrified of staying here, terrified of what waits for them outside these walls.
The feelings coalesce in his stomach, making him queasy. Or maybe he’s just hungry. He can almost smell the bacon frying on the griddle, can almost see Eddie in the booth across from him. 
Maybe they can play his nerd game while they wait for a coffee refill. Steve sighs, not thinking of Tommy and Carol at all. 
Part 13
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K I have a question for the wall: what did you think of PJO ep 6 S1?
dula peep
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
hey dear-ao3 nation heres a psa from urs truly:
if you see someone with a cane, if you ask them about why they have a cane, they reserve the right to hit you full force with said cane.
if you mock someone with a cane for having a cane, personally i think u should just end ur shit, but also the person with the cane reserves the right to hurt you in ways unimaginable.
for example:
anyway shout out to my ex for making fun of me for using a cane and being a general dick about it! hope hes excited for all his friends to know hes a douche whos a) bad at sex, b) kinda transphobic, c) ableist, and d) getting his ass roasted publically in the public gym at our school for using the gym stuff terribly, and e) reminding him that the more times he claims to be over me, the clearer it is hes not over me and that it was not mutual. also: i guess f) he lost friends bc of how awful he was to me so baller ig. eat ur heart out ************
anyway if you are a cane-user, ur filled with swag and if you want to, do anything u want to humilate people who refuse to accept that using a mobility aid is swaggy as fuck and that you basically have a weapon on u at all times. if you need to remind them of the latter fact, do as you must. i dont condone it, for legal reasons, but. do as you must!
hugs and kisses,
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hearts401 · 6 months
I honestly hate how the fandom treats Michael as a hero and I'm seeing posts about it so I feel a liiiittle better talkign about it
my moots are holding back, i can tell. but hes my favorite so im not. and im a little pissed writing this bc. bc i relate to cc a lot. and seeing ppl mischaracterize not only my favorite character but also someone who reminds me of people who fucking suck drives me INSANE.
so psa, im pissed as fuck and i love michael afton.
First off, he killed Evan. That's obvious. Not only was that literall 100% his fault (NOT WILLIAMS IT PISSES ME OFF WHEN PPL MAKE THAT ALL ABOUT WILLIAM SHUT THE FUVCK UP
he was a bully. yeah he was a kid. yeah he was messing with him. Have you considered he was literally. abusive to his brother. i know the fnaf fandom is scared of using that word to describe him but its fucking true. he was abusive. as fuck. that was awful what he did he wasnt just a bully he harassed him and literally locked him in his room. he was fucking horrible.
and yeah, he didnt mean for that to happen, but not only was that stupid as fuck, i hate any interpritation of "he wanted to be like his dad" "his friends coerced him" PLAY FNAF 4. PLAY FNAF 4. FUCKING PLAY FNAF 4 LOOK AT HIS DIALOGUE AND WHAT HE DOES
im trying to be normal
Yeah he probably felt like shit after. yeah it probably was some sort of motivator behind his actions. but lets think. lets think.
fnaf 1 and 2 take place before SL, no? So. if thats true. why didnt he burn those down? to "free the souls?" because it was never about the children.
he burned down the fnaf 3 location to get rid of william. it was ALWAYS abotu william. sure he set the kids free but i reeeeaaallyy dont think that was his intention. it was always about william.
in sister location, did he go there out of the kindness of his heart? no he went there because william asked him too. it was ALWAYS about william. and yeah he probably wanted to help liz, he probably really wanted to help her, but based on his actions, was this really for her? or was it for closure
thats something about michael that i put in shitty brother. closure. he didnt actually want to reconcile with his family, he wanted closure on the guilt he felt. is that 100% wrong? no. its normal to want closure, especially after something like that. but also that should not be his goal
did he apologize? yes. he said sorry. he felt bad, sure. but when you kill someone tehy dont come back. evan deserves to never forgive him ever because that was dumb as fuck and HORRIBLE. IT WAS HORRIBLE. ABUSIVE. ILL SAY IT AGAIN
yeah. abused. say it with me. A-B-U-S-E-D
not just bullied, not just harassed, ABUSED.
ik we're all scared to say it here but its fucking true. say it with ur chest.
this always came back to william. do i thinkk michael is unfeeling and doesnt care about his siblings at all? NO! I think his siblings drove a lot of his actions. but in the end i dont think he always acted with their best interest at heart. or the mci kids'
and the whole "he wanted to be like his dad" i dont fucking care actually. no seriously sit down beside me and tell me that wanting to be like his dad is an excuse for abusing his brother. seriously come closer i wont bite.
tell me how you think that AS A TEENAGER, 100% AWARE OF HIS ACTIONS, that wanting to be like his dad justifies abusing his little brother. his little brother. who as far as we know, never lashed out, never fought back, never did anything to him. tell me how he fucking deserved that
"Michael was just a kid!" so was Evan. So was Elizabeth. So was Cassidy and Charlie and all the kids who died.
tell me how much michael did that didnt revolve around closure and his father. like i get it, he had priorities, but can we please stop acting like he's some angel working for the greater good of everyone.
it feelslike how ppl treat fucking henry. NO HES NOT A GOOD PERSON PLEASE
oh and also in case anybody wants to pull dittophobia out and tell me how mike went thru that trauma
so did evan. and instead of bonding over that trauma, michael harassed him. ABUSED HIM. wording is important. im sorry for repeating myself so much, but nobody ever tells it how it is. it was abuse.
edit: People seem upset by my wording and honestly? fair. i couldve worded this a lot better but i was tired and irritated and one thing i will clarify
i dont care if u dont see adult michael the way i do. i see him as a selfish obsessive guy whos intent is to fix his family, but plenty of people see it differently and thats okay! /gen
but im not taking back anythign i said about teen michael. because i think to do that is unfair to his character and frankly bullshit. i think its bullshit. and i dont care if you disagree. he was a terrible brother and thats that
but adult mike is free real estate idk idrc abt him as much as teen mike.
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jacenotjason · 9 months
What was i doing
Sally funfacts n not so funfacts round!! Right!! Ok!!
Fun Facts!!
She is a lesbian! At least in this au. Her sexuality isn’t confirmed (I don’t think) so to me shes a lesbian until it’s confirmed!
She is a REALLY good dancer. You spend all day inside online you’re gonna end up on some K-pop dancing tutorials.
She sits like a goddamn gremlin. Like fuckin L from death note but worse posture
Her computer is a Commodore 64 (or C64), aka the best computer you can get in like the 1980s.
She does all sorts of things on her computer, share art, talk to Julie, troll in chat rooms, play games, talk to Julie some more, look up recipes she’ll never do, order her food, and talk to Julie, of course!
^ she’s actually really goated at like most games, esp shooters
Her favorite food is microwave noodles :3
She really loves Julie. So so so much <3. She thinks shes the prettiest girl in the world and nearly faints every time she gets a kiss. They’re so cute. I’m not normally super into wlw ships being a dude, but these two are just- a- theyre so wholesome and cute and i love them they have a special place in my heart.
She owns a lock of Julie’s hair lol. Not because she was a creep and like snipped it when she wasn’t looking, Julie gave it willingly. it went something like this: “Julie your hair is really soft…” “Aw thanks.. do you want some of it lol?” “…kinda..” “why didn’t you just say that then, here..”
She really likes hyperpop and breakcore music! Julie thinks its weird, but loves her anyway lol. (I actually have a playlist dedicated to each character and Sally’s is mostly breakcore)
She was originally going to be a moon, but i liked the star better. I just like drawing the loopys
Sally smells like Julie because Julie regularly sprays her with perfume bc she smells kinda bad. (“Sally, I love you, but *spritz* thats better”)
Not-So Fun Facts
Sally is an addict. Mostly narcotics (cocaine), but she has a collection of prescription drugs, too.
She came to Home recovered, but Howdy got her hooked again
She regularly hallucinates being outside, despite not having left her house in about six years.
I imagine her hallucinations are really unnerving, like liminal space. Something just isn’t right.
Some people have argued with me that Sally shouldn’t “be in such good shape”, but shes really not. She’s just thin, doesn’t mean shes healthy, in fact she’s just thin because she regularly skips meals either because she forgets or because shes high. Cocaine skinny isn’t in shape, PSA lol
Sally’s house is really, really gross. Sally wears shoes all the time in her own house because you literally can’t see the floor anymore and she’s scared of what she’ll step on. Its all trash, boxes from packages, noodle containers, definitely does not smell pleasant.
She fears social interaction so much, if she were to overdose, she would rather die then call for help. Not even her survival instincts overpower her agoraphobia.
I don’t think I missed anything this time! Thanks for reading :D
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retrodreamgirl · 2 years
the sexy six as mildly popular (and continually rising) 90s grunge band: The Upside Downs
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wc: 1.3k
warnings: mentions of drugs, language, not proofed, nothing else i dont think but lmk if i missed anything <3
obviously eddie is lead guitar as well as the sexy, slightly unhinged one; he's their link to the metalheads of eras previous, makes sure everyone knows his roots and that he's not a sellout but he is a ladies man and will certainly ask you to pass the joint.
when people find out he graduated late nancy makes him do a psa about the importance of education and for months they're getting invitations to do kid friendly concerts in school auditoriums (eddie is obsessed with the concept of the Smells Like Teen Spirit mv and tries to get Nancy to let him recreate it at Hawkins High when they send an invite as well...she says no.)
ended up joining with steve and robin when his high school band Coroded Coffin unofficially disbanded because his bandmates were going away for college and dustin insisted on him meeting his best buddy steve harrington who just so happened (as dustin claims) to be in the middle of working on a song when dustin introduced them and so it began...
people call him "The Freak" but definitely as something he took over after high school, sort of reestablishing his power over people who knocked him down for all those years. probably has D&D tournaments with the party and sometimes lets fans in on it backstage the night before a show.
steve is the lead singer, the pretty boy heartthrob who makes all the girls swoon with his romantic yet realistic lyrics paired with him acting charmingly goofy in interviews. definitely the one who takes those magazine quizzes to see if he's compatible with himself and stuffs the pages at the bottom of the trash when he gets eddie.
officially got into music when robin found his lyric notebook tucked beneath the counter while he was doing inventory at scoops ahoy the summer after graduation and they started working on songs together. unofficially been writing music as a way to cope with his upbringing since early high school.
plays guitar as needed and sometimes swaps robin for bass. took a while for him and eddie to be able to compromise on their sound, which is probably like 75% of the reason their main genre is grunge. and fans are obsessed with the way eddie teases steve in interviews.
defintely a bit of a mean girl sometimes which can throw fans off but its mostly because he's still working through stuff and he's coping with himself and how much has changed, secretly very deep and not just a pretty face. definitely affectionately coined "The Hair" and/or "King Steve" and yes they ask him about it in interviews whether he likes it or not <3
robin plays bass but she and steve definitely write lyrics together and once in a blue moon she'll take lead on a song and it makes the fans go crazy; resident cool girl, everyone wants to be her which she thinks is crazy bc she's just a quick witted yet easily flustered nerd behind the scenes.
definitely a victim of reporters, fans, interviewers, etc...asking how she's still single being in a band surrounded by hot guys to which she'll generally start to nervously ramble if steve doesn't step in to change the subject on her behalf until she's comfortable with coming out.
there are probably rumors that she's dating steve at some point just bc they write lyrics together and the band started as just them but they eventually die down after steve gets an actualy girlfriend (maybe multiple).
if/when robin does come out there'll obviously be assholes but their fanbase is overwhelmingly supportive and just think she's even cooler than before. in headlines people probably say cheesy shit like Lead Bassist of The Upside Downs Robin the Hearts of Many skdbglkdhgeuirv
argyle is on drums literally nothing else makes sense sndfjndfkljgbsd and he's the cute, fun loveable one who just does shit; definitely ups the groups relatability factor when he randomly pops up at the old pizza joint he worked in high school to sling a few pies and make up for the days he would lowkey steal the van to haul equipment for gigs when eddie's broke down.
everyone loves his long hair and fans definitely love to touch it (someone has certainly tried to cut it off without him noticing but nancy is always watching and stopped them before they could). speaking of nancy, she's always scolding him for toking up with fans which he never understands because he's just having a good time and eddie told him that it was find and even joins in from time to time.
he joined the band after moving to Hawkins for his senior year, coincidentally having met jonathan in Cali the summer before when the byers/hoppers vacationed there.
gets tons of fanmail asking if he wants to get high with them, they always promise whatever town they're from has the best weed and argyle always believes them but never finds out if its true bc he either forgets or nancy won't let him go but if he does remember he replies to every letter he receives <3
nancy is the manager. a role that befell her by complete accident when she heard eddie on the phone trying to book a gig and just completely snatched it from his hand and secured them a regular spot at a local bar.
so when the group started to gain traction she adopted the role and now is in charge of everything from booking gigs to publicity to making sure nothing slips through the cracks. they'd basically still be eating 3 day old pizza in the back of someone's van if it weren't for her (they still do that sometimes but it's totally by choice now, promise.)
no one is nosier/more informed than nancy so she's always ahead of whatever scandal and even if she can't stop it she's already doing damage control before it gets too far.
she likes to stay out of the spotlight and just do her job most times but has definitely gained a reputation as cut throat in the business but is also known for falling in love with the bands resident shy boy art ho jonathan byers.
jonathan is the groups concert photographer and he also directs most of their videos. if you have a poster of The Upside Downs hanging in your room or you're watching one of their mvs on mtv it's most definitely a jonathan byers original bc the group uses him exclusively for all their shoots.
he and nancy obviously work very closely together to maintain the groups image and everyone who's anyone knows that's how they fell in love, when they were working on graphics for the groups first solo record before they were even out of high school.
he's def still a shy boy who went from being a nobody to being one of the hottest photographers in the biz, celebs constantly vying for his attention tho is first priority is always the band and if you can't fit into his schedule that sucks for you <3
he's def been caught off guard when fans catch sight of him at concerts and asks for an autograph, still doesn't quite grasp that even tho he's not on stage he's still famous.
obviously the party are their roadies! stuffing themselves into the back of the van with the equipment and always hyping them up. it really started because steve was the unofficial babysitter and ofc mike, will, and el are jonathan and nancy's siblings so they're there a lot of the time.
so the rest of the party just followed suit and when steve tried to tell them to buzz off eddie was like...wait wait, so you guys wanna help?? and he doesn't wanna lug equipment around so he def uses them to his advantage >:)
they don't mind because they get to hang backstage at all of the gigs and brag to their friends back home about touring with The Upside Downs over the summer and during breaks, tho they are bummed when they have to go back to school...
but the band makes sure to stop by and sometimes performs at the kids colleges or just hangs with them whenever they can!
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captainwholecake · 3 years
Hello i just have to say ur amazing and welcome back! If i could please request kid, killer, law for the NSFW alphabet letters D, K, X thank you and have an amazing day!
A/N: PSA don’t say you’re off hiatus and then let FE and Genshin take over your life and if theres anything weird with the bullets I used for organizing the wording tumblrs being a bitch
Warnings: nsfw (I like to imagine kidd and law as v kinky okay also I talk about how i belive kidd is into cnc so beware)
Eustass Kidd
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D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Okay, here me out on this I feel like he’d be into stuff like cnc, somnophilia, and other things like sleepy sex but he’d never admit unless his partner says something first. I genuinely don’t know why but I firmly believe he has some rape fantasies but he wouldn’t do anything w/o talking to his partner first.
Same goes to the somnophilia and the sleepy sex thing he’s really into using his partner while their “not consenting” (while they really are they just you know) apparently and I’ll never understand why I think that
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Babydoll dresses I 10/10 believe he’d be into that girl, boy, whatever the fuck inbetween doesn’t matter put on the babydoll
you riding him because of the one arm
Marking cause how else are people gonna know you’re his??
Breeding this needs no explanation
His partner acting shy why having sex (look above at the dirty secret part for some explanation)
Voyuerism and also watching his partner having sex with someone else and then using it against them (Killer I’m so sorry for shit kidd puts you through)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Okay, we all know this man has one the biggest dicks on the planet. So I’m thinking good 8 inches when erected and a pretty wide girth.
I mean he’s pretty build but 9+ inches seems a little bit too much
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D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I see Killer as a fairly vanilla guy (the stuff I said in Kidd’s thing doesn’t count) but give offs strong panty kink vibes I can just imagine him going through his partners laundry and sniffing it and if the person doesn’t wear them I can imagine him really wanting them to wear them but not saying it
Just seeing his partner wear them w/o telling them hes into it can just get him off
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Like I said mans fairly vanilla to me but I can see him be into you wearing his helmet while fucking you (Don’t ask)
Light Bondage
Also a light knife kink
Praise kink (giving & receiving)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I genuinely don’t know exactly what Killers size is but Im think 7-6 inches with a pretty small girth
I also believe he would have a pierced dick most likely a prince albert
Trafalgar Law
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Wano law is *chef kiss*
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Even though hes a doctor I feel like he’d  secretly be into medical play. He’d probably get off by just having a scalpel near your skin, but I think he would be to embarrassed to actually mention it to his partner probably so they don’t think he gets turned on by actually working on people for medical reasons
But oh the devil fruit related kinks
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He’d be into using his devil fruit power on you and im the only person who thinks that on this site because the amount of time i’ve spent searching for-
He says room on the submarine and the heart pirates just start drinking the night away
Shower sex
a knife kink if he talks about the medical play fantasies
This is a personal thing but I can see Law being into painting each others bodies you know?? I genuinely don’t know how to explain it just go with it
I can also him having an oral fixation cause come on who doesn’t want that mans hot hands shoved down their throat
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I’d like to say that I really want to make “come on fuck me emo boy” joke so bad
I want to say a 11 inches so bad but im thinking long and skinny so like maybe 7 and half and he also probably have a pierced dick
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lavenderjacobs · 3 years
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➭about me/psa.
.  hi! i’m Natalie, my pronouns are she/her and im a minor. 
.  you can call me natalie, nat or lavender, and i’m fine with pretty much every petname :)
.  if i make you uncomfortable by calling you petnames please let me know! i wouldn’t want to do anything to make you feel uncomfortable <3
.  english isn’t my first language so please excuse any spelling/grammer mistakes, or kindly point them out to me so i can correct them :)
.  you can check out this post if you would like to get to know me better :D
.  please come and chat with me if you’d like!! it’s always fun meeting new people :p
.  my alt is @lavendersalt​
. requests are: [closed]
.  i’ll write basically anything that gets requested as long as im okay with it 
. taglist & anons (let me know i u want to be on the taglist! <3)
.  text posts are under the tag #lavender-talks and reblogs are under #lavender-reblogs :3
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➭ my masterlist 
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➭ rules
.  idk just dont be weird, im a minor so keep that in mind :DD
.  i only write sfw 
.  dni if ur racist, homophobic, transphobic, islamophic, etc. just don’t interact if ur an asshole.
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➭who i'll write for
.  Karl Jacobs
.  Quackity
.  Ranboo (platonic)
.  Tubbo (platonic)
.  TommyInnit (platonic)
.  GeorgeNotFound
.  Jschlatt (c!schlatt only)
.  Dream
.  Wilbur Soot
.  Nihachu 
.  Sapnap
. Jack Manifold
. Foolish_G
(im probably missing some people, if ur wondering if i write for somebody feel free to ask!!)
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
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if you sent any asks (recommendations for things don’t count as I have to look around!) since october 17 until october 22 it is in here :)
anon said: The header for your askbox response post is *aesthetic*. I think it’s a really good idea to post one every few days if you have the time. ❤️
well, thANK YOUUUUU!!!!! I put in a whopping 10 minutes into it because I had no idea what I was doing! i’ll definitely be doing asks this way now though.
big dick kiri anon said: !!!!!! ILY HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY PLS HYDRATE 💙💙❤️❤️ -bigdickkiri
Omg love! Please don’t worry about kinktober just breathe! Take your time and try to relax 💙❤️- bigdickkiri
DAMN, that is a LOT. Please look after yourself and don't stress about it love!! - bigdickkiri
I believe I did have a good day, and I am actually super bad at hydrating, buT ILL TRY TO GET BETTER!!!!
I am breathing!!!! JUSTTT BREATHEEEE!!! I am taking my time now and relaxing to the best of my ability :D thank you so much bdk I love you with all my soul
theres always a lot, but if im not doing a lot I dont do anything so on one hand.... it’s okay LMAO but I will continue to try and not stress :D
@bread-theduck​ said: We love you and support you ❤ dont push yourself, your mental health is so much more important that kinktober haha. Take all the time you need, we're right here and open if you wanna talk~
I don’t really try to push myself... it just happens subconsciously D: but thank you for the love and support!!!! my mental health is stronger than I give it credit though
anon said: listen! we all appreciate you and your writing dearly but! I think we can all agree that we want you to be okay mentally and physically before you make yourself write! kinktober can wait! you’re more important!! at the very least, pls take a break for tonight.
I honestly can’t even remember when i said I was tired, but thank you for your kind words regardless!!!! I am trying to get better at it because i don’t want to disappoint you guys D:
@saintbullet​ said: Please take care of yourself!!! DONT risk your health for writing. We care about you so much! Be careful 💕💕💕
I know I push myself a lot, and i’m really sorry for scaring you all!!!! I am trying though, and it just has a lot to do with my mental fatigue and that im judging some hard classes right now then it has to do with anything
anon said: hey it'll be alright! idk whats wrong but i promise everything will work out like its supposed to! you just take care of yourself and take as much time as you need to feel better!! we love u!! ♥️
anon said: periods can be a pain so pls take care of yourself!! drink lots of water and rest up!!!
my period is the worst, if she was a person i’d block her and avoid her irl!!!!!!!!
anon said: Lol ok so gay for Mina anon back and no, I was not the anon who requested it. But lmao, let me take this time to whole heartedly thank that anon for quenching my thirst anyways
anon said: I am just planning on hanging out and reading all the lovely writing that comes from this
i’m pretty sure this is about my nsfw/sfw headcanons, and honestly im sooo very excited to start working on them!!!!!!!!
anon said: you have no idea how happy I got when I saw u posted for mina like UGH MY WIFE I LOVE HER SO MUCH 🥺🥺🥺 N GIVING US GAYS AMAZING CONTENT UR AMAZING MWAH MWAH KEEP BEING THE PERFECT ANGEL U ARE 🥺🥺💞💗💖💕💓💝
many a anons said: Sorry I didn’t see the part where you said not to request characters that were already on the list I thought that was the list of character we could vote for.
so sorry I accidentally sent a character in that has already been requested, Tumblr didn't show me the follow up posts ;;
nooo I didn’t see the list I’m so sorry 😭😭😭
LOL ITS OKAYYYY. y’all were hoes and kept sending me shouto who I couldn’t even think about deleting from my list... so... you are lucky >:(
anon said: hello! not a request here but take care of yourself anc stay hydrated bb 🥰🥰
I got my water right next to me rn bby :D
anon said: be todoroki’s girlfriend
bitch I am todorokis WIFE, why would I need to dress up???
@girl-with-a-mentality​ said: You can be todoroni for Halloween.
....you right...
anon said: Thirst post infoo ;3 I found a doujinshi of Bakugo being teased and toyed with sexually with by Ochako, Yaomomo, and our lovely momma Mina
...send it
anon said: GIRLLLLLL
local dumbass anon said: local dumbass is here once again, i thiink you know who i am and might've found my ig buuuuuut..?
uh.... I don’t know???????? I only followed people on insta if you gave me your handle or followed me first.... also did you cut your bangs?
anon said: Your Monoma scenario was really good!If we’re being honest, though, Monoma would literally start foaming at the mouth if he saw anyone from 1-A making physical contact with his s/o, ESPECIALLY Bakugou. They would have to call animal control because there would be a rabid Monoma in the dorms lol
okay... while you’re not wrong, I just thought 18 year old monoma should have grown up just the tiniest bit! plus his obsession is controlled because of his insecurity so LMAO IDK I JUST THOUGHT MAYBE UGH
@awkward-theaterkid​ said: I was reading your Day 19 Fic but I couldnt take it seriously, the title "My Way" kept reminding me of the Backstreet Boys "I want it that way" and it keeps popping up while I read it 😂
as someone who only heard that song because of b99 I read this and immediately thought of b99 LMAOOOOO
Hello Queen Lyssa, I finally read "And They Were Roommates" and have absolutely no idea why I put it off so long! ITS A MASTERPIECE. Each chapter is addictive and the slow burn and angst destroyed me 😭 The smut in the final chapter is flawless and sooooooooooooooooooo H O T. Shoto wasnt even my favorite character but he might have to be now (or at least in my top 3) 😰 This is my new favorite series and I cant wait to re-read it!!!! YOURE AMAZING AND ILY. You own my soul now -🍒💥
~ thank you to @didyoumeanme​, @kittenlordofdarkness​, @soafers​ for submitting memes and animal pics for my rommate, much appreciated :D ~
anon said: Did the local dumbass anon ever cut their bangs? Do you know?
....I dont know, but I just asked her rn >:)
this paragraph is dedicated to those surrounding to the meltdown mess that occurred yesterday. to each and every one of you who sent me kind words via my askbox or directly contacting me, thank you. I really want to move past this because I feel by holding on it will make me feel less inclined to write because of my guilt. of course, I do not expect you to forgive me, or trust me in my story of how it went down, because at the end of the day it was my mistake for trusting in someone to write with pure intentions when I didn’t know if she could. im trying to continue on with my best foot forward and im grateful for those of you who trusted in me. I swear I will never push myself again, and that I will instead take my time in order to publish my original work and only my original work and not take anything that comes from a “friend”. know that I love you all, and I dont know how to take it easy so my break lasted a whooping 10 hours, and my blog won’t discontinue until im done with bnha or...I get into medschool which is still 3 years away, I am taking care of myself, im staying hydrated, im trying not to put myself down anymore, I will keep going, & will forever continue to be more careful with what I post. also, no one was really coming for me, so don’t worry if you thought so lol. (to you 9 anons who expressed their kind thoughts to me, thank you. to big dick kiri anon thank you. to @bqkubabey​, @flayvus​, & @ultimate-shit-poster​ thank you so so much you really helped me not drown myself in my own guilt.)
anon said: i hope you’re feeling okay today :((
I am feeling a lot better. unfortuantely I did make myself really sick yesterday because ive never been as stressed in my life ever, but im okay now. there’s nothing I can do more for what happened so I will try to continue on as best as I can and I appreciate you caring... ilysm :)
@ikinabi​ said: Your writing??? Actually god sent 🥵👌 and the way you write Mirio gets me GOING
anon said: fuck buddy iida is a thought that has never crossed my mind but now that i’ve seen your post i am intrigued haha
well... it is up :) if you wanna check her out :)
anon said: You dont have to answer if you dont wanna but i just wanna see if your okay. I hope your end your doing well and not stressing.
i’m doing much better than I was yesterday!!! I just needed to rest and calm down and stop attacking myself. thank you for checking in!!! it means so much :,)
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mountain-man-cumeth · 5 years
It's the drug anon again! How does Karayan help Muriel with his PTSD?
drug anon sounds funky, we should go with adhd anon or sth.
(This is a PSA, skip to the last paragraph for the answer: i honestly dunno how to answer this, i have ptsd myself and i lived in a house with two ex-prisoners and torture survivors for the initial 15 years of my life so im no stranger to the subject but still its different for everyone and i dont wanna make light of somebody elses experiences… thats also why im not very comfortable with talking about mental health, im no expert. if i knew a definite answer i wouldve treated myself :D
take what i write with a grain of salt; i perceive muriel as touch repulsed. what he wants to do one second (like hugging or cuddling or w/e) might feel utterly uncomfortable the next. if i personally pursued a relationship with one such individual i would be reluctant to initiate anything. this does not mean he isnt also touch-starved. its just a slippery slope. there are certain things i can take away from my experiences but it conflicts with his canon route…
i know it feels cute to run after someone having a panic attack, hug them and give them kisses BUT sometimes its better to give them space. its not always preferable to have someone trying to get it on while you’re trying to sort out your head, ya kno… i know its just a game its not real life, so im not attacking anyones savior fantasies, its just how i see things.)
kara, in my humble hc, would be more prone to talking him through these stuff. tell him that he wants muriel to stay because he likes to be around him (not because they’ll have the combined power of over 9000 and defeat the goat man, which imo is Not Good and muriel shouldnt have to fight again) but he is still free to leave. kara would be conflicted, too, he wouldnt want to put anyone in danger, especially muriel. whatever they decide to do with muriel, it would have to be in his own pace, however slow that may be. whether it be a hug or sexy times, kara would make the offer but it would have to be muriel who takes it, you get me? 
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borhapstyles · 5 years
Headcanon: Falling In Love With Rami!Freddie At A Show
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this was actually only supposed to be a small part i planned in response to a headcanon request but uhhh.. it turned into this whole thing lmao and i have no regrets. i will eventually be referencing to this when i do write out that other headcanon request for (the one based off i was born to love you, if you’re reading this anon) but till then, enjoy this :) 
**just as a PSA, i have a big exam on Friday and two other ones next Tuesday so unless I whip something out for Oscar night / post Oscar night (maybe a Rami smut, hm?), this is gonna be my last hc for the next couple of weeks my darlings (i know i’m sorry xx) 
Freddie had done hundreds of shows by the time he met you
And met tons of people along the way
but nothing compared to the moment he first saw you
and everything that happened afterwards
you and your best friend were avid fans of Queen
you two not only bought tickets to the show in your city but also to the one the next town over
and on the day of your first concert, you and your friend spent houuuurs queuing for it
but it was all worth it and you weren’t complaining
because you two got right in the front row
close enough for Freddie to kiss ya if he wanted to
and he did the moment he saw you
not actually but he really, really wanted to
Freddie was flamboyant on stage, yes
he fed off everyone’s energy
but this show was a little more special, he felt it in his bones the moment he stepped on
and this was only reaffirmed as he saw your wide eyes and cheeky grin as he stepped out
Freddie then could not keep his eyes off you
he tried to play it off like he was looking at everyone in your general direction
but his eyes kept wandering down at you and he couldn’t help but beam when he saw you dancing around
“Freddie’s so looking at you” your friend poked
your breath caught into your throat and you nudged her and said
“no, no, not just me”
but who were ya kidding he was definitely eye-fucking you at some point
and he laughed when he saw your cheeks go red as you realised he was staring at you
when Freddie came round to hold everyone’s hand,
he made sure to go directly for you and you latched on
he usually waved his hand around so everyone got an equal chance
but he definitely held onto yours for a little longer than most
and that’s when he squeezed your hand and winked down at you
u almost fainted tbh
then they sang ‘39, which they hadn’t done in a while but decided to do for tonight
coincidentally it was one of ur faves and you felt your heart just melt
Freddie then realised it was one of your faves and felt glad he went along with the acoustic suggestion for that night
and he stared directly at you and grabbed onto your hands once more when he sang
“all your letters in the sand cannot heal me like your hand”
at this point your friend was shouting in your ear through the music how she was already planning your relationship with Freddie
“you better hook me up with Deacy, you know how I feel about him!” she said when Queen went back for a costume change
u laughed and said of course
by the end of the show, however, the crowd was ushered out of the venue right away for safety purposes
but when Freddie found out you had left before he could do anything about it
he got pissed off and sad all at once
“what the fuck do you mean they’ve kicked them all out?! why the fuck have they gone and done that?!”
“...I’m not so sure, but they do this almost every night, what’s so different about this one, Freds?” Brian asked curiously
then Freddie spurred into how he found the most beautiful person in the crowd tonight
the love of his life really
and how he didnt get a chance to even find out their name
and now he was left to just hope and pray that fate would have you two see each other again
aaaaand it did
at the next show
the next night lmao
there you were, not so much in the front row but in the third or fourth
the same dazzling eyes and smile that stretched from ear to ear
Freddie couldn’t believe his stars and when didnt hesitate to tell security about you in between songs
you were confused at first when two big guards approached you and your friend during the show
“oh fuck, they’re calling us over, did we do anything wrong?!”
then they explained how by special request of Mr. Mercury himself, he wanted you backstage
so ya went
but before you did u were like
“....can we finish the show first, or at least get to the second to last song before we go”
and they were like ...
and u were like “we paid for these tickets we want our money’s worth music wise”
so they were like whatever lmao and got you guys after the show
Freddie was upset for a moment when he walked into his dressing room to find it empty as he was expecting you to be there
but a minute later you showed up and Freddie turned into a puppy
he was put in a daze, a dreamy daze by your voice when you introduced yourself
he felt compelled to hug you, to do something more physical than just shake your hand
luckily, you loved the man more than life itself and opened your arms out just enough for him to take your queue
“is your friend here as well?” Freddie asked
“I introduced her to Deacy, I think they’re getting on quite well”
then you two laughed when you saw the two of them speaking
well, more like flirting h a r d c o r e
Deacy had her against the wall practically lmao dont let his cutesy shy demeanour fool u
you and Freddie then shared a moment of just looking at each other
finally happy to be in each other’s presence, just the two of you
and then you two got to talking
like really talking
eventually a date was scheduled
and another, and another
till you found yourself lying on Queen’s tour bus a couple years later, wrapped in Freddie’s arms and reminiscing the first time you guys had met
“yes, my love?”
“I heard you threw a fit yesterday after I left the venue.”
Freddie groaned and was like “who told you that, darling?”
“your guards can be quite gossipy when you ask the right questions.”
“well I won’t deny it. I missed a whole other night I could’ve had with you.”
“that’s okay” you smiled, taking his hand in yours
“we’ve got a whole lifetime together to make up for it.”
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wanderingmendes · 6 years
Im never one to say aything about drama in the fandom but im done with it. I know most of you are going to get upset by what im about to say, so if youre too sensitive for this then just scroll past please.
Yes i understand the frustration we are all having with the twitter stans, and yes im just as frustrated as most of you
However, going around and sending hate to people (whether you think theyre crazy or not) is not okay. At the end of the day, just like shawn they are human beings who deserve just as much respect as you do
Am i saying this to justify their actions? No, not in an way. All i am saying is for you guys to leave them alone and stop posting everywhere about it and trying to start shit with people who want a picture with shawn.
Before any anons come on saying “oh well what about this or what about that” let me lay down the highlights for you and my opinions on each matter
A) Fans meeting shawn at the airport, anywhere- yes, its okay to do so i suppose, and no ones stopping you but the poor boys tired and wants to just go home or to his hotel and get to sleep
B) yes there are fans who have met him an ungodly amount of times, no matter what the circumstances were- if it were you in that position, would you like to be hated on? I think not?
C) yes i am aware that some of these fans “stalk” him in a way- dont let it bother YOU. Does it directly affect you? Are you being harmed physically or verbally by this? No. So, let shawn and his team take the actions he deems necessary in this situation
D) am i aware that shawn may not be able to take action due to the career he has? Yes, i am. But, our boy is much stronger than we give him credit for first of all, and second of all if it really gets to a point where he cant handle it, his management will do something about it seeing as he is their client and his wellbeing is always a concern
E) yes i know people have been waiting outside his apartment for him- AGAIN. IS IT AFFECTING YOU DIFECTLY? NO. If shawn wanted to, he could easily contact authorities or his management about the issue, again, hes a big boy.
I could go on and on about this but im going to stop here and leave you with a few more things/reiterate myself
1) Spreading tweets and videos and pictures of airport stalkers who are looking for attention, and captioning them or commenting rude things on them is ridiculous, just ignore them and dont give them the attention they want
2) hating on anyone, ever, for any reason is not okay. Whether or not you agree with their actions, theyre life is theirs to worry about not yours
3) if youre so worried about shawns wellbeing that you have to post all about airport stalkers and so forth, then dont you think it will cause a stir in the fandom. If no one was to say anything about these pictures or interactions, then itd stop a lot of the stress shawn is feeling
Before anyone goes saying i made this post about this person or that person, i just want to remind all of you that i dont give a shit about the drama in the fandom. I dont care one bit and so this is more of a PSA to all of you and not just for one or two of you. Im tired of seeing all this pop up on my dashboard here, and on my instagram and on my Twitter because its stupid to harp on the little things.
The end.
Edit: (and before you think of sending me hate, or questioning what i wrote, remember that an opinion is never wrong, and this is my opinion and it is just as valid as the next persons and i deserve just the same amount of respect that anyone else does and i do not stand for bullying or hate anons and if you DO send me a hate anon, you will be blocked immediately and i wont even reply to it)
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Part two of an archive of a conversation between three EPF agents.
721: so… if you don’t mind me asking………
053: pfft its no problem dw
053: obviously i wont tell you exactly who they are cause even if im wrong thats gonna possibly endanger them
053: but like… you know how our usernames have numbers and stuff?
053: they used to correspond to when you joined
053: like thats why REALLY old agents have lower numbers, like me!
053: like agent d for example, shes been working here for a super long time right?
053: ive talked to her before, her number is in the 20s
053: to put things in perspective, jpg is in the 60s
053: and im obviously 053
721: woahhhh
721: wait but there’s no way theres over 700 agents, i feel like things would be really different if that were the case
053: yeah! like i said this was the old system
053: once they migrated to the epf they obviously lost a lot of info from the psa
053: which included the system and how they regulated this to make it automatic
053: at that point with everything else that was going on, g probably just gave up on what was effectively an organizational system
053: there were bigger issues to deal with as you could imagine
053: so now you just get randomly assigned a number thats not in use
053: which means you could get agents who just joined after the popcorn explosion who are number like 998 or somethin
053: and also have agents who just joined before the blackout have like 012 just because the original holder of that number retired or somethin
053: just to name a few examples
721: woah…
721: okay that’s all super cool but what does it have to do with who The Agent is?
053: im getting to that
053: youve read the reports right?
053: i dunno if those are mandatory to read or anything since obviously they didnt exist when i first became an agent
721: wait which reports
721: sorry there’s kind of a lot
053: oh sorry yeah
053: the missions having to do with herbert
053: like when he tried to chop down the ski ledge
053: or when he dug all those holes under club penguin
053: they arent special clearance i dont think but im not sure
721: i think some are since when i’ve read through them there’s always gaps
053: oooo yeah
053: i actually have special clearance since ive worked here so long
053: doesnt really matter anyway though since i lived through most of it
053: but like one detail i always noticed about the reports is that they always omitted the name of the agent doing those missions
053: i know the way our agency works
053: they would have assigned the same agent to deal with herbert pretty much every time
053: cause like
053: that way they wouldnt have to reexplain things to the new agent
053: plus that agent would already know how herbert works and could figure him out better
053: now, i dont know if they were gonna do it anyway, it was some error, or if the agent in question requested their identity be omitted in the reports
053: but im SUUUPER leaning towards the agent in question requesting their identity being omitted
053: since im pretty sure that The Agent is the one who’s dealt with herbert for so long already
721: wait you’ve lost me sorry
053: no its alright!
721: why do you think that The Agent is the same agent who was in the missions with herbert? Sorry
053: no its fine! i should have made that clear eheh
053: so like, think about what we know about The Agent
053: what comes to mind?
721: uhh…
721: they were close with the director, they’d have to be really high up for the director to trust them with that chat client thingy they were using
721: especially since they said that thing about assuming control of the epf, also they knew for sure before the rest of us the director had been taken
721: they seemed pretty insistent on people not knowing their identity, don’t know why that would be though
721: from what i can tell they know herbert and how he operates pretty well
721: also overall they seemed to really know what they were doing and the protocol and stuff
721: oh yeah they mentioned they knew some high up agent that was captured but that might just be the director
721: then again if that were the case they probably would have just said “the director”
721: from the way they talk they clearly value the epf and our island above anything else, even more so than most agents do
721: that’s… that’s about it honestly
053: mhm i came to the same conclusions about them
053: now, and this might be a bit harder,
053: think about what we know about the agent who faced herbert so many times
053: and also what kind of penguin would they probably be
721: hmmm
721: they’d have to be pretty good at thinking on the fly
721: and if i remember right from some of the reports, they had a rather unorthodox way of solving problems?
053: indeed
053: they’d do some of the most irrational things and always end up on top
721: jet pack guy must’ve hated it
053: oh he did dont worry
721: okay also uh…
721: they’d have to be pretty smart i guess? or just know herbert really well in general if they were able to beat him so many times
721: hmm…
721: i don’t remember the details of the missions so well off the top of my head i’m sorry
053: nah its understandable!! you newer agents must get really overwhelmed with just how much stuff you have to read through
721: yeah…
053: but yeah youre pretty much right
053: and looking at it it just… makes sense?
053: like forgive me i know i sound like a conspiracy theorist but it just all fits together so nicely if the agent is also the same agent who just went against herbert so much 053: i forget where i was going with this
053: i am so sorry give me a minute let me read back what started this
721: omg it’s fine!! this is all so interesting :O
721: also it’s nice to see you so excited about something!!!
053: eheh im glad you think so!
053: awww sappy
053: what can i say, this has always been just what im interested in
053: its just been such a nice reliable constant thing, its nice
053: i mean, ive told you why i joined, havent i?
721: yeah and i still wanna hug you for that
721: you didnt deserve that crap
053: eheh…
053: thanks…
053: but yeah its just
053: i guess im doing what an agent should never do
053: but it’s just what seems and feels right?
053: i think ive said before but im a big believer in cosmic fate and destiny and things like that
053: so i dunno
053: i guess it’s just a nice idea that the same agent who first met him could still be fighting against him now
053: especially in a time like this
053: if i have nothing else to hope for, i wanna hang onto this
053: i believe in the agent. i really do
053: gah, im sorry, im really rambling now arent i!!!
053: i didnt mean to go on such a tangent whoops
721: :00000 no it’s really okay!!!!!
721: like i said it’s really nice seeing you be passionate about stuff really anything
721: i’m sorry if this comes across as rude or anything but you just… always seem so distant i guess
721: i always worry about you, but… kat said this was just how you were and that i shouldn’t worry…
721: but i always did anyway
721: so i really am glad to see you enjoying yourself like this
053: aww, thank you
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tiredrobin · 2 years
Robin, thanks for answering all my asks about your OC's, I'm getting a better grip on who they are.
If i get too annoying or you want to set boundaries just tell me so. I'll be glad to oblige.
What can i say? I'd love to be friends with both of them (‘°v°) jeje but probably mess something up at least with Bin, I'm told im very awkward and intense.
I believe you said Bin could be inside a pokeball? How does that happen? So first, how will it end up in the pokemon universe? It manages to use its transportation powers? Will Nib and Bin meet?
I hope Nib gets good support after it finds out Volo's true intentions D: and that both Ingo and Nib can get some kind of comforting resolution to their difficult situation u_u
On the matter of your illustrations, THEY ARE SO COOL, the extra eyes, mouths, teeth 👌👌👌 the angel form is very friend shaped. Oh the change of proportions in the ac character sheet, i know it was probs you trying different styles but it looks like just body just does that.
And Nib, kid, i hope you take it easier, i know too well disappointing people feels horrible but it is impossible to please everyone. It needs a lot of love and support, glad everyone likes it :3
I ended up not sleeping much but i woke up according to schedule! The hyperfixation is hitting harder than ever. I'm even getting back to drawing and recalling how to make plushies.
Just as an aside... I think I'm liking being referred in a neutral or genderless manner so that's NEW.
Have a verrrry nice day! Take good care of yourself ;)
Nuggie out!
THANKS FOR ALL UR ASKS!!!!11 i love talking about my blorbos and i appreciate that someones interested in them!!! :]
u dont have to worry abt messing things up with bin: they're a weirdo, for sure, and they dont know how People or the World works, but theyre like. also fucking intense in their own way. theyre very point-blank and they are very accepting of others and their Behaviors, they dont mind being asked questions, and theyre very, very good at setting boundaries and respecting them. they have a weird amount of patience, but thats in part because one has to be really patient to deal with them. what im saying is that if anyone might get scared off, its most likely going to be u fhdsfhdshfdsh
YEAH IT WAS DIFFERENT STYLES TOO but hfdsjfhdsjfsd bin can just... Change its body, so even if it takes time and effort its entirely possible it just changes shit up every so often
steeples fingers. i talk ab u in the gender neutral to ppl sometimes too im like "yeah nugget sent another ask theyre my nonnie bestie actually" ehehehehe Discover Gender. also jsyk u can be cis n use gender neutral pronouns too psa psa im not trying to push anything onto u im just always excited whenever anyone diverges from the binary in any way
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corvidfoxx · 6 years
a psa
imma keep it real with u chief someone’s size is such a DUMB way to measure literally anything else ab them like?? it’s says fuckin nothing about their health or attractiveness or worth or ANYTHING like guess what folks!! u can tell exactly Nothing from a persons size except what their size is like It Just Is What It Is these are FACTS
fellas it’s late as hell and we love some sleep deprived body positivity in this house lets get into it shall we
(it’s gonna be long Get Ready)
first of all everyone carries weight differently some people are just naturally bigger and bro it’s all good?? who fuckin cares?? bodies just kinda do what they do why do we care so much about controlling our flesh prisons let em work let em live if someone is alive their body is doing what it’s gotta do it’s not that deep
and i mean G O D clothing sizes are. such BULLSHIT like they change so much from store to store and even in a store they can differ WILDLY like?? if ur size isn’t what u want it to be it’s ok bb i promise it literally means nothing live ur life ily
seriously tho clothes are made to look good on models mannequins and hangers like that shit’s just supposed to make money it’s literally not made to actually look good on u 99% of the time so don’t worry ab it there’s nothing wrong with u it’s just capitalism
also weight lowkey means nothing either unless ur a doctor or smth like muscle n fat both make u heavier and u literally don’t know what’s what unless u get all sciency so uhh if ur like exercising or w/e to try and lose weight but ur still gaining it there’s a good chance at least some is muscle 
and even if it’s not it’s chill there’s nothin wrong with not being super toned n shit like come on
literally just stop weighing urself ur all good i promise leave that shit to ur doctor bud
also also why tf are people so obsessed with health when it comes to someone’s body?? like bitch u don’t KNOW what’s healthy for someone else??? plenty of people are perfectly healthy even tho they look like what some people would assume is an “unhealthy person” and that’s ok bc ur appearance says nothing ab ur health!!
like even if someone’s not healthy it’s no one else’s fuckin business?? leave that to them and their doctor pal 
maybe they have a condition that makes being “healthy” really hard or impossible 
or maybe they’re trying to be healthy and just not there yet bc it takes TIME and that’s OKAY patience is great y’all
or maybe they’re just cool with being unhealthy and like,, u might not agree with that but it’s none of ur damn business?? like u don’t have to agree with it or encourage it to just. let em live their life?? 
tbh health is so fucking worshipped it’s wild and ig it’s with sorta good intentions at least sometimes but damn chill someone’s health doesn’t dictate their worth unhealthy people are still worthy human beings u guys are just mean
just sayin the whole health obsession has ironically lead to a lotta super unhealthy diet/fitness crazes and uhh we, collectively, as a society, need to chill and let people do what’s right for them
like just so we’re clear diet culture can choke
im. so tired of seeing fitspo and thinspo and all that bs everywhere like?? people have such an obsession with dissatisfaction it’s so weird???
we’re always trying to be something else and it’s not good it’s not healthy!!!! can we please focus less on how we want to look and start appreciating how great we already are??? 
y’all have no idea how much happier i became with how i look when i stopped looking at all these people who looked how i wanted to look and started finding people who look like me now???
bb there are so many people who look like u and who are killin the game find em and love em!!!!!! it might not totally change how u see urself but it’ll help i promise!!!!!!
and like?? anyone who says people can’t be attractive if they’re a certain size is LYING and can go piss their pants for all i care
LISTEN i literally have no preferences when it comes to physical stuff and ive fallen for people of all different shapes and sizes and When I Tell You They’ve All Been Damn Gorgeous I Mean 110% Of Them
i’m so tired of all this backhanded compliment “attractive despite their size” shit like NO BITCH If You Think I Dont Think Every Inch Of These People Head To Toe Is Hot As Fuck You Have Another Thing Coming Bc Holy SHIT That’s Just How It Is Folks
like bb i promise even if u don’t like ur body plenty of people are gonna think it’s fuckin Great u might not know it or believe it rn but it’s the Truth ur beautiful ilysm keep being ur gorgeous self
and u know what?? even if some people don’t think ur attractive that’s ok too?? like ur fuckin killin it either way ur not required to make other people happy with the way u look like as long as ur comfy in ur own body ur ok!!
insecurity is lowkey 99% about what other people think and i totally get that like bitch me too tf but like,, the truth is other people don’t mean shit!!!!!!
it’s ur body babe if ur happy with it that’s great that’s perfect!!!!!!! and if ur not it’s totally ok to want to change that but do it for u bud you’ll be much happier in the end i promise 
like it’s hard to get over trying to look how u think people want u to look but at the end of the day they ain’t shit and if u change for them ur not gonna be happy so??
do it for u do it so u can be happy in ur own skin like fuck everyone else make urself happy
(also people seem to think partners are an exception to the “other people ain’t shit” rule but honestly?? if ur s/o makes u feel bad ab ur appearance fuck them in particular?? like u don’t need that shit u don’t need to change for them u deserve someone who thinks ur gorgeous Right Now As You Are find that person and you’ll be way happier like highkey if ur partner doesn’t think 110% of u is gorgeous dump em they don’t know shit)
and like,, all this shit (size n health n appearance n shit) literally says jack fuckin squat about ur self worth???
who cares how big or small u are who cares how healthy u are who cares how conventionally attractive u are????? ur still a fckin fantastic person and u deserve the world?????
u still deserve to be hella confident and u deserve to never feel like u have to hide urself and u deserve to live a wonderful life no matter what ur body is!!!!!!! ur body has never and will never decide ur worth or what u deserve!!!!!!!
ur not a bad person just bc ur not a supermodel or w/e!!!!!!!! ur not doing anything wrong i promise ur doing great!!!!!!!! u still deserve all the happiness in the world and i hope u find it!!!!!!!!!
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kkimingyu · 6 years
11 questions!!
i was tagged by @gyuwus to do this thank u sm tan :D i love doing these even tho i always do them abt 2 months after i was tagged (^:
tagging: @winwincity, @mbcmusic, @shuuvee, @sweetwonpil, @najaemini, @17dad, @thelimit8, @kwoncoups and anyone else who wants to do it!! (u dont have to if u dont wanna too btw)
rules: tag some people you would like to get to know better.
how much sleep did you get last night? don’t lie to me.
like um 6 hours i think?? tbh i wouldve slept more but i had to let my dog out
do you use any lip balm or lip tint? what are you using?
i always use lip balm!!! always! i hate the feeling of having dry lips, these days i use vaseline and kir royale lip balm
tell me about your guilty pleasure!
its not a guilty pleasure but i couldnt think of anything else,, i watch a lot of akbingo videos... like mainly of chiyori, kashiwagi and nako
what’s your favorite subject at school and why?
my fav subject is history maybe?? i liked bio too but i think thats because i had a fun class nd teacher, thats usually why i like my classes rather than enjoying the subject itself
pick 5 idols to be your classmates!
yerin from gfriend, chiyori from akb, mark nd lucas from nct and uuuh oh its hard to pick the last one haha hmmm OH! bomi from apink!!
experience the hunger games or the purge?
purge! because first of all guns aren’t a thing in scotland and also its really uuh hilly here? so its easy to just go someplace and not be found
tell me your favorite food without saying what it is. describe it.
whats even my favourite food um its like?? its an italian dish (ofc)... its an antipasto! and its very thinly sliced meat thats raw or just about, i like it best when its beef but i think u can get it as other stuff?? tho ive only ever seen it as beef.... yeah its really good though! id have it more if i could tbh haha, its hard find places where they serve it well here 
what language do you have an interest in learning?
well rn im learning french and planning to more there after uni, next summer i think im learning italian with my ma but i think itd be cool to learn russian and japanese too!
you found a magic lamp and the genie will grant you three wishes. what do you have in mind? please, don’t ask for more wishes.
being taller! id like to be 5′7, thin legs because (^: tfw u hate ur legs 24/7 and uh fluency in italian and french 
pick three of your favorite cuisines!
like most people i love italian food lol which is good because we cook it often, i also really like japanese food! its always really nice and um i like food from spain
hey, the last question is a PSA. you’re precious and i love you. reply with: “i’m precious and i love me too”.
haha alright im precious and i love me too 
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