#projection theater
boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
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futzfuck · 2 months
Me, talkign to my friends: yeah theres this neat action film coming out soon that dev patel stars in/wrote/directed, i hope its fun
Me, going into the theater: im ready to have a good time, hopefully this will be like bullet train and have some cool visuals and fun acting :)))
Me, exiting the theater:
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sandersstudies · 9 months
Blurry ass pic of me in this mirror looks like a recolored 1920s photograph
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lambychop · 28 days
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“Bravo, Monsieur”- final piece from my BFA show “The Phantom of the Opera”- Concept Art for an Animated Film
All my official BFA pieces have been posted, but I will continue to make stuff for this little project in the future!
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nyancrimew · 11 months
im being so normal about the tv show cast and crew i met today and also had to say goodbye to today
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thefrsers · 8 months
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Caitriona Balfe reads from "Prophet Song" | The Booker Prize
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kani-miso · 3 months
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glitchedcosmos · 2 months
movie Shadow should be so assured in his own power that he is completely confident and collected in dangerous situations , it would make sense he doesn’t talk during fights, his power doesn’t require words to make a impact . And he becomes tense and uncomfortable in mundane situations because he simply doesn’t have the framework for peace.!.!.!. And his power is so intense and hard to control he would need someone to navigate softness for him,.!.!.!.!. That’s all your honour
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analyticalstarz · 3 months
"Oh, my favorite Project Sekai character is the one who has purple hair and can speak English! You know, the one who was once considered a child prodigy? The one whose problems were inadvertently caused by their intelligence because nobody around them could properly understand them? The one who once was desperately searching for a purpose in life because they felt as if they had no idea what they truly wanted to do? Actually, they *did* know what they truly wanted to do, they just had no way of supporting it because of external factors. But you know, the one who gave up on hoping that their life would take a turn for the better? The one who was only able to identify their real beliefs due to the help of their respective group members? The one who struggles with understanding their feelings and emotions?" ??? WHICH ONE !!!!!!!
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whetstonefires · 2 months
A LA MEME. MDZS, Really nice guy who hates only you, hate at first sight?
It was totally inappropriate for a corpse to be popular.
But there it was: the Ghost General was more well-liked every day. He seemed to spend all his time wandering around rescuing maidens from monsters and lifting wagons off of old men. In a few years he'd be a hero of the people.
Even the cultivation world didn't expect harm from him anymore. Most of Jin Ling's peers addressed the corpse as qianbei; Jin Ling didn't, but he seemed to get on with him well enough.
Jiang Cheng hadn't actually said out loud, when he saw Wen Qionglin parting ways with Sect Leader Jin with an exchange of polite salutes, he killed your father, but he'd looked it. Jin Ling, fluent in Jiang Cheng's expressions, sighed.
"It was an accident," he said. "And he's apologized. And, you know, uncle, he was held prisoner by Jin Sect almost my entire life, you can't say he hasn't paid for it. And..."
And they had killed his whole family. And his older sister.
Jiang Cheng looked away. "Huh."
When Jiang Cheng had made his first, clumsy attempt at mending a little of the gruesome breach between himself and Wei Wuxian, the Ghost General had been there, glaring daggers at him from behind the Yiling Laozu.
It had been more disconcerting than it should have been, and Jiang Cheng had stumbled, interrupted himself, and fallen silent enough times that eventually Wei Wuxian had taken pity on him, reached out, patted him on the arm one time, said, "Good talk, Jiang Cheng," and extricated them both from the situation.
Freed from the burden of conversation, he'd returned Wen Qionglin's glare, and lost. Corpses didn't need to blink.
He didn't want the bastard to like him. Which was just as well since it was out of the question. Jiang Cheng had never for a second in his life liked Wen Qionglin; from the first time he'd laid eyes on him when they were youths he'd interpreted him as a pathetic, burdensome coward, and despised him for it.
Owing the man his life had made it worse--he hadn't even wanted to be saved, and it was Wei Wuxian's stupid horrible charm and habit of interfering where he wasn't wanted that had done it, and like hell had he owed anything, when that person's family had murdered his. (I owe him nothing, he'd told himself once, because Wen Qionglin had been the reason he lost Wei Wuxian.)
Another time, he found himself in both their company and drew apart, letting the Yiling Patriarch and the Ghost General play at being mentors to the youth. Neither of you lived to see twenty-five, he wanted to shout. What do you think you have to teach them?
Even Jin Ling...it made him furious. Furious to glance over and see a corpse's stiff face conveying softness.
Furious to look past the crowd and see Lan Wangji's eyes falling on Wen Qionglin with an unmistakable resentment. And to know that it wasn't the stiff propriety of the Lan Wangji of their youths, objecting to the heresy of that fierce corpse's existence; that it was the look of a petty, jealous man resenting the way Wei Wuxian knocked his shoulder together with the Ghost General's and laughed.
"Where do you get off hating Wen Ning?" he asked the next time he found himself alone with Lan Wangji. It was a stupid thing to ask, but if he let himself think about how they were threshing through the underbrush looking for Wei Wuxian, about the last time they had looked for Wei Wuxian together...
Lan Wangji ignored him.
Jiang Cheng snorted. "Okay. So maybe you don't hate him. But he likes you! He's so deferential it makes me want to puke."
Lan Wangji favored him with the merest hint of a sneer, just enough to show he was listening to Jiang Cheng talk.
"You're disgusting," said Jiang Cheng. "Do you really think he shouldn't have anyone but you in his life? That he's your property?"
Lan Wangji's stride broke. It was a triumph, in a way--Jiang Cheng had never thrown him so badly in all the years they'd known each other.
"Each man judges others by his own heart," said Lan Wangji, thick with contempt, and then he was walking ahead with pointed rapidity, determined to separate from Jiang Cheng, until staying together would have meant chasing after him, and Jiang Cheng turned and went the other way, muttering blackly.
In the end, fittingly, neither of them caught up in time to be of use. Wen Ning, with his homing sense for Wei Wuxian, had shown up out of who the fuck knew where and bailed him out.
Jiang Cheng stumbled upon the haunted spring just in time to see a sodden, bedraggled Wei Wuxian launch himself away from his pet Wen's supportive arm and fling himself against the upright form of Hanguang-jun, which bent around him with a reverent murmur.
Jiang Cheng was already turning away in disgust to head back home, hating that he'd let himself be dragged into this, when he heard Lan Wangji say with careful, solemn deliberation: "Thank you, Wen Qionglin. For taking care of him."
Jiang Cheng glanced back against his will to see the Ghost General saluting deeply, wide-eyed, infinitely humble, his murmur that it was nothing special, Hanguang-jun, nearly drowned out by Wei Wuxian's delighted shouting about how good his Lan Zhan was and how much Wen Ning deserved to be appreciated.
Jiang Cheng walked away.
Wen Qionglin wasn't rude to him. Not in any way you could point at. And he knew full well he'd be making an ass of himself if he tried to pick a verbal fight.
After all, they had killed Wen Qionglin's older sister.
The whole cultivation world had done it, but only Jiang Cheng had done it after Wen Qionglin saved his life. He'd told himself he owed no debt for that, and perhaps he hadn't, but the fact remained: of the two of them, one had been brave and virtuous and earned the loyalty of Wei Wuxian.
And one of them had been pathetic, a coward, a burden.
Jiang Cheng could never look at the man without seeing the look in his dead eyes across the length of Suibian.
Jiang Cheng had never been good at lying to himself, especially if the lie was meant to be comforting. He always tried it anyway. Comforting lies used to sound so true, in Wei Wuxian's mouth; he should never have gotten into the habit of relying on that. To letting that person think Jiang Cheng was someone who needed to be swaddled in falsehoods to give him the strength to bear up under his own duties.
Wen Qionglin was a kind, gentle, courageous dead body, shy and courteous and increasingly appreciated for his virtues, in this strange new world created in the wake of Jin Guanyao's disgrace. And whenever his eyes fell on Jiang Cheng they were cold, hard, flat, contemptuous.
Every time he looked at him Jiang Cheng could nearly hear him thinking, like a cold wind against the back of his neck: I should have left you in that heap of corpses with the rest of your family.
What are you worth, Jiang Wanyin, that so many should be spent in saving you? That Wei Wuxian would drag us all into the shadow of death to make you whole, only for you to turn your face aside when it was me lying there, and let him die for us without lifting a finger?
Selfish, whining coward. If only I had left you there to die.
If only, Jiang Cheng imagined spitting back, anger hot and bracing in his throat. If only! I never asked for any of it! How dare you expect me to repay you!
But Wen Qionglin never spoke any of the words out loud. He only looked, cold dead flat black eyes. A frozen river. Sometimes Jiang Cheng thought that if he lashed out hard enough he would break a hole in the ice, and be devoured whole.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 3 months
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Rex Ingram as Jean Christophe in Haiti, by William DuBois, as a tempestuous liberated slave who led the people of Haiti in revolt and defied Napoleon Bonaparte.
The play opened at the Lafayette Theater in Harlem, March 2, 1938 and transferred to Daly's Theater on West 63rd St. on July 11. It ran until Sept. 24 (168 performances). It has been described as a "melodramatic recounting of the 1802 uprising, led by Toussaint L’Ouverture, that Orson Welles used as a basis for his now-famous Voodoo Macbeth, but Haiti depicts the actual events that transpired to give the Haitians back their country and rule."
It was a production by the Federal Theater Project of the Works Progress Administration (WPA). The Times's critic Brooks Atkinson called Ingram's performance "gusty" and noted, "Mr. Ingram has been a good actor for a long time. It is not very often, however, that he finds a heroic part like that of Christophe, the leader of a cause. Massive inside a gaudy uniform, active as a pole-vaulter, and gleaming with sincerity, Mr. Ingram gives a rattling good performance." He also noted, "What with one thing and another, there is enough history in Haiti to make it socially respectable."
Photo: Associated Press
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dumping-ideas · 7 months
what do you think about how tsukasa acting ? is his procedure some kind of method acting ?
(spoiler for protagonist story event)
during his acting, rui is commenting with concerned face about him "becoming" his character and tsukasa got "too involved" today (rui also think about the practice before, that tsukasa is doing fine with balance of his charatcer's shining but yeah he got too involved on chapter). i just think that if the story it has anything to do with this ? not just balance and ability to read the flow of the show but with tsukasa's procedure. method acting is such a risky procedure btw.
tbh i doubt that pjsk will touch this issue but still wonder what will be tsukasa's conflict during this act (plus the world link that gonna come around like march 2024, maybe SEKAI related conflicts ?)
Oooooh boy I was like clapping my hands when I saw that. Especially when Tsukasa was monologuing in his mind, the name in the text box is not Tsukasa but Nakayama. Like, holy he managed to be him. Good for you, Tsukasa! Nakayama is really alive! This feels like Rio all over again woohoo!!
But then Rui is like "oh this is bad" because Tsukasa's acting is too good he destroyed the balance of the stage. In other words, a supporting role needs to be in the background, but Tsukasa is too eye-catching so he just unnaturally stood out. Whoops. (Kato director also said that Tsukasa is a man who had light in him but an actor needs to learn how to tone it down and we know Tsukasa is anything but that, especially because he usually plays as the main character).
I think the reason why Tsukasa was able to balance Nakayama the supporting role and Nakayama the person in practice is because there is no audience. We know that Tsukasa always strives to be the best for all his audiences, so he just... got into too deep with Nakayama because he wants his audience to feel that Nakayama is alive. Bakuno also plays the supporting role because he wants them to be in the spotlight, but Bakuno himself naturally doesn't stand out that much and he thought of the supporting roles as companions. On the other hand, Tsukasa naturally stands out, so when he plays the supporting role as the main character and he got too deep into his role the supporting role also stands out.
I also think that his approach to acting is shifting now ever since Phoenix? I've read about method acting before (and I agree Tsukasa employs that tactic too), and I think you're right while Tsukasa is making leaps and bounds of progress he's also slowly going down a slippery slope. He's literally endangering his own health in his own quest to understand Rio after all and it's not... a really good thing imo. Somehow it feels like... Tsukasa is being swallowed by the characters? Like, he doesn't make those roles as his but he's the one that becomes them. I'm glad that Tsukasa has a strong sense of identity so he could go back to being himself after he stepped off the stage but what if one day he took it a bit too far? Like, in his own quest to perfect a role he hurt himself or others, or he internalized a character too much there's a shift in his personality or habit. Imagine if he plays as a horrible person and he's too deep in character? God, that would've sucked.
I don't know if proseka would discuss it but I hope they would at least discuss how to balance yourself and your characters with Tsukasa's plotline.
I discussed what I think WxS world link event would be in another ask, so maybe you can read that one too, anon!
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 3 months
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I feel like recently I've been doing lots of art i forget to post I should stop forgetting to post maybe ill spam old art i forgor to post at some point
I drew these back when that KAFU game was announced, It doesnt have costumes or modules like project diva from what they've shown i wish they did those here is my ideal world of where they did
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sealhaus · 2 months
The Inu-Oh chapters
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My final triptych for painting and image making
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new hannibal headcanon since you guys loved my last ones (thank you for that by the way!)
hannibal is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT a closet theater kid!
he loves fosse and his favorite musical is pippin.
he HATES andrew lloyd webber though.
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aellynera · 2 years
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In case anyone was wondering what Oscar looks like at this very moment... here we are.
OSCAR ISAAC during the reading of Theater of War's presentation of The Suppliants, 16 JULY 2022
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