#profound teachings
planetdharma · 4 months
Interdependent Origination: Paṭiccasamuppāda
Would you like to look more closely at what makes you ‘you’ – how phenomena and perception arise? Then join us for a weekend of study of the wheel of dependent origination – a a powerful map for understanding consciousness.  This is a foundational philosophical doctrine shared by all schools of Buddhism. Recommended for students of all levels. 
Ask yourself – what makes up a human? Sure, there is form, body sensations, feelings, thoughts, ideas, consciousness and that awareness of being aware.  The 12 elements of the wheel of dependent origination teach us to look at the basic building blocks of the human being. The result is the downgoing of suffering and the upgoing of wisdom and compassion. 
This weekend of study focuses on a fundamental teaching shared by all schools of Buddhism. It is a highly recommended foundational perspective that has deep repercusions for how you see and experience your life, the body-mind continuum and the world around you.
The focus of buddha dharma is to become free of suffering. However there is necessary (sickness, old age, diseases, joint pain, babies) and unnecessary suffering (our lives, relationships) . if you look at the nature of suffering you see how nature pushes itself forward because of suffering. The purpose of the wheel of dependent origination is to help us ask “what is necessary and what isn’t”? 
Source URL: https://www.planetdharma.com/event/interdependent-origination-paticcasamuppada/
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strawlessandbraless · 2 months
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It’s about the yearning
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xray-vex · 1 year
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(Stede Bonnet edition)
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izzyferal · 6 months
Ed knows the scent of Izzy's rot because it is their rot.
The decay been growing in them both for decades, and finally, their sloughed hearts have mixed together into necrotic sludge.
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foxsfiles · 8 months
The thing about Ed and Stede is. Stede is the only one to ever really see him as a person. To treat him as an equal and to enter a space of play with him. Piracy was so much of a game to Ed. Yes it made sense because Ed could be ruthless, but it was a game. A place to experience some freedoms and childhood he never had. Stede played with him in the way he’d been craving. He’s honest and childish and most importantly fun. Ed has the preconceived notions of how he’s meant to act for certain people and he plays into it when he feels their affection fading, but then he sees how much Stede really offers him the safety and comfort he’s always wanted and only with the expectations that Ed is only himself and nothing more or less than that. And then Stede abandons him and Ed’s this scared little kid again lashing out.
They’ve done just such a fantastic job with writing Ed because that is everything we’re seeing. We’re seeing Ed lose his safe place and games and love and genuine affection with no intentions other than to love him. And he’s this scared little kid playing up big and strong and angry because that’s what’s expected and because he wants everyone to feel as horrid inside as he does. He’s lost everything and so they should lose it all too. Lose all the fun and play of being pirates and rot along side him or kill him because he can’t admit the desire he has to it to himself.
He’s a grown man, but he was never a kid so he can’t really be the grown person he should be. He can’t rationalize and when people point that out they point out how he never really stopped being that kid. and he panics. because if there’s one thing he’ll never be in his own mind is that scared kid taken advantage of but oh Ed isn’t that exactly what you’ve always been for the sake of safety? Of people staying close? Of people not abandoning you?
head in my heads honest to god i can’t handle this historical pirate fanfiction David Jenkins I’m on my way to your location as we speak. /j
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faultsofyouth · 4 months
I did not realize the boy and the heron was the new ghibli film, I thought that short story where that boy leaves his disabled younger brother to die in a thunderstorm just went viral for no reason at all
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the-casbah-way · 11 months
why is owen wilson so hot why am i thirsting over a blonde man
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kipskiptrip · 1 month
If I see one more person refer to OSDD as a whole as a generalization or synonym of OSDD-1B I'm going to snap the wooden bars of this cage in the enclosures of my mouth and crawl my way out of Hell to Find You.
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woolydemon · 1 month
i am soooo good at getting emotional over children's media but not in a fandom way in like a. oh god i care about people so much way
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mama-saffi · 1 month
i hurt when people hurt me, but i struggle to take an egotistical act personally
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taiwantalk · 5 months
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planetdharma · 4 months
Journey into Interdependent Origination (Paticcasamuppada)
Embark on a transformative journey into Interdependent Origination at this Planet Dharma Course. Explore profound insights on the nature of existence.
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clitbiter · 3 months
i’m deeply obsessed with sheryl lee ralph
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xserpx · 20 days
Savine had not changed this room. Probably no one had changed it in two centuries. Some dark oils of dead Lord Governors, some gruesome-looking Northern swords and shields looted from some old battlefield, some inexpertly stuffed hunting trophies, peering disapprovingly down with their bland glass eyes. An upset deer, an astonished stag, a baffled bear, a leering wolf. Leo had told her it was the way his father had liked it, and so it was the way he liked it, and she respected his decision. Or at least pretended to.
— The Trouble With Peace by Joe Abercrombie
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poorlittlevampire · 8 months
i do think disney movies have gone down in quality (for many reasons) but i also think. perhaps. some of us are expecting way too much out of movies meant for. children
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taohun · 1 year
i need to learn how to do some sort of craft with my hands like physically. like i need to learn how to embroider or something
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