#professor tutor
vidadeprofessor · 1 year
Word Café: 1º Amigo Secreto de Oração
Ontem durante a aula de Tutoria, fizemos o sorteio do "1º Amigo Secreto de Oração".
O querido Professor Júlio, com a ajuda de alunos voluntários lançou a ideia de que cada participante dedicasse, diariamente por uma semana, um tempo para orar por uma pessoa do grupo.
E, na próxima segunda-feira, faremos um Word Café para a "revelação" de quem são os amigos secretos de oração.
Não é à toa que a palavra Café aparece no nome desta atividade. Queremos as pessoas confortáveis para expor ideias, sem receio de julgamentos, com pensamento, fala e escuta aguçados para resultar em alto potencial criativo. Reproduzir a atmosfera de um café com amigos, numa conversa informal e descontraída, é uma excelente prática.
Além disso, ficou combinado que o "presente" que compartilharemos com nosso amigo secreto de oração serão "cartas". Isso mesmo! Vamos escrever uma carta com nossos pensamentos sobre a atividade de orar pelas pessoas durante o tempo estipulado. Nesta carta registraremos nossas emoções, pensamentos e sentimentos. Tanto o papel de carta quanto o envelope serão decorados pensando nas características de quem receberá o "mimo".
Uma atividade simples, objetiva e recheada com muito amor e carinho!
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lemonemlyn · 4 months
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Geto Sensei🎓🐒❤️
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moonjxsung · 6 months
Guys this selfie with the glasses from the selfie dump Jisung posted on instagram??? The one from the same day my profile pic is from??? I wanna make this my new pfp so bad but I’m so emotionally attached to my current one what should I do 🧍‍♀️
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lottiecrabie · 6 months
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this came to me in a vision
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wrenhavenriver · 2 months
overhearing the students i was helping in class today say "she's so sweet!" as they leave and then the professor coming up to ask me if i'm going into education because he thinks i'm really good at teaching
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gojonanami · 2 months
…am I one of the only people who writes fics without editing after completion….
because I almost never edit unless a continuity error occurs to me — or something I realize I forgot to add in
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Heine: what r u doing here? what r u doing in my room?
Bruno: I want to learn more.
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anxiously-sidequesting · 10 months
Yknow I think one of the saddest parts about Malorn being a professor is that his social circle in particular must have taken a hit. Idk if he had any homies before his promotion but with that Teacher and Student relationship having to be almost strictly professional, I can't imagine it would be smiled upon to have Malorn acting buddy buddy with some of his peers anymore. And like that's really sad that one of the many aspects of his childhood is essentially taken from him because he's in this awkward spot of mentally, physically, and emotionally at par with his students but has to be different than that in order to be their teacher
Like imagine how lonely that is bro. He can't be a kid with his students anymore but he's not an adult that can necessarily relate to other adults either so he's just in this separate space all by himself because there are no others like him (except The Wizard who has at least some similarities)
Thinking about how Malorn's former friends just slowly drifting away from him not because they hate him, but because they have to regard him as a teacher FIRST above all else is super sad and once again I'm crying for Malorn in the evening
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cassette394 · 2 years
Hello! I noticed a couple other surveys going around the Dracula Daily fandom, and thought "why not throw my hat in the ring?" This is mostly a demographic survey, because one of my biggest questions in every fandom I'm part of is "who are all these people, anyway? What do they do when they aren't vibing with me on the internet?" I'd really appreciate your taking 5 or 10 minutes to fill it out!
I'm planning to post an analysis of whatever results come in on the weekend of 12th-13th November, the weekend after Dracula Daily 2022 comes to a close.
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vidadeprofessor · 1 year
Este ano letivo de 2023 é o primeiro em que serei Professor Tutor. Na última segunda-feira, dia 27 de fevereiro, os alunos escolheram quem seriam os professores tutores. Abaixo, segue a lista de alunos que me escolheram como tutor!
+ 9º ano A: Miguel
+ 7º ano A: Inaiá, Lucas, Silas, Mariah, Ana Flávia.
+ 7º ano B: Ketheryn, Maria Júlia Braz, Maria Júlia da Silva
+ 6º ano A: Debora, Erika.
+ 6º ano B: Jyane, Lana, Heloisa, Larissa.
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illholy · 2 months
in light of the 'Judith is stupid' allegation. I will not deny it, also I think if she isnt careful she'd forget her name so. . .
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the-potato-beeper · 2 months
anyone have any tips before my job interview tomorrow? i am. very anxious
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lottiecrabie · 8 months
As a recent lottiecrabie enthusiast and longtime feral consumer of a certain M Healy related writings, I saw something about a tutor!au. Here are my dreadful, frankly illegal thoughts. Do whatever you will with them, Lady Lottie. Your works kill me in the sweetest, sexiest way and resuscitate me harshly back to life.
1. You're a maths student , year two in the university. He's the newly joined English TA that's been developing a bit of a reputation for his longwinded rants in class and his unconventional assignments.
2. Like what the fuck is "Write about being an influencer in a dystopian world where you have to sell a graffiti eraser for VR devices after artists are actively vandalising the metaverse"
3. Anyway, hallway whispers about how attractive he is find their way to you but you're wholly unconvinced because pfft, really now, this is a cliche. One drunken evening at the local bar and you're jostling shoulders, he's ordering a long island iced tea just because and eyeing your whiskey on the rocks. He's really as pretentious as you thought he was - a dark mop of curly hair, crisp linen shirt and this dense, buttery jacket scented with menthol, marijuana and bergamot. He has a delicious rasp, holding court with his little circle of friends about how fullstops have come to mean something completely different when people text each other in the present day. There's not much you think of it - except one night after you break things off for good with your boyfriend who asks if you've come five minutes. into sex.
4. That night, you find yourself wondering if his neatly filed nails would leave red crescent commas on your skin, if your moans would be the em dashes between his consecutive thrusts. You imagine him seeing you at work, chalkboards filled with a haze of numbers and letters, you're arguing about why pure math PhDs and English PhDs are really two sides of the same coin, languages to explore the textures of the world.
5. You realise you're irrevocably fucked.
The annual debate between your college and the rival one is announced and you want to take part, as you always do, except this time it's a whole series of complex themes that require you to be assisted by someone else. Guess who you're assigned as your mentor.
6. You can't think straight, but you want to impress him so much. He's pretty much unfazed - logically unfolding his stances like an origami blossom. His mind entices and frustrates you : how can you possibly read Shakespeare today and a bunch of e-girl tweets the next and use both of these in your speeches?! Good lord. The longer you resist the urges, the worse they become. He dances in circles around you. Sleepless nights. Scattered sheets and unfinished drafts. Smoke breaks across the campus. Joints rolled with thin paper you bum from the art department, you sit blowing plumes at each other one orange afternoon. He reveals himself in delicate slices - a flash of a tattoo on his taut abdomen, soft voiced calls to his mother, Heroin by Velvet Underground playing from his tinny earphones.
7. He's dissatisfied - there's some verve and rawness that's missing from your stage presence. you're not emoting enough. He jokingly wonders what the cause might be - the lack of sleep, or the lack of sleeping together? Wait, you haven't had sex in months? There it is.
8. He says that sex sells. In order to convince the audience, you need to have seduce them with your mind.
Prove it, you say.
9. He finds May I Feel by e.e cummings and decides to walk around you as you take turns to recite it. By the fifth line, you've had enough. His knees are behind to yours, his skin branding into your stockings. He places his fucking mouth close, so close to your ear - warm enough to entice you with the possibility of a kiss, but instead he takes it away just as swiftly.
10. "let's go said he
not too far said she
what's too far said he
where you are said she" (side note - I recommend listening to the Tom Hiddleston version of the poem!)
You laugh, because it's so bitterly on the nose. He wonders aloud if he's really too far - too far away from you, that is.
His first kiss is like a wine tasting. He sips and nibbles your lips, sweetly parting it with his inquiring tongue. His fingers snake across your body, a low laugh caught in his throat when his hands brush your guilty nipples. Dilated pupils, and filthy promises. His kisses are poisonous, intoxicating.
11. Rutting mindlessly over his desk. Panting, whining in back seat of your car. Wet kisses in a darkened theatre. Hand jobs in the library, leaving the both of you a shivering mess. He is relentless, rendering you feverish for more. He refuses to have sex until he's satisfied his desire to explore you enough.
12. You try to take matters into your own hands and dress in a tiny skirt, with the smallest scrap of lace covering your soaking cunt. You end up over his lap, his handprints still warm on your back.
13. He worships you. He spits in your mouth. He ties your hands to the bedframe. He calls you sweetheart, baby, my darling. He doesn't stop edging you. He makes you read poems and eats you out, with the threat of stopping if you stutter even a little. He makes you think, he makes you dream, he makes you laugh.
14. You don't care about the debate anymore.
oh my god this was so lovely!! love when u guys leave me blurbs like this to read i feel like I’m the one getting bedtime stories for change. you have such a vivid and imagery way of writing it’s so beautiful. the prose is so delicate and effective; i can so clearly Feel and See the moment. i especially love ‘his first kiss is like a wine tasting’ and ‘you sit blowing plumes at each other one orange afternoon’. get on tumblr mama start writing there’ll be a spot opening up soon✊
although this is a lot more professor!matty than tutor!au🕺 (the tutor!au staples are weird loser virgin nerd with cool popular bitchy experienced girl) you actually kinda knocked it out of the park for professor like yeah that guy is making her read poetry while eating her out. yes ofc they’re making out on his desk. well yeah he’s debating you and only getting you more worked up for him
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salixtreeofficial · 2 months
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After Class Studies
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nightwardenminthara · 3 months
my partner was a math tutor for years before he switched to web dev and him tutoring me in calculus was honestly the truest test of a relationship LMAO
i would get so frustrated. im remembering when he helped me study for my final and started giving me sample questions and i was like “ugh. No can we just do the things my professor gave me” and he was like “just humor me. These are common calculus problems”
Anywayyyyy almost every problem he came up with was on the final with slightly different numbers LMAO
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