#prof zoe
picnicbask3t · 8 months
exams are coming very soon so ill just post some stuff I’ve drawn before I die
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dactyli0nn · 4 months
Levihan class doodles… there’s more LMAOOO not much thought behind them my animation had just been torn to shreds and I had to #cope
However on the flip side I learned today how to model hair in 3D so like so maybe possibly perhaps Levihan 3D model if I ever have time‼️
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officialbabayaga · 1 year
skipping constitutional law today bc the last THREE classes have been going over the whole abortion issue in america and today is looking at the cases determining whether gay people have rights (lawrence & obergefell) and you know what i actually just can’t do that today. if i have to hear scalia or thomas’ names one more time this week i’m going to start screaming and not stop until i pass out
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rising-blood-moon · 1 year
Me: I am only going for the Shark ship and the crocodile car, thats it!
Me: ...Maybe also Oz's bus
Me: .....And the treehouse
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equalv · 1 year
German tv shows with lgbt* characters
I think it can be quite hard to find queer german tv shows, so I thought I‘d compile a list with the ones that I have watched so far.
✪  = queerness is centered in this show
1899 (2022) (mlm) | Netflix | international 
Ángel (Miguel Bernardeau) 
Ramiro (José Pimentão)
Krester (Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen)
All you need (2021-) (mlm) | ZDF | ✪
Vince (Benito Bause)
Robbie (Frédéric Brossier)
Levo (Arash Marandi)
Tom (Mads Hjulmand)
Andreas (Tom Keune)
Barbaren (2020-) (mlm) | Netflix
Marbod (Murathan Muslu)
Flavus (Daniel Donsky)
Beat (2018) (mlm) | Prime Video
Beat (Jannis Niewöhner) 
Becoming Charlie (2022-) (trans, mlm, wlw) | ZDF | ✪
Charlie (Lea Drinde)
Ronja (Sira-Anna Faal)
Mirko (Antonije Stankovic)
Blutige Anfänger (2020-) (mlm) | ZDF, YT
Michael Kelting (Werner Daehn)
Dr. Claas Steinebach (Martin Bretschneider)
Bruno Pérez (Martin Peñaloza Cecconi)
Phillip Schneider (Eric Cordes)
Charité (2017-) (wlw, mlm) | Netflix
Schwester Therese (Klara Deutschmann)
Otto Marquardt (Jannik Schümann)
Martin Schelling (Jacob Matschenz)
Dark (2017-2020) (wlw, mlm, trans) | Netflix
Peter Doppler (Stephan Kampwirth)
Bennie Wöller (Anton Rubtsov)
Doris Tiedemann (Tamar Pelzig/Luise Heyer)
Agnes Nielsen (Helena Pieske/Antje Trauer)
Deutschland 83/86/89 (2015-2020) (wlw, mlm) | Prime Video
Alex Edel (Ludwig Trepte)
Prof. Tobias Tischbier (Alexander Beyer)
Lenora Rauch (Maria Schrader)
Rose Seithathi (Florence Kasumba)
Dogs of Berlin (2018) (mlm) | Netflix
Erol Birkan (Fahri Yardim)
Guido Mack (Sebastian Achilles)
Dr. Klein (2014-2019) (mlm) | Netflix
Patrick Keller (Leander Lichti)
Kaan Gül (Karim Günes)
DRUCK (2018-) (wlw, mlm, trans) | YT | ✪
Fatou Jallow (Sira-Anna Faal)
Matteo Florenzi (Michelangelo Fortuzzi)
Zoe Machwitz (Madeleine Wagenitz)
Kieu My Vu (Nhung Hong)
Isi Inci (Eren M. Güvercin)
David Schreibner (Lukas von Horbatschewsky)
Yara Aimsakul (Elena Plyphalin Siepe)
Hans Brecht (Florian Appelius)
Eldorado KaDeWe – Jetzt ist unsere Zeit (2021-) (wlw) | ARD
Heidi Kron (Valerie Stoll)
Fritzi Jandorf (Lia von Blarer)
How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) (2019-) (wlw) | Netflix
Fritzi (Leonie Wesselow)
Gerda (Luna Baptiste Schaller)
Kitz (2021) (mlm) | Netflix
Kosh Ziervogel (Zoran Pingel)
Hans Gassner (Ben Felipe)
Ku‘damm 56/59/63 (2016-2021) (mlm) | ZDF
Wolfgang von Boost (August Wittgenstein)
Hans Liebknecht (Andreas Pietschmann)
Der Kroatien Krimi/Split Homicide (2016-) (wlw) | ARD
Stascha Novak (Jasmin Gerat)
Loving Her (2021) (wlw) | ZDF | ✪
Hanna (Banafshe Hourmazdi)
Holly (Bineta Hansen)
Franzi (Lena Klenke)
Lara (Emma Drogunova)
Josephine (Karin Hanczewski)
Anouk (Larissa Sirah Herden)
Sarah (Soma Pysall)
Mord mit Aussicht (2018-2022) (wlw) | Netflix
Bärbel Schmied (Meike Droste)
Neumatt (2021-) (mlm) - Switzerland | Netflix
Michi Wyss (Julian Koechlin)
Joel Bachmann (Benito Bause)
Polizeiruf 110 (1971-) (queer/gnc) | ARD
Vincent Ross (Andre Kaczmarczyk)
SOKO Leipzig (2001-) (mlm) | ZDF
Moritz Brenner ( Johannes Hendrik Langer )
Tatort (1970-) (mlm, wlw) | ARD
Robert Karow (Mark Waschke)
Julia Grosz (Franziska Weisz)
Esther Baumann (Brigitte Urhausen)
Meret Schande (Christina Scherrer)
Vorstadtweiber (2015-) (mlm) – Austria
Georg Schneider (Jürgen Maurer)
Joachim Schnitzler (Phillip Hochmair)
WIR (2021-) (wlw) | ZDF
Annika Baer (Eva Maria Jost)
Helena Kwiatkowski (Katharina Nesytowa)
Wendland (2023-) (wlw) | ZDF
Kira Engelmann (Paula Kalenberg)
Birthe (?)
Queer Eye Germany (2022) (mlm, nblm, trans) | Netflix
Avi Jakobs
Leni Bolt
Ayan Yuruk
Jan-Henrik Scheper-Stutke
Aljosha Muttardi
Notes: I may have forgotten to add some characters, because for most of the shows it has been some time since I last watched them. Please let me know if you want me to add a character or even show:)
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ferrarihamilton · 8 months
this fic has been ruminating in my head for almost a year..... it's a chalex au where charles stopped racing after winning gp3, and alex's family moved to the US when he was young and he visits every summer break just before storm season starts.
Charles texts him at 3:18AM on a Saturday in the middle of July: Alex! I hope you are dreaming sweet dreams. I will be in Dogwood in a week! Can I stay with you?
Alex smiles when he sees it in the morning. Charles asks the same question every summer, and he’s always so polite about it. Like Alex hasn’t seen him throw up on himself after drinking a box of wine, and hasn’t been opening his house to Charles for four years now. Like he doesn’t know how the first thing Alex does upon waking is check the forecast. He might not have the fancy equipment that Charles has, but he can see the cartoon of a little raincloud with lightning as well as anybody else. They’re promised high winds at the beginning of August. Alex had already prepared the spare room.
He replies, Hey charlie. What day would you be arriving?
The typing bubbles appear immediately, and a second later a string of kissy faces come through, followed by Hmmm thursday I think
Alex thumbs up the message, and then sends a photo of his view of the sunrise for good measure. In the foreground, there’s his windowsill, littered with various trinkets that Charles has brought before, and then below, the cafe's porch awning, and the sprawling fields for miles to see. Even without opening the window, the air feels fractious, hot.
Alex knows Charles understands, because he sends back four emojis: a battery, an electric plug, a thermometer, and a satellite. Alex smiles again, helplessly, before tucking his phone into his back pocket and heading out start his day.
Chloe is already starting to make breakfast. She turns as she hears him come down the stairs, and smirks when she sees his face. “Charles due soon?”
“Shut it,” he says. Chloe just smirks wider as she hands him a bowl and a carton of eggs.
Dogwood, Oklahoma, population 300, sits on State Highway 39, and the township’s economy is mostly fuelled by the tourists heading north to Kansas. It’s completely unremarkable, utterly boring, and the perfect place to spend three weeks of summer when your day job normally consists of multiple timezones a week.
His mum had bought the house and the attached cafe soon after they moved to the US: Albon's, a classic tourist trap place with cheap sandwiches and coffee, morphed into half a farm slash petting zoo when Luca wouldn’t stop rescuing animals and plunking them firmly in their backyard. The tourists kept asking about the donkeys wandering around the picnic tables, and Zoe had said eventually, “Well if they’re not going away, we might as well make some money.” They’re proudly advertised as family-owned and operated, which is supposed to make the people feel good about spending their money there, but mostly gets brought up through gritted teeth whenever Zoe and their mum argue about finances.
Alex tries not to get involved. Even though he makes more than enough money now for them to not need the cafe, he thinks it keeps his mum happy, to be reminded of the first life they'd had that was completely theirs.
And the cafe is how him and Charles are still friends. Alex had been furious when Charles told him he wasn't continuing with racing after winning GP3. Alex would have given everything to have beaten him, and here Charles was, acting like it didn't mean anything.
But Charles had followed him to Oklahoma that winter, instead of going home. He'd helped out at the cafe, and the night before his flight back to Monaco, he'd told Alex that he'd enrolled at Oklahoma State, tentative major in mech-E. Later, Alex will think that he probably had wanted to be an astronaut. Instead, when Charles' prof in sophomore year had taken his class out in the middle of a thunderstorm, and Charles had dragged Alex along with him, Alex had had the almost religious experience of watching Charles’ face as the sky crackled with lightning.
They’re still good friends; they text fairly frequently, but it’s been a year since they’ve seen each other. Charles is a proper stormchaser now, galivanting around the country on grant money from the college. He looks happy in every photo he posts on Instagram, writes long blog posts using words like isobars and Doppler effect and mobile broadband MNVO. And without fail, he stays at Alex's family home for a week before the storm season begins in earnest, and Alex sends him off to run after tornadoes, like a wife watching her husband leave for war.
Charles arrives in a flurry, bringing with him a battered Jeep fitted with mods Alex isn’t entirely sure are legal. As she does every year, his mother comes out to stand next to him on the porch as they pull up, and her eyebrows are thoroughly unimpressed until Charles’ smiling face hops out.
“Oh Charles!” she coos. “He was always such a good boy,” and then Charles is kissing her on both cheeks, saying hello and how she looks as beautiful ever, before he turns his attention on Alex, and even though Alex is twenty-six, he feels himself flush.
“Alexander,” Charles singsongs, and then mushes his face into Alex’s collarbone as he hugs him. Alex huffs out a laugh, wraps his own arms around Charles.
“It’s good to see you too,” he tells him. Charles beams at him, and Alex hasn’t followed Charles on one of his tornado chases since he was twenty, but under his gaze, he feels supercharged, electric.
Charles insists on helping out around the farm, because Alex absolutely puts his foot down when Charles offers to pay them for his week stay. This would be useful, because it’s the busiest part of the tourist season, if Charles were not completely useless. He takes nervous steps away when the animals approach him, clumsy with the dirty plates when clearing tables, and even though Alex knows that Charles can operate software with GIS overlay and the college’s ham radios that tune into Skywarn frequencies, he stares at their cash register with the same trepidation most people approach large spiders. And despite all of that— he charms all the little old ladies that come though the café doors, even when he messes up the orders. He makes Melina laugh, which in turn, lets Zoe get on with the bookkeeping undisturbed. He also brings in a shitload of tips. Alex hides a smile, watching Charles flit around and somehow be totally out of place and completely at home all at once.
It’s hard not to be charmed by Charles, his quick hands and the way he looks when he’s concentrating. Alex was a lost cause when he was eighteen; he sees no reason why that might have changed now.
Alex is always worried that Charles will get bored when he stays. Usually, he’s a doer, not a worrier, but he still has a training regime to keep up, so it's not like Alex can skive off to entertain Charles.
But they do have one tradition, and there’s nothing else to do on a Saturday night. So Alex takes the pickup truck they usually use for moving animals, cleans the hay and muck out, and drives Charles out to the fields. It’s a clear night, and they can see the stars, and he spreads out the blanket over the truckbed, throws down a couple of pillows, and leans back to look up at the night sky.  
“Tell me about your year,” Charles demands, once they've settled in.
Alex shrugs. Anybody can find out how his year is going from every sports website under the sun. He nudges Charles. “Tell me about your year.”
But Charles shrugs too, even though he’s smiling, and starts telling him about clouds instead. “Cumulonimbus,” he says. “Cumulus means ‘heap’ in Latin and ‘nimbus’ means storm cloud. They mean a storm is coming— air currents care carrying the water vapour up. When they develop, they have this dome.” He cups his hands into shape. “And then they can become supercells.”
Alex knows about the team that Charles is going with this year: Lewis, who used to work for the National Weather Service but now he’s a storm spotter for fun; Seb, a professor of climatology and technically their team lead; Daniel, who looks like he’s only there because he’s an adrenaline junkie and a good driver.
Alex knows from reading the captions on Charles’ Instagram posts that storm season starts in August, and the café is the first stop. For the next two months, he’ll follows the weather patterns as they shift and morph on radar displays, driving into fields, into wide-open terrains of grass and dirt and lakes with no roads and a cloudless sky, and waiting for the winds to pick up before they go.
He knows their time is limited, so Alex drinks in the sight of Charles and all the ways he’s changed in the time they’ve been apart. He tries not to wish for anything more.
At the end of the week, two more Jeeps roll into the driveway, Seb, Lewis, and Daniel all get introduced in quick fashion, and then Charles kisses Alex high on his cheek, and waves at him the whole time they’re driving away. Alex watches him go, waving, sore.
August turns into September, and the season picks up again. Williams has a solid midfield car now, and it's good, seeing the fruits of his hard work, having a team around him that listens to him, takes him seriously. Him and Charles continue to text, infrequently, as they always have. Charles tells him about amazing tornadoes, sends photos of himself at the World’s Largest Ball of Twine in nowhere towns on the side of highways, miles and miles of cornfields.
In return, Alex sends photos of the track, some terrible coffee they make him try for a marketing challenge, Luca screwing his face up at his maths homework, the crowd of fans at Singapore.
This is why it’s particularly insulting, that Alex finds out from fucking Lando of all people, that Charles got struck by lightning.
“What,” he says. His hands are clammy where he’s clutching his phone.
“Yeah, Max mentioned it to me. Guess Daniel told him. They’re having one of their weird on again things again.”
Alex couldn’t care less about whatever drama Lando has embroiled himself in. He’d known, logically, the risks of storm chasing. Except it was Charles, who has always seemed bigger than it all, exempt from the rules of physics and karma and everything else that made the rest of them mortal.
He checks Charles’ Instagram after Lando hangs up. The last post is still there, from a few hours ago. Alex had already seen it, liked it, thought nothing of it. A photo of a long stretch of highway, Daniel’s exaggeratedly frown. Location tagged Humboldt, Tennessee: stuck here for a few days with an upside down smiley face.
There’s a shiver running up his spine, a tense, live wire. If he touched anybody right now, he’s be unsurprised if the venom of it ran straight through them.
That feeling only intensifies in the twenty-four hours between Landos call and him pulling up outside the only motel in Humboldt. He stands outside the car feeling angry and frightened as he figures out what to say to Charles. This is greatly ruined by how Charles stumbles out ten minutes later in socks and slides, and stops dead.
“Alex?” He blinks. "You're supposed to be in Austin."
Alex is; it's Wednesday, race week. He has media duties in the paddock tomorrow.
“Did you get taller?” Charles asks, when Alex still doesn't say anything.
“I don’t think so,” Alex manages to get out. He's still feeling that sickly furious feeling, and Charles must see it on his face, because he huffs.
 “Fucking— I’m fine, the car is ruined but it had to happen at some point.”
“Does it?”
Charles squints at him. “Is this a trick question?”
"Charles," Alex says, but he's stopped by movement in the motel. harles glances back. A door is open, and Seb is lounging casually against the door frame in sweats. Alex didn’t know it was possible for a man wearing a headband to look so frightening.
 “Let’s go for a drive,” Charles says.
Charles directs them back onto the highway. He riddles with the radio, turning the dials until it crackles into a frequency that’s giving a weather report. Alex has to keep his eyes on the road to drive, but he knows what Charles looks like even without turning his head: lips pursed, hands twitching like he’s looking for a notebook before his thoughts fly away.
"Here," Charles finally says. It’s a dirt road turn off that looks like it leads nowhere, but Alex turns off all the same.
“You’re here,” Charles says wonderingly, even before he's killed the engine. Alex takes a deep breath, turns to face Charles. Seeing his face, whole, open, looking at Alex in that way lets the last of Alex’s worry melt away.
“Okay,” Charles says, and Alex leans forward and fists his hand in the collar of Charles’ shirt, and kisses him.
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bleaksqueak · 8 months
I would read an entire book about the magic system and study in Solivaga… i love intense worldbuilding. Do sigils retain/transmit energy or intent through a shape or letter system? Neither, and simply have to be unique and enchanted by the Magi making the sigil?? Or is that more the concept behind Loci… Maia can use sigils, but cannot make her own? Does the attunement of the caster affect the sigil?
None of these are specific questions, I just love the amount of detail in everything. (But if you want to answer anything… I would not stop you 👀
On the other hand if you’ve answered any of this before ignore me)
So I've been wanting to answer this one since the day you sent it, but between my backwards sleep schedule and being busy, I just hadn't had a moment to or the brain power to... yet, today I am here. Sigils absolutely retain the energy and intent spent to make them. You might notice in Chapter 2 when Prof. GB gifts Maia the imbued sigil, even when dormant, it's radiating *her* aetheric signature's color and energy. When activated, the Trapper's Thrall retains the aetheric signature of the magi who originally cast it. Maia remarks later that it's always ever been borrowed magic-- because, to her, especially, it has. She's never seen her own magic's signature, but she's seen, through these pre-cast imbues, the magic of others. Madame Zoe, the owner of the Apothecary (and knickknacks) shop that Maia works at, sells imbued sigils that she (and Maia's coworker, who we'll meet in another chapter) make. There's other shops around town where they can be purchased, including specialty shops that sell them for convenience, younger/elderly magi, and as general disability aids for those who need them. Their most common usage is simply that of convenience-- a sigil cast has already had that aether spent, stored, and replenished for the magi who made it, saving the need to expend further aether in the now for someone who needs to catch some pests or who wants to have their floors swept up and cleaned. Cooling down, heating up, a spare light, pain relief-- even party tricks, ready made sigils are great usage for convenience. As for how they're made-- The spells all have a precise shape language that builds their foundation. The trapper's thrall I did three stages for in chapter 2 -- the precise geometric perfection of the spell in its official state, I did Madame Zoe's handwritten version, and then I did Prof. Gwennebat's.
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You can see them here... the slight differences between the two quickly hand written ones, and the perfected model. The spell in its entirety is written in the sigil itself, and the more complex the spell, the more dynamic the working parts of the geometric language that comprises it. Madame Zoe is older and never became an eidolon, but her work is enough to catch some Mice or Gallynappers (you know, crane flies!) like Maia said. Gwennebat is, however, an eidolic expert in her field, and her shorthand writ for this spell reflects a stronger sense of knowing exactly what must be and where. Each spell must maintain the exact necessity of the language to summon it, but new ones can be made (Granted, this isn't exactly an easy task, and a great deal of the most commonly used spells used by magi within the veil were all coined by a single, well documented scholar from the time before "the worlds were split", as Prof Rasputin put it.). It's a very pictographic writing system with individual sigils themselves feeling more akin to a writing system like kanji, but it's not advised to string a bunch of sigils together to form a cheeky sentence. That's how buildings get evacuated at worst, and angry neighbours at best. As for Maia, before I end this-- Maia can use any sigil so long as she has her vial. Her vial may not be attuned, and it may be magically weak as all nascent aether is, but the vial casing itself and the housed nascent aether still behaves as the catalysts of will. So long as Maia provides these things and enters the mental state required to connect to and summon from the pre-cast sigil, she doesn't need words of invocation, the spell will activate. She carries a fairly large stack of varied, commonly needed sigils with her at all times in her bag. Those imbued on slips of parchment are sadly single usage, so she needs to restock fairly often... luckily, Madame Zoe is fairly generous with her and gives them to her free in exchange for a little bit of extra work around the shop.
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oatmealmika · 1 year
Connie Springer Headcanons!!
did a part 1 to this months back, but i have more to say about this loser <3
one piece avid. he grew up watching it and is STILL obsessed. he does not understand why people complain about how long it is.
"one piece isn't that long. i watched it when i was a kid-" BECAUSE IT CAME OUT WEEKLY, YOU-
middle school boy sense of humor
not in the tiktok and making fun of people’s interests for no reason type of way, just being immature and saying the most out of hand things
does not understand math above third grade level. pls do not even try helping, he will not retain the information-
BUT he has surprisingly good grades in chemistry
during science class once, mr. ackerman (the janitor) walked into class to yell at prof. zoe for something and connie misguidedly whistled, "marriage issuesssss”
bro got wrongfully sent to the principal’s office for that one ☝️
knows all the tiktok dances since he is in historia's main tiktok dance team (with ymir, sasha, and him ofc ofc)
the kid in school with godly attendance
watches all the new netflix shows and thinks they're actually good
if you're his s/o, beware. he LOVES horror movies and will drag you to the couch, you kicking and screaming, just to watch one.
brought you, sasha, and jean to watch megan with him and laughed so hard you guys cried
his most used apps/websites are omegle, tiktok, and then random ass mobile games
OMFG he was that kid who asked "got games on your phone?"
joined the school choir w/ sasha for shits and giggles but ended up getting to travel to italy to perform
learned mime because he thought it'd be cool
he had his first girlfriend when he was twelve and he was on omegle fucking around
they still keep in touch, actually
read chainsaw man in one day and felt numb asf afterwards for a month straight
still can cry on whim about it
denji is just like him fr major denji kinnie (hey im an asa mitaka kinnie pls connie one chance ily-)
he had a phase where he thought he was bruno mars 💀
is the one who brings jean back to earth whenever he brags about getting all the girls in his grade and how every girl is obsessed w him and how-
doesn’t use spotify, uses apple music
has dyed his hair (or whatever tf that hairstyle is lmao) red and blue. he had red hair first, but then he decided to switch to blue. unfortunately, he dyed it without having the red removed and he got a yucky purple color…
listens to funny love songs whenever he’s down
bo burnham enthusiast. watches all the specials and the youtube analyses on how ‘inside’ is a masterpiece and how it is revolutionary for comedy standups and- (it is)
one of those people who could talk endlessly if you allowed him to. he could get REALY deep and start talking about some really sad and painful things that happened to him.
BUT he also is a good listener since he works well in teams. he listens and adds to others’ ideas.
he listens to female rap (doja cat, lauryn hill, megan thee stallion) but you didn’t hear that from me-
can’t cook and, when his mom isn’t home, survives on instant noodles, cereal, and protein shakes
fast runner. he isn’t even trying hard, he just has lots of stamina and speed.
VERY accident prone, but he always brushes it off with a laugh
my loser boy <3
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I don't enough people talk about the absolute potential that Betrayed!Marinette and Betrayed!Ash have if they ever met/crossed universes. One one hand, you have Marinette who is the guardian of the miraculous and Ladybug, able to bring back the dead and repair damage after an Akuma attack. On the other, you have the Alola champion and the chosen one who have saved the world more times than I can count and has the favor of the legendary/mythical pokemon. Those two would be an absolute powerhouse and have a sweet sibling dynamic, because I know they would bring their worlds down in a storm of vengeance and revenge. I just know they would be teaching each other about their parts of the world and be teaching each other their languages, only to find out that Kalos is literally just France. Marinette would absolutely be teaching Ash how to bake and how the Miraculous work/how she is a superhero and Ash would be teaching her how to battle with pokemon(Marinette gets an Eevee, change my mind).
Now onto the traitors, oh boy. So it's no surprise that in almost every Betrayed!Ash fic I have read that Misty is usually one of the traitors and ones tryna kill Ash, tryna make him give up on his dream, and in literally every Betrayed!Marinette fic I have read, Lila makes Marinette's life a living hell. So, the traitor list would be: Misty, Brock, May, Max, Drew, Kenny, Trip, Paul, Tracey, Serena, Delia, Pikachu, Lila, Alya, Rose, Sabrina, Ivan, Mylene, Max, Alix, Kim, Adrien, Mr.Damocles, and Ms.Bustier. Long list right? Well, here are the loyals: Dawn, Clemont, Bonnie, Alain, Marin, The Alola Gang, Regional Profs, Regional Champions, Gladion, Aether Foundation, Legendary/Mythical pokemon, Luka, Juleka, Chloe(she deserves better imo), Nathaniel, Marc, Aurora, Mireille, Zoe, Kagami, Felix, the Kwami's, Fei, the New York superheroes. Marinette's parents aren't dumb enough to belive Lie-la, so they are safe, same with Luka and Juleka's parents and the Celestial guardian(I forgot his name). Hawkmoth and Mayura are still villains, but I know they will stop for a bit to get over the shock of people and pokemon just appearing out of nowhere, which gives Plagg time to go to Marinette for a new holder(Cat Noir!Ash anyone?), so yeah....Imma make this an au because I have zero self control. Imma name it....Betrayed Chosen au(super original I know)
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333near · 1 year
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Prof. Axle (or just Ax) is a supernaturally intelligent pokemon who is head of his field in pokemon study- obviously, who knows pokemon better than pokemon?
He has terrible sight, being a shiny pokemon. He wants to rid the world of shiny breeding and eventually wants to stop pokemon battles as a whole. Despite his intellect he doesnt comprehend the well-meaning community of pokemon competition. He has a non-biological daughter named Zoe, whom doesn't share his intellect. "He strives for advancement of poke-kind, for better or for worse."
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glorifiiedgore · 1 year
Things I’m gonna write from now on — don’t care if you don’t like it — if you don’t just unfollow:
Sam — exactly as I want him. Exactly as I have designed. Don’t @ me about this character. More headcanons to come. ( That being said I’m really dying for an AU with Sam within the Harry Potter verse. Dark arts. Possible prof at Hogwarts. Dark magic. Possible ship with Bellatrix and/or Narcissa. JUST LET ME LIVE DAMNIT)
Oliver Thredson - I will write this as the muse strikes but he’s definitely not going anywhere. Permanent place in this blog.
Charlie Manx — I will be writing Charlie as a vampire but this will be really AU. I’m not interested in the storyline with taking kids to Christmasland (even though I do realize this is a big deal for the character — as I said we’re going AU) OR his issues/interests in Vic. He will still have his daughter however and she will still be a vampire. (More to come).
The White Death — I don’t really think this needs explained. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Commander Spock — I just…please 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ (I’m also really thinking a lot about Uhura using Shay Mitchell as an FC….I love Zoe but yeah. Leave me here to die)
So I guess I’ll be back on the hellscape after all 🤷🏻‍♂️
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fuesch · 2 years
Ms. Marvel 1x02-06
After ep 3 I stopped watching, because I felt overwhelmed by all the things on my to-do list, including reviews for this show. I only finally continued watching after I made the decision to not write reviews. And because the pressure was off, I could write down a few thoughts, ha.
Heh, I thought Kamala's confident entrance was in her mind. Nice that it actually did happen!
Wait, so everyone from the community is referred to as aunt or uncle, not just close family friends?
Oh look, WandaVision did indeed start a thing and Ms. Marvel is continuing with the racism towards "enhanced individuals" by government agencies. Very X-Men.
Of course something would be up with Kamran. New, likable guy whom Kamala likes happens to instantly like her back. But points for not having him be a bad guy!
"I'm a Djinn." - "And tonic?" XD
Nakia is great! And Tyesha. And Mr. Wilson. Just so many lovely characters. Muneeba turned out better than she seemed at first. Even Zoe impressed me when she didn't want to rat out "Night Light". This show is so charming!
It's not just the characters I like, but also that the story goes deep. And after the experience with Multiverse of Madness I'm not looking forward to The Marvels :o/. WandaVision was so good and her next movie so meh, and now Ms. Marvel is so good. I just can't imagine the movie doing Kamala or Monica justice.
DODC accidentally to the rescue! XD
Didn't expect the continents of the other dimension to be different.
Can't believe Najma abandoned her son. Though, I guess it makes sense, because she's been looking for a way home for ages, while her son has been a part of her life for not even 2 whole decades.
Oof, suddenly so much death.
I liked getting to see the past, but Kamala actually having been there and interacting is somehow weird to me. Idk, it feels kind of like an asspull, although the seeds had been planted. Maybe because it seems like a roundabout way of doing it. Apparently Aisha could do her magic without the bangle, so why make Kamala time travel instead of just directly making a glowing connection between Sana and her dad?
Gotta love how Ms. Marvel's costume is coming together piece by piece. Even if it's not the final version.
OMG, Kamran trying to have a conversation with Bruno XD. Didn't expect this team-up, but I'm certainly not complaining!
Huh, surprise!Zoe. And then Aamir too! XD
Speaking of Zoe: the actress's last name is Marsden and I want her to be the daughter of James Marsden (because superhero stuff should run in the family), but her IMDb didn't mention any relatives or her year of birth. Apparently he does have a daughter who was born in '05, so it could be her.
Not to keep going on about the X-Men, but hee, the kids vs. DODC feels like a crossing X-Men (because school and powers and evil agency) and Home Alone. Extra points for skeleton shenanigans.
Kamran attacks a DODC guy, but Kamala intervenes, and I wonder if we're seeing the beginning of a frenemyship like Prof. X & Magneto. She's like Charles in that she doesn't want to hurt the bad guys, while Magneto and apparently Kamran are totally cool with it (and both have lost their mom).
"Hey, guys. Are you okay?" - "Yes, Ms. Night Light." XD
Aw, shit, even the police officers are standing in the way of the DODC!
THEY SAID THE M-WORD! Kamala is a mutant!
Wait, wait, wait! You can't just leave us hanging! Did Kamala just turn into Captain Marvel or did they switch locations??
I think this was so far the most satisfying finale of a Marvel show.
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genesisnanotech · 1 year
The Latest Genesis Nanotech Online Is Out! “It’s All About the Mind” - Articles Like “Tuning into brainwave rhythms speeds up learning in adults U of Cambridge + More ….
The brainwaves experiment set-up in the Adaptive Brain Lab, led by Prof Zoe Kourtzi, in the University of Cambridge’s Department of Psychology. Credit: University of Cambridge. Genesis Nanotech – “Great Things from Small Things” Scientists have shown for the first time that briefly tuning into a person’s individual brainwave cycle before they perform a learning task dramatically boosts the speed…
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mariacallous · 2 years
As the report of the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse (IICSA) delivers its findings, seven years in the making, the numbers alone are incredibly hard to confront: 79% of the thousands of victims and survivors who gave testimony were under 11 when the sexual abuse started. Children with disabilities and those who were already neglected were exploited disproportionately – a chilling insight into predatory behaviour: how it takes the very quality of vulnerability that should engender empathy and protection, and opportunistically exploits it instead.
Yet it is in hearing the voices of these victims and survivors that you begin to understand the vast and pressing duty this inquiry creates, a duty of root and branch change in how children are perceived, cared for and protected, and alongside that a duty of collective as well as institutional atonement.
The depths of cruelty described are fathomless: children passing out in pain, humiliated, violated, uncomprehending, suffocating under the weight of an abuser, frozen silent in fear. Testimonials to the Truth Project come from every generation, the oldest participants are in their 80s. What they said, and what they said they wanted now, spoke volumes. For 9% of them, this was the first time they’d spoken about their abuse, and they gave their reasons for this bravery very clearly. More than half said they wanted to prevent abuse happening to others; a fifth wanted to be heard. “These monsters have taken enough from me,” one man said. “Today,” he said, he was “going to speak”.
Twenty-one per cent of the Truth Project participants said they sought the opportunity to tell someone in authority about their experiences; 15% just wanted their account to be believed. For some, this was because they had previously not been listened to or taken seriously when they disclosed that they had been sexually abused. Barbara said, “I want my voice heard, I want it on record … I am not the child in the police station.” Another survivor recalled, “There’s so many moments where I was genuinely crying out to people and there was nothing, no one to listen to me.”
These crimes didn’t stop at the perpetrators, but were cloaked and underpinned by surrounding agencies and institutions who dressed up their cowardice as incredulousness. The analogies people use are heartrending. Phoebe, forced at gunpoint into sex work, was “like a little fish in a shark tank”; Adrienne felt “like a ghost – you are the last thing anyone thinks of”.
Prof Alexis Jay, the chair of the inquiry, touches starkly and soberly on the changing attitudes to abuse over the decades: from the 1950s, when people still had a notion of the “seductive child”; through the 1960s and 70s, when allegations would be stonewalled simply because the accused was by definition more powerful than the accuser; the 1980s, when it was yet to be resolved whether a child could or could not consent to sex; the 1990s, when alarm bells were written off as “over-zealous” and “moral panic”; and into this century, when even as the approach became more child-focused the terrain has still been marked by observable “differences in the treatment of wealthy and well-connected individuals, as opposed to those who were poorer, more deprived and without access to networks of influence”.
Certainly, our understanding of child sexual abuse has changed, in the sense that it is an unmitigated moral wrong, none would defend it; and this has tracked our better understanding of trauma, the near limitless harm it can wreak across a lifetime. Yet Jay’s analysis insists that, even though abuse may be better understood, systems to prevent it are still failing.
Of the 20 recommendations, three form the centrepiece: the first, a statutory requirement of mandatory reporting, which could ultimately make it a criminal offence not to report allegations. This is seismic: consider, for instance, last year’s report by Lambeth council into 40 years of failure of the children in its care. By 2020, the council was aware of 705 children’s home residents making complaints of sexual abuse. “Nobody in relevant positions of authority during that time could truthfully have said they did not know about the abuse of children,” it concludes. The second is a scheme for national monetary redress for victims. The third is the creation of a child protection authority, one in England, one in Wales, with the powers to inspect any institution associated with children.
Half of the victims and survivors were abused by family members, the rest in institutions ranging from the Catholic church to boarding schools, from young offender institutions to children’s homes. This careful, granular study reveals so much about the nature of predatory behaviour, and the culpability of the organisations that surround it. Abusers don’t just need their organisations to cover up their behaviour after an allegation, they need the structure of a church or boarding school or children’s home to legitimise their place in a child’s life to begin with. This creates in those bodies with loco parentis responsibility an overwhelming duty not to wait for an allegation and investigate it fairly, but to be constantly vigilant. This duty has often been ignored, and for decades, with effects that will continue to be felt for many more decades still.
This inquiry was always opposed by the Conservatives, Boris Johnson saying that police money spent investigating historic cases of child sexual abuse was being “spaffed up a wall”, in what sounded just like a characteristically vulgar lack of empathy. Perhaps, though, the government foresaw that this would have political implications that would have to be acted upon.
While child sexual abuse knows no class barriers, and can happen at Ampleforth, one of the world’s foremost Catholic boarding schools, as readily as in a children’s home, money still matters. When children are placed in care hundreds of miles from their homes, because private providers have found cheaper rents in Rochdale; when London and the south-east have precisely no secure children’s homes that accept criminal justice children, despite safeguarding being far better in a secure children’s home than in a young offender institution: these decisions create the ideal conditions for abuse to flourish.
The state cannot hold itself above responsibility when all actors, state and non-state, are called upon to regain the trust of the children who were failed and failed so comprehensively. So many are still having, as adults, to live with those failures.
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jprandamonium · 1 month
Talking To A Wall
Today, we will dive into the random video I am watching and pointing out (along with debating on) the stuff this hatted Pikachu is pointing out. The video is here.
She meant to say Mew not Mewtwo. That was the painful one.... That's why you need another pair of eyes looking at your script.
Prof. Oak on purpose gave Ash Pikachu. Nope. As long as he didn't do anything with the timeline, nothing would have changed. He didn't have to do anything but let the day play out. So, nope. The only thing he did was capture a Pikachu. It does give you insight on what he was thinking in the first episode in a different way.
The series all happened in 3 years. But isn't there somethings they didn't see though. We don't see every single day I bet. But well it explains some of the stuff but.... he should be 13 by now.
Nurse Joy, a Pokémon? Nah. All blood related, duh. The interesting reveal, Joy is their last name. But not, a Pokémon. Lol, Chansey. No. Nuh uh. No.
The movies used to be connected to the series. I think by the 4th movie... that's where the disconnect started. Celebi had an anime story but got scrapped thanks to the movie.
Jessie and James aren't a couple. Umm... duh. Only in the manga.
I just said that.... but she is saying that the manga was fanservice when it comes to the marriage. (Not sure if it is true)
Meowth is still a wild Pokémon. Makes sense.
Ekans is snake. Arbok is Kobra/Cobra. Yes....
Pika and chu are two words put together.... ummm... Gnoggin/ Lockstin been showed this...
Pikachu was to be a black and white mouse. Didn't know that one.
Ketchum = Catch'em. Ah, duh. She made a good... forgetting about Tom Atto.
Ash crossdressed unwillingly until the XY series. (I missed that one... or wasn't paying much attention due to the sucky intros)
XY has the shortest episode run. Well.... they had to go into XYZ.
Scare in the Air turned into Spirits in the Sky thanks to 9/11. Didn't noticed. Mostly because that was an old episode and Kids WB stayed fresh.
Tentacool and Tentacruel.... that was the episode my VHS stopped in 10 minutes of the episode. (It was temporarily banned due to 9/11)
April 1, 1997... something in the sky happened in the same time as the show aired. (She wasn't alive at that time? I was and even then... the world news was not as robust as it is today, most likely was not reported. The internet? AAHAHAHA. You wanted to see it by the internet? Do you have 3 weeks to spare and everyone respects not to call you until the 3 weeks are up? I might be stretching this HAHAHA)
Nnnnope. Not doing you wish grant.
Ho-oh's wish.
Well... didn't you think that for Dawn and Serena, they are also character in the Pokémon game so.... Dad not known is their badge of honor as playable characters.
Zoe and Dawn, eh.
Star Trek? The sound effects: 2. No Togepi Has Gone Before. Makes sense.
Pokemon = Pocket Monsters. Duh...
Misty's sisters are wearing wigs? They are all raven haired? Is it because of the dislike of Erika or maybe to not be looking like as if related to Sabrina. Hmmmm. (Just a theory)
Flint says Brock's mom passed away. What she didn't understand is that............ Brock's dad remarried! REMARRIED. That was his step-mom. Source: Check out Pokémon Chronicles.
Route 1 sign post.
In the end....... she didn't even scratch the ones that people will say WHAT.
My ultimate trump card, Team Rocket was supposed to have a mafia styled showdown in an action packed two parter. It was never aired. Even in Japan. Only serebii.net has it alive in all the animation cells.
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profcg · 2 months
Innovative Products in UK Grocery Retail 2024: Top 10
Understanding innovation in international markets provides a clear insight into how consumer demand is influencing category growth and the journey in category evolution. Researching innovative products in the UK grocery sector helps your understanding of what works in the British retail market.
This market knowledge helps improve your strategy to become and stay a sought-after and chosen product by today’s consumers. After having spent a significant amount of time in UK retail stores over recent weeks, we’ve found incredible products that resonated with us for their innovation and marketing strategies.
UK retail stores have provided us with innovative products that catch our eye and inspire the Go-To-Market strategy for brands and Private Label suppliers.
Top 10 Innovative Products in the UK Grocery Sector
We’ve listed our top 10 innovative products found in UK grocery retail to push your understanding of growth opportunities in British supermarkets. See what UK grocery retail is offering and how the market is responding to these innovative food and drink products.
1: Marks & Spencer x Zoe
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Gut Shot with kefir and berries. M&S paired with Zoe—a nutrition science company—to create this beneficial drink.
2: Marks & Spencer
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Southern Fried Wholefry Spatchcock Chicken. No longer do you have to decide between a whole chicken or cutlets of southern fried chicken; M&S have combined the two into a whole southern fried dish.
3: Waitrose
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Pistachio Easter Egg. The flavour and innovative design of Waitrose’s egg draws a hefty interest. A filled egg with a glorious, green-coloured pistachio-flavoured middle.
4: Lidl Valley Spire
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High Protein Mature Cheese. Easily get more protein in your diet without sacrificing the taste of your sandwiches. Less fat, less calories; More protein.
5: Guinness
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Easter Egg. This beautiful Guinness chocolate egg comes with mini-Guinness-shaped chocolate pints. All the joy; none of the hangover.
Available at: Selfridges, ASDA.
6: Sainsbury’s Taste the Difference
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Szechuan Spiced Chicken Wing Lollipops. This spicy Chinese-inspired chicken makes for easy cooking and easier eating.
7: Morrisons Cook It
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Firecracker Chicken Noodles with Soy and Garlic. Eye-catching and fresh, you can enjoy hot, spicy noodles in only ten minutes.
8: WheyHey
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Protein Powder Milk. Milk with added protein is an innovation way of upping your protein without the need to create separate protein shakes. This milk is filled to the brim already.
Available at: Iceland.
9: Tesco Finest
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Brioche Bread and Butter Pudding. This traditional British dessert is part of Tesco Finest’s range. With delicious flavours baked in, all you’ve got to do is grab it from the shelves first.
10: Harry Ramsden’s
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Mushy Pea Topped Battered Cod Fillets. No need for peas on the side when they can be baked directly in your battered fish fillet.
Available at: Iceland.
Be Inspired by the UK’s Innovative Products
We’ve provided our list as inspiration for your products, growth strategy, and Go-To-Market strategy planning. Our expert team of import and export consultants, supply chain consultants, and food and beverage consultants are here to help your business grow.
If you would like to understand how the team at Prof can support your growth strategy  please contact us via [email protected] or [email protected]
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