#produce x wallpaper
xingxueyue · 1 year
BaiQi SP First Love Live Wallpaper
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xinyuehui · 2 years
MLQC & Love And Deepspace dynamic wallpapers for PC!!
(Only for windows currently unfortunately)
EDIT 2024 JAN: If it no longer works, check out my new tutorial.
Was anyone gonna tell me that Paper Games did their own official dynamic wallpapers or was I supposed to find out myself?
(open link in browser and delete href.li/ from the url if it does not open)
I've attached some screenshots for my non-Chinese speakers!
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That's about it, it's pretty easy to navigate, just click around 🖱️🖱️
If all fails, restart computer, that should fix 99% problems (IT helpdesk no.1 advice ╰( ̄ω ̄o)) If it still doesn't work, uninstall and install again
What it looks like irl:
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Side note: I've made mobile lock screen for Love and Deepspace, it's just a video you can download (●'◡'●)
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hi can u do a walker scobell x reader fic of u meeting the percy jackson cast as his gf for the first time thank uuuu!!
iPhone screen
Walker Scobell x gn!reader
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Summary: It’s only walkers 5th day of filming for the Percy Jackson series and Leah, Aryan, Charlie, and Dior find out he has a partner through his iPhone wallpaper.
Warning(s): different povs
A/N: Thank you so much for the request love! If there’s anything I can fix please lmk <33 also the italics were being really mean to me so sorry if those are messed up.
Walkers pov
It was my fifth day on set, and it was going pretty normal. I was sitting in a chair off set scrolling on my phone next to Leah and Aryan since it was our break. Leah looked up from her phone and looked over at me.
“Hey Walker?” She smiled and cocked her head a little, I looked up from my phone and over at Leah.
“yeah?” I look at Leah who is staring at my phone where my lock screen is showing.
“who’s that on your lock screen?” She asked with a slight giggle causing Aryan to look up. I proudly held up my phone showing off my lock screen which had a picture of my partner, Y/N, on it.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, my partner Y/N!” I proudly said as I watch Leah and Aryans mouths gape open.
“Your dating someone?” Aryan said while on the edge of his seat, so was Leah. I gave a nod and pulled up a picture of us when we had went to Universal Studios for their 15th birthday and proudly showed the picture.
“Well why haven’t we met them?!” Leah exclaimed with a smile plastered on her and Aryans faces. Aryan spoke up.
“you should totally bring them to set tomorrow walk,” Aryan said as he straightened out his posture in his seat. I thought for a moment.
“Will Rick allow it? I hope I’m not pissing off the producers if I do that.” I shrugged and put my elbow onto the arm rest of the plastic chair. Aryan looked over at Leah.
“I’m sure he will. I brought my best friend on set that one time.” Leah said, “Why are they like annoying?” She asked, I don’t think she was trying to be mean with that. At least I hope.
“No! They’re really chill.” I said with a smile and looked at the picture I had pulled up on my phone and smiled a little more.
“Then bring them! I’d love to meet them!” Leah said as Aryan nodded in agreement. I gave a nod in response.
“I’ll bring them then.”
Later that night, around 12am I guess, I texted Y/N while I was lying in bed.
You: “Heeeyy sweetheart?”
My love<3: “yeeees?”
You: “would u wanna come to set tmrw? My friends wanna meet you :)”
My love<3: “uhh lemme check with my mom.”
You: “kk”
My love<3: “she said it was fine as long as I can get a ride :)”
You: “sure! Me n my dad will come get ya tmrw morning.”
My love&lt;3: “What time?”
You: “Around 8:30”
My love<3: “that works for me. Night ilysm!”
You: “gn hon, ilyttt”
Your pov
The next morning I had to get up around 7:00 which kind of sucked. I threw on a hoodie and some sweatpants and brushed my teeth, combed my hair etcetera, etcetera. I waited at my front door for Walker to show up like a dog waiting for its owner to get home from work. I hummed a bit before seeing his dad’s car pull up and I immediately opened my front door and ran out.
“Walker!” I called out excitedly at the smiling face I was so used to seeing as I ran to the car that was sitting in my driveway.
“Y/N!” Walker called back, he rolled down the window to the passenger seat and looked at me. “Hello my dear.” He said dramatically and kissed me. I smiled and opened the door to the backseat.
“Hey walk,” I smiled and waved at Pete, walkers dad. “Hi Mr. Scobell.” He gave a wave and a tired smile, which made sense, it was 8:00am.
We got to set in around a 30 minutes, which wasn’t too bad. But the set was..intimidating. It was huge and already had cameras everywhere and a big parking lot. Walker looked at me through the rearview mirror with a smile.
“You nervous?” He giggled. I nodded “A little.” I said even though my hands were shaking. “you don’t have to be nervous, everyone is really nice.” He said, “And they’re all really excited to meet you.” That made me calm down a little, I mean, remembering Walker would be with me made everything better. Me and Walker hopped out of the car and started to walk to Walkers trailer where he introduced me to his makeup artist and his hair stylist. He was sat down in the chair where they did his hair and makeup and I sat in the chair next to him. Then Aryan walked through.
“Hey walk- oh, hi!” He waved at me, “Are you Y/N?” He paused walking for a little to talk to me, never knew I was that interesting.
“oh, yeah. I’m walkers partner.” I shook his hand and he had a big smile on his face. “cool! Nice to meet ya!” He said with a handsome smile on his face and walked off
“see you later!”
Walker perked up, “That’s Aryan, Leah should be here soon cuz she’s always late.” He laughed as I saw Leah walk through. She was even prettier in person. ”Am not!” She playfully punched walkers shoulder lightly as she had a smile abroad her face. “I’m Leah, I’m guessing your Y/N?” She asked and shook my hand
I gave a nod “Nice to meet you!” I said. She let go of my hand and replied with a small laugh. “Lovely to meet you too! See you two later.” She walked off to her trailer and Walker looked at me with an ear-to-ear grin on his face.
“I think you’re gonna have a good time on set today.”
“Me too, Walk, me too.”
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nexysworld · 9 months
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Chapter Summary: Waking up after your night in the woods leaves you grappling with emotions and uncertainty. There's only one lifeline you have - Leon. Pairing: Yandere!Leon x Fem!Reader Tags: NSFW, Dead Dove, Dubcon, Kidnapping, Stalking, Smut, Unprotected Sex, Pet Names, violence, gore, MDNI, masturbation, murder, slow burn.
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Everything felt sore and raw the next time you opened your eyes. Sleep had built up crust in the corner of your tear ducts, mouth cottony and dry. Despite feeling physically worse than the first time you woke up, mentally you were a little more there. ‘He has soft sheets. ’ You curled up more under the soft blanket, not yet wanting to acknowledge your own consciousness. The soft blanket that encompassed you had the faintest smell of Leon’s cologne, it was familiar and comforting.
Only when your eyes began to itch did you finally decide to join the waking world. Sitting up felt awkward, one foot was heavy and numb. Tossing the gray blanket to the side you found the culprit, a thick cast hardened around your ankle and foot.
Your brain flashed you images of the darkened forest, the root that had caused you to trip, feeling your ankle crack with a burning pop. The memory made your chest feel heavy.
“Leon?” Your voice was cracked and raspy as you called out for your friend. Vague bits of your previous conversation came back to you. “Leon?” You tried to call again, louder this time. A muffled, “Be right there!” Was heard through the closed door.
To distract yourself, you decided to take in your surroundings more, with it surprisingly having been the first time to see the inside of Leon’s apartment. His room was plain in another way that just seemed so fitting for him. The bedding, a soft and expensive cotton, different shades of gray. The walls plainly wallpapered, no real decor besides a few shelves with some knick knacks. Only the basics were there, a brown dresser and matching nightstand alone with a TV. You noted the carpet looked far more plush and newer than the one in your own apartment – in fact despite the lack of decor it was clear that Leon had made upgrades.
The door opened and Leon entered, a cup of water in his hand. “Sorry, that took a minute, I had to finish a work call. Hope you’re feeling better, you seemed really out of it earlier.” He reached out to hand the cup to you, from his other hand he produced two little red pills. “Ibuprofen, it’s what the hospital recommended.”
You popped the medication into your mouth before greedily gulping down the water, relishing the way the cool liquid felt as it ran down your throat. “Thank you.”
“No problem.” He took a seat at the end of the bed, shooting you a weak smile. “So uh, you wanna talk about it? I was really worried, you know.” Handsome features melded into a concerned look as he scooted a little closer to you.
You pondered his question for a moment, more memories of the previous night coming back in short bursts. “Well I–” Something just felt wrong, it was like you were watching someone else’s memories, not your own. Of course your current physical state aligned with them – but the thought of Derek’s face twisting and morphing into that thing felt surreal. ‘No, that couldn’t have happened. It’s not possible.’ Realizing you’d left Leon hanging in silence, you finally looked back to him. “I don’t really know … Do you know where my phone is?”
“Yeah, I think I left it on the coffee table. Hold on.” He stood, exiting the room, returning quickly. “Careful, the screen’s pretty cracked.”
Taking the device from his hand, you tested it to see if it would even work. Luckily the screen lit up, Apple Logo coming to life underneath the cracked and rough glass. Breathing a sigh of relief, you immediately opened your contacts list scrolling to find who you were looking for. “This can’t be right.” You said, mostly to yourself. Derek’s contact was nowhere to be found, your last text thread, completely gone too.
Leon said something, but you didn’t register the words far too engrossed in your phone. Facebook? Relationship status set to single, no sign of Derek’s profile. Snapchat? Nothing. All the couples’ dates and holiday photos were wiped from your Instagram too. Chewing your lip, you checked the gallery of photos on your phone, nothing there either.
Anxiety began to overtake you once more, heart picking up speed. “What the fuck.” Searching through messages with friends, there wasn’t even a mention of your boyfriend. Everything was exactly as it should be, minus one person. “What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck.”
“Is everything ok?”
“No!” You snapped at the blonde, hands shaking. “No I am not o-fucking-kay.” In one last ditch effort you dialed his number from memory, bringing the phone to ear. There was the familiar ringing sound on the other end of the line, before it stopped abruptly. The narrator’s voice picked up, “We're sorry you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service.”
“No. No, fuck!” You dialed it again. Then a second time. A third time. A fourth time. By the fifth time, tears were staining against your cheeks. Each and every time you tried, the automated voice said the same thing. Derek had that number since highschool, you’d known it by heart there was no way you dialed it wrong. Before you could try again for the sixth time, Leon’s hands came forward to cup your face, forcing you to look at him.
“Hey, look at me.” He cooed gently. His features unblurred as your eyes adjusted through the tears, blue orbs looking back at yours. “Sweetheart, I need you to tell me what’s wrong.”
“He’s gone.”
“Who’s gone?”
“Derek. Derek, he’s gone. He’s not in my phone, he’s gone Leon.” Your hands came up to grip his wrists desperately trying to ground yourself. “How can he be gone, I was just with him and, and –”
“Shhh. Shh.” He shushed you softly, rubbing his thumbs over your cheeks, swiping the wet tears away. “Take a deep breath, in, and out.” Doing his best to follow his instructions you gasped in and out, chest heaving with each one. “Just like that. In, and out.” Soon the breaths evened out and returned to normal. “Good girl, shhh.” He moved his hands from your face, to wrap his thick muscled arms around you in a tight bear hug. “It’s ok, you’re ok.”
Leon held you against him, rubbing your back as you clung to him for dear life trying to calm yourself down. He waited a few moments after you calmed down, not letting you out of his arms as he spoke. “Derek, you said that name earlier when you woke up. Is he someone important?”
Brows knitting together you brought your face out of his chest enough to look up at him in confusion. “Important? How could you even ask me that, you know how important he is.”
It was his turn to return your look of confusion. “I’m sorry, but I don’t even know who that is.”
Astonishment. Absolute astonishment was the only feeling you had, launching backwards out of his arms, hitting your back against the pillows again. “Leon Scott Kennedy, that is not funny. You know damn well that Derek was important to me. I told you I was moving in with him. I texted you –”
Leon’s hands came up defensively. “Look, I know you’re a little out of sorts right now. Whatever happened last night must’ve been scary. But I promise you, I’ve never heard you say anything about a Derek, or a boyfriend for that matter.”
“That’s…that’s not true. It can’t be I was with him last night and –”
“What exactly happened last night. Do you remember?”
“I think so…not entirely…I don’t know.” You admitted honestly, looking down at your hands. “I was supposed to be camping with him. And while we were out in the woods, he was acting really strange…and then…and then…” Trailing off you weren’t even sure what to say.
“Did he hurt you? Is that why you’re cut up all over, your ankle?”
“I guess you could say that – but it’s not what you’re thinking. It wasn’t his fault he wasn’t in the right state of mind.” Leon gave you a knowing look in return. “No, no it’s not like that. Leon, I swear, he looked so ill. Black veins, red eyes and then suddenly he was chasing me and I remember tripping over a root. My ankle popped….and then he exploded….Leon I held his eye ball in my hand….oh god. I know I sound crazy but Leon, I swear to you I’m not. I remember, something blew him a part.”
The concern returned to Leon’s face and you could tell he wasn’t buying your story, despite that he still smiled and nodded. “That is definitely a wild evening.”
“You’re not taking me seriously. You don’t believe me.”
“I am taking you seriously. I think you just had a really rough night, maybe you were drinking, something bad happened in the woods.”
“I wasn’t drinking. I wasn’t on drugs, I was stone cold sober. Leon please .” You pleaded with him.
He sighed, pushing some of his loose fringe out of his face. “Ok, you were sober.” He conceded softly.
“You think I’m crazy.”
“I don’t think that either. I think that something happened, something very bad and you are just maybe not remembering things exactly as they happened.”
“I didn’t make him up.” You said firmly.
He reached out again, putting his hand on your shoulder. “Look, I won’t pretend to understand what’s going on, but I’m here. Whatever it is, it’s going to be ok.”
If it had been anyone else, you wouldn’t have trusted them in the slightest. If it had been anyone else, you’d have made an excuse to leave and hide in your apartment to figure things out on your own. But this wasn’t anyone else, this was Leon . “Thank you.”
He nodded in return, pulling his hand back. Leon had convinced you that before anything happened, what you really needed was food and fresh clothes. At least knowing he was on your side gave a boost to your mood, enough for you to temporarily calm down for the time being.
You picked at the plate of pancakes, fork twirling up some of the fluffy food before letting it fall off, repeating the action – lost in thought. Suddenly something warm was against your lips, eyes looking up to see Leon holding his fork to your mouth. “Come on, don’t make me do the Choo Choo Train bit too, eat it.”
Wrapping your mouth around the piece of food, you couldn’t hold back the small laugh that escaped at his words. “Why’d you do that?”
“Because you’re not eating, so I figured I’d help.” He raised a brow, forking another piece of the syrupy breakfast and held it up to your mouth, you accepted it the same as the first.
“If you’re feeding me, who’s feeding you then?” You mimicked his action, taking the piece of pancake onto your own fork and reaching out to him.
A bead of syrup began to pool off of the food, slowly dripping threatening to drop against the table. Leon darted his tongue out to catch it, the pink muscle lingering for just a moment before circling the fork. The action made your face heat up for a second, averting your eyes as he finally pulled the food into his mouth.
“Messy but delicious.” If he noticed the flush on your cheeks, he didn’t say anything.
The moment felt so normal. It brought you back to all the other moments you’d shared with him, the butterflies were working their way back into your stomach. The night at the movies, the way he’d licked the milkshake off his thumb. ‘ Wait– the movies… the argument with Derek. ’ Your head snapped up to look at the man across from you.
“What’s up?”
“A couple of weeks ago, do you remember picking me up from the movies?”
He tilted his head back for a moment as he thought about the question. “Oh yeah, I remember. I was staying at a friend’s place in town and you needed a lift home.”
“Didn’t I tell you I was with my boyfriend and he left me?”
His brow raised in confusion. “Er, no? You said you got into a fight with your friend and she ditched you there.”
“My friend? No, it was a date with my boyfriend and we got into an argument over you.”
“Over me?” He looked genuinely shocked.
“Yes, you!” You slammed your hand onto the table, frustration bubbling within you again. “We had a fight because he thought we were getting too close, and then I wound up telling you a few days later that we needed to distance because of it! Don’t you remember?”
“I remember that you told me your best friend was starting to get jealous.” He said with a shrug. Tapping your fingers against the table, you brought your phone out again, flipping to your call log from that night. Sure enough, no calls to Derek, but there were the outgoing and incoming calls with Leon. Just above that where Derek’s name should have been, it was your friend’s contact. ‘ That’s not right…’ Back into your messages, you found her contact, and scrolled back to that night. There was no mention of the movies, in fact, there were no messages with her from that day at all.
Something was up, even if you couldn’t put a finger on it. Setting the phone down, you looked over at Leon, not sure what to say, and definitely not wanting to push him into thinking you’re crazy – which despite his kindness, he probably already does. ‘But last night.’ You had to resist the urge to cringe at the memory of the eyeball in your hand, the blood splatter. You swallowed down the growing nausea. It occurred to you, that regardless of your memory one thing was likely true – Derek was dead. It made you want to cry again, a black ball of agony settling in the pit of your stomach. You ignored it long enough to get yourself together.
“I want to search for him…or a sign of him at least.”
“I want to search for Derek. I can’t have just imagined him. I just… I just want to stop by some familiar places.”
Leon nodded. “Why don’t we go together? You shouldn’t be walking around alone, especially with your leg out of commission.”
“Would you really be ok with that?”
“I told you, I’m here for you. If it makes you feel better, if you feel like it’s what you need to do, then we’ll do it.” His words were casual as he tucked back into the remaining food on his plate. Not a hint of mock or suspicion in his tone.
Leon had fetched the hospital crutches you needed to use while your ankle healed, and helped you back to your own apartment. You shooed him off for the time being, insisting you were fine enough to get cleaned up on your own.
Stepping back into your own apartment felt so odd. Everything was exactly as you’d left it upon first glance, like the previous night had never even happened. It was so normal, it felt like you didn’t belong in it – like it wasn’t yours anymore.
“Fuck, I look rough.” Your mirrored image was exactly what you expected. Hair a mess, eyes sunken and tired, body littered with bruises and cuts – grateful that your image was soon covered by the fog of the shower heating up.
The hot water against your skin was euphoric, working out some of the soreness. It just felt good to be clean, fresh.
Sitting on the corner of your bed, slipping into some clean clothing, you looked around you. Nothing in your bedroom had been amiss either, all your plushies exactly where they were, even the pumpkin one. A thought occurred to you. ‘ Digital stuff is easy to mess with, but what about… ’ You hobbled over to your closet, flipping the light on. It took some careful effort to balance on your one good leg as you rummaged as far back as you could go. “Got it!”
Successfully, you found the old worn down shoe box, making your way back to your bed. It made sense, anyone could’ve messed with your phone, your social media while you were unconscious. But physical items, those would’ve been a lot harder to tamper with, especially unnoticed.
The box contained your entire life, photos, memories, everything physical that you held dear. A few birthdays ago your friends had gotten you one of those modern-mini polaroid camera, while you weren’t great about remembering to bring it all the time, you knew for a fact there had been pictures of you and Derek taken on it.
Sifting through the contents, you tossed all non relevant images to their own little pile while you looked through them. Childhood photos, baby pictures, some images of you and your friends. It was all there – except any photos of you and Derek. For good measure, you sorted through all of them again three more times just to make sure none were stuck together or were missed. You would’ve gone through them a fourth time if your phone buzzing hadn’t brought you back to the moment.
A text from Leon:
‘ Hey u ready? ’
You were not sure what was happening, but you were desperate to find out what the hell was going on. Replying to Leon, you grabbed your jacket, and headed for the door where he was waiting for you.
“Hey, while I was out, did you notice anyone strange in the apartment building?” He helped support your weight in the rickety and uneven elevator.
“Hmm, not that I know of. But you know I stay inside most of the time if I’m not helping Mrs. Wilson. Why?”
“I think someone may have been in my apartment.” For a brief moment you swear his grip on you tightened.
“Why do you think that?” The tone of his voice sounded off as he asked the question, restrained almost in a way you couldn’t fully put into words.
“Just some things are missing…but honestly I don’t know who’d steal them. They were just photos.” You shrugged, stepping out of the elevator, using the crutches to support you as you made your way through the parking garage over to his Jeep. It was a little odd that Leon was trailing behind you instead of taking the lead but you weren’t in a state of mind to question it.
“Are you sure you didn’t misplace them?”
“I guess I probably could have.” You shrugged, not really wanting to go into further detail or make yourself sound crazier than you already knew you appeared.
“Where to first?”
“Do you know that little cafe in the center of town?”
“The one with the pink cups and the $8 coffee?”
“Yeah that, one. He worked there, I just want to see if anyone knows the last time he was in.”
“You got it.” Turning the key, the jeep roared to life and you were on your way.
The fresh air felt nice, hair drying in the wind. A small part of you wished that the drive had been longer, admittedly nervous about what you’d find. Every time you looked back over to Leon, you felt grounded again.
“Do you want me to come in with you?”
“No, I got it.”
“Alright, just holler if you need me.” He shrugged, leaning back into his seat.
The bell rang as you opened the glass door, with only about 30 minutes to closing there was no one left inside despite a few employees – one being Derek’s direct manager. The smell of coffee and sweets wafting into your nose.
“Hey Mike.” His face warped into a confused look as he gave you an awkward wave.
“Uh..hey? Do I know you?”
The question had thrown you off completely, almost halting you where you stood.
“Dude, she probably got the name from your tag, chill out.” The man next to him said with a laugh. “Shouldn’t have smoked on break man, you’re paranoid.”
“Shut up, don’t say that in front of the customers.” He whispered to the employee before smiling at you again.
“Anyway, how can I help you?”
“I was just wondering the last time Derek was in?”
“Derek? I mean we don’t keep tabs on the customer like Starbucks so I couldn’t tell you.”
“He’s not a customer. He worked here, usually the closing shift. Derek, Derek Shultz?”
Both employees looked at each other then back to you. “We’ve never had anyone who works here by that name. Are you sure it was here and not the Dunkin down the block or the Starbucks the other way?” Their words made your mood shift instantly. “I know he worked here .” You insisted, too many nights were spent waiting for his shift to end, sitting at the cornered table by the window. “His picture is on the wall in the employee room, for crying out loud!” You moved to storm back there – well as much as you could with two crutches and a broken ankle.
“Ma’am, what are you doing?”
“I’m going to show you.”
“Ma’am you can’t go back there.”
“Like hell I can’t.” Frustrated entirely you kept moving forward, back behind the counter towards the slightly ajar door in the back.
“We’re going to have to ask you to leave.” The man said, trying to block your path.
“I’ll leave after I look!” Not taking no for an answer you angled the crutches so you could begin moving around him.
“Please don’t make us have to call the cops.” He pleaded with you, attempting to put a hand on your shoulder. The other employee had moved running into the breakroom, you caught a glimpse of the pictured wall before the door closed, but not enough to confirm what you were looking for.
“Just let me back there, damn it!” Under normal circumstances you would never act this way in public, but you were so desperate and overwhelmed you couldn’t help it. “I said let me in there!” You repeated, wacking the man in the leg with one of your crutches.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He demanded grabbing at his leg in pain. You maneuvered around him as quickly as you could, grasping at the door to the employee room and flinging it open. “Brady, call the fucking cops.”
Your eyes landed on the wall, and just like every other thing you’d checked for – there was nothing. His picture wasn’t there, replaced by some pimply teenager you didn’t recognize. Suddenly a pair of arms was tucked under your own, dragging you backwards. You kicked and flailed against his grasp. “Let me go, I just wanted to look!”
In the background you heard the second employee mentioning something to what sounded like a 911 dispatcher, the man holding you not easing up in his grip. The commotion must’ve been loud enough to have been heard outside, the chime of the bell signaling the door had been opened.
“What the hell is going on?” Leon’s familiar voice rang out. “Hey, just calm down and let her go.” He said attempting to take you from the man.
“No way dude, she’s crazy. She hit me with her crutches, I’m just holding her until the cops get here.”
“Leon!” You shouted his name, tears once again covering your face as you struggled in the man’s grasp.
You heard the blonde sigh before walking closer. “She’s with me, just let her go – she’s been having a rough day. That’s all.” He reached out, putting his hand on her arm. “I’m sorry for all the trouble. I’ll even have her wait here until the cops show up.”
“Fine.” The manager said, releasing you forward into Leon’s grip. “But I’m keeping the crutches back here until the cops decide what to do with her.” Looking up at him, you could see the muscles in his face tense before he smiled. “Understood.”
He opted to lift you up, carrying you back to the jeep. “You wanna tell me what happened in there?”
“I just wanted to see the picture, and they wouldn’t let me back and – I don’t know what came over me. I don’t even know what to tell the police.”
He didn’t question your barely-coherent explanation further. Instead, he patted your back gently. “It’s ok, I’ll handle them. You just relax and catch your breath.”
You wanted to question what he’d meant, but the first cruiser had already pulled into the small parking lot, causing Leon to immediately walk over. Feeling ashamed, you shrunk down in your seat as much as you could, wiping the tears from your cheeks and waited for your turn to speak with the officers.
You watched as Leon spoke with the cops, it looked like he’d pulled something out and showed it to them. Both officers nodded and the whole exchange barely lasted 5 minutes, it was the weirdest thing, and instead of walking to you they got into the car and left.
Leon returned to you a few minutes later, stuffing both crutches in the back of the jeep.
“They don’t want to talk to me?”
“Nah, I explained things and they don’t think it's worth pursuing y’know? I told them I’d get you home and make sure you’re not beating anyone else with your crutches.” He let out a dry laugh, but when he didn’t see you calm down he patted your back again. “Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood.
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I know you’re under a lot of stress right now, I’m guessing you didn’t find what you were looking for?”
You shook your head, looking out the side of the jeep at nothing in particular, just not wanting to look at him or the coffee shop anymore.
“Sorry to hear that. Maybe you’ll find something at the next place?”
“Yeah, maybe.” You stayed silent the entire ride back to the apartment building, the sun beginning to set in the sky – Leon stayed quiet too and while odd, it was definitely appreciated. He helped you back to your apartment again before saying goodnight.
You were exhausted still, physically anyway, despite the rest you’d gotten after Leon had found you, but your mind wouldn’t shut off. Nothing was making sense, nothing at all. How everything could be so normal, how the world could keep turning while you lay in confusion and misery you’d never know.
Surely Derek must’ve been real. Who else would you have been in the woods with? The pumpkin plush he’d gifted you was still in your room.
But then, his job claims he was never there. Leon doesn’t remember him. The photos were all gone.
It made your head hurt, and every time you closed your eyes all you could picture was that thing in the woods. Heart racing as if you were being chased again, making it impossible for you to settle. The more you tried, the worse it got too – especially the thought that someone may have been in your apartment.
Every creak, noise, bump in the night was beginning to make you jump and put you further on edge.
Grabbing your crutches and sneaking out of your apartment, you made your way to the outside of Leon’s door. It was late, so you listened closely for any sign of consciousness on the other side. There was some shuffling and the sound of the TV, so you decided to knock on the door gently. The movement stopped and you heard the lock click on the other side of the door before it opened.
Leon stood leaning his arm against the frame looking down at you, only clad in a pair of pajama pants. It took the entire use of your last remaining brain cells to keep your eyes locked with his, not allowing them to travel down his well formed body.
“I can’t sleep.”
He nodded, “Come on in then.” He turned, letting you follow behind him. Your eyes making their way over the expanse of his back, even his shoulders were toned. Smooth pale skin, looked soft against the hardness underneath, and it was a delightful distraction for the time being – not having to avert your eyes or feel shameful since there was no one looking, not even Leon. He stopped to grab two beers from his fridge before plopping down onto the couch.
“I hope I didn’t interrupt anything”
“I wasn’t doing anything important.”
“I tried sleeping, but every time I close my eyes I just see the woods. And when I’m awake and alone with my thoughts, all I can think about is the coffee shop and those missing photos.”
“That’s rough, I’m sorry.” He patted the seat next to him on his couch. You took the invitation leaning back against the plush cushions. Somehow even it felt expensive and far out of your own paygrade.
“I just wish I could stop thinking about it entirely, just for a little while.” You settled into the spot taking a sip of the beer he offered before looking over at the TV, some documentary was on – he’d muted it though. “This might be something really weird to ask, so feel free to tell me no but… could I stay over here tonight? I don’t think I can be alone right now.”
“Of course. Me casa es su casa. You’re always welcome here.” He grabbed his own beer off the coffee table, taking a sip. “You can have the bed again, wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me to make an injured girl sleep on the couch.”
“Mm, that’s true and if I know anything about Mr Leon Kennedy, it’s that he’s nothing but a gentleman.”
“I’m flattered.”
You both laughed, feeling less tense already between being in his presence and the alcohol warming your system up. While you did consider yourself a bit of a lightweight, the exhaustion of everything must’ve been affecting you because halfway through the bottle you were already feeling the tingling of a buzz coming on. It wasn’t unwelcome though.
“You know.” You began, alcohol giving you a small boost of confidence. “You don’t have to sleep on the couch.”
“I mean, I’d feel like I was putting you out – and besides your bed is pretty big we could both uh…” Not as smooth as you’d hoped, but he at least seemed to get the idea.
“I wouldn’t mind sharing the bed, if that’s what you mean.”
“Are you sure? If I’m being honest, I actually think I’d prefer it to being alone right now.”
“Yeah, besides then I keep all those bad dreams away.”
You finished the rest of your drink, nearly chugging it relishing the warm burn in your stomach. He offered you another, which you nursed between some more light conversation and him flipping through the TV channels, a nice foggy feeling taking over your brain.
It was around 2am when you both finally agreed to go to bed, giggling like crazy as you stumbled towards his room, barely coordinated enough in your inebriated state to use the crutches properly.
“Easy now.” He said, as he sat on the edge of the bed holding his arms out to you, much like a parent goading a toddler to walk.
“I’m fine, I got this.” You said, focusing hard on moving towards him. One crutch caught on the carpet though, making you wobble a bit. Not willing to give up the adventure to the bed, you tried lifting it, only to stumble forward, letting go of both wooden tools. “Woah!” Leon had caught you before you fell completely on top of him.
“What was that about being fine?” He asked, a smirk on his face.
You wanted to reply, but the close proximity to him wasn’t helping the state you were in, eyes locking on his face. You could smell the beer mixed with mint on his breath, his lips looked so plush and soft up close, barely ghosting over your own from the distance. If this had been a movie, it would’ve been the part where you finally gave in to the tension – but it wasn’t and you knew better.
“S-sorry.” You pulled away slightly. “Guess I’m a little tipsier than I thought.”
“European beer will do that to you.” He still held you at the waist for a moment, looking you over.
“We should get some sleep.”
He didn’t reply, instead helping adjust you so you could more easily crawl into your designated spot on the bed, tossing the blanket over you once you were there. He laid himself on the other side of the bed, facing away from you before switching the light on his nightstand off, encompassing the room in darkness.
Silence washed over you both for a few minutes, sleep still not quite coming over you as fast as you had hoped. “Hey Leon?”
“Could you hold me?”
The bed shifted against his weight as he rolled towards you, pulling you back against him a little. You could feel his warmth against your back, his heavy arm settling over you, hand resting against the skin of your stomach that was exposed as your night shirt had ridden up a little. The feeling of him against your skin affected you more than expected, heat twinging between your legs slightly – you squirmed slightly before squeezing your thighs together, trying to ignore it.
“Everything ok?”
‘Fuck .’ You groaned inwardly, not having wanted him to notice. “Yeah, just getting comfortable.”
He hummed in acknowledgement, pressing himself closer to you, chin resting atop your head. A few more moments of being wrapped in his warmth and any horniness you felt slowly transformed into sleepiness, eyes heavy. It wasn’t long until you were out like a light, all thoughts of Derek gone for the time being.
“Bad news.” Leon said once you were conscious enough to understand words. He had clearly been up well before you – a part of you disappointed that you hadn’t woken to his warmth. “I got called into work.” He was rummaging around the room, a closed suitcase on the bed and a blue suit laid out next to it.
“We’ll have to postpone our next visit. Just for a day or two though.”
“That’s ok. I appreciate you taking me at all.”
“How’d you sleep?”
“Better than expected – probably thanks to you.”
“There’s that flattery again.” His phone buzzed. “Hold on, I have to take this.” He answered, putting it up to his ear. “Kennedy here…Hunnigan? Yeah….” He walked out of the room to take the call in private.
You eyed the suit on the bed. Strange, you don’t think you’ve ever seen Leon in something so formal, it was hard to even picture him in it. It made you further wonder what his job even was – though you supposed it made sense that someone who worked for the government would need to dress a certain way.
Reaching forward, you pulled the hanger towards you inspecting it a little, the tag inside read ‘Hugo Boss.’ “Damn.” A brand name suit? Their cheapest ones were easily more than half your rent, and this one looked tailored too. Most people you knew who worked for the government weren’t making that kind of money, but you supposed you shouldn’t have been surprised given his affinity for jackets, or the expensive cologne and watches he wore. Hell, he could even apparently afford to update his apartment.
It did pique your curiosity though – and you were glad it did, needing desperately to focus on something else for a little longer.
The door opened and he returned. “Like it?” He asked, noticing you checking the attire out.
“Not sure, I can’t picture you in it.”
“Yeah it just doesn’t seem…Leon, you know?”
He laughed at the comment. “I have to agree with that. It’s not my favorite.”
“You said you worked for the government right?”
“Mhm, why?”
“I was just curious what you did?” It was subtle, but you watched him tense up again at the question. His hands gripped the suitcase lingering there for a moment, his face forcefully becoming neutral. “Only if you’re ok telling me.” You added, not wanting to make him feel pressured.
“No, it’s ok.” He returned to zipping up the suitcase, before, beginning to take the suit off the hanger to wear. “I can’t go into a lot of detail. I guess you could say I’m a federal agent in a way.”
“No, I don’t really deal with drugs.”
“Secret service?”
“Something like that, yeah. I do miscellaneous work, we’ll say.”
“Oh… dangerous work?”
“What’s with all the questions?” It was the first time you’d ever heard annoyance in his voice and it made you jump a little. He let out a sigh as he finished buttoning the white undershirt. “Look, I'm sorry. I get it, everyone has questions once they find out. Sometimes it can be dangerous. I really can’t say any more than that. So, no more questions, ok?”
“Sure, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.”
“It’s alright.”
Not that you should have expected any differently, but things were harder without Leon there. While he said only a day or two, he wound up being gone longer and everything felt like it just took so much more out of you. Basic needs like food and water were ignored – returning to your job was something that was simply autopilot for you.
You barely slept the first two nights, the same thoughts and images running through your mind. If it wasn’t that awful horror reel replaying itself over and over, you were thinking about the upcoming trip when Leon got back. What would you even say to Derek’s family? What if the outcome was the same as all your other efforts? The very idea deflated you more than you cared to admit.
The remaining nights you spent in Leon’s apartment, curled up in his bed like a cocoon of safety. He’d left you with the key in case you couldn’t handle your own apartment again – clearly he knew you better than you knew yourself because he’d been spot on.
You missed him more than you expected too – he’d become sort of your lifeline since you’d woken up in his bed that morning. Always so kind, caring, there for you in a way even your closest friends couldn’t be. Of course, being surrounded by him definitely added to those feelings, and if you thought hard enough about it, you had missed him long before this while reconnecting with Derek.
Part of you felt guilty about it too – if Derek was real, you were already cozying back up with the very man he’d been so jealous of. But you couldn’t help it, and justified that Derek was likely not coming back even if you could prove his existence.
That thought brought little comfort as well, so instead you opted to push it to the back of your mind trying to grasp at any other thoughts.
Leon hadn’t really told you when he’d be back, and you probably should’ve checked in with him. You figured he would at least check in with you – but you were wrong – curled up under his blankets, your fingers ran themselves down between your legs, images of the blonde dancing behind your eyes.
This time you were picturing the night before he left, hand on your belly, back pressed to you. You took the image farther, picturing him running that hand down to rub at you gently through your pajamas, the feeling his hardness pressed to your back. Maybe he’d play coy while you squirmed and whimpered against him.
“L-Leon –” Your actions and voice were cut off by the sound of the front door opening. “Oh shit.” Yanking your hand back up, you tried to even your breathing out and flicked the light off. The sound of padded feet down the hallway grew louder before the door opened. Leon quietly made his way in, setting his suitcase down as you pretended to be asleep.
He didn’t say anything, only changing into his pajamas before lying down next to you. Thankful you hadn’t been caught, you closed your eyes, curling into his hold when he wrapped his arm around you – letting sleep overtake you for the night.
Derek’s parents lived a bit out of the way, but you knew the drive by heart having visited numerous times. They’d never liked you, always considering you not good enough for their son – he came from money. Good money too, which is why he was able to live in the nicer building in a more expensive part of town. His job was primarily for spending money.
This was your last hope for answers, for a sign that you weren’t crazy. You needed this trip to fair well.
Your confidence was rattled severely after the coffee shop incident, and knowing his family wasn’t your biggest fan made it worse. Regardless, you pressed on and opted to go with the ‘fake it until you make it’ approach – not speaking about your nerves and trying to not give any hints of it.
Instead, you treated it like any other car ride with Leon – watching the trees blow past as you went down the winding road in the middle of the woods. Singing along with him as music played, playing dumb car games like I spy.
If your destination hadn’t been such a mood ruiner, you would’ve genuinely had a good time.
As the road forked off into two paths, you told him to take the right one, knowing where it would lead. Only about 10 minutes away, your nerves began to pick up making you feel a little queasy again.
The large home came into view as his jeep wheeled into the massive multi-car driveway. It was just as you remembered it, huge, limestone painted brick covered the exterior of the walls. Hedges were trimmed and shaped, everything about it screamed ‘rich’.
“Do you want me to stay here again?”
“Yes please.”
“Are you sure, after what happened–”
“I’m fine! I will be fine. I won’t beat his mom with my crutch, if that’s what you mean.” You tried to make it sound like a joke, but the wavering of your own voice gave away that you couldn’t really be sure of that. “Look, you’re right here at the end of the driveway this time. I won’t even go inside.”
He gave that knowing look of his, but didn’t push it with you, turning off the ignition letting the vehicle come to a rest. Grabbing your crutches from the backseat, you took in one deep breath before heading to the double french doors.
The lion knocker was the same as you always remembered it, grabbing the bottom end and knocking it against the door several times. A few moments went by, but no one called out or answered. You looked around and you could see the cars were there through the garage window. Not wanting to have made Leon drive all this way for nothing, you rang the doorbell a few times.
“Alright! I’m coming, I’m coming!” The shrill voice of Mrs. Shultz came from somewhere within the house. There was a budding sense of relief beginning to come over you – there’s no way a mother could forget her very own child, surely there must’ve been something you could glean from this visit.
The doors opened, and there she was in her full glory. Hair curled into a teased perm as if it was still the 80’s, red lipstick shrewdly covered her pencil thin aged lips. She was always pursing her lips in judgment, the very stereotype of a rich stay-at-home wife – but you had never been so glad to see her as you were in this moment.
“Mrs. Shultz!” You exclaimed, arms opening in a hug. The woman did not return the gesture, in fact she took a step back as if in offense.
“Excuse me?” Her penciled-on brows came together in a disgusted look. “Who are you ?”
“I’m – you don’t recognize me?”
She eyed you up and down, clearly unimpressed with her findings. “I don’t tend to associate with the…less fortunate.”
“Mrs. Shultz, I’ve been dating Derek for the past few years. I know you never really liked me but –”
“Who?” She looked complete aghast at your words. “Young lady, I don’t know what game you’re playing at, but I have half a mind to call the police and have you removed from my property.”
“What? No, I’m not playing any game. Derek, your son? We’ve been dating–”
“Then you have the wrong house because I don’t have a son!” She snapped, heel clacking against the ground as her annoyance raised.
“Yes you do! Derek, Derek Shultz, he’s your son!” You insisted, your own frustrations growing – though you did your best to keep your promise to Leon, not wanting a repeat of the last incident.
The older woman stared you down, before leaning forward nearly nose to nose in your face.”My husband and I have never been able to have children.” She spat at you. “And I don’t know what sick mind you have to play this kind of prank, but it’s not funny.”
“I’m not trying to prank you! How the hell do you not know your own son, you gave birth to him!”
“You have five seconds to get off my property before I have someone escort you off of it.”
“How dare –”
“Listen here you raggedy old bit–”
Anger fueled you this time, far more than desperation. Call it one of the five stages of grief, but she’d hit your button just right. Not wanting to assault her, you stood there, angry tears making your face puff up as your mouth conorted. You felt like a child, wanting nothing more than to scream back at the adult in front of you, but forced to stand in line while you were being berated.
Again you felt someone touch you from behind – this time Leon’s arm wrapped around you. “We’re just going to be leaving now.” He said, trying to move you from the spot.
“No. We. Are. Not!” You said firmly trying your best to yank out of his hold, while remaining upright.
The look he’d given you stopped any further protest you had. You’d seen Leon be annoyed before, with other people. You’ve heard him be irritated with you only once. But this, this was different and you could tell in his eyes this wasn’t a request.
He gave the woman one more nod, apologizing to her on your behalf, before walking you back to the vehicle.
“Do you know how much trouble you could’ve gotten in? Public spaces like a cafe is one thing, but one some rich lady’s private lawn?”
“No, you promised me.”
“But I didn’t even try to –” You stopped, the feeling of him being upset with you was somehow worse than even your last failed attempt to prove that Derek existed. Like salt to the wound. “I just don’t understand how you can forget your own child.” You added.
Leon turned to look at you, his mouth opening as if he was going to say something, but instead he went back to looking in front of him as he drove. The rest of the ride home was silent, not even the sound of music was heard.
That meant you were left alone with your own thoughts – dangerous. ‘ Everything is wrong. What the fuck do I do now? ’ You pondered further, trying to piece everything together. Nothing was fitting into place though. ‘ The photos are gone. My phone has no mention of him. His own mother says he isn’t real. ’
You pushed it further, reimagining the night in the woods, forcing yourself to picture every gorey detail – even the sound of his face splitting open again. It made you sick to your stomach, a hot flash came over you. Still, you ignored it, trying to remember anything significant – but it didn’t work.
Looking down at your ankle, and the now yellowing bruises on your skin, you gave up. ‘Are these memories even real? Something clearly happened to me but…monsters don't exist. There’s no sign of him anywhere.’ A deep longing panged in your heart, settling on the idea that maybe Leon was right. Something terrible happened in the woods, something so awful your brain wasn’t working right – a psychotic break, amnesia, false memories – whatever you wanted to call it.
Could you ever even accept such a thing? The last few years of your life, just…gone – rewritten entirely.
So lost in your own thoughts, you hadn’t noticed Leon pull back into your apartment building until the sound of the jeep went silent. He got out without saying a word, only silently offering you a hand and getting the crutches for you. Nothing like your usual walks back to your respective homes, he hadn’t even invited you inside either – closing his door as soon as he entered. Of course you couldn’t relax either – if pacing with crutches had been possible, that’s what you would’ve been doing. Instead you bounced your good leg anxiously on the floor as you sat on your bed, this time clinging to the teddy bear that Leon had gifted you.
Not being able to take in anymore, you made your way over to his door, knocking on it not even caring if he was asleep this time or not. You couldn’t be alone right now, and you couldn’t let him be angry with you.
“I’m sorry.” You looked up at him the second the door opened. “I’m sorry.” You repeated for good measure. “You’ve done nothing but tote me around and take care of me no matter how absolutely insane I’ve sounded – you asked for one thing and you’re right, I didn’t keep my end of it. I’m really sorry.”
“Sweetheart, it’s alright.” His voice was soft, as looked at you. “I know that it’s been hard. I know you’re frustrated.” Despite it not being a common occurrence, the pet name comforted you more than it surprised you.
You nodded in return. “I think you were right.”
“Was I?”
“I think something bad happened to me that night – something I can’t remember, because ever since then, nothing has felt right. There’s no sign of Derek – I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just want to feel ok again Lee.” You wrapped your arms around him, and he returned the gesture, pulling you into his apartment with him and closing the door.
“It’s alright. It’s going to be alright.”
“How do you even know that?”
He tilted your chin to look up at him again. “Because I’m here. Because I say so. It’s going to be alright.”
“I don’t want to think about him anymore. I don’t want to cry anymore.”
“Then don’t think about him.” He leaned his head down, so your foreheads were touching, so his lips just barely grazed over yours as he spoke.
“Make me forget him, please Leon.”
He replied by connecting his lips to yours, his lips plush and soft. His hands moved, one in your hair to hold you in place, the other supporting your lower back. It was soft, sweet, and he pulled away just long enough to look at you again. “I can do that.” The second time your lips connected, it was in a frenzy of heated kisses as he walked you both backwards to his couch, sitting and pulling you down on top of him. He was careful of your bad leg, gently pulling it into place where you were straddling him.
You could feel him filling out beneath you, your own arousal making itself known. This was what you’d been craving for so long. Craving since you and Der– you froze again, looking down at Leon. He mimicked you, halting any movement, looking into your eyes – you could see the concern there.
He wasn’t real.
But the guilt.
You shouldn’t feel guilty over someone who never existed.
And yet, guilt.
“I can’t do this.”
He looked at you confused.
“I’m sorry Leon, I can’t do this. You’re one of my best friends, I – we shouldn’t be doing this.” You backed yourself off of him slowly, using the coffee table and then the wall to support yourself back to the hallway to grab your crutches.
“Wait –” He called out, standing but not immediately following you.
“God, I am so sorry.” You repeated again, opening his door. The look on his face killed you, and you couldn’t even put into words what was wrong. Why you couldn’t handle this right now, or maybe ever. Instead of trying, you left as fast as your crutches would take you back to your own apartment – not even bothering to close his door behind you.
“Fuck!” You shouted once you were inside your living room, slumping to the floor. “Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Mega FUCK!” You let it out of your system as you banged your head backwards into the wall, not enough to damage anything, but enough to try and work out the unexplainably icky feeling you had.
Logically, there was no way the man you’d fallen in love with was real. Logically . But something inside of you just ate at you – like a small 6th sense telling you not to trust what was before you. And god if you weren’t fucked in the head for using Leon to try and work your emotions out – treat him like a tool, just a distraction after all he did for you.
And if Derek was real, then you’re double fucked for just running off with the man you weren’t even supposed to be friends with, much less anything more.
You screamed into your own hands, until your voice was raw. “I’m so fucking fucked!” Either you were insane, or some cosmic universal event had entirely fucked up your life – and you weren’t sure which was worse.
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As always this is inspired by @explorevenus fic Something Permanent as well as @gigabyte-flare, @girldungeon, and @lipglossanon's work. @elfven-blog was so kind as to help find the banner pics. Love them all, go check out their work.
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omertasmoon · 3 months
An act of submission
(Emperor Zhongli x gn reader)
"They say that a good servant reflects the personality of its master…" Zhongli chuckled as he traced the brim of his cup with his finger. Despite maintaining a calm facade, the corners of his lips occasionally twitched upwards into a smirk, yet he was trying so hard to hide it—a futile exercise in suppression.
"Erm… excuse me, what?" You replied. Was he complimenting your guzheng or was he throwing shade at you for imitating him? It wasn't your fault, but you couldn't help but think that it was the result of being by his side for a long time. Putting on a private solo concert for the Emperor was nerve-wracking: one wrong mistake and there goes your wrist. One thing you didn't know was that you had managed to plant the first seeds of obsession in his heart which resulted in keeping you by his side and dragging you along everywhere he went. Too bad the amount of love he shows you is just the surface of it. You never know how deep the ocean is, hm? During the time spent with him, your brain had subconsciously picked up his habits, resulting in you emulating him sometimes. How very bold of you to assume that he hadn't noticed it.
"Erm…" A small, soft sound slipped out of your mouth. It was really obvious that you were trying to ease the awkward tension between you two.
Upon hearing the soft sound of your voice, Zhongli paused and gently lifted his gaze from his cup. His eyes full of adoration and love wandered across your features. Such beautiful features which he wished to preserve forever. If his mind were a room, you would undoubtedly be the wallpaper, your presence permeating every space, reflecting the depths of his fascination for you.
There it was, the reaction he was hoping for. That expression which was akin to a baby deer in the headlights. Your eyes were wide in confusion and your lips were slightly parted but wide enough to let out an ‘eh?’ sound. Zhongli chuckled, amused by how your face had gone red. Possibly because of the steam from the tea or him making advances on you- oh, how he wished that he was the reason of you being so shy and flustered. The soft glow of the red lanterns cast a warm light on your face highlighting the contours of your profile, giving him the opportunity to observe your facial expressions in detail. To be frank, he was proud of himself for bringing a reaction out of you. He may have experienced joy and pleasure throughout his life but they all were nothing compared to the happiness he gets from your smile. He was slowly plunging himself into the spiral of obsession but he didn't know it.
"Ah, nothing. According to what I said earlier, I put the musical instrument in the position of the servant while you are its master. The strings of it bend to the will of your hands to produce such beautiful sounds… Not to mention, the songs produced by it are as gentle and soothing as you. It reflects your personality, don’t you think so?" Zhongli replied in a genuine voice but the predatory glint in his eyes gave it away.
“Thank you…” Your voice trailed off at the end as you were unsure of what to reply
“No need to thank me, I was just stating facts” He brought his cup to his lips as he said so. Zhongli’s gaze fell upon your hand wrapped around your tea cup. “Do you mind if I take a look at it?” He raised an eyebrow, his eyes lingering on your left hand. Even though it seemed like a request, you knew that it was an order. Your hand shot up immediately even though you were praying desperately that he wouldn’t chop it off for accidentally playing the wrong note earlier that day. A soft hum left his lips as he lifted your hand higher to the level of his mouth.
“Do you only plan on plucking the strings of your instrument for the rest of your life?” The emperor caressed the back of your hand with his thumb.
“Erm… maybe. What’s there to pluc-”
“There are many things you can pluck, my dear. For example… my heart. You can pluck it out and I would thank you for it” The way he said it so casually shocked you for a moment. Zhongli eyed the ring on your index finger which you inherited from your mother. Your heart was thumping loudly that his words were drown out. “Y-Your majesty…” Your face was as red as the lanterns hanging above both of you.
His lips hovered above your ring for a while to toy with your conflicting feelings at the moment. After what seemed like an eternity, he brought his mouth down to leave a kiss on it. “A jade wrist loses to a golden cup, so slender, so slender, it’s the passing of youth…”
-Irene Callista
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wambsgansshoelaces · 4 months
blurb 4 of blurb night eeeeee!!!
Gregory Hirsch x Reader
prompt: “I need some sleepy Greg just enjoying the early morning dare it be the don’t start work till later or even a lil stay in after a night out.!!”
this was so much fun to write!! shout out to the homie mittos, thank u for requesting i love youuuu <3 I hope u love it
Word Count: 690
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Head buried in his chest, legs intertwined with his, arms hooked around his torso. The sheets are warm, he’s warm.
Greg’s fingers dig into your back, holding you to him tightly. Even in his sleep, he can’t let you go. He refuses to. You wake up slowly, blinking away the grogginess. You shift, pulling yourself upward, readjusting to instead tuck your face in the crook of his neck.
His hand comes to the back of your neck, and you feel his lips press to the side of your head.
“You’re up?” you ask quietly.
He grunts noncommittally, his arms going to wind around your waist. His palm smooths over your hip before climbing up your spine, the way he knows you like. His eyes are still closed. His lashes are long, dark, fluffy. His face is serene- he’s at peace with you in his arms.
His hands rub up and down your body, one at your hip, the other at your back. You sigh and readjust again, hooking your arms around his neck and bringing his head to the crook of your neck. He presses a kiss to the skin right under his mouth before turning so that he can nuzzle further into you. Your fingers find his hair, stroking. You scratch gently at his scalp, and his breathing deepens once again.
You’d gone out together the night before, an ‘adventure date’, as he’d called it. You’d walked to and through Times Square, admiring the lights. He’d never been before, surprisingly. He’d attributed it to his initial brokeness and then to the general decrease in time to himself he’d experienced after starting at Waystar. Hand in hand, you’d spent the entire night out at dinner then exploring. The night out had also produced some of your favorite photos of you and Greg- the two of you trying on silly hats in a gift shop, the both of your faces squished together in a mirror out on the street.
Greg had surprised you the night before. He’d taken what feels like millions and millions of photos of just you. You giggling sitting across from him at the restaurant. Your face staring up at him from his point of view out on the sidewalk. You walking ahead of him, surrounded by the Times Square billboard lights, your hand gripping his.
When the two of you had gotten home last night, you’d noticed he’d changed the wallpaper on his phone to a picture of you staring out the window of the restaurant, a giddy grin splitting your face. You remember the stupid joke he’d told- it wasn’t even funny. You’d just laughed because he was giggling while speaking.
Fully awake now, you attempt sliding out of bed, but Greg’s vice grip on you keeps you from going anywhere.
“Don’t leave,” he whines, voice raspy from overnight’s misuse. “Why’re you trying to leave me?”
He pulls you back, and now his chest is pressed against your back. You let out an airy laugh, his lips brushing over your jaw. “I need to pee, Greg.”
“Will you come back fast? Please? For me?”
“I’ll be quick, don’t worry.”
He plants a final kiss to your cheek before rolling over, taking his arms with him. You sit up, leaning over him. You give his shoulder a squeeze, pressing your lips to his neck. He makes a satisfied noise in response, still not opening his eyes.
You’re in and out of the bathroom as quickly as you can. When you pad back into your bedroom, you find Greg sprawled out on the bed, arms and legs askew, snoring lightly. You smile down at him, crawling back onto the mattress. You try fitting yourself back into him, but he’s spread out starfish-style.
It’s as if he can read your mind, though, because the moment your near him, he brings his limbs back into him. In his sleep, he reaches for you, and you fold yourself back into him.
“Mm,” he murmurs subconsciously, pulling you flush against him and burying his face back into your neck.
You pepper kisses into his hair. You suppose you’ll just let him sleep.
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txtmetonight · 7 months
My Heart.
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call summary⋆ ★  you're slowly going sour in your room
pairing *. * choi soobin x fem! reader
genre⋆ ★ heavy angst, fluff?
warnings *. * reader is not mentally okay, crude language, violence, bad grammar, pet names, suggestive?, death, derealization
call duration ⋆ ★ 2k
a/n*. * wrote this like in an hour so forgive me if it's horrible also the grammar is going to be sooo bad. English isn't my first language, soryyy, also I barely even proofread it so.....but anyway, enjoy and don't forget to reblog and comment or like!!!
taglist ⋆ ★  @kflixnet
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You used to be carefree.  
But now you just spent your days locked up in your room, rotting away inside as your head churns and liquidizes into soup, gurgling up through the pits of your nose. You don’t feel real, the bed doesn’t feel real, nor do the walls but you still hold on. You feel as though you’re amidst of an angry sea, one that has the knack of producing powerful waves that hold cruel currents, dragging you up, instilling the warm sense of hope that you craved relentlessly before it plunges you deeper into the murky cold water, exploding all of your senses.  
The phone on your bed stand vibrates and you find yourself reaching for the device to shut it off. Yet the Caller ID stops you in your tracks as your eyes widen in surprise, practically choking on your spit. “Soobin?” You murmur, lifting the phone to your face, blearily and morbid lights blinding you for a moment, but you’re impatient, and you yearn to see his name once more on your screen, so choke down the pain in your dilated pupil, and you let your dangerously weak fingers dangle over the answer button.
Your guts churn inside, and you’re about to puke...the room is spinning, and you’re being suffocated but your eyes don’t tear away from the phone, staring at it with such great marveled eyes, lungs taking in less oxygen than it needed each time you let air through. “Soobin, why am I crying?” You ask, and the screen goes back to its wallpaper; a selfie of you two. Hands strung around his back, he smiled goofily into the camera, lips puckered into your cheeks as if you were on the verge of passing out from exhaustion, eyes lidded with sleep.  
Smiling is hard, you conclude, and your ears are bleeding heavily. The phone rings again and you’re plagued by its annoying noise that can’t seem to shut up. You tried everything, silencing your phone, turning off your ringer, throwing the device against the floor, followed by Mr. Carrots but you quickly found yourself either picking up the phone with the utmost care, turning your phone right back, or even clicking the switch that allowed to music to emit.
You wonder how your phone hasn’t died from the number of scars you’ve given it just now. Soobin. Soobin. Soobin. Soobin. It was like you were going crazy! Why was he calling you? You shriek against your pillow, letting drool seep from your mouth while you bite your tongue hard enough to make it bleed, and you savor the sweet metallic taste that coats your mouth. Turning around in bed, you shut your eyes in hopes that everything disappears, that the phone disappears, that you disappear. Not that it already happened. You were nothing and will never be from the depth of your pounding heart; not without Choi Soobin. 
“You’re so astoundingly pretty” Someone familiar mouths into your skin and you feel the butterflies arise in you again, so fierce but lovely as it flaps against the inner lining of your throat, almost rendering you speechless. Blonde hair as the snow, he was utterly beautiful for this world. He was show-stopping, heart-pounding, beautiful. His lips were always pillowy soft, tempting you to be a little selfish a steal more kisses than needed, not that he ever minded. “More you, love” You retort, spinning around in his arms to face him. His bright eyes never wavered from yours and every single fucking time, he always looked at you like you hung the stars, like you were his whole world. “Stop lying, pretty girl!”
He stumbles, pulling you closer and leaving heart-shaped kisses all over your body, not stopping until every inch of your skin is covered in his love. He held passion, a burning passion that burnt your skin until you were numb, yet it was addicting. It was poisonous. “My pretty girl” Soobin sighs against your lips, before tenderly taking your cheeks into his warm palms, tugging on your lips onto his, longing for the warmth that followed, swooning over the feeling of you while his fingers roam around your body. And that very night, he made him yours and yours as his. 
You’re awakened but this time when you flutter your eyes open, it is late at night and sweat pours through your body. Groaning over, you quickly realize that the phone has plucked you out of your slumber and you start panicking once more. Your hands shiver towards the phone, as you pick it up again, tears welling up in your glossy eyes. Your resolve was starting to crack faster than you thought. Heart beating fast enough to break through its cage, your fingers drift onto the accept button and you gasp once you come back to sense, lip bitten by your teeth.
You hope–no prayed that no one answered. That this wasn’t real, but it was...it was as real as it gets. You think. You don’t know. Or maybe you do. You also think you’re clinically mad. But when you hear your name whisper through the speaker, your brain dies for a second and then comes back alive. Jolts of electricity travel through your veins and you feel like you are flying. “(Y/n) ...sweetheart?”  
“Soobin?” You cry, and you swear you could hear his heartbreak on the other side. You imagine him in his bed, cuddling Mr. Carrot’s sibling; Mrs. Rabbit to death, having it choke on his iron grip. You want to scream so badly until your lungs give out and vocal cords snap, but you can’t. “Hey love, I just wanted to drop in and say that I’m sorry...and that I’m outside your door right now.” The phone drops to the floor in shock, the clatter echoing against the walls. “No, you’re not” You rasp, trying to make sense of the situation but your idea is deflected when you hear knocking on the door. Hesitantly pulling back the covers, you slide onto the floor, and you’re unable to even look up from it, rather your eyes follow the ridges that slither.  
Unfortunately, the cold doorknob was in the clutch of your fingers, threatening to turn to let in the love of your life. You rethink your decision, but it seems that your hand had a mind of its own, and the knob twists without you knowing about it, letting a gust of wind in. “You’re unhappy.” A voice sweet as honey drips down your spine and you shiver uncomfortably against it, furrowing your eyebrows when you meet the dark eyes of your lover, knees shaking and ready to give out. “You’re also crying” He chuckles, leaning closer to your face to wipe away fallen tears, but in the name of irony, you notice the angelic drops coat his cheeks too.
He was too pretty to be crying. “You too” You quietly whisper, breath barely ghosting over the swirling breeze as you let him in, closing the door right behind him. “(Y/n)” he sniffles, pulling you closer and you reel into him for a second expecting the safe warmth he gave out, only to be stuck against a walking refrigerator, cold as ice cubes. “I can’t stand seeing you like this, weeping over me!” He sobs, falling into your arms, and you finally, let out too, dropping to the carpeted floor with a dull thud. “Then why did you leave me?!” You mumble, afraid to close your eyes, clawing him harder, as you break his skin, but he doesn’t even flinch, instead he sinks into it even more, relishing you. “I had no choice, I tried, I really did.”  
“Well, you should’ve tried harder” You harshly spit, before you breakdown into his arms, liquidizing into him as a whole. “I’m so sorry baby” He babbles, “I miss you so much, I can’t even–I feel like I’m being dragged through the pits of hell–it’s so bad baby. Please make it stop! Please!” Pulling away from him for a second, you slam your lips against him, and it feels just right, just like old times. “Then stay with me,” You say, not leaving him a second to respond, because you’re scared of his response. You’re scared that he’s going to leave again and leave out to decay with skin peeling off your bone as you left to survive off your own emotions, regurgitating them when you digested them all, repeating it all over again. “I need to, I’m so sorry.” He presses his forehead against yours, smiling with your lips. “You will?”  
He nods into your skin, “I’ll stay” He declares before he drags his palm up to your chest and lays it over your heart while his other hand pushes you down, where he lays down on you, head over your heartbeat. “I love you so much” You whimper, threading your fingers through his hair. “I love you so much fucking more, I can’t even express it” He sighs contentedly, closing his eyes, snuggling into you. “And I’ll always be there with you, even when you don’t even know” He mutters, but you’re long gone into another round of slumber, so he decides to wrap his arms tighter against your figure. 
The light cast across your face startles you awake, but this time you’re happy and more in love than ever. The weight from before has lifted, but that was casual, Soobin had always had his eyes open before you and he was probably in the bathroom. Moaning in pain, you stretch to your feet, as you twirl joyfully, padded feet. “Soobin?!” You call out, expecting a response but when you don’t hear a thing, your grin widens. He was just hiding from you! So, you call out his name several times, chanting it like a prayer while you turn your whole apartment upside down. “Hey baby, where are you, this isn’t funny anymore” You wail, sulking like a toddler before you tumble into your own room, the last place you didn’t check. “Soobin seriously, you’re getting me worried!” Your hands softly brush against your bed, then slide against your table before they stop along a pair of documents. Your heart is suddenly stuck in your throat; you struggle to breathe when you bring the paper to eye level.  
Choi Soobin was pronounced dead at 5:53 AM.  
Your feet roll underneath you, so you hit your head against the sharp edge of the table, cutting the skin in a straight line. “What the–” You laugh, bringing your shaky hand to your cut, smearing it over your finger, trying to distract yourself from the pain that was starting to well inside your heart. The same pain that was poorly buried. And right when the first drops contact your skin, your heart jitters and it feels horribly painful, as though you were being burnt alive. You swiftly wipe away your tears, and you crane to gaze at the picture of your fiancé, happy smiles, nothing else. You despised yourself in that portrait. You looked so happy in a situation such as this, you were supposed to feel guilty, so why were you smiling in that picture?  
Would you have stopped grinning so alienated if you knew what the future held for you?  
“I hate seeing you cry so much; it feels like someone poured acid all over my face like I was being burnt with hot oil!” He says, into your ear, after one night where your hurtful words were thrown around. 
Lips parting, you gasp into your fingers, clutching your left breast.  
“Choi Soobin, you’re in my heart aren’t you” You pant, as you memorize how his hands felt against you, where he placed his fingers, and how he promised you that he would stay. Your other arm tucks itself into the hold of your left arm, holding it down where Soobin held you–in that dream.   
That car crash was inevitable, and so was the death that came along with it, but with Choi Soobin placed in the safety of your beating organ, maybe everything will be fine! 
Or maybe you should rip out your heart instead.  
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✨️A black hole 13.2 billion light-years away from us! ✨️
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Credit to NASA, Chandra & the JWST
Chandra & the JWST captured the most distant black hole in X-Rays!
It shows the black hole as it existed 470 million years after the Big Bang, which was when the universe was at 3% of its current age!
The research team has found strong evidence that the newly discovered black hole was born massive.
Its mass is estimated to fall between 10 & 100 million Suns, based on the brightness and energy of the observed X-rays.
This mass range is similar to that of all the stars in the galaxy where it lives, which is in stark contrast to black holes in the centers of galaxies that usually contain only about a tenth of a percent of the mass of their host galaxy’s stars.
The large mass of the black hole at a young age, plus the amount of X-rays it produces & the brightness of the galaxy detected by Webb, all agree with theoretical predictions in 2017 for an "Outsize Black Hole" that directly formed from the collapse of a huge cloud of gas.
Outsize Black Holes are also referred to as heavy Black Hole seeds.
These black holes have masses around 40 million times that of our sun.
It's theorized thay they form from the direct collapse of a massive cloud of gas, unlike your typical black hole that's born when a massive star reaches the end of its life & collapses under its own gravity.
Galaxies theorized to host such heavy black hole seeds are referred to as Outsize Black Hole Galaxies (OBGs).
These galaxies are likely to be very distant, seen as they were when our 13.8 billion-year-old universe was somewhere around 400 million years old.
(Which matches with the newest observation.)
Yet, what is so special about them besides their age, size & name?
Their size compared to their age.
Typically, the existence of supermassive black holes is not unusual. They grow over billions of years.
Sagittarius A* had enough time to grow to around 4.5 million times the mass of the sun.
The black hole at the heart of a galaxy named M87 managed to get even bigger, sitting at around 5 billion times the mass of our star.
And BECAUSE these growth mechanisms are estimated to take place over billions of years, the discovery of similarly supermassive black holes that existed between just 500 million years to a mere billion years after the Big Bang is challenging. Those mass-gathering methods wouldn't have had the time needed to result in such gargantuan black holes!
And yet - ✨️THEY EXIST. ✨️
Scientists suggest supermassive black holes could've grown from light black hole seeds with masses around 10 to 100 times that of the sun.
Those light seeds would theoretically be born via the standard mechanism of stellar-mass black hole creation, namely the death & collapse of the universe's first generation of stars.
Also, early supermassive black holes could've grown from heavy seed black holes with huge masses around 100,000 times the mass of the sun.
These would've formed directly from the collapse of massive clouds of matter, thus skipping the "star stage" of other black holes entirely. GASP.
Astronomers refer to such black holes as "Direct Collapse Black Holes"(DCBHs) or "Outsize Black Holes"
Here's the wallpaper version freely available from the Chandra website:
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*happily chirps*
Thank you for reading! 💜🍪
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eyebawll · 5 months
•°. *࿐ քʀօʟօɢʊɛ ➻
.·:*¨༺ 𝘼 𝙂𝙖𝙯𝙚 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙒𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙༻¨*:·.
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Thru The Looking Glass is a creepypasta x f! reader fanfic I started writing months ago but only just now published. Now, I'm here to do the same for this silly little site! Warnings and story under the cut.
WARNINGS: This story contains content that may not be suitable for any of my younger followers. This story contains heavy depictions of gore, violence, murder, death, abuse, childhood abuse, SA, derealization, mental health issues, and other topics. + my over the top writing (oops)..This is a more realistic approach while also having fun with it. I needed something new to work on while I go about with my other stories.
word count: 5,722
summary: In this OC-worthy tale of horror and pain, we follow the story of Y/N, a young woman whose life has been shattered by tragedy and abuse. Haunted by hallucinations and plagued by violent outbursts, Y/N is trapped in a cycle of torment, unable to escape the clutches of her controlling and abusive father. A retired doctor with a zealot's faith, he subjects his daughter to a range of experimental treatments in his quest to purge her of demons that he believes have sought refuge in her pure form.
As Y/N struggles to retain her grip on reality, wonderland and real life alike, she must unravel the thick web of her father's madness, and reclaim her identity before it's too late.
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A large building loomed over the street, its windows black and empty. The darkness outside was all-encompassing, the kind that seeps into your bones and fills you with a deep sense of dread. The wind howled like a wounded animal, rattling the windows in their frames and sending shivers down the spines of anyone brave enough to venture out. The streetlights flickered sporadically, casting an eerie glow over the empty sidewalks. There was no sign of life, no sound except the wail of the wind. It was a ghost town, a place where nightmares come to life. And for Y/N, it was hell.
Y/N stumbled into her old cramped bedroom, her heart hammering in her chest. She locked the door behind her, feeling a fleeting sense of safety. But the feeling was fleeting indeed, as the dark room seemed to close in on her. The vintage wallpaper, once vibrant and lively, now peeled and faded, hung like a veil of sadness around the room. The creaky floorboards groaned in protest beneath her feet, as if they too shared her burden.
She let out a ragged sigh and collapsed onto her bed, her limbs feeling heavy and uncooperative. The mattress, worn and lumpy, offered no comfort, and she winced as fresh pain shot up from the bruises on her arms and legs. Her eyes, swollen and red from tears, took in her surroundings: the small desk and chair, both rickety and unsteady, pushed up against one wall; a dresser with a chipped mirror in the opposite corner; and the twin-sized bed with a faded floral bedspread, now more depressing than cheerful. The room was still and quiet, save for her ragged breaths that echoed off the walls. It felt like a prison, and she was the only inmate.
Soft eyes slowly opened to the sight of an unfamiliar space, filled with nature and elegant wildlife. The plush bed she lied in was covered with a down comforter and fluffy pillows, the area's furnishings exuding a timeless charm. A vintage dresser with an ornate mirror stood high, while a side table held a delicate antique lamp that cast a warm glow that seemed to produce a warm barrier of protection despite its irrelevancy,  the sunlight covering the wooded area with a blanket of warmth. She could recognize these items as her own, however they seemed to look brighter. They looked as if she had just gotten them. As she sat up, Y/N felt a soft breeze settle against her skin, rustling the trees--almost like a nurturing embrace from mother nature.
She looked out into the forest beyond, where the trees stood tall and majestic, their leaves a riot of colors in shades of green, red, orange, and gold. The forest was kind of quiet, yet alive with the soft sounds of chirping birds and other forms of wildlife. There was an atmosphere of mystery and enchantment within this queer place. She looked around, noticing she wasn't in her bedroom, or even in a building. Her bed, the dresser and the table were placed in the middle of a plethora of trees in which surrounded her, a long, endless pathway splitting feet away. Curious, the young woman pulled the covers over her side, kicking her legs over the bed as she further took in her surroundings.
She shivered as she stood up, the lace at the bottom of her nightgown flowing with the breeze that swept over her body. She took a deep breath, the scent of damp earth and crisp leaves filling her lungs. The forest seemed to stretch out endlessly, the trees towering over her like sentinels. The ground was soft beneath her feet, the fallen leaves cushioning her every step. She wondered how she'd gotten here, and why she was in the middle of a forest. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep in her own bed, her father's voice echoing in her mind. Here she is now, surrounded by the beauty of nature. She felt a sense of calm wash over her, a feeling she hadn't experienced in a long time. In this moment, a blurry cloud filled her mind. All she knew were the sights before her.
As she looked around, she noticed something strange. Moving along the brown trail, she began to see dolls. These dolls hung by thread, some even from rope with a tight loop around their necks, creating a noose. They were a mixture of old and new, ranging from simple cloth dolls to elaborate porcelain ones. The closer she looked, the more she realized that some of the dolls had an uncanny resemblance to her. Most were in one piece, while there were also random doll parts such as heads and legs, swinging with the wind.
She continued, the dolls on the branches seeming to multiply as she walked further. Some of them were cracked and broken, their once beautiful, fresh features now twisted and corrupted. The air grew colder, and the sky turned from a calming blue to a deep, foreboding red. The trees themselves began to ooze from their trunks, a mysterious liquid easing into the forest floor. This liquid was rich and thick, possessing a deep shade of red, matching the sky. Y/N could feel her heart sink as that calming feeling dissolved, replaced with a painful twist in her stomach.
The dolls seemed to come alive, their heads turning to watch her as she passed by. Their once happy faces twisted into expressions of anger and disgust, their eyes seeming to follow her every move. The path became more treacherous, the ground uneven and full of roots and rocks. Y/N stumbled, her foot catching on a branch and sending her tumbling to the ground. As she picked herself up, she noticed a doll lying on the ground next to her. It was cracked and its eyes were closed. Its skin was pale and its hair was tangled, a familiar red liquid oozing from the creases of its broken cheeks. She rushed away from it, stumbling as she made her way deeper into the infinite amounts of trees.
Y/N felt like she had been wandering for hours, the path ahead of her only seeming to stretch further. The forest grew darker as she pressed on, the sky overhead seeming to darken its hue. The once tranquil sounds of nature had been silenced. It was quiet. Too quiet.
She stumbled upon a clearing, the ground beneath her feet soft and spongy. She looked around, noticing that the trees here were different from the rest, their bark gnarled and twisted. As she stepped forward, a voice suddenly spoke from the shadows, causing her to jump in surprise.
"Who are you? What brings you to my domain?"
The voice boomed, deep and menacing. Y/N looked around frantically, trying to locate the source of the voice. She saw a large wolf-like animal standing before her, its coat a deep red with a black mane and tail. Its glossy white eyes glinted in the dim light, and its sharp teeth were bared in a grin that sent shivers down her spine. The dog took a step forward, its powerful muscles rippling under its sleek fur. Y/N couldn't help but feel both confused and unsettled by the sight of the creature. It was like no other canine she had ever seen, and the way it spoke only added to her confusion
"I-...I appear to be lost," she stammered, her heart pounding in her chest.
The dog stepped closer, its eyes seeming to glow in the darkness as it revealed itself further from within the trees. "Lost, you say?" it hissed, its breath hot against her face. "Perhaps I can help you find your way."
Y/N took a step back, unsure of whether to trust this hound. But with no other option and a clouded mind, she nodded.
The hound turned around and began to walk, its massive form barely making a sound as it moved through the forest. Y/N hesitantly followed, her senses on high alert as the silence around them grew deafening. The once beautiful trees now looked twisted and gnarled, their branches stretching out like long fingers. The ground was littered with fallen leaves and broken twigs, and the red hue of the sky made the forest appear even darker.
As they walked, Y/N couldn't shake off the feeling that she was being watched. Every now and then, the hound would pause, as if sensing something that she could neither see nor hear. She shuddered, feeling as if the forest was closing in around her.
Her head was spinning, and the scent of blood grew stronger, overwhelming her senses. She felt her stomach churn, and a wave of dizziness washed over her. Something felt terribly wrong about this place. Just then, the hound stopped in his tracks. He turned his head, and Y/N watched as he silently dissolved away into a mist. The mist surrounded her, and she was left standing alone in the darkness. She couldn't see her own hands in front of her face, and the smell of blood was suffocating. The mist, thick and ethereal, stretched out before her, obscuring her vision like the veil of a widow.
"Hell- Hello?" She croaked in a small voice, seeking out for her new friend. Where could he have gone?
She pressed on, eventually giving up. Determined to find her way out., time seemed to blur as she walked, her senses stuffed with cotton. After what felt like forever, she began to notice the mist was starting to clear. In time, she found herself deeper in the dim-lit forest. The sun, barely visible through the dense canopy of towering trees, cast fragmented rays of light that danced upon the forest floor. The air was heavy with the earthy scent of rain, hinting at the recent downpour that had bathed the woods.
As Y/N ventured deeper, the bark of the trees became darker and more weathered. Their branches reached out like gnarled fingers, seemingly whispering secrets to one another. Shadows played tricks on her eyes, making it difficult to discern the true path ahead. Despite the sickening feeling inside, Y/N's building fight or flight sent her forward. She yearned for the warmth of sunlight on her skin, or better yet, to find herself entangled in the covers of her thick blanket in her own bed. The mist persisted, swirling around her like a cloak, but she refused to be once again consumed by it again.
A sense of relief washed over her as she found herself in the presence of this quieter, more secluded part of the forest. The soft filtered sunlight offered a flickering respite from the shadows. The air was gentle and easy on the senses, scents of rainwater and fresh grass replacing the stomach-churning scent of blood. It felt familiar, comforting. But as moments turned into minutes, a growing unease crept back into Y/N's consciousness. It started as a prickling sensation at the nape of her neck, an instinctual warning. She strained her ears, trying to decipher any peculiar sounds within the natural symphony of the forest.
Suddenly, a faint snap shattered the growing atmosphere of ease. Y/N's head snapped in the direction of the noise, gasping involuntarily. Her eyes darted through the dimly lit surroundings, searching for the source, but all she saw were dancing shadows and swaying branches. It was as if the forest itself played tricks on her, taunting her, keeping its secrets hidden from view. A shiver raced down her spine, casting a chill in the air. The forest, of which was peaceful and quiet, now seemed to become more ever twisted than before. Y/N quickened her pace, fear fueling her steps. She refused to be consumed by fear or doubt. All she wanted was to get home.
She pressed forward, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. She knew she had to keep going, as the answers she sought lay somewhere within the heart of the trees. A darkness loomed in her mind, urging her to turn back, but she refused. Guided by a glimmer of hope that rested deep within her trauma-trenched soul, she ventured deeper, making sure to follow each step of the path that only seemed to stretch further and further, edging her with the chance of safely finding her way.
The world around Y/N felt as though it had ceased to exist beyond the immediate circle of shadows and rustling leaves. Every nerve ending tingled with an acute awareness of impending ruin. As she strained her senses to decipher the source of the sounds, she felt herself submerged in overwhelming dread. It was an inexplicable dread, one that didn't just linger in the air but seeped into her flesh and clawed its way into her core. Then there was a smell. The stench intensified—a putrid mixture of decay and coppery undertones—coiling around her like a serpent. 
Feeling sick to her stomach, Y/N couldn't bear to move. Her mind raced with fearful thoughts. Was it a wild animal? Was it a corpse?
A twig snapped with a crisp sound, closer this time. Y/N's heart lurched into her throat, rendering speech and movement impossible. The forest seemed to hold its breath, the silence now an unbearable weight pressing on her shoulders. She strained to pinpoint the origin of the noises, but the darkness thwarted her efforts, rendering everything beyond a few feet an empty abyss. Each and every second felt like an eternity, as if time itself had chosen this moment to stretch and distort. Her breaths came in shallow gasps, the cold air burning her lungs. The once comforting rustle of leaves became a taunting chant, mocking her. Daring her to move.
Summoning every ounce of energy and courage she could possibly find, Y/N willed herself to move, to break free from the shackles fear had locked on her fragile limbs. But her limbs felt heavy, unresponsive, as if held by an unseen force. The forest seemed to converge upon her, the trees closing ranks, confining her within them. Desperation clawed at her chest as she fought against the panic threatening to consume her entirely. She had to escape, had to find a way out before whatever lurked in the never ending darkness closed in on her. But with each passing moment, the forest's malevolence seemed to intensify, never ceasing to remind her she wasn't alone. 
She slowly brings her leg to push forward, taking a step. She slowly rested her foot upon the dirt trail, like a child sneaking into the kitchen to find their way to the cookie jar. With a shallow exhale, she pushes her body forward, gently resting her other foot beside her left. Although tense, she seemed to relax, convincing herself if she were quiet, she wouldn't startle whatever it was that had desired to make itself known. In the thick shroud of the oppressive darkness, just before she was about to take another step, a queer and haunting clicking noise pierced through the silence, sending shivers down Y/N's spine. It was a sound that liquidated explanation—a disconcerting blend of a whine and the creak of an old, rusted door. The unsettling cry echoed around her, the trees seeming to tremble in fear.
She kept still. Nothing. She then took a few hesitant steps forward, her pulse thundering in her ears, each beat she felt in her flesh. But as her foot grazed the forest floor, convinced she would make it out, a sudden, heart-wrenching cry shattered that hope. It was a mournful sound, tinged with an unbearable sadness that clawed at the deepest parts of her soul (not to mention her ear drums). The cry seemed to emanate from the same entity, the trees now beginning to literally shake in shared anguish of the young woman.
Y/N's steps faltered, her breath hitching in her throat. Despite her fear, she felt a surge of empathy flood through her—a strange connection to the mournful sound from what could have been an injured animal. Her heart ached, entwined with the dread that held her. As if in response, the darkness seemed to coalesce, thickening around her. The forest itself seemed to draw even closer, pressing in on her from all sides.
She strained to discern any movement. But the more she strained herself, the more the shadows seemed to morph and shift, concealing whatever lurked just beyond her line of sight. Time seemed to warp and twist, elongating the moments into an eternity of psychological torture. The air around her crackled with an otherworldly tension, growing bitter and cold. Her every muscle tensed, ready to bolt at the slightest provocation. Yet, she found herself stuck by some force, held captive by an invisible barrier.
The cry echoed once more, only this time, it was closer. It was as though the injured creature sought solace in her presence.
She wanted so badly to run. A foreboding sensation crept up her spine, adding on to the building tension, causing her muscles to tense, locking themselves up so tight it was nearly painful. Her eyes widened in alarm, the adrenaline urging her to move, to flee. Yet, her strength allowed her only to do the bare minimum—a cautious, subtle glance, an attempt to discern the source of her dread without confronting it head on.
Slowly, her gaze shifted, almost sidelong, toward the space behind her. She dared not make direct eye contact, fearing whatever it was that lurked from behind. Her heart pounded furiously, echoing in her ears like a funeral drum, while her throat ran dry. The air was freezing by now. She felt as if she could get frostbite, feeling nips on her fingers and her bare toes, rendering her limbs tremulous and her breaths shallow. The clicking sound persisted, as the creature crept in from behind her. 
An ache spread within her skull as she tried to catch a glimpse of what it was, only met with moving twig-like parts, what she could only assume to be arms. Her vision was obscured, offering mere glimpses of disjointed blotches. She discerned the unsettling silhouette of blotchy limbs, strange colors melded together. The creature's form appeared surreal, an amalgamation of beige tainted with splotches of crimson that resembled dried blood, twisted in abstract patterns across its strange horror-novel-esque frame.
Her breath hitched as she briefly caught sight of its torso—a bony structure, taut around its ribs, adorned with protruding spikes that seemed to glisten in the faint dim source of light. The sight sent her fear into overdrive, a primal instinct warning her of imminent danger. And then, she thought she saw its face—or what could pass for one. Black voids for eyes seemed to peer into the depths of her own, unnerving in their emptiness, devoid of any emotion or life. A hole of a mouth gaped open, revealing jagged, serrated teeth that protruded like sharp daggers.
In the shifting darkness, her gaze traced what she could only assume were its arms—twig-like appendages that moved sinuously. They were twisted and unnaturally long. The creature appeared to be tall, taller than her, and for its arms, hooked at the very edge where its hand would be, to touch the ground, she realized this was no wild animal. Y/N's mind reeled at the sight, grappling with the horrifying reality that stood before her—she was in a nightmare. She was in hell.
In her mind she screamed at herself to run before it was too late. Yet she still couldn't. Her bones felt fragile, as if the weight of her fear could shatter them into a million shards. She stood, transfixed by terror, caught between the compulsion to confront the creature and the overwhelming urge to book it. Straining her senses, specifically her sight and her hearing, caused her physical damage as she snapped her gaze back ahead, shutting her eyes tightly. 
Suddenly, her ears began to ring. It numbed the back of her eyeballs while also sending a sharp pain through them. Instinctively, Y/N throws her hands up to her ears in attempts to blocking out the noise. She's unsure of whether or not that was the extra push she needed, but regardless, she found herself running. Her joints were unlocked, each movement swift and fluid. She just kept running, running through the dark, the tips of her fingernails digging into the sides of her head. She could feel herself scratching her hair follicles, digging into her skin as her faced scrunched in agony. She didn't dare open her eyes just yet, allowing her legs to carry her wherever they ended up. 
In a sudden burst of light, a flash erupted from the depths of the forest. The light filtered through her eyelids, nearly blinding her as they shot open. She could feel herself stumble back, completely caught off guard. She stood there, head darting around the area. She found her footing light and her breath heavy, heart racing as she tried to process it all at once. It was as if the world around her transformed, and she found herself in a clearing bathed in filtered sunlight. The forest gave way to a serene oasis, where the gentle sounds of rustling leaves and distant birdsong filled the air. Y/N took a moment to absorb her surroundings, her senses recalibrating to this sudden peace. The trees, though still towering and ancient, now seemed to share a quiet wisdom rather than wicked darkness and sheer terror. The ground beneath her feet felt soft and mossy, inviting her into a haven of comfort and warmth.
Every ounce of unease and fear slowly but surely began to melt away as she calmly strolled through. All of this was too much—all she wanted was to go home. Perhaps it's this way? 
It was fairly uneventful, her journey. She would take occasional twists and turns, following the path etched into the dirt that was awfully gentle on the skin of her bare feet. In this strange contrast to the previous forest, Y/N wandered along the winding paths, enveloped in its atmosphere of charm. The vintage allure of the surroundings added a familiar home-like touch to the scene. Oil-lit street lamps cast a warm, golden glow, illuminating the path as if guiding her through a bygone memory. The air was filled with fluttering butterflies, their vibrant wings painting the air with kaleidoscopic hues.
As she ventured deeper, she was swarmed with curious sights that felt oddly enchanting. Hanging delicately from branches were dolls, but not suspended by rope around their necks as she had seen before. Instead, they dangled by slender pastel and rich-colored ribbons tied around their wrists, and sum even by the cuffs of their blouses and shirts, their porcelain faces serene yet haunting in their stillness.
Elegant decorations adorned the foliage, ornate carvings and nostalgic old trinkets nestled amidst the tapestry. It felt like a stroll through a forgotten memory, deep within the core of her mind, where time stood still.
However, as she tip-toed further along the trail, the ambiance began to shift once more. The air dropped, becoming cooler, and the light dimmed ever so slightly as if a cloud had passed over the sun. A peculiar sensation settled over her, a feeling that she wasn't alone. It wasn't all that threatening, however. Strange noises began to merge within the symphony of the forest. Heavy footsteps echoed in the distance, accompanied by laughter that seemed to reverberate from somewhere unseen. Intrigued, while also apprehensive, Y/N couldn't resist the urge to investigate.
The noises grew closer, drawing her towards the edge of the path where it abruptly ended. Peering around the corner, she encountered an inexplicable sight—a fuzzy distortion, as if the fabric of reality blurred before her eyes. Through the haze and the surrealistic feeling she felt brewing inside of her, she captured glimpses of an odd scene—a pair of dark pants, knives glinting in a faint light. She strained her senses, having recovered from earlier, picking up what she could only discern into screams. They were faint and muffled, though, before she could hear something more. A low, infernal growl, or was it a groan? It settled into her ears, bringing a physical sense of warmth over her, however it wasn't anything positive.
Splashes of crimson caught her attention, vivid against the strange blurry backdrop. Then, from the distorted void, something popped itself forward, its head emerging through the blurry portal, locking eyes with hers. Y/N gasped, her breath catching in her throat.
Without a second thought, she turned and fled, her heart pounding in terror. She ran aimlessly, jumping over twigs and large rocks, completely disregarding the rest of the trail that seemed to go in many directions until, by sheer chance or fate, she nearly ran into a rusted brown door reminiscent of the one in her bedroom. It rested, open just a crack. Without hesitation, she yanked the doorknob back and leaped through, the metallic clang echoing behind her as she slammed it shut.
She had practically jumped into the open space, and her body went rigid, her muscles tensing on impact. But instead of the anticipated collision with a harsh surface, she found herself sinking into something soft, almost cushion-like. Confusion began to cloud her fear as her hands met the padded interior of what seemed to be a room. Her movements were sluggish, almost as if she were submerged in water, every action a struggle against unseen resistance. Crawling on hands and knees, she blinked repeatedly, allowing her eyes to adjust to the dim, eerie glow that emanated from the sparse lighting in the room.
A solitary window perched high above caught her attention, moonbeams casting soft shadows across the room. The faint glow of moonlight offered her some kind of comfort. At least she wasn't in a ditch somewhere. The light, guiding her unsteady steps towards the distant window, felt kind of warm compared to the awfully cold air that nipped at her skin. Disoriented and off-balance, she stumbled, her senses still reeling from the transition.
As she approached the window, her hands brushed against the padded walls, seeking stability. She raised her gaze, fixating on the distant glimmer of the moonlight filtering through the solitary window.
Fumbling and uncertain, she traced the contours of the walls with her hands, feeling the padded surface in an attempt to ground herself. But before she could fully process her surroundings, a sound—a shuffle, perhaps footsteps—outside the door snapped her attention away. Her breath hitched as she stared at the door, her heart thundering in her chest. The faint glimmer of light danced across the space as a slider on the door moved, revealing only a pair of eyes peering in at her. They glinted with curiosity, holding her gaze in a silent exchange.
Y/N's mind raced with questions, her mouth parting as if to speak, yet no words came. A chill crept down her spine as a surge of apprehension washed over her. Her hand involuntarily pressed against the padded wall, seeking a false sense of security as she struggled to comprehend the oddity of her situation. 
Y/N watches intently as the person on the other side of the door turns the knob, the hinges creaking as it swings open. A blinding light spills into the room, causing Y/N to instinctively avert her gaze and squint against the sudden brightness. Slowly, her eyes adjust to the illumination, allowing her to steal a side glance at the figure that stood just at the doorway.
Recognition flickers across Y/N's mind as she discerns the person before her—a woman with fair skin and ginger hair elegantly tied up with swept, fluffy parted bangs. Despite the strangeness of the situation, she notes the woman's attire—a surgeon's uniform—with a mask loosely hanging under her chin. However, the most startling detail catches Y/N off guard—the absence of the woman's eyes. Instead, there's an unnerving expanse of smooth, featureless skin where her eyes should have been.
Confusion mingles with disbelief in Y/N's thoughts. She blinks repeatedly, hoping to dispel this surreal image that feels like a figment of her imagination. Her mind races with questions, her mouth opening as if to voice her bewilderment, yet still, she was silent.
Desperately seeking some form of reassurance, her hand instinctively presses against the padded wall behind her, though it offers no comfort against the unsettling reality she's confronted with. In a state of disbelief and growing unease, Y/N froze. Her eyes were wide, eyebrows high. She felt so cold, despite the warmth that spilled into the room from the other side. The woman's plump, glossy pink lips held a cigarette. She seemed confused, arms crossed as she leaned on her hip. A dent formed in which her eyebrows were meant to be, as if she was contemplating how this stranger got here. 
For an eternal moment that feels suspended in time, Y/N remains frozen, unable to process the nightmarish sight before her. Yet, as she blinks, a sudden change unfolds. The woman, initially standing at the door, now leans in, her hands extending around the doorframe as her body seems to elongate. Her foot juts forward as if ready to step inside, but something is different.
The woman looms taller, her head protruding into the room, and a ghastly grin spreads across her face, her jaw extended to an inhumane rate. Y/N's horrified gaze fixates on a single, glistening eyeball resting upon the woman's tongue. The eye seems to fixate directly on Y/N, the same tint of amber from the slider on the door. Unable to contain her ever-growing (and never ending, it seems) fear, Y/N chokes up, her breath catching in her throat, a primal instinct compelling her to scream. But before the scream could tear from her throat, the woman, now twisting her body with a series of bone-cracking sounds, begins to crawl into the padded room. Her movements contort unnaturally as if defying the laws of physics, each bone-crunching twist amplifying the discomfort building in the atmosphere.
The cigarette that dangled from the woman's lips moments ago falls, landing on the padded floor. Strangely, it doesn't extinguish upon impact but continues to burn, creating a sizzling sound against the padded surface. The acrid scent of burning material adds to the sensory overload of the scene before the innocent woman, feeling herself begin to slip from the fingers of reality. If, that's what you could call this.
As the woman morphs further, her form distorts into something incomprehensible. The room seems to warp around her, shadows elongating and contorting with her every movement. The mask that rested underneath her chin disintegrated, along with her fair skin that seemed to burn away in Swiss-cheese like patterns until patches of the meat and muscle became apparent, her skin just barely hanging on. Her hair seemed to thin and fall out, while the cap dissolved, the faint sound of cracking bones intermingles with a low, guttural growl emanating from the creature, now towering over Y/N, its jaw hanging for its eye to continue to stare down upon her. 
It drew nearer, emitting a stomach-churning odor of decaying flesh and bone and blood that overwhelmed her senses. Tears welled in her eyes, her brows and lip quivering as she recoiled, attempting to move as far back as possible while the creature advanced. In the depths of its mouth, its eye swiveled around, a soft clicking resonating through its towering form. Y/N's fingers dug into the wall behind her, desperately seeking something to hold onto.
"N—No. . ." A feeble protest escaped her parched throat, the words torn from her with the anguish of a thousand blades slicing through her vocal cords.
"NO!" A shriek tore from her throat, a mix of revulsion and fury contorting her face as she glared up at the creature.
Sliding down the wall in a final attempt to escape, she scrambled to the corner of the room. Only upon huddling up into the corner and snapping her gaze toward where the creature would have been did she realize that it was gone. The overpowering stench that had made her wanna hurl had dissipated, leaving a heavy silence in the air.
Reluctantly, Y/N lowered her gaze, turning her attention to the woman by the door. Standing with arms at her sides, instead of moving forward, she was stepping back. Her wide amber eyes shook with fear, her cigarette burnt to the butt, a small mound of ashes on the cold floor beneath. Her skin remained intact, her entire form unaltered. If anything, she seemed just as terrified as Y/N. Before Y/N could comprehend what just had happened, the woman forcefully shut the door, the lock clicking into place. Breathing heavily, Y/N was left in her confusion. She squeezed her eyes shut, the sounds of heavy footsteps and soft creaking floorboards settling into her ears, the light fading away, dominated by the darkness.
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For a while, the world remained distant, her mind a jumble of fragmented thoughts and sensations before it all began to slip away. She felt herself floating, while she began to feel her limbs spread underneath a warm, familiar fabric. The creaking of the floorboards continued, accompanied by the gentle click of an opening door. Then, a soft breath caressed her ear, and a delicate touch brushed against a strand of her hair. She froze, every muscle tensing as a gentle hand continued, tenderly stroking her hair. As the fingers trailed down the strand, Y/N remained motionless, her body unresponsive. A voice, momentarily unfamiliar, deep and paternal, settled through her eardrums like melted butter.
"It's time for your medicine, my dear," the man's voice resonated softly, hardly above a whisper.
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hey! i saw the hcs for Sakura, can i request the same for Yunjin? ^ ^ thanks in advance!
Le Sserafim headcanon: Yunjin as your crush, girlfriend and wife
Requests are open
Hello Anon! Thank you for requesting this headcanon. It's funny because this was the most requested idea, I mean also other 4 or 5 people requested this headcanon. But honestly legit, because Yunjin deserves all the love in this world. I hope you enjoy it ❤️
Le Sserafim Yunjin X GN!Member
SFW Content
As your crush
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You remember clearly when years ago you spent your days watching Produce 48
And how hard you were simping on this woman
And how upset you were about her being eliminated from the show
So imagine your surprise when she was seated next to you in an american college
You were like "Excuse me, but wtf?"
But honestly you didn't mind having her as your first friend there
In fact you didn't lose time in creating a friendly relationship with her
Even if people always thought about you two as lovers
Because both of you were so touchy and affectionate
Countless night spent together
Talking about your past and future
One of these night you were kinda drunk
So you confessed to her
You were so afraid to be rejected by her
Luckily that night she kissed you
As your girlfriend
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The next morning you were two blushing mess
But at least you had the courage to take the lead and ask her to be officially your girlfriend
And guess what? You became the IT couple of the college
No, but seriously you two were the embodiment of the couple goals
Always wearing matching outfit
The most aesthetic photo to post on yours profile
And photo of each other as wallpaper of your phone
Cuddling before sleeping is a must
She needs to hold you to have a good sleep
You always tease her for being such a "Yas girl"
But actually you love this side of her because she always boost your confidence
As your wife
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One though she received a call
And holy sh!t, it was the Hybe
And they wanted her to be part of their new girl group
She wanted to accept so bad, but she also didn't want to leave you behind
But you actually encouraged her and proposed to move with her
That was the moment where Yunjin understood you were her person, the only love of her life
Obviously she couldn't make you immediately the proposal
But after years of work with Le Sserafim, she finally did
You were officially hers and she was your partner for life
And for some reason now Eunchae is yours daughter, but hey, how could you say no to that baby?
NSFW Content
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Now, talking about the spicy things
She's the biggest brat in bed
Always teasing you about not being good enough to make her satisfied
And every single time, after a couple of hours she squirted even her soul
Often wearing only lingerie in your house
And you're like "Alright, now we're gonna fuck"
Also very attentive to make you feel good too
Even though she needs to tease even in those moments
"Look at you, cumming so hard for me"
So it's only right to tease and edge her in exchange
She becames such a whining mess
Almost begging you to make her cum
After though she's a supporter of cuddles and aftercare
Tell her you love her, even if just minutes ago you were calling her a slut
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bungalowbear · 8 months
The Curse of Mother Grime
Pairing: jobless!Naoya Zen’in x fem!reader
Summary: A museum date with Naoya produces unwanted circumstances.
Warnings: mention of male masturbation, some foreplay, suggestion of sex at the end, reader is described to have breasts, curse from a dead woman, naoya can’t get it up
Word Count: 2,740
A/N: This is my fun and silly little entry for @bastardblvd’s House of Slimy Horrors Collab. My prompt was curses. This is my first time writing Naoya, so if you feel anything is ooc it probably is. You’re also seeing him at arguably his lowest point lol. Also, I have an obsession with Grime Town McDonald’s, so I couldn’t stop myself from adding it here. I had so much fun writing this and I hope you all enjoy! And happy haunting season!
Dividers by @anlian-aishang.
The Grime Town History Museum is a spare room on the second floor of City Hall, a donation from some sunglasses model during his failed attempt at running for Mayor. You’re here with Naoya because it’s your turn to choose where to have date night and you think he can use some cultural enrichment.
“A museum?”
Naoya frowns, staring at the tattered banner above the double doors.
“I’ve always wanted to have a cute museum date.” You do a little spin to show off the outfit you meticulously chose for the occasion. “And it’s my turn to pick so you can’t back out.”
Naoya throws his arm across your shoulders and you both walk through the open doors. You take in the state of the room. The floral patterned wallpaper is faded, peeling at the top corners. There’s a large rust colored stain in the carpet that you take care to walk around. The subtle damp smell makes your sinuses feel a bit stuffy.
But you’re determined not to show any signs of discomfort, instead opting to guide Naoya along the wall lined with old newspaper clippings thumb tacked to the walls. Some are older and some more recent. You both share a laugh over the article about the Condom Shortage of 2007. 
After perusing the newspaper articles you cross the room toward the only thing on the wall that’s not pinned. A sepia toned portrait of a woman hangs in a bronzed frame. The plaque below her portrait says she was the wife of Grime Town’s founding father. To the right there’s a vanity secured by caution tape. The vanity is made of dark wood with a large oval mirror. The piece was clearly made by expert hands as the floral carvings around the mirror are stunning.
Naoya notices a piece of paper stapled to the caution tape and bends down to read it. 
“Beware: if you look into the mirror and say her name three times you’ll be afflicted with the same curse she put on her husband,” Naoya recites.
He hums, standing up straight.
“That’s a little…weird,” you say.
“Dare me to do it?”
“I don’t know.” You bend down the reread the sign. “It doesn’t even say what the curse is. What if you go bald?”
“It’s probably just a scare tactic. It is almost Halloween.” Naoya scoffs. “Nothing’s gonna happen.”
Before you can protest further, Naoya stands directly in line with the vanity. He squats down to be at eye level with the mirror and says her name three times. You hold your breath, waiting for something to happen. After a long minute of nothing you startle, heart racing when Naoya suddenly lets out a booming laugh.
“See. I told you,” Naoya says through his laughter. “Nothing happened.”
You grab his arm, scolding him for scaring you. But he ignores you and continues laughing as you pull him along to the next display.
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The next day you’re at Spirit Halloween for your early afternoon shift when your phone vibrates in your back pocket. You ignore it as you help two teenagers decide between matching devil or lumberjack costumes. Eventually they decide to just get one each. After they’re gone you realize your phone hasn’t stopped buzzing, so you ask your manager if you can step away from the sales floor to use the restroom. 
When you turn the lock on the stall door you take out your phone. A picture of Naoya asleep with drool sliding down the corner of his mouth lights up your screen. You swipe to answer the call and wince when his voice pierces through the speaker. But his words are coming out too fast for you to make sense of them.
“Slow down, Naoya,” you tell him. “I can’t understand what you’re saying.”
You hear him take a deep breath.
“I was watching Days of Our Grimes and you know I like to stick my hand down by boxers when the housewife—”
You growl into the receiver. “Get to the point.”
“I can’t get hard.”
You pause, brow furrowing as your mind processes his words.
“Don’t make me say it again,” he whines.
“I don’t understand.”
“My dick is broken! Mother Grime fucking cursed me!”
“Naoya.” You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. “This isn’t funny. I’m at work.”
“I’m not joking,” he insists. “This is serious!”
“I have to get back. We’re really busy. Halloween is in a week and the entire store is half off.”
“I’ll see you in a few hours,” you promise as you’re about to end the call. “Bye!”
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After his stint as a dealer went sideways Naoya spends most of his time moping around your apartment, which is why you’re certain the phone call was just a cry for attention. You feel a little bad about hanging up on him so you decide to surprise him.
When you step into your apartment you slip your shoes off and hang up your jacket.
“Naoya,” you call out to him. “I’m back.” 
There’s no answer.
You hold the plastic bag to your chest as you wander through the living room and the kitchen with no sign of him. Shuffling down the narrow hallway, you reach your bedroom to find the door wide open. You frown at Naoya face down on your bed with his arms and legs spread out like a starfish. 
“Hey.” You try to turn him over but he doesn’t budge. “What are you doing?” 
You can’t make out what he says as he mumbles, kind of pathetically, into your comforter. You try moving him again but this time you can feel him purposefully resisting. You huff, rolling your eyes before going into the bathroom. 
Locking the door behind you, you place the plastic bag on the counter and take out the costume you brought home. With the sale going on and your employee discount it was practically free. You feel giddy as you start to undress and then slip into the costume. You take a look at yourself in the mirror, applying gloss to your lips and touching up your mascara before opening the bathroom door.
You say his name softly, a gentle prod for his attention, as you stand in the doorway with your hands folded in front of your stomach. He doesn’t react, so you try again.
“Naoya, baby?” You voice is sickly sweet with fabricated concern. This wouldn’t be the first time the two of you role-played in the bedroom, and you’re sure once you get him to look your way you’ll have him in your clutches. “Are you not feeling well? Maybe I could nurse you back to health?”
You watch Naoya slowly lift his head, turning slightly to look at you over his shoulder. His eyes widen and he perks up. Hastily, he turns his body to sit up. His gaze travels from the nurse’s cap on your head and down your body clad in a tight white uniform. Naoya stares at your chest, where the top two buttons are left undone to expose more of your cleavage. You turn in a slow circle to give him the opportunity to see the back of the short skirt that barely covers your ass.
Naoya says your name in a breathy whisper. You recognize the lust in his eyes. The way his fingers twitch with the anticipation of grabbing hold of you sends shivers down your body.
You walk toward him and as soon as you’re within reach his hands go directly to your chest, roughly grabbing and squeezing your soft flesh. One hand wanders down to your waist and then to your back. Naoya’s touch travels over the swell of your bum and reaches further to take a large handful of your left cheek. Hungry kisses are pressed along your neck as his touch sets your body ablaze. You need him so badly that you start to palm him through his pants. It usually doesn’t take long to get him hard, but after a few minutes you realize he’s still completely soft.
“I told you.” He drops his head in defeat, words muffled with his face resting between your tits. “I’m fucking cursed.”
“There’s no such thing as curses.”
You chuckle and he grips your waist firmly with both hands in response.
“Then why am I still limp when all I want to do is shove my dick inside you?”
“It’s all in your head.” You soothe your hand over his dyed blonde hair. “We can do other stuff in the meantime.”
“I’m telling you, it’s that bitch—”
Suddenly, a sharp crack makes the two of you jump. You turn your heads to your full length mirror and gape at the glass that is now splintered right down the middle.
“Maybe we should consult an expert,” you say.
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Standing at the McDonald’s counter, you greet Aki with a smile and he stoically returns the greeting. Naoya hovers behind you as you order yours and his usual meals. Aki asks if that will be all. You’re prepared to say yes when Naoya lowers his head to whisper in your ear.
Aki raises a brow.
“And a pumpkin pie, please,” you say.
You pay and walk over to the soda fountain. As you’re pouring your drinks you catch the tail end of something crawl underneath a table. You grab Naoya by the hand and lead him toward the corner of the dining room.
You bend down and see Toji and his worm splitting a single french fry. 
“Hello, Toji.”
“Hey, gorgeous.” The older man flashes you a cocky smile, stretching the scar on his lip. Then his eyes move to Naoya and he frowns. “What do you want?”
“Did we really have to come and see him?” Naoya asks.
“He’s the best chance at solving your…problem.”
“Little cousin’s got a problem, huh?” Toji sits with his legs crossed. He leans forward to rest his massive forearms over his knees. “And what would that be?”
Naoya hesitates. He sips on his drink and looks away.
You nudge him with your elbow. “Tell him.”
The younger Zen’in pouts. He heaves a giant sigh before turning his head away, muttering out a few words. You roll your eyes. Toji brings his hand up to curve around his ear.
“What was that?”
“My dick can’t get hard,” Naoya hisses, glaring at his cousin. “There. I said it. Happy now?”
Toji laughs, a full bellied laugh. But then his brow furrows and he’s looking at you.
“What do you want me to do about it? Jerk him off?” Toji curls his lip in disgust. “Just because I changed my name to Fushiguro doesn’t mean we’re not still related. Who do you think we are? Targaryens?”
“Ew, babe.” Naoya mimics his cousin’s expression. “Is that what you brought me here for?”
“No, you idiots.” You drag your hand down your face. “Toji ran the fortune telling booth at the summer block party, so he has some experience with the supernatural.”
“Supernatural?” Toji sounds intrigued. “What exactly happened, little cousin?”
Naoya recounts your museum date. He tells Toji about Mother Grime’s vanity, the cracked mirror in your room, and how he hasn’t been able to get an erection since.
“Did you not see the caution tape? The paper stapled to it?” Toji shakes his head at the end of Naoya’s recap. “Every guy in this town knows not to go messing with Mother Grime unless you never want another boner ever again.”
“No one told me!” Naoya argues.
Toji shrugs.
“So can you, like, look into your crystal ball or whatever and tell me how to fix this?”
“Depends.” Toji rubs his chin. “Let’s talk payment.”
“What do you want?”
Toji hums as he contemplates, his cheek resting on his propped up fist as he stares at the floor. After a few short seconds he angles his face up at Naoya. The smile he wears can only mean misery for the younger Zen’in.
“I want your pumpkin pie.”
“I didn’t get a pie,” Naoya denies immediately.
“You always get a pie,” Toji retorts.
Naoya clenches his jaw, annoyed that he’s been caught.
“I’ll buy you another one,” you whisper.
Naoya looks at you out of the corner of his eye, obviously displeased, but one nod from you has some of his tension falling away.
Toji smiles, victorious, and pats the floor in front of him. Naoya scoots closer, ducking his head to fit underneath the table. You giggle at the sight of the two grown men hunched over to fit in the tight spot.
“Give me your hand,” Toji says.
“What for?”
“I’m going to read your palm.”
Naoya reluctantly does as he’s told. “I thought you used a crystal ball?”
Toji grins, haughtily. “I’m a man of many talents.”
Naoya rolls his eyes.
“So what does my hand say then? What do I have to do?”
Toji hums, turning Naoya’s hand this way and that. The older Zen’in traces a large finger over the lines of his cousin’s palm.
“You’re not going to like it,” Toji warns.
“I don’t care. I’ll do anything.”
Toji chuckles. He knows his cousin means it.
Aki calls out your order and you go to the counter. You eye the cousins warily before going to collect your food. You ask Aki for another pumpkin pie but he says they’re out. You sigh, your head already aching because you know Naoya is going to throw a fit.
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Naoya walks into the living room with a sour expression. You snicker as he pulls down at the hem of the puffed out skirt of the maid costume. 
“It’s too short,” Naoya complains. “It barely covers anything.”
“Just the way you like it,” you tease.
He throws you a glare before snatching the feather duster off the low table. Per Toji’s instructions, Naoya is to be your maid for three days. One day for each time he chanted Mother Grime’s name. And lucky for you the first two days happens to be on your days off.
So you watch from the sofa as he cleans the apartment. Sweeping, scrubbing, dusting. You ask him for the occasional refill on your snacks and he dutifully, yet begrudgingly, fulfills your every request. Watching him cook is even more enjoyable. After he burned the rice he opted instead to prepare instant ramen.
When you go back to work on the third day you expect Naoya to have shirked his duties but when you get home he greets you at the genkan. The apartment is spotless. There’s dinner ready for you. Ramen again, but this time with a thick piece of ham and a soft boiled egg split between your two bowls. You’re very impressed and you tell him so, not missing the way his eyes shine from the praise.
The morning after the third day you wake up to something hard pressing against your back. You don’t recognize it for what it is until Naoya suddenly gasps and sits up in bed. He shoves the covers down, leaving you shivering at the sudden cold air, and lifts the waistband of his boxers.
“N’oya,” you whine, blindly grabbing the cover and pulling it over your head. “I’m tryna sleep.”
“But, babe, I’m cured. We can do it now!”
His excitement would be endearing if it weren’t so early in the morning. You burrow further into the mattress, intent on ignoring him and hoping he’ll just take care of himself.
“C’mon.” You feel his large presence hover over you. “It’s been so long and I really want my first time again to be with you.”
You groan in protest. 
“I can put the maid costume on.” Naoya pauses. His eyes meet yours when you peek your eyes out from under the cover. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you checking me out. Or how much you liked bossing me around.”
He looks down at you in silence. Then a smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth when you drop the cover to expose the rest of your face.
“Okay,” you agree. “But you have to make me breakfast after.”
Naoya leaps out of bed and into the closet. You smile to yourself as you watch him change into the costume, frantic and desperate to finally put his rehabilitated member to use again, and send a silent thanks to Mother Grime.
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Hi! First of all, thank you for your Reid x reader fanfictions, I love and treasure them so much. Second, I was wondering if I could request a little something with Jonathan x vampire reader? She could be his mischievous new love interest or like a partner in crime. What if they were running away from Guard of Priwen one night and had to spend a passionate day together in one of the hideouts 👀 If this isn't something you'd want to write, I understand, no pressure at all 😊 Either way looking forward for your next wonderful work!
In Hidden Rooms
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Jonathan Reid x F!Reader
Warnings: NSFW +18
Shouts rang out behind you as you and Jonathan ran around another street corner, the sound of both of your shoes hitting the grim stone that paved Whitechapel too loud as you both tried to evade the guards that had ambushed you.
The sun was rising rapidly, the streets already beginning to glow with the promise of sunshine. Panic quickly rose inside of you at the thought of getting caught by the sun. A phantom pain of blistering skin teased your senses.
“In here!” Jonathan’s hand gripping your arm and pulling you with him had you gasping in surprise. You only just managed not to fall over when he pulled you through a doorway, shutting it quickly before moving a large piece of furniture in front of it.
You looked around the space you’d entered. Just a grim as outside but, at least there was no sunlight, the windows long barricaded amidst the pandemic. Your eyes flicked to Jonathan, he himself was looking around the building, his eyes landing on a staircase to the side of the room. Or what was left of the staircase anyway, but it was ideal for making sure you weren’t caught off guard if anyone broke in while you were resting.
He nodded to you before teleporting up, you following behind him. Your couldn’t stop your nose from wrinkling at the sight before you. The upper room was small, very small. A metal framed bed just big enough for two people was pushed into a corner, a small dresser with only one drawer that wasn’t broken or wonky was up against the adjacent wall. Cracks littered the walls, old no dry wallpaper peeling away, the floorboards beneath your feet were stained with god knows what.
“Charming place you’ve picked for us” you sighed as you walked over to the bed and sat down cautiously, at least it was sturdy.
“Better than roasting to death in the sun” Jonathan’s attempt at pacing only made the room feel even smaller.
“The sun has never been so tempting” you muttered. The night had been long and hard. Hours passed of either fighting rogue Skals or dodging the increased number of Priwen guards. You were exhausted, if only mostly mentally, having to spend the day locked up in this tiny hovel was simply the icing on a very bad cake.
Jonathan sat down on the bed, moving backwards so his back was resting against the wall, crossing his ankles as he leant his head back, it was such a casual position you couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you. Jonathan’s eyes shot towards you, his eyebrow raising in question.
“You look so at home in this shithole my dear”
“We have hours until the sun goes down, you’d best get used to it” he was right, it wasn’t ideal but it was safe at least. You allowed yourself to fall back against the mattress, folding your arms behind your head.
Minutes felt like hours. Your mind dwelling on the sounds of Whitechapel outside, people shouting, carts of produce being wheeled between vendors. You knew it had only been a few hours since you’d found yourselves here, and so many more to go before the sun would set. You turned your head towards Jonathan, he’d moved to a more comfortable position his body now laid across the bed, his coat and jacket were bundled behind his head acting as a makeshift pillow.
You were always surprised at how easily Jonathan was able to rest in these situations, he told you it was purely out of necessity, if you didn’t rest you didn’t recover from the night before. But it was such a human thing was it not? To sleep - or as close to sleep as you both got.
It did however allow you time to look over Jonathan without him knowing, taking in his features, the scar that lined the bridge of his nose, the way his eyelashes seemed darker when his eyes were closed, his lips…
You felt your skin heat at the idea of him kissing you. Of course you’d kissed many times since you’d both admitted your feelings for each other….much to Edgar’s happiness - apparently the game of you and Jonathan tip toeing around each other had grown tiring. But still you couldn’t help feel giddy at the thought.
Your eyes travelled lower over him, taking in his appearance, how well fitted his clothes were, how relaxed he seemed. Jonathan much to your disappointment was always a gentleman when it came to controlling himself during your more intimate encounters, you wondered what it would take to make him lose that control.
A buzzing settled all over your body at the idea, your body moving almost on its own as you leant up gently, moving yourself to lean over him. You leant down quickly, placing a kiss on his lips. Jonathan despite being surprised hummed contently into the kiss, his hand coming up to stroke the side of your face.
This wasn’t new though, and you couldn’t help yourself from pushing further, your hand gently pushing the button of his waistcoat open, you almost broke away giggling like a child when you realised Jonathan didn’t notice what you’d done, it wasn’t until the second button was pushed open that he pulled his lips from yours, looking down to where your hand was.
“I figured you would be more comfortable without it” you smirked at his surprised laugh. His head still resting back against his coat as he watched you open the rest of the buttons, your fingers dragging over the fabric of his shirt, delighted when you felt him tense and draw in a breath.
Jonathan leant up on both arms, allowing you to push the waistcoat from his shoulders and off of him entirely. He watched you reach for his tie, pulling it open and pulling it from his neck slowly. His eyes glued to you as you dropped the red fabric beside him, your fingers now pulling open the top of his collar.
You stopped once you’d reached his collarbone. Letting your hands play with the fabric innocently, waiting for Jonathan’s reaction, but he didn’t give one, he simply watched you. You would have given up if it wasn’t for the dark look crossing Jonathan’s face, his eyes dark with something you hadn’t seen from him before. God it’s sent heat and excitement racing through you.
“Keep going” a gentle command, his voice thick with lust, his eyes never leaving yours as you obeyed him. You couldn’t help the way your fingers shook with anticipation as you worked your way down Jonathan's shirt, trying to go slowly but your excitement was getting the better of you. You stopped when you got to the last button, it was hidden beneath his belted trousers, your eyes flicked up to him. Jonathan simply raised an eyebrow at you, waiting for you to continue.
In truth he was trying desperately to mask his own excitement, you hadn't made these kinds of advancements before, he couldn't deny that he'd thought about it, he had, a lot. He almost took over when you started opening his belt, so slowly, delicately, as if any moment you were waiting for him to stop you, as if he ever would.
The buckle made a sound that was almost deafening in the moment when you pulled the leather from it and your fingers made quick work of opening his trousers. You didn’t reach in, god he was desperate for you to touch him, but you simply pushed the fabric apart enough to pull his shirt out and finish unbuttoning it.
Your fingers delicately made their way back up his skin until both hands slipped under the shirt and onto his shoulders, pushing the last of the clothing covering his upper half off.
You let your eyes rack over him, down his chest, to the line of dark hairs that trailed into his trousers, the muscles that made up his figure, you appreciated probably a little too much that Jonathan was in good shape from his time in France. You were pulled from your thoughts when his hand gripped your own jacket and pulled you to his, your lips meeting again, this time with more urgency.
Jonathan felt your hand coming up behind his head, pulling him closer, his hands reached up to start unbuttoning your jacket, his movements fast as his excitement grew, you heard it hit the floor briefly before Jonathan’s hands pulling your blouse from you brought your attention back to him. His lips trailed down your neck leaving soft kisses in their wake, you shrieked in delight when Jonathan jumped up and pulled you by the hips causing you to fall back against the bed as he worked on removing your trousers.
He couldn’t help the way he picked up in speed, desperate to see you, to kiss every inch of you. Piece by piece until you were left in just your underwear. It was only then that Jonathan slowed down, it was his turn to look over you laying beneath him. For a moment you felt nervous under his gaze, but it didn’t last, the lust clouding Jonathan’s features was too obvious to ignore.
“Keep going” you whispered, mirroring his own words but lacking the confidence he seemed to have had when he spoke them. He did as you asked, almost too eagerly as he started removing the last of your clothing, finally revealing all of you to him. You let you hands fall between you to his trousers, pushing them as far as you could reach, then allowing Jonathan to remove them completely.
It was as if for a split second you both became brutally aware of what you were about to do. Not the ideal location that was certain but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care as you pulled him back to you. Jonathan’s hands were everywhere, teasing your skin with light touches, his lips tracing the lines of your neck and collarbones. When he placed himself between your legs you let of a breath moan as his member brushed against you.
He did it again, moving his hips back slowly so he dragged across your centre. A low growl coming from him as he looked down between you. “Jonathan”
His eyes met yours, flicking only for a second to your lips when you spoke. “Stop being a tease…otherwise we’ll be here till long after the sun sets”
This made him smile, he leant down to kiss you quickly. “Always so eager to get the job done, I’d have thought you’d liked to have savoured this”
“Hmm I’ll savor it next time, when we’re in a bigger bed perhaps” you teased before lifting your legs to wrap around his hips, pulling him to you. Jonathan breathed out a laugh before reaching between you, his fingers finding you wet, so ready for him. You delighted in hearing the usually well spoken doctor swear under his breath as his fingers teased you, brushing against your entrance.
You were about to protest again but he moved his hand away, lining himself up before slowly pushing into you. Oh the stretch was glorious, you let you head fall back as he slowly made you take all of him. Jonathan's eyes slipped closed as he almost painfully slowly pushed into you, feeling you take him inch by inch into your heat. Once he was down to the hilt he opened his eyes again to look at you, your faces close enough that your lips brushed together.
"Jonathan" You tried moving your hips to emphasize the fact that you were ready to be done with the teasing but his hands gripped your waist holding you still, his eyes flashed with amusement before a small smirk pulled at his lips and he kissed you, whispering against your lips.
"So impatient" the first snap of his hips took you by surprise, you gasped for unneeded air, your hands gripping onto Jonathans shoulders as he began to move again. You couldn't say the doctor didn't give you what you wanted. Each thrust was precise, each time almost pulling himself out before pushing back in, each one coming faster than the last.
Your bodies moved against each other at a desperate pace, you felt Jonathan's hands roaming over you, gripping you and pulling you against his own movements, his other arm was by your head, holding him up just enough to be able to kiss and nip along your neck in between his own moans and mumbled curses.
When you felt Jonathans hand find your heat you knew it was over, his fingers stoking against you while his hips continued their assault. Your eyes closed, head tilting back as you felt your orgasm building up.
Jonathan felt you tense around him pulling his own climax closer and closer, his lips still lingering over the skin of your neck. It was an impulse really, he didn't even consider it fully before he sunk both of his fangs into the skin of your neck, you back arching up into him at the feeling, you gasp was cut off suddenly as you clenched around him, moaning his name as your orgasm hit, your grip on him tightening as you pulled him closer. He couldn't have lasted through it if he tried, his warmth spilling into you just as he pulled away from your neck with a low growl.
It took a few moments but you both regained your senses. Jonathan kissed where his teeth had broken the skin but it was already healing over. You placed a lazy kiss against the side of his face before he lifted up enough to look at you properly. "Was that what you were hoping for my love?"
"Pretty much" You both smiled at each other like idiots, the giddiness of what you'd done still tugging at you both. Jonathans eyes flicked up to the covered window in the room. "The suns going down"
"Onto the next round of house visits?"
"Yes I suppose so... though we could make a stop at home first" You arch an eyebrow at your lover, home was in the opposite direction. As if reading your thoughts Jonathan leant back down, letting his lips drag up your neck again until he reached your ear. "I think we should savor the next round"
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syrawberry · 2 years
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Every Love Song Masterlist (ongoing)
ุุุุุุุุุุุุ» Being close friends with a full-time song producer had its perks. Having the bestfriend privileges that allowed her to get sneak peeks of his unreleased songs. Not knowing that some of them are dedicated to her. If she covers her stuff up with Liam Payne memes and other random memes, well he covers his stuff up with his songs. The signs were there but both chose to temporarily not pay attention to it in fear of not getting what they truly desire. But in the end, of course, they will get what they deserve.
pairing: non-idol/producer!woozi x college student!female reader
genre: bestfriends to lovers, smau, college au, slice of life au, fluff, bit of humor, lots of liam payne memes, romance but with numb characters lol, etc.
warnings: swearing.
started: 07/30/22
ended: i forgot 😭
updates: whenever i can or whenever inspiration sparks.
a/n: this is my first time writing a smau so it probably won't be that good yet idk what I'm doing lmao.
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°Playlist for Every Love Song°
profiles #1
profiles #2
profiles #3 (dump accounts)
part 1 - application for new friends
part 2 - i would if i could
part 3 - cutie woozi
part 4 - new track
part 6 - changed my wallpaper
part 7 - my messenger just crashed
part 8 - damn right i do 🤘
part 9 - cardio french kiss
part 10 - Prince Charming
part 11 - quotes
part 12 - Ready to Love
part 13 - y/nhoon is sailing lmao (final)
taglist @yunnamiksi @1122ljh @jxnem @thinkinboutwonu @enhacolor
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sofiiel · 4 months
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New Headcannon popped up while working on a Barb x Jeff thing, but the HC is actually about Jeff and Eddie's friendship. With Barb x Jeff HC at the end. It's long, so under the cut
Ok so in my head, I picture Jeff as being raised by a single working dad and his grandma. His dad is kinda like a handyman, good at tinkering with things and math. (I totally based him off my mom's dad who I never got to me myself)
His dad also scored music and plays several instruments.
So when Corroded Coffin needs another guitarist, Eddie had a hunch on who to ask. He'd known off Jeff and had seen him around, mostly because everyone knew Jeff's dad as "that guy who fix my____" and in his case, he'd fixed the muffler on his mother's car before.
Eddie ventures out to talk to Jeff and finds him sitting on the hood of a car his Dad is working on, the car's a project classic that Jeff's dad customizes on the weekends.
But Jeff isn't just sitting there, no, he's playing a guitar and it sounds different. Eddie soon sees why as he gets close. The thing is all kinds of welded and built of mixed matched pieces.
Jeff basically built his own version of Frankenstein, and Eddie loses his shit over it and asks if he can give the guitar a whirl. It's the ugliest guitar Eddie had ever seen, but it had a sound he adored.
The two geek out over guitars which moves to amps which gets Jeff's dad in the conversation because surprise, surprise! (not really) He's worked on amps before.
Jeff ends up inviting Eddie inside to show him some of the other failed attempts and customizing his guitars and while in Jeff's room Eddie sees a lot of "nerd" memorabilia and collectibles, and a wallpaper of band posters.
Needless to say, Jeff was not only asked to play for Corroded Coffin but also invited to pre-Hellfire Club and introduced to the band.
But how did this pop up while working on a barb x Jeff thing?
Well.....Jeff home-brewed together a guitar one day that made the first one Eddie had saw look like it was carved from marble. This new creatures was a visual mess, but when played it sounded like heaven.
Jeff begs Eddie to use his artistic skill to paint it, sand it, polish it. To which Eddie happily agrees. But Jeff's got a very stick list of colors to use and patterns and the like. It's hell on earth for Eddie as he tries to produce the very complex and detailed results Jeff has in mind.
When the Guitar is finally finished, Eddie brings it to School with him, handing it over while saying "This thing better have name, I bled for this."
Jeff states that its name is "Holland"
Eddie is confused for a moment, until he notices A bored figure standing behind Nancy, clutching her books to her chest while bored and listening to King Steve and Wheeler flirt.
"Oh....ohhhh." Eddie whispers, before grinning and giving Jeff a playful shove.
Eddie takes back the Guitar stating "if that's the case it's not done, I left out a few details"
Holland the guitar is now the only Jeff uses anytime he needs an extra bit of luck, he uses it for every show, and it made a good story for He and Barbs wedding day.
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tamapalace · 1 year
Hiroshi Fjuiwara Shows Off FRGMT Edition Tamagotchi Original
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Looks like another streetwear Tamagotchi collaboration is in the works! Hiroshi Fujiwara, a Japanese musician, producer, and designer (influential streetwear designer) often cited as the godfather of streetwear, and founder of fashion label fragment design and the lifestyle/home goods brand retaW, along with the POOL aoyama concept store is bringing their style to Tamagotchi!
That’s right, it appears that Hiroshi Fujiwara has partnered with Bandai Japan to design a FRGMT Tamagotchi! With no official announcement, Hiroshi Fujiwara posted two pictures on Instagram of a matte black Tamagotchi Original P1 with a white border around the screen, white buttons, and the Hiroshi Fujiwara logo at the center above the screen in white. It almost looks like the black shell might have a soft texture, which we would love. The wallpaper behind the screen showcases the FRGMT logo in white font.
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This is right out of the Supreme x Tamagotchi playbook, right? Pictures drop, circulate around the internet, and then soon the device will be announced and available for limited purchase. Are you excited for this collaboration?
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littlequeenies · 1 year
I'm sure that many of you are already quite familiar with this photograph of Jane Asher, it has been reproduced several times in various fashion books over the years, but it was originally published in a magazine editorial called The Time, The Place, The Dress, and (if you still need it) The Food, by Molly Parkin for Nova in 1966, and printed poster-sized over a double-page layout, measuring 51.5 cm x 34cm for full visual impact! Molly commissioned Ossie Clark and Celia Birtwell to design the dress especially for the feature, she specifically wanted something which represented not only the fast-paced, disposable, transient nature of the current youthful attitude towards fashion trends but also something with enough decorative value to end up on the wall in a bedsitter as pop paraphernalia after it had been worn at the weekend, rather than thrown out with the trash!
So what better candidate for potential 'wall art' than a printed paper dress! Celia painted her initial ideas in gouache, inspired by the work of Paul Poiret and illustrations from La Gazzete du Bon Ton. The finished designs were then printed onto a suitable Johnson & Johnson manufactured paper by the 'Art to Wear' company of Zika Ascher, and the dresses were made to order for the sum of 17s 6d each. I love the fact that Celia also took it upon herself to paint the vinyl floor tiles in the mock-up bedsit, mirroring the design detail from the border of the garment to complete the overall look. And that Molly (a woman after my own heart), attributed just about every single item on display in the magazine feature to its original source, from the Biba beads right down to the Woolworth lollipops and sticks of rock!
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On the floor: Jane Asher in a dress designed by Ossie Clark made of printed paper fabric designed by Celia Birtwell; made to order in small, medium and large sizes, approximately 17s 6d. Bangle at Woolworths, 2s 9d. Vinyl floor tiles painted by Celia Birtwell. Lilac patent shoe by Russell & Bromley, 7½ gns. Amber patent shoe by Elliot, 8 gns. Coloured cigarette by Sobraine, 7s 2d for twenty. Coloured crepe stockings by Russell & Bromley, 6s 11d. Pop tin tray by Goods & Chattels. 9s 6d.
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Close-up of the design detail from the border of the dress. 
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Above: One of Celia's initial designs for the paper dress rendered in gouache, inspired by the work produced at the Martine School of Decorative Arts in Paris. The school was set up by designer Paul Poiret in 1911 at 'La Maison Poiret' in an endeavour to realise his dream of creating a decorative arts movement in France which would be on par with the new developments in the arts taking place in Vienna and Germany at this time. The students mainly consisted of young working class girls between the ages of 12-15 years old, Poiret encouraged them to work freely from nature, organising trips to the countryside and conservatories whenever possible, but apart from this input they were otherwise without artistic supervision. His role was merely to stimulate their artistic taste without influencing or criticising them, in order to maintain the purity of the original source of inspiration in the work. He would then select a range from the finished designs which were suitable for reproduction and have them applied to fabrics, wallpapers, carpets, cushions and ceramics.
The work received an excellent response amongst art circles, and following an exhibition at the Salon d'Automne in 1912 the demand was such that Poiret opened a retail outlet called 'Atelier Martine' on Rue du Faubourg St Honoré. With a very favourable review in Vogue, the Martines went from strength to strength, also using their designs to create magnificent large scale murals, transforming hotels, shops, offices, private houses and the studio of dancer Isadora Duncan into exotic oriental palaces in the process. An international reputation was quickly established, however, the gathering momentum of the Martines success was  stopped in its tracks by the outbreak of WW1 in 1914. The school closed for the duration of the war, with many of the students relocated to a safer environment. Business eventually resumed as normal in the aftermath, but although Poiret tried several times to re-establish his career and the Martine style, most notably in the mid 1920s with an extravagant display at the International Art Deco Fair in Paris, both failed to ever regain the immense popularity of their glory days. 
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Three designs for round carpets, typical of the Martine style, from the workbooks of the School of Decorative Arts.  
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The Table: green paper drum table by Hull Traders Ltd, £3 13s. On the table: Large glass jar, £2, full of Smarties, Liquorice Allsorts and Barratt's assorted sweets; glass-topped storage jar, 6s 6d, containing dolls' eyes from Pedigree Dolls; spice jars, 2s 9d; glass dish, 7s 6d a pair, contain bath oils at Boots, 6s 6d. All the glassware from The Scientific Glassblowing Co Ltd. Hexagonal coloured boxes by Goods & Chattels, £1 17s 6d a set.
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On the wall: wooden beads at Biba's, 11s. Striped shoes at Fifth Avenue, £3 19s 11d. Red and green shoe by Walter Steiger for Bally, 9½ gns. Bead bracelet at Biba's, 5s 6d. Dress designed by Ossie Clark of printed paper fabric designed by Celia Birtwell, made to order, 17s 6d. Plastic earrings by Paco Rabanne, £1 10s. Bangle at Woolworth, 2s 9d. Pink patent shoe by Russell & Bromley, £3 19s 11d. Woolworth lollipops. Paper roses from Portobello Road market. Dried flowers at Natural Fern Display Ltd, from 3s 6d each. Large wooden beads at Biba's, £1 2s 6d. Pearly Queen dress from Hector Binney stall, Bermondsey market.
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The Bed: emerald green wooden bed by Gary Griffiths at Vasa, approximately £30. Green sheets at John Lewis, £5 19s 6d a set. Orange and red shoe by Walter Steiger at Bally, 9½ gns. Leather and suede shoe by Salvatore Ferragamo, 14 gns. Woolworth's rock, 1s a stick.
All content scanned and transcribed by Sweet Jane from an original article by Molly Parkin for NOVA, September 1966. Model; Jane Asher. All Photographs by Duffy. Celia Birtwell design in gouache scanned from Celia Birtwell by Celia Birtwell.  *The Close-up of border design detail on the printed dress courtesy of the V&A collection. Carpet designs from the Martine School of Decorative Arts were scanned from A Fashion For Extravagance by Sara Bowman.
Visit the Celia Birtwell website here. Listen to Molly Parkin on Desert Island Discs here. Watch Great Lives: The Molly Parkin Documentary here. Read about the life and times of of Zika Ascher here. View an issue of La Gazette du Bon Ton from 1914 here. And finally, read more about the career of designer Paul Poiret  and view examples of his work here.
From @sweetjanespopboutique blogspot
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