#prodigal son s3
inthethickofbleeding · 8 months
I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY AND I’M GONNA SAY IT HERE JUST FOLLOW WITH ME PLEASE BECAUSE yesterday I was in my feelings and wanted to make a post about how LOCKWOOD & CO and PRODIGAL SON should be renewed
LOCKWOOD & CO is one of my ✨favorite✨ shows from Netflix. I haven’t read the books but I genuinely think the show is so so so wonderful. All these characters have so much heart. So many incredible themes are explored and beautifully depicted- AND they fight ghosts with swords. IT’S AMAZING JUST BELIEVE ME AND WATCH IT on Netflix
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Flash forward a couple of months and GOOD OMENS S2 WATCH IT IF YOU HAVEN’T WATCH IT IF YOU HAVE changed my whole life and gave me the best yet worst summer of my life. And here in this timeline I have formed an…obsession? Adoration? LOVE for Michael Sheen. It’s just what’s happening okay. So that’s why I watched PRODIGAL SON. That show is amazing. I literally will not hear any slander on this show. So much glorious trauma and angst and family drama. They were doing the work and the writing is so good and the music and the *acting*- Michael Sheen was incredible. INCREDIBLE I TELL YOU BELIEVE ME AND WATCH IT RIGHT NOW on Max I think
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SOOOO WHERE AM I GOING WITH THIS??! I was going to just simply throw into the universe that I these 2 shows need at least one more season JUST ONE MORE SEASON 😭😭😭😭 anywho, I’m googling photos to make this post before coming across THIS
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WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT HUH???!?! I thought I was crazy for 30 minutes and that AI was slapping on pictures of Michael Sheen on random internet search photos so I’d click on them. CAUSE WHY ELSE IS HE HERE IN MY LOCKWOOD SALAD😩 Turns out, the director was interviewed about season 2 and he said he wanted to go bigger and listed Michael Sheen as one of the actors he’d like to work with.
I know it’s been months and these are all small things but can you see the string of fate in my interests this year that have led me to this day? Instead of seeing this as a crazy coincidence I’m going to take this as a sign (delusional) from the universe (daydream) that PRODIGAL SON WILL GET S3 and LOCKWOOD & CO S2 WILL HAPPEN (with MICHAEL SHEEN) and this will all happen around the same time GOOD OMENS S3 IS ANNOUNCED BECAUSE THAT’s WHAT’s INEFFABLE
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thank you
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Rewatching Smuggler's Blues for giffing and. Paul Michael Glaser really did say Sonny/Rico 4Life, didn't he
There's a scene in Smuggler's Blues where Sonny is so freaked out and angry about having possibly left Rico in danger that he tries to strangle Glenn Frey, and then he pauses and gets quiet and weird.
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He snaps the filter off a cigarette (...yikes) and asks Glenn Frey's character if he lost a lot of "buddies" in Vietnam. Jimmy says yes, and Sonny whispers, almost inaudible, me too.
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And then, filmed so the sweat on his cheek looks like a drying tear, he blinks and tells Jimmy that no matter how much loss he's experienced-- that essentially, Tubbs is the one person he can't leave behind, and it's like.
That is the exact moment that he realizes that.
We see, on screen, the moment that Sonny, who has up until this point refused to reflect for even half a second on what their partnership is or could be, comes to the sobering realization that he Has Feelings
Considering the next (and final) PMG-directed episode is the one where Sonny and Rico flirt at the airport while the music affirms that they're Home for one another, I think it's a genuine tragedy that they didn't get my best boy Starsky to come back at least once a season to direct an episode
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marchentraume · 5 months
Hi uh, I'm just gonna list out my Michael Sheen and David Tennant crossover ships with short headcanons and why lol:
Miles Maitland and Ginger Littlejohn (Bright Young Things)
They both existed in the same project before even knowing who the other ways ofc I ship it
Beautiful and full of life Miles balances out the serious Ginger, the latter can make sure Miles is safe from anyone who would hurt him
This one is probably my fave and have been slowly getting more invested, shout out to my kindred spirits who also have a galaxy brain for these two
Martin Whitly (Prodigal Son) and Alec Hardy (Broadchurch)
This might just be copying hannigram but I haven't watch Hannibal yet so no clue here haha
Martin is quite literally a criminal but also very educated, he would see Alec and want to save him realizing there's one person he wants to keep safe if not contained and away from the world
Alec is perplexed how such an educated man can do what he did but also attracted to both sides he shows
This isn't a healthy ship but why would I be into shipping for only that :D
Romeo and Romeo (Romeo and Juliet)
Both have played Romeo once in their respective lives and maybe I just want them to kiss
It's nothing deeper than that, both are INCREDIBLY gorgeous in their productions and I wish more photos existed...
Aro (Twilight series) and Peter Vincent (Fright Night 2011)
(yes this is a remake)
Vampire and "vampire hunter"? That's all I need.
You know Aro would love teasing the supposed cowardly Pete but surprisingly turned on when he he stands up to fight back
Of course the angst for Peter gaining attraction for a creature that killed his family
The sex would be insane you know it
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I'm sure I'll build up more as I continue the brain rot but also let me know yours or any additional HCs with these ships I love...sheen and tennant...
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cristinadrawss · 2 years
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S2 sketches!
Malcolm would so have been so good w JT’s baby 🥺
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starsupe · 2 years
⁽ ⠀ ☆ ⠀ ⁾ ⠀ tags   !
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Secret Smile | Javier Peña x f!reader
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The fic header was made by the lovely @wildemaven
Pairing: Javier Peña x female reader
Summary: Before returning to Colombia to get things right this time, Javi’s childhood best friend asks him to to keep an eye out for his sister while they’re both stationed in the embassy. Only you don’t need Javier to keep an eye on you, your new role at the embassy is all about keeping an eye on him after all. Sparks fly, lines will be drawn then broken and there’s everything to lose.
Rating: 18+, Minors DNI
Series Warnings: slow burn, eventual explicit content, 90s typical sexism, language, anxiety, canon typical violence, narcos s3 plot and spoilers, sexual harassment,
Fic title is from Secret Smile by Semisonic
Chapter One: Prodigal Son - (2.3k) 21st Jun 23 Chapter Two: Lost Daughter - (3.5k) 29th Jun 23 Chapter Three: Checks and Balances -(3.4K) 5th July 23 Chapter Four: Tangled Webs - (2.7k) 13th July 23 Chapter Five: Unsteady- (3.5k) 26th July 23 Chapter Six: Fall to Pieces- (3.3k) 9th August ‘23 Chapter Seven: A Tale of Two Reunions (5.9k) 14th August ‘23 Chapter Eight: Futility (3.5k) 30th August '23 Chapter Nine: Giving In (3k) 6th September ‘23 Chapter Ten: Homecoming 30th December '23 Chapter Eleven: coming soon Chapter Twelve: coming soon Chapter Thirteen: coming soon Chapter Fourteen: coming soon Chapter Fifteen: coming soon Epilogue: coming soon
If you would like to be added to to the fic taglist please let me know. As a reminder this blog is 18+ - minors do not interact.
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wa-royal-tea · 22 days
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"— The Foreign Royal — Dearest readers, It has been reported to This Author that the arrival of the foreign Crown Prince of Astor has caught the attention of the ton’s Ambitious Mamas hoping to secure a match for their daughters. Much to their dismay, it appears that a certain Miss Nora Marshall is the lucky lady to capture the Prince’s interest. One can only wonder if perhaps luck is enough for the mere daughter of a Baron to succeed in marrying far above her station. A Crown Prince, no less! This Author espies trouble for the pair: that is, a strict King of a father who happens to be charmed with diamonds, and the object of his son’s affection is no jewel. Only time will reveal whether Miss Marshall leaves this season married, titled, and a future queen — or set aside for a more glittering gem.
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— An Heir To The Throne — Last season, the attachment of Crown Prince Alpheus of Windasia and the now Crown Princess Catalina Beauchamp took high society by storm. The union between two of the ton’s most illustrious families was, as expected, nothing short of prodigal. It is whispered by Ambitious Mamas and their daughters that we will never again be graced with such a consummate match as the Crown Prince and Princess. This Author feels it important to remind you, dear reader, that the beginning of their attachment was marred with sour sentiments and disagreements. What was fiery anger became a burning romance. Although it appears for all their passion, and reportedly great efforts, the pair have not yet succeeded in producing an heir to the throne of Windasia. No news has reached This Author’s ears, despite a year having passed since the nuptials. One can only speculate whether the Crown Princess herself is to be blamed for this failure. Society’s court of opinion has certainly deemed her so. This Author, however, is not inclined to believe these idle whispers." — LADY WHISTLEDOWN’S SOCIETY PAPERS, 25 MAY 18XX
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I would like to give credit to my beloved @thebrixtons for being my Lady Whistledown for this one ❤️
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Leonora in the garden? At night? UNCHAPPERONED?! The SCANDAL Also, made this bcs the S3 of Bridgerton is out and my goddddd I'm fangirling so hard. I nEED the 2nd part NOW!
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kentray · 5 months
Seven months later - Rant about Ted Lasso
How is it that I'm the same age as the creators of Ted Lasso (yes, that old) and I've never held a grudge in my life with a real person or fictional entity as long or in any similar way as I hold a grudge over S3 and the ending of this show.
They sucked me in as S1 gave me a false sense of security by not going down the predictable, awkward scenarios and flipped the narrative on time-honoured tropes. I trusted them... and they tricked me.
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I am not a TedBecca shipper (but I get them), I saw clues to Nate's personality in S1 (so I wasn't surprised), I knew Jamie would have a prodigal son arc (been there, done that), I even understood why they put Rebecca & Sam together even though I hated it (Age gap: too icky for me, but May-December flings are fine. Employee/Employer power imbalance? No thank you!)
But S3? It went against everything I hoped for in that season. The way they told the story, the individual arcs, the lack of accountability (a theme from earlier in the series), and the finale ... oh, the finale.
Honestly, they kind of lost me in E1S3 due to the way they dealt with Roy & Keeley. As you can tell from my posts, they were my favs. Problem was I waited for SOMETHING every episode that would help them and when nothing happened, I just got deeper and deeper into noticing how LONG the show was or how MESSY the editing was or how BORING or CONVOLUTED or BUNGLED certain arcs were. I noticed it all because from the get-go, E1S3 prepped me for disappointment.
I guess they wanted a certain type of person to be unhappy. That type of person was me...
How do people get over this kind of weird, obsessive disappointment? How do I get rid of this hyperfixation? I'm a full-grown adult. I've handled lots of trauma and tension in my life, but I can't get over being mad at this fucking tv show.
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miivrs · 3 months
personal notes for Prodigal Son S3:
-make Malcolm bisexual
-more Gil and Martin tension
-bring back Watkins
-more Malcolm and Edrisa forensics bonding
-JT and Malcolm heart to heart
-maybe bring back Watkins
-get more insight on Malcolm’s relationship + memories with Jackie and Gil
-it would be really cool if they brought back Watkins
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whosthere54 · 16 days
Song stream notes time
Aesthetic of C!sherb is up until 2 birds
Just kind of vibes for C!sherb (up until maybe brass goggles)
Songs with themes of loneliness potions bleeding - almost magic but more interdimensional stuffs (the beloved)
Brothers starts at 2 birds :)
(family jewels isla coded wait hold on just a minute there)
(When the day met the night Rae and Caspian as well as the fable isla marriage to —> Isla/Enderian to —> alone.)
S1 starts at Fine
Corruption I think starts mainly at Laplace’s Angel
WhisperDuo is secret and Hawk in the night
When the world caves in as the finale
Start of s2 as new life
Next section starts at Brutus and it’s the prison
Ends prison arc in Rock in gods shoe
S2 —>3 break starts as is there anybody here (Icarus in the worldport)
S3 starts with Maybe man
Chasing you - The emptiness of not knowing what to do after Haley’s been brought back, it having been their main goal before (very Ic + Haley coded song)
The garden - getting sick of quixis changes. I cannot get the changes to stop, I don’t know what to do, nothing is helping. (whenever talking about crows is talking about chat)
New eyes - Stream where sherb goes to Ulysses and finding out there eyes not their own and then the raft :)
(Two samples I think it’s called?)
Birds - “I just want to sit here and feed my birds” energy
Look who’s inside again - father isolation
Let me make you proud - self explanatory Icarus wanting to make him proud and earn their fathers love
The fruits - Part of them isn’t them so they can’t be what their father wants them to be
Down the river - Athena and Icarus making potions and they argue about corruption a lil but I care “the dust never settles when you’re around” WHACK
Hero - them spiraling about Centross’s death before fable starts talking I’ll sob
When Centross saves them. Me when. I’ll cry about it.
Can’t catch me now - oh it’s me hallucinating wait he’s actually there rarararara they aren’t coping well but violets watching them
Paid in exposure - Coworkers
Natural - also coworkers
Burning pile - CMV
Try to change - Icarus spiraling by themself - I can only do what I’m told I can only repeat history
Lima bean man - killing momboo :d
Shots - why do I kill everything I love?
Prodigal ^^ spiraling and I’m really his son
Solitary confinement - I LOVE THIS SONG FIRST OF ALL
No longer you - (EPIC THE BELOVED) Up to interpretation????
Monster - Penelope Centross - Telemachus (idk spelling) momboo
No children - singing about fable - Rae coming with Vanda
Mr author - Icarus to quixis other half Sherbert to rina
The bad guy + in my blood - OH MY GOD I WAS SO WRONG (the lyrics in in my blood I yell I rarara)
Daniel in the den - Fable is dead we did it we can move on!
Ruin - female voice is Icarus male voice is Midas (ME WHEN THIS SONG AND THE AMAZING DEVIL) getting ready to jump and die (mainly talking to quixis or the things)
“Nothing quite prepares you for when they don’t come back-“ AGH I LOVE THAT SONG ITS SO THEM AND I CARE SO MUCH ABOUT ICARUS AND MIDAS
Icarus and Apollo - ME WHEN ICARUS AND MIDAS
Show yourself - ASCENTION and Midas welcoming them
Who you are - Midas welcoming Icarus
Still feel - If fable had a bow this is the song when bowing I love it
epilogue things then Icarus
Then the next section is specifically Icarixus times
Today today being years of time passing in the worldport I yell
Last section (after today today) is group songs :)
The cave below hero
Ahhhh I love that playlist sm I had THOGUGHTS I was yelling in chat
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smokingasters · 1 year
Reading PP Providence spoilers has depressed me. I have mixed feelings about the movie, I suppose I can have a proper think about it only after I see the movie (it’s not available yet in my country). Read ahead at your own risk of being spoiled. This is a vent/commentary.
Shinya being a reckless fool is consistent enough…I’m pretty sure I’m going to break down crying during some of his scenes, especially the ones with Saiga. I am hoping for some Kou Gino content as well, the tension between my best boys has me nervous. I am curious to see how it turns out, the tension could be felt between them in S3 so we don’t know if it’s fully resolved or not. I know that Ginoza has a right to be angry at Shinya and my heart goes out for those two, their relationship was complicated from the start. The prodigal son returning to face those he left behind, it’s obvious that people are angry at him.
About Shinya especially, apart from the fact that he’s weighed down by the ghost of Makishima, depressed and losing his sense of purpose, being used as a tool for war and being haunted by multiple deaths and wars, being turned from a detective to a killing machine it is a tragic journey. From some of the stuff I read in S3 novels and Gino’s reaction to their reunion, Shinya must be feeling incredibly alone. But is he ever going to heal? Knowing that Professor Saiga is dead and that Shinya goes to jail for killing Tonami… I don’t know if that’s even possible. There was no mention of Makishima’s ghost either but I like to think he’s still being haunted, after all Sinners Case 3 and Providence occur back to back.
As for Akane’s part, I’m more concerned that she took that step to shoot Kasei I do not understand her reasoning yet but I can understand her grief and anguish. She’s suffered, losing her friend, her grandma and she’s faced with the inability of doing anything against the System while working under it.
But the whole Atsushi Shindo angle strikes me as strange. In S3 novel translation, Akane is typing out her reflections about the System, from the very beginning I felt that Kei and Arata were planted by Akane because it’s a part of her plan to bring down the System by replacing it with something better, and I ventured a guess that the System caught on and this was why she was imprisoned but with Providence spoilers I am confused as to why that was never her goal and she took such an action. The plot doesn’t make sense to me yet.
Her motivations and beliefs turning to a degree where she violates the law for her personal sense of justice strikes me as odd and uncharacteristic. Because make no mistake, Shinya and Akane though have a similar outlook on the System react to it in very different ways.
Shinya uses his rage against the System to rebel against it. His sense of justice is deeply personal and rooted in his emotions and he’d rather bear the burden of his sin of killing alone than have anyone else share it for him. He’d repeatedly break the law and handle things his way.
Akane uses her judgment, her intuition of ethics in the law to make her decisions. Her process is slow but it’s fuelled by her conviction alone of what the law truly is. Not the systems or the provisions but the collective belief of people and she knows that using violence against violence will only create more chaos.
Which is why it strikes me as odd that Akane of all people would take this step. Regardless, she technically avenged Kagari. I also somewhat dislike the fact that Shinya is required to step in and protect her, because I believe Akane is strong enough to protect herself (2015 Akane and Sinners of the System Akane is my favourite) Shinya was not by her side all this time and she suddenly isn’t a damsel in distress…in any manner of speaking. From the context of the spoilers it might be that the story is a commemoration of S1 Psycho Pass so there are multiple parallels and callbacks to S1.
Other than that, I’m curious about the Stronskaya document, how does it tie in with being a threat to Sibyl? S3 had no mention of this, with all the crazy things going with Bifrost so are these two related? Or is this document a way to put an end to the System that the Peacebreakers tried to exploit?
Have they elaborated about the MFA’s motivations? Frederica is someone that I am extremely curious about especially since she talked about changing the shape of the world and has previous enforcer’s affected by the System working for her. From the workings in Sinners, I felt as though the MPSWB and MFA had come to an agreement to phase out the System without alerting it. I believed that was why Hanashiro scouted Shinya, so that he could aid her with his skills to bring an end to Sibyl.
Saiga in Providence does state that: Justice has many sides.
Since the very beginning our protags pursued their own interpretation of justice and the law. We see Ginoza trying not become like his father but ultimately becoming a victim to the System, loyally helping out Akane and staying by her side to keep an eye on her. We see Akane trying to reform the System by leading a team of Inspectors and Enforcers that’s based on trust and respect, on treating latent criminals like humans. We see Shinya giving in to his personal sense of justice, fuelled by his sense of pride and betrayal at the System for failing Sasayama, because it let someone like Makishima get away.
What I want to see is the dynamic between the MPSWB and the MFA, working to take down the System and the deeply philosophical questions to still underline the plot. That is the Psycho Pass that I ended up enjoying.
I’ll be clear, I’m not a fan of shipping…(yes I self-ship but that is a different matter. I do it for my enjoyment) I’m more interested in the dynamics between the Golden Trio and the deep rooted reflections on society and human life, A.I and socio-political criticisms and the personal philosophies of the characters.
Okay vent over. On another note, will we ever get to see an interaction between Shinya and his mom? Is Tomoyo ever going to scold her brat of a son for putting his friends through such pain? For running away? Despite all his faults I also want him to feel some affection and love and feel validated, my man is too depressed, the smoking and drinking is going to end him soon regardless, if the guns don’t get to him first.
Shinya is such an idiot.
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thescholarlystrumpet · 3 months
Hiiiii Strumpet, I'm sorry if you posted this somewhere already but uhhh how do I access your discord server?
I was able to hop on for one stream once but haven't been able to find it since :( I missed the Blum supercut last week which I was super excited for :(
Reminder that it is an 18+ server so pls do not join if you're a minor :)
If you want notifications for streaming, select that role when you join.
We're on S3 of Masters of Sex and S3 of Staged next week. I also have plans for more Blum and a Prodigal Son stream. May start doing musical streams soon, too!
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Monday, December 18
GILES: Just in time for Christmas. BUFFY: (sighs, looks around) You know, I didn't even realize it was December. Maybe when we get home, we should decorate the rubble. (looks at Giles) Think you'll ever show up for a real visit? The kind where the world isn't about to end? GILES: If we survive this, I promise. BUFFY: Good. 'Cause I miss you. GILES: I miss you too.
~~Bring On The Night~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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The Merry Month of Magnus Presents… Bloody Christmas (Buffy/Spike, G) by Alyot
Spice (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by honeygirl51885
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Out of the Woods (Buffy/Spike, PG) by DeathTheKat
Truce or Consequences (Buffy/Spike, R) by the_big_bad
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Angel's Prodigal Son (Angel/Cordelia, E) by CangelBigFan1
He Nips Our Nose and Stings our Toes (Gen, G) by spikesgirl58
Retirement 101 (Buffy/Faith, G) by pprfaith
The heart stands for love (Buffy/Angel, G) by Liana_Medea
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Rose Gold (Spike/Buffy/Cordelia, E) by localclownliv
[Chaptered Fiction]
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A Vampire and a Slayer Walk Into a Park... Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, R) by holetoledo
Screwed Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Holly
Bonds of Shadows Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Chewbacha
2 Spikes 1 Buffy Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, Adult only) by Spikelover4ever
Last Hurrah Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, R) by ClowniestLivEver
You Kiss Me Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, R) by scratchmeout
Out of Africa Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Passion4Spike
Cherry On Top Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Maxineeden
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What the Drabble? Chapter 55 (Buffy/Spike, R) by VeroNyxK84
Closer Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, R) by all_choseny
The Plunge Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Harlow Turner
The Grapevine Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Harlow Turner
A Very Summers Winter Chapter 18 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by VeroNyxK84
Spuffy's Little Helper Chapter 18 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Alyot
The Merry Month of Magnus Presents...Chaotic Christmas Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
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If You Free Me Then I'll Save You Chapter 1 (Spike/Faith, M) by SetsunaNoroi
[Images, Audio & Video]
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PODCAST: Episode 8 - Fritz and the Techno-Pagans (I Robot, You Jane) by thesunnydalediaries
PODCAST: This Year's Girl by Buffy the Vampire Straya
[Fandom Discussions]
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BtVS rewatch: SEASON 7 continued by multiple posters
Remember when Dawn ... continued by multiple posters
Vamp Willow and Xander in The Wish: who turned who? continued by multiple posters
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Giles was the Ultimate Hypocrite by NoShip
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SPIKE’S HANDS by michaelkudra
The Strongest by Inevitable_Force320
Was Drusilla beyond redemption? by jdpm1991
What are some of your crazy but possible BTVS or ATS theories? by Myrtle1119
Best Cordy line? by Princesstea93
"Don't mistake me, I do love the ladies..." by alrtight
Kennedy by ihatebugs200
Oz’s brief return by seaneeboy
Buffy the Vampire Slayer ratings by episode chart! by bbportali
Heartbreaking moment by sadhungryandvirgin
Cultural mindset of hypothetical lead actor if Buffy was remade today by Tuxedo_Mark
Foreshadowing(s4ep15) by FlamingosFortune
Which scene listed on the poll do you find just as disappointing? by Opening_Knowledge868
Forrest by Inspirational_Owl
Tell me your ranked top 7 seasons in Buffy :) by JovBreeze02
Fans of Wesley: do you prefer early Wes (seasons 1-2/3) or badass/dark Wesley (post S3)? by JellyfishDry9464
Am I the only one who only loves the series till the 3rd season? by koken_halliwell
How are potential slayers chosen? by Disastrous_Ad_4795
IM F-ING DONE by wisteria_grey
Was Jasmine aware of the First evil? by Disastrous_Ad_4795
Faith backstory questions by classified12345
Were Kendra and Buffy as connected as Faith and Buffy were? by classified12345
In your feels by Inevitable_Force320
Which Scooby would had benefited the most if they sang for Lorne? by jdpm1991
S5 E19 Time Bomb: Illyria (& Connor) by wisteria_grey
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silvershewolf247 · 7 months
So I initially followed you for Prodigal Son related stuff, but I started seeing all your Chucky Series posts, and I was so curious from the second-hand information I was picking up that I decided to watch it!
I made it to 1x08, and i like it so far! I only watched bits of the first Child's Play movie so the Nica/Tiffany/Human Chucky backstory stuff confused me, lol. But the show kept me hooked bc i really wanted to see my boys Jake and Devon be happy together <3, and see their friendships progress with Lexy and Junior.
(Maybe it's just me relating everything to Prodigal Son but Chucky convincing Jake to take the knife was big Martin and Malcolm vibes)
I'm excited to see Andy make it to town and have his confrontation with Chucky!
And now im curious about all the s3 stuff going down, but alot of it doesnt make sense out of context, haha. Gotta avoid the spoilers now!
Anyway, thanks for the show recommendation! ✌🏻
You're welcome! I never expected to be the reason a Prodigie ended up watching Chucky, I've been planning the inverse. But I'm glad to introduce you to something interesting. Make sure to blacklist chucky series spoilers because that's my warning tag.
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sons-prodigal · 3 years
✨ manifesting season three getting picked up by a streaming service ✨
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brightmalcolm · 2 years
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#growth | insp
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