#probably will cry a little later
inkeyjay · 2 years
Hello. Had the urge yo go somewhere to say that it is fucking unbelievable and sad to see all of my moots saying goodbye on twitter just in case we wake up tomorrow and there's not a twitter anymore. Like its declive feels like it's snowballing and everyone is just half panicked, half sad, including me.
The funny thing is, i had the urge not just to go "somewhere", i mean yes, i did. I had the urge to go to twitter to talk about it.
It is so weird to see this all happening. Feels like an apocalypse scenario in a movie when everyone has accepted their fate and they're all just hugging and making time and small talk till everything ends. I never thought i would see the end of a big page like this, but it comes to show how ephemeral social media can be. Half my life, twitter has been there. I have grown A LOT as an artist, i have meet countless cool people, nowadays it is my main source of income. For it to suddenly dissappear, it scares me, and it makes me sad it is happening because of a grown ass man having a tantrum. But anyways. Hope he chokes. (Not really for the twitter thing, he should choke for a lot of reasons)
Thats a good note to end this post with. Anyways. We'll be fine. I hope 💫
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itslavenduh · 14 days
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Jessie gets her license.
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michsmeesh · 11 months
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hrhhrhrhhh jovier hghrhhh brokeback mountain au hhehjrhjjhgjhkejgdjnhknj its literally 5 am and i just finished these and i hate how they turned out but WHATEVER
i just cant stop thinking about these two and its making me sick!!!!!!!
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terrified-spider · 7 months
ohhhhhh holy shit i made paprika hendl because it was bored and i remembered i've wanted to make it for a while after it was mentioned in dracula and holy shit it was worth the 2+ hours I spent on it
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heartslobbf · 2 years
the thing about rgu episodes 35&6 is its just like...... everything is veering towards a car crash but more than usual. and everyone is more aware of how car-crashy things are going to get than usual, but its like. no one is like ‘hey what if we didn’t get into a car crash though’, or if they are, they’re expressing that sentiment in the worst way possible (shoutout anthy and touga). you have so many tiny and horrendously fucked up moments in those episodes like juri saying utena ‘looks like a girl now’ and making miki consider whether or not that’s a ‘good’ thing, or utena falling asleep at the table with her earrings as anthy just Watches, or the scene where touga holds a carrot in various initially amusing and then promptly emotionally devastating ways as both he and the audience make a series of crushing realisations neither of us are totally comfortable accepting
its like. throughout all of this acknowledgement of ‘hm. this is bad’ everyone is filled with inaction. we are all trapped in our coffins!!! people are prosing but that’s about it. all of the student council know who end of the world is, and they don’t tell utena. im not blaming them for this because its masterful, compelling writing that serves to elevate the show and its themes, but i am pointing it out because what’s endlessly relevant in utena analysis is recognising when characters make choices that ohtori frames as a natural progression or event that is immutable. anthy and touga voice wow i cant believe at least one person has to die at the end of this duelling game, which we like have to do btw. yeah. what do you mean this is all constructed and therefore can be dismantled. oh my god im going to kill you what the fuck. i dont want to kill you. i dont know how else to get you out of this situation. guess ill try and remove you from the system, thereby proving it is a structure that can be left behind and undermining my fragile worldview ive believed to have kept me ‘safe’ all this time. why are you guys talking about coffins so much omgggggggg shut up shut up shut up
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androidboy · 6 months
crying is truly the emotional equivalent to throwing up
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certified-silly-guy · 5 months
I summon mentally ill fucker and use split to draw 9 more personality’s!
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boxwinebaddie · 1 month
i'm sorry, this has nothing to do with sp or my fics, but i just need y'all to know that i accidentally liked too many posts about death note on here bc i was rewatching it and now my tumblr dash is all fucked up
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ashtonisvibing · 7 months
the fear of thinking about something you're so intensely attached to less and less until you realize that attachment is gone and now the thing is added to the pile of discarded fixations
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steddiecameraroll · 8 months
All it took was one little Steve fanart for me to have an ah-ha about my gender
Steve Harrington coming in clutch, again
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rowenabean · 11 months
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#the wedding was lovely and i am so sad#managed to get most of the sad out of the way Friday and Sunday so i could be glad for them on the actual wedding day#but still. i'm going to miss her.#we always talked about living together and we never did and now we probably never will#i've got a model of married folk living together in community but i don't think they do and it has to be something you choose#her family are lovely and i was really glad to meet her friends and cousins that she talks about so often but they don't really get it#they get to have her!!! she's moving somewhere that's more convenient for literally everyone other than me! (this is not hard to do)#really good to get home and hug my dad and my little sister and have people who are my people around#was actually really good at the reception that there were a few other folk from my current town - i wasn't the only person who was#mixed joy and tears#i said something about us giving her over in my speech and they said yes that's exactly how we're feeling#but it wasn't till her husband responded to that in his speech that i started crying#everyone has been so kind to me but it has been SO good to get home#hoping i can get a bit more sleep as well. emotions are bigger when tired even though they're real still#(her cousins invited me to come stay any time and tbh i can see that living in Auckland could be actually really nice if you live where they#do. but i couldn't live where they do and do the work i want to do it is quite far away from the places in Auckland i could imagine working)#rowena adventures#btw no photos of me currently but probably some later??? not that we took many the groom had been sick the previous week and was#still pretty wiped so they got like two photos with the bridal party and ten with just them and that was it
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multeasers · 3 months
Man who is consistently in looney tunes ass situations : how am I in a looney tunes ass situation
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sammi-xox · 1 year
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twpsyn-who · 1 month
Soulmate AU in which when you touch your soulmate you swap bodies. It needs to be skin on skin contact and is instant. The only way to get back in the previous body is to touch again, otherwise you're stuck like that.
No matter the body all psychological and physical damage stays with you. That means if you get hurt then swap bodies, you will still feel it despite no longer having the wounds. This is only the case of existing wounds prior to swapping ; if new wounds happen to the hurt body after the swap you won't feel them, but the person in the body when it happens will. A very complicated way of saying that you can't get away from pain by swapping bodies with your soulmate as it will follow you.
There's no known consequences to not changing bodies back once swapped, though some might get sick for a few days after swapping back if they waited a long period of time to change back (say over a month, even longer depending on individual)
Now this but, you know... JeanMarco. And of course they find out during their time in the 104th Training Corps, because there's no way their skin didn't touch at least once in +3 years of training and being as close as they are. It isn't until break when they're able to visit home that they learn what it truly means ; up until that point they used it to swap chores (is the only reason why Jean didn't try to kill Eren during their shared chores- because it was actually Marco all along). At that point they knew each other perfectly.
Of course the whole situation was a little bit awkward for both of them when returning. They probably would end up avoiding each other for a bit because teenager boys and stuff, all until someone finally got the guts to mention the tension and ask them what's wrong- which forces them to talk and stuff. Doesn't matter, this is not what I want to talk about.
But the beautiful battle of Trost and what if, hypothetical speaking of course, they touch skin after Jean gets another ODM? And they're so used with each other by now, they don't even notice until the mission is nearly done anyway. And I don't know man, the idea of Jean dying while in Marco's body? Marco (in Jean's body) saying "I need to find Marco" once the mission is a success and research for his soulmate, just for him to not find him?? Not find him until 3 days later when some of them are assigned cleaning duty in Trost and he finds his own fucking body bitten in half???
The realization that it should've been Marco who died that day, but didn't because he was in Jean's body. The realization that not only his soulmate is dead, but he's stuck living his life. He's stuck living the life Jean can't because he died in Marco's place.
SEEING YOUR DEAD SOULMATE EVERYDAY WHEN YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR. Poor Marco would most likely avoy any reflective surface for a very long time, unable to see Jean's face looking at him.
The guilt of lying to everyone, because how does one even begin to explain what's going on? Him lying to Jean's mother to protect her from the harsh truth of the reality- that her son actually died and the one in front of her was a fake.
And the sad truth is that no one would notice because they've been doing it for months already. They knew how to act like each other to perfection. Even if Marco slipped at some point no one would question it because they got many traits from each other already.
#Ok Armin might notice at some point. But I think somewhere later in the series#And only because of something extremely trivial like idk man Jean thanking Eren for something like#You heard of twins switching lifes now I present to you soulmates doing the exact thing but there's no turning back from it#Don't we all love the swapping bodies trope?#Marco crying when he learns of how Jean truly died because //he only got killed because they thought he was Marco//#With the amount the angst thrown at him Marco might as well just stay dead#anyway#aot#jean kirstein#jeanmarco#aot jean#marco bodt#marco bott#aot marco#jean kirschstein#soulmate au#JeanMarco Soulmates AU#Because there's a weirdly big lack of this trope for them and they deserve more#Hey hey. Is just a little scenario. There's 100% a lot of fluff going on during their training days#Lots of shenanigans too while learning to be comfortable in each other's body and stuff. And The Talk man#Everyone remembers that week in which Jean and Marco avoided each other like the worst week of their life#And some watched loved ones get eaten by titans man like it was THAT bad#Shadis was this 🤏🏻 close to starting an intervention because he wasn't paid enough to put up with whatever was going on#Oh nvm Ymir probably knew but that girl knew a lot of shit and said nothing so it doesn't matter. What's another secret added to the pile?#She could tell right away#Ymir takes one look at you and can tell immediately if you're gay or not. That girl got the gift#Marco living a life Jean would be proud of <3#Also Marco seeing the same exact illusion like Jean saw in canon and being like 'I'm right. Jean was born to be a great leader. I must#follow that path' then joining the Survey Corps because it felt right to do#The amount of times Marco has to stop himself from acting as Titan bait is ridiculous
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so in today's subconscious cooking up stories while i sleep, 1) my parents were rich af, 2) i was 16 or so and had a mental breakdown (for the only realistic part), so they 3) drove me to some facility and i was screaming and running away UNTIL 4) the therapy they assigned to me was a two hour walk around a huge glass building with the lawyer from Anatomy of a Fall 😭😂
i completely forgot about this meh film and the guy... or clearly not on some level. also 5) became friends with a fellow inpatient who looked suspiciously like Rayne Fisher-Quann.
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strwbrryvagabond · 10 months
I saw a little metal garden Goose at the store in the clearance, he had a raincoat and matching blue rain boots and he had a yellow umbrella that had broken off where it was attached to his jacket and he didn't have a tag anywhere so I had to put him back and it's literally eating me alive
I told my mom this and she said "well he's an inanimate object that doesn't feel things so he can't be sad" like that's supposed to make me feel better?!?!?!
I am so sad for that goose, all he probably wants is a nice garden to sit in with his umbrella and because he doesn't have a tag he probably won't ever get one :(
I wish I could drive so I could go back and get him but I cant and there's no way I can convince my mom to bring me back to get him
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