#probably because they’re all in the church tbh
spookiboogi · 10 months
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Why are they like this
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realbeefman · 7 months
i know chase obviously wins the religious trauma competition but can we please talk about how foreman was not only raised by a deeply religious father, but was most likely raised BAPTIST. no wonder he’s so repressed. the baptist experience is like. you’re in church every sunday listening to a man scream about how love is something that should hurt. you believe in a good, loving god - but to believe, you have to accept that true love is painful. that to be a good person, you must suffer. to love is to endure it, to work mercilessly. you’re not worthy of the love of The Almighty, and you never will be, and that sense of unworthiness is fundamental to having faith. when you sin, you don’t just hurt Him, you hurt everyone around you. you make the world worse because you have dared commit the sin of existence — to be human is to be sinful. to be loved is to feel unworthy and pathetic and hopeless. like YEAH no wonder foreman self isolates and is emotionally closed off. he was taught from BIRTH that he is fundamentally unworthy of love, and that in accepting love, he is also accepting that he truly is worthless.
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dandelion-wings · 3 months
On thing about Mondstadt’s government that bothers me is that everybody boils it down to just the Knights on one side, and the Church on the other. Which, sure, they’re what we know the most about…
But it completely ignores the ‘Community Representative’. Considering their signature is one of three needed to (legally) make use of the Holy Lyre, alongside the Grandmaster and the Seneschal, they must be pretty damn important. So assuming they have equal power to those positions, which are at the head of the Knights and the Church respectively, what actually is that power? Presumably it’s an elected position (the title is that of a ‘representative’, plus I would be severely disappointed if there wasn’t even a hint of democracy in the Nation of Freedom), but is there a structure under it similar to the Knights and Church? Is there a completely separate civilian, secular government that for some reason just barely comes up? If it is elected, how is that handled? If both Grandmaster Varka and the Seneschal are on expedition, does that mean they hold more authority than Acting Grandmaster Jean and whoever is Acting Seneschal (assuming an acting-title’s authority, though still above everything else below the proper-title, is still considered secondary to that of said proper-title)? But if so, why hasn’t it come up? Or is it just some guy elected to act as a more expedient alternative to something like a full referendum?
God, I have an education in history and political science that is just begging for some damn answers!
I mean, I don't have an education in those things and am not real good at working those things out myself, so I don't know that I can provide you too much useful commentary here. XD;; But while I'd love if Mondstadt did have some democracy, I... am pretty convinced that it's a theocracy, actually. The Knights and the Church (which tbh seems to exist under the overall umbrella of the Ordo, given that Jean says in her voiceline about Barbara that "the order also manages the Church") fulfill pretty much all the governmental functions we actually see happening at all, including the whole thing in Jean's quest where Charles expects tax forms from her.
I'll admit I also lean that way because I read into Mondstadt as a whole (its history but also our introduction to it, where Amber initially nabs us for unauthorized entry and then there's a whole early section about gliding regulations) a theme of humans repeatedly being given freedom, and gradually rebuilding restrictions upon themselves. Which I don't think is entirely a bad thing, in that I do think communities generally function better with organization and administration and such, but, like, Mondstadt has gone all the way into tyranny before and could again. Mondstadt building itself an increasingly restrictive theocracy feeds into the theme I like drawing from it, so of course that's the reading I tend towards! But, still, that's where I'm at about it.
(I draw a lot of my read of this national theme from the line, "Mondstadt is the City of Freedom, but unchecked freedom without any kind of rules only invites chaos and anxiety," in Jean's character details, and I haven't seen anyone else talk about it, ever, so it's entirely possible this is actually character brainrot I'm projecting onto the city as a whole. I'm fine with that.)
Presumably there is a further government apparatus, but I tend to believe it's probably under the higher authority of the Ordo. Maybe with checks and balances, maybe not (exactly how I arrange the setup for fic where it's needed is specific to individual fic, because the openness of canon leaves the kind of room that makes it easiest to go with what works for the plot). "Community Representative" on its own is very vague; looking at the line where it actually appears, it's talking about the Holy Lyre in the context of the Ludi Harpastrum, so it could even be a role specific to the yearly organization of that particular festival! That said, it does sound a bit more like it's a regular thing, and given my presumption of theocracy above, I think this:
Or is it just some guy elected to act as a more expedient alternative to something like a full referendum?
honestly is the most likely possibility. It would make sense given Mondstadt's ethos and history--you have a representative of the community to sign off on certain decisions (hopefully elected, as you said, but who knows exactly how it happens), like that one about the Lyre, to show that the people agree. Possibly it's a triangle with the Grand Master at the top and the Seneschal (given the above "manages the Church" line) and Community Representative as equals who have input but not ultimate power on the next level down, possibly they both exist largely to rubberstamp the Grand Master and Seneshal's decisions, possibly it's an area-of-authority divide. Regardless of the exact divisions, Jean does seem to have some fairly unilateral powers in the areas of domestic defense and peacekeeping, but that's... something you do want the head of your military-and-police order to have, generally, so who knows how broad her powers actually are to act without the Seneschal and Representative's approval in other areas. The game is, as always, frustratingly uninformative.
Anyway, tl;dr: my personal reading of Mondstadt tends to render the Community Representative as relatively unimportant, despite the equal billing in that quest, because over and over again in quests and lore and voicelines we don't see anything but "the Ordo handles things," and Mondstadt honestly makes most sense to me as a theocratic city-state. I think they're more likely a representative "voice" in the government than a significant power, and I don't think they represent any significant "third branch" other than possibly, given Mondstadt's history, a symbolic reminder that its people have toppled tyrants before and can do so again.
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banamine-bananime · 3 months
just listing some of my headcanons (mostly appearance/demographics) because i like listing things and i’m procrastinating hard
caboose - 18-19 in 2552. went straight from hs graduation to basic to sim training to blood gulch. he was gonna do a program where the UNSC provides a hefty scholarship for completion of an engineering degree with a few years of service upon graduation, but got enlisted instead through a combination of paperwork being confusing for bureaucratic nonsense reasons, paperwork being confusing for deliberate predatory we-need-as-many-people-for-cannon-fodder-as-possible reasons, and him being confused by any paperwork. 6'7”, ~250 lb, very muscular and not thin but not quite chubby either, very mixed but mostly latino and arabic ethnicities, thick fluffy 3A chin-length dark brown hair that's always in his eyes, round face with cute fuzzy eyebrows and aquiline nose. him and tucker (and kinda donut and perhaps sarge) are the only motherfuckers here with a stable happy childhood. uses-no-specific-label queer cis dude.
church - we know church is 5 in blood gulch lol but it think he thought he was like 23-ish/jimmy was around that age. in jimmy's body, 5'10, ~230 lb, chubby and "normal" level of muscularity for someone who has a somewhat active job but doesn't work out much, untidy thick straight black hair that's like 2" grown-out from a buzz, face passably similar to the director if you squint but not really (e.g. shorter/squarer face, eyes hazel instead of stupidly light green). epsilon projects a similar bodytype but would probably default to a young-director-ish face if he had to make one. i think he would at some point consciously change it around if he were doing a face with any regularity. bisexual and nonbinary and will probably never fully acknowledge it but she can have some pronouns as a treat (from tex or in her own internal monologue) sometimes.
tucker - 18-19 in 2552. went straight from hs graduation to basic to sim training to blood gulch. enlisted because he was a “fuck around without any motivation or particular goals in life” kind of teenage dirtbag who was like “oh hey predatory recruiters absolutely dominating every career fair in Covenant-war-era earth. i’ve heard being in the military is very sexy and exciting and makes you a chick magnet so sure sign me up”. 5’4”, ~110 lb scrawny guy in blood gulch -> ~135 still pretty skinny but more muscular later. 4C hair with a grown-out buzz from basic in blood gulch becoming locs when it's long enough. *takes you by the shoulders very seriously* repeat after me, his eyes are BROWN. and the only acceptable other option is when they’re turning gray as in a body horror way, gray as in your body becoming something uncanny to you, gray as in the horribly blinding cold light of unfathomably vast stars lightyears away from anything you’ve ever known (read lazarus left the tomb btw. treat yourself). very handsome face in a boy-next-door-looks-very-sweet-until-he-opens-his-mouth kinda way. an only child or had like one older sibling he wasn’t very close to by the time he enlisted. i think of him as a bi cis guy but i enjoy trans hcs.
kai - 20 in 2552. 5’2”, ~200 lb, fat and top-heavy hourglass and broadset. a little muscular (it’s not immediately obvious) as she was always athletic and basic training helped, but she’s made more for endurance (body by “dancing 7 hours and walking home across town drunk and sleep-deprived”) than strength. thick upper-back-length black 2C hair that she sometimes dyes streaks in or ombre (usually brown highlights but she mixes it up). broad face and nose, big adorable eyebrows, life-endingly cute eyes and smile. alternates between no-makeup all-leg-hair realness, and full femme glam for funsies with 5 sets of fake eyelashes trying to take flight (at least three of them are inevitably going to be Just Fucking Gone by some point in the party). pansexual ipsogender intersex gal (tbh the original reason i headcanoned her having mosaic turner’s is the colorblindess [x-linked recessive traits are rarely gonna show up if you have 2 X chromsomes vs having one, so i was like, “hey her retinas could be some of her XO tissues, and with mosaicism, fertility isn’t uncommon, so it doesn’t contradict her having had abortions”] and then years later i thought about it harder and was like wait she has achromatopsia and that’s autosomal. biology nerd fail moment. but anyways she’s intersex.)
tex - her body is modelled after allison aged 33 (when she died), but bigger stronger faster idealized-by-memory-and-wanting-her-to-be-invincible-to-the-point-of-looking-more-like-she’s-on-gear-and-photoshop-than-a-natural-body. 6’2”, body looks like ~220 lb of muscle and low-body-fat (but not like, cut for bodybuilding competition level of low-body-fat), but being made largely metal, she is heavier. whereas allison was like 5’9”, 170 lb, serious-crossfit-competitor kind of build but nowhere near as built as tex. face looks very similar to allison but just… weirdly airbrushed look and looks… sharper. harsher features. more intimidating. but she’s got this crooked smile that looks kinda like a smug smirk but also like she’s not laughing at you exactly, she’s just vibing with you and the inherent comedy of the absurdity of life. but when she’s Not Smiling it's the kind of expression you start backing away from expeditiously. i think of her having shoulder-length hair she wears in a ponytail but i do love short-hair tex dearly. gnc butch gay/bi (mostly attracted to women, uses both labels) cis woman who uses any pronouns.
wash - around 31? in 2552 (would put him being recruited to pfl at about 26 which feels right for being able to slide into the Goofy Innocent Rookie role but also plausibly have achieved a pretty high non-commissioned officer rank). 5’6” -155 lb, functional muscle with a build in-between lean and stocky (“otter” as a label keeps coming to mind). i don’t have a super settled facecanon but picture him as either white or mixed white and east asian. he has not changed his bleach-blonde crewcut since he was 17 and the shock of allowing himself to change it now might kill him. gay ace trans man.
carolina - 29 in 2552 (actually the youngest among the high-ranking freelancers. she would kill (jk) to protect this secret). she did the whole 4 year military academy to commissioned officer training thing and had a couple years of normal UNSC service before unfortunately getting wrapped up in her dad’s mad science pet project. 5’8”, ~150 lb, leanly muscular. i think of her having natural red hair she dyes bright red but i love a black-haired carolina too. we’ve seen her face. straight trans woman (transitioned as a preteen). i know, i wanted her to be in the wlw club, too. unfortunately every time i try shipping her with a woman she’s like “meh. thinking about my weird khaki man.” and i’m like oh. sorry about that affliction.
sarge - 62 (?) in 2552. 5’6”, ~200 lb, stocky and solidly muscular barrel-chested slight-beer-gut old dude. chinese-american. if you somehow catch him without his helmet he’s got wraparound reflective shades so good luck ever seeing his face (he’ll tell you it’s classified). another eternal crewcut guy but his is shorter than wash’s. bi and definitely a robofucker tbh. he is cis or trans depending on what’s funnier in any given circumstance.
grif - 24 in 2552. worked in honolulu a couple years after hs graduation until kai was old enough (17) he felt he could leave. did a year at university before realizing he’s smart enough to be admitted to cornell but not to get the scholarship he realistically needs to not be in crushing debt on graduation and also there’s not nearly enough regimentation to college life to prevent him from rotting in bed paralyzed by Problems. went through basic and stationed on the doomed outpost. that Whole Thing happened and he was reassigned to sim troopers. 5’8”, ~300 lb, fat and a little bit strong against his will from an involuntarily active job (he has valiantly resisted picking up cardiovascular conditioning. he works very hard on unfitness). he’s kinda cute in a “hasn’t washed his face in 5 days and his peachfuzz/stubble patches combo is very uneven but you caught him smiling for 2 seconds and oh no it was VERY charming” way. thick 2C dark-brown hair that’s a few inches long, wears it longer later. gay trans guy (because his little sister is named “younger sibling of the same gender” so like… also lmfao how unfortunate for kai that her name, which she did not choose, misgenders her big brother. like 😭 god it is very on the grif siblings brand of “hello so the circumstances we have been put in mean that my existence [kai]/how i have to leave you here to protect my own sanity [grif] is actively making your life much harder. i am ashamed of this, let us never communicate about it ever. i love you so much.”)
simmons - 23 in 2552. tried to do university several times and had to drop out for mental health reasons (a very polite way of putting “rapid spiral into absolute disaster every time”. it leaves room for giving him the benefit of the doubt that this was a proactive “ah i should take care of myself and this is not working for me :) #selfcare #therapy” decision. this is not benefit of the doubt that anyone who knows him would extend.). I go back and forth on whether to roll with the “suspiciously specific denial of being in a unit that was stranded and had to eat their dog to survive” thing or just say he was assigned straight to sim troopers. 5’11”, ~160 lb, wirey build and has to be standing at attention or else he holds himself so awkwardly. i pretty much go with the Standard Ginger Simmons Fanon Face but light brown hair also feels right and i think his hair should be very short. i really like when people draw his prosthetics very industrial/bare mechanical frame not trying to imitate biological form, just whatever’s functional. Red circle eye, hell yeah. bi and i used to firmly believe “this guy has to be cis because there is NO WAY he would have the hutzpah and willingness to put self-authenticity over doing what he’s Supposed To Do. we’ve seen how he deals with anxiety. he would just be white-knuckling his way through dysphoria to this day” HOWEVER i have really come around to trans simmons
donut - 19-20 in 2552. i see him taking a gap year or two to work on the farm and think about what he wants to do with his life (not productively introspecting on his deeper desires in life and what would allow him to fulfill them, god no, of course not. daydreaming unrealistically. obviously.) before enlisting. i think his upbringing was fairly happy but kinda weird and a bit insular within a small community of some Beliefs and possibly homeschooled. not like exactly Fundie Christian America as you might assume with that background; american subcultures have changed enough over 500 years that this is one of many totally unrecognizable to us. like it has some roots in Fundie Christianity and homesteading-from-a-weird-reactionary-tradfamily-can’t-trust-the-gubernment-place and some in Hippie-dippiness Spirituality, not-actually-a-cult-but-sometimes-you’ll-hear-him-say-things-he-thinks-are-normal-and-you’re-like-ummmmmmmm. (Idek how that headcanon started. i think i was just like so how DO you build a guy like donut). he’s 5’10”, ~185 lb, sturdy build, i don’t think people would consider him chubby but definitely not thin. his face and hair looks like he should be on a 1960s white america boyscouts poster but like, goofy about it. i think of him being mostly white but some latino heritage he’s curious about but was not raised connected to (hence wanting to learn spanish). acearospec and gay (he’s like…. mostly asexual and aromantic but it’s complicated. he is barely aware of being gay let alone ace or aro. he just fully makes up what he thinks sexual attraction and romance are and assigns it to random feelings/experiences). cis dude or nonbinary.
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its-monster-mash · 1 year
Alright so, there’s been a sleep between me and the House of Wax rewatch, so I’m going to TRY to organize my feelings by Chronological order of the movie. This is going to get long, so there will be a cut so I don’t take up too much dash-space for people who want to scroll past.
Basics of it: Bo Sinclair apologism and Let Vincent Have Agency over his own actions. Also people are DICKS to rural people for no reason, like seriously FUCK Wade. Wade Deserved It.
So RIGHT off the bat, with Bo’s first appearance in the woods with his truck—Bo did NOTHING wrong here. I live in a very rural area(I grew up in the middle of the woods, but now I live a ten minute walk from where I used to—there are so many cows). Where I’m from, if the landowner catches you in his woods you’re as likely to get SHOT AT as not. Showing up in a truck and staring at you is kind of a universal POLITE, gun free, warning—most people WILL scramble when someone shows up if they’re trespassing in the woods.
Now, what I think Bo was doing here was taking a headcount—deciding whether or not he wanted to deal with them, and I actually think he decided AGAINST killing them.
Despite the fact that they treated him aggressively and fucked up his truck, I feel like it cannot be stressed enough that BO DID GET THE FAN BELT.
Again, as a person from the middle of nowhere, it made ME fucking furious the way Wade came into town and just started breaking into places and LITERALLY breaking things. And, without prior knowledge that the church was full of wax victims, Wade was so impatient that he just couldn’t wait for Bo to FINISH UP AT THE FUNERAL, and decided to just let himself into Bo’s shop and take a fanbelt—leaving a “This is probably enough” amount of money. The entire time ripping on rural people and how they live(not to mention how he treated LESTER. Lester 100% acted like a normal guy around here. 10/10 girls I knew growing up would have LOVED to see his knife. That was an EXTREMELY normal interaction where I’m from.).
Bo straight up told them they could wait for him while he went ALONE to his house to get the part(also Wade questioning that a MECHANIC has some of his stock at home?? Fuck you man), and it was Wade that insisted on going along.
I do not think Bo intended for Vincent to go Snip Snip through the floorboards. (On top of that, Wade made the DUMBEST little noises after getting sliced—Bo getting changed upstairs probably 1000% thought “Jesus Christ the fucker is blowing up my goddamn bathroom”. He may not have even known yet that Vincent got him; depending on whether or not he noticed the signs of struggle in the already kind of messy house.
(On THAT note, I got pissed as hell the way Wade was judging the Sinclair Home—like bitch you are the reason moms in the early 2000s went berserk about the house needing to be spotless when guests come.)
Bo was genuinely surprised when Carly LOCKED HIM OUT OF HIS OWN TRUCK. I feel like THAT was the point where Bo decided “Fuck it.”
I think that, up until then, Bo WAS going to fix up their car and get them on their way, because he KNEW they had a whole lot of friends who were coming back for them—Bo may not be the brightest, but I feel like he was smart enough to know that that could have got them caught or hurt.
My best friend and I joked that we would have survived our trip to Ambrose because we simply would not have been assholes. (And we would been HUGE nerds in the Wax Museum, and well, NOT took a lighter to the pieces??? Vincent probably would NOT have shanked us. Tbh we would not have gone into the Sinclair home because when Bo said “You can wait here if you want” we would have simply said “Thank you.”. Well, we wouldn’t have broken into the Museum AT ALL, but given who we are we may have ASKED Bo if we could see it.)
Now, I’m not saying Bo ISN’T a bad guy, like, he very much definitely DID lock Carly in a basement and glue her mouth shut, but I didn’t really see a whole lot of like?? Gratuitous Sadism?? Is there more in a novelization or something?? Like, he threatened her to keep her quiet—but since he and his twin are literally serial killers I think that’s pretty standard?
The fact that Carly was able to so EASILY dismantle the chair makes me kind of feel like it wasn’t really used much? I mean, Bo is a mechanic, you’d think if that were a thing he made a habit of it would be in better repair. I didn’t really get the feeling that this was like, an average Tuesday Night for Bo or anything.
(On that note, I would have been the worst victim because the MINUTE he turned the music on I would have been like “Oh shit dude I like your taste” and he would just “???” Of course, I may have met a completely DIFFERENT fate because I simply would not have locked him out of his truck. There would have been no chase.)
I don’t get where the “Uwu Soft Boy” “Bo’s Victim” thing comes from unless people were just taking Carly’s late-movie assumptions at face value??
Like, Vincent DID very much get in a truck and go into the woods just to hunt Blake and Paige. Like, he had no reason to do that, and Bo was straight up mad about it until he settled down and told Vincent he did good and they’d fit the set. Like, Bo is the one who imprisoned Carly, but Vincent VERY MUCH WAS THE ONE WHO DID THE KILLINGS. Bo did not tell him to do any of that. It kind of makes me mad because it feels like Vincent’s agency is downplayed a lot in the fandom and that it’s just because of Bo snapping on him One(1) Time, and Carly’s assumption in the final chase.
And as far as Bo snapping on him goes!!
Bo had AN ARROW IN HIS CHEST AT THE TIME(Also Bo, I love you, but FUCK WHY DID YOU PULL THE FINS OF THE ARROW THROUGH YOUR ARM??? He should have just?? Cut the arrowhead off and pulled the SMOOTH part through?? This man). I think most people are prone to snapping when they’re in severe pain(and I think the way Vincent IMMEDIATELY rushed in to survey Bo’s wounds shows a lot about how they DO care about each other, like very clearly Vincent is not AFRIAD of Bo—considering even after he snapped Vincent was just like “Whatever, go ahead and bleed, I’m going back to fixing up my mask.”). The sibling of mine I actually KNOW is significantly younger than me, so we didn’t have any kind of antagonism with each other—largely because I was a Parentified Sibling—but every close in age pair of siblings I know can be pretty mean to each other, but always in an “ONLY I CAN PICK ON MY SIBLING” kind of way. Bo calling Vincent a “Freak” and then IMMEDIATELY taking on a softer voice and telling him how great his art is had HUGE “I’m sorry, you can hit me back, don’t tell Mom.” Energy. I really don’t think Bo abuses Vincent.
I mean, he said “You’re not supposed to go anywhere WITHOUT ME”, which implies that they DO go places together; and given how easily Vincent killed everyone he killed in the movie, it makes a LOT of sense that Bo wouldn’t want him going out alone. Especially if(and this is my own speculation) Bo is used to always being around to “Protect” Vincent from people who would make fun of him.
>Inserting this here because I forgot to mention it: I genuinely think all the killing started while Trudy was still alive, because Bo talks about how he and Vincent can “Finish what she started”. Additionally, in the beginning of the movie, Lester gives that little speech about how people can “get used to a lot”. That makes me feel like the brothers were probably RAISED to do the things that they do(supported by the fact that the fucked up machinery Vincent puts his victims in looks OLD, so it’s not unlikely that Trudy used it first). That doesn’t absolve Bo and Vincent, of course, but it does make them ALSO victims.
Moving on to Carly’s speculation at the end—she CLEARLY pissed Vincent off. I mean, she just BEAT HIS BROTHER TO DEATH and then called BO a freak and suggested that BO was behind everything. Not only did she kill HIS twin(and she and Nick would know better than anyone how much pain Vincent must have been feeling in that moment) but she called BO a Freak too. Given the amount of abuse Vincent watched his parents hurl at Bo, that was probably a rehashing of how he felt when his parents would bind and beat Bo and yell horrible things at him. (Also like, FUCK, the fact that Bo’s high chair STILL has fucking blood on it??? Like their father was a DOCTOR, and he just made Bo sit and eat with his Rotting Old Blood right there??? FUCK.)
And finally, Lester sitting on the back of his truck at the end of the movie, Jonesy sitting with him—he was probably waiting around for some sign of what happened to his brothers, and THAT breaks my goddamn heart.
But like, bottom line, I don’t think Bo was the “Evil Twin” much in the same way that Nick wasn’t actually that bad of a guy. The Sinclairs are obviously the result of a very fucked up upbringing, but aside from the whole wax thing and the locking Carly in the basement, Bo actually feels like a pretty normal dude??? By slasher standards??? I definitely don’t get any kind of a “Bo is the mastermind” vibes from the movie—it feels very much more like this is just the life that’s been NORMAL to Bo and Vincent for so long.
Yeah, they should have just left Ambrose and NOT kept killing, but Bo is CLEARLY still trying to get his mother’s love, and I don’t think Vincent even WANTS to stop. I don’t think Bo would have ever left Vincent even if HE wanted to stop.
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cannedbeefaroni · 8 months
do you do NSFW alphabets? if so could you do one for eli? :)))
Eli Sunday NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He’s crying. He’s unable to control his emotions after climaxing. His post nut clarity would be an absolute nightmare, so he would either need to be held tenderly or to be left completely alone so he can sulk (depending on his mood). 
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He’s a massive prude, so he loses his mind over the slightest bit of immodesty. He loses his composure at the sight of exposed collarbone, chest, shoulders, and even legs. I think his brain would short circuit if he saw an entirely nude body, that's why he’d prefer clothed sex. I think he’d cry upon seeing someone’s bare breasts. He definitely fixates on the chest area more than others. 
His partner would love his ass. He’s got a nice bubble butt. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
He swallows as to not waste any semen.
D = Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He gets constant boners. He’s usually unable to relieve himself, but even when he gets the chance he most likely won't. When he’s doing his weird faith healer preaching bullshit his dick probably leaks a little in his pants. He’s way too into it. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s very experienced, but he swears he’s a virgin. Let’s just say he’s been around the block. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He’s a bottom forever. He wants to be on his knees, ass up, face down, getting railed. He’d also love sucking dick because he’s obsessed with serving others. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Yes but unintentionally. He says phrases such as “oh! Great heavens!” and “oh dear!”
H = Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I don’t think people shaved their body hair back then. I don’t think he’d shave at least tbh. He would have lighter body hair so it wouldn't be all that noticeable anyway. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
He’s very back and forth on romantic intimacy. There are times where he feels blissed out and totally in love during the act, and other times he’ll feel mostly ashamed. When he feels romantic he’s very obsessive and praises them as if they’re a gift from god. 
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
He masturbates a lot. Multiple times a day. Sometimes he cums untouched. He has to relieve himself in the fucking haybales surrounded by smelly bleating goats as they drown out his sobbing, because it’s the only place he has privacy. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Hierophilia all the way.  He wants to be degraded for being the disgusting man whore he is as he prays for forgiveness, clutching a rosary as he gets railed. He wants to be a good little lamb for his dom and crave their praise. He wants to be manhandled and slapped around like a stupid little fuckdoll. 
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Probably in a bed considering it would be so rare for him to be able to do it in one without being caught. However he loves getting fucked in church, even if he finds it detestable to do. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Big strong men, especially if they’re in either tight or revealing clothing. He also likes older men (COUGH COUGH DANIEL PLAINVIEW COUGH). 
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He is gay he wouldn’t fuck women (in my opinion). 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He is obsessed with sucking cock. He is a natural born cocksucker. He needs his throat abused by a big dick. He comes from giving oral alone. If he had his dick sucked or ass ate his eyes would roll to the back of his head and he would ascend. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He fucks like a rabbit. He’s just so horny he can't help it. Usually he isn’t the one to set the pace, but while riding he goes pretty fast. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Most of his sexual encounters would have to be pretty quick in fear of being walked in on. He usually wants more but beggars can't be choosers. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Everything about him having sex (especially with men, no less) is a risk, so I’d say yes. He’d probably be down for anything. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
His dick might be comatose tbh. Sometimes he’s unable to cum at all and other times he cums randomly. That religious trauma does numbers on your cock ngl. 
T = Toys (Do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He would love having any phallic shaped object up his ass. He would shove a crucifix up his ass then cry in guilt after. 
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He’s a bitchy little whiny brat. He thinks he’s so fucking funny and smart but he’s just annoying. He needs to be put in his damn place. 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Too loud. Needs a gag during sex. He’s screaming and hollering. 
W = Wild card (A random headcanon for the character)
Not rly a headcanon but he has a big fat ass. 
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Beautiful dick. about 7 inches, perfect girth to length ratio, perfectly circumcised, very smooth, the skin of it is soft. He would however be shy about his dick size, thinking it's obscene, worried that it can't be concealed well. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
On a scale of 1 to 10 he would be a solid 95 
Z = Zzz (How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?)
I don’t think he sleeps.
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quillyfied · 10 months
Things I’m noticing on this rewatch, which I’m hoping to take slow and ponder on but we will see how it goes, PART FOUR (obviously major Good Omens season 2 spoilers throughout, specifically for S2E4)
- Lesi?
- Shax really does have creepy down pat.
- Aziraphale not sensing her, though. They really do play Calvinball with the rules of that, it seems.
- “You don’t seem his type at all” mirroring “I am so not your type” between Nina and Maggie last episode ;A; “you have no idea,” Maggie said. Aziraphale thinks. I weep.
- Sometime in the last 18, 19 years…would that have put them square in the “raising the Antichrist” years? Hang on. 4 years past the failed apocalypse…makes it 14…they were working on it for 11 years…no, that would put them before that, wouldn’t it? Wtf is that timing, Shax?
- “This Angel Gabriel, who I’ve never heard of” = “who’s Morales?”
- Shax really is the kind of infernally clever that’s perfect for tripping Aziraphale up when he’s already flustered and panicked. Love to see them interact.
- Opening theme detail today: one of the headstones reads Jane Austen. Wonder if the headstones change every episode too?
- “Here lies the former shell of Beelzebub” reads another, and “here lies Adam” with some text I can’t make out. Went back to the beginning of the graveyard bit now and “Peter Paintball”, and of course, “Every day.” If anyone gets good eyes on the Adam headstone, y’all gotta let me know.
- This episode’s theater feature: Nazi Zombie Flesheaters, with a still of the Nazis from s1 still alive. Nice.
- Seems odd to call the episode “The Hitchhiker” when it seems the literal hitchhiking is done by the time the opening credits roll. Time to refresh myself on why this episode might be called that.
- Did they reuse footage? Or reenact it?
- Yknow…none of the demons are wearing obvious animals this season. I think only Beelzebub, Hastur, and Ligur might have done it tbh.
- I love the details of Hell tbh. The fire cooler. The sheer number of Nazis. The way Shax moves so mechanically but so cool and collected.
- Does Shax actually have any higher demon ears? Or is she baiting Furfur? Hard to tell for her.
- Yknow the teeth aren’t helping in figuring out if Shax has an animal aspect.
- The besotted Aziraphale bit here. I cannot BELIEVE this all happens immediately post church bomb.
- Okay but the Nazis not disputing the fact that they belong in hell, just that they’re dead based on trickery. Nice.
- The tongue bit. Yuck.
- OKAY. Crowley has present day hair color for this adventure. That feels significant. Is this minisode a flashback?
- Okay the signage of Hell. Always a favorite. But the “heaven looks down on you” sign. Hmm. Bit odd.
- Ah. Because I couldn’t see the bottom half of it. “Because you’re…” something. Move it, Furfur XD
- Pathetic. “Heaven looks down on you because you’re pathetic.” …hmm. Still an interesting take, tbh.
- Happy to be in the probable minority that likes the zombies bit XD which is interesting bc I normally hate zombie fiction. They do it the way I like, though. They’re conscious and sentient in their zombieness.
- Also the brain repeating on him XD what a gloriously stupid and delightful detail
- And okay yeah the dead rising from the grave thing from Jimbriel’s prophecy and the Nazi zombies here feels like a big ole clue for s3. I’m Mormon so my upbringing around the Second Coming is probably weirder than other Christians but a big part of it for us is the emphasis on the resurrection of the dead, ALL the dead. Putting a properly macabre spin on it feels like a very Good Omens thing to do tbh.
- There’s the dirty donkey again! It DIDNT move, Crowley LITERALLY planned his heist ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE BOOKSHOP. I WORK IN SOHO I HEAR THINGS INDEED.
- David Tennant what is that voice XD
- Lots of emphasis on sleight of hand this…entire show :P it does make one suspicious of The Final Fifteen Minutes. But also I don’t want to rob them of their power? Because damn. DAMN.
- (The lip reading. It. I. I will wait for the end but GUH)
- He’s so pleased with himself for getting it right XD
- They are SO. IN. LOVE. KILL ME.
- Natural dexterity. Like the magic words, I’m waiting for that one to come true.
- The way Pat tries to have some integrity XD
- More importantly, does he still have that???
- …does that mean Aziraphale’s fired a gun when Crowley hasn’t? What does this mean for the paintball gun bit? Does your derringer lend weight to a moral argument, Aziraphale??
- Hang on have to squeal for the way Aziraphale just grabs Crowley’s hand in both of his. So excited. So cute.
- HA, the wrong ring XD
- Sad to see Pat get eaten. But the framing of it is really cool actually.
- Fell the Marvelous. That poster. How in the heck.
- Aziraphale having stage fright tho.
- Jiggery pokery indeed XD
- Omg the miracle blocker is a punch card. The worldbuilding implications.
- I wonder at how hell would have taken Aziraphale handing Crowley a rifle tbh.
- “Aim for my mouth, shoot past my ear” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
- the way they’re both shaking and nervous. The camera itself shaking. CROWLEY shaking
- The feather boa. I WEEP. He’s so happy.
- I know the implication is that Crowley, like Jim, is missing his memories, but. Also. The idea that maybe Crowley is just terrible at remembering people who aren’t Aziraphale. Poor Furfur.
- The sleight of hand is very subtle. Which is the point. But also. Idk man people have said it better and apparently written 16k essays about it, I’m just proud of him for pulling it off.
- Okay but. But they’re zombies. Neil they’re zombies. Aziraphale and Crowley just let three Nazi zombies wander off Neil. NEIL. WHAT IS THE PLAN WITH THEM??
- Dagon is in top form this season tbh
- I got it right the time that mattered ;A;
- I knew you would come through for me. You always do.
- You said trust me.
- And you did.
- “If you were truly as evil as you like to paint yourself” the levels of deep seated misunderstanding and flawed foundational concepts I’m CRY
- Though it’s AZIRAPHALE who brings up shades of grey. A glimmer of hope.
- Can someone who knows accents tell me what is going on with Shax’s
- Beelzebub’s thanks and “good work” as a discordant note, but also their command for Shax to take an army to attack the bookshop knowing full well she isn’t going to get that kind of support…wut.
- Peter Anderson’s screen effects are my favorite thing.
- Hate to see the way Nina is so broken down by Lindsey tbh.
- Yeeeah…Crowley seems to be purposely living in his car tbh. Retreating directly to it. I can’t tell if Aziraphale never thought to offer cohabitation or if Crowley turned him down but my money is on they’ve never discussed it despite both of them thinking about it very loudly.
- A night to remember! Never bodes well.
Okay. That’s it for tonight. An episode that seems out of place but has many good tasty morsels and I think more than a smidge of s3 foreshadowing. Why is the episode called The Hitchhiker? Maybe for Furfur trying to climb the greasy pole of bureaucracy? For the Nazis hanging onto life? Literally just for the one part at the beginning that sets the whole climax into motion? Who knows???
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what about priest!fyodor who confront the member of the church that say something bad about you? i'm curious what's your take on this😆
This took longer than I expected, mainly because I ended up in a four hour discord call with a friend, having a not so friendly debate over the SCP foundation and what SCP was the best. I of course had the objectively correct opinion with SCP-4999 and SCP-3008. As a religious person I am also probably going to hell for writing such things, but that makes it fun tbh.
Priest!Fyodor + confrontation [thoughts]
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His initial reaction is going to be anger, especially if the person made his love cry. He won’t stand for such things. I’ve gone over it before briefly but to me Fyodor is someone extremely protective over those he loves, and priest!Fyodor is no different in that regard.
Now how Fyodor goes about the confrontation depends on two things. What status in the church is the person and what did they say/do? 
If the person is below him in status, such as them being a part of the laity, then it’s very easy for Fyodor to deal with them. All he needs to do is make a well worded complaint that disrespect has been done in a holy place, thus insulting the lord as well. He’ll be vague about it too, if his lover wants, but the outcome is the same either way. That person will promptly be forbidden from the church, meaning they can no longer practise their faith in a holy space, which to Fyodor is adequate punishment. He’ll never actually approach the person or reveal what he did either, but between the sickly sweet smile he gives them and the menacing glint in his eyes they’re probably able to put two and two together.
Now priests are actually somewhat low on the church hierarchy, so if someone above him were to say something to his lover I imagine he’d take a more direct approach. There are two main reasons behind this, the first being that the church is more likely to take the word of a higher up, no matter how persuasive Fyodor may be, and that has the potential to cause trouble rather than solve it. The second reason is that because those above him are supposed to be ‘closer to God’ he will see the statements made about/actions done to his lover as something more sinful. They are no longer men of God in his eyes, maybe not even men at all. 
He will confront them, and while he remains friendly his tone is laced with an undeniable malice and the message is clear; “Do not show yourself to my partner again, even better do not show your face in the city.”
Now Bean you mentioned in one of your posts that one of the comments being made would be in regards to the reader ‘tainting’ Fyodor with their relationship, and that is very possible. Priests are, from my understanding, not allowed in relationships unless they were married before priesthood. So by technicalities the person isn’t exactly incorrect, but even then Fyodor doesn’t care for such comments. He knows, God knows, that his lover is not tainting him, in fact to him the love that he shares with his s/o is probably more pure than anything the other members could ever even wish to achieve. 
He is smart enough to realise that such comments may be distressing to his lover however, that such things hurt, and so I see him focusing on comforting his love as opposed to confronting the person who said it. The main reason behind that being that he’s aware that for as long as he’s open about the relationship comments like that will be made to both him and his s/o. He’d rather help them learn to ignore such things and in turn become more confident in the relationship, as that is the most beneficial course of action.
Now we’re all waiting for him to kill someone of course, and I think that’s likely if the person had been physical at all. Whether that be sexual, violent, or merely placing a hand on their shoulder and squeezing a little too hard. I do believe priest!Fyodor tries to be a good person, but the problem here is that he’s very good at justifying his actions, and so when he finds out his lover has been touched in any way, or god forbid he sees such a thing, he’s already started justifying the actions to follow.
To him his lover is the purest among them all, and as God’s loyal servant it’s his job to protect them, to ensure their safety and wellbeing. In his mind he’s doing exactly what God would want him to do. He won’t draw out the person’s death, unless they had been particularly cruel or vulgar, it’s simply not his style. Fyodor doesn’t enjoy killing people, it’s simply a burden he accepts on behalf of his lord, but he certainly won’t feel any guilt for killing such scum either. 
All of this will be kept hidden from his lover of course. Once again it’s his burden to carry, not theirs and so he’ll keep it secret, even if they already suspect him for being the source of the disappearances.
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targentis · 2 months
- What's your favorite character arc?
- What's your favorite details you noticed about the game?
- What's your favorite character design?
- Do you have any hcs/things you'd like about less popular characters ( the church staff, students like Raphael or Caspar, random npc )
- Idk if you particularly care about shipping, but do you have any rarepair? ( Ok, tbh that one is because of your Rodrigue fic because it was delightful. And because I saw you liked Ferdinand/Dimitri- )
- Do you have any hcs around the characters family? ( This one might also be because of your Rodrigue fic- )
- ALSO is there any platonic dynamic, especially less popular, that you care about?
- Group dynamic too! I'm pretty sure your favorite is the blue lions, but is there anything particular you enjoy/notice about the houses? ( including the Church staff! And it can consider recruits too, as well as either pre or post time-skip )
- This one is a bit cheessy but is there any song you associate with three houses in some way?
( Sorry I know it looks a bit like an interview, feel free to only answer the question you want! And I might not like/reblog your answer bc I'm shy but I'll garantee you that I will have read it! Thanks you if you decided to answer :) )
wowa sure i’ll answer all these why not HDSNDJSN
gotta say dimitri has my favorite character arc 💪💪💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥👆👆👆 they literally gave him a trauma recovery arc and it wasn’t even bad. we love the psychotic rep in this game 💪💪💪💪 the healing 💥💥💥💥💥💥 the sexy also 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
oogh. this is a Hard One. all the character design in this game slaps so hard. i’ll probably have to say post timeskip Edelgard takes the cake for me though because like…that headdress…the gravitas of the whole getup…never seen anything like it before
I LOVE CORNELIA 💥💥💥💥💥💥 i know i already talked about my trans headcanon for her but like genuinely…..she is so fascinating to me…what is trans Agarthan culture like…one must wonder…
LMAO the Rodrigue fic was a commission but i am a Rodriguela supporter forever 🫡🫡🫡 other than that yeah i like Diminand (but i’m a Cymitri truther and Yes this counts as a rarepair to me), Ashelix, whatever Ferdinand and Felix is called but Specifically as exes…i think that’s it off the top of my head. i also ship Cornelia with Valter from Sacred Stones but that’s a whole nother can of worms
OUUUU tbh i think All of my family hcs came out in that one Felix fic that everyone sleeps on HDBSBDJS i just i just i love thinking about Glenn……..and what would happen if Felix just went to therapy ONCE……… Rodrigue is a good father idc what anyone says
yes i think we were robbed of Claude and Hubert supports and i’ll die on this hill. they would have been such incredible worsties. i also really like Lorenz and Ferdinand as the most insufferable friends on the planet. and Annette and Dimitri have such cute supports that i never hear anyone talk about…faerghus four my ass, Annette is Dimitri’s REAL sibling figure ‼️ speaking of the faerghus four i hate that dynamic. Dedue and Dimitri have thee most beautiful friendship and ppl want me to believe he has a comparable relationship with the snotty rich kids he grew up with? get real. that being said Felix and Sylvain have that Exact lasting childhood bond that everyone seems to want Dimitri to have with the rest of them so. i like those two as besties i have a lot of feelings about that.
its so interesting that the Blue Lions come off as my favorite group dynamic because like…i gotta say they’re probably my least favorite as a group AKDKSNSKSA i LOVE the Black Eagles for this. (i am totally neutral on the Golden Deer. i have like zero opinions on them and i am sorry 😔) specifically though i think what gets me about the Black Eagles is that they have this…communal vibe, i guess? it makes it easy to imagine them all like hanging out with each other even though they all have such STRONG personalities. the Blue Lions…i just get the sense that they’re not all very compatible with each other if that makes sense??? it feels like i’m at an awkward family dinner every time i see them all together. it could just be that i like almost all the BE whereas there are quite a few BL i strongly dislike HHDBWNDN because recruiting my faves makes this less unbearable. also i fucking love the church staff…i especially love how supportive all the professors are of each other, and how Byleth really feels like they have a community around them while working at Garreg Mach… Gatekeeper i love you………
yes i do actually and it’s PVP by Amaranthe. i don’t actually know WHY that song makes me think of this game, the lyrics aren’t really applicable, but i have such a vivid animatic in my head every time i hear it so there you have it.
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yomiurinikei · 1 year
Hello Yomiuri.. I really need to ask some Kinji Uehara headcanons from you because of the illness type I have
I have illness named "no brain, only Kinji" and only thing can cure it is great and tasty hcs for him.. kehehe.
uh oh!!! what a serious condition… don’t worry, your medicine is here now! though…. really, what’s so bad about only having kinji in your head?
i think he deserves it. kinji <3
•based off canon, we can assume he stays at one church/convent-esque environment, and it’s linked to/has an orphanage. i 100% believe he’s all the kids favorites
•like. all the kids love him. sure, they like the clergy in general. but kinji can’t exist on holy ground without being swarmed by little ones!
•i think he’s overall more playful/a bit gentler with them. he’s likely to sneak a kid something sweet to have, stuff like that
•ALSO. i think he’s the best about like… we see he’s very accepting of people who don’t share his religious beliefs. i think that also applied to the children, which definitely earns him some credit
•he gets that a lot of the kids didn’t… really choose to be at the church, so he doesn’t get after them for not paying attention during service the way that other priests do
•speaking of. i think he often wonders what he’d have been like if he wasn’t adopted by his dad…
•seeing as he still uses his birth mothers surname, i think that while he does genuinely enjoy being a priest and takes comfort in religion, his devotion/service started as a way to get closer to his adopted dad
•especially with his dad being a respected bishop… it was a way to be connected to him, and to show others that he belonged with his dad!
•he wouldn’t change the course his life has taken. but he does wonder sometimes…
•maybe a bit of a odd bc but i think he really likes babies + is v good with them
•the church was only ever asked to care for like… newborns/vv youngin’s on rare occasions, but whenever there was a baby at the orphanage, kinji would always be nearby
•all the adults notice like. that he tries to “coincidentally” be nearby to help with the baby aksksks,, 
•he knows he can’t really have his own children due to his religious path, so if he did obtain a kid of his own, it’d be through adoption, and likely wouldn’t be a baby. so he appreciates it when he can spend time with an super leel one
•he just think they’re nice!! was fascinated with “….this is just a tiny little human. a person, yes, but one too little to even understand that they’re their own being” as a kid and that never went away
•i think he’d be fascinated by rhythm games if he was exposed to them!
•probably goes like… oh that’s not that hard it’s just clicking buttons in a pattern. but he struggles at first and that surprises him
•hmmm. i think he has a hard time vocalizing his thoughts? this is fairly based in canon, it’s not just a random hc
•ofc we know he has the philosophy of not speaking when there’s nothing to be said. but i think to a degree that stems from him struggling to verbalize what’s in his head
•sharing how he thinks/what he feels could just fuck things up. so if it’s not a necessity, it’s better to just hold ur tongue, in his mind
•tbh i think he like… deep down really wants to be closer with his classmates. but he’s nervous that he’ll make a bad impression, and they won’t like him, plus he knows he’ll likely just go his own separate way after graduation, so….
•overall i think he needs to make friends it’d be good for his brain
•mkay some less serious stuff! i think he does a really good job with spice in terms of not feeling. in pain, and that sort of thing, but he gets a really bad runny nose, and it’s obnoxious to him
•overall i think he’s not very adventurous with his food? he’s probably very “food is fuel” brained, even if he doesn’t realize it. he eats to not be hungry, not because he likes to eat 
•we shouldn’t let him watch brokeback mountain. something that’s been in the back of my mind for a lot of this is my thoughts on how his time at hpa would impact him but like.
•i think if he watched brokeback mountain it’d fuck everything up. it’d change him mentally. he’d come out of it a changed man. 
•anyways. i think the others bully him into getting social media so they can keep up with him and all that cool stuff.
•he keeps getting mass reported off twitter tho. lol. 
•no one knows why no one understands it he doesn’t do anything weird. he just wakes up and his acc has been suspended again
•i think he just tries to avoid how he feels a lot when it comes to his social relationships. 
•his ftes and how he latched onto yuki as a friend very very quickly makes me feel like he’s got some emotional needs that he doesn’t know are going unfulfilled
•i think if he got into a circumstance where he felt romantic attraction + let himself be emotionally in touch with that feeling he’d be vv like…
•i don’t want to say it’d consume him (unhealthy), i just think he’d become very oriented towards that feeling?
•like. oh having friends feeling love being close with other people. feels nice and is satisfying and is good. oh. hm. surprising 
•so yeah. if he was interested in someone, i think it’d take up a lot of his thought!
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^this is kinji except like… with emotional connection and a sense of belonging and community and feeling valued by a group of people. (Text: I believed in God as a kid bc I always felt so moved during worship songs at my megachurch and then I went to a One Direction concert and felt the same thing and realized I just like live music)
•i don’t think i should be allowed to talk about my thoughts on kinji and religion and personal growth and like. any of that anymore tho. changing subjects again i think he’s got a low sugar tolerance he feels sick rlly easy when eating sweets
•THIS HAS GOTTEN VERY LONG. whoops. will leave u with this parting gift. i think he didn’t have a whole ton of toys and the like growing up, not because his dad didn’t care (i think he had a v good dad tbh) but just. because. not like they were going out to the stores ya know?
•so i think his dorm in hpa is p lacking- he has the standard amount of blankets and pillows on his bed and then he has all the stuff he needs for his studies
•i think one of his classmates should get him a stuffed animal tho. cuz he’s always off in his room studying? so he’s by himself :(,, so someone gets him a friend!!
•i have a few bull plushies i think he deserves one of those. i don’t have reasoning for this (los toros -> spain -> italy?? ??? maybe? ??????) but it’s real to me and a good note to end this on!
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papirouge · 10 months
Idk if this is super controversial but very much in my family, but I believe as Christians we should be the BIGGEST advocates for every socialist program that will help everyone, absolutely everyone. I’ve seen weird tales from Catholics where they believe they shouldn’t even try to help the poor because poverty would always exist (under capitalism, of course) and I think that’s actually evil to believe.
I’m also a big believer in sex separated areas. Not because I think women are too ~tempting~ or “distracting” to men, but simply because I don’t trust church bros. Normal guys who attend church aren’t church bros. Church bros are those lukewarm “spiritual” guys who go to church because they believe they are entitled to a submissive self hating trad wife who will stay at home, be feminine, and worship them as kings while also going 50/50 on everything. Then if they’re failing to attract girls at church, church bros will loudly complain to any guy nearby how awful western women are, how they are all used up whores who are gold diggers and too high maintenance with too high standards. And then some of the worst ones are asked to leave if they continue making a scene. OR if your church sucks, they will stay to build a group of likeminded church bros (and some self hating Pick Mes who actually never gets picked despite trying to agree with everything negative the bros say about women) to harass any woman at the church until one of them gets the police called on them and the church leadership then has to either defend them if they’re as misogynistic as the church bros or hide them by kicking them out to save their public reputation 🙂
Tbh beside the USA where they have this flop mentality of assuming that anything state controlled is coMmUnIsM and that wellfare implies stealing, your opinion is absolutely not controversial. Socialism has definite perks and only capitalism simps or crusty libertarian flops refuse to acknowledge this reality.
My country has a very socialist welfare & pension system and we have some of the lowest elderly poverty rate in Europe. Our healthcare system used to be one of the best in the word (it's currently attacked to make it more 'liberal' so its quality is getting down the toilet unfortunately...). Unlike the USA there's no 65 y.o working to survive here - they have a pension simply because we consider you shouldn't have to work so old.
I'll never forget during c0vid lockdown when anti government bro were like "see that's what government having too much power does!!!" and like yeah it sucked, but why is that they NEVER have the same energy when it comes to LACK of government that makes people resort to work until they die?? Did they even care ONCE about the amount of people who died out of lack of state assistance (which is probably much higher than c0vid lockdowns) since this shit has been going on for decades while the c0vid crisis lasted 1-2 years....? The vaçcine poisoning people with non tested formula wasn't solely the fault of government enabling this, but ALSO big pharma greedy CAPITALISM. Why don't they attack capitalism too?? ....they are such frickin hypocrites lol
I once made a post talking about Christian communes depicted in the Bible and it was only American burgers losing their shit at me and how mUh GivIng shIt tO pEolPle iS stEalINg MonEy as if they weren't themselves some broke randos living in their parents basement 🙄 like it's crazy how broke people will feel compelled to wk for the very system that keeps them down.... Stockholm syndrome shit.
But to come back to socialism, I think that's why many people (esp American) have a very flawed understanding of what it is. I literally lose braincell when I see them use interchangeably leftism - socialism - communism - (cultural) liberalism - globalism. Right wing socialism is a thing (bourgeois socialism). There are leftism movement rejecting liberalism (for example radfem are left aligned yet reject (cultural) liberalism). Communism is the antithesis of both liberalism and globalism....
Burgers think they are soooooo smart when they say "Nazism was socialism #checkmate" But these idiots always forget that 'Nazism' is the contraction of 'Nationalsozialismus'. Nazism is the demented offspring of Nationalism AND Socialism. Nazism was equally Socialism AND Nationalism so much that its name mix the 2 of them, so solely point out the socialism of Nazism to act like it was a socialist regime is dishonest and stupid. Interestingly, you never see them criticize nationalist countries and argue that Nationalism is the cornerstone of totalitarism and shit like that 🤔
Maybe that's bc I'm from a European country and that European is the breeding ground of all those ideologies but I got educated early on about these concepts and their peculiarity in school... so it bafflese to see grown ass Americans so uneducated about it. Which isn't their fault ofc, but then they should shut up instead of mindlessly rehashing those idiocies. Americans are the most politically illiterate people EVER which is why I'll never acknowledge whatever they have to say about politics beyond their own country. Damn even when they talk about France they always have to bring shit that happened almost a century ago be like tHey AlwAyS suRrEnDeR🤪 as if their own fat burgers asses weren't currently (economically AND politically) put to shame by Russia and China💀 like- don't throw stones when you live in a house made of glass 🤷🏾‍♀️
I'm surprised of your experience with greedy Catholics bc from my experience they've always been more based than protestant. Here in France Catholics are known to be pretty charitable and care for the homeless and poor family. Even when I was a child and my family piss poor it was an old catholic lady who regularly came to our apartment to give us food. I will never forget that. That's why despite the criticism I have for Catholicism as a faith, I'll always have a lot of respect for Catholics as individual.
I also think Catholic women are more based when it comes to modest clothing, veiling, etc. Protestant women tend to freak out when we say that, hm no, wearing makeup isn't compatible with the Bible, that there's not a single time where make up is talked about positively in the Bible, that makeup or heels aren't traditional and that such vanity was trAditionAlLy the prerogative of PROSTITUTES🙄
Oh and I don't go to church, but hearing all the horror stories of those who do like yours, I know that I'm doing the right thing xD
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moriartyluver · 10 months
Sherlock definitely doesn’t know anything about love, bro is clueless
Imagine Louis taking liam to his grave because bro was curious or smth and he somehow found the letters😭
Love louis, but bro has to leave liam to his whoreship of fl
It’s okay fl and liam eventually got better when he came back
Louis played the therapist
They so should have fucked in his office in that scene💔 it’s okay tho they probably fucked in every room of that manor after they did it the first time
Also liam may be a stupid virgin but he’s still good asf, bro literally said it himself🛐
okay maybe William’s dumbass would but fl would beat him for it🛐
You just re-traumatized me with that
The images in my head rn are terrifying
Oh god
You just convinced me to go church
John getting engaged and Sherlocks silly reaction is proof enough that sherly knows NOTHING about love. He may have only seen it once and acknowledged it when fl came to him to tell him to help liam and he just says “you really love him, don’t you?” And she just nods with a melancholic smile
The moment liam finds out about the accidental fetus deletus, poor guy is just sobbing and shi because he feels like it was his fault and poor fl was suffering mourning not one but TWO people
If Liam found the letters he wouldn’t know how to feel. He’d feel guilty but also bro was probably kicking his feet and blushing because he hadn’t ever been written a love letter from fl
Each time fl goes, she leaves a bouquet of lillies and Liam saw the fresh bouquet when he visits his grave
Keyword: eventually
It was probably so awkward for them at first. Fl was probably a little salty and Liam is just trying not to annoy her
Imagine them at that family dinner omg 😭 like with john and mycroft and miss Hudson and they’re all like ‘whys she so mad at him I thought they were married’
Louis definitely had to deal with their silly couple shenanigans for a bit afterwards.
Also poor Louis had to deal with his older brother being so down bad for god knows how long. William probably has a whole shrine for his whoreship of fl
On that note, bro is probably such a good therapist. They should have given him more screen time away from liam before his brother ‘died’ because his development seemed a bit sudden but makes sense when you read back on it
Nah they down bad fr 😭 can’t keep their hands off of each other omg
EVERY ROOM 😟😟 I think maybe the office and both their rooms are enough. Bathroom too if they’re that down bad there are other people in the house
Maybe if u combine both the rooms in Durham and London, that could probably make sense
Nah they actually can’t stop being down horrendously. There are going to be complaints from the other residents I swear
He may be good without realising but that stupid virgin still needs to initiate something ‼️ those idiots need to consummate the marriage
Also I actually think it makes most sense for William (along with the other Moriarty bros tbh and other characters like the Holmes brothers) to have little to no experience even in canon. You can’t tell me liam had time for anything involving his clothes off in the manga and in false lovers, bro couldn’t do that unless with fl. stupid hoe 🙄
Nah fl is so silly she probably made it a competition mid way just so she wouldn’t have the admit that she thinks liam is hot.
I had to be a little silly with the cbat thing cmon 😭 liam wouldn’t even mind being beat for that what a masochist
Yknow who else needs to go to church?
He should get on his knees for something that isn’t fl (that has so many meanings to it—)
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
Just watched Katie and Travis’ new video where they answered a question about birth control which they do believe in and did use… my question is in this fundamentalist lifestyle, do they discuss this before getting married? What if they’re engaged and then talk about it and it’s not the same views? Or worse get married and then find out?! But s*x is seen as hush hush in their community so wouldn’t it be a little embarrassing for these young adults to be discussing their future s*x life together? Sorry if you don’t know the answer or have already answered something similar 😂
The rules are different for Katie and Travis because they aren't true blue fundmantalists anymore and lean more mainstream. Fundie-lites are usually required to go through marital counseling through their church/or a trusted Christian counselor before getting married which, from all the experiences I've heard, most likely made them address that beforehand. And how they did that just depends on the individual counselor and how chill they were tbh but I don't think discussing birth control would be that controversial for them in that setting, the fundie-lite and mainstream Christian world is waaayyy more relaxed about birth control.
Real fundamentalists generally also do religious counseling but the atmosphere is obviously not as open and the expectations from the pastor counseling you are different. Not that fundie lite pastors aren't strict, but I mean you've probably seen the kind of pastors that Jill Rodrigues posts and try to picture those guys talking about family planning with 2 young adults lol. They probably do bring up BC but only to convince you to avoid it. But again it varies just based on the particular pastor, I've heard a wide variety of experiences.
They're coming from the perspective of training to be husbands/wives/parents from the second their born and all romantic relationships revolve around that concept, so for Christians like Katie and Travis especially, sex talk is definitely sanctioned as long as you're around the right people and your ultimate goal for doing so is to build a family.
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kynimdraws · 2 years
“he will ally with whomever will keep Leicester safe and stable.” But edelgard’s goal is to make fodlan a single empire again. That’s why she doesn’t like faerghus or leicester. There’s really no guarantee she won’t go back for leicester. And what’s so wrong with cyril? Hopes shows they really care about each other and she constantly tells him she doesn’t want him on the battlefield, worries when he gets hurt, and brings him along in her hopes paralogue. It’s in character for him to reciprocate because they’re written like a family. I thought that was really sweet.
IDK if you are the same anon as before who accused me of being toxic...the tone of this ask is too different? But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here.
My answer to your asks are a bit long so it will be under the cut
Claude is aware of Edelgard being a conquerer too! He mentions often how the alliance is for the benefit for Leicester temporarily. Specfically in GW, Claude does some things to undermine her while still outwardly helping her...the most infamous example being the Aillel fight of Chapter 9. I highly recommend you read this thread for context bc some people got so upset for no reason about the arc...but you can see that he isn't just blindly following Edelgard. He sees that the temporary focus away from Leicester from Adrestria will benefit him at that moment. Later on in GW, he also helps out Edelgard when she asks for it (Chapter 14) only because this means she will be in her debt and Claude could potentially use that as leverage. And even in the post-chapter dialogue, Claude knows this alliance is only there due to their mutual dislike of the Central Church and nothing more. Edelgard even admits to that as well! While 3Hopes ends on a vague note, I still feel like worse comes to worse, Claude will use his Almyran connections to remain neutral and keep Leicester afloat...I made a whole hc thread about it here if you are interested lol
As for Cyril...Rhea only cares about him in the one AG paralogue tbh? I also believe that Rhea acts nice in 3Hopes way more than she does in White Clouds of 3Houses (where she demonstrably punishes/executes people if they go against her Church doctrines like the Western Church sect, keeps foreigners under the Abyss because of the centuries of xenophobia she allowed in Fodlan caused the "necessity" if this underground ghetto) because the consequences of her inactions in the past are coming back to bite her ass. And seeing this, she is trying to make amends way too late by being nice to the current generation Church folk. Note that I say "generation" because she has lived for a long time, and probably was slowly reforming her ways but it was too gradual for the likes of Edelgard and others.
Maybe it's because the game limits both as NPCs but...Cyril and Rhea's interactions feel extremely disjointed. So the kindness that she shows in that one paralogue feel very performative imo. Cyril comes off not as his own character, but as an extension of Rhea and her character. Cyril's whole story in 3Houses about how he was rescued by Rhea is all fine and dandy sounding until you realize Rhea never encouraged him to be educated, and kept him as servant while just praising him for his loyalty alone. That does not come off as motherly, just condescending. And 3Hopes banks on you knowing this story and never does anything to help him other than be Rhea's example of "see he's a non-Fodlaner treated ok by the pope so she must be good all the time!" Again, each mention of Cyril with Rhea always puts Rhea first over the poor kid who was enslaved and continues to be an uneducated servant :/
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3dayweeknd · 2 years
here’s the heftiest church vent you’ll probably ever see me do tbh. will literally be me screaming into the universe don’t look
cw church, religion/ related trauma, homophobia, racism, blm/police brutality, abortion
fist of all I didn’t ask to go back and I know it was only one mass but now I’m sick so. anyway who the fuck heard that the educators at church are telling children that covid isn’t real and that it’s made up and says yeah I’m ok with that I’ll send my children back there. god it’s so messed up the way they’re not even subtle with attempting to brainwash them like they told my cousin and her classmates that blm is bad and that it harms black people they said that transgender folks are bad for society they said that abortion is bad for black people they said that the struggles that black folks suffer are not because of police brutality but because of their own actions and god how can you be so racist and still be allowed to practice like that like how are people ok with that and how can the archdiocese look away. these are the same people that told me at 16 years old that people like me should not love and that people who supported lgbt folks were inherently sinners too i sat there and watched other teens poke fun and laugh at queerness and queer experiences because to them and that church we are alien we are unnatural we are funny we are not of god. and that hurts because you’re thinking im bad because of the way I love? I promise even if god didn’t have this in mind when he made us, he would not think we are bad for loving differently. he would see how much love and care and happiness takes place and he would be happy too. god gives us choices for a reason and I promise that if we deviate from his intentions that if we still love and care that he would be happy. all love is holy I’m saying all love is holy and I don’t get why people can’t see that.
idk to me i just don’t see how people can watch the church say all this shit and still go back. especially because i know my parents disagree too and because they know how much pain it caused me back then. idk. i wish people would learn to think for themselves and i wish people would keep their ideas out of my life. and i feel so guilty about it but i do resent some of my family for continually going there and for letting their children be influenced like that and for agreeing with some of the ideas. i hate that i still have to hang around them and i hate that my parents still keep them in our lives.
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brokenhardies · 6 months
26, 27, 32 ofr James/Jane
ill be answering them for each janejames (minus the arbiter)
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
First James often rocks back and forth on his heels when happy or excited. He also flaps, he's a notorious flapper Second Jane tends to hum when happy or in an upbeat mood. She's also surprisingly physically affectionate, just freaking tackles whoever's closest to her - usually the Doctor, Martha or Donna depending on the situation Third Jane's a bit more emotionally repressed - hi dying of drowning as your father rants about how the laws of time are his and they will obey him - but she's with Eleven, who's more open about his happiness, so it kind of makes up for it Fourth James picks back up the flapping and rocking from first James, but also gains the habit of excitedly pacing back and forth whenever something excites him or makes him happy. Twelve basically has to deal with a hyperactive toddler on speed at these points :') Fifth Jane is back to being more emotionally repressed but she's more gentle with her moods, not really expressing happiness or sadness. Once again, Thirteen makes up for that, but Five also is very jumpy much like her previous incarnation when happy Sixth Jane is a happy dancer and hums occasionally. That's part of the reason there's a boombox in the new TARDIS! She also gets very loud, especially when excited and bobs on her toes like she's trying to hold all that happy energy in!
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
If the First James was being honest, he was upset that he didn't find out who his father was until he was about thirteen years old, and is kind of bitter about not realizing it until his mum was in danger. He doesn't cry - because he's a big boy and big boy's don't cry - but he's kind of a pouty mess Second Jane discovering her memories was incredibly overwhelming, especially discovering how her previous incarnation died and why she couldn't remember anything for so long. She's very openly emotional, bursting into tears immediately and often needs to hide away. Journey's End is a very fun experience for her, as the second they need to erase Donna's memories she's just out of the picture Third Jane is much more subdued when it comes to her emotions. Of course, there are some times that she cries - like when Amy and Rory are taken away, or when Clara dies in the Snowman, but it's incredibly rare - especially compared to her previous incarnations Fourth James is very emotional in general, and he's a wet, soppy crier, very snotty, very puffy-eyed, the works. He didn't leave his room after the events of Face The Raven, and after the Master turned Bill into a Cyberman - and later had Bill shoot him, which was part of the reason he ended up dying - he's just an emotionally distraught hot mess, lots of emotions all around Fifth Jane is hit with the one two punch of the Flux and the Timeless Child but she's fine. Everything's fine. Really. She didn't just rip up a pillow in her room out of sadness and is only lying on the floor because she has a stomach condition. Really. Everything's fine over here! Oh boy when we get to The Church on Ruby Road, Sixth Jane is probably going to have to take a small break. That's part of the reason she and 15 end up at the club is because having to basically do the same thing that happened to you - picking up a left behind child and putting it on a random doorstep - is not fun tbh
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
First James spent his entire time in his body dressed in a modified version of his school uniform - no blazer, no tie, just a jumper, pants and loafers. His hair is basically just a hot mess and a half, with him brushing it frequently and it still ending up as a shaggy disaster. He'd probably cut it shorter if he was around for longer :') Second Jane basically knicked her wardrobe from Clara before Clara even entered the TARDIS - lots of peter pan collared dresses, tights and comfortable boots, the occasional little bag to hold stuff in - typically books or coffee cups or pins or stuff that she's collected from various trips. Her hair is long and straight, and she tends to wear it loose Third Jane is much more edgy in her attire - preferring to wear plain t-shirts, jeans, sneakers and leather jackets. She has different coloured shirts for every situation, and also tends to unironically match her shirts to her sneakers like she's a character in a power rangers spin off. She wears her hair up in a ponytail, but will sometimes wear it loose to show off the waves Fourth James dresses like your standard teenage boy, comfortable graphic shirts beneath oversized khaki jackets, baggy jeans and slip on sneakers similar to his previous incarnations. He doesn't really care that much about fashion, so its hilarious to see him, Twelve and Clara in a room together because of how different all three of them dress. He gets cold a lot easier than the other incarnations, so he wears fingerless knitted gloves and also once borrowed his dad's fourth incarnation's scarf bc he was freezing and needed something long and comfy. His hair is curly and he tends to hide it under a beanie or a hood. He's the first incarnation to gain a pair of sonic sunglasses and wears raybans, just like his dad! Fifth Jane designs her own clothes! She made her own dress using fabrics she found in the TARDIS, inspired by the Sixth Doctor's coat - but make it fashion. She tends to wear comfortable t-shirt skater dresses with tights and heeled loafers to make herself look taller - she's a bit self-conscious about her height lol. Her main formal attire - as seen in Spyfall and episodes other than that - is a black pinafore with a white shirt underneath it and a small black bowtie that she definitely did not knick from her dad's eleventh incarnation's wardrobe definitely not lol. She's the only major Janejames's to wear makeup, preferring natural eyes and bright lips. She also wears her hair loose, but occasionally ties it up into a ponytail or low bun when she wants to keep it out of her face. Her sonic sunglasses are a pair of 50s style cat-eyed sunglasses that she specifically changes to match her attire when she gets it lol :') Sixth Jane stole half her wardrobe from her late mother Sarah Jane Smith, so lots of comfortable sweaters, oversized jackets or trenchcoats, blouses and trousers. She and the Doctor indirectly coordinated themselves - they really do not know how they did that, especially as they were both in separate rooms when they picked their outfits lol. She feels way more comfortable in pants than a skirt - probably because she spent her first couple of moments on this Earth half naked aside from a skirt - thank you bigeneration! She tends to pin her hair back in a sort of half up half down style, bc it's naturally curly she could braid it but honestly, its too much effort. Her sonic sunglasses are round ones, with pale coloured frames that look quite fragile but are actually pretty sturdy!
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