#practice lizard pose
dizzygrizzlies · 2 months
no, you don’t need to wear your mask/tail to school.
i wish young nonhumans didn’t feel compelled to be ‘out’ at school, especially when it’s a dangerous environment. i keep seeing posts along the lines of “wore my tail/mask to school! people berated/teased/put their hands on me, but it’s ok”.
no, it’s not.
like.. i understand a mask or a tail can be a very validating thing for some people. and i’m not saying NO ONE should wear them at schools. but i just keep watching this mounting trend of young therians insinuating you need some physical accessory or to do quads to be a ‘real’ nonhuman. and then it leads to things like this and it makes me incredibly sad.
i’d known i was alterhuman since late elementary school, actually. it’s a huge part of my life even now, years after graduation. there wasn’t a reason for it to be brought up, so i never did. it was a closely guarded secret to me, but it didn’t feel like a weight i was carrying. i always thought “no one needs to know i’m an animal if it jeopardizes my safety. so, oh well”.
“but, how will people know that i’m an animal?”
they probably will. they probably already do.
i was the designated ‘animal’ person my entire school career despite not ever handling animals in front of anyone. if there were pets, lost wild animals (baby rabbits, birds, lizards), or sometimes even loose livestock that got onto campus, it was always me who had to go tend to them.
everyone wanted me in their group in environmental science. if a project called for animal illustrations, the same thing would happen. it was certainly weird because i was also a ‘weird kid’ and not especially desired to be around outside of that, lol. but i was never harassed for it. it made me feel very validated, actually.
i had fun during gym running and fiercely destroying the opposing team in field hockey. i taught everyone which plants were okay to forage (and we snacked on them when we had to sit on the lower field for practice). every day i was hyperaware of the limbs i had that weren’t quite there. friends noticed my ears twitch and my nose wiggle at certain stimuli. i felt nice walking on two legs. i felt nice because i felt animal and i didn’t have to prove it to anyone.
really like… just do what makes you happy. i admire the bravery it takes to so earnestly wear your identity on your sleeve like that. that’s very impressive. however, there is NO obligation to do anything like that if you understand that there will be a reaction that poses a threat to you.
i want our kids to be safe, too. you don’t have to feel dysphoria over being discreet. sometimes it’s the safest option. and sometimes, that can be really fun, too.
study everything you can about your ‘type. wikipedia and animalia are good resources. ramble about them to anyone who will listen. jokingly refer to yourself as one in friend spaces. wear discreet clothes that remind you of your ‘type. find a nice private place outside where you can run and explore and look at plants and smell the air and feel like yourself. but by no means do you have to prove yourself. you know you.
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kathegoose · 10 days
the compane i think
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lineup of every (at least somewhat) biological entity (aside from earth leviathan) in lethal company!!!
again, non-VHS version under cut with some wacko headcanons and allat!
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WOOHOO!!!!!!! so here are my extra headcanons and other minor changes because i am allowed to ramble about my art if i want to👍👍 (Those without any HC dumps here are pretty much as they are already, nothing to talk about them!)
Tiny bugs: the locust, bee and wasp are made to faintly resemble their real life counterparts aside from the reused fly model as in the game.
Manticoil: i will get either praised or executed for this but i made the extra wings.... leg wings. like a microraptor. but it does come with a reason, yes! it is practically impossible to evolve a new pair of limbs, it's either remove or change existing parts when it comes to evolution, and the manticoils are just evolved corvids in canon!
Hoarding bug: made to resemble hymenoptera more, as they are - again - canonically in this order of real life animal :]
Spore lizard: back scutes and more toes added to, you guessed it; resemble their earth relatives (in this case alligators) more.
Bunker spider: spider pitter patter feet :D
Thumper: more earth-relative (chondrichthyes) resemblance, especially the mouth is more shark-like.
Baboon hawk: earth thing again and also made the 'wings' the brightest, since i believe they pose no other purpose than social display.
Bracken: i've been WAITING to talk about my brackens' symmetrical, two-thumbed hands. PERFECT (i think?) for grabbing a victim's head to do a little snappin'. also the claws are just on the hands to really make sure they have a firm grip, and not on the padded, almost mitten-like feet for silent sneaking! (even though they are usually quadrupedal)
Eyeless dog: okay fellas but... that's no actual mammal (as we know) i think. the in-game head shape is too ridiculous to have evolved from anything and the class saeptivus doesn't even exist! what i think is a re-evolving of mammals at play, say.. synapsida 2.0 perhaps. so i took creative liberties and made the dog a taaaad bit more fish-like with a line of sensory pits on their sides kinda like a fish's lateral line. suits the blind critter :]
Nutcracker: some little paint job changes and added some hinge doohickeys to accentuate the mechanical properties of the nutcracker itself that the meaty-eye-hermit-thing is operating.
Jester: i am simply here to say that i would like to bite a chunk off of the jester's meat gluppo.
Forest keeper: ok so there is the cool octopus-style beak yeah and i gave it tiiiiny little silly pinky-thumbs as they're probably canonically related to the brackens but MY GOD!!!!!!! I HATED COLOURING THAT THING!!! what colour is it even if I HAD TO FNAF 3 BLAST IT. that's how you know that i didn't like doing it sorry giant enjoyers i didn't enjoy colouring large jonathan (my fan name for them) :[
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pinkroseblooms · 4 months
I can't get over Marito and Arajin's first confrontation.
This dude, this unhinged looney tune of a man rolls up, on what I can only presume is a stolen carousel animal, wants to start beef with the punk on a date with his little sister (girl, yes your bro is hot, but no. stop it.) so what is his response to scare our protagonist off?
Why, introduce himself with the most seductive bedroom eyes, practically moan his name as he strikes a GQ pose, and lolling his tongue around like a horny lizard of course! Hey, the punk can't mess around with his sister if he's fucking him instead! 🙃
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ms-scarletwings · 10 months
That Speculative Analysis About Irkens No One (Originally) Asked For: Part III
Hey! Huge thanks to everyone who took an interest in the first two parts of this fun I got into about Jhonen Vasquez’s funny green guys. I didn’t really expect to kind of rebound back into this old flame the way I have been lately and it’s actually a pleasant surprise that other fans have been getting something out of it and enabling my latest thinkworms.
Check out the part one of this extended analysis here, for broad tids and bits about Planet Irk and the mention of its inhabitants being basically cyborgs.
Part Two, takes on Irken physiology and focusing on their tissue differences from humans, here.
So alright, I’ve been holding this one in since the very start. Previously, I brushed the topic of the control brains, and I’ve sorta gestured acknowledgement toward the Irken obsession with height. Now, I’m really ready to get some thought goo flowing all over and in the crevices of the matter of Irk’s power structure, and, perhaps the one social W that this marauding pack of space imperialists get to claim.
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Bearing no further ado, let’s talk about the Tallest. Can we talk about the Tallest? Please Mac, I’ve been dying to talk about the Tallest with you all day.
I’ve said once and now repeated twice that I think the canon implied that the homeworld of our favorite invaders is dummy thicc; consequentially, it’s left a lasting ripple on the evolution of their species as well.
Planetary gravity has a ton of invisible effects on the skeletons of large fauna, to the point where it’s the main thing that you, filthy Earth creature, can shake your own fist at it for taking a huge slice of the blame behind the prevalence of back pain in upright hominins. All that downward tug can really wear a spine down good over the years. In fact, would you believe that astronauts actually grow a smidge taller in Zero-G environments? Legit. So… use your brain and consider what we could have ended up looking like with our same bone structure, but many times that compression.
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You take that mental path, and suddenly, height outcomes may not seem like such an arbitrary measure of general survival fitness after all. Especially in the days before the Irkens represented an intergalactic super power. It may seem counterproductive in their modern intelligent society, but no doubt this aesthetic affinity is something that runs much deeper ingrained than practical programming. Respecting tallness is something Irk takes on dogmatic intuition- to the fault of barely being able to comprehend the notion of another species being both tall AND intellectually primitive.
Nevertheless, I pose that the connection may also be more than traditionalism, and not so vestigial after all. My reasoning suggests that The Almighty Tallest are in fact, not randomly born… they’re planned and made by the real overlords sitting atop the pyramid. And even so, they have existed in the species long, LONG before the PAK even did.
• Caste Polymorphism & Bug Stuff
The insectoid inspirations of Zim’s kin are something so obvious they really need no recapping, yet, I’m pining to make a more specific comparison. Some people like to go for wasps or bees, but if you ask me, the roving militarism of the armada is begging for the ant metaphor if anything.
And I got a hell of a species to whip out that you’ve probably never heard of.
A quick context breakdown- Polymorphism is another one of those long biology terms for a pretty simple concept: when one species has different distinct forms or types of forms that appear in its population. And it’s not talking about continuous spectrum differences like height alone. It’s talking about when animals/plants can have one gene with different possible phenotypical presentations. One good example (in humans no less) is the existence of different blood type groups. One of my absolute favorite cases, by the by, is in Side-Blotched Lizards. The females are samey and look pretty generic, but the males deadass come in 3 completely differentiated color variants, all of which are playing a perpetual game of rock paper scissors with the other two for breeding success.
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And this kind of phenomenon of course gets way less subtle in the insect world. Everyone here probably knows the simplified version of what a colony critter’s caste system looks like, with sterile female workers, breeding done males, and one big fat queen at the top, pumping out replacements for the other two. This is the part where I tell you it’s a hell of a lot more complicated, weird, and varied than that, actually.
Consider army ants, as I see them, the most Irk-ish of real world animals. Some fun facts on the most notorious handful of species below:
+ Nomadic by nature, they do not build any form of permanent hill or nest, and instead make temporary pit stops inbetween periods where the entire colony swarms along the forest floor in search of resources.
+ Army ants are aggressively predatory and forage in the style of legion-like “raids” that overwhelm their prey with sheer numbers and speed.
+ These raids often take shape by way of linear traffic columns that guide the direction of the swarm. This is because the ants have poor vision, relying on following the paths of the scent trails of the workers that are spearheading the legion.
+ Eciton burchellii, in particular, demonstrates a stark example of polymorphism by way of a rigid caste hierarchy. I.e., The non-reproductive colony members are divided into 4 sized tiers of worker. From smallest to largest there are minors, medias, porters (sub-majors), and soldiers (majors).
And let me tell you… the difference between the Soldier (major) caste and the rest of that batch is a pretty surprising gap.
This is what ONE major-type ant looks like hanging out with colony mates from the lower worker castes.
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Oh wait, getting ahead of myself. Ahem… sorry, I meant THIS is the image I was referring to:
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Not only is that obviously the bossiest bitch of the bunch, but she has some pretty cool features unique to her status… The more spidery looking body shape and those absolutely wicked mandibles being a standout.
You know what drop I already had coming, so I’ll cut to the chase.
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It’s clear that the Almighty Tallest are NOT the Irken equivalent of a hive queen. They are not drones, either. Besides the glaring fact that they are non-reproductive individuals, the role they serve in Irken society has very little if anything to do with running the day-to-day lives and functions of the larger population.
Instead, we have always seen them (and would have seen them more in the unmade episodes such as The Trial) involved more with the military front of the empire. Tallest Miyuki’s one known planned appearance would have featured her overseeing the military research happening on the Vortian base. Tallest Spork’s brief entrance (and exit) was planned to take place on Devastis, where he addressed those who were being evaluated to join the elite ranks of the armada. And our very own iconic duo have,
never even once been seen on their home planet since their introduction. Their first appearance? Conventia. Ever since? Aboard the Massive, where they directly command and supervise the operations of the active invasions.
Why, the Almighty Tallest in all cases… these aren’t emperors at all, they’re generals! Sure, they have power, they have reverence, but even they must obey the final judgement of a Control brain at the end of the day. The same brains that grant them their status in the first place. Note, in real ants, the mechanics of how exactly any one egg is differentiated into its decided caste, from worker to queen, and all between, is… to say the very least, really fucking complicated. And all over the place. Broadly speaking, it’s a mix between genetic potential and nutrition during development. In some species this determination is near entirely up to the whims of DNA, and in others, it does come heavily down to how many protein shakes the colony decided to give their brood that day.
For the purposes of this hypothetical, I’m going to assume the people of Irk fall somewhere in between those two polar options. Now, being a futuristic network of coordinated supercomputers using cloning tech, the control brains have a more precise handle on the gene pool/diversity of their underlings than anything possible with natural breeding.
Let’s also assume they record and monitor the current population of each potential class of irken (they literally assign and code the PAKs’ occupational roles themselves). With each batch of smeets, they can predetermine certain percentages aside with the potential to fill whatever roles need replacing and expansion… keeping the genetic height markers attached for those downline to understand who should be looking down on who. Ergo, not ANY Irken can one day become the almighty tallest, but within each generation of smeets produced, there are potential candidates hidden among the upper ranks of would-be soldiers.
This way, the sudden death of the current armada commander would not disable current operations or throw the offensive lines into utter chaos for years on end. The Control brains need only select out the cream of the crop from their “proto-Tallest” and then cue their body (via diet or hormones) to switch the proper genes on, get a new growth spurt going, and complete the metamorphosis into their true potential.
As for why they seemed to break a historical precedent and jump for a two-for-one special in Zim’s generation… yeah, I’m not sure about that really. There could be a link between that and the very sudden death of the two previous tallests in a row, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. It could just be a remarkable coincidence that Red and Purple were decided to be equally viable successors. Or, Operation Impending Doom could have been deemed an ambitious enough endeavor to warrant the appointing of two regents at once, given the scale of Irk’s expanded army for the purpose.
So, that’s it, then? The Irken species became so reliant of their technological advancement that they have casted aside and replaced every bit of their natural life cycle and order some
computer deemed inefficient? Substituted the seat of their leadership and even their ability to procreate with the soulless calculations of their AI programs?
:y Well, yes, but actually no.
• Long Live the Cyberocracy!
When I said in part one that Irk was on track to eventually make the jump from cyborg citizens to an entirely mechanical or digitized lifeform, I was doing a ponderous thinking thing. I was supposed to just be speculating, and then I find out the most mind blowing revelation while doing the research for this bad boy- those alien bastards already did it. The madlads/madlasses… So, living Irkens DO actually run the show around here, hiding in plain sight this whole time.
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I am still desperately searching for confirmation of the rumors I heard that Vasquez himself has said what I’m about to share, and I deeply appreciate anyone who can give me that as well. Even if this turns out to only be fanon, I’m still in love with this interpretation anyway: Within the Control Brains are the preserved consciousness of Irkens who have achieved this evolutionary end stage. WHO are they exactly is… honestly anyone’s guess. The important part being that they no longer have need of their meat suits to survive any longer and now exist as these hulks of nerve and metal.
Be this what it looks like to me, and it would be certain that this is actually the most coveted and honorary fate of any single Irken- immortalized and given a status on par with deification over the most powerful imperium the cosmos has ever known. Perhaps this was the path of particularly accomplished Tallests of the past, who had their paks integrated into the core of a fledgeling new control interface. What better way to commemorate those who have fallen in the highest level of glory? A single “brain” could in fact even be the summation of multiple beings, making example of the greatest the species has to offer and what all should be striving for. Conversely, the greatest punishment of their kind is the opposite- to be forever deceased, forever forgotten, forever excluded from this collective transcendence:
Damnatio Memoriae.
(But like… in a kids’ show)
There’s no clear estimate on how many control brains exist in the franchise, there are at least four that we have seen on screen, one on Devastis and the others within Judgementia. Probs safe to assume there’s at least one permanently built into the infrastructure of any planet of key enough importance to the Empire. Interestingly, lost scripts and show canon make numerous references to them still having gendered pronouns and voices when addressed individually.
Though, now that I think of it, that’s also really interesting that the same is true for the worker castes, too.
• Putting the “Trans” in Transirkenism 👉😎👉
When a worldbuild goes so far as to explicitly confirm a completely sexless, alien race of neuter cyborgs, the existence of a human-like gender binary starts to beg for some kind of explanation. You can’t just “suspension of disbelief” it aside the same as you can the fact that English is the most popular first language across the Galaxy.
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Oh, lookie, it’s one of my favorite things to think about when toying around with postbiological concepts/philosophy. I knew there were even more reasons transhumanism always seemed like such a cool sci-fi trope, from the endless possibilities in imagining the badass super powers, to the worlds of knowledge, and to the absolute social equalization that would all be unlocked in a cybernetic future. Well, that future is already comfortably in the hands of Irk, and whether intentionally or not, it has apparently brought them to the threshold of not just a postorganic, but also a post-gender society too.
A feminine and masculine variation does still exist in the form of small aesthetic differences- voice, antennae shape, pronoun usage, and eyelashes- but is now so far disconnected from the original associated sex roles that the distinction might as well be no more than a cosmetic preference. While “female” irkens are seen much, much more rarely than their counterparts, neither gender is treated differently from the other, and both have been spotted in occupations all the way up to invader elite and the Almighty Tallest.
This is a blending, of course, far beyond the insect-like caste system that itself did survive to the modern day, and that shows some truly impressive progress from what I imagine they were doing before.
Army ants, like all eusocial insects, are matriarchal; as in, where the females run the colony from top to bottom, while the males lead short runs of being mutilated by the workers, mating with the queen, and then dying shortly after.
In this headcannon narrative, it was almost certainly the male-associated gender Irkens who were liberated by the technological jump.
And that’s all sum purdy neat food for thought, huh ! ?
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@probably-not-a-rutabaga sooo.. I’m late to the deadline so this isn’t an official dtiys anymore.. BUT I felt that mutated Chompy looked kinda like 2k3 Dark Turtle Don (who I call Purple) and the poses were so good so I decided to finish this :)
They’re just a couple of purple lizard shaped turtles! :D also they’re both aliens! So. Practically family lmao
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joelletwo · 2 months
fairly nsfw exorcists under cut 👍
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[ID from alt: rendered fanart of matoba in natori's lap, leaning his weight back on his arms, one on natori's thigh. natori is laying down but craned up to kiss one of matoba's legs hooked over his shoulder, lizard hanging out on his shoulderblade. both are shirtless, matoba in low-slung track pants, with his hair down and eyepatch off. a build difference between them is emphasized: matoba is very bony-skinny, and natori is heavier, with some rolls showing.]
literally nothing more inspiring for practicing 1. form 2. shading and coloring than drawing these guys in basically the same positions i do every single time. thank u horny csp pose on the front page for the challenge to add some Weight to the models in multiple ways. and thank u sub of pictures of men in sweatpants.
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chibishortdeath · 4 months
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General Simon brainrot sketch page :3, as per usual, explanations under a cut. Apologies if my posts tend to be kinda huge and difficult to scroll past, I try to do the cuts to make sure they do the least inconvenience to anyone! (>-< ;)
Just the whole page in full ft. My thumb lol
Expression practice! Simon is feeling the weight of his situation rn alas :(. I’ve always imagined him being panicked the whole game; the overarching entire game timer really gives a pretty good feeling of dread imo. The two doodles at the bottom were attempts at multiple ideas I’ve seen floating around about the curse, but they’re kinda bad in execution looking at them no tbh. But the first one is based on the idea that the curse gives some vampire traits like sharp teeth and would probably lead to proper vampirism if he were to die from it. The second was general attempt at like skull practice and comparing facial features to skull structure, but oh my god the page kept smudging and I tried making it look ok with some random blood on there but it just made it look even sillier 💀.
These next two are based on two random like liminal space images I ran into on Pinterest and I drew them mostly because I suck at backgrounds and idk Simon’s Quest itself is like Castlevania: Liminal Space Edition a lot of the time, so it fits X,,,,D. The first one I really liked the composition of the path on the far side contrasted to the trees. Imagine the water is the purple cursed swamp :3. Hopefully Simon has laurels just standin around in there.
This second liminal space for Simon to be in was this neat nighttime photo of a graveyard! Trees are HARD TO DRAW, especially just in pencil and a solid black background. There’s blood on the ground and stuff cause he was just fighting some monsters, probably those two headed lizard guys. It’s the awkward stillness after clearing out an area of enemies.
The pose for this one is based on the LOL~lots of laugh Miku figure lmao 💀💀💀
Simon is very fun to put in exaggerated poses! Especially cause you have to exaggerate them more to get the same ratio of pose to negative space because muscles and armor. I had no idea how to make metal belt armor thingies sit in a like legs up floating sort of pose like this so they kinda bend a little weird but eh he looks cute otherwise. The other doodles present are one that says “brainrot” which is kinda making fun of my own dedication to an NES character 💀 and also cause haha rot like the curse. Also, teeny tiny Simon with a heart!!! :3
Yippie! Simon posing again! I think the first pose was inspired by this like random old anime style angel figure??? Idk I think she was just an original character figure and the pose was pretty different, I just used the reference mostly for the arm position. Anyway, he’s vibin, just sitting curled up and momentarily comfy. Alas, the horrors persist in the second doodle that was an attempt at showing how the curse kinda deteriorates him but he just kinda ended up having a scarily snatched waist and it looks more stylized than like sick. Also the armor kinda bends around him in a way that makes it look like it shrunk with him which is so dumb lmaooooo (XwX). I’ll have to revisit the concept eventually idk, just look at his face for this one XD. Hahaha tiny doodle based on Larval Rin on the left there, nothing to see here—
The main doodle is just Simon looking into the distance bewildered and holding the whip, standard stuff. There’s also a side profile doodle and an attempt at drawing crying again cause I was getting kinda rusty at both of those things.
Simon Belmont but if he was 2000s anime lol. A fun little style experiment, I might keep this as like another secondary art style. There’s also some doodles of a hanged man skeleton, the eyes of Vlad, a skeleton hand, and a couple little chibi Simon’s of various expressions.
More 2000s anime Simon, but in a more silly way like the art style change for joke sections. One is him just goofily holding up Dracula’s head, but it’s contrasted immediately with a more gritty usual art style doodle of him with harsh shading lol. Get you a man who can do both I guess 💀
I gotta practice more on backgrounds and composition and stuff, probably also get some curse effects consistent augh. Lately I’ve been on and off working on random things or just staring into space tired, getting back to using social media is hard and an exhausting uphill battle unfortunately (_ _ ;). Sometimes I feel like I should probably split these up into multiple posts to make things more visible and to put more focus on specific drawings, but idk I don’t really want to, it just feels weird to me breaking up a doodle page like that, if that makes sense??? Eh idk.
#castlevania#castlevania games#akumajou dracula#castlevania ii: simon's quest#castlevania simon’s quest#simon’s quest#simon belmont#art post#my art#fanart#sometimes I forget that the turtleneck addition to his undershirt was like something I added somewhere along the line 💀#seeing the actual box art and staring at his visible neck like where your clothes at and then I remember oh wait#I did that ​I was the one that who made him cover up 😔#ok also the hair lmaoooooooo hahahashshs prince of eternia lookin ass#Simon really out here with that fuckass bob Konami what barber did you send him to#I forget that like there’s not the sections and piecing I usually draw and that he really just has his bangs straight cut in that#I guess the way I draw his hair is like a middle ground between his manual doodles and the cover art?#yeah that makes sense I’m using that explanation of it now XD#anyway love him I’ve got another page of him I’ll try to post soon hopefully#past that is some really quick OC concept sketches and like idk dissociating#aaa I gotta talk to people but I keep losing all track of time and then can’t because of guilt augh it’s a miracle I’m posting this rn tbh#daydreaming is a horrible coping mechanism don’t do it guys I’ve been stuck with it since fourth grade 💀💀💀💀💀💀#it’s addictive it starts out like ‘time to imagine a character to this song :3’ then it’s been two months#vent in the tags#but mannnnnnn 😔😔😔#anyway here’s a whole sketchbook page of my comfort character who hasn’t seen a day of comfort in his life uh—#idk if posting at like 10 PM at night is a good idea but eh whatever
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play-on-skinners-box · 7 months
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I wanted to do more Raincode furries cause they're honestly so fun and are really good practice because I'm kinda rusty in general. I only did Yuma and Makoto this time just cause it's a more manageable workload and they are some of the last ones I'm especially passionate about.
OKAY SO, at some point scrolling on tumblr I saw this post by Nadox showcasing a piece of Yuma's concept art, and in the art he was depicted with long hair. They theorized that this was what Number One originally looked like and he sheared his hair into that wimpy fresh almost bowl cut so he could pass as a trainee, AND I L O V E THAT. I herby declare it as correct on the grounds of I said so.
Going along with this idea, Yuma is a young wolf that has a lame haircut so everyone THINKS he's just a dog. I know a wolf in real life would be a lot harder to reasonably pass as a dog, so this requires a bit of anime logic tomfuckery, but I'm fine with that because Raincode already deals in its fair share of logic jank. I am simply being true to game in that regard! The way I drew him already isn't super wolf-like cause I made him all squishy looking like human Yuma, and made the veerrryyyy tips of the ears flop over because the pointy ones just didn't feel quite right. I know real wolf ears are only ever depicted as pointy but it was for the VIBE. Yeaahhh in hindsight I might have taken a few too many liberties. I suppose to make it a little more sensible you could say he's a wolfdog and not full wolf or something. Other than the logic I really like this choice because everyone would naturally assume Yuma's just a pathetic little puppy dog when his real identity is hiding in plain sight!
I went back and forth on alot of the fur aspects. How smooth is too smooth? How much of it should just look like blunt cuts? Should I even give him his human hair? Usually I don't like giving my furries human hair in general because I want them looking a lot more like animals rather than people, but for Yuma his hair is such an important part of his design that I ultimately decided to keep it on both him and Makoto.
MAKOTO IS A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING AND THAT IS SO FUN, SO SILLY, SO GOOFY, HOOOORAY(Specifically a dall sheep cause they have those big curly horns). In theory, the hardest part of choosing an animal for Yuma is that whatever his animal is needs to tie into Makoto, and also be able to be implemented in a way where their connection isn't obvious. Makoto having a mask helps of course, but if you pick a really distinctive animal for Yuma you'll have to come up with better ways to hide it. Others have gotten a lot more creative with how Makoto hides his species, but I didn't do that and went in the full direction of just giving him a disguise. Its a littlllleeeeee lazy but I'm too smitten with the idea to care. I was a little confused on what to do with the tail. I considered just chopping off the majority of it to make it look like a short little sheep tail and put the justification for it in his suuuuppper tragic past(Though I honestly don't know if homunculi can regenerate like lizards). Luckily, the pose makes it so you can't see it anyway so I don't have to grapple with the responsibly of weather or not I need to brutally amputate one of Makoto's body parts. I consider this a win.
Disregarding his actual animal, I think the sheep is also weirdly fitting because of some of their associations. When I met Makoto I wasn't sure what to make of him besides being cautiously optimistic about him not letting Yuma die(What a fool I was), and sheep/lambs/rams and animals in that ballpark can vary wildly in their depictions from literaly the devil to good little fluffy guys!
For his actual look I wanted the sheep parts to look costumey sort of. I was going for a similar effect as the blood in chapter 0, where it's very noticeable but you write off the weird things about it because it's not immediately relevant. So, the mask has fake horns attached. The hand hooves are just little caps over the paw fingers, and there are two gold and silver caps to mimic his rings and point to their artificiality. The feet are also fake and are suppose to look a little clunky like Makoto's actual shoes. His hair is also much more full looking, a little less limp; because his actual ears need some place to get tucked away. I think the main problem with this design is it'd make for a really awkward reveal, cause when he dramatically gets the mask taken off then he'd just be a canine with hooves.
For both of them I think wolf works very well in terms of their characters and their shared forte. Yuma spends most of the game struggling with needing to rely on others, and Makoto has been carrying the weight of Kanai Wards secret on his shoulders alone for like three years. They also both have the Coalescence forte, which by it's very nature requires the help of other people, and at the end of the day being with others and working together is what brings them farther then they could do alone(even if some of the themes get muddled at the end and arn't really as clear as I'd personally like I find that Kodaka's games can have some not so rock solid theming with shakey conclusions but this is what I chose to take away from it)
These aspects of their characters fit perfectly with the stereotypical idea of a strong and stoic lone wolf in contrast to real wolves being pack animals that work together to survive!
I thought I'd like Yuma's design more by a landside cause I've grown really fond of his human design, but I actually really love this version of Makoto. I guess any designs with horns or hooves just appeals to me in a way that paws don't. Still really happy with these two. They could most certainly be worse! I think they're both cute little guys though and I learned a lot about how to like, render from this so that's a bonus!
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azaleasbones · 27 days
Workout routine
💌 for reference I have an ed, im trying to get my splits, and do figure skating (2 inches from the ground in my splits after approx 3 days)
30s x 3 pike stretch
30s x 3 pancake stretch
30s x 3 touch your toes?!?! (Idk 😭)
60s - 120s butterfly stretch
60s rotating lizard
30s half split
30s each side sideways lunges
30s elevated half split
60s each side lunge
60s pigeon stretch each side
30s x 2 seated stradle
30s x 2 puppy pose
60s wall lunge
60s wall splits
30s 1 legged puppy pose each side
30s child's pose
60s frog
30s cat / dog stretches
30s backbend
30s wheel
30s arm up lunge
(i DIE after doing this 😵‍💫)
100 crunches (I do knee in)
100 sit ups
80 reverse crunches
50 leg kicks
50 bicycle crunches
50 high knees
30 mountain climbers
(try to do most days but I allow myself to sub the 100s with 80s sometimes)
ps do it while scrolling on tiktok it makes it way easier
deadass just 15 pull-ups and I may or may not neglect my legs aswell.. 💀
60s kicks ?!?!?! (just swing one leg back and forth)
60s single leg balance
60s weight shifts
(only if you have skates buy I practice my spins everyday for a few minutes)
20k steps a day
waltz jumps, double spins, any of my spins 😭
whenever im laying or scrolling on tiktok i always keep my legs in a butterfly position to stretch, do reverse crunches, or that like half bridge / wheel thing??
I walk 10-20k a day but sometimes like only do 129 steps on the weekends 💀💀 I SWEAR ITS LIKE ONCE PER WEEK THOUGH
PS, the ones I do everyday is the flexibility and someties my core workout! everything else is occasional. love you stay safe 💌
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thebookowal · 7 months
Doodle time, in class 👍
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(so to clarify in my school, we have a strict rule not to bring any electronics, from home so we’re not allowed to bring our phones )
octopus, DJ by @ntls-24722
he just popped in my head doing those cool poses supposed
I think that sentence rhymes 😝 I know I didn’t make them really chubby, even though I really do I just need to practice more
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oh yeah and here or there is some thing I got really inspired off by an animation called,the worm
It’s actually pretty cool and it gives you the chills not that much but the ones (want to have another episode ) kind of chills
and it had a detective that somehow give me vibes that what if Fritz before he got reincarnated what, if -what if Fritz wasn’t or didn’t go through what he did in his childhood and in fact, he lived a normal life and become a detective. He looks like a very suitable person, but of course our Fritz, insane personality makes him much suitable to be fritz ✨
edit : here he is 👇✨
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NTLS!! You have to go see him tell me what do you think??? doesn’t look like friends without reincarnation (or if it didn’t happen at all) ???
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Here is my fellow boy oh, by the way, I think that is inspired by Ntls as well I remembered to draw something similar to it but this guy I think he’s a lizard. I don’t know where he is yet. I just know that the colors are completely different. And his food is different. But I don’t know I named him bubbles by the way bubbles DJ what do you guys think? I don’t know yet. They already covered up that he only walks on four legs, and he rarely walks on his two back legs
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah!!!!!
where is this? Funny thing happened as well with him every single time I try to draw him fully I don’t draw the tail full in
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There is one of them
oh yeah and on top is actually the diabetes celebration day for men. My friend told me about it and it was supposed to be I think right now to other people two days ago
look at him very cute with a stormy out 😚
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Here is him sleeping he like to sleep with his mouth open all the time I mean with the song out just creating a puddle of saliva And here it is this fat hundred XL ass boy dancing he was in my head, the whole entire lesson, and I said “I had to draw it!”
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I have never in my life draw big shoes. I am really proud of the big shoes that I did here. Oh yeah, and this guy is name is puppet I know it’s very taking, but I thought of killing him that because I can do whatever the hell I want with him, I could create them to be a cat like in the picture down belooooow
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I have been sleeping for two hours for two days now and my head is throbbing so this is one of them him checking on me
because I couldn’t handle it. I literally fall asleep. While I am writing notes.
And yeah, I was drawing this underneath the table because the teacher was right beside me and if they saw me, they might actually go through it and tell me why aren’t you writing I guess that’s all
good night everybody or good morning or good afternoon or whatever time you have right now bye I need to go to sleep. I have a lot tomorrow.(thanking about DJ will go to sleep.🤭)
guys is it normal that my body shaking it’s really shaking violently while I’m writing this I think it’s fine I don’t know. Is it ??
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mariacallous · 4 months
Can you imagine what a digital white ethnostate or a cyber caliphate might look like? Having spent most of my career on the inside of online extremist movements, I certainly can. The year 2024 might be the one in which neo-Nazis, jihadists, and conspiracy theorists turn their utopian visions of creating their own self-governed states into reality—not offline, but in the form of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).
DAOs are digital entities that are collaboratively governed without central leadership and operate based on blockchain. They allow internet users to establish their own organizational structures, which no longer require the involvement of a third party in financial transactions and rulemaking. The World Economic Forum described DAOs as “an experiment to reimagine how we connect, collaborate and create”. However, as with all new technologies, there is also a darker side to them: They are likely to give rise to new threats emerging from decentralized extremist mobilization.
Today, there are already over 10,000 DAOs, which collectively manage billions of dollars and count millions of participants. So far, DAOs have attracted a wild mix of libertarians, activists, pranksters, and hobbyists. Most DAOs I have come across in my research sound innocent and fun. Personally, my favorites include theCaféDAO, which aims “to replace Starbucks” (good luck with that!); the Doge DAO, which wants to “make the Doge meme the most recognizable piece of art in the world”; and the HairDAO, “a decentralized asset manager solving hair loss.” But some DAOs use a more radical tone. For example, the Redacted Club DAO, which is rife with alt-right codes and conspiracy myth references, claims to be a secret network with the aim of “slaying” the “evil Meta Lizard King.”
The year 2024 might be one in which extremists start using DAOs strategically. Policies, legal contracts, and financial transactions that were traditionally the domain of governments, courts, and banks can be replaced with smart contracts, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and cryptocurrencies. The use of anonymous bitcoin wallets and non-transparent cryptocurrencies such as Monero is already widespread among extremists whose bank accounts have been frozen. A shift to entirely decentralized forms of self-governance is only one step away.
Beyond practical reasons that encourage extremists to create their own self-governed structures, there is an ideological incentive too: their fundamental distrust in the establishment. If you believe that the deep state or the “global Jewish elites” control everything from governments and Big Tech to the global banking system, DAOs offer an appealing alternative. Conversations on far-right fringe platforms such as BitChute and Odysee reveal that there is much appetite for decentralized alternative forms of collaboration, communication, and crowdfunding.
So what happens if anti-minority groups establish their own digital worlds in which they impose their own governing mechanisms? What are the stakes if trolling armies start cooperating via DAOs to launch election interference campaigns? The activities of extremist DAOs could challenge the rule of law, pose a threat to minority groups, and disrupt institutions that are currently considered fundamental pillars of democratic systems. Another risk is that DAOs can serve as safe havens for extremist movements by enabling users to circumvent government regulation and security services monitoring activities. They might also allow extremists to find new ways to fundraise, plan, and plot radicalization campaigns or even attacks. While many governments have focused on developing legal frameworks to regulate AI, few have even recognized the existence of DAOs. Their looming exploitation for extremist and criminal purposes is something that has flown under the radar of global policymakers.
Technology expert Carl Miller, who has long warned of potential misuse of DAOs, told me that “even though DAOs behave like companies, they are not registered as legal entities.” There are only a few exceptions: The US states of Wyoming, Vermont, and Tennessee have passed laws to legally recognize DAOs. With no regulations in place to hold DAOs accountable for extremist or criminal activities, the big question for 2024 will be: How can we ensure the metaverse doesn’t give rise to digital white ethnostates or cyber caliphates?
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chubs-deuce · 1 year
Hey! Wanted to say that you’re a huge inspiration and I adore the way you draw your characters. Would you be willing to give any tips for anatomy, specifically your version of Mona? I have a rise lizard oc, and it’s really difficult to draw their specific legs and arms.
:O!!! that is a very flattering compliment omg, thank you so much!!
And hm... I'd be happy to, but I'm not sure in how the limbs of a lizard OC for rise (I'm presuming they're anthropomorphic in terms of body structure) would be different from those of a human?
Unless you mean in rise's specific style, which is admittedly something I'm not too familiar with (the Mona drawing I did where I tried to draw her in rise's style was a test more than anything and I looked at a painful amount of refs and still kinda didn't get it quite right lmao). If that's what you're going for then I recommend just collecting a few screenshots from rise where legs are visible and snap a couple of different poses, then use them as a reference, breaking them down to their rough shapes. If it helps, here's a great post that visualizes the basic shapes quite well :D.
Unless you need something more specific, have these for now for a more general idea of how *I* usually approach drawing arms and legs?
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Unfortunately I am p much entirely self-taught, so a lot of my "knowledge" is more tactile practice I developed a good gut feel for over time, so I'm very sorry if this isn't all that useful or coherent, I'm not a professional after all ^^".
I highly recommend looking at photo references or other stylized exmaples as well, reference work can do wonders for your understanding of bodies in a 3d space sometimes haha
Good luck either way! Lmk if you have any questions <3
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dnangelic · 6 months
@crimsontroupe asked: "Are you trying to mimic some sort of monster?" The question comes out of nowhere, Diamont maintaining that almost irritating lack of expression that he always does. "I am aware that gargoyles are likely to hoard an interesting amount of treasure for whatever reason. Are you like this too?"
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and he doesn't even spare the other as much as a single glance at first . dark's thunderous brows set even lower as they cast irate shadows over the smooth marble of his pallor , no doubt completing every unpleasant , gargoyle-like impression that diamont had so generously decided to remark upon .
there's the truth , and then there's irony : the thing calling itself dark mousy monstrous already , an artful warden both born of and belonging to lavish , holy places , though never quite a part of their interiors . yet the way this blinding lizard only seems to connect him to plausible hoards and avarice and a simple pose practically insults him .
' is it so wrong , ' he slowly begins , until his head practically snaps in the direction of the other and his wings unhappily puff , ' --- for a guy to just SIT ?! '
the dark , serpentine cuts resting within each crimson iris land their pierce and jabs . when he wasn't being harassed by noisy nuisances , then this sort of posture was soothing in its own way ; easy to sink into private thoughts by , the slightest wind and breeze pleasant through black feathers or the weightless threads of his hair as he balanced all four limbs .
instead , here he was being interviewed .
was nothing sacred left for him anymore ?
' i'm trying to relax , and you're getting in the damn way . ' he imagines the other would nod at his words , then toddle off to find a frog or some tree bark to inspect with those dull , yet infinitely , overly curious eyes of theirs . ' instead of questioning my intentions , why don't you try it for yourself someplace ? maybe then you'll be able to come to some sort of answer . '
and it'd get this guy out of his hair .
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pinepickled · 8 months
Some of yall have really lost the plot when it comes to porn bc you try to paint it as something inherently misogynistic and then when asked to explain why ur like 'it's unrealistic standards for women, men don't know what women look or act like anymore' and idk what porn yall are watching but when I watch porn I see women with rolls and gray hair and messy hair and no makeup or bad makeup and weird musculature and saggy tits and cellulite or plastic surgery so bad it's not even a question to beauty so maybe yall should expand your genre outside of hentai or an egirls 2 minute perfectly edited and airbrushed video with an outfit and crazy pose practiced to perfection and just watch people fuck. Also the men who think women act like porn actresses are 1. dumb as fuck 2. were already so entrenched in misogyny that not just porn but the media's portrayal of women in general allowed them to form weird stereotypes of how we have sex and engage in sexual play. Porn was not the catalyst. Porn addiction is not real. It's something terfs made up to make you feel disgusted about feeling horny and wanting to fuck whoever you want to fuck to please your lizard brain and not politics.
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conceptsformyowner · 2 years
This is the fifth of six training concepts I’m writing for my Owner before our dynamic turns six months.
Deep-Throat Training
Posture and Pose Training
Anal Training
Heels Training
Note: I am not qualified in any of this, I'm just a silly internet searcher toy that thinks this is good enough, but do not take this as actual information for yourself thinking that it really works like I think it does.
You want me to be obedient. You want me to be good and follow your instructions as soon and thoroughly as possible. You want to encourage certain behaviours over others, certain attitudes.
And so, you train my brain with a mixture of classical and operant conditioning.
Theory: Classical Conditioning
This is the most quoted one, dog salivates when seeing food, strange man rings bell every time dog sees food, after that dog salivates with just the bell.
In this case, instead of a dog, it's a toy: me! Instead of a a stranger, a bell and food, it's you, you snapping your fingers, and any pleasurable sensation (be it orgasms, tasty food, or tasty small rewards).
The end goal is for my lizard brain to automaticaly associate you snapping your fingers with positive emotions and pleasureable sensations.
Theory: Operant Conditioning
This is the one we're more familiar with, it seems more intuitive and we all use it. It comes down to rewarding wanted behaviours and punishing unwanted ones.
It gets a bit more interesting when you see what things actually work better:
Rewarding good behaviour (or the correction of bad behaviour) is much more effective than punishing.
For punishments to be truly effective, they must be immediate to the offense or unwanted behaviour.
This, I already kind of knew, but then these ones I found much more interesting.
Rewards must not be guaranteed. The behaviour must eventually be able to exist without the reward, but if every instance is rewarded, it not only ceases to cause any rewarding effect but it also adds the unfortunate and counter-productive effect of making the cease of rewards to feel like an actual punishment. TL;DR: don't reward all the time, reward some times, otherwise it becomes dependant on the reward
Rewards work best if they vary a bit. This is not as important but it's still good to know, that if the reward could be one treat, or another, or another, it works better than just the same one. variety itself makes it more stimulating and more rewarding
Putting it in practice
The two kinds of conditioning can happen at the same time.
Just before you make me orgasm, just before every treat you give me, just before every reward: you snap your fingers.
You sometimes need only snap your fingers as a way of rewarding me, or after I obey or behave correctly.
The rewards (be it only snapping or snapping and then giving me a treat) need to not be constant. You need only reward me more frequently for whichever behaviour you're trying to encourage.
You can choose attitudes that you find you want to encourage. Maybe it's me degrading myself, lr submitting, or being a slut.
And so, slowly, step by step, you will start to mold my brain to your whim. You can shape me to be exactly the kind of toy you've always dreamed of. And i'll love it, I won't have any other choice but to love it.
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holdingontodust · 1 year
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Gravitas’s Family Tree
Tried to put to scale how long Septarians live by showing that Seth was born looooooong before the first settlers arrived in Mewni, let alone his great-grandfather. 
Feat canon family named in the book of spells (or cameoed in the show) and a couple of OCs made up to fill out some space
Septarian Lore from my fanfic under the cut
Since they live such long lives, there actually aren’t many Septarians to begin with. There are fewer Septarian females than males, and they have both low conception and birth rates, so Septarians don’t mate very often either. They fuck for pleasure frequently, however, and it’s fairly common for Septarians to fiddle around with other races, in which case male Septarians are more likely to get their partner pregnant with a half-breed child, while females rarely get pregnant by other races.
When Septarians have children, males compete for female partners and usually only have two or three offspring from different women, typically a few centuries apart. The mother does most of the upbringing during the first few decades of the child’s life and will get aggressive toward males, even the father. When the child is old enough to survive without her constant supervision, the mother may seek out a new mate and bare another child. 
The fathers usually reenter the picture to finish raising their children with the aid of their wife, which ever woman they had the best chemistry with and who gets along best with the children who are not their own making all children within the family half siblings, full blooded siblings among Septarians are incredibly rare. Because his method of family building poses an increased risk of incest, and it is the father’s job to keep track of bloodlines.
Quick reminder that Septarians live a long ass time and rarely mate to start with so this isn’t as difficult as you might immediately think
In my fanfic, Seth was a rare case where he had five children at around the same time. For anyone not reading Holding onto Dust, within that story it was popular for a time for Mewman poachers to raid Septarian nests and barter the eggs around (though the practice was stopped by one of the Queens), leading Seth to unify his once solitary Lizards into war to reclaim their stolen children. Despite being able to recover most of the displaced Septarian youths, it was impossible for them to know which child was theirs, Seth adopted quite a few of them hoping that at least some of them were the five that were stolen from him. 
Of the children he’s adopted, Toffee and Rasticore are the two he is most convinced are actually his (and he is correct)
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