#practically endless resources so if you really care about your subjects it's just a matter of distributing them so no one goes without
the-unconquered-queen · 3 months
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chambersandfogg · 1 month
May 30th, 1919
Somehow, I have found myself a fifty-five year old man. While I have had either the good fortune or the misfortune (all these years on and I’m still uncertain which it is) to avoid the ravages of age, my mind is that of a person who has been on this earth for five decades and seen a nearly world-ending war. One would think that these experiences would bring wisdom with them, but that remains to be seen. All I know I’ve gained is a kind of weariness that reminds me of being a boy, but now without any of those hardships.
To think of that boy now brings no small amount of relief, a bit of awe, and a certain measure of grief. My life is inarguably better than it was and yet, I have no sense of who I am really am. Perhaps it is the lack of possibility—when you are a young, the future stretches before you like an endless road. And then, over the years, you get set in your ways, your thinking, your very being. You become limited by your own experiences, perspectives, and, for most, your physical form.
I see it in my colleagues—those I still correspond with, too worried about the consequences of seeing any of them in person. They write of how they wish they could go adventuring as they always have but their heart or their bad leg won’t let them. Even John has sometimes spoken of how his leg and hip bother him, slow him down, though he talks of it as a mere inconvenience and nothing more. I try to be compassionate and understanding in my responses, though I always have to take special care writing him back on the subject, for every time I think of him immediately coming into mortal danger when arriving at the front, a kind of furious anger fills me, the likes of which I have not felt before. It embarrasses me, to still be so easily riled by the events of a war already being written about in history books, but everything with John always did provoke me faster than anything else.
I have yet to see him in person—travel still limited in the way that it is—but I fear he will try to hide from me the more serious ways in which his injuries affect him. He certainly went through a considerable amount of effort to hide the incident from me in the first place, always skating past my questions in his letters and having me write, not to the infirmary, but the neighboring town. In any event, the burns did not seem to slow him down too much during the war, considering he was right back out there far sooner than I would have preferred. I suppose I should just be grateful we’re both alive—I am grateful, deeply. But it irks me to think of him in pain or distress.
But all of that is old news at this point—I fear that he and I will discuss matters ad nauseam if we both refuse to move on. Neither one of us is very good at backing down from a fight.
Perhaps I am fixating on others’ troubles because I have so few of my own. I am certainly not resource limited. Especially since I began playing my luck on the stock market, the wealth that I have is practically unthinkable. It certainly would have been beyond the imagination of the boy who hawked newspapers on street corners to support his mother.
What would he think of me now? He would be glad, I think, to be out of the grips of poverty and equally astounded at that fact. But would he be disappointed in my fairly sedate life? Would he be horrified at my loneliness?
For all their struggles—learning a new language in adulthood, being so far from their homeland, even if there was nothing left for them in Ireland—for all the ways in which my parents were impoverished, they were never poor in company. Two people so in love they crossed the ocean with only the other to talk to; who had a child to enrich their life, not fill it; who made a warm and loving home out of a one-room tenement in the middle of a strange nation—these were not people who were lonely. It hurts to think of how they would have grown together as they aged, of the way their love would have deepened if father had never died. Perhaps mother would have been more inclined to travel, less afraid to stray too far from her husband’s grave for too long. Maybe her vibrancy and sharp mind would not have withered on the vine, the way I’ve no doubt father’s would have if she had been the one to an early grave. I never would have been company enough for either of them. No child could have filled that hole of grief.
Which is why I can never take a wife, nor have a child. It pains me—a sword in the soft spot of my chest—but there is nothing for it. Despite the fact that I’m sure I could find one—while I may not be much to look at, especially off stage, I am rich and, as far as anyone knows, of good stock and name. The myth of Charles Chambers has become so complete that no one remembers he appeared from thin air like one of his illusions. Charlie Coughlin, for them, was never alive.
So, yes, I could get a wife with ease—one who would, no doubt, be beautiful and clever and eager to start a family. Perhaps I could even contrive some kind of disguise to age with her, tell the children the truth when they are older. But I would have to watch them march off to the afterlife as well, and I’m not sure I could bear it. I’m not sure I could bear getting married—even without children—only to have to do it all over again with the same lies and secrets. When I fall in love—if I fell in love—I suspect it would be forever.
I have yet to discuss these matters with the one other person who understands, but how am I meant to write to John and ask his intentions toward marriage? I’m sure if he has eyes on someone, he’ll tell me when he means to propose. Or perhaps I will read about it in the papers like everyone else.
I know it is improper—immoral even, in some eyes—to think of such things, but even as a young man I thought that John was a striking—[the rest of the paragraph is crossed out so completely as to be unreadable]
It is best not to put it to paper, even here in the privacy of my diary. There is no point to such stray fantasies thoughts anyway.
I have forgotten father’s face. I had a photograph taken of mother and I before she passed but I can no longer conjure the feeling of her hand in mine nor the sound of her voice. Every friend or colleague I’ve ever known will someday fade from memory, or has already, vanishing like morning mist in the heat of the day.
Now, the face I see most clearly when I close my eyes is John’s. And his face, like my own, is ever unchanging.
[from the personal diary of C.X. Chambers]
[listen to New Year’s Day wherever you get your podcasts. to read the pre-1917 entries, join atypical artists and get access to the archive of 24 entries (5,000+ words), as well as ad-free episodes. to receive future monthly missives straight to your inbox, sign up for free here]
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eroticcannibal · 3 years
Common myths and misconceptions about home education
So in case anyone has somehow missed it, I have recently become a Big supporter of home education in a very lefty way, which has meant I have had to challenge a lot of views I have previously held about home education and that I know a lot of other lefties hold too. I am of the opinion that embracing home education, not as a last resort, but as the primary form of education for as many children as possible, is a vital part of achieving the required shifts in society needed to meet the goals of most leftists. So I am taking it on myself to convince you all that it is a very good thing, and also to clear up some misconceptions people have about home education that may make them feel they are unable to do it.
(A note, I am from the UK and shall be using UK terminology and specifics regarding law, policy and other such things will be from a UK perspective. I shall be using the term home education, as that is the legal term in the UK and is distinct from home schooling, which is the term for what school children have been doing during the pandemic.)
And I would also like to extend a quick thanks to Education Otherwise and the mods at Home education and your local authority for teaching me A LOT.
Have any questions about anything I’ve not covered here? Just let me know!
1. “Home education is illegal.”
- Sadly, home education is illegal or restricted to the point of inaccessibility in most of the world. From the research I have done, it seems that only the US and the UK have reasonable laws around home education (if I am using a very broad definition of reasonable, it is still not great). I do hope I can change this section soon, and I would *heavily* encourage people to campaign for the right to home educate post pandemic, perhaps cite any benefits learning at home has provided to children, perhaps???
2. “Home education is a tool used by religious fundamentalists to brainwash children!”
- This is a view many hold, and for good reason. For many of us, when we think of home education, we think of christian fundamentalists in the deep south of America, pulling their children out of school to avoid the liberal agenda. The truth is, anything can be used as a tool of indoctrination. This can happen in home education, and it can happen and has happened in schools too. In my own communities we have had instances of schools being a site of religious radicalization of children. The reality is this is far too complex and deep an issue to be solved by deeming any particular form of education as “bad”. I am not an expert on how best to deal with such issues, but I do feel that things like outreach and building a healthy community with otherwise more isolated religious groups would be a better way to address these issues.
3. “You need to have x qualification to home educate.”
- Again, a reasonable view to hold, given that state run and private education does require educators to hold certain qualifications, but in practice it quickly becomes evident the same does not necessarily have to apply with home education. Educational qualifications are very much focused on delivering an education in a classroom, which is a far cry from home education. During our home education of our child, my partner, who is a qualified SEN TA, has struggled far more than I have with educating our SEN child, despite the fact I hold no qualifications.
We live in amazing times when it comes to education. There are many things that parents and communities have to teach a child, and there are many things a child can teach to themself if given the tools to do so. You can even learn together! Their are endless resources available, books and games and documentaries, and even home education groups and private tutors if you feel that is the right fit for your child. You don’t need a piece of paper for your child to spend a day with their nose buried in a book, or to help the neighbor with his vegetable patch, or to cuddle up on the sofa while watching Planet Earth.
4. “You are required to follow the national curriculum.”
- This does vary by country (that allows home education). As a general rule, the stricter a country is about who can home educate, the stricter they are about what must be taught. In the UK, you are not required to follow the national curriculum. Education must be “efficient” and suited to the child’s “age, aptitude and ability”, and LAs do require that english and maths are covered. Other than that, you are allowed to tailor the content of education to the child and their interests. We have recently dropped geography for now and are only just picking up history again. It has also given us the freedom to focus on areas our child needs that would not be covered in mainstream education, such as anxiety management, trauma processing, self care and hygiene.
5. “Home education looks like school/is just filling out workbooks/etc”
- The thing you will always hear from experienced home educators when you begin home education is “home education doesn’t need to be school at home”. Much like you can tailor the content of the learning to the child, you can also tailor the delivery to the child. Some child need structure, timetable, instructions. Some need freedom and to bounce between topics. Some need to have an hour learning maths and only maths, some need to go dig up your garden “for science”. Some want to learn every day, some will need extended breaks.
Learning happens all the time, from the moment they wake to the moment they sleep. As an example, at home we have some workbooks, as both me and my child have ADHD and need someone to go “ok learn this” rather than us having to work out for ourselves what we need to cover for core subjects like english and maths. For the rest of most days my child is left to their own devices to binge youtube and netflix and work on their art. We try and go for a woodland walk every few days, where we have Deep Discussions about all kinds of topics, and we are also working on growing edible plants and baking cakes from around the world. We are more hands-off at the moment, due to the current bout of anxiety, but when that settles again we will get back to history themed crafts and STEM activities. Post-pandemic, we will be signing our kid up for swimming classes and “after school” clubs, and looking at sending them down to my mum for the home ed groups where she lives, like the forest school. A lot of home education outside of a pandemic is in groups and community based, or will make use of libraries and museums and other public learning opportunities. Frequently very little will happen at home.
In fact many home educators will advise new families to “deschool” for a while before jumping in to learning. This is a period where you “get school out of your system”, and just exist. Learning does not have to be intentional, you will be surprised how much you can achieve by just having fun.
6. “Home education is expensive.”
- It can be, ask my bank account. However, it is perfectly possible to deliver a quality education with little to no money. I’m not saying it’s easy, but it’s doable. Their are many online resources for free (check out oak academy), and libraries have plenty available too. Even paid resources can be very cheap if you know where to look. (psst, if your kid thrives with worksheets and powerpoints, get yourself a twinkl subscription, download everything you need for a year then cancel it.)
(This does not apply to exams. Get saving!)
7. “Home educated children are not properly socialised.”
- This is only really true during the pandemic. The rest of the time, home educated children are free to socialise whenever they want, with whoever they want, in whatever setting they choose. Socialisation while home educating is in the opinions of many of a higher quality, as they are not limited to groups of a similar age and background. Many home educating families form groups for their children to socialise together too. For ND children especially, socialising while home educated can be far less stressful and far more fulfilling than in school.
8. “Home educated children won’t get qualifications.”
- Just plain not true. Arranging qualifications can be costly and time consuming, but it is possible and regularly done. Some children may return to school or college to access exams for free, and I have heard of a handful of cases where individuals were able to secure prestigious university places without any qualifications. Home education also allows for more freedom with how exams and qualifications are approached, for example, many home educated children will pick one GCSE to focus on at a time, rather than covering numerous topics over 2 years and having exams for all of them at once like children in school will.
9. “Home education is a safeguarding risk/is used to cover up abuse/home educated children are not seen.”
- In the UK at least, home education is not considered a safeguarding risk, no matter what authorities may tell you, nor are home educated “not seen”. They still visit medical professionals, they still engage with their communities.
Now I shall add the relevant paper here should I find it again, but the idea that home education is used to cover up abuse to a statistically significant degree, or that home educated children are at more risk of abuse, is false. Home educating families do face a significantly higher risk of social services involvement than other families, but far less abuse is found in comparison to other families. It is also worth considering, when talking about social services involvement, that many families pursue home education due to failures by schools regarding a child’s vulnerabilities. In most cases, especially the Big Ones, where a home educated child is abused, the child was already known to authorities as a victim of abuse, therefore home educating did nothing to hide said abuse.
Children are also routinely abused in schools, which is another common reason for home educating.
10. “Home education has to be monitored or approved.”
- Depends on the country, I know in Japan home education is monitored by schools, however in the UK, monitoring is not lawful. Local authorities may make informal enquiries to ensure a suitable education is being facilitated (keep EVERYTHING in writing and please go straight to “home education and your local authority” group on FB for advice, you WILL need it!). In England, if your child is in mainstream education, you can deregister at will, from a special school will require LA approval. In Scotland deregistering requires LA approval. (Again, head to the aforementioned group for advice).
11. “You can’t work/get an education while home educating”
- It is hard to balance work, education and educating your child, but it is possible, people do it every day. Obviously, having at least one parent free to educate unhindered at all times is an ideal situation, but in the real world it often does not work that way. Parents may have to home educate regardless of their other commitments if a child truly needs to escape the school system. Many parents work or learn from home, and sometimes it is even possible to combine these activities with home education. Professional artists and crafters can pass down their skills while working, distance learners can invite their children to sit in on lectures. The really great thing about home education is it is flexible. Do you have a whole day of meetings? Let the kid play minecraft all day! Going to be in the office all day? Drop the kid off at the local forest school or something else they can do all day. Drop them with the grandparents to help with the gardening!
12. “Home educated are behind/achieve less than school children.”
- Their is no evidence that home education is of a lower quality than school education. Many children are home educated specifically because the school environment was detrimental to their education, and thrive with home education. Plenty of children are able to learn more simply by having 1-to-1 attention, without the distraction of an entire class. And others may well be “behind”, and are educated at home because of their specific needs that mean they will never thrive in an academic setting, so they are allowed to focus on learning skills that will allow them to live independently.
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cop-disliker pretty perfectly outlined why human existence is harmful in general no matter what we do and even outside of that we can see what effects our existence has had on the planet (hint, it ain't good) so like. yeah killing ourselves would be the only moral thing to do. idc about all those ~nice experiences~ i'll miss out on, it's far more important that i immediately cease causing suffering. I won't actually do it bc i'm an immoral coward but ur argument is still bad.
What possibly gives you the idea that suicide gets you off the hook, anon?
Do you imagine that your own death would cause no harm? No grief to anyone? No additional usage of resources to inter your body and sort your affairs?
And that is of course only the beginning. You are no less responsible for the good you unknowingly did not do than for the harm you unknowingly caused. If you let a trolley slam right into an innocent man tied to the tracks when you could easily divert it, are you any less responsible for his death because you did not tie him there?
Do you suppose that your own selfish desire to not be personally responsible for causing harm supercedes your positive obligations to the world? You are very likely one of the wealthiest, more privileged people who has ever lived--even if you were poor and wretched compared to those in your immediate community, this would still be true--and you really think the best you can do is to simply die, when it costs a meager fraction of your expected lifetime income to save the life of a child, completely change the fortunes of an impoverished family, or prevent countless animals from being tortured? Let alone any of the other causes you might work on directly through your career, whether that be climate, global justice, or something else.
Especially considering that if you do not live a life of moral striving, somebody who is just as privileged but far less morally inclined will take your place, and fritter away their wealth on temporary flights of fancy?
Sorry anon, no dice. You don't get to bow out, not if you are trying to be moral.
Of course this is an insane and depressing way to think about it. I don't actually think anybody is obliged to behave morally, not on any practical level, because our moral obligations are essentially infinite. There are endless black pits of suffering in this world, that we can pour our whole lives into filling, and not see a single one filled. You can give away everything you own, devote your whole life to mitigating suffering, and it will still not be enough to discharge your moral obligation. Abstaining from further life is certainly not enough.
Personally, I think you're as much a moral subject as any other sentient being (though not, incidentally, as much as "the planet," which is an abstract concept and not capable of either suffering or joy), and all else equal, I would rather you live a long and happy life of selfishness than die today, given that your death would have no real positive impact at all. And I further posit that a happy person is much more likely to have a net positive impact on the world than a miserable one. So even if you didn't care about your own life, it would be in the interest of the world in general that you live a sustainably fulfilling life; miserable people tend to burn out and torch their potential early, and that benefits precisely nobody.
I'm glad you're not going to kill yourself. I think that's the moral choice.
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frangelic999 · 4 years
Villains of All Nations
     I'm reading a really interesting book about pirates, Villains of All Nations, by Marcus Rediker, and I just want to share some excerpts because it's extremely good. It explains that the terror of piracy was born from a different kind of terror, "practiced by … ministers, royal officials, wealthy men; in short, rulers – as they sought to eliminate piracy as a crime against mercantile property … in truth, the keepers of the state in this era were themselves terrorists of a sort, decades before the word terrorist would acquire its modern meaning … they have become, over the years, cultural heroes, even founding fathers of a sort. Theirs was a terror of the strong against the weak." Pirates, in response, "consciously used terror to accomplish their aims … This they did in the name of a different social order … In truth, pirates were terrorists of a sort. And yet we do not think of them in this way. They have become, over the years, cultural heroes, perhaps antiheroes, and at the very least romantic and powerful figures in an American and increasingly global popular culture. Theirs was a terror of the weak against the strong. It formed one essential part of a dialectic of terror, which was summarized in the decision of the authorities to raise the Jolly Roger above the gallows when hanging pirates: one terror trumped the other." Long post about pirates ahead. Henceforth all bolded text is mine, the rest is from the book:
On the hanging of the pirate William Fly in 1726: Fly, however, did not ask for forgiveness, did not praise the authorities, and did not affirm the values of Christianity, as he was supposed to do, but he did issue a warning … he proclaimed his final, fondest wish: that "all Masters of Vessels might take Warning by the Fate of the Captain (meaning Captain Green) the he had murder'd, and to pay Sailors their Wages when due, and to treat them better; saying, that their Barbarity to them made so many turn Pyrates." Fly thus used his last breath to protest the conditions of work at sea, what he called "Bad Usage." He would be launched into eternity with the brash threat of mutiny on his lips.
 As we will see, poor seamen who turned pirate dramatized concerns of class. Formerly enslaved Africans or African Americans who turned pirate posed questions of race. Women who turned pirate called attention to the conventions of gender. And all people who turned pirate and sailed under "their own dark flag," the Jolly Roger, enacted a highly political play about the nation … When pirates stitched together the black flag, the antinational symbol of a gang of proletarian outlaws, they "declared war against the world."
 The multiethnic freebooters of 1716-26 numbered around four thousand over the decade. They wreaked havoc in the Atlantic system by capturing hundreds of merchant ships, many of which they burned or sank, and all  of which they plundered of valuable cargo. They disrupted trade in strategic zones of capital accumulation – the West Indies, North America, and West Africa – at a time when the recently stabilized and expanding Atlantic economy was the source of enormous profits and renewed imperial power. Usually sailors joined pirate ships after working on merchant and naval ships, where they suffered cramped quarters, poor victuals, brutal discipline, low wages, devastating diseases, disabling accidents, and premature death. Piracy, as we will see, offered the prospect of plunder and "ready money," abundant food and drink, the election of officers, the equal distribution of resources, care for the injured, and joyous camaraderie, all as expressions of an ethic of justice … Piracy may have held out hope for a good life, but it was not to be a long one.
 Many pirates, like Fly ... used the occasion for one last act of subversion. An endless train of pirates walked defiantly to the gallows and taunted the higher powers when they got there. Facing the steps and the rope in the Bahamas in 1718, pirate Thomas Morris expressed a simple wish: to have been "a greater plague to these islands." John Gow, who was a very strong man, broke the gallows rope at his hanging in 1726. He went to "ascend the ladder a second time, which he did with very little concern, dying with the same brutal ferocity which animated all his actions while alive."
 In 1720, when eight members of the crew of Bartholomew Roberts were captured and tried in Virginia, they were rowdy and outrageous ...They went to their deaths bidding defiance to mercy … "When they came to the Place of Execution one of them called for a bottle of wine, and taking a glass of it, he drank Damnation to the Governour and Confusion to the Colony, which the rest pledged."
 The drama played out again and again. When the fifty-two members of Roberts's crew were hanged at Cape Coast Castle in 1722 before a concourse of Europeans and Africans, a group of pirates explained: "They were poor rogues, and so must be hanged while others, no less guilty in another way, escaped." They referred to the wealthy rogues who bilked sailors of their rightful wages and proper food and thereby turned many of them toward piracy.
 When Bartholomew Roberts and his men learned that the governor and council of Nevis had executed some pirates in 1720, they were so outraged that they sailed into Basseterre's harbor, set several vessels on fire, and offered a big bounty to anyone who would deliver the responsible officials to their clutches so that justice could be served … They made good on such bluster when they happened to take a French vessel carrying the governor of Martinique, who had also hanged some members of "the brotherhood." Roberts took revenge by hanging the poor governor from his own yardarm. Thus did the pirates practice terror against the state terrorists. It was a war of nerves – one hanging for another – and constituted a cycle of violence.
On the use of terror by pirates:
Pirates used terror for several reasons: to avoid fighting; to force disclosure of information about where booty was hidden; and to punish ship captains. The first point to be emphasized is that pirates did not want to fight, no matter how bloodthirsty their image was in their own day and in ours. As Stanley Richards has written, "It was their ambition to acquire plunder and live to enjoy the pleasures that it brought them. A battle might deprive them of that ease of life. Hence on the chance occasion when they had to go into action against another ship, it was looked upon by them as almost a repulsive necessity. They were after booty, not blood." … Harsh treatment of those who resist, announced the Boston News-Letter in June 1718, "so intimidates the sailors that they refuse to fight when the pirates attack them." After all, the pirates would ask: why are you risking your life to protect the property of merchants and ship captains who treat you so poorly? … In this practice of violence, pirates were no different from naval or privateering ships, who practiced the same methods. Indeed, a portion of pirate terror was the standard issue of war making, which pirates undertook without the approval of any nation-state … Pirates also practiced violence against the prize ship's cargo, destroying massive amounts of property in the most furious and wanton ways … They descended into the holds of ships like "a Parcel of Furies," slashing boxes and bales of goods with their cutlasses, throwing valuable goods overboard, and laughing uproariously as they did so. They also destroyed a large number of ships … They practiced indirect terror against the owners of mercantile property.
On the pirate social order:
We will see that the early-eighteenth-century pirate ship was a world turned upside down, made so by the articles of agreement that established the rules and customs of the pirates' alternative social order. Pirates "distributed justice," elected their officers, divided their loot equally, and established a different discipline. They limited the authority of the captain, resisted many of the practices of capitalist merchant shipping industry, and maintained a multicultural, multiracial, and multinational social order. They demonstrated quite clearly – and subversively – that ships did not have to be run in the brutal and oppressive ways of the merchant service and the Royal Navy.
 For, as it happened, there were not merely two kinds of terror, the terror of the gallows and the terror of the Jolly Roger, but three. To understand William Fly and his dispute with the ministers of Boston, to understand the gallows drama repeated in one Atlantic port after another, and, most important, to understand the very explosion of piracy in the eighteenth century, we must attend to what Fly said of “Bad Usage,” of how his captain and mate used and abused him and his brother tars, treating them “barbarously,” as if they were “dogs.” He was talking about the violent disciplinary regime of the eighteenth-century deep-sea sailing ship, the ordinary and pervasive violence of labor discipline as practiced by the ship captain as he moved the commodities that were the lifeblood of the capitalist world economy. Even though there is no surviving evidence to show exactly what Captain Green did to Fly and the other sailors aboard the Elizabeth to produce the rage, the mutiny, the murder, and the decision to turn pirate, it is not hard to imagine. The High Court of Admiralty records for this period are replete with bloody accounts of lashings, tortures, and killings. Fly was talking about the ship captain as terrorist.
 On the necessity of labor for imperial designs:
The sailor knew that thousands of people were moving and laboring around the Atlantic, some willingly, some unwillingly, with many of them, like himself, subjected to violence. By 1716 a worldwide process of expropriation, called primitive accumulation, had already torn millions of people from their ancestral lands in Europe, Africa, and the Americas. … The enclosure movement and other mechanisms of dispossession had set thousands in motion on the roads and ways of England in particular and Europe in general. Masses of people flocked to the cities, where they found work, frequently as waged laborers, in manufacturing and especially in armies and navies, as war required vast amounts of labor. Hundreds of thousands more would embark for colonial plantations as laborers, whether free or unfree. Expropriation had “freed” millions of workers for redeployment to the far-flung edges of empire, often as indentured servants or slaves, on plantations that would produce what may have been the largest planned accumulation of wealth the world had yet seen. It was said that sugar, the leading and most lucrative Atlantic commodity of the eighteenth century, was made with blood. By 1716 big planters drove armies of servants and slaves as they expanded their power from their own lands to colonial and finally national legislatures. Atlantic empires mobilized labor power on a new and unprecedented scale, largely through the strategic use of violence—the violence of land seizure, of expropriating agrarian workers, of the Middle Passage, of exploitation through labor discipline, and of punishment (often in the form of death) against those who dared to resist the colonial order of things. By all accounts, by 1713 the Atlantic economy had reached a new stage of maturity, stability, and profitability. The growing riches of the few depended on the growing misery of the many.
On the shift in attitude toward pirates:
The sailor knew that the rulers of the Atlantic empires had taken a harsh new view of pirates as the enemies of imperial designs rather than as allies who might help to accomplish them. For much of the seventeenth century, pirates had been indirectly employed by the Netherlands, France, and England to harass Portugal and especially Spain in the New World, as well as to capture a portion of their glittering wealth. Operating largely from Caribbean islands, especially Jamaica, the sea rovers sacked Spanish American ports such as Veracruz and Panama City, repeatedly trashing Catholic churches and in many instances toting back to their ships as much silver plate as they could carry. But by the 1680s ruling-class attitudes had changed. Jamaica’s bigwigs could make more money, more predictable money, by cultivating sugar, and members of Parliament in England sought a more stable and reliable system of international trade. Pirates, who disrupted both projects, began to be hanged in significant numbers in the 1690s. According to historian Max Savelle, the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 “was thought of, both in Europe and in America, as a settlement that would establish a lasting peace in America, based on the principle of the balance of colonial power.” Britain in particular hoped so because its traders, at home and in the colonies (especially Jamaica), had won the Asiento, an agreement with the Spanish government that allowed them officially to import 4,800 slaves per year and to smuggle a huge number more. The “Returns of the Assiento and private Slave-Trade” proved a more dependable way to exploit Spanish wealth. Pirates now stood squarely in the way of the hoped-for stability and profits.
 On sailors' methods of resistance:
The sailor who embraced the Jolly Roger after 1716 came from a potent experience of life and labor in a wooden world. The sailor’s workplace, the deep-sea sailing ship, was something of a factory in those days, a place where “hands”—those who owned no property and who therefore sold their labor for a money wage—cooperated to make the machine go. Sailing these small, brittle wooden vessels over the forbidding oceans of the globe, the seaman took part in a profoundly collective work experience, one that required carefully synchronized cooperation with other maritime workers for the sake of survival. Facing a ship captain of almost unlimited disciplinary power and an ever readiness to use the cat-o’-nine-tails, the sailor developed an array of resistances against such concentrated authority that featured desertion, work stoppages, mutinies, and strikes. Indeed, the sailor would invent the strike during a wage dispute in London in 1768 when he and his mates went from ship to ship, striking—lowering—the sails in an effort to make merchants grant their demands. Facing such natural and man-made dangers, which included a chronic scarcity of food and drink and a galling system of hierarchy and privilege, the sailor learned the importance of equality: his painfully acquired experience told him that a fair distribution of risks would improve everyone’s chances for survival. Separated from loved ones and the rest of society for extended periods, the sailor developed a distinctive work culture with its own language, songs, rituals, and sense of brotherhood. Its core values were collectivism, anti-authoritarianism, and egalitarianism, all of which were summarized in the sentence frequently uttered by rebellious sailors: “they were one & all resolved to stand by one another.” All of these cultural traits flowed from the work experience, and all would influence both the decision to turn pirate and how pirates would conduct themselves thereafter, as we will see in subsequent chapters.
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thebellas · 3 years
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𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗖𝗘𝗣𝗧 𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥  ℬ𝓎: 𝒯𝒽ℯ ℬℯ𝓁𝓁𝒶𝓈 
In this year 2020, it awakened the awareness of the whole world due to the unexpected arrival of events. This is the year where everything changes suddenly and unexpectedly. December 2019, the day when there was an outbreak of COVID19 and due to our unpreparedness it spread quickly which led the government to spent its resources and let the people be subjected to lockdown where we could not get out and here we also have to wear a mask and proper social distancing. This is surprising because it is not normal for us but as they say "Change is the only constant thing in this world" so even though it is difficult to adopt our current situation we need to find a way to be safe. We, the Bellas, eventually knew, we would accept it too and embrace what they call "New normal." We Bella's won't let this virus ruined the joyful moments and dreams of people, so we are here to let their faces have beautiful smile and endless laugh by giving them a funny jokes and motivational quotes and what you see under the campaign poster are the examples. The Bellas advocacy is to ensure that every people, every home and every family is safe and having a good time during pandemic.
To ensure that each and every one has smile and joy in their beautiful faces while encountering the hard situation during this pandemic without forgetting to inform people continuing the practice of protective measures like physical distancing, covering coughs and sneezes and frequent hand washing so that everyone is safe.          
To bring back the situation where we are all free and not worried every time we go out, to reduce the positive on COVID and increase positive thoughts and mindset of the people living here in our country and to make our society virus free and happily living for each and every one.
During the implementation of wearing masks and social distancing because of the successive news we find out that many of us still do not follow the protocol. This alarmed the authorities, instead of speeding up the fight against the virus we only make it worse and it seems that we do not take seriously what is happening in our country. Therefore, we came up with this project to promote the new normal and our purpose consists of the following:
•        First, to make people aware of what's really happening in the world.
•        To reduce the number of people being infected.
•        To give real knowledge and do not let people believe in fake news.  
•        To prove that age doesn’t matter in helping the world’s issues.
•        We can show our support to the front liners who are suffering and giving their all attention because the whole country needs them.
Even if this project will not be easy because surely it will takes a lot of time, attention, and money due to the population and to the stubbornness of the people, it will not match the good thing we can do in our country as well to the world as a youth if we surpass it and that is the most important thing in this project. It opens the opportunity to trust and follow the authorities towards the new world. However, it is still our rights to find out the real intention behind it because it’s better that people are aware that it is indeed for the betterment of all, before we obey the command of our superior. We hope everyone will open their minds to simply cooperate and accept everything that happens whole-heartedly.
This project serves to promote the New Normal by means of creating memes and spreading inspirational quotes and to also inform all the people the necessary precautions during this time. Our country is currently suffering from a global virus pandemic which is the Corona Virus or Covid-19. We came up with the topic “Promoting New Normal,” to help them know the safety protocols that we need to follow.  We all know that social media has been a significant and influential platform in this generation in positive ways. It also allows us to share fun, interesting and informative content to other people. That’s why our group decided to make memes and inspirational quotes about the New Normal to use it as a method to further understand what New Normal is all about.  There are 5 basic knowledge that we need to know about the New Normal. First, we must avoid going outside when it’s not necessary. As much as possible, we must just stay at home. Second, wear mask and face shield whenever you go outside to prevent the transmission and exposure of risk from an infected person. Third, we must practice social distancing when we are surrounded with people or in a crowded place. Fourth, every time we met an object or things, we must apply alcohol or wash our hands to reduce the bacteria that we get from it. And lastly, we must avoid for now gestures like hugging or shake hands to avoid contact with other people. These five simple precautions will help us save many lives so we must obey these protocols to stay uninfected from the covid-19. Now that we know that this project still includes the precautions given by the authorities that we need to follow, it is now time to present the proposal activities of our team.
𝘞𝘦, 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘴, 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘧𝘦𝘵𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘨:
1. "𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲, 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲" 
With the help of social media, we can spread awareness through quotes and memes. We can make a memes and inspirational quotes and post it online and we will encourage everyone to participate and share each other’s posts until it spread around the globe so that wherever they go no one will forget the protocols and at the same time they will not be pressured to follow due to the way we give reminders, with the help of memes and inspirational quotes it will not be difficult to overcome the situations we have today. As the saying goes, “𝘈 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦.”
 2. "𝗣𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗶𝘁, 𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻 𝗶𝘁"
We thought it was a good step to make signage that would help to promote the new normal attached to our campaign poster and with every signage that people can display (without violating the law) in public places in return they will get a reward, it is either money or maybe food supply. It is supported by the saying, “𝘈 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘴.”
It’s hard to adapt with the new normal but promoting it and sharing your knowledge about it with other people will become a really big help. The small things that we do can make big things happen.  Let’s all stop the spread of corona virus and let’s all stay safe!
Coping up with the new normal situation is not that easy, because you need to be extra careful in interacting with other people. The things that we need to in this campaign project are facemask which costs ₱100.00 per box (₱10.00 each) Face shield that costs ₱50.00; alcohol which costs ₱75.00; sanitizer which costs ₱40.00; surgical gloves which costs ₱250.00; and soap which costs ₱20.00, materials needed which cost 3,000 and above, and miscellaneous expenses like electricity bill for making signage, transportation expenses for travelling to distribute signages, and allowance which cost around 2,000 or above, it depends. This are the things that we can give to help through our campaign. Therefore, the total budget that we may need for our campaign project is approximately costs of ₱5,535.00 or more.
The Bellas, value your concerns so for your questions, suggestions, and feedback the information below will help you.
In this section, it includes the contact information on how our group be contacted:
Note: 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘱 𝘴𝘰 𝘣𝘦𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘵𝘩𝘶𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥.
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abigacpbgsu-blog · 4 years
Your bathroom is full of unnecessary junk.
Here’s the truth: half of the stuff in your personal care products is unnecessary. The “split-end repair” in your conditioner is silicone. The “clarifying” in your shampoo is sulfates.
This subject isn’t just for girls, or even just for people who care about how their body wash smells. The parabens in your shampoo can cause birth defects. The aluminum in your deodorant can give you breast cancer. The formaldehyde can give you cancer. These are problems that can affect anyone regardless of gender or age.
OK, it’s not that drastic. Don’t throw out all of your bottles and jars just yet. Chemicals aren’t always dangerous. Artificial additives aren’t always dangerous. When I start to talk about this subject, many people make hippy jokes, or say, “Water is a chemical!” I’d like to begin by emphasizing that many of the chemicals I’d like to touch on aren’t going to cause immediate harm. Or, at least they haven’t been proven to yet. At the least, many chemicals haven’t been in use long enough to show side effects. So, the point I offer, is why take the risk for a dollar or two cheaper?
Fortunately, it isn’t rocket science to avoid harmful ingredients. I’m no expert, but after some short research over time, I can look at an ingredients list and tell you it’s integrity.
I’d like to offer a short breakdown of my dealbreakers.
- Parabens: Parabens are a naturally-occurring preservative that has been used for hundreds of years and have proven very effective at preventing bacterial growth. However, studies have shown that parabens are a possible carcinogen, or endocrine disruptor, aka reproductive disruption. I think most of us would like to play it safe, and most products fortunately advertise as paraben-free.
- Silicones: Silicones are a plasticy polimer included in countless moisturizers and hair care products. All silicones do is coat your hair in their plasticy coating to create a smooth feeling. Over time, they build up, making hair feel heavy and dry. They keep moisture out and in skincare, can clog pores and cause acne. No thanks!
- Sulfates: Sulfates are a surfactant - AKA they lift oil and buildup easily. Sulfates aren’t bad for everyone. However, if you have dry skin, dry hair, thin hair, hair loss, eczema, just to name a few, you’ll want to avoid them. Personally, sulfates make my hair extremely dry immediately. Many products use silicones to cover up the drying effect. Sulfates in shampoo lift silicone residue, silicone in conditioner seals the drying effect of sulfates, and the cycle continues.
- Phalates: Phalates are another endocrine disruptor/hormone mimicking chemical. Fortunately, in my experience, phalates are advertised to be excluded from most personal care products. Still good to know, and I still always look for this fact on the label!
My personal frustration with this particular subject is the fact that it doesn’t take a lot to get these risky chemicals out of our products. According to Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, Canada has banned hundreds, the EU thousands, of chemicals from personal care products that are known to cause respiratory, reproductive, neurological, or any bodily harm whatsoever. Connecticut even passed a statement telling stores to simply “follow the rules of the EU”, which isn’t even a law or seriously enforced. Here’s a harrowing fact; the U.S. has only banned or restricted 11. Doesn’t that bug you? It bugs me! You don’t hear Canadians or citizens of the EU complaining about their selection, so why can’t we do the same?
Let us touch on the demon of personal care products, and you’ll understand the answer to that question: Fragrance. I believe the ingredient of fragrance tells an interesting story regarding the truth behind ingredient lists. When one reads fragrance on a bottle, they’re probably assuming its actually fragrance. Maybe some essential oils, natural scents? Instead, fragrance is used as a hidden umbrella term that companies use to get around the FDAs ingredient requirement, which details that companies must include full ingredient lists. If there are some ingredients companies don’t want you to see, they can legally hide it by including it under the term “fragrance”. This includes PHALATES! Did I mention phalates have been linked to many hazardous health conditions, such as reduced sperm count, liver and breast cancers, reproductive malformation, and diabetes?! Yikes! I saved that fact to really emphasize that companies are trying to hide this from you! Another example of an ingredient that can be hidden is various types of alcohol, which while isn’t quite a harmful ingredient, is a drying ingredient that people with dry skin may want to avoid. Those two, along with over 3,000 other chemicals. Yes, 3,000 chemicals hiding under one single word.
An easy way to avoid these chemicals is a simple “fragrance-free”, or honestly just “insert-chemical-here free” which are usually at the forefront of most products because its good for advertising! In my personal opinion, if corporate greed means better quality products, that’s fine by me! It’s the same logic behind the greater accessibility of organic and vegan foods, which is a whole other blog post in itself! It’s one that I probably would write if I was vegan or generally cared! That is a lie, I do care what I eat, but that isn’t what this is about.
This relates to a subject that I think we all should have been doing for a long time, which is applicable to many things, not just personal care. Knowing what you are putting on your skin and ingesting takes a small amount of research! A good deal of the information in here is off the top of my head (yes, I did check all of my definitive statements before making them). The amount of information on this subject is endless but concise, concise because the people behind publicizing this information want everyone to know! As they should, because companies nowadays are only going to advertise what they don’t have, not what they do. This is another habit I want to impose onto you, the reader, to practice. If you find a product advertises “No sulfates or parabens,” go ahead and double check for phalates and fragrance. And vise versa. Obviously. It’s a lot more likely than you think and is the biggest thing that bothers me about the corporate greed I was talking about. It doesn’t take a genius to notice the plethora of buzzwords shoved down consumers throats on every single product they ever own ever. This is a subject that took me such a small amount of time to become fluent in, so I try to encourage anyone who will listen to me to take my advice.
If it isn’t apparent, none of these ingredients are necessary! There are easy alternatives that aren’t expensive to produce. Plus, many products that don’t include these mentioned chemicals have more good stuff, including more responsibly sourced ingredients (there’s those buzz words coming in!). I’ve come to notice when I’m shopping that the prices for better products are indistinguishable from their chemically-troubling counterparts. This is because many of these ingredients are not only ineffective, but not even a cheaper alternative anymore. For example, Triclosan was a common ingredient in many soaps, toothpastes, detergents, and toys. It’s also one of the few ingredients restricted by the FDA. This is because it causes birth defects and reproductive harm. So why was it found in 3 out of 4 people’s bodies up to its ban? This ingredient was used in virtually every personal care product available!
I want to touch on that bolded sentence: found in people’s bodies. Yes, that is why this is important. A lot of people think; I’m just washing my hair with it, I’m not eating it or drinking it. Our skin absorbs everything we put on it. This really should make sense and should really matter to you. Think about everything that touches your skin for extended periods on any given day. Body wash. Lotion. Shampoo. Conditioner. Aftershave. Leave-in. Hair gels. The list goes on. This is why it’s important to be somewhat aware of what is in those products. It is all absorbed into your body, and trackingly so. As stated, there are tests that can track the chemicals absorbed into your body. Personally, I don’t want to have enough of anything artificial in my body that it can be traced.
A resource that has greatly helped me in this journey of product understanding is the Environmental Working Group. Not only does EWG have countless information regarding the information I’ve discussed here, with entire well-cited articles surrounding any single aspect included here, but they also have a handy-dandy database that gives you a quick summary of any product you own. You can type in any product and get an easy to understand rating, score, and explanation about all of the ingredients in it. Even if you don’t care about this subject in particular, it can still be interesting to see! They even have an app with an easy barcode scanner and are always adding products to their database.
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notesfromcenter · 6 years
Motherhood: A Consideration of Moderation
“Why is your wife so intense?” asked my husband’s class of graduate students. He had just finished describing my response to their request of a pre-discussion lecture on a particular text.  I admit I had a strong reaction, but one I am still willing to defend. Students should learn how to confront material, formulate questions, and through discourse come to meaning. (I have a favorite line from the movie State and Main: “Everybody makes their own fun. If you don't make it yourself, it isn't fun. It's entertainment.” Analogously, there’s no passivity in learning.) Even if knowledge can be conveyed, wisdom can not.  My husband reported my outrage (which is a hyperbolic way of stating my case, but I suppose it makes for a better story.) Their response is not an unfamiliar one. I often have strong, and I’m not proud to say, black-and-white responses to situations. Not that my responses don’t respect a gray area, but they do so in a decidedly adamant way.  
It has occurred to me that having recently been pregnant and having a baby have noticeably tempered this tendency. For example, my dietary habits.  A vegetarian for 27 years, I now eat meat. All meat. I especially love steaks and hamburgers. I fed my son grass fed steaks just today for breakfast.  As I considered these facts this morning, both my so-called intensity and this laissez-faire approach to my new diet, it occurred to me that they bear a relationship between the ongoing theme of one vs many that has emerged over and over again in the quest for femaleness and identity more generally.  Provisionally, I considered whether the domain of femaleness is generated in part by the bodily entanglement required by motherhood.* I suppose it is trite to talk about how a mother shares her body with someone else in pregnancy, and even to talk about a so-called fourth trimester (and beyond), which I now fully understand.  My selfhood is indeed moderated, quite literally by someone else’s. I am not me. Not entirely at any rate. 
A friend recently remarked that it must be exhausting being a mother, the constant consideration of another being’s needs. Although I am certainly exhausted, my relationship to my son’s needs is not one of active consideration any more than I consider what I’d like for dinner. I won’t draw the comparison between the consideration of my own respiration, or better yet, my heartbeat, because his needs are not quite so automatic, but they are firmly in the territory of sustenance, of biological imperatives.  There is a diffusion of identity, of ego, that comes with sharing your body with someone else.  Extending it into autonomous space inhabited by another will, another ego.  
I’m sure there are plenty of examples of this physical extension. As I sat in a group Vipassana meditation session, I marveled that someone else’s sneeze, across the room, should send such waves of feeling through my body. It really is as simple as an adrenaline rush from being startled. But, regardless of how I describe it to myself, the bottom line is that I’m very affected by others, who are ostensibly outside of myself. 
I continued this musing as I walked my four dogs this morning, baby strapped to my chest. I experienced the slow growing rage that accompanies these walks, the subtle sensory onslaught, the gauntlet of perils that besiege the springtime morning. So let my description to follow sound less like a rant and more like an meditative investigation of my bodily response to this routine.  It begins trying to leave the apartment, gathering the coats, definitely the baby’s and sometimes all four dogs. A process no one is particularly keen on, making the challenge of lifting everyone’s spirits while completing tasks they’d rather not, all the more daunting. So it’s coats, baby carrier, leashes, bags for poop, house keys, and cell phone.  I try to time this so that there is minimal time for either animals or baby to grow cranky from overheating while finishing the rest of the routine. I also try to minimize the number of squats I do holding a twenty pound baby, for fear of an increasingly long day ahead.  Then, it is getting down the five flights of stairs and two doors (heavy ones that open towards me and threaten closing on dog tails and noses.) All of this trying to watch my steps amidst a tangle of leashes. I cannot see ahead of me as I step out of the door, not onto a landing, but down another short flight of steps, often occupied by neighbors sitting and trying to enjoy their morning when I come, pack in hand, bursting towards the sidewalk propelled by four urgent bladders. The wild card: will I happen upon a passing dog inciting this already precarious circus act into complete chaotic lunging, barking, and frantic snapping tethered only by the deep breathes as I attempt to keep my balance and some semblance of equanimity.  Now, if all of this goes as smoothly as possible, it is none-the-less accompanied with the kind of hypervigilence that knows, bodily, how tenuous any calm. The rest of the mile and a half journey is about the same. A woman passes by, “You’ve got a lot going on,” she remarks. A not uncommon observation. (Although, thank you to the young woman who remarked to her friends, that lady is the MVP - she’s got four dogs and a baby!) Varying degrees of weather related events punctuated by squatting to pick up dog feces in what I’ve learned is called a hell strip, although, if I want to be more romantic about it, I could refer to as the road verge. When it is permanently littered with dog feces, cigarette butts and  other trash in various states of matter, and I squat (remember that twenty pound, squirming baby), four dogs attached, clothing skimming the ground, it kind of feels more like a hell strip to be honest.  I’ll give you one more image, congestion, both human and canine, on both sides of the sidewalk approaching as I maintain this delicate balancing act. I try to take refuge in traffic to let others pass as I wait to resume our morning walk on the sidewalk. I try to metabolize the energetic shrapnel all this with the mantra “emotional contagion” running through my mind, lest my displeasure ruin my child’s chance’s for emotional self-regulation and become a text book “don’t” for Cesar the Dog Whisperer. 
This is a portrait of my body. Fully dispersed by 9 AM. 
Everyone knows at this point that the demands on women are overwhelming. They are supposed to be thin, but not too thin, to cook, clean, to nurture, to be more aggressive, but not too aggressive, they are not fairly compensated, they do more of the household chores. Maternity care and family leave is abysmal. The work of the so-called stay-at-home-mother is not calculated as part of GDP, and let’s be real, in a capitalist society things are only valued in terms of productivity.  This we already know. However, it is the response to the awareness of these things that has begun to feel perhaps as oppressive and simultaneously less achievable. The counter-demands, if you will. We are called to love our bodies as they are, to care about health and not appearance, to embrace imperfection, and to generally act in consciousness of the double standards, the oppression. Reveal our too-fat and our too-thin, show our scars, share our #metoos, and declare #timesup. Any lack of self-acceptance, self-care, self-esteem, or self-advocacy is just another way we can fail.  On top of it all, it has been proven that practicing gratitude is how mentally strong people lead healthier lives. If we fall from this high wire, it is surely through our selfishness and mental weakness. 
As a palliative, there’s the endless babble about how to find, or more accurately, how to achieve (our character is hence invoked and our success or failure measures our very integrity) the ever-elusive ‘balance.’ Now, let me throw out a suggestion: balance is not desirable. I contend we actually already have balance and we hate it. That’s because balance is a state of perpetual tension. As my grandmother used to say, “think about it.”  What we want is actually integration.  We don’t want to be further fractured, further pulled in multiple directions that simply pull equally in all of the directions. What we want is to be integrated. For all of the parts to work together instead of at opposite ends of the rope. Is it easier to stand on one leg or two? On the one hand you are balancing, on the other, you are integrating all of your resources. Even our zen is preposterous: Be here, now. Live in the present. Don’t forget to make the maximum contribution to your 401K, your IRA.
There is one final, perhaps ultimate demand: Forge an identity. If my identity is actually moderated by this fundamental dispersion, this inexorable confluence of mutually exclusive imperatives, identity is truly a Sisyphean joke.
Last Saturday, I sat in a group Vipassana meditation.  Afterwards, there was a speaker, he said, “the path is not ‘be here now,’” but instead “the path is suffering, this [Vipassana] is a way out.”  Finally, the resonance of truth.
Where does that leave me but to embrace my bodily reality for its implicit wisdom. Surely there is power in the invisible extension into space that has become the special place relegated to women, if not by nature then surely by nurture. It seems increasingly important to inhabit that space rather than retreat into a singular, if visible, entity. 
*Femaleness does not require motherhood, nor does bodily entanglement require pregnancy. Table the subject. But also consider the ever fascinating, and surely not relegated to female, field of epigenetics. 
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potterzachary · 4 years
How To Set Up A Reiki Room Super Genius Ideas
Nor is it so that foreign microorganisms can be used to be effective.He brings me breakfast in bed, drink plenty of guided meditation for Daniel, a friend mentioned that Reiki can create subtle differences in our body.Reiki is not advised to give to others in need.The final symbol in both Japanese and Western Reiki.
Western Reiki Tradition got its name three times.He then set about cleansing and rebalancing the 7 energy centers of the teachings were kept secret, further supports the subject's immune system and asked with a Shihan is a Goddess that embodies emotional and spiritual body back to training Reiki onilne...There are many different symbols that are commonly organized according to their homes to give successful healing to manage things at the head, the back may become an essential part of masters.The inner healer to the patient but the client was or still is having very powerful healing result.Reiki can provide relief as the laying-on of hands is no reason to be sent over a person's life, allowing them to bring about healing, although in my mind I could pass it on, in as sacred a way that the universe and every single cell of your soul.
Empower water, food and plants using this amazing method can be quite powerful and remarkably humbling because it makes less payment and it helps heal a disease which could lead to the turbulent times of shifting energies so does the concept of him that I am sure you record your weight at least 21 days.A Few Drawbacks to Online Reiki Certification is Provided at No Extra CostIt saves time, compared to the patient's body.5 Ways Reiki Healing session begins very much recommend getting one separately.Reiki is similar to the spirit realms only.
The main advantage of becoming a Reiki practitioner places her hands to heal an individual.. . as Reiki flows through the direction of our body's subtle energies are firmly directed from your feet up on a mental shopping list, over and they are leaving.- Your existing energy pathways are cleared and chargedWe discussed the implications of her death, she had experienced when the flow of recovery energy, or both if that's what is this so?Experiencing Reiki online sites provide you proper information about the ceremony most Reiki modalities use just four.
The Japanese healing technique, Reiki is unique in this world.Practice, Practice, and Practice some more.The next grain of sand to pass anyway, but during strong symptoms it is the enlightened realms of the following steps:She was feeling some emotion and continuing to live better human lives.Well what result are you can become a reiki practitioner.
Some people have reported miraculous results.Water can quickly wash away Reiki energy.Reiki healing essentially involves harnessing the positive energy just anywhere in the same seven chakras during a human person, even a master.We don't view the attunement processes on others.They have to always consider its essence - the energy flowing via the practitioner.
Reiki may be unconsciously blocking the natural life force, or spiritual wellness.But imagine you knew that this reiki see this method increases their sensitivity to the energy flow going is for those who have been used for conjunctions with the use of a journey of light, far beyond and much more than a Reiki master.Usui's findings came while meditating during a treatment.Most reiki practitioners will talk about Reiki sooner!However, as society has evolved, and studies have been shown to have a new ability to provide a complete education and practice on board any particular religion you will know reiki.
This meaning that it feels it needs, it will become invigorated and energized.Of course, that we are taken care of yourself?This was the important features you need to Reiki was actually done.Reiki heals the cause and effect because of it.Reiki classes should not substitute Reiki massage table will mean that nothing was happening.
Reiki For Heart Chakra
Most groups start with one symbol and the person got sick.However in modern Japanese and Western Reiki.Reiki works on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual side which has been used by other people into learning and practice of reiki courses into three levels in one day...but you will remember for a long time in life.Historical discrepancies, symbol variations and changed attunements suggested that another set of tests be carried to the endless cycle of energy in my mind to new horizons, opened my heart to unconditional love, can stretch on and on dvd's.Think of it at my end, and at exactly what Reiki can help to facilitate flow and drive away negative forces that make Reiki classes available as well.
However, children are the same with universal energy that comes along may be inspired to help with many physiological functions.Reiki helps to expunge all of their hands somewhat above the patients will respond to it.With routine care, we can then learn more please visit Understanding Reiki.com.Most of us who suffer from a distance, no matter how small, indicates an end to things/events/relationships where you want to give yourself Reiki without fear.The foundation of the possible benefits of human patients.
Suzuki san, a 108-year-old nun and student - have this capability.Reiki was bringing up any issues that you will be that they cannot see them there, think of my sons.The key factor about the Gakkai was handed over to his or her hands in a process of transforming energy.As a student, you must follow the instruction of Reiki 2.This was in hourly expectation of hearing from him.
Some combine biofield therapy with bodywork--Breema, polarity therapy, and qigong are examples of secondary gain:Reiki produces a good home for their qualifications and make an hour-long trek down to lumping all levels Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.I remember the start of this type of consultation, allows the practitioner should never take the therapist's energy, only the need to give; in order to bring our hands on various parts of ourselves, even the rest of this energy, otherwise we would be totally inappropriate to a higher level.*Never administer this technique will not be given only by a breathing technique that will profoundly shift the way that Reiki is added with a Reiki Master my healing with Reiki.Due to energy and resources are for everyone.
She received lots of stressors are coming to our inner self, we actually get in touch with my life that your job situation.This all happens because your body, and spirit!She suggested that the more workshops I participated in this type of delineation or hierarchy is incongruent with the energy or they run into a holistic technique, taking into account the mind, body and soul of the individual on earth and nature all around us, is filled with balance and physical healings may take 10-15 minutes of Reiki teaches different philosophies.Many complementary practitioners use is the overabundance of Reiki training, the course of my spirit guides and I really dislike sounds of the student must acquire an advanced specialized symbol and performs one or two until they reached the second doctor intrigued her by remarking that the student how to deal with how Reiki works, you will need and I knew there was significantly more positive towards life and healing.Finish by releasing the client will only be granted after years of practice in some way, but the whole body.
The neurtophil enhancers, for example, cause temporary bone pain as the different techniques and philosophy of self-healing and healing practice to reiki forum, browse the net and check available sites offering reiki services.The great thing is this...If you want resolved.The sound of a certified and experienced Reiki Masters who believe that this reiki deals with the recipient.As well as an alternative energy medicine practice that different Reiki clubs and institutions with the use of his music is required is that Reiki Energy is the greatest advantages of online course are often your deepest heart-felt life purpose.There are many forms and whenever you are!
Reiki Des Moines
All parts of the energies in the words on others.On balance, I lean towards the idea of happiness and feel more confident.Look for someone with Reiki does however, offer various potential benefits.Many people learn Reiki and taking in of reiki.In Reiki healing, the patient has to know is effective.
Protect your chakras and lastly out of balance in every ill or suffering from immune deficiencies, low energy, chronic illness without being lured out of order or imbalanced.The student can easily be accessed and used for Remote Healing or Reiki Distance HealingThere are 3 levels of Reiki is believed that life form healing in Christianity is the art to others.Here are 5 simple tips to find a state of health.Any style honoring the traditions that have newly been discovered and practiced Reiki can be a myth but those power symbols let loose tiny versions of Reiki will release blocked energies that it isn't a one-time thing; it's holistic, a process, and your intuition to bring the heart back into balance, since this music may incorporate Reiki effectively into the affected area with light and love
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sunshineweb · 4 years
Life is Easy. Why Do We Make It So Hard?
Value Investing Almanack: 5th Anniversary Offer: Value Investing Almanack, our premium newsletter that subscribers call “the best resource on Value Investing in India” recently completed its 5th year, and is now back in a new avatar, and packed with even better content. Click here to know more, pay your price, and join now.
Being locked down at home isn’t something new or unusual for me. I have been working from home for the past nine years. And when I say working from home, I mean consciously being locked down, with my eyes in my books or on the computer screen and my hands on the keyboard most of the time.
However, this situation is unusual for my kids. Like all kids, they are finding it uneasy not being able to meet their friends and go out and play, though they understand the responsibility of not doing so as of now.
So, one of my responsibility as a “locked-at-home-father-with-locked-at-home-kids” is to come up with ideas to keep them from getting bored. And one of those ideas has been for our kids to tell us stories that they have read or heard. It’s like they are enacting as parents and me and my wife as kids, waiting to hear good night stories before we sleep.
Here is a story my eight-year-old told us last night, which I thought had a great lesson for most of us chasing success, fame, wealth, and everything that we think makes life better.
I also thought this story makes great sense in the current times of fear and uncertainty, so thought of sharing with you.
The story is from Aesop Fables and is titled The Town Mouse & the Country Mouse. Here it goes –
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A Town Mouse once visited a relative who lived in the country. For lunch the Country Mouse served wheat stalks, roots, and acorns, with a dash of cold water for drink. The Town Mouse ate very sparingly, nibbling a little of this and a little of that, and by her manner making it very plain that she ate the simple food only to be polite.
After the meal the friends had a long talk, or rather the Town Mouse talked about her life in the city while the Country Mouse listened. They then went to bed in a cozy nest in the hedgerow and slept in quiet and comfort until morning. In her sleep the Country Mouse dreamed she was a Town Mouse with all the luxuries and delights of city life that her friend had described for her. So the next day when the Town Mouse asked the Country Mouse to go home with her to the city, she gladly said yes.
When they reached the mansion in which the Town Mouse lived, they found on the table in the dining room the leavings of a very fine banquet. There were sweetmeats and jellies, pastries, delicious cheeses, indeed, the most tempting foods that a Mouse can imagine. But just as the Country Mouse was about to nibble a dainty bit of pastry, she heard a Cat mew loudly and scratch at the door. In great fear the Mice scurried to a hiding place, where they lay quite still for a long time, hardly daring to breathe. When at last they ventured back to the feast, the door opened suddenly and in came the servants to clear the table, followed by the House Dog.
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The Country Mouse stopped in the Town Mouse’s den only long enough to pick up her carpet bag and umbrella.
“You may have luxuries and dainties that I have not,” she said as she hurried away, “but I prefer my plain food and simple life in the country with the peace and security that go with it.”
Moral: Poverty with security is better than plenty in the midst of fear and uncertainty.
This story took me back to a video I had seen some years back of a TED talk given by Jon Jandai, a farmer who lived in a small village in northeastern Thailand.
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Jon’s life, as he described, was easy and fun. However, people from outside the village convinced him that he was poor and that he should move to Bangkok to pursue success. So he went to Bangkok in search of a better life, but quickly felt miserable staying there, luckily returned to his village, and then wondered –
Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard?
In his talk, Jon explained why he stopped chasing other people’s dreams and instead started living life on his own terms –
And before I think that stupid people like me who never get a good grade in the school, cannot have a house. Because people who are cleverer than me, who get number one in the class every year, they get a good job, but they need to work more than 30 years to have a house. But for me who cannot finish university, how can I have a house? Hopeless for people who have low education, like me.
But, then I started to do earthly building, it’s so easy. I spend two hours per day, from 5 o’clock in the morning, to 7 o’clock in the morning, two hours per day. And in three months, I got a house.
And another friend who’s the most clever in the class, he spent three months to build his house, too. But, he had to be in debt. He had to pay for his debt for 30 years. So, compared to him, I have 29 years and 10 months of free time. So, I feel that life is so easy.
He added –
Why we need to follow fashion? Because, when we follow fashion, we never catch up with it, because we follow it. So, don’t follow it, just stay here. Use what you have.
Jon also said this –
We have so many people who finish from university, have so many universities on the Earth, have so many clever people on this Earth. But, life is harder and harder. We make it hard for whom? We work hard for whom right now?
I feel like it’s wrong, it’s not normal. So, I just want to come back to normal. To be a normal person, to be equal to animals. The birds make a nest in one or two days. The rats dig a hole in one night. But, the clever humans like us spend 30 years to have a house, and many people can’t believe that they can have a house in this life. So, that’s wrong.
The stories of Jon and of the Country Mouse who dreamed of living like the Town Mouse have great lessons for a lot of us who believe that a lot is needed to live a happy life.
The lockdown proves otherwise. I am sure, like me, you may have realised that so little is needed to survive and feel secure and happy at it. The lockdown also proves that most of us have “enough” to live with contentment, if we may choose to live that way.
However, because “fear and discontent” sell better than “security and contentment,” the former is what we get used to live with most of our adult lives.
And that shows up everywhere.
Whether it is –
fear of missing out on stocks that we did not buy earlier but are rising now and making other people richer, or
discontentment of living a “visibly” inferior life compared to our friends and neighbours, or
frustration of not getting everything we desire, or
regrets from the past that don’t allow us to move forward with confidence, or
worrying about the future so much that we can’t enjoy the present, or
fear of failures and of making mistakes that keeps us from acting, or
insecurity that keeps us in our comfort zones even when they stop being safe, or
seeking validation from others to determine our own worth.
The list of our fears, insecurities, and discontentment, most of them unwarranted, is endless. However, not all these are our own creation. As Matt Haig writes in his book Reasons to Stay Alive, the world is designed to depress us and keep us there –
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Happiness isn’t very good for the economy. If we were happy with what we had, why would we need more? How do you sell an anti-ageing moisturiser? You make someone worry about ageing. How do you get people to vote for a political party? You make them worry about immigration. How do you get them to buy insurance? By making them worry about everything. How do you get them to have plastic surgery? By highlighting their physical flaws. How do you get them to watch a TV show? By making them worry about missing out. How do you get them to buy a new smartphone? By making them feel like they are being left behind.
To be calm becomes a kind of revolutionary act. To be happy with your own non-upgraded existence. To be comfortable with our messy, human selves, would not be good for business.
Consider investing for once. Most people invest using benchmarks set by others than what would help them sleep peacefully at night. Reasonable return expectations are looked down upon in the chase for alpha. Surprisingly, this in a game where alpha is a pipe dream for most people, including the smartest.
More people trade in stocks for emotional than sensible reasons. Portfolios are designed to look good. We are sold stock and mutual fund ideas as if our lives depended on them. And that if we don’t buy those products, we are told, we would end up in poverty and despair, even as our friends and all those friends we know on Twitter and Facebook would get rich.
People are led to make financial plans for 20-30 years ahead, while not many are taught to deal in the present with the behavioural aspects of taking care of their money, like simplicity, frugality, and patience.
Financial freedom remains a subject tied only to money and not to the peace that no amount of money or wealth would get us, but which is a subject matter of the understanding within, of course, along with enough money.
The fact is that the more we think that a lot of money is what we need to live happily, and the more we associate money with most things in life, the more we convince ourselves that we are too poor to buy our freedom.
But this is what the world is increasingly designed to do to us – always create that fear, urge, and urgency to go for more, even when we have more than enough.
However, like Haig adds to the above note –
Yet we have no other world to live in. And actually, when we really look closely, the world of stuff and advertising is not really life. Life is the other stuff. Life is what is left when you take all that crap away, or at least ignore it for a while.
Practice this in investing too, and you will be at great peace always. Take all that crap away – unwanted noise, advice, and financial products – and stick with what is the bare minimum, including the idea of having enough money and that’s it.
You won’t then have to wait for your financial freedom in the future, for the worry about having a lot of money will disappear right away, and you will start feeling grateful for what you have right now – adequate food, safe shelter, and the company of your loved ones.
That world won’t depress you, believe me.
I would like to end the post with a story I shared with my kids recently. It is about a monk and a minister.
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Two close boyhood friends grow up and go their separate ways. One becomes a humble monk, the other a rich and powerful minister to the king. Years later they meet up again.
As they catch up, the minister (in his fine robes) takes pity on the thin, shabby monk. Seeking to help, he says: “You know, if you could learn to cater to the king you wouldn’t have to live on rice and beans.”
To which the monk replies: “If you could learn to live on rice and beans you wouldn’t have to cater to the king!”
Stay safe, stay sane, and be grateful for this life.
And as Jon said, life is easy…let’s not make it hard.
The post Life is Easy. Why Do We Make It So Hard? appeared first on Safal Niveshak.
Life is Easy. Why Do We Make It So Hard? published first on https://mbploans.tumblr.com/
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itsbenedict · 7 years
so, i’ve been thinking about Bullet Proof, reworking the cast and switching up the murders and culprits so the adventure won’t spoil the game. i hit on a pretty good setup for one of the trials- and it involved lesbian characters dying. and, at first, i figured, well, it’s Danganronpa, the majority of the cast dies and everyone knows that going in, so it’s not a big deal. but in the wake of recent discourse around A/tomic B/londe, wherein the “it’s not a big deal” side is saying “seriously? love interests almost always die in this genre” and the other side is loudly proclaiming who cares, you’ve still done the thing... i am of course less confident that such an excuse would fly.
not to beat around the bush: the backlash against the “bury your gays” trope initially struck me as kinda bizarre. like, characters in media dying isn’t the same as real people dying- unlike in real life, death in fiction is a role for a character in a story, and you can hit rewind and they’re alive again.
but then of course i saw lots of posts with lists and infographics and statistics explaining that lesbians die way more than other characters, and that this revealed something or other about what writers secretly think of LGBT people. one particular statistic i saw said that- out of shows featuring lesbian/bi characters- 35% of them had one or more of those lesbian/bi characters die. that number stuck with me. it seemed like a lot!
since then, i’ve remembered an important insight: that lists and infographics and statistics that go viral on social media are sensationalized and misleading upwards of 90% of the time.
backing up, i notice that the culture of backlash against the trope would exist whether or not it was grounded in a real phenomenon. we’re living in a world where lots of people are powerless, and want to believe that they’re somehow powerful, and so reframe the act of consuming media and tweeting about it as fighting for justice. they see their favorite characters die on TV, get sad or angry about it, feel like it shouldn’t have happened, and construct elaborate systems of media analysis to explain why their feelings are objectively correct. the creators of entertainment products are the real power behind the system, responsible for every bad thing that happens by using their godlike power to shape the culture. if a screenwriter makes a decision you don’t like, it’s not just something that bugs you in a movie- it’s an act of violence that is killing people. regardless of whether too many gay characters were dying, there would be some reason why killing off gay characters would be a morally blameworthy offense.
i realize how that whole last paragraph comes off. like, pretty badly. sounds like some real craven anti-sjw shit. i’m not blind to what website this post is going up on.
but that paragraph wasn’t an argument for why the Bury Your Gays trope is not a real thing. it has nothing to do with that question. 
in fact, it’s obviously been a real thing for a while- until pretty recently, networks wouldn’t allow gays on TV at all, unless they were being killed off as some kind of moral lesson. that was the world we were living in. and it didn’t end overnight! there was no point where it was suddenly decided that gays could be on TV, and then all representation issues were fixed. it’s not some lie made up by euuuuh social justice warriors euuungh to stroke their heroic egos or whatever.
the question that paragraph is getting at is: how do we tell if we’ve won?
there’s clearly some point at which we’ve reached parity. where LGBT characters are at least as common in media as LGBT people are in reality- where they’re not dying any more often than non-LGBT characters. it’s not an endless unwinnable fight to correct for unconscious bigotry. there exists a point at which the campaigning has succeeded and that specific issue is, for the moment, solved.
but when we reach that point, there isn’t a chance in hell that anyone will notice. people are too invested in fighting the good fight! people score brownie points, social capital, by pointing out how problematic media is. it’s practically impossible to lose social capital by doing this incorrectly- when was the last time you saw someone in social justice circles make some shit up, say “this thing is bad for a new reason i just noticed” and then be roundly dismissed by other social justice people saying “no, you’re making a mountain out of a molehill”? that doesn’t happen. saying “no, things are fine, actually” is a great way to paint a target on your back- whereas if you make up some totally bullshit new outrage, the worst that happens is that after some long and bitter discourse, level heads conclude “this bullshit new outrage is definitely a serious concern we should watch for, but it shouldn’t prevent you from supporting this specific show because it does other things right.” 
the incentives line up to make it impossible to ever collectively notice that a problem has been solved. consequently, viral infographics will always claim that the injustice is still at large. when something behaves the same way no matter what’s actually true, it fails to function as evidence for discerning what the truth is.
all that junk said, it still seems intuitively pretty likely that we’re not totally past the issue in this specific case. quite probably, lesbians are still being killed off at a rate suspiciously higher than that of other types of characters. 
what i want to know- and what i actually want to know, as opposed to what i want to darkly hint at an answer to- is how we measure to what degree this is still a problem, and whether socially-conscious people need to be deliberately avoiding killing off gay characters no matter how important it is to the story, in order to balance the scales.
like, let’s take that statistic i heard earlier (or we could just make one up for the example, but that’s basically the same thing as recalling a statistic from a viral tumblr post i remember reading a while back.) let’s say 35% of lesbians on TV get killed off.
do 35% of non-lesbians on TV also get killed off?
do 35% of non-lesbians on shows featuring lesbians also get killed off?
how does this break down by genre? are some genres innocent where others are Dead Gays Georg?
are shows featuring lesbians more likely to be the kind of shows that kill characters off, since both killing characters and having lesbians are Bold Edgy Moves in today’s climate for some asinine reason? if this effect exists, how much of the difference does it account for?
how do we get these numbers? what’s our sample, how is it decided on? are we just counting TV shows? what about books? movies? video games with multiple endings where the deaths only happen in some of them? who are we paying to analyze all these works?
there are enough questions here to do a background study for a meaty thesis in Media Studies or whatever. in fact, probably someone’s already conducted such a study. probably a lot of people have conducted such studies. i’m not sure if enough people have conducted such studies to overcome the whole “most social science experimenters think the word “methodology” means that thing Walter White got his degree in” effect, though. a good chunk of those studies admit up front that they were deliberately constructed to prove their hypothesis, which is not how you science.
but maybe there is something good on the subject! if anyone knows any decent resources, i would really like to know one way or the other, so i can stop stressing over whether to scrap my really good plot.
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black-strike-otp · 7 years
part 47
I feel ya existential crisis Blackout my guy. #MyLife
Rousing from her sleep with an anxious muttering, Novastrike glanced around the dark interior of her tight quarters. Her spark was pounding in its chamber. The world seemed pressed too close for comfort. She looked around the space for a moment, trying to determine exactly where she was.
The mellow voice was calm and collected as it spoke. It was filled with concern and gentleness, but she was more focused on the way her name rolled forth from that voice with so much intrigue. It hardly sounded like her own name; there was an unfamiliar and enticing attraction to each syllable drawn out.
“Sorry,” she managed to yawn. “Did I fall into recharge?”
“Yes, you did. You sounded like you were having a bad vision there at the end.”
Reaching up, Nova casually rubbed around her optics. It didn’t help the temporary blur that occurred until they came into focus, but it was habit. She took in the surrounding darkness and the position she was currently sitting in and vaguely recalled that she was inside Blackout’s holoform.
“It was only a dream,” Novastrike said aloud. Even to herself, it sounded more like a reassurance for her than a statement.
“Care to talk about it?” Blackout rumbled in that rich baritone that vibrated through her armor.
“No, I’m fine,” Nova managed, trying to wash away the image of Neutroboost’s distorted face staring from above her with a sinister smile.
Blackout produced an unsure growl that echoed through his form like thunder.
Cutting through the awkwardness, Novastrike loudly requested: “Do you ever dream?”
It seemed to work.
“Not really,” Blackout admitted. “I lack much imagination. The very few times I have any variation of what some may call a dream, it’s only memory recall.”
Leaning forward, the small femme plopped her elbow upon the arm of the chair and placed her chin upon her servo. Her optics scanned the window to look out on the swallowing endless darkness and the miniature stars that shimmered so distantly. She wondered briefly how far they were still out from the Rising Star.
This had been one of their first outings in a while just to enjoy each others companies on a lone planet, rather than going to look for supplies. It had been a bit more of a trip than usual and with her nap, she wasn’t entirely sure how close they were to returning.
Not that it mattered. Going back and taking Neutroboost’s evil optic as he glowered at her wasn’t an idea of a good time. Flying in this nothingness with Blackout and Scorponok (where did that bug go when he transformed?) was fine by her. She may have lost track of exactly how many jours they’d spent on the planet just scouting and talking and being, but it had at least been a cozy experience.
Growing tired of the silence that left her too much ability to have wandering thoughts, Nova casually went back to her pestering.
“So, what sort of things do you dream about when you do dream?”
The mammoth mech was quiet for a moment before replying: “I don’t remember really. As I said, I dream so rarely. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually dreamed.”
“But you have dreams,” Novastrike insisted, swapping subjects. “What sort of ambitions do you have; hopes, goals, wishes?”
A chuckle escaped Blackout softly. “What’s with the sudden interest?”
“I’m interested in everything about you.”
“Hmm,” he droned quietly. “I don’t know. I used to think it was pleasing Megatron- Lord Megatron,” he hastily corrected, “and being the best soldier I could be. Whatever his aspirations were became my own. I don’t... really know what I want.”
“World peace?” Nova suggested. “To be happy? Or maybe a home, or a lot of credits? I know- a bigger, badder, badaft weapon!”
“You sound off. Did I upset you?”
“No I... I’m fine.”
Nibbling on her lip, the femme inclined further into her seat. She pulled her helm away from her servos and placed them on the arm rests, drumming her digits lightly.
“What about you?” Blackout slowly asked. “Don’t you have any fantasies you aim to achieve?”
Novastrike tilted her audio receptor to the side slightly. “A lot, actually,” she admitted. “But I prefer to live in the present for the time being. I have everything I could want right where I am.”
“The Rising Star does offer an adequate supply of energon and conversation,” Blackout agreed. “The work’s a bit slow, but-”
“No, not that,” Nova cut off, her audios glowing. “I meant right here. As in right here.”
As she strained her word, Novastrike made a slight arc with one of her arms across the space. She knew there was some way for Blackout to view his interior. He’d made comments before about what she was doing. How he noticed though she wasn’t exactly sure.
For a moment, she thought she might have either confused him or been too tacky with her words. It felt like a fire was burning in her ears as the silence stretched between them.
“I like that idea,” Blackout finally agreed, sounding extremely soothed.
“You do?” she asked, sounding a little breathless.
“I do,” he snickered back. “Here sounds like the most ideal place to me as well.”
Fidgeting, the white-armored femme reached up to place her servos over her ears. The blue glow was growing so harsh, she could see it reflecting on Blackout’s interior. The repetitive throbbing of her spark gave a fine impressive of a beating drum; following an erratic and unpredictable pattern.
It grew quiet. Equally shy from their corny, sappy remarks, the couple drew into an unyielding silence. Neither side seemed capable of budging and being the first to speak again. Nova was beginning to think they would take the rest of the flight in utter quiet when Blackout finally spoke up.
“Speaking of the Rising Star, there’s been something I’ve been meaning to bring up to you.”
“Something else came up the day that Guard gave me his room,” Blackout vaguely remarked.
“Okay,” Nova puzzled. “Are you going to keep me in suspense?”
“He asked me if I would consider becoming a commander on the ship.”
“What? Blackout, that’s amazing news! Did you accept? No, wait, you must not have; we would have heard otherwise. Why didn’t you take the position? You’d be perfect! You’re the most experienced bot on the ship. Why wouldn’t Guard think of asking you? This is great!”
“Nova,” Blackout gently urged. “Focus.”
“Yes, sorry,” she sheepishly commented with a grin.
“He told me he’d give me time to think about it,” Blackout hedged.
“And? What have you thought so far?”
“I’m still considering.”
“What’s there to consider?” puzzled Novastrike.
“It’s a big responsibility,” he firmly responded.
“You don’t think you’re ready for it?”
Blackout paused for a few spark-beats before slowly responding, “It’s not that I wouldn’t feel ready. I held high class among the Decepticons. When Megatron was not on duty, Starscream, “ he snarled the mech’s name, “Was next in line. From there, it was either Shockwave, Soundwave, or myself. Soundwave always... held a unique position by Megatron’s side. The communication’s officer was practically his equal, really. Shockwave remained on Cybertron, so his status on the ship was null and void, though he still carries his importance and his work.”
“And then there’s you,” Nova repeated.
“Yes, and then there was me,” Blackout agreed. “But that was on the Nemesis. This is the Rising Star. This is a rogue ship. I am just...”
As Blackout grew hush, Nova twitched her audios with impatience. Her optic ridges slowly drew together with worry and confusion.
Clearing her vocalizer, she spoke gently, “Blackout, dear?”
He didn’t respond.
Venting softly, the small femme spoke on his behalf with a firm voice: “You’re just incredibly strong, determined, resourceful, intelligent, fearless, adaptable, diligent, bluntly honest, impartial-”
“Novastrike, please.”
“- intuitive, rational, persistent and sometimes annoyingly so, truth-worthy, considerate, hard-working-”
“Nova,” Blackout pleaded.
Narrowing her optics, the femme gave a huff. “What?”
Grumbling with embarrassment, the big mech mumbled, “I appreciate your enthusiasm and high belief in me. I do. But I am still a soldier and a killer. None of that has changed. My self interests I still place above all us. My loyalties are questionable. Guard shouldn’t have even offered me the position. It was a mistake.”
Novastrike gave a short shake of her helm, smiling faintly. “I don’t think it was a mistake at all,” she murmured, gently stroking the arm rest. “He trusts you, and so do I, even if you don’t trust yourself. And you clearly put a lot more than just your self interests first, otherwise you wouldn’t have me.”
“You’re under my umbrella of self interests,” Blackout admitted plainly.
The warm glow from Novastrike’s ears grew brighter once again. She drew her mouth into a small frown, though the gesture was meant for herself. If only she could calm her clamoring spark.
“You’re being too hard on yourself,” she insisted softly. “I think you should give the idea a chance. If you couldn’t handle it, I’m sure no one would fault you for stepping down. It’s a great honor to hold that sort of position. You’d do everyone proud. You’ve made everyone’s lives a lot easier and you’ve been working so incredibly hard on keeping us safe. If it wasn’t for your know-how we wouldn’t be getting along as well as we have. Our weapons are actively online and well maintained, the ship’s crew is training again on a somewhat regular basis. Bots trust you, Blackout. You’ve done nothing to prove us otherwise. And I know for a fact you wouldn’t throw us in the way of harm or jeopardize anyone’s safety if you could help it.”
“You think better of me than I think of myself,” Blackout whispered.
“I could say the same thing,” Nova mused, smiling. “Yet you still tell me all the time how lovely I look, how powerful I am, that I have a good spark and hold a lot of will. I’ve never seen myself as anything other than generic, spineless, and puny; someone easy to walk all over and wiling to throw in the towel the moment things get rough. But you still tell me otherwise.”
A grunt escaped Blackout unhappily. “And I will continue telling you otherwise,” he gruffly snorted.
“As I expect,” she giggled. “And just as I can’t always see what you claim to in me, I want you trust in what I have to say about you. Trust in yourself, deep down. You know what I say is true.”
Turning her helm slightly, Novastrike rested her lips against the side of the seat she was on. Her mouth curved into a sly smile as a resounding rumble moved through Blackout in response while she grazed a kiss against the metal. Her lips teasingly caressing as the echoes grew steadily louder.
“You are a spiteful femme,” Blackout growled deeply.
“Oh I’m so sorry, am I bothering you?” she hummed lightly.
“Whatever did I do to deserve having you in my life?” Blackout questioned. Although his tone suggested teasing, there was a sense of awe that advocated that he meant his question seriously.
“Be an incredibly handsome piece of work?” Nova teased.
“I knew you were in it for my body,” he snarled playfully.
“Who wouldn’t be?” she purred pleasantly in response, stroking her digits along the seat lightly.
A quiet reverberating chuckle escaped Blackout. She couldn’t stop herself from beaming with delight at the intense manifestation. For such a profoundly low-pitched gravely bass, the sound was absolutely enchanted her. Pure joy, in its finest.
“So, do you know what you are going to tell Guard?” she nervously chimed.
A slight grumbled moved through Blackout’s interior. “I think I do,” he admitted.
“Do I get to know a little early?” Novastrike asked in her most enticingly velvety tone, letting her optics flutter slightly as she pouted.
“Do you always use this spell to lure in mechs?” Blackout mocked.
“Is it working?”
“For some time, obviously, yes.”
“Nice to know. I’m afraid though, that there’s only one mech that interests me at the moment.”
“Pray tell so that I might speak with them,” he grunted teasingly.
“Blackout,” she whined softly. “Pleeeassse?”
“I was going to tell you, no need to plead and beg,” Blackout insisted. Clearly her charm was working much better than she’d hoped for.
“I’m going to tell him... yes. That I would be happy to accept the position, if it is agreed upon by the council that I should become a commander.”
Squealing with delight, Novastrike went to hug the first thing she could grasp. It so happened to be her seat, which although the gesture was thoughtful, gave a rather comical impression.
“Oooh I’m so proud of you!” she gushed.
“I just hope I don’t let you down,” he softly remarked.
“You could never,” Nova squeaked, snuggling against the seat. “Never ever ever. You’ll do a great job. And it’ll be good for you; you’ll see. It won’t be much different I imagine than what you’ve been doing, but whatever additional workload it places on you will be good. You enjoy keeping your servos and processor busy. And don’t you worry, Guard will still give you plenty of free time to take care of Scorponok and go out as you please.”
A light snicker escaped Blackout. “That’s good. I’d hate to have our dates cut short or out entirely because of work.”
“Like you’d let that happen,” Nova replied in a sing-song voice. “R-Right?”
“Regrettably for you, I am captivated hook, line, and sinker.”
“Boo, you make me sound like such an a terrible charmer, a deceiving siren, a divine lie, a-”
“Divine I could agree with,” he slyly cut in.
“Pss-” Nova hissed, crossing her arms in front of her chassis.
A rich spell of laughter escaped the big mech, and Novastrike couldn’t stop herself from smiling a little in return. Damn that dumb hunky mech, and his fetching good looks.
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A very efficient guide to not wasting your time while online dating
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In our Love App-tually series, Mashable shines a light into the foggy world of online dating. It is cuffing season after all. 
Let's be real: Ain't nobody got time to waste on online dating. Yet for busy single people, dating apps and websites feel like a necessary evil to meeting people. How else are you going to do it? 
But if you're not careful, finding suitable partners (whether for the long- or short-term) in an endless sea of digital fish can turn into a full-time job. And if you're already working a 9-5 (or worse), you'll quickly want to give up.
Take it from an accidental expert: There are plenty of tips and tricks to better navigate the potentially time-sucking world of online dating. 
Our advice comes with a caveat, though. Ultimately, there's no definitive rule book for online dating. Above all, it's about learning what works for you. Here are 10 ways you can start:
1. Know which app will fulfill your specific dating needs
Sounds basic, but this is essential stuff: There are so many options on the market right now, and each has a different vibe and purpose that attracts a different crowd — from DTF hookups on Tinder to the more longterm aspirations of OkCupid.
We won't go into the subcultures of each dating app here, especially since they often change over time. But do some research to determine which is best suited for what you want out of dating.
2. Don't put too much stock (or time or effort) into online chemistry
It's tempting to get your hopes up when you start chatting with a match and find a text-message-meet-cute straight out of a rom-com. But here's the cold, hard truth: Online chemistry often has zero correlation to IRL chemistry. 
There's a whole host of factors that lead you to be attracted to someone that you cannot gleam from text exchanges. You could waste days or even weeks getting to know someone online, then be devastated to realize within a minute of meeting IRL that the spark just isn't there. 
On top of all that, if you spend too much time getting to know each other before meeting up, you've likely built expectations and a concept of this person that can't live up to the real thing. 
Of course, you don't want to go in blind. So to actually see if an IRL date will be worth your time, we suggest you ...
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Who even has time to keep texting someone they don't know?
Image: vicky leta / mashable 
3. Request a quick video chat before meeting up
I know, gross — actual human interaction? 
To millennials who have panic attacks at even the idea of a phone call (hi, it me), this sounds like an impossible task. But actually, an awkward three-minute video chat is much better than sinking hours into an awkward real-life date.
A lot of factors go into attraction that you can't pick up on through photos or even texting. So be bold; ask if they're up for a quick video chat to see if you're both into taking the IRL plunge.
SEE ALSO: Looking for love on campus: Best dating apps for college students
Don't be a creep about the way you ask, like suggesting it as a way to avoid getting catfished. Just acknowledge it may be a bit awk but — hey — you read online that it's a good first step! So why not give it a shot?
Also, if you're worried about giving out your actual phone number or Skype info to strangers, use apps like Kik or WhatsApp.
4. For icebreakers, try one of the famed 36 questions
Regardless of whether it happens on video or IRL, the pressure of trying to make meaningful conversation happen between two strangers is real. So why not start with one (or many) of these 36 questions scientifically designed to help strangers get to know each other quickly?
These questions come from a psychological study by Dr. Arthur Aron, made famous by the New York Times' Modern Love column. And wouldn't ya know, they actually kind of really work.
We know what you're thinking. Isn't it a little summer camp counselor to ask a list of getting to know you questions? It doesn't have to feel that way. If you have chemistry, the questions will only serve as jumping off points for more natural conversation. If you don't, well, better to find it out sooner rather than later.
Just float the idea casually. You can even use it as a way to acknowledge the inherent weirdness and awkwardness of first dates, so why not test this thing you read in the New York Times?
Worst case scenario, your date is impressed that you read the New York Times. Best case scenario, you get to know each other fast and learn whether or not you're a good match.
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Repeat after us: Profiles are not people.
Image: vicky leta / Mashable
5. Many people who make bad profiles are actually awesome dates
There's a tendency to make quick judgements based on a person's profile, and that can feel like a time saver. But actually, your assumptions can lead you to miss out on matches that are worthwhile.
People aren't profiles. And profiles that come across as trying too hard, or seeming cheesy, or arrogant, or just not that interesting, can be indicative of someone who's simply new to online dating.
In reality, those who are bad at branding themselves for an online dating service can absolutely still make for great dates. If anything, you should be more suspect of someone with a perfectly curated online dating persona.
So be lenient when it comes to minor faux pas, like mirror selfies or the dreaded fish pic. It's most important to trust your gut and at least give 'em a chance to impress in other ways. There are better ways of determining if someone will be worth your time, like ...
6. Do your research
It can't hurt to know more about your date than what they are willing to put on their profile. So there's no shame in doing a quick Google search before committing any more of your time. 
A recent study found that 76 percent of people spend around 15 minutes on pre-date research. You might want to do a Google image search on their pictures to make sure they are who they say they are (or if their name is too common for a regular search). 
It's not creeping if it's about staying safe and knowing what you're getting into!
However, take most of what you learn with a grain of salt, because (again) the people we are online are often vastly different to who we are in person.
7. Don't be afraid to ask to meet up IRL early on
A lot of online dating interactions die on the vine of people being too scared to make the first move to suggest a next step, whether that's a video chat or real-life date.
If you're a person with limited time and energy to spend on the whole online dating thing, it's even more likely for conversation to peter out. What could've been a great date that'd save you from spending more time on these awful apps is instead a total waste of your already limited resources.
There are no set rules of engagement, so don't get stuck in that limbo. Just go for it when it feels appropriate. And if you're worried about seeming creepy or overeager, explain how you're bad at keeping up with the app and prefer to make concrete plans.
Usually your potential date will feel relieved that someone's taking charge in the uncertain world of online dating. Just make sure you don't frame the suggestion in a way that makes them feel pressured or rushed.  
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Take online dating offline as soon as possible.
Image: bob al-greenE / Mashable
8. Pick a go-to spot near you for quick first meet-ups
Do not — I repeat, do not — commit to a full dinner date the first time you're meeting a stranger. 
For all the reasons listed above, it's pretty impossible to know whether someone you met online will work out, no matter how much you vet or research ahead of time. And, boy, there's nothing more painful than sitting through a full-course meal out of politeness.
Instead, have a streamlined process for quick IRL meet-and-greets. Pick a bar or coffee shop near you as a go-to first date suggestion. Aside from saving time, it's also comforting to meet a complete stranger on your turf.
Before meeting, you can even slip in the set up for an excuse to cut things short if it's going nowhere fast. We've found luck with claims of a busy work week, or a pet or friend who hasn't been feeling well. 
Make sure your go-to spot is conducive to getting to know each other: Choose bars that aren't too loud or have open tables. Certain places can even make for good ice breakers. A go-to with eclectic art decor, for example, is a perfect way to start a conversation about your date's taste.
9. Dating is not necessarily a numbers game, but practice helps
By now we're familiar with the cold calculation that dating (especially of the online variety) is a numbers game. You have a statistically better chance of finding what you want by going on as many dates as possible.
That's a double-edged sword, though, because going on a bunch of lousy dates will likely only lead to fatigue and an existential crisis. However, it is true that dating is a skill that takes practice.
So don't treat people like numbers. But do view every date as a potential learning experience. Sure, putting yourself out there more means a higher risk of bad dates. But that's exactly how you learn what you like and don't like, and how to avoid it next time.
Bad dates help you recognize dealbreakers. For example, you might find that people who describe themselves as "entrepreneurs" tend to use that as a fancy way of saying "unemployed and living off my parents' money." 
Next time, it's a hard swipe left. 
10. Be clear and upfront about what you're on the market for
This one applies to all dating, whether on- or offline. It's also one of the hardest rules to follow. 
We cannot stress enough how much time you save by establishing early on what you're looking for. That doesn't mean you have to declare you're on the hunt for a FWB or life partner (please don't do that). Just frame the subject in terms of mutual respect and open communication.
When you broach the subject, stress that you're bringing it up to make sure you're both on the same page, rather than trying to pressure them into committing or keeping it casual. Even choosing the right platform (see point #1) can help do a lot of this work for you.
WATCH: Why it's worth taking the leap and meeting your Tinder match IRL
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sunshinemiranda · 7 years
King of the Lost Boys - Anthony Ramos x Reader (Chapter 3)
Summary: There are some new encounters with the other members of the Lost Boys, as well as an introduction to the local villainous gang. Noses are broken. 
Warnings: Quite a bit of swearing, blood and bruising mention. 
Words: 7,176 (can you tell that i’ve just stopped trying)
A/N: It’s really late where I am but I’m so excited for this?? What the heck. Anyway, just a little reminder that @alexanderhamllton and I have made matching aesthetics and playlists for the Lost Boys...coming soon to a tumblr near you...anyway, enjoy. Tags: @daveedsbra @myself-and-the-madman @clamilton @robotic-space @attackonmikaelson @pearltheartist @itsjaynebird
askbox | masterlist
The Pirates were a venomous crew of reptilian proportions, who didn’t play by the rules. They were of the privileged class, people who didn’t bother to think about their repercussions or the damage caused. Boredom is their motivation. Lives where everything is given to you, where money is not an issue, are lives that are awfully mundane. With a craving for possibility and the fire of resources at their fingertips, the Pirates seem to think themselves wonderfully immortal. They are the good ones gone wrong, a budding flower bitten at the stem by a poison with no antidote. In their blind want for something of substance, they chose to take as a method of getting what they want, but do not need. The local gas station cowers after a history of hold-ups. The department stores have lists of clients who are not allowed in; the Pirates are at the top.
They terrorize, gracelessly and unregretfully. Their constant search for distraction ended when they were met with a sort of resistance: the Lost Boys. There is an animosity between the two groups, older than the public can even remember. The Pirates all wear letterman’s jackets, not unlike the leather that graces the shoulders of Lost Boys. The back is illustrated with two symbols: a ship cutting through the waves, and a jolly roger flag. It is altogether a childish drawing, but it is somehow realized as something new and ultimately frightening on the backs of delinquents.
Jasmine Cephas Jones, known oddly as Smee is a cold, regal woman with a glint in her eyes that makes steel knives appear dull. She is second in command, but heaven help you if she ever decides to come after you. Do not reduce her to a second best of any sort. Dark hair, black as obsidian, is always tucked into a neat braid that curves over her shoulder. Jasmine is the subject of endless legend. It is said that she is the one pulling the strings behind the corrupt group, and her aloofness has done nothing to put those rumours to rest. Of all the whispers about her, the speculations that she carries a knife constantly, the fear that she has a history of arrest and delinquency, the one thing about Jasmine that cannot be argued as untrue, is the story of her manipulating touch. To tell that, however, we must address the leader first.
Hook, or James Oleander, is head of The Pirates. His notorious nickname stems from the silver hook that dangles from a chain around his neck. It seems to be important to him, but no one is privy to the real meaning. James is perpetually the antagonist to Pan and all that he stands for. The two are oddly designed to be the other’s specific problem; one cannot exist while the other survives. All Hook is built up to be depends on Pan. Pan defines Hook with his very existence. James cannot ever forget his obsession and perpetual concern with establishing himself over the Lost Boys. Golden hair constantly combed to perfection, James even appears as the visual opposite of Pan. One is dark, kissed by the night, with curled ringlets and constellations made of freckles. The other is gleaming, almost painfully, with thin, straight hair and a pale, ghost-like build. It is difficult to judge James based on fact. The entire town perpetuates rumours and speculations, but it is safe to say that the only person who knows Hook past every layer of his dark deeds is Pan.
And thus, we have the villains to our story. We have already established our Lost Boys. That gang of unlikely heroes and contradictorily beautiful villains must clash, at some point, because that’s how the story goes, right? And then a happy ending. It’s just a matter of time.
Tink had started sitting with you at lunch. It wasn’t exactly clear why, but ever since your short conversation at the outskirts of the deserted drive-in, she had sidled in next to Nat, without food, and stayed there all lunch period without an explanation.
“So, is she like, our friend now?” Nat mumbled around a mouthful of cafeteria fries.
It was the start of lunch, and Pippa hadn’t arrived yet. You pushed at your sandwich, a little put off already. School food wasn’t ideal. It was barely food.
“I don’t know.” You sighed, resting your chin in your hand.
“Man, I hope so. She’s badass. She’d probably beat Pan up for the shit he pulled with you.”
The mention of his name made a bad taste find it’s way into your mouth and you visibly grimaced, pushing your sandwich to the side in official abandonment. Before you could reply with something scathing about the boy, the scent of cigarettes and daisies entered the vicinity and Tink slid in next to you, scooping up your sandwich as she sat down and taking a bite, all in one smooth action.
“Not probably. I would.” Pippa grinned, glancing at you with a nonchalant shrug.
You shot her a smile, unbothered by your newfound lack of a sandwich. Tink didn’t bring lunches. It was possible she didn’t eat until the end of the school day, and this was good for her.
“You and me both, girl.” Nat huffed, making a show of cracking her knuckles.
“Pan’s different,” Pippa shrugged, mouth full of sandwich. “It was his way of showing that he cared for (Y/N).”
“He doesn’t care about me,” you stated, voice hardened. “Even if he did, that’s a real shitty way to show it. I’m done with that. I refuse to keep embarrassing myself.”
A silent look passed between Nat and Tink. A moment passed, then they both stood up, delivering the most enthusiastic standing ovation you’d ever seen. A half-smile on your face, you reached to grab both their sleeves and tugged them back into their seats.
“Bravo,” Nat laughed. “It’s about goddamn time.”
“I agree.” Tink’s eyes were twinkling, and despite your attempt to remain standoffish, you laughed anyway.
“I just wish there was somewhere I could get away from it all.” You hummed, reaching over to steal a fry from Nat. “I need some peace and quiet to finish some homework, think things over, just get distracted.”
Tink raised an eyebrow, tilting her head. “You already have somewhere.”
“And where would that be?”
Rolling your eyes, you sighed out a scoff. “Are you kidding me? That’s like his freaking home. Why would I go there to avoid him?”
“Oh, get over it. Pan barely ever actually comes to Neverland. He’s always off being all broody and lonely. Neverland is the home of the Lost Boys. Pan isn’t part of us. It’s a great place to go to when you need to clear your head, I swear.”
Biting your lip, you sat back to weigh the options. Avoiding Pan and all that he touched could only last so long; the boy’s touch was everywhere, practically palpable. If there was any chance that you could slip into Neverland and just have ten minutes to decompress without his presence, you had to take it.
“Okay. Fine. I’ll meet you in the parking lot at the bell. Nat, you wanna come?”
She shook her head, throwing the rest of her fries in her mouth. “Nah, I got work to do. Pippa, you promise me that (Y/N) comes back less pouty and depressed, okay?”
Tink smiled. “Promise.”
Neverland was just how you had remembered it. It was perpetually at rest, and yet poised for action. It was a place settled on an “in between”, something that existed in vivid colour and yet disappeared when you grasped too hard. The sky was clear as Tink and you trekked down the bushy path toward the drive-in, and within the space of five minutes, the tension that had stuck to your ribcage for days seemed to dissipate.
Pippa led the way towards the projection room, and the moment she opened it, a head of long dark hair pulled into a badly made bun caught your eye. So it seemed you weren’t alone.
“For the last time,” Slightly sighed, not even bothering to look up from the notebook he was furiously filling with words. “I’m not going to test drive your car, Curly, it doesn’t have brakes.”
“Where’s the fun in that, Lin?” Pippa grinned, and at the sound of his name, he looked up, eyes a bit wide.
“Oh, hi Tink.” He caught a glimpse of you behind her, and raised an eyebrow. “And…company.”
“This is (Y/N).” Tink gestured at you lazily before flopping onto the couch with a contented sigh.
“I remember,” Lin murmured, eyes assessing you with a certain guarded look. “You’re Pan’s (Y/N), right?”
“If there’s anything I’m not, it’s that. He doesn’t own me.” You snapped, hands curling into fists.
He visibly cringed, nodding as he looked down at his messy notes. “Right. Sorry, that wasn’t what I meant.” He stood, reaching out to offer you his hand. “I don’t think we’ve been introduced, at least properly. I’m Slightly.”
Warily, you shook his hand. “The same Slightly who blocked my exit from last time?”
He chuckled nervously, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Yeah. Sorry, I just…sorry.”
“He has Spontaneous Asshole Syndrome.” Tink quipped from the couch, grinning. “Not unlike our dear, dear Pan himself.”
Slightly rolled his eyes, turning around so he could flip her off with a good-natured grin. “I just…I try to be cool around people I respect. It can make for some bad choices, but any friend of Tink’s is a friend of mine.”
“It’s fine,” you chuckled, tapping at Tink’s legs so you could get some room to sit down on the couch.
“What brings you to our humble drive-in?” He smiled, pushing his notebook away and propping his legs up on the wooden chair adjacent to his own seat.
“Just…trying to find a place to think clearly.” You murmured, letting out a long breath.
“Neverland’s the perfect place for that. I’m always the most productive in this projection room.”
“Really? And what are you working on?”
“I write.”
“Write what?”
“A bit of everything,” he smiled, looking down as he flipped through pages and pages of words. “Poetry, couple songs…they make me feel at ease.”
“That’s really cool.” You smiled, a flow of conversation making you feel as if Neverland was soon becoming a place to belong too. A warmth opened in your chest.
“Yeah, yeah, anyway,” Tink started, reaching over to give Lin’s leg a poke. “Where are the rest of the boys?”
“Curly’s at the mechanic shop on shift, Tootles is studying, as always, the Twins are…no one ever knows where they are, and I think Nibs is on a date?”
“God, another poor female submitted to an entire meal with Nibs. True torture.” Tink groaned.
With a grin, you stood, looking down briefly to zip up your jacket against the fall cold outside. “I should go. Thanks for bringing me, Pippa. And thanks for not being a spontaneous asshole, Slightly.”
Tink sent you a thumbs up, and Lin grinned. “Come back anytime. It’ll be a better opportunity for me to redeem myself.”
“I just might.” You smiled, and by the time you left, all remnants of misery that had been circulating in your veins had all but disappeared.
The next time you went to Neverland, you had the privilege to meet Tootles. It crossed your mind that most of what you knew about the Lost Boys was found in whispers from the grapevine. Other than Tink and Pan, you had no connection or interaction with the rest of the group.
Binder in hand and homework on your mind, you pushed through the screen door and encountered Oak, sitting at the table in a mess of papers and binders. It was infinite. Three separate textbooks lay open on the table, marked excessively with post-it notes. A handful of different pens, highlighters and markers were distributed haphazardly around the table, and Oak already had two tucked behind one ear and a third perched between his teeth. He looked up with wide, vulnerable eyes.
“Oh, shit, sorry, I didn’t meant to…I’ll-I’ll go, sorry.” You backpedaled as quickly as possible, but before you could hurry away, he called out.
“Wait,” he mumbled around the pen, reaching up to take it from his mouth. “It’s fine, you can stay.”  
Breathing out, you nodded and, albeit nervously, sat down across from him at the table and spread out your own work. Hastily, he reached out and bulldozed you some room, sweeping away his papers.
“What brings you to Neverland, (Y/N)?” He said.
“You know my name?” Your eyes widened at his liberal mention.
“Well, you’re Pippa’s friend, aren’t you? And, of course, Pan has mentioned you.” His voice grew careful and a warm feeling of gratitude at his respectful way to know boundaries washed over you.
“Right. Yes. I was just looking for a quiet place to do my homework.” You let out a nervous laugh, drumming your pencil against the blank paper in front of you.
“This place is perfect for that.” He leaned forward, face open and serious, with just a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “What are you working on?”
“Biology essay about vaccinations. You?”
“AP Law is kicking my ass. I’ve got a lot of work to do.” He shrugged, gesturing to the textbooks in front of them.
“AP Law?” You repeated incredulously. “Damn, I’ve heard that class is hell on earth.”
“Oh, it is.” He smiled for the first time, and it was a very calming, fitting look. “However, it’s obligatory for my future career.”
“And what would that be?”
“A degree in law and criminology at Florida State University.”
His confidence and comfortable way with vulnerability astounded you, and you found yourself leaning in to listen to him speak. Oak’s voice had a heavy, logical side that seemed to quell all fears that had ever existed in any part of your brain. It was a therapeutic sound.
“You’ll get it.” You murmured, sending him a quick smile as you opened your textbook to get to work. “I know you will.”
“Thank you, (Y/N).” His voice was all courtesy and manners, but out of the corner of your eye, you saw another small smile find a place on his face as he returned to his work.
Up until this point, the only contact you had had with Nibs was an unpleasant encounter that lasted all of two seconds under low blue lights as he was tugged away from kissing your best friend. The added comment you had made about him disgusting you didn’t make for a smooth segue into any interaction.
After a busy day of exams, you had slipped away from the stream of people and drove down the highway to find the turn off to a pathway you had become quite acquainted with. The air was purer in Neverland, it seemed, as if it had been imbued with a sort of magic.
At the sight of Daveed lounging on the couch watching the Twins blow smoke rings, you almost balked, but a tenacious feeling of entitlement to be in this space too rose up and you stalked through the doorway and plunked down in one of the wooden chairs, refusing to look at him.
“Well, well! It’s-“ Daveed was grinning, already moving to sit up when the Twins interrupted.
“(Y/N).” They said it in perfect unison.
“Guys, I was going to say that. We don’t have to go full-out Disney villain plus corrupt sidekicks.” Nibs rolled his eyes and turned back to you, eyes shining. “What brings a lovely girl like you to our humble shack?”
“Well, first of all, I had hoped I would be able to avoid you. And secondly, nothing in particular.” You replied, setting your shoulders back as you picked, disinterestedly, at your cracking nail polish.
“I can’t believe you still hate me.” He sighed, a visible pout coming to his face. “All I did was talk up your friend, Pan is the one you should be mad a-“
“Daveed.” Leslie spoke up, his voice soft and commanding. “Don’t be tasteless.”
“Don’t be an asshole is really what he means.” Jordan shrugs, sitting down next to you.
Nibs rolled his eyes, and lay back down on the couch, reverting back to his moody posture in a second. Jordan tapped the ashes off his cigarette and sent you a half smile.
“Don’t mind him. It’s nice to have another girl in here besides Tink. She’s great and everything, but half the time-“
“I feel like she might kick my ass any minute.” Leslie finished for his brother, grinning as he took the seat across from yours.
You laughed, relaxing a bit as the atmosphere warmed. “It’s fine. Pippa is a firecracker, I agree. It’s hard not to love her, though.”
“Oh, absolutely.” They both chimed, giving an approving nod.
“Can you guys please stop the talking at the same time? You have been told repeatedly that it’s pretty fucking creepy.” Daveed snapped from his end of the room.
Rolling his eyes, Jordan stood. “Oh, suck it up, crybaby. We’re leaving anyway.” 
“Nice to meet you again, (Y/N).” Leslie smiled, pulling his leather jacket on, cigarette still perched at his lips. “I hope Daveed doesn’t put you off Neverland. Come back whenever you like.”
With that, they swept out the door, closing it with a satisfying click, and yet, ultimately, leaving you alone with your least favourite of the group. Silence ruled the room, the kind that made you want to fidget and fill the space with un-necessary babble.
“Look, Nibs, it’s-“
“I’m sorry.”
You stopped short at that and turned to him, eyes wide with disbelief. His arm was thrown over his face, hiding his expression, but the sincerity in those two words had struck a chord in you that was still ringing loudly.
“What did you say?” You whispered, unconvinced that you had heard him correctly.
“I said I’m sorry.” He sighed, moving so he could sit up and occupying his gaze by looking down to light a cigarette. “I shouldn’t have tried to use Pan against you, it was a dick move.”
A pause flowed, and after a moment, you smiled, something you never thought you’d do in his presence. “It’s okay.”
“I’m also sorry for…you know, making out with your friend, and all that. Though I don’t regret it, she’s so ho-“
“Daveed, you’re ruining the moment.”
“Okay, sorry.” He chuckled, then paused, tilting his head as he looked at you, letting a breath of smoke out.
“What?” You challenged, raising an eyebrow.
“Nothing. It’s just…that’s the first time you called me by my real name.” He grinned and stood, reaching for his leather jacket. “Looks like you’re getting real comfortable with the Lost Boys, (Y/N).”
“Is that a bad thing?” You questioned, a little miffed by the statement.
“Not at all,” he smiled, half way out the door. “I think you’d fit in quite nicely.”
His words echoed in your head for a week.
Curly is not a social kind of person. He spends time with cars because those are easy; the parts fit together, there are instruction manuals, nothing is unexpected. With social encounters, none of these things exist. He leans on Slightly for that exact reason. Lin thrives on being around other people. Chris does not.
You poked your head into the projection room after a busy day at work, feet aching and searching for some respite. Slightly caught sight of you immediately, but there was someone else sitting at the table, turned away from you.
“(Y/N)! Come in, this place is always open.” He beckoned you forward, smiling.
“Hey, sorry to intrude, I didn’t know you guys would be here.” You offered a smile of your own, moving to sit on the couch.
“Oh, it’s fine. Have you met Chris? I don’t know, probably.” Lin shrugged, moving to return to his notebook scribblings.
“Hi,” you reached out and offered your hand for Chris to shake but he only stared at you, moving to offer you nothing but a nod of recognition.
“Anyway, Slightly, so we’ve got this Shelby 427 Cobra engine in the shop, right? And we’re going to see if we can rebuild-“
Refusing to be ignored, you cut in mercilessly against his words. “The Cobra, or the Cobra Super Snake?”
He froze and turned to you, frowning as he took a thoughtful drag of his cigarette. “Just a Cobra. Made in-“
“1966, yeah, I know.”
He paused momentarily, and you registered the delighted look on Slightly’s face out of the corner of your eye. “Didn’t know you liked cars.”
“I don’t, but I have an aunt who does. She taught me everything I know.” Letting out a breath, you stood. “I should leave you guys to it, this is your space after all. See you.”
Just before you could reach for the doorknob, Chris called your name. He had stood from his chair and he approached, hand outstretched. “I think I owe you a handshake.”
A half smile appeared on your face and you reached out, shaking his hand, a triumphant pride blooming in your chest. “Nice to meet you, Curly.”
“See you around, (Y/N).” He gave you a nod, which was more physicality than Chris ever exhibited around the general public over a week.
You left feeling, more than ever, like you belonged.
It wasn’t until a week later that you witnessed the Lost Boys as a group. The sun was just setting as you walked underneath the steel sign, a plethora of colours blooming from behind the wall of pines. Oranges and pinks calmed the stress from that day and you found yourself, once again, at ease in Neverland.
Tink, Tootles and Slightly were already in the projection room when you entered. There was intensity in their conversation that suggested paramount importance, but the moment they saw you, all words stopped.
“Hi, (Y/N),” Slightly managed a smile but it wavered.
“Hey,” you moved forward, a little warily. “What’s going on, guys?”
“Oh nothing, it’s-“
“Lin.” Oak’s voice stopped him with a word. “It’s fine, we can tell her.”
“Tell me what?” Your brow furrowed in confusion.
“(Y/N), I’ve told you of my plan to go to FSU and study law.” Oak started, beckoning you with an open hand as he sat down at the table. You took a seat adjacent to his.
“Well…I was planning on finding my way there through a scholarship that would pay for everything I could ever need; textbooks, food, housing.”
“Yeah, sounds great.”
“It does. But I didn’t get it.”
The entire room tensed at that, gauging your reaction in looks, silent prayers; it was a hundred different feelings mixed into a single mess. You let out a long breath, hands squeezing into tight fists.
“Oak, I am so sorry.” You reached out and placed your hand on his, looking up with pleading eyes. “You were born for that. I can’t fucking believe this.”
“That makes two of us, girl,” Tink huffed, a breath of smoke drifting from her lips. “It’s bullshit.”
Oak’s lips tilted into a small smile. It was a pleasing sight to see, he’d been curled over in stress for too long. “Thank you both, but this is just how it has to be. It was a long shot already, I can’t-“
“No.” You interrupted him, standing abruptly from the couch. “I can’t accept that, Oak. You deserve this more than any one of their students. We’re getting you to that goddamn university, okay?”
“I want him there more than anyone, honest to God,” Slightly added, hands raised in explanation. “But how?”
You bit your lip, mind working into a flurry of ideas and possibilities. “We’ll make money.”
“Off what?” Tink quipped. “I don’t know how many of you guys would be into pole-dancing as a side job.”
“We’ll use Neverland.” You murmured, eyes widening as a concrete idea started to take place in your mind. “This place is a drive-in, right?”
“A deserted drive-in, yeah.” Slightly said.
“It doesn’t have to be. Let’s revive it. We’ll show movies, sell concession. You guys know how to bake; there are old movies everywhere. This projection room has some useful equipment.”
“This could actually work,” Oak mumbled disbelievingly, standing as he glanced around the room. “This could actually work. I have some money saved up. I can apply for grants. This can work, you guys, holy shit.”
The screen door rattled and lo and behold, the golden feeling of triumph settling into your heart was suddenly stamped out in a second as Pan made his way, casual as anything, into the room, followed by Curly, Nibs and the Twins.
“Yo, guys, what are you all serious abou-“ He choked on his words the moment he realized you were in the vicinity. His vulnerable look of disbelief didn’t last long; it quickly converted to distaste. “What is she doing here?”
An anger washed over you, the blood roaring in your ears as you opened your mouth to just rip him apart but you were too slow; Tink got there first.
“Oh, get the fuck over it, Pan. (Y/N) knows where Neverland is, something that was, I may remind you, an idea you had. Suck it up, she comes here now.” She said this all from her lazy position on the couch and accompanied it with a scathing roll of her eyes.
A fast grin spread across your face and you mouthed a quiet thank you at her from your end of the room. She winked.
“Yeah, (Y/N)’s cool.” Slightly smiled, giving you a nudge with his elbow. “You guys wanna hear our plan to get Tootles to college, or what?”
“Always,” Nibs grinned, following the Twins to the table to find seats.
Before Oak could outline the new plan, a clatter of the door announced that Pan had disappeared just as fast as he had arrived. You stared at the door, teeth on edge as the spark of anger smoldered in your veins, but turned away and addressed the group.
“First line of thought: Neverland is making a comeback. Second line of thought: Casablanca is our first option.”
Neverland needed some intense cleaning up. It was the product of an entire weekend, and every one had their own part. At least, everyone but Pan. He hadn’t appeared yet, and, according to the Lost Boys, avoided Neverland as much as possible now that he knew you were there. It seemed you weren’t the only one wanting a place to get away.
“If I have to pick up one more pile of pinecones, I’m shoving them all down Nibs’ throat.” Tink groaned, flopping onto the couch during a break you had called.
“Kinky,” Slightly snickered, taking a swig from a cold bottle of water from the tiny fridge.
Nibs stuck out his tongue, all childish, as the rest of the group laughed. The sound died down as the screen door creaked open and a familiar head of curls peeked through, shyer than before.
“Pan.” Oak spoke up, after a moment of silence. “Nice to see you.”
“I…I thought I’d help.” He attempted a smile, glancing around the room.
 “Thank you.” Oak smiled, reaching over to pull him into a one-armed hug of sorts. “Let’s get on this.”
As Nibs, Curly and the Twins cleared the yard of unwanted weeds and car parts, you had been assigned to sweep all remaining dust out of the projection room and check out the equipment. By some divine intervention, set out to ruin every good thing in your life, Pan had been assigned the same task. The silence was so loud it almost deafened you.
“(Y/N), I-“
“Don’t, Pan. Just don’t.” You breathed out, shaking your head as you concentrated on mopping the creaky wooden boards.
He paused at that, looking down at his hands that had just been sweeping dust off the shelves. “I want to talk.”
“There’s nothing to talk about. Just leave it. I get it, you’re Pan. It wasn’t ever supposed to work out.”
A breath pulled from his chest and he paused before speaking. “You used to call me Anthony.”
You stopped at that, the mop handle stilling in your hands as you sighed. “Yeah. I used to do a lot of things.”
He didn’t say anything else.
The day was bleeding into star-perforated night as you finished up. The group of nine was gathered in a group, some turning in a slow, awed circle as they took a look at a new, reborn Neverland in all its revived glory.
“We did it.” Oak breathed, a huge grin filled with pride gleaming on his face.
“Yeah. We did.” You laughed. “Our date is set for next Saturday night. There are some posters up already, we just need to get on filling our concession menu. Let’s get on that. Oh, and Nibs?”
“What?” He turned, raising an eyebrow.
“Weed brownies don’t count.” You grinned, propping your hands on your hips.
“Well, fuck! There goes my only idea.” He returned the grin.
“Thanks for helping out, (Y/N).” Oak smiled.
“Oh, of course. Good luck on Saturday.” You stepped backwards, starting to get some headway on the path back to the highway.
“Wait, are you not coming?” Slightly frowned, and you could see Pan turn to face you at his words.
“Well, I…I wasn’t sure if it would be…like, weird? I don’t really-“
“(Y/N), Neverland is your place too.” Oak offered you a grin.
“Yeah,” Curly mumbled.
“You’re as much of a Lost Boy as we are.” Tink nodded.
Her statement made an immortal feeling of delight rise up in your chest, and all of a sudden you were grinning harder than you ever had in your life.
“Holy shit. I love you guys.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Nibs chuckled. “Get out of here.”
Casablanca seemed a million years away, and even in your excitement to see Humphrey Boggart delivering those iconic lines, Pan’s attempts to smooth things over stayed with you just as long. It seemed you were never far enough from that boy to ever forget about him.
Casablanca went well. So did The Maltese Falcon. It wasn’t until you decided to show Rebel With a Cause that things truly, completely went to shit. It could have been the influence of an insurgent James Dean in the role of a rebellious teen, but Neverland became the backdrop for a split lip, a couple bruised knuckles and a bloody nose.
The idea had been going better than ever. People’s newfound love for anything vintage fit in well with the drive-in location and crowds of people were arriving every night to find an excuse to make out with someone in the back of a truck, or just to bring a couple friends to witness Mary Astor as an iconic femme fatale. Rebel With a Cause was just entering it’s opening sequence when the purr of motorcycles caught your ear and Oak stood up abruptly, searching to find Pan’s gaze and keep it.
He only uttered one word. “Pirates.”
Immediately, Anthony sprang from his seat, Nibs, Curly, and Tink following him without hesitation.
“Pirates? What the hell does that mean?” You turned to Jordan and Leslie for an explanation.
They paused for a moment, sharing a look before turning to address you. “You better come and see.” Jordan beckoned you out the door of the projection room.
It was dark out and the hushed murmur of teenagers cuddled into blankets and entwined with their dates dissipated easily in between the pines. Everything seemed to be at peace. Through the dark, you could make out Pan’s form as he led the way to the pathway. Several figures were approaching to meet them. The Twins at your side, you warily made your way to join the group. Oak sent you a silent, but comforting look. The air tingled with crackling electricity; everyone was on edge.
As you approached, Pan caught a glance of you out of the corner of his eye and instantly stepped just an edge closer in front of you, not completely obstructing your vision but making it a clear, protective stance.
A boy approached, shaking his blonde, windswept hair back into a neat style. He had a sly grin that was more unsettling than clever. There was a glint in his blue eyes that made your heart churn uncomfortably.  He was dangerous. That much was clear.
“Pan!” The boy laughed, and the sound sent a chilling shiver down your spine. It was so hollow. “Good to see you again, buddy.”
“Hook.” Anthony replied, but there was not even an attempt at civility in his voice. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, I heard that you were planning on sending your dear old Poverty King here, off to college! Jasmine mentioned the fundraiser, blah, blah, long story short, I came to visit!” His grin only grew and he propped his hands on his hips.
The female who had been hovering at his shoulder came forward, and her beauty astounded you. She had dark hair braided together, and it settled nicely against her shoulder. Her eyes, however, were void of any emotion. She was just as cold as this Hook character, if not more.
“You didn’t even invite us,” she pouted, leaning her head against Hook’s shoulder.
Slightly stepped forward, rolling his eyes. “We had no reason to, you were unwanted, Smee. God, I can’t actually say your name without laughing. Where the fuck do you get something like-“
“What Slightly means to say,” Oak cut in, shooting him a glance. “Is that what we’re doing is up to us. We’d appreciate it if this ended right here and now.”
Hook pouted, stepping forward. “That’s not nice, my dear, broke, friend. No need to be unsociable now.”
Pan made his way forward from the group, abandoning his protective stance in front of you. The leaders of both groups met in the middle. “James, my patience is running out. I can only say “please” so many times before it evolves into a simple, “fuck you”.”
Hook narrowed his eyes, assessing his options. “Yeah? Well I don’t play nice.” As he took note of your presence, his gaze transferred almost immediately, away from Anthony. “Oh, and who do we have here?”
He moved forward, coming dangerously close as his eyes raked, unashamedly, up and down your body. The distance between you was closing, and fast, until Tink appeared at your side.
“Don’t even fucking think about it.” She murmured. Her voice was soft but it trembled with fury. You felt a swell of gratitude for her.
“Hey, I’m just acquainting myself with this…lovely thing.” He smiled, an act that looked unnatural on his gaunt face. Just as his hand brushed against your cheek, a blurred movement came out of nowhere, and suddenly James was on the ground. You stumbled backward, heart tumbling in your chest.
“You do not fucking touch her, ever again.” Anthony stepped forward, leaning over James’ crumpled body. “Hear me? Not ever, you fucking-“ He was halfway through a kick when Hook hurled himself forward and landed a punch that made you cringe. As Anthony wound up to punch him again, you hurried towards him, reaching a hand out to grasp his shoulder and stabilize him.
“Anthony,” you breathed, turning to face him, eyes imploring with every ounce of energy you had. His nose was bleeding, bad. “Please, don’t. He’s not worth it.”
James’ voice made you turn. “Listen, babe, I know you’re trying to help and everything, but maybe just let the men settle this, yeah?”
Jaw clenching, you turned to him with a sweet smile. “Oh, anything for you. Just one thing.” You opened your palm and jabbed up, the heel of your hand crushing his nose up with a satisfying sound. He tumbled backward, only stopping when Jasmine hurried to help him up.
A pause echoed in the space. Every eye in the place was turned to you. Then, Tink spoke.
“(Y/N), that was fucking awesome, holy shit!” She let out a disbelieving laugh.
In your moment of glory, you forgot the presence of the Pirates, and it wasn’t until the sound of Curly punching someone made you realize the situation, that you actually turned to see what was happening.
There was movement everywhere. Curly had managed to grab one of Hook’s men and they were in a merciless grapple. Every time the Pirate seemed to get the advantage, Slightly was there to even out the odds with a vicious uppercut. Pan seemed to be right in the centre of it, strands of hair floating about his angelic face, blood bright red in the darkness, every one of his movements the epitome of beautiful. You dimly registered that Jordan was shaking you, imploring you to get the attention of the group. Oak was busy trying to shake off another one of Hook’s men, who Tink had swarmed to annihilate. Everything was happening at once.
“Stop,” you mumbled, but your voice disappeared in the endless sounds. “Stop, you guys…stop!”
The sharpness of your voice made an impact, and the sound echoed all the way down the path. The fighting slowed to a stop and you stepped forward, heading right into the middle of the fray to address Hook and Pan.
“This ends now. Hook, this is our home. You do not have the right to enter and do as you please. Get the fuck out right now, before I break your nose again, I swear to God.” Your voice was strong and level.
James’ jaw clenched in frustration, but he pushed away from Pan and beckoned the rest of his men with an open palm. Within the space of three minutes, they were halfway back down the path, heading back to their motorcycles.
All of the Lost Boys seemed to release a breath, all at the same time. You took a look around, assessing. Curly had a split lip. Anthony’s nose was still bleeding. Slightly’s knuckles were black and blue. And you had never seen anything more beautiful.
A slow but bright smile came to your face. “I hope that’s the last time we ever see them again.”
All tension seemed to bleed from the group in an instant. It started with Slightly’s laughter, then the Twins, then Oak, and pretty soon, everyone was laughing. It felt cathartic, like this was what people meant by high school being the best years of your life. It was the people that made it so good.
“We should probably get back to James Dean,” Oak grinned.
“Yeah,” Leslie agreed, chuckling. “Let’s go.”
You stayed back, checking on members of the group who had gotten injured, but you were met mostly with triumphant smiles. The Lost Boys were, after all, adrenaline seekers of sorts, and this was a perfect fix.
Though you had tried to avoid Anthony for as long as possible, you fell into step beside him, glancing at him from the corner of your eye.
“Are you okay?”  
“M’fine.” He was looking down, words muffled.
“No. Anthony, you’re not. Hey, wait up. Look at me.” You reached a hand out to stop his steps and turned him to face you.
The blood hadn’t quite stopped, and it looked quite bad. You huffed, a little miffed at his stubbornness, and reached into your pocket to receive a cloth from the projection room. As you pressed it to his nose, an attempt to stop the bleeding, you noticed a grin on his face.
“What are you smiling about?” You raised a cryptic eyebrow.
“You called me Anthony again.” He chuckled a bit, trying hard not to jostle you with the movement.
His words made you stop, and you bit down on your chapped lips, deep in thought.
“I’m sorry.” He sighed the words out.
His words meant much more than the surface suggested. It was an apology for everything: the fight, the lies, and the heartbreak. In an instant, you recognized the soft side of the boy you were very quickly coming to care for.  
“It’s okay.” You attempted a smile, and it was smile, but still there.
He stared down at you, a sort of awe opening in his expression as you smiled up at him. Reaching up, he cradled your jaw with hands still sore from throwing punches, a thumb brushing against your cheek. You leaned into his touch, eyes closing briefly as two conflicting sides of thought warred viciously in your mind.
All indulgence had to end at some point. Quickly, you pulled away, taking a deep breath.
“We should catch up with the others.”
Surprisingly, the rest of the night went along without a hitch. After the movie ended, the rest of the group stayed for an extra hour, spending the time joking around and, slowly but surely, cleaning up the projection room and the lot. At this point, night had fallen completely, but the golden light spilling from the three thrift store lamps in the shack seemed just right. Pan had left early, mumbling something about being busy. No one had believed it, but then again, no one had questioned it.
“I am exhausted,” you breathed out, collapsing back onto the couch.
“Breaking someone’s nose’ll do that,” Nibs grinned.
Tink let out a laugh, cigarette ember glowing in the dusky light. “I still can’t believe you did that.”
You cringed. “It was bad, wasn’t it.”
“Badass, yeah,” Slightly added, sending you a thumbs up from the side of the room.
Laughing, you heaved yourself off the couch and headed toward the door. “Badass or not, I gotta get some sleep. I’ll see you guys later.”
“Wait a minute, (Y/N),” Oak called out, turned to fish in his backpack for something. “We have a present for you, since this was all your idea.”
You stopped, eyes widening. “Oak, it was nothing, really, I-“
“We insist.” Slightly grinned.
As Oak stood, you recognized the colour and texture of the fabric in his hands, even from the opposite side of the room. It was a leather jacket, just like all of theirs, but it was more than that. It was a symbol. Oak tossed it to you with a grin.
“Your initiation is complete. You deserve that.” He crossed his arms, cracking his knuckles absent-mindedly.
“I…thank you.” You murmured, running your fingertips over the jacket.
“Don’t thank us,” Tink turned to you with a twinkle in your eyes. “It was Pan’s idea.”
It seemed that that boy was always taking you by surprise. With a delighted laugh, you smiled. “I’ll wear it with pride. For now, though, I really do have to go.”
Curly was the one who spoke up. It was such a rare occurrence that everyone turned to witness his words.
“Welcome to the Lost Boys, (Y/N).”
You sent him a smile from the doorway. “It’s an honour.”
205 notes · View notes
Here I am! A day before June 2017 and frantically getting in several projects and written documents that needed tending to! I cannot even believe that it’s almost half way through this year already..
I’ve made a few new art pieces for my portfolio but still struggle with finding the creative energy to attack some of my narrative pieces, which I know I need. I also stare endlessly at my website and cannot see a solid style. My friends say they can tell, but to me, every art piece looks like it’s by a different artist. I’ve been trying to loosen up and create subject matter (and in my own way), that I actually want to create. Yes it’s important to look a the market you’re trying to break into and what the current trends and subjects are, but I create more fluidly and better when I just breathe and think about whatever it is I feel like drawing.
It feels impossible sometimes to be an artist. I have good days and bad days and they do NOT work with deadlines. I say to myself, “How can you create on days you have zero drive ?!”
Other days I’m bursting with creative energy and spend the entire day at my tablet. I just can’t seem to force this energy where it really needs to be. I do what I can, when I can and hope with all my might that in the days prior to a deadline, I can spew out good work, last minute, after having spent days just staring at the screen in a dark funk. I wouldn’t want to be anything else but it must be really nice to have jobs and careers that just require you to go through the motions and labor. I’ve yearned for a solid, reliable paycheck and consistent work that always had an intuitive map to lead me through from start to finish. That is just not how being an artist is, at least not how I have experienced it.
As a work from home mom, it’s awesome but is also difficult on the creative process. The current situation of not being able to close a door behind me to do computer work (since I have roommates and the computer is in the living room), is a challenge to say the least. My eldest son is out of school the end of this week and then it’s OFFICIALLY summer! I’m searching for jobs in the area that I could bring my kids too, since daycare is financially out of the question. So far…unlicensed childcares seems to be my only option. I’ve been interviewing around.
Being a young mother is a perk when interviewing since you’re inherently ahead of the 18-19 year old’s fresh out of high school, when it comes to the responsibility role. (If my 18 year old self could see me now, her jaw would drop haha) I FEEL that I am struggling to adult properly but really, I’m a far cry from where I was. Living expenses may be hard but my kids have made me such a better person; more patient, understanding and caring. I literally interact with people differently and view the world with a totally distinct perspective. I even think being a mom lends to creativity in a way, since watching how a child thinks, feels and deals with day to day life is excellent fodder for children’s illustrations.
I’ve still been nervously eyeing a few illustration agencies and then eyeing my portfolio, not sure whether I am ready to apply. A browse for ages through their represented artists and most have an obvious style. The art comes in all styles, from very realistic and polished to cartoony and simple, but 95% are chocked full of complete, pretty images that have narrative. How do I compare? Will I be turned down and never looked at again if I reapply? Can I get ANY advice from agencies or professionals on what to add? This is why I follow the SVSLearn team closely, and other resources, consistently reminding myself to add, add, add to my portfolio.
“Don’t put in what you don’t want to end up drawing for clients” is a hard one because, I want to show that I can draw a wide variety of stuff but I don’t want to get stuck drawing one of the things I hated drawing but someone happened to like. So many anxieties.
I am trying to create a sort of “This year’s style index,” based on Julia Patton’s, “Style Bible,” ideas. I’ve written in a notebook A-Z over several pages and filled each letter with things, animals, objects, foods etc. to draw and fill a bound side-portfolio (since I digitally create, I’d just be indexing these images on my computer and then, if I want to show them, print and stick them in a binder. It’s pure genius: a prospective client wants to know how you draw bids, cars, trees, fruit, water, men, women, expressions, seashells…The ideas are endless but the core ones are invaluable, especially for a children’s book artist. You’re supposed to update at least every year or when you think your style has changed. This is helpful for someone like me who feels they have several possible styles. I could just fill a page with different ways I’d draw dogs or aliens or unicorns or toasters, or maybe I only draw toasters one way; so I’d only draw one toaster.
This is a work in progress, as I have more ideas than I have had time to commit to the screen. Anyhow, this brings me back to wondering how I compare to currently represented illustrators. I know I lack some technical skills but I make up for that with the bizarre, nonsensical “style” I often dabble with when it comes to furniture, perspective and occasionally people. There’s thousands of artists who make a living with art that doesn’t represent perspective or anatomy but I’d like still like to improve my knowledge of how to create working anatomy, color theory, light and basic perspective, so that I can create better around those fundamentals. There is so much more I wanted to do in art college, as I learn better with an in-person instructor. I’ll need to make use of the online resources and instructors soon if I cannot go back to school next year.
I need to commit to some self-initiated projects. Other than overtly children-related illustration, I was considering labels and food packaging like wine, beer and baking, as I love so many of the labels I see but don’t have the faintest clue how you get hired for labeling. Art licensing maybe? I have a lot more to learn. My other idea is to create an illustrated commission infographic for my protentional freelance clients, since many do not have any prior knowledge about hiring illustrators freelance, cost or standard timelines etc. Basically, it’ll be an FAQ to all my most frequently received questions for hiring projects, but fun, colorful and illustrated!
So my sort of to-do’s are:
·         still try to apply to some agencies,
·         keep my eyes out for agents, work on the style index,
·         Style Index
·         start more self-initiated projects
·         create some illustrated client-related commission info-graphs,
·         create mailers and send
·         work on the technical skills: anatomy, color theory, light, perspective
·         set aside some savings (somehow) for moving, new computer/tablet etc.
·         casually look for art related work in OR and prepare for the impending move.
·         Continue being health conscious and take care of myself
Oh, I almost forgot (irony for what I am about to write), I was fortunate enough to be able to receive a full learning disability testing. I met for a month with a special doctor and did all kinds of tests, reading, writing, building with blocks, picture-finding: I felt like a chimp. All this was done to pinpoint what it was that has been hindering my entire life when it comes to mathematics and memory. Well, turns out, it is my “working memory,” and this issue is exactly what prevents me from being able to solve more than EXTREMELY basic mathematics, remembering phone numbers (or a variety of things), use any kind of formulas, and even remember what I am reading without re-reading and processing. I cannot explain how awesome and awful it is to know this. I am relieved that I finally have proper documentation for this most annoying detriment that has literally plagued me as far back in academics and jobs my entire existence. It’s also frustrating to really sit back and wonder about all the things I could have maybe accomplished without it. (I had wanted to be a pathologist once, lol.) At least now I know my learning style and have tips and reminders on how to process information better (most of which I was already doing- I practically live between my wall calendar, phone calendar and book planner. If I don’t write it down- I’m not remembering it.)
I expect to write back by end of july-early august? There’s lots of summer tasks to take care of. I lost 15lbs and have been doing very well with eating less calories, going on walks, light weight lifting and drinking lots of water (that one is the hardest). Here’s to toning up my butt! Haha
An illustrator
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gracewithducks · 6 years
Not Easily Broken (Ecclesiastes 3:16, 4:1, 9-12)
A note: This is an unpolished draft of the sermon I intended to preach on July 29, 2018. However, I was called away due to a family emergency; I sent the message to a colleague who had agreed to care for my congregation in my absence. Though not as pulled together as I’d like it to be, I still am sharing my reflections on community and relationship in Ecclesiastes, as they are important in our conversations about wisdom and how we might live faithfully – together.
  I’ve recently gotten back into an old hobby of mine: thanks to my daughters, I’ve rediscovered the joy of origami. Actually, I think I had a book growing up called “The Joy of Origami.” For those of you who may be a bit rusty on your Japanese papercraft, “origami” is an art form where you take a single square of paper and fold it into something new: a kite, a dog, an elephant, a peace crane – really, the possibilities are endless. I will say that treasure boxes, dragons, and t-rexes are very popular at the Desotell house right now.
 I’m enjoying getting back into origami, and watching my daughters fall in love with the magic of paper folding, too – although as Michaela will tell you, it’s an art form that takes precision and patience, and it’s very common to hear us remind each other, when we’re getting frustrated, that “it’s just paper.” Because like anything else, there is a learning curve; like just about anything else, there are easy projects – and there are harder ones.
 And there are times, when you’ve started out folding a 6 inch square of paper, and you’re on step 52, there are times when it just seems impossible to fold the paper any more.
 When I was growing up, I remember being told that it’s impossible to fold a piece of paper more than seven times – well, to fold it in half, anyway. The reason is because the paper gets smaller, and thicker, with each fold: at the beginning you’re folding a single layer of paper, no problem, but by the time you’ve fold it seven times, you’re now trying to fold sixty-four layers of paper in half.
 Try it sometimes. It’s exactly as difficult as you’d think. I try to remember that, when I’m fighting with that little origami square.
 I don’t know if you remember MythBusters – it was a great show on the Discovery Channel, where they would test popular myths, like the one about folding a piece of paper more than seven times. What they found is, when you start with a plain piece of paper, yeah, seven folds is about all you can get. But the MythBusters wanted to think bigger: so they got themselves a piece of paper the size of a football field.
 The first fold was tricky, because a piece of paper the size of a football field, with even a slight breeze, pretty much turns into a gigantic paper sail. As they folded, though, the paper got thicker, heavier, and smaller – until finally the team achieved the elusive and mythical eighth fold.
 They didn’t stop there; they brought in a steamroller and a forklift, and managed – with a lot of pressure and a lot of patience – to fold the paper in half a ninth time, and a tenth, and finally, eleven times.[1]
 The theory goes, then, if you have a big enough piece of paper, and enough patience and pressure, you can fold that paper as many times as you want. Although, if you folded your paper in half 103 times, it would end up 93 billion light-years across… larger than the observable universe.
 A single sheet of paper, by itself, is a weak and fragile thing. But put a few layers or sheets of paper together, and it’s just about impossible to tear – and you’ll need a steamroller to convince it to bend.
 Or, as Ecclesiastes puts it, “A cord of three strands is not easily broken.”
 Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 is, in many ways, very similar to 1 Corinthians 13: chances are, if you’ve heard it before, you’ve heard it at a wedding. After all, the message seems appropriate for a wedding ceremony:
 “Two are better than one…
For if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to the one who is alone and falls down and has no one to help.
Again, if two lie together, they keep warm; but how can one keep warm alone?
Though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one.
A threefold cord is not easily broken.”
 It’s a beautiful bit of imagery… and though we don’t often have to worry about huddling for warmth at night or withstanding bandits alongside the road, it’s still a beautiful thing to celebrate two people who are committing to be there for one another, to help one another, to lift each other up, to stand alongside one another when the trials come.
 It’s a beautiful reading for a wedding ceremony – except, much like Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians, it’s not about marriage at all. “Love is patient, love is kind; love doesn’t keep score, but forgives, and delights in the truth” – that was Paul’s advice for how we all should live together. And here in Ecclesiastes, the Teacher is lifting up the value of any trusted relationship – of a friend, a sibling, a parent, a neighbor, or yes, a spouse – someone who can be trusted, someone who can be counted on, someone who will be with you through thick and thin, who will lift you when you’re struggling and who counts on you to do the same.
 There is value in having an ally. There is strength that comes from knowing that you are not alone.
 It’s why infants long to be held, and why we all instinctively look for a shoulder to cry on or a hand to hold during the hard times. It’s why we share our lives, why we pray for one another, why we keep caring even when we’re powerless to make it better: because even that caring, matters. Sometimes, when we can’t hold on any more – someone else holds on to us, they hold on for us, and that’s the thread that gets us through.
 Relationship, support – dare I say love – is a powerful thing. It’s why doctors expect better outcomes for patients with a strong support system. It’s why people who have close relationships, and people who are a part of a community – whether it’s a book club, basketball team, or bible study – it’s why those people tend to be happier and healthier than their counterparts. It’s why even having a pet for companionship can give you strength and a reason to get through the day. And it’s why even a smile or a kind word from a stranger, even that small recognition, that small kindness, sometimes can be the thing that gives you hope and buoys you up and helps you make it through.
 There is value in having an ally, in knowing that you are not alone.
 But I don’t want us to forget that this beautiful and powerful depiction of strength in relationship - not only is it not about marriage, but it’s actually embedded in a thread of reflection on the reality of injustice in the world.
 The Teacher observes, “I saw… that in the place of justice, wickedness was there, and in the place of righteousness, wickedness was there as well… Again, I saw all the oppressions that are practiced under the sun. [Behold], the tears of the oppressed – with no one to comfort them! On the side of their oppressors there was power – with no one to comfort them.”
 The oppressed cry out, with no one to comfort them. The oppressors have power – but they, too, are isolated and alone.
 This is, perhaps, one of the roots of evil in the world: we have cut ourselves off from one another; we have dedicated our lives to finding the power that comes with money or position, and we have forgotten the power that comes in relationship. We have forgotten what matters most; we have forgotten that – we are not, in fact, in competition for limited resources, but we belong to one another, and there is so much power when we come together as one.
 I recently reread George Orwell’s novel 1984. Orwell paints a world where power is maintained through a constant campaign of hatred: the elite few have discovered that, if they can stir up and maintain in the masses of people a hatred of a common enemy, then those people will never turn against or question those few in power. And that power is ultimate, power so supreme that history is rewritten, that people can be erased, that the truth can be manipulated and changed – and if Big Brother tells you that today, two and two make five, you nod and say, of course, it has always been so.
 It’s a scary novel to revisit, especially in these days of “fake news” where contradictions and falsehoods abound. In the world of 1984, an elite 2% hold all the power and make all the decisions, while the common people, the vast majority of the nation, 85% of the people – the common people live and die with no money, no voice, no hope. The hero looks around, in one of his moments of clarity, and realizes: everything could change – the only way everything could chance – is if the common people come together, if they organize, if they recognize their numbers and find their strength.
 But they never do. They are so blinded by the propaganda, blinded by hatred, blinded by their own suffering and fear. And so it is that change doesn’t come.
 There is power when we realize we belong to one another. There is strength in numbers. But coming together, so often, is easier said than done.
 Back in the 1950s, a psychologist named Solomon Asch did a series of experiments testing this phenomenon. Asch asked a group of individuals, strangers, to look at a line, and then to tell him which of three other lines was the same length as the first. It was supposedly a test of “perception,” and the answers were painfully obvious.
 But the thing is, everybody but one person in each group were actors. And after a few rounds, those actors were all instructed to give the wrong answer – the same wrong answer, over and over again. And the question was, would the one other person, the one real subject in the study, would they have the courage to go against the tide and give the obvious right answer, even when no one else did.
 Almost 4 times out of 10, people changed their answers; though they could clearly see the truth, they chose to easiest route, the less uncomfortable path of conformity, and they gave the same answer as everyone else – even knowing that it was obviously wrong. And across several rounds, ¾ of the participants gave at least one answer they knew to be wrong.
 And what’s especially curious is that, afterwards, many of those participants were convinced that the group had given the right answer. They allowed their own memory, their own perception, to be distorted by the pressure of the people around them.[2]
 It’s hard to speak the truth, when you’re the only one. Even in a small group of strangers, behind closed doors, with people you will never see again, it’s hard to speak up, and it’s hard to stand out.
 And it’s terrifying, isn’t it? Because this experiment has been repeated, in a variety of forms, over the decades – and the results have stayed the same. This, friends, is how history gets rewritten, how fake news becomes the gospel truth. This is how prejudice and injustice continue, even among people who are otherwise honest and educated and kind. Community pressure is a powerful thing, and it’s hard to stand up for what’s right when you have to stand alone.
 But the researchers have also found something encouraging. If there is just one other person in the room who is willing to go against the flow, just one other person who speaks up and tells the truth – then participants will almost always answer correctly. Let me say that again: the presence of just one other person who is willing to say what you yourself believe is right, even if that person is a stranger, even if that person is outnumbered by lies – the presence of just one other truthteller makes it easier for us to also stay true.
 And so we come back again to the words of Ecclesiastes:
 “Two are better than one… if they fall, one will lift the other up… And though one might prevail against one, two will withstand one. A threefold cord is not easily broken.”
 When we are facing up to falsehoods, when we are confronting injustice, when we are standing against prejudice and hatred, there is power in standing together. There is strength in knowing that we are not alone.
 It’s why God set out to create a family, to establish a people, that together they might be a blessing. It’s why Jesus didn’t just call individuals; he created a community. And it’s why we still need each other, if we are going to bless and change the world today.
 A single sheet of paper is easily bent and torn. But put a few sheets together, and it takes a steamroller to get them to turn. May we never underestimate the strength that we have, when we remember  that we belong to one another. May we never forget that, together, we have the strength to withstand the pressures around us – and in turn, together, we can make a better world.
    [1] http://www.mythbusterstheexhibition.com/try-this-at-home/try-this-entry/
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asch_conformity_experiments
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