#potion coven
avaparation · 3 months
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Some more stuff I drew a while ago. My take on the combos of different TOH covens with the abomination coven. I'm thinking of maybe doing more combos when I have time. Also maybe redoing the abomination x healing. Anyways. Art tips are more than welcome.
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foxspiritpotions · 1 month
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Took a while to make this but I made Eda's potion from the owl house 😁 what do you guys think? Does it look accurate? And if you like it you can find it on my Etsy ☺️
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animationadventures · 10 months
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Could be for aesthetic reasons. Could be because you think you would do the best with that kind of magic. Any reason works.
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en8y · 2 months
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[IMAGE ID: three rectangular flags with eleven horizontal stripes each. most of them are evenly-sized and straight, save for the second and tenth stripes, which are thinner and wavy. the colors of the stripes are as follows: pastel yellow, warm yellow, bright light yellow, warm yellow, warm light brown, and warm brown. the middle stripe has eight points to it, four extending upwards and four extending downwards. there are ten circles of varying sizes, in between and on the ends of the eight points. they are the same color as the middle stripe. the second flag has the potion coven sigil in the center. the sigil is a round bottle with a bubbling liquid, a ray of light coming out of the top. the sigil is in the same yellows as the flags. END ID.]
potiocovebruise: a gender in the genderbruise system that can be described as being a bruised poisonmaker, being bruised by potion magic, being related to bruises and the potion coven, etc
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @forrest--deer @hypnosiacon
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starcoffinxd · 7 months
Headcanon that the covens didn't go away after the glove to remove the sigils was made. A lot of those witches had already been using the same kind of magic for years and while many would likely have tried branching out, they would still mostly use the magic associated with their covens.
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joshbruh10x · 1 year
Woah uhh hey there mutuals, anyone there watch Owl House? No? Too bad I'm sharing this idea anyways
Me and best ol' buddy @lmaojune thought of an Owl House x Fnaf Au, well only on sides of our hyperfixations whereas I made it about my human Fazcule while June over there making it about her own Main fnaf au
This is gonna be a long read so sit back and relax, or not and you can skip this post, if so, then have a nice day, if you plan reading this, then hi thank you for reading, let's get on with this
For those who don't know, The Owl House is a cool show from Disney (except Disney keeps trashing it about making Dana Terrace cut the final season short cksnns) where a human named Luz goes to a Demon Realm called the Boiling Isles where witches use magic and stuff, there are "covens" or classes where witches are separated into using only that specific type of magic, unless they are young witches which in that case they are allowed to use any sort of magic but upon growing up, they are forced to join a coven or they will be labeled as a wild magic user
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Over here we got the Fazcule, I thought Freddy could be in the Beast keeping coven (was gonna make him in the bard coven bc well ya know Freddy sings but the Beast keeping coven suited him more) and I gave him his own palisman which is a cute little Cub. I may have based him off of Gilbert aka one of Willow's dad and let's just say Freddy do be rocking that dad bod look (NOT MY QUOTE, JUNE SAID IT)
I may or may not have based Bonnie over Alador too much and this is the only Au I'm letting Bonnie have facial hair, one because it suits him and two because yes, he is in the abomination coven and works as a scientist who makes abomination inventions
As for Monty, he works in the construction coven gaining power of super strength and restoration and repairs of buildings and anything constructional. Thought of giving him a cape to show his coven and I gave him one of those flat cut looking beards because let's be honest, he looks very badass in one (either that or it's just the Monty simp in me but c'mon some of you have to agree on me with this right ;>) and I also gave him gloves with hand-woven colors representing the Fazcule
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Now, fun fact, in the demon realm, witches can have offspring by using magic instead of the uhmm.. you know what. Which means two men or women can have kids of their own as seen in the show with Willow and her having two dads but is still biological to the two. I had an idea where Gregory is a biological child made by magic from the Fazcule, but June also suggested what if Gregory was a human and just got adopted by the Fazcule, he can't use magic naturally but he can use glyphs just like Luz in the show (PS, I definitely did not steal Luz's pose in S2's opening for the first pic above)
Anyways, I also drew Gregory as a witch with his pointy ears and in his Hexside uniform, I thought of him looking up to Bonnie with his abominations so he joins the abomination class, but once it was anounced he can learn multiple classes, he chose for illusions and potions (may or may not to play tricks on others). Oh also he doesn't have a palisman of his own unlike the other students but Freddy allows him to use his cub Palisman.
And that's basically all I have for this idea. Thank you for reading if you did read this far, I very much appreciate it. Anyways, have a good day/night and see ya :)
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komod0 · 2 years
I have rewarded this au with the tag ‘9moreproblemsau’ so I can keep track of me posts on the au
Talked abt the au with some friends and we agreed potion mosquito would like supermarkets
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Did some easter cookie decorating and had toh on the brain as its ending today :’] this show has meant so much to me and i dont have time to do something proper but here’s something small to send it off XD
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drachenfalter · 1 year
Potion Coven -> Fire Magic?
So, someone brought up that Potions don't require magic and thus restricting the magic to "only potions" would just mean taking all magic away.
But you know what? I'd argue we've seen what kind of magic potion makers use most frequently.
It's Fire Magic!
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Yes, the first association for potions would be water.
But Fire actually makes a lot of sense, because controlling the temperature is likely essential for potion making - some potions are happy with a normal fire, but more complicated ones might need very specific temperatures at the right time.
So, Fire Magic would be something a witch in the Potion Coven would retain, possibly alongside some other stuff like cutting spells.
(Yes, there's nothing to stop them from using this magic for other purposes besides making potions, but who cares? Belos didn't. He only wanted an excuse to get those coven brands on everyone.)
As a bonus point, explosive potions are also a thing.
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And all of this makes me wonder if this-
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-was Edric experimenting with potions.
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gobbythegoblin · 2 years
I'm just imagining another human going to Hexside in the potion track.
And the teacher asks the students to show off their potions.
And the human just pulls out a molotov
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cafeec0nlechee · 2 years
Tu típico Au de The Owl House #3: Sistema de Magia
El Sistema de Magia es un sistema de formación mágica que divide la magia en disciplinas específicas requeridas por el Aquelarre Primigenio, fue instituido por la Emperatriz Juno. Hay siete ramas o Dominios principales, con cientas de otras especificaciones para cada uno. El sistema educativo entrena a las brujas jóvenes a lo largo de su trayectoria escolar para dominar cada rama y poder realizar magia legalmente como miembros d Aquelarre Primigenio.
El Aquelarre Primigenio y cada Dominación recibe un color de identificación de acuerdo a los siete arcangeles cristianos y un sello o símbolo único a los que están asociados. Cada uno tiene una bruja elegida para dirigirlos como Líder Representante. El Aquelarre Primigenio cumple con un propósito integral para el Día de la Última Gran Cacería.
Este Sistema de Magia se compone por:
Aquelarre Primigenio
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Es el primer y único aquelarre del sistema hecho por la Emperatriz, el Aquelarre Primigenio es a donde se unen las brujas más prestigiosas y de mayor rango, quienes sirven como ejecutoras de la voluntad de la Emperatriz. Dichos miembros del Aquelarre Primigenio son solo aquellas brujas que se especializan en todos y cada uno de los Dominios; cuando han completado su formación, son selladas al Aquelarre; es el único en tener un sello mágico.
Color: Celeste/ Dorado
Sello: Rostro del Gran Cazador rodeado por nueve fases lunares
Líder: actualmente vacante; Caleb Wittebane (anteriormente, desertó); Luz (anteriormente, desertó)
Los Dominios son las 7 ramas mágicas del Aquelarre Primigenio, para graduarse y hacer magia legal y libremente, cada bruja debe ser competente en cada Dominio para así ser miembro del Aquelarre Primigenio.
Dominio de Creación
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Este Dominio se centra en la creación y utilización de golems de barro purpura conocidos como Abominaciones. Las brujas en el Dominio de Creación aprenderan a crear, convocar y controlar abominaciones para cumplir sus órdenes, y las brujas más poderosas pueden incluso usar materia abominable para crear construcciones o incluso asumir una forma basada en abominaciones. Segun Willow Park, el Dominio de Creación se ha destacado por abrir más oportunidades para el futuro de una bruja dentro del Aquelarre.
Color: Azul
Símbolo: Cara de una Abominación
Líder representante: Hieronymus Bump
Dominio de Serafín
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El Dominio de Serafín se enfoca en manipular el mundo que los rodea usando ondas de sonido. Los serafines pueden usar el sonido para crear una variedad de efectos, como inducir el sueño, tomar el control de las brujas que escuchan su música, crear ondas de choque fuertes o cortantes, otros. Sin embargo, algunos hechizos de serafines se pueden contrarrestar usando cubiertas para los oídos. Aunque los serafines pueden usar instrumentos musicales, también es posible utilizar su magia silbando o cantando.
Color: Rojo
Símbolo: Arpa
Líder representabte: Raine Whispers
Dominio de Bestias
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El Dominio de Bestias se centra en la domesticación y el control de las diversas bestias de las Islas Hirvientes. Las brujas de este Dominio pueden comandar a las diversas criaturas de las Islas, invocar bestias y otorgarse rasgos bestiales.
Color: Púrpura
Símbolo: Criatura saliendo del cascarón
Líder representante: Eberwolf the Huntsman
Dominio de Curación
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El Dominio de Curación se especializa en tratar con lo referente a la medicina y la atención médica. Los sanadores pueden tratar una variedad de heridas y dolencias, y parecen usar glifos curativos para tratar lesiones a largo plazo.
Color: Verde
Símbolo: Mano vendada
Líder Representante: Hettie Cutburn
Dominio de Mente
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El Dominio de Mente se centra en la adivinación, los espíritus y varias magias basadas en la mente; aunque también se especializa en la predicción del futuro, mirar hacia lugares lejanos y usar Bolas de Cristal como catalizadora para diversos propósitos: comunicación telepática, manipulación de sombras, o crear criaturas y grandes construcciones de energía. Por otro lado, el Dominio de Mente se extiende también al engaño de los sentidos de otras brujas, creando clones o alterando la apariencia normal de algo o alguien; otras aplicaciones menos conocidas serían extraer los recuerdos de una bruja, teletransportación o hacerse invisible.
Color: Blanco/gris
Símbolo: Espejo que refleja un Ojo
Líder representante: Adrian Graye Vernworth
Dominio de Tierra
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El Dominio de Tierra se centra en la variada flora de las Islas Hirvientes. Las brujas aprenden del Dominio de Tierra a controlar la flora a su alrededor, así como manipular enredaderas y acelerar el crecimiento de las plantas. También pueden hacer florecer flores, liberar plantas venenosas y transportarse usando magia vegetal. Por otro lado, el Dominio de Tierra también se enfoca en manipular la tierra de las Islas, creando pilares y herramienta de la tierra; las brujas con este Dominio pueden planificar grandes proyectos de construcción y llevarlos a cabo con la tierra. De este Dominio provienen los glifos de poder para aumentar la fuerza y magia de una bruja.
Color: Rosa/marrón
Símbolo: Flor en la tierra
Líder representante: Terra Snapdragon; Magnolia Roots (anteriormente, jubilada)
Dominio de Pociones
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El Dominio de Pociones se enfoca en la fabricación de pociones. Este Dominio instruye en la fabricación de una variedad de pociones con distintos efectos, yendo desde pociones para producir niebla, pociones explosivas, e incluso elixires para contener o anular ciertos efectos de maldiciones o condiciones mágicas. El Dominio de Pociones es conocido por ser el único dominio que le abre las puertas a brujas sin saco biliar o magia, ya que no son necesarios a la hora de fabricar pociones. Sin embargo, estos son de ayuda a la hora de recolectar los ingredientes de peligrosas criaturas.
Color: Amarillo
Símbolo: Botella de poción
Líder representante: Edalyn Clawthorne
Próximamente: "La Historia No Autorizada de las Islas Hirvientes"
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Asterix & Obelix, as Hexside Student/Witch of Potion/Construction Coven.
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fungiissad · 2 years
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I got into owl house so I made me and my bestie in the Owl House style bc why not
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animationadventures · 3 months
Final Mabel!
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Maybe this is how she makes her Mabel Juice!
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en8y · 2 months
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[IMAGE ID: three rectangular flags with eleven horizontal stripes each. most of them are evenly-sized and straight, save for the second and tenth stripes, which are thinner and wavy. the colors of the stripes are as follows: white, bright light yellow, pastel yellow, warm yellow, warm light brown, and warm medium brown. the middle stripe seems to extend into a jagged shape, going upwards and downwards. there is a white shape in the middle, following the jagged shape's lines. the second flag has the potion coven sigil in the center. the sigil is a round bottle with a bubbling liquid, a ray of light coming out of the top. the sigil is in the same yellows as the flags. END ID.]
potiocovewound: a gender in the genderwound system that can be described as being a wounded potionmaker, being wounded by potion magic, being related to wounds and the potion coven, etc
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @forrest--deer @hypnosiacon
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thewitchystuff · 8 months
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Go outside and see the beautiful moon while you do a quick spell for your positive intentions for this next month!
Remember you can add your own spin to spells to make them more unique to you and what you want to manifest.
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