#postknight tedric
hyperfixationposting · 2 months
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this is fanart so ill drop my postknight arts here (of me in the discord server trying to draw every npc. while im sick. why did i decide to do this again-)
anyway. tedric
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Sketch of my boy Tedric before I ruin it with marker 👍
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here’s your request @theautisticoptimistic ! i really dunno anything about Tedric but I have to agree there should be more content of him cuz when I search up his name there isn’t enough drawing of him xD anyways hope you like it! I’ll add him in the 6 fanart challenge once i complete all characters!
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That fandom you're in because you're madly in love with a character but can't write about because you're embarrassed you'll mess up the lore is awesome, i have to admit
But i also really love the fandom where everyone is chill because it's really not all that well known and most people who are a part of it are chill, older teenagers who enjoy the content and don't make a big deal out of everything and the lore depends partially on you and your decisions, so you feel as though you can make a story and a character that takes part in that world and doesn't twist anything.
Sorry if this doesn't make sense, i felt as though I had to share it in some way.
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explodingcrayon · 6 years
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Postknight is a really cute mobile game I’ve been playing a lot lately. Free and fun and SUPER CUTE!!! I wanna draw all the gals in it, but first I gotta give some love to Postknight Tedric, my sweet boy. I never cleared a section faster than when he got kidnapped LOL
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autistic-beshelar · 4 years
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been playing postknight obsessively for the past two weeks. yes i named my knight link no i will not accept criticism HE’S LITERALLY LINK...
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alittlefangirlish · 7 years
Dear Yuletide Santa,
First of all, thank you so much for writing a story just for me! It’s pretty awesome, given the nature of this fest. My generalities really didn’t change between last year and this year.
What I Like kid!fic (as in, the characters have kids, not the character are kids - toddler age is perfect), crushes/beginning of relationship (the concept of the feelings coming to fruition and both parties going, “WTF is going on? Why am I acting this way around him/her?” is one of my favorite fandom tropes), smut is always good, flirting.
What I Don’t Like Incest, bestiality and molestation are my only three sexual squicks, fandom has desensitized me to everything else. Character bashing. Yes, I’m generally a slasher but that doesn’t mean I hate the female (or in the case of a femslash ship, male) characters (or, if I do, it’s for reasons unrelated to “I ship his/her love interest with his/her best (fe)male friend and s/he gets in the way of the gay sex”). On that note, I also hate when writers completely disregard canon pairings. As much as I don’t want them to, they exist. If you’re gonna break them up, let us know how it happened. Please. And now onto my specifics!
Requested Fandom #1: The Awesomes, Prock/Muscleman I'd love to see some more about their "Brains and Brawn" days, and if that plays in more to their current time as members of The Awesomes. Take this shippy or platonic.
I adored hearing this part of their backstory, especially how it was Prock just wanting to be like his dad (and how that probably set the tone of the whole series), and Muscleman just going with it because Prock is his best friend and that's what you do for your best friend.
Requested Fandom #2: Postknight, Fleur/The Postknight, The Postknight/Tedric For Fleur/The Postknight: The Blossom Festival 
For The Postknight/Tedric: Adventures in Postknight School
Fleur/The Postknight: I missed out on the Blossom Festival event, but I've read about it and it seems really, really cute. I would love to see something set during that.
The Postknight/Tedric: Tedric stating they were friends in Postknight School hit my "friends to lovers" button and I want to see something relating to that.
Requested Fandom #3: Kiss Him Not Me, Igarashi/Kae, Shima/Kae For either character with Kae: These are the only two characters who didn't change their opinions on Kae whether she was fat or skinny, and I really appreciate that.
I relate to Kae on so many levels, so the fact that these two characters didn't totally flip and comment on how "terrible" Kae looked when she regained her weight in episode five speaks volumes about their characters and how they feel about Kae.
Requested Fandom #4: Dream Daddy, Dadsona/Craig I want to see more of their college days, maybe what if Craig ended up with Dadsona back then instead of Ashley?
These two hit all of my "friends to lovers" buttons and I just adored them from day one. I wanna hear more of their past together, because it sounds like they were really close. I'd really love to see a what if where Craig's feelings for Dadsona manifest earlier, and he pursues him instead.
Requested Fandom #5: Stardew Valley, Male Farmer/Maru, Female Farmer/Maru I want to see more of Maru's inventions, maybe she gives the farmer inventions for anniversary gifts?
I always tend to fall for the nerdy types in these types of games, and Maru is no exception. I definitely see her continuing with her inventing even after marrying the farmer (even if the game doesn't show it). I would love to see that expanded on, with her inventing things for the farmer to help out on the farm.
Requested Fandom #6: Good Game, Alex/Ryland, Alex/Ash For Alex/Ryland: They can't just be platonic life partners, can they?
For Alex/Ash: More of Ash breaking through Alex's "Everything is Awesome!" mindset.
Alex/Ryland: You can't deny there's something between these two somewhere (at least I can't). This could be one-sided, could be the two of them both realizing they want this. Maybe one or the other (or both!) go to Lorenzo to help them through their feelings because he's been through it, but definitely
Alex/Ash: The part where Ash was trying to teach Alex how to, basically, be an asshole was such a great scene and I came out of that episode going, "I ship Alex and Ash OMG." I'd love to see more of that.
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Half finished drawing of Tedric from Postknight! This man is so cool.
Working on foreground and background 👌
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favorite color!?
Definitely blue ^^
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Might colour this at some point.
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alittlefangirlish · 7 years
Dear Press Start Author,
First of all, thank you so much for writing a story just for me! It’s pretty awesome! If you haven’t noticed, my generalities don’t really change. I’m pretty predictable.
What I Like kid!fic (as in, the characters have kids, not the character are kids - toddler age is perfect), crushes/beginning of relationship (the concept of the feelings coming to fruition and both parties going, “WTF is going on? Why am I acting this way around him/her?” is one of my favorite fandom tropes), smut is always good, flirting.
What I Don’t Like Incest, bestiality and molestation are my only three sexual squicks, fandom has desensitized me to everything else. Character bashing. Yes, I’m generally a slasher but that doesn’t mean I hate the female (or in the case of a femslash ship, male) characters (or, if I do, it’s for reasons unrelated to “I ship his/her love interest with his/her best (fe)male friend and s/he gets in the way of the gay sex”). On that note, I also hate when writers completely disregard canon pairings. As much as I don’t want them to, they exist. If you’re gonna break them up, let us know how it happened. Please. And now onto my specifics!
Requested Fandom #1: Postknight, Fleur/The Postknight, The Postknight/Tedric
For Fleur/The Postknight: The Blossom Festival
For The Postknight/Tedric: Adventures in Postknight School
Fleur/The Postknight: I missed out on the Blossom Festival event, but I've read about it and it seems really, really cute. I would love to see something set during that.
The Postknight/Tedric: Tedric stating they were friends in Postknight School hit my "friends to lovers" button and I want to see something relating to that.
Requested Fandom #2: Pokémon, Lillie/Moon, N/Hilda
For Lillie/Moon: Return to Kanto/Alola
For N/Hilda: “The Pokémon wanted to see each other again, yeah.”
Lillie/Moon: I don’t care if it’s Lillie returning to Alola, or Moon making a trip to visit her in Kanto, I just want to see these two reunite and have Lillie gush to Moon about all her adventures in Kanto, and how much she missed everyone, especially Moon. (Also, while I did use “Moon” and the canonical tag is “Lillie/Moon,” I prefer the name “Selene” for the player character, but you don’t have to call her that if you don’t want!)
N/Hilda: I will admit that I wasn’t one of those who was shipping N and Hilda from the get go because I saw N as a villain and my thought was how much of a jerk he was and how could anyone ship them together because he didn’t deserve her, etc. etc. And then the end of the game happened and N does his 180 and it was like the heavens parted and shone a spotlight on these two and I saw it and it was good. Now that that’s out of the way, I can see these two definitely not realizing their feelings for each other, and using Reshiram and Zekrom as an excuse to reunite. (N can say that his Pokémon wanted to see hers - I played White and White 2 so N took Reshiram and Hilda took Zekrom, but if you wanna swap them and use Black/Black 2 canon go ahead.)
Requested Fandom #3: The Sims, Cassandra/Mary-Sue, Darren/Cassandra, Pascal/Nervous
For Cassandra/Mary-Sue: "Let's run away and never look back"
For Darren/Cassandra: Adjusting to being a blended family.
For Pascal/Nervous: He’s always looking toward the stars for love, but the love he needs is right down here on Earth
Cassandra/Mary-Sue: These two both have terrible lovers and they deserve much more than what they've currently got. I definitely see them running from their problems to some other hood and ending up together.
Darren/Cassandra: I'm a bit biased with this request, because I'm a stepkid myself and I was a teen when my mom married my stepdad, so I know all about how that adjustment period can be. Does Dirk accept Cassandra as his stepmom, or does he rebel? Does Cassandra worry that Darren and Dirk think she's "replacing" Darleen?
Pascal/Nervous: This is a prompt for these two that has been floating around in my head for quite a long time. Pascal, being the Knowledge Sim that he is, is fascinated with the stars to the point that he hasn’t had time to forge many friendships on Earth, Nervous being an exception. And Nervous, wanting to settle down and have a family, as well as Pascal being his only friend, may develop feelings for Pascal and want to be a second father to Tycho (and yes I see Tycho as the “canon” name for Pascal’s baby).
Requested Fandom #4: Mystic Messenger, Jaehee/MC, Jumin/V
For Jaehee/MC: Love in the coffee shop
For Jumin/V: Either something set in the past, or an alternate future where they get to be together.
Jaehee/MC: Oh, Jaehee, Jaehee, Jaehee. I did not expect her to be my breakout favorite in this game (I really wanted Yoosung!) but I ended up playing her route first and was shipping these two almost immediately. I want Jaehee to stop friendzoning MC and give her the romantic ending she deserves with her as much as she deserves with the boys (the Christmas DLC came close, but still not there!)
Jumin/V: Childhood friends, how could I not? If you decide not to go pre-canon, then make it where certain canon events (you know which ones) didn’t happen so these two can be together. (Also this is my one exception to the "don’t vilify the canon love interest rule,” because by all means vilify Rika if need be. She’s a terrible person.)
Requested Fandom #5: Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, Candace/Molly, Chase/Molly
For Candace/Molly: Coming out of her shell.
For Chase/Molly: Chase tries to learn patience for Molly.
Candace/Molly: Candace is super duper shy at first, so I would love to see Molly being the one that breaks her out of that.
Chase/Molly: One of the things I love about Chase is that he's the bad boy that you slowly break down and tame (which is also why I like Gray from 64/BtN/FoMT/MFoMT), but his taming is a direct result of the player character's actions. What if Chase did it on his own? I don't care which character teaches him this lesson.
Requested Fandom #6: HuniePop, Jessie/Lola, Kyu
For Jessie/Lola: How far back does their relationship go?
For Kyu: What were her other "subjects" like?
Jessie/Lola: I got some major, major vibes that there was something between them before the start of the game. What was it? Was it just a friends with benefits thing? Was it a relationship? Are there still lingering feelings between the two of them?
Kyu: Kyu mentions the player character isn't the first person she's helped get up the courage to talk to women, but the player character is the first one that has succeeded. Who are these other people? And why did they fail?
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