#posting this here bc the one on twitter looked grayed out :(
ama-a93 · 30 days
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night-dark-woods · 2 months
I want to start adding text descriptions to stuff i reblog, do you have any advice? is there a guide or something you use, the style of your IDs is very nice.
hey! thats great that you want to start writing IDs. I've reblogged guides before and ill tag this post with the tag they're in (image descriptions) so its easy to browse!
in addition to those other resources, here's some guidelines i personally keep in mind, & what i structure different IDs like.
for text transcripts: source & type of image, author, date if possible. here are some pretend/template IDs:
ID. a twitter screenshot from user @.[username] dated [date] that reads: "[tweet]." End ID.
i put the period after the @ symbol so it doesnt try to tag a nonexistent (or unrelated) user on this site, and a screenreader will just pause there briefly.
ID. a photo of a page from the book [name] by [author]. text reads: [transcript]. End ID.
if the OP cited the author/book/source, you can just do "Transcript: [text]. End transcript."
for actual images:
type of image is really important!
photograph, edited photograph, reaction image, edited reaction image, painting, digital painting, digital drawing, etc. you should always put what kind of image it is.
keep in mind the purpose of the image!
if its an art piece or a photo of one, its good to describe the medium, style, colors, and subject.
if it's a reaction image or other meme, you don't have to describe the surroundings in loving detail. the "point" of the image is enough.
if its a photograph, it might also be an art piece, or from the news, or someone sharing their pet. the amount and kind of detail again depends on the point of the image.
don't make judgements or assumptions!
dont describe things as badly drawn or badly photographed- and on the flip side, dont describe things as cute or beautiful. describe whats in the image, not how it makes you feel. if you love a certain part of how a photograph is framed, or how the light is painted in a piece of art, say that specifically. "beautiful" means nothing! do you mean realistic? vibrantly colored? "cute" means nothing! do you mean in a cartoony style? or that the subject matter is a cat, which many people find cute? be specific!
dont make statements about the gender or race of the people in the photo or art piece, especially if it's real people (like a news photo) unless you know those things as a fact (celebrities, fictional characters, people you know personally, people where it is mentioned in the article the photo is from). you can just describe things like hair length, skin tone, etc. exceptions to this rule imo are stock photos- eg if im captioning my favorite stock photo of all time, cyber woman with corn, i am going to describe it as "a stock photo of a white woman in a futuristic silver and black wraparound visor, wearing a silver bodysuit and cradling an ear of corn near her face and smiling slightly."
here are some example descriptions, all from images i have on my phone.
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ID. a photo of two cats laying head to head on someones outstretched legs, which are under a blanket. one cat is an orange tabby, and the other is a gray and white splotched tabby. End ID.
the point of this image is my cats- im not going to spend time describing the blanket, the couch, the stuff you can see in the background, bc it's not relevant to the image, and adds nothing.
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ID. a photo taken through a rainy window at twilight, with the camera focused on the raindrops on the glass, so the lights in the houses across the street are out of focus. the lights reflect on the wet pavement in a warm yellow glow. End ID.
i took this the other night bc i thought it looked cool how blurry it was- id consider this more of an "art" photo, so im describing the aspects of the framing etc that make it that- i wasnt just trying to show how rainy it was, but to take a photo in an interesting way, so those traits are "worth" describing.
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ID. a photo of an acrylic painting done on a cardboard packing envelope of a city street at sunset, all the building windows reflecting gold. there are purple fluffy clouds in the sky, lit from below with peach and gold. the USPS tracking number barcode is still visible in the gap between houses at the end of the street. the brush strokes are very visible, the perspective is wonky, and the orange underpainting is visible at the edges. End ID.
this is a new ID for something i painted and already posted and i dont feel like getting the old ID. medium, style, and specific details i think are important are included. the perspective being wonky is a bit of a value judgement i wouldn't make about Other people's art, but it's my own and i think its an important detail so!
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ID. an edited catcrumb comic, showing a simple mspaint illustration of a cat happily sorting things into piles with the caption, "sort sort. i love to arbitrarily sort." the cat has been colored in gray and its ears have been colored like homestuck troll horns, and the sorting piles replaced with some classpect symbols. End ID.
this is a good example of a edited image- its important to give (to some degree) a sense of what the original image was, say that its edited, and describe the changes. i dont need to list the classpect symbols i put on there, bc its not relevant to the message of the image- it would do nothing but make the ID longer.
oh- and to cap off the post- here is cyber woman with corn:
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ID. a stock photo of a white woman in a futuristic silver and black wraparound visor, wearing a silver bodysuit and cradling an ear of corn near her face and smiling slightly. End ID.
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caspercryptid · 2 years
📯New pinned post + Request Guidelines 📯
It's been a while and some things have changed so I'm gonna make this one fresh!
Hi I'm Casper, I'm a semi-professional queer author currently hyperfixating on Arcane ((And only murders in the building, and Our Flag Means Death)) like a motherfucker. ND + Disabled + Trans. If you have a problem with any of those categories, perhaps move along.
I tag my fics with #casper's haunted fic tag but considering tumblr's ask system, maybe just use my arcane fic archive to read my stuff, or my #original fiction tag (please?) I tag asks with #casper's haunted info tag so if you're looking for my answers to your questions, check there! I've got some other Casper's haunted tags and I'll make a full list another time. #disability info is the tag I use for both discussion of disability in arcane and also advocacy stuff I reblog. If you ever want me to tag stuff more specifically, please let me know. 
Also on the record, reply times on all asks will vary, I’m a spoonie and I don’t always have the energy for social interaction! You have my love. I am easily worn out. 
🕊️ Twitter — 📖 Ao3 — ☕ Ko-Fi — 🔨 The Hammer To Fall Discord
@fuckyeahjaycetalis - JAYCE
@thebeelog - BEES
@theasperagroup - original project vibes (the description of which is here)
Now! Request Guidelines. [[Requests are closed right now, but here’s the rules for when they’re open!]]
Although if you guys happen to get attached to my OCs and want to see more of them, HMU, because that's Always Welcome.
Here is a list of suggestions for AUs and ships.
Now for the slightly less fun stuff.
I love writing rarepairs and I love crack ships and I love doing Weird Stuff. That being said, here is The Please Don't List.
Please don't spam requests as it takes up space in my inbox and I can only hold so many before I close it again! Give everybody a fair shot
Please don't send me requests that describe the entire plot of a fic. If you've got the whole concept, that's great! You should try writing it and I will support you. If there's not room for me to take my own direction, or you've described your own characterizations that don't match mine, that's not really fun for me to write! And so I won't.
Please don't send me requests where you ask that disabled characters (Viktor) be insecure about their body or their disability. I'm not comfortable writing that.
And the hopefully pretty short No list—
I will not write jinx with anyone significantly older than she is, nor will I answer requests that call her powder. My jinx is trans.
I will not write Caitlyn/Jayce, as I write them as siblings
I will not write ship content with Ambessa, as I'm not comfortable with her treatment of Mel in the show
I will not write E rated content unless it has been discussed with me beforehand or it's a continuation of a previous fic. I'm gray ace and I can't really manage that on command.
Okay! You got through the negative stuff. Here's some lighter logistics notes.
please sign your anon asks with an emoji! I think it's cute and it helps me pick up trends or threads and to keep from getting confused. I am disabled and making things more accessible for me is really sweet of you
If you start your request with "tell me a story about" I am a hundred times more likely to answer you fast bc I think that's the cutest shit ever
I make no guarantees that I can write EVERY ship but if you send me two characters I will do my best. They may not always kiss. I will give you content. If you want strictly platonic that's cool too!! Familial relationships? People you think would be friends? Just wanna see em vibe or coparent or something? Hit me.
Feel free to spam likes and reblogs! Go ham! PLEASE reblog, especially if you're the one who requested, it's just a nice way to share my stuff. And talk in the tags! Go ham!
Requests will be answered out of order whenever I have inspiration I make no guarantees about what goes up when
And I think that's that! I'll add to this if I think of something else or if something happens that reminds me that this needs to be updated. Thanks for reading!
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agape-28 · 2 years
Oh you used to be an anti? For how long? What did you think? What changed your mind? How did that whole transition from anti to larrie go?
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HAHA i think I’ve answered these before, but it doesn’t matter, I love talking about it <3
So I wasn’t an “anti” in the sense where I sent people death threats lol, just so we’re clear. I was an anti more in the sense like, how the General Internet Populace viewed Larry. I believed that Larrie ruined their friendship with their shipping. Take note that I was a big K-Pop stan before, and people would always talk about how you shouldn’t take shipping too far, and they’ll use Larries and Larry as an example. Actually I remember when I came across a video of Louis talking about F, and the comments were full of Larrie who talked about how F isn’t his kid, and I got so annoyed that I started beefing with them LMAO. I was like really young at the time, forgive me.
But honestly, I wasn’t that aware of Larry. I only knew what I was told — Louis had a “kid” (I actually thought he had a wife lol), and Louis and Harry were no longer friends because of crazy shippers. So I didn’t know details, information, all the pieces and history, etc. I wasn’t even a Directioner!
Anyway, Larry came on my radar again last year (2021) when I looked up the YouTube vid for I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor, and I saw a bunch of Larries in the comments. I just brushed it off, complained to my friend about the “delusional larrats”, and ignored it. Then, a few months later, I looked up the YouTube vid The Story by Conan Gray, and saw a bunch of comments from Larries (actually they were Twarries but whatever). Now I was beginning to get suspicious. Then it was my best friend’s birthday, and she likes Harry’s songs, so I looked for a song of his to play on my guitar. Sweet Creature and Two Ghosts came up on the searches, so I looked at the comments, and — as I’m sure you can guess — Larries everywhere.
After that, I couldn’t get Larry out of my head. I kept thinking to myself, why do so many people believe this? Why are there comments sections full of Larries? Isn’t it a dead ship? It’s not possible that something so small could have such a large amount of people to believe it, right? It festered in my mind, and I couldn’t stop myself from eventually searching it on YouTube, TikTok and Twitter. And, lo and behold, I saw videos upon videos, tweet upon tweet, about Larry. So I thought, clearly, there must be something about this that makes people still believe it, right? I also had a Tumblr at the time (different from this one), so I also used Tumblr to look up Larry.
For a long time though, I struggled with the ship in my mind. You see, in K-Pop, there’s a thing called fanservice, where the band members act really gay with one another so fans can go wild or something. So while I was researching, when I saw unexplainable clips of them being close and having fond expressions and touching, I thought “damn they must be baiting their fans haha… right… right?” Eventually after doing much research — shoutout to the Louis GQ Tattoo vid btw — I accepted that it wasn’t fanservice, because why would it be fanservice when they were trying to vehemently deny anything about Larry at all? And obviously I went through my Twarrie/Houie phase where I thought they were together but broke up or they were just FWB, but then ofc I grew out of that bc there was so much proof they’re still togetherrr.
And I still have more to learn, obviously, but that’s how I’m now a Larrie. Take this as an inspiration that even antis can become Larries once they read masterposts lmao. Oh, and if you want to look at something fun, here’s a post of me sending messages to my friend back when I was an anti. You can laugh at how wrong I used to be.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
9 Anti LO Asks
1. i know this is a more obscure reference but lo hades looks like a bad knock off of thrawn from the stars wars extended universe (who is legit one of the best written villains ever). like their coloring and clothing is almost exactly the same minus hades being prematurely graying 💀
2. i also dont get how this flashback to how hermes and persephone met makes much sense bc like?? shes so smug and kinda egoistical in it which i would like if it weren't for the fact that completely contradicts her actual personality in story? like the first ep with her (ep 2) persephone is worried she'll be seen as a dumb village girl, but in this flashback shes confident and demanding respect, so which one is it?? also its a shame it seems all her confidence left when she met hades tbh :/
3. OH MY GOD I FORGOT TO BRING THIS UP IN MY LAST CRITIQUE BUT— Is it just me or does it feel like Maia was only depicted with that body type just for Zeus’s pervy boob comment??? That’s the first thing I thought when I read the chapter for the first time!!
4. I’m sorry but MAIA is not some powerless no name. She was literally worshipped and had temples, where is Rachel getting the idea she’s a nobody? Even if Maia is a minor goddess she’s still a goddess. Stop depowering and undervaluing all the women to prop Persephone up, who also gets depowered and devalued for Hades! 
5. everytime i look at your profile and banner picture it gets funnier i love that little lady
6. also in terms of how american LO is .... "america" as we know it now did NOT exist in the timeline LO is apparently on, so there's not post 1950s america to be drawn from. what was actually there was the many native tribes and their own pantheons, so it just makes no sense? the setting and aesthetics dont add anything to the series either, so i really dont see why it was implemented when it doesnt make it seem unique at all, it just seems like another generic story set in NYC.
7. Kinda wild how the original concept art for LO was basically Rachel being a weeaboo and now the actual product is her being an ameriaboo. girl its greek maybe stick to that than thinking america is the peak of power and glamour, and i say that as an american. it sucks here.
8. i still do not get the logic at all of having apollo and hades be damn near carbon copies to each other. youd think the actual move would to make sure hades is the exact opposite of him (you know, so itd be clear why persephone wants him) but instead apollo and hades is exactly the same, the only difference is one assaulted her just to make the other one look better in comparison, which is an awful way to go about making hades look actually decent.
9. Hello,
Do you know about clementine productions TM she i think Was the first to critizise LO and RS (and let's play and true beauty but nobody really critizises them anymore)
What is your opinion of her?
Lots of love
From OP: I watched her video the first month it came out so I don’t remember it well but I remember enjoying that video (along with the other ones she made). Apparently, she was someone’s abuser and ended up deleting all her socials sometime after that twitter thread came out I believe. So, I don’t have an opinion of her.
(About the video: I’ve done all I could to look for that LO/True Beauty/Let’s Play video and its transcript but it couldn’t be found.)
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bciwasinlove · 3 years
I did not see someone essentially say L&H are only in the closet because they have chosen to be in the closet and how no one is forcibly closeting them. Apparently now a ton of twitter stans believe that to it's pretty disgusting to my GC and I. Do they not understand how the industry works and how much power Sony has? If they can force kesha to still work with her rapist than they can definitely force L&H to be stuck in the closet for this long. During 1D they were two members of the biggest boyband in the world so it's niave to say they weren't forcibly closeted. The person who made the post very obviously indirected Emily [formally lovemylarents] saying what she had said in a post about closeting/contracts was false and she probs got her info from Google. Emily is studying to get into law school so she definitely didn't get her info from Google.
What Emily said was correct they don't directly say anything about closeting people but it has a gray area of what they can do so [quoting Nina @onlythebravestan here] "there’s never going to be a “no gay” clause in a contract. That’s not what people say when they mean contracts closet stars. Contracts control your image, your brand, and how you can be perceived." They did it to Harry [trying to play both the straight and LGBT+ side] and now he has this shitty image that makes him look like a queerbaiting womanizer to the GP.
Lance Bass a former boyband member of Nsync said that they pressured him and made him believe coming out would be the worst thing ever and would ruin his and his band mates career so there is a 100% change that is what they did during 1D scaring L&H until thinking coming out was bad and now as solo artist bc of contracts still in place and everything they have been forced to do since early 1D days it's even more difficult to come out.
There is a lot of factors then them not wanting to come out as to why they haven't come out yet. None of us have ANY idea what is in those contracts they signed but what we do know is Sony is a powerhouse who can do whatever the fuck they want to make money regardless of if it's illegal. Like stated before they don't technically closet you they control your image and make you feel like coming out is a bad thing aka finding a way to make them think not coming out was their choice.
At this point they have put L&H so deep into a hole it is so hard for them to get out. Example [other then how fucked up Harry image is] Simon forced BG on Louis making it look like he got a one night stand pregnant to hide gay rumors and mostly just so he can drag Louis into a hole so far deep he can't get out of it long after Simon isn't in control of Louis anymore. They are essentially playing a game of poker and Syco was the poker dealer and Sony is the casino owner who decides what happens how and when. This is dealers choice except every fuckin round is dealers choice.
People thinking L&H not being out right now is by their own choice is THEM being navie af. The original post said they have been in this fandom since 2011 and are "no longer naive" well my mutrals and I have also been in this fandom since 2010 or 2011 and in 2021 we still feel the same way of they are being forcibly closeted. Just because you have been in this fandom longer doesnt mean your opinion is automatically right. If they weren't being forcibly closeted they wouldn't be screaming out to us they are in the closet and gay.
Harry when asked if you could have anything in the world money can't buy he said FREEDOM is that not enough for you to get it? L&H don't give a damn about how much money or fame they have. They would take being free and happy over all the fame and money they have ever received any day. Even if it ruined them they would choose to come out bc at least they would be publicly together and would deal with the hate together. They wanted marriage and kids from a young age but the industry took that from them I have no doubt if given the chance they would have always been out living life how THEY saw it.
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hanji-is-life · 3 years
Hi there! I'm thinking to start a blog (here obv) where i want to write about the mha boys and why not even the girls! Could you give me some advices on what to write in the post where i present myself and maybe how could i decorate it, please? 🥺 Also i love your blog and your writing and i think you're the nicestes person! Have a lovely day/night! 🥺❤️✨
P.s: sorry if there are any mistakes but english it's not my first language 🙈
Ahhh thank you so much love!! I’m only nice bc if anyone is ever mean to me I’ll literally delete everything and disappear off the face of the earth—
And it’s no issue!! Your English is perfectly fine :))
So to present yourself, if I’m being honest, I have no clue!! I don’t have a “learn more about me” page/link bc I’m lazy but!! Just introduce yourself!
you can give us your name or a nickname
your age DEFINITELY—especially if you’re gonna be writing 18+ content.
Please specify who you feel the most comfortable writing for!! Under your introduction, you can just put general shit like—oh, I like this character and write for them the best, but also creating a separate link for the rules to go more into detail on what/who you will or won’t write for
If you’re into zodiacs, put that too! Your followers wanna know more about you because it makes you feel more human, and less of a person just pushing out writing who doesn’t communicate shit
You can also put links to other places where you’re active! I put links to my AO3 and my Twitter (even tho I don’t get on Twitter much lmao)
For decoration, I really only know how to work mobile lmao
So, I know this is a stylistic element that a lot of writers have on here, but you can color, bold, strike through, or italicize the texts whenever a certain character speaks! It doesn’t do much but add a pretty aesthetic, and that’s okay!
I know a few pages have created banners and I know @rat-suki has created quite a few that you can use without crediting
Your blog color is your choice! Just slap some pretty shit on, you can look up how to add gifs and all that jazz. Mine is orange and green because of Bakugou but you don’t have to necessarily have the aesthetic of one of the mha boys. It’s all up to you and what you want!
And to create a “read more” cut off—which is Uber important because it’s just common decency to not have a 8k word fic with no cut off—all you have to do is go to where you want to write. type out “ :readmore: ” without the quotation marks!! no space after the second colon, and press enter. a gray line should come up and boom!! :)
Just remember, it’s okay to change your style and your colors and your blog. You’re doing this for you, and allowing other people to look in. If someone doesn’t like something you make or color or create, then oh fucking well. It’s all about what you want and how much you love your blog. Don’t change to please people if you’re happy with what you have and how it looks.
Good luck on your journey bby!! 💕💕💕
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liyuesbian · 3 years
hahsddsf the headcanons are only in my head for now. I do write for another fandom but i wanna read more character backstories and lore before writing anything here (although I will eventually muster up the energy to actually write down a hand study for liyue). hopefully one day I will post things! so many characters are underrated and have nothing about them written except in ships 😔 (side note: does genshin fandom like headcanons lol? most of the writing I see in the character tags are either full fledged fics or x reader, since I think a lot of the char backstories are fleshed out enough that there isn't that much room for headcanons)
update on twitter: I think I fixed it lmao but yeah, the "x liked ___" really bothers me hsdjfsd I don't follow a lot of people because of it rip. going on twitter made me realize how customizable tumblr actually is shdfsd
!! two days until kokomi; the suspense is strong... imagine her and idk gorou playing chess in resistance downtime, and all the sangonomiya soldiers expect gorou's dog instincts would make him more competitive, but really gorou is the one doing it for fun; kokomi is the pretty grandmaster who plans her strategy to the T and is fiercely competitive (you are getting me on morally gray kokomi hype train and i'm here for it. she gives me the uwu pretty girl vibes but can and will kill you. there's nothing that a college au kokomi won't do to be top of her class, but that doesn't mean she can't look good while doing it)
manifesting ei and kokomi parallels, they really feel like two sides of the same coin huh
ahhh a hand study of liyue would be so so cool to read! will be awaiting any other hcs you create too :p
before i say my thoughts, i just wanna say that i am by no means a popular blog so not sure if i have the grounds to do an analysis on the genshin tumblr community from my small pool of posts haha. anyways, my musician!au (not a hc but ig they're similar enough ? since they're also not x reader ?) did pretty well for non x reader content imo, especially since i hadn't posted a lot before them and they were part of my first few written works. the inazuma one got quite a few notes but only bc it was posted during the big inazuma update. and yeah... most genshin headcanons on here are x reader stuff.. hmm your reasoning about the characters alr having so much detail to them makes sense but ig visibility of the post will depend on the kind of headcanons, how you write them, and your no. of followers as well? (also, presentation. i've learnt that presentation on tumblr does a world of good lol) i'm trying to think of my other fandoms in comparison to genshin's with hcs but i think they're abt the same tho i can't rly rmbr.. i haven't been invested in the general fanfic/writing space in so long until this blog so it might be a bit wack to compare it to stuff from 2016/17
yay! that's good to hear :))
!!! ahh ik !!! i can't wait! (will u be rolling for her?) AAH YES YES THAT SCENE IS PERFECT OMFG! HAHAH i am rooting for evil mastermind kokomi 🧠🧠 i don't usually do character story quests right off the bat but for our pink-haired war strategist, i might do it as soon as it drops
..........mystic... i think u're a genius. college!au kokomi?? i'm thinking of an x reader for this rn and it may follow smth along the lines of this manhwa - not sure if you've read/know it - called cheese in the trap! kokomi as the male lead who gave off a bad impression at the start etc. and secretly plans things to help his crush out (lowkey kinda creepy) AHHH BRAINROT. i haven't read it in years tho so i never finished reading it but this could be a thing 🤔
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Im about to finally watch that NC review of The Wall after watching a bunch of videos about it and Im just gonna put my thoughts during it in this post
Okay I just checked this review has 85k dislikes, 22k likes and 1.5 million views Im scared
I also havent watched actually watched The Wall btw, but I did watch Folding Ideas video if that helps
Oh god I really liked NC in like 2019 and even the beginning of 2020 and his greeting is giving me vietnam flashbacks
I hate Dougs voice already
Okay a bunch of shit is happening
Now theyre just showing clips from the original movie but as a horrible montage with fire edited over it
Dougs face makes me uncomcortable and I hate looking at it
Hes singing again goddamnit
Thank god, an ad
He stopped singing again thank god
What the fuck is that
I hate those giggles theyre awful
Why is Doug Walker a vampire
The costuming is straight up awful what is the budget on this
The cg is so bad and outdated why did they even bother
What are these dance moves
Theyre mentioning twitter now???
I just watched that 3 musical minute sequence and I have no idea what Doug is even trying to say
He spat out a bird? Huh??
Bro the animation is so bad
This would literally be completely incoherent without the on the nose lyrics
"So long Oscar-bait song/smoke a bong and it'll feel less wrong" bro what
I havent even watched the fucking movie and even I know hes missing the point, how did I ever think his reviews were good
I didnt not need to see Doug Walker wailing about being Jesus while shirtless in front of badly edited stockphoto water
What is that
His acting is so bad and I still hate his face
Im not even halfway through
I just wanna go back to working on my AU while watching actually good longform reviews
I cant even read the comments bc I wanna focus on the review itself I hate it here
This frame is very blue. I love the color, but its kinda out of place and was probably not done on purpose
What now
I wanna commit crimes
Have I mentioned that I hate looking at Dougs face
That was, without exageration, the worst sponsor Ive ever seen
I too call the people I am writing a love letter to whiny and pretentious
Oh god
What in the world
I didnt think it was possible but Dougs singing voice just got worse
Dude they drew on his head with like, marker or something and I can see it smudge
He got all these people and all these props and had these wholeass songs written but he couldnt even brush his fucking teeth before going on Youtube
Okay theyre doing a full on twitter song
What is this shit
This is the most boomer centrist thing I have ever seen in my life
What the fuck was that
The eye imagery going on is geniuienly very unsettling and kind of disorienting but I cant really appreciate it bc its just so bad
What is that
Back to the bullshit
What is that
The greenscreen looks so bad
Only 11 minutes lets fucking gooooooo
Doug Walker standing in that hallway doing a power stance is my new sleep paralasis demon
Dude what are they even doing
What is that squirrel thing on this random guys counter
I dont understand whats going on
What in the world is that furry nightmare squirrel in the studio
Why is the edgy cowboy furry OC lecturing me about The Arts
I legimately cant understand most of the words being said and I have no idea if its because my brain has been fried or because they just went with the first take of every line
This part of the review is usually praised as "the best part" so Im both intrigued and really scared
Oh god its another furry OC
Okay I actually quite like the design of the grey furry with the big hat and six arms I just really hate the way he moves, I think it would look better as a static model or preferably a 2d drawing
Another Ad!
I also like the black one with the white horns and red accents
Okay what the fuck is that
I mean the one with the way too many antlers is a bit better than the one before it but it looks like the designer kinda gave up at this point
This feels like an acid trip but in the worst way
I think this is the first thing Ive seen that had a dragon in it, that didnt make it better at all
I mean. i guess this is very impressive but why
I feel like every single voice actor for these creatures recorded the lyrics with a completely different mic
Hey, what the fuck
Well this sure is all happening
"Well, the movie ended on such an open vagueness that it only makes sense the the review end on such an open vagueness" hey fuckface, thats not how reviews work
Thank you musician guy who had no lines up until now (I think his name was Corey??)
All of this bullshit and for WHAT
Theyre singing the spongebob squarepants theme song
These 30 seconds where the most I enjoyed myself consecutively during this entire 40 minute video
I dont know how, but Doug Walker somehow manages to stay unlikeable even while hes shouting out a charity that probably does wonderful work
In conclusion, there is a total of 5 Things I Enjoyed in this 40 minute review:
That gray furry with the hat and six arms
That black furry with the horns and red accents and eyes
The shade of blue during that one very blue shot
The spongebob squarepants theme
Apparently Griff Taylor (the son of the musician guy, Corey Taylor) is a fan of NC for some reason and his dad pretty much did this for him, and I can appreciate that on some level
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hatsukeii · 4 years
Hi! 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14 for Kageyama from the headcanons list?? If it's too many, just choose whichever interest you the most! Thank you! 💜
Hhhhh ty for requesting!!
I have so many ideas from Kageyama after seeing the latest few chapters all over my explore page on ig, this should be fun~
Btw just because I crave fluff and made up romantic scenarios I will be including you as a female s/o, I hope you’re fine w that bc I’m terrible at writing same sex fanfics and I feel like including you might be fun too, sorry if it’s not what you prefer, I’ll write up another one if you want!!
(You aren’t mentioned excessively though, so don’t worry!!)
Warnings: Mild manga spoilers that have to do with Kageyama’s backstory, nothing too major though, and angstangstangstangstangst-
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2. How are they like on social media?
- Kageyama’s probably one that doesn’t really have that much regarding social media.
- However he would probably have the most common ones.
- Instagram, snapchat, maybe twitter too.
- He also has tiktok now that you’ve basically forced him to download it.
- Definitely uses instagram the most out of everything he has.
- Username: milkboykags
- Followers: 992 (Since he’s pretty popular through playing volleyball.)
- Following: 745 (He tries to follow most of his followers back if they have mutual friends between them, even if it’s a fan.)
- Profile pic: Probably one of those grunge shaky pics of him with a few of the Karasuno team members and you with a dark background and stuff.
- Bio: If you don’t have milk, don’t bother looking for me. ~Me, 2k19 (He hasn’t updated his bio a year lol.)
- His instagram feed is actually pretty aesthetic.
- He has one volleyball post of the entire team at the beach playing beach volleyball while the sun sets.
- He’s way too proud of that post.
- Another one of his posts was taken when you two were on an arcade date (At that time he hadn’t confessed yet, but he asked you out just to do that) and he sneaked a photo of you trying to get a unicorn plush from one of those claw machines.
- That one he’s gonna be keeping in his feed forever.
- He has a collection of highlights.
- There’s one for volleyball practice shenanigans, one for those little dates he takes you on, another one for full on group hangouts, then one of camera wars with random people that try taking photos of him, most likely you or Hinata.
- His feed basically revolves around this filter recipe he made for instagram, which makes his photos look cooler toned and more faded.
(P.s dm me if you want the recipe bc i made it on vsco lmao no I’m not a vsco girl don’t worry.)
- He doesn’t really use snapchat and twitter.
- Only does streaks with you and the volleyball team.
- Tiktok though, is a whole other story.
- Username: givemethecows
- Followers: 1405 (People from both tiktok and instagram.)
- Following: 200
- Bio: I make videos and shit.
- Profile pic: Bass boosted you like jazz meme (Bass boosted but photo if you get me.)
- Kageyama has this whole lowkey eboy thing going on with his tiktok.
- Most the time his videos are just a way to show his weird sense of humour or his sense of style that screams casual eboy.
- Since you forced him to get tiktok, you also forced him to learn dances with you.
- He’s terrible at those.
- Like very bad.
- He managed to break a pair of Tsukishima’s glasses while doing the renegade at break.
- And almost twisted his hips trying to throw it back as a joke.
- Needless to say it’s both hilarious and embarrassing for Kageyama.
- There are also tiktoks of him doing insane volleyball tricks on camera like the demon quick, the synchronised attack, and his jump serve etc.
- Which have gained him quite the following on the platform.
- In conclusion, Kageyama is generally pretty good at social media, but sucks ass at dancing.
4. What is Kageyama’s preferred weather?
- Surprisingly, Kageyama doesn’t like sunny weather. At all.
- For him, it’s the absolute worst thing.
- He think that sunny weather is way too annoying and hot and stuffy and gross.
- Plus, going out for morning runs in sunny weather is like wearing 10 jackets in hell.
- Like you can put on an extra layer if you’re cold but you can’t just strip naked if you’re hot.
- Oh my god he hates it so much it pains him to even think about it.
- He likes rainy days.
- Definitely not his favourite though.
- Rainy days usually mean staying home for the entire day.
- He can just laze around in his house, do whatever he wants.
- The sound of rain against glass windows soothes him.
- The constant sounds of droplets hitting the windows give him a sense of tranquility and peace.
- He will quite literally, fall asleep to those sounds.
- However rainy days do have their drawbacks.
- One of them, is having to stay home.
- Kageyama likes going for runs just to take in some fresh air, but that won’t work when it’s raining cats and dogs now will it.
- Plus, it means everything he does is restricted in his house unless he can get to an indoor gym that’s open.
- Boring.
- So he prefers windy days, when the cold breeze grazes his skin and the sun hides behind the fluffy clouds.
- It’s those days where he doesn’t have to suffer the heat that the sun brings upon him, nor does he have to suffer the feeling of rainwater dripping from the tips of his hair.
- He can do whatever he wants and still feel at ease and comfortable.
- Quite literally everything he asks for in a day.
6. Favourite music?
- Let’s be real, Kageyama probably isn’t good at music.
- He can’t dance or sing to save his life.
- However, he does enjoy how listening to music calms his nerves and gives him a chance to relax, even if he’s in a situation where he should be focused on an assignment or a piece of class work.
- People would expect him to enjoy listening to EDM or alternative rock, but no.
- This boy likes to listen to lofi and love songs.
- This doesn’t mean that his playlist only consists of these two genres, but the majority of songs in his playlist are either chill lofi beats or songs that give you the feels.
- Some of his favourite artists are Jeremy Zucker, Blackbear, Conan Gray, Billie Eilish, Lauv, Clairo, Wallows, Khalid, BENEE, Post Malone, Coldplay, Rex Orange County, Green Day, Shiloh Dynasty, Kina, love-sadKID, and the Arctic Monkeys.
- Has like 5 different playlists for different moods and events.
- One for moody times, one for study beats, one for when he wants throwbacks, one for firing him up before volleyball matches, and one for if he ever has to DJ in the front seat of someone’s car.
- Prefers to listen to music by himself.
- You’re an exception though.
- If he’s with you, you get one earbud, but he’ll be the one choosing the music still.
- You two have pretty contrasting tastes when it comes to music.
- He likes softer songs and lofi the most, whilst you prefer old rock and alternative rock. Oh and also a lot of throwback songs.
- I feel like Kageyama has definitely cried to a few songs when he was going through hard times.
- To him, listening to music is also a way of releasing all the inner conflict and frustrations.
- (Spoiler for backstory) When his grandfather died, he put Fix You on loop for at least 20 minutes.
- He was just numb, curled up into a ball on his bed, staring at the wall. He couldn’t feel anything. Nothing in his mind registered properly. All he could think of, was everything his grandfather had taught him, before he eventually passed away.
- Submerging himself into the melancholy song he was listening to, he didn’t even feel the tears that were now streaming down his face.
- The salty tears were now staining his pillow, creating little wet spots.
- He listened to every single lyric in the song, clutching his sheets harder every time the chorus came up.
- He punched his mattress repeatedly, still unable to accept the fact that someone he held so dear to his heart had just left like the wind.
- It wasn’t long until he was a sobbing mess, shaking and whimpering as he knelt on the bed.
- Silently sang to the lyrics, plopping back to his bed in defeat.
- His sister lingered in front of the door for five whole minutes, eventually leaving to let Kageyama sort out his feelings himself.
- You introduce a ton of new songs to him, since he doesn’t know that much about anything else other than lofi and sad songs.
- Just please no one let him listen to Nickleback. Please. He doesn’t need to know about it.
8. Movie that he would choose for a move nigh?
- The monthly Karasuno volleyball team movie night was finally here, and it was Kageyama’s turn to choose a movie this time, much to Tsukishima’s dismay.
- He’s put a lot of thought into this, not wanting to disappoint his teammates by choosing a shitty movie.
- He basically tried to figure out what everyone wanted to watch.
- However, everyone had very contrasting requests.
- Tsukishima wanted to watch Jurassic Park, Yamaguchi wanted a Disney movie, Hinata wanted something Marvel, Tanaka and Nishinoya wanted a horror movie, (Mainly so they could hit on you whilst you were still single) Sugawara wanted a romcom, Yachi wanted a comedy, and the others were fine with anything.
- He stressed himself out way too much trying to choose one movie.
- He finally got an idea after 3 entire days of thinking.
- And it wasn’t anything the team expected.
- Kageyama pulled up with Pulp Fiction.
- He’s seen that movie at least 5 times already.
- It was the perfect mix of comedy, gore, action, and philosophy.
- Plus, anything that starred Samuel L Jackson was worth a watch.
- Till this day, it remains one of his go to movies, alongside any MCU movie. (Captain America: The First Avenger is definitely his favourite though.)
12. Something small that they enjoy?
- One of the two small things Kageyama enjoys doing is baking cookies.
- Cookies in particular.
- I mean, there really is no detailed explanation.
- He’s pretty good at baking in general, even Tsukishima enjoys the cookies he bakes.
- Plus, he gets to dip the cookies in milk, what’s there not to enjoy?
- Another little thing he enjoys a lot is actually photography.
- Most the time, when he sees a pretty sky, or a city street at nighttime.
- He can’t help himself but snap a few photos here and there.
- Something about a well shot photo just hits different.
- Sometimes, he brings his camera out just to takes nice photos.
- Whenever you two are on dates, he’ll be able to capture candid or motion shots of when you’re just looking out the window of a bus mindlessly, or when you’re twirling around on the street playfully.
- Photos speak a thousand words, and honestly? He lives by that.
14. What is enough to bring him to tears?
- Support.
- Kageyama really needs support from someone he cares about.
- And no, not like support from his teammates.
- That’s different from hearing someone cheer from the stands.
- (Spoiler for backstory) Kageyama’s parents never gave much attention to him, since they were always busy with work. The only person that ever showed support for him was his grandfather, who passed away while he was still young.
- As if that wasn’t enough shit directed towards Kageyama, his teammates abandoned him during a match in junior high not long after the death of his grandfather.
- Which means that Kageyama now has lowkey abandonment issues.
- All through his volleyball journey he never got the support and reassurance he needed.
- He watched in envy as people from opposing teams, or even his own teammates, waved at their family members after they won or lost a match.
- All he could do was stare at the stands, hoping to catch just a glimpse of a family member.
- Nothing.
- Nobody realised how alone Kageyama felt during and after matches, until they watched him break down in tears after a particular match.
- It was the Spring Match against Seijoh, and Karasuno was playing like normal.
- Kageyama was insanely good as usual.
- What he didn’t notice then, was that you had dragged his sister Miwa to the match just so you both could cheer for him.
- In addition to that, you were also wearing his jersey.
- It wasn’t until the final point was scored, did he hear you and Miwa scream from the stands.
- Hearing the familiar voices, his head basically snapped in your direction, scanning the stadium for someone familiar, before landing his eyes on you and his older sister.
- His eyes widened for a hot second, his mind running in circles.
- Nobody has ever cheered for him.
- But here you two were, cheering for him from the stands.
- And you were wearing his jersey.
- A hand went up to cover his mouth, a huge grin spreading.
- One drop.
- Two drops.
- Then came the waterworks.
- The entire team was shocked.
- Like shookth.
- The two of you ran down to the arena, engulfing Kageyama in a huge hug.
- Best moment of his fucking life.
- From then on, the Karasuno team members made sure to notify you of any matches they had against other schools, hoping you and Miwa could go cheer.
- You two haven’t missed a single match since.
Whoooo three hours of work and going straight to Netflix at 2:30am, what a life.
I couldn’t resist I’m sorry casual or slight angst is my favourite genre of hc and fanfic-
I hope you liked this xx😗👉👈
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insomnihan · 5 years
han’s Entire Thoughts and Feelings on Dreamcatcher’s “Deja Vu”
there are no read mores here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
THE SONG OKAY LETS JUMP RIGHT INTO IT i wasnt expecting something lowkey sad BUT im not mad at it!!!!!!!!!! i had conflicting emotions when i desperately wanted to cry but also headbang?????? HOWEVER thanks to force and air the tears in my eyes were drying as i headbanged- LIKE this song really PUT ME THROUGH IT like that chorus didnt have tO DO ME LIKE THAT™!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT THEN THE VERSES AND THE PRE-CHORUSES WERE SLOW (and the bridge but bridges be like that in nearly all songs) WHICH IM ACTUALLY REALLY INTO it was like being in a roller coaster with the verses being the slow hill and the chorus was the fall THAT PIANO GOES HARD...................... but like in a soft way????? DONT ASK ME WHAT IM SAYING IS IM A HOE™ FOR PIANO THOSE DRUMS DURING THE CHORUS STOP IT I CANNOT I FELT THEM VIBRATE THROUGH MY BONES
like i DEADASS have nothing to criticize or change about this song its PERFECTLY FINE AS IT IS (except for like more gahyeon and dami????? pls??????)
gaaaaaaaahhhyeeeeeooonnnn her voice is so pretty!!!!!!!!!!! BUT I WANT MORE!!!!!!!!!! HOWEVER youre the second one to sing with this beautiful gentleness of a part and to be honest this part paired with siyeon starting it really eases you into the song and its quite the blessing to hear thanks- and then yknow this part right after handong........................... Heaven™
SPEAKING OF HANDONG LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE AMOUNT OF LINES SHE HAS MAKES ME WANNA CRY OKAY THIS PART RIGHT HERE............................. PLS.............. (i think its just me but theres a smaller voice singing like right under her voice????) HER PRE-CHORUS PARTS ARE LITERALLY THE BEST PARTS IN THE WHOLE SONG TO LISTEN TO pls believe me when i say this its NOT bc shes my ultimate bias like i genuinely like her parts the most
sua pls i was already prepared for softer vocals and you really gave that to me and then this is absolute perfection they were beautiful and amazing OF COURSE got me feeling like i was floating on actually clouds god TAHNK YOU AND THEN YOU JUST HAD TO HIT ME WITH YOUR PART RIGHT HERE???? i understand its just the chorus but I Felt That™ okay!!!!!!
JIU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i stand by saying how your voice be powerful as hell still even during these lines VERY short but VERY effective and very good leading into the chorus i love- and then your bridge....................... B I C T H really put me in my feelings but i welcome it with EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING and with open arms.......................
YOOHYEON AKA THE OTHER QUEEN OF SINGING CHORUSES I MEAN..................................... I LITERALLY DUNNO WHAT TO SAY!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE THEIR BEAUTIFUL SOUNDING HER VOICE GOES WELL WITH THEM like i really like the parts she sings after siyeon like................. Y O O F if a feather became a voice-
i need more dami too..................... P L E A S E like obviously with their other songs i was expecting dami to be in the second verse and with a smooth rap section and the former was correct HOWEVER to my pleasant surprise SHE SANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! her singing voice suited this SO MUCH and im actually glad there wasnt a rap part at all in this song especially that SECOND PART.................. Heaven™ 2x
my favorite lyrics (x): i know i said handongs were my favorite to listen to but i like these lines dont hurt me
난 이 숨결이 허락되는 날까지 As long as I can breathe 다신 너를 놓을 수 없어 I can’t let go of you again 우린 모든 순간 함께 할 테니 We’ll be together for every moment 내 곁에서 beside me
THE DANCE OKAY IM GONNA DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT ill be referring to THIS PERFORMANCE can we pls talk about how loud the fanchant is im crying and really take it in and all of their talented glory ANYWAY OF COURSE the choreography F UKCING SLAPS just so many different position changes and just alwaYS SO IN SYNC WITH EACH OTHER ITS INSANE ill just list them briefly and keep the points short this is long enough:
handongs majestic spin
this and this with how the formation changes and how their arms swing AND the kick
ALSO in those parts in the last bullet i dunno why but i like that move jiu does when she sings IT HITS
i recall sua spoiling literally the first move of the chorus dance in that vlive THE CHORUS DANCE ALL THOSE FORMATION CHANGES LITERALLY MESS ME UP and THIS most important move in the entire choreography and they line up and its SO COOL to look at
when they lie on each other doing yoohyeons lines
handongs part again when theyre in the line and how satisfying it is to watch
sidenote: can we talk about how handong and dami?????? literally spin during their parts????? and they sounded super clear??????
THE VISUALS SO.......................... if you had asked me two days ago (maybe a little bit of yesterday) about how i felt about this video.................. i wouldve mentioned some unpopular opinions regarding the videos look............ i mentioned to gwen @loonapunk that i wasnt TOO into it............ BUT- after finally sitting down to do this long ass post i dont hate it!!!!!!!!!!!! i think bc i have to remind myself that this song (album???? well song-) is for that kings raid game and all the visuals AND story are based off that????? i dunno BUT WHAT I DO KNOW IS I LIKE TO WATCH IT
AND THEN THIS ONE THAT WAS ORIGINALLY FROM TWITTER i dont follow her so im not gonna @
AIIGHT IMMA GO CRAZY WITH THESE SHOTS (with only small one/two sentence captions this is LONG ENOUGH):
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this is what the calm before the storm looks like
went back to the mv film making video and turns out they got slippers on under that table love that for them
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how in the hell am i supposed to interpret this exchange
okay longer section i think im supposed to interpret this more as a sister bond than a romantic one?????? i remember being taken aback and believed this to be something gay BUT 99.9% OF INSOMNIAS say its gay subtext so ill just put it like that i dunno but like i just wanna say they have beautiful smiles and im love them!!!
a youtuber reacting to this mv saying it just looks like theyre shading each other.................... anyway-
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i CANNOT i repeat I CANNOT EXPRESS TO YOU how Shook™ i was when i saw this for the first time i basically jumped out of my chair i couldnt i-
this mv really led me to believe jiu was the evil one.............................
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THE DANCING SCENES WITH THE TEASER OUTFITS...................................... AT EASE.....................
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L I S T E N KIM MINJI YOURE A FULL PRINCESS this pink fluffy dress with the flower crown in this picture............................ i may have cried- like a lot of people were trying this look to persephone and im HERE for that concept for her and like the white outfit AND black outfit is probably super symbolic again im too Big Stupid™ anyway when i saw that black outfit in the teaser........................... i was attacked jiu with a sword is just EVERYTHING i wanted and more
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LITERALLY I CANNOT- her hair being wavy looks SO GOOD on her THIS BLACK DRESS WITH THE FLOWERS she is always a Serve™ WE KNOW THAT but her visuals just HIT DIFFERENT this time lighter colored hair really suits her and then of course she looks FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC in the dance scenes in the white and the black that low pony tail pls
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purple on this woman just shoulders and collarbones out being Beautiful™ ALL THE WHILE staying ON BRAND with herself and was wearing pants good for her G O D i just love the way her hair looks in the white and gold outfits like it just LOOKS PRETTY to me i dunno how to describe it also her with a pony tail WHAT ARE YOU SO PRETTY FOR-
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i just................... want closer shots of this.................. CLOSER SHOTS IN GENERAL OF HER ACTUALLY like LOOK HOW BEAUTIFUL™ SHE LOOKS HERE I WANNA SEE MORE OF IT??????? PLS??????? nothing gets me weaker than her hair being styled exactly like in the picture i just love that her royalty and regal vibes and looks were FINALLY realized and WAS BROUGHT TO THE FOREFRONT
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THIS MV MUST CONVINCE ME SHE IS EVIL BY SHOWING HER FOREHEAD first of all the first outfit turning her into an Actual Entire Princess™/Queen™ that red one i dont really understand SHE MAKES IT WORK THO THEN THAT BLACK OUTFIT LISTEN yo it was like getting hit by a whole truck full speed i wasnt ready and i just wanna admire that yoohyeon and gray colored hair is an actual match made in heaven i just have to say-
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i love this suit and the patten on it so much this outfits color (what is that teal????) and her hair color is such a GOOD PAIRING and on her SHE JUST KILLED ME WITH HER SOLO SCENES i wish i had more to say about her and her outfits but what else can i say other than that she is INSANELY ATTRACTIVE AND I WANT HER TO STEP ON ME???????
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she really broke my neck when i saw her the first time LIKE DEADASS LOOK AT THIS PICTURE i had fallen for her and i cannot get up when i saw this outfit in the other shots like the black top and the see through sleeves but her skirt is like different colors she really Served™ in this outfit bangs usually look cute but in her solo parts she was coming for my heart like miss lee gahyeon pls-
BONUS TIME: B-SIDE TRACKS (just short thoughts and point out specific parts i liked lmao)
their intros always slap are you kidding me-
The curse of the Spider
i wasnt ready for this bop to slap me in the face on my spotify that chorus didnt have to do that to me THAT GUITAR DIDNT HAVE TO DO THAT TO ME i love the way dami and handong sound in this song i mean wrow-
favorite lyrics (x):
소름이 끼칠 만큼 It’s chilling 도망치고 싶어질 it makes me want to run away 그런 두려움일 테니 such is this fear
Silent Night
B I H C T i knew when i heard this in the highlight it was going to be my favorite one IT REALLY WOKE SOMETHING IN ME these lyrics i cant- gahyeon and handong hurted me with their lower registers Y AL L YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE HURTED ME THAT D R O P DID
favorite lyrics (x):
겨눈 칼 끝은 a blade directed at someone 결국 돌아오게 돼 eventually returns 더 다가오지 마 don’t come closer
this song is as if i was wrapped in the thickest blanket i got and im resting on the softest bed in the world with a fireplace going nearby and i could finally rest peacefully bc the lord knows i need it- i really cried a little bit listening to this pls leave me be i legit cant pick a specific member i liked the most for this song i just love it and everything it got
favorite lyrics (x):
그게 너라서 행복해 I’m happy that it’s you 그 많은 인연 속에 Among those numerous connections 수많은 사람 중에 Among those numerous people
LIKE im so completely satisfied with every song on this album and im completely in love with it!!!!!!!!!! the only ‘issue’ i really had was with the mv visually but as you read i warmed up to it lmao LIKE IM JUST SO PROUD OF THESE WOMEN AND HOW TALENTED AND HARDWORKING THEY ARE like i have to say the japanese release?????? and this????? being so close to each other????? you telling me they learned TWO (2) different choreographies one after the other???? i absolutely love this album and i desperately desperately DESPERATELY want so much more success for them bc ITS WHAT THEY DESERVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is supposed to be just about the overall mv and deja vu but i might as well just type what i feel lmao
i have to bring this back its relevant again:
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femslashy · 5 years
2018 fic year in review
thank you so much for tagging me @homosociallyyours !! this was really fun (and also a bit hard haha) to do ^__^
1. number of stories (including drabbles) posted to ao3: 19 (6 100 word seasonal drabbles, and out of the rest 4 are under 1k and 2 are chaptered but one of those is still a WIP)
2. word count posted for the year: 142,383 which is def more than i’ve written in previous years but my initial goal for this year was 200k and then i lowered it to 150k and then decided i should focus less on word count and more on actually finishing the fics lmaooo
3. list of works posted this year in order of posting:
the tesco fic (although i didn’t make the tumblr post until recently)
three spring drabbles (100 words each)
begin again [timestamp] (my only snowbaz fic in 2018)
we’re swimming with the sharks until we drown
got me an appetite, now i can taste it
Take a Chance on Me
Getting Naked on Camera (NOT CLICKBAIT)
my favourite colour is you
louis tomlinson’s completely 100% foolproof guide to snagging the fit bloke next door (3 100 word drabbles)
no better place than right by your side
days gone by (WIP)
love the cronch
zero to sixty
where the love light gleams
4. fandoms i wrote for: mostly one direction and by that i mean i posted a timestamp for a carry on fic from 2017 and the rest was one direction lol
5. pairings: harry/louis, simon/baz (ONCE)
6. story with the most hits: Take a Chance on Me with 10975 hits :o
7. story with the most kudos: Take a Chance on Me with 426 kudos
8. story with the most comments: Take a Chance on Me with 52 comments threads
9. work i’m most proud of and why: well Take a Chance on Me was both my first time doing a big bang as well as the longest thing i’ve ever written (twice the length of the previous longest!) and i’m still completely in love with the art for it courtesy of @vulpixlou and i def don’t go back to stare at it ever nope 👀👀
10. work i’m least proud of and why: i mean i could nitpick the hell out of my stuff and i know there are certain bits i would write differently now but at the same time i created something with my brain that didn’t exist before and that’s just too cool not to be proud of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
11. a favorite excerpt of your writing:
this is from Take a Chance on Me (shocker) and i was having trouble thinking of my fave but then i was skimming through all of my fics and ngl i had forgotten about this bit but y’all i’ve been trying to work a Dramatic Airport Reunion into a fic FOR FUCKING EVER and i finally did it and i actually don’t hate it? (spoiler for the ending of Take a Chance on Me)
“See…” Louis starts. “See, there’s this guy. And, oh god, he’s an absolute twat. Wanna know what he did to me?” Harry nods faintly, and Louis, emboldened now, goes on. “So, I already knew who he was, right? I knew him, because he’d been in this god-awful boy band for years, and even if me bloody sisters hadn’t been so bloody in love with him, I’d still have known him, because he was just that famous.”
“I wasn’t that famous.”
“Don’t interrupt,” Louis chastises, and Harry mimics zipping his lips. “So this guy, I knew him, but he didn’t know me, but, fucking hell, I think someone forgot to tell him that, because there I was, minding my own business, when this kid just…” Louis giggles then, because the memory is just so ridiculous, “he just starts fucking singing to me, can you believe it?”
Harry shakes his head. “What a weirdo.”
“Right? The weirdest.”
“What happened next?”
“I fell in love with him.”
“What? That soon?”
“Of course not, Jesus, Harold. I’m not that pathetic. I waited the appropriate amount of time to fall in love, thank you very much.”
“Is that why you’re here, then?” Harry whispers. “Is it because you love him?”
“That’s part of it, yeah. I love him, and I love the way we just fit, and I adore his daughter, and our pets are friends now, and I think our sisters are best friends now, so they didn’t actually give me a choice, but do you want to know the biggest, most important reason?”
Harry nods quickly, so hard his chin bumps his chest, and Louis’ so fucking in love with him at that moment that these are the easiest words he’s ever said.
“I’m here,” he tells Harry, “because I was lying in my own bed, in my own house, surrounded by all my things, and all I wanted to do was go home.”
He’s yanked forward then, Harry’s fingers digging into his shoulders, and he barely feels the pain because it’s Harry, and everything’s good when it’s Harry. He’s babbling into Louis’ neck, and the only words he can make out are his name and “love you” and he shivers with the feeling.
Harry’s hair has grown out enough since the night Louis snuck in to see him that he can tangle his fingers in the strands. So he does, pulling Harry’s face away from his neck and pressing their lips together. Every kiss feels like an apology. Every kiss feels like home.
12. share or describe a favorite review you recieved: so this miiiiight be cheating but i received two comments on a fic i wrote in 2015 and it was kind of a surprise that something that old still held up and people still enjoy it? def made me feel better about my current writing and also anyone who quotes my fics back to me has earned my undying love and affection
13. a time when writing was really, really hard: i have adhd so p much always ahahaha
14. a scene or character you wrote that most surprised you: the entirety of “we’re swimming with the sharks until we drown” ngl because i struggled with the like… morally gray criminal-y elements? and portraying the two of them in such a different way while still staying in character which i like to think i nailed? hopefully lol
15. how did you grow as a writer this year? i don’t feel like a i have? but i’m also bias and hypercritical so maybe i did and just didn’t realize ahaha
16. how do you hope to grow next (this?) year: i want to enjoy writing again and i want to finish more fics and not let them rot in my docs because of self-doubt
who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer: okay so first @amandaisnotwriting is the real MVP as she bears the brunt of my whining/complaining/drama queen moments as well as the fact that she listens (some would argue is forced to :p) and reads over fic for a pairing she doesn’t ship for a fandom she doesn’t care about 😂😂😂
@rainbowbaz always makes time to look over my fics even when she’s crazy busy and is honestly amazing and saves my fics from americanisms ahahaha
and FINALLY we met p late in the year but but @livingatthelairport ‘s comment on “the tesco fic” helped me out of a writing slump and now she’s become my cheerleader (and friend 💜) and that’s make a huge difference in my attitude towards writing! it’s also easier to write a fic for a specific person than worry about the opinion of a crowd which is def something i’ve been missing in this fandom rip
also to everyone else who has read my fics, listened to me rant about them or just helped the process along in any way at all this is a GIANT thank you!!
18. anything from your real life show up in your writing this year? i mean i can’t think of anything off the top of my head but a lot of my inspo comes from the world around me so probably lol
19. any wisdom you can share with other writers: there’s nothing wrong with feeling jealous of other writers because i’m not a fan of hiding feelings just because they’re ugly as long as you don’t let it fester and turn into resentment or make you bitter. there are a lot of factors that go into a fic becoming “big” in a fandom but honestly most of it is just random chance so don’t beat yourself up because someone else’s success is not your failure and it’s nice to get recognition for your hard work but if you’re writing solely for the feedback then you’re writing for the wrong reason and that will lead to the resentment and bitterness mentioned earlier
also if you compliment someone you say you like their outfit but if you complement someone then you complete them
20. any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
these are all the things i didn’t start and/or finish in 2018 that WILL be completed this year
the cat fic
the doctor fic
the final three chapters of days gone by
penpal AU
Space. Florist.
teenage fanboys who are also best friends
baking blog fic
a short follow up to tacom
twitter drama fic
80’s/’high school’/secret admirer!AU
something based on yawning grave by lord huron
part three of the alien harry series
chocolate orange holiday fic
LA fic (wtwm)
70’s fic
monkey fic
i’m also planning to do the @larryabroad challenge again because i had so much fun with it last time :D
21. tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read:
p sure everyone has done this but if you haven’t then do it now! and also tagging @cosyblack k bc you’ve had a really good year even if i have beta bias 😂
this took waaay longer than i thought it would omg but it was nice to take a look back!!
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khattikeri · 6 years
x (under a cut bc super long post below) 
in fiction a traitor has to be someone close and trustworthy to the protagonist. having a minor or background character be a traitor completely takes away the emotional impact of the reveal both from the protagonist and the readers.
so no, hagakure isn’t the freaking traitor. (that’s too damn obvious of a conclusion to begin with...) kaminari isn’t the traitor. vlad or nedzu or mic or whoever the hell else at UA staff or 1A or 1B or general studies etc. isn’t the traitor.
the traitor also can’t be anyone who has had very major roles in certain arcs. so it’s not:
bakugou - the whole manga
if you really think it’s him after everything that’s happened in this series you’re the biggest fucking idiot on the planet
todoroki - sports festival, license exam, pro hero arc
all might - the whole manga
ditto again
kirishima - internship arc
his closeness to deku is marginal but it’s still there + i’ve seen theories abt him being the traitor way too damn much 
iida - stain arc
there are only two other people i can think of who are close to deku that would also absolutely ruin him if they were to be the traitor.
one of them is inko, and god be damned i’ll eat my shirt whole if it’s her. there’s just nothing pointing to it, unless there’s some other conspiracy between her and the villains that comes out of nowhere.
who’s the other person left? uraraka. we know about her financial woes, and while i don’t believe that money would make her turn to villainy, i do find it suspect how she hasn’t gotten the spotlight at all despite supposedly being the main heroine.
and yeah. it could just be horikoshi’s sexism that pushes her to the bg all the damn time. it honestly probably IS to some extent. 
but i have to wonder why we see so little of her anyway, and why something feels so off about her character arc. why is it so different from the way normal love interest shenanigans go? why does it feel like her admiration is more like envy than romance, and why can’t i shake off the feeling that something bad is going to come of it? 
and outside the story: why does she nearly always look somber and pensive in horikoshi’s twitter sketches and volume sketches vs in the actual manga where she’s cheerful? what’s with that difference? what does he know about her as her creator that we as an audience don’t?
a lot of people are against this theory and i can see why. we know her backstory and motivation. helping her parents. why would she work with villains to hurt her friends? obviously i don’t know. one thing’s for sure: if she actually is the traitor, it’s not gonna be some yandere switch where she was faking her personality or whatever “evil all along” shit the whole time.
it’ll probably be morally gray. uraraka might’ve been manipulated and realized too late what she’d gotten into. she could be playing a minor role, not a big one in the league/with afo.
it’s all hypothetical, and we have no way of knowing motivations and the whole truth and whatnot until and unless it actually plays out.
the only other traitor theories i believe are 
that midoriya has unwittingly been providing the league/AFO with information 
can be either through OFA since AFO created it i guess?? or via his detailed journals, but the former is more plausible. whatever it is, midoriya has no idea he’s been doing it
there isn’t a traitor at all and it was a red herring
“when will you stop writing about the ua traitor theory yan” the answer is never. i’m really just repeating myself here but too bad, you get to hear it. until we get answers i won’t shut up 
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thechampagnecircus · 3 years
Fire is a Force
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Earth, Air, Fire, Water; all natural elements that are beautiful and essential in their own rights.  But when out of control can wreak havoc on our world.  I am aware that wildfires have a place in the natural cycle, and promote the growth of new forests, but if run amok can destroy all in it’s path.  I feel as though people don’t consider them a normal natural disaster, but they are. Although they can -and are- sometimes started by careless humans, it’s just like a hurricane or tidal wave and we are at it’s mercy.  On this note, it is obvious that our trip to the lake this year was a bit different than the norm.  With the heat wave and drought the summer brought, there was no denying the plethora of wildfires scattered throughout most of British Columbia.  The entire province was a tinderbox and the inevitability of wildfires quickly came to fruition.  
I did not grow up with wildfires as a threat, or annual fixture like those on the West Coast.  There were the obligatory Smokey the Bear signs plastered in every small Maine town.  With a fire risk meter -usually on low- and the famous line “Only YOU can prevent forest fires” shaking it’s finger at you.  I learned from a young age to practice safe camping and summer behavior but I never experienced the fear of an actual fire that was spiralling out of control. Having said that, we were not short of other bullying weather entities. We had the rogue hurricane.  Bob, Irene and Sandy all made appearances throughout the years. Hurricane Matthew crashed my cousin Sara’s wedding a few years ago. The uninvited guest who made quite the splash. I also witnessed a small tornado once in the car with my Mum when I was young.  There were infinite thunderstorms married with hail and torrential downpours.  Power outages caused by massive blizzards, and even the famous ice storm of ‘99 which any Mainer will undoubtedly remember.  I mean, shit, Stephen King wrote a made-for-TV movie about it.  But no fires.  
I always heard crazy stories in California and Western North America, especially within the last ten years.  I am sure there are implications of global warming and climate change that could be made, but I won’t fall down that rabbit hole.  It is one thing to hear of devastating fires; as if they are some distant reality. But another to be in their path. Two years ago my first taste of this reality came to life.  A wall of heavy smoke rolled into Calgary.  It was a Friday and everything turned gray.  But not just gray, it was purplish yellow, thick and blocked the sun with an infamous red glare.  When I stepped outside, I could feel the weight of the air and the faintest smell of char.  However, it passed in time for work on Monday and it was back to business as usual.  
That same year, we had our first trip to the lake booked with friends.  We were so excited to show them the waterfront we rave about every summer.  As the plane landed in Kelowna we quickly realized that our dreams of a weekend filled with boating in the sunshine were not coming to pass.  The air quality was at an all time high.  We arrived in the afternoon but it looked like nighttime as the entire valley was shrouded in smoke.  We stuck it out for our four days, staying inside most of the time, playing games and drinking way too much booze to drown our dashed expectations.  
Fast forward to this year.  As I mentioned before, this summer has been filled with record breaking heat and rainfall decided to take a hiatus.  It was the perfect storm of dry conditions and intense temperatures that set the stage for a flash mob of fires to appear.  As we were driving to the lake ten days ago, we drove through varying degrees of smoke levels.  There were road closures, alerts and so many fires it was hard to keep track.  The Sunday before we left, one fire by White Rock Lake had begun, and that was the one we were most worried about due to its location.  It was still small and about 35 km away so we trudged on.  We knew we wanted to make the most of our trip regardless.  We arrived and within one day the air quality was at a 10++.  The air hardly felt like air anymore, thick with particulates and the deep smell of cinder.  The whole family was tentative and staying inside for the most part.  But after a couple days, we began to spend time outside anyways.  You know, YOLO.  It was our vacation and hell, high water, or smoke wasn’t going to ruin our holiday.  We were weary, and aware but still were able to boat, swim, drink pina coladas on the deck and seize the day.  It’s funny how quickly you can become accustomed to something and your threshold for certain things begins to ascend.  After about a week, the smoke had begun to wane and hope felt a bit restored, despite the fire to the North that was not letting up. We kept our heads up but were watching it like a flock of hawks.  
My uncertainty was building with everyday and every update. I have never been good at waiting for the other shoe to drop.  My anxiety and perhaps need for control cannot handle it.  I like to know.  Once I can make a decision and attack it, I feel comfortable. But limbo is not a place I like to be.  Everyone else seemed to have an easier time going with the flow.  Just relax and enjoy ourselves until we get news that we need to evacuate.  I envy that in others.  I truly do.  I had a hard time fully immersing in the moment the last couple days. We were checking perimeter maps and articles, Twitter posts and updates every couple hours.  Once we were under alert and the winds were unrelenting I knew it was only a matter of time.  I felt it in my gut.  My anxiety would run away with itself every once in a while, visualizing flames coming over the hill and us abandoning all belongings to dramatically escape in the nick of time by speed boat.  But then I would quickly bring myself back with reassurance and remember that the fire department would order our evacuation long before that situation was coming to life.  
Our plan for the last few days of our trip were to slowly clean, pack up and ease into a Saturday departure.  Truthfully, it took some convincing from my husband as I was feeling antsy to leave as the rumours of evacuation were swirling and the fire was creeping closer and closer by Thursday night.  But ironically Friday morning the smoke that had shadowed almost our whole trip had completely disappeared.  The sun was out, cumulus clouds were floating in stereotypical perfection as if plucked out of a Bob Ross painting.  The wind was blowing and if you breathed deeply for a second you forgot that just a few kilometers away the meanest, most out-of-control fire in BC was tip-toeing closer and closer.  Just as we got settled to soak up our last day of vacation, the evacuation order came in.  We took an hour or so to pack up and we were out by 1 pm yesterday.  Due to road closures, construction, two car accidents and general traffic, it took us about 9 hours to get home to Calgary.  
It felt wonderful to wake up in our own bed this morning, but our minds are still thinking about what is going on the Okanagan.  The whole of Vernon is now on alert. They fear embers from the fire could create new fires by jumping the lake. We saw a video showing parts of Westside road, the road we take to get to our place, ablaze in rampant flames.  Our hearts are sinking a bit in pessimism that it might reach our doorstep.  I can’t help but feel selfish, here worrying about a vacation home.  There are those who are displaced, in an evacuation center, praying their homes don’t burn to the ground.  And I feel for them.  Wholeheartedly.  I can’t imagine the torment and anxiety of such a situation.  But also, the lake house on Beachwood Road is our little slice of paradise.  It harbors countless family memories, photos, the kid’s heights on a hallway ruler, meals cooked over wine and laughter, projects started and finished, a safe haven during quarantine.  Aaron’s dad has put endless blood, sweat and tears into getting the cottage just right for every family visit.  Putting in stone patios, a brilliant deck built from scratch, his peach tree he desperately tries to save from the deer, bedroom renovations to accommodate the entire gaggle of us so everyone has a place to sleep.  Our kids have gone out a number of times to help their Bumpa hammer nails, dig window wells, drywall and install shiplap for their Amma.  I am sad to think all that will be lost and what it means moving forward.  At the end of the day, there is insurance and all materials can be replaced and structures rebuilt.  We are all safe and my fingers are crossed in hopes that the brave people fighting this fire start to get it under control.  May our piece of heaven be spared, but most importantly mother nature run it’s course with forgiveness.
Copyright © 2021 Carly Eddy.
0 notes
4 September 2020
Mistaken identity?
The government finally published a response to its consultation on digital identity this week (copious links below). I talked about it on talkRADIO (09:08ish) and had a quote in The Times article on 'digital ID cards'.
I'll spare you my full thoughts for now, but in short: from what's been published, the government doesn't seem to be proposing ID cards; I'm not sure how helpful it is to start what is a very necessary debate from there; a digital identity system could lead to real advantages for the public and government in saving time and bureaucracy and delivering better services; but there are also serious exclusion, ethical and security considerations; it seems government is pursuing a federated solution rather than a single database; but it's not entirely clear; it's also not clear what the 'regulatory barriers' government wants to sweep away are; it's not clear government has learnt the lessons from 20+ years of trying to make this work; to be honest, greater clarity on what they're trying to do would be very welcome; it's all very well talking about opportunities for economic growth but you're going to squander those if you sweep away regulations, since you need people to trust the system for it to work and the right regulation could give you the innovative ecosystem you want; and, stop me if you've heard this one before, you're going to need to be clear and transparent to earn the public's trust on something like this, especially given recent app and algorithm debacles.
Yes, that was the short version.
In other news:
Data Bites 13! This Wednesday! 6pm! Great line up! See you there! Previous events here.
We're also gearing up for a virtual fringe at Labour Party conference - more details here.
Lame claim to fame: I have been on a foreign trip - to study 'stat' government in Maryland - with the new Cabinet Secretary, Simon Case. He even wrote a foreword to our report.
I feel like polls conducted by government departments are a buried treasure trove. There was a lot in the 'public attitudes to science' polling (from BEIS, linked in W:GC back in July). This week, DCMS published polling on the public's views on data-related issues.
Have a great weekend
Today's links:
Graphic content
60 days to go
The True Colors of America’s Political Spectrum Are Gray and Green* (The Upshot)
The Battleground States Biden and Trump Need to Win 270* (New York Times, via Ketaki)
Electoral college explained: how Biden faces an uphill battle in the US election (The Guardian)
Democrats’ Quest for Senate Majority Rides on Biden’s Coattails* (Bloomberg)
How To Vote In The 2020 Election (FiveThirtyEight)
Will You Have Enough Time to Vote by Mail in Your State?* (New York Times)
US 2020 presidential election forecast model: will Donald Trump or Joe Biden win?* (New Statesman)
Trump tries to capitalise on unrest with law-and-order pitch* (FT)
Viral content
How Britain's high streets are recovering after lockdown – visual analysis (The Guardian)
As “Eat out to help out” ends, Britain's eateries remain at risk* (The Economist)
Airline analysts warn ‘the hardest part’ is yet to come* (FT)
Why young Americans are more worried than older ones about covid-19* (The Economist)
U.S. Coronavirus Rates Are Rising Fast Among Children* (New York Times)
Business calls for clarity on where people should work* (FT)
How Britain became a nation of birdwatchers* (FT)
How safe is it for you to cycle to work? These maps will show you* (The Times - and how they did it)
Air pollution is returning to pre-covid levels* (The Economist)
Fight Over Fish Fans a New Stage of Conflict in South China Sea* (Bloomberg)
Everything else
Cabinet secretaries (Ollie and Erenie for IfG)
Reshuffle (me for IfG)
Freedom in the Muslim World (Cato Institute)
Blanked-Out Spots On China's Maps Helped Us Uncover Xinjiang's Camps (BuzzFeed)
How pupil characteristics interact to influence education outcomes (FFT Education Datalab)
Book Review: The Infographic: A History of Data Graphics in News and Communications by Murray Dick (LSE Review of Books)
Meta data
Identity crisis
Digital Identity: Call for Evidence Response (Cabinet Office, DCMS)
Next steps outlined for UK’s use of digital identity (DCMS, Cabinet Office)
Digital ‘ID cards’ lead the Dominic Cummings data revolution* (The Times)
The subtle clues that show UK government is taking digital identity seriously at last (cough...) (Computer Weekly)
On Verify, etc (IfG)
Maybe @DCMS could explain the "regulatory barriers" to "secure digital identities" (thread - Phil Booth)
Older but useful: Meet the Identity and Attributes Exchange – GDS’s future for digital identity after Verify (Computer Weekly)
Older but useful: Digital Identity: Where Are We, and Where Are We Going? (Institute for Global Change)
Apple Pay Was Not Disruptive But Apple ID Will Be (Forbes)
Fascinating 'rithm
Why 'Ditch the algorithm' is the future of political protest (The Guardian)
Ofqual and algorithms at the Education Select Committee (John Dickens, Schools Week)
Computer says no: can algorithms be fair? (openDemocracy)
What does the UK’s ‘algoshambles’ tell us about corruption? (Centre for the Study of Corruption)
The Dstl Biscuit Book: An information guide on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science and Machine Learning (DSTL)
These students figured out their tests were graded by AI — and the easy way to cheat (The Verge)
Lessons from history: what can past technological breakthroughs teach the AI community today (Bennett Institute)
Some musings on the economics of machine learning (Reuben Binns)
Viral content
When politicians cite Covid-19 statistics, they may be wrong – it doesn't mean the numbers are (The Guardian)
How Covid-19 myths are merging with the QAnon conspiracy theory (BBC News)
Minister relinquishes control of shares in firm given UK government contracts (The Guardian)
On moonshots... (Rachel Coldicutt)
Modelling beneficial ownership data (Open Ownership)
Opening up political influence: announcing declared. (Open Data Services, openDemocracy)
How governments spend: Opening up the value of global public procurement (Open Contracting Partnership)
ICO refuses to identify underperforming authorities (Campaign for Freedom of Information)
Open data standards design behind closed doors? (ILDA)
Exclusive: UK trade minister reverses decision to remove think tank meetings from public register (Reuters)
The 'EU Twinnings' app (Giuseppe for EU Open Data)
UK government
Hello current/former GovData Twitter. Can anyone point me in the direction of a flowchart, process map, or triage system for data sharing - both personal and non-personal? (Prateek Buch)
Futureproof Yourself: Skills for a Modern Civil Servant (Civil Service)
Cummings recruit sacked after suggesting police use 'live rounds' on BLM protesters (The Guardian)
FCDO launch offers opportunity for more coherent policy but depends on better data (Development Monitor)
UK to build commercially available quantum computer (Computer Weekly)
Everything else
Private Intel Firm Buys Location Data to Track People to their 'Doorstep' (Motherboard)
Google Offers to Help Others With the Tricky Ethics of AI* (Wired)
Why GDPR has had a greater impact on financial services than any other sector (NS Tech)
Four types of innovation around data (Leigh Dodds)
Amazon's Surveillance Can Boost Output and Possibly Limit Unions: Study* (New York Times)
Amazon Deletes Job Posts Seeking Analysts to Track ‘Labor Organizing Threats’ (Wired)
Doing good with data: what does good look like when it comes to data stewardship? (Ada Lovelace Institute)
What we learned from not talking about data (Understanding Patient Data)
JOB: Lab Lead (Mozilla)
JOB: Senior researcher (IfG)
BOARD: Centre for Digital Public Services (Wales) Advisory Panel members  
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: six-month magistrates’ and Crown Court data Research Fellowships (ADR UK)
EVENT: Science, evidence, and government; reflections on the covid-19 experience (Bennett Institute)
EVENT: Festival of Innovation (GovInsider Live)
EVENT: The GovTech Summit (Public/Unbound)
And finally...
NVIDIA Marbles at Night RTX is a fully playable physics-based game... (Gavriil Klimov)
Quantum... (Steve Parks)
Seeing rooms (Chris Fleming)
'Mutant algorithm': boring B-movie or another excuse from Boris Johnson? (The Guardian)
A new study analyses the murky world of fake Amazon reviews* (The Economist)
0 notes
supremekalmllc · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://supremekalm.com/five-things-to-know-about-hemp-cbd-in-pet-products/
Five Things to Know About Hemp-CBD in Pet Products
Given that we’ve all been staying home lately, it seemed like a good time to talk about our four-legged friends and CBD. In fact, if I think about it, I first saw hemp-derived CBD (Hemp CBD) “in the wild” at my local pet store here in Seattle. Now CBD is so ubiquitous that I hardly notice it sitting on the counter when I pick up dog treats.
That changed when I started looking into Hemp CBD pet products in preparing for a CLE put on by the Seminar Group. Below are five things I learned about Hemp CBD for pet products in preparing for my presentation at CBD Considerations in the Northwest.
1. Many pets, like humans, have an endocannabinoid system.
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a signaling system found in the cells of most mammals, including humans, cats, and dogs. The ECS is essentially a network of receptors in the brain, organs, tissue, glands and nervous system. The ECS is far from fully understood but is believed to promote homeostasis in mammals, keeping internal systems balanced despite external factors. This can include regulating things like appetite and digestion, motor control, sleep, and muscle and bone growth. Endocannabinoids, produced naturally in the body of mammals, are neurotransmitters that act as messengers in the body to communicate with itself.
Endocannabinoids connect to receptors to relay messages within the body.  There are two main endocannabinoid receptors:
CB1 receptors – mostly found in the central nervous system which includes the brain and spinal cord.
CB2 receptors – mostly found in the peripheral nervous system, which includes cells and organs.
Unlike endocannabinoids which are naturally occurring in mammals, phytocannabinoids are produced by the cannabis plant, as well as other plants. Phytocannabinoids include THC, CBD, CBN, and CBG. THC binds to the CB1 receptors, but the way that CBD interacts with ECS is not fully understood in humans or animals, despite the fact that Epidiolex has been approved as a drug for treating epilepsy.
The impact of phytocannabinoids on the ECS is far from fully understood, whether in humans or animals, but there are some findings on phytocannabinoids and the ECS in dogs. For example, the US government conducted studies and found that dogs have many cannabinoid receptors in their cerebellum, brain stem, and medulla oblongata. This is believed to explain why THC causes static ataxia, an inability to sit still causing shaking and imbalance, in dogs. Remember, sometimes things that are safe for humans are dangerous for animals, including chocolate which is toxic in dogs.
When it comes to CBD the, research is limited but a small clinical trial at Colorado State University found that CBD oil reduced seizures in epileptic dogs meaning that it may have similar effects as found in humans.
2. The FDA regulates pet products and does not approve of the use of Hemp CBD in most scenarios. 
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken a position on Hemp CBD in pet products that is very similar to its position on Hemp CBD in food. CBD products intended to have a therapeutic benefit or intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease are drugs under the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. The FDA has sent warning letters to manufacturers of Hemp CBD pet products who made such claims. There is no equivalent to dietary supplements for animals, so structure-function claims about Hemp CBD also can classify pet products as drugs.
New animal drugs are subject to pre-market approval. The FDA requires that sponsors of new drugs establish that the drug is safe and effective. At this time the FDA has not approved any drugs for animals.
Similarly, animal food products are also subject to pre-market approval. Food must be approved for specific species. The FDA has not approved the use of CBD in animal food either.
The FDA regulates pet food labeling but has a powerful partner. The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) establishes model labeling regulations which are in turn implemented by many states. AAFCO is a non-profit, non-governmental agency that doesn’t have actual regulatory authority over pet food. Instead, it is an important advisory body that works with the FDA. AAFCO members include state agencies, the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine and the Candian Food Inspection Agency.
3. AAFCO says that “hemp and hemp products may not be used in animal feed or pet food in the United States.â€
According to a statement released by AAFCO in 2019, “hemp and hemp products may not be used in animal feed or pet food in the United States.†AAFCO reasons that although private companies are working on applications to determine that pet food is safe, those applications have not been approved.
4. Some states follow the FDA and AAFCO (like Washington) while others are more lenient. 
To really understand the power of AAFCO in regulating animal food, look no further than Colorado. Colorado was one of the first states to embrace hemp and has passed legislation that allows Hemp CBD to be added to man food and dietary supplements, so long as those products are prepared in licensed food handling facilities. But things are different when it comes to pet food.
According to the Colorado Department of Agriculture’s website, the same is not true for animal feed:
Currently, CDA does not approve registration applications for commercial feed products that contain industrial hemp since it is not an approved ingredient recognized by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO, an organization of state agriculture departments from all 50 states) or the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Veterinary Medicine. CDA’s decision not to approve these products complies with AAFCO’s position on industrial hemp as well as the positions of other state agriculture departments. Products in the Colorado marketplace containing unapproved ingredients can be subject to Withdrawal from Distribution Orders.
But not every state follows AAFCO. For example, Florida allows for hemp extract in animal feed.
5. Pets have been a major factor in the changing attitudes of Hemp CBD.
One of the first states to strongly regulate the sale of Hemp CBD products was Indiana. Back in 2018, I wrote about how Indiana had passed comprehensive legislation on labeling and manufacturing Hemp CBD products. Since then, many other states, including Utah and Texas have adopted similar labeling standards, making Indiana a leader in Hemp CBD policy. That’s in large part thanks to Indiana dog and CBD user Teddy McDermott.
A few months before Indiana’s Governor Eric Holcolmb signed Indiana’s CBD legislation, he got involved in a public dispute regarding CBD products and pets. This started when Hammond, Indiana’s mayor Thomas McDermott Jr. publicly stated that he would be giving his aging dog Teddy, CBD. McDermott did this in defiance of Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill’s statement that CBD products were illegal in Indiana. Gov. Holcomb joined the Fido-based fray when he told the Times of Northwest Indiana that he was open to treating Indiana’s “first dog†Henry with CBD oil if it could relieve the miniature schnauzer’s pain.
Perhaps Governor Holcomb did his research in treating Henry with CBD but I like to think it had to do with McDermott’s dog Teddy and his Twitter feud with AG Hill. Don’t worry, I have receipts:
Is this how Indiana’s Attorney General (@AGCurtisHill) wants to see me dressed? All because @tommcdermottjr gets me CBD Oil for medicinal purposes?
My Doggy Daddy says he needs to go out of state to get my medicine now. What’s going on here in Indiana?#IStandWithTeddy pic.twitter.com/29KETnCPxS
— Teddy McDermott (@MayorTomCanine) December 14, 2017
Look what my Doggy Dad ordered for me this Christmas, another batch of #CBDOil to help w/ my arthritis.
Thanks goodness the Indiana AG (@AGCurtisHill) took the weekend off from checking our mailbox, bc the US Post Office has no problem with delivering this medicine.#TeddyforAG pic.twitter.com/56U2a7PQ3W
— Teddy McDermott (@MayorTomCanine) December 27, 2017
Teddy even went so far as to quote-retweet AG Hill’s praise of former US Attorney General Jeff Sessions rescinding of the Cole Memo.
Indiana’s Attorney General @AGCurtisHill is a #politicalgrandstander who is trying to curry favor w/POTUS- he’s probably hoping to catch a job with Jeff Sessions & the US DOJ- as he has no chance to be re-elected in Indiana
Then again, what do I know, I’m just a dog#TeddyforAG https://t.co/3A3czKScWl
— Teddy McDermott (@MayorTomCanine) January 7, 2018
Fast forward to May 2018, where Teddy enjoyed some well-earned bragging rights for winning the battle for Hemp CBD in the Indiana legislature.
My job @ in #Indiana is now complete, #cbdoil is legal & available over the counter.
Now my doggy daddy (@tommcdermottjr) won’t have to get my meds mailed into Indiana under threat of punishment by @AGCurtisHill– & I can walk normally now, without a limp. https://t.co/fbwjnAh917
— Teddy McDermott (@MayorTomCanine) May 1, 2018
Dogs like Teddy helped normalize CBD in conservative states like Indiana. Hemp CBD pet products exist in a legal gray area but in most cases appear generally to be safe. However, stakeholders still need to establish the safety of these products with AAFCO and the FDA. Remember, what is safe for you may not be safe for your pet, so proceed with caution when giving your pets Hemp CBD.
The post Five Things to Know About Hemp-CBD in Pet Products appeared first on Harris Bricken.
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