#poor dau :(
stxrrynxghts · 4 months
Arjun: here you go! A nice, hot cup of tea!
Balarama: it's cold
Arjun: nice cup of tea
Balarama: it's horrible
Arjun: cup of tea
Balarama: I am not even sure if this is tea
Arjun: cup
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rroechan · 3 months
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The Thorny Spider
'Flying Devil'? 'Spider from Hell'? That's just your terrifying friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man on the prowl!
lots of yapping below
Super late for the spiderverse trend but i've been reading an unfortunate amount of peter parker fics and i couldn't help but pull this guy up from memory
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Spider-Thorn? Horned Spider? Spider-Fiend?
His name is Piers Lang, born and raised to kick your ass. With both parents dead at the ripe age of 8, kiddo found himself going from his home in M'sia to living with his aunt and uncle all the way in USA 🫡🦅🇺🇸
his abilities are about the same as OG spiderman, like spider-proportional strength, speed, stickiness etc etc. There's only one thing that's vastly different from the others is his enhanced senses
So like, enhanced hearing, scent, that sort of thing. If it was already bad for Peter in his day to dau life, imagine what this guy's goin' through
due to a mix of nature and nuture, his senses, particularly his sorta 'area awareness' is higher than the average spidey
He grew up with terrible vision and in a rough neighbourhood so his senses has always been fairly attuned to his surroundings. A bit like a 6th sense or a natural instinct one would naturally gain over time. The bite basically strengthened all these features except his eyesight (most spider species have poor eyesight. only some have it good. i thought that was funny)
that scene in spider-man: far from home where spidey relies entirely on his spider sense to fight mysterio's drones? Yeah THAT but 10 fold
even when totally blinded, he can use this specific ability to make like a fully 3d mental map of the area around him. Basically seeing everything around him 360 with his eyes closed. So he can fully fight no issue in the dark (basically Daredevil's radar sense)
sometimes he purposely fights with eyes closed cause it helps prevent him from being overwhelmed (even pre-bite he had issues with sensory overloads)
For the hearing and smelling, i tried to see if OG spiderman had any upper limit at all to the distance of his abilities but there's nothing solid :// My guy in particular, I like to think there's no true limit to his sense, like he could track a whole city of people if he wanted but he'd have to be meditating and in a super focused state to do so + overuse of his senses makes his head hurt a lot
Out of the suit, he has a habit of wearing earplugs or earphones constantly playing some genre of white noise. And some strong smelling balm on his upper lip (idk whats the actual english name of it)
Aside from that, he has a few spidery traits (got the idea from a fic, no I do not remember what its name is). The spider he was bitten by had all sorts of different spider dna weaved into it.
He sometimes chirps or purrs when in a good mood or just, when he's comfortable enough to not hide his spidery traits. Has stare offs with actual spiders for dominance. Absurdly flexibles and can get into wild contortionist-like poses and calls them comfortable. Likes smoothies. Gets sleepy when cold. Salvatory glands produce a very mild venom. Yada yada
About the suit
He didn't design it, his man-in-the-chair did. Though he did do all the wiring, engineering etc and was the one who suggested to base the suit design off an orb weaver spider
The red of his suit glows with exposure to UV. Adding on the fact that he mainly patrols at night makes it worse for baddies because imagine you're in the middle of crime-ing and from out the darkness, Satan himself comes to be your reckoning.
The suit being majority black adds the challenge of making sure his poses are readable so that's Fun.
of his 8 'eyes' only 2 of them actually function which are the main ones in the upper front. the others are for show.
The horns are where all the business is at. They all have a solid exterior so he fully can use em to shoulder check, headbutt, etc baddies but their main purpose is to act as antennas. Both for his comms so he can go super long distances without worry as well as help hone and focus his senses to his surrounding area
See, usually his senses is like a motion detector but across a super big area so without earplugs and the smelling balm, his senses are extremely scattered and kinda blurred.
He figured out fairly quick that with antennas connected to his main 'sensory points' on his body help focus his senses to his immediate area instead of being fragmented (does this make sense? im fully bullshitting at this point)
Not illustrated but under the suit he has this network of connected patches (like those they put on you during surgery) to track his stats and junk alongside the whole spidey sense honing thing
Moving on, the spider on the back of his head is actually a later addition cause ppl keep thinking he's supposed to be a demon (him not realising ppl aren't entomology nerds like him)
The spikes on his knuckles are purely for combat and is entirely inspired by his favourite sonic character: Knuckles.
The baggy pants, body suit and hood are all one piece. Only the mask and the utility belt are removable
The whole front of the mask is a solid piece under the fabric. So he can't fold the mask halfway up to his nose and kiss someone upside-down but he can remove one of the lower eye panel thing to eat or drink if he needs to.
the utility belt mostly has his burner phone, zipties, few first aid necessities and cereal bars
I wanted to add a brief telling of his backstory here as well as his ascociation to the spiderverse gang but this post is long enough orz
Ill definitely post abt this guy again though, that's for sure. I'm more a manga fan but I have some plans on mimicking american comics style for some 'fake' comic pages for this guy and his main villain
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sambhavami · 10 months
The Lost Flute - Part 9 (The Promise)
Krishna jolted awake in the middle of the night, his throat parched. His eyes settled on the painted ceiling; the beautiful apsaras adorning the illustration stared back at him with their alluring, lifeless eyes. Krishna laughed to himself. He had been dreaming about the gopis again. It had been a happy dream, but Krishna found himself inexplicably sad. Life had been so simple back then! His only worry then was how to sneak into the house after a night's exploits without tipping off his mother. Shaking his head, he approached the large window overlooking the royal garden. A golden jug stood by the window. Krishna poured the liquid into a tall glass and immediately gagged upon taking a sip. Scrunching his nose, he held up the glass in the glistening moonlight- pomegranate juice. Krishna sighed. Even after twenty years, he had failed to convince his staff that even royalty sometimes needs just plain water.
As he cradled his juice, his eyes were drawn to a shaded corner of the garden. Surrounded by servants and decorated crates filled with wine sat Balarama. He was laughing uproariously. Someone was sitting beside him. Krishna squinted his eyes- it was Vasudeva. Krishna felt a strange pang of jealousy. Krishna had never gotten a chance to bond with his father. The wars had kept him busy. He hadn't realized that Balarama had managed to forge such an informal relationship with their father. Carrying the jar of juice, Krishna walked down to them. "What? Having a party without me?" He asked them, forcing a smile.
Balarama vigorously shook his head, looking almost guilty, "We're only talking." Krishna chuckled at the sight of the two grown men reaching to find an explanation to give to him. "I'm just kidding," he said as he sat on the glistening grass. Balarama cleared his throat, "Honestly, I didn't think you drank anymore."
"He used to drink?" Vasudeva chuckled.
"Like a fish!" Balarama nodded as Krishna desperately shushed, "We both used to get drunk and dance with the gopis all night!"
"It's alright," said Vasudeva with a grin, "We're all adults here! But, why'd you quit?"
Krishna sighed, "For the war, Father. I figured one of us needed to stay sober."
"Was that a jab at me, Kanha?" Balarama pouted as he poured out another glass for Krishna.
Krishna shrugged, "You have tried to murder Satrajit twice! Kritavarma, once, and the envoy from Matsya, thrice!"
Balarama looked like he was trying to remember, "Yeah, I remember that guy. What happened to him? I haven't seen him in a year!"
"Yes, Dau. He has been turning up exclusively in your absence!" Krishna laughed as he took a sip. His mind raced back to the beautiful groves of Vrindavan, where the gopi maidens would nearly corner him. They would each offer him a glass of their finest home-brewed liquor and wait for him as he downed each glass. He chuckled as he remembered how the maidens wouldn't allow him to return unless he'd offered a judgement.
"You're no better than me, Krishna! Remember Shankhachood? We were dead drunk when we went after him! I am wearing that gem now!" Balarama excitedly pointed to his crown, breaking Krishna out of his reverie.
"Ah," Krishna exclaimed as he reached out to touch the gem, "That's where I know that from! I kept thinking it was from the Kurus or something!"
"Yeah! Do you remember how cross the gopis were when we stopped the guy? They were enjoying the breeze on the guy's shoulder and were annoyed we rescued them too soon!" Balarama chuckled, "They complained to me for an hour while you went to kill the man!"
"Yes! They were so sure I'd save them that they took Shankhachood for a joyride along the beach! The poor lad was so confused when they kept thanking and wishing him a safe journey to the afterlife!"
Balarama grinned, "You don't know anything. Getting rescued by you was more like an item on their bucket list! The next day, they bragged to the village so hard that I thought I might barf! Father, you should've been there!"
Not receiving a response, the brothers turned to find Vasudeva staring somberly into the distance. After some coaxing, he spoke in a hoarse voice, "You two, my sons, are so well accomplished, and I am just a useless accessory! You have saved countless lives, and me?! I don't even deserve to call myself your father!"
"No!" Krishna said, gently caressing his father's feet, "You have done so much with such a cruel hand that destiny has dealt you. You are one of the strongest people we know!"
"Yes, Father!" Balarama continued with a kind smile, "Kanha and I wouldn't even be alive if you had not saved us from Kamsa!"
"No," Vasudeva lamented, "I killed innocent children! Devaki's children, Nanda's daughter! I have their blood on my hands. Krishna, I have let down every single person in my life! I could save no one!"
"That is not true, Father." Krishna whispered, "You kept the resistance alive. All the dissidents for those seventeen years gathered under your name. They fought under your flag! The same resistance that brought me to Mathura and enabled me to end Kamsa's cursed reign. You and Mother did that!"
"My sister!" Vasudeva cried, "I did nothing for her!"
Krishna looked at Balarama quizzically. Kunti. The five brothers. Balarama mouthed to him. Krishna nodded, "You were imprisoned, Father. I'm sure no one blames you for not helping Aunt Kunti and her sons when her husband died!"
"What Kunti?" Vasudev sneered, "She is and will always be Pritha! My father, he got rid of her the first chance he got! Helping Kuntibhoja, my foot! He knew where he sent his daughter, and I could do nothing! They changed her name and identity and cut her from her home!"
"You were a child, Father!" Balarama said.
"Yeah, so was she! You know we used to exchange letters for a couple of years, in secret. Father didn't want us to mention her in front of anyone you see. He always said I was his firstborn! Then, one month, even the letters stopped. No matter what I wrote, she wouldn't reply! Then, a year later, she married Pandu. Why?! Everyone knows that the Kuru family is cursed! Ever since the old King Shantanu's time! No worthy king born in their family ever survives their youth! That Bhishma guy has been coercing families into doomed marriages with his brothers and nephews for generations! Even Pandu's father died mysteriously. Who would willingly marry their daughter into such a family? They said the wedding was intimate. Why was she married off to him all of a sudden? Why was none of the family invited? I know he did something or didn't do something, I don't know! He failed my Pritha! I failed my Pritha! Then that dastard didn't even have the decency to take the kids when Pandu died! no one looked out for her, not even my so-called friends! All of us, we left her all alone to fight her way through this unforgiving world!" Vasudeva's eyes blazed with emotions. He grasped Krishna's hands and peered into his eyes, "You two! Couldn't you do something?" Vasudeva finished, breathing heavily.
Krishna cleared his throat. He looked into his father's desperate eyes. He felt an overwhelming sadness engulf him. "I will, Father," he squeezed Vasudeva's palms, taking them into his own, "I promise. Now that I know, no harm will befall them. I will gladly give my life if that spares them even an inconvenience. I will protect Aunt Pritha and her family from every enemy of theirs and mine until my last breath."
"You're not a god, Krishna," Balarama sighed.
"Then I will become one. I will fight Indra, and Agni and Varuna. I will subjugate the world and place it at Aunt Pritha's feet. The throne of Hastinapura is too little compensation for what she has faced, Father. I will make her sons the Kings of the world! I will happily take on any curse threatening them and suffer it myself. I will give my life, happiness and ideals to their cause! Will you be happy if they are, Father?"
Once the morning sun touched his eyes, Krishna woke up to find himself lying under a kadamba tree. Satyabhama sat beside him, gently pruning a bush nearby. As Krishna sat up with a smile, the princess turned and shot him a knowing look. "I wasn't drinking. It was-" Krishna tried to interject, but Satyabhama stopped him mid-sentence, holding a glass of pomegranate juice up to his lips. Krishna started laughing heartily as his wife stared at him, confused. Krishna threw his arms around the princess, pulling her close, "Honey, this juice will change the world!" He whispered. Satyabhama shook her head, "You need to sleep in a proper bed, my raja-gopala! My room tonight," she whispered conspiratorily with a smirk.
"Quite a tall promise you made yesterday. Are you even sure they're worth it?" Balarama asked once the brothers were settled in Krishna's office. "I have a feeling," Krishna smiled as he turned to greet a man who had just walked in the doors. "Uncle Akroora, you came!" Krishna exclaimed as he embraced the man.
"It has been too long, Krishna!" Akroora smiled, "Both of you! Your Aunt is chewing my ear off about inviting you two!"
Krishna laughed and agreed before seating the older man down with a glass of soma.
"I have called you for a sensitive mission today." Krishna continued, his face grim and his voice almost a whisper, "Go to Hastinapura and find Queen Mother Kunti and her sons. I need you to know everything that there is to know about them, and I want names. Anyone who has hurt them, anyone who has talked ill of them, anyone who has even looked at them wrong! You once brought two sons of this family home, uncle. Now it's time to bring a daughter home."
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iplaywithstring · 9 days
Have any of you read Gilded by Marissa Meyer
It was fantastic, as was the second book.
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bwoahtastic · 9 months
Max not being honest about how much he can remember from the incident? In reality he remembers very vividly the way the alpha attacked him. He remembers giving up and thinking this is it and going slack. He doesn’t want to think about it or acknowledge it because what if they kick him out of the guard? He hides his ptsd from Charles and Daniel. They’ve already been so worried he doesn’t want to cause them more stress
Oh poor babyyy
Ma having bad flashbacks and nightmares remembering the Alpha grinning at him, knowing he har successfully gotten Max separated from the others. He remembers going slack snd giving up when the Alpha grabbed him and tore the metal armor away, maybr pathetically whimpering out for Charles, feeling guilty he didn't "keep" himself for the princess...
He doesn't want people to know he is struggling, doesn't want people thinking he is weak and a liability in the guard
But ofc Dan and Charles notice, or maybd Arthur sees Max's hands trembling like crazy one dau when they are practising the fighting!
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Sleepless (Civil War Era Accurate) TW Hallucinations, Gore, Exhaustion, Death
Cecelia could hardly see straight anymore. She cleaned her spectacles over and over but the blurriness never ceased. The arches of her feet were on fire, every step as if she was stepping on broken glass. Her hands shook, skin chapped and raw from washing and surgery.
It was hard to comprehend, more and more patients were being wheeled into the church, the number must have grown to hundreds. Screams and crying echoed off the walls, the air smelled of metallic blood.
The church hall was packed wall to wall with soldiers, what was a death rattle and what was a groan of pain was beginning to blur. Cecelia stumbled down the middle row, weaving between stretchers and other nurses. She got up to the front, and was immediately handed the end of a stretcher to carry to a bed.
The stretcher carried a young man, maybe about 20, the poor thing had just had his leg amputated and had passed out from shock. Cecelia helped carry the man to one of the few open beds, pulling him onto it and checking his wounds. His stump leg was properly bandaged up thankfully, only a little blood seeping through the white bandages.
Cecelia looked up at the man, but found him still unconscious. At that, a wave of feverish heat washed over her, her head feeling light. She gripped the side of the bed to steady herself, the walls swaying around her.
"Rach mne, iv dau shud," One of her coworkers said,
"What?" Cecelia asked,
"Ve munay nshut wirth his," she sighed,
"I'm sorry, I can't hear you," Cecelia rubbed between her eyes, focusing extra hard on her coworker's voice,
"The money isn't worth this."
Cecelia turned around, her fellow nurses were tending to their patients, their faces became obscured, features melting together until she couldn't recognize them.
The only thing that brought her attention back to focus was the sound of crying from the bed she was leaning on.
"Hello, sir." She stood up, putting on her bedside manner and ignoring the pounding in her head, "Are you feeling alright?"
"It hurts.." He cried, too weak to move much,
"I'm sure it does, is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?" She said, trying to focus her vision on his face. His scared, tear-stricken face. He too started to morph into something unrecognizable as a human, as if Cecelia were dreaming.
"Stay here, please," he begged, "Don't leave me!"
Partially relieved, Cecelia sat down on the side of his bed, taking his shaking hand in hers. The room was spinning.
"You're going to be just fine, soldier," Cecelia sighed, "I'm not going anywhere."
Slowly his weeping calmed, the adrenaline wore off and he fell into a restless sleep. It was the only thing Cecelia envied him for.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 2 months
10 Characters 10 Fandoms 10 5 Tags
Rules: choose 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms -- no double dipping! Then tag friends or mutuals to complete the game as well.
Tagged by @apocalypticavolition (who I extremely blame for making me pick favorites. I am now the Miette meme sending this mutual to jail for 1,000 years)
Top 10
Jaina Solo of the Star Wars Expanded Universe (technically its now the Legends Continuity, but fuck Disney for that) - The unhinged drama that the extended Skywalker and Solo clans has a special place in my heart, but Jaina's A+ mix of badassery, trauma, angst, communication issues, and severe allergy to feelings makes every stage of her life an absolute treat to watch. That and the fact that she is the last Solo kid standing as of Disney's murder of the EU makes her the best in my book. Teenage me DESPERATELY wanted to be Jaina Solo. Adult me wants to give her a hug and take her out for a synthale.
Lady Sybil Ramkin Vimes of Discworld - This might be a low-key surprise pick, since I have previously cited Granny Weatherwax and Sam Vimes as Discworld favorites, but Lady Sybil also holds a special place in my heart, because she is literally an amazing partner to Sam without losing any of her own interests and personality. She is also a complete badass in a quiet, competent way that adult, married me would give literal years of her life to have. And then there was the time she absolutely let Serafine HAVE IT because she was pregnant, being held hostage, and Sam's life was in danger, but the goddamn tipping point was that Serafine DIDNT RESPOND TO THE ANNUAL LETTERS. Perfection.
Iskierka from the Temeraire series - She breathes fire, she is a holy terror, and she is basically a pirate masquerading as a soldier. Iskierka is a queen without equal.
Briar Moss from the Circle Universe - I just desperately want to give this poor traumatized boy a hug, but he already has three sisters and two mothers to do that for him. I genuinely think Briar's three books are the best written and executed in the Circle Universe, and his journey feels deeply grounded in a way that the girls' don't, because within their origins and cultures, the girls all came from some level of privilege. Briar is a grounding force that I deeply appreciate.
Dau from the Warrior Bards trilogy - Dau, much like Briar, is in desperate need of a hug. Another traumatized boy, but his one literally has to go on a three-book arc to learn how to feel his feelings and how to people. Basically, we have to socialize him, and watching Liobhan try to do that is by turns hilarious, heartbreaking, and rage-inducing. Dau tries so hard that he makes everything about five times harder than it has to be.
Lan Chitward from the Valdemar Universe - OK, I might prefer guys who need hugs, because Lan is a beautifully executed tragic hero. This kid ends up half trained and sans mentor and support system on the front lines of a war with his lifebonded partner and the phyrric victory claims both their lives. Before that though, Lan gets to speed run found family, and it's just delicious because it twists the knife even deeper. I have my issues with Mercedes Lackey, but in Lan she nailed a tragic, doomed hero.
Penelope Featherington from Bridgerton - The Netflix series is objectively better than the book series, but even in the books Pen is my favorite. Our girl is a WRITER, and she isn't afraid to use that skill. There also aren't enough writer protagonists out there, so shoutout to this lovely one.
Fire from the Graceling Universe - Fire is a fascinating protagonist because she is quite literally a monster, and just existing in the world for her is an exercise in understanding what humanity is...even in those humans who lack it.
Ikenna from the Blood Gift universe - Our beautiful murder barbie is inimitable and frankly I want there to be MORE books with her. And murder barbie speaks to my heart in some extremely specific ways.
Nyneave Al'Meara from the Wheel of Time - *yanks braid, smooths skirts* Literally if I didn't pick her, Nyneave would walk out of those books and come for my head, and I would have no choice but to agree with her because she is very much the best.
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Polin Drabble - Shrewd
Shrewd - aka the one where a bonnet landed on the wrong brother
He was her undreamable dream. A lasting infatuation that wouldn’t go away even as she tried. 
He has never looked at her and will never look at her as a woman. To Anthony Bridgerton, Penelope Featherington was his younger sister’s friend. If that was not bad enough - their age difference of 12 years was like a vast ocean that she could not cross. 
She had just turned 16 years old and was out for a walk at Hyde Park with her mother and sisters when a gust of wind had made her bonnet take flight!
Her flying bonnet, much to her horror, had landed on a gentleman whilst he was racing another on a horse. The poor man fell off his horse and onto a mud puddle.
Utterly mortified and concerned for the man, Penelope was near tears as she ran up to him. 
Hearing a slight curse as the man groaned and stood up, his clothes ruined by mud, the man took off the bonnet that was still on his face and turned to glare at her. 
It was then that his face soften as she apologized profusely and tried to explain her flying hat when she heard her mother. 
“What have you done, Penelope Featherington!” Her Mama came screeching and she knew that she would be hearing about this for the foreseeable future. 
Viscountess Bridgerton and her daughter Daphne had walked up to them, “Oh Anthony, are you alright?”
“Viscount Bridgerton, I do apologize for my dau-“
Oh no she won’t have a future - her mother will just murder her when they get home. 
It was then that she heard the Viscount cut her Mama’s apology,” It is no trouble. She is not some would be bonnet assassin. A simple unintended accident, no harm done.”
Penelope looked up and saw the most handsome smile on his face. It took her breath away. He was so kind. 
A loud laughter followed the Viscounts assurance,”Not a word Brother!”
“Colin!” The Viscountess scolded her son but with a smile on her face. 
Colin Bridgerton just laughed and laughed. She didn’t know it yet but he would be one of her best friends.
In fact it was Colin that knew of her infatuation with his brother. He told her that he had deduced it by watching her interactions with Anthony. 
It would also be Colin who would be secretly holding her had under the table as Anthony announced his engagement to Kate Sharma.
Penelope was happy for Anthony to have wooed such a beautiful, shrewd, and kind woman of the Ton. She was the key to his lock and she’s never seen him so happy. 
It was later that they would slip away so that Penelope could cry on his shoulders.
Her dear friend Colin was ever so loyal and such an integral part of her life. She missed him terribly when he would go to his travels. It was only his constant letters that made them bearable. 
Yes, Colin was so very important to her and she knew that she trusted him implicitly. That is why on an unremarkable Friday afternoon, she had asked him for a favor. 
She had never been kissed before and at this point it’s looking more like she never would be. 
She had almost taken back her words when she saw the shock on his reddening face. 
But this could be her only chance at having experience such a wonderful thing - a simple kiss. 
“Please,” She looked at his green eyes as an emotion she could not name settled in them. 
Then with a steady stride, Colin had put both of his hands on her jaw, thumbs caressing her plump cheeks, before tilting his head down and brushing his lips on hers. 
It was glorious. 
She had never felt this way in her life. Her heart beat rapidly on her chest and a warmth seemed to spread throughout her body. 
She had gasped before he brought his lips down once more. She heard a noise and she was surprised to find out it was coming from her. 
In response, Colin tilted his head the other way and deepened their kiss as his right hand moved to the back of her head - getting lost in her hair, and the other went down her neck, down her shoulders, and to her back where it rested even as it pulled her closer. 
She felt his tongue asking for entrance and found herself letting him in - letting him have a taste of her. 
She heard and felt a rumble on his chest as he moaned - her moans joining him right after. Her hands that were uselessly on her sides now found themselves wrapping around his lower back to pull HIM even closer so that there would be no space in between.
She never thought it could be like this. It was hot and wet and oh so delicious. It was when their need to breath pulled them apart. 
Gasping, Penelope looked up at Colin and felt her whole world tilt on its axis. Time seemed to slow down as her blue eyes met his green ones - searching his face as to why she’s never truly seen him before. 
He licked his lips before moving his hand from the back of her head and put them on her chin, his thumb now caressing her swollen lips, “I’m going to kiss you again, Penelope and if you don’t stop me now - I never will.”
His eyes flicked from her lips and back to her eyes, asking for permission. 
“God yes,” She breathed out. 
Then he was leaning down and pulling her for another kiss. She didn’t know what this meant but it was as if everything was as it should be. She was only starting to realize that she may be in love with Colin Bridgerton and mayhap loved him for a long time. 
She had let herself be blinded by infatuation for his brother and pushed away any thoughts of Colin beyond friendship. He was her friend, confidant, partner in crime and she had known him inside and out. His flaws as well as the multitude of wonderful traits she had appreciated but never associated as Colin - a man instead of just a friend.  How could she have looked elsewhere when he was right here all along. 
He pulled back and gave her 3 quick kisses to her lips, a big smile on his face - looking at her in wonder, like she was beautiful and precious to him,” Allow me to court you. Let me convince you that I am the one for you.”
She shook her head and before he could pull away, eyes already showing hurt, she corrected him, “ You don’t need to convince me Colin. I don’t know when it happened or how but I believe I may already have loved you. I just didn’t see it. Oh I have been so blind. Please forgive me!”
She looked at him in desperation. Now that she knew that she loved him, she couldn’t bear it if he decided to change his mind. Her worries were for naught as he picked her up and swung her around as he laughed and laughed. 
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Truly a pleasing Reward
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Sheogorath was silently sitting on Akatosh's lap which he really did not like. He combed through Sheogorath hair with his hand.
"I think you did well down there."
"I wasted most of my damn energy."
"An admirable way of wasting all of your energy. You held Baar Dau for six hours. That was Incredible, my darling."
The Daedric Prince crossed his arms, "And where is my reward for my heroic deed?! Losing my physical form for weeks?!"
"Well, to Nirn it was months."
"That is even worse! My poor worshippers! I am so glad Haskill took over for a while!"
Akatosh slowly put his hand on Sheogorath's thigh.
"Maybe... I have an idea for a reward for your heroic deed," As he whispered those words, his hand slid up Sheogorath's robe.
The Daedric Prince gasped quietly, "Right now?"
The Dragon God grabbed his lover and pulled him off his lap. The Madgod already desperately kissed him in anticipation as the Dragon God led him to one of the pillars.
Sheogorath gasped at Akatosh, being pushed against the pillar by his hips. The excitement was unbearable.
The Madgod's eyes were pinned on Akatosh as he removed the brooch connecting his robes at his shoulder. The piece of fabric fell to the floor. It was a surprise to Sheogorath. He was already fully erect without him having to... "help out" unlike last time. The Aedra had been waiting to have sex with him again and the Daedra sighed in delight.
The Dragon God got closer to him and held onto his hips while kissing their neck.
"Please remove your robe," Akatosh begged his lover and they agreed. The Daedric Prince pulled his robe over his head to remove it and Akatosh gently brushed up against his leg.
Akatosh's eyes were filled with deep desire and lust. Next he carefully grabbed Sheogorath's leg and pushed him up against the pillar which made him gasp ever so slightly. The warmth of Akatosh's body gave him goosebumps.
"I cannot wait to find out how I can lay you today."
Akatosh held Sheogorath's leg up to his hips and licked two of his finger. He was willing to prepare his lover, but his lover already chose an easier way today. Akatosh led his fingers along the Madgod's leg to find the entrance only to find a female entrance between his manhood and his other entrance. All to Akatosh's surprise, but a welcome surprise. He looked up at his lover for confirmation after he realized that he was already wet.
"Yes, you may start now if you would like."
The Dragon God grabbed both of Sheogorath's legs in excitement and and propped him up to his hip height against the pillar. Sheogorath wrapped his arms around his neck in preparation for a rough session. Suddenly he felt something change on Akatosh's back only to see him spread his wings in dominance.
The Daedric Prince chuckled and immediately got silenced by Akatosh's first thrust. He cried out at the sudden sense of pleasure inside of him and his legs cramped up.
"I thought that you were ready," Akatosh joked as he started to kiss his neck once again.
Sheogorath murmured, "Even I can be wrong sometimes."
Akatosh didn't respond, he only thrusted again. Sheogorath bit back a moan as the Dragon God set a rhythm that he liked. The Daedric Prince's nails were digging into Akatosh's back. Even the Dragon God's wings were moving with the rhythm.
They were so close while Akatosh was buried deep in Sheogorath. Sheogorath's noises were pure pleasure for Akatosh's ears. Their bodies were getting hot and sweaty. So much so that Akatosh sometimes lost grip. The Daedric Prince moaned his Akatosh's name loudly as he arrived and only then Akatosh arrived inside of him with one long thrust that lasted an eternity.
Sheogorath felt warmth pool in his lower abdomen. His entire body was trembling. His legs were jerking in the Dragon God of Time's hands. Akatosh leaned his head against Sheogorath's shoulder in exhaustion. Both of their bodies were pulsing as they were still connected. This sinful action had been observed. The Madgod looked to the side in the direction of the open throne room's door.
The Dragon God looked at the god who dared to disturb him. Stendarr. Akatosh made sure to cover Sheogorath in a manner that only made him look possessive.
Sheogorath smiled at Stendarr while biting his lip.
"I cannot believe what you have done, Akatosh."
With unwillingness, Akatosh exited Sheogorath and the Daedric Prince mewled with protest. A bit of milky fluid dripped to the floor and the Madgod slowly moved behind his lover, barely being able to walk.
"Why would you do this?"
"It is not of your concern with who I copulate. You have always been critical of my relationship with Sheogorath. Next time, I will make you watch even more if you do not mind your own business, Stendarr. We are all Et'Ada! Would you be more approving if I layed a mortal?!"
Stendarr's gaze darkened and he left.
Sheogorath traced Akatosh's chest and whispered, "Next round in your bedroom?"
Akatosh angrily picked up both of their robes and led Sheogorath to his bedroom.
Akatosh's bedroom only had one window which made it only dimly lit. It's size would fit two dragons and the bed in the middle, shrouded in silks and satin, could fit Akatosh's dragon form perfectly. Only little light passed through the colorful silks and satins.
Sheogorath wandered to the bed and pushed the fabrics out of his way to lie down.
"I wish my bed was this large. Perhaps I should use this as a reference for my new bedroom."
"Your new bedroom?"
"I am doing a few renovations. I do not like how separated it is."
Akatosh lay down next to Sheogorath and started to kiss his torso.
"Is it okay if I am on top now?"
The Dragon God's face turned a bright red.
"I will be gentle."
It only took a few minutes for Akatosh to agree to Sheogorath's idea. Usually the Dragon God of Time was on top. It was rare for him to be on the bottom. Akatosh got on his knees for Sheogorath and the Daedric Prince liked this way too much.
"Spread your legs a little bit more," Sheogorath adviced the red-faced Dragon God.
Akatosh hesitated but spread his legs a little bit more. Sheogorath started to caress his buttcheeks which made Akatosh even embarassed. Sheogorath licked his fingers and started to gently finger the embarassed mess in front of him.
As Sheogorath's fingers entered him, Akatosh groaned. Preparation was easy, Akatosh had thought, but slowly he realized how essential it was to the one receiving. Both gods had no idea where Akatosh's g-spot was but they would find out soon. The Dragon God pushed his face into the blanket already.
"Is that enough for you, Akatosh?"
His affirmation was muffled by the blanket, but it was one.
Sheogorath pulled his fingers out of Akatosh and got closer to him.
"If this position becomes uncomfortable, please tell me... darling."
The Daedric Prince grinned diabolically and traced Akatosh's spine before carefully pushing his manhood into Akatosh's slit. Akatosh gasped below Sheogorath.
Sheogorath moaned, "Oh, you are so warm. I have to try not to arrive immediately."
He bent over his lover's back and grabbed Akatosh's manhood. The Daedra started to rub and thrust at the same time. Naturally, Sheogorath made most of the noises, but he was glad to hear Akatosh's groans and moans as well.
With the free hand he had left over, he moved it towards Akatosh's and intertwined it with his. Akatosh squeezed it gently.
"Sheogorath- harder!"
Sheogorath let go of Akatosh's hand and straightened up. He fully stopped the rubbing as he grabbed Akatosh's muscular thighs.
Akatosh turned his head to try and see what Sheogorath was doing, but it was too late. The Daedric Prince thrusted with his entire strength. Akatosh cried out and gripped the sheets.
The Madgod's thrusts were powerful and unforgiving. It felt so good that Akatosh arched his back.
"Oh, Sheogorath!!!"
Just as Akatosh thought he was going limp, he arrived and ruined the sheets. Sheogorath thrusted a few more times before feeling the pure ecstasy himself and filling Akatosh's entrance for the first time... or at least the first time for quite a while.
Breathless, both collapsed and Sheogorath carefully exited Akatosh. Now that both of them were lying next to each other again, the Daedric Prince softly traced Akatosh's inner thigh.
Both were panting.
"See? This wasn't too bad."
"This was... brilliant. You may lay me again any time you want."
"With pleasure."
Sheogorath gently gave his lover a kiss on the shoulder.
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thessalian · 8 months
Faerun!Alisaie vs Moonrise Towers
And, up at Moonrise Towers, where eeeeverybody hates us now, and there are an awful lot of charred corpses
Alisaie: Well. Are we sure Aylin needs us here?
Jaheira: You want her to have all the fun?
Alisaie: No, but given she's left holy fire everywhere to burn the shit out of everybody? I think she might be a little careless about her allies. Then again, she's been trapped as living source of perma-healing for gods know how long, so I guess her being all killing-frenzy is understandable. Wanna come with?
Jaheira: I would not miss it.
Shadowheart: I still want to know what his deal is. I mean, maybe it's just me unevenly lapsing out of a cult, but I know what I did to start that uneven lapse; what the hell did he do?
Alisaie: Fuck if I know, but I figure it has something to do with his wife or some shit like that. Love makes you do the wacky. Anyway, let's go.
A long protracted fight with a whole lot of cultists later
Jaheira: Why are we wandering aimlessly around this tower?!? We need to get to Ketherick!
Alisaie: Potions, poisons, better weapons--
Gale: Ooh, books. *yanks protruding book from shelf*
Zombies: *rise and start attacking people*
Alisaie: Why does he even have that book?
Stabnation: *is incredibly brief*
Gale: All right. Carefully. *pulls another protruding book*
Pedestal: *clicks*
Gale: All right ... this is a locking mechanism. I ... don't know what it needs to make it open, though. Doesn't look like a key.
Alisaie: Given the fact that most of these acolytes are carrying humanoid hearts? I can guess.
Gale: *puppyeyes*
Alisaie: ...OhforfuckssakeGale... *picks up heart* Ew ew ew ew ew ew... *puts it on the pedestal*
Secret Room: *opens*
Controller Person: ...Given what happened in my own D&D group a few sessions ago? IRONY.
Once the looting of the tower was done, up to the roof
Alisaie: Huh. You've actually heard of me. I thought I left fewer of your so-called family alive to talk about me. Anyway, I restored the natural order. Big whoop.
Ketherick: Welp. Don't know what you expected to get out of this. Not like I'm getting redemption any time soon.
Alisaie: There's always a place for redemption. And while killing you would be kind of justified, given the shit you've pulled, I'm feeling like being the better person and letting you fucking repent before you die, just so you can see your poor dead wife again. Who would really not agree with any of this bullshit. Just FYI.
Ketherick: For a seeming pragmatist, you have some weird ideas about being able to redeem yourself from anything.
Alisaie: Where there's life, there's hope?
Alisaie: *facepalm* OhforfuckssakeIwasgettingtohim...
Ketherick: Okay, no, hell with this. BOW.
Artefact: *says NOPE*
Ketherick: YOU had it this whole time?!? Oh, that's it; I'm just going to break you people.
Stabnation: *ensues*
Stabnation: *is interrupted by giant tentacle yoinking him away and down*
Ketherick: *as he's yoinked* AND YOU'LL GIVE ME MY DAUGHTER BAAAAaaaaack...
Jaheira: His dau-- wait. ISOBEL? Oh, FUCK no.
Alisaie: Explains a lot about why he sent that Marcus jackass, though. Anyway. That happened.
Wyll: Maybe we should have explored the dungeon a little more.
Alisaie: And let a bunch of traumatised tieflings and deep gnomes either sit in jail or go down into what's probably a fucking mind flayer colony? Are you nuts?
Wyll: No, but--
Jaheira: Hey. This is interesting and all, but... You're going after him, right?
Wyll: My father's probably down there! As well as some devil I really don't give a shit about but who not-saving might turn me into a lemure!
Gale: That's a thought. If it is Mizora as Alisaie theorises, would she be able to turn you into a lemure if you didn't save her? Does the contract extend past her death or mind-flayerdom or however that works?
Wyll: Much as I hate to say it, but if we don't rescue her, at best they get a powerful mind flayer. At worst? One of these True Souls with the power of a devil!
Alisaie: And it is all the leverage in the world to get her to break that fucking pact.
Jaheira: Excuse me, but Ketherick is below and he needs killing!
Alisaie: Yeah, and we're getting there, but we need a breather. And I'm honestly more worried about what we'll have to go through to get to him than I am about facing him again.
Jaheira: ...The fuck?
Wyll: Alisaiiiiiiie ... what did you do?
Alisaie: I haven't used the magic part of my ability suite for so long, you all forgot I had it, didn't you? I cast Heat Metal on him ... and he dropped something. *holds up Ketherick's hammer*
Gale; Wyll; Shadowheart; Jaheira: ...............
Shadowheart: One of the many reasons I love that woman. Let's go.
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chaanv · 2 years
Another day in an older sibling's life....
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The cutest. Poor Dau.
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stxrrynxghts · 3 months
Balarama: hello darkness my old friend Darkness: I ain't your friend Balarama:
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yutopia-eleftheria · 11 months
Pokémon Sword & Shield Sexuality Headcanons Part 3/3
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Peterson (Piers) : Genderqueer Asexual Gay
Peterson (Piers) always had a hard time when it comes to love, to a point where he completely ignores love. He honestly never thought he could be with someone one day, and yet he finally felt good alongside Roy (Raihan). His younger sister fully supports him like he supported her when she said she was in love with girls.
Family : Rosemary (Marnie) {Younger Sister}
             Solana Shieldmilia {Sister-In-Law}
             Claire Shieldmilia {Niece-In-Law}
             Rhine Shieldmilia {Niece-In-Law}
             Tommy Shieldmilia {Nephew-In-Law}
             Scarlet Shieldmilia {Niece-In-Law}
Husband : Roy (Raihan)
Child : Délilah {Daughter}
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Roy (Raihan) : Lithromantic Deminonbinary
Despite being his greatest rival, Roy (Raihan) used to have a crush on Tarak (Leon), but he knew that he was in love with Sonia, so he knew it was impossible, and he gave up on the latter. He was great friends with Peterson (Piers) and became really close to him, until he fell in love with him.
Family : Marnie {Sister-In-Law}
             Solana {Sister-In-Law}
             Claire {Niece-In-Law}
             Rhine {Niece-In-Law}
             Tommy {Nephew-In-Law}
             Scarlet {Niece-In-Law}
Husband : Peterson (Piers)
Child : Délilah {Daughter}
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Shehroz (Chairman Rose) : Multisexual Hermaphrodite Pangender
Shehroz (Chairman Rose) was born Hermaphrodite, but he never fully shows it. He was mostly on the male side. Despite that, he was the favourite of the 2 brothers, and Dhilan (Peony) hated that, which is why the brothers doesn’t get along well. He helped Travis (Bede) as well as Liv (Oleana) who was poor. In the end, they will fall in love.
Family : Unnamed Father (deceased)
             Dhilan (Peony) {Younger Brother}
             Unnamed Sister-In-Law
             Pivonia (Peonia) {Niece}
             Tracie “Travis” (Bede) {Adoptive Son} 
             Chaz (Gordie) {Nephew-In-Law}
             Unnamed Niece and Nephews-In-Law
             Arnold {Nephew-In-Law}
             Lona (Melony) {Sister-In-Law}
             Kabu {Brother-In-Law}
             Unnamed Nephew and Niece-In-Law
Wife : Liv (Oleana)
Children : Sol {Son ; Younger Twin}
                Rosalie {Daughter ; Older Twin}
                Masquerade {Son}
                Lancelot {Son}
                Mia {Daughter}
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Liv (Oleana) : Heteroromantic Trigender Hypersexual
Liv (Oleana) was always interested in men rather than women. They doesn’t consider themselves as just man or woman, and is therefore Trigender. Surprisingly enough, they also have a higher need than normal, but they still manage to pass work before that.
Family : Unnamed Father-In-Law (deceased)
             Dhilan (Peony) {Brother-In-Law}
             Unnamed Sister-In-Law}
             Pivonia (Peonia) {Niece-In-Law}
             Chaz (Gordie) {Nephew-In-Law}
             Unnamed Niece and Nephews-In-Law
             Arnold {Nephew-In-Law}
             Lona (Melony {Sister-In-Law}
             Kabu {Brother-In-Law}
             Unnamed Nephew and Niece-In-Law
Husband : Shehroz (Chairman Rose)
Children : Sol {Son ; Younger Twin}
                Rosalie {Daughter ; Older Twin}
                Masquerade {Son}
                Lancelot {Son}
                Mia {Daughter}
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Sophora (Klara) : Ceterosexual Cisgender
It’s probably because of her sarcastic behaviour that Sophora (Klara) had a hard time finding the love of her life. Yes she was cute, and a lot of boys wanted to be with her, but they will eventually leave her because of her attitude. Thankfully she will manage to find someone that is pretty much egal to her in that regard, and that is her par Saturnin (Avery).
Family : Jean-Targe (Shieldbert) {Uncle-In-Law ; Younger Twin}
             Jean-Fleuret (Swordward) {Uncle-In-Law ; Older Twin}
Husband : Saturnin (Avery)
Children : Rachida {Daughter}
                 Fleur {Daughter}
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Saturnin (Avery) : Intersex Homocurious
For most people, it’s hard to tell Saturnin (Avery)’s gender. The reason behind this is because he was born Intersex, and he fully accepts his condition and even takes advantage of it with his looks and all. His psychic abilities are also earned since birth and he managed to enhance his powers as the time goes by. Probably one of the reasons why Sophora (Klara) fell in love with them.
Family : Jean-Targe (Shieldbert) {Uncle ; Younger Twin}
              Jean-Fleuret (Swordward) {Uncle ; Older Twin}
Wife : Sophora (Klara)
Children : Rachida {Daughter}
                 Fleur {Daughter}
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Pivonia (Peonia) : Maverick Omnisexual
Pivonia (Peonia) was eager to find the one person that was perfect to her, but it was tough since her father was always watching her back, and she hates that. When she finally had free time without her father harassing her, she finally managed to find someone in her liking. And she will feel at her place with his family, because his mother is very loving, but she lets her children do what they want to do. She was proud of her son despite their tense relationship and the slight age gap.
Family : Dhilan (Peony) {Father}
             Unnamed Mother
             Shehroz (Chairman Rose) {Uncle}
             Unnamed Grandfather (deceased)
             Liv (Oleana) {Aunt-In-Law}
             Unnamed Sister and Brothers-In-Law
             Arnold {Brother-In-Law}
             Lona (Melony) {Mother-In-Law}
             Kabu {Father-In-Law}
             Sol {Cousin ; Younger Twin}
             Rosalie {Daughter ; Older Twin}
             Masquerade {Cousin}
             Lancelot {Cousin}
             Mia {Cousin}
Husband : Chaz (Gordie)
Children : Midnight {Son}
                Jane {Daughter}
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Always Feel Best
Summary:  Carter had a late night
Pairings:  Carter Baizen X Story Baizen
Rating:  explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, smut, unprotected sex, PIV sex, breeding kink, cream pie, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  650
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Story Drysdale Masterlist
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Carter nearly bounds down the hallway to his and Story’s room.  Leaving a trail of his clothes behind him.  Getting to the bed in nothing but his boxers, and he sees his wife wearing that pretty little pink nighty.  Feeling his cock twitch at just the sight of her.  He’d checked the app this morning, Story was fertile, and it was the perfect window for their girl.
He places his knee on the bed, sliding over to her, when he hears a low growl.  Lifting up the duvet to see that spoiled dog leaned up against his wife, “Princess, what are you doing?”
Story let’s out an annoyed sigh, “I’m queen now, babe.”
“Not you, the dog,” his voice deadpans.
“I was cold.  You were gone, working late.  And she knew I was lonely,” Story turns to look at her husband, giving him a little pout, and she rubs on Buttercup’s belly.  “She’s so sweet, and was lonely herself.”
“She can get in the bed with Ollie,” Story sleepily wiggles around a bit, and her boob just slightly pokes out of her gown.  “Come on, Buttercup.  Let’s get in the bed with Ollie.  Come on Princess.”
“No,” Story whines, and holds tight to the only other girl in the house.
“I don’t think she’ll like me fucking you back to sleep, My Queen.”
Buttercup, turns her head back to look up at Story, “Oh,” Story finally opens her eyes up to look at Carter looking like a damn dream boat with nothing on but his boxers, “I’m sorry Buttercup, listen to daddy, go get in the bed with Ollie,” she huffs out a bit of air, but walks to the foot of the bed, and down the steps to get in her bed with Ollie.  Giving one final look up at Story, before laying her head on the smaller dog’s head.
“Turn over,” Carter growls out, putting his knee back on the bed.
“I wanna see you though.”
“You’re falling asleep as is.  I’ll be doing all the work.”
Story gives him a weak smile, “Chris said missionary,” moving to lay on her back, she spreads her legs, giving her bundle of nerves a few stimulating strokes, before reaching over to feel Carter through his boxers.  “Please, babe, you look so hot fucking like that.”
“You got a dirty mouth,” Carter crawls over to go in between her spread legs, and pulls himself out.  He only pulls his boxers down a bit, because he knows those boys will wake them up in the morning by jumping on the bed.  Pulling aside Story’s panties, he views her drenched cunt.  “Don’t even need to be prepped.”
“Nope, always ready for you.”
“Shh...I’ll do the work tonight, honey.  You just relax,” he coos down at her before sliding into her perfect warmth.  Loving that soft satisfied sigh she gives, even when she’s half asleep.
Pulling her as close to him as possible, he settles his face at the crook of her neck.  Letting her feel every panting breath her body causes him to have.  Even when asleep her body is so responsive to him.  Deep panting breaths.  The softest of kisses to his shoulder, and those little whimpers that are weak against his body.  He’s missed and thought about Story all day.
Pumping into her so slow and deep.  “Carter, not too deep, baby.  Oh god,” he pulls himself out a bit as Story starts to come undone.  Her walls grabbing tightly to him.  “Daddy...Dad-dy feels so good,” she whines when his warmth coats her walls.
Carter’s hands smooth around her face, smiling down at his still mostly asleep wife, “Let’s make sure that this one is our girl, okay?” he says, his hand pressing up against her stomach.  “I can’t wait to see you getting stretched with my child again.”
“M’k,” she whispers.  His lips kiss around her neck, giving her the most sinful lullaby as they both start to drift asleep, still warming his softening cock.  “You always feel the best inside of me.”
“Hopefully I fucked a girl into you, instead of another straw.”
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vaijayantheee · 3 years
what I think the dwaraka trio do in their free time
subhadra: scrolls Pinterest for hours on end, organising her boards in the most meticulous and aesthetic way possible
balaram: I think he’s such a jock boy, like out there practising basketball or doing casual jogging with his AirPods in ya know
psych y’all thought Krishna had free time
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amerasdreams · 2 years
Another reason Jason didn't notice his fingernails digging into his palms is that... because of the nail wounds there is some nerve damage. So part of his hand he can't feel. It doesn't always work totally right (and occasionally residual pain). Plus there's scar tissue. That's just his one hand though. The other reason he doesn't notice is his PTSD acting up when he sees people getting tortured.
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