#poe dameron x transmasc!reader
ser-rctslcyer · 2 years
*shuffles in*
hewwo, my beloved-
so, i've been feeling very--burnt out lately? like i can't do anything & everything i do is wrong, & my fear of everyone leaving is super active for no reason. my sleep is basically nonexistent & i'm basically only sleeping for maybe five hours, but not like--in a row.
i'm waking up & dozing back off & chats are giving me anxiety again & i just--feel like i'm getting bad all over again? i'm also still not handling losing friends, even though i cut some off on my own, well & i dunno. i guess some reassurance about all of that would be??? helpful?
this is probably all jumbled & funky, but i'm like isolating again--which is also not good. so, i guess if a certain poe dameron could i guess?? help me through it---i may actually stop feeling so stupid & useless? doesn't have to be transmasc reader but if you do i will kiss you on the mouth & share my gummie snacks with you-
anyway; i love you so much & i'm sorry this is wordy/kinda heavy!
*rolls awaaaay*
Title:  And When I Fall, Piece Me Back Together
Pairing: Autistic! Poe Dameron x Autistic! Transmasc! Reader 
Word Count: 2.6k
Request: As stated above!
Warnings: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotions, Self-Doubt, Depression, Self-Worth Issues, Crying, NSFW, Emotional Porn, Oral Sex, Worship (Boob Worship), Making Love, Breeding
A/N: I hope this brings you some comfort for what you’ve been going through— but also this definitely hurt. 
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It doesn’t matter. 
That’s what you tell yourself— because how could it?
Billions along the galaxy lived in terror; hiding, scavenging, begging for any sort of peace, so that they may live without much fear or dread of what is to come. They’re distressed and tired— maker, they’re so tired of all the fighting, from both sides. 
The Resistance was just as fatigued. 
Too few in number, results of endless unavoidable tragedies that only continue to grow, even though you all pretend it will slow. Rations were dwindling, gear was rusting, breaking, and there were no new signs of gaining anymore. Everyone was overworked and miserable, a good portion were injured; every last one of you clinging desperately onto hope.
So why did your feelings matter?
Why should it matter when in the grand scheme of things, everyone was hurting the same, if not worse? Why should anyone care to help you?
It’s not like anyone would notice anyways. 
You weren’t special— you were just you.
Who would even want to help you?
You endure these thoughts, dragging yourself through the muck of your anguish, trying to perform your duties. A bitter fake smile, a small laugh here and there, and everything seemed as it should be-- normal. Everything flowed routinely, everyone acted the same, and no one noticed a thing. It was hard not letting your doubts seep out to those around you, they weren’t exactly to blame for how you felt; these feelings were up to you to sort out. 
And yet the seed of doubt had been sown— your insecurity and anxiety flourished.
There were only so many months you could take feeling unfavorable. It seeped into meal times first; excuses thrown freely of why you couldn’t be with everyone else. Next, it was downtime, lying that you were behind with reports or needed to take inventory before slipping away for the rest of the day. Even laying in the cool bed with your boyfriend, you slink away as your brain was relentless. Soon enough, you wouldn’t need one as no one asked you anymore, and you couldn’t even blame them. You couldn’t be a good friend to any of them— were you really even a friend at all?
Maybe they thought you were annoying.
Maybe they thought you were boring.
Maybe they never cared at all.
Maybe they simply forgot.
Those semi-feasible truths broke you. 
Those thoughts etched deeper into your head, and you found yourself quietly removing every bit of yourself from everyone you were close to. Most of your days were spent mute, not uttering so much as a word unless you were spoken to. Conversations were filled with such forced spurious energy, so at the very least you could fit in and not disrupt the flow. You were your own company for two months; no matter how much you despised it. 
Until he began popping his head in.
Your partner.
You’ve known him since he joined The Resistance, which was around the same time you inevitably joined. The two of you were thick as thieves, always hanging around each other, always being reckless— the feelings that developed were not a surprise to either of you, and fought for a better future, together. There was no part of him you didn’t trust, but your doubts were too quick to consume. The last thing you ever wanted to feel for him was the sting of rejection, and so you did your best to mask it— or so you thought. 
He never came to you asking questions, knowing how ultimately fruitless it would be because it’s too overwhelming. Instead, he sought you out, briefly speaking before sitting in silence. He never pushed for anything more. Simply, relaxing in your space no matter what you were doing; whether it was eating or working on your datapad, he was always there. You appreciated his efforts, even though there was not much you could say to him yet. 
A familiar humming breaks your thoughts and the metal door opens with a soft hiss. Poe steps in, looking a small bit disheveled with the way he had been running his fingers through his curls. It was a thing he often did whenever there was something that had him anxious. You eyed him from the comfort of your shared bed; he paced awkwardly around for a moment, unable to decide if he wanted to take his boots off or hang his jacket, first.
“Poe?” he came to a halt, looking toward you softly as you slid out of bed.
“Are you okay?” you ask, watching him register your words. His eyes drop to the floor and then to his sides before he walks up to you; his palms brushing over your knuckles as his fingers wrap around your wrist. 
“I’m worried about you,” he whispers, looking down at your hands and then back up at you with concerned eyes. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make you worry. It— it feels nearly impossible, and—“ the explanation gets caught in your throat and your vision blurred.
“Star, we don’t have to talk about it just yet, just whenever you feel ready.” He squeezed your hands, adding to the sincerity of his words. You tried to push back your feelings, but the damn had already been cracked and a pitched noise left your lips. Instantly, you were tugged into his chest, his arms snuggly around you as he nuzzled the top of your head. Your hands found their way to his shirt, digging into the fabric as you inhaled your scent— both of you standing like that until he spoke up. 
“Star, do you want me—“
“Please,” you mutter out all too quickly, “please I want to talk to you.”
He doesn’t ask again, securing his arms around you before he slowly squeezed your torso. The pressure eases in your body, making you release a low whine— and from there it erupts. A broken cry of frustration, sadness, and fear, leaves your lips, and you break down. Tears stream fast and freely down your face; the noises brought forth from the pit of your stomach, that your chest hurts after a while. 
“I— I thought no one would care,” your voice wavers as you finally muster the words to speak, “because everyone else is hurting all the same and I didn’t want to burden anyone else,” you admit, pressing your face deeper into his chest. 
“I thought maybe I had messed up, that I wasn’t a good friend to any of you— and it just got worst. I didn’t think any of you would care, and it felt like it was all my fault and, and—“ all the pain comes flooding back, the tears return as you began to blubber. 
“Shh, shh, it’s okay baby; I got you, I got you,” he assured against your head, hugging you tighter to him. His grip relaxed, an arm snaking up to the middle of your back as he swayed gently back an forth; bringing you slowly back down from your distress. It was quiet, only soft sighs and sniffles echoing softly across the room.
“It’s okay to need help,”  Poe spoke into your hair, pausing his movement to listen out for any sort of discomfort from you. When he heard none, he pulled away just enough to look at you, and caress the side of your face.
“It’s okay to come to us when you’re feeling bad,” his thumb stroked over cheek, tenderness in his eyes.  
“I swear to you,” he knocked his forehead against yours gently, pressing closer as a small whine left you, “you are never being a bother, annoying, or a burden coming to us whenever you need someone. We all need a friend sometimes and I’m certain every one of us would be by your side whenever you need it— Finn, Rey, BB, Jessika— even the General herself. We care so much about you, I care so much about you— I don’t want to see you suffer, baby.” You whimper at the earnestness in his voice, but your apprehension was too strong.
“But what if-- what if it never leaves? What if I keep ending up feeling this way at some point?” you blurt out anxiously, clinging to him harder; ready for it all to break apart again. Instead, his other hand found your cheek; eyes filled with nothing but fondness.
“Then I promise you, I will always be here to chase it away. No matter how many times I have to, I will always be there to tell you how those lies are— how deserving you are of friendship and love.” You sniffle softly, blinking away the tears, he continued to could wipe away.  “I’ll always make sure you feel cared for.” he finished, relief flooding through you; a tiny smile gracing your lips. 
“Thank you.” you whisper, finally letting yourself relax against him, and wrapping your arms around his waist. The warmth of his palms brought you more comfort, as he pressed his head rested against yours; the two of you basking in each other. Unprompted, he gently places small kisses over your face, starting from your nose and then to each side of your cheek— you sigh contently. 
“Do you want to?” he asks, nose rubbing against yours; both your eyes fluttering shut as his lips brushed lightly over your own. 
“Yes please,” the reply beckoned his lips over yours. Poe tilted your head up, sweetening the kiss as he stroked your cheek. A soft moan left from the back of your throat; your hands move to tug at the front of his shirt. It’s almost overwhelming, feeling your blood finally rush through your veins after months of being desolate; the burning in your lungs is a welcoming feeling. When he breaks the kiss, his lips still graze over the corners of your own, hands snaking away to the hem of your shirt. You step back as well, giving him a curt nod, and he pulls your shirt up over your head. The cool breeze makes you shudder, but not as bad as when his mouth places tender wet kisses over your tits. You don’t get much of a chance to react as he kneels down before you, mouth over your stomach and down to your sweatpants. He peels them, along with your bottoms slowly down in one go; sucking and nipping over the flesh of your inner thighs. You cursed, holding his head and shoulder for support, which he chuckles about. He stays there for a moment, leaving the sweetest trail of kisses over the ‘v’ of your hips, glancing up ever so often to look at you. When he was done, he got up, fingers massaging over your hips as you stood bare before him. 
He’s smiling as he kisses you again, pulling you closer to him. His tongue swipes over the inside of your mouth, drawing more noises out of you as he backed you against the bed. Carefully, his grip tightens as he lifts you up and you take the hint, pressing up off your feet and wrapping your legs around his waist. He sets you down to the soft sheets; pressing all sorts of kisses over your jaw and your neck. The desire set deep within your belly and after minutes of teasing, he moves away to admire his handy work. 
Tugging off his own jacket and shirt with ease; his necklace bounces against his chest before he kicked off his boots. Keeping his eyes on you, he shimmies out of his own bottoms before climbing between your legs; hiking one up over his shoulder as he sinks down. The flat swipe of his tongue makes you cry out and moan as he suckles on your clit. Your stomach quivers as he laps enthusiastically, sending waves of pleasure through you. He keeps one hand tightly gripping your hip, as the other slide up to grab your boob; kneading it adamantly. You don’t hold any of your screams back as he presses his face deeper into your cunt. His tongue pumps skillfully in and out of you and the stimulation from his hands and mouth were all too much and you came hard. He devours the rest of your juices, moving back up when you began to whine. 
The sweet taste of yourself from his tongue makes you shudder as you brush your thigh against his hip. He pulls your legs around him, stroking his hard cock again your dripping wet core as he sucks darker hickeys onto your neck. He groans, taking himself in one hand and pressing the tip of his cock to your clit; looking at you needily. 
“Pretty boy, can I?” his voice cracks; sending shivers down your spine. 
He wants you.
He loves you. 
“Please, Poe,” you whine, trying to roll your hips, enjoying the small amount of friction you got. He moans, following along with your rhythm, grinding his cock against your folds until he couldn’t take it anymore and sunk in. Moans echo freely between the two of you as he bottoms out, burying his face into your neck. Pleasure and desire buzz through your entire body as you beg for him to move.
With a firm yet slow roll of his hips, he thrusts deeply in and out of you; sending shockwaves of whines out of you. Your toes curl in an instant as his teeth latch onto the part where your neck and shoulder meet. You don’t mean for your nails to dig into the skin of his back, but everything inside of you hungers to feel more of him– to feel good. You fall deeper into that feeling as his hips kept meeting yours and the sweet nothings that flew out of his mouth, like your own personal shooting stars. His kisses felt like fire, sloppy and yet the most passionate ones he had ever given. You lost track of yourself, whines and whimpers leaving freely as the knot in your stomach grew. 
“I’m here, I’m here,” his right hand leaves your hip to cup the back of your neck, pressing another needy kiss to your lips, “I’m right here, baby.” His hips began to move faster, grinding against your own as he brought you closer. There was no coherent thought left in your brain as he rolled his hips thoroughly and soon you were toppling over into the abyss of pleasure. You came harder than you ever had with the sharp cry of his name, your body humming blissfully as he continued thrusting. Not long after he came to a halt, pressing deep inside of you as he came with the soft whine of your name against your cheek. You could feel just how much he had filled you, a wrecked whine leaving you; nearly convincing you that you came again. You both held onto each other for a moment, catching your breaths, before he found enough strength to flip the two of you over so that you were resting on his chest. It was a bit of haze for a moment until Poe began speaking, slowly talking you out of your space and pressing short kisses to the top of your head.
“I love you,” he mumbled, pecking your lips, “I promise  Star, I always will.”
“I love you too,” you whisper sleepily back, catching the delighted grin on his face before you began to drift off. His fingers gently stroked over your arm, lulling you into one of the best nights of sleep you had gotten in a while. 
Reminded that you were loved and cared for.
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krypticcafe · 10 months
❧ Customer Service Policy
aka The Rules
As much as we love our beloved customers, this cafe is a one-man crew and to make sure the place doesn't burn down and ruin things for everyone, we have our own rules and regulations regarding special orders along with some guidance for the lost.
Many thanks, ✎ Kryptid
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❧ Before You Order:
I will do a max of 10 characters for headcanons or fics per request, but you may request more in another one. Depending on the request, I might take out characters or make a second part.
I specialize in masc, amab, dominant, and particularly gender neutral readers, but I'm open to all types.
Readers are automatically written gender-neutral unless requested otherwise.
I do character/reader and occasionally character/character fanfics.
Poly ships are more than welcome! Please state if it is poly, because I will assume you want them all separately.
I will not always accept requests. I write on my own schedule.
If you want a specific kind of reader, please directly state so, such as gender, assigned sex, and/or pronouns. For example,
May I have a transmasc reader with König?
Can I get Din Djarin smut with an amab reader with they/them pronouns?
Can you do Ghost x fem!reader?
I would love to request a könig/horangi/masc reader please!
Remember, it's better to be super specific than super vague for the best customer satisfaction.
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✅️Will Write✅️
Polyamory/Open Relationships
Smut (certain kinks and within reason)
Mild Dub-con (depends heavily on request)
Platonic Relationships
Sibling/Related Readers
Child/Younger Reader
Comfort/Trauma Fics
Readers of all genders, backgrounds, etc
Dark/Psychological Fics (within reason)
Dead Dove (depending)
Light A/B/O
❌️Won't Write❌️
Explicit or Graphic Non-con/R*pe Smut
Dark/Psychological fics glorifying actions
Certain Fetishes
Real People
A/B/O Mpreg
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❧ Flavors:
✎﹏Call of Duty
Simon "Ghost" Riley ('09 & '22)
John "Soap" MacTavish ('09 & '22)
Captain John Price ('09 & '22)
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick ('22)
Stray/Hound ('09 & '22)
Kim "Horangi" Hong-Jin
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Farah Karim
Alex Keller
Alejandro Vargas
Rodolfo Parra
Sebastian Krueger
Sobieslaw "Gromsko" Kościuszko
Keegan P. Russ
Logan Walker
David "Hesh" Walker
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✎﹏Slashers/Dead By Daylight
Ghostface (films)
Danny Johnson/Jed Olsen/DBD!Ghostface
Jason Voorhees
Harry Warden
Michael Myers (films, DBD)
Pyramid Head (games, DBD)
Bubba Sawyer (films, DBD)
Thomas Hewitt
Brahms Heelshire
Trapper/Evan MacMillan
Wraith/Philip Ojomo
Legion/Frank Morrison
Ji-Woon Hak/Trickster
Sally Smithson/Nurse
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✎﹏Star Wars
Poe Dameron
The Mandalorian/Din Djarin
Cassian Andor
Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Sam Wilson/Captain America/Falcon
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
T'Challa/Black Panther
Peter Quill/Star-Lord
Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley/Moon Knight
Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Wade Wilson/Deadpool
Eddie Brock/Venom
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✎﹏Marble Hornets/Slenderverse
Masky/Tim Wright
Hoodie/Brian Thomas
Jane the Killer
Eyeless Jack
Kate the Chaser
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all rights reserved © krypticcafe, all fanfiction belongs to me and should not be copied, edited, published, sold, or translated without permission. all characters belong to their respective fandoms and creators.
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delicrieux · 3 years
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hello ! 🌼 considering summer is almost here and i’ve been gone for a while, i want to do something fun for everyone ! i’m opening requests back again for all fandoms (you can check them here !) & you can pick a prompt from the list below. i will write short one-shots up to 1-2k words for each day of june. considering june is pride month, lgbtq+ requests are highly encouraged! 🌈✨💞
some things to know:
these requests will not conflict with any fics i’m posting from the upcoming section !
only sfw requests please ! can be platonic or romantic.
if the gender of the reader won’t be specified in the request, automatically it will be written as non-binary (they/them) ! 💕
if you want to add on any sort of au or trope to your request, please do !
i will only be able to do one request per prompt as i am only one person.
anyone can join if they want, just make sure to tag me so i can see & reblog your work ! if it’s alright with you, i will also link your story/art on this post.
but either way, feel free to use these prompts as you wish !
the request will be posted on the corresponding day of the prompt !
all one-shots done will be linked here 💗
without further ado, the prompts:
🦋 day 1: first date, there are butterflies in your stomach [complete!]
valkyrae x fem!reader. you’ve been friends for a solid year before deciding to try your luck at something different: a date. read here!
🦋 day 2: sand, sea, & sunshine. seashells are exchanged as gifts   [complete!]
hades!corpse x persephone!reader. an unexpected visitor greets you while you’re collecting seashells on the beach. read here!
🦋 day 3: riding bikes till sunset
🦋 day 4: fireworks, music is playing from a very shitty speaker
🦋 day 5: a camping trip between friends but someone forgot to bring their tent [taken!]
peter parker x fem!reader.
🦋 day 6: coffee date in a picaresque little town
🦋 day 7: it started pouring and you don’t have an umbrella. good thing someone is there to help you out  [taken!]
jesper x fem!reader.
🦋 day 8: a slow song is playing. someone special asks you to dance  [taken!]
steve harrington x fem!reader.
🦋 day 9: roadtrip time! only you have to sit in someone’s lap because the car is too full 
🦋 day 10: it’s so hot all you want to do is laze around with a special someone and eat ice-cream all day
🦋 day 11: someone decides to take you bird watching. you didn’t expect it to be so much fun [taken!]
stan uris x nb!reader.
🦋 day 12: a sleepover with your bestfriends [taken!]
mike wheeler x fem!reader.
🦋 day 13: 80s AU! you’re shopping in the mall with your friends because you’re getting ready for a date. one of your friends is very obviously jealous
🦋 day 14: a picnic: strawberries and homemade lemonade [taken!]
sykkuno x nb!reader.
🦋 day 15: you’re a camp counselor along with your group of friends. the lot of you stay up by the campfire to tell scary stories. now you’re too afraid to go back to your cabin alone  [taken!]
real life AU! jean kirstein x fem! reader
🦋 day 16: sunbathing by the pool while the radio is playing [taken!]
poe dameron x fem!reader.
🦋 day 17: making flower crowns with your friends. you decide to make one for a special someone because they suck at making their own
🦋 day 18: you’ve always a temporary tattoo. now’s your chance to get it [taken!]
sirius black x nb!reader.
🦋 day 19: strange, you have received an anonymous love letter. from whom might it be?
🦋 day 20: there’s nothing quite like dancing in the rain with someone special
🦋 day 21: “Would it kill you to put a shirt on?” followed by a scandalous reply of “YES”  [taken!]
corpse x transmasc!reader (he/him).
🦋 day 22: it’s late into the night and there’s a storm raging outside. oops, seems like the power just went out, too. it’s all candle light and holding hands when lightning strikes. a confession somewhere in there, too [taken!]
cedric diggory x fem!reader.
🦋 day 23: you’re crying on prom night because your date is kind of an asshole. someone’s there to cheer you up. [taken!]
sykkuno x fem!amab!reader (he/they).
🦋 day 24: “Wow, uhh, you’re...you’re very...you look very pretty.”  [taken!]
corpse x fem!reader. enemies to lovers.
🦋 day 25: summer is hell. a sudden dizzy spell and a nosebleed. someone is very concerned about you.
🦋 day 26: a summer fair and you want to win the plushie you’ve been eyeing for an hour. your companion wins it for you to impress you [taken!]
peter parker x nb!reader.
🦋 day 27: “Play the guitar for me?” [taken!]
modern au! jon snow x fem!reader.
🦋 day 28: the window to your bedroom is open and your friend takes it as an open invitation to come pester you  [taken!]
bucky barnes x fem!reader.
🦋 day 29: while catching fireflies you manage to catch someones eye
🦋 day 30: summer is ending. it’s time to say goodbye.
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ser-rctslcyer · 2 years
𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫'𝟐𝟐
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hello!!! i will finally be doing one of these this year and i’m pretty excited! im not going to be doing every day, as i only picked the prompts i wanna do from this list.
characters im writing for:
mk: steven grant, marc spector, jake lockley, layla el-faouly
sw: poe dameron, cassian andor, kylo ren
misc: rydal keener, morpheus (dream), harwin strong, daemon targaryen, jack russel, halbrand
as per usual these are 18+ works, so no minors(you will be blocked)!! also if you have a blank blog or no age/age range listed i will also block!!! (i will be placing this warning on every fic; it’s for me to be comfortable)
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A Reminder:
please read all the warnings before you decide to read each fic; im not responsible for what you consume if you ignore those.
i’m a college student and my life has been hectic lately so if any of the days are late, i apologize and will get to them when i get to them— don’t harp on me for that.
a lot of these are afab!gn! and gn!, so do not refer to reader as ‘she/her’.
before we get started: some of these works will focus on dom/top! reader aspects so if it’s not what you want; then skip it.
lastly enjoy your time!
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day one + dirty talk | cassian andor x afab!gn! reader
day five + breeding + leather&latex | morpheus x gn! reader
day six + cock warming + morning sex | poe dameron x afab!gn! reader
day seven + costumes | marc spector x dom!afab!gn! reader
day eight + voice kink + creampie | jake lockely x gn! reader
day eleven + erotic photos + rimming | marc spector x dom!gn! reader
day twelve + exhibitionism | rydal keener x transmasc! reader
day thirteen + face sitting + face fucking | cassian andor x dom!afab!gn! reader
day fourteen + love bites | marc spector x afab!gn! reader
day fifteen + overstimulation | harwin strong x dom!gn! reader
day sixteen + intercrural sex | steven grant x afab!gn! reader
day seventeen + licking + pegging | steven grant x top!afab!gn! reader
day eighteen + lingerie | layla el-faouly x top!gn! reader
day nineteen + masturbation | jake lockely x gn! reader
day twenty + mirror sex | x transmasc! reader
day twenty-one + nipple play + praise kink | steven grant x afab!gn! reader
day twenty-three + food play + orgasm denial | daemon targaryen x dom!gn! reader
day twenty-four + outdoor sex + tender sex | jack russell x afab!gn! reader
day twenty-six + wax play | halbrand x top!gn! reader
day twenty-seven + stockings | layla el-faouly x marc spector x dom!gn!reader
day twenty-nine + body worship + table sex | kylo ren x transmasc! reader
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ser-rctslcyer · 2 years
Slow Down Rebel Boy || Poe Dameron
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Transmasc! Reader
Word Count: 4.1k
Synopsis: He’s been bouncing around all around The Resistance, doing everything for everyone, and every time you tell him to slow it down.  (Or the 3 times you make Poe take a break and the 1 time he comes to you for one.)
Warnings: Canon Compliant (Post TLJ / Pre TROS), Established Relationship, 3+1 Things, Mild Hurt/Comfort, NSFW, Coded Language (clit and cunt)
A/N: This was 100% written so I could watch @mccnknightstcrdst lose their goddamn mind 😌(also cue me writing other things even though i have a series to work on)
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He was quieter for the first few weeks after Crait.
You had noticed the subtle shift in your love after The Resistance had settled into Ajan Kloss. The lack of smiles, laughter and the typical fiery stubborn temper had all but disappeared. He was silent and nearly compliant with everything asked of him— so unlike his regular self. 
Poe was different.
It had taken a tearful confession at night for you to realize how badly the last escape from The First Order affected him. He had blamed himself for the losses at D’Quar, for Leia’s injuries, and Vice Admiral Holdo’s sacrifice for them to even make it to Crait in the first place. He had felt at fault for the position they were in now, barely scraping by and on the breaking point of falling apart. The Order had truly won their last battle, sinking their claws deeper into the galaxy and more and more people were afraid to help them.
He believed he was the one to condemn for that. 
Wiping away his tears, you tugged him closer and assured him it wasn’t; that no one believed he was at fault, which was true. Rubbing your hand over his back, you told him his leadership skills were needed and that people here still needed him to be him. 
After that night, you noticed his demeanor change; he was acting like his usual self.
Well except for one thing. 
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Dumping the extra scraps you scavenged over your workbench, you plopped down with a sigh. On one hand, you were glad to have found a bunch of scraps to use but frankly, there were one too many X-Wings that still needed to be repaired and you were running a little behind. 
Speaking of which, the familiar reverberations of the ships shook the broken down structure and quickly you were out of your seat; heading straight toward the hangars. Your eyes fall on the familiar black and orange X-Wing, watching the dark curly-haired man hop out; his usual bright orange jumpsuit was covered in different size patches of dirt. He talked to a few of his other pilots, seemingly updating them on some sort of information. You watched and as the conversation ended, he started off in the other direction; the one he wasn’t supposed to be going. 
“Poe!” you shouted, watching the man pause and turn; a soft puppy-like grin stretching across his lips as he jogged up to you. 
“Hey, handsome.” he sang, tucking his helmet under his left arm to cup your face with both hands and kisses you tenderly. It’s short-lived but sweet and you can’t help but lick over your lips.
“Good to see you too, love. Where are you off to?” you ask, scanning over the small scapes on his face and neck; catching the way his eye twitched.
“I was going to start working on the next mission briefing, I—”
“Poe— you just got back,” you state and he winces slightly. 
“Yeah, well I thought, I could–” he tried to explain but you shook your head. 
“Poe, you haven’t even rested,” you poke his chest hard and he lets out a soft sigh.  “I’m also assuming you didn’t eat anything either, since you forgot your food pouch too,” you add sarcastically, poking him again. You wait for an answer but instead, Poe shyly avoids your eyes.
“Now, now, Wing Commander you are to go to your quarters, eat and relax,” you command, walking behind him and giving him a shove in the direction of all the rooms.
“Wait, wait, I promise it won’t take long at all! It’s quick and I will be done and in my room—” you snort, knowing this little game of his all too well.
“Before you know it?” you finish, watching the small smile drop from his lips.
“That’s what you said last time, but then you ended up spending the entire day planning said mission you just went on and left before I could even talk to you.” you look over at his X-Wing and then back to him; his head bowed down, staring at his feet. 
“Sorry, I will go eat.” he softly apologizes a small frown over his lips. 
“No need to, love; I just need to you to make sure you’re taking care of yourself.” you soothe. 
“I know.” he kisses the inside of your palm and you can’t help but drag your thumb over his lips.
“You can slow down, love.”
“I know and thank you, handsome.” he grinned, nuzzling your hand for a second longer before you put it down to hold his hand. 
“No problem, now let’s go get you fed.” you smile, pressing a quick kiss to his neck before heading to your shared room. You feel him squeeze your hand for a second but don’t think anything of it; not noticing the sharp intake of air he takes.
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You had lost track of him after breakfast.
Poe had slipped out of sight when you were talking with Finn and now you couldn’t find him anywhere. Normally, you wouldn’t be that concerned with him off doing whatever business he need but he had spent all day hard at work and he needed a damn break. 
You had ended up outside, grimacing at the hot heat of the jungle, and began searching outside. You passed by many of your friends but with no sign of Poe. You were deep within the forest when you caught sight of rocks flirting and you pause. As quiet as could be, you crept in that direction catching sight of the young Jedi, training. She was barely floating above the ground, a few small rocks rotating around her. 
“Rey,” you called softly, not wanting to break her concentration, “ have you seen Poe?”
“No, why?” she replied, her eyes still closed. 
“He’s being a busy body again,” you complain, sitting down under a tree,
“Ah, the typical Dameron.”
“Yep, and I was trying to make sure he stayed still but he gave me the slip when I was talking to Finn.” 
“He’s a crafty one.” she chuckled, and you rolled your eyes. 
“He’s a bastard is what he is. Dammit, Dameron.” you deflate, looking up between the branches. Silence falls between you both and you wait, watching as Rey slowly moves higher into the air.
“No, I will not use the force just to find Poe.” she deadpanned.
“Not even if I say please?” you plead with your voice and she shakes her head. 
“The answer remains the same.”
“I’m sure you’ll find him soon, if there’s one thing about Poe he has his patterns.” she hums, and it's like the idea comes crashing down onto your head; you scramble up off the ground. 
“You’re absolutely right, thank you for the advice!” you shout before taking off. 
“Oh, I didn’t mean—” Rey’s voice trailed off as you rushed past the tall bushes and trees, towards the other side of the base. If there was one thing you knew about Poe, was his love for vehicles, especially fast ones. As soon as you catch sight of the speeders, you see him standing there chatting with a few other members. You jog over, right as someone points at you and Poe turns around with a smile, meeting you halfway. 
“Hey, handsome.” he greeted, pulling you in for a hug and kissing the top of your forehead. 
“I didn’t know you taught speeder lessons.” you grinned, waving at a few of the soldiers; their heads falling down as they pretended they didn’t get caught staring. 
“I saw them riding around and it look like a few of them were struggling, so I thought I give them some tips.” he stepped back, turning to admire
“Just tips on how to ride?” you raised your eyebrow. 
“Well, that and maybe a few on how to em faster,” he spoke, shyly scratching the back of his head. 
“Like the speeders, you used in Kijimi, when you were—” his gloved hand quickly cups itself around your mouth, as he looks at you wide-eyed. 
“Shh, will you keep your voice down?” he hissed, and you smirked against the leather, tugging his hand gently down. 
“Why? I’m sure they’d love to know you were a spice runner.” you beam and he squints. 
“Why are you being a little terror?” 
“I don’t know, why are you not taking it easy, like I asked?” he instantly grimaces and stomps his foot like a little kid. 
“Handsome, you know I hate sitting still,” he whines and you cross your arms. 
“Yes, I do but with the number of chases you get yourself into and hurt, I think I’m allowed to be worried.”
“This time, I didn’t get hurt that bad!” he argued, patting the side that barely was grazed by a Stormtrooper's blaster. 
“Emphasis on this time. Coming back from missions and working your ass off, isn’t healthy for you, my love. You still need to get your rest, so you can keep kicking ass.” you grab his hands, slotting your fingers between his and tugging him closer. His eyes are focused on yours as you lean in and peck his lips lovingly.
“Besides, I’m sure they’re perfectly fine with waiting at least a day, for your supervision to get these speeders in peak working order,” you add, brushing your nose against his jaw; your hands moving to rub over his sides. One of his hands moves to his hips and the other cupping the back of your neck. 
“I hate when you make good points,” he mumbles and you chuckle softly. 
“Oh I know, you do. Which is why I keep making them.” he snorts, kissing you again. 
“You should go tell them you're taking the rest of the day off.”
“The rest of the day?” he looks at you like you’ve said the most insane thing in the world and you shake your head. 
“Fine, fine.” he frowns but instead of scolding him, you press a kiss to his neck. 
“Go tell ‘em.” you look over to the group and back at Poe, who seems a little flush in the face. His eyes are locked on yours for a moment, before he rubs his neck, walking back to the group. You watch as he apologizes for having to leave and promises to be back tomorrow. You can’t help the smile that tugs at your lips, as the rebels thank and rave at him.
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Yawning, through the quiet beeping halls, you come to a stop as you come to your room. The soft click of the button opens the door and to your surprise, Poe is sitting at the table, awake. You rub over your eyes to make sure you’re not already dreaming, shocked to see him up this late. You expect him to look at you but he doesn’t too focused on whatever is in front of him. You enter, letting the door shut softly, and BB-8 beeps from his charging station. You greet the robot, rubbing over his  little head before looking back to your pilot. 
“And what do you think you're doing?” you call out, watching Poe jump and whip around in his seat.
“Oh, uh, hey, um— what have you been up to?” he smiles, pushing back whatever he was working on. You step closer, finally noticing the tablet on the table. 
“I swear I was doing nothing more than reading over it!” he put his hands up in defense and you rolled your eyes. 
“Which is why you have several mission documents out, right?” he sighed, throwing his head back as he slouched in the seat.
“I’m close to being done.” he defend.
“I know, you told me before, no more working before bed, in fact, you outlawed it, but I promise I thought it would be quick.” he moped, pulling his stuff back in front of you. Sighing, you set your tool kit down and walked up to the table.
“How close are you?”
“Just another hour,” he whispered and you sighed, tapping your fingers against the table. 
“I’ll give you another half to finish whatever you have now so you can go to sleep, is that okay?” you can see the confusion spread across his face before he realizes your giving him extra time. 
“Yes.” he grinned, blowing you a kiss. “Thank you handsome.”
“Mhm, don’t get used to it, Dameron.” you kiss his temple, heading to your closet. 
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” he laughed, tapping away on his tablet.
You listen to him work silently, as you stripped down and got yourself in clean clothes. You drink a small bit of water before plopping in bed to relax your muscles and closing your eyes. You can feel every second tick by but you refuse to let yourself fall asleep until you can make sure Poe’s in bed. Once it’s been long enough you get up, stretching your limbs as you drape your arms over his shoulder; burying your nose into his hair. 
“Trying to lure me to bed, already? I thought you said you were giving me another half hour?” he hums, one of his warm hands, grabbing and rubbing over your arm. 
“I am, you still have a few minutes. I just missed you, is all,” you mumble.
“I missed you too. I’m sorry we keep breaking everything.” he leans up and kisses underneath your chin. 
“It’s fine, you know I love fixing things,” you speak sarcastically and he laughs.
“Yes, but you’re also very meticulous to make sure everything works perfectly for us.”
“The life of a war mechanic.” you yawn and Poe stops his tapping.
“We're almost at the end.” the calmness in his voice brings an unnerving feeling to your stomach. 
“I know.” you answer, feeling the tension increase. 
“We’ll win, love. Please don’t fret.” you kiss the back of his neck, squeezing him gently till he relaxes with a soft exhale. 
“Ready to stop?” you press your lips behind his ear.
“Yes.” you pull away, and he shuts everything off before getting out of the chair.
“C’mere.” you hug him tightly and he buries his face into your neck. 
“Thank you, handsome.”
“No problem, I love you.”
“Love you too.” he hums, leading you both to bed. 
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The silver shower handle squeaked as you turned it off,  the warm droplets on your body cooling instantly as you stepped out. Another tedious day over and finally you could get some early rest. You slipped into an oversized shirt, one you had nabbed from Poe a long time ago, and a pair of soft pants. You were about to slip under the covers when the metal door whirled to life and in came Poe— looking awfully distraught. 
“I thought you had a meeting?” you ask, sitting on the edge of the bed. 
“I did— I just left early; already got the gist of how that one was going to go.” he shrugged, his fist balling at his side for amount before he shoves them into his pocket.
“Are you alright, love?” he shrugs again, avoiding eye contact as he trudges toward the bed, plopping down beside you. He stares forward, his hands slipping out of his pocket and onto his lap. Carefully, you reach over and grab his hands, rubbing your thumb over each knuckle. 
“It’s okay, I’m here for you, love,” you whisper.
“I think— I wore myself out. I fucking pushed myself too hard and now, I’m fucking exhausted, like an idiot.” his voice broke, along with your heart as he lets out a soft sniffle. He finally looks at you and his eyes are bloodshot and shiny. 
“I know you tried to help and I didn’t listen and I’m sorry—” 
“Poe, you don’t need to apologize for anything, love,” you assure him, quickly dropping to the ground so you can hold his face. His lips quiver, frowning and closing his eyes as a tear rolls down his cheek; you brush it away. 
“Even as headstrong as you are, I know you do it because you care about everyone in this galaxy so much. Please know, that I am proud of all the hard work you do, my love. I am so fucking proud of you, Poe Dameron.” you emphasize the last sentence, watching his features relax as he leans into your palms. You wipe the rest of his tears away, holding him like this until the tears stop running. 
“What can I do to make you feel better? What do you need from me, love?” you ask, your fingers playing with the few curls you can reach. 
“You,” he whispers, the rest of his desires, echoing through his eyes. You smile warmly at him as you stand up and straddle his lap. His hand smoothes over your hips, gently securing you in place as your fingers comb through his hair and pepper him in gentle kisses.
The effect is instant, soft gasps and sighs escaping his mouth until finally your lips land on his. You kiss him slow and thoroughly, mapping out every inch of your mouth, tasting every bit of him. Your hands trail up the dark brown leather jacket, tugging it between your fingers as you deepen the kiss. With a slow rock of your hips, the noises become louder as you find a lazy rhythm, feeling Poe’s cock already straining against the material of his pants. 
Breaking away, you kiss over his jaw, admiring through your upper lashes how out of it and needy he looked— all from just a simple kiss. Your lips trail down his neck, feeling his pulse beating strongly and faster with each kiss you left him. A moan escapes him and you pause your motions, staring up at him with innocent eyes. 
“You like that?” you smirk, watching as Poe avoids your eyes for a moment, before finally looking down at you 
“Yes,” he whimpers, your lips already back over his neck; teething grazing over his fine skin. He curses, tilting his head back as you nip and suck over his pulse point; licking over the newly formed hickey. His grip over your hips tightens as your speed up your pace, the warmth in your core slowly building. 
Swiftly, you tug off your shirt, peeling his leather coat off of him and onto yourself. He was stunned for a moment, but you could easily tell he was loving it with how wide and blown out his eyes were. You take the time to unbutton his shirt and with his help, it's tossed onto the floor with your own. Without warning, he flips the two of you over so your back sinks into the cushiony mattress. You can’t stop smiling, watching him kick off his shoes with ease, properly slotting himself between your legs. He traces his fingers over your stomach and down, right to the edge of your pants and Poe gives you a look.
“Yes, baby.” you spur, biting your lip as his hand disappears under your waistband; the feeling of the rough pads of his fingers brushing your clit makes you shudder. They circle lightly, making broad sweeps over the sensitive nub and through your folds. You whine, opening your legs wider and Poe takes the invitation, pressing two of his warm fingers inside of you. His fingers pump slowly, stretching you gradually and rubbing against all of your sensitive spots. 
“Poe,” the simple plead of his name, breaks his silent trance. 
“I’ve got you handsome,” he coos lowly, thrusting his fingers faster. He twists them and curls them, leaving you almost completely breathless,  “you’re such a good boy,” the praise is all it takes, and you clench, shaking around him as you come. He pulls his fingers out, licking each one of them clean as you catch your breath. Once finished, his lips are on yours again, the taste of yourself driving you both mad as you tried to devour it off each other. Reaching out, you palm over his bugle and he whines loudly into the kiss. 
“I need you in me, now,” you demand, stroking him teasingly until he swatted your hand away. He fumbled over his buckles, shimming out of his pants and undergarments before yanking them off of his legs. He grabs your legs, placing them on side of him as he drags his throbbing hard cock against your folds; looking at you for some sign of approval to which you nod.
He sinks in slowly, both of you savoring the feeling of each other, gasping when he bottoms out. No matter how many times you do this, you both never can get enough of the feeling when he first enters you. His eyes are screwed shut and his mouth agape, as he slowly pushed in and out, building a steady rhythm. 
You moan, basking in the pleasure building its way up your stomach when your eyes focused on the shiny metal around his neck. Without a word you press your palm flat to the ring, pushing it up until you could caress his neck. His eyes open again, bright, brown and bewilder by your actions until you pull him down for a kiss. You lap the inside of his mouth, his hips rock faster, thrusting his cock as deep as he could get it. Nipping at his lips, you pull on the strands of dark curls you can reach and he keens. 
“You like that, pretty boy?” he whimpers, bucking his hips against yours, moaning loudly into your ear. You tug again and he shudders, his thrusts slowly beginning to lose rhythm. 
“Oh, fuck me so well,” you pant, rocking your hips up to meet his. The wet sounds between you grow louder, as you dig your heels into the bed for more leverage. The skin-smacking sound echoes through the room, Poe’s whines following just behind them. 
“Only you know how to fuck me like this,” you gasp, clenching instinctively when he hits that spot inside of you. 
“Fuck,” he groans, thrusting sharply and you can feel his cock twitch inside of you. “I’m close, I’m close,” his whines increase, even with his head buried into your neck he’s still so loud. Throwing your head back, you focus on the pit boiling in your stomach, as you’re right on the edge again. 
“Cum inside me,” those simple three words, make Poe scream and he comes buried deep inside of you, triggering your second orgasm for tonight. His hips sputter and shake and he leans into pepper you in kisses, mumbling thank you’s against your lips, between every kiss. 
It takes a few more minutes of rest before he can manage enough strength to pull out of you and roll himself over onto his back. Your eyelids fall shut and your body decompresses; sleep tugging you bit by bit and your mind calling for rest—- until you felt squirming beside you. 
“You’re still thinking?” you whisper, not even bothering to open your eyes; though you do reach out blindly and hold his hand. 
“Yes,” he chuckles for a second before quieting down, “I— I just figure that I— ah, fuck it, there’s just no easy way to approach this,” he sighs and you feel the bed dip as he sits back up. 
“Huh?” you force your eyes open, sitting up only to be met by his hand in front of your face.
“Will you— will you carry it for me? For us?” he opens it, revealing his necklace for you— a choice in the palm of his hand. Without hesitating, you gently grasp the metal chain, cradling it in both of your hands. Your thumb brushes over the silver band, a soft exhale of air as your heart flutters in your chest. 
“Poe— are you sure?” you look at him, tears forming at the corners of your eyes. 
“Yes. I don’t think there’s anything I’ve been more sure of,” he says like it's the only truth in the world.
“Oh, love.” you cup his face, kissing him with all the love in your heart you could muster. He kisses you just as passionately, pouring every bit of love and devotion into it. Even when you pull away, his lips graze against yours, breath warm against your face. You sit back, pulling the chain over your head, the cold silver ring bouncing against your chest; your heart ringing in your ears. You reach for it, admiring the sleek ring in your palm.
“Ever since I met you,” his hands rest under yours, closing your palm and his around it, “it’s always been yours.” you squeeze it softly, brushing your nose against his. 
“I love you, Poe Dameron.” your lips are so close to his that you can feel the smile stretching across his lips.
“I love you, (Y/N) Dameron.” he leans forward, happy to be kissing his future husband. 
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