#pls ignore this and dont interact if you see this
pixelkittyz · 2 years
im tired
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naenaex0xx · 2 months
im so annoyed hrhshsh
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burntb4bydoll · 11 months
It's my first time requesting something on here, I am CRAVING for any Tokio Hotel member with a kind/sweet/obedient reader, I usually can't find stories/headcanons with them where the reader is a sweet and obedient girl, feel free to ignore this request if you want to.
Bae this is so me fr (for the most part😇)
Tokio Hotel with a sweet and obedient gf (slightly NSFW)
Bill Kaulitz
•hes completely infatuated with you. you could do anything you wanted to him and he would let you.
•he thinks that you are an absolute angel. He loves how sweet you are, it makes him so proud to be your bf
•would NEVER let people take advantage of you or your kindness. You don’t like disappointing people by saying ‘no’ but he has absolutely no problem doing it for you
• “sweetheart, you can’t do everything people ask you to. You are too sweet for your own good sometimes I swear.”
•he means that in a endearing way dw! He wouldn’t change a single thing about you
•he tries to test your obedience tbh. He’ll tell you to do something small then slowly start telling you to do more, but you never disobey him. And he makes sure to praise you very well for it
• “oh my, what a good girl. You listen so well, angel. Im so proud of you.”
•definitely is more of a soft dom with you, he can’t imagine being mean to his sweet girl🤭
Tom Kaulitz
•oh boy…
•you two are opposites. He’ll try to get you to do and say bad/mean things just to see if youll actually do it
•your hesitant because you dont wanna be mean, but you obey him and he immediately cant help but smirk to himself
•Bill always scolds him for it tho, you can’t escape mama Bill.
“Tom, Leave her alone! Y/n don’t listen to him, hes an idiot.” 😭
•he thinks its so cute watching you interact with his family. You’re just so sweet and they all love you so much. Hes so happy that they love you just as much as he does
•not to be a whore….but CORRUPTION KINK?? HELLO???
•LOVES pet names. He calls you princess, sweetheart, my love🤭🤭
Georg Listing
•LORD he is obsessed with you omfg
•you are absolutely everything to him. You’re his precious girl who could never EVER do anything wrong in his eyes
•literally refers to you as his ‘lovely girlfriend’ to people 😭
•his heart almost explodes whenever you do anything for him. Whether that be cooking him food, drawing/coloring a picture for him, or just giving him a small compliment, he’ll always be so so appreciative of it
•HES SO SOFT WITH YOU. He kisses youholds your face so gently while stroking your cheeks with his thumbs:(((
• “You’re such a sweetheart, you know that? I love you so much, my sweet girl.”
Gustav Schäfer
•hes also such a sweetheart, but he likes to pretend like hes all mean and unapproachable😭
•like babe, you are probably the cutest person here you’re not fooling anyone.
•you two are known for being the super lovey couple. He loves to show you off and you’re just happy to be there😇
•although you’re both sweet, you’re the only obedient one in the relationship. He such a brat and LOVES to push peoples buttons just to see how far he can go before someone actually gets mad😭
•you guys are the embodiment of a praise kink. Neither of you can go 5 minutes without being and all nice and lovey dovey to each other
•dare i say….pleasure Dom Gustav…. GUYS IK I SAY IT ALL THE TIME BUT PLS YOU KNOW ITS TRUE
• “such a good girl for me, arent you?”
“Aww, you’re so cute, my baby.” Yes. HIS baby.😇
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ikigaisvt · 6 months
seventeen as tropes – vocal unit
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starring: jeonghan, joshua, jihoon, dokyeom & seungkwan + gn!reader / (mention of mingyu in dk's) words count: 3.5k in total (between 400 - 800 each, expect seungkwan's 1.3k..,,.,..,, dont comment on that pls) content: fluff, non-idol!au warnings: everything is soft tbh? skinship (cheek kiss, kissing, holding hands), teasing, pining, rivalry, shitty team mates/friends, crying, lots of blushing lmao, very very very very sappy note: seventeen as tropes has been sitting in my drafts since 2022 and i'm FINALLY letting it out,, i hope everyone enjoy it! i decided to post it by units or else the post would get Too long (i already went off on this one lmao) don't worry hhu unit and pfu unit is already in the making hehe >.< pls don't come for me if some members have more words than others! inspiration isn't going to be the same for every tropes so i hope everyone can keep that mind! minors can interact with this fic but please don't follow or i'll hard block you. ignore any mistakes pls my brain is Dead rn,,, pls enjoy this piece of mine and don't forget to leave a like/reblog/comment! mwah mwah mwah good reading~
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Jeonghan: Blind date
Jeonghan never loses bets and everyone in his friend group knows that which is why no one ever makes bets with him. He is just an extremely lucky person and he can always get his way out of any situation; expect when the person he made a bet with is Joshua – I taught him too well, he thinks to himself. It’s all because of a lost bet that he finds himself going on a blind date on this Thursday afternoon. That was the bet – to go on a blind date with someone the other picked. To say he was nervous was an understatement. All he’s hoping for is that Joshua didn’t prank him and sent like Seungkwan as his date. That would be awkward, he thinks as he makes his way quicker to the café.
As for you? Well, here you are, waiting for Joshua’s friend in this new café that opened in the neighbor. You don’t really know what went through your mind when you agreed to this blind date; something about Joshua’s words, probably. He can be a bit too convincing at times, something he apparently learned from this special friend – Jeonghan. You’ve never met the guy but oh have you heard countless stories about him. You know he’s one of Joshua’s closest friends so maybe you won’t get a relationship out of this but you will be able to talk about Joshua’s weird antics – in hopes Jeonghan isn’t worse, somehow, than your best friend.
You’re lost in your thoughts when a voice softly calls your name. You look up to see the most beautiful man ever and he quickly introduces himself as Jeonghan, as he sits down in front of you. You don’t really notice how Jeonghan looks at you, like you’re the most beautiful human he has ever seen or how a slight blush creeps up on his ears. And Jeonghan doesn’t notice the blush on your cheeks or how you slightly smile to yourself every time he tells you something. You two talk for hours; complaining about Joshua’s behavior – and you don’t let Jeonghan get away with turning him into a little devil, talking about how cute Sylvanian families are – he even shows you the ones he has, he rants about Legos, too, while he lets you tell him about that last book you read – something about a fae prince and a human falling in love. The staffs at the café breaks you both out of your conversation, letting you know they are closing in 10 minutes – it’s only when she comes around that you realize you are the only customers left. You quickly gather your stuffs, expecting to say goodbye to Jeonghan in front of the café but he naturally walks you back to your place. It’s when you’re leaned on your front door that he asks for your number – I thought he would never make a move, and he promises to see you soon before leaning in to give you a kiss on your cheek. It’s only when Jeonghan leaves you that he realizes luck was, once again, on his side.
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Joshua: Coworkers
You’re very grateful for your coworkers at your new job. It’s only been a few months since you joined the finance team at this new company but everyone treats you like you have been part of the team for a long time. Everyone helps you out in new tasks, especially Joshua. Whenever you have to do something you aren’t used to, Joshua comes running to help you out and he cheers you up every time you have a hard time. You never really questioned how he acts as you always thought he was just being nice – as he is with anyone else. However, as your coworkers have known him longer than you, they know how you always get a special treatment from him; he makes you coffee when you start working and after lunch, he brings you your favorite chocolate, he prints out your folders for you and makes sure you always have your favorite pens working. His crush on you is known to everyone but you.
That all comes to light on a company dinner where Joshua special dots on you even in a restaurant far from work – he gets you food, fills up your plate and your glasses, lends you his jacket when you get cold and even offer to walk you home. All of these little attention gets him teased by your coworkers while you are still as oblivious as before. Joshua wears a profound blush on his ears all night but once again, you still don’t notice the pink tint of his ears (you honestly think it’s a cause of his drinking) and Joshua is entirely too happy about you being so clueless.
A few hours later he walks you home – as he promised. However, you surprise him by asking why everyone was teasing him back there. He stumbles on his words, the blush going to his cheeks until he finally admits it’s because he has a crush on you ever since you walked into the office on your first day. And now you’re the one with the blush, stuttering an answer – I like you too, but Joshua takes you by surprise by kissing you.
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Jihoon: Acquaintances
You have known Jihoon since middle school; he was just always around in your group of friends and yet you didn’t know him at all. All you knew about him is that he liked music and as much as you thought he was nice, you never thought about making friends with him – if you didn’t all this time, why now? But when you’re in your first year of college, walking into your liberal arts class and you see only one familiar face – Jihoon’s, you walk up to him because it’s always good to know someone in every classes – to get notes or for future project.
So, you put on your best smile, sit down next to him – hope to god he remembers you – while starting to rant about how glad you are he’s here. However, all you’re met with is a blushing and stuttering Jihoon; “Sorry, I- uh- I forgot to water my dog- I mean, no- Forgot to give water to my dog! Bye!” before he runs out of the auditorium. It’s an understatement to say you are confused about his behavior, hoping he doesn’t secretly hate you – and is currently at the college’s administration to beg for a transfer. He’s cute, after all.
Next week, you are standing in front of the door of that same auditorium wondering if you’re going to find Jihoon in there. You don’t give yourself time to run away, pushing the door open and promising yourself to try and make a friend in this class today. You sit down, not trying to find Jihoon among the students. You didn’t even finish pulling out your laptop that the chair beside you is pushed back – Someone sat down next to me! – and you look to see who your new best friend is, only to see Jihoon looking at you, smiling. He greets you, asks you how your morning went before apologizing for last week – something about him being stressed. You let him know it’s alright – you can’t just hold grudges against him. And he’s cute today too. That’s how you two become friends after more than 10 years of being in each other’s life – or like background. And so, because Jihoon never feels like he apologizes enough, he does anything you ask of him for weeks: he buys you food, lends you his notes, makes you playlists but most importantly, when you ask to see his studio, he accepts.
On a Friday night, he picks you up and you two walk together to the studio, as you ask him about music – all these years, you always saw him with a guitar or humming songs and yet you never knew how it all started. And so, he answers all your questions, he talks, again and again, he tells you everything because it’s you. When you get to the studio, you walk around, touching every instrument, asking more questions while he sets up his computer. He goes out for a moment – letting you know you can play around on his computer – to pick up dinner at the fast food down the street. Of course, you take his offer, settling down on his chair and you open Youtube, play some songs before trying to make a simple track. It’s when you open his files to add one of his samples that you stumble across a file named after you; you can’t resist the urge to open it, finding songs after songs – Run to you, Darl+ing, Lean On Me, Adore U.
Jihoon comes in a few minutes after, the computer still shining with all these songs. And that’s when he knows – he knows he can’t hide it anymore, he knows all these years he spent at a distance from you can’t happen again, he knows he has to tell you. So, he tells you – he never talked this much in a night – he tells you he always liked you, he never forgot that first day he saw you in middle school, he explains how much he tried to not be in your life but he always felt himself be pulled in. He confesses that’s how he started music – because nothing but this could describe what he feels in his chest when you’re there. And you have tears in your eyes, you feel like your heart is going to implode from the love he gives you and you tell him; someway, somehow, your life has always felt empty when he was missing. When college came around you were scared you were never going to see him again. So, when you saw him, you knew this was destiny. You knew the world pulled strings for you two. (You spend the night at his studio, listening to every song he made for you while you two build a new world together.)
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Dokyeom: Love at first sight/Meet cute
Dokyeom knows it; he’s in love. Okay, he hasn’t been in love before but he is pretty damn sure if love is something then it’s this; your chest tightens, you feel tingles in your stomach and you can’t stop looking at everything they do. That’s what he feels right now, when he sees you reading your book in that coffee shop.
He’s here with his best friend who tries so hard to get his attention but nothing can make him look away. I’m not being a weirdo, he reassures himself. You’re just so pretty, sitting there while reacting to that book – at one point, he saw tears pooling in your eyes – while you sip on your tea, your headphones on. You stay there, reading away while he watches you, then stops looking when he feels like you’ll notice him but he finds himself looking at you soon enough, never being able to really stop.
It's when you get up, making your way to the bathroom that he breaks from his daze – I need to get a grip. So, he focuses on his best friend’s rant, listening, actually answering his questions. But when he misses you, he looks back to your spot only to find it empty, only your book left behind. He gets up immediately and make his way to your spot, not even caring about Mingyu’s complaint. He picks up your book – Me Before You, he reads – and hurriedly makes his way out of the café. As he looks around, trying to find you, he notices you at the end of the street, a few meters away, waiting to cross the road. He runs up to you, not wanting to let you get away and as he gets to your level, he gets weirdly nervous; it’s not like he’s gonna make any move, right? He lightly taps your shoulder to get your attention. You turn around, a natural smile hanging on your lips as an answer. Dokyeom feels his heart beat faster right away and he knows it’s not even the nervousness, it’s you – Hi, uh- I- I was in that café, he starts as he points behind himself, I think that’s yours, he says as he holds out the book between the two of you. Immediately, you react, your face twisting in something between surprise and gratitude as you grab it and you never stop thanking him, again and again, asking him how you can repay him. Nothing, he answers, stars in his eyes knowing he will never be that close to the sun again, just- enjoy that book, okay? he finishes, turning around to go back to his best friend and his cappuccino. He walks slowly, almost as he expects you to catch up to him, almost as he wants you to – and he does. It’s when he pulls the door of the café open that he feels a light touch on his shoulder, his body reacting to you before his eyes can even see you. His lips pull up, his eyes shine again and he turns around, his heart reacting the same way again, before you extend a piece of paper between your bodies, stuttering; You forgot something too, the blush on your ears deepens, my number.
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Seungkwan: Rivals
Seungkwan has always loved badminton; at this point, he talks about it so often, the whole school knows. Which you might be bitter about – only because you don’t like sharing something in common with him – but it’s only normal people do know about it; after all, he’s the captain of the boy’s badminton team. Now, what people of this school don’t know is that there is also a girl’s badminton team in the school – however, they are about to know. You have been leading the team so well, even though it has only been two years since it first got together, that you now get to share the court in your school’s sports hall to practice with your girls. Your coach – which is also the boy’s team, also lets you know that you’ll be meeting the other team every 2 weeks for friendly matches so the girls could improve in their skills.
It's the next day when you walk onto the court, already prepared for practice – you just need to take care of a few things as you are the team captain. Unfortunately, you stumble onto Seungkwan when you least expect it – you thought the team had classes at this time (not that you know his schedule, of course). Seungkwan doesn’t understand what you’re doing on his ground and he asks you to leave or else he will tell the coach – as if he had any kind of weight on her. Go tell the coach I’m here, go, you scoff at him, knowing she will only let him know what’s really going on. A few minutes later he comes back, the coach by his side, as he rolls his eyes at, probably, the thought of sharing anything with you.
And that’s how the rivalry between the two of you gets worse – if that was even possible. Your team meet every other day, practicing side by side and sharing laughter – expect you and Seungkwan. You both make your possible to annoy each other – you take the best spot first, you help the coach, you give advices to his team mates, you even go as far as to use him as something not to do on the field. On his side, he refuses to say your name, he keeps reprimanding your girls, he even says how even a toddler could play better than you and even go as far as to flirt with your team mate. Fortunately, even through all this fight with him, you and your girls train hard and your skills are rapidly improving. Time passes by so fast and it’s already time for your first match against the boys. You gather your team, let them know you believe in them and to not get intimidated by their playing – they are going to play hard and we need to hit back as much as them. It’s when Seungkwan sees you like this, so serious, so sure of yourself and so proud of your team, even when they lose points that he notices you in a different way. The way you burn with passion and yet how your eyes still shine with love when one of your team needs words of encouragement. He didn’t think he would ever feel like this but right now, you are distracting him from the match. And nothing, distract him from badminton.
The match is fierce, the room is burning with pride and want for the win; which the girls get. You cheer again and again, even the boys are congratulating your team – only Seungkwan doesn’t as he gathers his stuff and leaves first – which somehow, stings. You think it’s because his pride is hurt but it’s only because he can’t bear to see you anymore when he feels like this – heart fluttering, lips forming into a smile – at the sight of you.
The training keeps going after that win, the matches too; you keep annoying him and he does too, even though is comments are more helpful than anything; don’t do it like this, you’ll get hurt or even tell them to coordinate their moves, it will make them better – but you don’t notice, you only do the contrary of what he wants you to. The 5th match comes faster than any of you expect and you fight for the win with your team – you haven’t won these past 3 ones and it’s taking a toll on the team spirit – but the luck isn’t on your side when you sprain your ankle. The match stops as soon as you yelp, your team mates too surprised to react right away. Through the pain, you open your eyes when you feel a hand touch at your ankle delicately, trying to evaluate how hurt you are. You expect to see your coach but you meet a pair of brown worried eyes – Seungkwan. Are you hurt somewhere else? he asks softly, before turning around and telling everyone else to give you space, talk to me, please, he pleads, his big brown eyes fixed on your face. The after shock of the fall passes by as you stutter; why do you care? before asking for two of your team members to help to the infirmary – the coach letting everyone know the match is postponed, as you go through the door.
A few hours later you’re sat down on the cold bed, waiting for one of your friends to get out of class so she can drive you home – two weeks without walking and a month with no badminton, at least, the nurse told you earlier, but please go see a doctor, she finished before leaving you alone in the room to rest. You’re lost in your thoughts when you hear a knock on the door, thinking it’s your friend that’s here to bring you back home – finally. You’re more than surprised when you’re met with Seungkwan’s figure at the door as he asks you if he can come in, which you answer with a nod. He walks in and sats down on the chair at the end of the bed; what did she say? he asks, nervous at the thought of talking to you normally – and also, at the thought of not seeing you for practice anymore. 2 weeks with crutches and a month without playing, at best, you whisper, trying to fight back the tears. Oh- I’m so sorry, he says, sounding sincere. It’s not like you have anything to do with that, you sneer, wiping a tear off your cheek, do you? He sits back, now realizing how far your rivalry had gone for you to thin he could hurt you; no, of course not. I would never, he says seriously, as he sits down at the foot of your bed. Yeah, sorry, you apologize, your voice breaking in the middle, I thought that was what we did. Hurt each other. He takes in your pain which is much more than physical right now; your heart is on the verge of breaking and it’s mostly because of him; Not anymore. I don’t want to do that anymore; he starts as you lookconfused by his words. So, he explains; how his aversion for you came to be because you were a better captain, how people compared you two together, how some of his old team mates wished to have you instead of him. How he found himself to be as admirative of you as people are, how he finally understood everyone when he saw you play, how badminton was made for you, the same way you were for him. How these feelings bloomed in a place he thought was burned by the spite of others. How he wishes he could take everything back but since he can’t how he hopes you can give him a chance to do better, in the future. So, you do; you hold his hand as you both stay silent; he starts to come up with way to fix your broken heart and you, coming up with a plan to keep the flowers blooming even in winter. Maybe love is the way to it all.
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thank you so much for reading! leave me a like/reblog/comment if you want and you'll have my unconditional love forever 🫶
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moongoopy · 1 month
a sweetener amongst death
cont: at the end of the day, two criminals remember they can always come back home to their sweet, oblivious roommate.
c/w: violence, pervy charecters, groping
c: geto x reader x gojo
a/n: i hope for comments and interaction, pls enjoy! (hoping its not too simple and rushed.)
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"May my soul rest-!" were the last words of the cult member. Gojo scraped his shoe across the face of the dead and yawned. He lazily walked to the coach in the middle of the church and laid back at a job well done.
A scoff from his best friend made him giggle, he hung his head back to see geto place down another cult member on the ground.
"This place reeks of sex." "Dont they all?"
Geto ushered Gojo to scoot over on the coach, shutting away his spread legs to let his friend sit next to him. The brunette scanned the papers if they missed anything in the church. the ones who hired them just wanted this cult to fall apart and even that, it was at such a low price too.
The blue-eyed man yawned again to strike a nerve into his best friend before leaning forward,
"Why would you take this, its at the bottom of the list and theres just so many unnecessary things to do.."
Geto got up from the seat, fully ignoring his friend, and pulled the beads that the cult hung up on the wall and into the fire that was still lit. The countless papers that marked the existence of this cult were also thrown in. He chuckled dryly, uttering a few regrets about taking this bounty which Gojo agreed to.
He turned his head to him and lightly smiled.
"Satoru, remember the man that hovered over [Name] when you came back from the bathroom?" A spark was lit in Gojo's eyes as Geto pointed a gun at the doors that opened. A neat man who was dressed heavily entered and he dropped like a fly so quickly that Gojo let out a sharp chuckle. It was sad, the duo was the last thing that he saw before his own cult members but fret not, the leader always joins his cult at the end of the day.
"That's him."
Geto felt your fingers curl around his wrist when a supposed priest got near. There was nothing wrong with him other than the obvious signs of him persuading to join a cult along with a flyer of cult members smiling on the front page. Such positive advertising. He was about to politely reject the man, nodding to his repeated utterance of the Lord when he realized what made you so tense.
The priest's hand was wrapped around your waist so snugly and it made you squirm, he thought you were feeling a bit shy to such a persuasive man but you were uncomfortable. Geto steps infront of the priest, thanking him for such an oppurtunity to see them both in his church although the priest's eyes lingered more to you. Oh, the brunette couldn't have that, successfully peeling of the priest's hand off your waist with not much force.
"We'll make sure to come to and my pretty friend of mine is willing to seek such knowledge" This made the stranger delighted, bowing before distributing other flyers not before his eyes lingering hard enough on the person he wanted in his church.
"Hah, who was that?"
Satoru came back with pastries, he sidetracked but atleast he's back, stuffing a pastry into your mouth and not realising the murderous look on Geto's face.
"Stop! In the name of the Lord-!" The duo then kicked him around after Geto shot him around his vitals and watched the pervert bleed. Gojo was all ears to Geto's narrative, a horrified look on the bloody man.
"Oh really, Suguru? Tell me more-" Laughter spilled from his lips as he kicked with such force, his friend snarkily adds just how priests just can't keep anything in their pants. The sole of his shoe stomped down on the man's crotch with the other's foot joining in. The priest could probably see hell with how close to death he was, his eyes rolled to the back of his head with a choked scream.
Both of their faces harden but one was more gleeful, watching both their boots knock the life out of the body that dared touched their roommate's.
"We should've let you stay on your knees so you can get the true definition of repentance."
The white haired man then took Geto's gun and shot the priest in the throat. He squatted down over his body and slapped him twice in the face. He tossed the gun back to its owner and gave a double thumbs up. They can finally go home now.
The duo left the church through the back door and trudged to a river.
Geto crouched down near the bankside and took out his weapons and put them to the side to clean.
"Don't you need to clean up?" He washed his hands in the running water, washing his face that was stained with blood that wasn't his. The blue-eyed man stuck his tongue cheekily, confident that he left no traces and crossed his arms. Gojo had a wet cloth thrown at him much to his dismay, he was then forced to clean himself up by the strict orders of his friend.
After a moment, Gojo sighed.
"You could've just told me that pervert went and touched [Name], I thought you went senile for picking such a boring bounty.." Geto smiled, putting his weapons back in his pockets and used the path to walk their way back home.
"But it was worth a suprise, wouldn't you agree?" That made him smile, punching his friend's arm playfully. They both just know what the other likes.
After some thinking about what to have for dinner, you then texted in the group chat that you've made it and to come before it gets cold. The two grinned at each other and raced home.
The door to their apartment swung open and immediately they were engulfed in a hug by you, well if akwardly bent on the knees because its quite hard hugging two people at once.
Gojo leaned into your neck and took a deep whiff in, you smell like heaven; the shampoo that you always used was his favourite. Geto on the other hand held your hand and kissed the side of your neck, you were just so cute he could eat you up. Suddenly, you pulled back with a panicked look.
You stepped away and rushed to the laundry room and locked the door. The duo stood there and immediately Geto pulled at Gojo to smell him.
"Hey, what's your deal! I'm clean!" Geto squished his friend's shoulder in his hand, feeling irked.
"Yeah? But did you clean enough? I smell blood on you." He deadpanned and looked towards the laundry room. You had run off in such a hurry so did you know what they really were? They thought of this scenario many times but they didnt know they could fuck up, only because of a certain someone..
"We did bought ropes already so should we like.. I dont know corner them?" That made Gojo receive a punch from the man next to him, originally yes that was the plan but maybe he just wasn't up to it today. He wasn't hoping you would find out so quickly, this little game of cat and mouse was suprisingly fun for him. That he can admit as the duo's eyes gleamed with anticipation,
Geto walked to the direction of the laundry room, knocking on the door.
"[Name]? What are you doing in there?" He said cooly, his hand in his pocket; fingers idly tracing the steel of the knife.
There was silence and a bit of shuffling from the other room and he took out his makeshift key, after all that's how he gets into the houses of his victims. The door clicked and he slowly pushed it open then kicked it with his foot. He grabbed the door before it slammed against the wall to see that you haven't gone anywhere but simply crouched near the washing machine.
There was a bit of guilt on your face and he comes to, crouching to your level. He reached out to cup your face and he was so so close to feeling your lips underneath his thumb before you tilt your head to the side.
"My period came and.. I bled on your sheets by accident. I've been trying to clean it off but yknow.." He softly kisses your forehead, noting the faint blotches of red on the sheets even if the thing went through the wringer twice. He pats your shoulders and gently smiled.
"It was out of your control, sweetheart. It's okay, why dont we enjoy the dinner you made?" The slow signs of you lighting up made his heart full and he guided you out the laundry room with an arm around your waist. He swatted at Gojo who didnt even try to hide the ropes that he carried and turned your head the other way, if you weren't that adamant on looking at Gojo; he'd most likely kick the blue eyed beauty into the washing machine. Atleast, you just remembered the blood on the bedsheets and not the stench from Gojo. Now that Gojo actually took a sniff at himself, there was blood splatters on his dark tank top.
But no worries, atleast it was another day where you'd stay in the dark on who they really were.
After dinner, you sat on the couch squished between them. The news had been dilligently reporting about the cases around the neighbourhood and Gojo tried to hide his satisfaction.
While you, a shiver ran deep through you. These cases were near the apartment complex where all three of you is living in and it scared you. The two noticed, holding you against them.
They coo and brushed comforting hands onto your body, hoping it would calm you.
"Me and Suguru can chase the baddies away!" Gojo joked, squeezing you in his embrace and you nodded vigirously; eyes closed in joy. You didn"t want to say it but their touch was driving you crazy especially since it started from the laundry room. The way Geto held your face sent heat through your body and his thumb.. you had to pull away if not, who knows what would you do instead of feeling guilty on messing up his bedsheets.
And their bodies, their physique. You could feel their chests rub against your body, it took everything not to scream right now. It was like you didn't have to worry about the killers anymore when your raging hormones was speaking for you.
You couldn't help but gulp and stay stiff, their breath against your neck was another thing too, you feel like you were gonna explode from the tension.
And they didnt stop there, Gojo placed his hands inside your shirt since he does that a lot when his fingers get cold and he hooked them under the clasp of your bra. His lips played with your ear and with your nape. Geto switched to something less scary on television and rested his arm around your waist.
"So how was your day, [Name]?"
They silently smirk, loving how you shrink and freeze under their touch. As long as it made you forget about the dangers that you fear that was currently residing in your house, they can continue savouring the feeling of your skin.
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craxkbaby · 3 months
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🖇️ ——— Feeling like no matter what gender you are, Jason wouldn’t know how to act in a relationship. Jason practically shielding himself off for such a long time— refusing to be vulnerable with anyone.
🖇️ ——— Jason not expecting himself to end up in a relationship with a man, hardly ever questioning his sexuality. (DO NOT COME FOR ME. I AM NOT SAYING HE IS GAY, PLS DONT BASH ME).
🖇️ ——— I don’t think he would hate it, no. Would it take some time getting used to? Maybe!
🖇️ ——— Let’s talk about physical touch in the relationship. Once Jason grows into the relationship, I would happen more behind closed doors.
🖇️ ——— NOT SAYING HE WOULD BE EMBARRASSED TO SHOW YOU OFF!!! NO!! I’m saying M!Reader would possibly meet Jason through work. (Can’t see him interacting with civilians as much). It would be stupid to be lovey dovey in front of villains that Jason has bad terms with.
🖇️ ——— Let’s talk about appearance. Let’s say M!Reader is taller then Jason. He wouldn’t mind it. Though he wouldn’t be used to looking up at someone 24/7.
🖇️ ——— BACK TO PHYSICAL ATTENTION!! Forehead kisses, hand kisses, maybe a quick peck on the cheek is all he’s willing to give during the beginning of his and M!Readers relationship. 
🖇️ ——— Yes, the relationship will be slow. He isn’t as experienced, especially when it comes to M!Reader.
🖇️ ——— The relationship would be rocky, a bit awkward In the beginning. Jason wouldn’t know how to take the attention. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love M!Reader.
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(Ignore how horribly written this is.. I stood up all night and decided to write this on the blink of passing out 💀)
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sockiestupidity · 11 months
Eating Habits-Miguel O'Hara x platonic!teen reader
sequel to my last fic???-am i fr going to make this a series👁️👁️
Miguel notices a change in your eating patterns😧
warnings-bad writing/grammar/dialogue, angst, bad eating patterns, possible ed???, ooc miguel???, implied abuse/neglect (reader has bad eating patterns bc of fam), might be triggering for some, dw they end up happy again i promise, the word mijo is used like once???
again implied nonverbal reader (nonverbal rep bc i said so🫡) making this up as i go tbh-reader may use aac or communication cards
autistic coded reader????
povs may possibly change at times-lowercase intented as usual🤩(possibly no use of y/n in this one🤷‍♂️) IM SO TEHE AB THIS MAN (AND SPOT BUT WE DONT TALK AB THAT) sorry for all the warnings, just wanna make sure yall know what to expect
over time, you and miguel had.. unexpectedly started to bond more and more, which surprised a lot of spiders. the two of you were both equally closed off, but even then miguel had interacted with more spider people than you had. since your arrival, miguel had been the only spider person you had interacted with due to your mistrust.
most of the spiders had decided to simply not acknowledge your new friendship with miguel..simply because miguel had scared them off for you.
with you and miguel forming a new bond, he started to notice something about you..
while you enjoyed all types of cooking and baking, you never really ate much. miguel had chosen not to acknowledge it because he thought you just had a smaller appetite than most spiders, and he also thought his judgement was just clouded due to the fact that he had to eat more than most spiders did.
maybe your portions just looked small because of his size? he glazed over the thought, but it didn't make much sense, he ignored until..
your eating habits became worse, he had now come to the realization when he decided to treat you to a hamburger and you only ate a couple of fries..days later he noticed that when you had cooked something for the rest of the spiders, you hadn't plated any food for yourself. he felt a heavy pang in his heart, he knew the signs, because he would often neglet his humger needs due to his work.
when he brought up his concern that you were not giving yourself food you simply pulled out your cards, flipping to a card that said "no" and another that said "hungry". (A/N-i refuse to believe that reader would have "not" on their card bc "no" is way more conventional so pls dont come at more for this)
miguel heavily sighed, if course he didn't believe you, he could see the fear and sadness in your eyes. when he saw that look, he knew he had to do something.
a couple days had passed and you had stopped cooking and baking all together. you were simply just sitting on a couch that was placed in the HQ living quarters for everyone to use when suddenly you saw a large figure in your peripheral vision. you instantly knew that it was miguel. (A/N: MANS LITERALLY WEARS HIS SUIT EVERYWHERE OK?😭)
once he was in front of you, you decided to look up to him, furrowing your eyebrows to indicate your confusion. he wore an expression that you still were not used to identifying.
he pinched the brige of his nose, this was going to be harder than he thought, "we have to talk, mijo".
you pulled out your phone, getting your acc app ready incase if you need to respond to whatever he was about to announce. trying to do so calmly, as to not make him worry.
you gave him a nod, as to let him know that you were listening. he moved in order to sit next to you on the couch, his weight making a significant shift on the cushions.
"i need you to look at me alright? you don't even have to give me eye contact" he didn't want to pressure you, because he knew how much stress eye contact gave you at times.
you looked in his direction and tilted your body towards him.
he took another deep breath in and out before saying, "i noticed that you've been.. eating less, i mean, eating less than you usually eat.." he trailed off, he had to think carefully about his next words.
as soon as he said this, you looked away with a pained expression on your face.
he touched your cheek, and you flinched at the movement. "hey, none of that alright? i just want to make sure that everything is fine, mijo. has there been something on your mind recently?" he removed his hand from your cheek, wanting you to be able to fully process everything.
you let out a sigh and clicked one of the words you had preset on your app. "family" the robot voice spoke.
miguel nodded, although he hadn't seen everything that had happened he knew that overall, it wasnt the best situation. there was a pause before the robot voice began to speak again.
"food. bad" miguel's heart broke, and his strong stature had softened. he wanted to hug you, but he wasn't sure if he was overstepping your boundaries.
he carefully thought over his words before speaking, "never let anyone ever tell you that good is bad for you, alright mijo? it gives you strength, and helps you live" he looked right at you, making sure you digested every word he had said. he could see you blinking tears away, but they just continued flowing.
abruptly, you began to hug him. miguel was caught by surprise at this, as you buried your head into his chest. he awkwardly patted you on the back.
"from now on, i'll help you out" he stated. he felt you nod your head in agreement, head still buried in his chest.
from then on miguel made sure to coach you during mealtimes, giving you praise when you started to eat normal portions. (a/n hes channeling his inner sport mom vibes🥰). with miguels help, you started to feel more comfortable treating yourself to small treats, and even eating infront of people without caring what they thought about you.
at this moment you realized that, miguel might be your true family.
on a realer note:if reader is just like u fr id encourage you to please seek some form of help/support system💞its important that u take care of urself-there are multiple free resources that you can find online just with a simple google search
small explanation ab readers fam: due to neglect, reader was never given a lot of food, and the food they made would be for their fam. and their fam would often shame them when they were allowed to eat (again, if reader is just like u fr, pls seek some sort of help)
also if we could please refrain from using the comment section to trauma dump/nbr (i am not a professional, nor am iequipped to handle other's problems)
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kumezyzo · 7 months
p2 of the enemies to lovers pls!!
very fun pt.2 to thissss.... i rambled about their minecraft world cause its kinda cute and builds on their relationship a bit.
i know someone else asked for pt.2 but i could only find this one. so, im sorry it took soooo long to write.
i really hope you enjoy! or dont... :)    m.list
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having to share a minecraft house with sapnap made you realize what kind of person he actually was. he was just a six year old in a 22 year old body.
"I want my bed over hereeeeee," he whined, picking it up and moving it to the other side of the room.
it just so happened that one of the next requests from your viewers was to have your beds next to eachother. you two debated pretending like you never saw it, but the next day, it was the top comment on both of your perspectives.
or (when you first started your world)
"what colour do you want your boots?" he asked you as he died his own leather boots orange. you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion for a second, looking at your camera strangley.
"what do you mean?" you asked, crafting another pickaxe.
"your leather boots?" he asked, pausing to wait for your answer. "fuck it, youre getting the plain brown."
but you also started to realise how much differently he truly was from when you met him.
"yn, i have a suprise for you," he announced, smiling as he grabbed the item out of his chest. "where are you?"
"chest room," you replied, completely expecting to get thrown dirt or some garbage he didnt want in his inventory.
"close your eyes," he instructed.
"okay whatever," he sighed and threw you a notch apple. you silently let your character pick it up before you opened your inventory in disbelief.
"where did you get this?" you asked him, reading the item title over and over.
"in the desert temple," he told you simply, waiting for a 'thank you'.
you were silent for a moment, "youre telling me.... you've had this... for 15 EPISODES???"
and you two started having normal conversations. texting stopped being you two asking for face cam perspectives or gameplay. you actually started forming inside jokes, laughing with eachother instead of at the expense of eachother.
your viewers started to notice as well. you two weren't in a visibly bad mood around eachother anymore. it was refreshing. in the later videos of your series together, you're smiling through half of it, laughing together, and talking kindly to eachother.
people even started making edits of your relationship. it would be of your first interaction, swearing at each other, then fading into your side by side face cams laughing and celebrating over beating the wither.
the friends in your circle started teasing you about how your life was becoming a little fanfiction. every time you would be streaming irl, you would happen to get a text from someone that made you smile at your phone.
"oooh, yn, who are you texting?" your friend teased, seeing you type on your phone excitedly. you look up at the camera and ignore your friend, finishing the text you were sending.
"does it start with s and rhyme with snap map?" your other friend teases.
"shut the fuck up," you roll your eyes, trying to hide your smile.
when dream and george saw the clip, they were hanging out with sapnap. and a similar situation occurred with them
"was this you?" george asked, giggling. the man in question looked up from his phone and watched the clip silently. the smile on your face was contagious. and he hoped it really was him that made you react like that.
"wait, let me see," dream said, pulling georges wrist toward him to see the phone. "looks like she might be dating someone."
"yeah... definitely not me..."
then you both realized you had feelings for each other. it was a harsh realization. but it was one that made you like imagining you two together. for sap, he knew it was coming. he just knew you would never be able to leave his mind. if a childlike crush didn't manifest from it, he would have known something was wrong with him.
sap started getting the feeling that you liked him too. he can't see all those clips and edits and think you didn't like him too. but he was afraid to shoot his shot, just in case you didn't feel that strongly yet.
"hey, what do you think about coming down to florida?" he asked you when you two were on a discord call and fixing up some building in your minecraft world.
"like... to visit you?" you asked, feeling excited by the invitation.
"well- i mean- if you want," he tried to sound nonchalant, but his stammering gave it away.
"if you really want me to... im sure the viewers would really like that, too..."
when he goes to pick you up from the airport, dream comes with him. and the entire drive there, he's considering hugging you or just shaking your hand.
"do i hug her?"
"yeah, if you think you're that close now."
"i dont know if she thinks so."
"I'll hug her first, and then you hug her?"
"what if i just shake her hand?"
the silence that fell over them was sickening. dream turned to sap slowly and laughed.
"dont fucking do that, dude."
and he hugged you after dream did. it was warm, and it gave you both such intense butterflies. it was a hug that you also never really thought would happen. you thought back to the first time you met im person when you refused to even look at him, let alone stand next to him.
dream thought it was adorable, seeing you guys laugh on the way back to their house. he happily sat in the backseat and let you two interact.
he took a picture of your backlit figures in the front seat, neither of your features visible. he thinks about not posting it for half a second before he puts it up on snapchat with "👀👀" as the caption.
everyone slowly lost their minds trying to figure out who they were looking at. most people assumed it was you with sap. he's not hard to miss. but it was even more shocking that you'd be there. so others assumed it was his secret girlfriend.
you two honestly didn't mind that dream posted the picture. it was fun when you two posted a dumb video announcing that you were in florida. it started with small subtle hints.
the first video started with you laying on their couch and patches laying on your chest.
"she's purring!" you coo softly, feeling your heart meltm
then it was of you talking about absolutely nothing while you walked around the parts of the house people had seen before.
"british people are so weird, you know? like, i was talking to one today. and he was just shitting on americans. but he lives here. so i obviously had to fist fight him. i won, obviously. and stole his sock to give to a house elf."
the last video was of sapnap finding you in his office, using his pc to play snake.
"i think george is in my office again," he said from behind the camera. he opened the door and stopped in his tracks when he saw you with a concentrated look on your face. "HEY!" the video cut with you looking up in pure fear.
all of those videos were posted to your account hours apart from each other, and your views felt like it was a slow coordinated attack to make them slowly go insane. with the first video, people were sure if it was patches. the second video made them believe it more so and they started going crazy. then the last video was the icing on the cake. it was filmed on your phone and posted to your accounts.
then, you had to stream together. and that was the definition of chaos.
"yn, move over."
"youre sleeping outside then."
"what the fuck-"
'what's one thing you guys like about each other?' a donation read out.
you two sat there for a second, thinking. "hes..." you grimaced, trying to think of something
"she... is funny?" he said painfully.
"wait, i am funny," you said defensively.
"its pure crickets when you speak."
"wait, im you now," you said, laughing as you put on his headphones.
"you look nothing like me," he said, deadpanned.
"oh wait," you took them off again and ran out of the room. sap sat there completely confused before you came back in wearing his beige killua hoodie. then you put the headphones back on.
"you still dont-"
"what the fuck is this music?" you ask in complete horror from the sound coming from his headphones.
"is there something playing?" he asked, clicking his mouse around to find his spotify window.
"oh my god, is this cbat?"
"no, shut the fuck up, sage"
'i thought your name was actually sage?'
you both sat there in silence before laughing loudly.
"no he was just an ass."
"and you were just a bitch."
all you have to know is that a lot of edits and ship content came from that stream. and the future streams you did with the other two. and people loved that you were hanging out with the dream team now.
the longer you spent time together in person, the more you just wanted to be around each other he remembered being afraid to hug you, but now you were sitting next to each other on the couch watching movies alone.
it was a strange dynamic neither of you chose to acknowledge purely out of fear. but then it was hard not want to cuddle during movies or occasionally hold hands if you're walking together. so sap works up the courage to finally do something about it.
you're both once again, sitting in his room, on his bed, watching some random movie you found on hulu. you're resting your head on his shoulder, only really paying attention to how he's so close to you.
you look over when he sighs heavily. he looks down at you and, without thinking, leans down to kiss you. you sigh softly, feeling your heart soar. your reaction is almost immediate, and it gives sap the incentive to keep going.
when you pull away, you're looking at eachother with droopy eyes. your heavy breath hitting eachothers faces.
"i really like you, yn" he whispers quietly between breaths, looking down at your lips briefly.
you smirk, trying to catch your breath as well. "really?" you say before you lean back in, placing your lips on his.
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i feel like there wasn't enough building onto them liking each other, but whatever. -nony
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princessbrunette · 7 months
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♡ this is a given, but minors do not interact! i can’t stop you from doing what you want to do. but respect my boundaries, you will be blocked otherwise.
♡ i will not engage with hate in my ask box about myself or other tumblr writers. its not the place for that.
♡ please don’t just ask to be an emoji anon without having anything else to say in the message! this sounds harsh, but a lot of people ask to be an emoji anon and i add them to the list and i never hear from them again. from now on i will be mostly ignoring asks that are just asking to be an emoji with nothing else to the message.
♡ i only reply to what i have inspiration for! if i don’t answer the request pls don’t take it personally or spam my inbox asking again and again, it will be ignored!
♡ to add to the point above, please don’t send asks / messages asking if i’m receiving your requests. i likely am ! i will either get to them eventually or i just don’t vibe with it enough to write about it. i kindly ask you don’t take it personally as i try my best to get through as many asks as i can. no i dont hate you!
♡ whilst i’d love to be there for you, i am not a therapist and i have my own problems too. please do not trauma dump in my ask box. to add; please do not request a character dealing with very specific or deep issues as i don’t want to write that kind of thing in fear of not doing it justice esp if its not something i struggle with!
♡ my blog caters to hyper fem!reader simply because that’s who i am, and what i enjoy. therefore, that’s all i will be writing and i apologise if you do not identify this way and cannot connect to my reader! its honestly all i know, as i put myself in readers shoes. other than that however i do not race / weight code my reader, or physically describe them in any way aside from clothes / nails / accessories etc :)
♡ please do not demand i write certain things, demand a part 2, or express disappointment in where i choose to end the piece of writing! pressuring me to write in general generally doesn’t sit well with me n will only motivate me to do the opposite !
♡ there is dark theming on this blog! for example stepcest / fauxcest. do not reblog or reply with things like ‘i find X part weird but i liked everything else’ etc because i wont take kindly to it ! without sounding like a total bitch, i don’t care what u don’t like ! this is my blog hehe , if u feel like you won’t enjoy a certain fic i have no issue w you scrolling past!
♡ i write for a handful of people, but usually fixate on one or two characters whilst i’m in a certain ‘phase’. if this doesn’t interest you, feel free to unfollow or mute! but understand my blog is catered to my current interests.
♡ i do not write for rape, self harm/suicide, insecurity issues/ mental health issues.
♡ please don’t make your writing, layout of your writing, or blog look identical to mine. i find it disrespectful when my theming etc gets copied so i will probably limit my interaction with you! i can’t tell you what to do and i dont ‘own’ certain things but if you have enough respect for me to be inspired, have enough respect to make your blog your own !! this being said pls credit ideas from me too !
♡ please don’t send requests to my dms or dm me personal questions / anything inappropriate.
♡ please no super long super specific requests. if i see an ask that starts with ‘could you write’ and the ask is multiple paragraphs it will probably be ignored unfortunately !
♡ friendly reminder that i’m not forcing you to follow me !! if you’re upset with me enforcing boundaries i suggest you don’t follow. i will likely not give attention to u voicing this or being rude to me for doing so.
if you have any questions or feel i missed out anything vital, don’t be afraid to ask or let me know!
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scekrex · 17 days
Dont kill me but I got inspiration from ur interaction with someone else oops..
Basically Adam x Male!reader (We love him sm) and reader keeps tryna call Adam cute or some other praises he's not used to
Hes used to being called things like.. Hot,, cool, sexy even,?? I mean he's the "Original dick" and a pretty important person by heavens standards so like he'd def get a lot of compliments like that (Which all boost his ego)
But then you have the reader, (Who's either his boyfriend or husband or something idk you can choose that!) calling him nicknames he's not used to! Like pretty, gorgeous, cute, adorable!! (Handsome, maybe?) I mean he'd act like he hated at first but bro he'd be flustered like crazy after a bit because?? nobody ever called him that before? In his "relationships" (more like flings,,) after Eve he normally was always called praises linked to sex, sexual names etc etc, but those genuine compliments that he KNOWS reader means, and aren't just for sex, he'd be head over HEELS. pls make him be flustered I wanna see flustered Adam so bad💔💔 /nf
Omg I love this soooo much and it only makes sense too? Like ofc he's used to sexual comments and nicknames. But soft ones? No he gets all blushy over 'em. Not that he'd ever admit ofc
'Cause no one saw me the way you did and no one's seen me that way since
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: beta read by @drxgonspine
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“C’mon cutie,” you begged in a whiney voice, looking at Adam with desperate eyes. The first man raised an eyebrow at you.
No-one had ever called him cutie before, how was he supposed to react to that?
Should he ignore it? Should he comment on it? If so, how?
He knew how to handle compliments that assured him in his sexual attractiveness, he was used to people giving him nicknames like ‘Hot Stuff’ or ‘Sexy’, some people even casually called him ‘Dickmaster’ which - to be completely fair - had been a little strange in the beginning because it was coming from strangers. But he couldn’t deny that nicknames like those fed his confidence and ego.
Things in the past had always been sexual, the nicknames, the interactions with other people, the way he was treated by others in general. If he didn't know it better he would think of him as some sort of sex icon - and maybe that was how people saw him but he didn’t mind. Sex had never been something bad in Adam’s opinion, quite the opposite was the case, so being seen and thought of as a sex icon was a compliment to him.
But those nicknames you used for him were different. Yes, you did call him ‘Sexy’, you did let him know that he was hot shit and you definitely weren’t hiding the fact that you enjoyed the sex with him. But outside of the bedroom Adam was no longer referred to as Sexy. Outside of the bedroom he was so much more to you than just sexy and hot.
You had called him ‘gorgeous’ and ‘handsome’ way before the two of you started dating, Adam had always been the most beautiful human in your eyes. There simply was no room for a creature more divine, more handsome than the first man himself.
Falling for Adam had been so easy, he made it easy to love him, to adore him. You wanted to give him the world, make sure he had everything he ever wanted. Yes, he acted like a douchebag but that was all it truly was. An act. The real Adam behind this douchebag mask was different.
He struggled with things just like everybody else, he felt sad and hopeless, lost even. Behind the mask of behaving like the greatest human alive was a broken man who just wanted to love and be loved. And while compliments or nicknames like ‘hot’, ‘cool’ and ‘badass bitch’ were fueling his ego, he adored the nicknames you gave him much more. Because you knew him, you had seen him at his best but you had also seen him at his worst and yet you refused to leave his side.
“Don’t fucking call me that, men are not cute. I’m not cute.” Adam decided to comment on the new nickname. His facial expression seemed sour, disgusted even. But deep down inside of him he felt the butterflies in his stomach. You lifted your head from his chest to get a better look at him. You weren’t mad at his comment, instead you had a soft and warm smile on your lips as you booped his nose playfully, “But you are, my love. A cutie through and through."
The brunette turned his head to the side, facing the backrest of the couch he was laying on with you on top of him. “Shut the fuck up,” he mumbled, making it seem as if he hated those soft words of yours with his entire heart. But he didn’t, he couldn’t. Not when your eyes gleamed so bright, so full of honesty. Every single signal your body sent him was telling him that you meant those soft words and that made him unable to hate them.
You carefully scooted closer to his face until your lips reached his jaw. “But I want you to know how I see you, gorgeous,” you hummed against his skin and placed a quick kiss onto his jaw. You felt his skin heating up under your lips and saw the light golden blush that started to bloom on his cheeks. “I want you to know that to me, you’re the most handsome man God ever created and I just know that there is not a single person in this universe that’s more adorable than you,” the words left your lips with ease, it felt natural to share your thoughts with the brunette, to make him feel loved. Because that’s all you wanted, you wanted him to know that you loved him. Not because the sex was good and also not because he was the first man. But because of his personality. You loved Adam because he acted like he did not because of some skill or his status.
Everyone viewed him as someone high and mighty and maybe you did so too - at least a little. But you mainly viewed him for who he was. The caring and loving boyfriend, the clumsy guitarist who could ramble about music all day long, the sassy fuckhead.
The flush on Adam’s cheeks grew stronger and when he turned his head to face you in order to respond you simply silenced him with a soft kiss on the lips. That was also something Adam hadn’t had before you. There had not been softness in his past flings, it had always been rough, rushed and heated.
Your hand gently cupped his face as you partened your lips from his, your thumb tracing over his stubbled chin as you smiled down at him, showing him how happy he made you. “Gold looks good on you, pretty boy,” your words were spoken quietly so that only he would hear them because they were meant for his ears and his ears only - not that there were other people in your house but it felt more private, more intimate. Adam smiled back at you this time, seemingly appreciating the compliment given to him by his boyfriend.
He did not comment on it in a positive way but he also didn’t try to turn his face away again, neither did he shush you.
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midnightmah07 · 3 months
The main reason I was so nervous to reveal myself and show you n stuff is bc I don’t know if I’ve interacted with your posts too much and it’s annoying or smth 😣
but hi 👋
here are your promised drawings :D (I messed up so bad on Jeanne, pls ignore that one)
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I think Isabelle is my favorite or Perse
also, inconsistent art style? Dont know her-
I hope you like them :>
if you don’t mind, I’d love to hear which is your favorite:D
HELP HIIIII SO IT'S YOU!!!!!! I've been seeing u a lot lately but dw it's not annoying hahah
Oh my Gosh I love all of them... But my favorites are definitely Daisy and Damali they look so cute I love them I wanna kiss their foreheads
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wisyhana · 5 months
These are some pages that I made as fanart for a fanfic i Really Love. It's something rare that I look back and actually kinda liking the result- 😂 I've been trying to improve my panels flow(?)/pacing And the Lettering- adding words in comics is pretty hard 🥺 if you had some insights, pls let me know ❤ or just give me what you think... Thank you so much!!
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Hi! Thank you for waiting this long hahaha
First of all I love your Yugi, is so freaking adorable, big fan over here aaaaaa.
And okay we're gonna talk about comics. Oh boy. It's not a topic I dont like talking but it's something I get way too.... intense, even if I feel I don't have much to defend with. Anyway I'll try to not be so detailed and serious about it so I can bring a decent commentary!
Disclaimer that I have a lot of issues with the use of thought bubbles, but that's a me thing. Myself I try to avoid them so I can focus on a "show more, talk less" type of flow. So if I start talking about them it's because of that, not that you'r doing a bad thing or anything.
I like how you use the panels, by themselves and ignoring the dialogues, they work perfectly fine! I think my thing with the pacing is that I'd draw a 3-4 pages comics instead of 2 for this scene alone. It's a pain I know, but I think for this type of scenario adding a little more of time could help to appreciate some details, like Kaiba being notoriously angry, the moment he touches Yugi's forehead, etc. But this is also a very personal opinion because I'm a sucker for very sloooow interactions, so all this I'm saying is for the sake of a slower pacing. Sadly you gotta draw more or write less if you want to get that effect, also you can get in a situation where things end up vague and ugh, what a pain hjdfhjhds.
I have a serious problem with dialogue bubbles, I never know where to put them Dx. I always feel they're on the way or that they hinder the reading or that they look straight up ugly hahahaha. I think you use a good space for them! they're not in the way of the faces or important scenes, but I can see you needed to add arrows for the conversation to work. In my opinion the dialogue works perfectly without the arrows. We all know there are two people talking so having only the faces on the bubbles was enough to understand who was talking and what order follow.
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Now, if you want to work on bubbles without using the faces to show who's talking and don't lose the order in the way, I could recommend something like this:
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Sorry if it looks way too clumsy! But a thing we artist have to deal is how the order of the bubbles affects on the flow of the dialogue. Specially when we don't have a specific way to show how the person talks (for example japaneses have many ways to show character's expression so it's easier for them to identify it.) So we need to focus on the flow.
A wonderful person who talks TONS of this matter is the motherfucker Scott McCoud!
This is just an example of how dialogues can contribute to the time and spaces and how the order affects the reading. This is not the exact example for what I mean but Scott is a badass of the comic and the complexity of it.
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Understanding Comics The invisible Art is a masterpiece, I blame him for making me doubt is I'm doing a good job or not.
Okay before I go way too into this, one last thing and this is personal opinion. I love white background but you gotta be very careful to not make it look like lazyness. You don't need to draw a full background but maybe adding some shading can help to make the illusion of space rather than having a blank space. Of course this is just my opinion.
Anyway, I really like how you work! my huge recommendation would be to simply take your time on it, I feel it shows a bit of impatience or nerviousness, but that's just my idea. So far you're going a good way on creating comics and I'd love to see more of them :3
Hope this helped you in some way! And as always don't forget to have fun drawing your beautiful bois!
this is me everytime I draw comic and find a inconsistency.
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its quite strange. im seeing you in my dreams. and i dont know whether to dread falling asleep and waking up in a fantasy where we're together or look forward to it. i quite enjoy spending time with you in the land of dreams, where youre just as infatuated with me as i am with you. part of me says the pang of sadness once i wake up and realise its all a trick of my mind, that you'd never feel the same, that ill never be the one you look at with that love gaze, that ill never be her, is worth those small moments of interaction. but it isnt real. itll never be real. why do i hold onto the hope of you and i, when i know perfectly well it will never come true? but... cant a girl dream? but why do i dream of something that is bound to make me yearn and cry and wish for more when i wake? let me have my moments. let me dream... but im hurting myself with these hopes.
aaand the bell rang so i couldnt continue 😞
okok but srsly i dreamt of him last night and idk if i need to get over him b4 this crush of mine goes too far or enjoy the dreams ☹
(for a hot moment this clown (me) thought you were talking about me and i was like:
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ignore that ^
assuming you're that green flag dude anon?? or talking about a real dude (if you're not and you're talking about some kpop idol pls take your anti-delulu pills you're welcome) he's appearing in your dreams omgg 😭 (that's bc you're thinking about him too much esp when you're about to sleep)
(also i'm stuggling a lot here the T in me is saying talk to him and you'll hate him bc real non-fictional men ew problem solved) BUT i hope you're interacting with him? it's no use crushing on someone and not doing anything about it that's just making yourself miserable. just talk to him, if you continue to find him attractive after you get to know him a little maybe shoot your shot? if he likes you back, yay! if not, then that's your cue to let it be i guess (or fight for it but this isn't the fanfic world it's different here 😭 whatever feels right ig)
or you could continue to enjoy the dreams as long as you don't forget your anti-delulu pills-- crushing on someone from far away is far less disappointing ig but maybe that's just me and my weird ass self-defence mechanism that doesn't even allow me to crush on someone in peace 😭😭
but i'm here if you want to talk about it more! warning tho i only give realistic practical advice, i don't feed delulus😔
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irltraviswilker · 2 days
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Hello Party- People, i‘m Travis.
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Hey, i‘m Travis Wilker, 22 years old, a scorpio and if we‘re honest, a pretty fucked up dude. (i‘m totally normal ofc)
* . ﹢ ˖ ✦ ¸ . ﹢ ° ¸. ° ˖ ・ ·̩ 。 ☆ ゚ * ¸ . ✦˖ ° : ﹢ ˖ . • .﹢˖✦* .
Things i like:
Video Games
Parties , kinda
Loyal People
People who don‘t see me as crazy
people who talk to me
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Things i hate/ do not like:
Toxic People
Liars / cheaters
manipulative people
hate comments
rude people
homophobic and transphobic people
maybe you, depends
seeing unreal things
drug problems
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* . ﹢ ˖ ✦ ¸ . ﹢ ° ¸. ° ˖ ・ ·̩ 。 ☆ ゚ * ¸ . ✦˖ ° : ﹢ ˖ . • .﹢˖✦* . ﹢ ˖ ✦ ¸ . ﹢ ° ¸. ° ˖ ・ ·̩ 。 ☆
I don‘t know if theres much more about me except for the fact i‘m bisexual and single. i‘m not really looking. okay maybe i am. i definitely am.
* . ﹢ ˖ ✦ ¸ . ﹢ ° ¸. ° ˖ ・ ·̩ 。 ☆ ゚ * ¸ . ✦˖ ° : ﹢ ˖ . • .﹢˖✦
i‘m honestly just looking for friends so don‘t be afraid to hit me up or anything. I‘m just a silly guy honestly :) i‘m sometimes having a hard time speaking to people since i‘m pretty awkward, so if you lead the conversation it will be easier for me to dive into it. i‘m becoming more open the more we talk, pinky promise
i also wanna state i‘m usually a single ship. i will talk to you about ANYTHING and i mean ANYTHING. I dont mind adult/ dirty stuff but if i‘ll ever get a partner i will not interact romantically with anyone but them.
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Owner of this Acc is 18 +
Ooc: krissi (any pronouns)
OOC Note: Travis Wilker is portrayed with mental illnesses (depression,schizophrenia as seen in "ape") as well as drug problems. i´m usually not the person to roleplay as someone like that but i also think people should be recognized, not ignored. i will NOT bring it into this as much as its seen in the official movie, but i´ll try my best to be as accurate as possible. so if travis ever acts "weird" or "different" around you, don´t judge him.
(if you wanna rp and those things trigger you, pls let me know BEFORE we start, so i will NOT bring those characteristics into the roleplay. in the end i want everyone to feel safe).
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lilly-12nevermore · 10 months
If you don’t like or hate montyxada. Just avoid it or simply don’t interact or say anything. If you do see it being discussed, ignore it. It is that simple. It does not give you the right to attack rnf or anyone. In that, you are hurting them, they have feelings just like us. Monty and ada are not a dynamic.Ada just wants to fit it and we don’t exactly know Monty’s goal. So We don’t know the full story yet so please do not say hurtful stuff. Yes we are allowed to be have negative opinions on montyxada as long as it is not aimed at other people. Secondly, how can you assume red and Flynn like that, they would never do this. Look I admit monty and ada are a powerful couple, their spectres are a huge threat to everyone. Its nevermore its gothic, not all pretty rainbows, there has to be darkness. Yes its toxic but thats why its fun to write about. Also it been like a chapter of them dating. Smh im upset that you assumed smth like that abt red and flynn. You dont know them personally, they have feelings. Red and Flynn are very nice people.If you can’t agree, go on ahead and block me if you are going to be negative. This goes to everyone in general. (Pls stop saying shit went down in the discord, nothing happened). Note I’m in the discord.
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ghostssweetgirl · 1 year
Omg!! I love love live LOVE your writing!! When I first read your post, Good Girls Get Rewards, I was immediately hooked! I read everything since and I get so flustered over how well you write the scenes and characters! 💖💖💖
Since you're taking requests could you pls pls pls write something for Soap? I dont think he gets enough love honestly 🥺 and I'd love to see something about him. Possibly with a fem reader with large breasts? I see him as a tittyman myself 😉🥰.
Though honestly I would be so happy to read anything you post! And feel free to ignore if it makes you uncomfortable!
Thank you for the love 😌 I'm so glad you enjoy my writing! But yeah, I got you 😘💖 (sorry it took so long, I've been busy😩) Thanks again for the request!
I agree that Soap is indeed a titty man 😩 He loves to stuff his face between your tits and suck on them and squeeze them ugh 🥴 And you're right! He doesn't get enough love!
Alright, alright, here goes!
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pairing: john soap mactavish x fem reader cw: somnophilia (sleep sex), p in v, soap being soft & sweet and obsessed with your large breasts
Minors, do not interact! 18+ only !!
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It had been months since you last seen your Johnny since his latest deployment. You hadn't heard from him in months and was honestly worried.
At first, you dressed up every day in hopes of him returning to you, but after a month of doing so, you slowly started to stop out of exhaustion. You found comfort in wearing a tank top with no bra and a pair of Johnny's sweatpants. As your night came to an end, you laid in bed to fall asleep.
In the middle of the night, he came home, walking in the room to you asleep. Your tits always found their way out of the tank top, which he loved. He loved seeing you in this state, you were beautiful - even more so with your breasts out. He quietly climbed in bed and cuddled up to you, resting his head on your exposed breasts. You shuffled around but didn't wake. He was careful to not wake you... yet.
As he laid there, he stroked your stomach, but couldn't keep his eyes off of you. There was something about you dressed casually - in his sweatpants that absolutely astounded him. His breaths were rapid as he started kissing the side of your breast, working his way to your nipple. He sat up, and as he was squeezing one, he sucked on the other, earning a sleepy moan from you. Settling his knee between your thigh, you unknowingly started to hump it as if it were instinctual. He moved to your other tit, sucking even harder, pushing his face into the fat of it, moaning into it. Your eyes fluttered open to your lover worshipping your tits, which wasn't unusual when he was home, but you pulled his face up to yours, flustered that he didn't wake you to greet him.
"Johnny..." you whimpered as you met his lips, kissing him deeply. "I fucking missed you. Why didn't you wake me up when you got home?"
"Bonnie... Fuck, I missed you too," he panted. "Y' looked so beautiful. Couldn't help myself."
"Mm..." you pushed his head back down to your breasts, demanding him to keep going, which he happily obliged. He sucked at your breasts needily, moaning into you. His hands made quick work of removing your sweatpants along with your underwear.
"Wan' you s'bad, hen..."
"Please, Johnny..." you begged, bucking up to catch friction from his boner underneath his pants. He sat up quickly to move his pants down far enough to free him of the ache underneath his gear. His cock sprang free, even after a year of being with him, it still always caught you by surprise. "Fuck, you're so beautiful, Johnny. 'M so lucky to have you..."
He chuckled, leaning back down, sucking on your bottom lip. "'M the one lucky to have you, baby." His hand slipped down your body while his other held him up. He rubbed your clit for a moment, working your juices along your slit. "Fuck, hen... already s'wet for me, yeah?"
"Yeah..." you blushed.
"Such a good girl..." he lined himself up, sucking on your neck as he pushed in, whimpering in your ear as he felt you clench around him, he also never got used to how tight you were, it was always a struggle for him to get in, especially after long deployments.
Your mouth opened, gasping as he bottomed out, tip meeting your cervix. "Fuck~ yes, right there, Johnny..."
Like the good man he was, he always listened to you when you would say right there, don't stop... please, Johnny... He always aimed to please you before he even thought about getting off himself.
"Right... here, hen?" he thrusted harder in that squishy spot that rotted your brain.
Your eyes screwed shut as you gripped his large biceps, nodding your head eagerly, "Yes! Right there! Oh~, fuck..."
He leaned down again, sucking at your hardened buds, drooling all over your fat tits. They bounced as he rutted into you harder, deeper. Your back arched as he went back and forth, tit to tit, reaching your climax.
"Johnny! 'M gonna-"
"Yer gonna cum for me, bonnie? Yeah?"
At a loss for words, he mocked your already fucked-out state.
"Yeah? Fuck~," he rasped as you clenched even tighter around his cock, "Cum for me, baby. I... ah... can't last much longer like this..."
Oh, how you came hard on him. Your arousal leaked around his cock, cream leaving an "O" ring around the base of his dick.
"Ahh~ fuck, yes... Good girl... 'M gonna cum inside you, baby... Fuckin' hell, so tight..." he whimpered into your breasts, leaning up with a pop as he released inside of you, his cock twitched inside of you. "Oh~ fuck... Missed you s'bad... Thought of this pussy every fuckin' day..."
You giggled at his confession, "I thought of you and your cock every day." You pulled him down into your neck with his cock softening inside of you, eventually slipping out.
"Fuck, I need some sleep, now..." he sighed, falling over on his side next to you, staring at you with a soft, tired gaze.
You smiled at him, leaning into his lips one last time. "I missed you, John. I'm so glad you're home."
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A/N - I hope you enjoyed!
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