#pls dont be offended at this tag its just my personal tag for this blog lol
kyaruun · 1 year
RAAAWR HUG! HUG! qiapyon loves being hugged :3 and squished (is a slime so squish!) hehe you are so nice and soft :>> not at all intimidating
YOU FELT LIKE A BIG BLOG just so very top tier writing. great graphic. whole package deal. there's only two possibilities that happen to follower count when you go ia:
it goes up, because people are finding you
it goes down, because people are not finding you and your followers think you are dead
THE RETURN OF NYA im so excited rawrrrrr tag me in everything
afadsfhsd me big blog... i guess i'm a big blog. i dont know why 1.1k people are still here for my shitposts
ajdslfsdf its only a few,,, a lot of my blogs are ia..... unfortunately.... and i mostly have focused on nazukisser though i literally cant stop writing for enstars its in my soul... i always strive for weekly for every fandom but darn thats really hard with the amount of shit i have going on
WAAAAAAAA i hope YOUR works get the true recognition it deserves (one day you'll write a leo fic that will become known as that leo fic (in a pos sense))
professional.... ate lis told me that i looked professional on my blogs,,, i just try. lots of trial and error and i always try to look fresh. have gone through so many phases its insane. one time i tried replicating an actual site design on tumblr while combining it w my style and it was so hard. stares at my (long gone) tori fs2 theme
RIGHT like the readers were nice, all of the people were so nice... now its too big like who is everyone... but also its kinda dead too like damn... 2023 is not anybody's year... i wish we could return to all being silly....
help me omg big blog. i mean being a writing blog the writing might as well get a pass but the graphics suck and i'm the first one to acknowledge that. i simply don't know what to do with them >< the one and only graphic i'm still head over heels for and is the reason i still haven't remade my theme is the cute cat soren did for me a looong time ago and is my current banner. it's. so. round. so cute. silly but sosososo adorable
i mean my followers have probably accepted i'm a sporadic writer and i don't really have a schedule. it hurts when you try to put out your stuff but it doesn't get attention but aaa this is the internet. there's no point in overthinking that. my one and only concern is that anons that rq something i answer a few months later manage to read their rq :(
JESUS CHRIST QIAN YOU HAVE 1.1K FOLLOWERS?!?!? big big biggest writer indeed. i just checked mine and it's 744 followers which is an insane number for someone who posts so little!! what you said about the leo fic... i can only hope. i personally think i suck at writing leo a lot. and rei. and natsume. my izumi is pretty much a mess too. see? if i love them i can't write them right. but uuuu i'd love to write a series. i've never tried that. i also considered something like a social media au bc that's usually really cute too. i don't think any of my works will ever reach that level of importance buuuuut. i'd love that
i've been working a bit on some sort of new theme for my super due revamp but i hate editing sooo much. whatever you say your themes always look super nice and cohesive <3 they're really nice to look at ;;
the fandom being big and dead (from a writing pov) is just as you said ;; i occasionally go into the tags to look for cute fanart but i don't see any writing and it's very sad. sorry to whoever might be offended by this but x readers actually carried the fandom before engstars. but we all either grew frustrated with the lack of interaction or found new interests
i simply miss that sense of community TT the nuri era... nuri feeding the entire fandom one post a day. bee coming up with the absolute prettiest things (like hello THEIR PROMPTS. i still haven't recovered from those). swanee dropping these insanely talented bombs and leaving us knocking on their askbox like "pls comeback when". soren's blog (which i actually visit from time to time bc there's a handful of fics that carry half of my mental sanity rn). runa ;;;;
see? i miss a lot of people ꒰⁎′̥̥̥ ⌑ ‵̥̥̥ ꒱ on those are only the ones that came first into mind because there are even more moots i miss... that comfy feeling of being able to jump into everyone's askbox and be silly... nostalgia hitting hard ;;; makes me think i should try to join a server(s) to try and interact with people again, even if it's just some talking from time to time
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yiling-daddy · 3 years
Hello there! I feel like you are addressing my reblog with your last comment on your post. I do not wish to be confrontatuonal, but would like your honest viewpoint on this matter. This is why I am addressing off anon.
I am honestly wondering how much Chinese I have to be to address an issue that impacts me. I didn't state in my original post, but anyone looking at my face would call me Chinese, or at least Asian, but being raised in America by white Americans, I've had one person actually call me whiter than white.
Trying to explain MZDS to white people who have been recipients of what they consider abuse, as someone who is not white but raised by white people, is as difficult as trying to explain to Chinese people why it is perceived as abuse through the western lense.
I feel like in these discussions I'm neither Chinese nor American, because I can understand both sides, even if I have not necessarily had the experiences.
Ultimately, I understand where you are coming from, and I wasn't trying to minimize what you're saying in any way. I was just trying to explain why some people would have a hard 'no' to that type of discourse altogether. And in those situations I think the best course of action is for everyone to enjoy the thing in their own lanes. Thank you if you made it this far and I do really enjoy your insightful post. 🙂
Hi there, thanks for reading my post. I'm glad you enjoyed it! My reblog was meant to be a blanket reminder since that post is now blowing up again. For context, the first time it made the rounds, there were (self-identified) white people writing comments along the lines of, "Madam Yu is abusive and you only wouldn't think so if you were abused." Thus, in a single sentence, they both called traditional parenting norms and my actual upbringing abusive. That is the kind of commentary I really want to avoid; it is wildly inappropriate.
I'm not interested in answering your question of how Chinese you need to be to comment on an issue, because I am not interested in intra-community gatekeeping. Although I'm mainland diaspora, I was raised in the west myself and my English is much stronger than my Chinese, so I'm sure there are plenty of Chinese fans of differing backgrounds who would happily write me off as "not Chinese enough". Certainly I've seen that being done to other Chinese diaspora in this fandom, and frankly I think it's inappropriate. Thus, I sympathize with your desire to comment in this discourse, and I really don't think it's anyone's place to tell you if you are "Chinese enough" to do it or not.
I think as Chinese diaspora, we - both you and I and any other diasporic fans - need to be wary of which cultural issues are ours to speak to and which are not. This is especially true because we are both in the west; it is as just as possible for us to participate in cultural imperialism as it is for white westerners. But even beyond this east vs. west dichotomy (which is flawed/incomplete, imo), we need to remember that the experiences and backgrounds of Chinese heritage people are quite varied, and not all of us are going to be equipped for nuanced takes for everything across the board. And it's not just the knowledge, but also the stakes that will be unequal between us. And because Chinese experiences are so varied, only you can judge for yourself as to whether or not you are well-equipped to enter certain discussions.
You brought up this idea of "an issue that impacts me", and I think that is heavily related to my question of, "which issues are mine to speak to and which are not?" Making an example of the post at hand:
I am in the west but had a very traditional upbringing by mainland parents, and I and many of my friends had to personally navigate this cultural mismatch in parenting norms. It is because I did this that I wrote that post, in an attempt to address what I consider to be culturally insensitive readings of YZY. Because of my personal experiences, I can also tell you that many Chinese people instantly understand how and why westerners perceive these norms as abusive. It's not a puzzle to us.
It is also because of my upbringing that when I went back to check your reblog, I instantly disagreed with this take of yours:
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because it completely decontextualizes what discipline and scolding looks like within Chinese parenting from the rest of how Chinese parenting works. (And by the way, I only spoke to yelling in my post - YZY did not hit or break things to discipline JC or JYL.)
Your comment also had interesting phrasing wrt how apologetic behaviour often looks for us, calling those actions that I described "trivial". Trivial from whose perspective? Again, the way you describe these actions decontextualize them from the rest of the cultural norms. These "trivial" actions exist within a culture where acts of service are highly important, to the point where it's common to buy your kid's first house if it's within your means, it's common for your kid to pay off your entire mortgage if you aren't able to, it's common to live in multigenerational households for the purpose of taking care of your parents until the end of their lives. It's the norm to do this kind of thing for each other even if you never utter the words "I love you" or "I'm sorry", because the words are considered almost meaningless in comparison to the actions. When I wrote the line, "In Chinese culture, the dominant love language is acts of service" - I was describing a dynamic that is worlds away from an abuser luring you back into a relationship with gifts and insincere apologies so that they can later abuse you again.
That is how my experience with my culture informs my perspective on YZY, fandom discourse, and to your reply. I consider this specific issue of traditional parenting norms as mine to speak to. I cannot tell you if this or any other cultural issue is yours to speak to; only you can make that decision for yourself.
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ouyangzizhensdad · 3 years
hiya im new to the mdzs fandom... I actually got into it by watching c/ql cause i dint know that there was more... I've read the novel and I started reading the manhua cause more content is life... So anyways my question was basically could you explain why you dont like the serial? Im sorry pls dont get offended just an honest question
Hi there anon,
No problem with asking a question. If tumblr had a better archiving capacity or if it was easier to search a blog, I'd probably redirect you to posts I've written before. But to summarise, I do not "hate" c/ql, I simply 1) am not blind to its fault as a stand-alone work and as an adaptation, and am interested in discussing in a blunt manner the way it fails to adapt different aspects of the novel which will of course bring into discussion the much weaker writing, 2) became slowly embittered by the fandom and the absolutely wild things people say about the series, the novel or just the characters in general--something I've never been able to avoid because the western fandom does not know how to fucking tag shit to keep them separated because c/ql changes too much (for many reasons) to continue to be compared or treated as the same as the original work. I mean just yesterday I saw a post by someone recommending "mdzs" and tagged "mdzs" and it was about.... c/ql. And my knee-jerk reactions to these takes in fandom now is not necessary "you fill me with rage," it's generally on a scale of "oh, honey, no" to benafflectsmoking.jpeg.
As people who have been following me for a long time know, I've mentioned many times before how I had watched c/ql mostly in 15-minutes chunk on my phone during breaks at work the summer it aired, and how it had been a good help at the time because I was Going Through It needed something to latch unto to distract myself. So of course I was attached to it despite its many fault. I guess part of my mistake was not avoiding the c/ql fandom 🤷‍♂️. But, also, at the end of the day, I just find that c/ql is not a series that holds up to scrutiny or long-term actual engagement with the 'text' of it, which impacts how I was not able to sustain this attachment to it. Let me use a Clueless reference: c/ql is a little bit like a Monet - watch it mindlessly on a phone skipping to deal with the weird pacing and weird scenes, and you can enjoy it; but look any closer.... and what is revealed is a big ol' mess.
But! If you are a person who does not like seeing critical or negative things being said about something they like, then my blog is certainly not for you! As I mention in the bio, "you will most likely be disappointed if you follow this blog for CQL content". Generally I'm also pretty good at tagging them "brine corner" if you still want to follow but don't want to see any of those types of posts. If you are however interested in considering critiques people leverage at things you love, if only as a way to understand these things more or confirm you do not find these criticisms valid, then you can just approach my posts from a pov that I'm not doing this because I hate the series.
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dimpledpran · 3 years
me beginning to read ur response; are we the same person? lol completely feel the homebody/fic reading/picky eater, that sounds like a nice time tbh hehe...ahh yes that's good, im the same way i will listen to a bit of everything! but oh i used to love 1D, and ed sheeran is p good too, honestly i only ever heard his first two albums lmao then the next one i kinda didn't vibe too much w it lmao oops. LITTLE MIX THEY ARE MY ABSOLUTE FAVE! god, did u see the jesy news? how we holdin up? (1/?)
oh that is so exciting! what kind of dancing? (continues to read and realizes u answered this as u went lmao srry) oof i admire anyone that has rhythm in their bones cause lord knows i can't dance to save my life lmao but wow wow ok that sounds really really cool! i hope u can go back to dancing&such if u really enjoy it! sounds really cool tbh SINGING IS ALWAYS GREAT NO MATTER THE TALENT YOLO lmao don't let anyone stop u from ever singing lol. sounds like uve done some good ol tv watching (2/?)
oh man ice cream is well deserved and received on any day good or bad but ahhh yes pls a good ol fic can always be a good mood lift :')) i love this we've got quite a few shared interests and such its p cool considering we are the same age!! well im 26 still but i turn 27 in feb lol so but skdlfjs seems like u really loveeee food that is great! and aww the mom food comment, ok same here. u have really good taste in food! u know ive never had indian food! i wanna try some! (3/?)
i can't seem to find any other asks we have shared? i could have sworn i had sent a couple other ones? and u answered? i sha;; go thrpugh your blog since its not in the tag ok! don't wanna leave something un-replied too heh (4??/?) << i think
found it! i knew it! us 'adults' have such busy schedules huh lol i hope you've been resting better these days and not staying up TOO late lol do let me know when ur ss thing happens! wanna hear all abt it heh but anyways lovely i hope ur doing well! taking care of urself and having a nice time! stay safe and i will be back soon!!(5/5)
Hiya love! I shall once again leave my response below the cut. :)
Hahah yay! Glad to know I am not alone in that! 🙈
Used to listen to 1D? Not anymore? I’m offended on their behalf. Just joking. Who are your fave artists?Ed’s first two albums are amazing, the recent one is more pop, but there are a few beautiful songs! YESS! OMG LM ARE SO UNDERRATED AND IT IS DEPRESSING! yeah, I saw the news. I am upset, but I also really am happy that she finally can focus on herself. The industry is too messed up and I hope she gets to where she wants to be mentally and emotionally. She really deserves the best! How are you coping with that?
I have a friend who has no sense of rhythm, is stiff as a rock. We ended up being partners when we learnt Salsa in school, and she chose to be the “lead” and i was to follow her. It was not an easy ride, but in the end we got a B for the exam. So i believe that if she can get a B, anyone can dance! Just gotta keep trying! 💪 HAHAHAH IKR! it is always fun to just belt out and have bathroom concerts! My neighbours should be honoured to listen to me! 😂😂Hahah yeah. the TV watching is what lead me to creating this blog, so no complaints. 
Awww that’s so cool! We are of similar age and have so much in common! Yeah, I am a bit of a paradox. Like I am very picky with food, but I also really love food. haha.  Yess! Mum food is always the best! OMG you should try Indian food!! It depends on if you like more sweet or spicy or sour stuff, but there is pretty much something for everyone in Indian cuisine! Where are you from btw? I dont think I asked this before. (I am sorry if i alr did, and this is a repeat qn)
Oh god! I am so sorry!! I didnt realise that I misspelt the tag, so it was mzdsnetcc instead of mdzsnetcc.. I am sorry that you had to scroll through and find it. But I have rectified it, and I will make sure i spell it correctly henceforth. 
Definitely have been resting better! Thank you! Yeah, working life is more hectic, but i honestly will take this over schooling again. I am so glad to be done with studying. My office SS is finally happening tmr! I can tell you about it next time on how it goes! Thank you for your lovely message! I hope you are having a great week! I believe you have tmr off, so I hope you enjoy your break! Hope you get to do something fun! Take care and stay safe! 🥰🥰
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teledild0nix · 5 years
if youre using queer as an umbrella term why are you acting like people are criticizing you calling yourself queer.. people not minding personal reclamation vs feeling like theyre applied a slur without their consent is two different things, and thats why people who dont mind the word might still tag a reblogged post. they relate but they know its not a word everyone likes, people trigger tag dyke for the same reason even though some lesbians use that as an identity too. its truly not that deep
klaj;df pls don’t tag my posts d slur !
if you don’t like the term just leave the post alone? you don’t need to have the post on your blog if it offends you?? i don’t owe you my posts, anon!! i don’t have any obligation to express myself in a way that you approve of!! this is my blog. if you don’t wanna apply the term to yourself just. don’t reblog posts that use it!!! it’s truly not that deep!!!!
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freddie-dressage · 3 years
Tagged by @tear-soaked-cheeksdonteverlast thanks!
When it’s your birthday: September 15th
Where do you live: new england 
Three things you are doing right now: watching a twitch stream, thinking about food, uhhh thinking about my classes ending 
Four fandoms that have piqued your interest: the only fandoms i was ever super into were Once Upon a Time and Supernatural, everything after that was more lowkey like Shameless, Voltron and now MCYT 
How has the pandemic treated you: Bad! :D 
A song you can’t stop listening to right now: 1000 rounds- Ghostemane
Recommend a movie: Pride and Prejudice 
How old are you: 21
School, university, occupation: in art school, working at the barn 
Do you prefer heat or cold: summer and heat definitely
Name one fact others may not know about you: I wear my deceased cats collar as a bracelet and haven’t taken it off since he died
Are you shy: with strangers sort of but im really just quiet until i warm up to people 
Pronouns: she/her 
Biggest pet peeves: when you microwave something and like take it out before the timer runs out and then you dont CLEAR THE TIME so it just has like 0.05 seconds for no fucking reason oh my god 
What’s your favourite “dere” type: dandere
Rate your life from 1 to 10: this changes daily, i be having episodes lmao 
What’s your main blog: this is my main 
List your sideblogs and what they’re used for: ghostj which i might change that user idk yet but i use to for random non-horse things and also for when i want attention from strangers that i dont feel guilty about like i do when i ghost tinder boys l o l 
Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends: I act different around everyone i meet, pls dont get offended if im super talkative around one person and maybe quieter around you, im probably just comfortable being quiet with you its all good homie 
i tag anyone who wants to 
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heybinnie · 7 years
ok to start off i hope i dont come off as attacking or offending anyone in any way pls im just a tiny child my friends call me a smol tol/tol smol either way im a baby
and i dont wanna come off as arrogant or full of myself really pls dont misunderstand
but i really thank you if youve tagged me in things like those ‘tag your favourite person/mention your fav aroha’ those kinda posts? i really, really do appreciate it! im honoured that you find something in this lame blog and awful meme posts, with meaningless updates and screaming tags and subpar stories--i really, really appreciate it. thank you so much.
but i feel bad bc i feel uncomfortable to do the same tag thing. im so sorry i just? bc theres this thing where like.......... i see other people get tagged in other things, and sometimes im like oh ok theyre really cool!! but other times im also like....... am i not tagged bc im not well known enough? bc i dont make enough friends here?
which is EXTREMELY NARCISSISTIC and stupid #realtalk but a few months back i realise its really childish to get upset over something like that bc im here to support and love astro not to be ‘popular’ or known as a great blog. thats not what im here for. and if i were to tag people in those tag posts, i’d? its like-- its like a given that i dont talk to a lot of people here, because i just dont know how to make friends im really bad at it, so if i do tag those handful people im afraid that it comes off as? being ‘exclusive’? 
like if i was someone on the sidelines and i see that ive never been tagged in anything i’d feel so left out. i remember feeling like that and thinking what do i have to do to make friends and i dont want other people to feel that way? if youre someone who just became an aroha i hope you dont feel like this. i hope people who are already here dont make you feel like this.
(also if u want to talk pls just drop by my ask or just hmu....bc i dont know how to initiate anything iM AWKWARD but im lonely sometimes too)
again, its a given that i dont talk to a lot of people, but i do wanna say that im really happy to see more and more people becoming arohas!!!! i appreciate all of you for showing love and support for astro and i just?? i would want to tALK TO YOU BUT I CANT i cant FUnCTiON LIKe THAT im sorry but i love you thank you for existing and for loving astro and for being you
and?? to the people i actually do talk to without freaking out and feeling like an out of place walrus? thank you for being friends with me, of all people :’) 
dear @vocalpmh @snibnoom and @rockekeke !!! thank you for tagging me <3 (idk if u remember tagging me bc i always take so long to reply to these things but i see them hehe)
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
thank you !
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^^ dis gif isn't mine. but that's totally my face.
Here it is! This is my big dumb 'thank-you' post that I've been meaning to write. So if you weren't aware, I've actually closed this blog (aside from some random posts about Logan and a Batman Podcast - you should listen to it) due to some major, major problems with the DC fandom that I find toxic and quite frankly disgusting. But das stuff that sadly I can't change so I'm doing what's best for me and getting my ass outta here before my love for Batman is forever ruined by blind and immature fanboys.
i started writing bryce around about 2015. My first blog was called surgitisms but I changed it because someone made some burnbook callout about me copying someones url (I had no idea that blog existed rofl - surgit is latin for 'rise'). I then moved to rageinyourbones (shoutouts to joseph gordon levitt) where i spent most of my time, developing this character that wasn't even my idea - it was just a passing remark from a lovely actress by the name of Natalie Dormer. now as you're aware (and as i continually apologize for) i fucked up on that blog, and i've done my best to reach out and make amends with the people i offended (and they were super gracious and accepted my apology). but that negative bollocks aside, i grew up so much on that blog. i learned some amazing things about myself, i learned some bad things about myself, and most importantly i created a character that i personally believe is different to bruce wayne. i ended up headcannoning late at night, thinking about how she would act differently to bruce, about how she would interact with certain characters etc etc etc.
but what really made all the difference was the people i met.
you guys are fucking amazing. i mean lets be real - the tumblr rp community can be fucked sometimes. we've all seen it, but what i love is that we tend to (80% of the time) treat each other as real human beings and see that what we're really here for is just the love of these dumb fictional characters. they give us a break from the savagery of life and its endless woes. i am so, so so grateful and so so so blessed to have known the people i have on here. people whom i met on rageinyourbones and followed me across to here, and people whom i met here. holy bollocks im rambling - im just gonna tag some specific people who really really made my life on here so enjoyable. the rest i'll just lump into one big post because i'm lazy like that.
@fracturedportrait - harmony. i remember meeting you the first time. i remember it so clearly. you were so chill, so spunky (god i feel old using that word), and you had such a passion for your oc. i remember the first plot we had, the inspiration we shared... who knew that it was the beginning of my greatest friendship and my #1 OTP for bryce. you were the first person whom i ever actually spoke to off tumblr (remember when i called you?? and you heard my dumb aussie accent??). i remember legitimately getting teary over memes, i remember smiling so much during our threads, i remember (and still do) laugh about us talking about how our sin is like a lovely vintage of wine. your writing consistently, unimaginably, pushes and has pushed me to better mine. with every post you made, you helped improve my writing. you are such a blessing to me and i am not going to just let this stay as some dumb tumblr friendship. we'll face time, and i'll be sure to credit you when i'm on the red carpet with natalie dormer being like 'so what made you want to write this film about a female batman?'. i'll just be like 'yo there was this really cool chick who wrote a vampire and she told me to just write this film'.
@halysborn - SWAN. ho man. do you remember when i wrote that giant meta about how dick literally changed not just bryce's life, but bruce's? i firmly believe that dick is the most important character in bruce's life. and i mean i'm talking on the same level as alfred - even more. he's the TRUE son. the son whom saved him. like i just cry about how bruce says that line - 'sometimes i think i've never done any good in my life. then i look at dick and realize i'm wrong' or whatever that actual phrase is. i PHYSICALLY VOM WHEN PEOPLE SHIP THEM. but yo that's other stuff. what's important is that you have supported me selflessly and without strings. you've supported me here, you've supported me over on deshibcsara, you've just been a consistent rock, an unyielding foundation of encouragement. i still, and will NEVER delete that voice recording where you talk about me and my love for batman. it gives me such hope and reminds me that, yeah i fuck up, but i've at least affected someone else's life and how they see batman. my only regret is that i was so goddamn slow with replying to our stuff. and that was literally because i felt like you deserved nothing but my absolute best. you are incredible, and from one aussie to another, i love you brocookie!
@femmekill - could u pls stop spamming my facebook wall with memes?? SIKE I LIED. I FUCKING LOVE IT. my mum literally asked me the other night 'who is -insert your real name-?' and i was like 'oh thats my wife' and she was like '???' and i just said 'dont even BOTHER trying to understand'. you have been nothing but optimistic about me. you consistently, relentlessly see the good in me. i dont think there's ever been a time where like i've felt wronged by you? or at the very least felt like i was a burden to you? you never fail to spread positivity. even when you were feeling like shit and i tried to cheer you up, it's like you turned it on me and were like 'nah gus you're not cheering me up IM CHEERING YOU UP - thats how it works'. im so fucking whipped by you, because you're just such a blessing to my life. the day we shared FB's was like the day i realized 'WELP IM IN THIS MARRIAGE FOR LIFE NOW'. when it comes to your writing - i'm just breathless. the tumblr rp fandom does not deserve you. keep doing your thing man - don't ever let douchebag anons change that.
@marblebelow - I SINCERELY HOPE YOU STILL HAVE THE RECORDING OF ME SINGING 'THE CONFRONTATION'. especially with the 'DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUUN'. that shit is lit. yo but mikel really. the days of us writing together - writing fisk/bryce and then writing jim/bryce... i value it so much. you've taught me to pursue every little nuance in bryce's character. and i mean that - you ask me tiny little questions, and holy crap i end up going into a massive internal investigation. and worst of all (or best??) you jsut lavish me with genuine, kind words. i regret that we didnt get to write much more (both of us having major stress/overwhelmed issues), but dude, like, never stop being you - you have such overwhelming, unimaginable depths of creativity. even if you don't realize it, or feel like you don't, believe me - you do. it sounds like -- errr.... arrogant? but ive spent the last six years studying writing/fiction/film and just immersing myself in it so i feel like i have SOME credibility - you really really do have a gift.
@ivyworn - 'yes hello i'd like to report a murder? the victim is ME' aka this is what happens whenever we talk. so we never actually got to do much writing, but honestly? i literally feel like we did writing in the SPIRIT with all of our tumblr IMs and just the amount of shit talking we did. PUMA. LEST WE FORGET. PUMA. no but real talk, i was supposed to send you a birthday gift aka im still gonna get my ass onto paypal and do that SO DONT YOU LEAVE YOUR BLOG. AND YOU CANNOT SAY NO. i've never met anyone whom has such an in-depth love and understanding for ivy. i remember chatting about Cast Shadows with you and the level of complexitity between Batman and Ivy. i mentioned this but Batman/Ivy is literally my OTP for Bruce. i just think it is such an interesting avenue that no writer (post Cast Shadows) has explored. whenever we spoke, i had such a smile on my face, i cannot even begin to desribe it. i really really hope life goes well for you and treats you with the care and respect you DESERVE.
@psyclownsis @scarestress tags both blogs bc i have no idea where you are these days. so i already recorded that voice meme thing talking about you piri - but i literally just want to further express my admiration and gratitude for you. you've stuck by me, you've pulled me aside and been like 'oi gus you're being a douche stop it', and you've just supported me and taken such an interest in this dumb character i write that literally just blows me away. the fact that we barely write but i still feel so close to you and so valued by you is just a testament to the power of tumblr rp friendships. we don't NEED to write together to be friends and to respect and admire each other. AND LORD KNOWS i admire you. i admire your dedication, i admire your 'idgaf' attitude. and honestly i just admire your unrelenting loyalty to people.
because i've literally written an essay - the rest of these tags are people that i admire and love, even if we haven't had much chance to interact.
@agoodluthor | @gunkanjiima | @grincarved | @terrifiesthem | @tcmbraider | @truthpiety | @influencedbyfear | @inexactexpiration | @aftcrshocks | @fallencomrade | @geniusfuturist | @mangledgrin | @shewolveriine | @tragicloss | @unleashedjustice | @volchista | @widowscars 
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compunctionjunction · 7 years
thanks for tha tag sopherino
RULES: tag 10 of your followers you wanna know better.

@1of1prism thank u for the tag..
- nicknames: commonly used - marinay, bae, “this girl”, no longer used - marmar, m2, meena
- height: i really dont know but im taller than 5 foot 2 apparently LOL ;) (i’m somewhere bt 5′3 and 5′6 but people keep telling me theres no f-in way im 5′6 lol)
- time right now: 8:20pm (when i started, lol now its like 9:20 yikes)
- last thing i googled: “austin mahone” 
- fave music artist: rn it’s shinee tbh (rn???? what do u mean... shinee are forever...... -sophie probably)
- song stuck in my head: to be completely honest its bonetrousle from undertale LOL
- last movie i watched: uh hmm oh i watched the bling ring cause i had to for school lol
- last TV show i watched: uhhhhh............ west... west world?? the robot one? i don’t like that show but my parents put it on
- what i’m wearing right now: pinkish orangish sometimes red looking knit sweater and jeans 
- when I created this blog: 2013 im pretty sure
- do i have other blogs?: i literally have like 10 sideblogs lol (jk 8) some r secret but tbh i can share some: aesthetic, fandom (honestly have no idea why anyone follows this cause like i literally post 1000 posts at once about one specific thing and then post nothing for like 2 months and then just put a bunch of random stuff from a bunch of different completely unrelated things and also a couple people who follow this blog follow that one but i dont even know if they know its the same person doing both blogs but i guess they do now if theyre reading this lol), manga (along with @1of1prism but it’s not rly an active blog anymore lol) uhhhh... ya 
- do i get asks regularly?: no :’( i wish
- why did i choose my URL?: check my tagged/tag-game lol 
- gender: fe.....male ...? ??? ?? ???? (????)
- hogwarts house: im hufflepuff too @1of1prism whats wrong with hufflepuff smh
- pokemon team (sun): well.......right now its primarina (haha), snorlax, leafeon, clefairy, raichu, and growlithe, growlithe mostly cause i want to level it up, but i switch out a lot and once i get a vulpix that’s probably gonna stay on my main. also like i love all the eeveelutions i will probably make a separate team thats just them LOL so hard to choose
- fave colours: black and hot pink
- average hours of sleep: either like 5 or like 13 lol
- lucky number: 7
- favourite characters: this is such a hard question that im gonna copy paste my old answer and then update it (also like the only reason i have any of these is cause i tag them or have them written down or have a fanfic somewhere like these arent the top of my head im very bad at keeping track of what i like thus why i have 14 sideblogs lol):
if they’re snarky and sarcastic but in a lovable kind of way rather than an asshole way then they are likely my fave (ex, idk, like Logan from Veronica Mars) or if they are a complex bamf female character (ex, like… lots, there are lots) I don’t really have #1 overall fave characters until i’m in the middle of marathoning something in which case i’ll be all “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVEYO U”
but also more specifically im gonna just base this on who has their own tag on my fandom blog so like in no particular order
sans from undertale, 
godot from ace attorney
clive from professor layton lol 
adrien/chat, nino, and nathanaël from miraculous, 
lucas and claus from mother 3, tony from mother 2
snufkin from moomin,
jack frost from rotg
baek in ho from cheese in the trap
kyo from fruits basket
kenya from erased
natsume from gakuen alice and hayama from kodocha
fakir from princess tutu 
hak, jae-ha, shin-ah, yoon, and tbh zeno and probably yona too tbh from akatsuki no yona like lets be real 
veronica from veronica mars (lol)
peridot and lapis from su, 
harley quinn in general
rosa from b99 and this is getting rly long so if ur that curious ask me lol
- dream job: i think ive answered this before but like where i can use all my skills (writing, photography, research, tech stuff) and travel, make change, help people i dunno. 
- number of blankets it used to be 1 and then it was 2 and recently its been 3 or 4 because my room is cold as fuck
- following: 200 something
i tag um, @purewhiteflames, @shirasakas-koume​, um, @nuliflyer, @negatiiivi, @any-elsewhere, @laurentthings​, this is really stressful when i have to adhere to a particular number its really hard to think of blogs haha (D:) anyway you’re all cool still uhhhhhhhhh tag yourself if youre not here pls not to offend or anything but theres like 13 blogs im missing but i dont know who off the top of my head oh no
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