#pls don't judge meh ;;;
pandazai · 2 months
soo... I was playing around with digital drawing a bit and after maaanyy boring lectures and several days, I decided to recreate Heizou's (Genshin Impact) official art :P
Idk but I felt the urge to share it with the vast world of the internet, so here you go if anyone wants to see it <3
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tuituipupu · 5 months
started using busuu yesterday as a duo alternative and it has tasks you can't skip where it asks native speakers to peer review an answer you generate yourself 😭 it's scary like plz don't be meanie 2 me
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cephiius · 1 year
so our teacher asked us fo draw an art of emotion for class therefore i drew sherliam, because, obviously, and the emotion
is gay
inspired by none other than that one princess mononoke scene. i always see it w other fandoms and ships so like hey why not use that style for my academic homework!
this is however not true tho bc sherlock (of yuumori) would never point a gun at liam. i think. however it is true on canon arthur doyle works but yeah
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i feel the need to say i haven't drawn anime stuff in like . 4 years
and this is kinda like one of my first and only gay anime fanart? lol
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justsimply-bored · 1 year
Ep.1 : Introduction ( ͡❛ ᆽ ͡❛)
Hi! im Justsimply-bored! I write, post and share random stuff so meh...
Things to know about me;
I used to write fanfic and hopefully would get back to that..... Pls. don't. judge. it's been a while so... look the other way (ㆆ_ㆆ). also I do enjoy angst a lot so yeah be ready to cry ;0
Anyways that's all!!
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cometoceantrenches · 6 years
This took me a lot of courage to post this. It's a somewhat recent video of me doing Arnis. I just wanted to show how cool it is. :3 
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morifinwes · 3 years
🎵 for lan wangji
god i have so many aksks it's hard to choose but it also feels like i have so few for him but i settled on this one (this is for my german moots 😘)
"an einem Tag hast du's geschafft / hast plötzlich alles leicht gemacht / war fast zu spät, doch dann hab' ich' gecheckt / mein Herz war mit Zement bedeckt / Hast es befreit, wiederbelebt / Alles getan, dass es nochmal schlägt / (...) Und du nahmst dir Hammer und Meißel / Erschaffst ein Kunstwerk aus meinem kalten Herz" betonherz by wincent weiss
which basically means:
on one day you did it / made everything suddenly (so much) easier / was almost too late, then i understood / my heart was buried in cement / [you] freed it, revived it / [you] did everything so that it would beat again / (...) and you took hammer and chisel / made an artwork out of my cold heart" cement heart by wincent weiss
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thetaoofbetty · 3 years
U know I don't really hate barchie if they give us reasons for them to be together but what I really hate is barchies .they are the most ones in taking things out of context and then complain about it when someone do this in their mind only .... but what triggered me the most that they now are pretending to be fans of Betty and lili when they really never liked her .only recognize her when she is with Archie and always talking about how she is lucky to have his hotness lol . And I am sure the minute bughead will return they will trash her again claiming to be the reason for it . And sadly some bugheads do the same with her after lili's break up .sorry for my English
Hello beautiful! 
I am very tired today so pls excuse me if this doesn’t make sense. Also, never apologize for your English, it’s fine! English is hard enough for native speakers to keep track of, I can’t imagine what it’s like for others.💜
I am fairly indifferent to b/archie. I think most of us knew they were going to do it badly at some point so I’m meh about it. I also think if they were always going to, they should have done it earlier (early to mid s2 was a good opportunity tbh) and if they had to wait, they really did have a chance to build it up and make it part of the narrative instead of a plot twist for shock in s4. 
Shock plots, when they stir negative emotions, almost always have negative repercussions for the shows that utilize them (the walking dead comes to mind, they really managed to lose an insane amount of viewers over the course of one episode a few years ago). 
And yes, b/archies like to take everything out of context. I’ve noticed that. Or they put too much emphasis on stuff that they had to go frame by frame to see. Sometimes, hard as it is to believe, things just are what they are. Maybe it’s a byproduct of always being baited only to be let down. Which, for them, why are they still hanging gospel on the words of people they know lie to them? If they get b/archie and it ends badly, what then? Will they not ship it? Will they harass the writers? The actors? This is the environment that RAS and Ted have created for themselves so my sympathy will be in short supply for them. 
And the shippers themselves have absolutely harassed me and others. They may not like to call it that but it is harassment. I can’t keep my anon on because of the way b/archie shippers treat me. I hope when they read this they see that for what it is. It’s not j/eronica or j/archie or b/eronica shippers. It’s them. 
Also, yes. They don’t particularly seem to care about Betty or even like Lili. Which I don’t get because I’m a big fan of liking both parts of whatever ship I’m into. This thing where we have, generally very young or very dedicated, fans shipping something because of a “hot” guy is one of those things I don’t get. They want viewers, the female characters, and the actresses who play them to all carry water for some guy. 
Because they’re projecting or living in a fantasy or whatever (i don’t judge, not my place) they often end up showing the very worst of themselves online to people over a person who doesn’t even know they exist. Or they harass very real people over a fictional character. I’m not saying people shouldn’t enjoy celebs or be fans, etc, but I would like some of these people to ask themselves why they think they know an actor better than his co-worker and friend and why they really dislike her because of it. 
Sounds like jealousy to me but whatever, that’s just my personal opinion. 
And yeah. I’ve seen the Lili hate. I’ve seen the speculation and the judgment of how she’s living her life, like her relationship was somehow beholden to total strangers on the internet. I’ve seen her get attacked and blamed for things she has nothing to do with. 
As an aside, in general, grown men don’t need coddling. I wish people would stop looking for women to blame because they don’t know what to do with disappointment. We’re not actually society’s punching bags and the expectation that we should be is something I’m never going to be good with. 
The way people treat others is, to me, the clearest picture of who they are as a person. I really don’t think we need more to know who the b/archies (the ones who harass strangers) or the people who love to hate Lili are; they’ve already shown us. 
Thanks for the ask, lovely!💜
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jennibeultimate · 3 years
Personal recap GP Italy 2021 - Ladies SP & FS and Pairs SP & FS
I was at the GP Italy in the arena, so I am writing this recap now on my way home. Sadly on Friday for the SP the arena was super empty. The prices were far too high. Saturday the arena had at the least the double amount of ppl. Nothing compared to the GPF 2019 (the magic of Yuzu's participation!) I don't particularly like the arena as the seats are damn uncomfortable and again sitting on the judges site was hardly possible (for training yes, but not for competition). Nonetheless I love to see skating live and that's why I went there. 😊
My highlight in the SP and FS were Mai Mihara, Satoko Miyahara and Loena Hendricks! They all performed so well. ❤️❤️❤️❤️Mai has such an emotional impact on me. Satoko's skating is just not comparable to anyone, she should receive the highest PCS - always. Loena is a joy to watch. She has fire, it's fun to watch her, haa impressive heights on her jumps and star quality. She was so happy after the FS as if she would have won. I am so happy for her.
Anna fought her way back to the top impressively. Tbh I didn't think she would deliver but she probably thought "you can take that title from my cold hands or never". The FS dress is beautiful, the SP dress is horrendous. Her jumps are still ugly, but she is a very good performer and brings the emotions. Sadly her programs are really meh...Anna deserves better programs! Her SP score was way too high, but in the end it wouldn't have changed the results so I can live with it.
Maiia Khromykh - I was surprised about her. Her performance ability is quite good for a 15 year old with programs that don't suit her age - pls don't make 15 year olds skate to Moulin Rouge, same for the SP - trying to sell sexy with a 15 year old is akward at best. Nonetheless she performed well. She is a bit slow and I don't understand how her GOEs come together as most landings were quite wonky, but I guess being at Eteri's helps.
Eunsoo Lim has such star potential! 🔥 She was on fire in the SP. Shame about the fall, but it didn't affect her performance at all. Easily one of my favorites of the day. Even when Tango de Roxanne so overused is. The FS sadly fell a bit apart.
Yelim Kim was better than at Skate Canada, but still far from what she can do. Her dresses are extraordinary beautiful. I think she skates a bit reserved. The fire is missing, but she is still very lovely to watch, her attention to detail is to her fingertips, so even if not as expressive in her face, she is expressing things in movement, which for a live audience is far more important than the face.
The scoring is whack anyway - especially the PCS - but tbh live it doesn't bother me as much as on TV seeing the TES box. 😅 It's easy sitting at home and judging the TV, but live you can clearly see what skaters try to disguise, some skaters are truly slow. Satoko for example skates at lightning speed which makes her hard to photograph. Also some skaters do all her jumps in the same places and it's even more apparent when a program is boring. On TV you have the facial expression, live the face is not always good to see.
The Pairs that stood out were Peng Cheng/Yang Jin and Sui Wenjing and Han Cong. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
They were a league of their own. Their win was foreseen and rightfully so. They both have beautiful programs, beautiful dresses. Sui and Han really have that super star power. They overshadow everyone. Also their speed is so good. One element just floats into another. Cheng Peng/Yang Jin were so happy after their skates. Sui Wenjing was very emotional after the SP score.
The rest of the Pairs field was underwhelming. I like Della Monica/Guarise, but they made so many mistakes nothing was left. The two new Russian pairs are lovely to watch, but nothing special. They blend into the pool of good Pair skaters from Russia. I was sad for Annika Hocke and Robert Kunkel - there ABBA program is so fun - , but apparently he was ill and I think withdrawing was the right choice.
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rosehearteds · 3 years
judging mayoi scouts that i have experienced snd know of !
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limited scouts: 9/10
transfer pity/guarantee pls
it's pretty fair, i can pull normally and priced well (250 for an 11 pull? that's 1 free pull) also i use my limited scout tickets here and it's cool honestly
plus free stones are accepted so extra +1
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paid only scouts: 1/10
the "guaranteed ssr" is fair but why. why not a step up scout. that is all i ask of. please. -5 points for only accepting paid ability stones and -3 for it not being a free step up scout, -1 for not it having an event-limited ssr guarantee (+1 for the ssr guarantee)
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limited-guarantee step up scouts: 11/10
WOOOO i love these scouts bc it's cheaper than regular scouts (1.3k ability stones for 66 pulls than 1.5k for limited only) and there's a double ssr guarantee??!:!:! i love them i can get the character i want in two weeks at most
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only 2 ssr guarantee step-up: 6/10
scam scouts, just do limited scout ffs
(salty bc mei didnt get limited ssr kyouka on their 5th step because the step up didnt have a guarantee)
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beginner scout: 8/10
guaranteed ssr? at what, rank 12? that's insane, thank you mayoi (i believe this scout is 200 ability stones so u have to play a bit bc the welcome bonuses r usually not enough >=[ that's the -2 for)
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10-day free returnee scout: 300/10
THAT'S A FREE FUCKING SSR JUST FOR BEING AWAY. honestly i think the welcome back bonuses from mayoi r the best, i love them a lot . i would do it again but idk how long u have to be away cause i was away for a year lol . also honestly? you probably can just miss a single banner and the returnee would probably show up so if u dont like the banner and dont care about daily rewards then go ahead and go offline
bonus for the welcome back bonus: on day 7, (or 10 i cant remember),you can choose a non-promotional ssr (i chose kyouka and i kinda regret it lol i shouldve gotten kenji)
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rare scout: 6/10
a classic, usual 100 pull guarantee, the once a day 15 scout, it's a meh for me. id rather spend my ability stones on limited banners, though i use a lot of scout tickets here and got two ssrs from 32 scouts so.
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scene card scout: 8/10
i don't really mind over these, the bonuses are cool but it's fucking rigged give me a UR card that benefits light cards thanks /hj
i already have two UR cards so i shouldn't be complaining lol though im glad ability stones arent used here ehe
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friend scout: 9/10
ohhhh when i need materials and my AP is dead i just go here hehe
i dont have strong opinions over here but the scout is useful so it gets a 9
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I tried to draw virgil I'm very bad at drawing😅 and I started to draw him at my friend's house and she didn't know prinxeity existed because she has no Internet yet so I showed her and now she's obsessed with it. 😆 But pls don't judge meh I tried 😯😅
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askthecupcrew-blog · 5 years
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Just a quick little comic I made out of boredom-
I was lazy twt pls don't judge meh bad art- Anyhow have a nice day uwu
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curseofaphrodite · 2 years
tori my love hi
my boyfriend and i 🤝 expressing our love for each other through bullying
i'm still down for yours and mine wedding tho totally will make him maid of honour for you
each time i write sanskrit exam i feel like i have accomplished everything lmao getting decent marks w/o studying in sanskrit exam is my job
you don't understand our farewell is on 13 and i'm literally so excited can't wait omg omg omg aND I'M GONNA GO SHOPPING EEEKKKK (my lovely girls are wearing bodycon dresses literally everyone's gonna look so pretty aww ig i'll miss this batch sm)
mystery murders>>>>the whole world
aYY SO PROUD THAT YOU READ SIX OF CROWS PLS WHO DO YOU SIMP FOR (tbh i simp for all of the crows but kaz inej nina>>>) oh have read shadow and bones series nah cause i really i hate darkling but ✨ben barnes✨ to create darkling ben barnes really said i will take the sad boy//shy boy cuteness of stardust the royal airs of prince caspian the beauty of dorian grey and the sheer hoe energy of billy russo there i said it
pls stop casting hot actors for villians i'm sick and tired of questioning my morals every single day😔🙏
urgg true it did piss me off a little every time aarons blue eyes were mentioned but meh that guy hot asf so okay kinda makes up for it aaron pls choke me
moving on
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harrison ostetfield is soo fineeee my fav white boy of the month
now the tea not exactly tea but me ranting about my best friend's sad love life
and since you don't really know any of us in real life i can share shits without feeling judged or fear that you'll tell everyone
remember nyasa? i swear my poor girl has the worse luck when it comes to dating//loving someone. poor baby falls in love with ppl who play with her feelings. so recently she liked a guy and the guy "liked" her back but said that he doesn't want to do relationships bc yk indian science students 🤝 sacrifices he told her friend to take care of her and not let this whole thing mess up her grades. oH AND HE CONFESSED HIS FEELINGS FIRST THO anyways i thought maybe it was right person wrong time bc he genuinely seemed to care for my friend but today (he goes to her coaching classes) she texts me saying that he told his friends that he never liked her and she was so damn sad she wanted to cry but she couldn't bc she's in class :(( my poor baby the fact that this happened 3 times with her really makes me sad bc she's now insecure and doubting herself. i've literally grown up with her seven years of friendship and seeing her question "is something wrong with me" totally breaks my heart :( IT MAKES ME SO MAD THAT PPL THINK IT'S OKAY TO PLAY WITH SOMEONE'S FEELINGS LIKE NOT RECIPROCATING THE FEELINGS IS OKAY BUT PRETENDING TO RECIPROCATE IS NOT OKAY
anyways i love you and stfu ik you'll do great in your exams take care have a lovely weekend<3
ps do you wear rings bc if you do 😩🤌💍❓
lmao yes our wedding will literally be too cool for this world. just amazing and GODLIKE
YOU GET GOOD MARKS IN SANSKRIT WO LEARNING BISH GIVE ME YOUR BRAIN RN. but in all fairness, i dont have sanskrit or even hindi shjsh
plss farewell party hits so hard cause I only have one more year with the same people who have been with me from LKG???? kindergarten??? how am i supposed to say goodbye to them?? literally gonna cry so hard.
me, along with everyone else, agrees with you on the ben barnes comment cause he really popped off with his acting. no i havent read shadow and bone series yet but ill probably get to it this monthh!! i simp for inej mfing ghafa as well as the disaster that is jesper.
LMAOO okay one fun fact, idky but whenever i read a book i have an idea of what the person looks like in my head rightt. i was watching a lot of personality type videos then so I ENDED UP IMAGINING AARON LIKE THIS DONT ASK ME WHY
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hes really funny tho check out his videos.
harrison osterfield looks hot in a very specific model way. like the kind of dude we'll see at a bar and you'll be like ;) and I'll say dudeeeeeee + ends up match making yall.
OKAY NO WAT EVEN NO THIS ISNT EVEN FUNNY THAT TROUPE IS VERY FAMOUS AMONG GUYS IG CAUSE THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME?? one dude said he liked me and a week later he went meh. horrible feeling istg.
tell your friend that it'll feel shit and it will continue to feel like shit but on the plus side, months later, she will go ew when she thinks of him; just like I do now. remember to give nyassa hugs, she's an angel ✨✨
I did not do well. everyone possibly failed in physics cause we were all laughing at how shitty we did.
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mysteriousdane · 6 years
OMG you draw and play the piano??? And love writing??? Are you sure you're not my lost twin??? I seriously do all those things (but more sketching than drawing and even then I end up hating my work whoops) so that's awesome!! You were also awesome but you got awesome-r!!! If you don't mind, could you share a little sample of something you've drawn? Totally understand if you're uncomfortable doing that or something 💕
Omg hahaha that’s amazing ♡ Guess I am your long lost twin! :^D Not gonna lie though that would be nice because my brothers are not artistic at all yikes... Anyway, I totally don’t mind sharing (even if my art is meh and I haven’t really drawn the last few years)! I’ve uploaded some of my art from the last few years on DeviantArt @ mysteriousdane but pls don’t judge my art too much rip I know it’s bad and my dA page is a mess. :^)
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iamtempess-blog · 10 years
I also wanna bite and kiss on someones neck ;-;
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