#please just read the source material
vulpixhoney · 5 months
I'm sorry but this is so annoying. I understand that there's already inconsistencies in the original Percy Jackson series (and I have beef about that too mind you) but the whole Athena cursing Medusa bullshit isn't even Greek, it's roman! That "retelling" was written by the Roman poet Ovid specifically to slander Athena. Ovid hated Athena so he made us "retelling" specifically to make her look like a vengeful woman who punishes women for being victims. And they included it in the show. this is such bullshit.
She was born a gorgon. Medusa was born a gorgon and was one of the gorgon sisters, their visage was used over doorways and on jewelery as a symbol of protection.
hate when people insist that Ovid's stupid poem is a part of Greek mythology, because it's 1. not, just straight is not even Greek and 2. misogynist. all of these "modern retellings" of Greek myths are flat out misogynist. People try to make the victims stronger (Medusa, Persephone) by tearing other women (Athena, Demeter). In y'all attempt to make ~better victims~ you tear down powerful women and make them into vengeful woman haters
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bi-the-wei · 1 year
Seeing hot takes about Wei Wuxian's personality and confidence levels floating around again so thought I'd chime in with my own.
Wei Wuxian does not lack confidence. In fact he is often overly confident, as noted by himself post resurrection.
I think his biggest issues are
1. He views kindness towards himself as transactional. He must pay back any kindness as best he can. However, his own kindness is free of charge. Remember what others do for you, not what you do for others.
2. If someone has to get hurt, he'd rather it be him. This, i believe is the core (cough) of the hero complex Jiang Cheng scolds him for. Its okay if he gets hurt because its him. And he knows he can handle it. And if he can handle it, he has to.
3. He has a fundamental, deep set mistrust of authority figures. His own experiences teach him thst its better to ask forgiveness than permission because youll get punished either way. If you want something done itnis your responsibility. His support from those in power growing up was inconsistent which makes it hard to ask for help.
On paper, these line up with a lot of what the reader may experience as anxiety or lack of confidence/self-worth in their own life. Overcompensation, inability to ask for help, self-sacrifice and the like. The issue is that the motive isnt the same, even if the symptoms are similar. The reason people, including myself at times, depict wwx as being anxious or lacking self-worth i think is mostly projection turned fanon. Its cathartic and easier to relate to.
Wwx does not see himself as worth less of than others in his life. In fact thats part of what raises some other characters hackles. How dare this son of a servant act like he's one of us?!
I think a lot of his issue is really about debt (that he will repay if it kills him(spoiler: it does)), overconfidence in his own ability (though i think he is forcing that out of desperation at the end of his first life because he can't afford to be wrong (spoiler: he was wrong)), a lack in confidence in the skill or motives of others (not completely unjustified ngl), and a desire to keep those he love from harm as much as he can (success may vary).
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opera-ghost · 1 year
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I'm convinced that the people saying Chuuya is never anyones first option have only ever seen the horrible destruction of characters and their relationships that bones has animated.
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can-a-tuna-fish · 4 months
I can and will write a multi page essay about the way people write and portray Richard Goranski’s lisp in fan content and why I don’t like it. this is sort of just one aspect of it, guys please actually consider how a lisp works before writing/playing him with one I’m begging you.
Rich has a tongue between teeth lisp (as opposed to the type of lisp that happens when air escapes from the sides of your teeth), meaning he makes the “sss” and “zzz” sounds with his tongue “out” (touching the top row of his teeth instead of resting behind them).
The way the tongue between teeth sort of lisp works, you only make the “th” sound on certain words. sun, spoil, and toss all require you to use the “sss” sound to pronounce them, meaning they would come out with a th lisp. The same goes for “zzz” sounding words like zebra, puzzle, and lazy. Plus some words with C like icing, voice, and circle, since in this context the C actually makes the same sound as an S.
Not all words that have an S or C in them make the speaker lisp though, which is where I think people get confused about it and write/play him with a silly sounding or inaccurate lisp. Words like share, show, and sheet make a “shh” or a shush sound, which usually wouldn’t have a th lisp attached to it :))
Something I recommend if you’re ever playing him or just generally any character who lisps, be conscious not to speak with your tongue out the entire time. I see a lot of the people who play him just keeping their tongue between their teeth throughout entire sentences while trying to recreate a lisp, and it changes the pronunciation of ALL their words which a lisp wouldn’t do.
Also, when writing a lisp, it’s really repetitive to read anything that constantly emphasizes it. You don’t have to write “thally thellth thea thellth by the thea thore” it’s difficult to read and makes the content less accessible overall, it’s okay to write the words normally and THEN emphasize how they’re spoken, one or two mentions of a lisp is enough to get the point across without constant repetition. Plus then it’s not crowding up your writing and taking all that effort to figure out.
Honestly all I’m saying is to think about how speech impediments work before trying to write/mimic them, genuinely though at most it mildly annoys me so there’s no anger or anything behind this post. It’s something I like talking about + I like rich so he gets to be part of this too.
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onlyzhuyilong · 8 months
Zhu Yilong laughing at Yu Hua Laoshi saying “the scene with the burning camera (in the film) was symbolic as it reflects a venting of anger for the cast and crew of the whole film towards the author and the source material (the novella).”
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add1ctedt0you · 8 months
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During the past days, Jiang Cheng had always been suspicious.
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sunny12th · 1 year
i am so fucking tired today HOYL SHIT. anyways when the unsullied/freedmen, the dothraki, and the wildlings all meet and it's this giant fucking mess of cultures clashing and different fighting styles meshing. and maybe under other circumstances they would all hate each other but they can't because they have to work together to stop the literal end of the world. and their respective godkings are working together and possible fucking? so they really gotta make this work now. the wildlings teaching the dothraki and dany's freedman how to survive the cold and fight in the north. the unsullied and the wildings sharing different spear techniques because maintaining distance from the wights is the best way to fight them, besides just setting them on fire. the dothraki showing the wildlings how to make better long range bows. everyone from essos despairing at the food they're forced to eat in westeros. everyone in westeros being like 'yall were starving too stfu.'
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sovaharbor · 1 year
i hate how i [momentarily] blacklisted sp1derverse and the miguel o'hara tag is still absolutely inundated with reader-insert fics with absolutely no grasp of his character and only exist because oscar isaac hot
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colbyheartland · 2 months
I feel so insane for wanting to read a book series just to read the fanfiction.
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dearreader · 2 months
something is not right about a 26 year old adult picking fights with 14 year olds and lying about people being racist and antisemitic and suicide bating because they rightfully called you out and you like the drama
#THIS ISN’T ABOUT SWIFTIES#kelly babels#not going to say who cause i have them blocked#but oh my god finding out what this person is saying about my friends/mutuals#anyway on the off chance that person finds me#hi! the fact that you’re nearing 30 and are so knee deep in drama cause you love it#and posting genuinely idiotic and wrong comments about your fav and others is genuinely awful#your tales are worse then the guy in my comic books class who said the jewish coded characters were german and were being discriminated#against for starting ww2#you’re dumber than kaylors who still believe taylor swift is in a lavender marriage with karlie kloss#you’re genuinely one of the dumbest people i’ve ever had the displeasure of hearing your comments#and please note: i graduated with a degree in english literature and didn’t semesters full of classes listening to men give awful opinions#i’ve read a creative writing piece about a man’s penis getting so big he has to be wheeled around in wheelchair#i have been a fucking swiftie since i was 13 and fought directioners and was in the trenches of 2016#i have been to hell in back and have seen every awful take possibly imagined on literature#and i’m here to tell you that you’re takes on your fav and the source material are worse then all of that#congratulations! you’re a fucking idiot and have been hyper fixated on this series longer than me and i know more than you#i honestly just feel bad for you :( to like such a complicated and well written character but unable to understand him at a base level#save
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blackbatcass · 3 months
oh my god just saw a truly horrible post. save me competent corner of the dc fandom
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sleepingpopplio · 1 year
every time I think that western animation is healing (Puss in Boots), we get something that shows how much corporations do not care about real hardworking creators or their audience and instead would rather shit something uninspired out (Velma)
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feline-evil · 11 months
Just watched Nimona It good (<-- said thru tears btw) It very good
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volfoss · 1 year
sorry i literally cannot talk about my fave comics guys with non comics people bc the takes are always so scary
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The fact that he still dreamt of the fire and brimstone was his greatest kept secret. Behind his closed eyelids he still saw it, lightening striking and ash fluttering to the ground like unnatural snowfall, marking destruction and filling his lungs with something disgusting. His anger had soared to new heights that night as his bitterness left him empty, choking on a feeling of what he could only describe to be abandonment and betrayal. He did not know which was more haunting, the screams of those he grew up with, or the look on his uncle’s face as he raised his weapon to him.
The night Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Academy burned to the ground was the very last Ben Solo was alive, and what remained of it all now was an ugly wound across his very soul. Like something created by a saber, it became cauterized by the heat, a gaping hole which refused to heal as vital organs were scorched in its path. A bacta tank could do nothing to save him from his past.
Under his new name and allegiance, he channeled this very reoccurring nightmare into a powerful weapon against those who had wronged him. Drowning within the pain rather than attempting to swim was how Kylo Ren operated, and he could see no ability to heal as he allowed himself to be pulled under. Under the First Order, he would learn to reopen this gash over and over again, twisting the knife deeper into himself whenever he got the chance. Where Ben Solo once felt hope and aspiration, Kylo Ren felt a melancholy sense of intense loathing. In a way mostly unclear to him, his anger was a method of mourning, manifesting further as he watched the newest Rebel fighter receive what love and autonomy he was denied. They gave to Rey endlessly.
Kylo Ren knew he was the product of familial failure, and that voice inside of his head telling him to look towards the facts isolated him greatly from others in his youth. The galactic heroes of the century he called his guardians, the legends turned bedtime stories for new generations born, all left him to rot in their own ways. He knew he was a monster created by their faults, and they were all to blame for his very fall from “grace”, or that set path they assigned to him. Growing up, if he had told another soul that their dearest Han, Luke and Leia were far from perfect poster figures, he’d only have been named a liar. A spoiled brat complaining about what gifts the universe had bestowed upon them, his heritage a huge leverage in both training, politics and more. Listening to that small familiar whisper in his ear, the seeds of truth finally flourished under the green light of his uncle’s lightsaber hovering directly above him.
To start, if thinking of them all again, he hated the man he called father, Han Solo. In his selfishness, that bastard craved his old life of crime and could not stay grounded. He found smuggling alongside that Wookiee to be more entertaining than his family, and at the end of the day still had very little in common with his mother besides the fact that they had a kid together. Han Solo would have rather been footloose and fancy free, head in the stars above than to have played the role of husband and father. Growing up, Ben felt it all, his mind nagging him that this disconnection was in fact his reality. He hated his true name now, Solo not even being a real surname. His father never really wanted more than a fling with some pretty princess…and yet this new girl was already so snug under his wing like a kid of his own maybe. Perhaps it’s because he chases the rush of new people excited to know him as an old hero of theirs.
Then there was his mother, one of the most important political figure heads of the century. Not only was she famed for being spectacularly beautiful, but strong willed and strong minded in her fight against the empire. She was the number one thing that swayed his usage of the dark side, and he was aware of what he’d have to do in order to fix that. Sever the ties…and to think no more of her soft hands against his cheeks as she sang him to sleep as a child. She already started their separation all those years ago shipping him off to become a Jedi, without being granted the same choice she had to follow something else instead…love in order to have him. His loud inner dialogue thundered at the thought of her, sorting her out to be indeed a hypocrite. While he practiced so very far from his mother, alone and missing her, Rey received training directly from her.
And as for his uncle Luke? He made up his mind about Ben all too quickly, deciding to kill his nephew placed into his care. He had casted the scales of judgment upon him without holding a call to court, and Kylo Ren hated him most of all, for judging his pull to the dark when Luke lived with the same. In fact, Luke spared Rey when experiencing hers.
And yet…even with this map sprawled out before him, he cannot find it within himself to hate the girl they dote on. All of the rage he directs through his power cannot be channeled at her, and it’s yet another thing that makes him weaker. Kylo Ren supposes he takes pity on Rey, being a small desert planet orphan longing to hold the stars that kept her company in her lonesomeness. In time, her heroes will fail her same as they did him. He will be there when it happens, waiting.
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