#please don’t send hate
prince-peachie · 1 year
Reintroducing Arlo Minyard-Josten because I have a new and improved doc for him!
My goal is to win over people who are like me and usually don’t like Andreil as parents AUs so hopefully you grow to love him like I did!
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fayes-fics · 2 years
You mentioned that you've read books 2, 3, and 4 yay!! Just wanna know your thoughts on them and what you expect on the show, especially for Ben's story - do you think they'll change too much?
(If you're not comfy answering, that's fine!)
Super love your fics, btw! 😗👌
Hi Nonny!
Ooof what an ask! I do not feel qualified to weigh in on much of this to be honest. I sometimes feel an imposter as I’m a fan of the show, not a true fan who has read all the books.
1) So firstly what I expect on the show. Because I do not have that depth of expose to/knowledge of the original stories, I have no expectations from the show as such, I just hope to enjoy what they choose to do.
The only thing that would disappoint me is if Benedict does not get his own starring season. If they somehow do his love story in the background. LT deserves a star turn, he has leading man energy imo, and it would be a waste of his talents (and pretty face lol) not to give him his moment in the spotlight.
2) So onto my opinion on the books I have read. Of the 3 books I have read, Colin’s was my fave (to me he seems more like screen-Benedict character wise somehow?), then Anthony’s, then Benedict’s.
I’m worried what I’m about to say will get me some hate, so I will preface it by saying these are MY thoughts only and i don’t claim to be knowledgeable or ‘correct’ about anything. I fully respect others right to completely disagree with me. However, as you asked I want to be honest, so here we go…
I personally don’t really like book Benedict. Sorry!! To me he seems grumpier and less fun than how he has been portrayed onscreen. I was uncomfortable with the power dynamics involved in his story, just a personal trigger of mine. I am personally indifferent to Cinderella tropes, but I liked their meet-cute and love the idea of him pining away and searching for her. I really liked Sophie, so I hope they do her character justice whatever happens. And, as this has been very sincere, to end on a laugh/shallow note, they can keep the first part of the lake scene… 🤣
Gosh I am nervous to post this tbh but feel I owe an honest answer to every ask I receive.
Thank you so much for your kind words about my fic 🧡🧡
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naegashutyoassup · 2 years
(content warning for weight in case you’re uncomfortable with that like that! this is for documentation only so I could track my process!)
I’m actually going to start trying to improve myself starting from the 1st of July, I will be going back to the gym, eating my greens, doing all that good stuff.
This is how my day is going to start.
4:00am - Wake up/Getting ready
4:30am - 60 min jog
5:30am - Meditation (30-60 min)
6:00am - Breakfast (no more than 500kcal)
6:30am - (weekdays) gym (60-120 min)
8:30am - Work on project (wattpad/ao3 is involved lol)/(weekends) gym (60-120 min)
12:30pm - Lunch (no more than 750 kcal)
1:30pm - Work on YouTube channel (about 2 hours daily)
3:30-6:00pm - Free time
6:00pm - Dinner (no more than 1000 kcal)
6:30pm - (optional) gym (60-120 min) (or weekdays, 8:00-10:00pm)
8:30pm - Meditation (30-60 min)
9:30pm - Bedtime
Monday and Wednesday:
Morning gym: Shoulders and arms
Evening gym: Legs
Tuesday and Thursday:
Morning gym: Chest and back
Evening gym: Abs
Friday and Weekends:
Morning gym: Cardio
Evening gym: (whatever I want lol - dancing counts as well lol)
Current weight: 95kg
Goal (1st of September): 80kg (or at least not at the 90s)
Overall goal (8th of February/My 18th Birthday): 65-75kg
Other things I’ll be doing:
Going offline (Except Tumblr, Wattpad and AO3)
Cutting p*rn and mast*rbation
Cutting on sugar (I hate sugar but still)
Discovering different styles (hair, outfits, etc)
Spend more time with family (especially playing with my niece instead of leaving them with just their phones)
Going to more k-pop cupsleeve events (It’s a better and healthier alternative than going to a random discord server in my opinion)
Learning how to have fun alone whilst still hanging out with my family
Finding a job (Because I need money duh-)
Skincare (because… ughhhh)
Improving my posture
Becoming Holland’s bodyguard (Ok that’s a joke but I really want to though)
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trashhole · 18 days
Another tfe discourse post but I have a crappy gift at the end
I wasn’t going to say anything more about the tfe situation because I know some people are just haters but…
If you’re upset Robbie, a main character, is getting screen time and development, you’re in for a rude awakening because spoiler alert: shows develop their MAIN CHARACTERS
I for one am ECSTATIC they’re trying to develop the main cast and not have Robbie be like every other human kid (absolutely nothing burger). The fact he can actually fight along his siblings is fucking cool.
All this negativity because earthspark isn’t tfp is making me piss out shit bricks like what were you expecting??? It’s a different story.
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Anyway here’s a starbee sketch I made so we can end this with love as much as the parasites want me to send hate. Spread love, be kind, give your friends a compliment, support a Palestinian charity because paramount isn’t going to, be good.
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I talked a lot about Stella’s appearances previously, but I wanted to talk about her other appearance in season one—this scene:
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This scene is interesting to me. I’ve seen some discussion on tumblr debating that this scene was only showing that Stolas felt guilty about cheating on Stella, not that Stolas was actually in the wrong for doing so.
And I find this logic fascinating b/c, yes if you would like to interpret it that way, you can. It’s up to you to decide how you want to interpret or engage with any work.
That said, I don’t think that competent and consistent writing would make the audience try to justify why Stella was there in hindsight. (Conversation continues below cut)
This scene is significant to me because the visual composition and direction of the animation puts Stella at the same level of importance as Octavia.
Which, in my opinion, means that this is one of the few times Helluva Boss did “Show don’t Tell” really well.
Through the visuals, the lyrics of the song, and Stolas’ reaction to Ozzie’s conjured Stella and Via, the audience is told that “these are people Stolas has both failed. He knows he has failed them and fears losing them. But he still hasn’t considered how his actions would impact them, and is now being faced with the idea of that possibility for the first time”
I specifically say that “he’s afraid of losing them” because the illusion of Octavia and Stella both turn their backs on Stolas, leaving him with just Blitzø. It’s extremely clear visual story telling—Stolas wants to be with Blitzø, but in doing so he is neglecting and will potentially lose his relationships with his wife and child.
And, at this point, because it’s before S2E1, the audience has still not been told that Stella is evil and abusive, and have no reason to think that Stolas wouldn’t care if Stella left (and again you can argue that there’s foreshadowing in hindsight but I have already gone over in depth why there isn’t enough information about Stella for the audience to see that coming)
What this part of the song is communicating to us is that Stella has at least some importance in Stolas’ life.
I think you could say that “well obviously Ozzie just didn’t know enough about Stolas’ personal life” but at the same time, what is being depicted in the show is also for the audience’s benefit.
When you are using a visual medium for your story-telling, your compositions and what you physically show the audience is important.
Like this isn’t subtext, it’s not even subtle—in a scene that is depicting Stolas’ shame, guilt, and embarrassment over his affair with Blitzø, Stella is included with Octavia because he knows he wronged her too.
(Also I almost didn’t write “Stolas’ shame, guilt etc.” b/c I was like “well wait, I can’t remember for sure that Stolas was shown as being ashamed or embarrassed about his relationship with Blitzø” so I went back to check and rewatched Ozzie’s and like.. Stolas being ashamed of his affair with Blitzø was shown even more explicitly than I remembered. Like, he straight up tries to ditch Blitzø and then hides his face after Ozzie asks him if he gave up his family to be with Blitzø ????
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And Blitzø’s reaction to this shows he’s obviously hurt by this? Like. I know some people have acted like Blitzø is in the wrong for rejecting Stolas after Ozzie’s but I can’t imagine not being hurt by this reaction…)
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But anyway, back to the main point—All of these visuals and the character’s reactions to what’s going on around them are meant to illicit emotions within us, but if Stella’s abuse and complete cruelty were always planned and she was always supposed to be hated, the emotional impact this scene is significantly lessened.
I know I’ve already said this, but I just can’t help thinking that the story would have been SO MUCH more interesting if Stolas was held fully accountable and actually had to reflect on his actions. There was so much potential for the plot and deep nuanced character development and change.
At the end of the day though, it’s not my story, and the writers and creative heads of HB get to tell the story they want to tell.
As a final note—I am not trying to nitpick, these are things that occur to me while I am trying to understand the story and engage with it on a deeper level.
But with every new episode, I find myself having more questions about why certain choices were made, and getting more and more confused about why characters behave the way they do. I can’t help thinking that the story was never fully planned out, and I worry that’s only going to become more obvious as time goes on.
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can you draw dexiana??? :D
I didn’t need an excuse but thank you for giving me one!
Here you go!
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callback to this one:
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presidentbungus · 1 year
dad engy is great and all but where’s the weird semi-ostracized redneck uncle engy. where’s the “buys a fish and kills it 2 days later forgetting to take care of it whatsoever and then turns it into a half-living cyborg abomination that wishes for nothing but death” engy. he sits outside and drinks beer and gives you good advice while he works on his actively decomposing muscle truck but he also thinks a little too fondly about guns, network cooking shows, and murder, in that order, and you feel like the only reason he hasn’t dragged you off into a field and put you down like a lame horse for being slightly too annoying to him is that you’re good family and you know not to go snooping around places you don’t belong
“he’s a great cook![cat emoticon]” well I think he’d start a fire after he puts a pot of macaroni on the stove and gets so distracted reading the box’s ingredient label and imagining chemical reactions that he doesn’t smell the smoke. medic asks him to feed his birds for ONE afternoon and he constructs a rube goldberg automatic bird feeder machine that topples over half of the base and he has to spend the rest of the afternoon swinging at doves outside with a net.
the only thing worse than trusting engy to remember or care enough to take care of your houseplants while you’re on vacation is to believe he’s capable of being responsible for someone’s physical or emotional well-being in any capacity, whatsoever. maybe including his own
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nickisnotreal · 14 days
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thunderon · 2 years
gideon, the daughter of god, with a gaping chest/neck wound? call that a glory ho- *the soup i ate earlier explodes in my stomach*
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05112005 · 1 year
sigh okay i saw this twitter post earlier and i already responded on my twitter but it’s been bugging me endlessly so i want to. like. talk about it in a longer form here
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i started out drawing fanart. when i was about 9 or 10, when i was lucky enough to have access to a drawing tablet to make some truly atrocious digital art for the various fandoms i was in (so much jeff the killer fanart. good god) it was NOT good.
BUT!!!!! i did it because i loved the fandoms i was in. i loved the characters and the fanfic and the fan spaces and i wanted to make something and contribute. i can’t hate the artwork i made earlier because i did it purely out of love and adoration.
my early days in artwork were definitely rocky but so is everyone else’s. like any other skill it takes so much time and patience and practice. an important thing for me to realise was that art isn’t a skill alone, it’s a combination of a thousand things — color theory, muscle memory, knowledge of anatomy and lighting, etc.
if someone had included my art in a thread like this i probably would have given up entirely. getting hate comments (which, ftr, i definitely got my fair few lmao) was bad enough — but having my art reposted to be publically humiliated and laughed at? i probably wouldn’t pick up a pencil ever again. i was a kid! and many of these artists probably are too.
even if the original artists will never see this thread, the hundreds of other budding artists in this fanbase who want to start drawing, or have just started, who are mustering the courage to post their art online, will see this and be discouraged.
we should be fostering creativity in fan spaces rather than mocking it!!! support fan artists!! like and reblog and leave comments and notes!! we love it :) <3 make this a safe space for all fan artists, not just those who you deem “good enough”
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chuluoyi · 11 days
not to be rude and i totally get you people are angry with 261 leaks, but if you use my askbox as an outlet for rudely hating gege, my posts, and the whole storyline… please don’t😭 get your attachment issues elsewhere—i’m not his spokesperson or anything. i just read the whole chapter -> analyze it -> be done with it and know fully that it’s gege’s manga we’re reading and we can’t control how he writes his story alright😩
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thefanciestborrower · 12 days
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codename-adler · 2 months
also. not to project my daddy issues (🤢) onto one Danielle Leigh Wilds, but she definitely, definitely had misplaced feelings for Wymack at some point.
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gothhabiba · 5 months
like obviously someone’s blog does not represent the totality of them as a person or their actions outside of their blog. however every time I’ve seen a post of this nature and looked on the OP’s blog, it is either a liberal Zionist (obviously this person in particular is not!) or else someone whose only or almost only comment on Israel’s unfolding genocide is to criticise the movement against it—
like 5-10 posts about an antisemitic phrase uttered by someone in the movement for every 0-1 posts about the genocide itself (especially posts that might be useful, such as ones sharing families’ fundraisers or lists of the locations of protests, &c.)—
surely this should be a bit more even-handed than that?
I think the wave of antisemitism that’s presumably going to be empowered by Israel’s false accusations and the difficulty they’ve caused with levelling serious accusations of antisemitism, is going to be devastating, & I’ve mentioned that before. it plays in perfectly with the idea of “well antisemitism is just fake oppression that doesn’t actually exist anymore, so any invocation of it is whining or geared towards obtaining some advantage” that’s already been very current across all parts of the political spectrum. I’m just not sure if this approach is… helping
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notagaslightingcat · 2 months
during these trying times (Ao3 is down for maintenance) i will be going through the five stages of grief, but stop at stage two - anger - and proceed to go batshit insane :3
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timothylawrence · 6 months
Oh the joys of being a Wyll enjoyer 👍
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