#places to see in Australia
michaelgovehateblog · 23 days
I actually think the smoking ban is a good thing, it obviously won't entirely stop smoking or underage smoking, at least not for many many years, but making cigarettes less accessible will surely prevent lots of people from even starting smoking in the first place. I dislike giving Tories credit as much as the next person but I don't see anything bad about this or banning disposable vapes
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callme-l · 2 years
Something people forget when talking about weird things about humans is how they manage to survive up to 37 seconds after being decapitated
I know it doesn't sound like much, but man???
Imagine an alien comes and tries to decapitate a human because he thinks it's the fastest way to kill someone only to see him scream for 37 seconds after his head falls, that must be terrible
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snixx · 2 months
conan gray you’re LITERALLY asian. do better
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novelconcepts · 3 months
*stares blankly at YJ Q&A event in "I get you're free, but are you virtual or literally in Australia?"*
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jessiesjaded · 10 months
People with bears and moose and mountain lions in their country will be like 😖 Australia scary 😖 girl I can fight a kangaroo or snake if need be, kill that bitch with a shovel if I had to- Mr grizzly decides to test its claws and fangs tho?? Moose feels a little stompy?? Good fuckin luck cunt
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novalunosiss · 2 years
Y’allllll I went on a ski trip with my classmates and we went to the Museum of Australian Democracy/Old Parliament House and i kid you not I found this-
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So ofc I responded
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gaia-prime · 1 year
And if you would, put the country/region you’re in in the tags, or a park/forest near you that you can visit to see them 💛
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fitzrove · 9 months
Sometimes I feel like being controversial and think about making my next video essay about poto. Unfortunately I would probably be murdered irl
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kingofthering · 1 month
A new spreadsheet has entered the villa.
Not sure how to account for DNFs yet. As it is, they're invisible in the average. I know that technically drivers who have to retire are still ranked but I feel like it would skew the average. Might have to make two different tables, I'll see.
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steakout-05 · 1 month
hey wait i have a question..... if Jetpack Joyride certainly does take place in Australia, why are literally none of the other main/side characters Australian or Australian sounding??? why is Barry (and also Robo-Barry) the only one who has a noticeable audible Australian accent and presumably grew up with white-boy Aussie culture???? like, Craig sounds American, his buddy Steve sounds American (as do literally all the other scientists), Brains sounds American, literally none of the other characters from Really Bad Corp are Australian (which makes sense considering most of them are beasts or aliens), they gave Betty an American accent in the "Will Barry Steakfries Survive?" trailer thingy which is just??? huh?????? i thought she was?????? also Australian???????????????
we(to be fair, Betty does mention in the Thanksgiving JJ2 Event that many things are opposite in her universe, which may also include her nationality. still though, the amount of America in this game that takes place in Australia is perplexing to me. like. where are all the other Australians what happened to them where are they)
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pfenniged · 9 months
I loved how Andrew wasn’t the bitter ex band member and put their friendship first and fully understood what George Michael was going to be, probably not the full extent of it but the fact George needed to evolve.
It made sense once he said Wham! Was for the youth and there was never going to be Middle Ages Wham! It clicked for me.
My parents were teens of the 80s and my mum had their greatest hits, I have a vivid memory of dancing around to Bad Boys and the woop woops are ingrained in my head!. I have to say almost all my music taste somehow goes back to their album and George but it is only a recent realisation. I hope you are enjoying them!!! Freedom and I’m Your Man are my favs. Though Careless Whisper is making a comeback after what was revealed in the doco 17 and that???? What talent.
Exactly, which I always thought was super-classy and honestly, very mature of him (I honestly think if I was a teen in the 80s I would have had a little bit of a crush on him for it, tbh).
We had the big hits in Canada in the 80s (My Dad was a teen in the 80s and informed me of this), and it's just interesting to think about what was big in different countries. Obviously "Careless Whisper" and "Wake Me Up (Before You Go Go)" were massive everywhere, but I love how the documentary exposed me to songs they never play, even on our more retro/classic rock stations.
My Dad said "Freedom" was a big hit, but I'd never heard it, and I love it. Same with "I'm Your Man." And then even some of their more "naff" stuff, like "Wham Rap" and "Young Guns" just has that super-youthful energy, and shows a surprising amount of maturity in terms of its themes for something written when you're sixteen to seventeen.
Like, even if I had written a song about being unemployed when I was a teen, I don't think I would have had enough sense of character or myself at sixteen to think, "Wham, Bam, I am a man- job or no job, you can't tell me that I'm not." As an overachiever, it definitely took me until my twenties to be comfortable with not being defined by a job or gaining ALL my sense of confidence from what I do. And then Young Guns talking about premature marriage and children, and being locked into marriages you're not necessarily interested in? Like, there's clearly some great stuff there.
Also, their backing vocals are honestly also just clever and make me chuckle. Like, the thought of chanting "D.H.S.S." as your backing vocals ("Department of Housing and Social Services") when talking about being on the dole, and almost as something to toss back in people's faces with such youthful exuberance and a playful destigmatization of being on state support, is funny and clever and all I've been doing since I saw the documentary is just randomly singing out "D.H.S.S." everywhere I go. Same with "Everything She Wants"- the deep bass "GIVE YOU MONEY- WORK, TO GIVE YOU MONEY" has had me dropping my voice for the past week.
In short, they're so much more than the sum of their parts, despite being a self-described "schoolboy" band. I think they're a lot more clever than they give themselves credit for.
(Plus I just realized that in George Michael's solo career, the organ playing the chord progression at the beginning of "Faith" is the exact same melodic chord progression used in "Freedom," and it's just so clever. George really was far more talented than I ever recognized before. Brilliant. <3).
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brasideios · 6 months
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Did any of y'all have a cave you used to spend time in as a kid? Or, y'know, some other place that was all yours and important to only you?
This is the entrance of my personal cave at the centre there. It's big enough for me to sit in as an adult, and has a nice sandy floor inside (beside sometimes kangaroo droppings in there that I had to sweep out with my foot). The view looks out over fields with not a single house in sight:
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If you were to ask me about the places that made me who I am, this spot is high on the list.
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not-poignant · 1 year
Hi, Pia. I'm just really grateful and I want to eat that no literally work has ever impacted me like FFS, and I have never read a character like Efnisien before and probably never will. I really appreciate you for the topics that you write about and the poise in which you do so. I know I've never met you but you've changed my life so much. Thank you!
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Thank you, anon!
FFS was one of those stories that was really special to write, and it was so...incredible and unexpected that it turned out that some other people needed this story too (for whatever reasons they did). I never thought I'd get to write a character like Efnisien, let alone spend like...9 novels' worth with him? And I'm so glad folks like you let me get to indulge that and still indulge stories like that today. <333
Thank you for reading!
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vegancas · 2 years
not to be bitter on main but with usamericans being able to get their student loan debt cancelled now and also remembering that so many people there are able to get their top (and other gender affirming) surgeries covered by insurance, while i paid nearly 20k out of pocket for my surgery and have nearly 80k in debt... but australia is a great place to live i guess
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jessiesjaded · 2 years
There is just something so calming about driving off for hours and hours out in the country, barely anyone or anything
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mountaincryptid · 1 year
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