#pidge plays god
bosspigeon · 6 months
it's my day off and im spending it doing sims build challenges yeehaw
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castielfucks · 2 years
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since everyone is sharing their con photos, I wanted to share the one i got with misha from Nash 2021 💖
they were still using the separator at the time so I just... wanted to look at him
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voltronisanobsession · 6 months
Hii, I hope you are having a good day or night! I've recently read your platonic yandere voltron things. And I was wondering if you would make some more headcanons? Or stories with platonic yandere? Here are some ideas you could write either a few headcanons or a story about, for if you have low inspiration. Kidnapped reader with platonic yandere voltron, maybe by an alien species who wanted to help the reader? How would the team react? What would they do? Or maybe the reader get really sick which isn't easily cured cue the panic from the team? Again, just so you know I really like your work! So keep up the good work, and thank you for making your works in the first place! Take good care of yourself, and stay hydrated!
Yandere Voltron’s Reaction to Reader being Taken
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O M G DONT EVEN PLAY WITH ME RNNNN!!!! I absolutely LOVE yandere voltron like they’re so fun to write for🤞😜 I love the idea of the group just going crazy if reader were to escape UGHH
tysm pookie, take care of yourself too and ENJOY THIISSSS
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I can already imagine the group going crazy when reader suddenly gets swept up right from their grasp out of nowhere by some random spaceship
I know you said some kind of an alien species taking reader but hear me out
It’s painfully obvious that you’re the real star in voltron seeing as how possessive and protective they are of you, hiding you away whenever danger is nearby
So it only makes sense to Lotor to just kidnap you as leverage for his plans
Little did he know that you would be THANKING him for taking you away from the group lmao😭
Imagine your tied up and homeboys getting ready to explain his super mastermind plan to you when all of a sudden you start rambling about how good it feels to be away from them
“Nothing personal, you were the only thing holding that sad excuse of a team together, so I needed you out of the picture for now.” Cue smirk
“UGH THANK GOD! I was literally starting to lose my mind in there, you have no IDEA how needy they all are.”
Now cue a dumbfounded Lotor
He was not expecting reader to be so relaxed considering how he just snatched you up out of nowhere
You’re just chilling while looking around his ship, maybe making conversation with his generals
You finally get a break from the constant attention and possessiveness, ANYTHING is better than being around the group
While you’re happily talking your voice away with Lotor a group, everyone in the castle is freaking the fuck out
It’s bad enough that they let you slip away from their grasp, it’s worse knowing it was Lotor who took you away💀
We all know how Lance feels about Lotor so I think he would have one of the more extreme reactions to you being taken away
Probably starts pointing fingers and starts blaming everyone for not being able to keep you safe
Lowkey begins targeting Keith because it’s somehow always his fault when something goes wrong💀💀
Lance might even starting crying and wailing out for you with Hunk when the situation finally hits him
Keith is also another one to have a more violent outburst during and after your disappearance
He’s someone I see with strong emotions that he doesn’t know how to handle yet so we already know how he might act
Agitated? Yes. Scared? For you, yeah. Furious? Oh honey absolutely.
Keith might have almost caught you too, but he didn’t. He’s so angry with everything and mostly himself that’s he’s pushing everyone else’s buttons, trying to convince the group that the only right choice is immediately going after you
He’s too anxious now that you’re not in his line of sight, making him kinda desperate to get you back again
Hear me out but I think the calmest ones would PROBABLY be Shiro and Pidge
Now I’m not saying that they’re CALM but they have the nerves mostly in tact
They’re already trying to locate where you are with the secret tracker that have on you so it doesn’t really benefit them to try and blame someone for what happened to you
Pidge’s hands shake while she’s working her whizz tho. She has to type, erase, and retype every now and then because of how nervous and anxious she is
She’s so used to having you around that now her brain can’t function properly without you
She doesn’t want to lose you like how she lost her brother and father so Pidge is trying her best to have a one track mind
Shiro on the other hand is more level headed
He really does try to calm the group down as best as he could but with Lance and Hunk crying, Keith yelling at them to get up and do something, Pidge taking a long time to track you down, and Allura and Coran seemingly in an entire different universe, he can’t help but feel the pressure of this disaster falling on his shoulders
This man is ready to just end Lotor when they find him like I’m not even joking
Everyone is getting on this man’s nerves and knowing that you’re trapped with Voltrons enemy doesn’t really make him feel any better
Hunk might even strike fear into Shiro while he’s babbling on about if you’re hurt or not, if they’re torturing you to get any information out of you etc
Poor Hunk is a flood gate at this point. One moment you’re right next to him and the next you’re not
He’s having a complete meltdown in a corner, maybe trying to comfort himself with a small picture of a selfie you both took together
This dude is already imagining all these terrible scenarios you could possibly be in which makes him feel even more terrible
Quite literally feels like he’s gonna throw up now when he begins thinking about how he’ll never see you again
Allura and Coran are surprising quite and calm during all this
They’d keep to themselves but know that they’re going through some extreme inner turmoil
It’s kind of like Allura disconnected herself from the world ever since you’ve been taken
Her skin itches to run out and grab a pod to find you herself but she knows it’s a brash idea
The only thing she does is mull over the idea of making Lotor regret messing with Voltron
They are willing to do anything to get you back, not caring for the description they’ll leave along the way
The longer your gone the less control and stability they’ll have as a group
Desperate and irrational are some words to describe them during your being away from them
They will stop at nothing to have you back with them, some more destructive and violent than others
No one holds back when getting you back from Lotor, leaving his ships wrecked and forcing him to put his plans on pause as he recovers
Who knows, maybe him and his group might’ve grown similar possessive feelings towards you as well with the time you spent with them? HMMMM
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shatterinseconds · 4 months
“It’s a simple three step beat; what aren’t you understanding about it, Mullet?” Lance asks, annoyance beginning to leak through his voice. He’s tried to cap his frustration as much as possible throughout the past hour. But this has become ridiculous. If anything, Keith has gotten worse at dancing than when they started the lesson. Brief pain sparks through Lance’s foot and he cracks. “And stepping on my toes isn’t one of them!”
“Some of us didn’t get three years of ballroom dance lessons,” Keith snaps, irritated. 
“Which is why I’m teaching you. But you’re not listening to a single thing I say! You can’t even get close to me.” Lance tries to tug Keith forward but he remains just as stubborn as always, aggravating and infuriating. 
What looms between them is a larger gap than needed, with Keith holding him at an arm’s length as if he’s a poisonous snake ready to bite. A balloon would fall straight through to the floor; Lance’s arms are almost entirely extended. He thought Keith would be a little more willing considering the stake of the mission. 
Keith clenches his jaw. “I’m trying.”
“For someone as coordinated as you on the battlefield, this shouldn’t be this difficult.” Lance scowls, taking a page out of Keith’s book.
“Me not knowing how to dance isn’t going to break the alliance.”
“Were you even listening to Allura?”
“Were you?” Keith bites back, too smirky for Lance’s taste. Yeah, he may have been fiddling with his comm device under the table, trying to play an old earth game Pidge had downloaded onto it. That’s beside the point.
So Lance ignores him. “The Zolxox see dance as a creation of trust and loyalty between two groups of people. If we miss a step, they won’t join the coalition.”
“But why’d it have to be us?” The Zolxox only needed a pair of dancers, not their whole team.  
Lance rolls his eyes. “Because I have three years of dance experience, duh.” But his annoyance quickly fades when Keith doesn’t snap back with their classic banter. In fact, he continues to stand there, his hands not exactly touching Lance anymore but hovering. Keith stares at him with such a blank expression that Lance allows a bit of the truth to spill. “And–And because I work best with you,” he mumbles, ducking his head to avoid any minute reaction from Keith. When he does flick his gaze up, Keith remains impassive. “But you gotta listen to me, Mullet. Why won’t you just follow what I say?”
That’s when Lance loses Keith entirely. He steps back from Lance, arms folded against his chest, not loose at all. Keith can’t seem to look at him anymore either. “It’s awkward… being close to you.”
“Oh.” Lance drops his empty hands, suddenly despondent. He didn’t know Keith felt that way about him. He thought they’d finally become friends, maybe inching toward something more. Maybe Lance should have chosen Allura for this mission like everyone thought he would. His shoulders begin to hunch forward.
“Shit, no, not in that way.” Keith groans as he cards a hand through his hair, frustrated at himself. Strands stick out in multiple directions, silly enough that Lance wants to punch through whatever new wall is between them and fix it for him. But Keith wouldn’t appreciate that. “I just meant, I know the way I feel about you isn’t how you feel about me and I don’t want to make it weird for you.”
“How do you know how I feel about you if you never once asked?”
Keith gives him a look. “Please. You flirt with everyone but me. Even I understand what that means.”
“That’s not—That’s—Oh my god—” Lance suddenly steps forward, waving his arms as he talks, too flustered to be rational. “With everyone else, it’s fun, meaningless, a way to lighten the mood.” His skin heats enough that he must be glowing from embarrassment. “But you—With you, it’s different. I try to spend time together and constantly try to get your atten—wait.” Eyes popping wide, Lance starts to point, jabbing his finger into Keith’s chest. “You just told me you liked me!” His brain finally internalizes what Keith had said, what Keith implied. It immediately derails his train of thought. “You like me!”
Keith startles before his entire expression pinches. He growls. “Uh uh, we’re focusing on you and your terrible flirting techniques.” He steps up to Lance and keeps stepping toward him until he is the only thing Lance can focus on. Those violet eyes bore into Lance, head tilted and brows drawn. “How was I supposed to know I was different?” he asks, low and steady. 
“Goddammit, Keith.” Lance surges forward and kisses Keith square on the mouth. His hands weave through Keith’s hair, musing it further, while Keith’s strong grip lands on his waist, fingers hooking into his belt loops. He pulls Lance in and tugs on his lower lip, his teeth scraping slightly but in a way that buzzes across Lance’s skin. When they part, Lance is breathless with swollen lips and eyes half-lidded. It’s a struggle to speak but he manages to mumble, “Does that clear things up?”
Keith nods. Blush stains his pale cheeks though he holds Lance’s stare, never wavering, and he even starts to smirk the longer they remain in silence. Like he knows that he affected Lance just as much as Lance affected him. 
He’s going to be the death of Lance one day; this man…
“G-Good,” Lance finally says, struggling to regain his composure, if he ever had some to begin with. “We’ll talk about this later. But right now, we dance.”
Kith groans, though less annoyed than before, and for the first time, effortlessly moves all the way into Lance’s space, smiling a small smile. They dance without any issues, except for maybe a few butterflies.
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leenfiend · 2 months
Kissing you on the mouth for your Lance son of Hermes take. I didn't even really have an opinion before but after reading your post I'm immediately sold and so invested in the au
Do you have ideas on what the other characters godly parents would be? Hunk with Hephaestus makes sense to me, and I'm a fan of Keith son of Ares (learning to accept his godly dad could match with his arc about accepting he's part galra, a supposedly evil/violent side of him, + the anger and fighting skills), but not sure about the others...
hello!!! I'm glad you see the vision hehe. I actually sent many a paragraph to heynhay about this only yesterday. I was firmly on the son of Ares Keith headcanon but then... someone reblogged my post saying Keith son of Zeus (I think it was @pidges-lost-robot and i was like WAAAAIT.
Okay so here's my many many paragraphs explaining headcanons for each. Shiro son of Zeus: Okay so in my head Shiro & Keith are both sons of Zeus but for very different reasons. They're like Thalia vs Jason types. Shiro is a great leader, he's ambitious, he's brave, he's a legend. His dad is so proud. He's been on like 20 quests and absolutely demolished all of them. All the kids in camp know he's So Cool and Talented. He can be hot headed sometimes but ultimately he's really adept at setting aside his feelings for the Greater Good etc. Ideal hero type and ideal son to the big guy upstairs. Keith son of Zeus: Keith is all the bad traits of Zeus (sorry to him). He's got a short temper, he's impulsive, he's closed off. He's a prodigy without meaning to be. Everyone pays attention to him but (despite what Lance thinks) it's because they think he's a freak, he's not a big three kid the way you're Supposed To Be. And he doesn't want to be a leader. This really rubs Zeus the wrong way. Keith would rather disappear into the ranks of his fellow campers than be the star of the show and that goes against everything children of Zeus are supposed to be. His dad definitely refuses to claim him for a long time which makes Keith just some weird really powerful kid who doesn't know who his godly parent is. Luckily Shiro takes him under his wing : )) (too bad Shiro doesn't come back from his latest quest tho, no one knows where he went off to and Chiron doesn't want to send out a quest because if something kept Shiro The Legend from coming back to camp it must be really bad). Hunk son of Aphrodite: ANOTHER ONE I'M FIRM ABOUT. I think Hunk's defining characteristic is his love for his friends. Hunk is always looking for peaceful ways to solve problems, he's always forming relationships with people before doing anything else, he really values giving love to those around him. It also doesn't hurt that he's kind of squeamish and particular about a lot of things, as a lot of Aphrodite's children are. But I really think his greatest strengths are the ways he's able to relate to others. I know a lot of people say Lance is the glue that holds everyone together, but I think it's Hunk. I know the fanon is that Aphrodite's kids are all just big flirts but I think both Selena and Piper are great examples that that's not true, and Hunk would absolutely be their brother. Pidge daughter of Hephaestus: I've seen some people saying Athena for Pidge but that's another one where I just can't get behind it. Pidge is so smart in so many ways but so stupid in others. She's too impulsive and single minded to be a daughter of Athena, imo. Her main love is figuring out how things work, what makes them tick, and using that knowledge to help those she loves. Children of Hephaestus are know to hold grudges, fight for their families, and let's not forget Hephaestus spending literally all of his free time trying to play pranks on the other Gods with his little contraptions like that is all Pidge would do all day long. Plus she befriends a robot and that is who she talks to for the first like 3 episodes of Voltron that is so unbelievably child of Hephaestus energy. Anyway thank u for asking this question I've been thinking on it for days. I am also open to the idea of Shiro being a son of Athena, I think that would suit him well. And also in my head I like to think Keith would potentially just remain unclaimed until he stomped his way to Mount Olympus and forced whoever was his parent to fess up.
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alluraaaa · 8 months
i do very much like the idea of baby butch lesbian pidge. or futch or however we wanna diagnose what she’s got going on in canon. but i’ve always seen her having a love/hate relationship with her femininity
when she first came out as trans she was veeery little and flocked to femininity like coming home. it was so easy to put on dresses and grow out her hair and play with girl toys. she wanted to!! and katie rolls off the tongue much easier than any other name, but her annoying brother still calls her that old nickname sometimes :/
(but it’s fine. it was pidge from pigeon. it was her first word. for some reason.)
and when she decides to sneak into the garrison detransitioning for the time being made sense. they’re looking out for a girl. with long hair. it’s the best plan she’s got. it’s for her family she can do it. she can do it she can just pick up the scissors… and…
pidge keeps his head down. doesn’t talk much, even to the two (other) guys he’s grouped with. doesn’t talk to them even as they all get launched into space with two more men. just five boys in a giant lion. guys night, right?
but soon enough it gets clear this isn’t temporary. this is real. they’re in this together. they have to mind meld and get along and be on the same wavelength twenty four fucking seven. pidge has to come clean.
so she does. she’s a girl. the name has grown on her but she’s a girl she’s she.
and the team accepts it. loves her regardless. hell, even saw through her botched haircut.
so… yay. she’s a girl and they know. but would they be okay with her being… girly? she’s missed the dresses and the hair and pretty flowers. yeah allura is all those things and they all like her just fine but would it be weird if pidge just suddenly gets girly? she likes the masc look too but damn she misses heels sometimes. she hates having to deal with her shortness
one day allura weasels all of this out of her and allura doesn’t take no for an answer. so pidge is dolled up in one of allura’s best dresses, face beat to the gods, hair done in the girliest style they can manage with her… whole situation. and she’s beaming at her reflection
then allura drags her to dinner, hiking up the skirt so she doesn’t trip over herself as she gets into her seat. pidge toughens up and waits for the laughs to hit her. for someone to assume pidge got roped into this and secretly hates it. the “uhh… who are you and what have you done with pidge?”
but none of that happens. shiro says she looks nice. keith likes the hair. hunk likes the dress. lance demands to get dolled up next.
if anyone notices pidge’s immovable smile for the rest of dinner, they don’t comment on it. and they don’t bat an eye when skirts and dresses make their way into the rotation of pidge’s outfits right alongside her pants and overalls
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klance-dreams · 3 months
Okay but please imagine Keith’s reaction to seeing Lance after he’s finally spent some time at the beach again? In his natural element, bronzed like a literal god, burnished from the sun? freckles like constellations?? Lance with wavy, curly salt water-hair, eyes soft and relaxed.
+ Keith meeting back up with the paladins after too long away with the blade. 👀
He loves space of course, but even after his time in the quantum abyss, he’s still not used to the way all warmth & body heat was constantly leached away. Despite his memories of cursing his time in the relentless summer heat of the shack, he’s found himself beginning to miss the hot scorch of the desert sun against his skin.
The blade gave Keith a rare opportunity for downtime that somehow happenes to align with an impromptu holiday/break that Allura has planned for the paladins on a sunny, earth-like planet filled with tropical islands, flora & fauna.
To Keith’s surprise, Lance was the one to call and invite him to join them; sunshine already infused in his voice at the idea of seeing a beach again.
For Keith, the mere thought of getting to see Lance in his natural element? He wouldn’t miss it for anything.
He promises to Lance on the spot (he would promise Lance all the moons and stars if he could) to meet him there later in the day.
When he gets there, everyone has already been enjoying the sun & surf for hours. Pidge is sunburned and squinting at the glare against her datapad, glasses reflecting at a sleeping hunk whose legs have been covered by a crude sand castle. He’s spooning a large collection of fruits that look strangely similar to the ones Keith remembers from earth.
Shiro and Coran seem to be playing a complicated Altean beach game that Keith intends to avoid; Allura lays out on the sand, the mice resting in the shadow of her hair.
Keith thinks someone might have called out a greeting to him, but he can’t be sure, because the second he sees Lance? All thougts leave him, head empty.
It’s too soon to blame the redness in his cheeks on the sun, but he can feel how hot his face has gotten anyway.
Lance is sitting in the sand, waves lapping his ankles. His hair is wild & curling behind his ears from the salt water breeze.
The sight of him alone is enough to warm the cold ache Keith has been feeling.
Sand sticks to the bronzed slope of his back, glittering like flecks of gold, effervescent in the bright sun for Keith’s eyes to follow.
His shoulders are broad and already tanned and freckled where Keith knows his own would be red and sore.
His eyes sweep over the scar on Lances back, and the ones on his arms and sides that Keith wasn’t there to protect him from.
But here? With the blue of the ocean to rival his eyes? Lance looks untouchable.
Looks like a god, burning bright and warm and full of life, and when he turns around at the sound of Keith’s name being called out, Keith’s breath catches in his throat because this sight?
This is one he got to see in the quantum abyss. It was one of the visions into his future that he held onto like a lifeline, like a treasure.
The image of Lance’s smile, a true joyful smile, playing behind Keith’s eyelids and keeping him sane on the worst of those nights spent stranded in space.
Lance, eyes dancing bright and smile brighter as his wide mouth forms Keith’s name on a joyful laugh and he hops up to throw his arms around Keith in a hug that feels like /home/ in a way Keith hadn’t known before Lance.
For one delirious moment, the déjà vu is so strong that he’s afraid he and Krolia never made it back at all. That they were still stuck out there in the cold emptiness of the abyss. The way the vision blends with the Lance he has in front of him makes Keith want to hold on tight and never let go.
Especially when Lance leans back and their eyes meet and lock, electric.
Keith still hasn’t even said a word, but Lance only smiles brighter and knocks their foreheads together.
Says, “hey samurai, it’s been too long”
One traitorous hand drifts up against Keith’s will to trace the new freckles dotting Lance’s cheeks, which flush the lightest pink at the attention or maybe the intensity of Keith’s gaze as he floats into Lance’s orbit, pulled to him like the moon to the sun.
Lance’s leans into the hand Keith cups against his cheek, and finally, finally their lips meet; Keith’s cold and chapped and Lance’s, warm and soft, tasting of the ocean.
When he has to pull back to catch his breath, he finally murmurs back a warm and gravely, “hey sharp shooter,” lips pulled up into a crooked grin and eyes tracking the way Lance melts into him at the nickname like always.
They stay like that for a while, catching up on what they’ve both been up to when Lance says offhand, “hey where’s Kosmo?”
Before Keith can answer, they’re both knocked into the surf by 200 pounds of excited space wolf.
Keith wants to be mad, but the way Lance pops up from the water sputtering makes him grin through the hair plastered to his forehead.
Lance takes one look at Keith, waist deep and fully clothed down to the fingerless gloves, mullet drenched, and bursts out laughing at the sight
and Keith can’t even be mad. He pretends to be, crossing his arms and ‘sulking’. He tries to blow his bangs up and out of his eyes before he remembers it won’t work and that sends Lance into tears. Keith sits back watches Lance laugh for a minute, committing the sight to memory.
He’s gonna get revenge on Lance for laughing, but first he needs to level the playing field.
Lance’s laughter slowly winds down as he watches Kosmo run off to greet the other paladins, laughing again when the wolf shakes water all over Allura and Hunk.
While Lance was distracted, Keith had taken his shirt and gloves off, tossing them back onto dry sand and adding his soaked jeans to the pile for good measure.
Keith was slicking his hair back from his face when Lance turned back toward him and froze at the sight, suspiciously quiet.
// …tbc? transferring twitter treads. original thread here!
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“Simulation complete.”
The first Black Paladin turns to his team, smiling widely. “Great job, everyone! That’s the highest level we’ve managed so far!”
The rest of team Voltron turn to each other to celebrate, cheering and high-fiving, smiling all around.
“Your new axe is amazing,” Keith informs Allura, clapping her shoulder. She grins at him, and then holds her bayard in front of her appreciatively, admiring it.
“I was, wasn’t I.”
She spins it in a show of skill, bright blue shine of it catching on the bright training room lights.
“Everyone did really well,” Shiro agrees. He faces to each of the paladins in turn, complimenting them in turn. “Keith, your reflexes were wicked fast today. You definitely shaved at least five full minutes off our time.” Keith preens, pleased. Pidge and Hunk roll their eyes in tandem, and they advance on him at the same time, play-wrestling him to the ground.
“Someone needs to humble you, Dropout!” Pidge yells teasingly.
“Never!” Keith shouts, wiggling out of Hunk’s chokehold.
Shiro snorts, walking over to separate them before things get out of hand. “Alright, alright, you three. Pidge and Hunk, you two did awesome as well. I won’t pretend to understand what that new gizmo that you made does, but it was really cool.”
Hunk and Pidge both beam at the same time.
“Thanks, Shiro!”
“And you, Lance.” Shiro turns to the final paladin, smiling warmly. He’s lying flat on the ground, slightly away from the rest of them. “None of us had to watch our own backs even once. Our Sharpshooter had us the whole time, huh?”
Without looking up, Lance lifts the hand not resting on his chest, forming a thumbs-up. “Yep,” he says weakly.
The rest of the team frown at each other. Coran steps away from his place on the wall, setting down the clipboard he was using to take notes.
“Lance, dear?” he asks, concerned. “Is everything all right?”
“Peachy!” Lance says quickly. He tries to sit up, and manages, but it’s obvious that it took way more effort than it’s meant to. He’s wheezing slightly, breaths quick and shallow. “Just — tired, man. Keith ran us through all those wicked drills beforehand, and the training was intense. You know how it is.”
Keith’s brow furrows. “They weren’t…that bad,” he says slowly. He’s not even trying to get a rise out of the Blue Paladin; his voice is one of genuine confusion. “No worse than usual.”
Lance waves a dismissive hand. His other attempts to find a comfortable resting place somewhere on his chest area, moving from his sternum to his left pec to just above his waist before he gives up, setting it slowly on the ground. “I’m just tired, I guess. Haven’t been sleeping super well.”
The team all exchange looks, again. They all know about Lance’s insomnia, the nights he spends on the observation deck, painfully homesick and unable to force himself asleep. They have a schedule, for it. It was Allura’s turn to keep a half-eye on Lance yesterday evening, make sure he went to bed. She was excited about it and had them do facemasks and watch a movie together before finally heading their separate ways around midnight. If Lance really was struggling to sleep last night, he went to great lengths to conceal it.
Pidge takes a couple steps forward, the first of them to move. She sits next to his extended legs, her own legs bent in a W — a bad habit she’s yet to break — and plays with her glasses. She watches him carefully, but he avoids her gaze, looking pointedly at his lap.
“You can come to us, you know,” she says hesitantly. “I mean, I come to you all the time when I’m homesick. And you’re always nagging me about a sleep schedule, mom.” She punches him teasingly on the shoulder, intentionally very gentle, but Lance still inhales sharply, trying to disguise it last-minute as a cough.
“Okay, that’s enough,” Keith snaps. “Something’s wrong. Out with it, Lance, or I swear to God —”
“There’s nothing wrong, Mullet,” Lance snaps right back. “So how about you keep your nose out of my business —”
“Well how about you quit being a stubborn dumbass and tell people when you’re hurt —”
“I’m not hurt! And who are you calling stubborn, Mr I’m Gonna Run After Lotor Even Though My Entire Team Is Begging Me Not To —”
“At least I didn’t pretend I didn’t have a fever until it got bad enough that I collapsed right into my goo at a diplomatic dinner!”
“At least I didn’t train myself into heat exhaustion!”
“At least I didn’t —”
“Both of you!” Shiro shouts, making the two of them freeze. “That’s enough!”
The second he’s done speaking, both paladins point aggressively at each other, yelling: “He’s not listening to me!”
Or, well, Keith does. Lance tries, but the sudden movement of his left arm makes him shout in pain. He tries to cut it off, dropping his hand back down, but the damage is done.
“Shit, Lance, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean — are you okay — ” Keith rushes over to Lance, tripping over himself in his haste and very nearly crashing into him. Lance swats him away as he gets close, insisting he’s fine.
“Go away, Keith, I’m fine, I appreciate your concern but —”
In his attempt to twist away, he bends his torso strangely, causing another half-strangled shout of pain to come from his throat.
“Okay, no, this isn’t happening,” Hunk snaps. Before anyone can react, and before Lance can stop him, he rips open his fanny pack, yanking out a smooth white cylinder and pointing it in Lance’s direction. It beeps once, then shoots a wide, blue beam of light onto Lance, scanning him from head to toe.
“Several injuries located,” the device reads. “Ready to list and suggest treatment.”
Six pairs of eyes whip towards the Blue Paladin, varying from disappointed to scared to furious. For a moment Lance’s expression is open, shocked, deer-in-headlights, and then it shutters, replaced with something determined and endlessly, endlessly stubborn.
“I’m fine,” he insists. “If anyone comes any closer I’m going to throw a hissy fit.”
“You’re already throwing a hissy fit,” Allura points out. “When normal people are injured, they just get treated.”
Lance sets his jaw. “I’m already treated.”
Keith scowls. “Well, obviously not, because you’re hurt. Dickhead.” He reaches forward and tugs on Lance’s jacket, clearly meaning to take it off to assess further damage, but Lance hisses at him, snapping his jaw.
“Are you a fucking scorned chihuahua?” Keith demands, snatching his hand back.
“Put your hands on me again and find out.”
Before Keith can argue any further, Hunk plops down in front of them, pressing the scanner’s button again so a loud beep rings through the room.
“Listing injuries and assessment now,” it says. “Injured person: young human adult. Injuries: newly broken rib. Heavy bruising around chest area. Set and healing sprain around left shoulder joint, previously dislocated. Deep laceration on right thigh, early stages of healing. Joint abnormality in left knee. Several small wounds in mouth, inside of cheek and lower lip. Minor hearing damage, old injury. Minor brain damage, old injury. Highly elevated heart rate. Shallow breathing.” The machine pauses for a moment. Six pairs of eyes now stare at Lance in shock, jaws dropped.
Lance shifts, and if possible his jaw sets further, chin raised stubbornly and brown eyes hard and defiant.
The machine prompts again. “Proceed with treatment suggestions?”
No one speaks.
“Shut down, Scanner 6X427,” Lance says.
“Shutting down,” the scanner responds pleasantly. It beeps one more time and then grows cold in Hunk’s hand.
Everyone erupts at the same time. There’s so much panicked yelling that it kind of all amalgamates into the sound of three crowded rooms, all voices competing with another, u til eventually it settles into: “Holy shit, we need to get you to a pod!”
“Not happening,” Lance says firmly. “You can’t make me.”
“Um, yes I can,” Keith says. “As the Black Paladin, I order you to go to a pod right fucking now.”
“Seconded,” Shiro says, eyes narrowed. “That’s double Black Paladin orders.”
Lance shrugs. “As the Red Paladin, I say no, and also piss off, just as a little extra treat.”
“Lance, get in a fucking pod or so help me God,” Hunk says through grit teeth. “I will carry you out, you little shit.”
Hunk’s threat seems to shake some of the irritating calmness from Lance’s frame, and his voice gets a little angrier, a little more desperate.
“Well it’s going to be a struggle and a fucking half for you, because I’m not going in that fucking death trap conscious!”
“Lance, you’re really hurt!” Pidge cries. Frustrated and angry tears have started to drip down her face. “You’re scaring me! Get in the fucking pod!”
Shiro and Coran are so worried that neither of them correct her on her language, as they often do almost reflectively.
“I’m afraid no medical attention is not an option, child,” Coran says, firm. “You know the rules as well as I.”
“The rules don’t say jack shit about a pod,” Lance says harshly.
Keith blinks at that, flinching a little in shock. Lance is — Keith is well versed in Lance’s volatility. As much as they love and rely on each other, they’re both very stubborn, and still fall into the occasional screaming match. Lance also ends up arguing with everyone else on the team, really, as people living in close quarters tend to do; with Pidge about her sleeping habits, Hunk about working himself to exhaustion, Allura about her reckless tendency to self-sacrifice when it’s not necessary — those fights are always particularly hard to witness, because Lance is right, but he of all people can’t get angry at her for it — and Shiro’s stubborn insistence that he comes last. About stupid shit, too, although usually much less angry; dirty dishes left on the counter; chore schedules ignored, outside clothes on the bed.
But Keith has never, not once in their three years in space, heard Lance raise his voice at Coran. In fact Coran is usually the one that Lance listens to without question, the one he trusts to know more than he does in every subject. Lance may roll his eyes and groan about things, but he has never outright refused. Coran has his best interests at the forefront of his mind, something he’s made abundantly clear.
But Lance has just snapped at him. And while some guilt bleeds into his eyes, none of the stubbornness leaves his expression.
Coran looks hurt, but his voice is still firm. “I’m not asking, Lance.”
It’s a rare thing to have Coran use Lance’s real name.
A tear drops from the corner of Lance’s eye. His chin trembles. “And I’m not going.” His voice wobbles; begging, almost, desperate, instead of the angry tone it had before. “I’m not.”
“Everyone stop,” Allura says. “Pidge, Keith, move.” Her voice is not rude, but leaves no room for argument. Both paladins follow her instructions immediately, scrambling back. Allura kneels in their place, right next to the Red Paladin, and places a gentle hand on his. She squeezes.
“What’s going on?” she asks, in a creole of Altean and Cuban Spanish. “This isn’t a trick. I’m not going to move you, or force you to go anywhere. Talk to me like you make me talk to you when I’m upset. Why this reaction?”
Lance’s face crumples. It’s slow, like he’s fighting with all he has to stop it, to keep his face blank or at the very least hard, but it doesn’t work; tears fill his eyes and overflow rapidly, and his breath hitches in his throat, and then again, and his shoulders shake and his hands tremble and he starts to sob.
“I won’t go in a pod,” he says. “Please. Please don’t make me. I don’t want to get stuck again. There’s no internal release, I checked the manuals, and when they defect sometimes they get sucked down into storage and they stay down there and no one would hear me and the BLIP reader wouldn’t find me ‘cause of the radiation reinforcement in the walls and I’d suffocate and die and I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t do it I’ll die I’ll suffocate I won’t be able to breathe —”
His already shallow breaths get even shallower, and soon he genuinely can’t breathe, wheezing, panic making his limbs flail slightly and his pupils to shrink down to pinpricks. Allura is the first to react, close as she is, firmly grasping both of his shoulders and straightening his neck to keep his airway open.
“Lance, you need to breathe through your nose,” she orders. “Close your mouth. Now. Yes, that’s it. Through your nose, okay? Like that. Exactly. Now purse your lips and exhale slowly out your mouth. Yes, perfect. Keep doing that. Do it with me. See how I’m doing it?” She breathes exaggeratedly, indicating for him to follow. “Good, good. Just like that. Keep going, asteraki. You’re doing great.”
Carefully so as to not crowd them, Keith sits on Lance’s other side, reaching forward and squeezing his ankle. Pidge follows suite, and then the rest of the team; sitting in a poorly-formed semicircle around their friend and teammate, chiming in with Allura with encouragement.
This is not their first panic attack, and it won’t be their last. Although this one was one they all could have prevented, as evidenced by the guilty way they look at each other.
Finally Lance begins to calm down, breaths evening out to a steady hiccuping, tears slowed to a trickle instead of a stream. Hunk digs in his fanny pack to hand Lance a tissue, but Lance grasps Hunk’s hand instead. Hunk smiles, tangling their hands together and keeping them that way, regardless of the awkward position and the strain on his arm.
“I dressed them,” Lance says, when he finally has his voice back. It’s hoarse, but earnest, pleading, almost.
“Dressed what?” Coran asks carefully. Out of all of them, he feels the heaviest guilt; knowing the role he plays for Lance means this was something he should have noticed first, not left for Allura to handle. It makes sense that she did — her own debilitating homesickness and depression means that she and Lance spend quite a lot of time with each other at their worst — but he still knows the paladin, knows him well, and he has the experience to identify that kind of fear. He has no excuse for failing to do so.
“All the injuries,” Lance answers. “I didn’t — I wasn’t ignoring them. I dislocated my shoulder two weeks ago, so I put it back into place with one of the x-ray machines to help and kept it stable for a while.”
“Is that why you kept stealing my hoodies?” Hunk asks quietly.
“Yes.” Lance smiles slightly. “And because I like them.”
Hunk snorts, smiling back despite himself. “Yeah, bud, I’m well aware. I’d say I want them back, but you can keep them for now.”
“Nice. I should get hurt more often.”
“Not funny,” each of them says immediately.
Lance winces. “Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood.” He clears his throat. “Anyway, the rest of them are handled, too. I took a spear to the leg when I was training a few days ago, so I fixed it and stitched it myself. It was fine and it’s healing nicely and it’s not even a little bit infected,” Lance says to Pidge, who opens her mouth to protest. His insistence calms her a little.
“If you say so.”
“I do. I’ve given myself stitches lots before, don’t worry.”
“That is very worrying,” Shiro says. “All of us could help you with stitches, Lance.”
“You’d make me go in the pod,” Lance points out. “And none of my injuries are primary emergencies. I worked at the Garrison clinic for five years, and trust me when I tell you the staff there took student help way too seriously. Half of them straight up slept for their whole shifts. I know how to handle myself.”
“Some of that stuff is fine,” Keith admits. He’s been guilty of setting his own strains and pulled muscles so he can keep training. “I know you hurt your knee when we were doing that sim a couple months ago and putting a brace on was fine, we checked.” He hesitates. “But that other stuff sounds pretty serious, Lance. Numerous mouth wounds? Hearing loss? Brain damage?” He throws up his hands, frustrated. “That’s bad!”
“The mouth wounds are just me biting the inside of my mouth,” Lance explains. “That’s not even a real injury. I’ve been doing that my whole life. I’m never not done that. As for the other stuff…” He trails off, looking at his lap.
“From the Sendak explosion,” Coran says quietly. “Permanent damage.”
“But we’d know about that,” Pidge argues. “The pod says all that kind of stuff when the person comes out. It didn’t say any of that stuff for Lance. He was fine!”
Keith’s face goes white. “None of us were there.” As he says it the rest of them go pale, too, remembering that day. “We were — God, we were arguing about something stupid. I don’t even remember. Did you…”
“I caught myself before I fell,” Lance says, correctly guessing what Keith is too horrified to say. “I wasn’t — I’m not mad, guys. I don’t expect everyone to have just stayed waiting around a guy who most of you barely knew, at that point, in a medically induced coma. Besides, we were busy.”
“I’m sorry,” Hunk says. He’s started to cry, now, dark eyes blurry with tears and nose running. “I’m so sorry, Lance. I didn’t — I should have been there to catch you.”
“I promise you I’m over a thing that happened four years ago,” Lance says drily.
Allura pinches his ear. He yelps.
“Hey! No pinching the brain damaged person!”
“Not funny,” she says, although her mouth twitches. “And accept our apology, you jerk. I know it’s been eating at you. You’re a Leo and you told me that that means you hold grudges for a thousand years.”
“I regret teaching you astrology,” Lance mumbles. He is visibly relieved. “But, fine. Apology accepted, you bunch of goobers. Can we forget this happened, now?”
“Absolutely not,” Shiro says. “You still have hearing loss and brain damage. And a broken rib! I won’t force you into a pod, but we need to figure something out, kiddo.”
“Eh.” Lance waves a dismissive hand. “I’ve had two of the three for four years, now, so I barely even notice them anymore. The hearing loss isn’t that bad, plus I’ve always had audio processing disorder so I know how to read lips and I’m used to asking people to repeat themselves a bajillion times. And I’m pretty sure the brain damage thing just means I get more migraines than usual, which I already know how to deal with because of the ‘tism. The broken rib —” He falters. “Well, the broken rib doesn’t look great for me, but there’s no cure for that anyway. You’re just supposed to wait it out until it heals itself, basically, and the scanner thing didn’t say anything about a punctured lung so I’m good.”
“How you humans have managed to stay alive as long as you have astounds me,” Allura mutters.
“Fair,” all five humans say at the same time.
Lance moves to get up, swiping his cheeks to wipe away the tears. “Are we good now?” he asks hopefully. “Lancey-Lance is secretly a medical genius, all mistakes have been forgiven, we can go do literally anything else? Food would be great. I don’t know about you people but personally, being vulnerable makes me horribly famished.”
“Sit down, dear,” Coran says, steadying a hand on Lance’s shoulder. “Alteans have better medical equipment, you remember. Not everything is a pod, they’re simply faster.” He turns to Pidge and Hunk. “I need the two of you to get the bone stitcher from the MedBay. Allura, go with them, the label is in a dialect of Altean they haven’t yet learnt, they’ll need your help to get it. It’s also quite heavy and quite high up.”
They nod and scurry off.
“What can I do, Coran?” Shiro asks.
“Get him his headphones and some water,” he suggests. “It’s been a lot of stimuli for one varga.”
“On it.”
“I can get my own shit,” Lance grumbles. “I don’t want people digging through my stuff.”
“Get up and I’m going to dislocated your other shoulder,” Keith threatens, half-joking. “Stop being a dweeb about needed help. It makes you look like a straight guy.”
Lance opens his mouth and then closes it again. “I hate when you use my words against me. It’s three quarters of the reason you’re irritating.”
“Shut up,” Keith says pleasantly.
They’re both grinning. Coran shakes his head at the two of them, knowing he will likely never understand their relationship.
The rest of the team comes back quickly, and they work together to set Lance’s rib, get him hydrated, move the mood into something lighter. They all head to dinner when he’s stable, eating their goo in exhausted but comfortable silence.
Tomorrow, Coran will have Lance run through some brain scans to make sure everything is as alright as it seems. Tomorrow, Pidge and Hunk will start working on a pair of hearing aids. Tomorrow, Keith will insist on helping Lance change the bandages on his leg wound; red to his hairline but stubborn and steady and gentle. Tomorrow, Shiro will sit with Lance on the observation deck, and they will discover that both of their mothers are nurses, and they will laugh about ridiculous ER stories they’ve heard. Tomorrow, Allura will help Lance bedazzle his knee brace as obnoxiously as they can.
Tomorrow, they will fix things. Tomorrow they will make things right.
But for now, they sit, and they eat, and they enjoy each other’s company and take great relief in the knowledge that their Blue and Red Paladin is truly, possibly for the first time in years, safe.
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soulreapin · 5 months
im so so sleepy but here are some birthday keith headcanons in honor of my birthday
-shiro does birthday punches. keith has hated these birthday punches since he was eleven and if anyone tries to give him birthday punches other than shiro they are Dead to him
-cupcakes over cake his reasoning is that they are cheaper and less mess (hunk bakes him the sexiest cake literally ever in spite of this)
-does fine with recieving gifts but would rather open them one on one than in front of the whole team
-lance made him a red lion robe to match his slippers bc red will always partly be his and oh my god he could replace the nile river. keith cried over that for a good five minutes.
-vanilla over chocolate and whipped frosting over buttercream
-for keiths first birthday in the castle pidge found a wii (not a wii u an original wii) and somehow got that bitch to work
-they played wii sports for HOURRRRSSS
-shiro is reigning tennis champion
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electricsynthesis · 1 month
lance - sorry to teenagers in fanon in 2016 but I don’t think lance would listen to the pop hits of the 2010s. I think lance is too hip for that. He is not listening to pop from 100~ years ago. (Or more, nobody can agree on when the show takes place & I think that’s beautiful). lance is listening to the billboard top 100. He’s listening to what people are talking about . I imagine their pop music as very synthetic, almost edm, with loud vocals over top of it. Less bass than we have in our pop music, more tenor. he’s into particular celebrities and while he likes their music, and he says it’s about the music, he’s more into the celebrities really than the music. he’s into his eras version of, like, Britney Spears. Because they’ve gotta have an edge to them. Some controversy. if they’re too squeaky clean he gets bored
hunk - whatever the sci fi future equivalent of melancholy, heavily vocal guitar indie music. the kind of music that’s more poetry than it is really music. Stuff made by underground artists. it’s all emotional, ranging from sappy to comforting to sad. he likes love songs about pining but they make him really emotional . He also likes pop music generally, soft hip hop and r&b. also atmospheric music. He strikes me as the type of nerd to listen to a lot of video game osts because of the sweeping orchestral vibes, but for some reason refuses to just listen to actual classical music. Feels too pretentious but then he just listens to orchestras perform the video game osts anyway so lol
pidge - god’s most annoying electronica. I think 100 years of sci fi future is going to make hyperpop one of the whackiest music genres and pidge is right there with it. She wants pitchy, bit-crushed squealing. she wants electronic shrieking. she wants voices autotuned to the point of nigh unrecognizability. I think she also listens to more normal electronica, which I think is more mainstream in their era. Stuff we would associate with weird youtube electronica is a whole cast genre. She’s really into it. She knows all the bands, all the subgenres, all the specific sounds of each one. Matt finds this so fucking annoying because she plays it out loud and he h a t e s it. After she joins team voltron lance gets to take over matts place here
keith - forgive me for this, but I do think keith listens to what WE would call numetal. But it’s like. Classic metal, to him. Og metal. Like I think he literally listens to linkin park. I’m saying that keith kogane listens to 100 year old music. He heard it all from his crazy ass paranoid conspiracy theorist father, who only uses analogue tech because he’s terrified of the garrison finding out about his fuzzy purple alien long distance wife and his alien hybrid child. so he plays like, breaking Benjamin cds on an old boombox. This is the only kind of music keith likes . He’s ok with modern metal but he prefers what we would call classic metal. he doesn’t like emo music
allura -
So I have really detailed thoughts on what constitutes “music” and how that may be defined for alien cultures in sci fi. I’ve thought about this extensively since I was 14 and the conclusion I’ve come to is that altean music is the most industrial, heavy, absolutely dark fast paced noisemusic ever conceived. Metal grinding against metal. Plates shrieking against each other. Dull thumping on thick glass. String instruments that squeak and squeal. sudden starts and stops. Heavy drums you can feel in your teeth. clanking. whistling. wheezing. All the kinds of noises you hear in altean music. coran prefers more “classical” altean music, which entails more drums and strings (of the shrieking variety). allura prefers the “modern” (of her youth) altean music, their equivalent to pop, which is more industrial & metal grindy.
She excitedly shows the humans some altean music only to find them absolutely repulsed. Just, like, they’re trying to be nice. But when I say industrial I mean like, a collection of noises that we wouldn’t even categorize as music. so they can’t help the just inherent misunderstanding. except keith, he fucking LOVES it. He goes WILD for it. Allura convinces him to actually dance to it and they just flail around wildly.
he tries to show allura the music that he likes but sadly divorced dad rock doesn’t do much for her. But through their & pidge’s combined efforts into the forays of Abrasive Human Music they discover that allura also really likes death metal
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bosspigeon · 1 year
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made a Raike sim because he soothes my troubled soul
Bonus Raike Traits:
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windtooweem · 1 year
Mockingbird - Eminem
How are they like as your parent figure
For Pidge I’m gonna do it as sibling figure because their younger
They/Them reader
Allura the last season fucking broke me
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She will call you her little Princess/Prince
She will put you above all else
She will tell you old fairytales about her planet and will tell you story’s about her childhood
She will sing to you too 🥰
Coran is your weird uncle
Coran Coran the gorgeous man is very passionate dramatic
So Allura tells you to not listen to him
She’ll take you to the hologram of her father to meet you
He is a good grandma
Lance will try to get close to you because of your relationship with Allura
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I live for space dad
Such a good yet tired dad
So many children and a weird man with a mustache
Keith is your unofficial sibling and babysitter
Shiro likes to spend quite moments with you instead of the common yelling from most of the team
Will carry you in his his arms like a baby when you’re tired no matter how much you fight him off
Likes to fidget with your hair a lot and try different styles with it
Will hurt anyone who hurts you
Lance he’s my spirit animal
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He baby’s you
Will support you no matter how stupid or dumb something is
Never stops you from doing something unless it’s bad
You get better treatment for Keith which makes Lance confused
He’s like: we’ve known each other longer, I mean I appreciate you treating my kid nice but what???
Will shove your face with Hunks glass cookies unaware that their not edible 💀
When he finds out he’s at your feet, kissing and begging for forgiveness
Will play video games with you and Pidge
Dad jokes so many of them
Keith he’s so pretty also him and Shiro look related in the Gifs I put
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Very worried father
If you think he worries about Shiro too much imagine how much he worries about you
Will train with you daily just so he’s reassured that you can defend yourself
When you’re in battle he is somewhere around you even if you can’t see him, he’s there and he’s gonna kick some ass
Is your impulse control
Kosmo the space wolf Loves you so much
Krolia sees you and Keith as baby Keith and her husband when he was still alive
Isn’t the best at affectionate but he will give you the occasional pat on the head or back when a mission has gone right
When he found out he was part Galra he tried to hide it as long as he could scared of that you would say
Relaxed when you said that you didn’t care and the race doesn’t define someone
Hunk grandma is that you???
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He acts more like a grandma than a dad
The favoritism is there
When you get back on earth he introduced you to his family as his child
Will put the most food on your plate
Will say “here’s some food for the road” then he’ll give you a whole turkey
Don’t ask where he got it
He’s another father who baby’s you
When you get injured he’s fretting over you even if you have a little scratch
You also spend a lot of time with Pidge as well
Pidge so god damn pretty I need to date someone like her
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Gremlin sibling
Will drag you into all of their stuff
Will jump anyone who hurts you
She doesn’t even hide her favoritism
She wants everyone to know that you’re her favorite and nothing will change that
Will BEG her parents and her brother to adopt you
They probably will
She will drag you everywhere with her
They’ll play video games with you as you and them beat Lance at Mario cart
Will talk about science to you all the time
Matt sees you as a sibling too
Their parents sees you as their child as well
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discordiansamba · 6 months
assorted fun facts for the twin AU:
Akira was trained from a young age to mimic voices, since it's a talent that might come in handy even though he can't do deep cover missions. This means he can do pitch perfect impressions of all of the paladins and roughly 95% of the Blades.
Heath and Krolia did not know they were having twins until she was actually giving birth. Nothing puts the fear of god into a man like your alien wife gripping your arm and telling you there's another one.
Multiple births are exceedingly rare amongst the Galra, and identical twins are even rarer! Multiple births are just. flat out not a thing for Alteans, so Keith and Akira are extremely novel for both Allura and Coran.
Krolia taught Akira English. Akira teaches Keith Galran.
Keith can't fool Kolivan into thinking he's Akira, but he can pull it off with other Blades.
Akira only has a faint familiarity with the concept of civilian clothing, since it's not something he has cause to wear often in the Blade. His largest exposure to it is borrowing Keith's Earth wear when he's posing as him. It's no wonder then, that his style ends up being similar to his twin's- though he leans more to purple, blacks, and blues as opposed to Keith's red, white, and yellow.
You know who gets just as blindsided by the the fact that there are two red paladins as the paladins do? Lotor. For once he did not see this coming.
Actually. They kind of forget to tell Lotor. Well. The paladins do. Keith and Akira have realized the paladins did not brief Lotor on the fact that there were two of them and decide to use this to their advantage.
They manage to keep it up for awhile until Lotor walks in on the two of them in the same room together. It is the only time they get to see him looking truly surprised.
Keith and Akira determine who has to go to the Weblum by playing rock paper scissors. Keith loses.
They also do rock paper scissors whenever they have to do one of Coran's stupid ice shows. Any task they both hate, they decide with rock paper scissors.
The paladins trying to piece together which of the twins was actually Keith on which day. Neither Keith nor Akira are helping.
Pidge: So let me get this straight. You two were raised apart for eighteen years, on opposite sides of the universe. You'd never met before this.
Keith: Pretty much.
Pidge: HOW are you two so in sync?
(Keith and Akira just shrug. Paladin shit? Twin shit? Twin paladin shit?)
They may or may not eventually establish a psychic link with each other. Their power is now off the charts.
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treesbian · 4 days
we had such bizarre discourse in the voltron times it was crazy. my favorite will always be the person who told me i shouldn’t say femslash bc that’s a slur (?). but the thing of like “you shouldnt headcanon pidge as afab nonbinary” is quite funny in retrospect now that bex taylor-klaus is out as nonbinary. oh man and the galra keith mixed race thing……cursed show cursed fandom but we had some good times <3
it WAS fun. but it was also so goddamn crazy lol. i do still prefer transfem pidge just bc i like that reading better but looking back on it it doesn't really matter does it !! and oh my god after i rewatched it (up to season 6 anyway) i started thinking that the galra keith storyline was kind of saying "reverse racism IS real actually" and playing that completely straight which is just silly to do!! and making the one black girl Fantasy Racist was certainly a Choice. maybe the point they were *trying* to make was "no one's race *makes* them evil" and that would've been nice if it was executed well but it wasn't really. i might be giving them too much credit... golion and dotu did have a problem with making the galra an intrinsically evil race and. well making a whole race intrinsically evil lends to some problems. to put it lightly. so idk mayyyybe they were trying to subvert the "evil race" thing that the voltron franchise has had a problem with but. it did come across like "reverse racism IS real actually" and also. i still think it was weird to make the white boy the mixed race allegory lol (even though he's asian and native american in my heart)
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the-demons-within · 2 months
Klance angst week: Wednesday
Trigger warning: suicide, alcohol, depression.
"HEY, watch it," Lance spat as Keith and him walked past each other, bumbing shoulders. Keith continued forward with a mumbled apology.
"God, that guy gets on my nerves," he thought to himself, "It's like he cares about nothing."
"Hey Lance!" Hunk called from down the corridor, lifting Lance's spirits ever so slightly. "I heard that shiro will be putting us through some sword fighting tests later, we will have partners, so let's hope we get paired!"
"Oh yeah, 100% if not, I will PERSONALLY put in a complaint," Lance joked
"Why am I not surprised?" Hunk sighed, rolling his eyes. Continiuing walking, they headed towards swords practice.
"Okay, everyone! Today, you will be paired with one of your comrades to practice sword fighting. " Shiro walked over to the wall and pulled down a large whiteboard. There, each of the pairs has been pre-chosen. Hunk was paired with Pidge, and Shiro would practice with Allura and Lance...
"Ohh fuck..." Lance wined. Of course he was paired with Keith of all people. " Shiroo-"
"And no we are not switching" shiro blatantly expressed. Lance looked over to Keith who looked far to happy compared to normal.
"Hi Lance," Keith said, walking over. Lance decided that if he had to deal with Keith, he had better at least pretend to enjoy it, so he put on a fake smile.
"Hey Keith," he responded.
"Okay, everyone, please grab one of the swords from the wall and begin with some simple menouvers." Keith and Lance walked over together grabbing one of the swords each and getting a feel for the right balance. Claiming a spot on the court, the began to duel, swords flying through the air. At the start, Keith was winning every duel they had, every match played, but over time, Lance noticed the determination and confidence that Keith had brought to the table slowly draining. He wasn't losing, so what was happening? Lost in thought, he let his guard down and let Keith win.
"You're pretty good! You know that?" Lance complimented. Instead of a reply, Keith leveled his sword in line with Lance's throat.
"Oh please, don't act like we are so friendly, I know how badly you want to slit my neck, and you also know how easy it is for me to slit yours" Lance stood in shocked silence. Staring at Keith until he lowered his sword. "I need to take a break" he said finally.
"Me too, I'll go with you" Lance offered. He thought that perhaps a flicker of panic crossed Keith's features, but it was cut down immediately. Keith began walking to his room, and Lance followed behind, making his way to his own room
(Ghost in the corner pov)
Keith slipped through his doorway and into his room. His confidence was draining drastically. He began to rummage through his cabinets until he found what he needed, "Yes, thank god," he muttered before taking a large swig of his drink straight from the bottle. So what if the alcohol burned the back of his throat? He felt better after that. That's the point. He was tired, annoyed, frankly quite depressed and hated life. Nothing could fix that. But the alcohol? It numbed it, and it made him happier. He finished the bottle in one sitting. The back of his throat was still burning, and he was becoming increasingly irritated. It wasn't working like normal. He wanted relief. "I just need more," he whispered before sorting his way to the back of the shelf again, where he had hidden the bottles of alcohol and vodka. He sat with his back against the cabinet, taking large gulps of his second bottle.
"Hey Keith?" Lance said, opening the door. His eyes fell upon Keith, on the floor next to a cabinet of alcohol, an empty bottle already next to him, and the one he was drinking almost half gone. This was bad. It had only been 5 minutes, and Keith had finished an entire bottle. Keith knew that wasn't normal. Most people couldn't finish a bottle in 10 minutes, but 5? He was screwed, Lance, that bitch, had walked in and seen. Keith drank another gulp before speaking to the stunned Lance.
"Well? What do you want?" Keith pondered. Lance seemed to snap out of his shock and closed the door behind him.
"Are you crazy! That is so unhealthy, you know that!" Lance claimed. Keith took another slow sip from the bottle, finishing it off.
Two 1-letre bottles of vodka in 7 minutes.
"Lookk, dude, I'm finee," Keith slurred, trying to console Lance to a degree, but instead making him more anxious. Keith leaned back, grabbing 2 more bottles, it was becoming addictive, the burn, the re-occurring numbness, but it still wasn't all gone, the pain was still there, it was so painful and he just wanted it gone.
The next bottle popped open, and Keith took another large swig.
"Keith," Lance cautioned. He may not like Keith, but he wouldn't let a teammate die. "You need to stop this. That is way too much. You could die!" But that only seemed to drive Keith onward. He took some more gulps of his beverage, and Lance couldn't do anything. He left the room abruptly.
"Finally," Keith sighed. Lance was gone, and he could go numb.
12 and a half minutes, the 4th bottle was being opened.
All he wanted was to feel nothing, and this was the only way he knew. He wanted the numbness, the cold, the empty. Perhaps too much.
"Look - I can't stop him, I don't know how -" Lance had paused in the doorway and started at the scene in front of him. Shiro pushed past Lance and knelt beside Keith. Completely limp, with a mostly finished bottle of vodka and 3 empty bottles next to him...
was Keith.
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lyxanislive · 2 months
Do you have any Shallura family headcanons? Also what are your thoughts on Shiro's family? Or lack thereof. Besides Keith ofc
Why Did this take a year to answer?
I didn't have any head canons. So I had to come up with some. Then those sucked and I changed them. 
So here we go!!!!!
Allura and Shiro don't think they can get pregnant. The whole 10000 year sleep and clone thing not withstanding, some species just don't breed well like Galra and well … anything
They play fast and loose and neither suspect anything until one day Allura gets a weird version of slipperies. Shiro freaks out and goes to Coran who is the first to guess she's pregnant as this is a symptom is pregnant Alteans
After a bunch of tests they find out she is indeed pregnant. Shiro is delighted, Allura is terrified
Because there are no studies for Altean/Human hybrids, Doctors tell Allura she is a high risk pregnancy and want her to take extra precautions 
This makes both Shiro and Coran *and by extension everyone else) treat her like glass that is on a wobbling table and she HATES it
The only person to not treat Allura like a fragile delicate flower is Keith. He becomes her confidante and when she wants everyone to get off her back she goes to hang out with Keith for “massages” or “pedicures” anything to make Shiro think they're not sparing or racing around the desert
Allura has every morning sickness symptom known to humans and Alteans. She hates it.
Hunk meal preps with Shiro every Sunday afternoon and continues to do so for like 6 months after.
Pidge hooks up like 900 baby monitors, even ones that can alert Coran
Lance helps with the nursery and tips for new baby
Matt breaks his finger helping Shiro set up a crib one afternoon
Keith is named the Altean version of God Father for the baby. He cries about it - he continues to keep Alluras secret about rough housing but he eventually stops being her go to trouble maker around month 6 as she is visibly pregnant and doesn't fit on his hover bike well
Romelle learns to knit just for the baby. She is awful at it but puts her whole heart into it. She makes a blanket, booties, hats and ear warmers for the baby
There's not even a discussion when they find out the baby is a boy. Alfor Harmonious Shirogane is just agreed on instantly
Alteans have a gestation period of 6 months. Alfor takes 8 months and Allura is VERY CRANKY and VERY PREGNANT 
Labour is also awful for Allura - 38 hours under several doctors care but when he is finally born Allura is instantly normal as if she didn't just give birth
Alfor has very faint purple altean marks, they sometimes look like bruises. His ears are not fully rounded but nowhere near a full altean length. They do not fit into the pointed ear hats Romelle made. She makes new ones
Everyone cries when they meet Alfor for the first time. Especially Alfor.
Allura goes back to coalition work immediately and Shiro becomes a stay at home dad and he takes to it so well. He's Mr. Mom and even other mothers are impressed how he can get Alfor on a schedule, clean the whole home. He also works out with baby Alfor all the time.
Allura hates she cannot reason with a baby and though she's not a bad mom by any means, she's takes longer to settle into the role than Shiro. Alfor is a bit of a mammas Boy though since he cant see Allura all day he gravitates to her when she is home.
When Alfor is 3 Shiro starts making goo goo eyes about another baby but Allura had an AWFUL time with Alfor thar they start to explore other options
They eventually decide to have at least one more half altean child, and to save Allura the grief and morning sickness and hours of labor they test tube a baby and get a wearable tank for it. Think death stranding but without Norman Reedus. 
For altean fetuses quintessence is vital so Allura has to wake up every 2 hours and transfer quintessence to the baby (because Allura is a litteral God of Alchemy she easily over does it and little does she know is making the 2nd most powerful alchemist in history)
This baby is a girl and Allura wants Shiro to pick the name. He panics and starts naming Anime characters until he falls on Temari and it's very close to an altean name so it gets chosen
Pidge and Lance DO NOT let Shiro forget they KNOW he watches Naruto. They nick name the baby “fighting dreamer” which Allura just thinks is cute but makes Shiro full body cringe when he hears it
Temari Dawn Shirogane is finally ‘hatched’ and by all accounts is healthy. She has bright pink Altean marks and pointed ears and Allura will never say out loud but she is thrilled
Temari walks and speaks late, not because she's incapable but because her brother does EVERYTHING for her. She points and Alfor does. He even speaks for her by understanding her non verbal ques
The siblings are pretty much inseparable but they do fight, despite being younger Temari usually wins because she can shape shift really early on
They are a happy little family with Allura doing coalition work, Shiro being a stay at home dad, and two adorable half Altean babies that are doted on by all the Paladins, Coran and Romelle.
When Alfor is 7 and Temari is 3 Shiro asks Allura if they can adopt someone like they had originally planned to do before the surprise pregnancy. Allura agrees and they set ground rules: under 10 years old, no Galra, has to get along with the kids
They set up “play dates” at Diffrent orphanages because they need to make sure Alfor and Temari are okay with their new sibling. These go okay but they never quite find the last piece to their family
For two weeks Allura is away on a diplomatic mission, and Shiro brings the kids out to visit her and they decide to go to the local orphanage in this star system just to see
While At the orphanage Temari wanders off and sits with a half galra boy just trying to read on his own in the corner. She's still babied by Alfor so she doesn't talk. This kid is annoyed by her at first but eventually gives in and starts reading to her. When she wants to get up she grabs his hand and leads him around and the kid begrudgingly Follows.
He's A 12 year old half galra named Vexel and he reminds Shiro so much of Keith that Shiro's Almost foaming at the mouth to adopt this kid. Allura is unsure.
Later in her stay Allura goes to the orphanage alone to meet Vexel. He's quite - kinda moody - but really smart. Allura asks him if he wants To be adopted and he says “I won't be but thats okay as long as the other kids get good homes.” And this breaks Alluras heart and she calls Shiro right there.
After discussions with Alfor and Temari they foster Vexel, until legally adopting him once he's comfortable.
Alfor Loves his brother but still claims he's the oldest. Vexel and Alfor get along great and Temari is still babied by both of them
Allura winds up taking Vexel on trips a lot to let him explore places and he becomes more of a mammas boy as well
Temari is 100% a daddys girl… and a little princess to her big brothers
Alfors favorite uncle is Lance because he's funny. Temaris is Hunk because he always sneaks her treats. And Vex likes both Keith and Pidge but for different reasons (keith is half galra and drives fast while Pidge is the smartest)
 Alfor grows up to be an artist. Something neither Shiro or Allura prepared for but the kid has incredible talent so he is sent to great art schools and Allura often gifts one of his many works to any diplomatic place she opens. Shiro still has a lot of his art from when he was a child. Alfor eventually opens up the “Takashi Art Gallery” on earth, the place he feels most at home. He never learned to pilot properly, Shiro blames his skills on his mother.
Temari is a gifted alchemist and winds up studying and learning with other Alteans. She is exceptional at construction Alchemy like her grandfather and has built many ships with her aunt Pidge. She is the first to find the restored “Oriande” after it was thought destroyed by Haggar. Temari is always a daddys girl and Is the best pilot of the siblings. 
Vexel is a Doctor who Specializes in mixed species. He himself Is half galra and growing up with half Altean siblings he has learned a lot. He is the head Doctor at a cross species clinic. As a teen he writes and publishes a paper on his siblings puberty which wins him accolades and a full ride scolarship which MORTIFIES Temari.
Fun things
Morning people: Shiro and Alfor
NOT morning people: Allura, Temari, Vexel
Has crashed a ship: everyone but Shiro
Most Swears: Alfor
Pickiest eater: Temari
Most spoiled: Vexel
Worst jokes: Shiro
Best at sports: Allura
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