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Hey Frank look at this neat little loaf! Ignore the fact that I tired to take a picture with my flash on by accident.
Say hi to the loaf it’s name is sparkle
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look at him! he's cute and he smells like a loaf of bread. we should pet him!
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intruder-time · 1 year
What do you do with the kids you kidnap
They get thrown in The Hole
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It’s raining- but that’s not the problem.
The first thing you see is a soaking wet model standing outside your door.
“I…couldn’t think of anyone else to visit” Megumi explains “No one else would understand my pain-”
“It’s the anniversary of the night I killed my parents- i don’t even know why I feel so damn guilty about it!” she cries “I- I had to protect her didn’t I”
“Am i…really just a monster?” She asks “why do I want to…hurt someone again”
It was rare for the members of Death Row Block to receive any visitors. So seeing Megumi at their door was a surprise. Being the first to react, Akihisa brought the young model inside out from the rain.
"Gumi-chan! You're soaking!" Touya fretted, noticing that his friend was close to tears.
"Oi, what were you thinking coming here in the rain." Rintaro scolded. He walked over to the model with a towel in his hand and began to dry her hair. "You could get sick."
"I'm sure Megumi has her reasons for coming here in this weather." Akihisa rationalized looking at the model while waiting for her to explain.
All three men paused as they heard why Megumi suddenly appeared at their door. They knew Megumi had killed her parents. They didn't judge her. It would be hypocritical of them if they did but they had been unaware that she still carried guilt for her actions.
It was Touya who first moved an unreadable expression on his face as he walked over to the model. With a gentleness that was at odds with his violent reputation cupped the model's face with his hands. Wiped away her tears with his thumbs.
"Gumi-chan…..when I killed my Mama do you know what I felt? I felt angry...the person who hurt me was dead and she would never hurt me again…but I could never undo what she did to me. At first, I tried to bury that anger and pain deep inside. Then…something inside me broke. All I knew was that I wanted to hurt someone like I had been hurt." Touya explained looking saner than normal. "That's the sad part, isn't it? We want revenge for what was done to us but we can't."
"Kid, you did what you had to do to protect your little sister in a shitty situation. Is it fair? Fuck no but that's life. God knows how many times I got beat protecting Akari from our bastard dad." Rintaro spoke up next, ruffling Megumi's hair. "Besides if anyone's the monster here it's the three of us, not you."
"Megumi, you were a child forced to deal with things no child ever should. Despite what they did to you and Ayaka they were your parents. You're allowed to have conflicting feelings. It's human." Akihisa placed his hand on Megumi's shoulder. "Now then let's get you out of these wet clothes. Touya has some clothes you can borrow for the night. In the meantime, I'll make some hot chocolate."
"Come on Gumi-chan! I have some PJs you can use." Touya giggled, dragging the model to his room.
"You think she'll be alright old man? Even if we're used to it murder weighs on the mind." Rintaro questioned once they were out of sight.
"Only time will tell but she'll always have a safe space here," Akihisa replied. "Hopefully she will never have a reason to use it."
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dreamperson-poll · 1 year
Tearful Alice
dreamed by @phantom-rei
It’s this short little girl i keep on seeing in my dreams, she’s always facing away from me. She wears a white dress and has long brown hair and she’s always sobbing loudly. I’ve never seen her face before.
I don’t know why I named her Alice. She’s always crying in my dream and calling out for help but I can never get to her.
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guiltiest-gear · 1 year
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This is going on during a murder trial
I love this game
This some weird ass Ace Attourney
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shinagawa-division · 1 year
She’s as quiet as a mouse until she has to ring the doorbell- Shinagawa was fucking terrifying.
“M-miho-San! Happy birthday!”
She holds a medium sized box and a small box.
“Lana and Itsuki are a bit tight on money right now- so I pitched in on this one”
You open the medium box to find two things.
A ghost shaped cupcake and a beautiful diamond necklace.
“I know it’s probably nothing compared to the stuff you’re used to eating but- i made it myself! The necklace…well that’s something I thought you’d like…i couldn’t afford the earrings though”
In the small box you find a small plushie of a squid wearing a flower crown.
“H-happy b-birthday”
“Excuse me My lady, you have received more gifts.” Goro came into the living room where Miho was relaxing and reading her novel, glancing at her butler, she sighed and placed the bookmark in her book. “Who is it from now?” She asked as Goro carefully placed the gifts down on the coffee table. “I believe it’s from that group from Kyoto. The young one brought them here in person.” Miho raised a brow, Kanade (along with Lana and Itsuki) had gotten her gifts? Well, she supposed she can take the time to open them. “How…lovely.” Miho commented as she held up the cupcake and the plush and gently set them aside, now holding up the diamond necklace, she looked it over carefully before nodding in approval. “Goro, remind me to send gifts to the Kyoto team, I would like to express my gratitude.” She addressed the butler, the said servant nodded his head. “Of course, my lady.”
Thank you for the gift!
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shizuokadivision · 1 year
There’s an visitor at your doorstep- a very tired shrine maiden arrives bundled up in several blankets to help try and ward off the chill outside. 
She’s half asleep when you answer the door.
“Happy birthday!”
She’s holding several gifts in her hands, all with fairly decorative wrapping paper.
From Himari you received several hand made gowns- these took her literally months to make. All tailored to fit Reika perfectly thanks to Himaris previous experience fixing Reikas old clothes. Perfect for a night out on the town- or for a night spent indoors killing your husband.
There’s also a note 
“If needed I do dry cleaning- you’re already one of my priority customers so just give me a call. Happy birthday Reika-san!” - MARI
From Rinko you received a few expensive looking bottles of wine, some cheese and some sweets. 
There’s also a note 
“I didn’t know what to get you- im sorry if these seem a little bit informal. Happy birthday Reika-san” - Rinko
From Kyoko you received some jewelry. 
“The locket is normal I promise- see”
Inside the locket is a picture of Kyoko and Reika- it was took the last time Kyoko was in Shizuoka.
Additionally there’s another necklace with a small bottle and a bracelet that has a secret place to hide poison.
“Happy birthday big sis Reika- I mean miss reika…oh who am i kidding it’s no secret” Kyoko giggles “Yeah…i see you like a big sister”
Reika raised an eyebrow. A visitor? Few people ever willingly visited her for good reason. Opening the door Reika smiled brightly at the young girl on the other side. “Kyoko!” Reika greeted happily at the sight of the shrine maiden. Ushering the girl inside and away from the cold. “I wasn't expecting you.”
Gingerly taking the gifts from her, she took a moment to admire all of them before setting them down on the nearby table.
Picking up one of the gowns from Himari, Reika had no doubt that they would fit her perfectly. She expected nothing else from the blonde-haired woman. Placing the stunning gown against her Reika couldn't help but give a little twirl. Unable to hold her laugh as she watched the gown twirl around with her. 
Gently placing the gown down, she made a mental note to properly thank Himari for the gift. 
Moving on to Rinko’s gift, Reika gave a huge smile as she saw the assortment of goodies. Never one to deny her love of food she had spent one too many nights as a child going to bed hungry for that although she made a note to hide the sweets, especially from Kanon. That woman as much as she would never say it had a sweet tooth stronger than some of the children Reika knew. Oh well, Kanon wasn't getting any part of her gift anytime soon.
Setting the gift down with a smile, she went on to the next and last present.
Reika reconzed the photo. It had been taken in her garden where she had been teaching Kyoko some of the tricks of her “trade”. Looking at the other jewelry Reika’s grin could be only described as snake-like as she thought about which poisons would be perfect for the hidden compartment. 
Setting the collection down, Reika turned to the younger girl and gave her a smile. “Thank you for the presents, Kyoko,” It was then that Reika paused at what Kyoko had called her. She was quick to wrap the shrine maiden in a hug. “I don’t mind that you call me big sis,” Reika assured her patting her head.
“Now why don’t you stay for a while, and rest up for a bit, I’ll call Himari and tell her where you are. I have some tea that you might enjoy.”
Thank you for the gift!
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saitama-division · 2 years
A rather late visitor appears at your doorstep looking absolutely exhausted.
“Happy…birthday” Kanade gave you a weary smile before handing you a small variety of presents 
From Lana you received a portrait- Sayaka was dressed as a queen, a small crown atop  her head and a pink dress with little ribbons around the collar were the standouts of her outfit in the picture. She’s standing next to her daughter who’s dressed like a princess.
They both are smiling as they wave to the crowd.
From Itsuki you received a set of fancy fountain pens- all of these pens share a few common traits 
They all have little pink diamonds around the tops and they all have the Femme Fatale logo etched into the middle.
From Kanade you received- A plush toy…ITS MR SPOOKY!! He’s holding a little pink butterfly!
“I’m sorry I was late- I had a performance here and then there was a meet the cast thing and someone tried to drag me away- that’s not important right now”
“Happy birthday mom!!” Kanade gasped in horror as she processed the words that left her mouth “I-I’m so sorry I- I didn’t mean to sound weird- I just…I kinda see you like a…mother figure…I wish I had a mother like you”
Humming a tune, Sayaka opened the door and smiled brightly at the young girl on the other side. “Kanade-chan!” She greeted cheerfully, steeping aside so the girl can step in. “It’s so good to see you!”
Gingerly taking the gifts from her, she took a moment to admire all of them before setting them down on the nearby table.
Giving a breath of awe at the painting, she gently ran a hand down on the canvas, eyes sparkling as she looked at the regal version of herself and her daughter. Really, she should’ve expected nothing less from Lana, she always managed to capture people in their truest form (plus the regency style she chose is quite magical). Honestly, she felt quite flattered, she never really thought of herself as royalty or anything of the sort but it was comforting to know that people-her friends-hold her in such high regard.
Gently placing the portrait down, she made a mental note to hang it up later in her room.
Moving on to the pens, Sayaka gasped as she held one up close to inspect it. “Goodness…” she breathed out as she ran a finger across the top, feeling the small pink diamonds, she wasn’t sure if they were real or not but it made her happy all the same. Itsuki is a good friend of hers, she’ll make sure to take good care of the pens, in fact, she’ll definitely have to give one to Lola and Kureha. After all, as her teammates, it’s only right that they rock their brand, even in the simplest of ways.
Setting the pens down with a smile, she went on to the next and last present.
She let out a playful gasp, “Could it be that I have finally obtained a Mr. Spooky?!” She grinned and gave the plush a small hug, she’d have no doubt that Yoshiko would find him, even if she decided to place him in her room so she’ll just have to make do with the time she had before his inevitably whisked away to her daughter’s room, what can she say? The girl really loved plushies.
Setting the ghost down, she turned to the younger Alarie sister and gave her a beaming smile. “Thank you so much for the presents, Kanade-chan!” Her smile then turned to a concerned frown as she noticed just how tired the usually cheerful girl was. “Hun? Are you okay?” She asked as she tilted her head to the side.
When the word ‘mom’ slipped out of the younger girl’s mouth, Sayaka’s eyes widen and her mouth dropped open slightly from shock. Did she hear that right? She wasn’t upset, not at all, quite the opposite actually, she didn’t think young Kanade looked up to her so much to the point where she saw her as a mother, it made her feel extremely happy…and also extremely sad, nearly everyone in the divisions knew about the Alarie sisters tragic past and the abuse they suffered at the hands of their poor excuse of a mother. Sayaka can’t imagine doing something so horrible to her child, she would rather die than bring any sort of harm to her children.
Snapping out of her stupor, Sayaka was surprised to find the girl almost in tears, her own teary eyes softened and she placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, making Kanade gasp and snap her head to look up at her, half fearfully and half…hopeful. Gently, she brought the younger girl into a hug, holding her firmly but not too tightly, giving her the chance to back away if she really wanted to. “I don’t mind,” she said, voice thick with emotion, “if it makes you happy then you can call me mother whenever you like, I may not be your biological mother but you deserve a parent Kanade, a good one, one that will love you unconditionally…and I’ll be that, if you want me to.”
It took a good while to get Kanade to stop crying but Sayaka didn’t mind at all that her blouse was soaked in tears, it’s a mother’s job to make sure her children are always happy and healthy.
“Why don’t you stay for a while, hun, rest up for a bit, I’ll call Lana and tell her you’re okay.”
“Y-yeah…I’d like that…mom.”
Thank you for the gift!
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mihai-florescu · 2 years
Happy birthday person I follow on hellsite
Thank you thank you
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lilguydredge · 1 year
Water - to offer my muse a glass of water
“Hey lil dude- are you thirsty?” Kanade asks
All this dancing and playing and partying! It takes it out of a little creature! Especially since there's so much space to cover to get anywhere...!
With a grateful wail it takes the offered glass of water and drops the whole thing into it's maw, glass and all vanishing gown it's bottomless gullet.
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sh4rpobjects · 1 year
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Emmy Rossum at the premiere of ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ (2004)
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Frank guess what I had pizza and it was amazing
how was your day frank
Good to hear! I had a bagel today but that was like, hours ago
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intruder-time · 1 year
Intruder your my favorite home invader
Why thank you! I’ll be sure to break into your home next then (:
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padmestrilogy · 28 days
may the fourth be with you!
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dreamperson-poll · 11 months
match #46
Heather and Caleb dreamed by @poggay
(Warning for child death) A girl who was kidnapped and killed after trespassing near a laboratory with a few of her classmates. A boy who was kidnapped after trespassing near a laboratory with a few of his classmates, but managed to escape.
Tearful Alice dreamed by @phantom-rei
It’s this short little girl i keep on seeing in my dreams, she’s always facing away from me. She wears a white dress and has long brown hair and she’s always sobbing loudly. I’ve never seen her face before.
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guiltiest-gear · 1 year
Also do you have any cursed reaction images for someone asking you to be his discord kitten
Yeah I got this
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