#people can always unfollow the assholes that refuse to tag
xx-thedarklord-xx · 3 months
I don’t think it’s controversial to say this, but tagging your content is the bare minimum. You can’t tell people to curate their own experience while actively not tagging. How can they blacklist tags if people refuse to tag?
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myobmaya · 2 years
Just a side note:
I think one of the beautiful things about being in a fandom is that we come from literally all over the world, log onto a website, and find people that share the love we have over a show. We all come from different backgrounds, religions and upbringings, yet out of all the differences we have we can still find one thing in common: our love for Stranger Things.
We find comfort in these characters because we see ourselves in them and can relate to them. We take what is on the screen and expand our knowledge on the character. We explore different realities and make edits that would suit them. We love them.
Each character on the show has their own flaws. We see that in Season One with Jonathon takings pictures of Nancy without her consent. The way Steve was the biggest asshole in season one. And let’s not even talk about Mike in season four. Point is, we get character arch development and redemption with them. Some never get it the way we expect it (ex: Billy) but we still get it. And we fall more in love with our comfort characters.
It’s okay to not like the same characters other writers on the site like. It’s okay to have different opinions. What’s not okay is the blatant bullying and harassing of others that share a different love than you.
Just because you perceive a character differently than someone else doesn’t mean you can project your feelings onto them. How hard is it to ignore and block someone when their content doesn’t match your own? Tumblr has always been a space where creators can have an outlet and post freely without the judgement of others. It’s always been the “anti” social media or at least was when it first was started and I refuse to let anyone take that away from me.
If you don’t like the content you see from a creator simply unfollow or block. There’s no need to harass them over a difference in opinion especially if you weren’t tagged to be in involved in the beginning. A majority of the writers on here are adults. Let’s act like it.
You want attention that badly? Get it through being a positive supporter in the fandom. Not a bully that turns others away.
Your hatred isn’t welcomed here and it never will be.
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
There are plenty of TW positive blogs on Tumblr and I follow quite a few of them. TW positive posts often even get a couple hundred notes (more than the average hate posts bitching about some non-issue for the 500th time in any case). There are even people making fanart for the show already. I can recommed an account called thewinchestersupdates (or similar), which always posts news and updates without all the unnecessary hate and drama by obsessive Jared stans who've made hating a show that hasn't even aired yet their whole personality.
You'd have to go to "the other side" for all of that though or to people who don't really belong to any side. If you (general you) refuse to do that and prefer to stick in the bubble you're used to, then that's on you.
Personally, I don't get this at all though. I see people complaining about all the Jensen hate on their dash all the time or proclaiming there will be no Jensen hate on their blog, and then they turn around and act all buddy-buddy and best friends with the exact people who are spreading all the hate and who do nothing but whine about TW, Jensen, Danneel etc every single day. I find this pretty baffling and dumb tbh. Just because you've been mutuals on Tumblr or online "friends" with someone for a long time doesn't mean you can't unfollow them or block them if they turn into assholes or their blog content is bothering you. Because let's be real, 99% of online "friends" aren't real friends, they won't come help you if your house burned down or whatever. You are not obligated to remain "friends" or even mutuals with someone who's content bothers you just because you have "known" them for a long time or because you're part of the same bubble. Just unfollow, block and move on to other blogs. There are plenty of other fandom spaces out there both in and outside of Tumblr.
Well, good. I'm glad there are people excitedly posting about it and I hope you saying that content is out there encourages anyone who wants it to go out and find it! Personally, I'd be happiest to not hear anything more about it in either direction because I was not impressed with the trailer and unless the pilot convinces me otherwise, TW is very much Not For Me. Rewatching the trailer recently to see if the Cas shot really was the only OG one really really reinforced that impression.
As to the rest, to some extent you do have a point - it is on people to curate their own experiences. Either block users, block tags, or reconcile yourself to seeing content you don't agree with on the regular. However, I do think you're being a bit overly dismissive of how individual people approach fandom differently. For some it actually is very important to feel like they're part of a group, and finding somewhere to belong can seem sufficiently daunting to add a lot of inertia to sticking with fandom connections long past when they're positive ones. Also, frankly, even IRL there's such an absurdly wide range of friendship between "easily dismissible casual acquaintance you call friend out of politeness" and "would show up if your house burned down" that you've already kind of undermined your own point with that level of exaggeratedly devaluing anything that isn't the latter.
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spring-cosmos · 2 months
cw: abuse (also excuse my badly written response, I'm bad at organizing my thoughts through text)
I just want to make my stance about Wilbur fucking clear, I don't support him or Lovejoy anymore. Fuck him for hurting the people he claims to love and then downplaying their pain while taking no accountability for his actions.
I looked up to Wilbur for years, he was one of the first cc's I actually got attached to; he was my comfort streamer and made me feel less alone. I became a big supporter of his throughout the pandemic and was always involved in some way with his projects, and I was there since day one of Lovejoy. I'm so mad that he took advantage of being a comfort streamer to mask his manipulative behaviors. I'm so mad he's claimed he's grown as a person, yet these behaviors can be traced for years to the present day. He has not grown, and I hope that now that he's actually being held accountable and facing some form of consequences, he will actually strive to be better.
I'm so proud of Shubble- for talking about what she's been through, and for being able to heal past the trauma that Wilbur has put her through, and I'm even more proud that they have such an amazing support group. I truly wish her the best, and I'm so happy to see that they've been receiving so much support.
I plan on going through my tags at some point and deleting and editing all the posts Wilbur's in, but I have no promises of when this will happen as I have a very busy schedule and it is a lot of posts to go through. I also wanted to clarify that I will still be rbing dsmp posts, as I have long disconnected the cc's from the c's. As always, I will try to keep those tagged for blocking/filtering reasons, however, for those planning on distancing or leaving the fandom, I completely understand if you choose to unfollow me. I refuse to let another jackass ruin something that I have found great comfort in, esp when they've lost any relation to that thing for years.
Anyway support Shelby and other victims of abuse, and if you still choose to support cc!Wilbur- unfollow me, block me, idc, just don't interact with me.
And as a reminder to everyone else, remember to take care of yourselves. It's hard knowing someone you looked up to is an asshole of a human being but obsessing over how you should've seen the signs is not going to help. The thing about abusers is they lie and manipulate and can hurt people without realizing it, and at the end of the day, we do not know Wilbur personally. There was no way we would have been able to see those behaviors as he always presented himself and those behaviors as something else.
I'm not really sure how to end this, I just know I feel so hurt and angry, but I also know this will not be the end of the world. I, and many others, will grow past Wilbur and find new things to take comfort in
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
wonder if part of why the swtor jedi-sith conflict plays the way it does with “sith stans” and etc because the sith empire are functionally saturday morning cartoon villains - “murder and mayhem await!” compared to the more, i guess, believable evil of the republic/jedi following good ideals to bad conclusions and justifying war crimes
I'd certainly say it doesn't help things, you're right! I have...a lot of issues with the Jedi and their portrayal (especially in the Legends/SWTOR era), but I also recognise that a lot of that is very personal to me and that another fan might feel differently. Long, ranty post ahead so if that's not your deal, skip this one.
TL;DR: thinking critically about the behaviour of the Good Guys bad, I guess, since they're the good guys and you're obviously not allowed to use your own agency to decide something they do makes you deeply, viscerally uncomfortable.  And God help you if you disagree with anything they do and cite personal experience behind your (very justified) avoidance of that rhetoric/teaching, because Bad Things Justified If Good People Do Them and how dare you have different personal experiences and responses. If that's what you do, you're doing fandom wrong /s Also, bad writing choices of the writers themselves that perpetuate toxic, harmful viewpoints and/or stereotypes don't mean anything when said viewpoints/stereotypes are the Bad Guys because...Bad Guys Aren’t Supposed To Be People With Rights, Thoughts and Feelings Too, They’re Just Evil, (cringe)
Disagreeing with someone’s opinions is fine, but if you’re going to deliberately expose yourself to content you don’t like and then attack the person that is making the content because they made it and it upset you when you went looking for it....you are, in fact, the one at fault babes. No one is holding you hostage, you can block tags or unfollow a person (especially me. I really don’t care honest to god, if my posts are not your jam just leave. please.) if you hate what they post so much and are unable to just scroll past things you don’t like to stay for things you do. I’ve done it and will continue to do so, and my fandom experience is happier for it. Also, people are human and sometimes we’re tired and we make mistakes like we miss a trigger tag, and you are within your right to come to the person and point that out, but you are not within your right to threaten them because they made a mistake. Then you’re just a dick.
But I still wouldn't be the one going around (passive) aggressively attacking other fans for disagreeing with my opinions and again, this is based on personal experience, but I've seen a lot more of that stuff from "pro-Jedi" people who seem to be conveniently okay with shit like mass-genocide and cultural erasure because "the Jedi are the good guys and the (OT) Sith are fascists!"
I don't interact with the subsect of fans that do think "the (OT) Empire did nothing wrong hurr durr" unironically (and for good reason, I don't agree with that viewpoint either and the fact that half the time the "defence" of these other fans is "well you're pro-fascist then!!" lmao) but there's a very big gap between the OT Empire which is rightfully a mirror of fascism and dictatorial governments and I do, in fact, raise my eyebrows in heavy criticism and disdain at the writers of the TOR-era deliberately choosing to "justify" the ultimate end being said fascist Empire by making the Sith species (and as always I preface this by saying I am in fact white & therefore know I have priveledge and can only "relate" on a much shallower level as POC fans, but there are places where I do find them more relatable than the TOR-era Jedi which reek of conservative, pearl-clutching Christianity (which I spent way too much of my life having forced upon me by the bible-bashing Evangelists(tm) in my family) to me and I just don't have the fucks to give to spend time fixing something that's honestly traumatising for me to be reminded of):
-heavily Indigenous/POC-coded
-"tribal" and not in a properly-researched and respectfully portrayed sense but in a very deliberate "these people are savage and need to be colonised and "sophisticated" by the More Acceptible (Human) Dark Jedi" even though they had their own society, belief systems, and even had technology - just not in the "socially acceptible, conventional sense" I guess
-perpetuating this by adding slavery and all of that can of worms into the mix too, just to drive home the "evil and bad" prototype ig. I'm not even gonna speak more on this part because it just makes me angry.
-Deliberately giving them more "alien" or inhuman characteristics, which while by itself is not necessarily a bad thing, put it together with all the other things?? Big. Fucking. Oof.
-Were literally exterminated and the survivors selectively bred for ONLY the "bad and evil" traits for not agreeing with the Jedi's beliefs. Their own practises and beliefs were automatically "evil" and "wrong" just because they didn't want to "convert" (sniff sniff, Christianity, is that you?)
A direct quote for those who can't be bothered to click and read the link:
For nearly two thousand years, superstition, loyalty and sympathy were bred out as the two groups interbred, and qualities such as cunning, ambition and affinity to the Force were favored, which shaped Sith society over the centuries.[3][21][22] In the Sith Empire, as time progressed pure-blooded Sith were steadily bred out,[6] resulting in only a few pure-blooded Sith left in the Sith Empire by the time of the Great Hyperspace War.[13] Long after, the true species in the Empire were believed to have gone extinct due to the interbreeding process.
And conversely the Jedi:
-Deny young children contact with their parents, siblings and families from the moment their Force sensitivity shows (hmmmm. )
-Continually and actively support the condemnation and Exile of "imperfect" Jedi, hell, it's even pointed out on Wookieepedia, that any Force sensitive, even those who are not aligned to either faction, but that train with or follow teachings that are not Jedi Approved (tm) is labelled as a "Dark Jedi" by the Jedi Order
Although "Dark Jedi" originally referred to a Jedi who had fallen to the dark side, it could also refer to uninitiated Force-sensitives who received no Jedi training but began their careers under another Dark Jedi. Others were simply dark-side users who did not follow the teachings of the Sith or other dark side organizations.
because "oh noooo you do not follow the way of the Truth and the Light you horrible person how dare you defy The One True Correct Teaching, that makes you the Devil Incarnate no matter what" UGH.
-Continuously push the idea (very heavily) that Emotions Are Bad, which just creates a bunch of emotionally-stunted powderkegs unable to recognise, confront and deal with said emotions (and as I've said, I would know, I was one and maybe still am in some ways lmao) , then blames said powderkeg for exploding because they were never taught how to handle the emotions in the first place.
(Fuck "there is no emotion, there is peace", that's not how people work and never will be lmao)
I don't really know what else to say about this to be honest, because even though I've only been on tumblr about a year now, I'm already tired of this constant "I'm right, you're wrong" finger-pointing between those people in the fandom.
Cause to some of these "pro-Jedi" people it's an unthinkable crime to dare to have a different opinion to them and just want to be left alone, I guess. I've literally been attacked for saying "I don't like the Jedi and find dealing with their dogma too traumatising based on personal experience and trauma from my childhood so I'm going to avoid it but you do you"
I've had American Christians (tm) clap back to that with the ever-wonderful "LMAO bitch you don't have religious trauma, you didn't grow up in the bible-belt, stop trying to be edgy, shut up and go to therapy"
(all of this is sarcasm, for those who need me to spell it out for you. I'm still traumatised by the shit I went through and have to constantly check myself and my own feelings because of the toxic "habits" those teachings tried to push onto me as a child and I have zero tolerance and patience for your (not you, ssalmon, but the royal "you" as it were) victim-blaming abuse apologism "gotchas")
because 1) clearly American Christianity and the bible-belt are the only insidious and harmful subsect of Christianity and it's not like the concept of Evangelism as a whole is inherently toxic, harmful, and traumatising to those subjected to it right 2) Obviously there's a Stated Right Way To Be Traumatised and anyone who falls outside of that (Non-Existent) handbook is "faking it for attention" 3) bold of them to assume that curating my own fandom (and life) experience, and refusing to engage with things that trigger me, isn't something that I literally fucking learned in therapy lmao
Also, I find it funny how these are the people going around attacking people like me, who are literally minding our own motherfucking business, but then claim to preach “love and tolerism” and all this other bullshit. Karen, sweetie, only one of us is going around telling people they deserve to be murdered/stabbed for disagreeing with thier opinion about a videogame and pointing out that “hey, that’s...very yikes maybe don’t do that, step back and calm down” and it ain’t me (true story, this happened a couple of months ago and I don’t wanna dredge the post up because it’s very upsetting to think about) People are allowed to have opinions, and they don’t have to agree with your opinion just because that’s what you think, and the second that you sink to sending people death threats because they don’t share your opinion, you are, in fact, the asshole in that conversation.
It was even funnier because the person in question followed me first, I initially thought they were pretty cool so I followed back, then they threw a massive temper-tantrum and threw a bunch of very upsetting and triggering shit at me without my consent because I didn’t agree with them (I’d even put my opinions in tags on MY blog in an attempt to be courteous and not hijack their post with negativity, in hindsight perhaps I should have made my own post in the first place and I do acknowledge that BUT if that’s all they’d said I would have apologised and moved on, quite gladly, there was no need for them to explode the way they did at me for...making a mistake because I’m a stranger on the internet who didn’t know them & wasn’t a mind-reader and I happened to miss a trigger tag that I didn’t think of at the time lmao)
This post is getting awful long and rambly so I'm going to shut up now, but that's my take on it I guess, I hope that's what you were getting at and if it's not I apologise, I've been taking a huge step back and actively just avoiding any and all major posts related to this discourse as of a few months ago because it just infuriates and upsets me too much, it’s not worth the detriment to my mental health, I’m just here to make friends who are also hyperfixated on SWTOR and have fun vibing and talking about our characters, not get into one-sided morality debates with pearl-clutchers. 🤷
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aro-culture-is · 4 years
terf spotting part 2
okay, so I figured it’s time to upgrade your terf-spotting toolbox. Pro-tip: apply these to EVERY POST ABOUT FEMINISM and you'll catch 90% of the TERFs on your dashboard
binary language is the biggest red flag. if a post refers to only men/women, you need to check it. seriously. anything that has “men are like...” “while women are...” is so so likely to be a terf.
check the urls. a huge amount of these assholes are obvious. look for words like “rad”, “womyn/wombyn”, “terf”, “female”, anything related to vulva/vagina/etc, and to a lesser degree goddesses, typically named, such as aphrodite or artemis
step one: look at their description.
does it include terf, swerf, radfem, tradfem, gender critical, nonbinary skeptic, or anything like that? at minimum they’re a transphobe. swerfs are very rarely not transphobic but like... do you really think they’re better than terfs? it’s just a slightly different pathway into being a terf usually. also, 2nd wave feminism = feminism minus trans acceptance (this is simplified). if they’re a “2nd wave feminist” they’re transphobic.
if it seems to give off a huge “women are superior” vibe, that’s more suspicious than not. words like misandrist pop up, and it might seem innocent to someone who isn’t used to terf-hunting
lastly, if anything else flags your attention, take note. a lot of “baby radfems” so to speak are exclus or mention “cishet” in the aphobic way.
step two: search their blog
whatever words you think will give you an idea of their attitude, look for that. common: “trans”, “transgender”, “gender”, “radical feminism”, “feminism”, “terf safe”, etc are tags you can check. if tumblr refuses to search for whatever reason, skip to step two and a half
look at the posts with a critical eye. sometimes this is easy - they reblog a transphobic comment that is easy to recognize as such (esp if you are trans. cis people, i’ll list more ways to recognize it), comment it, etc. sometimes, this is harder. does every post not directly imply transphobia, but constantly criticize trans people? hmm. what could that imply? (hint: transphobia) does every post involving a trans person talk down to them, describe them as confused, refer to how sad transitioning is, etc? or maybe there’s a shocking number of posts about detransitioning with some “good” looking sources? (detransitioning is, statistically, almost always because the person in question experienced so much transphobia after beginning to transition that they stopped for their safety. most of these link to a shitty study that labeled non-answers as detransitioned people). be critical of patterns.
step two and a half: searching for transphobia didn’t give a clear answer
if searching didn’t clunk out, look for other bigotry; these people rarely choose one minority to hate. often they tend to want a straight/gay only view of the world, so biphobia, panphobia, queerphobia, aphobia, and such are other avenues to check. search terms relating to those - “bi”, “pansexual”, “queer”, “asexual” - and read them critically. ask yourself what tendencies are shown in these posts.
if searching clunked out: try briefly scrolling through their blog. the easy avenue is that they reblog from a variety of blogs that do have these sorts of things clearly labelled - if every post includes a url that you’d want to check according to step one, it’s safe to assume this is a feminism to terf pipeline blog. 
if nothing continues to jump out, decide where your instincts lie - if you’re wary despite this, don’t reblog a post they’re in! 
step three: do something about it
okay, they’re a bigot. now what?
if there are other people on the post who seem suspicious, and there often are, do this for each. you’ll get good at doing it quick.
you’re gonna take a deep breath with me first. try breathing in for a count of 4 (however fast you want), hold for 4, out for 4, and hold for 4. repeat 4 times. 
you’re gonna send this post to whoever reblogged it via messaging / asks / submit if you can, and tell them what you found. ask if they can delete it, or if you’re a little concerned about the person you’re sending it to, leave it with that. see how they respond. if you’re feeling especially brave, ask them to do the same for the person they reblogged it from. destroy the distribution of the words of a terf at their source.
hopefully they delete it or offer to - if they don’t, ask if you didn’t, and if they refuse, be cautious. don’t assume they’re transphobic or get defensive - explain that this is how transphobes on tumblr recruit. they sneak onto posts about feminism to target new feminists and convince them that trans people are destroying feminism, and that it’s important to give them no platform. if someone consistently gives transphobes a platform to speak on. as a trans person, I will assume that you are not an ally at best and one of them at worst. feel free to quote me on that. 
if they delete it - great! good job :) offer resources like this post if they seem friendly and genuinely interested in no-platforming transphobes
if they don’t - okay. you’ve got a decision here. check their blog from step one first, and unfollow and block them if needed. if it seems like this is the only type of suspicious post, go with your instinct. unfollow for your health, send it directly to whoever they reblogged it from and see if you can bridge that gap, or a bunch of other options. do what you think is best, but NEVER send threats, never send messages from a place of anger, and never interact with someone who drains you on tumblr. 
This is a basic formula I follow, and it works pretty damn well. If you have the Shinigami eyes extension for chrome or firefox, right click on the bigoted post where their username is, or on their title if the description speaks for itself, and mark them as transphobic. exercise caution - if you are a minor, don’t interact with blogs you aren’t comfortable interacting with especially. 
and remember: posts about feminism are where they hide. feminism =/= good if it’s transphobic garbage masquerading as feminism now. 
if you are someone who used to be in some way transphobic or otherwise bigoted, please double check your blog for those posts, delete them, and post that you did so because you no longer agree with those views. 
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‘twas tagged by the beloved mutual @kamwashere for a mutual tag game! 💕
why did you choose your url?
I was on the Voltron Amino and ended up doing an art collab. Most of the others were on Tumblr, and since I didn’t have one I just created one to be tagged in the collab. I RP’d Coran all the time and had basically been going by that name as I do now on occasion. Coran was my man. @/corancoranthegorgeousman was taken (by a rocking blogger who I don’t think is a mutual so I shan’t at) and so I think it was @robbingroses (a wonderful person and artist) who actually made the suggestion that stuck.
any side-blogs?
...None that I use.
As mentioned before, used to be heavy into RP’ing whilst I was in the Voltron fandom, so I’ve got a bunch in relation to that. I also have two URLs that I really like saved, but I could never switch from being the magical man.
how long have you been on Tumblr?
Early 2018? Or something? That’s how long I’ve had my own account. Been stalking Tumblr since at least 2012.
do you have a queue tag?
I do despite not knowing how they work! The tag is ‘cqueue’, a play on words of my AO3 username CBlue. 
why did you start your blog in the first place?
As I’ve already lore dropped (whoops), I did it because of an art collab! Made sense to do it since I was already snooping all over the platform, and then just slowly migrated from the Amino based community to here. Now I’m stuck in Turbo Hell.
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Currently? Because it’s a recent art and I’m trying to convince myself I’m an artist. I’m going to be changing it soon though, haha.
why did you choose your header?
Because I made a funny and found it funny. Also I listen to Radio Company too much so I have to dunk on myself.
what’s your post with the most notes?
I don’t... know? I’ve lost the site that configures that for me :(( I get like five notes on average for original posts so let’s just say I’m very popular amongst my peers ✌️
how many people do you follow?
okay to be fair most of them are dead as I literally was scrolling through them this morning. But I won’t say. 
have you ever made a shitpost?
all day e’ry day
how often do you use Tumblr?
I used to be normal. Then who the hell knows went on a hunting trip and the finale happened and now I’m here daily. I get my global news through tumblr memes, though. Like the morning paper.
did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? who won?
I mean yes and no? I’ve butted heads and narrowly avoided getting into heated back and forths, but I think I back off before it escalates into arguments or fights. I don’t get involved in that stuff anymore. Like, if people just get too negative for me or if they’re aggressive to me, I unfollow and block. I don’t have time to stress over fighting with someone in a space where I come to relax and have fun. I’ve got enough in my real world life with my real world consequences without debating on whether or not I should tag that post with John Winchester only for you to also tag it with John Winchester when you rebloggeed it from me. This is my good times space, so I don’t want to taint that with arguing and fighting.
That being said, maybe this just means I’m the loser in fights because I refuse to fight.
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’?
I think it’s terrible. I love informative posts. I love spreading information about important causes and even just different cultural things. But I cannot stand the anxiety-inducing pressure to reblog every little burning fire and asshole-CEO exposure or else I’m a terrible person. As mentioned before, I come here to relax. I know I said I get my global news through Tumblr memes, but I also try to stay strictly to the fandom side of blogging. Unless it’s a ‘cause that moves me enough to overlook the “you need to reblog this”, I hate facilitating that culture that I know causes people stress and anxiety.
do you like tag games?
Yeah! But I always feel bad because I’m terrible at tagging other people? Like what is a mutual? Is it a spiritual mutual? We follow each other but how active are we in each other’s notifs? Do they recognize my name like I recognize theirs?
So I just crumble and die.
do you like ask games?
Yeah I do! I’ve got a few asks from ask games still burning in my inbox. They’re only so late because I lost my computer for a bit like two months back when I kind of had the free time to answer them. Now the answers are slowly getting drafted so I can post them an awkward amount of time later and I hate it lol
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
idk I think that @kamwashere blog might be pretty famous. Also again I wish I just... had an easier to view list of who my mutuals are? Not for this question but in general.
Mutuals sound off please I love you <3
do you have a crush on a mutual?
Hell yes ;)
[No I don’t lol. But I crush on mutuals in the sense of “please be my friend.” So friend-crush. I guess. But then the ones I actually actively think of as mutuals are my friends.]
Again, we’re supposed to tag mutuals. Here’s a few who I know are my mutuals, but no pressure to partake!!
@morai-the-swann-king @jitter-bugss @damejudyhench @you-cant-spell-subtext-without @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie 🌺
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poplinn · 4 years
I do think that the new outbreak of toxic people drumming up their toxic groups in this fandom is hurting people. They think theyre doing something right but all they're doing is making mentally ill and/or young fans too scared to enjoy or create in fear of being harassed.
Hi anon! first of all i want to apologise for responding so late. I have a lot to say about your ask and just wanted a clear head before i decided  to respond. i want to start  off by saying you are absolutely right.
Before i continue i am going to put a read-more because, well, i have a LOT to say about this, so, mini-rant ahead under the read-more…
These people are doing more harm than good.
I understand if you want to make a small list with content warnings, for a fandom, that is completely fine! But using such a list to start bullying, harassing, threatening and in general, witch-hunting people is not okay. Many great and talented people have been driven away from the fandom by that tiny toxic group(or the cucks, as i like to call them for easy sakes). Content creators are even scared to post their content too now, both of these things are a huge shame. It’s terrible. Sites like tumblr are supposed to be for sharing your content without limitations. [well, until the nsfw ban, but you get what i mean..]
I happen to be in contact with some people on the blocklist, and let me tell you, they are truly amazing and wonderful people. 
Yeah sometimes people make content you may not agree with, but that doesn’t mean you have start attacking people for it. Do you know how easy it is to click the unfollow or block button? But apparently some people are so stupid they prefer to screech instead of click one single button. 
But for example, I dislike a certain popular hc for medic. I dislike the Jewish medic hc. I’m a Jewish man myself, but I don’t like seeing Jewish medic for multiple reasons, none of which are out of antisemitic nature. What do I see when I see Jewish medic? I mind my own fucking business. The person who posted that wanted to create that, fine by me. I don’t agree with it, and I don’t have to. I’m not going to make a dumb expose list for everyone who ever said anything about medic being Jewish. I mind my fucking business like a normal, mature person. 
And there was/is a huge discussion about drawing or writing tf2 non-con…yeah, rape isn’t good. Every sane person knows that. Writing or drawing rape does not mean you’re a rapist (unless it’s an autobiography of course, then I’d like you to take a trip to prison). But, some people, including myself, write or draw non-con as a coping mechanism. I use confrontation to cope. I have a few triggers, and by confronting myself with said triggers I’m slowly getting over said triggers.
If I write or draw about these triggers or rape, I feel like I’m relieving my feelings about what happened to me. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, and i’m not the only person who does it like that. 
Yeah, I get people don’t always want to see that. That’s why tags exist, that’s why people use those tags for content and trigger warnings. That’s why you block those tags if you don’t want to see it.  It’s that simple
Also, some of them make the claim that fiction is reality. I disagree, fiction is not reality. Yes, fiction can impact reality, but it isn’t one and the same. If you can’t distinguish fiction from reality then, well, you’re either not ready for fiction or not old/stable enough to be able to tell the two apart. Besides, if fiction really IS reality then so many movies and books would have been banned, or the writers of those must have been in jail by now, right? Writing a book about a fictional serial killer does not mean the writer is planning to or already has commit murder. Take Tf2 fan-fiction writers for example. They write about dudes slaughtering each other on a daily basis, but some of them wouldn’t even DARE to hit a fly in real life. 
People who commit crimes because of a fictional piece were already going to do so to begin with. No sane human sees a crime that occurs in fiction and thinks to do the same. Those who do commit crimes because of a fictional piece were already planning to do so to begin with, and were probably not a completely hundred percent stable person.
And about the discussion of miss p being a lesbian, yeah I get that Jay said she’s gay and that, and if she really was a Canon lesbian, it’d be weird to ship her with men. However, those cucks do also make soldier a homosexual despite him having a (gorgeous) wife? Isn’t that kind of hypocritical? Anyways, Jay most likely was joking about miss p being gay, he’s known to be a jokey person like that. I feel like the way he did it was just saying “oh yeah btw she’s gay”. To me it feels vague. In the same sense that jk Rowling suddenly says everyone is gay in Harry Potter. Yeah, I hc her as a funky lil lesbian too, but i don’t go off on a tangent when someone sees her as bi, because the way she was “confirmed” as a lesbian, was vague and uncertain, and most likely a dumb joke that split the fandom in half.    
Anyways, most of the cucks I ran into are underage, and aren’t even allowed on this site, which can explain their irrational behaviour, and refusing to listen to anyone who slightly disagrees with them, but lemme tell y'all something, minding your own fucking business would have prevented this entire blocklist ordeal.
Besides, YOU are in control of what you see on the Internet. Don’t like a certain type of content? BLOCK IT! or just, STOP LOOKING AT IT! it’s not that hard!
You are responsible for your own experience on the Internet. Not ready for that? Then close your phone/laptop and go outside. Content creators are not responsible for what you do online, these creators don’t know you, don’t expect them to fucking take care of you, they’re not your parents. Avoiding certain content does NOT mean you have to start policing others on what to post. You have no right to tell artist what they can and cannot post. Again, you may criticise or dislike it, that’s fine, but actively demanding censorship or threatening the creator makes you look like an incompetent asshole. 
And if you disagree with something, it’s better to start with calming yourself down and contacting the OP in a respectful and mature manner. Maybe talk to them, broaden your horizon, broaden their horizon. Can’t agree eventually? That’s fine, it’s normal. Simply block the tag or the creator themselves and boom! You’re done, and didn’t harm anyone in the fandom and probably learned something, and OP probably too! If something isn’t tagged you can always, nicely, reach out to OP and ask them to tag. Most of the time they will. And if they don’t, just unfollow or block them if they continue posting a certain something that triggers you. Making a blocklist is one of the most immature things you could do. You bully and harass people to the point where some feel unsafe, and some even suicidal, in a fandom about a dumb fucking hat Simulator. Is that really what you want?? A fandom is supposed to be a safe and fun place for everyone who likes a certain something. By being toxic, and harassing others to the point where they don’t even feel safe(not only those who are young or mentally ill) in a what was supposed to be a safe place for them, you’re actively harming that safe place, and frankly, you don’t deserve to be in the fandom. 
Also, I’ve seen a lot of these cucks say they actually hate tf2 as a game, and really, if you hate the game so much why are you still here in the fandom? And ruining it for the rest for us?
If you do feel unsafe, follow steps I mentioned above. Talk to people, block tags, block people, and mind your own business without policing others in what they can and cannot do. Unfortunately, the creators who do feel unsafe because of the toxic group cannot talk them, because the moment someone even slightly disagrees with them, or tries to respectfully discuss why they’re being “cancelled” the cucks start screeching like full-blown autists.
You’re not the law enforcement, you are (most likely) a minor who isn’t even allowed on tumblr in the first place, and who has no idea how the internet, or fandom spaces in specific, even work.
Fucking hell I miss 2014 Tf2 fandom sometimes. 
I hope this ramble makes sense, and again I’m sorry for making this so long.
And I’m sorry for posting drama again, I don”t like it either, and i usually have a lot of patience, but after a few years of this shit, i have come to reach my boiling point, and i just snapped, I’m sorry.
I sometimes refer to the cucks as you, idk why, but just now that isn’t referring to you anon.
Hopefully this will be the last of drama/discourse for now.
Thank you for reading, have a good day. 
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embidoesocrp · 4 years
Comprehensive RP Standards & Rules
Please Note: If I’m slow or unable to reply, there’s likely a very good reason behind it (ie. mental illness/lack of spoons, inability to get into character, personal matters, etc). All I ask is that you’re patient and understanding -- we’re only human after all! You can even occasionally inquire updates from my end since I do care about keeping both of us up-to-date. Thanks for understanding!
RP Standards & Guidelines
This RPer is friendly/practices [unless otherwise stated] towards the following:
OCs and muses
Multi-verse & AU’s (unless otherwise stated or specified in RP Blog descriptions)
Smut/SRP, NSFW, Fluff, Dark/Triggering content
Trigger Warnings will be tagged respectively -- please notify the mun if you’d like a TW tagged on a post!
SRP will be censored via Read-More Feature
Multi-ships – both platonically & romantically; Canon×OCs are welcome!
by default, i make ships strictly tied to a respective relationship sub-verse tag -- main verses are usually left without a permanent relationship.
because the mun welcomes almost all kinds of ships (albeit depending on the fandom), be sure to check for respective ship tags in order to blacklist appropriately for those you do not like!
Chemistry/Relations between muses = RP/Interacting with each other
This way, I’m able to get a feel for how you portray your muses, and can determine whether or not there’s compatibility. This also helps me understand you as an RPer, too!
regardless of muses being canon or OC’s, please consider having some chemistry (interactions/threads) done before trying to ship with my muses!
As much as I advocate having All the Ships™, jumping straight into ships without getting a feel of your muse(s) makes it difficult for me to get into them. (´・ω・`) Apologies about that!
pre-plotted/pre-existing relationships will require that we’ve RP’d together enough for me to get a feel of your RP style, especially with OC’s.
canon characters & their canonical history/relations are assumed to be their default and are thus taken into consideration unless circumstances (i.e. AU’s, verses, etc.) state otherwise
regardless, i would still highly recommend we interact with each other enough so that I get a feel of your portrayal!
Format Leniency™ w/ icons, rp length and formatting as well as script-style and paragraph-style RPing (link for info on ‘em) 
script-style/in-character RPing for me will always be in third-person for action
basically, you are absolutely free to follow your own kind of format, and are not obligated to follow the length/format that I use so long as I have something to work with!
Getting referenced/mentioned/involved in other RP threads (IT’D BE AN HONOR.) 
muses that I refer to for specific circumstances (i.e. events from a thread, sub-verses, etc.) will be @mentioned on my part.
‘Read-More’ Censorship – for SRP, spoiler content, extreme gore [on a (N)SFW labeled blog], & long posts
Aged-up versions of fictional characters who are originally/canonically no younger than 14 years old.
I am perfectly, absolutely aware of the fine lines over aging up fictional minors for smut content and will admit that I am perfectly fine/understanding towards RPing such things—so long as it applies to the 14+)—while also fully understanding the controversy it brings.
Aged-up characters or verses that I RP/provide are never intentionally or solely made for smut/SRP content, nor will they ever be.
There’s a good chance that any of my originally/canonically minor teenager whose blog is labeled 18+ may imply an aged-up verse for SRP content. Hopefully, this will help determine if you should be wary of these blogs of mine!
If all else fails, you are absolutely allowed to politely and respectfully ask if there is an aged-up verse with potential SRP content! This way, you can blacklist appropriately.
RP Blogs with smut content will always be labeled accordingly
Rule of Thumb on Age Gaps for Ships: no more than 2 years between minors with 18-year olds, and 3 years between muses aged 18-20 years old with 21+.
Even then, minor×adult SRP/smut is PROHIBITED.
Both muns must take/understand necessary precautions when involving aged-up fictional characters or minor muses, consider any adjustments that may be needed, and must be both adults (18+). 
Of course, if you yourself actually condone pedophilia, I will block you.
This RPer is against/does not practice the following:
Godmodding Rude/Excessive reminders to reply to thread Complaints of unreplied/dropped threads
Engaging in SRP content with minors – will be blocked upon discovery
doesn’t include engaging in SFW content, but once you are blocked you’re unable to interact with me at all
I do not condone pedophilia and RP smut with RPers who are minors.
Reblog Karma – you are not obligated/required to send an ask in exchange for its respective inbox meme; feel free to reblog any memes from me!
If you, however, do practice reblog karma and I reblog without sending something in, though, please let me know!
Likewise, if you prefer people reblogging from the source and not you, please let me know if I ever do as such! I am a very forgetful bun.
Hate mail/anons in any shape or form (ie. suicide instigation, death threats, cyber-bullying)
Hate/‘Phobias’ towards any gender
Soft-blocks — you’re either permanently blocked or not, so be sure to act accordingly.
If for any reason I have blocked you by mistake or under a misunderstanding, I will either unblock or consider unblocking.
Likewise, if you have soft-blocked me for any reason and I, for some reason, somehow, still get to you, you have every right to let me know that I’ve made you uncomfortable and request that I no longer interact with you! (And if it still persists because I can be one hell of a forgetful bun, do remember that you have the right to permanently block me, I understand!)
I’m honestly still trying to understand these soft-block mechanics, if I’m honest...
Racism, Discrimination, Witch Hunts/Call-Out posts — being actively involved in one will automatically be an unfollow & potential block from me.
Pressure regarding thread replies/involvement in drama/desired content
Mutuals-Only interactions
More often than not, my RP blogs may be side-blogs to a main hub (especially if I’m RPing more than one muse in a fandom). Please be sure to check if they are! They’ll usually be mentioned in the descriptions of the blog.
If you are a mutuals-exclusive RPer, please let me know!
Outside Reblogs on RP Threads — Unless you are the RPer(s) involved, DO NOT REBLOG the thread.
Liking & commenting the post is okay for me. HOWEVER, please also respect what rules & policies the other RPer(s) may have! They have the right to react accordingly on their part.
This RPer has the rights towards the following:
Not expanding on ask-response replies
Refusing to start/continue a thread for any particular reason
Dropping a thread for any particular reason (especially when it feels that there isn’t much to continue on in it)
Giving more attention to some threads than others
Being finicky between doing legitimate RP threads vs. casually being IC
Being finicky with social interactions between individuals
Not becoming mutuals
Other Universal Standards & Guidelines
Dash Organization > Mutuals-Exclusive Practices
Follows & Mutuals =/= Interaction Privileges --- for me, follows are a means of controlling the content on my dash, not an indication of whether or not I want us to interact!
Depending on the blog’s popularity, RP blogs may or may not be fandom-restricted (interactions exclusive to canon/-versed/-oriented muses/OCs), unless exceptions for particular individuals are granted.
Multi-Muse Blogs are less likely to be followed (which might also be highly dependent on blog’s popularity) for dash content organization, especially if the muses extend across multiple fandoms.
Interactions > Reading Rules/Following when it comes to receiving a follow from me as it again depends on how often we interact.
Individual RP Blogs can and will have their own, more specific guidelines to follow depending on its fandom/popularity! 
 Policies can usually be found at the top of the blog’s description, listing what the blog consists of and what content is followed/allowed/restricted.
These policies can and will overrule respective universal policies here.
RP & Liked Content =/= Morals & What I Condone
Likewise, even if there are ships/morals/opinions that do not match with mine, it’s just as the saying goes: to each their own. So long as conflicts do not rise, we can still interact! People can like different things and still be nice to each other. God, I can’t stress this enough.
“I find that, for me, the work is a safe place to put all the stuff you don't want to put in your real life. I don't want to be a crazy, manic asshole. I don't want to have an affair. I don't want to have a fucking gunfight. But! There's a part of your brain that wants to experience everything, and so work's a safe place to explore it all. Both in the writing and in the performing. I get to write about an affair. I get to have the guilt and the feeling of that without having to fuck my life up. [laughs] Art is the place to safely explore all those other sides of you, because the side you want to bring home is the side that wants to be a good father and be a good husband and be a good son. In art we can be fucking nuts.” -- Lin-Manuel Miranda [ x ]
Muse =/= Mun
Rule of Thumb: if the muse’s behavior is beginning to come on too strongly, chances are that I’m fully aware of this and will most likely show it via tags!
Tag Commentary — you are absolutely free to not provide OOC commentary in the tags, especially if you are an IC blog. This just helps show who I am as a mun!
Level of Investment = Thread Priorities & Muse Activity
I, unfortunately, am inspirationally-driven when it comes to my musings, and can therefore be selective with my activity or drop threads I’m unable to continue having a musing for. However, this does not mean I have anything against you, it’s just how my fuel for RPing works. 
Still, I do my best to answer all my threads, so please be patient and understanding with me! Thanks!
By default, I will always assume that threads with me are the lowest priority and can/will eventually be dropped at any time by you.
All in all, so long as we keep to our own lanes instead of actively pursuing the other on behalf of our differences in beliefs, there shouldn’t be any problems. RPing is meant to be a fun, creative and laid-back FICTIONAL environment that is meant to be kept separately from reality.
Regarding Asks & IMs
IC & OOC Asks outside of inbox memes are allowed!
If sent anonymously for side-blog reasons, tag your blog and it will be re-tagged for notification purposes!
ex: ((@nameofrpsidebloghere))
If responding to an ask-response, please post it in a new text post by tagging the blog name and adding a link to the ask-response!
ask-response posts and even photo posts clutter the dashboard and ruin RP consistency...!
You are free to IM me for plots and reply reminders! (I’m a really lenient, GWF/go-with-flow RPer) 
Please note, however, that if I feel the thread isn’t really going anywhere, no longer following a sort of plot, and/or isn’t keeping my interest, I eventually assume that it’s drop-able and will drop it myself.
Universal Tags for Inbox Memes & Themed Starters
For IC
Ask/M!A/RP asks --- #askmarp memes || #askmarp response
Ask/Inbox Memes --- #inbox memes || #inbox response
Themed Starter Memes --- #starter memes || #starter response
Drabble Memes --- #drabble memes || #drabble response
For OOC aka the Mun 
Ask/Inbox Memes --- #mun inbox memes || #mun inbox response
Themed Starter Memes --- #mun starter memes || #mun starter response
For NSFW Content
Ask/M!A/RP asks --- #nsfw askmarp memes || #nsfw askmarp response
Ask/Inbox Memes --- #nsfw inbox memes || #nsfw inbox response
Themed Starter Memes --- #nsfw starter memes || #nsfw starter response
For a Faster Inbox Response – include corresponding rp/ask meme post! 
 ex: [Name of Meme Here!:] ♡ - symbol description here!
If even after reading the standards you still aren’t certain how RPing with me is like, you can also refer to these universal tags:
#rp guidelines - guidelines I follow as an RPer
#chill rp blog is chill - worrisome topics I’m okay with as an RPer
That aside, when in doubt, just ask! I’m totally cool with it, and always want to make sure the both of us are having a fun, comfortable time RP/interacting IC with each other! Do also remember that you are always, always able to just unfollow me, even softblock me if you have to (though I’d appreciate a direct notification/explanation for the first time I address the softblock if that ever occurs...!).
Were you able to read the whole thing?
Feel free to let me know by sending ‘whispers among psithurism’ in the ask (you aren’t required to, though)! Thanks for taking time to read this! Happy RPing!
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youngrevolutionary · 5 years
Out of Mercy // Rules Overhaul
I dove in with the full intention of shortening my rules page but I wound up making it a touch longer but at the same time, far easier to look over. I would ask you guys please take a quick glance -- for mobile users, I have listed the modified rules in plain text under the cut.
NOTE I would very much appreciate that you take the time to give my rules a glance. These rules are here to make sure that we both enjoy ourselves, both on the dash and on Discord. Please, don’t be afraid to pop into my DMs to ask me for clarification or questions about my rules. If we engage in RP, I will proceed with the assumption you have read and understood my rules!
I myself, as the mun, write the general universe of Final Fantasy VIII with a bit of intensity and seriousness. I write things coming from Seifer’s perspective of the world, and not everyone is comfortable with his perspective. He’s a very serious muse, and his views of the world can get a bit dark. As a writer, my motivation and creativity are primarily angst-driven and my threads often go in this direction for the muses I write. My portrayal of Seifer is not for light-hearted roleplayers or for anyone who is primarily seeking out fluff or slice of life threads. While they are possible, they are not with just anyone, and it takes a good long while for Seifer to be comfortable with another muse for threads like that to happen.
Seifer is a volatile muse and has the capacity to be an asshole. He’s not necessarily a villain but he is a product of behaviorism and exhibits behaviors that accentuate his flaws. He derives enjoyment out of playing with peoples emotions. If he has found a weakness, Seifer can and will abuse it. Specifically for his canon verse, Seifer may exploit your muse for personal gain. In order for me to write my muse effectively, he can and will succeed, just as he can and will fail. It can be awesome writing for Seifer, but writing a character that is story-locked and doomed to fail has it’s downsides, but just because Squall managed to defeat him does not make Seifer Almasy weak.
My muse is not immutable. Over time, Seifer’s attitude, behavior, and headcanons may change. His opinions or standings may not always be the same. I am not twisting Seifer out of character by changing his opinions, I am giving him a relatable quality because none of us are immutable and won’t always have the same opinion of everything.
I am not my muse.
Speaking specifically for canon character purposes, the only Seifer Almasy that exists on this blog is his original form from Final Fantasy VIII. You will not find any reference to KH!Seifer on this blog.
The standard etiquette of RP applies here:
PERSONALS Please do not reblog my threads, IC asks or headcanons without permission. (Aesthetics, PSA’s, game-focused headcanons / metas / drabbles are fine!) If you are reblogging multiple things from my blog, please queue them.
ROLEPLAYERS Please do not  force headcanons, pre-established relationships or ships on my muse. If I want to stop or refuse an RP campaign, I have that right to do so.
I will not roleplay with anyone under the age of 18. I will also not engage or interact with self-inserts, fictionkin, ‘genderbent’ characters (ie. Female!Squall or Male!Rinoa) or RP blogs where the primary function is for mindless smut.
Please make a new post when replying to answered asks! I will not respond to reblogged asks.
This is a multi-ship blog. I do not ship with one single character, but a selective few. However, as a rule, I will not romantically ship Seifer with two of the same muse. I am also disinclined to ship with a muse who is already shipping with another Seifer. NOTE: This doesn’t mean that it won’t happen, but OOCly, I do not wish for me or my muse to feel like we’re a part of a collection or harem. What I ideally look for in shipping takes time to grow and develop organic chemistry, especially with Seifer. If you’re serious about shipping, be prepared for slow development. I am also not roleplaying with the goal to ship in mind.
Replies vary in length and the chemistry between muses will determine the amount of detail put into a reply. I try to always provide a substantial amount of content for my writing partner’s muse to work with, but I will only reply with what my muse feels is enough and how comfortable he is with your muse(s). If we’re new to writing with one another, I will always prefer shorter replies and we build from there.
I have a zero-tolerance policy on manipulative or damaging behaviors. Excessive posts about deleting, suicide baiting, vague/jealous blogging or tagging, guilt-tripping and other methods of harassment or other obnoxious behaviors that frequently disrupt a positive RP experience will get you unfollowed or blocked. Bleeding your feelings into the RP is also something that I am not comfortable with, please don't do it.
This blog also does not support or tolerate callout culture.
I do not tag particularized triggers. I will not tag things like ‘tw murder’ or 'tw blue eyes’. If you are following my blog, I am under the assumption that you are 18+ and can police your own content. However, threads heavily detailed with violent or generally NSFW content will be tagged and hidden with a ‘read more’. This blog will occasionally post NSFW content.
I do not RP blatant, mindless smut/porn on Tumblr. (Blacklist tags listed further down.)
NSFW TAG ;not safe
CRACK TAG ;crack
OOC TAG out of mercy ; ooc
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galaeus · 5 years
okay so i’ve updated my rules and posted them under the cut with some important explanations as to WHY i’ve gone from minimal rules to relatively extensive (for me, if you’ve known any of my indie blogs since 2013.) it’d be cool if you take a look ---- you can either catch them on my actual rules page (as I know marvel rpc right now is a little iffy due to drama and all that batshittery) or you can check ‘em out here.  xoxo amy
+ ECHO IS MY OWN CREATION. What she says, does, and believes does not reflect who I am as a person. Please be able to distinguish character from mun – Echo is angry, mean, and can get a bit choppy sometimes.
+ THE FOLLOW BACK POLICY. I don’t always follow back. I’m super anal about how fast my dash moves, so when I see someone follows me I look for certain things. I will not follow back if—
The blog does not have a human face claim i.e: anime, cartoon, etc. (with the exception to Groot, Rocket, etc.)
You do not have a rules/about page.
The two pages have no writing samples for me to check out.
You are underage (I refuse to follow people under 20)
I come here to write, and I’ve noticed a lot of my time has been wasted due to the fact that there is tumblr drama and a lot of blogs are here to.... produce discourse and bitch about Endgame and make other people’s lives miserable. I’m not about that bag, so I’m getting very selective on who I follow back anymore. I used to be REALLY flimsy on this rule, but now I’m going to have to enforce it greatly going forward.
+ HOWEVER, NON-MUTUALS ARE WELCOMED.Send me stuff. Reply to my starters so long as it doesn’t say mutuals-only. So long as you follow the rules, I’m 100% okay with this.
+ I DON’T DO ELITISM. Bullshit isn’t in my agenda. I can’t stand dealing with indie rpers who think they shit roses, so I won’t. My philosophy is to be nice to everyone, so if I didn’t think you were an asshole initially & followed you, I will unfollow mutuals if
You post a lot of sub-posts/passive aggressive read mores.
You claim you love everyone yet you shit on other portrayals.
You are rude to anyone because of your own insecurities or anxieties. Just because you have anxiety, mental illness, a certain trigger, etc. doesn’t give you the right to be a cunt.
You shame others for their ships/headcanons/beliefs.
This is also a very big change. I am so sick of the current state of the mcu rpc. There is a very big blanket of fake individuals running around the tag who cause drama, hurt, bullying, and I know their names now and I know a lot of my mutuals are friends with them (I have three specific individuals I am avoiding like the plague.) I’m sorry if they’re your friends, but they will not be mine and if you’re someone who writes very often with the unmentioned three, I will probably unfollow.
I’m not into people who stir shit ooc and then cry victim. I’m not into people who bully and outright cause headcanon or portrayal wars. I’m not into people who think their portrayal is God’s Gift to the dashboard and then proceedingly shit on other people who are just trying to write. And I’m especially not into people who gloat about the aftermath of drama that finally went in their favor even though they are flat-out as toxic as the people they are fighting against. I’m not into it. It’s disgusting, and it’s very obvious that a lot of people need to go outside to smell the real world.
+ NSFW/TRIGGERING CONTENT. I don’t like rping with anyone under 20, so please state your age in your rules or sidebar. I say this because I often times writing dark themes, sexual content, graphic violence, and mention content such as abuse, torture, and death. Echo is a SHIELD Agent who has seen some shit. I only tag the big ones such as death, abuse, long posts, etc. are used, but usually I only tag my triggers for blogs I consider my true roleplay friends. You have been warned – I won’t apologize for this.
+ EXCLUSIVES/MAINS. I do not do exclusives and I believe ‘mains’ is a really ridiculous concept. People sometimes need exclusives and I totally get that. Mains, however, is showcase ponying your friends around like they aren’t real people & only names and I think it’s highly unnecessary.
+ PLEASE DON’T STEAL MY GRAPHICS. I made my icons, gif icons, theme, promos, etc. The theme code is from octomoosey. My screencaps are from various LF fansites as well as remote gifs. It’s not cool to steal.
+ PLEASE DON’T HOUND ME. I write at my own pace and utilize my queue frequently so I can write with as many people as I can. I try so hard to talk to non-mutuals and mutuals alike to get stuff started, but I’m only human.
+ PLOTTING. If you want commitment from me, we’re going to have to be friends OOCly (as in talk in discord, ims, etc.) I don’t write epics with strangers. I am in love with talking headcanons all day, every day, so be my friend.
+ SHIPPING. I am a slut for ships. Almost 90% of the time, I’ll be down for it. Echo, on the other hand, marches to the beat of her own drum and I can’t promise a ship will pan out.
+ MULTI-THREADS/DROPPING THREADS. Sometimes I drop threads without telling my partner. It happens. However, I love to multi-thread, so never hesitate to send memes or messages.
+ 1-2 WEEK INTERVALS. If we are mutuals and don’t write/plot within 2 weeks, I will unfollow. This blog is for roleplaying and I intend to do just that. So please, definitely get in touch with me like the moment we become mutuals or I’ll send you a ton of memes, it’s totally cool.
+ ABOUT THE WRITER. My name is Amy. I’m 26. I’ve been roleplaying for roughly 16 years at this point. I’m also a Social Media Manager who is also a contributing writer to our company’s sister magaziner, so it’s safe to say that writing is my life xo
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Comprehensive RP Standards & Rules
Please Note: If I’m slow or unable to reply, there’s likely a very good reason behind it (ie. mental illness/lack of spoons, inability to get into character, personal matters, etc). All I ask is that you’re patient and understanding – we’re only human after all! You can even occasionally inquire updates from my end since I do care about keeping both of us up-to-date. Thanks for understanding!
RP Standards & Guidelines
This RPer is friendly/practices [unless otherwise stated] towards the following:
OCs and muses
Multi-verse & AU’s (unless otherwise stated or specified in RP Blog descriptions)
‘Read-More’ Censorship – for SRP, spoiler content, extreme gore [on a (N)SFW labeled blog], & long posts
Smut/SRP, NSFW, Fluff, Dark/Triggering content
Trigger Warnings will be tagged respectively – please notify the mun if you’d like a TW tagged on a post!
SRP will be censored via Read-More Feature
Multi-ships – both platonically & romantically; Canon×OCs are welcome!
by default, i make ships strictly tied to a respective relationship sub-verse tag – main verses are usually left without a permanent relationship.
because the mun welcomes almost all kinds of ships (albeit depending on the fandom), be sure to check for respective ship tags in order to blacklist appropriately for those you do not like!
Chemistry/Relations between muses = RP/Interacting with each other
This way, I’m able to get a feel for how you portray your muses, and can determine whether or not there’s compatibility. This also helps me understand you as an RPer, too!
Regardless of muses being canon or OC’s, please consider having some chemistry (interactions/threads) done before trying to ship with my muses!
As much as I advocate having All the Ships™, jumping straight into ships without getting a feel of your muse(s) makes it difficult for me to get into them. (´・ω・`) Apologies about that!
pre-plotted/pre-existing relationships will require that we’ve RP’d together enough for me to get a feel of your RP style, especially with OC’s.
canon characters & their canonical history/relations are assumed to be their default and are thus taken into consideration unless circumstances (i.e. AU’s, verses, etc.) state otherwise
Regardless, I would still highly recommend we interact with each other enough so that I get a feel of your portrayal!
Format Leniency™ w/ icons, rp length and formatting as well as script-style and paragraph-style RPing (link for info on ‘em)
script-style/in-character RPing for me will always be in third-person for action
basically, you are absolutely free to follow your own kind of format, and are not obligated to follow the length/format that I use so long as I have something to work with!
Getting referenced/mentioned/involved in other RP threads (IT’D BE AN HONOR.)
muses that I refer to for specific circumstances (i.e. events from a thread, sub-verses, etc.) will be @mentioned on my part.
Aged-up fictional characters who are originally/canonically no younger than 14 years old.
I am perfectly, absolutely aware of the fine lines over aging up fictional minors for smut content and will admit that I am perfectly fine/understanding towards RPing such things—so long as it applies to the 14+—while also fully understanding the controversy it brings.
Aged-up characters or verses that I RP/provide are never intentionally or solely made for smut/SRP content, nor will they ever be.
There’s a good chance that any of my originally/canonically minor teenager whose blog is labeled 18+ may imply an aged-up verse for SRP content. Hopefully, this will help determine if you should be wary of these blogs of mine!
If all else fails, you are absolutely allowed to politely and respectfully ask if there is an aged-up verse with potential SRP content! This way, you can blacklist appropriately.
RP Blogs with smut content will always be labeled accordingly.
Rule of Thumb on Age Gaps for Ships: no more than 2 years between minors with 18-year olds, and 3 years between muses aged 18-20 years old with 21+.
Even then, minor×adult SRP/smut is PROHIBITED.
Both muns must take/understand necessary precautions when involving aged-up fictional characters or minor muses, consider any adjustments that may be needed, and must be both adults (18+).
Of course, if you yourself actually condone pedophilia, I will block you.
This RPer is against/does not practice the following:
Rude/Excessive reminders to reply to thread
Complaints of unreplied/dropped threads
Hate/‘Phobias’ towards any gender
Hate mail/anons in any shape or form (ie. suicide instigation, death threats, cyber-bullying)
Racism, Discrimination, Witch Hunts/Call-Out posts — being actively involved in one will automatically be an unfollow & potential block from me.
Excessive pressure regarding thread replies & involvement in drama/desired content
Engaging in SRP content with minors – will be blocked upon discovery
Doesn’t include engaging in SFW content, but once you are blocked you’re unable to interact with me at all
I do not condone pedophilia and RP smut with RPers who are minors.
Reblog Karma – you are not obligated/required to send an ask in exchange for its respective inbox meme; feel free to reblog any memes from me!
If you, however, do practice reblog karma and I reblog without sending something in, though, please let me know!
Likewise, if you prefer people reblogging from the source and not you, please let me know if I ever do as such! I am a very forgetful bun.
Soft-blocks — you’re either permanently blocked or not, so be sure to act accordingly.
If for any reason I have blocked you by mistake or under a misunderstanding, I will either unblock or consider unblocking.
Likewise, if you have soft-blocked me for any reason and I, for some reason, somehow, still get to you, you have every right to let me know that I’ve made you uncomfortable and request that I no longer interact with you! (And if it still persists because I can be one hell of a forgetful bun, do remember that you have the right to permanently block me, I understand!)
I’m honestly still trying to understand these soft-block mechanics, if I’m honest…
Mutuals-Only interactions
More often than not, my RP blogs may be side-blogs to a main hub (especially if I’m RPing more than one muse in a fandom). Please be sure to check if they are! They’ll usually be mentioned in the descriptions of the blog.
If you are a mutuals-exclusive RPer, please let me know!
Outside Reblogs on RP Threads — Unless you are the RPer(s) involved, DO NOT REBLOG the thread.
Liking & commenting the post is okay for me, but please also respect what rules & policies the other RPer(s) may have! They have the right to react accordingly on their part.
This RPer has the rights towards the following:
Not expanding on ask-response replies
Refusing to start/continue a thread for any particular reason
Dropping a thread for any particular reason (especially when it feels that there isn’t much to continue on in it)
Giving more attention to some threads than others
Being finicky between doing legitimate RP threads vs. casually being IC
Being finicky with social interactions between individuals
Not becoming mutuals
Other Universal Standards & Guidelines
Dash Organization > Mutuals-Exclusive Practices
Follows & Mutuals =/= Interaction Privileges — for me, follows are a means of controlling the content on my dash, not an indication of whether or not I want us to interact!
Depending on the blog’s popularity, RP blogs may or may not be fandom-restricted (interactions exclusive to canon/-versed/-oriented muses/OCs), unless exceptions for particular individuals are granted.
Multi-Muse Blogs are less likely to be followed (which might also be highly dependent on blog’s popularity) for dash content organization, especially if the muses extend across multiple fandoms.)
When it comes to receiving a follow from me, it again depends on how often we interact.
Individual RP Blogs can and will have their own, more specific guidelines to follow depending on its fandom/popularity!
Policies can usually be found at the top of the blog’s description, listing what the blog consists of and what content is followed/allowed/restricted.
These policies can and will overrule respective universal policies here.
RP & Liked Content =/= Morals & What I Condone
Likewise, even if there are ships/morals/opinions that do not match with mine, it’s just as the saying goes: to each their own. So long as conflicts do not rise, we can still interact! People can like different things and still be nice to each other. God, I can’t stress this enough.
“I find that, for me, the work is a safe place to put all the stuff you don’t want to put in your real life. I don’t want to be a crazy, manic asshole. I don’t want to have an affair. I don’t want to have a fucking gunfight. But! There’s a part of your brain that wants to experience everything, and so work’s a safe place to explore it all. Both in the writing and in the performing. I get to write about an affair. I get to have the guilt and the feeling of that without having to fuck my life up. [laughs] Art is the place to safely explore all those other sides of you, because the side you want to bring home is the side that wants to be a good father and be a good husband and be a good son. In art we can be fucking nuts.” – Lin-Manuel Miranda [ x ]
Tag Commentary — you are absolutely free to not provide OOC commentary in the tags, especially if you are an IC blog. This just helps show who I am as a mun!
and speaking of tag commentary: Muse =/= Mun
Rule of Thumb: if the muse’s behavior is beginning to come on too strongly, chances are that I’m fully aware of this and will most likely show it via tags!
Level of Investment = Thread Priorities & Muse Activity
I, unfortunately, am inspirationally-driven when it comes to my musings, and can therefore be selective with my activity or drop threads I’m unable to continue having a musing for. However, this does not mean I have anything against you, it’s just how my fuel for RPing works.
Still, I do my best to answer all my threads, so please be patient and understanding with me! Thanks!
IMPORTANT NOTE: by default, I will always assume that threads with me are the lowest priority and can/will eventually dropped at any time by you.
All in all, so long as we keep to our own lanes instead of actively pursuing the other on behalf of our differences in beliefs, there will be no problems. RPing is meant to be a fun, creative and laid-back FICTIONAL environment that is meant to be kept separately from reality.
Regarding Asks & IMs
IC & OOC Asks outside of inbox memes are allowed!
If sent anonymously for side-blog reasons, tag your blog and it will be re-tagged for notification purposes!
ex: ((@nameofrpsidebloghere))
If responding to an ask-response, please post it in a new text post by tagging the blog name and adding a link to the ask-response!
ask-response posts and even photo posts clutter the dashboard and ruin RP consistency…!
You are free to IM me for plots and reply reminders! (I’m a really lenient, GWF/go-with-flow RPer)
RP without any plot tend to be labeled #casual rp (some descriptive no-plot RP content) or #ic chat (muses simply conversing) — can be changed into regular #rp should a plot be implied somewhere down the lines, though, just a heads up!
IMPORTANT NOTE: I’m pretty asocial, so more often than not I tend to forget about replying to IMs especially if there’s no need for it (like an end to the conversation topic). But don’t worry, it’s not you! You aren’t annoying me! It’s just me being an asocial moron. ( ◉◞౪◟◉) You are in the safe zone, friend!
Universal Tags for Inbox Memes & Themed Starters
For IC
Ask/M!A/RP asks
#askmarp memes || #askmarp response
Ask/Inbox Memes
#inbox memes || #inbox response
Themed Starter Memes
#starter memes || #starter response
Drabble Memes
#drabble memes || #drabble response
For OOC aka the Mun
Ask/Inbox Memes
#mun inbox memes || #mun inbox response
Themed Starter Memes
#mun starter memes || #mun starter response
For NSFW Content
Ask/M!A/RP asks
#nsfw askmarp memes || #nsfw askmarp response
Ask/Inbox Memes
#nsfw inbox memes || #nsfw inbox response
Themed Starter Memes
#nsfw starter memes || #nsfw starter response
For a Faster Inbox Response: include corresponding rp/ask meme post!
ex: [Name of Meme Here!:] ♡ - symbol description here!
If even after reading the standards you still aren’t certain how RPing with me is like, you can also refer to these universal tags:
#rp guidelines - guidelines I follow as an RPer
#chill rp blog is chill - worrisome topics I’m okay with as an RPer
That aside, when in doubt, just ask! I’m totally cool with it, and always want to make sure the both of us are having a fun, comfortable time RP/interacting IC with each other! Do also remember that you are always, always able to just unfollow me, even softblock me if you have to(though I’d appreciate a direct notification/explanation for the first time I address the softblock if that ever occurs…!).
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
Were you able to read up to this point for the RP standards/rules? Then feel free to let me know by sending ‘whispers among psithurism’ in the ask (you aren’t required to, though)! Thanks for taking time to read this! Happy RPing!
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embidoesbnharp · 5 years
Comprehensive RP Standards & Rules
Please Note: If I’m slow or unable to reply, there’s likely a very good reason behind it (ie. mental illness/lack of spoons, inability to get into character, personal matters, etc). All I ask is that you’re patient and understanding -- we’re only human after all! You can even occasionally inquire updates from my end since I do care about keeping both of us up-to-date. Thanks for understanding!
RP Standards & Guidelines
This RPer is friendly/practices [unless otherwise stated] towards the following:
OCs and muses
Multi-verse & AU’s (unless otherwise stated or specified in RP Blog descriptions)
Smut/SRP, NSFW, Fluff, Dark/Triggering content
Trigger Warnings will be tagged respectively -- please notify the mun if you’d like a TW tagged on a post!
SRP will be censored via Read-More Feature
Multi-ships – both platonically & romantically; Canon×OCs are welcome!
by default, i make ships strictly tied to a respective relationship sub-verse tag -- main verses are usually left without a permanent relationship.
because the mun welcomes almost all kinds of ships (albeit depending on the fandom), be sure to check for respective ship tags in order to blacklist appropriately for those you do not like!
Chemistry/Relations between muses = RP/Interacting with each other
This way, I’m able to get a feel for how you portray your muses, and can determine whether or not there’s compatibility. This also helps me understand you as an RPer, too!
regardless of muses being canon or OC’s, please consider having some chemistry (interactions/threads) done before trying to ship with my muses!
As much as I advocate having All the Ships™, jumping straight into ships without getting a feel of your muse(s) makes it difficult for me to get into them. (´・ω・`) Apologies about that!
pre-plotted/pre-existing relationships will require that we’ve RP’d together enough for me to get a feel of your RP style, especially with OC’s.
canon characters & their canonical history/relations are assumed to be their default and are thus taken into consideration unless circumstances (i.e. AU’s, verses, etc.) state otherwise
regardless, i would still highly recommend we interact with each other enough so that I get a feel of your portrayal!
Format Leniency™ w/ icons, rp length and formatting as well as script-style and paragraph-style RPing (link for info on ‘em)
script-style/in-character RPing for me will always be in third-person for action
basically, you are absolutely free to follow your own kind of format, and are not obligated to follow the length/format that I use so long as I have something to work with!
Getting referenced/mentioned/involved in other RP threads (IT’D BE AN HONOR.)
muses that I refer to for specific circumstances (i.e. events from a thread, sub-verses, etc.) will be @mentioned on my part.
‘Read-More’ Censorship -- for SRP, spoiler content, extreme gore [on a (N)SFW labeled blog], & long posts
Aged-up fictional characters who are originally/canonically no younger than 14 years old. 
I am perfectly, absolutely aware of the fine lines over aging up fictional minors for smut content and will admit that I am perfectly fine/understanding towards RPing such things---so long as it applies to the 14+)---while also fully understanding the controversy it brings.
Aged-up characters or verses that I RP/provide are never intentionally or solely made for smut/SRP content, nor will they ever be.
There’s a good chance that any of my originally/canonically minor teenager whose blog is labeled 18+ may imply an aged-up verse for SRP content. Hopefully, this will help determine if you should be wary of these blogs of mine!
If all else fails, you are absolutely allowed to politely and respectfully ask if there is an aged-up verse with potential SRP content! This way, you can blacklist appropriately.
RP Blogs with smut content will always be labeled accordingly
Rule of Thumb on Age Gaps for Ships: no more than 2 years between minors with 18-year olds, and 3 years between muses aged 18-20 years old with 21+.
Even then, minor×adult SRP/smut is PROHIBITED.
Both muns must take/understand necessary precautions when involving aged-up fictional characters or minor muses, consider any adjustments that may be needed, and must be both adults (18+).
Of course, if you yourself actually condone pedophilia, I will block you.
This RPer is against/does not practice the following:
Rude/Excessive reminders to reply to thread
Complaints of unreplied/dropped threads
Engaging in SRP content with minors – will be blocked upon discovery
doesn’t include engaging in SFW content, but once you are blocked you’re unable to interact with me at all
I do not condone pedophilia and RP smut with RPers who are minors.
Reblog Karma -- you are not obligated/required to send an ask in exchange for its respective inbox meme; feel free to reblog any memes from me!
If you, however, do practice reblog karma and I reblog without sending something in, though, please let me know!
Likewise, if you prefer people reblogging from the source and not you, please let me know if I ever do as such! I am a very forgetful bun.
Hate mail/anons in any shape or form (ie. suicide instigation, death threats, cyber-bullying)
Hate/‘Phobias’ towards any gender
Soft-blocks --- you’re either permanently blocked or not, so be sure to act accordingly.
If for any reason I have blocked you by mistake or under a misunderstanding, I will either unblock or consider unblocking.
Likewise, if you have soft-blocked me for any reason and I, for some reason, somehow, still get to you, you have every right to let me know that I’ve made you uncomfortable and request that I no longer interact with you! (And if it still persists because I can be one hell of a forgetful bun, do remember that you have the right to permanently block me, I understand!)
I’m honestly still trying to understand these soft-block mechanics, if I’m honest...
Racism, Discrimination, Witch Hunts/Call-Out posts --- being actively involved in one will automatically be an unfollow & potential block from me.
Pressure regarding thread replies/involvement in drama/desired content
Mutuals-Only interactions
More often than not, my RP blogs may be side-blogs to a main hub (especially if I’m RPing more than one muse in a fandom). Please be sure to check if they are! They’ll usually be mentioned in the descriptions of the blog.
If you are a mutuals-exclusive RPer, please let me know!
Outside Reblogs on RP Threads --- Unless you are the RPer(s) involved, DO NOT REBLOG the thread.
Liking & commenting the post is okay for me, but please also respect what rules & policies the other RPer(s) may have! They have the right to react accordingly on their part.
This RPer has the rights towards the following:
Not expanding on ask-response replies
Refusing to start/continue a thread for any particular reason
Dropping a thread for any particular reason (especially when it feels that there isn’t much to continue on in it)
Giving more attention to some threads than others
Being finicky between doing legitimate RP threads vs. casually being IC
Being finicky with social interactions between individuals
Not becoming mutuals
Other Universal Standards & Guidelines
Dash Organization > Mutuals-Exclusive Practices
Follows & Mutuals =/= Interaction Privileges --- for me, follows are a means of controlling the content on my dash, not an indication of whether or not I want us to interact!
Depending on the blog’s popularity, RP blogs may or may not be fandom-restricted (interactions exclusive to canon/-versed/-oriented muses/OCs), unless exceptions for particular individuals are granted.
Multi-Muse Blogs are less likely to be followed (which might also be highly dependent on blog’s popularity) for dash content organization, especially if the muses extend across multiple fandoms.
Interactions > Reading Rules/Following when it comes to receiving a follow from me as it again depends on how often we interact.
Individual RP Blogs can and will have their own, more specific guidelines to follow depending on its fandom/popularity!
Policies can usually be found at the top of the blog’s description, listing what the blog consists of and what content is followed/restricted/allowed.
These policies can and will overrule respective universal policies here.
RP & Liked Content =/= Morals & What I Condone
Likewise, even if there are ships/morals/opinions that do not match with mine, it’s just as the saying goes: to each their own. So long as conflicts do not rise, we can still interact! People can like different things and still be nice to each other. God, I can’t stress this enough.
“I find that, for me, the work is a safe place to put all the stuff you don't want to put in your real life. I don't want to be a crazy, manic asshole. I don't want to have an affair. I don't want to have a fucking gunfight. But! There's a part of your brain that wants to experience everything, and so work's a safe place to explore it all. Both in the writing and in the performing. I get to write about an affair. I get to have the guilt and the feeling of that without having to fuck my life up. [laughs] Art is the place to safely explore all those other sides of you, because the side you want to bring home is the side that wants to be a good father and be a good husband and be a good son. In art we can be fucking nuts.” -- Lin-Manuel Miranda [ x ]
Muse =/= Mun
Rule of Thumb: if the muse’s behavior is beginning to come on too strongly, chances are that I’m fully aware of this and will most likely show it via tags!
Tag Commentary --- you are absolutely free to not provide OOC commentary in the tags, especially if you are an IC blog. This just helps show who I am as a mun!
Level of Investment = Thread Priorities & Muse Activity
I, unfortunately, am inspirationally-driven when it comes to my musings, and can therefore be selective with my activity or drop threads I’m unable to continue having a musing for. However, this does not mean I have anything against you, it’s just how my fuel for RPing works.
Still, I do my best to answer all my threads, so please be patient and understanding with me! Thanks!
IMPORTANT NOTE: by default, I will always assume that threads with me are the lowest priority and can/will eventually dropped at any time by you.
All in all, so long as we keep to our own lanes instead of actively pursuing the other on behalf of our differences in beliefs, there will be no problems. RPing is meant to be a fun, creative and laid-back FICTIONAL environment that is meant to be kept separately from reality.
Regarding Asks & IMs
IC & OOC Asks outside of inbox memes are allowed!
If sent anonymously for side-blog reasons, tag your blog and it will be re-tagged for notification purposes!
ex: ((@nameofrpsidebloghere))
If responding to an ask-response, please post it in a new text post by tagging the blog name and adding a link to the ask-response!
ask-response posts and even photo posts clutter the dashboard and ruin RP consistency...!
You are free to IM me for plots and reply reminders! (I’m a really lenient, GWF/go-with-flow RPer)
IMPORTANT NOTE: I’m pretty asocial, so more often than not I tend to forget about replying to IMs especially if there’s no need for it (like an end to the conversation topic). but, don’t worry, it’s not you! you aren’t annoying me! it’s just me being an asocial moron. ( ◉◞౪◟◉) you are in the safe zone, friend!
That aside, when in doubt, just ask! I’m totally cool with it, and always want to make sure the both of us are having a fun, comfortable time RP/interacting IC with each other! Do also remember that you are always, always able to just unfollow me, even softblock me if you have to (though I’d appreciate a direct notification/explanation for the first time I address the softblock if that ever occurs...!).
Were you able to read up to this point for the RP standards/rules? Then feel free to let me know by sending ‘whispers among psithurism’ in the ask (you aren’t required to, though)! Thanks for taking time to read this! Happy RPing!
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Tumblr media
I don’t really understand why people don’t read rules pages when they follow??? Like I’ll have people who follow, then unfollow after a week bc I don’t follow back, but… It’s directly and clearly stated in my rules you gotta /do shit/ before I follow you back. It’s literally right there, in the rules, not hidden, bold as brass, bolded and italicized and in large print, but clearly y'all didn’t fucking bother to read. Like seriously? It’s like the FIRST thing you should EVER do when checking out a new blog for the first time. I don’t understand people who don’t do that?
I always check out blogs that follow me, even if they don’t do the above (bc I’m stupid, but I also want to make sure that I tag shit for them y'know? bc I’m not an asshole). But I refuse to follow back anyone who doesn’t do what is stated clearly and in multiple places in my rules. I don’t make exceptions bc I often find that the exceptions I make end up being total wastes of time.
If you want to interact, you will follow my rules. If you don’t, fine by me, but if you follow me and don’t say or do anything outside of random posts, I’ll assume right off the bat that you aren’t interested in interacting.
Oh also, mobile isn’t a fucking excuse. Ask me for a link. Tap “open in browser”. Tap “see desktop version”. There are MANY ways for you to access my rules. Even the people that I /remind/ aren’t following my rules. Ugh. Can y'all PLEASE JUST READ THE RULES. IT’S 20-FUCKIN-18 WHY IS THIS STILL A GODDAMN PROBLEM???
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oxytosine-blog · 7 years
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
theres not even enough salt for the chips Jimmy
Woah warning unpopular opinions kiddos. 
ooc. Callout posts, witch hunts, policing of content, and general controlling attitudes. First of all, I strongly believe if you don’t like a roleplay blogs content, especially if the muns themselves are lovely people - then BLOCK or UNFOLLOW or BLACKLIST. People on this website are so whiny it annoys me, Jesus, and this site offers so many ways to block out troubling content, talk to the mun nicely about it if they forgot to tag 9 times out of 10 they would apologise and change. The content bothering you? Do you not agree with how they roleplay? Do they roleplay questionable content like… murder? rape? abuse? killing Freddo the dog?- fantastic, nobody is even forcing you to follow them, just unfollow. Seriously, that's what I would do; the muns aren’t rapists in real life calm yourselves; don’t make callout posts, don’t bitch about them like immature teens, just move on. People are so wrapped up in themselves and create these dumb ass witch hunts that they have no idea how it can affect the mun mentally, ESPECIALLY if the mun has mental illnesses you insufferable, bigoted asshole.
  Honestly are some people in this site so damn wrapped up in themselves? You aren’t doing anyone a favour apart from looking like a sour loser. These cause so many nice muns to delete their blogs and even attempt suicide? Why? How do these people even sleep at night knowing they are responsible for bullying a mun into complete silence? 
Male bias. 
   It’s completely based on mun sexuality, sorry, It’s not even pinned down on straight girls or whatever, literally, anyone that prefers males will have this shown in their roleplays mostly, sometimes not; which is why I can’t exactly blame them but hey, I’m only talking about ships here. When it comes to shipping, of course, if the mun prefers males, they may prefer m/m ships or f/m ships, it even completely depends on the oc’s sexuality too. Personally, I prefer girls A LOT more than guys, and I’m sure my character’s sexuality and the content of the blog reflects this partially.
  However completely refusing to roleplay with female muses to favour males is always a dick move. Unless there’s a brilliant excuse for this phenomenon because really, the only reason why someone would really do that is for the yaoi. Females are capable of being as deep, and well thought out as males, and are of the same calibre in terms of development. So it’s obviously isn’t because female oc’s are bad because that’s an awfully narrow-minded and sexist opinion, the only literal reason is because of the ships. If they fetishize males to the point of preferring them purely for smut and ships, I don’t even think they are worth the interaction anyway; unless you are totally into that of course. I just see it as completely limiting interactions. 
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deadshotbellamy · 7 years
tagged by @slytherinwasframed thanks love!! also, loving the new url
nickname(s): gracie, grass, gravy, grease idk my friends are weird assholes also half of these these are longer than my actual name
star sign: cancer!! but i’m also influenced by leo because i’m on a cusp
height: 5′7 which is like.. pretty average? maybe a bit tall? i’m never sure
time right now: 6:35 PM eastern standard time
favourite music artist: okay like.... you can’t do this to me..... but i’m gonna go w the 1975
song stuck in your head: shape of you - ed sheeran (ITS SO GOOD)
last movie watched: crazy, stupid, love can ryan gosling fall in love with me pls
last tv show watched: last night’s teen wolf ep, but i’m currently working on the x files as my main show
what are you wearing right now: leggings, a tank top and a zip up sweater
when did you create your blog: jesus christ, i think it was 2012? i’ve been here a long god damn time. first i was a 1d blog, then a multifandom/5sos blog, then the 100 dragged me here
what kind of stuff do you usually post: honestly, a fuck ton of everything, but i usually like it to look nice, so it’s an aesthetically pleasing mess. from my old phases i pretty much only reblog niall because he’s my love, then of course the 100, teen wolf, game of thrones, harry potter, marvel, some supernatural, recently the x files, pitch, whatever strikes my fancy really
do you have any other blogs: nope, was never into that side blog stuff, so the whole mess stays in one place
do you get asks regularly: i never used to, but now i get them more frequently... i don’t know if you’d call it regularly, but.. yeah i love it when people talk to me so if y’all every feel like it absolutely go for it
why did you choose your url: because i love bellarke and i believe that 2k17 can be their year. i guess you could say i’m hoping for the best but expecting the worst since this tv show loves to tear our hearts out
hogwarts house: ravenclaw!! but when i take quizzes gryffindor is always a decently close second
pokemon team: i never have, and still don’t, know a damn thing about pokemon. so i can’t answer this one.
average hours of sleep: oh man i need my sleep. i will sacrifice other activities, including tv watching/fanfic reading/whatever else, for my sleep. so at LEAST seven hours, but usually 8, on the weekends its more.
lucky number: 11
favourite character: hmm.... nope sorry i refuse there are too many bellamy blake
how many blankets do you sleep with: one big fuzzy one that covers my whole body (+comforter) and then a smaller one that i cuddle up to
following: 389, but i haven’t unfollowed inactive blogs lately, so i’m actually gonna go do that (i usually define inactive as not having posted anything in a month)
tagging @dropshipkingandqueen @celestial-griffin @frecklessbellamy @sassamyblake @abazethe100 @heda-reyes @abbygkane @bellamyaugustus obvs you guys don’t have to do this if you don’t want :)
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