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Was it just me, or did you guys also notice that Laurel talks to Tyler in a very suspicious way? He looks quite uncomfortable when she cups his face. I don't know, she looks like she's...trying to seduce him sometimes? And Tyler's father is an idiot, chasing the wrong people while he has a pedophile torturing his son, and who knows what else 🤮
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nataliedrawz · 2 years
Warning: Ped0philia
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radi-cali · 1 year
I'm so sick of reading news media using the word "girl" for a woman in her 20's. (That's all the context you need btw. The story is about a woman who was 20 when she was arrested and 4 years later her arrest was covered by this news outlet. So she's a 24 year old being referred to as a girl.) Gross.
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
What was Poseidon's millenia old ass doing dating someone who hadn't even graduated college.Stay away from Sally you weirdo
@peachyblkdemonslayer @leo-thecactus
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teethbomb · 10 months
Why tf am I being recommended pr0 sh¡t bs what if I fucking kill you
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Human stupidity never ceases to amaze me. There's this new idea going around that men who prefer short girls with no hair "down there" are secretly pedophiles. This isn't the first instance I saw of people believing this.
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Such a problematic belief. And what do these people belief short women should do? What, they're banned from dating until they look older? Seriously?
It's impossible for a woman to have a child-like body, because she is a woman. Not a child. Saying someone is a pedophile for being attracted to short women who are hairless down there is like saying a woman is a pedophile for being attracted to bald men, because babies are bald. Height and appearance have nothing to do with maturity. If a man or woman dates a 4 foot nine woman or woman who shaves down there, he or she is not a pedophile.
Also, women can be pedophiles. And pedophiles can be attracted to boys. So petite women can't be blamed for pedophilia, even if this moronic idea were true.
The people who believe this have a dangerous way of thinking. Not to mention a stupid one. The more I learn about what certain people believe, the more I fear for the future of society. People are becoming dumber. And the morons like the Twitter users in that screenshot above are seeing pedophiles where there aren't any.
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fandom-madness69 · 9 months
Can we please enter an era of VTubers who stop appealing to this gross shit? I'm sick of seeing incredibly lewd or straight up nude VTubers models that look like kids. Seriously stop serving these sick fucks
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radi-cali · 1 year
Why is a lingerie for adult women called a "babydoll" gown? 🤢
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analtbeast · 11 months
They really posted again today? Is there really no karma in the world? Any justice??? Why are people so oblivious??
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80s-noelle · 5 months
so... people are tweeting about ped0philia between ghost and soap?
wow, some of you outdo yourselves every day, some of them are the same ones who complain about these tags on ao3 but do the same outside of it, you're disgusting.
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there’s NO EXCUSE FOR THIS “it’s just an AU-”
IT’S DISGUSTING, and if you enjoy reading or writing this you should be away from underage people, you weirdos.
they’re ruining ghoap and the people who REALLY enjoy seeing these two together.
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enavstars · 6 months
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This is Ninazu Rashid or Dr. Rashid, my only ninjago oc besides Cyra. He is a doctor in Ignacia that befriended Kai and Nya and cares a lot about them.
Basically I wanted to make a kind and patient adult oc because Kai and Nya need one (badly) and there are barely any nice adults in the show (not including Ed and Edna, we respect them :>).
(Cw: mentions of homophobia and ped0philia)
Dr. Rashid is the doctor of a small clinic in Ignacia who also runs the pharmacy. He met the siblings when Kai got badly sick and they called him out for help. Even when Kai got better, Rashid couldn’t keep the situation they were living in off his mind, so he would usually go to check on Kai's health... and also take care of them a bit, in whatever little way he could.
Nya used to go by the clinic after school because Rashid would usually give her drinks and snacks (she loved the hot choco in winter) and he tried, with little success, to make Nya convince Kai to come so he could eat something too.
One time, Nya got sick and Kai went under the rain to his door to ask dr. Rashid for help; of course, he went with him and gave the necessary medicine to Nya. Since they couldn’t afford it, though, Kai asked to work at the pharmacy to help Rashid as compensation, and after a lot of insinsting, the doctor finally gave in and let him. But they ended up bonding during that time, and Rashid did defend Kai even when he started stealing, but he also made him understand that he should only do so when absolutely necessary.
However, as he's gay, when the conservative village found out a bunch of nasty rumors started to spread, most of them about his sexuality and his relationship with Kai and Nya (ped0philia). Rashid tried to endure the comments but it was starting to affect his job with people simply not going to the clinic because of it. So, sadly, he had to leave to Ninjago City, unintentionally leaving Kai and Nya with even more abandonment issues and not a single safe person in the village.
In the present he spent many years trying to be Kai and Nya's general doctor for whenever they get hurt in missions (even going out of his way to study more so he could help them), until finally he made it (I know nothing of how hospital works so this may be wrong). The siblings were confused and angry at him at first, until he explained the reasons why he left and they calmed down.
Dr. Rashid then proceeded to ask what he could do to make them feel better from then on, and actually listened to them and treated them like grown people (looking at you Ray and Maya :))). Kai and Nya then forgave him and are really good friends with him now.
More stuff:
He got married and is sad and frustrated that he couldn't invite the siblings to the wedding.
He is really respected in the hospital for being the only doctor who Kai and Nya listen to and how "docile" they are with him.
Kai and Nya sometimes visit him for dinner.
He is also very kind to the other ninja and understands how hard they work for Ninjago. He is specially kind to Lloyd for that and for being Kai and Nya's younger brother.
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d1vinecries · 1 month
Another rant because I’ve been seeing a lot of TikTok antis as of late—
So let me get this straight, anti’s love preaching about the large age gap and non-existent “ped0philia” in regards to vaultghoul (unfortunately I have seen an anti spew that on TikTok before), yet I’ve seen some of them saying how they love older men + DILF’s, I’ve seen them fangirl over Lana del Rey and her romanticization of toxic relationships with older men, talk about “beekeeping age” men on TikTok, and they all seem to love the enemies-to-lovers trope until it comes to a ship that is the literal PERFECT representation of that. Things don’t need to always be sunshine and rainbows 24/7 in the land of shipping, not to mention we’re talking about a ship within the Fallout universe for fuck’s sake.
I am begging y’all to QUIT INFANTILIZING LUCY. She is a young adult, we don’t know her exact age but we do know that she is indeed a young adult. She is more than capable of making her own decisions in regards to who she wants to be romantic toward. If they make VaultKnight canon that’s cool with me, if they want to make VaultGhoul canon, that’s cool with me too. Fuck, if they don’t make her wind up with anyone that’s cool too! Regardless of how the writers go about it, Lucy is a grown ass woman!
Oh, and before I end this— Can you guys also tell me why you’re A-okay with people shipping Dane x Maximus, yet when people ship Lucy and Cooper it’s “oMg WhY aRe YoU sHiPpInG tHeM??? LuCy and MaX aRe ThE cAnOn ShIp!!!!! 😡😡😡”
Please make the hypocrisy make sense.
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jasontoddssuper · 8 months
Okay so it turns out the video my friend me sent on Hobie's age was from back when the film was still in development and i'm truly sorry for spreading misinfo and accusing the Spiderverse crew of things they haven't done(making Ghostpunk an age gap ship).With that said,i want to adress just how weirdly the fandom treats Punkflower.Hobie has never been an adult-His concept dosen't count because it was just that,a CONCEPT.It was never canon,just an idea the crew toyed with and decided against.He dosen't act like he's grown,he acts like a normal rebellious and cool teenager and i would know because i have many friends who are teens.He LOOKS like one too,there's nothing especially mature looking about his design,he's literally just tall.He was even a teen in his only other incarnation(the og Spiderverse comics).So why do y'all scream 'prosh*p!!!' when he gets shipped with his best friend who's two years younger than him tops?I've seen two reasonings for this:
They hate that Miles is getting shipped with another boy because 'He likes Gwen in canon,stop erasing interracial rep!!!!' as if plenty of Punkflower shippers don't also ship Chaiflower,with all three boys as a polycule being a fairly common ship.They think interracial rep only counts when it's guy of color x white girl and don't care to consider that poc4poc ships where both are the same race are even less represented than them
And adult Hobie simps who want to not feel like creeps for being into a black minor.Literally over half the times i've seen someone calling Punkflower a prosh*p it's been by Hobie x Reader blogs who're adult women and it's always on posts that have evidence that he's meant to be in his late teens.They're so defensive because they KNOW he's a kid and can't handle that they're so badly adjusted that they're not even into guys their own age
Like,i've yet to meet a Punkflower shipper who thinks Hobie is an adult.I'm not saying they don't exist but i actively go looking for Punkflower content because Atsv is one of my hyperfixation's and it's my otp for the franchise and not once have i seen Miles with Hobie as an adult.Creepy content?Yes and i hate the people who make it with the rage of several kryptonian suns but never Hobie being a ped0phile so they're obviously a very small part of the fandom.We KNOW he's a 16/17 year old because we fucking watched the movie and saw he was designed and written as one.Maybe instead of throwing around ped0philia apologism accusations like they're nothing-especially since this one's fanbase is full of minors,you should wonder why you're so desperate to turn exploring a potential romance between two black boy characters who've had zero adult adaptions into a homophobic stereotype.Just sayin'
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anauwhere · 11 months
The way I need to make a step back a lot of times to recalibrate my moral stance and guilt because Internet made the holy puritan on a high horse its rule. Then I think about it and I'm like naaah dude you're not fucking me up I still remember the world before you. I feel like a westworld android lol
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shini--chan · 1 year
Could I request L, Mello, and Near for Guanyin, Zelos and Quetzalcoatl? Is it possible for you to consider this request?
Yandere Death Note – An Examination of Justice
The yandere alphabet: Yandere Alphabet: Gods & Goddesses. Note, that the character’s ages have been adjusted to fit the respective reader’s. Ped0philia ain’t condoned here.
L Lawliet
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Guanyin - What would cause them to feel regret for their actions? Do they know what they are doing is wrong?
L would be fully aware that from a legal standpoint, that his actions would be deplorable. With that in mind, he would strive to create circumstances where his actions would either be legal, or where the authorities would have no problem turning a blind eye.
He would regret his actions if you would commit suicide or go on a crime spree. However, he wouldn’t regret what he had done, he would only regret how he had done it. In hindsight, he would always see how he could have done differently and thus have sent you down a different path.
Quetzalcoatl - What life events/circumstances lead to them becoming yandere?
For L, there wouldn’t be any one life event that would have caused him to become a yandere. It would be more a matter o fascination and curiosity. You were someone that didn’t react as he predicted. It didn’t matter if you were highly intelligent or not, it was your unpredictability that probably caught his eye. It sent his thoughts spiralling and he just had to have you, take you apart, see how you ticked.
Zelos - How does their jealousy look like?
His jealously is cold. L doesn’t do well with emotional outbursts and when he does give into his passions, it is only for a brief window of time. If it was innocuous, he would simply scare the person or animal away with a few choice words or actions. If the victim of his jealously would persist, then he would break them down psychologically. You, would then find that he would have a thorough interrogation in store for you.
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Guanyin - What would cause them to feel regret for their actions? Do they know what they are doing is wrong?
Mello would drown himself in his own passions in order to ignore any doubts that would ever gnaw at his mind. Any reasoning would fall on deaf ears and even if he would listen to you, he would rationalise his actions – with his intelligence, it would be very easy for him to do so.
However, if you cold get him in one of his quieter moments and slowly needle your way in his mind, discreetly nudge him in the direction you want over the course of months, then you would have a chance. But be careful! - too fast he would catch on to what you’ve doing and dig his heels in. Too slow, and things would become complicated.
Quetzalcoatl - What life events/circumstances lead to them becoming yandere?
In Mello's case, it would have been a phelora of circumstances that lead to him developing such an unhealthy attachment to you. There would be the fact that he would have been born an orphan. Perhaps you would remind him of one of his parents, and he would use you as a quasi replacement for the home and the family he lost at a young age.
Perhaps you would simply understand him and see him for who he is, without any of the prejudices and admonishments – that would be something he would have yearned for, for so long, so if somebody would finally give it to him he would keep them very close.
Maybe he was just so alone all those years, too far up to interact normally with other people, but not that shining star that got all the praise and attention. Considering that, he would yearn to have somebody outside the rat race he could lean on. Or the competitive and unwelcoming environment would have simply made him bitter and he would just want to have a good chew toy. Shame that it happened to be you then.
Zelos - How does their jealousy look like?
When jealous, Mello is like a wounded tiger – prone to lashing at those that come to close, yet focused on achieving his goals. Unfortunately, he would have a proclivity for disproportionate retribution so matters could get very hairy for everybody involved.
If anything, you would have to walk a very fine line between being out of dodge all while not making Mello think that you’re hiding from him. Hiding from him in those circumstances would only make his anger burn hotter. Unless of course, he would be playing one of his games.
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Guanyin - What would cause them to feel regret for their actions? Do they know what they are doing is wrong?
Near would take a while to notice that his actions might be problematic; not because he would be in vehement denial, but because the relationship between the two of you would only form gradually.
Most likely he would only become aware of the unethical-ness of his own actions after somebody would point them out or you would complain. Perhaps if it would damage his reputation as the third L he would reconsider, but aside that – no. He would easily find a way to justify his actions and if he couldn’t reconcile it with societal morals, then he would throw morals out of the window. After all, morals vary from culture to culture and are only useful if they provide results.
Quetzalcoatl - What life events/circumstances lead to them becoming yandere?
It wouldn't be any one event or even due to be an orphan or growing up in Wammy’s House. Of course, that would be the roots of a whole host of problems but it wouldn’t be the reason he would become yandere. Rather, you would gradually slot into his life and with time, he would become so used to you that he couldn’t do without you.
Zelos - How does their jealousy look like?
Near would tend to become a bit carried away with his jealousy. One would think that he would be cool and calculating, but surprisingly, that wouldn’t be the case. Removing you from him would be removing a fundamental part of his life and he wouldn’t take well to that. Not to mention that Near does have his pride and arrogance and drawing your attention would scratch his ego.
He would ruin the person, maybe even drive them so far as to make them end their own life. You would have to have either very good reasoning skills, be willing to sacrifice so of your comforts or both.
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milfsloverblog · 4 months
another day of anons tryna defend ped0philia
*act shocked*
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