#patrick deremer
Vote #3 Here Are The 25 Republicans Who Voted Against Jordan For Speaker: 
1-Nebraska Rep. Don Bacon, who placed his vote for House Majority Whip Tom Emmer.
2-Florida Rep. Vern Buchanan voted for Florida Rep. Byron Donalds.
3-Colorado Rep. Ken Buck voted for Emmer.
4-Oregon Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer voted for Speaker pro-tempore Patrick McHenry
5-New York Rep. Anthony D’Esposito voted for former Republican New York gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin.
6-Florida Rep. Mario Díaz-Balart voted for House Majority Leader Steve Scalise.
7-Texas Rep. Jake Ellzey voted for California Rep. Mike Garcia.
8-Georgia Rep. Drew Ferguson voted for Scalise.
9-Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick voted for McHenry
10-New York Rep. Andrew Garbarino voted for Zeldin.
11-Florida Rep. Carlos Giménez voted for McCarthy.
12-Texas Rep. Tony Gonzales voted for Scalise.
13-Texas Rep. Kay Granger voted for Scalise.
14-New Jersey Rep. Thomas Kean voted for McCarthy.
15-Michigan Rep. John James voted for Donalds.
16-Pennsylvania Rep. Mike Kelly voted for Scalise.
17-Virginia Rep. Jen Kiggans voted for McHenry.
18-New York Rep. Nick LaLota voted for Zeldin.
19-New York Rep. Mike Lawler voted for McHenry.
20-Iowa Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks voted for McHenry.
21-New York Rep. Marcus Molinaro voted for Zeldin.
22-Florida Rep. John Rutherford voted for Scalise.
23-Idaho Rep. Mike Simpson voted for Scalise.
24-Minnesota Rep. Pete Stauber voted for Arkansas Rep. Bruce Westerman.
25-Arkansas Rep. Steve Womack voted for Scalise.
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arpov-blog-blog · 6 months
..."Combative right-wing Republican Jim Jordan failed to win a first vote on Tuesday to serve as speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, but more votes were expected to follow that could wear down his opponents.
The Ohio lawmaker backed by former President Donald Trump won 200 votes, short of the 217 needed to win the job, as 20 of his fellow Republican voted against him. All 212 Democrats voted for their leader, Hakeem Jeffries.
The loss means that for now the House remains leaderless, as it has been since a handful of Republican hardliners engineered Kevin McCarthy's ouster as speaker two weeks ago. That has left Congress unable to respond to wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, with just a month to go before the U.S. government faces another partial shutdown deadline.
It is not clear how many of Jordan's Republican opponents would hold firm in subsequent votes. McCarthy never got less than 200 votes in 15 rounds over four days in January.
If Jordan prevails, a conservative who has spent years fighting with leaders of his own party could end up in one of the most powerful jobs in Washington, putting him second in line for the presidency behind the vice president.
"He is a patriot, an America First warrior who wins the toughest of fights," Republican Representative Elise Stefanik said as she nominated Jordan for speaker on the House floor.
Seven Republicans voted for Steve Scalise, the No. 2 House Republican whose own bid for speaker fell apart last week and six voted instead for McCarthy. Three Republicans voted for Lee Zeldin, who retired from Congress in January, and Republican Representatives Tom Cole, Tom Emmer, Thomas Massie and Mike Garcia got one vote each.
"It's clear that the Republican conference is still divided, and I'm deeply concerned that the chaos of the last few weeks would only continue if Congressman Jordan becomes speaker," Representative Lori Chavez-DeRemer said on social media after voting for McCarthy.
McCarthy and Scalise both voted for Jordan.
Jordan, a founder of the hard-right House Freedom Caucus, has for much of his career been seen as a divisive force on Capitol Hill, tangling with Republicans and Democrats alike. Nevertheless, he won the Republican nomination for speaker last Friday and has been consolidating support from former opponents in the party.
Republicans control the House by a narrow 221-212 margin, giving them little room for error on divisive votes like this one.
After the vote, Jordan could be seen on the House floor talking with lawmakers who had voted against him.
New Republican challengers could emerge if Jordan does not pick up support, including Patrick McHenry, who is temporarily filling the speaker's chair, and No. 3 House Republican Tom Emmer.
Jordan's supporters say he would be an effective advocate for spending cuts and other Republican priorities in negotiations with Democratic President Joe Biden and the Senate, which is also controlled by Democrats."
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“If a wall should come between us Too high to climb Too hard to break through I know that love will lead us And find a way to bring me to you So don't be in a hurry Think before you count us out You don't have to worry I will never let you down”
–Patrick DeRemer + Roy Freeland (A Goofy Movie: I 2 I)
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thecinescopepodcast · 7 years
Episode 54 - A Goofy Movie
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In Episode 54 of The Cinescope Podcast, Chad and Andrew talk about one of their favorite movies, A Goofy Movie!
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Check out the latest episode of The Cinescope Podcast!
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ulrichgebert · 2 years
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Die vielseitige Leseliste:
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Was ist denn eigentlich aus dem nun flügellosen, aber immer noch unsterblichen Engel Xas aus The Vintner’s Luck geworden? Weil er das Fliegen vermisst und über einen hervorragenden Orientierungssinn verfügt, wird er Flugpionier und schließlich Stuntflieger im Hollywood der 30er Jahre. Dort schließt er ungewohnte Freundschaften, verliebt er sich in einen unmöglichen Filmprodroduzenten und Flugzeugbauer und wird ein wenig bodenständiger. Gegen die Unsterblichkeit kann man allerdings nichts machen. (Ich stelle ihn mir natürlich immer noch wie Gaspard Ulliel vor, der aber wenigstens noch lebte, als ich es gelesen habe, sonst wäre es wahrscheinlich total irritierend geworden)
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Die komplizierte Geschichte von William Shakespeares Familie und seinem Sohn Hamnet, der elfjährig an der Pest starb. Sein Vater aber setzte dem jungen Mann, den er sich vorstellte, daß er werden würde, ein ganz besonders unsterbliches literarisches Denkmal.
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Ein geheimnisvolles Signal aus den Weiten des Alls. Ein Außerirdischer, der auf dem Mond strandet und die dort weilende Astronautin dringend davor warnt. Kreative Computerwissenschaftler, die die personifizierten Strömungen der Zeit virtuell sicht-und erlebbar machen. Das XX. Jahrhundert ist besonders anstrengend und plakativ. Und noch viel mehr Aliens! Alles voller Aliens (weil die Erdlinge aber so wenig empathisch sind, können sie sie sich hier nicht so verheerend ausbreiten wie auf den Millionen anderer bewohnter Sterne, die sie schon heimgesucht haben)! Grafikdesign als Erzählelement! Das Ende der Welt, nein der Galaxie gar! Wird es unseren tapferen Helden (samt Astronautin und jetzt in derem Gehirn abgespeicherten Außerirdischen) wohl gelingen, sie zu retten? Vertrackt, aber clever.
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Bücher möblieren einen Raum. Das sag ich ja auch immer. In Nicks Fall ist das aber nur irgendeine Anekdote, an die sich keiner mehr recht erinnern kann. Im Nachkriegs-London befasst er sich mit Robert Burtons Anatomie der Schwermut und verkehrt wieder in literarischen Kreisen, wo er beispielsweise den exzentrischen Schriftsteller Trapnell trifft, der Widmerpool seine unerwartete Gattin gleich wieder ausspannt.
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Patrick Dennis, der vor allem durch Geschichten über seine Tante Mame bekannt wurde, hatte auch Gelegenheit, die faszinierenden und aufschlußreichen Lebenserinnerungen von Belle Poitrine, dem immer selbstlosen und bescheidenen Star von Bühne, Leinwand und Fernsehn aufzuzeichnen. Mit Bildern!
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Der schottische Nationaldichter erzählt eine viktorianische Geschichte, vom unglücklichen medizinischen Genie, das eine tote Frau zum Leben erweckt. Im Gegensatz zu Dr. Frankensteins Geschöpf entwickelt sie sich nicht zum Monster, sondern zu einer vielgepriesenen Menschenfreundin und Wohltäterin. Möglicherweise war aber auch alles ganz anders. Das macht es wieder recht rätselhaft, aber für Alasdair-Gray-Verhältnisse ist es vergleichweise gradlinig. Yorgos Lanthimos verfilmt es sogar gerade, entdecke ich soeben (wobei das natürlich nicht zwingend ein Beleg für Gradlinigkeit ist)
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Und gleich noch ein viktorianischer Historienschinken. Soviel zur Vielseitigkeit, aber dieser ist weniger übernatürlich (abgesehen von den Séancen und Geistererscheinungen. Aber so war das da.). Er erzählt von einem sehr großen Schiff, und diversen Versuchen, ein transatlantisches Telegrafenkabel zu verlegen. Und der Lust und der Liebe, der Kunst und dem Blendwerk und den Abgründen zwischen den Menschen, die nicht kleiner werden, obwohl die moderne Welt immer weiter zusammenrückt.
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petfilho · 3 years
Senadores do Partido Democrata pedem a Joe Biden que não dê dinheiro ao Brasil caso desmatamento não diminua
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Um grupo de 15 senadores do Partido Democrata escreveu uma carta a Joe Biden na qual pedem para que o governo condicione qualquer apoio à preservação da Amazônia a um progresso nas ações brasileiras. Sob governo Bolsonaro, desmatamento e queimadas na Amazônia aumentaram Reuters Um grupo de 15 senadores do Partido Democrata dos Estados Unidos enviou uma carta ao presidente americano nesta sexta-feira (16) em que reclamam da falta de medidas para preservar o ambiente por parte do presidente do Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro. Os políticos dos EUA também pedem para que Biden condicione qualquer apoio à preservação da Amazônia a um progresso nas ações brasileiras. A carta foi assinada por senadores como Patrick Leahy, líder do comitê que aprova os gastos de dinheiro do governo; Bob Menendez, do comitê de relações exteriores e Bernie Sanders, que foi pré-candidato à presidência dos EUA. Em carta a Biden, Bolsonaro promete eliminar desmatamento ilegal na Amazônia até 2030 Há expectativa de um encontro entre Biden e Bolsonaro, além de outros líderes internacionais, para falar sobre o clima. Chefe da PF no Amazonas pode ser substituído após pedir investigação sobre Salles Aparentemente, a carta tem como objetivo evitar que Bolsonaro consiga se reposicionar como um líder disposto a cooperar para a preservação do ambiente só para garantir um repasse de bilhões de dólares. Presidente Joe Biden em 8 de abril de 2021 Kevin Lamarque/Reuters Na carta, os senadores também afirmam que se o ritmo de desmatamento não melhorar, eles não vão aprovar o pedido do Brasil de ingressar na OCDE, uma espécie de clube de países ricos (esse é um dos objetivos de Bolsonaro). Nova meta do Brasil no Acordo de Paris permite desmate 78% maior em 2025 do que no período anterior a Bolsonaro, aponta estudo “A retórica e as políticas do presidente Bolsonaro efetivamente deram um sinal verde para que os perigosos criminosos que atuam na Amazônia, que permitiu a eles expandir suas atividades”, afirma a carta. Eles também citam abusos relatados pela ONG Human Rights Watch. Honrarem os compromissos Uma parceria entre EUA e Brasil “só pode ser possível de a gestão de Bolsonaro começar a levar os compromissos com o clima do Brasil a sério –e só se eles protegerem, derem apoio e se engajarem significativamente com os brasileiros que podem ajudar o país a honrarem esses compromissos”, afirmaram os senadores. Durante a campanha presidencial, Biden propôs que um grupo de países pudessem doar US$ 20 bilhões ao Brasil para combater o desmatamento e que, caso o país fracasse, enfrente consequências. Naquela ocasião, Bolsonaro classificou os comentários de Biden como desastrosos. Conversas bilaterais sobre o clima com o Brasil começaram no dia 17 de fevereiro. O responsável por elas foi John Kerry, o enviado especial para o clima dos EUA. Os dois lados têm mantido encontros técnicos que antecedem a cúpula marcada para os dias 22 e 23 de abril, que acontecerá por transmissões pela internet. O Brasil tentará mostrar que mudou, e que não está fazendo discursos vazios. O presidente Bolsonaro enviou, no dia 14 de abril, uma carta de 7 páginas para o presidente Joe Biden, em que reconheceu que o governo precisa melhorar seu desempenho para impedir o desmatamento ilegal. Ele também afirmou que apoia o desenvolvimento sustentável com alternativas econômicas para os moradores pobres da região, e que ele se comprometia a acabar com o desmatamento ilegal até 2030. Para atingir esses objetivos, ele afirmou que o Brasil via precisar de recursos externos. Ele afirmou que uma ajuda do governo dos EUA seria “muito bem-vinda”. Tom de Bolsonaro Rubens Barbosa, um ex-embaixador do Brasil nos EUA, afirmou que ainda é preciso ver se o tom da carta de Bolsonaro vai ser repetido em seu discurso no encontro de cúpula. O ministro do Meio Ambiente, Ricardo Salles, afirmou recentemente que busca US$ 1 bilhão em assistência estrangeira para apoiar os esforços para diminuir o desmatamento entre 30% e 40% em 12 meses. Sem esse dinheiro, ele disse que não conseguirá atingir essa meta. O gasto do Brasil para proteção da Amazônia tem caído há anos. Sob a gestão de Bolsonaro, ele diminuiu ainda 25% neste ano. É o nível mais baixo em duas décadas. Os senadores dos EUA argumentam que Biden precisa ver melhoras antes de assinar um cheque. Eles argumentam que Bolsonaro já ridicularizou a agência ambiental e que sabotou os esforços dos órgãos que protegem os territórios indígenas, desprezou ambientalistas e resiste a conter a ilegalidade que alimenta a destruição do ambiente. “Qualquer ajuda dos EUA ao Brasil ligada à Amazônia deveria ser condicionada a um progresso significativo e sustentável em duas áreas críticas: reduzir o desmatamento e acabar com a impunidade para crimes ambientais e violência contra os defensores da floresta”, afirmaram os senadores. Os especialistas em clima já avisaram que se o desmatamento prosseguir, a Amazônia passará de um ponto em que não poderá voltar a se recompor. Com isso, serão emitidos bilhões de toneladas de dióxido de carbono. Com isso, dificilmente as metas do Acordo de Paris serão alcançadas. No entanto, o Brasil se mostrou incapaz de diminuir o desmatamento no passado. O melhor ano foi 2012. De lá para cá, o desmatamento só piorou e explodiu no primeiro ano da gestão de Bolsonaro. No ano passado, houve uma segunda alta histórica. Em 2019, depois reclamações de líderes da Europa e ameaça de desinvestimento de fundos institucionais, Bolsonaro empregou o exército no combate ao desmatamento. Dados iniciais indicam que o desmatamento começou a cair, mas ainda está muito acima da média da última década. No entanto, há críticas de especialistas que afirmam que os soldados não são treinados para isso e o valor disso é muito alto. O vice-presidente Hamilton Mourão anunciou que o programa do exército vai acabar no fim de abril, e que as agências encarregadas da prevenção vão retomá-lo. Daniel Wilkinson, que dirige o programa ambiental da Human Rights Watch, afirma que “as autoridades brasileiras têm se esforçado para apresentar o Bolsonaro como um aliado do governo Biden nas questões climáticas, mas que sua nova retórica favorável ao clima simplesmente não pode – e não deve – ser levada a sério na ausência de resultados reais”. Momento da carta Essa carta dos senadores dos EUA foi enviada ao mesmo tempo em que pessoas, no Brasil, tentam mostrar como Bolsonaro é um negociador de má-fé. Mais de 200 organizações não-governamentais e redes assinaram uma carta para dizer que as negociações com os EUA e outros governos estrangeiros acontecem longe do público, e que não dá para contar com nenhuma solução para a Amazônia em negociações a portas fechadas. Eles também ressaltam que as conversas não deveriam prosseguir se não houver melhoras nos índices de desmatamento. Veja os vídeos mais assistidos do G1
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esportenomundo · 3 years
Jorginho aponta chance de mala branca dos concorrentes ao CRB contra o Figueira: “Possivelmente”
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Treinador alerta sobre motivação extra do time alagoano no confronto de terça-feira, em Maceió O Figueirense deve ter um adversário a mais na luta pela permanência na Série B do Brasileiro. O técnico Jorginho, em entrevista após a vitória contra o Brasil de Pelotas, alertou sobre a chance dos concorrentes diretos darem dinheiro ao CRB. É a “mala branca”, quando um time recebe incentivo financeiro de outro clube para vencer um jogo. — A viagem (até Maceió) é mortal. Gramado alto (do Rei Pelé) e contra um time que sabe jogar, que tem chance de classificar, que perdeu na última rodada e vai vir bravo e que possivelmente vai ser oferecido um dinheiro para ganhar de nós. Todos os problemas nós sabemos — falou. + Leia mais notícias do Figueirense Jorginho confia na permanência do Figueirense na Série B Patrick Floriani/FFC Ciente de que o CRB pode ter essa motivação extra para vencer o Figueirense, Jorginho disse ter alertado os jogadores sobre aproveitar as chances criadas. Isso porque, o time perdeu muitas chances contra o Brasil de Pelotas e o saldo de gols pode decidir a sorte alvinegra na luta pela permanência na Série B. — Perdemos alguns gols que não poderíamos ter perdido, pois o saldo pode nos prejudicar. Vamos tentar fazer o melhor para conseguir o melhor jogo possível e se nos derem chance vamos vir de lá com a vitória, algo que seria fantástico. Iremos lutar muito lá para vencer. Sei que não vai ser fácil, mas iremos conseguir. Tenho muita fé — completou. O Figueirense tem 39 pontos e está fora da zona de rebaixamento. O time volta a campo na terça-feira, às 19h15, contra o CRB, em Maceió, pela 36ª rodada da Série B. Em seguida, o Furacão encara Juventude (em Florianópolis) e Ponte Preta (em Campinas). Confira mais notícias em ge.globo/sc
The post Jorginho aponta chance de mala branca dos concorrentes ao CRB contra o Figueira: “Possivelmente” first appeared on Esporte no Mundo. from WordPress https://ift.tt/3qv56F1 via IFTTT
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thecastingcircle · 4 years
‘A Goofy Movie’ at 25: An Oral History of “I2I” and the Powerline Concert Scene Posted on Friday, April 24th, 2020 by Ben Pearson
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Part One
This month marked the 25th anniversary of A Goofy Movie, a film which has earned one of the most passionate cult followings of any in the Disney library. One of the biggest reasons for its lasting success is its timeless music, best showcased in the climactic scene in which the main characters, Goofy and his teenage son Max, sneak into a concert and manage to get on stage with the world’s biggest pop star, Powerline. The show-stopping song playing during the scene is called “I2I,” and the whole thing culminates with Goofy, Max, and Powerline doing “The Perfect Cast,” an unorthodox fishing technique which, as the characters quickly learn, doubles as an amazing dance move.
Over the past few weeks, /Film has spoken with the people responsible for creating “I2I” and bringing this memorable scene to life. Here is the oral history of how the film’s Powerline concert scene came together.
Kevin Lima (Director): The sequence existed in a form in Jym Magon’s very first script of the film. All animation really evolves over time, because you get to see the movie before you actually make the movie. We script the movie, then we storyboard the movie, and then we adjust as we go. The sequence got much bigger. It got much more involved. We added a chase sequence in the middle of it. It became more emotionally grounded. As we discovered the rest of the movie, it allowed that sequence to gain more importance in the storytelling. In the first drafts of the script, it was really just an event along the way. As we fractured Max and Goofy’s relationship and brought them back together again, the sequence took on a much deeper meaning.
Bambi Moé (Music Associate Producer): The thing that was really at the heart of it was, how do you go about creating a song or songs that would come across as timeless and yet be hip and cool for the time? We had a lot of conversations about it.
Patrick DeRemer (Writer, Music, “I2I”): I had worked with Bambi Moé on a few Disney projects over the years prior to being approached for A Goofy Movie. They initially contacted me because of our relationship, and I immediately knew Roy was the guy to bring in on it, because we had written some really good songs prior to that, too. I remember going into a meeting with Bambi Moé and Kevin Lima, the director, and them describing the movie to us. They had the title, “I2I.” Kind of like a Prince deal – “I Would Die 4 U.”
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Kevin Lima: Powerline was always a pop superstar. We were looking at folks like Prince, Michael Jackson, Bobby Brown. There’s been a rumor for a long time that he’s based on Bobby Brown and that Bobby Brown actually recorded some of the tracks for the film. It’s not true at all. He never recorded anything as far as I know.
Bambi Moé: Bobby Brown was certainly somebody that we talked about [as an influence]…I’m really thinking back. There might have been an initial inquiry, like would he at all be interested, and that might have been something where we didn’t hear back from his people. But it never went anywhere. That’s why I don’t even remember it, except that he would have certainly been somebody that we would have looked at and listened to, and some of the animation of Powerline dancing and performing – you could see Bobby Brown, you could see Prince, you could see Michael Jackson.
Roy Freeland (Writer, Lyrics, “I2I”): I remember they gave us a synopsis of what the scene would be about, what the conflict was, and what the characters were, so we could think about it thematically. So we had an idea that it was a father-son thing, and we wanted it to broaden out to be a romantic relationship thing, too – the way people find each other.
Kevin Lima: I always like to try to figure out how the songs emotionally fit into the story. And with that comes throwing out a title. Not a title that they have to use, but something that inspires the content of the piece. I gave them a title and said, “This is what I need it to accomplish. This is what the song is about emotionally in the story.” Then I let them run with it. Honestly, they came back with a winner. Well, two winners, really, in both Powerline songs.
Bambi Moé: If you really go through the lyric to “I2I,” those are beautiful, beautiful lyrics. There’s so much heart in those lyrics.
Roy Freeland: It’s a natural expression of joy and connection. It’s not overthought, for a change. I’ve spent the last twenty years trying to be profound and tragic as a novelist, so it’s ironic to have this natural expression of joyfulness happen the way it happened.
Patrick DeRemer: The way we usually worked was that I would deliver a rough demo of the music with a gibberish-type lyric so I could communicate the melody to [Roy], and then he would do his wizardry and write an amazing lyric. This is back in the days when sequencers were the industry standard in regards to making music. Typically, I’d program the instruments for the entire track into one of these contraptions, except the vocals, and I used an Akai MPC60, as I recall.
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Bambi Moé: It was like, “OK, now we have to make these songs sound amazing.”…I was at Capitol Records at a session for another project, and I heard this singer singing in another studio. The singer was Tevin Campbell. I said, “Oh my God.” Nobody really knew who Tevin Campbell was – some people, but he certainly wasn’t as popular as he became. I loved the voice…he was Prince’s protege and he was discovered by Quincy Jones. So I knew that in order to get Tevin Campbell to say yes to sing the songs, the tracks themselves had to be at that level. So who’s in the Prince camp? Maybe if I can get ahold of Prince’s producer, that would do the trick…sure enough, that was David Z.
David Z. (Producer, Recorder, and Mixer of “I2I”): I worked with Prince from the beginning. I did Purple Rain, I did “Kiss,” I did a lot of his biggest things. I think [the filmmakers] trusted me, and they wanted me to give it a treatment, and that’s what we did.
Patrick DeRemer: When David was hired as the producer, I sent him the MPC files on – get this – a floppy disk. You’ll have to do some research into what one of those are. If you listen closely, I can still hear some of those tracks on the final recording, so that’s kind of fun.
David Z.: They sent the demos to me, and myself and Paul Peterson, who is a talented guy, we [performed and recorded] the tracks, just the two of us, up in Minneapolis at Paisley Park.
Bambi Moé: When [David] said yes, I literally thought I was going to faint. Because he suggested immediately that we record the tracks at Paisley Park. So for me, as a music person, that’s like – getting to work at Paisley Park? Where Prince creates? That’s unbelievable!
David Z.: I was really excited about it because it was such a different animal for me.
Bambi Moé: [Bambi reads aloud an excerpt from her forthcoming book Part of the Magic – A Collection of Disney-Inspired Brushes With Greatness] The drive to the studio seemed to take us through the middle of nowhere, and then suddenly, a white, modern industrial complex appears. We drove to the back side of the building and up to the giant metal garage door. The experience was straight out of a Bond film as layers of doors opened. There I was inside the inner music sanctum of the Great Purple One’s studio…I had heard that the building had many secret exits and entrances, and I was especially interested in seeing Prince’s legendary hidden boudoir. After a couple of days of recording, I got up the nerve to ask if I could get a tour of the complex and I was not disappointed. Prince’s hidden room was a highlight. It had a circular bed with the requisite number of mirrors on the walls and ceiling. It looked frilly with lots of satin material, but the thing that struck me was the number of framed pictures all over the room. I noticed that every picture was a picture of Prince, and he was the only one in the picture.
David Z.: [After I received the demos], we created the songs in our own grooves. It was just Paul Peterson and myself. I programmed the drums, played guitar, he did the keyboards, and we piecemealed it together. We started with the drums. I had to make up a beat that would work. I’m used to doing that, because we did that a lot with Prince. Drums first, and then bass next, and then we start filling it in. It took several days. We did two songs [“Stand Out” and “I2I”], and I don’t know exactly how long it took us – probably a week, because we did different things on different days, and had to reassess it.
Patrick DeRemer: I think overall, David’s expertise, the director’s expertise visually, and the artists’, of course, they took it to another level. I happened to be at the recording session when Tevin Campbell was there, because I was then working for Disney on the other side of the desk in music production.
David Z.: We flew out to L.A. and did the vocal [with Tevin Campbell]. And we did the background vocals – there’s a group called the Waters, who were gospel singers, that’s who’s singing in the background. Also a girl named Rosie Gaines, who was in Prince’s group, has a solo. She’s the high voice. We did the vocals at Sunset Sound and by that time, we did all the tracks and made sure we were in the right key for Tevin. He followed the demo, but he sure put his own slant on it. He did a great job.
Bambi Moé: Tevin was just at the beginning of his career. “Round and Round” was a track that was out, or just coming out. He was charming, delightful, he was funny. He worked really hard.
Patrick DeRemer: Tevin was amazing. Did it in a couple takes, as I recall. Very humble, sweet guy. Then, gosh, he was still a kid. Very pleasant. Took direction well, and was just happy to be involved. It was a fun day.
David Z.: There’s all kinds of tricks in there, if you listen carefully. There’s gated guitars, flanging, all kinds of tricks we used in the ‘80s in that production.
Patrick DeRemer: It’s called a modulation when you change keys in the middle of a song. By nature, once you bring that key up another notch, it elevates the music and lyric to another level. Just because that’s what your ear hears: something new, yet familiar. We wanted it to go to another level towards the end of the song.
David Z.: I’m not a big fan of modulations, but this one worked. Usually, they pick up the song’s energy. A lot of people do modulations. That added to it. But I think the beat of the song is really what picked up, because there was nothing like those two songs in the movie at all. It was a total production. It was a modern R&B production.
To Be Continued......
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"Some people settle for the typical thing Livin' all their lives waiting in the wings It ain't a question of "if", just a matter of time Before I move to the front of the line"
--Patrick DeRemer + Roy Freeland (Powerline: A Goofy Movie: Stand Out)
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"Once you're watching every move that I make You gotta believe that I got what it takes To stand out, above the crowd Even if I gotta shout out loud 'Til mine is the only face you'll see Gonna stand out 'Til ya notice me"
--Patrick DeRemer + Roy Freeland (Powerline: A Goofy Movie: Stand Out)
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